Is Adenium a Valid Genus? a Response A.83 P.3

Is Adenium a Valid Genus? a Response A.83 P.3

<p> INDEX ASKLEPIOS 83 – 84 – 85 COMPILED BY MIKE PHILLIPS</p><p>ARTICLES; Is Adenium a Valid Genus? – A Response [a.83]p.3 David Goyder Views on theStapeliads; The Complete Checklist of the Stapeliads [Ceropegieae : Asclepiadoideae – pt 4 [a.83]p.4 Dennis De Kock Asclepiadaceae or Apocynaceae? [a.83]p.13 David Goyder BCSS Oxford Branch and IAS Show 15th July 2001 [a.83]p.17 Neil Oakman Succulent Asclepiads in Oman [a.83]p.19 Sheila Collenette Publicity [a.83]p.24 Neil Oakman A Preliminany Study of the Morphology of Seedlings of the Genus Huernia [Asclepiadaeeae [a.83]p.25 John K. Spearing Review [a.83]p.38 Brian Bates Stapelia flavopurpurea Marloth [a.83]p.39 Iztok Mulej Questions and Answers [a.84]p.3 Notes on the species of Brachystelma R.BR. occurring in the eastern cape province of South Africa [a.84]p.4 Tony Dold & David Cumming Succulent Asclepiads in Oman pt 2 [a.84]p.12 Sheila Collenette The Genus Pachycymbium [N.E.Br.] M. Gilbert [Asclepiadaceae] in Oman [a.84]p.16 Shahina A. Ghazanfar Adventures in Kalahari [a.84]p.19 Joel Lode How many species of Adenium are there? [a.85]p.4 Bruce J. Hargreaves Is Caralluma edulis a mosquito-pollinated Stapeliad? [a.85]p.7 Bert Jonkers The Danes as Matchmakers, New Hybrids of Ceropegia distincta [a.85]p.10 Gerhard Lauchs Tylophora conspicua, a pantropical African liana of Apocynaceae – Asclepiadoideae [a.85]p.11 Ulrich Meve A Note on the monotypic genus Eustegia [a.85]p.15 P.V. Bruyns Loaves, Fishes and Flies [a.85]p.20 Steven Hammer Queen of the Asclepiads – Edithcolea grandis N.E. Brown from East Africa [a.85]p.22 Werner Niemeier Growing difficult Asclepiads, [ or are they all difficult?] [a.85]p.24 Håkan Sønnermö</p><p>PLANTS; Adenia glauca [a.84]p.20 Adenium boehmianum [a.85]p.4,5,6 Adenium honghel [a.85]p.4 Adenium multiflorum [a.85]p.4,5 Adenium socotranum [a.85]p.4,5 Adenium somalense [a.85]p.5 Adenium speciosum [a.85]p.4,5 Adenium swazicum [a.85]p.4,5 Adenium obesum [a.85]p.4,5 Adenium oleifolium [a.84]p.20 [a.85]p.4,5 Angolluma luntii [a.83]p.20 [a.84]p.17 Angolluma wissmannii [a.83]p.20 [a.84]p.18 Anomalluma dodsoniana [a.84]p.16 Asclepias crispa [a.85]p.16 Borealluma tuberculata [a.83]p.24 Brachystelma australe [a.84]p.4,9 Brachystelma barberae [a.84]p.4,22 Brachystelma caffrum [a.84]p.4,9 Brachystelma campanulatum [a.84]p.5,6,8,9 Brachystelma cathcartense [a.84]p.5,9 Brachystelma circinatum [a.84]p.5,8,9 Brachystelma comptum [a.84]p.5,7,9 Brachystelma decipiens [a.84]p.5,6,9 Brachystelma delicatum [a.84]p.6,8,9 Brachystelma elongatum [a.84]p.6,9 Brachystelma foetidum [a.84]p.20,21 Brachystelma gerrardii [a.84]p.5 Brachystelma huttonii [a.84]p.6,8,9 Brachystelma kerzneri [a.84]p.8 Brachystelma luteum [a.84]p.8,9 Brachystelma meyerianum [a.84]p.6,9 Brachystelma micranthum [a.84]p.6 Brachystelma minimum [a.84]p.7,9 Brachystelma modestum [a.84]p.4 Brachystelma montanum [a.84]p.4,7 Brachystelma occidentale [a.85]p.15 Brachystelma perditum [a.84]p.7,9 Brachystelma praelongum [a.84]p.6 Brachystelma pygmaeum [a.84]p.7 Brachystelma pygmaeum subsp. flavidum [a.84]p.7 Brachystelma pygmaeum subsp. pygmaeum [a.84]p.9 Brachystelma sandersonii [a.84]p.7 Brachystelma schizoglossoides [a.84]p.7,9 Brachystelma schoenlandianum [a.84]p.4,7 Brachystelma sp.nova. [a.84]p.9 Brachystelma tabularum [a.84]p.4,8 Brachystelma tenellum [a.84]p.8 Brachystelma tuberosum [a.84]p.6,8,9 Caralluma aucheriana [a.83]p.22 Caralluma dodsoniana [a.84]p.12,16 Caralluma edulis [a.85]p.7,8,9 Caralluma furta [a.85]p.7 Caralluma hexagona [a.84]p.12 Caralluma lugardii [a.84]p.20 Caralluma luntii [a.84]p.17 Caralluma penicillata [a.83]p.19 Caralluma rogersii [a.84]p.22 Caralluma torta [a.83]p.38 Caralluma tuberculata [a.83]p.24 Caralluma quadrangula [a.84]p.12,15 Caralluma wissmannii [a.84]p.18 Ceropegia ampliata [a.84]p.20 Ceropegia botrys [a.83]p.20,22 Ceropegia bulbosa [a.83]p.22 Ceropegia distincta [a.85]p.10 Ceropegia distincta subsp. haygarthii [a.85]p.10 Ceropegia distincta subsp. verruculosa [a.85]p.10 Ceropegia sandersonii [a.85]p.10 Cibirhiza dhofarensis [a.83]p.22 Crenulluma aucheriana [a.83]p.22 Crenulluma awdeliana [a.83]p.22 Cryptolluma edulis [a.83]p.20 Cynanchum gerrardii [a.83]p.22 Desmidorchis arabica [a.83]p.19,22 Desmidorchis awdeliana [a.83]p.22 Desmidorchis flavus [a.84]p.13 Desmidorchis foulcheri-delboschii [a.84]p.13 Desmidorchis hexagonus [a.84]p.13 Desmidorchis penicillata [a.83]p.19 [a.84]p.12,13 Desmidorchis rauhii [a.84]p.12,13 Duvalia polita [a.84]p.22 Echidnopsis bentii [a.83]p.38 Echidnopsis cereiformis [a.85]p.24 Echidnopsis insularis [a.83]p.38 Echidnopsis milleri [a.83]p.38 Echidnopsis scutellata spp. dhofarensis [a.84]p.12,13 Echidnopsis socotrana [a.83]p.38 Edithcolea baylissiana [a.85]p.22 Edithcolea grandis [a.85]p.22 Edithcolea sordida [a.85]p.22 Eustegia minuta [a.85]p.19 Fockea angustifolia [a.84]p.20 Fockea manroi [a.84]p.20 Frerea indica [a.83]p.37 Gomphocarpus cancellatus [a.85]p.16 Gomphocarpus fruticosus [a.85]p.16 Hoodia annulata [a.85]p.24 Hoodia lugardii [a.84]p.20 Huernia confusa [a.83]p.36 Huernia hislopii [a.83]p.26,29 Huernia hystrix var. hystrix [a.83]p.27,31,34 Huernia keniensis [a.83]p.31,34 Huernia kirkii [a.83]p.26,29,36 Huernia loesneriana [a.83]p.27,29 Huernia namaquensis [a.83]p.33,36 Huernia nouhuysii [a.83]p.33,36 Huernia oculata [a.83]p.31,35 Huernia pillansii [a.83]p.26,29 Huernia rosea [a.83]p.31,34,37 Huernia stapelioides [a.83]p.27,29,31,37 Huernia transvaalensis [a.83]p.25,29 Huernia urceolata [a.83]p.33,35,37 Huernia whitesloaneana [a.83]p.27,29 Huernia zebrina [a.83]p.33,36 Huerniopsis atrosanguinea [a.84]p.22 Huerniopsis decipiens [a.84]p.20,21,22 Monolluma quadrangula [a.84]p.12,15 Orbea luntii [a.84]p.17 Orbea tapscottii [a.84]p.20,21 Orbea wissmannii [a.84]p.18 Orbeopsis lutea [a.84]p.20 Pachycymbium baldratii [a.84]p.16 Pachycymbium chrysostephanum [a.84]p.16 Pachycymbium eremastrum [a.84]p.17 Pachycymbium luntii [a.84]p.16,17 Pachycymbium meintjesianum [a.84]p.16 Pachycymbium wissmannii [a.84]p.16,17,18 Pseudolithos cubiformis [a.85]p.20 Pseudolithos dodsonianus [a.84]p.13,16 [a.85]p.21 Pseudolithos mccoyi [a.84]p.12,13,15 Pseudolithos migiurtinus [a.83]p.18 [a.85]p.20,21 Raphionacme arabica [a.84]p.13,15 Raphionacme divaricata [a.84]p.22 Raphionacme hirsuta [a.84]p.20 Rhytidocaulon fulleri [a.84]p.13,15 Rhytidocaulon torta [a.83]p.38 Rhytidocaulon tortum [a.83]p.38 Sarcostemma viminale [a.84]p.13,15 [a.85]p.18 Secamone alpini [a.85]p.16 Stapelia flavopurpurea [a.83]p.39,40 Stapelia gariepensis [a.85]p.21 Stapelia gigantea [a.84]p.20 Stapelia grandiflora [a.85]p.6,24 Stapelia kwebensis [a.84]p.20,21 Stapelia leendertziae [a.85]p.24 Stapelia schinzii [a.84]p21 Stapeliopsis neronis [a.85]p.21 Stigmatorhynchus hereroensis [a.85]p.18 Tavaresia barklyi [a.84]p.22 Tylophora apiculata [a.85]p.12,13 Tylophora conspicua [a.85]p.11,12,13,14 Tylophora grandiflora [a.85]p.12 Tylophora heterophylla [a.85]p.13 Tylophora migoje [a.85]p.11 Tylophora zenkeri [a.85]p.11 W. crassa x Huerniopsis decipiens [a.85]p.21</p><p>PEOPLE; Audissou, Jean-André [a.84]p.21,22 [a.85]p.21 Barad, Gerald [a.85]p.23 Barber, Mary Elizabeth [a.84]p.4 Bates, Brian [a.83]p.38 Batten, Auriol [a.84]p.4 Bayliss, Roy [a.84]p.5 Bosma, Dr. W. [a.83]p.35 Brown, N.E. [a.84]p.5,6,16 [a.85]p.15 Bruyns, Peter [a.83]p.35 [a.84]p.4 [a.84]p.15 Butler, Alan [a.84]p.13 [a.85]p.7,9,10,23,25 Cole, Edith [a.85]p.22 Collenette, Sheila [a.83]p.18,19 [a.84]p.12 Compton, R.H. [a.85]p.17 Darbon, Bill & Cathy [a.83]p.18 De Kock, Dennis [a.83]p.4 Dold, Tony [a.84]p.4,9 Drake, Ellen [a.84]p.19 Cumming, David [a.84]p.4 Evison, Gillian [a.83]p.18 Fisher, Martin [a.84]p.16 Galpin, Ernest [[a.84]p.7 Ghazanfar, Shahina A. [a.84]p.16 Goyder, Dr. David [a.83]p.3,13,26,27,35,36 Hammer, Steven [a.85]p.20 Hargreaves, Bruce [a.84]p.22 [a.85]p.4 Hargreaves, James [a.85]p.5 Hemp, Dr Andreas [a.85]p.13 Hemp, Dr Claudia [a.85]p.13 Jonkers, Bert [a.84]p.12 [a.85]p.7 Lavranos, John [a.83]p.18 [a.84]p.13 Lauchs, Gerhard [a.85]p.10 Leach, Larry C. [a.83]p.25,36 Lode, Joel [a.84]p.19,23, McCoy, Tom [a.83]p.,18 [a.84]p.13,15 McLeish, Ian [a.84]p.16 Meve, Ulrich [a.83]p.38 [a.85]p.11 Miller, Tony [a.83]p.22 [a.84]p.13,15 Moore, Chris [a.83]p.18 [a.85]p.27 Moore, S. [a.84]p.6 Morris, Miranda [a.83]p.22 Mulej, Iztok [a.83]p.39 Nelson, Dawn [a.85]p.21 Newton, Len [a.83]p.18 Niemeier, Werner [a.85]p.22 Oakman, Neil [a.83]p.17,24 Paterson, Florence [a.84]p.8 Peckover, Ralph [a.84]p.89 Rauh, Werner [a.85]p.22 Scholes, Mrs. Mavis [a.83].25 Sim, Thomas [a.84]p.4 Smith, Peter [a.85]p.6 Sønnermö, Håkan [a.85]p.24 Spearing, John K. [a.83]p.25 Strlic, Matija [a.83]p.40 Tidball, M.J. [a.83]p.35 Volkers, Carl [a.85]p.20 Wood, John [a.83]p.18</p><p>COUNTRIES & PLACES; Africa, South [a.83]p.4,34,39 [a.84]p.4,5,9,19 [a.85]p.10,15,16,17,21 Angola [a.85]p.12 Arabia [a.83]p.34 ]a.84]p.17 Asia [a.85]p.13 Athens [a.85]p.3 Australia [a.85]p.12,13 Berlin [a.84]p.8 Bolivia [a.83]p.38 Botswana [a.84]p.5,19,20 [a.85]p.4,5,6 Burundi [a.85]p.12 Bushmanland [a.83]p.39 Cameroon [a.85]p.12 Cape Province [a.83]p.5 [a.84]p.4,5,6,7,8 [a.85]p.16,17,18,19 Congo [a.85]p.12 Dhofar [a.83]p.20,22 [a.84]p.16 [a.85]p.7 Ethiopia [a.85]p.22 France [a.85]p.21 Gaberone [a.84]p.19,20 [a.85]p.4 Germany [a.85]p.10,11,22 Ghana [a.85]p.12 Johannesburg [a.83]p.25 [a.84]p.19 Kenya [a.85]p.22,23 KwaZulu-Natal [a.84]p.4,5,7 Lesotho [a.84]p.5,6 Liberia [a.85]p.12 Namaqualand [a.83]p.39 [a.85]p.17 Namibia [a.83]p.5 [a.84]p.5 [a.85]p.18 Netherlands [a.85]p.7 Oman [a.83]p.20 [a.84]p.16,17,18 [a.85]p.7 Port Edward [a.84]p.8 Port Elizabeth [a.84]p.6,8 Pretoria [[a.83]p.34 Saudi Arabia [a.83]p.20 [a.84]p.12 Slovenia [a.83]p.39 Socotra [a.83]p.38 [a.85]p.22,23 Somalia [a.85]p.22,23 Spain [a.84]p.19 Sweden [a.85]p.24 Tanzania [a.85]p.11,12,13,14,22 Togo [a.85]p.12 Transkei [a.84]p.6,7,8 Uganda [a.85]p.12,22 U.K. [a.83]p.3,13,17,19,24,25 [a.84]p.16 [a.85]p.6,7 USA [a.85]p.20 Yemen [a.83]p.34,37,37,38 [a.84]p.16,17 [a.85]p.22,23 Zanzibar [a.85]p.10 Zimbabwe [a.83]p.26 [a.85]p.12</p>

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