Officer Action Plan and Report

Officer Action Plan and Report

<p>OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p>NAME AND ROLE Danjie Zhong DATE OF REPORT 20/04/2017</p><p>GUIDANCE FOR COMPLETION 1. Full time Officers should list 5 – 7 objectives / outcomes in Part A and B list; Part-time Officers should list at least 3 objectives / outcomes in Part A and B. 2. The current status should be indicated using the key below, and as demonstrated in the first line of the ‘Manifesto’ section; select the cell, right click and use the ‘borders and shading’ function achieve this. STATUS KEY Not Started Underway Completed 3. In Part C please describe the engagement activity that you have taken part in the period since your last report including how the information collected is to be used, and the number of members that you engaged with. 4. In Part D please list any and all gifts or hospitality that you have received, whilst in office and because of your role, since your last report, including the person or organization that gave you the gift or hospitality and the value (or an estimate if unknown).</p><p>PART A MANIFESTO PLEDGES ACTION PLAN AND REPORT Objective and Activity (what I will Previous Report Status expected outcome(s) do to achieve this) 1 Increase the accessibility and opportunity for C I have sent out the list of placements which I I have set up a poll students in terms of work-based learning. o requested from Julie to all the Reps. I within academic staff </p><p>STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> m encouraged them using the opportunity to group in order to find a m communicate with their classmates to find out date to host the u current issue of placement. Based on the discussion forum. And n feedback I had from the form, I will separate the date was decided on ic the current placement of programmes into Thursday 20th April from a each faculty for better viewing. 12:30-13:30 on Park SU. t I have also attended the first meeting in regard Julie Martin, Head of e to work-based learning. The attendance of the Placement and Work- w meeting is diverse, and we have discussed the based Learning is going it existing issues of placements; such as to deliver a h responsibility, communication, quality presentation, followed J assessment, publication, expectation, and cost. by Q&A session. u There will be a specific discussion forum in I have requested a li relations to Work-based learning opportunity in graphic design and e order to collect issue and feedback from social media promotion M students. from Marketing in order a to better promote this rt forum to all the Reps. i All the Faculty Reps and n Voice member of staff , have been informed and H will help me to e disseminate this a opportunity. d I am in process of STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> o separating the list of all f the placements into W individual faculty. o r k - b a s e d L e a r n i n g t o fi n d STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> o u t t h e p r o g r e s s o f i n c r e a si n g STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> p la c e m e n t o p p o rt u n it ie s. A ls o g e t i STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> n v o lv e d w it h s p e ci fi c w o r ki n g g r o u STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> p f o r b e tt e r c o n tr i b u ti o n . 2 Reward the contribution of Course Reps to S The Course Rep of the month for February has The Course Rep of the make them feel more valued. e been announced on 27th of Feb. I have month for February, t messaged the Rep in order to arrange an Lindo decided to take a u interview with her, and I am still waiting for her gap year, so she is no p response. longer based on the U.K. STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> b I still asked her to share r experience but await a response from her. n The Course Rep of the d month for March has n been announced and I e had an interview with w Jen, please see my blog C for full detail. o The date for Course Rep u Celebration has been rs decided on 23rd May. e And we have already R promoted via social e media and merge p emails. s r e w a r d s c STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> h e m e. H o st C o u rs e R e p s c el e b r a ti o n STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> a t t h e e n d o f t h e a c a d e m ic y e a r. 3 Create more opportunity to meet with E Course Rep Corner for February and March I have scheduled two STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p>Course Reps and listen to them. st went ahead, I have informed them what I have Course Rep Corners for a been doing and kept abreast with how they April. One is on b have found their role, also shared good practice Wednesday 12th April, li from each other. Also there will be one on Avenue SU, and another s Avenue and one on Park for April in order to one is on Thursday 20th h listen to more Reps. April, on Pavilion. In C regard to promoting, I o have asked member of u staff to promote on rs social media and send e out emails on my behalf R as I was on leave. e In regard to the Course p Rep Corner’s promotion, s I have requested the c Marketing to film Reps o who will be interested in r order to share n experience for e prospective Reps. Invites r to Reps also been sent o out via social media as n well. c e STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> a m o n t h t o p r o vi d e s u p p o rt t o t h e STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> st u d e n t v o l u n t e e rs .</p><p>4 Build up strong partnership with the W I have gotten hold of Education Officer from I and member of staff University. o Sheffield Hallam SU, where the working group arranged a meeting in r idea comes from. Meeting need to be arranged regard to the working k with members of staff to discuss in further group, and have w detail how we implement the idea in our SU. conducted the terms of it reference for this h working group. t I have also emailed all STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> h the Deans and Deputy e Deans in order to inform U them and ask for ideas. n We are in the process of iv getting ideas as regards e Academic Review. rs it y t o i m p r o v e N S S s a ti sf STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> a c ti o n s c o r e s p a rt ic u la rl y f o c u si n STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> g o n st u d e n t v o ic e.</p><p>5 Allow more students’ voices to be heard. T Myself and Faculty Rep from Business and Law Worked in collaboration h have attended the meeting with academic staff with University to e in regard to PAT system. Have discussed the promote PAT survey. I F current issues and the potential idea to have consulted with a improve. Faculty Rep therefore has conducted Hannah, the Faculty Rep c a draft of survey and I have amended in order from Business and Law u to better gain student’s feedback. whether she would like lt I have also reiterated the importance and issue to set up a working y of PAT system in University’s meeting and my group for third year o meeting’s blog is available for further details. students. She is f currently considering. STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p>B u si n e s s a n d L a w s h o u l d h a v e S S STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p>L C ( S t u d e n t & S t a ff Li ai s o n C o m m it STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> t e e ) </p><p>C r e a t e a s u r v e y t o a s k st u STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> d e n ts h o w t h e y d e fi n e c o n t a c t ti m STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> e, w h ic h is g o o d o p p o rt u n it y t o r e vi e STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> w t h e t e a c h i n g a n d le a r n i n g m e t STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> h o d a s U n iv e rs it y is i n t h e tr a n si ti o n STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> t o W a t e rs i d e.</p><p>W o r k w it h F a c u lt y R STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> e p t o i m p r o v e P A T ( P e rs o n al A c a d STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> e m ic T u t o r) s y st e m . 6 Star Award S I was filmed by Marketing to better promote We have set up a stall t Star Awards to all the students. Please see the both on Avenue and u video by clicking here: Park Campuses in order d to promote Star Awards. e v=VcYieFwiK7E So far this year we n The nomination of Star Awards has open until already have had a t 13th April. breaking record which T I have asked help from Faculty Reps to circulate 486 nominations have e the news on each Faculty. come through. a The venue has been paid and also I have I have sent out all the c organized a regular meeting on each Friday VIP invites to STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> h with members of staff to discuss the progress. University’s staffs, i academic staffs and n Reps individually. g We are currently a confirming the itinerary n with the venue. d R e p r e s e n t a ti o n A w a r d STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> a s a w a y t o d e m o n st r a t e b e st p r a c STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> ti c e i n a c a d e m ic le a r n i n g, b y e m p o STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> w e ri n g st u d e n ts t o a c k n o w le d g e a n STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> d c el e b r a t e t h e e ff o rt s t h a t le c t u STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> r e rs g o t o i n c r e a ti n g a d y n a m ic le a STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> r n i n g e x p e ri e n c e. 7 Promote more work opportunity for W I have emailed Declan Mee, Employability and Received response from students. o Career Advisor in order to see whether there Declan, as he said all the r are more job opportunities for students. job opportunities within k institution are available cl on Unitemps and they o have been encouraging s students to go to el Unitemps. y w it STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> h d if f e r e n t i n st it u ti o n o f U n iv e rs it STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> y, t o s e e k m o r e o p p o rt u n it y f o r st u STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> d e n ts t o g e t i n v o lv e d .</p><p>PART B EXECUTIVE OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p>Objective and expected Activity UPDATE Status outcome(s) (what I will do to achieve this) Course Rep Conference Produce an engaging Repstival 2017 took place on 11th Jan, around 40 students signed up and productive for the conference. Marketing team has recorded the conference conference for Course and will publicise online. Based on what I heard from Course Reps so Reps. far, they all felt positive to the conference. TEF ( Teaching Excellence Framework) Monitor the process of Me and Liam participated in the whole process of TEF submission, measuring different and have reviewed and shared it on Faculty Facebook page. Also we metrics of University. have submitted our statement to University as a result of monitoring the process. Zone Conference of NUS Work alongside with Discussed some ideas with different Students’ Unions that how good NUS to explore some teaching quality should look like and how government should key issues that students monitor teaching quality practically. Jo Johnson, NUS representative are facing. has visited us, I suggested her to keep us informed in regards to the outcome of the Zone Conference. NUS National Demonstration Work alongside with I on behalf of Students’ Union took part in the National Demo NUS and UCU to hosted by NUS and UCU, showing concerns on Education system and express a strong international students’ restricted entry to the U.K. I am going to message to write a blog in order to share my first experience of being in the government. Demo. Contract Cheating Campaign Campaign on the issue Video has been promoted through I have requested the data of </p><p>STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p> that affect the vast SU social media and I have also the survey from Marketing, majority of students’ requested to put on library’s screen and I am in the process of bodies for better circulation and it has been analysing the statistics. on for a week. I have been in touch with I have gone out to talk to students NUS staff in order to share for both campuses and ask them to the campaign idea and sign the cardboard in order to process which will potentially support the campaign and raise the become a campaign idea for awareness. I have also shared it on NUS. social media. Meanwhile, I have attended the workshop in order to see how we can deal with this issue on the government’s level. </p><p>PART C MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY What was the objective of the engagement activity you took part No. of How is the information collected going to be used? in? members 1 .</p><p>2. 3.</p><p>STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed OFFICER ACTION PLAN AND REPORT</p><p>PART D GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY RECEIVED (of more than £10 in value) VALUE Gift or hospitality Received from whom (organization or individual) (estimate if not known) 1. 2.</p><p>STATUS KEY</p><p>Not Started</p><p>Underway</p><p>Completed</p>

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