<p> 585-414</p><p>History of Québec and Canada</p><p>Module 4 Exam Number 49</p><p>GUIDE</p><p>Secondary 4</p><p>September 2002 Guide Page 2</p><p>1. GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>1.1 Program History of Québec and Canada, Secondary 4</p><p>1.2 Origin This Module 4 examination, which incorporates several questions from Module 3, was put together by a group of Social Studies teachers from the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board.</p><p>Revision: Patricia Juliano, BIM, Société GRICS</p><p>Computerization: Marie Ain Malak</p><p>Graphic design: Aimé Bédard and Marianne Awaad</p><p>1.3 Time suggested 45 minutes</p><p>1.4 Number of questions The exam comprises 20 questions in 2 parts.</p><p> Part A: 14 multiple-choice questions</p><p> Part B: 6 constructed-answer questions</p><p>Note: 5 Questions treat the objectives of Module 3.</p><p>The exam items were selected as representative questions to assess the weighted range of skills defined in the domain for the History of Québec and Canada course.</p><p>All items can be found in the BIM History of Québec and Canada 585-14 item bank.</p><p>585- 414.E49 Guide Page 3</p><p>2. ITEM SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>Question Item Objective S T D</p><p>Part A 1 0986 M03.01.01 A M M 2 1411 M03.02.02 A M M 3 1208 M03.01 S M D 4 0630 M04.01.01 D M M 5 0318 M04.01.01 A M M 6 0330 M04.01.03 D M F 7 1051 M04.01.03 A M D 8 0016 M04.01.04 A M M 9 1582 M04.01 S M M 10 1431 M04.02.01 A M M 11 0018 M04.02.02 D M M 12 1493 M04.02.02 A M M 13 1300 M04.02.03 A M M 14 1175 M04.02.03 S M D Part B 15 0915 M03.02.01 A C M 16 0282 M03.01.01 S C D 17 0614 M04.01.01 D C M 18 1394 M04.01.03 A C M 19 0734 M04.02.01 A C M 20 1006 M04.02.02 S C M</p><p>Legend</p><p>T : Type of questions M : Multiple-choice questions C : Short-constructed answer questions</p><p>S : Skills A : Analyze D : Describe S : Synthesize</p><p>D : Level of difficulty F : Easy M : Medium D : Difficult</p><p>585- 414.E49 Guide Page 4</p><p>3. CORRECTION KEY</p><p>PART A: Questions 1 to 14 (5 marks or 0 marks)</p><p>1 C 8 C</p><p>2 C 9 A</p><p>3 B 10 D</p><p>4 C 11 A</p><p>5 B 12 B</p><p>6 A 13 D</p><p>7 A 14 D</p><p>PART B: Questions 15 to 20</p><p>15 /5 1) "Subjects in revolt" A</p><p>2) "Lawful Sovereign" A</p><p>3) "This province" C</p><p>4) "Fortune of war" A</p><p>5) "Recent favours" B</p><p>16 1. ( E ) 2. ( A ) 3. ( C ) 4. ( H ) /5 5. ( F ) 6. ( G ) 7. ( B ) 8. ( D )</p><p>585- 414.E49 Guide Page 5</p><p>17 The right to vote /5 OR The right to elect representatives OR The right to a legislative assembly</p><p>18 A) Timber /5 B) Fur C) Canals</p><p>19 French Canadian professionals : 1 /5</p><p>English Canadian businessmen : 3</p><p>To obtain three marks, the student must correctly associate each of the two social groups with its role.</p><p>20 A) TEXT 1: The union of Upper and Lower Canada /5</p><p>OR the assimilation of the French Canadians</p><p>TEXT 2: Responsible government</p><p>B) Responsible government OR Text 2</p><p>To obtain three marks, the student must correctly answer both parts A and B. Standard: 3 out of 3</p><p>585- 414.E49 585-414</p><p>History of Québec and Canada</p><p>Module 4 Exam Number 49</p><p>Question Booklet</p><p>Secondary 4</p><p>September 2002</p><p>Instructions</p><p>1. Fill in the information required on the cover of your Answer Booklet.</p><p>2. Answer all questions in the Answer Booklet. Each question is worth 5 marks.</p><p>3. Hand in both the Question Booklet and the Answer Booklet at the end of the period.</p><p>Time: 45 minutes Question Booklet Page 7</p><p>PART A: Questions 1 to 14 In your Answer Booklet, blacken the letter of the answer chosen.</p><p>1 France and England each established a colony in North America. These two colonies quickly /5 came into conflict with one another.</p><p>Military conflict between New France and New England ended with the British Conquest.</p><p>During the war of the Conquest, what were two resources the English colonies fought for?</p><p>1. The farmlands of the St. Lawrence Lowlands 2. The territories of the Ohio Valley 3. The mining regions of the Canadian Shield 4. The furs in the Great Lakes region 5. The forest region of the Outaouais</p><p>A) 1 and 3 C) 2 and 4 B) 2 and 3 D) 4 and 5</p><p>2 During the first three decades of British rule in Québec (1760 – 1791), the government was /5 modified several times in order to meet the changing needs of both the colony and the mother country.</p><p>Which of the following British constitutions signalled the beginning of democratic and parliamentary government in Québec through the introduction of an elected legislative assembly?</p><p>A) The Royal Proclamation C) The Constitutional Act B) The Québec Act D) The Act of Union</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 8</p><p>3 The following primary sources relate to major events in the history of Québec and Canada that /5 took place in the second half of the eighteenth century (1750-1800). Place them in chronological order.</p><p>1. "His Majesty thinks it proper to the benefit of His Majesty's Subjects, in His Province of Québec, to be divided into the Province of Upper Canada, and the Province of Lower Canada."</p><p>2. The happy progress of Your Majesty's Arms... The Acquisition of many important Places in America, and the defeat of the Enemy’s Army in Canada, with the Reduction of the Capital City of Québec...</p><p>3. The Treaty between His Majesty and the Catholic King signed at Paris, the 10th February 1763...</p><p>4. Governor Carleton and others were subjected to questioning in the House of Commons.</p><p>Lord North: Are the Canadian inhabitants desirous of having assemblies in the province?</p><p>Carleton: Certainly not.</p><p>Lord North: Have they not thought with horror of an assembly in the country, if it should be composed of the old British inhabitants now resident there?</p><p>Carleton: No doubt it would give them great offence.</p><p>Lord North: Would they not greatly prefer a government by the governor and legislative council to such an assembly?</p><p>Carleton: No doubt they would.</p><p>A) 2, 1, 4 and 3 C) 3, 4, 1 and 2 B) 2, 3, 4 and 1 D) 4, 2, 3 and 1</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 9</p><p>4 The following documents refer to a particular constitution enacted during the British Regime in /5 Canada.</p><p>Which letter on the time line below represents the period during which this constitution was in effect?</p><p>Document 1 Document 2</p><p>5 The Constitutional Act introduced a system of representation; however, this system incited much /5 discontent. Which of the following was the reason for the discontent?</p><p>A) The English did not have enough members in the assembly. B) The Governor had it within his power to control the legislative assembly. C) Parliamentary government did not allow the professional elite to express themselves. D) Members of the legislative assembly chose the members of the legislative and the executive councils.</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 10</p><p>6 Which new form of economic activity assured French Canadians of jobs during the first half of /5 the 19th century?</p><p>A) Work in lumber camps B) Cattle farming and agriculture C) Exploration of new trapping zones D) Development of the St-Maurice ironworks</p><p>7 Which two documents illustrate socio-economic problems in Lower Canada in the first half of /5 the 19th century?</p><p>Document 1</p><p>PRODUCTION OF WHEAT IN LOWER CANADA</p><p>(thousands)</p><p>200 surplus or deficit 150 s k</p><p> c 100 e P 50 n i</p><p> e 0 m u</p><p> l -50 o</p><p>V -100 -150 -200 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839</p><p>Years (1826-1839)</p><p>Translated from: ST-ARNAUD, Gaëtan and Yves BELZILE, De temps en temps, Histoire du Québec et du Canada, exercise booklet, Lidec inc., Montréal, 1994), p. 91.</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 11</p><p>Document 2 Document 3</p><p>Working-class district of Montréal Emigration to the United States at the beginning of Industrialization</p><p>12 n o i t a</p><p> l 10 u p o P</p><p> e h t</p><p> f 8 o</p><p> e g a t n e</p><p> c 6 r e P Québec 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10-Year Period</p><p>National Archives of Canada, C-004256 Québec Ministry of Education</p><p>Document 4</p><p>Construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway</p><p>National Archives of Canada, C-003693</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 12</p><p>Document 5</p><p>The Arrival of Irish Immigrants Infected with Cholera</p><p>National Archives of Canada, C-6556</p><p>A) 1 and 5 C) 2 and 5 B) 2 and 3 D) 3 and 4</p><p>8 In 1806, the population of Lower Canada was 250 000, while that of Upper Canada numbered /5 only 71 000. By 1831, the population of Lower Canada reached 553 000 inhabitants, while that of Upper Canada rose to 237 000 people. Around 1851, statistics showed that there were 952 000 people in Upper Canada and 890 000 in Lower Canada.</p><p>What was the main reason for this situation?</p><p>A) A low birthrate in Lower Canada B) A high birthrate in Upper Canada C) Many people immigrating to Upper Canada D) Many people emigrating from Lower Canada to Upper Canada</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 13</p><p>9 During the first half of the 19th century, Lower Canada underwent major changes. /5</p><p>Place the three periods below in chronological order.</p><p>1. A group of French Canadian professionals became spokespersons for the French Canadian population.</p><p> Napoleon's continental blockade stimulated trade between Britain and the colony.</p><p>2. Newly arriving immigrants spread cholera.</p><p> The Legislative Assembly adopted the 92 Resolutions.</p><p>3. Britain granted the colony responsible government.</p><p> The first railways were built.</p><p>1800 1850 </p><p>A) 1 2 3 </p><p>B) 2 1 3 </p><p>C) 2 3 1 </p><p>D) 3 2 1 </p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 14</p><p>10 In Lower Canada in the 1830s, two social groups clashed politically: the English-speaking /5 merchants and the French-Canadian professionals. The professionals supported the Patriotes, who demanded major changes to the political system.</p><p>What were the two main demands of the Patriotes?</p><p>1. That British immigration be increased 2. That the two Canadas be united 3. That French immigration be encouraged 4. That the budget be controlled through the legislative assembly 5. That responsible government be granted</p><p>A) 1 and 4 C) 2 and 5 B) 2 and 3 D) 4 and 5</p><p>11 At the time of the Patriots Rebellion, 1837 to 1838, the British crown entrusted Lord Durham /5 with the task of finding solutions to the numerous problems that plagued the two Canadas.</p><p>Which of the following were his principal recommendations?</p><p>1. The assimilation of French Canadians 2. The legislative union of the two Canadas 3. The recognition of French Civil law 4. Free trade with England 5. Free trade with the United States</p><p>A) 1 and 2 C) 2 and 5 B) 1 and 4 D) 3 and 5</p><p>12 Through the Union Act, Britain united Upper Canada and Lower Canada into a single province, /5 the Province of Canada.</p><p>What was Britain's objective in uniting Upper and Lower Canada?</p><p>A) To save on the cost of administering the colony B) To ensure that the majority of representatives in the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada were British C) To ensure that the majority of representatives in the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada were Canadiens D) To give the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada responsible government, which it had been demanding for a long time</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 15</p><p>13 The documents below illustrate important events that characterize Canada during a period of /5 great political, economic, and constitutional change.</p><p>Before it could become law, the Reciprocity Treaty had to be ratified by the British Parliament, the United States Congress, and the provincial legislatures of all the colonies involved. It was to last for ten years, and it would remain in force after that time as long as the two high contracting parties desired it. R. Howard, J. Lacoursière, C. Bouchard, A New History of Canada, Volume 5, Éditions Format, 1972, p. 534.</p><p>Québec Ministry of Education Québec Ministry of Education</p><p>Which letter on the time line corresponds to the period during which these events occurred?</p><p>A B C D </p><p>1810 1820 1830 1840 1867 </p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 16</p><p>14 The Victoria Tubular Bridge in Montréal can be considered an economic effect of the Act of /5 Union, 1840-1841.</p><p>McGill Rare Book Collection</p><p>From each box below select one other development that came into effect after the Act of Union.</p><p>POLITICAL 1. First Assemblies elected in Upper and Lower Canada 2. Responsible Government</p><p>ECONOMIC 3. The beginning of the first phase of industrialization 4. Canada started preferential trade with Britain</p><p>SOCIAL 5. Women won equal rights and equal pay 6. Overcrowding, child labour, and disease become major problems in Montréal</p><p>Which of the following combinations correctly identifies a political, an economic, and a social development that came into effect after the Act of Union?</p><p>POLITICAL ECONOMIC SOCIAL A) 1 4 6 B) 2 3 5 C) 1 3 5 D) 2 3 6</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 17</p><p>PART B: Questions 15 to 20 Answer all the questions in your Answer Booklet.</p><p>15 The document below shows the stand taken by Bishop Briand during a major turning point in our /5 history.</p><p>BISHOP BRIAND'S APPEAL TO THE FRENCH CANADIANS May 22, 1775</p><p>A group of subjects in revolt (1) against their lawful Sovereign (2), who is at the same time ours, have just made an irruption into this province (3), less in the hope of maintaining themselves here than with a view of dragging you into their revolt. ... The remarkable goodness and gentleness with which we have been governed by this very gracious Majesty, King George III, since the fortune of war (4) subjected us to his rule; the recent favours (5) with which he has loaded us, in restoring to us the use of our laws and the free exercise of our religion;... would no doubt be enough to excite your gratitude and zeal in support to the interests of the British Crown. But motives even more urgent must speak to your heart at the present moment. Your oaths, your religion, lay upon you the unavoidable duty of defending your country and your King with all the strength you possess.</p><p>Below are five expressions taken from the excerpt above. Match each expression with the term to which it refers.</p><p>1) "Subjects in revolt" A) American revolutionaries B) Iroquois C) Patriotes 2) "Lawful Sovereign" A) King of England B) King of France 3) "This province" A) New France B) Thirteen Colonies C) Province of Québec 4) "Fortune of war" A) Fall of New France B) American Revolution C) War against the Iroquois 5) "Recent favours" A) Treaty of Paris B) Québec Act C) Constitutional Act</p><p>Note: To obtain marks for this question, the meaning of three of the five expressions must be correctly indicated.</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 18</p><p>16 Use the vocabulary below to complete the table in your answer booklet. Identify the economic, /5 political, geographic, and demographic situation for each of the two colonies leading up to the British conquest. Write the letters in the appropriate spaces.</p><p>A) Several products exploited B) Small, dispersed population C) United D) Densely populated E) Limited to one staple product F) Vast territory G) Small territory H) Divided colonies</p><p>17 The Constitutional Act of 1791 marked an important step in the evolution of democracy in /5 Lower Canada. The following chart illustrates this new political organization.</p><p>KING </p><p>GOVERNOR </p><p>Excecutive Council Legislative Council </p><p>Legislative Assembly </p><p>People </p><p>What new political right did the people of Lower Canada acquire with this constitution?</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 19</p><p>18 The illustration below relates to a major economic activity associated with Upper and Lower /5 Canada during the first half of the 19th century.</p><p>A) What product became Canada's major export as a result of this economic activity?</p><p>B) What economic staple did this new economic activity replace?</p><p>C) What important improvement in transportation did this new economic activity bring about?</p><p>585- 414.E49 Question Booklet Page 20</p><p>19 The 1837-1838 Rebellion in Lower Canada involved two social groups who opposed each other: /5</p><p>- French Canadian professionals, consisting of notaries, lawyers, and doctors - English Canadian businessmen</p><p>Match each of these groups with the role its members played during the uprising.</p><p>1. They were the principal spokesmen for French Canadians and were responsible for the uprising. Radical members advocated armed insurrection. 2. They administered the colony and chose to take up arms to defend the authority of the English government. 3. They were the fiercest opponents of the Patriotes whom they attacked in their newspaper articles and editorials. They supported the governor. 4. They denounced Lord Russell's Resolutions but preached obedience to British authority.</p><p>Note: To obtain marks for this question, each of the two social groups must be matched with the correct role.</p><p>20 Following the rebellions of 1837-1838, London sent Lord Durham to investigate the situation in /5 the two Canadas. He was to analyze the situation and submit his recommendations.</p><p>After studying Durham's report, London decided to apply some of his recommendations. These decisions were embodied in law in the constitution of 1840.</p><p>A) Name the political solution proposed in each of the texts below.</p><p>TEXT 1 "I believe that no permanent or efficient remedy can be devised for the disorders… except a fusion… Thus the province would be subjected to the vigorous domination of an English majority in a legislative union." Durham Report</p><p>TEXT 2 According to Durham, the only way to put a stop to the political agitation would be to instruct the governor to administer the colony according to the wishes of the Executive Council. This council would have to represent a majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly.</p><p>B) Which of these political solutions was not included in the Constitution of 1840?</p><p>Note: To obtain marks for this question, both parts A and B must be correctly answered.</p><p>585- 414.E49 585-414</p><p>History of Québec and Canada</p><p>Module 4 Exam Number 49</p><p>Answer Booklet</p><p>Secondary 4</p><p>September 2002</p><p>Student's Name</p><p>Class Date Answer Booklet Page 22</p><p>PART A: Blacken the letter of the answer chosen. (5 marks or 0 marks)</p><p>1 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>2 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>3 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>4 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>5 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>6 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>7 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>8 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>9 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>10 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>11 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>12 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>13 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>14 [A] [B] [C] [D]</p><p>585- 414.E49 Answer Booklet Page 23</p><p>PART B: Complete the answers in the spaces provided.</p><p>15 /5 1) "Subjects in revolt"</p><p>2) "Lawful Sovereign"</p><p>3) "This province"</p><p>4) "Fortune of war"</p><p>5) "Recent favours"</p><p>16 /5 SITUATION FRENCH COLONY ENGLISH COLONY</p><p>Economic 1. ( ) 2. ( ) Political 3. ( ) 4. ( ) Geographic 5. ( ) 6. ( ) Demographic 7. ( ) 8. ( )</p><p>17 The right ______/5</p><p>18 A) ______/5</p><p>B) ______</p><p>C) ______</p><p>19 French Canadian professionals : /5</p><p>English Canadian businessmen :</p><p>20 A) TEXT 1: ______/5</p><p>TEXT 2: ______</p><p>B) ______</p><p>585- 414.E49</p>
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