What S New Build 2195 Build 2437 s1

What S New Build 2195 Build 2437 s1

<p>What’s new Build_106.32 --> Build_107.2.R.15030</p><p>Functionality:</p><p>New: Select multiple options.</p><p>To do: </p><p>Option List opens and all necessary options are selected by check boxes near options in a list. Click OK - all chosen articles are added into the option group.</p><p>BO changes On the form Options/New option an new Tab sheet control is added. The first tab is called "Single" it allows to add articles one by one with defining prices and other properties as it was before. The second tab "Multi" shows a list of articles with filtering possibility with checkboxes. Choose the articles you need and click OK. All selected articles are added as an option with zero prices. To modify the prices - open each article one by one and change the price.</p><p>New Options on Options.</p><p>Reseller: unTill HQ</p><p>When an Article has options, the options are presented. If 1 of the chosen options also has options, it needs to be presented before you move on to the next.</p><p>Example: </p><p>1st Option screen: Rare, medium rare, etc…</p><p>2nd Option screen: Soup, Salad.</p><p>If the Salad the chosen the 1st Option Screen: Ranch, Bleu cheese, French cheese.</p><p>If the Soup is chosen, 3rd Option Screen: Rice, Potato.</p><p>Done Now if an option has own options, a new option group appears on the Options layer.</p><p>New: With/Without should change price.</p><p>When we use the "Options" with the modifiers "With - Without - Lot - Little". When using the "Without" button, unTill must do for example -0,5 Euro or when using the "With" button +0,5 Euro.</p><p>Pizza Margarita 10.00 With Mushrooms +2.00 ======Total = 12.00 or</p><p>Margarita 10.00 Without Mushrooms -0.50 ======Total = 9.50</p><p>Discount: Additional special word, the price will be reduced proportionally to the discount value.</p><p>Done</p><p>BO changes</p><p>In the Option group a price in combination with the Special words has been added. It allows to add/retrieve a price for each special word. VAT can be changed or Group VAT can be marked.</p><p>POS changes The additional “special word” price is applied to the option when a special word is added during ordering.</p><p>New: Open price on a supplement.</p><p>Article used as a Supplement should also have an own “Manual price” parameter.</p><p>Done</p><p>BO changes A new setting "Manual price" is added to the Option form: Option -> Open Article in list. </p><p>POS changes If the setting "Manual price" is true, unTill asks to confirm or enter a new price for each Supplement which was added.</p><p>New: Default Dialog entity frame size too small.</p><p>The window for the selection of options is too small.</p><p>Done</p><p>Now minimum width = Screen width/3 minimum height = Screen height/2</p><p>New: Do not delete Administrator.</p><p>Administrator has been changed to “Support” and cannot be deleted anymore.</p><p>New: Auto logoff after X seconds on HHT/Android.</p><p>Reseller: DSP Interface</p><p>Make it possible to have the same functionality on the Handheld/Android as we have on PC. Auto logoff after X seconds.</p><p>Done</p><p>Auto logoff works now on Android also.</p><p>New: PNG, JPG picture to element.</p><p>For all bitmaps PNG’s/JPG’s should be used instead of BMP’s for increasing the speed and PNG picture format must be supported for elements because they may have transparency.</p><p>Done</p><p>Png’s can be used.</p><p>New: Screen editor - Element rotation issue.</p><p>1. Fix "broken lines" in rectangles when they are rotated to 90° or 180° After the rotation - always one line or 2 lines are broken. 2. Add fix rotation angles to the editor: 90° 180° 270°</p><p>Done</p><p>1. New menu items "Rotate right 90°" and "Rotate left 90°" are added to the screen editor. 2. New buttons "Rotate right 90°" and "Rotate left 90°" are added to screen main toolbar. 3. New menu items "Rotate right 90°" and "Rotate left 90°" are added to the element Popup menu.</p><p>New: Automatic partial payment (Catering).</p><p>1. Add a setting to the shared account/client form "Pays part": Example 25 (if it's zero - it works as normal client). 2. Create new action "Pay in two payments" with parameters. 1. Payment type = Cash (for the first part). 2. Payment type = Account (for the rest).</p><p>In POS when a waiter swipes a client card, the client name is assigned to Bill. The waiter opens the payment screen, if clients "Pays part" = 25 unTill splits the bill in 2 parts (not by articles, just in parts) 25/75. So on screen we can see the total = 100 (as now), sum to pay = 25 (to be done) then waiter clicks button "Pay in two payments" and bill is paid. 75 will be send to the “Shared Account”.</p><p>Done</p><p>BO changes 1. A new settings "Payment part" and Payment type are added to Shared account entity manager form. Payment part - is a float point value which means the part in % the Employer automatically is invoiced for. 2. Payment type must be filled by Payment of type "Account".</p><p>POS changes When a client is assigned to a Bill and the client is linked to a shared account with Payment part >0 and defined Payment type, a special procedure of payment is used: A part of Bill total = (100% - Payment part%) * Bill total is paid by chosen payment type. Rest part of bill is automatically paid by account payment type, defined in BO. Later invoices can be made in BO or in POS and sent to the Shared Account.</p><p>New: Show if Terminal/database status is online.</p><p>Show if a terminal is hooked up online and synchronized with all the others or not. For now, you are not able to see if a terminal is synchronized or not. In the case you are working on 3 floors, you do not know if all data is synchronized over the entire network or not. Just show with a "green or red" light if synchronization is done or not.</p><p>Done</p><p>An overall indicator will be coming soon. New: Orderman Belt Printer.</p><p>Make the Orderman Bluetooth printer working in combination with the SOL. Done</p><p>1.A new connection type "Orderman Belt" in printer settings dialog. 2.Support this kind of printer in POS: synchronous printing instead of sending to queue. 3.Ignore this kind of printer in untillsrv queue handler.</p><p>New: Auper "Closed circuit" beverage control.</p><p>We have already the implementation from the Auper Beverage Protocol system. Now we need to make it work in "Debit-Credit" mode (first order than poor).</p><p>Done</p><p>1.The Auper device: "Closed circuit" checkbox is added in the device configuration. 2.When the device works in "Closed circuit" mode, it only allows pouring of items which have been ordered: articles with "Credit/Debit" option enabled and having the same PLU number.</p><p>New: Translation for Void reasons.</p><p>Make it possible to have multiple languages for "Void Reasons".</p><p>Done</p><p>BO changes Discount and Void reason can be translated.</p><p>POS changes 1. Language of void/discount reason in Order ticket depends on Table area language. 2. Language of void/discount reason in reports depends on currently set POS language (waiter language). 3. Language of void/discount reason on screens depends on currently set POS language (waiter language).</p><p>New: Translation for "Info on Article".</p><p>Make it possible to have translations for "Info on Article". Articles/9. Additional field "Info" - should be possible to add text in different languages.</p><p>Done</p><p>New: German Tax authorities GDPDU export.</p><p>Reseller: unTill Germany The solution enables tax authorities to access tax data as required by German law.</p><p>Done</p><p>Add new bookkeeping export format, like we have already for "Globe" and "Pastel". Doesn't require new licenses.</p><p>New: VMAX fiscal device for Curacao.</p><p>Reseller: unTill Netherlands Antilles</p><p>Add the VMAX device for Curacao – SBAB</p><p>Added</p><p>New: Neon identity.</p><p>A new identity “Neon” for article buttons is made for the new look.</p><p>• On button top • On button bottom</p><p>New: Screen element brush transparency.</p><p>Add transparency to element brush.</p><p>Done</p><p>Also for Android, not for Orderman SOL.</p><p>New: Enable/Disable images on buttons.</p><p>It is impossible to show images on button for the Disabled state from Library. Must be possible.</p><p>Done</p><p>Now Enabled and Disabled images can be assigned from Library as well as from file. They can be BMP and PNG images in any combinations. The only rule is: If an “Enable” image is taken from the Library, the “Disable” image must also be taken from the Library and vice versa.</p><p>New: Alternate text for articles.</p><p>Alternate font for articles is needed in BO. In POS: When an article is shown on a button as normal article - it's drawn by normal font, if it has Options/condiment/supplement – it must be shown by an alternate text.</p><p>Done</p><p>BO changes 1. New fields "PC alt. font", "HHT alt. font", ""Orderman alt.font"" are added to the form "Article properties", on Tabs PC View, HHT View, Orderman View. It allows to set up an Alternate font for an Article. 2. New field "Change alt. font" is added to the form "Article mass modify"/4.Appearance. It allows to change alternate font of the selected articles.</p><p>POS changes When unTill is in the state "Edit Options"/"Add supplements"/"Add condiments", the main articles buttons are shown by the alternate font.</p><p>New: Mass activating paid OIF‘s.</p><p>Make a possibility to activate all OIF's that have been paid in a period in advance by pressing 1 button.</p><p>Done</p><p>New action "Activate all paid OIF" is added to Restaurant. It should be put on the "Orders in Future" screen. The action opens and automatically pays from account all deposited 100% OIFs for the currently chosen date.</p><p>New: TPAPI: Add field Info (articles).</p><p>Reseller: Stroke</p><p>Please make field 'Info' (Articles, tab 9 Additional) available in TPAPI.</p><p>Done</p><p>New: KS: Get rid of message New Bill is added.</p><p>Currently if a new bill enters the KS and setting "Show message when active course changes" + Overview kitchen screen is turned ON, the message "New Bill is added" is shown on 5 seconds. This message should not be shown.</p><p>Done</p><p>New: KS: Colors for Non separate items. 1. Don't color non separate items in the Kitchen screen lists. 2. Shift Options to the right in the list.</p><p>Done</p><p>1. New field "Separate?" is added to the datasets "Kitchen screen overview" and "Kitchen screen detail". It shows a "*" if an item belongs to a separate course else it shows nothing. 2. If an item belongs to a NON separate course it never changes it's colors. 3. Option names are shifted 3 positions to the right.</p><p>New: KS: Pick-Up order highlighted.</p><p>In the Pick-Up screen, the first "Ready for PU order" should be assigned automatically.</p><p>Done</p><p>New: KS: Possibility to switch between old and new KS in POS.</p><p>Reseller: Stroke Horeca Automatisering Customer: Van der Valk</p><p>Make it possible to switch between using the old and new KS by using a button in POS. This is because they will be using the new KS during for lunch and the old KS for dinner.</p><p>Done</p><p>BO changes 1. A new field "'Kitchen screen type" is added to the dataset "Restaurant". The field can be added on any screen, it may have 2 values: 'Classic Kitchen screen', Professional Kitchen screen'. 2. A new action "Switch Kitchen screen mode". The action switch Kitchen screen type from Classic to professional and vice versa. It works on any screen.</p><p>POS changes When a user clicks on a button with has the action "Switch Kitchen screen mode", unTill switches the current Kitchen screen mode. In the Classic KS mode Professional KS lists become empty, Classic lists are filled by data. In the Professional KS mode Classic KS item lists become empty, Professional lists are filled by data.</p><p>If unTill is in the Classic Kitchen screen mode and not all tables are paid/closed, unTill does not allow to switch to Professional mode, it shows a message screen with a text: "There are opened tables yet". If unTill is in the Professional Kitchen screen mode and not all items are delivered, unTill does not allow to switch to the Classic mode, it shows a message screen with the text: "Kitchen screen not clean yet".</p><p>New: Complete all closed Bills in KS.</p><p>Please add a button to assign the KS state of all items of all paid and closed tables to the status "Completed". Also please create a setting in Restaurant setting/KS to limit the number of tables shown in KS, by default set it to 100.</p><p>Done</p><p>BO changes 1. New action "Complete all KS workflows" is added. The action works on any screen. 2. new setting "Max. active table number" is added on Restaurant settings/Page 9. Form default value = 100.</p><p>POS changes Action "Complete all KS workflows" makes "Finished" all Kitchen screen workflows, bills of which are completely paid. Only "Max. active table number" active tables are shown in every kitchen screen</p><p>New: KS re-order Tables.</p><p>It's must be possible to “re-order” orders on the Kitchen screen manually.</p><p>Done</p><p>BO changes 1. A new action "Need re-order KS bills" is added. It should be put on the Kitchen screen overview (cold and hot). 2. A new button dataset "Kitchen screen active tables" is added. It should be put on the new layer "Reorder bills".</p><p>POS changes Being on the Kitchen screen overview, click the button "Need re-order KS bills". The new layer with buttons "Kitchen screen active tables" will appear and the buttons can be dragged and dropped.</p><p>After button is dropped, the bill will be moved to the new position.</p><p>New: Get rid of Focus.</p><p>The focus is gone on the articles, what has been asked for, but on the "Reason of Void" it is still. Get rid of the focus on the buttons for "Void Reasons". Done</p><p>New: Discount percentage in dataset articles with discount.</p><p>Reseller: Jos Bijl Client: Broodhuys</p><p>Add the field Discount percentage into dataset Articles with discount.</p><p>Done</p><p>A new field "discount percentage" is added to the dataset "Articles with discounts".</p><p>New: Include Samport driver into unTill installation.</p><p>Reseller: unTill Sweden</p><p>Samport is added.</p><p>New: Add custom FROM date/time to export data task.</p><p>Reseller: Stroke Horeca Automatisering Customer: Van der Valk When creating a task for exporting data (both for "Export bookkeeping data" and "Export Data" tasks) it is possible to set a 'Custom TILL date/time'. Make it possible to also set a 'Custom FROM date/time'.</p><p>Done</p><p>Both "Export bookkeeping data" and "Export data" have "Custom FROM date/time" setting.</p><p>New: Ticket for bookkeeping export Snelstart.</p><p>Reseller: Janssens Kassasystemen</p><p>Create ticket for export as attached.</p><p>"Boekingscode" is needed to know for Snelstart which lines belong together. "Dagboek" indicates into which "Dagboek" the booking needs to be made.</p><p>Implemented</p><p>New: Add quotes ("") to all fields in export.</p><p>Please create the possibility to add quotes ("") to all fields used in the ticket when making an export to a .CSV file. Done</p><p>New: Age control.</p><p>Reseller: unTill USA</p><p>By law, in certain States, age control is an obligation for the use of alcohol. Get us the possibility to enter the date of birth and check.</p><p>Done</p><p>BO changes 1. New option setting "Age control: Simple confirmation/Need enter birthday date" is added to Restaurant: Page 8. 2. New state "Enter customer birthday" is added. 3. New field "Customer birthday" is added to dataset "Restaurant". The field is responsible for showing the screen where the waiter enters the birthday.</p><p>POS changes The state "Enter customer birthday" is created automatically, when a waiter orders any article from department with activated age control. The waiter enters the Birthday and if the customer is old enough to consume the article, the article is ordered, else - not. Next time when the waiter orders the AGE article again, unTill shows the previously entered age and asks to enter new birthday again.</p><p>Bug Fixing:</p><p>Bug: Control screen/Date.</p><p>The new control screen shows Closed bills. This list shows always closed bills from the current working day, it will not follow the date as we scroll down or up.</p><p>Done</p><p>Bug: Cannot add zero tip to gift card payment.</p><p>Reseller: unTill USA</p><p>When "Don't allow clock out until all PSP tips are assigned" is checked, waiters are accustomed to entering zero TIP if client leaves no TIP on his credit card. If there is a gift card, the waiter will try to add zero TIP to the gift card to remove it from the list on the TIP screen. Zero tip is not allowed from Datacap. Done</p><p>TIP’s for gift/Mercury cards are now not sending if tips value = 0.</p><p>Bug: Rounding problems when working Excl.VAT.</p><p>Reseller: unTill USA Customer: Suzi's </p><p>Client opened table 45, ordered articles and paid by Credit Card. Table is not closed, later that evening they voided all articles on the table. In the journal viewer I find a CC payment and Voids for this table. In the Transaction structure (230) I find the payment. Adding all prices and vat we come to a value for 46.93. The Payment with credit card was 46.92. So because of this difference 0.01 the table was not closed.</p><p>The reason is found:</p><p>The Currency property "Round" must be equal to 2. Imaging price is 10.6, vat = 8.25% as Vat is excluded in the USA the full price = 11.4745 with rounding. But the customer must pay 11.47, unTill rounds the difference till 4 digits and then we get a difference 0.0045, unTill considers the bill as not paid.</p><p>Fixed</p><p>Bug: Mobile screen designer issue.</p><p>Go to mobile screens. Open screen, change scale to 50%. Font on buttons does not change, View area is less, than 50%.</p><p>Fixed</p><p>Bug: KS: Transfer bug.</p><p>When there is an order which contains items from several courses but which are shown in the same KS, they are shown 2 or 3 times when the order is transferred to another table.</p><p>Fixed</p><p>Bug: KS: Empty order when using Information.</p><p>When ordering an item which is shown as Information in the Kitchen Screen, and there are no other items for that Kitchen Screens in the order, an empty order is shown in the Kitchen Screen. It is correct that nothing is shown (as there is nothing to prepare), so actually it doesn't need to show anything when there are only Information items. Done</p><p>Now each Kitchen screen has own set of Bills. So if a Bill has articles for the Cold KS and does not have any for the Hot KS - the bill will be shown only in the Cold KS.</p><p>Bug: KS: Special words are not shown.</p><p>Special words are not shown in KS.</p><p>Fixed</p><p>Bug: Discount on Invoice.</p><p>Reseller: UPTA Horeca Automatisering</p><p>When we place the dataset Articles with discount on the invoice layout, it will show all discounts given to any client. It should show only discount for the invoiced customer.</p><p>To filter "Articles with discounts" by clients you can put dataset "Transactions" on the ticket and insert "Articles with discounts" into "Transactions".</p><p>Bug: Stock: Problem opening ingredient.</p><p>When opening some ingredients in the back-office, I get an error: Cannot find conversion rule by ID. This means that some unity conversion was deleted. The problem is that it seems that all deleted items were removed so I cannot undelete them anymore.</p><p>The error occurs because the turnover is shown on the Ingredient form in BO. If some unity conversion rule is lost, the turnover calculation is impossible.</p><p>Fixed</p><p>Now The calculation will proceed even if the unity conversion rule is deleted in BO.</p><p>Bug: Hide last empty line.</p><p>If article list has setting "Hide last empty line", unTill automatically cancels state "Condiment/Supplement".</p><p>Fixed Bug: Same table opened on PC and HHT.</p><p>It should be impossible to open the same table on PC and HHT linked to the PC. Message should be shown when table opens.</p><p>If a table is opened on a HHT and another user opens it on a PC, which is linked to HHT, unTill goes to state "Table is busy on other PC/HHT" and show User name, who opens table and PC/HHT name/(IP Address).</p><p>Bug: Make transaction copy with menu.</p><p>Reseller: unTill Sweden – Kassaregister service</p><p>Action "make transaction copy" does not work with menu.</p><p>Fixed</p><p>------</p><p>(This is only a temporary solution and will be modified).</p><p>New: Edit Must have options.</p><p>Reseller: unTill USA</p><p>During ordering an article with must have options, we should be able to select a previous chosen option and change it. After ordering an article with must have options, we must be able to select one of the options remove and replace it.</p><p>Done</p><p>Now any type of options can be changed after order saving. An option cannot be deleted or new option added, it can just be replaced by another option from the option article List.</p><p>BO changes 1. New List dataset "Article options" is created. It's responsible for the layer visibility. Any chosen field of the dataset should have parameter "Auto show"=True. 2. A new button dataset "Editing options" is created. A List with the dataset "Article options" and buttons with the dataset "Editing options" should be on the new layer on the order screen. 3. New action "Need modify options" is added. Should be put on Order screen.</p><p>POS changes To modify the article options: open the table and click the button "Need modify options". A new layer with the List dataset "Article options" and the buttons with the dataset "Editing options" will open. Click on the article in the main article list on the order screen, the list with the dataset "Article options" will show all the options. Click on any option, the dataset "Editing options" will show the buttons with the articles from the current option group. Click on the new option and it will replace the existing option. The action "OK" or "Cancel" closes the layer but only the OK will save the modified order.</p>

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