
3312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MAY 25, Louis and elsewhere, have been stopped and are now stopped from Mr. ED~fUNDS. We will look at. t,hat, and t.ake it up by and by, doing their \York, which is very important, not onlJ:" to th_em.but to if necessary. the community. The case hasl.Jeen very thoroughly mvest1gared and The PRESIDENT pro ·tempore. Pursuant to order, legislative and it is thought by the Commissioner that these men did not viol:1te the executive business will be suspended and the Senate will proceed-­ law, but there is some little obscurity about it. Mr. D.A.VIS. I think the bill had better be sent back to me, and I M1·. ED~1UNDS. If the State of Missouri is deprived of tha.t most will1·eport it to-morrow morning. · useful beverage, vinegar, I certainly cannot stand in the way of the Mr. EDMUNDS. It can be passed by and by. There is no need to bill being taken up; and I withdraw my call for the regular order sencl it ba{}k, for the time being. Mr. DAVIS. I withdraw the report. Mr. BOGY. I move to take up House bill No. 1800. Mr. EDMUNDS. I call for the regula~ order. The motion was agreed to; and the bill (H. R. No.1800) for there­ The PRESIDENT JYI'O ternpo1'e. Pursuant to order, legislative and lief of Kendrick & Avis; Kuner, Zisemann & Zott; Kuner & Zott, all executive business will be suspended and the Senate will proceed to of Saint Louis, :Missouri; and Nachtrieb & Co., of Galion, Ohio, was the consideration of the articles of impea{)hment exhibited by the considered as in Committee of the Whole. Honse of Representatives against William W. Belknap, late Secre­ It directs the Secretary of the Treasury to remit internal-revenue tary of War. The Sergen.nt-at-Arms will clear the galleries and close taxes upon low wines produced in the manufacture of vinegar, namely, the doors. $9,192, assessed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on the The Senate then proceeded to the trin.l of the impeachment of Will­ 21st day of September, 1875, against Crawford M. Kendrick and Will­ iam W. Bdlmap, late Secretary of War. iam H. Avis, doing business at Saint Louis under the .firm-name and The Senate sitting for the trial of the impeachment of Willi,.am W. st.yle of Kendrick & Avis, and entered upon the August list of that Belknap having adjourned then resumed its year for the .first district of Missouri ; $2,007 assessed by the Com­ LEGISLATIVE SESSION. missioner on the 2d of August, 1875, against Max Kuner, John F. Zisemann, and Armin Zott, doing business at Saint Louis under the Mr. CAMERON, of Pennsylvania, submitted the following resolu­ firm-name and style of Kuner, Zisemann & Zott, and entered upon tion; which was considered by unanin1ous consent, and agreed to: the June list of that year for that district; $2,135, assessed by the Resolved, That the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds are hereby in­ structed to inquire whether any, and if any what~ provision should be made for the Commissioner on the 2d of August, against Max Kuner and Armin widow of John Kin CT, who was killed by the explosion of ga.s that occurred in tile Zott, former partners in business at Saint Louis, under the firm-name Capitol on the 19th instant, and for L. B. Cutler, who was severely burnt anu injureu and style of Kuner & Zott, and entered upon the list last mentioned; by said explosion, and that said committee have leave to report by bill or other· and $506.40, assessed by the Commissioner on the 27th day of Decem­ wise. ber, 1875, against C. Nn.chtrieb, J. F. Nachtrieb, C. E. Kopp, and F. HOUR OF MEETING. A. Burch, doing business at Galion, in the ninth district of Ohio, un­ On motion of Mr. EDMUNDS, it was der the firm-name :md style of Nachtrieb & Co., and entered upon Ordered, That when the Senate adjourns to-day it be to meet to-morrow at eleven the November list of that year. o'clock a. m. The bill was reported by the Committee on Finance with amend­ EXECUTIVE SESSION. ments. On motion of Mr. CAMERON, of Pennsylvania, the Senate proceeded The first amendment was in line 4 after the word "remit" to insert to the consideration of executive business. After nine minutes spent " so much of; " so as to read: in executive session, the doors were re-opened; and Tha.t the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed On motion of Mr. EDMUNDS, (at fonro'clock and fifty-five minutes to remit so much of the following internal-revenue taxes upon low wines, &c. p.m.,) the Senate adjourned. The amendment was agreed to. The next amendment was to iih<~ert at the end of the bill: As, in his opinion, justice and equity may require: Provided, He shall be satisfied that the parties named are entirelv free from any intention to violate the internal- revenue laws in the manufacture of vinegar as aforesaid. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The amendment was agreed to. THURSDAY, JJ[ay 25, 1876. Mr. SHERMAN. I ought to state that this case was very carefully examined by the Senator from Massachusetts, [Mr. BOUTWELL,] who is The House met at twelve o'clock m., the Speaker in the chair. Prayer familiar with the business of the Internal Revenue Office, and the by the Chaplain, Rev. I. L. TOWNSEND. bill is based on a letter from the Commi ioner of Internal Revenue, The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. who presents about this state of facts: These men were engaged in ORDER OF BUSINESS. the manufacture of vinegar as a tmde or business in different parts of The SPEAKER. The :first business in order this morning is the un­ the western country; and in t.he process of manufactme they used finished business coming over from yesterday, being the contested­ a new ip.vention, which enabled them in a kind of distillation to em­ election case of Spencer vs. Morey. ploy certain properties extracted from grain, very much as in the Mr. RANDALL. I move that the unfinished business be postponed process of distilling. The question whether this was a.violation of for two hours. law was submitted to the Internal Revenue Office and decided, in The SPEAKER. The Chair would inquire for what purpose Y the first place, by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in favor :Mr. RANDALL. To enable the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. MoR­ of their right to use this article. These parties were notified of that RISON] to move that the House resolve itself in Committee of the fact, and were encouraged to go on by the local officers in different Whole upon the tariff bill. places; but afterward, on more careful examination, the Department The motion of M1·. RANDALL was agreed to. decided that this process was in violation of law, as I think it was, Mr. COX. I ask the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. MoRRISON] to though without any intention to evade the law; but the effect of it yield to me to make a report from the Committee on Banking and was to evade the law and save these people from using tax-paid Currency. spirits. They were therefor.e c-ompelled to discontinue the process, Mr. MORRISON. I will do so, if it does not take much time. and these assessments were made npon them. It is very clear that if the taxes were collected it would not only ruin them but do them a RECEIVERS OF NATIONAL. BAl\"'KS. great injustice, because it appears very plainly from the papers that Mr. COX. I am instructed by the Committee on Banking and Cur­ t hey were led to believe that the process was not in viola~ion of law. rency to report pack to the House the bill (H. R. No. 2441) authoriz­ I believe that is the substance of the case. The Senator from Mas­ ing the appointment of receivers of national banks, and for other sachusetts knows more about it than I do. The committee thought, purposes, with sundry amendments of the Senate thereto, ancl to move on tho whole, that it was fair to provide that if the Commissioner that the amendments of the Senate be non-concurred in. should decide, on full examination, that there was no intent on the There being no objection, the report was received, and the amend­ part of the~:;e persons to evade the law, they might have the benefit ments of the Senate to said bill were non-concurred in. of the remission of the taxes already accrned. Mr. COX. I now move that a committee of conference be requested The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amend­ upon the disagreeing votes of the two Houses upon this bill. ments were concurred in. The motion was agreed to. It was ordered that the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a third time. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The bill was read the third time, and passed. Mr.KASSON. Beforethegentlemanfromlliinoissubmitshismotion to go into Committee of the Whole, I would ask him to allow me to IMPEACHMENT OF W. W. BELKNAP. offer a resolution which is the result of a consultation with several Mr. EDMUNDS. I ask for the regular order. members of the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. DAVIS. The Senator from Vermont wm allow me, I hope, to Mr.
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