JULY 16, 2020 BOOK YOUR POST IT Call Your Advertising Rep TTHEHE BBEEACONACON HHILLILL TTIMESIMES (781)485-0588 THERE ARE NO TIMES LIKE THESE TIMES Pandemic causes Esplanade events to go virtual By Dan Murphy own pace. And while the number of participants this year was only While the state’s Department of a fraction of the 1,000 runners the Conservation and Recreation has event typically draws, the virtual postponed group events on the race was still seen as an unquali- Charles River Esplanade through fied success. the end of this month, some orga- “For us, it was a successful nizations that had events planned event, but not on par with a typi- in the park during this time have cal 5K, but in experimenting with taken a cue from the Esplanade something new, we were pleased Association, which successfully with the results,” said Michael reimagined its annual 5K as a Nichols, executive director of the virtual footrace for the first this Esplanade Association. “We cer- year in response to the ongoing tainly thought that a virtual race A view of Back Bay from the Charles River Esplanade. pandemic. was the responsible way to hold From June 1 to 7, 300 runners the event, so we’re not surprised from three countries (the U.S., to see other organizations that Brazil and India) and 13 states had their events planned for the Charles Circle Bluebikes station participated in the virtual race by Esplanade follow suit.” running or walking 5K (3.1 miles) anywhere in the world at their (ESPLANADE Pg. 12) busiest in metro-Boston system By Dan Murphy The Charles Circle Blubikes Beacon Hill Civic Association station is now the busiest in the Community Corner metro-Boston system. The station’s ridership was Beacon Hill Civic Association estimated at 3,704, up from Committees 3,291 last June, making it one Every spring, the Beacon Hill of the few stations in the system Civic Association publishes its with higher ridership last month Annual Report covering commit- than during the same timeframe tee accomplishments during the in 2019. past year. We’ll be sharing the committees’ reports here over the Also, while ridership sys- next weeks. tem-wide was down around 70 Streets & Sidewalks Committee percent in April from the previous The Streets and Sidewalks com- year, the decline in usage was only mittee had another busy and pro- about 20 percent for the Charles ductive year, despite being impact- Circle station. ed by COVID-19 during this last In late March, Bluebikes began quarter. BHCA and Chair of the Streets partnering with the city to pro- Major accomplishments include & Sidewalks Committee Rajan vide free 30-day passes to health- the following: Nanda. care workers, which is believed 1. In partnership with The City, to have been a factor in the high the Committee supported the Col- Dog Waste Sub Committee came ridership number reported at the lapsible Bin pilot project on the up with a plan, under the guidance Charles Circle station, along with The Charles Circle Bluebikes station, which is now busiest in the met- Hill. It is hoped to continue with of Renee Walsh, which includes ro-Boston system. this pilot once the current situation certain selected locations through- its close proximity to the Charles improves sufficiently to be able to out the Hill where dog waste can River Esplanade. 3,000 bikes serving Boston, and Somerville in its metro-Bos- safely handle collapsible bins. Bluebikes now has around Brookline, Cambridge, Everett ton system. 2. The Streets & Sidewalks (BHCA, Pg. 9) 330 stations and more than For the latest news in Beacon Hill that you need to know, check www.beaconhilltimes.com 2 PAGE 2 THE BEACON HILL TIMES JULY 16, 2020 Pierce leaves behind legacy of commitment to neighborhood after work on BHAC By Dan Murphy circa 1983. American History between Russell and Commissioner Joel Pierce for From Pierce’s perspective, the Street and Smith Court, and which all his years of dedication to the When Joel Pierce stepped Architectural Commission and prevented public access to the site. preservation of the Beacon Hill down as a member of the Beacon the Civic Association complement The historical alleyway, Whitney Historic District. I have enjoyed Hill Architectural Commission each other well when it comes said, dates back more than 200 working with him as he was fully (BHAC) in December after serv- to safeguarding the character of years and once served as part of the committed to helping preserve ing for nearly three decades in Beacon Hill. Underground Railroad. The com- the architectural integrity of the the role, he left behind a long and “The Civic Association is large- mission, chaired by Pierce at the neighborhood. During his long enduring legacy as a stalwart who ly supportive of what we’re try- time, ruled against the gate, and tenure at the Commission he was always put the historic integrity of ing to accomplish,” Pierce said. afterwards, a Civic Association always thoughtful, insightful and the neighborhood above all else. “They’ve done their own research, member broached Whitney about caring. I wish him all the best on “On the Architectural check out the agendas in advance joining the organization’s board, his future endeavors.” Joel Pierce, who served as Commission, we like to think that and look at [the application sites].” which he soon did. During Pierce’s tenure, the a Beacon Hill Architectural we preserve the neighborhood Rob Whitney, chair of the Civic “Joel is very active on Beacon Architectural Commission hand- Commissioner from 1993 until but without unduly restricting Association’s board of directors, is Hill and always looks out for ed down countless determinations last December. the rights of [property an busi- a fellow attorney who has known the good of [the neighborhood], on residences and businesses on ness owners],” said Pierce, whose Pierce professionally for more than as well as preserving its historic Beacon Hill while its purview tenure as the Beacon Hill Civic 20 years and credits Pierce for him nature,” said Whitney, who went also extended to other matters, in one sense, but on the other Association’s nominee to the com- joining the organization more than on to describe Pierce as one of the such as street furniture; newspa- hand, it’s an historic district, so not mission began in 1993. a decade ago. “guiding lights” of both the neigh- per boxes (which Pierce said are all that much,” Pierce said. “Paint An attorney by profession who Around 15 years ago, Whitney borhood and the Civic Association. now “somewhat obsolete,” with color is an ongoing concern, as retired two years ago, Pierce joined attended an Architectural “We’ll certainly miss him on the the downturn of print media in is the accepted palette of colors the Civic Association in 1979, a Commission hearing and spoke as Architectural Commission.” recent years); and sidewalk curb- accepted by the Architectural year after he and his wife settled in a neighborhood resident in oppo- Miguel Rosales, the cut ramps, as well as other accessi- Commission. Most are content to the neighborhood, and he would sition to a gate that had been Architectural Commission’s cur- bility issues. stay within [those parameters], but go on to chair the organization’s installed in Holmes Alley locat- rent chair, wrote, “I am very “The Architectural every once in a while, somebody board of directors for one year ed near the Museum of African grateful to former BHAC Chair Commission’s work has changed tries to do something different.” BEACON HILL ARCHITECTURAL COMMISSION The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold a install expansion joints. (See Additional Items in Adminis- ing-permit application to the commission staff for review. (To public hearing on July 16 at 5:00 p.m. in a Zoom Meeting: trative Review) avoid potential confusion, the text of your building-permit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81061136686 APP # 21.0007 BH 61 Mount Vernon Street application should be consistent with the project description Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates Applicant: Nicholas and Marjorie Greenville given below.) Commission staff will accordingly authorize of Design Approval on the agenda below, reviews of archi- Proposed Work: At rear façade, west wall, install small the execution of the work, attaching any applicable provi- tectural violations, and such businesses as may come before boiler vent. sos, reflecting the relevant guidelines and precedents. the commission, in accordance with Chapter 616 of the Acts APP # 21.0008 BH 7 Mount Vernon Place ►If you have any questions not addressed by the above of 1955 of the Massachusetts General Law as amended. Applicant: Monika Pauli; Pauli & Uribe Architects LLC information, please contact staff at 617.635.3850 or Bea- Sign language interpreters are available upon request. Proposed Work: At front façade, replace front door hard- [email protected]. This hearing will only be held virtually and not in per- ware, paint door and surround black, install light sconce on APP # 21.0010 BH 54 Beacon Street: Paint all front son. You can participate in this hearing by going to: https:// roof deck, install intercom system at rear door, install new façade trim in kind, paint shutters and front door BM Essex us02web.zoom.us/j/81061136686 or calling 1 (929) 205- copper exhaust cap on sidewall, install fire alarm bell and Green, repaint ironwork in BM Black. Repair shutters in 6099 and entering id # Meeting ID: 810 6113 6686 Pass- beacon on front façade, install one chimney exhaust, ERV kind with cedar wood slats as needed. word: 819572. You can also submit written comments or supply and exhaust on roof.
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