UNB Vol. 14 No. 2 ALUMNI NEWS Winter 2006 MAKING A SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE $62 MILLION UNB AND COUNTING UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK WWW.UNB.CA/UNBDIFFERENCE Where it’s hopping. In New Brunswick, where there are great jobs, affordable housing, safe communities and a quality of life that’s virtually unmatched. Along with many other New Brunswickers who’ve come home for challenging careers and a balanced lifestyle. Right now. Employers need talented people like you. Don’t wait. Log on and check out the career level opportunities posted on the website. NBjobs.ca BE PROUD OF IT. Winter 2006UNB Vol. 14 No. 2 BE PART OF IT. ALUMNI NEWS INSIDE 6 Major literary award Anne Compton, an assistant professor in UNB Saint John’s department of humanities and languages, wins a Governor General’s Associated Alumni Award for her poetry. Council Members President Barry Beckett (PhD’70) 12 Corporate, alumni gifts Vice-President Major gifts from Kevin Ferguson (BBA’92, BA’93) both corporations Treasurer Carol Foley (BBA’83) and alumni Secretary Larry Hachey (BBA-SJ’87) push Forging Our Immediate Past President Futures campaign Carey A. Ryan (BA’70, MEd’79) above $60 million Board of Governors Representatives Carey A. Ryan (BA’70, MEd’79) Richard J. Scott, Q.C. (BBA’74, LLB’76) Andy Devereaux (BScEE’71, BA’73, DLitt’98) 19 A Volunteer Report Councillors Ian Allen (BA’97, MEd’98) A look at the Jeff Clark (BSc’97, BBA’98) Renée Fleming (BScF’00) lifeblood of the Todd Grimes (BBA’01) Anne Higgins (BEd’92, MEd’96) Associated Alumni; Lynn A. Hruczkowski (BA’82) David T. Le Blanc (BBA’82) why we need Aaron McIntosh (BBA’97, BA’00) volunteers, why Mary Ellen McKinney (BBA’77, BN’00) Hutson Myles (BBA-SJ’97) people volunteer, Heather Neilson (BPE’72) Barry Ogden (BA-SJ’81, MEd’03) and how you can! Craig Penk (BScK/BEd’09) David Thorne (BBA-SJ’91) President of the Associated Alumnae Cover Photo Bonnie Murray (BA’78) At the announcement of the BCE and Lucent Technologies UNB President Chair in Nanotechnology at part of the Forging Our Futures John McLaughlin (BScSE’69, MScSE’71) campaign were, from left, UNB President John McLaughlin, Association Executive Director Mark Hazlett (BPE’87, MPE’89) N.B. Justice Minister Brad Green, Dean of Engineering David Coleman, BCE CEO Michael Sabia, Lucent Technologies Chair • and CEO Pat Russo, and UNB Chancellor Richard Currie. UNB Alumni News is published by the UNB Associated Alumni. Material may be printed in Photo: Joy Cummings whole or in part with appropriate credit to UNB Alumni News, except where copyrighted by the author. Distributed three times a year to alumni 4 Comment and friends of UNB. ISSN 1191-8276. Mailed 5 Literature under Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40063270. Subscription for non-alumni: $15 7 UNB Digest Editor: Milt Thomas Hither & Yon: Kim Bishop 16 Association Activities UNB Digest: Compiled with assistance of Office of Development and Donor Relations, Office of 25 Hither & Yon Student Recruitment & Integrated Marketing (F) & Office of Advancement (SJ) 38 Sports Advertising: Alumni Office, [email protected] Tel: (506) 453-4847 Fax: (506) 453-4616 www.unb.ca/alumni E-Mail: [email protected] Next Issue: Spring 2006 At the Office of the UNB Associated Alumni, we care about your privacy and take the Deadline: March 1, 2006 matter very seriously. We recognize that our alumni are concerned about the information we maintain and how that information is used. As the basis for our own policy, we follow Printed in Canada Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). WINTER 2006 UNB ALUMNI NEWS • 3 COMMENT You are the measure of the strength of UNB reetings to all and best wishes as the more people I meet and the greater the bragging rights I Gwe head into another year. It has have as your president. been my great pleasure to represent you It never hurts to re-state the purpose of our association. all at a wide variety of activities during which is to provide programs and services that help develop the fall. The Convocation exercises on bonds among alumni and a lifelong relationship with the uni- the two campuses gave me the opportu- versity, AND to support UNB in its efforts to attract students nity to welcome the latest additions to and provide them with quality educational experiences. our alumni family. In the context of that statement, I am delighted that a As an association, we support a host significant part of this edition of the News (see pages 19- of activities that enrich the experience 22) is devoted to volunteers, to whom we owe so much. I students have while attending UNB. For thank all those who have volunteered, and continue to do example, in the last couple of months I have attended sever- so. It is not always easy, but it is rewarding. While we have al scholarship award ceremonies on your behalf, including a great deal to be proud of, there is much to be done as hosting a reception for Beaverbrook Scholars, attending sev- UNB continues its pursuit of excellence. As the article eral award ceremonies held by individual faculties, as well as illustrates so well, there are many ways alumni can con- hosting our own awards ceremonies on each campus. It has tribute to achieving this goal. As an association we could also been a pleasure to attend lecture series, such as those do more. I encourage more of you to lend a helping hand named for James Dineen and Stewart McNutt, which the in whatever way you can. (To find out more, contact association co-sponsors. The association also works in part- Shawna Pratt at [email protected].) nership with faculties on a number of activities. The strength of a university is measured by the quality of What has impressed me is the “up front” recognition of its alumni. You benefitted from a first-rate education. Be the support provided by the association for these activities. proud of it! Flaunt it! You are our best ambassadors and This is in addition to the thanks I receive, as your represen- recruiters. We should not be shy in wanting to be the best. tative, from individual alumni. These are just a few exam- In closing, I wish to thank the Alumni Council members ples of how you, as former students, are helping current stu- for their work and support and, as always, the office staff for dents and it is certainly appreciated. their dedication. Another reward for me, as part of this job, is the opportu- I encourage you to send me your advice, comments and nity it offers for meeting old friends and making new ones. ideas, positive or negative, to [email protected]. I have already enjoyed attending gatherings in Ottawa and Halifax and look forward to visiting more of you during the course of the year. When gatherings are held in your area, I urge you to attend. Not only can these be great social events President, but, from a selfish point of view, the greater the attendance UNB Associated Alumni The campaign and volunteering — two ways to support UNB fficially launched last June, UNB’s $80-million Forging spotlight on alumni volunteers. Last year, moreso than OOur Futures campaign is garnering the unwavering sup- normal, the contributions of alumni willing to give of their port of both major corporations and alumni, as you’ll see time and talents were amplified ten-fold because of from our cover story on page 12. Homecoming 2005, an immense undertaking that would- During the fall, the campaign surpassed the $62-million n’t have been possible without the willing participation of mark with a spate of announcements, ranging from the hundreds of volunteers. They were the ones who made the establishment of a new $2-million chair in nanotechnolo- event such a success. gy, courtesy of BCE and Lucent Technologies — Canada That being said, we felt it was important to get out the (see cover photo), to a Nova Scotia’s family decision to set message that volunteers have something to offer the up a major engineering scholarship in memory of their Associated Alumni year-round. Association President son, a UNB graduate. Barry Beckett cites a perfect example from the fall, when In one way or another, these and other gifts, including he moderated a panel of young health-care professionals, those yet to come, will be invested in the Forging Our all alumni, who were willing to spend an evening talking to Futures campaign’s three main pillars — Our People, Our students and answering their questions about their fields. Places and Our Programs. But, as UNB President John We also outline, on page 22, all the avenues open to vol- McLaughlin puts it, “we’re far from finished yet.” Keep unteers under our Outreach Program. We’re sure there’s watch as the year progresses for more announcements something there for everyone. about those who believe in the future of UNB. • In the centre section of this edition, we’re putting the Milt Thomas, Editor 4 • UNB ALUMNI NEWS WINTER 2006 LITERATURE Poets Talk: Conversations with nightmare of war, as well as the limita- etc. But he soon finds that the past holds Robert Kroetsch, Daphne tions of small-town life in New Brunswick horrors that may claim his life. With his in the mid-1900s. Maclean portrays the life new friend, Wanda, he battles an evil enti- Marlatt, Erin Mouré, Dionne of an alcoholic veteran of World War One, ty that wants the power he, Greg, unwit- Brand, Marie Annharte Baker, as outlined within a single day in the late tingly holds.
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