<p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 1 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AFGHANISTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P077417 AF-Emergency Public Administration Proj APPOINTMENT AS A PROCUREMENT MANAGER CQS MR. AHMAD SHAH NAIK Law and justice and public administration 200.0 PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS & ACCESSORIES SHOP M/S IBP SHARP, KABUL Law and justice and public administration 122.7</p><p>P077533 Emergency Community Empowerment Project FACILITATION OF THE NATIONAL SOLIDARITY PROG SSS AFGHAN DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 159.9 Health and other social services 347.7 Law and justice and public administration 27.8 Transportation 159.9 Total: 695.4</p><p>FACILITATION OF THE NATIONAL SOLIDARITY PROG SSS ACTED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 397.7 Health and other social services 864.5 Law and justice and public administration 69.2 Transportation 397.7 Total: 1,729.0</p><p>FACILITATION OF THE NATIONAL SOLIDARITY PROG SSS ACTIONAID Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 148.1 Health and other social services 322.0 Law and justice and public administration 25.8 Transportation 148.1 Total: 644.0</p><p>FACILITATION OF THE NATIONAL SOLIDARITY PROG SSS AGHA KHAN DEVELOPMENT NETWORK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 190.4 Health and other social services 414.0 Law and justice and public administration 33.1 Transportation 190.4 Total: 828.0 FACILITATION OF THE NATIONAL SOLIDARITY PROG SSS AGENCY FOR REHABILITATION AND ENERGY CONSERVATI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 171.4 Health and other social services 372.5 Law and justice and public administration 29.8 Transportation 171.4 Total: 745.0</p><p>MRRD/CONCERN/132/11/NSP: FACILITATION OF THE SSS CONCERN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 70.2 Health and other social services 152.5 Law and justice and public administration 12.2 Transportation 70.2 Total: 305.0</p><p>FACILITATION OF THE NATIONAL SOLIDARITY PROG SSS OCKENDEN INTERNATIONAL (OI) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 95.4 Health and other social services 207.3 Law and justice and public administration 16.6 Transportation 95.4 Total: 414.7</p><p>MRRD/OXFAM/132/20/NSP: NSP FACILITATING PART QBS OXFAM GB Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 165.1 Health and other social services 358.9 Law and justice and public administration 28.7 Transportation 165.1 Total: 717.8</p><p>FACILITATION OF THE NSP BY BRAC IN THE DISTR QBS BRAC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 105.6 Health and other social services 229.5 Law and justice and public administration 18.4 Transportation 105.6 Total: 459.0</p><p>FACILITATION OF NSP IN 4 DISTRICTS IN NURIST QBS MISSION D'AIDE AU DEVELOPPEMENT DES ECONOMICS R Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 168.8 Health and other social services 367.0 Law and justice and public administration 29.4 Transportation 168.8 Total: 733.9</p><p>P077779 Emergency Infrastructure Reconstruction VEHICLES LOT 16 G1 ISH TRYCO ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 2 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AFGHANISTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 202.5 Law and justice and public administration 49.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 198.0 Total: 450.0</p><p>P078069 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund PILOT FINANCING OF MICROFINANCE INVESTMENT A SSS MERCY CORPS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 37.9 Finance 37.9 Health and other social services 37.9 Law and justice and public administration 265.5 Total: 379.3</p><p>ALTAI CONSULTANTS PORVIDES MANAGMENT ADVICE SSS ALTAI CONSUTANTS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 230.0 Finance 230.0 Health and other social services 230.0 Law and justice and public administration 1,610.0 Total: 2,300.0</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF BITUMEN SHOP M/S NAJIBULLAH NAHRIN CO. LTD., KABUL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 13.9 Finance 13.9 Health and other social services 13.9 Law and justice and public administration 97.0 Total: 138.5</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF BITUMEN SHOP M/S MATA LTD., KABUL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 13.8 Finance 13.8 Health and other social services 13.8 Law and justice and public administration 96.3 Total: 137.5 P078284 Emergency Transport Rehabilitation REMAINING COST OF 10 TEMPORARY BRIDGES FOR K DIR KAMGAR LTD Transportation 1,100.0</p><p>P078324 Afghanistan Health Sector Emergency Reha CONSULTANCY SERVICES UNDER PPA IN FARAH PROV QCBS COORDINATION FOR HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE (CHA) Health and other social services 5,381.2 CONSULTANCY SERVICES UNDER PPA IN HILMAND PR QCBS M/S IBN SINA PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAMME Health and other social services 7,919.4 CONSULTANCY SERVICES UNDER PPA IN NIMROZ PRO QCBS M/S COOPERAZIONE INTERNATIONALE Health and other social services 1,692.0 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THIRD PARTY EVALUAT QBS JV OF JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY (JHBSPH) & INDIA Finance 38.6 Health and other social services 3,396.2 Law and justice and public administration 385.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 38.6 Total: 3,859.3</p><p>P082078 Creating Future Potential Entreprenuers HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROJECT F CQS M/S ASCHIANA Finance 240.0 HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROJECT F CQS M/S ASCHIANA Finance 238.0 HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROJECT F CQS M/S AFGHANISTAN DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (ADA) Finance 230.0 CONSULTANCY SERVICES OF A PROJECT MANAGER QBS MR. MOHAMMED ZIA Finance 42.0</p><p>P084329 Emergency National Solidarity Project FACILITATION OF NSP IN JAWAND AND AB-KAMERAY QBS BRAC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 114.8 Education 114.8 Energy and mining 91.8 Finance 45.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 91.8 Total: 459.0</p><p>CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR MRRD STAFF SSS BRAC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 57.0 Education 57.0 Energy and mining 45.6 Finance 22.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 45.6 Total: 228.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 3 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AFGHANISTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>FACILITATION OF THE NATIONAL SOLIDARITY PROG QBS GERMAN AGRO ACTION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 61.1 Education 61.1 Energy and mining 48.8 Finance 24.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 48.8 Total: 244.2</p><p>Country Total: 32,632.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 32,632.9 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 4 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ALBANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Albania P040818 DURRES PORT CONSTRUCTION OF ACCESS ROAD TO EASTERN QUAY NCB NARR SHA. Transportation 163.6 CONSTRUCTION OF ACCESS ROAD TO EASTERN QUAY NCB TIRANA DKK SHPK Transportation 163.6 COMPACTION AND DRAINAGE OF STORAGE AREA TO E NCB SALILLARI SH.P.K. Transportation 766.1</p><p>P045312 HEALTH RECOVERY DESIGN & SUPERVISION OF DEPART OF HEALTH & I SSS NEW SH.P.K. Health and other social services 34.8</p><p>P054736 AG SERVICES LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR AGRICULTURAL SEED P ICB ALBOSI LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 36.9 Industry and trade 84.8 Law and justice and public administration 62.7 Total: 184.3</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF VITRO SEED LABORATORY EQUIPME ISH KRIJON LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 8.4 Industry and trade 19.2 Law and justice and public administration 14.2 Total: 41.7</p><p>REHABILITATION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY REGISTR ICB ALBA NDERTIM SH.P.K. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 168.8 Industry and trade 388.1 Law and justice and public administration 286.9 Total: 843.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF AGRICULTURE PRODUCTS WHOLESA ICB RIVIERA LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 118.0 Industry and trade 271.5 Law and justice and public administration 200.7 Total: 590.2</p><p>P057182 LEG/JUD REF PROCUREMENT OF OFFICE COMPUTER EQUIPMENTS. ICB FUTURE BUSINESS SYSTEM (FBS) Law and justice and public administration 558.0 CONSULTANCY FOR REFORMING THE LEGAL AND JUDI INDV KATHLEEN IMHOLZ Education 20.7 Law and justice and public administration 94.3 Total: 115.0</p><p>DEVELOPMENT OF A PENAL COURT RECORD MANAGEME INDV HANS H. KORB Education 29.2 Law and justice and public administration 132.8 Total: 162.0</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AUDIO EQUIPMENT - LOT 2. ICB ALFA SERVICES LTD. Education 17.5 Law and justice and public administration 79.9 Total: 97.5</p><p>P066260 ROAD MAINT CW-ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORKS ON RURAL ROADS NCB AL-DOK Transportation 109.9 CW-ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORKS ON RURAL ROADS NCB PROJEKSION Transportation 109.9 WINTER MAINTENANCE N30 MILOT - FUSHE AREZ NCB DELIA GROUP Transportation 183.7 N6 MILOT - PESHKOPI ROAD NCB ALBAVIA SHPK Transportation 272.5 KORCA CIRCLE NCB SINDER AB SHPK Transportation 122.1 WINTER MAINTENANCE - DIBRA CIRCLE 3131 N31 NCB ALMO KONSTRUKSION SHPK Transportation 180.4 WINTER MAINTENANCE - KUKESI CIRCLE - 3108 CI NCB ARIFAJ SHPK Transportation 175.6 NO. N59 PERIODIC AND ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ICB ARGINERT SHPK Transportation 327.3 NO. N59 PERIODIC AND ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ICB GURI NDERTIM Transportation 327.3 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE NCB ERNIKU SHPK Transportation 133.3 ROUTINE & PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ON NATIONAL R ICB JV GJIKURA Transportation 755.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 5 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ALBANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>ROUTINE & PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ON NATIONAL R ICB SPARTAKU Transportation 407.0 PERIODIC AND ROUTINE MAINTENANCE - N25 LAC-K NCB GECI SH.P.K. Transportation 613.9 PERIODIC AND ROUTINE MAINTENANCE N32 LEZHE-S NCB ERNIKU SHPK Transportation 79.0 PERIODIC, ROUTINE & WINTER MAINTENANCE WORKS ICB ALMO KONSTRUKSION SHPK Transportation 366.3 PERIODIC, ROUTINE & WINTER MAINTENANCE WORKS ICB ANK Transportation 366.3 PERIODIC & WINTER MAINTENANCE WORKS ON THE N ICB GECI SHPK Transportation 2,631.8 PERIODIC & ROUTINE ROAD MAINTENANCE - N58 CE NCB SALILLARI SH.P.K. Transportation 273.7 ROAD N72 LUSHNJE-BERAT NCB AGE HIGHWAY CO. Transportation 87.8 PERIODIC, ROUTINE, AND WINTER MAINTENANCE ON NCB JV ARIFAI SHPK Transportation 449.6 PERIODIC, ROUTINE, AND WINTER MAINTENANCE ON NCB VELLAZERIA Transportation 432.0</p><p>P069120 EDUC REF SUPPLY OF FURNITURE:BLACKBORARDS, WOOD CUPBO ICB "ERZENI" Education 140.1 SCHOOL FURNITURE FOR NEWLY REHABILITATED SCH ICB ERZENI & M-LEZHA & ERALD Education 321.8 SCHOOL FURNITURE FOR NEWLY REHABILITATED SCH ICB ERZENI & M-LEZHA & ERALD Education 212.2 SCHOOL FURNITURE FOR NEWLY REHABILITATED SCH ICB "ERZENI" Education 54.0 PUBLIC EXPENDITURE TRACKING SURVERY (LOCAL F CQS PUBLIC-PRIVATE FINANCE INSTITUTE Education 57.5 PRINTING MACHINE FOR NAEC (NATIONAL ASSESMEN SHOP ALFLEXIM LTD Education 90.0 OPTICAL MARK READING MACHINE FOR NAEC SHOP ALFLEXIM LTD Education 73.1 P069939 PUB ADM REF SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF INFORMATION SYSTE ICB INFOSOFT SYSTEMS SH.A Law and justice and public administration 555.8</p><p>P074905 PWR SECT REHAB/RESTRCT'G CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CONSUMER SATISFACTI QCBS KPMG ALBANIA SH.P.K. Energy and mining 48.9 SUPPLY OF METERS, INDIVIDUAL METER BOXES AND ICB GSA Energy and mining 1,883.8 REVALUATION OF KESH ASSETS QCBS DELOITTE & TOUCHE Energy and mining 1,119.4</p><p>Country Total: 16,682.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 16,682.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 6 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ANGOLA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Angola P072205 Economic Management TA PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS - AUDIT DU PROJET 200 QCBS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS (ANGOLA), LDA Finance 6.6 Law and justice and public administration 19.9 Total: 26.5</p><p>P078288 AO: Emergency Demob & Reintegration MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AN CQB DIZIMISTA SOFTWARE LDA Health and other social services 136.0 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND PROCUREMENT SERVICE QCBS KPMG ANGOLA Health and other social services 3,782.0</p><p>Country Total: 3,944.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 3,944.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 7 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Dominica P077680 Dominica- Emergency Recovery Project FINANCIAL AUDIT REPORT FOR FISCAL YEARS 2002 LCS PRICE WATERHOUSE COOPERS ANTIGUA Energy and mining 6.1 Law and justice and public administration 1.5 Transportation 11.3 Total: 18.9</p><p>DESIGN AND SUPERVISION OF INSTALLATION OF CL CQB JORANDA INTERNATIONAL INC. Transportation 18.6</p><p>Country Total: 37.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 37.5 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 8 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ARGENTINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Albania P074905 PWR SECT REHAB/RESTRCT'G KESH INVENTORY CONTROL PROCEDURES QCBS LEVIN Energy and mining 104.3</p><p>Country Total: 104.3</p><p>Argentina P005980 AR PROV ROADS LECHE ENTERA EN POLVOFORTIFICADA CON HIERRO, ICB LA SIBILA S.A. Law and justice and public administration 190.7 Transportation 6,165.2 Total: 6,355.9</p><p>PAVING OF RUTA 60, SECT I. PROVINCIA DE NEUQ NCB VIALCO S.A. Transportation 1,292.5 PAVING OF RP#10 NCB EDECA SA Transportation 3,803.2 REPAVING OF RPN#28 NCB EDECA SA Transportation 2,560.9 REPAVING OF RP#74, SECTION BENITO JUAREZ-TAN NCB MARCALBA S.A. Transportation 1,571.4 REPAVING OF RP#74, SECTION BENITO JUAREZ-TAN NCB PERALES AGUIAR Transportation 1,571.4 REPAVING OF RPN#4, SECTOR RPN#6-ELISA, RPN#8 NCB VIAL AGRO S.A. Transportation 6,338.6 RECONSTRUCTION WORKS RP#6, SECTOR GRAL. FOTH NCB HORMICOR S.A. Transportation 2,722.4 PAVING RPN #60. SECTION II NCB VIALCO Transportation 1,405.5 PAVING OF ROUTE # 60. SECTION III. NCB VIALCO Transportation 1,421.5 REPAVIMENTACION RPN 51, TRAMO RNN #226-RPN#7 NCB *JOSE J. CHEDIACK* Transportation 3,302.7 P006010 AR PROV AG DEVT I COVERING OF THE SAN MARTIN CANAL - MONTECASE NCB GENCO S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 281.7 Law and justice and public administration 35.2 Transportation 281.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 281.7 Total: 880.4</p><p>LECHE ENTERA EN POLVO FORTIFICADA CON HIERRO ICB VERONICA S.A.C.I.A.F.E I. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,600.0 Law and justice and public administration 200.0 Transportation 1,600.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,600.0 Total: 5,000.0</p><p>CONSTRUCCION DE RED DE RIEGO DEL VALLE 16 DE NCB AQUAPARK S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 675.3 CONSTRUCCION DE RED DE RIEGO DEL VALLE 16 DE NCB STORNINI S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 675.3 ARV DRUG: ABACAVIR- COMPRIMIDOS 300 MG LIB LABORATORIOS FILAXIS S.A Water, sanitation and flood protection 357.6 ANTIRETROVIRALS: ABACAVIR (SYRUP)& AMPRENAVI LIB GLAXO SMITH KLINE ARGENTINA S.A Water, sanitation and flood protection 573.8 ARV DRUGS:DIDANOSINA TABLETAS 100MG;NEVIRAPI LIB DROGUERIA MAGNA S.A Water, sanitation and flood protection 947.7 ARV DRUG: LT.14:NELFINAVIR-(CAPSULES 250 MG) LIB LABORATORIOS RICHMOND S.A.C.I.F Water, sanitation and flood protection 882.5 LAMIVUDINA+ZIDOVUDINA CAPSULES 300 MG,LAMIVU LIB LABORATORIOS ELEA S.A.C.I.F.I.A Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,916.1 ARV DRUGS:LOPINAVIR/RITONAVIR (CAPSULES 133. LIB ABBOTT LABORATORIES ARGENTINA S.A Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,312.6 IMPLEMENTATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE TSE DIS SSS IICA - INSTITUTO INTERAMERICANO DE COOPERACION Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,393.5 ARV DRUG: NEVIRAPINA ( SYRUP 240 ML.)7.800 U ICB BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM S.A Water, sanitation and flood protection 243.1 ARV DRUG: SAQUINAVIR (SOFT CAPSULE 200 MG EA ICB PRODUCTOS ROCHE SAQEI Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,442.5 ARV DRUGS: ZIDOVUDINA 200 (AMPOULES) 10,790 ICB LABORATORIOS FILAXIS S.A Water, sanitation and flood protection 34.7 ARV DRUG: LOT. 21: STAVUDINA (CAPSULES 30 MG ICB MEDIPHARMA S.A Water, sanitation and flood protection 191.4 CONVENIO SAGPYA-IICA.T.A.FOR AGRICULTURE SER SSS IICA - INSTITUTO INTERAMERICANO DE COOPERACION Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,838.9</p><p>P006018 AR PROV DEVT II ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 9 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ARGENTINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>CONSTRUCCION DEL EDIFICIO PODER JUDICIAL Y M LIB RIVA S.A. Education 2,393.7 Health and other social services 2,393.7 Law and justice and public administration 4,787.4 Transportation 3,191.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,191.6 Total: 15,957.9</p><p>P006052 AR FLOOD PROTECTION LECHE ENTERA EN POLVO FORTIFICADA CON HIERRO ICB KASDORF S.A Health and other social services 1,655.1 ADQ. LECHE FORTIFICADA EN POLVO CON HIERRO, ICB VERONICA S.A.C.I.A.F.E I. Health and other social services 1,248.7 LECHE ENTERA EN POLVO FORTIFICADA CON HIERRO ICB KASDORF S.A Health and other social services 1,490.5 OBRA DEFENSA CONTRA INUNDACIONES CIUDAD GUAL ICB DRAGADOS Y OBRAS PORTUARIAS SA-JCR SA Health and other social services 534.1 Industry and trade 1,201.8 Law and justice and public administration 267.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11,350.2 Total: 13,353.2</p><p>DEFENSA FRONTAL A.M.G.R. TRAMO III ICB CCI-CONSTRUCCIONES S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 6,696.3 OBRAS DE DEFENSA CONTRA INUNDACIONES CIUDAD ICB DRAGADOS Y OBRAS PORTUARIAS SA-JCR SA Water, sanitation and flood protection 13,353.2 PURCHASING OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT. LOTE-1 & 2. LIB CROMOION S.R.L. Health and other social services 345.1 PURCHASING OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT. LOTE-1 LIB LABORATORIOS LEMOS S.R.L. Health and other social services 307.2 SUPPLY OF MEDICINE FOR THE PROGRAM MATERNAL ICB AVENTIS BEHRING S.A. Health and other social services 583.4</p><p>P006059 AR-Maternal & Child Hlth & Nutrition 2 LPI 005 LOTE 3 CUYO LECHE FORTIFICADA CONTRA ICB MILKAUT SA Health and other social services 415.0</p><p>P006060 AR MUNIC DEVT II COMPRA DE CAMIONES RECOLETRORES DE RESIDUOS LIB IGARRETA SACI Law and justice and public administration 173.8 Transportation 382.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 312.8 Total: 868.8</p><p>CONSTRUCCION DEL TERMINAL DE OMNIBUS LIB UTE RIVA S.A/CODAM S.R.L. Law and justice and public administration 1,050.4 Transportation 2,310.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,890.6 Total: 5,251.7</p><p>P034091 AR-Higher Ed. Reform LOT 27:LIPONAVIR/RITONAVIR SYRUP-80/20MG/ML DIR ABBOTT LABORATORIES ARGENTINA S.A Education 944.6 ANTIRETROVIRAL- ABACAVIR- 300 MG. LIB LABORATORIOS FILAXIS S.A Education 2,223.2 ARV DRUG: EFAVIRENZ-CAPSULES 200MGS.& NELFIN LIB LABORATORIOS RICHMOND S.A.C.I.F Education 5,001.1 ARV DRUG: INDINAVIR (CAPSULES 400MG);LAMIVUD LIB LABORATORIOS KAMPEL MARTIAN S.A Education 2,193.2 ARV DRUGS FOR AIDS PROGRAM EMERGENCY: LOPINA LIB ABBOTT LABORATORIES ARGENTINA S.A Education 4,701.9 ACICLOVIR (47,916 UNITS-AMPOULLES 500 MGS)& ICB LABORATORIOS FILAXIS S.A Education 101.6 ARV DRUGS: LOT.29: ACICLOVIR 800MGS.LOT. 46: ICB LABORATORIOS NORTHIA S.A.C.I.F. Y A. Education 95.6 LOT. 30 AMICACINA 500MGS,LOT.32 AMPICILINA 5 ICB BIOCROM S.A Education 160.3 ARV DRUGS:LOT-31 AMOXICILINA 500MG. LOT-35 C ICB LABORATORIOS FABRA S.R.L. Education 20.3 ARV DRUGS:LOT-33 ANFOTERICINA B. 50MG. LOT-5 ICB LABORATORIOS RICHET S.A. Education 125.8 ARV DRUGS:LOT-64 PIRAZINAMIDA 250MG. ICB VEINFAR I.C.S.A. Education 25.3 ARV DRUGS:LOT-36 CEFTAZIDIMA 1G. ICB FADA PHARMA S.A. Education 19.3 ARV DRUGS:LOT-61 NISTATINA SYRUP 10.000.000 ICB BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB S.R.L. Education 7.7 ARV DRUGS:LOT-49 FLUCONZOL 200MG ICB GEMEPE S.A Education 9.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 10 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ARGENTINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>ARV DRUGS:LOT-51 FOSCARNET 500ML. LOT-52 GAN ICB DROGUERIA MAGNA S.A. Education 356.5 ARV DRUGS:LOT-48 FLUCONAZOL 100MG. LOT-50 FL ICB KLONAL S.R.L. Education 103.7 ARV DRUGS:LOT-65 PIRIMETAMINA 25 COMPRIMIDOS ICB GLAXOSMITHKLINE ARGENTINA S.A. Education 83.6</p><p>P037049 AR PUB.INV.STRENGTHG BGH SA - COMPRA DE 12 LICENCIAS ORACLE LIB BGH S.A. Law and justice and public administration 536.7 AMPLIACION Y SOFTWARE DE EQUIPOS SUN - CONTR ICB BGH S.A. Law and justice and public administration 159.2 LOTE 5 - ACTA DE ADJUDICACION 2/2004 ICB DATAWAVES S.A. Law and justice and public administration 295.1</p><p>P039584 AR B.A.URB.TSP LECHE ENTERA EN POLVO FORTIFICADA CON HIERRO ICB MASTELLONE HNOS S.A. Law and justice and public administration 1,353.1 Transportation 12,177.9 Total: 13,531.0</p><p>ADQUISICION VACUNAS Y ANTITUBERCULOSTATICOS DIR ORGANIZACION PANAMERICANA DE LA SALUD OPS/OMS Law and justice and public administration 2,900.0 Transportation 26,100.0 Total: 29,000.0</p><p>LAMIVUDINA +ZIDOVUDINA-937.917(EA.150MG/300 LIB DROGUERIA MAGNA S.A Transportation 469.2 SUPPLY OF MEDICINE FOR THE PROGRAM MATERNAL ICB LABORATORIOS FABRA S.R.L. Transportation 183.8 SUPPLY OF MEDICINE FOR THE PROGRAM MATERNAL ICB KLONAL S.R.L. Transportation 168.1 SUPPLY OF MEDICINE FOR THE PROGRAM MATERNAL ICB FADA PHARMA S.A. Transportation 35.6 SUPPLY OF MEDICINE FOR THE PROGRAM MATERNAL ICB PHARMOS S.A. Transportation 116.3 SUPPLY OF MEDICINE FOR THE PROGRAM MATERNAL ICB AHIMSA S.A. Transportation 23.7 SUPPLY OF MEDICINE FOR THE PROGRAM MATERNAL ICB AVENTIS BEHRING S.A. Transportation 12.2 SUPPLY OF MEDICINE FOR THE PROGRAM MATERNAL ICB ASTRAZENECA S.A. Transportation 125.0</p><p>P039787 GEF AR-BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION CIVIL WORKS - PARQUE NACIONAL COPO Y PAMPA D SHOP ARROYO CONSTRUCCIONES Y ASOCIADOS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 244.3</p><p>P040808 AR N.FOREST/PROTC CONSTRUCTION OF SENDERO QUETRIHUE ARRAYANTES NCB LUIS BENVENUTI CONSTRUCCIONES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 17.1 Health and other social services 75.4 Law and justice and public administration 174.8 Transportation 75.4 Total: 342.7</p><p>P050713 AR MODEL COURT DEV. PROYECTO ARG/99/006 REVISION E ICB PNUD Law and justice and public administration 392.3</p><p>P052590 AR NAT HWY REHAB&MAINT TRANSFERENCIA DE FUNCIONES OPERATIVAS DIR PROVINCIA DE TIERRA DEL FUEGO Law and justice and public administration 16.5 Transportation 532.8 Total: 549.3</p><p>TRANSFERENCIA DE FUNCIONES OPERATIVAS PROVIN DIR PROVINCIA DE SANTA CRUZ Law and justice and public administration 269.1 Transportation 8,700.1 Total: 8,969.2</p><p>TRANSFERENCIA DE FUNCIONES OPERATIVAS, PROVI DIR PROVINCIA DE RIO NEGRO Law and justice and public administration 18.6 Transportation 602.7 Total: 621.4</p><p>TRANSFERENCIA DE FUNCIONES OPEARATIVAS PROVI DIR PROVINCIA DE NEUQUEN Law and justice and public administration 21.1 Transportation 680.5 Total: 701.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 11 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ARGENTINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>CONTRATO PARA LA TRANSFERENCIA DE FUNCIONES DIR PROVINCIA DE LA RIOJA Law and justice and public administration 15.6 Transportation 505.0 Total: 520.6</p><p>CONTRATO PARA LA TRANSFERENCIA DE FUNCIONES DIR PROVINCIA DE LA PAMPA Law and justice and public administration 43.0 Transportation 1,390.5 Total: 1,433.5</p><p>CONTRATO PARA LA TRANSFERENCIA DE FUNCIONES DIR PROVINCIA DE JUJUY Law and justice and public administration 5.5 Transportation 178.3 Total: 183.8</p><p>CONTRATO PARA LA TRANSFERENCIA DE FUNCIONES DIR PROVINCIA DE FORMOSA Law and justice and public administration 4.4 Transportation 140.9 Total: 145.3</p><p>C.O.T. 31 -CONSTRUIR,OPERAR & TRANSFERIR COR LIB RUTAS PAMPEANAS S.A. Law and justice and public administration 143.0 Transportation 4,622.1 Total: 4,765.1</p><p>C.O.T 28 -CONSTRUIR,OPERAR&TRANSFERIR CORRED LIB RUTAS DEL LITORAL S.A Law and justice and public administration 149.0 Transportation 4,816.3 Total: 4,965.2</p><p>CONTRATO PARA LA TRANSFERENCIA DE FUNCIONES DIR PROVINCIA DE CHUBUT Law and justice and public administration 15.6 Transportation 504.4 Total: 520.0</p><p>MAINTENANCE OF NETWORK 202A LIB PERALES AGUIAR Transportation 8,339.0 MAINTENANCE OF NETWORK 202B LIB DYCASA S.A. Transportation 8,111.8</p><p>P057449 AR State Modernization COMPUTER ASSOCIATES DE ARGENTINA S.A. QCBS COMPUTER ASSOCIATES DE ARGENTINA S.A. Law and justice and public administration 104.6</p><p>P064614 AR- Second Secondary Education Project 9 CLASSROOMS, COMPUTER ROOMS, LIBRARY, LABOR NCB ROL INGENIERIA S.A. Education 476.6 9 CLASSROOMS, COMPUTER ROOMS, LIBRARY, LABOR NCB ROL INGENIERIA S.A. Education 454.6 9 CLASSROOMS, COMPUTER ROOMS, LIBRARY, LABOR NCB ROL INGENIERIA S.A. Education 430.4 2 CLASSROOMS, COMPUTER ROOMS, LABORATORY, DI NCB ALTIERI E HIJOS S.A. Education 156.5 MEDIA ROOM, LABORATORY, DINING ROOM AND KITC NCB ALTIERI E HIJOS S.A. Education 146.3 CLASSROOMS, COMPUTER ROOMS, LIBRARY, DINING NCB ALTIERI E HIJOS S.A. Education 73.1 11 CLASSROOMS, COMPUTER ROOM, LIBRARY, LABOR NCB TIRIBELLI CONSTRUCCIONES S.A. Education 463.4</p><p>Country Total: 218,177.0</p><p>Ecuador P063644 EC Power&Comm.Sect Moderniz.&Rural Servi DEFINICION DE UNA METODOLOGIA PARA LA DETERM QCBS SIGLA S.A. Energy and mining 181.2</p><p>Country Total: 181.2</p><p>El Salvador P067986 SV-EARTQUAKE EMERGENCY REC. & HEALTH SER EXPERTO EN EL AREA DE DISEÑO DE INSTALACIONE INDV MICAELA BARONI Health and other social services 67.8</p><p>Country Total: 67.8</p><p>Honduras P055991 HN LAND ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 12 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ARGENTINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>PRINCIPAL ADVISOR TO NATIONAL COORDINATOR INDV EDGARDO DERBES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 96.0</p><p>P057538 HN ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT DESIGN OF CERTIFICATION/CONTROL SYSTEM FOR A QCBS ITYAC ING. TOSTICARELLI Y ASOCIADOS CONSULTORA Transportation 122.9</p><p>P081369 HN MECOVI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT: IMPROVE QBS GUSTAVO VULLO Law and justice and public administration 17.7 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT: ORGANIZAT QBS MARCELA ALVAREZ Law and justice and public administration 13.8 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT:TRAINING S QBS EDUARDO GARCIA Law and justice and public administration 12.3</p><p>Country Total: 262.7</p><p>Moldova P051174 HEALTH INVST FUND MID-TERM EVALUATION INDV EDUARDO ARAUJO Health and other social services 36.1</p><p>Country Total: 36.1</p><p>Nicaragua P050613 NI SECOND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO ICB MUNDO CARTOGRAFICO S.R.L. Education 63.8</p><p>Country Total: 63.8</p><p>Panama P051124 PA UTILITIES RESTRUC TA INFORMATION SYSTEM OF QUALITY STANDARDS OF E QCBS PA CONSULTING GROUP Energy and mining 1.2 Law and justice and public administration 118.5 Total: 119.7</p><p>Country Total: 119.7</p><p>Turkey P009076 HEALTH 2 INFANT INCUBATOR ICB MEDIX Health and other social services 385.3</p><p>Country Total: 385.3</p><p>Uruguay P008177 UY POWER TRNMSN & DISTR EQUIPAMIENTO DE MEDIA TENSIO ICB ABB S.A. Energy and mining 259.1 ADQUISICION DE CABLES DE MEDIA TENSION Y ACC ICB TYCO ELECTRONICS ARGENTINA SA Energy and mining 27.3 ADQUISICION DE CABLES DE MEDIA TENSION Y ACC ICB E. MARCOTEGUI & CIA S.R.L. Energy and mining 134.6 ADQUISICION DE CABLES DE MEDIA TENSION Y ACC ICB PIRELLI ENERGIA CABOS E SISTEMAS DO BRASIL S.A. Energy and mining 1,385.4 EQUIPAMIENTO DE MEDIA TENSION ICB EMA SA Energy and mining 486.5 EQUIPAMIENTO DE MEDIA TENSION ICB ABB SA Energy and mining 259.1</p><p>Country Total: 2,552.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 221,950.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 13 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ARMENIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Armenia P035805 MUN DEVT MAPPING OF MAIN PIPELINES LCS HAJRNAKHAGITS INSTITUTE CJSC WITH CENTER OF GEO Water, sanitation and flood protection 109.3</p><p>P035806 AGR REF SUPPORT PROCUREMENT OF PHOSPHATIC FERTILIZER ICB ICA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 280.6 Industry and trade 369.6 Law and justice and public administration 34.2 Total: 684.4</p><p>P044829 TRANSPORT LOT-2 ROAD M3 MARGARA-VANADZOR-TASHIR-GEORGI ICB ARGISHTI-1 LTD Transportation 928.3 LOT 1 - EQUIPMENT FOR ROLLING STOCK DEPOT ICB ALNITA LTD Transportation 473.9 LOT-2 - PROCUREMENT OF EQUIPMENT FOR ROLLING ICB "KAMAR" CJSC Transportation 850.0 SUPPLY OF THE FASTENING DETAILS FOR RAILWAY ISH RAILWAY SUPPLY SCJSC Transportation 95.2 (LOT-4) SUPPLY OF THE FASTENING DETAILS FOR ISH "GENERAL TRANSWORLD" CJSC Transportation 76.7 (LOT-5) SUPPLY OF THE FASTENING DETAILS FOR ISH RAILWAY SUPPLY SCJSC Transportation 95.3 (LOT-6) SUPPLY OF THE FASTENING DETAILS FOR ISH RAILWAY SUPPLY SCJSC Transportation 76.4 PROCUREMENT OF ROAD GUARDRAILS ICB "METROPOLITENI NOROGMAN-MECHANICAKAN" CJSC Transportation 565.9 (LOT 1)REHABILITATION WORKS AT THE SECTIONS ICB "AKHURYANI CHSHSH" CJSC Transportation 880.2 LOT 1 METALLIC GUARDRAILS INSTALLATION NCB "KAPANI CHSHSH" CJSC Transportation 89.2 LOT-2 METALLIC GUARDRAILS INSTALLATION AT RO NCB "MEGHRU CHSHSH" OJSC Transportation 178.9 PROCUREMENT OF ROAD PAINT ICB "POLIMERKLEY PLANT" OJSC Transportation 170.0 PROCUREMENT OF CONCRETE SLEEPERS ICB ZARATSYAN EV INKERNER LTD Transportation 937.0 REHABILITATION OF THE RETAINING WALL AT ROAD NCB "TUMANYAN CHSHSH" OJSC Transportation 205.3 PROCUREMENT OF BALLAST (SUPPLY FOR REPAIR OF ICB "AYRUMI LERNAGORTS" OJSC Transportation 297.6 COMPONENT-5 ICB "IDEVANI CHSHSH" CJSC Transportation 511.2 COMPONENT-6 ICB "LEVON ERKRORD" LTD. Transportation 620.7 CM-6/2004, COMPONENT-7 ICB "LEVON ERKRORD" LTD. Transportation 862.9 ISBI-009/2 - SUPPLY OF THE FASTENING DETAI SHOP "G.A.S.T.-BN" LTD Transportation 87.0 CONTRACT NO. ISBI-009/3 SHOP "G.A.S.T.-BN" LTD Transportation 108.0 CONTRACT ISBI-009/5 SHOP "GENERAL TRANSWORLD" CJSC Transportation 35.1 CONTRACT ISBI-009/6 SHOP "GENERAL TRANSWORLD" CJSC Transportation 66.2 ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS AT THE SECTION OF NCB "IDJEVANI CHSHSH" CJSC Transportation 85.2 ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS AT THE SECTION OF NCB "SEVANI CHSHSH" CJSC Transportation 100.2 REHABILITATION WORKS AT THE SECTION OF THE NCB "ARGISHTI-1" LTD Transportation 78.4 PROCUREMENT OF ROAD GUARDRAILS ICB "METROPOLITENI NOROGMAN-MECHANICAKAN" CJSC Transportation 404.0</p><p>P055022 IRRIG DEVT RECONSTRUCTION OF ARMAVIR MAIN CANAL AT SECT ICB ARPA SEVAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,504.3 Law and justice and public administration 883.5 Total: 2,387.7</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLS FOR WUAS ICB ARMENIA-LADA CJSC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 196.0 Law and justice and public administration 115.1 Total: 311.2</p><p>GRAVITY IRRIGATION OF LANDS OF VAYOTS DZOR M ICB ARPA SEVAN OJSCO & YEGVARDSHIN OJSCO JV Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4,787.4 Law and justice and public administration 2,811.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 14 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ARMENIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 7,599.0</p><p>P057560 TITLE REG AUTOMIZATION OF THE GIS BASE REAL PROPERTY T QCBS SLINASOFT LLC Law and justice and public administration 148.1</p><p>P057838 JUDICIAL REFORM PRODUCTION OF TV PROGRAM AIMED AT INCREASING QCBS AZD LLC Law and justice and public administration 123.7 CONSTRUCTION OF FIRST INSTANCE COURTHOUSE OF ICB SAHAKYANSHIN CJSC Law and justice and public administration 629.7 PURCHASE OF ELECTRONIC VERSION OF EXISTING A DIR IRTEK Law and justice and public administration 120.0 CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW FIRST INSTANCE COURT ICB AEK-I-SHINARARUTYUN Law and justice and public administration 847.3 DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE APPLICATION FOR LEGA QCBS CIT LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Law and justice and public administration 115.0</p><p>P057952 SIF 2 LOCAL GOVT. TRAINING FOR MARZES OF KOTAIK & CQB INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Health and other social services 62.0 LOCAL GOVT. TRAINING FOR NEWLY ELECTED LOCAL CQB "VAHAGN" Health and other social services 80.0</p><p>P063398 MUN WATER & WW CONSTRUCTION OF WATER METERING POSTS IN SIUN NCB "PMK-23" OJSCO.-- "GORISI JRATARSHIN" LTD. CONS Law and justice and public administration 2.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 57.2 Total: 59.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF WATER METERING POSTS IN KOTA NCB HYDROSHINARAR-5 CJS CO. Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 83.2 Total: 86.6 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER METERING POSTS IN ARAR NCB AREVSHAT A LTD. - BAGRAMYANSHIN OJSCO. CONSORTI Water, sanitation and flood protection 110.4</p><p>P064879 IRRIG DAM SAFETY DESIGN AND TECHNICAL SUPERVISION ON PRIMARY QCBS DJRARPI LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 71.3 Law and justice and public administration 20.1 Total: 91.5</p><p>REHABILITATION OF SEVABERD DAM NCB CONSTRUCTION OF NPP DCJSCO AND HYDROENERGESTROY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 150.9 Law and justice and public administration 42.6 Total: 193.5</p><p>P078369 Utility Restruct (Dropped) COMMERCIALIZING THE CONSUMER INTERFACE (LEGA FBS CHARITABLE FOUNDATION ASSISTING TO IMPROVEMENT Energy and mining 58.8 DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN QCBS AMERIA Energy and mining 92.1</p><p>Country Total: 22,788.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 22,788.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 15 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AUSTRALIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P077417 AF-Emergency Public Administration Proj ADVISER DIRECTOR IN CHARGE OF THE DFSU & PU SSS MOBY CAPITAL PARTNERS PTY LTD Law and justice and public administration 99.1</p><p>P078284 Emergency Transport Rehabilitation MPW/133/CON 1: DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPER QCBS SNOWY MOUNTAIN & ENGINEERING CORPORATION Transportation 609.5</p><p>Country Total: 708.6</p><p>Albania P069120 EDUC REF ASSESMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EDUCA INDV HYTENDRA KUMARAN PILLAY Education 59.7</p><p>Country Total: 59.7</p><p>Azerbaijan P055155 URG ENV INVST TA CONSULTANT FOR THE TRAINING ON NEW FUNCTI FBS SMEC INTERNATIONAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 27.7 Energy and mining 5.2 Law and justice and public administration 9.0 Transportation 4.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.5 Total: 74.9</p><p>TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR INSTITUTIONAL STREN FBS SMEC INTERNATIONAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 58.6 Energy and mining 11.1 Law and justice and public administration 19.0 Transportation 9.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 60.1 Total: 158.3</p><p>P070989 ED SECT DEV (APL #1) INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT MENTOR TO MANAGEMEN INDV PETER COLE Education 44.5</p><p>Country Total: 277.7</p><p>Bangladesh P071435 Rural Transport Improvement Project S-2:DESIGN SUPERVISION & MONITORING SERVICES QCBS SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD. Transportation 5,144.5</p><p>P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. SUB-PKG G-10.1 OF PKG G-10A. SUB-STATION EQU ICB M/S. NU-LEC INDUSTRIES PTY. LTD. Energy and mining 228.1 SUB-PKG G-10.2 OF PKG G-10A. THREE PHASE ACR ICB M/S. TAVRIDA ELECTRIC AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. Energy and mining 267.6 SUB-PKG G-10.8 OF PKG G-10B: 3 PHASE ACR (33 ICB M/S. NU-LEC INDUSTRIES PTY. LTD. Energy and mining 237.8</p><p>Country Total: 5,877.9</p><p>Cambodia P045629 KH-URBAN WATER SUPPLY PROVISION OF GROUNDWATER SURVEYS, WATER QUAL SSS GUTTERIDGE HASKIN & DAVEY PTY LTD Law and justice and public administration 8.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 211.2 Total: 220.0</p><p>Country Total: 220.0</p><p>China P058845 Jiangxi II Hwy OVERSEAS TRAINING AND STUDY TOUR - C3 LCS D2 CONSULT Transportation 197.9 OVERSEAS TRAINING AND STUDY TOUR - C5 LCS SNOWY MOUNTAIN & ENGINEERING CORPORATION Transportation 202.3</p><p>Country Total: 400.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 16 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AUSTRALIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Ethiopia P000736 ET ENERGY II CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CAPA QCBS SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. Energy and mining 522.5</p><p>Country Total: 522.5</p><p>Georgia P050911 INTG COASTAL MGT PROCUREMENT OF TWO CATAMARAN BOATS SHOP LEISURECAT AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 75.5 Health and other social services 21.2 Law and justice and public administration 139.1 Total: 235.8</p><p>Country Total: 235.8</p><p>Ghana P050623 GH ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMINOUS SURFAC QCBS SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD. Transportation 431.5</p><p>Country Total: 431.5</p><p>India P050647 UP WSRP STUDY ON INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING AND RES SSS SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 904.4 Energy and mining 18.1 Health and other social services 271.3 Law and justice and public administration 615.0 Total: 1,808.7 P072539 KERALA STATE TRANSPORT HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR IMPROVEME FBS VIC ROADS INTERNATIONAL Transportation 1,432.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,241.6</p><p>Indonesia P049539 ID-PROVINCIAL HEALTH II TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR PROVINCIAL HEALTH P QCBS ACIL AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. Health and other social services 1,824.0 COMPARATIVE STUDY TOUR OF DECENTRALIZATION O CQB INDONESIAN CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD Health and other social services 201.8 OVERSEAS PROGRAM FOR MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH QBS INDONESIAN CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD Health and other social services 433.3</p><p>P059477 ID-WSSLIC II PROJECT TEAM LEADER INDV MICHAEL JOHN PONSONBY Health and other social services 221.7</p><p>P077228 TF-Strengthening ID Framework for Decent PERDA (REGIONAL REGULATION) REVIEW - PACKAGE CQB THE PDP AUSTRALIA PTY., LTD. Law and justice and public administration 79.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,759.8</p><p>Jordan P039749 HEALTH SECTOR REFORM PHARMACEUTICAL STUDIES QCBS HEALTH INSURANCE COMMISSION Health and other social services 481.7</p><p>Country Total: 481.7</p><p>Kosovo P072405 SOC PROT (KOSOVO TF) MEDICAL DISABILITY ADVISOR INDV JENNY PEARSON Health and other social services 71.8</p><p>Country Total: 71.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 17 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AUSTRALIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P083235 DISASTER HAZARD MITIGATION WASTE SAFETY SPECIALIST INDV FRANK HARRIS Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.9</p><p>Country Total: 21.9</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P077620 LA-Fin. Management Capacity Building Cr. SOE RESTRUCTURING FOR BPKP INDV DARREN CAPON Finance 99.8</p><p>P083543 LA - APL2 Road Maintenance Program COMPONENT E:ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSM SSS MR. EDWARD WRONSKI Transportation 60.1</p><p>Country Total: 159.9</p><p>Latvia P074947 PSAL 3 CORRUPTION PREVENTION AND COMBATING BUREAU O INDV PETER GEORGE GIFFORD Law and justice and public administration 30.6</p><p>Country Total: 30.6</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P066154 PSMAC SOCIAL PROTECTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION, AN INDV CHRISTOPHER PETER MURRAY Health and other social services 117.9</p><p>Country Total: 117.9 Mongolia P078386 Mongolia PRSC DEVELOPING A RESULTS-BASED MONITORING & EVAL CQB MARK JOHNSTON Health and other social services 54.7 DEVELOPING A RESULTS-BASED MONITORING & EVAL CQB GRAEME MACMILLAN Health and other social services 30.1 CONTROLLING WAGE BILL EXPENDITURES CQB MR. ROB TKALCEVIC Health and other social services 50.4 CONTROLLING WAGE BILL EXPENDITURES INDV GRAEME MACMILLAN Health and other social services 27.5</p><p>Country Total: 162.7</p><p>Philippines P080532 Strengthening Expenditure Management CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE PREPARATION OF CQS SAGRIC INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD. Law and justice and public administration 99.9</p><p>Country Total: 99.9</p><p>Russian Federation P053830 SUST FORESTRY PILOT RADIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT FOR MINISTRY O ICB BARRETT COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 2,776.9</p><p>Country Total: 2,776.9</p><p>Samoa P075739 Samoa - Telecommunications & Post Reform TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND POSTAL REGULATIONS QCBS GILBERT + TOBIN Information and communications 745.0</p><p>Country Total: 745.0</p><p>Sierra Leone P078613 SL Institutional Reform & Capacity Bldg DECENTRALISATION OF GOVERNANCE IN SIERRA LEO CQS BOB SEARLE Law and justice and public administration 72.0</p><p>Country Total: 72.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 18 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AUSTRALIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Slovak Republic P082879 HEALTH TA SOCIAL AND LONG-TERM CARE DEVELOPMENT INDV ANNA HOWE Health and other social services 77.6</p><p>Country Total: 77.6</p><p>Sri Lanka P058067 Second Community Water STRATEGY FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF 2ND CWSSP IN QCBS SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. (AUSTRALIA) Water, sanitation and flood protection 312.6</p><p>P081771 E-Sri Lanka Development PCBF/SAF INDV CHRISTOPHER SMITH Information and communications 71.9 ADVISOR TO CEO INDV ALLAN MCCLEAN Information and communications 100.0</p><p>Country Total: 484.5</p><p>Timor-Leste P070294 TP-Health Sector Rehab. & Dev. Project CONSTURCTION OF COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINICS IN LIB BAKKANTE CONSTRUCTION Health and other social services 254.4</p><p>P072647 TP-FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL QUALITY PROJECT PROCUREMENT ADVISOR - DAILY RATE CONTRACT INDV TREVOR PARRIS Education 118.6 ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT - DA INDV CRAIG TARBOTTON Education 104.2</p><p>P072648 TP-2ND HEALTH SECTOR REHAB DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF HOSPI QCBS JAMES CUBITT ARCHITECTS PTY LTD Health and other social services 1,647.3 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICALS AND MEDICAL CONSUM ICB BOUCHER & MUIR PTY LTD Health and other social services 710.0 HEALTH POLICY ADVISOR INDV WAYNE MURRAY Health and other social services 87.5</p><p>P079320 TP-Third Agric.Rehabilitation Proj. MR. KONG MU AS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ADVISOR INDV KONG MU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 93.5 DAVID HILL AS PROCUREMENT ADVISOR CONTRACT N INDV DAVID HILL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 109.9</p><p>P082942 TP-Second Timor-Leste Petroleum Project COMMERCIAL PETROLEUM LAW ADVISOR POSITION INDV DAVID MORONEY Energy and mining 91.0</p><p>Country Total: 3,216.4</p><p>Tonga P075171 TO-Cyclone Emergency Recovery & Mgmt IMPROVEMENTS OF BUILDING STANDARDS AND CONTR QCBS QUEENSLAND CONSULTING PROJECT PARTNERS PTY. LTD Industry and trade 199.5 Law and justice and public administration 28.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 57.0 Total: 284.9</p><p>CONS. SERV. FOR STRENGTHENING OF EMERGENCY A QCBS THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND THROUGH THE DEP'T OF EM Industry and trade 313.0 Law and justice and public administration 44.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 89.4 Total: 447.1</p><p>P075230 TO-HEALTH SECTOR SUPPORT PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE 1 OF THE REDEVELOPME QBS INTERNATIONAL PROJECT PARTNERS PTY LTD Health and other social services 286.5 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR HEALTH INFORMATION QCBS JACKIE KENT Health and other social services 212.2 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR HEALTH CARE WASTE M QCBS CHRISTIAN PATTISON Health and other social services 67.5 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR AUDITING SERVICES SSS R. ALBIN JOHANSSON & CO Health and other social services 25.0 CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR HEALTH CARE FINANCIN QCBS AUS HEALTH INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 268.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 19 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AUSTRALIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 1,591.2</p><p>Uganda P050439 PRIVATIZATION & UTILITY SECTOR REFORM SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY LIMITED QCBS SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. (AUSTRALIA) Health and other social services 235.2 Law and justice and public administration 254.8 Total: 490.0</p><p>Country Total: 490.0</p><p>Vietnam P051838 VN-PRIMARY TEACHER DEVELOPMENT COMPONENT 2 (#25) - TRAINING PROGRAM FOR TEA QCBS SAGRIC INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD. Education 530.4</p><p>P074688 VN-2nd Rural Energy PREPARATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDIES FOR NORTH QCBS SMEC INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. Energy and mining 268.2</p><p>P077043 VN -Strengthening Community Driven Devt. INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNE INFRAST INDV MR. NGUYEN KIM LONG Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 29.6</p><p>P081325 Public Fin. Management Modernization SELECTION OF TRAINING/HRD CONSULTANT SSS MR. JOHN SCRIVENER Law and justice and public administration 35.5</p><p>Country Total: 863.6</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P076185 RY-Basic Education Development Program DECENTRALIZATION OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SSS JOHN STEWART CAMERON Education 39.4</p><p>Country Total: 39.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 26,238.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 20 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AUSTRIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P077779 Emergency Infrastructure Reconstruction HDPE SERVICE PIPES FOR G1 LOT 4 ISH PIPELIFE Energy and mining 263.7 Law and justice and public administration 64.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 257.8 Total: 585.9</p><p>G1-LOT 12 :WATER METER & DATA LOGGER & ACCES ISH M/S EWT Energy and mining 275.4 Law and justice and public administration 67.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 269.3 Total: 612.0</p><p>SUPPLY OF WORKSHOP TOOLS AND MACHINERY SHOP M/S SCHMIDT ERBEN Energy and mining 130.9 Law and justice and public administration 32.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 128.0 Total: 290.9</p><p>Country Total: 1,488.8</p><p>Azerbaijan P008288 BAKU WS SUPPLY OF PIPES AND PIPELINE MATERIALS -- VA ICB HAWLE ARMATURENWERKE GMBH Water, sanitation and flood protection 80.1</p><p>Country Total: 80.1</p><p>Bulgaria P055157 HEALTH SECT REF ICB 016.LOT 5.2 ANESTHESIA WORKSTATION ICB DRAGER MEDICAL AUSTRIA GMBH Health and other social services 776.0 Country Total: 776.0</p><p>China P042109 CN-BEIJING ENVIRONMENT II EQUIPMENT OF SLUDGE TREATMENT (PACKAGE 2) ICB VA TECH WABAG GMBH Energy and mining 3,596.7 Industry and trade 149.9 Law and justice and public administration 74.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,671.6 Total: 7,493.1</p><p>P049436 CN-CHONGQING URBAN ENVMT SUPPLY, INSTAL AND COMMISSIONING OF TAIPINGM ICB VA TECH WABAG GMBH Law and justice and public administration 180.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,435.3 Total: 3,616.1</p><p>Country Total: 11,109.2</p><p>Croatia P039161 RAILWAY MOD & RESTRCT'G RAIL MOTOR VEHICLE WITH CRANE, TAMPING TRACK ICB PLASSER & THEURER Transportation 9,945.9 TESTING OF ONE PASSENGER COACH IN CLIMATIC W SSS RTA RAIL TEC ARSENAL FAHRZEUGVERSUCHSANLAGE GMB Transportation 245.9 SPARE PARTS FOR HEAVY MACHINERY FOR TRACK MA DIR PLASSER & THEURER Transportation 1,764.2 WAGON FOR TRANSPORTATION OF TURNOUTS ICB PLASSER & THEURER Transportation 498.3</p><p>Country Total: 12,454.3</p><p>Kazakhstan P065414 ELEC TRANS REHAB TRADING SYSTEM FOR THE KAZAKHSTAN ELECTRIC P ICB SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT OSTERREICH Energy and mining 595.7</p><p>Country Total: 595.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 21 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AUSTRIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P083377 SMALL TOWNS INFRA & CAP BLDG TECHNICAL PROJECT PREPARATION STUDIES (PHASE CQS POSCH&PARTNERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS Law and justice and public administration 25.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 101.6 Total: 127.0</p><p>Country Total: 127.0</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P050589 TRANSPORT PACKAGE-2 INTRODUCTION OF NEW PAYMENT TECHN ICB STRABAG Transportation 3,715.8 (LOT-3) PROCUREMENT HYDRAULIC TRANSMISSIONS ICB VOITH TURBO GMBH Transportation 254.1 PROCUREMENT OF RAIL (LOT-1) ICB VOESTALPINE SCHIENEN GMBH Transportation 402.7</p><p>Country Total: 4,372.6</p><p>Romania P008797 HEALTH SECTOR REF (APL #1) MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MICROBIOLOGICAL DIAGNO ICB BIOMEDICA GMBH Health and other social services 73.1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MICROBIOLOGICAL DIAGNO ICB BIOMEDICA GMBH Health and other social services 273.4 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MICROBIOLOGICAL DIAGNO ICB BIOMEDICA GMBH Health and other social services 607.9</p><p>P039250 ROADS 2 CONTRACT 212 - WIDENING TO SIX TRAFFIC LANES ICB ALPINE MAYREDER BAU GMBH Transportation 8,070.0 Country Total: 9,024.4</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P074145 PRIV SECT DEVT TA TENDER PRIVATIZATION ADVISORY SERVICES INDV WOLFGANG RIGLER Law and justice and public administration 944.4</p><p>P074618 MONTENEGRO ENV INFRA CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATING OF THE SANITARY L ICB ALPINE MAYREDER BAU GMBH Water, sanitation and flood protection 437.2</p><p>P079116 ENVIRONMENT (MONTENEGRO) CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATING OF THE SANITARY L ICB ALPINE MAYREDER BAU GMBH Law and justice and public administration 4.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 85.6 Total: 90.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,471.7</p><p>Ukraine P044832 KIEV DISTRICT HEAT SUPPLY OF SHUT-OFF VALVES ICB KLINGER FLUID CONTROL GMBH Energy and mining 1,008.6</p><p>P049174 TREASURY SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION OF INTERIM INFORMATION TREASUR ICB HEWLETT-PACKARD GMBH Law and justice and public administration 2,960.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,969.4</p><p>Uzbekistan P049621 BUKHARA/SAMARKAND WS WATER SERVICES CONTRACT QCBS USBEK WATER MANAGEMENT GMBH & CO.KG Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,032.2</p><p>Country Total: 2,032.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 47,501.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 22 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AZERBAIJAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Azerbaijan P008284 IRRIG/DRAINAGE REHAB INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT FOR SAC AND IRRIGATION QCBS ASPI CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 346.8 Law and justice and public administration 47.3 Total: 394.1</p><p>P008286 IRRIG DIST SYS & MGMT IMPROVMT PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES ICB AZERMASH JOINT STOCK COMPANY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 189.0 Law and justice and public administration 47.3 Total: 236.3</p><p>P008288 BAKU WS SUPPLY OF POLYETHYLENE (PE) PIPES AND FITTIN ICB DERNEGUL BORU Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,903.9</p><p>P035770 PILOT RECON RECONSTRUCTION OF 70 SUBARTESIAN BOREHOLES I ICB AZERSUTECHIZATTIKINTI JSC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 151.7 Education 47.4 Energy and mining 170.7 Health and other social services 37.9 Law and justice and public administration 66.4 Total: 474.2</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF 49 SUBARTESIAN BOREHOLES I ICB MELIORATION AND WATER SUPPLY COMMITTEE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 105.1 Education 32.8 Energy and mining 118.2 Health and other social services 26.3 Law and justice and public administration 46.0 Total: 328.4 RECONSTRUCTION OF 70 SUBARTESIAN BOREHOLES I ICB KENDSUTECHIZAT-10 JSC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 132.8 Education 41.5 Energy and mining 149.4 Health and other social services 33.2 Law and justice and public administration 58.1 Total: 414.9</p><p>SUPPLY OF 900 HEADS OF LIVESTOCK FOR REPATRI ICB ALIBEYLI SV Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 135.4 Education 42.3 Energy and mining 152.3 Health and other social services 33.8 Law and justice and public administration 59.2 Total: 423.0</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF 5 SCHOOLS IN GERANBOY REGI ICB ALIBEYLI SV Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 316.3 Education 98.9 Energy and mining 355.9 Health and other social services 79.1 Law and justice and public administration 138.4 Total: 988.5</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF 5 SCHOOLS IN KHANLAR REGIO ICB SHAMS-95 FIRM Education 753.9 RECONSTRUCTION OF 6 SCHOOLS IN GAZAKH AND TO ICB NO. 62 TEMIRTIKINTI JSC Education 570.2 REHABILITATION OF 42 SUBARTESIAN BOREHOLES I ICB AZERSUTECHIZATTIKINTI JSC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 66.6 Education 20.8 Energy and mining 74.9 Health and other social services 16.7 Law and justice and public administration 29.1 Total: 208.1</p><p>REHABILITATION OF 42 SUBARTESIAN BOREHOLES I ICB MELIORATION AND WATER SUPPLY COMMITTEE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 59.6 Education 18.6 Energy and mining 67.0 Health and other social services 14.9 Law and justice and public administration 26.1 Total: 186.2</p><p>REHABILITATION OF THREE-STEP PUMP STATION AN ICB ARZU-NNN ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 23 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AZERBAIJAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 113.1 Education 35.3 Energy and mining 127.2 Health and other social services 28.3 Law and justice and public administration 49.5 Total: 353.4</p><p>P035813 AGRIC DEVT & CREDIT INFORMATION AND ADVISORY SERVICES IN GANJA R SSS GANJA BUSINESS GROUP Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 65.6 Finance 88.2 Law and justice and public administration 51.3 Total: 205.0</p><p>P040716 HIGHWAY CONTRACT NO. CW/2003-1 ICB AZERKORPU-AZWIRT CONSORTIUM Transportation 5,872.2 CONTRACT NO.CW/2003-2 ICB AZERKORPU-AZWIRT CONSORTIUM Transportation 6,360.6</p><p>P057959 EDUC REF LIL PROCUREMENT OF PROJECTORS FOR PILOT INSTITUT ISH SECURITY SYSTEMS Education 77.8 PROCUREMENT OF CHAIRS FOR MEETING ROOM ISH MULLER INTERYER Education 85.7 PROCUREMENT OF TV SET AND DVD/VCR PLAYER FOR NSH AZEL Education 45.6 PROCUREMENT OF VIDEO CAMERA AND STEREO CD/CA NSH AZEL Education 27.1 PROCUREMENT OF OFFICE FURNITURE. NSH EMBAWOOD Education 27.6 PROCUREMENT OF AIR CONDITIONERS. NSH CONCORD AEM Education 19.2 PROCUREMENT OF UPS AND OHP PROJECTION SCREEN NSH BESTCOMP GROUP Education 18.7 AUDIT OF THE ERP (LIL)-IDA CR. 3220-AZ FOR T CQB PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Education 20.8</p><p>P058969 CULT HERITAGE PRSV COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR PIU AND AZERBARPA INS SHOP CCI TECHNOLOGY Health and other social services 52.4 Law and justice and public administration 10.7 Total: 63.1</p><p>P066100 IBTA 2 MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE COMMITTEE ON STAT ICB AZERBAIJAN TECHNOLOGIES (AZTECH) Finance 112.8 Law and justice and public administration 112.8 Total: 225.6</p><p>P069293 HEALTH REF LIL ASSISTANCE IN IMPLEMENTATION OF MIS INDV ANAR GULIYEV Health and other social services 13.0</p><p>P070973 FIN SCT TA SCIENTIFIC AND PRODUCTION FIRM CQB RISK COMPANY Law and justice and public administration 198.8</p><p>P070989 ED SECT DEV (APL #1) PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES FOR MOE AND PCU DIR UNICEF Education 95.7 PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS AND PRINTERS FOR TH SHOP AZERBAIJAN TECHNOLOGIES (AZTECH) Education 22.8 PROCUREMENT OF ENCYCLOPAEDIC BOOKS FOR SCHOO DIR AYNA METBU EVI Education 1,689.7 AUDIT OF EDUCATION SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROJEC LCS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Education 47.5</p><p>Country Total: 24,351.5</p><p>Georgia P057813 JUDICIAL REFORM COURT COMPUTERIZATION PROJECT ICB AZERBAIJAN ELECTRONICS (AZEL JVS) OF BAKU, AZ & Law and justice and public administration 1,124.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,124.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 24 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: AZERBAIJAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Tajikistan P049718 FARM PRIV SUPPORT PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS AND OFFICE EQUIPMEN ICB R.I.S.K COMPANY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 62.3 Finance 49.1 Law and justice and public administration 77.5 Total: 188.9</p><p>P058898 RURAL INFRA REHAB PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS AND OFFICE EQUIPMEN ICB R.I.S.K. COMPANY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 64.5 Law and justice and public administration 21.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.6 Total: 96.2</p><p>P059755 IBTA 2 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF IT EQUIPMENT ICB M/S R.I.S.K. COMPANY, AZERBAIJAN Law and justice and public administration 848.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,133.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 26,608.7 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 25 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BANGLADESH Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bangladesh P009468 Fourth Fisheries S-15:PHASE-2:DETAILED DESIGN AND CONSTION UN SSS BANGLADESH ENGINEERING & TECH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 156.3</p><p>P009524 Dhaka Urban Transport DCC:W-C5:INTERDISTRICT BUD TERMINALS(3) ICB AML-JPCC JV Transportation 7,565.8 (W) C15D: OLD DHAKA INTEGRATED CORRIDOR IMPR NCB ABDUL MONEM LTD. Transportation 2,042.3 (G)V1C3:SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF COMPUTERS NCB DESKTOP COMPUTER CONNECTION Health and other social services 0.9 Law and justice and public administration 20.3 Transportation 63.4 Total: 84.6</p><p>CONTRACT PACKAGE (W) C4D: IMPROVEMENT OF PED NCB STIL-COLUMBIA JV Transportation 2,798.4 (G)RME-1B:PROCUREMENT OF ROAD SURVEY & LABOR NCB M/S. OVERSEAS MARKETING CORPORATION PVT. LTD. Transportation 94.7 T-6: BUET AS LOCAL COUNTERPART FOR DEVELOPME SSS BUREAU OF RESEARCH, TESTING AND CONSULTATION (B Transportation 96.8</p><p>P009550 Primary Education Development RAJ-01 NCB M/S MD. FAZLUR RAHMAN Education 210.3</p><p>P037857 Health and Population Program W3485_CMMU:UPGRADATION OF MATHOBARI UPAZILA NCB A. LATIF & CO. LTD. Health and other social services 520.6 W3512-CMMU:UPGRADATION OF PARAMEDICAL COLLEG NCB BANGA BUILDERS Health and other social services 759.2 W-3492: CONSTRUCTION OF 20 BEDDED HOSPITAL A NCB M/S. BANGA BUILDERS Health and other social services 538.2 G302:X-RAY MACHINES, SUB-PACKAGE D - A/C & D ICB BROTHERS CORPORATION Health and other social services 39.9 G-NESP-10: OPERATION THEATRE EQUIPMENT, SUB- ICB M/S. HEMA ENTERPRISE Health and other social services 87.9 G-NESP-10: OPERATION THEATRE EQUIPMENT, SUB- ICB M/S. SUNNY TRADING AGENCY PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 107.3 G-NESP 54 (SUB-PACKAGE-A): HOSPITAL EQUIPMEN ICB M/S. SPONDON LTD. Health and other social services 145.0 G-330 (SUB-PACKAGE B): DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT ICB NATIONAL TRADING SYNDICATE LTD. Health and other social services 51.5 G-330 (SUB-PACKAGE C): DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT ICB BIPONON LIMITED Health and other social services 210.4 G-423 (SUB-PACKAGE A): PROCUREMENT OF SERVER ICB M/S. LEADS CORPORATION, DHAKA Health and other social services 36.8 PACKAGE G-423 (SUB-PACKAGE F): PROCUREMENT O ICB M/S. GALAXY ELECTRO POWER Health and other social services 22.9 W-3471-CMMU:CONSTRUCTION OF 20-BEDDED HOSPIT NCB MD. ABDUL KHALEQUE Health and other social services 710.4 W-3470-CMMU:CONSTRUCTION OF 20-BEDDED HOSPIT NCB KITWAY PAC Health and other social services 569.2 W-3472-CMMU:CONSTRUCTION OF 20 BEDDED HOSPIT NCB SITALAKHYA ENTERPRISE Health and other social services 634.9 C-3473-CMMU:CONSTRUCTION OF 20-BEDDED HOSPIT NCB S.K. TRADERS Health and other social services 726.4 W-3497-CMMU:CONSTRUCTION OF 10-BEDDED HOSPIT NCB ORIENT TRADE INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 339.9 W-3498-CMMU:CONSTRUCTION OF 10-BEDDED HOSPIT NCB M/S. BIKALPA TRADE INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 351.9 W-3499-CMMU:CONSTRUCTION OF 10-BEDDED HJOSPI NCB M/S. ASHA ENTERPRISE Health and other social services 386.4</p><p>P044810 Legal & Judicial Capacity Building W-16:UPGRADATION OF BHOLA DISTRICT JUDGE COU NCB JAKO CONSTRUCTION LTD. Law and justice and public administration 316.7 W-09:UPGRADATION OF FENI DISTRICT JUDGE COUR NCB DESH UNNAYAN LTD. Law and justice and public administration 365.7 W-19:UPGRADATION OF GOPALGONJ DISTRICT JUDGE NCB POLY ENGINEERING CORPORATION Law and justice and public administration 290.4 W-13:UPGRADATION OF RAJSHAHI DISTRICT JUDGE NCB MD. SHAMSUZZAMAN Law and justice and public administration 849.0 W-18:UPGRADATION OF BAGERHAT DISTRICT JUDGE NCB M/S. CHALACHAL OVERSEAS Law and justice and public administration 332.6 W-15:UPGRADATION OF THAKURGAON DISTRICT JUDG NCB MOON CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. Law and justice and public administration 341.1 W-17:UPGRADATION OF BARISAL DISTRICT JUDGE C NCB FRIENDS INTERNATIONAL Law and justice and public administration 843.8 W-22:UPGRADATION OF MUNSHIGONJ DISTRICT JUDG NCB ABDUS SATTAR ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 26 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BANGLADESH Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 313.2 W-3: UPGRADATION OF DHAKA DISTRICT JUDGE COU NCB MAKS RELIANCE LTD. Law and justice and public administration 1,714.8 W-11: UPGRADATION OF PABNA DISTRICT JUDGE CO NCB B. ALAM BROTHER'S (PVT.) LTD. Law and justice and public administration 736.0 W-21:UPGRADATION OF MYMENSINGH DISTRICT JUDG NCB NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS LTD. Law and justice and public administration 1,167.6 W-10:UPGRADATION OF COX'S BAZAR DISTRICT JUD NCB MARK CONSTRUCTION LTD. Law and justice and public administration 303.8 W-20: UPGRADATION OF MADARIPUR DISTRICT JUDG NCB AL-HAJ JAHANGIR HOSSAIN Law and justice and public administration 260.0 G-19: SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC ADDR ICB M/S. COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY LTD. Law and justice and public administration 131.0</p><p>P050751 National Nutrition Program PARTNER NGO FOR VGD-NNP COLLABORATION IMPLEM SSS BANGLADESH RURAL ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE (BRAC) Health and other social services 344.6</p><p>P050752 Post-Literacy & Continuing Education G-1.2: CROSS COUNTRY VEHICLES NCB UTTARA MOTORS LIMITED Education 61.3</p><p>P053578 Social Investment Program Project S-7.1: PROJECT APPRAISAL AND SUPERVISION TEA QCBS DEVELOPMENT DESIGN CONSULTANTS LTD. (DDCL) Health and other social services 219.8 S-7.2: PROJECT APPRAISAL AND SUPERVISION TEA QCBS BANGLADESH CONSULTANTS LIMITED Health and other social services 366.9 SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR GAIBANDHA PACK FBS TMSS Education 13.9 Health and other social services 139.1 Information and communications 13.9 Transportation 111.3 Total: 278.2</p><p>SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR GAIBANDHA PACK FBS DHAKA AHSANIA MISSION Education 12.9 Health and other social services 129.3 Information and communications 12.9 Transportation 103.5 Total: 258.6</p><p>P062916 Central Bank Strengthening Project BB-S21: APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR FOR BANGLADES SSS JV OF RAHMAN RAHMAN HUQ, BD & KPMG FORD, RHODES Finance 120.5 HIRING OF PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST INDV MOHAMMAD ALI Finance 101.6 NATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE ADVISOR INDV MS. SHAMSHIA I. MUTASIM Finance 114.8</p><p>P071435 Rural Transport Improvement Project SUB-PACKAGE FR-01.1 OF PKG. FR-01:BALIRTEK-H NCB GOOD LUCK TRADING CORPORATION Transportation 210.7 SUB-PACKAGE FR-02.2 OF PKG FR-02: IMPROVEMEN NCB JV OF SARKER GOLAM MOHAMMED CO. LTD. AND ISMAIL Transportation 1,303.3 SUB-PACKAGE FR-3.2: IMPROVEMENT OF BETKA-TON NCB M/S. COLUMBIA ENGINEERS LTD. Transportation 314.6 SUB-PACKAGE:FR-3.3: IMPROVEMENT OF SREENAGAR NCB JV OF SARKER GOLAM MOHAMMED CO. LTD. AND ISMAIL Transportation 1,153.2 SUB-PACKAGE FR-4.1 OF PKG FR-4: IMPROVEMENT NCB PROJECT BUILDERS Transportation 1,124.9 SUB-PACKAGE FR-4.2 OF PKG FR-4:IMPROVEMENT O NCB JV OF AMZAD TRADERS AND SUCHI ENTERPRISE LTD. Transportation 540.5 SUB-PACKAGE FR-12.1 OF PKG FR-12:IMPROVEMENT NCB JV OF MD. SAYHID HASAN & M/S MORTOZA ENTERPRISE Transportation 1,252.6 SUB-PACKAGE FR-12.2 OF PKG FR-12: IMPROVEMEN NCB THE NIRMITEE LTD. Transportation 391.3 FR-13: (A) DHAKA ARICHA HIGHWAY-KALATIPARA G NCB M/S. COLUMBIA ENGINEERS LTD. Transportation 1,107.8 FR-17: (I) GOBINDAPUR-ATGHAR-RATHGAON (MOULV NCB JV OF M/S. ABDUL HAFIZ, M/S. ABDUS SAMAD AND M/ Transportation 2,348.3 SUB-PACKAGE FR-8.1 OF PKG FR-8:ABADPUKUR-KAL NCB JV OF RISING CONSTRUCTION LTD. & PARISHA TRADE Transportation 428.7 SUB-PACKAGE FR-8.2 OF PKG FR-8: CHATRA-MOHAD NCB M/S. ATAUR RAHMAN KHAN Transportation 1,164.7 SUB-PKG. FR-9.1 OF PKG. FR-9: SULTANGONJ-PER NCB M/S. RUPAYAN PROKAUSHALI Transportation 410.4 SUB-PKG. FR-9.2 OF PKG. FR-9: IMPROVEMENT OF NCB JV OF M/S. ETHEN ENTERPRISE & M/S. JOYA CONSTRU Transportation 320.4 SUB-PKG. FR-10.1 OF PKG. FR-10: IMPROVEMENT NCB M/S. ISLAM TRADING CONSORTIUM LTD. Transportation 929.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 27 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BANGLADESH Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>SUB-PKG. FR-10.2 OF PKG. FR-10: IMPROVEMENT NCB REZA CONSTRUCTION LTD. Transportation 1,058.7 FR-15: IMPROVEMENT OF (I) JHOLMOLIA HAT - MO NCB JV OF ITCL-SEL Transportation 1,407.2 FR-5.1: IMPROVEMENT OF ANULIA-MOHANGANJ ROAD NCB JV OF AML-BCPL Transportation 698.1 SUB-PACKAGE FR-3.1: IMPROVEMENT OF LAUHAJONG NCB M/S. COLUMBIA ENGINEERS LTD. Transportation 290.7 FR-5.2: IMPROVEMENT OF RAJBARI-KAKONHAT ROAD NCB JV OF MD. FAZLUR RAHMAN & MD. AZIZUL ALAM Transportation 886.4</p><p>P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. GLR-5A.1:CONDUCTORS ICB PARADISE METALLURGICAL COMPLEX Energy and mining 687.0 GLR-5A.2: CONDUCTORS ICB BRB CABLE INDUSTRIES Energy and mining 582.5 GLR-1: LINE HARDWARE:SUB-PACKAGE GLR 1.1 ICB BAHAR ENGINEERING WORKS LTD. Energy and mining 337.0 GLR-1: LINE HARDWARE:SUB-PACKAGE GLR 1.2 ICB BAHAR ENGINEERING WORKS LTD. Energy and mining 645.3 G-5A(SUBPACKAGE G-5.1):CONDUCTOR ICB BRB CABLE INDUSTRIES Energy and mining 671.2 G-5A(SUBPACKAGE G-5.3):CONDUCTORS ICB PARADISE METALLURGICAL COMPLEX Energy and mining 671.6 SUB PACKAGE G-3.4: SINGLE PHASE METER (THIS ICB M/S. TRADE EAST WEST CORPORATION Energy and mining 639.8 G-3A:SINGLE PHASE METER SUB PACK:G-3.5 ICB M/S. TRADE EAST WEST CORPORATION Energy and mining 99.0 SUB-PACKAGE G5.8 OF PKG.G-5B:CONDUCTORS ICB BRB CABLES INDUSTRIES LTD. Energy and mining 772.0 G-8B:WOODEN ANCHOR LOGS, SUB-PKG,G8.5 ICB DIRAN ENTERPRISE LTD. Energy and mining 116.0 G-8B:WOODEN CROSS ARM, SUB-PKG,G8.6 ICB DIRAN ENTERPRISE LTD. Energy and mining 93.2 SUB PACKAGE GLR-5.5:CONDUCTORS ICB PARADISE METALLURGICAL COMPLEX Energy and mining 491.4 G-8A(SUB-PKG:8.1):PROC. OF WOODEN CROSS ARM. ICB CONSOLIDATED TEA & LANDS CO. LTD. Energy and mining 187.5 G-8A(SUB-PKG:8.3):PROC. OF WOODEN CROSS ARM. ICB ESACK BROTHERS INDUSTRIES LTD. Energy and mining 416.9 G-8A(SUB-PKG:8.2):PROC. OF WOODEN ANCHOR LOG ICB CONSOLIDATED TEA & LANDS CO. LTD. Energy and mining 186.0 G-8A(SUB-PKG:8.4):PROC. OF WOODEN ANCHOR LOG ICB ESACK BROTHERS INDUSTRIES LTD. Energy and mining 227.0 G-4A:WODEN & SPC POLES, SUB-PACKAGE-4.3 ICB GEMCON LTD. Energy and mining 733.5 G-4A:WODEN & SPC POLES, SUB-PACKAGE-4.1 ICB GEMCON LTD. Energy and mining 587.9 G-4A:WODEN & SPC POLES, SUB-PACKAGE-4.2 ICB KHAMBA LTD. BANGLADESH Energy and mining 728.0 G-4A:WODEN & SPC POLES, SUB-PACKAGE-4.4 ICB GEMCON LTD. Energy and mining 459.0 G-4A: WODEN & SPC POLES, SUB-PACKAGE 4.5 ICB KHAMBA LTD. BANGLADESH Energy and mining 728.0 GLR7.4 - PROCUREMENT OF CT & PT ICB TECHNO ELECTRICAL LTD. Energy and mining 447.2 SUB-PKG:G-7.7 OF PKG G-7B. SUPPLY OF CY & PT ICB TECHNO ELECTRICAL LTD. Energy and mining 183.3 GLR7.5 - PROCUREMENT OF CIRCUIT BREAKER & AC ICB ENERGYPAC ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 187.4 GLR7.8(A) - PROCUREMENT OF CIRCUIT BREAKER ICB ENERGYPAC ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 24.0 GLR7.8(B) - PROCUREMENT OF CIRCUIT BREAKER ICB ENERGYPAC ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 26.6 GLR10.1 - PROCUREMENT OF SUB-STATION SWITCHE ICB ENERGYPAC ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 237.5 GLR10.6 - PROCUREMENT OF THREE PHASE POWER T ICB ENERGYPAC ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 252.0 SUB-PKG G-10.4 OF PKG G-10A. POWER TRANSFORM ICB ENERGYPAC ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 240.0 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. NIAZ & ASSOCIATES LTD. Energy and mining 21.4 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. PROKAUSHAL UPODESTA LTD. Energy and mining 23.9 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. PROKAUSHAL UPODESTA LTD. Energy and mining 25.6 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S M.H. KHAN & ASSOCIATES Energy and mining 92.2 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S C.E.M. ENGINEERS LTD. Energy and mining 25.6 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S C.E.M. ENGINEERS LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 28 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BANGLADESH Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 17.1 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. NIAZ & ASSOCIATES LTD. Energy and mining 44.4 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. TECHNOLOGICAL SERVICES LTD. Energy and mining 49.5 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. NIAZ & ASSOCIATES LTD. Energy and mining 42.7 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. NIAZ & ASSOCIATES LTD. Energy and mining 34.2 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. TECHNOLOGICAL SERVICES LTD. Energy and mining 97.4 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. TECHNOLOGICAL SERVICES LTD. Energy and mining 63.2 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS BANGLADESH LTD. Energy and mining 38.4 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. TECHNOLOGICAL SERVICES LTD. Energy and mining 38.4 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. TECHNOLOGICAL SERVICES LTD. Energy and mining 29.9 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. KARIGARI PARAMARSHA Energy and mining 51.2 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. KAISER CORPORATION LIMITED Energy and mining 53.0 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. NIAZ & ASSOCIATES LTD. Energy and mining 55.5 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. NIAZ & ASSOCIATES LTD. Energy and mining 34.2 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. PROKALPA UPODESHTA LTD. Energy and mining 17.1 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. PROKALPA UPODESHTA LTD. Energy and mining 17.1 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. TECHNOLOGICAL SERVICES LTD. Energy and mining 20.5 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. TECHNOLOGICAL SERVICES LTD. Energy and mining 76.9 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. PROKAUSHAL UPODESTA LTD. Energy and mining 10.3 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. PROKAUSHAL UPODESTA LTD. Energy and mining 51.2 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. PROKAUSHAL UPODESTA LTD. Energy and mining 58.1 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. P.E.U. CONSORTIUM Energy and mining 20.5 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. KAISER CORPORATION LIMITED Energy and mining 93.9 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 15.4 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 21.4 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. KARIGARI PARAMARSHA Energy and mining 34.2 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. KARIGARI PARAMARSHA Energy and mining 46.1 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. KARIGARI PARAMARSHA Energy and mining 59.8 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS DEVELOPMENT DESIGN CONSULTANTS LTD. (DDCL) Energy and mining 51.2 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS BANGLADESH LTD. Energy and mining 29.9 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS BANGLADESH LTD. Energy and mining 38.4 ENGINEERING DESIGN AND SUPERVISION ACTIVITIE SSS M/S. ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS BANGLADESH LTD. Energy and mining 34.2 SUB-PKG. G-3.7 OF PKG 3B: METER SEAL ICB M/S. TRADE EAST WEST CORPORATION Energy and mining 68.0 SUB-PKG. G-3.9 OF PKG 3B: METER SEAL ICB M/S. TRADE EAST WEST CORPORATION Energy and mining 51.0 SUB-PKG G-10.6 OF PKG G-10B: SUBSTATION EQUI ICB ENERGYPAC ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 305.8 SUB-PACKAGE 2G4.12: PROCUREMENT OF SPC POLES ICB GEMCON LTD. Energy and mining 602.0 SUB-PACKAGE 2G4.13: PROCUREMENT OF SPC POLES ICB GEMCON LTD. Energy and mining 714.0 SUB-PACKAGE 2G4.14: PROCUREMENT OF SPC POLES ICB M/S. PATHAR LTD. Energy and mining 700.0 SUB-PACKAGE G4.6 OF PKG.G4B:SPC POLES ICB CONFIDENCE POWER LTD. Energy and mining 495.0 SUB-PACKAGE G4.7 OF PKG.G4B: SPC POLES ICB KHAMBA LTD. BANGLADESH Energy and mining 426.0 SUB-PACKAGE G4.8 OF PKG.G4B: SPC POLES ICB GEMCON LTD. Energy and mining 404.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 29 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BANGLADESH Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>SUB-PACKAGE G4.9 OF PKG.G4B: SPC POLES ICB CHARKA SPC POLES LTD. Energy and mining 640.6 SUB-PACKAGE G4.10 OF PKG.G4B: SPC POLES ICB M/S. CONTECH CONSTRUCTION LTD. Energy and mining 545.0 SUB-PKG. G-3.6 OF PKG 3B: THREE PHASE METER ICB M/S. TRADE EAST WEST CORPORATION Energy and mining 424.4 SUB-PKG. G-3.8 OF PKG 3B: THREE PHASE METER ICB M/S. TRADE EAST WEST CORPORATION Energy and mining 429.3 SSE-1:CONSULTING SERVICES SOCIO-ECONOMIC MON QCBS JV OF B'DESH ENGR & TECH SERV.(BETS) AND B'DESH Energy and mining 168.8 SUB-PACKAGE 2GLR-4.6 OF 2GLR-4: PROCUREMENT ICB KHAMBA LTD. BANGLADESH Energy and mining 750.0 SUB-PACKAGE 2GLR-4.7 OF 2GLR-4: PROCUREMENT ICB M/S. CONTECH CONSTRUCTION LTD. Energy and mining 785.0 SUB-PACKAGE 2GLR-4.8 OF 2GLR-4: PROCUREMENT ICB CHARKA SPC POLES LTD. Energy and mining 672.0 SUB-PACKAGE 2GLR-4.9 OF 2GLR-4: PROCUREMENT ICB CHARKA SPC POLES LTD. Energy and mining 756.0 SUB-PACKAGE 2GLR-4.10 OF 2GLR-4: PROCUREMENT ICB CONFIDENCE POWER LTD. Energy and mining 805.0 SUB-PKG.2GLR8.3 OF PKG.2GLR8: PROCUREMENT OF ICB ESACK BROTHERS INDUSTRIES LTD. Energy and mining 484.0 SUB-PKG 2GLR8.4 OF PKG. 2GLR8: PROCUREMENT O ICB DIRAN ENTERPRISE LTD. Energy and mining 486.0 2G4.11: PROCUREMENT OF SPC POLES ICB M/S. PRE-CAST CONCRETE INDUSTRIES LIMITED. Energy and mining 540.0 2G4.15: PROCUREMENT OF SPC POLES ICB KHAMBA LTD. BANGLADESH Energy and mining 690.0 2GLR-1.3: PROCUREMENT OF LINE HARDWARE ICB BAHAR ENGINEERING WORKS LTD. Energy and mining 328.0 2GLR-1.4: PROCUREMENT OF LINE HARDWARE ICB BAHAR ENGINEERING WORKS LTD. Energy and mining 859.5 2GLR-13.1: PROCUREMENT OF CONNECTOR/ AUTOMAT ICB M/S. TRADE EAST WEST CORPORATION Energy and mining 323.9</p><p>P075016 Public Procurement Reform Project S4.2(B): SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR DEVELOP QBS DOHATEC NEW MEDIA Law and justice and public administration 45.2</p><p>Country Total: 73,151.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 73,151.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 30 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BARBADOS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Barbados P075220 BARBADOS - CARIBBEAN HIV/AIDS I PURCHASE OF ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS QCBS COLLINS LTD. Health and other social services 8.4 DIRECT PURCHASING TO PHARMACY SALES DIR PHARMACY SALES (CARIB) LTD. Health and other social services 9.5 COLLINS LTD. DIR COLLINS LTD. Health and other social services 195.4 PROCUREMENT OF GOODS GRANTED IN THE LOAN AGR DIR STOKES & BYNCE LTD. Health and other social services 799.8 ANTIRETROVIRALS DIR LASCO (BARBADOS) LTD. Health and other social services 84.9 HIV/AIDS IN BARBADOS - A SITUATION ANALYSIS SSS UNIVERSITY OF WEST INDIES - CHRONIC DISEASE RES Health and other social services 233.4 SUPPLY OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB PHARMACY SALES (CARIB) LTD. Health and other social services 287.8 PURCHASE OF ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS DIR COLLINS LTD. Health and other social services 8.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,627.5</p><p>Caribbean P073389 GEF MACC 6R Mainstreaming Adapt to Clima PROGRAM MANAGER QCBS ULRIC TROTZ Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 41.9 Industry and trade 97.8 Law and justice and public administration 83.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 55.9 Total: 279.4</p><p>TECHNICAL COORDINATOR QBS LESLIE WALLING Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 35.4 Industry and trade 82.7 Law and justice and public administration 70.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 47.2 Total: 236.2</p><p>PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH SPECIALIST QBS ANTHONY DEYAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 30.7 Industry and trade 71.7 Law and justice and public administration 61.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 41.0 Total: 204.9</p><p>Country Total: 720.5</p><p>Dominica P077680 Dominica- Emergency Recovery Project SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ID BADGING AND TR SHOP RDG TANSA SECURITY SYSTEMS INC. Transportation 14.4</p><p>Country Total: 14.4</p><p>Grenada P077682 Grenada Emergency Recovery Project SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ID BADGING AND TR ICB ABS ADVANCED BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. Transportation 122.0</p><p>Country Total: 122.0</p><p>Nigeria P070293 PRIVATIZATION SUPPORT PROJECT NPA PRIVATISATION ADVISERS QCBS CPCS TRANSCOM INTERNATIOINAL LIMITED Energy and mining 623.9 Law and justice and public administration 4,481.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 567.2 Total: 5,672.2</p><p>Country Total: 5,672.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 8,156.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 31 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BELGIUM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Burkina Faso P000296 Burkina Faso:AG SERVICES II EQUIPMENT FOR OUAGADOUGOU FRUIT & VEG. WAREH ISH MEDI-EARTH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 530.8 Health and other social services 22.8 Law and justice and public administration 17.1 Total: 570.7</p><p>2 REFRIGERATED TRUCKS FOR OUAGADOUGOU COLD W LIB MEDI-EARTH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 166.8 Health and other social services 7.2 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Total: 179.4</p><p>P052400 BF:PARTNERSHIP FOR NATURAL ECOSYSTEM MGT FOURNITURE D'UN SYSTEME INTEGRE DE GESTION D QCBS I-MAGE CONSULT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 359.6</p><p>Country Total: 1,109.7</p><p>Burundi P071371 Multisect. HIV/AIDS Contr. & Orphans LOT 1: 47 COMPUTERS, 2 LAPTOPS AND 33 PRINTE ICB LOGITEK Education 47.0 Health and other social services 155.2 Law and justice and public administration 32.9 Total: 235.2</p><p>Country Total: 235.2</p><p>Congo, Democratic Republic of P057296 ZR Emerg. Multisector Rehab.& Rec LOT 1: FOURNITURE DES TUYAUX EN ACIER ET ACC ICB M.A.D.S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 329.6 FOURNITURE DES TUYAUX PVC ET ACCESSOIRES ICB M.A.D.S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,726.8 FOURNITURE DES TUYAUX PEHD ET ACCESSOIRES ICB M.A.D.S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 121.6 FOURNITURE DES DEBITMETRES, COMPTEURS ET MAN ICB M.A.D.S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 286.2 FOURNITURE DE L'OUTILLAGE ET EQUIPEMENTS POU ICB M.A.D.S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 274.0 FOURNITURE DES VANNES, VENTOUSES, CLAPETS ET ICB M.A.D.S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 474.4</p><p>Country Total: 3,212.5</p><p>Croatia P051273 HEALTH SYSTEM PROVISION OF NATIONAL EMS TRAINING SSS EUROPEAN RESUSCITATION COUNCIL Health and other social services 277.3 Law and justice and public administration 17.7 Total: 295.0</p><p>Country Total: 295.0</p><p>Egypt, Arab Republic of P045175 EG-HEALTH SECTOR DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AND SURVEILLANCE CAPACITY ICB FSE Health and other social services 1,222.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,222.2</p><p>Eritrea P034154 ERITREA PORTS PROCUREMENT OF SHORE BASED VHF (GMDSS)COAST ICB ERSET BELGIUM S.P.R.L. Transportation 620.4</p><p>P065713 HIV/AIDS, Malaria, STD & TB Control SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES ICB AGFA-GENVAERT N.V. Education 1.8 Health and other social services 81.6 Law and justice and public administration 6.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 32 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BELGIUM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 89.6</p><p>Country Total: 710.1</p><p>Guinea P050046 Education for All SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF 38 PRINTERS AND CON ICB SOCIETE CONSTRUCTIONS & EQUIPMENTS Education 17.5 Law and justice and public administration 2.6 Total: 20.1</p><p>Country Total: 20.1</p><p>Madagascar P052208 MADAGASCAR -Transp Sector Reform & Rehab CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTN SSS VERBERGT, DIRK Transportation 98.1 SERVICES D'UN EXPERT CHARGE D'APPUYER VPM MI INDV DE MONIE INTERNATIONAL PORT CONSULTING BVBA Industry and trade 2.8 Law and justice and public administration 50.2 Transportation 41.7 Total: 94.8</p><p>Country Total: 192.9</p><p>Mongolia P071023 MN-Financial Capacity Dev. Project LARS AKE LARSSON, INTERNATIONAL BANKING SPEC INDV EUROPEAN SAVINGS BANK GROUP Finance 90.9 Country Total: 90.9</p><p>Panama P051124 PA UTILITIES RESTRUC TA DESIGN OF A PROGRAM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUPERV QCBS TRACTEBEL SA Energy and mining 3.9 Law and justice and public administration 383.1 Total: 387.0</p><p>Country Total: 387.0</p><p>Romania P034213 GEN'L CADASTRE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND ORTHOPHOTO MAPPING ICB EUROSENSE BELFOTOP S.A. & WALPHOT S.A. & EUROSE Law and justice and public administration 671.5</p><p>Country Total: 671.5</p><p>Rwanda P057295 Competitiveness & Enterprise Development EVALUATION DU SECTEUR FINANCIER RWANDAIS QCBS BELGIAN BANKERS ACADEMY (B.B.A.) Energy and mining 69.8 Finance 123.7 Industry and trade 28.6 Information and communications 15.9 Law and justice and public administration 79.3 Total: 317.3</p><p>P060005 URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE & CITY MANAGMT PROG AERIAL VIEW PHOTOGRAPHY AND MAPS ISH KEYOBS S.A Law and justice and public administration 54.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 54.8 Total: 109.7</p><p>Country Total: 426.9</p><p>Senegal P002369 Integr. Health Sect. Dev. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 33 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BELGIUM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>SUPPLY OF COMPUTER EQUIP.AND OTHER OFFICE EQ ICB CONSTRUCTIONS ET EQUIPEMENTS S.A. Health and other social services 163.8</p><p>P041567 Endemic Disease TION COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR HEALTH FACILITIE ICB CONSTRUCTIONS ET EQUIPEMENTS S.A. Health and other social services 286.9</p><p>Country Total: 450.7</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P076183 RY Higher Education DEVELOPING A NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION STRAT QCBS GEORGES VERHAEGEN Education 30.0</p><p>Country Total: 30.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 9,054.6 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 34 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BELIZE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Belize P040150 BZ ROADS AND MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION OF LINED DRAINS AND BOX CULVERT ICB JACKSON FAMILY CONSTRUCTION & ASSOCIATES Law and justice and public administration 58.3 Transportation 145.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 87.4 Total: 291.3</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF COVERED LINED DRAINS/OPEN UN ICB PEDRO LIZARRAGA & SONS Law and justice and public administration 89.2 Transportation 223.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 133.8 Total: 445.9</p><p>INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING/TECHNICAL ASSIST FBS HALCROW GROUP LTD. Law and justice and public administration 98.6 Transportation 246.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 147.8 Total: 492.8</p><p>Country Total: 1,230.0</p><p>Central America P053349 GEF 6C-MESOAMERICAN BARRIER REEF SYST CONSTRUCTION OF VISITOR CENTER IN BACALAR CH NSH FABRO'S INDUSTRIES LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 85.3 Education 19.1 Industry and trade 11.8 Law and justice and public administration 30.9 Total: 147.0</p><p>Country Total: 147.0 ======Supplying Country Total: 1,377.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 35 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BENIN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Benin P035648 1ST DECEN.CITY MGMT. URGENCY WORKS FOR PURIFICATION AND RECHARGEM NCB CERTA Health and other social services 9.2 Law and justice and public administration 16.1 Transportation 44.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 44.9 Total: 115.0</p><p>URGENCY WORKS FOR PURIFICATION AND RECHARGEM NCB OUVRIERS DU MONDE NOUVEAU (OMN) Health and other social services 15.1 Law and justice and public administration 26.5 Transportation 73.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 73.8 Total: 189.3</p><p>PAVING AND SANITATION WORKS-AGBODJEDO/YENAWA NCB OUVRIERS DU MONDE NOUVEAU (OMN) Health and other social services 24.2 Law and justice and public administration 42.3 Transportation 117.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 117.9 Total: 302.2</p><p>PAVING AND SANIATION WORKS-AGBODJEDO YENAWA NCB SINET Health and other social services 11.8 Law and justice and public administration 20.6 Transportation 57.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 57.3 Total: 146.9</p><p>PAVING AND SANIATION WORKS-AGBODJEDO YENAWA NCB TRAFERSO Health and other social services 11.8 Law and justice and public administration 20.6 Transportation 57.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 57.3 Total: 146.9 SANITATION AND REPAIRING WORKS OF STREETS IN NCB RK BUISNESS Health and other social services 10.7 Law and justice and public administration 18.7 Transportation 52.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 52.2 Total: 133.7</p><p>SANITATION AND REPAIRING OF STREETS IN THE C NCB ESPAHONO & FILS Health and other social services 14.0 Law and justice and public administration 24.6 Transportation 68.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 68.4 Total: 175.4</p><p>PAVING AND SANITATION WORKS IN ALAGA DE L'AS NCB ARACOM Health and other social services 15.0 Law and justice and public administration 26.3 Transportation 73.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 73.3 Total: 187.9</p><p>SANITATION AND REPAIRING OF STREETS IN THE C NCB DYJESCK Health and other social services 14.6 Law and justice and public administration 25.5 Transportation 70.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 70.9 Total: 181.9</p><p>PAVING AND SANITATION WORKS IN THE CITY OF B NCB OUVRIERS DU MONDE NOUVEAU (OMN) Health and other social services 25.3 Law and justice and public administration 44.2 Transportation 123.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 123.3 Total: 316.0</p><p>PAVING AND SANITATION WORKS IN THE CITY OF B NCB CERTA Health and other social services 16.1 Law and justice and public administration 28.1 Transportation 78.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 78.3 Total: 200.8</p><p>SUPPLY OF PAVES AND BORDURES NCB CENTRE TECHNIQUE DE BATIMENTS MODERNES (CTBM) Health and other social services 26.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 36 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BENIN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 45.8 Transportation 127.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 127.6 Total: 327.3</p><p>SANITATION AND REHABILITATION OF STREETS IN NCB EBS Health and other social services 12.0 Law and justice and public administration 21.0 Transportation 58.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 58.4 Total: 149.8</p><p>P039882 PRIVATE SECTOR LOT 1: 509 MOTOS; LOT 2: 10 VEHICLES ICB CAMIN Finance 241.6 Industry and trade 123.0 Law and justice and public administration 74.7 Total: 439.3</p><p>INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (DELIVERY AND INSTALL ICB SONAEC Finance 312.1</p><p>P072503 BJ:Cotton Sector Reform Project FOURNITURE DE VEHICULES AU PROFIT DU PARFC ICB SOBEPAT - GROUP CFAO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 555.5 FORUNITURE DE MOTO AU PROFIT DU PARFC ICB MIB SARL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 105.4 FOURNITURE DE MATERIELS INFORMATIQUES ICB EQUIPEMENT MAINTENANCE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 94.5</p><p>P073118 BJ:HIV/AIDS MULTI SECTOR FOURNITURES DE TESTS RAPIDES ET DE CONFIRMAT ICB OLIEX Health and other social services 455.0 FOURNITURE DE REACTIFS DE FACS COUNTER ICB OLIEX Health and other social services 147.7 FOURNITURE DE CERTAINS REACTIFS DE LABORATOI ICB GROUPEMENT DE BGL-SYSMET/BIO/RAD Health and other social services 405.7 FORUNITURE DE REACTIFS ELIZA ICB GROUPEMENT DE BGL-SYSMET/BIO/RAD Health and other social services 620.1</p><p>Country Total: 5,708.2</p><p>Burkina Faso P000309 Basic Educ. Sector REPRINTING GEOGRAPHY MANUALS FOR CE1, CE2, C ICB NOUVELLE PRESSE INDUSTRIE GRAPHIQUE DU BENIN Education 441.8</p><p>Country Total: 441.8</p><p>Gabon P035626 PILOT COM. INFRA. UP CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR ASSISTANCE WITH MIC QCBS IGIP AFRIQUE Health and other social services 10.4 Industry and trade 3.2 Law and justice and public administration 10.4 Transportation 51.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 4.8 Total: 80.3</p><p>Country Total: 80.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 6,230.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 37 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BHUTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bhutan P057570 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT BHU3310/TRONGSA/003/08 (A-D): CONSTRUCTION O ICB M/S NIMA CONSTRUCTION Water, sanitation and flood protection 257.6 TRASHIYANGSTE DZONGKHAG:RESIDENTIAL ROADS; M NCB GASEB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Water, sanitation and flood protection 230.9 BHU3310/TRONGSA/003/07,09 & 10(A-E): THRUELP NCB TASHI SHABTO GOBSA CONSTRUCTION Health and other social services 10.2 Law and justice and public administration 10.9 Transportation 10.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 41.5 Total: 72.8</p><p>BHU3310/PARO/002/09: TSHONGDU SECONDARY ROAD NCB CHAPCHA ENGINEERING COMPANY Health and other social services 38.4 Law and justice and public administration 41.1 Transportation 38.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 156.4 Total: 274.3</p><p>BHU3310/PARO/002/10: UPGRADATION OF WATER PU NCB K.D. CONSTRUCTION Water, sanitation and flood protection 194.1 BHU3310/WAN/04/06: CONSTRUCTION OF BAJO INTE NCB CHAPCHA ENGINEERING COMPANY Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,164.1 CONSTRUCTION OF RIVER BANK PROTECTION REACH NCB M/S. YANGKHIL CONSTRUCTION CO. Health and other social services 15.7 Law and justice and public administration 16.9 Transportation 15.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 64.1 Total: 112.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF DEKILING INTERNAL ROAD, LIGH NCB DRUK THUENDIL LERIG Water, sanitation and flood protection 753.0 CONSTRUCTION OF BAJO ACESS ROAD AT BAJO TOWN NCB CHAPCHA ENGINEERING COMPANY Transportation 581.8 P059481 RURAL ACCESS ROADS CONSTRUCTION OF BARTSHAM-BIDUNG ROAD (0.00 - NCB BHUTAN ENGINEERING COMPANY Transportation 571.5 CONSTRUCTION OF LHUENTSE-DUNGKHAR ROAD (KM 0 NCB FRIENDSHIP CONSTRUCTION Transportation 195.5 CONSTRUCTION OF YADI-SHERSHONG ROAD (KM 10.0 NCB B & N JOINT VENTURE Transportation 1,418.0 SUPPLY OF SURVEY INSTRUMENT (TOTAL STATION T NCB BHUTAN TRADING HOUSE Transportation 55.7 CONSTRUCTION OF MUZUZOR-TSHONGPA ROAD (KM. 0 NCB RINSON GANNON J/V Transportation 343.2</p><p>P074114 Education Development Project PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS FOR RESOURCE CENTRE ICB DIGITAL SHANGRILA Education 114.9</p><p>Country Total: 6,339.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 6,339.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 38 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BOLIVIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bolivia P006181 BO- EDUCATION REFORM PROVISION DE TRANSPORTE TERRESTRE PARE ENTRE ICB BOLIVIAN EXPRESS CARGO Education 714.1</p><p>P006196 BO- INTEGRATED CHILD DEV CONSULTORIA CONSEJERIA EN AREA DE NUTRICION CQB AYUFAM Health and other social services 119.0 EVALUACION DE IMPACTO DEL PROYECTO DE CONSEJ QCBS MKT MARKETING Health and other social services 58.5</p><p>P006197 BO LAND ADMINISTRATION SERV. SANEAMIENTO INTEGRADO AL CATASTRO LEGA NCB OPEN SYSTEMS TRADING AND CONSULTING S.A. Law and justice and public administration 660.2</p><p>P006204 BO- EDUCATION QUALITY CONTRATO CORRESPONDIENTE AL VICEMINISTERIO D NCB SISTECO STORE LTDA. Education 134.0 CONTRATO CORRESPONDIENTE AL VICEMINISTERIO D NCB ARTES ELCTRONICAS Education 44.9</p><p>P060392 BO- HEALTH REFORM-APL I PROVISIÓN DE AMBULANCIAS - FPS ICB OVANDO S.A. Health and other social services 577.5</p><p>P068968 BO Road Rehab. & Maintenance Project ROAD MAINTENANCE WORKS IN SECTOR SAN ISIDRO- NCB INGENIEROS CIVILES ASOCIADOS-ICA Transportation 2,342.4 ROAD MAINTENANCE WORKS, SECTOR PARACAYA-SAN NCB R & R LTDA Transportation 1,838.4 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE NCB ALFA SUDAMERICANA ASOCIADOS Transportation 2,975.6 MAINTENANCE WORKS NCB CONSCAL-PAVCO Transportation 2,980.3 MAINTENANCE WORKS CR RUTA 0012 CAIHUASI-CONF ICB MARISCAL SUCRE Y ASOCIADOS Transportation 4,303.4 MANTENIMIENTO PERIODICO DE CARRETERA HUARINA NCB CONCORDIA CONVISA Transportation 3,654.2</p><p>P074212 BO-Health Sector Reform APL II CONVENIO INTERINSTITUCIONAL MIN. DE SALUD Y SSS INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADISTICA (INE) Health and other social services 1,100.0 IMPRESION DE FORMULARIOS SNUS, LOTE NO. 4 NCB ARTES GRAFICAS SAGITARIO SRL. Health and other social services 14.5 IMPRESION DE MATERIALES LOTE NO. 2 IMPRESION NCB INDUSTRIAS LARA BISCH Health and other social services 6.2 IMPRESION DE MATERIALES LOTE 3,5,6 NCB ASOCIACION XXI VIRGEN NIÑA Health and other social services 25.4</p><p>Country Total: 21,548.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 21,548.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 39 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bosnia-Herzegovina P044523 BASIC HEALTH PROGRAM OF ADDITIONAL TRAINING IN FAMILY MED SSS QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY FAMILY MEDICINE DEVELOPMENT Health and other social services 32.2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT WITHIN THE AGENCY F INDV EDINA RIZVIC Health and other social services 5.9 MANAGER FOR STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE INDV FADIL SABOVIC Health and other social services 16.4 INFORMATION SYSTEM MANAGER WITHIN THE AGENCY INDV LJUBOMIR KRAVEC Health and other social services 9.7 MANAGER OF OPERATIONS WITHIN THE AGENCY FOR INDV MELKA MERCVAJLER Health and other social services 18.4 PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR FEDERA ICB IRIS COMPUTERS D.O.O. Health and other social services 208.6 PROGRAM OF ADDITIONAL TRAINING FOR FAMILY ME SSS QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY FAMILY MEDICINE PROGRAM BIH Health and other social services 105.4 MEDIA CAMPAIGN FOCUSED ON DEVELOPMENT OF FAM CQB MCCANN-ERICKSON Health and other social services 106.6 MONITORING PERFORMANCE OF FEDERAL PUBLIC HEA INDV BAKIR NAKAS Health and other social services 12.4 SUPPLY OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR FAMILY MEDIC SHOP INEL MED, MOSTAR, BIH Health and other social services 78.6 SUPPLY OF FURNITURE FOR FAMILY MEDICINE AMBU SHOP MODUL INZENJERING Health and other social services 22.5 DEVELOPMENT OF TOR FOR FAMILY MEDICINE TEAMS INDV GEOFFREY HODGETTS Health and other social services 40.0 SUPPLY OF RECEPTION DESKS TO FAMILY MEDICINE DIR UNIPROJEKT Health and other social services 9.5 PRINTING OF PUBLICATIONS FOR FEDERAL PUBLIC SHOP BLICDRUK D.O.O. Health and other social services 8.2</p><p>P057951 MOSTAR WS & SAN SUPPLY OF DUCTILE PIPES, FITTINGS AND VALVES ICB HIDRO-TERMO CENTAR D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 831.3 SUPPLY OF PIPES, FITTINGS AND VALVES FOR WAT ICB HIDRO TERMO CENTAR Water, sanitation and flood protection 702.8 IMPROVEMENT OF THE WATER NETWORK AT OPINE ICB HP INVESTING D.O.O. MOSTAR Water, sanitation and flood protection 695.2</p><p>P058512 EDUC 3 GRANT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT "INTRODU SSS UNIVERSITY OF TUZLA Education 243.0 COMPETITIVE GRANT TO UNIVERSITY FOR IDP IMPL DIR UNIVERZITET U SARAJEVU Education 677.5 PURCHASE OF PRINTING EQUIPMENT FOR THE STAND ICB ALF-OM Education 624.7 THE SUBJECT OF THIS CONTRACT IS REALIZATION DIR SVEUCILISTE U MOSTARU Education 130.0</p><p>P058521 ELEC PWR 3 RECN REHABILITATION OF 220/110 KV TRANSMISSION LI ICB ENERGOINVEST Energy and mining 3,075.6 REHABILITATION OF 400 KV TRANSMISSION LINES ICB ENERGOINVEST Energy and mining 8,487.7 REHABILITATION OF HEADRACE TUNNEL AND SURGE ICB "GEOSONDA" D.O.O. ZENICA Energy and mining 1,523.4 REHABILITATION OF HEADRACE TUNNEL AND SURGE ICB GP ZGP SARAJEVO Energy and mining 1,523.4</p><p>P059763 CULTL HERITAGE PILOT REHABILITATION OF RAMIC STREET AND PART NERE NCB BISINA D.O.O. Health and other social services 14.7 Law and justice and public administration 6.6 Total: 21.3</p><p>WORKS ON THE RECONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF TO ICB GRADJEVINAR FAJIC-HP INVESTING-KARADRVO- JOINT Health and other social services 1,300.8 Law and justice and public administration 584.4 Total: 1,885.2</p><p>RADOBOLJA RIVERBANK AND PARK SEMOVAC - GENER NCB GARANT, MOSTAR Health and other social services 25.0 Law and justice and public administration 11.3 Total: 36.3</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF WORKS (RADOBOLJA CHANNELS) NCB HAMES Health and other social services 32.7 Law and justice and public administration 14.7 Total: 47.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 40 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P070650 SOTAC ESTABLISHING OF THE CLIENT DATABASE/REGISTRY QCBS CONSORCIUM LACOOC Health and other social services 53.6 Law and justice and public administration 281.3 Total: 334.9</p><p>COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR CENTERS FOR SOCIAL WO SHOP COSIM SYSTEMS D.O.O. Health and other social services 25.9 Law and justice and public administration 135.8 Total: 161.7</p><p>COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR CENTERS FOR SOCIAL WO SHOP PRINT-EX D.O.O. Health and other social services 25.8 Law and justice and public administration 135.3 Total: 161.1</p><p>P070917 PRIV TA PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN QCBS PUBLIC RELATION AGENCY Law and justice and public administration 261.5 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF IT EQUIPMENT FOR SHOP IRIS COMPUTERS D.D Information and communications 85.2</p><p>P070995 COMM DEVT PROVISION OF TRAINING SERVICES ON BUSINESS D CQB SINERGIJA Education 15.2 Health and other social services 12.7 Law and justice and public administration 8.5 Transportation 9.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.2 Total: 60.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE SYSTEM IN SETTLEMENT NCB ODP "KOMUNALAC" Education 11.5 Health and other social services 9.6 Law and justice and public administration 6.4 Transportation 6.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.5 Total: 45.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE SYSTEM IN SETTLEMENTS NCB AA "KOMERC" Education 20.1 Health and other social services 16.9 Law and justice and public administration 11.3 Transportation 12.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.1 Total: 80.5</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN MUNIC NCB GRALEKS D.O.O. Education 19.8 Health and other social services 16.7 Law and justice and public administration 11.1 Transportation 11.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 19.8 Total: 79.3</p><p>REGULATION OF RASOVACA BROOK IN MUNICIPALITY NCB HIDROGRADNJA, SRBINJE Education 14.6 Health and other social services 12.3 Law and justice and public administration 8.2 Transportation 8.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.6 Total: 58.6</p><p>WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN MUNICIPALITY CAJNICE NCB D.O.O. "OSAT" Education 16.2 Health and other social services 13.6 Law and justice and public administration 9.1 Transportation 9.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.2 Total: 64.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE SYSTEM IN KASARNA IN NCB UNIONINVEST Education 10.5 Health and other social services 8.8 Law and justice and public administration 5.9 Transportation 6.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.5 Total: 42.1</p><p>IMPROVEMENT OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM WITH DRIN NCB A.D. "METALNO" ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 41 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 16.3 Health and other social services 13.7 Law and justice and public administration 9.1 Transportation 9.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.3 Total: 65.1</p><p>SANITATION OF MULTIFUNCTIONAL BUILDING IN MU NCB "JANKOVIC IN@ENJERING" D.O.O. Education 12.6 Health and other social services 10.6 Law and justice and public administration 7.1 Transportation 7.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.6 Total: 50.4</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL ROAD BARE-GARICI IN NCB KOZARAPUTEVI A.D. Education 24.5 Health and other social services 20.6 Law and justice and public administration 13.7 Transportation 14.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.5 Total: 97.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN VUCJA NCB ISKOP D.O.O. Education 12.9 Health and other social services 10.9 Law and justice and public administration 7.3 Transportation 7.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.9 Total: 51.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM NOVO NAS NCB AD UNIONINVEST Education 19.2 Health and other social services 16.1 Law and justice and public administration 10.7 Transportation 11.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 19.2 Total: 76.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN SETTL NCB GRALEKS D.O.O. Education 28.7 Health and other social services 24.1 Law and justice and public administration 16.1 Transportation 17.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.7 Total: 114.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF DRINKING WATER NETWORK IN SE NCB AA KOMERC D.O.O. Education 18.4 Health and other social services 15.5 Law and justice and public administration 10.3 Transportation 11.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 18.4 Total: 73.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF 10K ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISS NCB D.O.O. "SSELCO" Education 10.6 Health and other social services 8.9 Law and justice and public administration 5.9 Transportation 6.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.6 Total: 42.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE SYSTEM IN MUNICIPALIT NCB ISKOP D.O.O. Education 20.2 Health and other social services 17.0 Law and justice and public administration 11.3 Transportation 12.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.2 Total: 80.9</p><p>SANITATION OF HOUSE OF CULTURE IN MUNICIPALI NCB A.D. "UNIONINVEST" Education 13.1 Health and other social services 11.0 Law and justice and public administration 7.3 Transportation 7.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 13.1 Total: 52.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM PREV NCB GP "GRADNJA" Education 15.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 42 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 13.4 Law and justice and public administration 8.9 Transportation 9.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.9 Total: 63.6</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCAL ROADS IN SETTLEM NCB G.P. "PUT" AD Education 13.7 Health and other social services 11.5 Law and justice and public administration 7.7 Transportation 8.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 13.7 Total: 54.7</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCAL ROAD ZELJEZNI MO NCB "PRIJEDOR-PUTEVI" Education 16.1 Health and other social services 13.5 Law and justice and public administration 9.0 Transportation 9.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.1 Total: 64.3</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF CULTURE CENTRE AND AN INFI NCB BC GRADNJA Health and other social services 27.8 ARRANGEMENT OF YARD AND INSTALLING OF A FENC NCB JSKGUP "PRACA" Health and other social services 41.7 CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC LIGHTING AND ARRANGEM NCB GPD "DRINA" Health and other social services 83.6 RECONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL ROAD OF LCS HUMCI IN NCB ARAPOVAC-PUTEVI D.O.O. Transportation 41.8 CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE SYSTEM IN LC ZASEOK I NCB SF INZENJERING D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 112.6 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM LISKOVAC-PECIGRAD-HOUSEH NCB JKP VODOVOD Water, sanitation and flood protection 55.1 RECONSTRUCTION OF CITY STREETS IN THE MUNICI NCB RUDNICI GIPSA D.D. Transportation 73.4 ELECTRIFICATION OF VILLAGE KIJEV DO, IN THE NCB AMITEA Health and other social services 101.9 PUBLIC LIGHTING AND HEATING OF MUNICIPAL BUI NCB FUEL BOSS ZENICA Health and other social services 29.3 REPAIR OF CULTURE CENTRE IN THE MUNICIPALITY NCB GRADVIN COMERC D.O.O. Health and other social services 41.9 RECONSTRUCTION OF CITY STREETS IN THE MUNICI NCB GORAZDEPUTEVI D.D. Transportation 72.9 REPAIR OF ROADS 2-3-15 AND 2-3-16 IN THE MUN NCB CM CELJE D.D. CESTE MOSTOVI CELJE Transportation 71.0 REPAIR OF LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN MUNICIPALI NCB "REXOM" D.O.O. Education 36.8 Health and other social services 30.9 Law and justice and public administration 20.6 Transportation 22.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 36.8 Total: 147.1</p><p>HOOL YARD REPAIR IN LC KRUSEVO IN THE MUNICI NCB "INTER-INVEST" D.O.O. Education 66.2 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTERM KRIVAJE NCB "ROADING" D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 68.5 "WATER SUPPLY DISTRIBUTION NETWORK PODGORANI NCB HP "INVESTING" D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 188.8 TIDYING UP OF THE AREAS SURROUNDING MIXED HI NCB "GRADNJA-FINAL" D.O.O. Education 20.8 Health and other social services 17.5 Law and justice and public administration 11.7 Transportation 12.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.8 Total: 83.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF DISJOINED TRANSFORMATION STA NCB SSELKO, AD BANJA LUKA Education 10.9 Health and other social services 9.1 Law and justice and public administration 6.1 Transportation 6.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.9 Total: 43.4</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL ROADS IN LC DELIJAS NCB GP PUT D.D. Transportation 56.9 RECONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL ROAD RAJKOVACE-KOLNI NCB ASFALTGRADNJA D.D. Transportation 52.3 REPAIR OF LOCAL ROAD IN LC MRAVICI IN MUNICI NCB "HAJDIC" D.O.O. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 43 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 96.7 CLEANING OF ZELJEZNICA RIVER" IN THE MUNICIP NCB "SLUZBA CIVILNE ZASTITE" TRNOVO Education 14.6 Health and other social services 12.3 Law and justice and public administration 8.2 Transportation 8.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.6 Total: 58.4</p><p>REPAIR OF ONE PART OF CITY'S WATER SUPPLY SY NCB "ECCON-INZINJERING" D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 61.8 RECONSTRUCTION OF BRIBDGE OVER RIVER BIJELA NCB "AMITEA" D.O.O. Education 16.9 Health and other social services 14.2 Law and justice and public administration 9.5 Transportation 10.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.9 Total: 67.6</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL ROAD ZUPCA-PODGORA-I NCB ASFALTGRADNJA D.O.O. Education 33.7 Health and other social services 28.3 Law and justice and public administration 18.9 Transportation 20.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 33.7 Total: 134.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM STRAISTE NCB "CGV" D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 57.7 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM RAINCI G NCB "SF INZINJERING" D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 106.3 RECONSTRUCTION OF CULTURE CENTERS IN LCS BUD NCB "HAEMES" D.O.O. Education 70.7 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN LC NE NCB "BOSNAPLAST" D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 101.0 CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISJOINED TRANSFORMERS S NCB KBK ELING Education 14.7 Health and other social services 12.3 Law and justice and public administration 8.2 Transportation 8.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.7 Total: 58.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF DISJOINT TRANSFORMERS STATIO NCB OM-INTEGRAL Education 15.0 Health and other social services 12.6 Law and justice and public administration 8.4 Transportation 9.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.0 Total: 60.1</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN MUNICIPALITY KNEZE NCB KOZARAPUTEVI Transportation 77.0 RECONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL ROADS IN LC GUVNA IN NCB RUDNICI GIPSA D.D. Transportation 74.1 RECONSTRUCTION OF CITY STREETS IN LC GORNJI NCB RUDNICI GIPSA D.D. Education 12.2 Health and other social services 10.2 Law and justice and public administration 6.8 Transportation 7.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.2 Total: 48.8</p><p>REPAIR OF PART OF THE HOSPITAL IN MUNICIPALI NCB "COMPANY SULIC" D.O.O. Health and other social services 53.5 REPAIR OF WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN COMMUNI NCB "AMITEA" D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 223.6 "CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM HRENOVI NCB "SF INZENJERING" D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 63.5 "FAECAL COLLECTOR AND REGULATION OF KASAPOVI NCB "BOSNAPLAST" D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 86.8 "RECONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL ROAD CRNICI-CRNICKI NCB "ASFALTGRADNJA" D.D. Transportation 60.7 "RECONSTROCTION OF EXTERIOR PREMISES OF PRIM NCB "POIN" D.O.O. Education 83.2 EDUCATION OF WOMEN FOR HAND-MAKING OF VARIOU CQS UDRUZENJE ZENA "KONJICANKE", KONJIC Education 17.3 RECONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL ROAD OSTROZAC-MAJETI NCB "GHRM" D.O.O. Transportation 75.0 "PROCUREMENT OF COFFEE PACKAGING EQUIPMENT F NCB "UZUN KOMERC" D.O.O. Health and other social services 60.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 44 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>PROVIDE TRAINING TO HANDICAP PEOPLE FOR COFF CQS 'TMP' DRUSTVO ZA ZAPOSLJAVANJE SLIJEPIH I SLABO Education 9.7 CONSTRUCTION OF HEATING SYSTEM IN HOUSE OF H NCB GRIJANJEINVEST D.O.O. Education 2.1 Health and other social services 1.8 Law and justice and public administration 1.2 Transportation 1.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.1 Total: 8.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF OUTPATIENT CLINIC, MUNICIPAL NCB "INTAL AD", MILICI Health and other social services 48.5</p><p>P071004 SOC INS TA ASSISTANT PROJECT COORDINATOR OCT 1, 2003 - INDV ZLATKO SAHADZIC Health and other social services 48.1 DRAZENKA MALICBEGOVIC RADOS - SITAP ASSISTAN INDV DRAZENKA MALICBEGOVIC-RADOS Health and other social services 31.4 AIDA KURTOVIC - FINANCIAL MANAGER, JULY 1, 2 INDV AIDA KURTOVIC Health and other social services 31.4 SULEJMAN PITIC - PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST, JUL INDV SULEJMAN PITIC Health and other social services 31.3 VELIDA SELMANAGIC - INTERPRETER, JULY 1, 200 INDV VELIDA SELMANAGIC Health and other social services 24.5 ISMIHANA COROVIC - ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT INDV ISMIHANA COROVIC Health and other social services 14.7 AMIR TAHIROVIC - DRIVER, JULY 1, 2004 - SEPT INDV AMIR TAHIROVIC Health and other social services 11.5</p><p>P071347 ROAD MGMT SAFETY REHABILITATION OF M-17 STUPSKA PETLJA-JABLAN ICB J.V. GP.PUT GP BOSNAPUTEVI ASFALTGRADNJA Transportation 2,313.8 REHABILITATION OF KOZARSKA DUBICA-GRADISKA R ICB "JEDINSTVO" GRADISKA Transportation 926.7 REHABILITATION OF M-17 KARUSE-LASVA ROAD ICB DOBOJPUTEVI Transportation 2,235.2 REHABILITATION OF M-18 SICKI BROD-KRIVAJEVIC ICB INTEGRAL INZENJERING D.O.O. LAKTASI Transportation 627.5 REHABILITATION OF M-18 SICKI BROD-KRIVAJEVIC ICB TUZLAPUTEVI D.D. TUZLA Transportation 941.3 WORKS SUPERVISION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORI LCS DIVEL & CETEOR Transportation 18.8 WORKS SUPERVISION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORI LCS INTEGRA & ZAGREBINSPEKT Transportation 57.5 WORKS SUPERVISION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORI LCS DIVEL & CETEOR Transportation 85.3 WORKS SUPERVISION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORI LCS CONSORTIUM BIH Law and justice and public administration 14.4 Transportation 81.5 Total: 95.8</p><p>WORKS SUPERVISION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORI LCS CONSORTIUM BIH Transportation 92.4 WORKS SUPERVISION AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORI QCBS INSTITUT ZA GRADEVINARSTVO Transportation 277.8 REHABILITATION OF KARANOVAC-KNEZEVO-UGAR ROA ICB PRIJEDORPUTEVI Transportation 1,773.3 REHABILITATION OF DOBRO POLJE-KALINOVIK ROAD ICB HIDROGRADNJA Transportation 480.1</p><p>Country Total: 36,945.8</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P074618 MONTENEGRO ENV INFRA CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATING OF THE SANITARY L ICB INTEGRAL INZENJERING Water, sanitation and flood protection 655.9</p><p>P079116 ENVIRONMENT (MONTENEGRO) CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATING OF THE SANITARY L ICB INTEGRAL INZENJERING Law and justice and public administration 6.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 128.5 Total: 135.2</p><p>Country Total: 791.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 37,736.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 45 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BOTSWANA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Southern Africa P076899 SADC - Statistics for PRSP PROJECT MANAGER INDV HELENA NTHIBE Law and justice and public administration 111.4</p><p>Country Total: 111.4</p><p>Zambia P064064 MINE TOWNSHIP SERVICES PROJECT SUPPLY & DEL OF WATER TREATMENT CHEM PHASE 3 ICB GOODWILL HOLDINGS Water, sanitation and flood protection 359.7 SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF DOMESTIC WATER METERS & ICB PAJODE NAILS & METALS (PTY) LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 59.9</p><p>Country Total: 419.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 531.1 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 46 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BRAZIL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Argentina P006010 AR PROV AG DEVT I ARV DRUG: STAVUDINA ( SYRUP 1MG/ML): 11,080 ICB CRISTALIA PRODUCTOS QUIMICOS FARMACEUTICOS LTDA Water, sanitation and flood protection 441.9</p><p>P034091 AR-Higher Ed. Reform ARV DRUG: RITONAVIR ( SOFT CAPSULES- 100 MG ICB CRISTALIA PRODUCTOS QUIMICOS FARMACEUTICOS LTDA Education 2,510.3 ARV DRUGS:LOT-34,37,39,40,45,55,67 & 70 ICB LABORATORIO NEO QUIMICA COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LI Education 161.3</p><p>Country Total: 3,113.4</p><p>Bangladesh P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. GLR7.6 - PROCUREMENT OF FUSE LINK ICB FABRICA DE PECAS ELECTRICA 'DELMAR' LTD. Energy and mining 44.3 SUB-PACKAGE G-10.10 OF PACKAGE G-10 C. AUTOM ICB TOSHIBA DO BRAZIL S/A RODOVIA FERNAO DIAS Energy and mining 184.8 2GLR7.11: PROCUREMENT OF LINE VOLTAGE REGULA ICB TOSHIBA DO BRASIL S.A. Energy and mining 162.0</p><p>Country Total: 391.0</p><p>Brazil P006436 Ceara Urban Development & Water Resource CADASTRO TECNICO - MARACANAU QCBS AEROFOTO NORDESTE S/C LTDA Education 1.3 Law and justice and public administration 11.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 115.1 Total: 127.9</p><p>TECHNICAL CADASTRE - ARACATI QCBS OESTE - ORGANIZACAO, ESTRADAS, TOPOGRAFIA E ENG Education 1.0 Law and justice and public administration 9.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 91.9 Total: 102.1</p><p>AQUISITION OF TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT NCB ITAUTEC PHILCO S/A Education 2.6 Law and justice and public administration 23.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 233.6 Total: 259.6</p><p>PLANO DIRETOR DE DESENVOLVIMENTO URBANO PARA QCBS NASSER HISSA ARQUITETOS ASSOCIADOS LTDA. Education 1.0 Law and justice and public administration 9.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 89.7 Total: 99.7</p><p>SUPPORT THE PPA DISCUSSIONS MEETINGS THROUGH QCBS PERSONAL CONSULTORIA E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA Education 1.4 Law and justice and public administration 12.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 127.9 Total: 142.1</p><p>CARRY OUT A STUDY ON STATE GOVERNMENT PROCUR SSS ROLAND BERGER STRATEGY CONSULTANTS S/C LTDA Education 2.4 Law and justice and public administration 21.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 217.4 Total: 241.6</p><p>ELAVORAÇÃO DO PLANO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO REGIO SSS NASSER HISSA ARQUITETOS ASSOCIADOS LTDA. Education 1.3 Law and justice and public administration 11.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 118.2 Total: 131.3</p><p>P006449 BR CEARA WTR MGT PROGERIRH SIM MASTER PLAN FOR THE ACUDE CASTANHAO-JAGUARIB QCBS ENERCONSULT S.A./IBI-ENGENHARIA CONSULTIVA S.C. Water, sanitation and flood protection 127.0</p><p>P006474 BR LAND MGT 3 (SAO PAULO) PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS, NOTEBOOKS, LASER PRIN ICB AGIS EQUIPAMENTOS E SERVICOS DE INFORMATICA LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 706.8 PURCHASE OF SWITCHS MODULE FAULT TOLERANT PO ICB BRNET INFORMATICA LTDA. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 74.5 PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS SOFTWARES. ICB GEOAMBIENTE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO S/C LTDA. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 47 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BRAZIL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 16.6 PURCHASE OF 600 NAVIGATION EQUIPMENTS - GPS NCB HEZOLINEM EQUIPAMENTOS TOPOGRAFICOS E COMERCIO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 198.3 PURCHASE OF FERTILIZATION AND SOWING MACHINE NCB IMPLEMENTOS YAMASHITA LTDA. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 348.2 PURCHASE OF FERTILIZATION AND SOWING MACHINE NCB JUSTINO DE MORAES, IRMAOS S/A Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 152.3 PURCHASE OF 134 VEHICLES ICB FIAT AUTOMOVEIS S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 607.9 PURCHASE OF 37 VEHICLES ICB VOLKSWAGEN DO BRASIL LTDA. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 253.5</p><p>P006553 BR-INT.WATER MGT AND BASIC SERVICES DETAILED PREPARATION OF THE ALTO TIETÊ SANIT QCBS CONSÓRCIO COBRAPE/CNEC/JNS Water, sanitation and flood protection 577.3</p><p>P006572 ECOL. CORRIDORS ELABORATION OF THE MANAGEMENT PLAN - AMAZON QCBS TC/BR TECNOLOGIA E CONSULTORIA BRASILEIRA S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 479.7</p><p>P035728 BR BAHIA WTR RESOURCES COMPLEMENTARY CONSTRUCTION ON SIAA DE PONTO NCB MRM CONSTRUTORA LTDA. Health and other social services 828.9 Law and justice and public administration 828.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,218.1 Total: 4,875.9</p><p>SECURITY SERVICES LCS CENTAURUS VIGILANCIA E SEGURANCA LTDA. Health and other social services 60.1 Law and justice and public administration 60.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 233.3 Total: 353.5</p><p>CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF THE PINDOBACU DA QCBS CONSORCIO UFC/LCL, ENGENHARIA LTDA. Health and other social services 95.8 Law and justice and public administration 95.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 371.9 Total: 563.5</p><p>OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE BAHIA WEST QCBS UFC ENGENHARIA LTDA Water, sanitation and flood protection 182.3 MANAGEMENT OF THE HYDRIC RESOURCES OF BAHIA LCS DELGITEC - DEL GIUDICE ASSESSORIA TECNICA LTDA. Water, sanitation and flood protection 103.2 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF SIAA PONTO NOVO QCBS ECOSFERA ENGENHARIA AMBIENTAL LTDA. Water, sanitation and flood protection 134.8 RESETTLEMENT COSTS IN PONTO NOVO IRRIGATION SSS DISTRITO DE IRRIGACAO DE PONTO NOVO Water, sanitation and flood protection 97.1 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF THE BANDEIRA DE QCBS HIGESA ENGENHARIA LTDA. Water, sanitation and flood protection 308.0 MONITORING OF HYDROMETRIC NETWORK ( OPERATIO QCBS HIDROBASA HIDROMETRIA DA BAHIA LTDA Water, sanitation and flood protection 225.8 WATER QUALITY MONITORING OF THE APERTADO,PED QCBS BMA-BIOMONITORAMENTO E MEIO AMBIENTE LTDA. Water, sanitation and flood protection 207.6</p><p>P035741 BR NATL ENV 2 MONITORING OF THE WATER QUALITY FOR THE NATI QCBS CEPEMAR - SERVICOS DE CONSULTORIA EM MEIO AMBIE Law and justice and public administration 174.0</p><p>P037828 BR (PR)R.POVERTY ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS - LOT 1 ICB T.V.TECNICA VIARIA CONSTRUCOES LTDA. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,398.9 ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS - LOT 2 ICB TUCUMANN ENGENHARIA E EMPREENDIMENTOS LTDA. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,286.0 ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS - LOT 3 ICB T.V.TECNICA VIARIA CONSTRUCOES LTDA. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,483.2</p><p>P038882 BR RECIFE M.TSP WATERPROOFING AND RESTORATION SERVICES OF IN NCB CONSTRUTORA PINTO LTDA. Law and justice and public administration 5.1 Transportation 251.1 Total: 256.2</p><p>FINISH WORK IN STATIONS, CONSTRUCTION OF PED ICB CONSTRUCAP CCPS ENGENHARIA E COMÉRCIO S/A Transportation 11,390.2</p><p>P038895 BR FED.WTR MGT PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMEN QCBS UFC/SIGA Water, sanitation and flood protection 249.1 ELABORATE A "RELATÓRIO DE CONJUNTURA DE RECU QCBS TC/BR TECNOLOGIA E CONSULTORIA BRASILEIRA S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 218.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 48 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BRAZIL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P043420 BR WATER S.MOD.2 DIAGNOSTICO TECNICO-OPERACIONAL E AVAILIACAO QCBS VBA CONSULTORES LTDA Water, sanitation and flood protection 236.0</p><p>P043421 BR RJ M.TRANSIT PRJ. MASTER PASSENGER TRANSPORT PLAN FOR THE RIO SSS COPPETEC Transportation 48.5 PHYSICAL INVENTORY AND CATALOG OF THE CAPITA QCBS DPS DE CONSULT/PRAXIS/SYSFER Transportation 1,398.0 SUPPLY OF 20 ELECTRIC MULTIPLE UNITS ICB MITSUI BRASILEIRA IMPORTAÇÃO E EXPORTAÇÃO S.A. Transportation 1,565.3</p><p>P043869 BR SANTA CATARINA NATURAL RESOURC & POV. ACQUISITION OF VEHICLES ICB GENERAL MOTORS DO BRASIL LTDA. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 338.4 Health and other social services 92.3 Industry and trade 61.5 Law and justice and public administration 92.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 30.8 Total: 615.3</p><p>P048869 BR SALVADOR URBAN TRANS INSPECTION AND SUPERVISION SERVICES FOR CIVI QCBS NORONHA ENGENHARIA S.A. Transportation 1,395.9</p><p>P050880 BR Pernambuco Rural Poverty Reduction MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING INFORMATION SYSTEM QCBS WIT PLANEJAMENTO E TENOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO LTDA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 21.6 Energy and mining 10.8 Health and other social services 37.9 Law and justice and public administration 10.8 Transportation 27.1 Total: 108.2</p><p>ASSOCIACAO COMUNITARIA NEGRA SSS ASSOCIACAO COMUNITARIA NEGRA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 12.0 Energy and mining 6.0 Health and other social services 21.1 Law and justice and public administration 6.0 Transportation 15.1 Total: 60.2</p><p>P051696 SÃO PAULO METRO LINE 4 PROJECT CONSULTING SERVICES FOR 'CADASTRAMENTO IMOBI LCS GERIBELLO ENGENHARIA Transportation 22.2 CONSULTING SERVICES: VIDEO PRODUCTION, CD RO LCS VCR CINEVIDEO Transportation 16.4 CONSULTING SERVICES: "AVALIACAO IMOBILIARIA, FBS ENGEL SERVICOS DE ENGENHARIA Transportation 34.7 CONSULTING SERVICES:ADAPTATION OF BASIC ARQU FBS NORONHA ENGENHARIA Transportation 167.2 CONS. SERVICES: ADAPTATION OF BASIC ARQUITEC FBS SETEPLA TECNOMETAL ENGENHARIA Transportation 70.8 CONS SERVICES: ANALYSIS AND VALIDATION OF DA SSS FUNDACAO GETULIO VARGAS Transportation 50.6 CONS SERVICES: ADAPTATION OF BASIC ARQUITECT SSS THEMAG ENGENHARIA Transportation 259.8 CONS. SERVICES: ADAPTATION OF BASIC ARQUITEC SSS PROMON ENGENHARIA Transportation 489.5 CONS SERVICES: ADAPTATION OF BASIC ARQUITECT SSS PROMON ENGENHARIA Transportation 54.1 CONS SERVICES: ADAPTATION OF BASIC ARQUITECT SSS FIGUEIREDO FERRAZ Transportation 232.4 CONS SERVICES: ADAPTATION OF BASIC AQUITECTU SSS MAUBERTEC ENGENHARIA E PROJETOS Transportation 242.7 ADAPTATION OF BASIC ARQUITECTURE&ENGINEERING SSS PROMON ENGENHARIA Transportation 239.4 ADAPTATION OF BASIC ARQUITECTURE &ENGINEERIN SSS FIGUEIREDO FERRAZ Transportation 38.6 LOT 1 - PAULISTA - THE SECTION BETWEEN JOAO ICB ALSTOM TRANSPORT S.A. Transportation 55,133.6 LOT 1 - PAULISTA - THE SECTION BETWEEN JOAO ICB CBPO ENGENHARIA LTDA. Transportation 78,347.8 LOT 1 - PAULISTA - THE SECTION BETWEEN JOAO ICB CONSTRUTORA OAS LTDA Transportation 78,347.8 LOT 1 - PAULISTA - THE SECTION BETWEEN JOAO ICB CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAO S.A. Transportation 78,347.8 LOT 2 - PINHEIROS - THE SECTION BETWEEN FRAD ICB ALSTOM TRANSPORT S.A. Transportation 53,702.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 49 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BRAZIL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>LOT 2 - PINHEIROS - THE SECTION BETWEEN FRAD ICB CBPO ENGENHARIA LTDA. Transportation 63,466.4 LOT 2 - PINHEIROS - THE SECTION BETWEEN FRAD ICB CONSTRUTORA OAS LTDA Transportation 63,466.4 LOT 2 - PINHEIROS - THE SECTION BETWEEN FRAD ICB CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAO S.A. Transportation 63,466.4 LOT 3 - VILA SONIA YARD ICB CONSTRUCOES E COMERCIO CAMARGO CORREA S.A. Transportation 19,836.3 LOT 3 - VILA SONIA YARD ICB CONSTRUTORA ANDRADE GUITIERREZ S.A. Transportation 19,836.3 LOT 3 - VILA SONIA YARD ICB SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Transportation 33,795.2</p><p>P054119 BR BAHIA DEVT (HEALTH ) SELEÇÃO DE AGENTES COMUNITÁRIOS DE SAÚDE QCBS SERVIÇO NACIONAL DE SELEÇÃO PÚBLICA - SENASP Health and other social services 346.3 PLANO DE CONVERSÃO DO MODELO DE ASSISTÊNCIA SSS LEAL ASSESSORIA TÉCNICA EM ENGENHARIA LTDA. Health and other social services 379.8</p><p>P055954 GOIÁS STATE HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT PAVING OF ROAD GO-142, SECTION MONTIVIDIU DO ICB CONSTRUMIL Transportation 2,692.6</p><p>P057649 BR Bahia Rural Poverty Reduction Project CONVENIO ENTRE CAR E A ASSOCIAÇÃO PARA IMPL DIR ASSOC. TRAB.RURAIS DA COM. BOQUEIRAO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 51.3 PROJECT DISSEMINATION CAMPAIGN QCBS SLA PROPAGANDA LTDA. Health and other social services 187.2</p><p>P070827 BR-2nd APL BAHIA DEV. EDUCATION PROJECT ACQUISITION AND DISTRIBUTION OF EDUCATION MA ICB LIVRARIA CULTURA LTDA Education 4,296.3 GESTAR PROGRAM - PRINTING, BINDING, AND DIST ICB ESDEVA EMPRESA GRÁFICA Education 40.4 GESTAR PROGRAM - PRINTING, BINDING, AND DIST ICB GRÁFICA E EDITORA POSIGRAF Education 318.4 EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE MATERIAL - ACQUISITION A ICB DIANA PAOLUCCI IND E COM Education 779.2 ACQUISITION OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT NCB `IDEIA DIGITAL SISTEMAS, CONSULTORIA E COMERCIO Education 838.2 EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL - PRINTING, BINDING, AN ICB GRÁFICA E EDITORA POSIGRAF Education 1,875.2 PRINTING, FINISHING AND DISTRIBUTION OF TEST ICB GRÁFICA E EDITORA POSIGRAF Education 285.9</p><p>Country Total: 655,336.9</p><p>China P087024 Cross Border Capital Flow PRESENTATION FOR WORKSHOP INDV ILAN GOLDFAJN Finance 12.0</p><p>Country Total: 12.0</p><p>Mexico P007648 MX MEDIUM CITIES TRANSP TECH.ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ON URBAN TRANSPORT F QCBS LOGIT, LOGISTICA, INFORMATICA Y TRANSPORTE Law and justice and public administration 46.7 Transportation 312.6 Total: 359.3</p><p>Country Total: 359.3</p><p>Mozambique P001807 MZ-Decentralized Planning and Fin. Proj SENIOR PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST INDV ROSALIA FAUSTINO GILIO Health and other social services 6.9 Law and justice and public administration 82.2 Transportation 27.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.6 Total: 137.0</p><p>Country Total: 137.0</p><p>Timor-Leste ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 50 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BRAZIL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P072647 TP-FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL QUALITY PROJECT PROJECT ADVISOR - DAILY RATE CONTRACT INDV FRANCISCO OSLER DE ALMEIDA Education 135.0</p><p>Country Total: 135.0</p><p>Uruguay P008177 UY POWER TRNMSN & DISTR EQUIPAMIETNO DE MEDIA TENSION ICB FABRICA DE PECAS ELECTRICAS DELMAR LTD Energy and mining 392.7 SUMINISTRO DE TRANSFORMADORES ICB TRAFO EQ. ELETRICOS SA Energy and mining 1,910.2 ADQUISICI CABLES DE MEDIA TENSION Y ACCESORI ICB PHELPS DODGE BRASIL LTDA. Energy and mining 1,246.9 SUMINISTRO DE EQUIPAMIENTO PARA ESTACION NUE ICB ORTENG EQUIPAMIENTO DE SISTEMAS LTDA Energy and mining 626.6 ADQUISICION DE MEDIDORES Y CAJAS PARA EQUIPO ICB ACTARIS SA Energy and mining 143.6 PUESTOS URBANOS COMPACTOS DE TRANSFORMACION ICB COOPER POWER SYSTEMS DO BRASIL LTDA. Energy and mining 515.2</p><p>Country Total: 4,835.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 664,319.9 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 51 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BULGARIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bulgaria P008314 DISTRICT HEAT SUPPLY OF HEAT INSULATION & INCIDENTAL SERVI ICB BRUNATA BULGARIA OOD Energy and mining 576.8 SUPPLY OF HEAT INSULATION AND INCIDENTAL SER ICB ET PESHTOSTROENE Energy and mining 174.9 SUPPLY OF HEAT INSULATION AND INCIDENTAL SER ICB BRAYAN TERMOISOL OOD Energy and mining 599.5 SUPPLY OF HEAT INSULATION AND INCIDENTAL SER ICB ET PESHTOSTROENE Energy and mining 599.5 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB MINSTROY HOLDING JSC Energy and mining 628.8 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB MIX PS OOD Energy and mining 192.4 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB TECHNOMASHPROGRESS OOD Energy and mining 288.6 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB MIX PS OOD Energy and mining 249.7 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB TECHNOMASHPROGRESS OOD Energy and mining 374.6 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB MINNOSTROITELNA KOMPANIA Energy and mining 210.0 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB MIX PS OOD Energy and mining 155.3 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB TECHNOMASHPROGRESS OOD Energy and mining 232.9 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB MINNOSTROITELNA KOMPANIA Energy and mining 292.7 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB MIX PS OOD Energy and mining 95.5 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB TECHNOMASHPROGRESS OOD Energy and mining 143.2 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB ENERGOREMONT HOLDING AD Energy and mining 234.6 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB GARANTSTROY 92 EOOD Energy and mining 234.6 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB ENERGOREMONT HOLDING AD Energy and mining 126.2 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB GARANTSTROY 92 EOOD Energy and mining 126.2 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB ENERGOREMONT HOLDING AD Energy and mining 159.4 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB GARANTSTROY 92 EOOD Energy and mining 159.4 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB ENERGOREMONT HOLDING AD Energy and mining 186.8 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB GARANTSTROY 92 EOOD Energy and mining 186.8 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB ENERGOREMONT HOLDING AD Energy and mining 42.8 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR PREINSULATED PIPES AN ICB GARANTSTROY 92 EOOD Energy and mining 42.8</p><p>P033964 FOREST DEVT PROJECT CORRDINATOR FUEL SWITCH PILOT PROJEC INDV YENI KATSARSKA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 21.6</p><p>P055021 REG AND CADASTRE CONSULTING SERVICES FOR CREATING PRELIMINARY CQB NORMA LTD Law and justice and public administration 103.1 SUPPLY OF MOTOR VEHILCES FOR THE REGIONAL OF ICB MOTO PHOE LTD Law and justice and public administration 506.6 SUPPLY OF ARCHIVE FURNITURE AND OFFICE FURNI NCB GOSPODINOV I SINOVE OOD Law and justice and public administration 111.6</p><p>P055157 HEALTH SECT REF GOOODS & SERVICES FOR PRINTING OF INTERNATIO NCB POLIGRAFICHESKI KOMBINAT D.BLAGOEV Health and other social services 53.1 ECHOCARDIOGRAPH ICB S&T BULGARIA EOOD Health and other social services 637.5 INTRA AORTIC BALLOON PUMP ICB ET MEDIMEX PETROVA Health and other social services 144.4 ICB 016, LOT 2.1-RESPIRATOR CLASS "A" ICB DRAGER BULGARIA EOOD Health and other social services 363.5 ICB 016, LOT 6-INTEGRATED EDNOSURGERY SYSTEM ICB BURLEY&CO. LTD. Health and other social services 473.7 ICB 016, LOTS 3.1&3.2-SYRINGE PUMP&VOLUMETRI ICB BULRAY&CO. LTD. Health and other social services 837.4 LOT 3.3 - FLUID MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ICB FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE BULGARIA Health and other social services 318.0 WORKS FOR RELOCATION OF NEUROSURGERY CLINIC NCB NIKSTROY 2001 EOOD ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 52 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BULGARIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 668.9 SUPERVISION WORKS - NEUROSURGERY CLINIC LCS EROU LTD. Health and other social services 37.1 DRG TRAINING SHOP PARK HOTEL MOSKVA AD Health and other social services 306.3 Law and justice and public administration 71.9 Total: 378.2</p><p>P064536 CHILD WELFARE REF DATABASE SERVERS, LOCAL SERVERS AND WORK STA ICB KONTRAX INTERNATIONAL CONSORTIUM Health and other social services 1,923.4 Law and justice and public administration 905.1 Total: 2,828.5</p><p>MOTHER AND BABY UNIT, SHOUMEN NCB VODNO STROITELSTVO AD Health and other social services 115.5 Law and justice and public administration 54.4 Total: 169.9</p><p>STREET CHILDREN CENTER - ROUSSE NCB ADIS-KALINOV OOD Health and other social services 202.0 Law and justice and public administration 95.0 Total: 297.0</p><p>STATIONARY MONITORING SYSTEMS SHOP INTERNATIONAL NETWORK TECHNOLOGY LTD. Health and other social services 44.2 Law and justice and public administration 20.8 Total: 64.9</p><p>FURNITURE SUPPLY FOR CPUS - NPD NCB VISOTA-A.LAZAROVA ST Health and other social services 76.8 Law and justice and public administration 36.2 Total: 113.0</p><p>BOURGAS PILOT MUNICIPALITY, STREET CHILDREN NCB TRANSSTROY-BURGAS AD Health and other social services 141.7 Law and justice and public administration 66.7 Total: 208.4</p><p>SHUMEN PILOT MUNICIPALITY,STREET CHILDREN CE NCB ADIS KALINOV OOD Health and other social services 185.7 Law and justice and public administration 87.4 Total: 273.1</p><p>ROUSSE PILOT MUNICIPALITY,MOTHER AND BABY UN ICB DOMOSTROENE AD Health and other social services 100.5 Law and justice and public administration 47.3 Total: 147.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SUPPORT CENTER IN BOU NCB STROITELSTVO & VAZSTANOVYAVANE AD Health and other social services 224.7 Law and justice and public administration 105.7 Total: 330.4</p><p>PLOVDIV - MOTHER & BABY UNIT, STREET CHILDRE NCB STROITELSTVO & VAZSTANOVYAVANE AD Health and other social services 149.4 Law and justice and public administration 70.3 Total: 219.7</p><p>SLIVEN PILOT MUNICIPALITY,CHILD CARE CENTER NCB DAR-50 OOD Health and other social services 166.8 Law and justice and public administration 78.5 Total: 245.3</p><p>STARA ZAGORA PILOT MUNICIPALITY, MOTHER & BA NCB LUKO-K EOOD Health and other social services 310.9 Law and justice and public administration 146.3 Total: 457.3</p><p>TARGOVISTE - MOTHER & BABY UNIT AND PUBLIC S NCB ABC CONSORTIUM Health and other social services 301.4 Law and justice and public administration 141.8 Total: 443.2</p><p>PLOVDIV - SOCIAL SERVICES CENTER NCB BIBOV & CO OOD Health and other social services 199.7 Law and justice and public administration 94.0 Total: 293.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 53 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BULGARIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P068858 WETLAND REST (GEF) RENOVATION OF THE KALIMOK-BRUSHLEN PROTECTED NSH PGS-96 OOD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 24.8</p><p>P069532 SIEP REFURBISHMENT OF 2-ND PRIMARY SCHOOL IN GOTS NCB KOOPERACIA EDINSTVO-94 Education 20.5 Health and other social services 133.0 Law and justice and public administration 10.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 40.9 Total: 204.5</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION AND CHANGE OF PIPES IN RABROV NSH ET "KID-VALENTIN TSVETANOV" Education 12.0 Health and other social services 78.3 Law and justice and public administration 6.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.1 Total: 120.4</p><p>REFURBISHMENT OF THE PRIMARY SCHOOL IN SMIRN NSH LAZARETA OOD Education 12.7 Health and other social services 82.7 Law and justice and public administration 6.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 25.4 Total: 127.2</p><p>REFURBISHMENT OF W&S IN SMIADOVO NSH ABAK-DC OOD Education 12.3 Health and other social services 79.7 Law and justice and public administration 6.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.5 Total: 122.5</p><p>REFURBISHMENT OF HEATING SYSTEM IN PETER PAR NSH BALKANHYDRO OOD Education 12.1 Health and other social services 78.9 Law and justice and public administration 6.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.3 Total: 121.4</p><p>W&S ON HRISTO KARPACHEV ST., DALGOPOL NCB MN STROY OOD Education 11.9 Health and other social services 77.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.8 Total: 118.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF HOME FOR OLD AND HANDICAPPED NCB ODESOSSTROY OOD Education 21.8 Health and other social services 141.5 Law and justice and public administration 10.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 43.5 Total: 217.6</p><p>REFURBISHMENT OF 24-TH PRIMARY SCHOOL IN BEL NCB KOOPERACIA EDINSTVO-94 Education 19.1 Health and other social services 123.9 Law and justice and public administration 9.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 38.1 Total: 190.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF CIVIL SEWAGE SYSTEM NSH ET STROIMASH-G.GEORGIEV Education 11.6 Health and other social services 75.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.2 Total: 115.8</p><p>REFURBISHMENT OF KINDER GARDEN AND CONSTRUCT NCB KOOPERACIA EDINSTVO-94 Education 14.1 Health and other social services 91.6 Law and justice and public administration 7.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.2 Total: 140.8</p><p>MINOR WORKS, HEATING SYSTEM NSH EAR LUKS-B OOD Education 4.5 Health and other social services 29.3 Law and justice and public administration 2.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.0 Total: 45.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 54 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BULGARIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF DAY CARE CENTER NCB BILDINGS EOOD Education 23.0 Health and other social services 149.5 Law and justice and public administration 11.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 46.0 Total: 230.0</p><p>MUNICIPALITY BANIA, BUILDING OF W&S NETWORK NSH ET ALEXANDER VASSILEV Education 12.3 Health and other social services 79.8 Law and justice and public administration 6.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.6 Total: 122.8</p><p>KAMENO MUNICIPALITY NCB SI OOD Education 20.2 Health and other social services 131.1 Law and justice and public administration 10.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 40.3 Total: 201.7</p><p>MINOR WORKS, MUNICIPALITY PRESLAV REFURBISHM NSH GEORGIA TUR EOOD Education 11.1 Health and other social services 72.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 22.2 Total: 111.2</p><p>RELOCATION OF ELDERLY PEOPLE HOME IN FORMER NCB STROIMONTAZH EAD Education 19.1 Health and other social services 123.9 Law and justice and public administration 9.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 38.1 Total: 190.6</p><p>MUNICIPALITY KRIVINA, SOCIAL SERVICES CENTER NCB ENERGOSTROYMONTAZH ENGINEERING AD Education 15.1 Health and other social services 97.8 Law and justice and public administration 7.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 30.1 Total: 150.5</p><p>TRAN W&S PENKOVSTI VILLAGE SHOP ARKADA 22 OOD Education 10.5 Health and other social services 68.1 Law and justice and public administration 5.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.0 Total: 104.8</p><p>MICROPROJECT 11, STAMBOLOVO, HEATING SYSTEM SHOP ET KASTEL Education 6.3 Health and other social services 40.7 Law and justice and public administration 3.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.5 Total: 62.7</p><p>MICROPROJECT 91, SMALL WORKS IN A SCHOOL IN SHOP TONZOS-INTERSTROI AD Education 17.4 Health and other social services 112.8 Law and justice and public administration 8.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 34.7 Total: 173.5</p><p>MICROPROJECT 107, SEWERAGE IN DOLNI CHIFLIK SHOP NADIN-ZHELIAZKOV EOOD Education 12.2 Health and other social services 79.0 Law and justice and public administration 6.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.3 Total: 121.6</p><p>MICROPROJECT 113, W&S IN KV. STARO SELO IN G NCB ET ELIT-DIMITAR GEORGIEV Education 10.1 Health and other social services 65.9 Law and justice and public administration 5.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.3 Total: 101.4</p><p>MICROPROJECT 124, RUZHINTSI NCB VODSTROY AD Education 12.5 Health and other social services 81.4 Law and justice and public administration 6.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 55 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BULGARIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Water, sanitation and flood protection 25.0 Total: 125.2</p><p>MICROPROJECT 165, BERKOVITSA, OLD PEOPLE HOM SHOP VODSTROY AD Education 8.2 Health and other social services 53.3 Law and justice and public administration 4.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.4 Total: 82.0</p><p>MICROPROJECT 178, BELOSLAV SHOP BOKAT-BONEVI OOD Education 11.1 Health and other social services 71.9 Law and justice and public administration 5.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 22.1 Total: 110.6</p><p>SMALL WORKS IN THE PRELIMINARY SCHOOL "ST.ST SHOP STREM OOD Education 8.3 Health and other social services 53.9 Law and justice and public administration 4.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.6 Total: 82.8</p><p>W&S - ELENKA VILLAGE NCB SK VALZAH EOOD Education 17.0 Health and other social services 110.6 Law and justice and public administration 8.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 34.0 Total: 170.1</p><p>WATERSUPPLY - LOM, MLADENOVO NCB VIK STROY EOOD Education 10.7 Health and other social services 69.6 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.4 Total: 107.1</p><p>MICROPROJECT 78, KRICHIM NCB BIBOV & CO. OOD Education 11.9 Health and other social services 77.1 Law and justice and public administration 5.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.7 Total: 118.6</p><p>BUINOVO, BORINO MUNICIPALITY, WATERSUPPLY NCB SMK-PERELIK OOD Education 10.5 Health and other social services 68.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.0 Total: 105.1</p><p>MICROPROJECT NO:54, VALCHEDRAM NCB TODOR VANKOV EOOD Education 13.7 Health and other social services 89.0 Law and justice and public administration 6.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 27.4 Total: 136.9</p><p>MICROPROJECT 33, KAOLINOVO, BUILDING IN THE NCB ZSP STIL OOD Education 10.8 Health and other social services 70.1 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.6 Total: 107.8</p><p>MICROPROJECT 38, KAVARNA NCB ECOFLUID EOOD Education 12.0 Health and other social services 77.7 Law and justice and public administration 6.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.9 Total: 119.6</p><p>MICROPROJECT 75, DALBOK DOL NCB AS GARANT EOOD Education 8.3 Health and other social services 54.1 Law and justice and public administration 4.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.6 Total: 83.2</p><p>MICROPROJECT 170, LUKOVIT NCB HIDROSTROIKOMPLEKT 97 AD ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 56 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BULGARIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 7.8 Health and other social services 50.8 Law and justice and public administration 3.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.6 Total: 78.2</p><p>MICROPROJECT 202, POMORIE NCB SI OOD Education 21.8 Health and other social services 142.0 Law and justice and public administration 10.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 43.7 Total: 218.4</p><p>MICROPROJECT 205, ALFATAR NCB BLAGSTROY EOOD Education 11.9 Health and other social services 77.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.8 Total: 118.9</p><p>MICROPROJECT 263, SUNGURLARE NCB VODNO STOPANSTVO AD Education 8.2 Health and other social services 53.0 Law and justice and public administration 4.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.3 Total: 81.6</p><p>MICROPROJECT 293, DRIANOVO NCB MONOLIT-T OOD Education 10.6 Health and other social services 68.7 Law and justice and public administration 5.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.1 Total: 105.7</p><p>MICROPROJECT 29, DIMOVO, ARCHAR - REFURBISHM NCB VODSTROY AD Education 16.9 Health and other social services 109.7 Law and justice and public administration 8.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 33.8 Total: 168.8</p><p>MICROPROJECT 30, ORIAHOVO NCB HORIZONT-PLEVEN EOOD Education 14.4 Health and other social services 93.8 Law and justice and public administration 7.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.9 Total: 144.2</p><p>P070086 TRADE & TRANS FACIL IN SE EUR VIDIN FERRY BORDER CROSSING, II PHASE - RECO ICB CK-13 HOLDING JSC Law and justice and public administration 539.4 KAPITAN ANDREEVO BORDER CROSSING - OVERHAUL, ICB JOINT VENTURE ROADS Law and justice and public administration 632.5 GYUESHEVO BORDER CROSSING POINT WIDENING AND ICB CONSORTIUM SICONCO Law and justice and public administration 2,016.0 SUPERVISION OF CIVIL WORKS AT KAPITAN ANDREE QCBS EQE CONTROL OOD Law and justice and public administration 86.0 CUSTOMS OFFICE AND TRUCK TERMINAL - VIDIN CU ICB CK-13 HOLDING JSC Law and justice and public administration 3,197.9 VIDIN III STAGE TRUCK TERMINAL QCBS EQE CONTROL OOD Law and justice and public administration 56.4 BOURGAS QCBS ELGARIO LTD. Law and justice and public administration 22.1 WORKS NCB EKSA LTD. Law and justice and public administration 250.3 FACILITY FOR CUSTOMS INSPECTION OF CONTAINER ICB TRANSSTROY-BURGAS AD Law and justice and public administration 555.7</p><p>P073427 RARP PROCUREMENT CONSULTANT INDV ROUMEN TARKALANOV Law and justice and public administration 37.9 TRAINING CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT INDV SILVIA DILOVA Law and justice and public administration 29.4 TRANSLATION SERVICES CQS EVS BULGARIA LTD. Law and justice and public administration 24.3 DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN & BILL O QCBS BETONINTELLECT-94 OOD Law and justice and public administration 349.1</p><p>P076487 POV MONITR, EVAL & POL DESIGN IDF PROJECT MANAGER INDV ANNA ATHANASSOVA ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 57 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BULGARIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 6.0 Law and justice and public administration 6.0 Total: 12.1</p><p>P083436 RURAL AREA DEVT PROJECT COORDINATOR INDV ANTOANETA SIMOVA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.2 Finance 1.8 Law and justice and public administration 1.8 Transportation 3.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3.7 Total: 12.2</p><p>PROCUREMENT MANAGER INDV IORDAN VELIKOV Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.0 Finance 1.5 Law and justice and public administration 1.5 Transportation 2.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.9 Total: 9.8</p><p>Country Total: 30,276.6</p><p>Europe and Central Asia P075032 TTFSE VIDAN-CALAFAT TA ENGINEERING STUDY AND DESIGN OF COMMUNICATIO SSS PARAFLOW LTD Transportation 7.4 SUPERVISION- VIDIN-FERRY BORDER CROSSING SSS PATINVEST ENGINEERING JSC Transportation 10.7 WORKS NCB EKSA LTD. Transportation 284.3 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM SHOP PROSOFT JSC Transportation 80.2 P078277 GEOTHERMAL FUND FOR ECA TA (GEF) CONTRACT MANAGER INDV MARIA RAYTCHEVA Energy and mining 35.0 TECHNICAL SPECIALIST INDV ALEXANDER OBUSHTAROV Energy and mining 25.0</p><p>Country Total: 442.5</p><p>Guinea P073378 Multi-Sectoral AIDS Project (MAP) SUPPLY OF ESSENTIAL DRUGS ICB LDI INTERNATIONAL NV - BELGIUM Energy and mining 9.9 Health and other social services 371.4 Information and communications 14.9 Law and justice and public administration 99.0 Total: 495.1</p><p>Country Total: 495.1</p><p>Moldova P051174 HEALTH INVST FUND MID-TERM EVALUATION INDV BOYAN KONSTANTINOV DOGANOV Health and other social services 36.2</p><p>Country Total: 36.2</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P074124 SOC ASST CONSULTANCY ON NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT STRATEGY INDV MARIANA MIHAYLOVA KOTZEVA Health and other social services 9.4 Industry and trade 4.7 Law and justice and public administration 9.4 Total: 23.6</p><p>P077732 PRIV & REST OF BANKS/ENTPRS TA PREPARATION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF FINANCIAL M DIR TAMS LTD Law and justice and public administration 15.3</p><p>Country Total: 38.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 58 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BULGARIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Uzbekistan P050508 URBAN TRANSPORT CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CONTROL OVER THE QU QCBS SGS BULGARIA LTD. Transportation 131.7</p><p>Country Total: 131.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 31,420.9 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 59 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BURKINA FASO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P077371 3A: Climate Impacts on Agro-Ecological IMPLEMENT THE COUNTRY STUDY WHICH WOULD INVO CQB DR. LEOPOLD SOME Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.0</p><p>Country Total: 40.0</p><p>Burkina Faso P000283 MINING CAPACITY BUIL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ICB ACHATS-SERVICES INTERNATIONAL Energy and mining 1,271.9</p><p>P000296 Burkina Faso:AG SERVICES II FINANCIAL AUDIT OF INERA AND IRSAT FOR 2003 LCS DELOITTE & TOUCHE BURKINA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 115.2 Health and other social services 5.0 Law and justice and public administration 3.7 Total: 123.9</p><p>3 VEHICLES (NISSAN TERRANO II SDT 4X4 STATIO ICB S.E.A.B. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 74.8 Health and other social services 3.2 Law and justice and public administration 2.4 Total: 80.4</p><p>P000297 URBAN ENV SUPERVISION OF ADDITIONAL BURYING WORKS IN B QCBS CABINET AFRICAIN D'ETUDE ET DE MAITRISE D'OEUVR Finance 2.7 Health and other social services 12.2 Law and justice and public administration 12.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 108.5 Total: 135.7</p><p>LOT 1-CONSTRUCTION WORKS ON CANAL DE ZOGONA ICB ETABLISSEMENT "S"LE GRAND Finance 4.6 Health and other social services 20.6 Law and justice and public administration 20.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 182.7 Total: 228.4</p><p>LOT 2- CONSTRUCTION WORKS THE AREA AROUND CA ICB SOCIETE AFRICAINE D'ELECTRICITE (S.A.E.L) Finance 11.4 Health and other social services 51.4 Law and justice and public administration 51.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 456.9 Total: 571.1</p><p>P000304 Post-Primary Education LOT NO. 2: SUPPLY OF 10 4X4 STATION WAGONS ICB DIACFA Education 588.2 CONSTRUCTION OF LIBRARY AT BOBO-DIOULASSO PO NCB COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ENTREPRISES (CGE) Education 362.0</p><p>P035673 BF:COMMUNITY-BASED RURAL DEVELOPMENT PRINTERS, SCANNERS AND ZIP READERS ICB DATASYS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 27.9 Health and other social services 42.8 Law and justice and public administration 59.5 Transportation 27.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 27.9 Total: 186.0</p><p>P050886 Burkina Faso:PRIVATE IRRIGATION PROTOCOLE D'EXECUTION - FINANCING OF EX. AGE SSS ASSOCIATION DES PROFESSIONNELS DE L'IRRIGATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 144.8 Health and other social services 22.3 Law and justice and public administration 55.7 Total: 222.7</p><p>P071433 HIV/AIDS Disaster Response ACTION PLAN OF MINISTERIAL COMMITTEE TO FIGH QCBS MINISTRY OF HEALTH IN BURKINA FASO Health and other social services 1,513.1 AUDIT DE LA PASSATION DES MARCHES QCBS ACECA INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 372.0 SERVICE DE CONSULTANT POUR L'APPUI AU SUIVI QCBS BASP'96 Health and other social services 257.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 60 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BURKINA FASO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>SERVICE DE CONSULTANT POUR L'APPUI AU SUIVI QCBS CADES Health and other social services 216.8 FOURNITURE DE MEDICAMENTS ANTI-RETROVIRAUX A ICB CAMEG Health and other social services 565.6 APPUI AU SUIVI EVALUATION, SUIVI APPUI TECHN QCBS INSTITUT D'ENTRAINEMENT A L'EFFICACITE ET D'ASS Health and other social services 242.6 Law and justice and public administration 60.7 Total: 303.2</p><p>Country Total: 6,997.8</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 7,037.8 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 61 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BURUNDI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P063683 [3E] REGIONAL TRADE FACILITATION PROJECT APPOINTMENT AS CHIEF INVESTOR RELATIONS MANA SSS CYPRIEN SAKUBU Finance 114.0</p><p>P074628 3A-NELSAP Facilitation NELSAP CONSULTANT-POWER PROJECTS INDV MR. DESIRE FLORENT NZAYANGA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 18.2 Energy and mining 18.2 Law and justice and public administration 18.2 Transportation 18.2 Total: 72.9</p><p>Country Total: 186.9</p><p>Burundi P000216 Health & Population II REHABILITATION OF NGOZI HOSPITAL ICB AGGLOBU Health and other social services 1,322.0</p><p>P064558 BI-Agric Rehab & Sustainable Land Mngmt LOTS 1 & 2 NSH TOYOTA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 57.1</p><p>P064961 PUBLIC WORKS AND EMPLOYMENT CREATION PAVING WORKS ON MWARO AVENUE IN THE ZONE OF NCB CHAMO Education 27.2 Health and other social services 32.4 Law and justice and public administration 15.5 Transportation 27.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 27.2 Total: 129.5</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF MARKET DE MUYINGA NCB ROBUCO Education 114.3 Health and other social services 136.0 Law and justice and public administration 65.3 Transportation 114.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 114.3 Total: 544.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF MARKET IN TORA ICB ENTREPRISE E.G.B Education 59.1 Health and other social services 70.3 Law and justice and public administration 33.8 Transportation 59.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 59.1 Total: 281.3</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF MARKET IN MATANA ICB MULTIFORM Education 105.8 Health and other social services 126.0 Law and justice and public administration 60.5 Transportation 105.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 105.8 Total: 504.0</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF GUTTER COLLECTOR IN KIRUNDO NCB EGB Education 23.9 Health and other social services 28.4 Law and justice and public administration 13.6 Transportation 23.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.9 Total: 113.6</p><p>PAVING WORKS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF INSS AND NCB ECAM Education 21.2 Health and other social services 25.2 Law and justice and public administration 12.1 Transportation 21.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.2 Total: 100.8</p><p>PAVING WORKS OF ROADS IN THE IN THE NEIGHBOR NCB DELTA CONSULT Education 26.9 Health and other social services 32.1 Law and justice and public administration 15.4 Transportation 26.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 26.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 62 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BURUNDI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 128.2</p><p>PAVING WORKS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF INSS AND NCB ECAM Education 23.5 Health and other social services 28.0 Law and justice and public administration 13.5 Transportation 23.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.5 Total: 112.1</p><p>PAVING WORKS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF INSS AND NCB LOMATEC Education 25.1 Health and other social services 29.8 Law and justice and public administration 14.3 Transportation 25.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 25.1 Total: 119.3</p><p>PAVING WORKS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF INSS AND NCB CJIETCC Education 16.6 Health and other social services 19.8 Law and justice and public administration 9.5 Transportation 16.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.6 Total: 79.1</p><p>PAVING WORKS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF INSS AND NCB LOMATEC Education 20.3 Health and other social services 24.2 Law and justice and public administration 11.6 Transportation 20.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.3 Total: 96.9</p><p>PAVING WORKS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF INSS AND NCB CETRA Education 17.3 Health and other social services 20.6 Law and justice and public administration 9.9 Transportation 17.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.3 Total: 82.5</p><p>PAVING AND SANITATION WORKS IN THE NEIGHBORH NCB CETRA Education 17.1 Health and other social services 20.4 Law and justice and public administration 9.8 Transportation 17.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.1 Total: 81.5</p><p>PAVING AND SANITATION WORKS IN THE NEIGHBORH NCB ETAMCO Education 18.7 Health and other social services 22.2 Law and justice and public administration 10.7 Transportation 18.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 18.7 Total: 89.0</p><p>PAVING AND SANITATION WORKS IN THE NEIGHBORH NCB CJIETCC Education 20.4 Health and other social services 24.3 Law and justice and public administration 11.7 Transportation 20.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.4 Total: 97.3</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL IN THE ZONE O NCB SEBER Education 29.1 Health and other social services 34.7 Law and justice and public administration 16.6 Transportation 29.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 29.1 Total: 138.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF THE STREETS NEAR THE H NCB LOMATEC Education 54.1 Health and other social services 64.4 Law and justice and public administration 30.9 Transportation 54.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 54.1 Total: 257.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 63 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BURUNDI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL IN TH NCB ESG Education 33.2 Health and other social services 39.5 Law and justice and public administration 18.9 Transportation 33.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 33.2 Total: 157.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF GUTTER COLLECTOR-KINAM NCB GETRA Education 21.2 Health and other social services 25.2 Law and justice and public administration 12.1 Transportation 21.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.2 Total: 100.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL IN THE ZONE O NCB DELTA CONSULT Education 21.6 Health and other social services 25.8 Law and justice and public administration 12.4 Transportation 21.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.6 Total: 103.0</p><p>PAVING WORKS IN THE ZONE OF KININDO NCB BMC Education 29.6 Health and other social services 35.3 Law and justice and public administration 16.9 Transportation 29.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 29.6 Total: 141.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF MARKET- MABANDA ICB COTRAHIMO Education 56.6 Health and other social services 67.4 Law and justice and public administration 32.4 Transportation 56.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 56.6 Total: 269.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF MARKET- MABANDA ICB SEICO COMPANY Education 56.6 Health and other social services 67.4 Law and justice and public administration 32.4 Transportation 56.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 56.6 Total: 269.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIMARY SCHOOL OF KINANIRA ICB CJIETCC Education 45.0 Health and other social services 53.6 Law and justice and public administration 25.7 Transportation 45.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 45.0 Total: 214.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF ROADS IN THE ZONE OF R ICB LOMATEC Education 59.4 Health and other social services 70.7 Law and justice and public administration 33.9 Transportation 59.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 59.4 Total: 282.8</p><p>CONTRACT FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR MISSIO QCBS GEOSCI Education 38.7 Health and other social services 46.0 Law and justice and public administration 22.1 Transportation 38.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 38.7 Total: 184.2</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE V.I.H/SIDA PROG QCBS COPED Education 45.1 Health and other social services 53.6 Law and justice and public administration 25.8 Transportation 45.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 45.1 Total: 214.6</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES ON THE MISSION FOR FORM QCBS A-B GEOSCIENCE ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 64 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BURUNDI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 18.1 Health and other social services 21.6 Law and justice and public administration 10.4 Transportation 18.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 18.1 Total: 86.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF MARKET-BUBANZA ICB BMC Education 107.5 Health and other social services 128.0 Law and justice and public administration 61.4 Transportation 107.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 107.5 Total: 511.9</p><p>PAVING OF AVENUE DE GRECE ON ROHERO AREA NCB SOBIMAC Education 26.5 Health and other social services 31.6 Law and justice and public administration 15.2 Transportation 26.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 26.5 Total: 126.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS IN BANDAGA MARKET ICB ROBUCO Education 91.9 Health and other social services 109.5 Law and justice and public administration 52.5 Transportation 91.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 91.9 Total: 437.8</p><p>PAVEMENT OF AVENUE MUMIRWA ON KININDO AREA NCB ERMACO Education 17.1 Health and other social services 20.4 Law and justice and public administration 9.8 Transportation 17.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.1 Total: 81.4</p><p>PAVEMENT OF AVENUE MUMIRWA ON KININDO AREA NCB ETAMCO Education 17.1 Health and other social services 20.4 Law and justice and public administration 9.8 Transportation 17.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.1 Total: 81.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS IN RUYIGI MARKET ICB LOMATEC Education 132.3 Health and other social services 157.5 Law and justice and public administration 75.6 Transportation 132.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 132.3 Total: 630.1</p><p>PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR THE PERIOD OF NOV.1,2 SSS COPED Education 39.2 Health and other social services 46.7 Law and justice and public administration 22.4 Transportation 39.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 39.2 Total: 186.9</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD OF NOV.1 SSS ALUPA Education 36.2 Health and other social services 43.1 Law and justice and public administration 20.7 Transportation 36.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 36.2 Total: 172.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF HEALTH CENTRE IN RWEZA AREA ICB MULTIFORM Education 45.1 Health and other social services 53.6 Law and justice and public administration 25.8 Transportation 45.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 45.1 Total: 214.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF HEALTH CENTRE IN THE AREA OF ICB HYBAGEC Education 37.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 65 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BURUNDI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 44.5 Law and justice and public administration 21.4 Transportation 37.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 37.4 Total: 178.0</p><p>LOT 1-ROAD PAVEMENT WORKS ON ROHERO AREA NCB GETRA Transportation 118.1 LOT 2-ROAD PAVEMENT WORKS ON ROHERO AREA NCB GETRA Transportation 99.5 CONSTRUCTION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL IN THE AREA O NCB ETRAPHYDRAU Education 24.3 Health and other social services 28.9 Law and justice and public administration 13.9 Transportation 24.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.3 Total: 115.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL IN THE ZONE O NCB ESG Education 23.4 Health and other social services 27.9 Law and justice and public administration 13.4 Transportation 23.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.4 Total: 111.6</p><p>CONTRUCION WORK FOR THE EXTENTION OF GIHOGAZ NCB SEBER Education 23.3 Health and other social services 27.7 Law and justice and public administration 13.3 Transportation 23.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.3 Total: 110.8</p><p>CONSTRUCION WORK OF LEARNING CENTER IN THE M NCB SEICO COMPANY Education 38.9 Health and other social services 46.3 Law and justice and public administration 22.2 Transportation 38.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 38.9 Total: 185.1</p><p>P071371 Multisect. HIV/AIDS Contr. & Orphans LOT 1 : DRUGS (SEE COMMENTS SECTION FOR ITEM ICB ALCHEM Education 93.8 Health and other social services 309.4 Law and justice and public administration 65.6 Total: 468.8</p><p>LOT 4: REACTIFS ITEMS 2,3,6,7,9,10,12,13,14, ICB DIAGNOSTICA Education 92.1 Health and other social services 304.1 Law and justice and public administration 64.5 Total: 460.7</p><p>P081964 BUR: Demobilization & Reintegration Prog EXECUTIVE SECRETARY CONSULTANT INDV NTUNZWENIMANA LIBERAT Health and other social services 36.0 THE NON-OBJECTION HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE CD INDV NIBIZI Health and other social services 28.8 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT INDV NSAVYIMANA SYLVIE Health and other social services 28.8 "REAMENAGEMENT FERME DE RANDA EN CENTRE DE D SHOP ENTREPRISE NEGAMIYE Health and other social services 120.6</p><p>P084281 CB for Gender Responsive Legal Reform CB FOR LEGAL LITERACY AND LEGAL AID INITIATI SSS ASSOCIATION FEMMES JURISTES DU BURUNDI (AFJ) Law and justice and public administration 275.6</p><p>Country Total: 11,139.2</p><p>Rwanda P064965 Rwanda-Rural Sector Support Project ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST CONSULTA QCBS MR. GASPARD BIKWEMU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 104.2 RURAL ENGINEER CONSULTANCY SERVICES INDV GASPARD NIRAGIRA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 54.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 66 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: BURUNDI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 158.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 11,484.5 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 67 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CAMBODIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Cambodia P004030 KH-Road Rehab. PIU1 PHOTOCOPIER NSH OMC CO. LTD. Transportation 6.6 CONSULTING SERVICES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT QBS SBK RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Transportation 25.5 MAINTENANCE WORKS ON STREETS 205, 310, 348, NCB KEURT CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Transportation 704.5</p><p>P004033 KH-AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT THE NEW OFFICE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR DAA ICB LAK PROUVANNY IMP EXP & CONSTRUCTION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 241.2 6 TRACTORS WITH EQUIPMENT, 1 SEED DRILL FOR ICB COMIN KHMER CO., LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 382.1 LOT 1 - 2 LARGE TRUCKS FOR DAALI/SPP ICB FUTABA CO., LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 118.0 MAIN DIKE RENOVATION AND ELEVATION NORTHERN ICB KIM MEX CONSTRUCTION & INVESTMENT CO.LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 241.8 COMPUTERS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT - LOT 1 ICB NORIKO INFOTECH SDN. BHD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 151.8</p><p>P050601 KH-SOCIAL FUND II END-OF-PROJECT INDEPENDENT TECHNICAL AND BEN INDV ROBERT DEUTSCH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 20.2 Education 30.3 Health and other social services 20.2 Transportation 20.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.1 Total: 101.0</p><p>P052006 KH BIO & PROT AREA M CONTRACT FOR MR. UM YUTHY AS PROJECT ACCOUNT CQB MR. UM YUTHY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 2.3 Health and other social services 0.4 Law and justice and public administration 1.5 Transportation 0.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 0.4 Total: 5.0</p><p>ECO-TOURISM ADVISOR QBS MR. MARCUS HAYDN REX SANDFORD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 18.8</p><p>P058841 KH-NORTHEAST VILLAGE ASSISTANT PROJECT DIRECTOR INDV IN SAMBOL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.7 Law and justice and public administration 2.6 Transportation 1.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.7 Total: 7.5</p><p>WATER USE AND HYGIENE EDUCATION QBS ATER SANITATION CONSULTANT SERVICE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 8.7 Law and justice and public administration 13.4 Transportation 8.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.7 Total: 39.4</p><p>PROJECT DIRECTOR CQB KIM VOTHANA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.9 Law and justice and public administration 2.9 Transportation 1.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.9 Total: 8.5</p><p>P060003 KH-Forest Concession Mgt & Control Pilot RADIO COMMUNICATION (G0006) NSH ASIA COMMUNICATION CO., LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 27.6 REPEATER ANTENNA TOWER PRINGLE, POWER SYSTEM NSH ASIA COMMUNICATION CO., LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 30.0 BOATS NCB TANN TANN AUTO WASH GROUP CO.,LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 200.1 Law and justice and public administration 81.7 Total: 281.8</p><p>P065798 KH-BIO & PROTEC AREAS M CONTRACT FOR MR. UM YUTHY AS PROJECT ACCOUNT CQB MR. UM YUTHY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.5 Health and other social services 0.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 68 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CAMBODIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 2.6 Transportation 0.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 0.3 Total: 5.0</p><p>ECO-TOURISM ADVISOR QBS MR. MARCUS HAYDN REX SANDFORD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 12.6</p><p>P070668 KH-Basic Education Support Program SCHOOL FURNITURE NCB MR. NGOR LONG Education 19.0 MANAGEMENT ADVISOR SSS IAN BIRCH Education 82.0 EDUCATION FACILITIES PLANNER ADVISOR SDC CHRISTOPHER JOHN PERRY Education 26.9 EDUCATION DECENTRALIZATION (CLUSTERS) ADVISO SDC CHRISTOPHER BATCHELOR Education 16.4</p><p>P070875 KH-Land Management and Administration SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COMPUTERS AND ACCESSO ICB TE AIK HONG OFFICE MACHINES SUPPLIERS CO. LTD Education 8.8 Industry and trade 5.8 Law and justice and public administration 277.0 Total: 291.6</p><p>THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COMPUTER EQUIPMEN ICB TE AIK HONG OFFICE MACHINE SUPPLIES Education 1.3 Industry and trade 0.9 Law and justice and public administration 40.9 Total: 43.1</p><p>SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FURNITURE AND FITTING NCB OMC CO. LTD. Education 2.5 Industry and trade 1.6 Law and justice and public administration 77.5 Total: 81.5 P071146 KH- RURAL INVESTMENT & LOCAL GOVERNANCE 24 UNITS PHOTOCOPY M/CS & 24 UNITS OPTION RE NCB OMC CO. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 14.3 Law and justice and public administration 35.7 Transportation 10.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.7 Total: 71.4</p><p>P071207 KH-Prov. & Rural Infrastructure Project ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND CHART OF ACCOUNT SET-U SSS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS (CAMBODIA) LTD. Transportation 15.5 MRD GOODS - MOTORCYLCES NSH OMC CO. LTD. Transportation 44.8 OFFICE RENOVATION AND CONSTRUCTIONS, PHNOM P NCB MORI COMPANY CO., LTD. Transportation 94.6</p><p>P073311 KH-PROV & PERI-URB WATER BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION STUDY SSS MR. DECLAN O'LEARY Water, sanitation and flood protection 29.9</p><p>P073394 KH-Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Proj KUTTASAT-BALAING, RURAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION, B NCB LEANG BOU COMPANY Water, sanitation and flood protection 167.0 O KRANHAK REHABILITATION WORKS INCLUDING REP NCB SAKOR CAMBODIA CO., LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 328.5 KAMPANG IRRIGATION SCHEME INCLUDING REPAIR & NCB SPBH ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 266.6</p><p>Country Total: 3,987.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 3,987.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 69 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CAMEROON Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Cameroon P054786 CAMEROON RAILWAY CONCESSION PROJECT ACQUISITION DE 31.500 TRAVERSES EN BOIS ICB WIJMA DOUALA S.A.R.L. Transportation 861.3</p><p>P073065 CAM:Multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS Project CONVENTION DE FINANCEMENT POUR LA RENFORCEME SSS INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA STATISTIQUE (INS) Health and other social services 400.8</p><p>P073629 CAM:Community Dev. Program Support Proj. PNDP NCB MOUNT FAKO BROKERS Education 10.5 Health and other social services 26.2 Law and justice and public administration 7.9 Transportation 7.9 Total: 52.5</p><p>Country Total: 1,314.6</p><p>Congo, Democratic Republic of P057296 ZR Emerg. Multisector Rehab.& Rec EMRRP FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ADVISORY TO THE M QCBS PROSPER BIABO Energy and mining 47.5 Health and other social services 47.5 Transportation 95.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 47.5 Total: 237.6</p><p>Country Total: 237.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,552.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 70 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CANADA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P078284 Emergency Transport Rehabilitation MANAGEMENT SERVICE AGREEMENT: SPECIFICALLY T SSS INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION Transportation 8,262.8</p><p>Country Total: 8,262.8</p><p>Albania P057182 LEG/JUD REF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTION PLAN FOR THE EN SSS ALIK INTERNATIONAL COMMODOTIES INC. Education 39.6 Law and justice and public administration 180.4 Total: 220.0</p><p>P069120 EDUC REF ASSESMENT & IMPLEMENTATION OF EMIS- INTERNAT INDV RAYMOND ALEXANDRE D'AOUST Education 34.4</p><p>Country Total: 254.4</p><p>Algeria P064921 DZ-BUDGET SYST. MODERN. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR BUDGET MODERNIZATIO QCBS PA CONSULTING SERVICES Law and justice and public administration 213.8</p><p>Country Total: 213.8</p><p>Azerbaijan P076234 RURAL INVSMT (AZRIP) CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT MANAGEME SSS KAMAL SIBLINI Energy and mining 9.4 Law and justice and public administration 9.4 Transportation 9.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 18.9 Total: 47.2</p><p>MANAGEMENT INFO. SYSTEM MONITORING & EVALUAT INDV KAMAL SIBLINI Energy and mining 11.1 Law and justice and public administration 11.1 Transportation 11.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 22.2 Total: 55.4</p><p>Country Total: 102.6</p><p>Bangladesh P050752 Post-Literacy & Continuing Education S-6:OVERSEAS TRAINING MANAGEMENT QCBS ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGES OF CANAD Education 517.2</p><p>Country Total: 517.2</p><p>Bulgaria P073427 RARP POLICY ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION PLANNING INDV ANIL GUPTA Law and justice and public administration 55.9</p><p>Country Total: 55.9</p><p>Burundi P074601 Burundi - IDF Economic Management TRAINING SERVICES FOR SENIOR MANAGEMENT STAF QCBS ALAIN DESIRE NIMUBONA Finance 31.6</p><p>Country Total: 31.6</p><p>Cambodia P084066 KH IDF Gender for Implementation of NPRS TEAM LEADER: GENDER, GOVERNANCE AND RESEARCH INDV KATE FRIESON Health and other social services 130.0</p><p>Country Total: 130.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 71 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CANADA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Cameroon P065927 Public/Private Partnership, Growth ETUDE/AUDIT DE LA CONSOMMATION ET DE LA CONS QCBS ECONOLER INTERNATIONAL INC. Information and communications 0.8 Law and justice and public administration 77.2 Total: 77.9</p><p>Country Total: 77.9</p><p>China P003654 CN-Nat Hwy2/Hunan-Guangdong PACKAGE 4: CLEANING VEHICLE FOR TUNNEL AND ICB SYSTEQ INSTRUMENTS CANADA, INC. Transportation 234.0</p><p>P051705 Fujian II Highway HEAVY & LIGHT DUTY WRECKERS ICB HAUS INTERNATIONAL HOLDING LTD. Transportation 657.2</p><p>P058843 Guangxi Highway SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF TOLLING, COMMUNIC ICB JV OF DELCAN INT'L CORP. AND SHIJIAZHUANG VATE Transportation 1,751.8</p><p>Country Total: 2,643.0</p><p>Congo, Democratic Republic of P057296 ZR Emerg. Multisector Rehab.& Rec REGIDESO: WATER PLANT TREATMENT STUDY AND EL QCBS TECSULT INTERNATIONALE Water, sanitation and flood protection 556.2 REGIDESO: WATER TREATMENT PLANT STUDY AND EL QCBS TECSULT INTERNATIONALE Water, sanitation and flood protection 782.6 REGIDESO: WATER TREATMENT STUDY AND TENDER D QCBS CIMA INTERNATIONAL Water, sanitation and flood protection 782.6 Country Total: 2,121.4</p><p>Croatia P071461 ENERGY EFF (GEF) SERVICE OF MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT TO ENHANCE QCBS ECONOLER INTERNATIONAL Energy and mining 550.0</p><p>P076730 SOC & ECON REC CONSULTING SERVICES - PREPARATION OF THE OPE INDV MICHEL VOYER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 7.2 Health and other social services 7.2 Industry and trade 7.2 Law and justice and public administration 7.2 Total: 28.9</p><p>Country Total: 578.9</p><p>East Asia and Pacific P045864 4E-MEKONG WATER UTILIZ. SENIOR INTERNATIONAL HYDROLOGIST INDV PETER WARD Law and justice and public administration 190.0</p><p>Country Total: 190.0</p><p>Ecuador P063644 EC Power&Comm.Sect Moderniz.&Rural Servi REVISION DOCUMENTOS DE LICITACION PARA LA AD INDV EDWARD FARRELL Energy and mining 9.6</p><p>Country Total: 9.6</p><p>Gambia, The P057995 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR ECONOM. MGMT. CONSULTANCY SERVICE ON THE INSTITUTIONAL ASS SSS BENDAS CONSULTANTS Finance 2.5 Law and justice and public administration 81.1 Total: 83.6</p><p>THE CONSULTANCY ON DEVELOPMENT OF TAX ADMINI QCBS P A CONSULTING SERVICES INC. Finance 100.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 72 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CANADA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 183.6</p><p>Georgia P078544 RURAL DEVT ASSESSMENT OF MARKET INTREGRATION IN GEORGIA FBS GEOMAR INTERNATIONAL INC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 50.3 Industry and trade 50.3 Total: 100.6</p><p>Country Total: 100.6</p><p>Grenada P077682 Grenada Emergency Recovery Project SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF MAIN GATE ACCESS ICB SECURE SOLUTIONS INC. Transportation 229.1</p><p>Country Total: 229.1</p><p>Guinea P050046 Education for All CONCEPTION ET ELABORATION D'UN PLAN DIRECTEU QCBS TECSULT INTERNATIONAL LIMITEE Education 43.4 Law and justice and public administration 6.5 Total: 49.9</p><p>AUDIT DES ENSEIGNANTS CONTRACTUELS ET LA MIS QCBS TECSULT INTERNATIONAL LIMITEE Education 85.7 Law and justice and public administration 12.8 Total: 98.5</p><p>P073378 Multi-Sectoral AIDS Project (MAP) PROJET SIDA 3 : RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES CQB LE CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE L'UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉ Health and other social services 443.2</p><p>Country Total: 591.6</p><p>Kazakhstan P008507 UZEN OIL FIELD REHAB CONSULTING SERVICES FOR RESERVOIRE ENGINEERI SSS ARPAD MAYER Energy and mining 156.6</p><p>Country Total: 156.6</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P083377 SMALL TOWNS INFRA & CAP BLDG LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL ADVISOR INDV SHANE J.ROSENTHAL Law and justice and public administration 80.5</p><p>Country Total: 80.5</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P083543 LA - APL2 Road Maintenance Program COMPONENT C: INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDIN SSS N D LEA INTERNATIONAL LTD. Transportation 103.7</p><p>P084465 LA: IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC PROC. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ADVISOR AND PROCUREME INDV MANMOHAN RUPRAI Law and justice and public administration 98.2</p><p>Country Total: 201.9</p><p>Lebanon P034038 LB-URBAN TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SUP TRAFFIC & ON-STREET PARKING MANAGEMENT QCBS IBI GROUP Law and justice and public administration 225.4 Transportation 3,531.2 Total: 3,756.6</p><p>Country Total: 3,756.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 73 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CANADA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P066157 EDUC MOD MONITORING AND EVALUATION SPECIALIST OF SCHO INDV RAVI VENKATARAMAN Education 12.3</p><p>Country Total: 12.3</p><p>Madagascar P051922 MG - Rural Development Support Project ETABLISSEMENT D'UN MASTER PLAN POUR LE DÉVEL QCBS LAND O'LAKES INC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 107.5</p><p>P052208 MADAGASCAR -Transp Sector Reform & Rehab CONTRAT AVEC PEREZ - EVALUATION CONTRAT SERV SSS DAVID ANDRE PEREZ Transportation 38.5</p><p>P072160 Second Private Sector Development Projec ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE, ENCADREMENT DES NOUVEA INDV ROGER CHRISTEN Finance 4.3 Industry and trade 2.9 Law and justice and public administration 135.9 Total: 143.0</p><p>P073689 MADAGASCAR Rural Transport Proj - APL 2 GESTION CONTROLE ET SURVEILLANCE DES TRAVAUX QCBS TECSULT INTERNATIONAL LIMITEE-TECNISA Transportation 766.5</p><p>P074448 Governance and Institutional Development ETUDE SUR LA STRATEGIE DE LA JUSTICE - CONSU INDV ESTHER ELKRIEFF Law and justice and public administration 89.2 IPAC-PROGRAMME DE FORMATION AU LEADERSHIP A SSS INSTITUT D'ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE DU CANADA (I Law and justice and public administration 239.6</p><p>P076245 MINERAL RESOURCES GOVERNANCE PROJECT TRADUCTION DES COURS DISPENSES PAR L'INSTITU QCBS MME ODILE COLMAGNE CIVITELLO Energy and mining 60.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,444.2</p><p>Mauritania P081368 MR: Community-Based Rural Development MANUEL PROCEDURE FINANCIERES ADMIN & COMPTAB CQS G.S.I. INTERNATIONAL INC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 76.8</p><p>Country Total: 76.8</p><p>Mexico P070108 MX Savings & Credit Sector Strengthening APOYO TECNICO A LOS COMITES DE SUPERVISION A SSS DEVELOPPEMENT INTERNATIONAL DESJARDINS Finance 250.4 PP-5 PUEBLA PROYECTO DE ASISTENCIA TECNICA A QCBS DEVELOPPEMENT INTERNATIONAL DESJARDINS Finance 1,948.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,198.3</p><p>Mongolia P078358 MN STRENGTHENING ENV MGMT CAPACITY CONTRACT TO JOHN DICK, TO IMPROVING EXISTING QBS JOHN DICK Health and other social services 24.0</p><p>Country Total: 24.0</p><p>Nepal P050671 NP: Telecommunications Sector Reform CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR MONITORING, EVALUAT QCBS PLANETWORKS CONSULTING CORPORATION Information and communications 240.0</p><p>Country Total: 240.0</p><p>Niger P058730 Niger:Agro-pastoral Export Promot. Proj TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SSS SOFEG-INC Industry and trade 165.7 Law and justice and public administration 33.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 74 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CANADA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 199.6</p><p>P061209 Basic Education MISE EN OEUVRE DU PROGRAMME DE DEVELOPPEMENT SSS CENTRE CANADIEN D'ETUDES ET DE COOPERATION INTE Education 484.0</p><p>P061558 WATER SECTOR PROJECT CONTRACT DE MOD-CIVIL WORKS DIR CIMA INT./MAB CONSEILS/ABC ECOLOGIE Law and justice and public administration 53.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,727.7 Total: 1,781.1</p><p>P075934 Public Procurement Reform RECRUTEMENT D'UN CONSULTANT COORDONNATEUR IN INDV SERGE A. BOUCHARD Law and justice and public administration 74.5</p><p>Country Total: 2,539.2</p><p>OECS Countries P035730 OECS: TELECOM REFORM INTERCONNECTION, TARIFFS AND UNIVERSAL SERVI QCBS MCCARTHY TETRAULT LLP Education 49.9 Law and justice and public administration 449.4 Total: 499.4</p><p>Country Total: 499.4</p><p>Romania P056891 RURAL FIN (APL #1) CONSULTING SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF WA QCBS AGRITEAM CANADA CONSULTING LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 150.0 Finance 42.0 Law and justice and public administration 8.0 Total: 200.0</p><p>Country Total: 200.0</p><p>Russian Federation P046061 MOSC URB TRANS FEASIBILITY STUDY ON INTRODUC OF PARK-&-RIDE QCBS M/S SNC-LAVALIN INTERNATIONAL INC. Transportation 215.9</p><p>Country Total: 215.9</p><p>Rwanda P064965 Rwanda-Rural Sector Support Project PROMOTION OF OFF-FARM ACTIVITIES INDV ROBERT KOCK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 47.9</p><p>Country Total: 47.9</p><p>Samoa P075739 Samoa - Telecommunications & Post Reform POLICY AND LEGAL REFORM (INCLUDING WTO ACCES QCBS MCCARTHY TETRAULT Information and communications 333.4</p><p>Country Total: 333.4</p><p>Senegal P041528 LONG TERM WATER SECTOR PROJECT CONTRACT FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE ST QCBS TECSULT INTERNATIONAL LIMITEE Water, sanitation and flood protection 356.6</p><p>P070530 SN-ELECTRICITY SERV. for RURAL AREAS PRJ STUDY ON INTERFACES BETWEEN RURAL ELECTRIFIC QCBS GROUPEMENT GPCO/SAER-SA/CECI Energy and mining 159.5</p><p>Country Total: 516.0</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 75 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CANADA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P077675 HEALTH INTERNATIONAL PROCUREMENT ADVISER SSS HAGOP ANGALADIAN Health and other social services 80.0</p><p>Country Total: 80.0</p><p>South Africa P076901 Municipal Financial Management TA ADVISORY SERV & BLDG CAPACITY FOR THE IMPL O QCBS COWATER INTERNATIONAL INC. Law and justice and public administration 5,986.5</p><p>Country Total: 5,986.5</p><p>St. Vincent and the Grenadines P069923 VC Disaster Management DESIGN REVIEW & CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF QCBS NOVAPORT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 8.8 Industry and trade 8.8 Information and communications 17.6 Law and justice and public administration 52.8 Total: 88.0</p><p>Country Total: 88.0</p><p>Tanzania P038570 TZ:RIVER BASIN MGM.SMAL MTB TENDER NO. 14 OF 2002/2003 SUPPLY OF HYD ICB SCINTREX LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 47.0 Law and justice and public administration 38.5 Total: 85.4 Country Total: 85.4</p><p>Timor-Leste P077797 Strengthening Public Expenditure Mgmt. FORMULATION OF THE MEDIUM-TERM PULIC INVESTM INDV MUSUNURU SAM RAO Law and justice and public administration 47.9</p><p>Country Total: 47.9</p><p>Turkey P009076 HEALTH 2 PROCUREMENT OF DENTAL UNIT, DENTAL X-RAY, FO ICB TRI STAR Health and other social services 469.9</p><p>Country Total: 469.9</p><p>Uganda P002984 UG FOURTH POWER PROJECT FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE REHABILITATION OF QCBS ACRES INTERNATIONAL Energy and mining 287.2</p><p>Country Total: 287.2</p><p>Uruguay P008177 UY POWER TRNMSN & DISTR SUMINITRO DE TORRES, HERRAJES Y ACCS. PARA M ICB ACIER PROFILE SBB INC Energy and mining 1,091.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,091.2</p><p>Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I FETAL DOPPLER ICB MINEX INTERNATIONAL LTD Health and other social services 88.6</p><p>Country Total: 88.6</p><p>Vietnam P004843 VN-Inland Waterways ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 76 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CANADA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>FS FOR IMPROVEMENT TO THE BASSAC RIVER QBS SNC-LAVALIN Transportation 1,193.8</p><p>P077043 VN -Strengthening Community Driven Devt. INT'L CONSULTANT FOR HARMONIZATION OF LOCAL INDV MR. MICHEL LATENDRESSE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 29.6</p><p>P077947 IDF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS COMPONENT 3: INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CON INDV PETER J. MCNAMEE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 6.6 Transportation 6.6 Total: 13.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,236.6</p><p>West Bank and Gaza P040506 GZ-ELEC.SEC.INV.& MGMT SERVICES OF NCC/SCADA STUDY QCBS ACRES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Energy and mining 224.7</p><p>Country Total: 224.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 38,522.9 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 77 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CAPE VERDE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Cape Verde P000432 Social Sect. Dev. COMPENSATION FOR OPERATING COSTS INCURRED WH SSS AGECABO Health and other social services 255.7 Law and justice and public administration 16.3 Total: 272.0</p><p>REHABILITATION OF BAIRRO ALTO DE S. JOAO SSS AGECABO Health and other social services 196.4 Law and justice and public administration 12.5 Total: 209.0</p><p>REHABILITATION OF BAIRRO ALTO DE SAO JOAO- NCB AGECABO Health and other social services 2,429.9 Law and justice and public administration 155.1 Total: 2,585.0</p><p>REMUNARATION OF AGECABO SSS AGECABO Health and other social services 182.2 Law and justice and public administration 11.6 Total: 193.9</p><p>CONCLUSION OF WORKS OF LOT 3/SM SOCIAL CENTE NCB FIRMOTEC, LDA Health and other social services 54.6 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Total: 58.1</p><p>CONCLUSION OF WORKS AT PEDRO VAZ/ALCATRAX-CO NCB FIRMOTEC, LDA Health and other social services 198.0 Law and justice and public administration 12.6 Total: 210.7</p><p>CONCLUSION OF WORKS ACHADA GRANDE A RELVAS R NCB FIRMOTEC Health and other social services 261.4 Law and justice and public administration 16.7 Total: 278.1 CONSTRUCTION OF CISTERNO A ACHADA FORA ROAD NCB FIRMOTEC Health and other social services 203.1 Law and justice and public administration 13.0 Total: 216.1</p><p>P000435 C V TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE JR. CONSUSLT FOR ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL AS SSS JORGE RAMOS MOREIRA Transportation 21.1</p><p>Country Total: 4,043.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 4,043.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 78 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHAD Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Chad P035672 TD Nat. Transp. Program Support Project TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION ET RENOVATION DES BA ICB ENTREPRISE DE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES ET BATIMENTS Transportation 600.2</p><p>P048202 TD CAP.BLDG. PETROLEUM CONVENTION FOR FINANCING MICRO CREDITS FOR M SSS BELACD-DOBA Energy and mining 123.6</p><p>P055122 Health Sector Support CONSTRUCTION ET REHABILITATION DES INFRASTRU NCB SOCIÉTÉ LARGE BATHA (SLB) Health and other social services 969.4 CONTRUCTION ET REHABILITATION INFRASTRUCTURE NCB ENTREPRISE DE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES ET BATIMENTS Health and other social services 1,932.7 LOT 2 ET 3: CONSTRUCTION ET REH. DE L'HD DE NCB ENTREPRISE DE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES ET BATIMENTS Health and other social services 1,881.4 LOT NO. 5 - REHABILITATION ET CONSTRUCTION NCB KOSSO Health and other social services 1,480.9 LOT # 1 - REHABILITATION ET CONSTRUCTION NCB (SACIS) SOCIETE AL-SABRAH DE COMM, D'INVEST ET Health and other social services 1,226.8 LOT 2 ET 6 - REHABILITATION ET CONSTRUCTION NCB ENTREPRISE DE CONSTRUCTION ROUTES ET BATIMENTS Health and other social services 1,932.7 LOT 1 ET 2: EXECUTION 47 FORAGES ET AUTRES D ICB FORACO S.A.S. Health and other social services 774.0 MARCHÉ POUR LA CONSTRUCTION ET L'EXTENSION D NCB SOCIETE LARGE BATHA (SLB) Health and other social services 248.1</p><p>P062840 MANAGEMENT OF THE PETROLEUM ECONOMY PROCUREMENT OF THREE MOTOR VEHICLES FOR CCSR NSH SOCOA TCHAD Law and justice and public administration 90.2</p><p>Country Total: 11,260.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 11,260.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 79 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHILE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bulgaria P076487 POV MONITR, EVAL & POL DESIGN IDF LIVING STANDARDS MEASUREMENT SURVEY CONSULTA INDV JUAN MUNOZ Health and other social services 10.8 Law and justice and public administration 10.8 Total: 21.7</p><p>Country Total: 21.7</p><p>Dominican Republic P007020 DO IRRIG LAND & WATERSH (SIM) COST RECOVERY OF PROMATREC IRRIGATION SYSTEM INDV IVAN PAVLETICH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 23.3 Law and justice and public administration 6.6 Total: 29.8</p><p>Country Total: 29.8</p><p>El Salvador P040824 SV COMPETITIVENESS ENHA TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO AGENCIA DE PROMOCION CQB ANDRES VICENS ROSENBUSCH Finance 4.2 Law and justice and public administration 80.5 Total: 84.7</p><p>Country Total: 84.7</p><p>Honduras P060785 HN ECONOMIC & FIN.MANAGEMENT PROJECT DIEGO SEPULVEDA- ASESORIA DE CABECERA AL GOB CQS DIEGO SEPULVEDA Law and justice and public administration 86.6</p><p>Country Total: 86.6</p><p>Ukraine P075231 SOC ASST SYS MOD ANALYSIS OF LABOR LEGISLATION AND EMPLOYMENT INDV HERNAN L. FUENZALIDA-PUELMA Health and other social services 34.0</p><p>Country Total: 34.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 256.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 80 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P078284 Emergency Transport Rehabilitation MPW/137/PKK/ICB - EMERGENCY REHABILITATION O ICB CHINA RAILWAY SHISIJU GROUP CORPORATION Transportation 24,913.0</p><p>Country Total: 24,913.0</p><p>Armenia P035805 MUN DEVT SUPPLY OF MAGNETIC FLOW METERS FOR POTABLE W ICB SHANGHAI BRIGHSUN INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO. LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 369.5 MAGNETIC FLOW METERS FOR POTABLE WATER ICB SHANGHAI BRIGHSUN INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO. LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 272.0</p><p>Country Total: 641.4</p><p>Bangladesh P009524 Dhaka Urban Transport (G)ETSS-1: SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF TRAFFI ICB ATS TECHNOLOGY (HONG KONG) LTD. Transportation 2,226.9</p><p>P044811 Financial Institutions Development S8: SECURITIZATION CONSULTANT FOR RESOURCE M CQS THE INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES CONSULTANCY LIMITE Finance 132.1</p><p>P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. SUB-PKG:G-7.1: SECTIONALIZING DEVICES (FUSE ICB WENZHOU YIKUN ELECTRIC CO., LTD Energy and mining 266.8 SUB-PKG:G-7.2: SECTIONALIZING DEVICES (SURGE ICB WENZHOU YIKUN ELECTRIC CO., LTD Energy and mining 71.3 SUB-PKG:G-7.3: SECTIONALIZING DEVICES (FUSE ICB WENZHOU YIKUN ELECTRIC CO., LTD Energy and mining 331.4 GLR 7.1 - PROCUREMENT OF FUSE CUT OUT ICB WENZHOU YIKUN ELECTRIC CO., LTD Energy and mining 381.0 GLR 7.2 - PROCUREMENT OF SURGE ARRESTER ICB MINQING HONGDIAN ELECTRONIC CERAMICS & ELECTRON Energy and mining 161.3 SUB-PKG:G-7.6 OF PKG G-7B. SURGE ARRESTER ICB M/S. MINGING HONGDIAN ELECTRIC CEREMICS & ELECT Energy and mining 96.0 SUB-PKG:G-7.8 OF PKG G-7B. FUSE CUT OUT. ICB M/S. WENZHOU FUERTE ELECTRICAL APPARATUS CO. LT Energy and mining 182.8 SUB-PKG:G-6.6 OF PKG G-6B. DISTRIBUTION TRAN ICB CHINA NATIONAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT IM&EX COR Energy and mining 616.0 2GLR-2.2: PROCUREMENT OF INSULATOR (1 SLICE) ICB M/S. MINQING EVER LIGHTING ARRESTER CO. LTD. CH Energy and mining 168.8 2GLR7.10: PROCUREMENT OF SURGE ARRESTER ICB ZHEJIANG PEOPLE HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL CEREMIC Energy and mining 115.4</p><p>Country Total: 4,749.8</p><p>Burundi P071371 Multisect. HIV/AIDS Contr. & Orphans CONSTRUCTION OF THE CENTRE NATIONAL DE TRANS ICB CAITEC Health and other social services 607.0</p><p>Country Total: 607.0</p><p>China P003539 CN - SUSTAINABLE COASTAL RESOURCES DEV. INFORMATION NETWORK SYSTEM ICB CHINA MARK (HONGKONG) LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 497.0 PLATE FREEZING UNIT FOR CHANGLE MEIHUA AQUAT ISH SHANGHAI FIRST REFRIGERATING MACHINERY WORKS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 244.4 SHELF PLATE FREEZING UNIT FOR CHANGLE MEIHUA ISH SHANGHAI FIRST REFRIGERATING MACHINERY WORKS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 230.5 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR FUJIAN ISH FUJIAN PROVINCIAL SCIENCE INSTRUMENTS AND FACIL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 97.7 MANUFACTURING FACILITIES ISH FUZHOU CHENG YECHEN MACHINERY CO., LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 193.8 FISHERY SURVEILLANCE VESSEL ICB CHINA COMMUNICATIONS IMP. & EXP. CORP. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 333.3 MONITORING INSTRUMENT ICB THE ORIENTAL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS IMPORT AND Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 929.4 Industry and trade 265.5 Law and justice and public administration 132.8 Total: 1,327.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 81 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P003571 CN-7th Railways STUDY ON INVESTMENT AND FINANCING METHODS QCBS TERA BEIJING CONSULTING CO., LTD. Transportation 200.0</p><p>P003599 CN-YUNNAN ENVMT SUPPLY AND INTALLATION OF XUANWEI SEWAGE TRE ICB BJ CN-UNION ENGING CO.,LTD&AH GUOZHEN ENV.PROTE Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,068.8</p><p>P003602 CN-HUBEI URBAN ENVIRONMENT CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE COLLECTORS NCB WUHAN HANYANG MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING GENERAL CO. Industry and trade 972.2 Law and justice and public administration 19.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 952.8 Total: 1,944.5</p><p>VEHICLES ICB QINGHAI NEWWAY ENVIRONMENTAL SANITARY EQUIPMENT Industry and trade 1,316.7 Law and justice and public administration 26.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,290.3 Total: 2,633.3</p><p>P003603 CN-ENT HOUSING & SSR COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ICB BEIJING BRIL SANYOU TECHNOLOGY DEV. CO., LTD. Finance 57.4 Law and justice and public administration 4.3 Total: 61.7</p><p>P003606 ENERGY CONSERVATION BEIJING EMC COLD STORAGE AND HEAT STORAGE AI ISH HUADIAN HUAYUAN MANPOWER ENVIRONMENT CO. LTD. Energy and mining 1,094.5 PULPING DC SYSTM., HEAT SUPPLY SYST., QCS SY ISH SHANGHAI PAPERMAKING MECHANISM ELECTRIC-CONTROL Energy and mining 635.1 HIGH TENSION POWER TRANSMISSION & TRANSFORME ISH CHANGLE COUNTY POWER GOODS AND MATERIALS SUPPLY Energy and mining 413.1 TWO STEAM TURBINE CONTRACT ISH QINGDAO JIENENG STEAM TURBINE CO. LTD. Energy and mining 503.9 DIAPHRAGMATIC ELECTROLYTIC TANK TRANSFORMATI ISH JIANGYIN DE NORA TIANLI ELECTROCHEMICAL TECHNOL Energy and mining 1,090.0 PUMP SUBPROJECT ISH BEIJING CIAT TECHNIQUE, LTD. Energy and mining 1,146.0 ELECTRIC ROOM HEATER SUBPROJECT ISH BEIJING LIANZHONG WEIMIN GUNGNUAN KEJI CO. LTD. Energy and mining 242.7 TWO ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS ISH ZHUJI TIANDI ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENGINEERI Energy and mining 221.0 CIRCULATING FLUIDIZED BOILER NCB WUXI HUAGUANG BOILER CO., LTD. CHINA Energy and mining 927.3 SHANDONG EMC PROCUREMENT OF WATER TREATMENT ISH JINING CITY WATER TREATMENT EQUIPMENT PLANT Energy and mining 328.4 BEIJING EMC: AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM EQUIPME SHOP HUADIAN HUAYUA ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 1,302.7</p><p>P003619 CN-2nd Inland Waterways PORT CONSTRUCTION NCB ZHONGHAI CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CO. Transportation 1,841.9 PORT CONSTRUCTION NCB PORT&NAVGTION ENGRING DIV.OF NAVGTION ADMIN.BUR Transportation 1,096.4 NAVIGATION SIGNAL ENGINEERING NCB CHANGJIANG WUHAN WATERWAY BUREAU Transportation 989.5</p><p>P003643 CN-Second Xinjiang Highway Project UK EXPRESSWAY EMERGENCY PROTECTION WORKS, CO NCB SHANGDONG EAST ROAD AND BRIDGE BUILDING CORPORA Transportation 1,250.9 UK EXPRESSWAY EMERGENCY PROTECTION WORKS, CO NCB HELONGJIANG ROAD AND BRIDGE ENGINEERING CORPORA Transportation 696.2</p><p>P003654 CN-Nat Hwy2/Hunan-Guangdong PACKAGE 1- HIGH-SPEED ROAD STRUCTURE TEST VE NCB EARTH PRODUCTS CHINA LTD Transportation 259.6 PACKAGE 2 - BRIDGE DETECTING TRUCK (1 SET) ICB NEW MOTION LTD. Transportation 376.1 PACKAGE 3 - SPECIAL INSPECT EQUIPMENT FOR BR ICB EARTH PRODUCTS CHINA LTD Transportation 178.1 PACKAGE 5 - LIFT TRUCK (2 SETS) ICB SHENYANG NORTH TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CO. Transportation 115.8 PACKAGE 6 - AMBULANCE (2 SETS) ICB DALIAN GOLDEN SUN IMPORT & EXPORT CO., LTD. Transportation 94.2</p><p>P034618 CN-LABOR MARKET DEV. COMPUTER AND NETWORK EQUIPMENT FOR HENAN LAB ICB CHINA ELECTRIC SYSTEMS ENGINEERING CORP. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 82 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 1,008.9 COMPUTER AND NETWORK EQUIPMENT FOR HUNAN LAB ICB CHINA NATIONAL ELECTRONICS I/E HUNAN CO. Law and justice and public administration 934.2</p><p>P035693 FUEL EFFICIENT IND. PRODUCTION LINE 2 LIB CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY MACHINERY CORP Energy and mining 594.0 PRODUCTION LINE 3 LIB CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY MACHINERY CORP Energy and mining 639.0 PRODUCTION LINE 4 LIB CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY MACHINERY CORP Energy and mining 999.8 WELDER LIB EWH-HUAHENG WELDING CO.,LTD. Energy and mining 47.9 ACCELERATOR ISH BEIJING RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF AUTOMATION FOR MA Energy and mining 305.4 MPM WELDING PRODUCTION LINE SHOP CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY MACHINERY CORP Energy and mining 416.8</p><p>P036414 CN-GUANGXI URBAN ENVMT WORKS, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PLANT AND ICB CHINA RAILWAY 18 BUREAU GROUP CORP. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,745.8 LI RIVER EMBARKMENT WORKS NCB NO.5 CO. OF CHINA NO.5 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING Water, sanitation and flood protection 226.1 LI RIVER EMBARKMENT WORKS NCB NO.5 CO. OF CHINA NO.5 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING Water, sanitation and flood protection 332.8 LI RIVER EMBANKMENT NCB NO.1 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING BUREAU CO., LTD. Industry and trade 17.2 Transportation 8.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 403.3 Total: 429.0</p><p>LI RIVER EMBARKMENT NCB GUILIN NO.2 CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION CO. Industry and trade 9.6 Transportation 4.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 225.5 Total: 239.9 P036953 CN-HEALTH IX MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB URUMQI XIANGSHENG INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. Health and other social services 86.2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB URUMQI ZHAOBANG YULONG MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS CO., Health and other social services 75.5 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB BIO-MEDITECH CO., LTD.(BEIJING) Health and other social services 61.2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB EMTD TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.(BEIJING) Health and other social services 16.8 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB JIANGSU KELING MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD Health and other social services 45.1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB SHANGHAI MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FACTORY CO., LTD. Health and other social services 46.6 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB JIANGSU KELING MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD Health and other social services 22.4 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB JIANGSU KELING MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD Health and other social services 16.2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB GUIYANG JIA-SHENG MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. Health and other social services 54.1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB BEIJING YI-AN MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. Health and other social services 101.0 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB BEIJING GUODU TIANCHENG SCIENCE & TECH. CO., LT Health and other social services 98.2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB JIANGSU KELING MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD Health and other social services 27.4 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB BEIJING GUODU TIANCHENG SCIENCE & TECH. CO., LT Health and other social services 15.0 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB GUIZHOU KEYI ELECTRICS CO., LTD. Health and other social services 27.3 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB SHANGHAI LAIBO MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS CO., LTD. Health and other social services 55.9 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB LANZHOU SHIFENG MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LTD.LIABILITY Health and other social services 30.2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB LANZHOU SHIFENG MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LTD.LIABILITY Health and other social services 19.2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB XINHUA SURGICAL OPERATION EQUIPMENT LTD., CO. Health and other social services 203.1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB SHUNDE CHANGXING ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. Health and other social services 18.0 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB TIANJIN MINGJIN TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD Health and other social services 10.5 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB GUIZHOU ANKE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LTD., CO. Health and other social services 5.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 83 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB SHANDONG GAOMI RAINBOW ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT CO. Health and other social services 42.1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS NCB SHANDONG GAOMI RAINBOW ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT CO. Health and other social services 62.4 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB SHANDONG GAOMI RAINBOW ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT CO. Health and other social services 42.3 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB SHANDONG GAOMI RAINBOW ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT CO. Health and other social services 19.7 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB CHONGQING MEDICINE STOCK CO., LTD. Health and other social services 6.6 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB GUIZHOU PROVINCE SCIENCE EQUIPMENT SERVICE CENT Health and other social services 10.4 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB GUIZHOU ANKE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LTD., CO. Health and other social services 24.9 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB GUIZHOU KEYI ELECTRICS CO., LTD. Health and other social services 6.7 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB TIANJIN MINGJIN TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD Health and other social services 28.0 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB GUIZHOU TIANYUE SCI. & TECH. LTD., CO. Health and other social services 36.8 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB GUIZHOU XINGCHEN TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LT Health and other social services 8.5 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB GUIZHOU PROVINCE SCIENCE EQUIPMENT SERVICE CENT Health and other social services 14.1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB GUIZHOU TCL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SALES LTD., CO Health and other social services 5.3 Law and justice and public administration 0.3 Total: 5.7</p><p>MEDICAL EQUIP. NCB CHANGSHA JINGWEI MEDICAL APPARATUS CO., LTD. Health and other social services 31.4 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB HUNAN WANDONG MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. Health and other social services 72.4 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB HUNAN WANDONG MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. Health and other social services 48.2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB SHENZHEN MAIRUI BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL EQUIPMEN Health and other social services 33.6 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB SHENZHEN ANKE HIGH-TECH CO., LTD. Health and other social services 249.8 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB HUNAN WANDONG MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. Health and other social services 42.3 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB CHANGSHA CO. OF QINGDAO HI-SENSE SALES CO., LTD Health and other social services 58.5 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB CHANGSHA HUIKANG SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Health and other social services 71.3 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NCB CHANGSHA JINGWEI MEDICAL APPARATUS CO., LTD. Health and other social services 39.9</p><p>P037859 CN-GEF Energy Conservation BEIJING EMC COLD STORAGE AND HEAT STORAGE AI ISH HUADIAN HUAYUAN MANPOWER ENVIRONMENT CO. LTD. Energy and mining 320.1 RENOVATION FOR 35T/H FBC BOILDER ISH SHANDONG INDUSTRIAL BOILER SERVICE CENTER Energy and mining 398.7 BEIJING EMC: AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM EQUIPME SHOP HUADIAN HUAYUA ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING LTD. Energy and mining 401.1</p><p>P040185 CN-SHANDONG ENVIRONMENT PEAK LOAD SHELL-AND -TUBE HEATER ICB CHINA YANTAI INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC & TECHNICAL Energy and mining 55.5 Industry and trade 6.5 Law and justice and public administration 5.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 61.9 Total: 129.0</p><p>P040599 CN-TIANJIN URB DEV II CONSTRUCTION OF JINZHONGHE INTERCHANGE ICB TIANJIN URBAN CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO., LTD Law and justice and public administration 4,221.3 Transportation 3,377.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9,286.9 Total: 16,885.3</p><p>P041268 CN-Nat Hwy4/Hubei-Hunan SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SURVEILLA ICB HUANENG BASIC INDUSTRIES INVESTMENT CO., LTD. Transportation 7,805.6</p><p>P041890 CN-Liaoning Urban Transport HEPING OVERPASS BRIDGE OF HUNHE SOUTH ROAD & NCB FUSHUN MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (GROUP) CO., LTD. Transportation 3,022.4 SUIHUA ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS NCB FUSHUN MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (GROUP) CO., LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 84 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 2,019.7 AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM (ATC) ICB ATS TECHNOLOGY (HONGKONG) LTD. Transportation 3,303.2 TRUCK MOUNTED STRIPING MACHINE ICB CHINA SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD. Transportation 203.3 FUSHUN EXPRESSWAY CONSTRUCTION NCB FUSHUN MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (GROUP) CO., LTD. Transportation 3,716.7 CCTV, RLVS, LPRS AND GDS EQUIPMENT ICB SHENYANG FOREVER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INDUSTR Transportation 2,199.5 ROAD MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT ICB CHINA LIGHT INDUSTRY CORP. FOR FOREIGN ECONOMIC Transportation 866.6 ROAD CONSTRUCTION ICB SHENYANG MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CO. Transportation 14,981.3 WORKS, INSTALLATION AND ERECTION NCB FUSHUN MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (GROUP) CO., LTD. Law and justice and public administration 55.6 Transportation 1,333.1 Total: 1,388.7</p><p>CHAOYANG/ZHENGYANG/TUANJIE/CHANGAN/FUMIN/DAB ICB SHENYANG NO.2 MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERIN Transportation 5,215.4</p><p>P042109 CN-BEIJING ENVIRONMENT II EQUIPMENT OF SLUDGE TREATMENT (PACKAGE 2) ICB NATIONAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT IMP/EXP CORP. Energy and mining 3,596.7 Industry and trade 149.9 Law and justice and public administration 74.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,671.6 Total: 7,493.1</p><p>ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT (PACKAGE 3) ICB CHINA NATIONAL MACHINERY & EQUIPEMENT IM/EX, HN Energy and mining 653.7 Industry and trade 27.2 Law and justice and public administration 13.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 667.3 Total: 1,361.8 P042299 TEC COOP CREDIT IV DISTANCE LEARNING NETWORK DIR CERNET CORP. Law and justice and public administration 2,379.4 STUDY ON POST-WTO REFORM AND IMPROVEMENT OF QCBS ASSOCIATION OF BJ SINOC INVST.CONSLTING CO.,LTD Law and justice and public administration 799.4</p><p>P043933 CN-SICHUAN URBAN ENVMT CARTOGRAPHY OF TERRAIN AND SURFACE FEATURES NCB ENGINEERING SURVEY INSTITUTE OF SHAANXI Health and other social services 7.0 Law and justice and public administration 55.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 633.1 Total: 695.8</p><p>ENVIRONMENT MONITORING SSS COLLEGE OF ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Health and other social services 0.7 Law and justice and public administration 5.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 66.0 Total: 72.5</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF INLET AND PRETREA ICB TSINGHUA TONGFANG CO., LTD Health and other social services 16.2 Law and justice and public administration 129.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,474.4 Total: 1,620.2</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPM ICB SHANGHAI ELECTRIC (GROUP) CO. Health and other social services 11.9 Law and justice and public administration 95.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,084.1 Total: 1,191.4</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATION EQUIPM ICB LIAONING MEC GROUP CORP. LTD Health and other social services 7.3 Law and justice and public administration 58.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 665.9 Total: 731.8</p><p>SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL AND AUTO ICB CHINA NATIONAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CORP. Health and other social services 13.5 Law and justice and public administration 107.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,226.6 Total: 1,347.9</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL EQUIPM ICB CN NTL GENRL MACHINERY EGING CORP.&THE 1ST INST ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 85 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 21.9 Law and justice and public administration 175.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,996.9 Total: 2,194.4</p><p>WATEWATER TREATMENT EQUIPMENT OF CHENGDU NO. ICB JV OF MEILI ZHONGSHENG ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERIN Water, sanitation and flood protection 5,497.6</p><p>P045264 CN-SMALLHLDR CATTLE DEV ANHUI GUOYANG YUMEI CATTLE SLAUGHTERING PLAN NCB ANHUI PROVINCIAL GUOYANG WEIYE CONSTRUCTION CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 323.8</p><p>P045788 Tri-Provincial Hwy ASPHALT PAVER AND COLD PLANER ICB GANSU GROUND INVESTMENT CORP. LTD. Transportation 665.1 WRECKER, ROAD SWEEPER, SPRINKLING VEHICLE, A ICB CHINA SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD Transportation 522.8</p><p>P045910 CN-HEBEI URBAN ENVIRONMENT WORKS FOR TANGSHAN WEST WASTEWATER PIPELINES NCB TANGSHAN MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Law and justice and public administration 14.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,433.7 Total: 1,448.2</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF WASTEWATER TREATM NCB NO.2 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING COMPANY OF HEBEI Law and justice and public administration 58.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5,801.5 Total: 5,860.1</p><p>P045915 CN-Urumqi Urban Transport ROAD MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT ICB FREETECH TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Transportation 663.7 122 WARNING SYSTEMS ICB BJ CREATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT LT Transportation 151.2 P046563 CN - TARIM BASIN II XINIR RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT BUILDING & TRAINI NCB XINJIANG KERELE FUXING CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,005.0 Law and justice and public administration 20.5 Total: 1,025.5</p><p>P046952 CN - FOREST. DEV. POOR AR FIRE COMMAND VEHICLES ICB CHINA XI'AN IM&EX CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,675.0</p><p>P047345 CN-HUAI RIVER POLLUTION CONTROL SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF FEICHENG WASTEWAE ICB SHANDONG FOREIGN TRADE (HOLDINGS) CORP., LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,758.5 FOUR-WHEEL DRIVEN VEHICLES ICB CHINA AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 214.5 PUMP STATIONS ICB ANHUI GUOZHEN ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION SCIENCE AN Water, sanitation and flood protection 347.1 SCREENS, VALVES, TUBES AND OTHER MECHANICAL ICB NINGBO JUSHEN PUMPS INDUSTRY CORP., LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 264.4 PVC PIPES ICB ANHUI GUOTONG HIGH-TECH PIPES CO., LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 602.7 PUMP STATIONS ICB HEFEI GENERAL MACHINERY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Water, sanitation and flood protection 191.1 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT ICB HEFEI GENERAL MACHINERY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Water, sanitation and flood protection 215.9 EQUIPMENT FOR SEWAGE PUMP STATIONS ICB SAINITY INTERNATIONAL GROUP JIANGSU MACHINERY I Water, sanitation and flood protection 762.5 SEWAGE PUMP STATIONS ICB ATAL ENGINEERING LIMITED Water, sanitation and flood protection 387.8 HEZE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ICB LIAONING MEC GROUP CORP. LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,537.5</p><p>P049436 CN-CHONGQING URBAN ENVMT JIGUANSHI PRETREATMENT PLANT AND PUMPING STA ICB CHINA TIESIJU CIVIL ENGINEERING GROUP CO., LTD. Law and justice and public administration 277.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5,280.1 Total: 5,558.0</p><p>EQUIPMENT FOR CHANGSHENGQIAO LANDFILL PROJEC ICB INGERSOLL-RAND MACHINERY (SHANGHAI) CORP., LTD. Law and justice and public administration 1.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.2 Total: 25.5</p><p>EQUIPMENT OF CHANGSHENGQIAO LANDFILL PROJECT ICB XUZHOU CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY GROUP I&E CO LTD ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 86 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 7.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 149.5 Total: 157.4</p><p>EQUIPMENT FOR CHANGSHENGQIAO LANDFILL PROJEC ICB XUZHOU CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY GROUP I&E CO LTD Law and justice and public administration 9.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 180.4 Total: 189.9</p><p>EQUIPMENT FOR CHANGSHENGQIAO LANDFILL PROJEC ICB CHINA NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CORP. Law and justice and public administration 4.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 79.5 Total: 83.7</p><p>EQUIPMENT FOR CHANGSHENGQIAO LANDFILL PROJEC ICB HB CMEC Law and justice and public administration 4.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 92.8 Total: 97.7</p><p>EQUIPMENT FOR CHANGSHENGQIAO LANDFILL PROJEC ICB HB CMEC Law and justice and public administration 9.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 187.7 Total: 197.6</p><p>REINFORCED STEEL ICB CHINA CHENGTONG METAL (GROUP) CORP. Law and justice and public administration 171.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,250.4 Total: 3,421.5</p><p>SUPPLY, INSTAL AND COMMISSIONING OF TAIPINGM ICB CHINA NATIONAL MACHINERY & EQUIPEMENT IM/EX, HN Law and justice and public administration 120.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,290.2 Total: 2,410.7</p><p>P049665 CN-ANNING VALLEY AG.DEV 110KV POWER TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEMS ICB HUBEI MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT IMPORT & EXPORT COR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,310.6</p><p>P049700 CN - IAIL-2 BUILD TRAINING CENTER NCB JIANGDU CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 2,570.3</p><p>P050036 Anhui Provincial Hwy PACKAGE A4:ITEM 1-LOADER W/ EXCAVATION-1 SET ICB ANHUI TECHNOLOGY IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD. Transportation 1,015.7 PACKAGE A5: ITEM 1-SUBGRADE CHECKING VEHICLE ICB CHINA SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD Transportation 1,246.9 PACKAGE A6: ITEM 1-ASPHALT ROAD PATCH MACHIN ICB FREETECH TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Transportation 1,192.0</p><p>P051705 Fujian II Highway XIXI BRIDGE NCB ZHANGZHOU MUNICIPAL XIANXING COMMUNICATIONS CON Transportation 2,629.3 XIXI BRIDGE NCB ZHONGGANG NO.3 NAVIGATION BUREAU Transportation 4,731.7</p><p>P051736 E. CHINA/JIANGSU PWR IFB 10-A: PROTECTION EQUIPMENT FOR 500 KV PO ICB ABB ENGINEERING (SHANGHAI) LTD. Energy and mining 569.8 IFB-10B: 500 KV AND 220 KV BUS PROTECTION ICB ABB ENGINEERING (SHANGHAI) LTD. Energy and mining 453.8 IFB 12: SUPERVISORY CONTROL SYSTEM FOR 500 ICB WESCON CONTROLS (SHANGHAI) INC. Energy and mining 1,046.4 IFB-13: COMPOSITE FIBER OPTIC OVERHEAD GROUN ICB ALCATEL SHANGHAI OPTIC FIBER CABLE CO. LTD. Energy and mining 158.2</p><p>P051856 ACCOUNTING REFORM & DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATED ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM ICB BEIJING CENTURY REAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Law and justice and public administration 517.9 GENERAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT ICB BEIJING BRIL SANYOU TECHNOLOGY DEV. CO., LTD. Law and justice and public administration 725.2 PROJECTOR SYSTEM ICB BEIJING BRIL. SANYOU TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO. Law and justice and public administration 133.1 TEACHING APPLICATION SYSTEM ICB BEIJING BRIL. SANYOU TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO. Law and justice and public administration 153.3 PROFESSTIONAL ACOUSTIC AMPLIFIER AND CENTRAL ICB BEIJING BRIL. SANYOU TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO. Law and justice and public administration 178.3 SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION AND VIDEO SYSTEM ICB BEIJING BRIL. SANYOU TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO. Law and justice and public administration 75.0 NETWORK EQUIPMENT AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT ICB BEIJING BEIFANG ANTENG CO., LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 87 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 214.6</p><p>P051859 CN-LIAO RIVER BASIN RED LIQUOR EXTRACTION PLANT ICB LIAONING MEC GROUP CORP. LTD Industry and trade 7,881.4 ENVIRONMENT QUALITY MONITORING INSTRUMENT FO ICB SUMEC COMPLETE EQUIPMENT & ENGINEERING CO., LTD Industry and trade 65.6 Law and justice and public administration 46.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 544.8 Total: 656.4</p><p>ENVIRONMENT QUALITY MONITORING INSTRUMENT FO ICB IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION OF LIAOHE OILFIEL Industry and trade 62.5 Law and justice and public administration 43.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 518.4 Total: 624.6</p><p>ENVIRONMENT QUALITY MONITORING INSTRUMENT FO ICB IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION OF LIAOHE OILFIEL Industry and trade 68.0 Law and justice and public administration 47.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 564.4 Total: 680.0</p><p>ENVIRONMENT QUALITY MONITORING INSTRUMENT FO ICB LIAONING INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. Industry and trade 30.2 Law and justice and public administration 21.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 250.5 Total: 301.9</p><p>ENVIRONMENT QUALITY MONITORING FOR DANDONG ICB IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION OF LIAOHE OILFIEL Industry and trade 33.0 Law and justice and public administration 23.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 273.7 Total: 329.7</p><p>ENVIRONMENT QUALITY MONITORING INSTRUMENT FO ICB LIAONING INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. Industry and trade 23.3 Law and justice and public administration 16.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 193.6 Total: 233.2</p><p>ENVIRONMENT QUALITY MONITORING INSTRUMENT FO ICB WUHAN HISUN TECHNICAL TRADE IMPORT AND EXPORT C Industry and trade 10.9 Law and justice and public administration 7.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 90.1 Total: 108.6</p><p>ENVIRONMENT QUALITY MONITORING INSTRUMENT FO ICB BEIJING XINGQIAO INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL CORP. Industry and trade 48.5 Law and justice and public administration 34.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 402.6 Total: 485.1</p><p>ENVIRONMENT QUALITY MONITORING INSTRUMENT FO ICB LIAONING INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. Industry and trade 21.3 Law and justice and public administration 14.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 176.6 Total: 212.8</p><p>YINGKOU RED LIQUOR EVAPORATION PLANT ICB LIAONING INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. Industry and trade 4,801.0 REHABILITATION OF INTERCEPTORS IN YINGKOU NCB YINGKOU LAOBIAN MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION CO., GEN Industry and trade 641.2 Law and justice and public administration 448.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5,321.6 Total: 6,411.5</p><p>JINZHOU WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ICB JV CHINA DALIAN INTERNATIONAL CORP.(GRP) HOLDIN Industry and trade 322.2 Law and justice and public administration 225.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,674.4 Total: 3,222.2</p><p>SEVEN WASTEWATER PUMPING STATIONS ICB CHINA NATIONAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CORP. Industry and trade 257.2 Law and justice and public administration 180.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,134.7 Total: 2,571.9</p><p>PASSENGER VEHICLES ICB HUBEI PROVINCIAL MINMETALS INTERNATIONAL TRADIN Industry and trade 23.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 88 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 16.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 196.7 Total: 236.9</p><p>SLUDGE TRANSPORT VEHICLES ICB HUBEI PROVINCIAL MINMETALS INTERNATIONAL TRADIN Industry and trade 140.2 Law and justice and public administration 98.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,164.0 Total: 1,402.4</p><p>YINGKOU WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ICB LN HUIMING INTL. TRADE CORPO.LTD./ADVANT ENERGY Water, sanitation and flood protection 4,690.0</p><p>P051888 CN - GUANZHONG IRRIGATION BAOJIXIA PUMPING STATION REHABILITATION WORK NCB CHINA 6TH METALLURGICAL CONSTRUCTION CORP. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,696.5</p><p>P056199 CN-3rd Inland Waterways CONSTRUCTION OF HIGHWAY BRIDGE AT DAM CREST NCB HUNAN PROVINCIAL ZHUZHOU HIGHWAY & BRIDGE CONST Transportation 2,400.0 SANMEN CANAL WORKS NCB ZHONGTIE 12TH BUREAU Transportation 1,751.2 POWER TRANSFORMER & ACCESSORIES ICB HUNAN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC TECHNOLOGY DEVELOP Transportation 717.8 SWITCHYARD EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES ICB HUNAN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC TECHNOLOGY DEVELOP Transportation 720.8</p><p>P056216 CN - LOESS PLATEAU II FIELDWORK VEHICLES ICB CHINA XI'AN IM&EX CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,062.4 SERVICE VEHICLES ICB CHINA SHAANXI MACHINERY IMPORT AND EXPORT CORP. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 143.7 MOTOCYCLES ICB CHINA SHAANXI MACHINERY IMPORT AND EXPORT CORP. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 15.0 VEHICLES ICB CHINA XI'AN IM&EX CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 399.3 VEHICLES ICB CHINA XI'AN IM&EX CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 248.3</p><p>P056424 CN-TONGBAI PUMPED STORA SENIOR MANAGEMENT TRAINING CQS INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTE OF NORTH CHIN Energy and mining 1,157.2</p><p>P056516 CN - WATER CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION OF GREEN HOUSE AND DRIP IRRIGAT NCB BEIJING MUNICIPAL DAXING DISTRICT WATER CONSERV Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 2,374.5</p><p>P058308 CN-PENSION REFORM PJT QINGDAO MUNICIPAL PENSION INSURANCE COMPUTER ICB BEIJING DEVELOPMENT IM/EX CORP., LTD. Finance 19.4 Law and justice and public administration 464.5 Total: 483.9</p><p>HLJ MUNICIPAL PENSION INSURANCE COMPUTER NET ICB BEIJING DEVELOPMENT IM/EX CORP., LTD. Finance 1.7 Law and justice and public administration 41.1 Total: 42.8</p><p>MOLSS PENSION INSURANCE COMPUTER NETWORK ICB BEIJING BRIL SANYOU TECHNOLOGY DEV. CO., LTD. Finance 5.5 Law and justice and public administration 131.3 Total: 136.7</p><p>P058843 Guangxi Highway HENGXIAN-MASHAN CONTRACT Z11, HIGHWAY NETWOR NCB GUANGXI ROAD & BRIDGE ENGINEERING CO. GENERAL Transportation 5,363.8 PACKAGE A1: MULTI-FUNCTION MAINTAIN MACHINE ICB BOMA EQUIPMENT & MACHINERIES SUPPLIERS LTD. Transportation 728.1 PACKAGE A2: ROAD SWEEPER, BRIDGE CHECK AND M ICB NEW MOTION LTD. Transportation 625.8 PACKAGE A3: WRECKER ICB GUANGDONG YUEHAI MOTOR VEHICLE CO., LTD. Transportation 891.9 PACKAGE A4: ROAD MAINTENANCE TRUCK ICB HUNAN EVERSOURCE TRADING CO., LTD. Transportation 2,130.9 PACKAGE A6: ROAD MAINTENANCE MACHINE (I) ICB SHANGHAI ECONOMY COOPERATION IMPORT & EXPORT CO Transportation 1,230.3 EQUIPMENT FOR AUDIO-VISUAL EDUCATION ICB GUANGZHOU LANGE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Transportation 232.7</p><p>P058844 3rd Henan Prov Hwy ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 89 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF TOLLING, COMMUNICATIONS AND T ICB TSINGHUA UNISPLENDOUR (GROUP) CORP. Transportation 1,602.7</p><p>P058845 Jiangxi II Hwy CONSTRUCTION OF LINKING ROADS TO TAIHE-GANZH NCB JIANGXI PINGXIANG HIGHWAY & BRIDGE ENGINEERING Transportation 2,532.9 CONSTRUCTION OF LINKING ROADS TO TAIHE-GANZH NCB JIANGXI ZHONGMEI HIGHWAY & BRIDGE ENGINEERING C Transportation 3,719.8 ROAD IMPROVEMENT IN POOR COUNTIES NCB JIANGXI GANZHOU BODA HIGHWAY CO., LTD. Transportation 4,119.9 ROAD IMPROVEMENT IN POOR COUNTIES NCB JIANGXI GANZHOU BODA HIGHWAY CO., LTD. Transportation 3,592.3 ROAD IMPROVEMENT IN POOR COUNTIES NCB JIANGXI GANZHOU HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CO. Transportation 4,273.2 ROAD IMPROVEMENT IN POOR COUNTIES NCB JIANGXI GANZHOU HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CO. Transportation 2,675.8 IMPROVEMENT OF ROADS IN POOR COUNTIES NCB JIANGXI JI'AN ROAD & BRIDGE ENGINEERING GENERAL Transportation 695.6 IMPROVMENT OF ROADS IN POOR COUNTIES NCB JIANGXI PROVINCIAL COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING G Transportation 3,469.8 IMPROVEMENT OF ROADS IN POOR COUNTIES NCB NINGBO COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION Transportation 5,942.4 IMPROVEMENT OF ROADS IN POOR COUNTIES NCB JIANGXI JI'AN ROAD & BRIDGE ENGINEERING GENERAL Transportation 2,059.8 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF TOLLING, COMMUNIC ICB CHENGDU SHUGUANG OPTICAL FIBER NETWORK CO., LTD Transportation 2,858.6</p><p>P058846 CN-Natl Railway Project AIR-COOLED SLIP SYSTEM ICB CHINA RAILWAY MATERIAL IM./EX. CO., LTD. Transportation 86.9 WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE EQUIPMENT ICB GENERAL MACHINERY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. Transportation 545.9</p><p>P058847 CN-3rd Xinjiang Hwy Project PROCUREMENT OF TOLLING, COMMUNICATIONS AND T ICB TSINGHUA UNISPLENDOUR (GROUP) CORP. Transportation 1,536.6 FALLING WEIGHT DEFLECTOMETER (2 SETS) ICB HENAN ECONOMIC TRADE INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT CO Transportation 238.3</p><p>P060029 CN-Sustain. Forestry Dev(Natural Forest) DESKTOP COMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE, NOTEBOOK COM NCB CHINA ZHONGYUAN XINGHUA ENGINEERING CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 253.8 COPY MACHINE,FAX MACHINE, SCANNERS AND OVERP NCB CHINA ZHONGYUAN XINGHUA ENGINEERING CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 147.2 GPS, RECEIVING AND SWITCHING STATION, WALKIE NCB SICHUAN ZHONGRUITE SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 246.4</p><p>P064729 CN-SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY DEV. PROJECT UREA ICB CHINA XI'AN IM&EX CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 597.8 FERTILIZER ICB CHINA CONTAINER HOLDING GROUP CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 822.8 COMPUTERS NCB BEIJING JINSHANGQI SYSTEM INTEGRATION CO., LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 123.9 OFFICE EQUIPMENT NCB CHINA ZHONGYUAN XINGHUA ENGINEERING CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 161.5</p><p>P064730 CN - Yangtze Dike Strengthening Project STUDY OF COMPUTER NETWORKS, NUMERICAL SIMULA QBS HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, CH Water, sanitation and flood protection 43.3 RIVER MODELING LAB.HALL AND WATER/SAN SUPPLY NCB JV OF CHINA CONSTRUCTION 8TH BUREAU&ZHEJIANG SO Water, sanitation and flood protection 9,897.8 LAB. BUILDING AND AUXILIARY WORKS NCB THE 2ND ENGINEERING CO. OF HUBEI PROVINCIAL CON Law and justice and public administration 51.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,671.1 Total: 1,722.8</p><p>DEV. OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN QBS HUBEI PROVINCIAL WATER RESOURCES & HYDROPOWER S Water, sanitation and flood protection 188.0 KEY TECHNICAL STUDIES ON ATHEMATICAL MODEL O QBS TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY Water, sanitation and flood protection 48.7</p><p>P065035 CN-Gansu & Xinjiang Pastoral Development PACKAGE NO. 1- HERRING BONE MILKING PARLOUR NCB SHANXI WANGXIAN TRADE COMPANY, LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 54.3 STRAIGHT COLD MILK TANK NCB XINDONG LIGHT INDUSTRY MECHANICAL COMPANY LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 38.4 PRINTERS NCB LANZHOU KANGYUE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 46.6 COMPUTERS NCB LANZHOU XIN-XI-WANG ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMPA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 117.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 90 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>MILKING STATIONS AND COW BREEDING FARM SHOP GANSU TAOYANG CONSTRUCTION & ERECTION ENGINEERI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 147.2 CONSTRUCTION OF SHEEP SHEDS AT JINGYUAN COUN SHOP NO.9 CONSTRCUTION TEAM OF NO.4 DEPARTMENT OF NO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 78.8 CONSTRUCTION OF COW SHEEDS SHOP GANSU PROVINCE KANGLE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION ENGIN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 63.5 FERTILIZERS SHOP WUWEI XIANGHE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION MATERIALS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 9.7 GRASS SEEDS AND INOCULUMS SHOP GANSU XINLONG YUANSHENGTAI AGRICULTURAL CO., LT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 13.3</p><p>P066955 CN-ZHEJIANG URBAN ENVMT HOUSING RENOVATION JISHAN PRECINCT, SHAOXING NCB ZHEJIANG ZHONGCHENG CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO., LTD Health and other social services 739.4 Transportation 739.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,478.8 Total: 2,957.7</p><p>P068049 CN-Hubei Hydropower Dev in Poor Areas TURBINE GENERATOR UNITS OF SONGSHULING HYDRO ICB HUBEI MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT IMPORT & EXPORT COR Energy and mining 5,849.3 POWER STATION HOISTING EQUIPMENT OF SONGSHUL ICB HUBEI MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT IMPORT & EXPORT COR Energy and mining 1,092.2 METAL WORKS OF SONGSHULING & XIAKOU HYDROELE ICB CHINA GEZHOUBA WATER & POWER (GROUP) CO. LTD. Energy and mining 1,898.4</p><p>P070191 CN-SHANGHAI URB ENVMT APL1 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ELEC AND MECH EQU ICB ATAL ENGINEERING LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 79.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,054.4 Total: 1,133.7</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ELEC AND MECH EQU ICB SHANGHAI INSTALLATION ENGINEERING LTD. Law and justice and public administration 39.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 527.2 Total: 566.9</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ELEC AND MECH EQU ICB SHANGHAI ZHONGGAO IMPORT & EXPORT CO., LTD. Law and justice and public administration 39.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 527.2 Total: 566.9</p><p>P070441 CN-Hubei Xiaogan Xiangfan Hwy P2: PAVEMENT MILLER (2 SETS) ICB SCHNEIDER EQUIPMENT LTD. Transportation 901.1 P3: ASPHALT STURRY SURFACING MACHINE (1 SET ICB EKPAC INTERNATIONAL LTD Transportation 296.0 P4: 1-ASPHALT CLEANER (3 SETS), AND 2-CRANE ICB CHINA NATIONAL SERVICE CORP. FOR CHINESE PERSON Transportation 710.4 CONNECTING ROADS NCB XIANG-FAN MUNICIPALITY ROAD CONSTRUCTION CO., L Transportation 4,469.5 CONNECTING ROADS NCB SUIZHOU MUNICIPALITY ROAD CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD Transportation 1,905.9</p><p>P071147 CN-Tuberculosis Control Project AMBULANCES (61 SETS) ICB SHENYANG BRILLIANCE JINBEI AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD. Health and other social services 745.9 DUAL-PURPOSE PASSENGER-CARGO VEHICLES (404 S ICB CHINA NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY I/E CORP. Health and other social services 5,870.1 AUTOMATIC RAPID MYCOBACTERIA CULTURE AND DET ICB BIOMERIEUX CHINA LTD. Health and other social services 490.0 ANALOG DUPLICATOR ICB BEIJING BRIL SANYOU TECHNOLOGY DEV. CO., LTD. Health and other social services 256.4 DIGITAL DUPLICATOR ICB CHINA DAHENG GROUP CO., LTD. Health and other social services 646.9 MICROSCOPE ICB MOTIC CHINA GROUP CO., LTD. Health and other social services 291.8 OFF-ROAD PASSENGER CARS ICB CHINA NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY I/E CORP. Health and other social services 4,361.6 VEHICLE FOR PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ICB HUNAN MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT I/E CORP. Health and other social services 530.1 X-RAY FILMS NCB BEIJING YINGJIAHAOXUN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO., Health and other social services 174.0 LASER PRINTERS NCB XI'AN DIGAO SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Health and other social services 24.2 DESKTOP COMPUTERS NCB XI'AN DIGAO SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Health and other social services 116.1 500MA DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY MACHINES ICB THE ORIENTAL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS IMPORT AND Health and other social services 477.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 91 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>200MA DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY MACHINES ICB THE ORIENTAL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS IMPORT AND Health and other social services 4,143.4 X-RAY FILMS NCB SHENYANG JIAHUAFUKANG TRADING CO., LTD. Health and other social services 54.5 COMPUTERS AND FAX MACHINES NCB SHENYANG CHANGDE TIANXING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Health and other social services 130.7</p><p>P073853 Developing Govt Securities Market PROVIDE ADVICE, PARTICIPATE IN SEMINARS/TRIP INDV MR. JIA KANG Finance 5.4 ADVICE, PARTICIPATE IN SEMINARS/TRIPS; REVIE INDV MR. FENG GENGFU Finance 5.4 PROVIDE ADVICE, PARTICIPATE IN SEMINARS/TRIP INDV PROF. GAO PEIYONG Finance 5.4</p><p>P084247 Study on Public Service Unit Reform STATISTICAL STUDY ON CHINA'S PSUS CQB HOU XIAOGUO Law and justice and public administration 20.0 SUPREVISION AND REGULATION SYSTEM REFORM ON CQB GAO SHIJI Law and justice and public administration 30.0 STUDY ON PSU REFORMS IN CHINA'S SCIENCE AND CQB GU HAIBIN Law and justice and public administration 20.0 STUDY ON REFORMING CHINA'S PSUS IN CULTURAL CQB ZHANG XIAOMING Law and justice and public administration 20.0 PERSONNEL SYSTEM REFORM ON CHINA'S PSUS CQB LI KESHI Law and justice and public administration 25.0 STUDY ON REFORMING CHINA'S PSUS IN HEALTH AN CQB CAI RENHUA Law and justice and public administration 20.0 STUDY ON REFORMING CHINA'S PSUS IN AGRICULTU CQS MA XIAOHE Law and justice and public administration 22.0</p><p>P086991 SOE Privatization/Restructuring/Govern. SURVEY ON SOE'S OWNERSHIP TRANSFORMATION AND QBS CHINA ENTREPRENEUR SURVEY SYSTEM Industry and trade 245.0</p><p>Country Total: 327,725.0 Eritrea P034154 ERITREA PORTS MASSAWA CAUSEWAYS REHABILITATION PROJECT ICB SICHUAN ROAD & BRIDGE (GROUP) CORP. Transportation 2,780.7</p><p>P039264 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY NETWORK OF NEFA NCB CHINA INTERNATIONAL WATER & ELECTRIC CORP. (CWE Water, sanitation and flood protection 446.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,227.5</p><p>Ethiopia P044613 ET-Road Sector Development 2 NEKEMPT-MEKENAJO ROAD UPGRADING ICB SINOHYDRO CORPORATION Transportation 34,500.6 NAZARETH-ASSELA ROAD UPGRADING PROJECT -CIVI ICB SINOHYDRO CORPORATION Transportation 20,345.2</p><p>Country Total: 54,845.8</p><p>Gambia, The P057394 GM GATEWAY PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SITE INFRASTRUCTURE & BUILDINGS ICB GUANXI INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING C Transportation 5,597.6</p><p>Country Total: 5,597.6</p><p>Ghana P000974 Nat. Func. Lit. Program PROCUREMENT OF GENTS BICYCLES & SEWING MACHI ICB GUANGZOU LIGHT HOLDINGS GENERAL Education 218.8</p><p>Country Total: 218.8</p><p>India P050668 MUMBAI URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR IMPROVEME QCBS MTR CORPORATION LTD. Health and other social services 61.1 Transportation 345.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 92 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 407.0</p><p>Country Total: 407.0</p><p>Indonesia P003701 ID ODS I- UMBRELLA PROC. OF FLEXIBLE PU BOX FOAM PROJECT (ODS-3 SHOP SUNKIST CHEMICAL MACHINERY LTD. Finance 13.9 Industry and trade 1,356.8 Law and justice and public administration 13.9 Total: 1,384.5</p><p>Country Total: 1,384.5</p><p>Kazakhstan P046045 SYR DARYA CONTROL/NO. ARAL SEA SYNAS 009/1 REPAIR AND REHABILITATION OF STR ICB CHINA GEO-ENGINEERING CORPORATION Water, sanitation and flood protection 4,138.3 SYNAS 011/1 NCB CHINA GEO ENGINEERING Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,238.8</p><p>Country Total: 6,377.1</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P042237 LA-Provin. Infrast. REHABILITATION OF THE NATIONAL ROAD NO. 19 F NCB CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE AND MANNAGE BRIDGE-ROA Transportation 992.5</p><p>Country Total: 992.5 Madagascar P073689 MADAGASCAR Rural Transport Proj - APL 2 LOT 3.4 MORAMANGA - ANOSIBE AN'ALA - TRAVAUX ICB CHINA GEO-ENGINEERING CORPORATION Transportation 2,923.0 LOT 6.2, MANAMBERRY ANDRAIFANKONA ICB CHINA GEO ENGINEERING CORPORATION (GCG) Transportation 3,869.5 AMENAGEMENT ROUTES RURALES, PROVINCE ANTSIRA NCB CHINA GEO - ENGINEERING CO Transportation 826.0</p><p>Country Total: 7,618.5</p><p>Mongolia P040907 MN-Energy Sector SUPPLY OF METER BOXES ICB LANZHOU ELECTRIC IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION Energy and mining 1,315.4 PKG 4.LOT 1- SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY EQUIPMENT ICB CHINA ELECTRONIC APPLIANCE CORPORATION Energy and mining 496.6</p><p>Country Total: 1,812.0</p><p>Mozambique P001785 MZ-ROADS & BRIDGES MMP REHABILITATION OF THE EN1 BETWEEN ER 520 AND ICB SINOHYDRO Transportation 25,152.5</p><p>P052240 NATIONAL WATER II REHAB OF NAMPULA DAM (SMALL ASSIGNMENT) ICB JIANGSU GEOLOGY & ENGINEERING CO. LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 199.0</p><p>Country Total: 25,351.5</p><p>Philippines P039019 PH-First Nat'l Rds Improve. REHABILITATION OF MALALAG-MALITA-JOSE ABAD S ICB CHINA INTERNATIONAL WATER & ELECTRICITY CORPORA Transportation 8,652.2</p><p>Country Total: 8,652.2</p><p>Sri Lanka P077586 LK Economic Reform TA DRAFTING REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR LIBERALI CQS FRASER MILNER CASGRAIN LLP ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 93 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 141.7</p><p>Country Total: 141.7</p><p>Tanzania P002758 URBAN SECTOR REHAB REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF ADDITIONAL NCB CHINA GEO-ENGINEERING Law and justice and public administration 100.6 Transportation 137.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 219.4 Total: 457.1</p><p>REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF ADDITIONAL NCB M/S CHINA GEO-ENGINEERING CORPORATION Law and justice and public administration 134.1 Transportation 182.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 292.6 Total: 609.7</p><p>P002770 TZ ROADS II EMERGENCY REHABILITATION OF ZANZIBAR AIRPORT ICB CHINA HUASHI ENGERPRISES CORPORATION (CHINA) Transportation 9,098.1</p><p>Country Total: 10,164.8</p><p>Uganda P044679 Second Economic and Fin. Mgmt. Project CONSTRUCTION OF UBOS/UCS OFFICE BLDG ICB CHINAL NATIONAL COMPLETE PLANT IMPORT & EXPORT Education 505.8 Law and justice and public administration 5,816.3 Total: 6,322.1</p><p>P065436 UG 2ND PHASE OF THE RD. DEVE PROG UPGRADING TO PAVED (BITUMEN STANDARD) OF OLW ICB CHINA CHONGQING INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CORP Transportation 14,465.3</p><p>Country Total: 20,787.4</p><p>Uruguay P008177 UY POWER TRNMSN & DISTR SUMINISTRO DE MEDIDORES MONOFASICOS DE ENERG ICB HOLLEY CROPU CO. LTD Energy and mining 1,034.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,034.4</p><p>Uzbekistan P050508 URBAN TRANSPORT SYPPLY OF TYRES IN SET FOR IKARUS, PAZ AND L ICB CHINA FAW GROUP IMPORT EXPORT CORPORATION Transportation 198.4</p><p>Country Total: 198.4</p><p>Vietnam P045628 VN-TRANSMISSION & DISTR 220KV THOT NOT-CHAU DOC-TINH BIEN T/L ICB DALIAN PORCELAIN INSULATOR WORKS Energy and mining 456.5</p><p>P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB LOT 58.3 FOR SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 394.9 LOT 58.4: _ SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 330.6 LOT 58.5: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR FO ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 418.4 LOT 58.6 ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR & EQUIPMENT F ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 454.6 PACKAGE 58, LOT 58.9: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL S ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 459.0 PACKAGE 58, LOT 58.15: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 383.1 PACKAGE 58,LOT 58.13: SUPPLY OF ELECTRIC SWI ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 536.4 PKG. 58, LOT 58.8 SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITC ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 495.8 PACKAGE 58, LOT 58.7: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL S ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 94 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CHINA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 435.8 PKG 58, LOT 58.11: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWIT ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 371.9 LOT 6.4 110KV LAP THACHI, CHO ROC & VINH TUO ICB FRANCO PACIFIC VENTURES Energy and mining 1,515.8</p><p>Country Total: 6,252.8</p><p>Zambia P003236 ZM NATIONAL ROAD PERIODIC MAINTENANCE OF LUSAKA - KABWE ROAD ICB CHINA HENAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Transportation 7,832.9</p><p>Country Total: 7,832.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 521,533.5 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 95 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: COLOMBIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Belize P040150 BZ ROADS AND MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE PROJECT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR PLANNING AND LAND U CQB FRANCISCO LONDOÑO Water, sanitation and flood protection 60.0 DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT & PLANNING STUDY (TECHNI CQB OLGA SAMPER RODRIGUEZ Water, sanitation and flood protection 59.7</p><p>Country Total: 119.7</p><p>Colombia P006891 CO ANTIOQUIA EDUCATION ACQUISICION OF (50) COMPUTERS MUNICIPAL ICB COMPUREDES S.A. Education 912.4</p><p>P040102 CO REG.REF.TA COORDINATION OF A WORKSHOP FOR THE GOVERNMEN SSS FEDESARROLLO Energy and mining 195.0 DESIGN AND STRUCTURING OF A METHODOLOGICAL S SSS ALBERTO BRUGMAN Energy and mining 128.3 DISEÑO DE ESTRATEGIA Y ESQUEMA DE VINCULACIO QCBS BOOZ ALLEN & HAMILTON Energy and mining 32.2 Information and communications 16.1 Law and justice and public administration 161.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.7 Total: 230.0</p><p>ESTRUCTURACION LEGAL Y FINANCIERA DEL SISTEM QCBS UNION TEMPORAL SITM BARRANQUILLA Energy and mining 24.6 Information and communications 12.3 Law and justice and public administration 123.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.8 Total: 175.9</p><p>GESTION DE ACTIVOS INMUEBLES EN INFRAESTRUCT QCBS PRICE WATERHOUSECOOPERS ASESORES GERENCIALES LT Energy and mining 29.9 Information and communications 14.9 Law and justice and public administration 149.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 19.2 Total: 213.3</p><p>ASESORIA PARA ESTUDIO SUSTITUCION COMBUSTIBL QCBS DEPI LTDA Energy and mining 10.0 Information and communications 5.0 Law and justice and public administration 50.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.4 Total: 71.5</p><p>ESTRUCTURACION LEGAL Y FINANCIERA DEL SISTEM QCBS UT SIT CARTAGENA Energy and mining 24.4 Information and communications 12.2 Law and justice and public administration 122.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.7 Total: 174.4</p><p>CONSULTORIA PARA LA ASESORIA DE MERCADO DE S FBS UNION TEMPORAL PYRAMID-CINTEL Energy and mining 11.2 Information and communications 5.6 Law and justice and public administration 56.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.2 Total: 80.0</p><p>P040109 CO PUBLIC FINANC. MANAGEMENT PROJECT II ADQUISICION DE CPUS CLIENTES PRODUCCION Y SO LIB IBM COLOMBIA S.A. Law and justice and public administration 1,287.6</p><p>P041642 CO PRODUCTIVE PARTNERSHIPS DESIGN OF TWELVE PROJECT STUDIES FBS PRODESARROLLO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 135.5</p><p>P050578 CO RURAL EDUCATION RE-ISSUE OF THE 49 MODULES CORRESPONDING TO QCBS MARCA REGISTRADA Health and other social services 111.0</p><p>P057369 CO Judicial Resolution Improvement Prj. IMPLEMENTACION DE UN SISTEMA DE GESTION INDV PROFASCOOP Information and communications 10.0 Law and justice and public administration 90.1 Total: 100.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 96 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: COLOMBIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>DISEÑE LA METODOLOGIA PARA ADMINISTRAR Y CAP INDV PROFASCOOP Information and communications 9.9 Law and justice and public administration 89.2 Total: 99.1</p><p>ADQUISICION DEL SISTEMA DE OFICINA ABIERTA LIB COMPUMUEBLES S.A. Information and communications 40.1 Law and justice and public administration 360.6 Total: 400.7</p><p>P063317 GEF CO-HIGH ANDES COOPERATION AGREEMENT SSS ASOCIACION RED COLOMBIANA DE RESERVAS NATURALES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 55.1 Industry and trade 23.2 Law and justice and public administration 32.0 Total: 110.2</p><p>P065937 CO WATER SECTOR REF ASSISTANCE PROJECT CONVENIO DE APOYO FINANCIERO, MUNICIPIOS BAR SDC BBVA FIDUCIARIA SA Law and justice and public administration 42.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,099.4 Total: 2,142.2</p><p>CONTRATO DE ADMINISTRACION, INVERSION Y PAGO SDC FIDUCIARIA BOGOTA SA Law and justice and public administration 39.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,916.3 Total: 1,955.4</p><p>CONTRATO DE FIDUCIA MERCANTIL DE ADMINISTRAC SDC FIDUCIARIA LA PREVISORA S.A. FIDUPREVISORA Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,989.6 CONTRATO DE ADMINISTRACION, INVERSION Y PAGO SDC FIDUCIARIA BOGOTA SA Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,869.7</p><p>P069964 CO- Human Capital Prot.- Cash Transfers PROVIDE SERVICES TO VERIFY SAMPLING AND VALI QCBS UNION TEMPORAL BDO-CCRP Health and other social services 333.9</p><p>P077757 CO: CUND/MARCA EDUCATION QUALITY IMPROVE CONTRACT WITH UNION TEMPORAL SEI - ANALYSIS QBS UNION TEMPORAL SEI Education 262.5 SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORIA TRABAJOS MENORES QCBS FUNDACION HEMISFERIO Education 100.7</p><p>P082167 CO Rural Diversification 1st APL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ADVICE SSS PNUD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 450.0</p><p>P082429 CO-Disaster Vulnerability Reduction ESTUDIO 1 - MANIZALES QCBS EVALUACION DE RIESGOS NATURALES Finance 161.7</p><p>Country Total: 14,690.5</p><p>Ecuador P063644 EC Power&Comm.Sect Moderniz.&Rural Servi ADQUISICION E IMPLANTACION DE APLICACIONES D NCB GERS S.A. Energy and mining 38.7 PREPARACION DEL DOCUMENTO BASE PARA EL FORO CQB FERNANDO LECAROS Energy and mining 17.8</p><p>Country Total: 56.5</p><p>El Salvador P081230 El Salvador Public Procurement Moderniza STRENGTHENING OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ADMINIST LCS FADRIQUE OTERO Law and justice and public administration 101.7</p><p>Country Total: 101.7</p><p>Nicaragua P050613 NI SECOND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT LIBROS DE TEXTOS DIR EDITORIAL LIBROS Y LIBROS Education 765.3</p><p>P070016 NI Competitiveness LIL ELABORACIÓN DE ANTEPROYECTO DE LEY DE ZONAS QCBS ARAUJO IBARRA Y ASOCIADOS ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 97 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: COLOMBIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Finance 12.0 Industry and trade 26.6 Law and justice and public administration 11.5 Total: 50.1</p><p>Country Total: 815.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 15,783.8 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 98 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: COMOROS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Comoros P044824 Social Fund REHABILITATION DE LA ROUTE DE MBENI-BATOU NCB SOGEA SATOM Health and other social services 151.2</p><p>P052887 Health APPUI AU RECENSEMENT GENERAL DE LA POPULATIO INDV UNPF Health and other social services 440.0 CONSTRUCTION DU CENTRE DE SANTE D'OUZIOINI - NCB ARCAD Health and other social services 157.1</p><p>Country Total: 748.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 748.3 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 99 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Congo, Democratic Republic of P057296 ZR Emerg. Multisector Rehab.& Rec REHABILITATION OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND ROADS ICB SAFRICAS Water, sanitation and flood protection 8,374.5 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TYPE ACTIVITIES SSS ASING (ACTION DE SOUTIEN AUX INITIATIVES DE DEV Energy and mining 50.0 Health and other social services 50.0 Transportation 99.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 50.0 Total: 249.8</p><p>COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TYPE AVTIVITIES UNDER SSS LA FONDATION MIBA (FOMI) Energy and mining 50.0 Health and other social services 50.0 Transportation 100.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 50.0 Total: 250.0</p><p>COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES UNDER THE E SSS CARITAS-CONGO/KATANGA Energy and mining 42.9 Health and other social services 42.9 Transportation 85.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 42.9 Total: 214.7</p><p>COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES UNDER THE E SSS CTB COOPERATION TECHNIQUE Energy and mining 50.0 Health and other social services 50.0 Transportation 99.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 50.0 Total: 249.8</p><p>COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES UNDER THE E SSS BDD MBUJI MAYI Energy and mining 40.7 Health and other social services 40.7 Transportation 81.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 40.7 Total: 203.4</p><p>PROGRAMME DE LUTTE ANTI-EROSIVE SUR 4 SITES ICB MALTA FORREST Transportation 10,167.7 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES UNDER THE E SSS GMHR GROUPE DE MAINTENANCE Energy and mining 23.1 Health and other social services 23.1 Transportation 46.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.1 Total: 115.5</p><p>COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES UNDER THE E SSS FONDATION OLANGI WOSHO Energy and mining 49.8 Health and other social services 49.8 Transportation 99.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 49.8 Total: 249.0</p><p>COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES UNDER THE E SSS ECC-SHAHUMBA LISANGA Energy and mining 43.5 Health and other social services 43.5 Transportation 87.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 43.5 Total: 217.6</p><p>COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES UNDER THE E SSS RVS RELIGIEUX DE SAINT VINCENT Energy and mining 44.9 Health and other social services 44.9 Transportation 89.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 44.9 Total: 224.6</p><p>SOCIAL PROTECTION MANUAL AWARNESS CAMPAIGN INDV OLIVIER MUSHETE Health and other social services 72.1 AGRICULTURE: CONTRAT POUR LE CHEF D'ANTENNE, INDV SHONGO DIOWO Energy and mining 11.3 Health and other social services 11.3 Transportation 22.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.3 Total: 56.4</p><p>GESTION TECHNIQUE ET FINANCIERE DES TRAVAUX QCBS UNOPS Transportation 2,167.5 GESTION TECHNIQUE ET FINANCIERE DES TRAVAUX QCBS UNOPS ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 100 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 2,566.2 GESTION TECHNIQUE ET FINANCIERE DES TRAVAUX QCBS UNOPS Transportation 2,077.4 GESTION TECHNIQUE ET FINANCIERE DES TRAVAUX QCBS UNOPS Transportation 2,376.5 GESTION TECHNIQUE ET FINANCIERE DES TRAVAUX QCBS UNOPS Transportation 1,937.5 GESTION TECHNIQUE ET FINANCIERE DES TRAVAUX QCBS UNOPS Transportation 1,765.1 REGIDESO VEHICLES TO CARRY NCB AUTO TRANSPORT COMPANY Transportation 885.0 REGISO: TRAVAUX DE REHAB. DU CAPTAGE D'EAU B ICB GROUPEMENT SAFRICAS, PARISI. REALTECH Water, sanitation and flood protection 13,026.7 REGIDESO: FOURNITURE EQUIPEMENTS DE RADIOCOM NCB MICROCOM Water, sanitation and flood protection 87.9 GOODS: 6 VEHICLES NCB ATC Transportation 107.4 GOODS: 3 JEEPS 4X4 ( LOT 1) NCB TRACTAFRIC Transportation 86.0 OFFICE SUPPLIES NCB BATIPONTS Transportation 1,830.4</p><p>P073864 Emergency Stabilization and Recovery FONCTIONNEMENT DU SECRÉTARIAT TECHNIQUE SSS BUREAU CENTRAL DE COORDINATION (BCECO) Education 95.0 Health and other social services 95.0 Transportation 95.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 95.0 Total: 380.0</p><p>P075660 Emergency Early Recovery Project CONVENTION MAITRISE OUVRAGE DELEGUE/MINISTRE SSS MINISTERES DES TRAVAUX PUBLIC ET INFRASTRUCT* Health and other social services 237.9 Law and justice and public administration 529.8 Transportation 313.6 Total: 1,081.3</p><p>P081850 Emergency Reunification Project PRESTATION DE MAITRISE D'OUVRAGE DÉLÉGUÉE PO SSS BUREAU CENTRAL DE COORDINATION (BCECO) Education 67.2 Health and other social services 336.0 Law and justice and public administration 537.6 Transportation 403.2 Total: 1,344.0</p><p>CONVENTION DE SERVICE AVEC L'OFFICE DES ROUT DIR OFFICE DES ROUTES Education 11.7 Health and other social services 58.4 Law and justice and public administration 93.4 Transportation 70.0 Total: 233.4</p><p>PROCUREMENT SERVICES FOR COMPONENT 2 TO 5 OF SSS BUREAU CENTRAL DE COORDINATION (BCECO) Education 29.3 Health and other social services 146.3 Law and justice and public administration 234.1 Transportation 175.6 Total: 585.2</p><p>APPUI AUX INSTITUTIONS DE LA TRANSITION. AP SSS SECRETARIAT TECHNIQUE MINISTERE DES TPI / RDC Education 63.0 Health and other social services 315.0 Law and justice and public administration 504.1 Transportation 378.1 Total: 1,260.2</p><p>Country Total: 54,442.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 54,442.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 101 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CONGO, REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Congo, Republic of P073507 Transparency and Governance CB AUDIT OPERATIONNEL DE L'ADMINISTRATION FISCA QCBS GKM AUDIT ET CONSEILS Energy and mining 27.3 Law and justice and public administration 109.4 Total: 136.7</p><p>ETUDE DU CADASTRE FISCAL QCBS CONSORTIUM FIDAFRICA/LANDWELL & ASSOCIES/ IGN F Energy and mining 40.1 Law and justice and public administration 160.4 Total: 200.5</p><p>AUDIT OPERATIONNEL DE L'ADMINISTRATION DES D QCBS ERNST & YOUNG CONGO Energy and mining 32.0 Law and justice and public administration 128.0 Total: 160.0</p><p>P074006 EMERGENCY REHABILITATION, RECONSTRUCTION REHABILITATION OF 64 CLASSROOMS IN 7 PRIMARY ICB ISSEMA BATIMENT Health and other social services 320.5 Law and justice and public administration 50.1 Transportation 631.1 Total: 1,001.7</p><p>REHABILITATION OF 60 CLASSROOMS IN 6 PRIMARY ICB ETS MIAMBANZILA Health and other social services 355.7 Law and justice and public administration 55.6 Transportation 700.2 Total: 1,111.4</p><p>REHABILITATION OF ROADS IN THE DEPARTMENTS O ICB ETS MIAMBANZILA Health and other social services 919.5 Law and justice and public administration 143.7 Transportation 1,810.2 Total: 2,873.4 REHABILITATION OF ROADS IN THE DEPARTMENTS O ICB ETS MIAMBANZILA Health and other social services 1,290.7 Law and justice and public administration 201.7 Transportation 2,541.1 Total: 4,033.6</p><p>LOT 4 - REHABILITATION WORKS ON ROAD NGO-MPO NCB GENERALE DES TRAVAUX ET AMENAGEMENTS (GTA-SA) Health and other social services 395.1 Law and justice and public administration 61.7 Transportation 777.9 Total: 1,234.8</p><p>LOT 3-REHABILITATION WORKS ON ROAD MOUKOUKOU NCB CONSTRUCTION BATIMENTS HASSAN (CBH) Health and other social services 454.0 Law and justice and public administration 70.9 Transportation 893.8 Total: 1,418.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ICB CONGOLAISE GENERALE INDUSTRIELLE (CGI) Health and other social services 646.7 Law and justice and public administration 101.1 Transportation 1,273.3 Total: 2,021.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS IN THE RURAL AREAS OF NCB SOTRAB-MHB Health and other social services 1,618.4 Law and justice and public administration 252.9 Transportation 3,186.2 Total: 5,057.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF ROADS IN THE AREA OF B NCB CONSTRUCTION BATIMENTS HASSAN (CBH) Health and other social services 175.5 Law and justice and public administration 27.4 Transportation 345.5 Total: 548.4</p><p>P081924 Emergency Recovery/Community Project IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMPONENT B OF THE PRO SSS UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Education 900.0 Health and other social services 900.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,200.0 Total: 3,000.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 102 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CONGO, REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMPONANT A OF THE PRO SSS AGENCE D'AIDE A LA COOPERATION TECH. ET AU DEVE Education 4,200.0 Health and other social services 4,200.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5,600.0 Total: 14,000.0</p><p>P084317 Education Sector Project CONTRAT DE PRESTATION DE SERVICE - RÉALISATI SSS UNDP Education 127.1</p><p>Country Total: 36,924.7</p><p>Madagascar P076245 MINERAL RESOURCES GOVERNANCE PROJECT MISE EN PLACE DE L'INSTITUT DE GEMMOLOGIE, L QCBS THOMAS A. CUSHMAN Energy and mining 129.4</p><p>Country Total: 129.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 37,054.1 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 103 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: COSTA RICA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Costa Rica P039876 GEF CR BIODIVERSITY COMPUTER PROGRAMMER SSS WILLIAM ULATE RODRIGUEZ Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 24.4 ILLUSTRATOR SSS JOSE ALEJANDRO HERRERA MONGE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 11.3 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER SSS MARIA AUXILIADORA MORA CROSS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 26.3</p><p>P052009 CR ECOMARKETS PROCUREMENT ASSISTANT INDV WILMA J. ANGULO MORA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 25.1</p><p>P061314 GEF CR-ECOMARKETS ACQUISITION OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENTS NCB C.N.NEGOCIOS S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 54.4</p><p>Country Total: 141.4</p><p>El Salvador P050612 SV EDUCATION REFORM SERVICIOS DE IMPRESIÓN DE DOCUMENTOS ICB LITOGRAFÍA E IMPRENTA LIL, S.A. Education 24.9 SERVICIOS DE IMPRESIÓN DE DOCUMENTOS DE EDUC ICB TREJOS HERMANOS SUCESORES, S.A. Health and other social services 296.0 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION AND INTERACTIVE RADIO P ICB LITOGRAFIA E IMPRENTA LIL S.A. Education 238.1</p><p>Country Total: 559.0</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P086670 HLT SEC MGT PROVIDING TA IN HOSPITAL CONTRACTING AND MOD INDV JAMES CERCONE Health and other social services 74.9 Country Total: 74.9</p><p>Slovak Republic P082879 HEALTH TA TA TO HRF QCBS SANIGEST INTERNACIONAL S.A. Health and other social services 1,815.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,815.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 2,590.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 104 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: COTE D'IVOIRE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P000001 COMM CONSERV & WILDL PROJECT MANAGEMENT SSS FANNY NGOLO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 85.4 ADMINISTRATEUR FINANCIER SSS CI NATURE/FRANCIS KREPPY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 57.0</p><p>Country Total: 142.4</p><p>Cote d'Ivoire P001177 CI TRANSP SECTOR ADJ REHABILITATION OF PAVED ROADS ICB EPIS Transportation 311.8 REHABILITATION AND POTHOLE PATCHING ON PAVED ICB THINET RHALP Transportation 1,419.0 REGRAVELLING OF PAVED ROADS ICB ENSBTP Transportation 229.7 REGRAVELLING OF EARTH ROADS ICB MODULUS Transportation 382.3 HEAVY ROAD WORKS AND POTHOLE PATCHING ICB SONITRA Transportation 3,371.5 WORKS/REGRAVELLING OF PAVED ROADS ICB SONITRA Transportation 607.5 WORKS ON PAVED ROADS ICB SONITRA Transportation 537.8 REHABILITATION OF PAVED ROADS ICB EECT Transportation 250.7 WORKS ON PAVED ROADS AND POTHOLE PATCHING ICB CGC-CI Transportation 1,944.2 WORKS ON PAVED ROADS ICB ETA Transportation 654.5 HEAVY ROAD WORKS AND FILLING OF POTHOLES ICB GPT IT 2000 CATEL-GTX-GECO TP Transportation 1,863.8 REHABILITATION OF MAIN ROAD IN SAN PEDRO NCB ENTREPRISE SGTPB Transportation 261.0 WORKS ON PAVED ROADS IN THE CITY OF ABIDJAN NCB ENTREPRISE SGTPB Transportation 182.4 MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONTROL OF CIVIL ENGINEER SSS TERRABO Transportation 318.2 QUALITY/MANAGEMENT CONTROL OF REHABILITATION QCBS GROUPEMENT S2IC - ARC INGERNIERIE Transportation 116.8 REHABILITATION OF RURAL ROAD IN THE DISTRICT NCB SOGER-TP Transportation 219.3 WORKS AND REHABILITATION OF RURAL ROAD IN TH NCB ETIC-TP Transportation 318.0 SUPPLY OF INFORMATIC STATIONERY AND OFFICE F NCB INTEL AFRIQUE Transportation 78.7 SUPPLY OF TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT TO AGEROUTE NCB STAR AUTO Transportation 179.8 SUPPLY OF STATIONERY TO AGEROUTE NCB BORRO FRERES Transportation 81.4 WORKS ON PAVED ROADS ICB SEK Transportation 596.7 CONSTRUCTION OF MAIN AND ACCESS ROADS ICB EECT Transportation 294.8 ROAD CONSTRUCTIONS WORKS AND THEIR ACCESS ICB CGC-CI Transportation 240.0 ROAD CONSTRUCTION WORKS AND THEIR ACCESS ICB CGC-CI Transportation 190.4</p><p>P001184 CI PRIVATE ELECTRICITY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE MINISTER OF ENER SSS ETIENNE KOUAMÉ NGUESSAN (AIEC) Energy and mining 98.3 TECHNICAL ADVICE ON ENERGY TO THE MINISTRY O SSS JACQUES CHEVALIER Energy and mining 67.3 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE MINISTRY OF ENER SSS ETIENNE KOUAMÉ N'GUESSAM (AIEC) Energy and mining 87.3</p><p>P001194 IVC: RURAL LAND (PNGTER) EXECUTION DU PROGRAMME PFR DANS LE CADRE DU SSS BNETDR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 74.4 Health and other social services 93.0 Law and justice and public administration 223.2 Transportation 74.4 Total: 464.9</p><p>PRESTATIONS DE SERVICES SSS ANADER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 541.7 PRESTATIONS DE SERVICES SSS ANADER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 247.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 105 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: COTE D'IVOIRE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P035655 Educ. & Training Support IMPACT OF CIVIL WAR ON EDUCATION SECTOR SSS CABINET D'ARCHITECTURE CARET Education 116.5 Law and justice and public administration 14.4 Total: 130.9</p><p>STUDY OF CIVIL WAR IMPACT ON EDUCATION SECTO SSS ROCARE - RESEAU OUEST ET CENTRE AFRICAIN DE REC Education 81.6 Law and justice and public administration 10.1 Total: 91.7</p><p>EVALUATION DU SYSTÈME PRÊT LOCATION DANS 120 CQS ARC INGENIERIE Education 98.7 Law and justice and public administration 12.2 Total: 110.9</p><p>P066353 AFTKL: CI DISTANCE LEARNING - LIL CONTRAT DE 18 MOIS ENTRE LE CED-CI ET MONSIE INDV N'GUESSAN KOUAKOU MARTIN Information and communications 57.3</p><p>Country Total: 16,548.3</p><p>Mauritania P078368 HIV/AIDS Multisector Control ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATIVE, FINANCIERE ET COM QCBS OM CONSULTING PROJECTS Health and other social services 246.5 Law and justice and public administration 138.6 Total: 385.1</p><p>Country Total: 385.1</p><p>Niger P071612 Multisector STI/HIV/AIDS Proj. ELABORATION DU MANUEL DES PROCÉDURES ADMINIS QCBS OKALLA AHANDA ET ASSOCIÉS Health and other social services 48.7</p><p>Country Total: 48.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 17,124.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 106 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CROATIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bosnia-Herzegovina P057951 MOSTAR WS & SAN SUPPLY OF PUMPS AND MOTORS FOR DRINKING WATE ICB ELEKTROKOVINA ADRIA D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 250.1</p><p>P058521 ELEC PWR 3 RECN REHABILITATION OF 220/110 KV TRANSMISSION LI ICB DALEKOVOD Energy and mining 2,306.7 REHABILITATION OF 400 KV TRANSMISSION LINES ICB DALEKOVOD Energy and mining 6,365.8</p><p>Country Total: 8,922.5</p><p>Bulgaria P008314 DISTRICT HEAT SUPPLY OF COMPENSATORS FOR TOPLOFIKACIA PERN ICB DURO DAKOVIC KOMPENZATORI D.O.O. Energy and mining 180.8 SUPPLY OF COMPENSATORS ICB DURO DAKOVIC KOMPENZATORI D.O.O. Energy and mining 317.3 SUPPLY OF COMPENSATORS, LOT 2 ICB DURO DAKOVIC KOMPENZATORI D.O.O. Energy and mining 371.4</p><p>Country Total: 869.5</p><p>Croatia P039161 RAILWAY MOD & RESTRCT'G TOOLS AND TESTING EQUIPMENT FOR PASSENGER CO DIR KONCAR-ELEKTRONIKA I INFORMATIKA D.D. Transportation 248.7 HAND-HELD TERMINALS, PRINTERS, ADDITIONAL EQ ICB KING RACUNALA D.O.O. Transportation 4,363.6 AUDITING 2003/2004 LCS DELOITTE & TOUCHE D.O.O Transportation 243.8</p><p>P042014 KARST ECOSYS CONSV (GEF) OFF ROAD VEHICLES 4X4 & PICK UP VEHICLES 4X4 ICB AUTO KUCA KRVAVICA D.O.O. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 42.4 Industry and trade 12.4 Law and justice and public administration 48.6 Total: 103.3</p><p>MINIVAN & FIELD VEHICLE ICB AUTOTEHNIKA D.O.O. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 17.6 Industry and trade 5.2 Law and justice and public administration 20.2 Total: 43.0</p><p>LOT 6, AUTOMATIC METEOROLOGICAL STATION ICB ZAGREL D.O.O. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 6.8 Industry and trade 2.0 Law and justice and public administration 7.8 Total: 16.6</p><p>LOT 3 DIGITAL CAMERAS & MICROPHONES FOR FIEL ICB OLYMPUS D.O.O. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 9.7 Industry and trade 2.8 Law and justice and public administration 11.1 Total: 23.7</p><p>LOT 5 THERMAL CYCLER FOR PCR ICB BIOSISTEMI D.O.O. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 2.4 Industry and trade 0.7 Law and justice and public administration 2.8 Total: 5.9</p><p>LOT 1 GPS DEVICES ICB NAVIGO SISTEM D.O.O. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 2.8 Industry and trade 0.8 Law and justice and public administration 3.2 Total: 6.7</p><p>LOT 8 LABORAORY EQUIPMENT AND EQUIPMENT FOR ICB PAULIC LABOR D.O.O. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 28.0 Industry and trade 8.2 Law and justice and public administration 32.1 Total: 68.3</p><p>FINANCIAL AUDITS LCS DELOITTE AND TOUCHE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 8.4 Industry and trade 2.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 107 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CROATIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 9.6 Total: 20.4</p><p>EQUIPMENT FOR MONITORING BIG MAMMALS ICB JOBST D.O.O. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 18.6 Industry and trade 5.4 Law and justice and public administration 21.3 Total: 45.3</p><p>P043195 RIJEKA GATEWAY SUPERVISION SERVICES (4% ON CW & TRAFFIC EQU QCBS INSTITUT GRADEVINARSTVA HRVATSKE D.D. Transportation 2,837.6 AUDIT FOR THE YEARS 2004 & 2005 LCS IRIS NOVA D.O.O. Transportation 83.9 CONSTRUCTION OF STATE ROAD D-8 (LOT-2) ICB VIADUKT D.D. Transportation 29,677.2 CONSTRUCTION OF STATE ROAD (LOT-3) ICB GP DUBROVNIK D.D. Transportation 6,779.9 CONSTRUCTION OF STATE ROAD (LOT-3) ICB INGRA D.D. Transportation 6,779.9 CONSTRUCTION OF STATE ROAD (LOT-3) ICB JV HIDROELEKTRA NISKOGRADNJA D.D. Transportation 28,249.6 CONSTRUCTION OF STATE ROAD (LOT-3) ICB KAMEN INGRAD D.D. Transportation 6,779.9 CONSTRUCTION OF STATE ROAD (LOT-3) ICB OSIJEK KOTEKS D.D. Transportation 6,779.9 PROJECT DOCUMENTATIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT IN CQS INFOEXPERT D.O.O. Law and justice and public administration 7.7 Transportation 88.2 Total: 95.9</p><p>REHABILITATION WORKS ON THE SMALL ARCH OF KR ICB VIADUKT D.D. Transportation 4,754.8 PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST SSS ASJA MILICIC Transportation 50.0 FM SPECIALIST SSS RITA IVANCIC Transportation 15.0</p><p>P043444 MUN ENV INFRA SUPPLY OF TRUCK WITH ACCESSORY CRANE (LOT 1) SHOP GRADATIN D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 187.0 SUPPLY OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE (LOT 2) SHOP GRADATIN D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 34.3</p><p>P048983 EAST SLAVONIA REC REPAIR OF THE RIGHT DANUBE REVETMENT AT SARE NCB VODOGRADNJA D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 928.5 RECONSTRUCTION OF COMPLEX CASTLE TIKVES- BIO NCB GRADNJA D.O.O. Law and justice and public administration 35.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,712.4 Total: 1,747.4</p><p>EXTENSION OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM IN ICB VODOTEHNIKA D.D. ZAGREB Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,226.4 EXTENSION OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM IN ICB AQUA PROMET D.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 316.5 RECONSTRUCTION OF SAVA RIVER LEFT BANK NEAR ICB JV SAVA (BRODSKA POSAVINA; VODOPRIVREDA VINKOVC Water, sanitation and flood protection 4,662.8</p><p>P051273 HEALTH SYSTEM SUPPLY OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR KOPRIVNICA G ICB HERMES PLUS D.O.O. Health and other social services 635.0 MEDIA CAMPAIGN - TIME ON NATIONAL TV SSS HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA Health and other social services 359.4</p><p>P057767 TA INST REG REF PSD IMPROVE BUSINESS INFRASTRUTURAL ENVIRONMENT CQS DELOITTE & TOUCHE D.O.O Law and justice and public administration 59.2 FINANCE THE AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR E LCS INTEREXPERT Law and justice and public administration 114.5</p><p>P065416 COAST CITIES POLLUT'N CONTROL (APL #1) INSTITUTIONAL, FINANCIAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSME CQB TARGET LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 108.8</p><p>P065466 COURT & BANKRUPTCY ADM (LIL) PERSONAL COMPUTERS WITHOUT DISPLAY ICB CS COMPUTER SYSTEMS D.O.O. Law and justice and public administration 175.2 SUPPLY OF LCD MONITORS ICB COMBIS D.O.O. Law and justice and public administration 97.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 108 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CROATIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>SUPPLY OF NOTEBOOK COMPUTERS AND LASER PRINT ICB FUJITSU SERVICES D.O.O. Law and justice and public administration 148.9</p><p>P067149 REAL PROP REG & CADASTRE PRODUCTION OF THE DIGITAL ORTHOPHOTO MAPS AN NCB GEODETSKI ZAVOD D.D. OSIJEK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 128.4 Law and justice and public administration 192.7 Total: 321.1</p><p>P070088 TRADE & TRANS FACIL IN SE EUR LOT3 BC SLAVONSKI SAMAC NCB ALPINE BAU Law and justice and public administration 859.6 LOT 1, SLAVONSKI BROD NCB ALPINE BAU Law and justice and public administration 165.0 LOT 2: MALJEVAC NCB ALPINE BAU Law and justice and public administration 955.7 EVALUATION OF THE BIDS - FIRST&SECOND STAGE SSS DATA PROJEKT D.O.O. Law and justice and public administration 11.9</p><p>P073048 ECON COMMUNICATIONS CAP BLDG IDF COMMUNICATION CONSULTANT CQB MADISON STUDIO ZA CONSULTING D.O.O. Law and justice and public administration 52.7</p><p>Country Total: 112,239.9</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P074358 SOC PROT ASSISTANCE IN THE PREPARATION OF PROJECT OPE INDV JELA BILANDZIJA Health and other social services 11.9</p><p>Country Total: 11.9</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P074124 SOC ASST TA ON DRAFT ACTION PLAN FOR TRANSFORMATION O INDV VESNA BOSNJAK Health and other social services 8.3 Industry and trade 4.1 Law and justice and public administration 8.3 Total: 20.7</p><p>TA ON DESIGNING THE SOCIAL POLICY STRATEGIC INDV VESNA CIPRUS Health and other social services 5.5 Industry and trade 2.8 Law and justice and public administration 5.5 Total: 13.8</p><p>P077473 EMG POWER LIC (MONTENEGRO) LV CABLES ISH ELKA DD, TVORNICA ELEKTRICNIH KABELA Energy and mining 88.4</p><p>Country Total: 122.9</p><p>Ukraine P077738 QUAL EDUC EQUAL ACCESS TA FOR ASSESS OF TEACHER IN-SERVICE TRAINING INDV DR. EVA GEFFERTH Education 38.0</p><p>Country Total: 38.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 122,204.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 109 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CYPRUS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Romania P008797 HEALTH SECTOR REF (APL #1) MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MICROBIOLOGICAL DIAGNO ICB TRENDALUX LTD. Health and other social services 738.1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MICROBIOLOGICAL DIAGNO ICB TRENDALUX LTD. Health and other social services 320.1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MICROBIOLOGICAL DIAGNO ICB TRENDALUX LTD. Health and other social services 310.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,368.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,368.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 110 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: CZECH REPUBLIC Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Albania P069079 FIN SEC IBTA ADVISE THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE ON ALL LEGAL CQS CMS CAMERON MCKENNA V.O.S Law and justice and public administration 252.4</p><p>Country Total: 252.4</p><p>Croatia P039161 RAILWAY MOD & RESTRCT'G BALLAST CLEANING MACHINE TYPE SC 601+PA500 ICB MTH PRAHA Transportation 2,352.6</p><p>Country Total: 2,352.6</p><p>Moldova P035811 PSD 2 INVESTING IN IMPROVEMENT OF MANAGERIAL SKILL QCBS INSTITUT INPRO A.S Industry and trade 80.3</p><p>Country Total: 80.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 2,685.2 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 111 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: DENMARK Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bangladesh P037857 Health and Population Program G-421(SUB-PACKAGES A)ITEM 1 AND 6:LABORATORY ICB RADIOMETER Health and other social services 371.2 ITEM 4 OF PACKAGE G-421(SUB-PACKAGES A):LABO ICB DREW SCIENTIFIC Health and other social services 149.8</p><p>Country Total: 521.0</p><p>Bulgaria P008314 DISTRICT HEAT SUPPLY OF PRE-INSULATED PIPES AND ELEMENTS F ICB ALSTOM POWER FLOW SYSTEMS A/S Energy and mining 1,439.1 SUPPLY OF PREINSULATED PIPES AND ELEMENTS ICB ALSTOM POWER FLOW SYSTEMS A/S Energy and mining 3,777.3</p><p>Country Total: 5,216.4</p><p>Cambodia P070875 KH-Land Management and Administration 19 UNITS OF PICKUP DOUBLE CAB VEHICLES FOR Y DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Education 11.3 Industry and trade 7.5 Law and justice and public administration 356.2 Total: 374.9</p><p>129 UNITS OF MOTORCYCLES FOR YEAR 2004 DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Education 4.7 Industry and trade 3.1 Law and justice and public administration 148.4 Total: 156.2</p><p>P071207 KH-Prov. & Rural Infrastructure Project PROCUREMENT OF 29 VEHICLES DIR IAPSO Transportation 580.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,111.4</p><p>Cote d'Ivoire P001214 Integ. Health Serv. Dev. PHARMACEUTICALS DIR UNICEF Health and other social services 1,491.4 Law and justice and public administration 222.9 Total: 1,714.3</p><p>Country Total: 1,714.3</p><p>Djibouti P071062 DJ-Health Sector Development Project ACQUISITION DES MÉDICAMENTS STOCK D'URGENCE ISH MISSIONPHARMA Health and other social services 1,276.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,276.0</p><p>Eritrea P065713 HIV/AIDS, Malaria, STD & TB Control SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PHARMACEUTICALS ICB MISSIONPHARMA A/S OF DENMARK Education 14.5 Health and other social services 661.7 Law and justice and public administration 50.9 Total: 727.1</p><p>SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES ICB MISSIONPHARMA A/S OF DENMARK Education 4.2 Health and other social services 189.4 Law and justice and public administration 14.6 Total: 208.1</p><p>P068463 Integrated Early Childhood PURCHASE OF PHARMACEUTICALS SUPPLIES LOTS: 1 ICB MISSION FARMA Health and other social services 1,895.5</p><p>P073604 Emerg. Demob. & Reint. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 112 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: DENMARK Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>SUPPLY OF VEHICLES ICB UNDP/IAPSO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4.0 Education 10.1 Finance 24.2 Health and other social services 147.2 Law and justice and public administration 16.1 Total: 201.6</p><p>Country Total: 3,032.3</p><p>Ethiopia P000733 ET: AG. RESEARCH & TRAINING PATROL STD STATION WAGON - LOT 2 ICB KJAER & KJAER DENMARK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 79.9 Law and justice and public administration 136.1 Total: 216.0</p><p>P000771 Social Rehab. (ESRDF I) PROCUREMENT OF FIELD AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT TH DIR IAPSO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 32.9 Education 65.8 Health and other social services 180.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 49.4 Total: 329.0</p><p>P049395 ETHIOPIA -ENERGY ACCESS SUPPLY OF TOYOTA LAND CRUISERS AND PICKUPS DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE Energy and mining 189.2 SUPPLY OF 4X4 MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE Energy and mining 308.0</p><p>P067084 EMERGENCY RECOVERY AND REHAB. PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR PROCUREMENT OF ROAD QCBS CARL BRO GROUP Transportation 113.7</p><p>P069886 Multisectoral HIV/AIDS 11 ITEMS (ITEM NO. 2,4,8,11,15,16,20,22,24,2 ICB MISSIONPHARMA A/S OF DENMARK Health and other social services 395.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,550.9</p><p>Europe and Central Asia P078277 GEOTHERMAL FUND FOR ECA TA (GEF) IDENTIFICATION OF KEY BARRIERS FOR THE UTILI FBS COWI A/S Energy and mining 181.5</p><p>Country Total: 181.5</p><p>Ghana P050623 GH ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FESIBILITY STUDIES AND DESIGNS OF ARTERIAL R QCBS RAMBOLL/COMPTRAN ENGINEERING & PLANNING ASSOCIA Transportation 304.9</p><p>P073649 2nd Health Sect. Prog. Support PROCUREMENT OF VACCINE AND SYRINGES FOR MOH DIR UNICEF Health and other social services 3,648.3</p><p>Country Total: 3,953.2</p><p>Lithuania P073242 VILNIUS HEAT DEMAND MANAGEMENT (GEF) ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM COMMERCIAL FUND QCBS CARL BRO Energy and mining 460.0</p><p>Country Total: 460.0</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P086670 HLT SEC MGT TECHINCAL ASSITANCE IN HEALTH INFORMATION SY CQB THIM RESEARCH & CONSULTING Health and other social services 88.0</p><p>Country Total: 88.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 113 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: DENMARK Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Madagascar P051741 2nd Health Sector Support ACHAT DE BLU, PANNEAUX SOLAIRES ET ROTATEURS DIR UNICEF Health and other social services 2,399.0 Law and justice and public administration 100.0 Total: 2,499.0</p><p>P055166 Communit. Dev. Fund PROTOCOLE D'ACCORD POUR LA PRESTATION DE SER DIR UNICEF Health and other social services 2,922.4</p><p>P072987 Multisect. STI/HIV/AIDS Prev. SUPPLY OF SIX 4X4 VEHICLS FOR CINEMOBILES PS DIR IAPSO Health and other social services 128.5</p><p>Country Total: 5,549.8</p><p>Mozambique P001807 MZ-Decentralized Planning and Fin. Proj TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR CAPACITY BUILDING O QCBS T&B CONSULT/COWI/IBIS/AWEPA Health and other social services 61.9 Law and justice and public administration 743.2 Transportation 247.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 185.8 Total: 1,238.7</p><p>SUPPLY OF 4WD, STATION WAGON & SEDAN VEHICLE ICB KJAER AND KJAER Health and other social services 7.5 Law and justice and public administration 89.6 Transportation 29.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 22.4 Total: 149.4 P069824 Higher Education SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VAHICLES AND SPARE PA ICB KJAER & KJAER DENMARK Education 93.6</p><p>P078053 HIV/AIDS Response Project 32 DOUBLE CABINS PICK-UPS VEHICLES (4WD)- LO ICB KJAER & KJAER DENMARK Health and other social services 540.2 Law and justice and public administration 180.1 Total: 720.2</p><p>Country Total: 2,201.9</p><p>Russian Federation P008828 FIN INSTS DRAFT LEGISLATION WITHIN FRAMEWORK OF GOR/CB QCBS J.P.GALMOND & CO Finance 1,300.8</p><p>P038551 MUN HEATING ENGENERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF MYTISCHI QCBS CARL BRO Energy and mining 243.9 ENGENERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF MYTISCHI QCBS CARL BRO Energy and mining 276.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,820.8</p><p>Sierra Leone P074128 Health Sect. Reconstr. & Dev. PROCUREMENT OF 4WD VEHICLES & MOTORCYCLES FO DIR UNICEF Health and other social services 152.9</p><p>Country Total: 152.9</p><p>Turkey P009076 HEALTH 2 PROCUREMENT OF DTP VACCINES DIR UNICEF Health and other social services 615.6</p><p>Country Total: 615.6</p><p>Ukraine ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 114 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: DENMARK Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P035786 LVIV WATER/WW S&I OF PLANT AND EQUIPEMENT ICB PER AARSLEFF A/S Water, sanitation and flood protection 13,135.1</p><p>Country Total: 13,135.1</p><p>Vietnam P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR EVN'S PHASE 2 DSM P QCBS DANSK ENERGI MANAGEMENT A/S Energy and mining 601.3</p><p>Country Total: 601.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 43,182.5 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 115 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: DJIBOUTI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Djibouti P044584 DJ-SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS ROAD CONS. IN BALBALA NCB COSMEZZ Education 15.3 Health and other social services 442.7 Law and justice and public administration 15.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 35.6 Total: 508.9</p><p>TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION DE CDC D'ARHIBA NCB ABDULLA HOUMED Education 4.6 Health and other social services 133.2 Law and justice and public administration 4.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.7 Total: 153.0</p><p>TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION CDC QUARTIER 6 LOT 1 NCB OMAR OSMAN WAIS Education 4.7 Health and other social services 137.6 Law and justice and public administration 4.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.1 Total: 158.2</p><p>P044585 DJ-School Access and Improvement Program ACHÈVEMENT DES TRAVAUX À L'ÉCOLE PRIMAIRE DE NCB ENTREPRISE MER ROUGE Education 98.7</p><p>P069930 DJ-INTL. ROAD CORRIDOR REHAB. PROJECT ACHEVEMENT DES TRAVAUX DU LOT 2 PAR SOUS-TRA DIR VERZI Transportation 403.1</p><p>P071062 DJ-Health Sector Development Project RÉALISATION DES TRAVAUX DE RÉNOVATION DU BÂT NCB ENTREPRISE KALMANIS Health and other social services 204.0 Country Total: 1,525.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,525.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 116 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Dominican Republic P007020 DO IRRIG LAND & WATERSH (SIM) LOTE II - LAND LEVELING OF THE RIEGO YAQUE D NCB AGROLASER, S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 622.1 LOT I - LAND LEVELING OF THE RIEGO NIZAO-VAL NCB ING.ESTRELLA, S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 646.4</p><p>P059510 DO WASTEWTR DISPOSAL IN TSM CNTERS (LIL) CONSTRUCTION OF SUBMARINE EMISSION FOR SANIT ICB EMPRESA IMPRESUB Law and justice and public administration 700.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,300.0 Total: 2,000.0</p><p>CONSTRUCCION DE LINEAS DE IMPULSION, COLECTO ICB EMPRESA MARAVAR &ASOCIADOS Law and justice and public administration 207.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 384.7 Total: 591.8</p><p>CONSTRUCCION DE LAS ESTACIONES DE BOMBEO PAR NCB MARVAR Y ASOCIADOS CXA Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,692.3</p><p>P068753 DO- Global Distance Learning Network DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERNET PORTAL FOR CYBERP QCBS MEDIOS DIGITALES, S.A. Education 48.9 Information and communications 62.2 Total: 111.0</p><p>P071505 DO-HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control Proj. PREVENTION TOURISM AREA SSS FUNDACION PUNTA CANA Health and other social services 164.9</p><p>Country Total: 5,828.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 5,828.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 117 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ECUADOR Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Ecuador P007135 EC AGRIC CENSUS & INFO FINANCIAL ANALYST INDV RAUL GAETHE CORAL Law and justice and public administration 26.4</p><p>P039084 EC- HEALTH SERVICES MODERNIZATION PROJ. LOTE 1 - EQUIPO DE CONSULTA EXTERNA (LPI/047 ICB JAIME ARIZAGA GUZMAN/ENELIN Health and other social services 109.8 LOT 2: STERILIZATION EQUIPMENT (ICB -LPI/O47 ICB EQUIMEDA Health and other social services 53.8 LOT 3 - OPERATING ROOM EQUIPMENT (LPI/047/03 ICB WILLIAM MENA/ELECTROMEDICA Health and other social services 156.0 TRES LANCHAS CON SERVICIO MEDICO FLUVIAL & S ICB VATADUR Health and other social services 1,337.9 LOTE 2 - MOBILIARIO MEDICO (LPI/055/03) ICB BIOSYSTEM Health and other social services 19.4 LOTE 3(EQUIPO COMPUTACION)&LOTE 6(PEDIATRIA) ICB TOSHA DEL ECUADOR S.A. Health and other social services 20.7 LOT 1(SURGERY EQUIP.) & LOT 4(REHAB.EQUIP.ON ICB WILLIAM MENA/ELECTROMEDICA Health and other social services 126.9 LOTE 2 (EQUIPO LAVANDERIA) LPI/074/03 ICB CODEHOTEL (COMERCIAL DE EQUIPAMIENTO HOTELERO S Health and other social services 54.7 LOTE 3 (ITEMS 14, 15, 17, 18 & 19) LPI/074/0 ICB TOSHA DEL ECUADOR S.A. Health and other social services 16.9 LOT 4 (PARTIAL AWARD) LPI/101/03 ICB ECUADOR OVERSEAS AGENCIES Health and other social services 117.9 LOT 4 (PARTIAL AWARD: MISCELLANEOUS) LPI/101 ICB TOSHA DEL ECUADOR S.A. Health and other social services 52.0 LOT 2 (COOKING EQUIPMENT) LPI/073/03 ICB CODEHOTEL (COMERCIAL DE EQUIPAMIENTO HOTELERO S Health and other social services 34.8 LOTE 4 (EQUIPO LABORATORIO) LPI/073/03 ICB RHOSEIM CIA. Health and other social services 82.6 LOTE 3 (EQUIPO ENDOSCOPIA) - LPI/073/03 ICB EQUIMEDA Health and other social services 44.4 LOT 6 (X-RAY EQUIP.&OTHERS) LPI/101/03 ICB ELMEQUIP CIA. Health and other social services 148.3 LOT 4 (X-RAY EQUIPMENT) - LPI/047/03 ICB ELMEQUIP CIA. Health and other social services 34.9 LOTES 5 & 7 (EQUIPOS MEDICO & ODONTOLOGICO) ICB DT MEDICAL EQUIPOS E INSUMOS MEDICOS S.A. Health and other social services 25.4 LOT 2 (X-RAY EQUIPMENT) LPI/075/03 ICB SIBIMEDICA Health and other social services 71.8 HOSPITAL PABLO ARTURO SUAREZ (QUITO) LPI/090 ICB PATRICIO ANTONIO VERDUGO RODAS Health and other social services 1,319.8 HOSPITAL VICENTE CORRAL MOSCOSO (CUENCA) LPI ICB CONSORCIO COINSA Health and other social services 1,015.3 HOSPITAL TEOFILO DAVILA (MACHALA)-LPI/090/03 ICB GALO PATRICIO VILLACRECES VEGA Health and other social services 1,224.0</p><p>P039437 EC RURAL POVERTY (PROLOCAL) PURCHASE OF EIGHT VEHICLES NCB PROAUTO C.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 57.3 Health and other social services 11.5 Law and justice and public administration 57.3 Transportation 8.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.6 Total: 143.4</p><p>BASELINE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ON IMPACT QCBS PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL ECUADOR (PU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 67.0 Health and other social services 13.4 Law and justice and public administration 67.0 Transportation 10.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.1 Total: 167.5</p><p>P063644 EC Power&Comm.Sect Moderniz.&Rural Servi ESPECIALISTA EN CONSULTA Y PARTICIPACION, UC CQB PABEL MUNOZ LOPEZ Energy and mining 1.6 Information and communications 2.9 Law and justice and public administration 8.7 Total: 13.2</p><p>ADECUACION DE UN STAND ARRENDADO POR PROMEC CQB GUSTAVO FRANCO CORTEZ Energy and mining 0.8 Information and communications 1.5 Law and justice and public administration 4.4 Total: 6.7</p><p>CONSULTOR PROYECTO PROMEC CQB ROBERTO F. ZAMBRANO S. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 118 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ECUADOR Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 3.9 Information and communications 7.1 Law and justice and public administration 21.4 Total: 32.4</p><p>CONSULTOR CONAM CQB PAUL STEFAN HATTLE CABALLERO Energy and mining 3.9 Information and communications 7.1 Law and justice and public administration 21.4 Total: 32.4</p><p>ELABORACION DE MATERIAL PROPORCIONAL PARA LA ICB ANDINA ECUATORIANA DE PUBLICIDAD S.A. Energy and mining 7.3 PREPARACION INFORMACION PARA ESTUDIO A SER R CQB NELSON SUAREZ SALVADOR Energy and mining 34.8 DISENO DEL PRODUCTO DE COMERCIALIZACION (GES CQB MARIA PAOLA VALLEJO VIVERO Energy and mining 14.0 CONSULTOR PROYECTO PROMEC INDV PATRICIO LLERENA TORRES Energy and mining 19.2 COORDINADOR GENERAL PROYECTO PROMEC INDV RENAN RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ Energy and mining 48.0 CONSULTOR LEGAL PROYECTO MICRONET INDV JOSE LUIS BARZALLO SACOTO Energy and mining 7.5 DESARROLLO DEL MANAUL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS GEST INDV ARMANDO VALLEJO Energy and mining 14.7 DESARROLLO DEL SISTEMA DE INFORMACION GEOGRA INDV MASTER RICHARD RESL Energy and mining 28.6 DISENO DEL PRODUCTO DE COMERCIALIZACION (GES INDV MARIA PAOLA VALLEJO Energy and mining 14.0 DISENO BOLETA DEENCUENSTA PARA PROYECTOS PIL INDV SEGUNDO LINCOLN MAIGUASCHCA Energy and mining 5.5 PROVISION DE EQUIPOS DE CONTROL DE CALIDAD NSH AUTOMATIZACION INDUSTRIAL Y CONTROL (AICO) Energy and mining 44.9 DESARROLLO DE LA IMAGEN CORPORATIVA DEL PROY CQB J.R. VALLEJOS Y ASOCIADOS CIA. Energy and mining 28.1 CUATRO (4) MULTIMETROS GRAFICOS FLUKE MODELO NCB ELECTRONICA NACIONAL Energy and mining 5.7 CUATRO (4) ANALIZADORES DE CALIDAD DE ENERGI NSH AUTOMATIZACION INDUSTRIAL Y CONTROL (AICO) Energy and mining 44.9 ADQUISICION EQUIPO INFORMATICO PARA PROYECTO NSH ALLIANCE TECH CIA. LTDA. Energy and mining 13.7 DESARROLLO DE LA CONSULTORIA DE GESTION E IM CQB EDGAR PATRICIO JARAMILLO Energy and mining 18.0 CONSULTOR ECONOMICO SUBCOMPONENTE TELECENTRO INDV JORGE ANIBAL ORTEGA Energy and mining 9.0 COORDINADOR SUBCOMPONENTE TELECENTROS COMUNI INDV VICTOR HUGO MORA Energy and mining 38.4 CONSULTOR EN COMUNICACIONES SUBCOMPONENTE TE INDV HECTOR RAVELO HERRERA Energy and mining 9.0 CONSULTOR EN COMUNICACIONES SUBCOMPONENTE TE INDV RUBEN FERNANDO EGAS LONDONO Energy and mining 24.0 CONSULTORA LEGAL SUBCOMPONENTE TELECENTROS C INDV MARTHA ESPERANZA SALAZAR Energy and mining 24.0 CONSULTORIA DE DIAGNOSTICO DE PERCEPCIONES Y QCBS PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL ECUADOR Energy and mining 49.2 CONSULTOR EN COMUNICACIONES PARA EL SUBCOMPO INDV RENE PATRICIO JATIVA Energy and mining 9.0</p><p>P066752 GEF EC NT PARKS/BIODIVER II EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR INDV SAMUEL SAGUENZA PARDO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 47.0 Law and justice and public administration 17.4 Total: 64.4</p><p>P081799 TF051547 Solicitor General -LEGLR CONSULTOR TECNICO PARA EL PROYECTO DE FORT. INDV EFRAIN DEL POZO Law and justice and public administration 27.0 CONSULTING SERVICES SSS ALFONSO RUILOVA SANCHEZ Law and justice and public administration 36.0</p><p>P083646 EC-Progr. Human Dev. Reform Loan II COORDINADOR GENERAL DE ASISTENCIA TECNICA INDV JORGE ORBE LEON Health and other social services 30.0</p><p>P087390 Law and Justice for the Poor INDIGENOUS JUSTICE SUB-GRANT TO NGOS FOR CON SSS CEDECO Law and justice and public administration 162.6 ADR SERVICES NETWORK SERVICES SUBGRANT TO NG QBS UNIVERSIDAD SAN FRANCISCO DE QUITO Law and justice and public administration 90.0 ADR CONSULTANT SERVICES QBS ALIANZA CIDES - CENTRO DE MEDIACION DE LAS CAMA ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 119 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ECUADOR Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 89.9 CONSULTING SERVICES QBS APDH - ASAMBLEA PERMANENTE DE DERECHOS HUMANOS Law and justice and public administration 76.3 CONSULTING SERVICES - PEACE CULTURE COMPONEN QBS ALIANZA CORP. SER PAZ Y FUND PAUL RIVET Law and justice and public administration 87.0 CONSULTING SERVICES BY PRODERECHOS SSS PRODERECHOS Law and justice and public administration 50.0 CONSULTING SERVICES FOR PUBLIC DEFENSE COMPO SSS COLEGIO DE ABOGADOS DE GUAYAS Law and justice and public administration 55.6</p><p>Country Total: 7,769.4</p><p>Madagascar P076245 MINERAL RESOURCES GOVERNANCE PROJECT SUPERVISION DE L 'ACTUALISATION ET OPERATION QCBS MR. ANTONIO BERMEO Energy and mining 97.2</p><p>Country Total: 97.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 7,866.6 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 120 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: EGYPT, ARAB REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P077371 3A: Climate Impacts on Agro-Ecological IMPLEMENT EGYPT STUDY WHICH COULD INVOLVE CO CQB DR. HELMY MOHAMMED EID Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.0</p><p>Country Total: 40.0</p><p>Egypt, Arab Republic of P005161 EG-BASIC EDUC. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SOLE SOURCE - 10,000 TELEPHONE LINES FOR NEW DIR NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY Education 1,497.2 Law and justice and public administration 130.2 Total: 1,627.3</p><p>P005163 EG-POPULATION PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - LOT 4 ICB HIGH TECH CO. Health and other social services 122.9 PROCUREMENT OF FAMILY PLANNING TRAINING MODE LIB HIGH QUALITY Health and other social services 112.9 PROCUREMENT OF IUD INSERTION PACKAGE - LOT 2 ICB NILE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 268.0 PROCUREMENT OF IUD INSERTION PACKAGE - LOT 3 ICB GOMHOREYA Health and other social services 685.7</p><p>P005173 EG Irrigation Improvement SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PUMPSETS V ICB AFRO-ASIAN CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,173.5 Law and justice and public administration 102.0 Total: 1,275.5</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PUMPSETS V ICB HELWAN DISSEL ENGINES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,173.5 Law and justice and public administration 102.0 Total: 1,275.5 EG-IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT -EL KHAWAL ICB EL SHAMS FOR CONTRACTING AND ENGINEERING WORKS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 892.0 Law and justice and public administration 77.6 Total: 969.6</p><p>COMPLETION OF EL KHAWALED (LEFT SIDE) ICB EL SHAMS FOR CONTRACTING AND ENGINEERING WORKS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 769.1 Law and justice and public administration 66.9 Total: 836.0</p><p>COMPLETION OF GANABIET SIDI - SALEM EAST BRA ICB EL-SAFA CO. FOR GENERAL CONTRACTING Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 798.4 Law and justice and public administration 69.4 Total: 867.8</p><p>P040858 Egypt SOHAG RURAL DEV. PRIMARY SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION NCB MAHMOUD ABDEL AL EWEIS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 75.6 Finance 19.8 Health and other social services 25.2 Law and justice and public administration 34.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 25.2 Total: 179.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL NCB ABDEL HAKEEM ABOUL FADL KHATER, SOHAG Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 164.8 Finance 43.2 Health and other social services 55.0 Law and justice and public administration 74.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 55.0 Total: 392.5</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT AL SHAWA NCB MOATAZ MOHAMED EL SAIED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 68.6 Finance 18.0 Health and other social services 22.9 Law and justice and public administration 31.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 22.9 Total: 163.3</p><p>CONSTRUCTING A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT AWLAD NOUSA NCB SALAH DAHY ABBAS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 77.3 Finance 20.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 121 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: EGYPT, ARAB REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 25.8 Law and justice and public administration 35.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 25.8 Total: 184.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT ELMAGABR NCB MOHAMED ALY RADWAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 76.3 Finance 20.0 Health and other social services 25.4 Law and justice and public administration 34.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 25.4 Total: 181.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT ALKAWAME NCB MAHMOUD SOLIMAN MEKEY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 71.8 Finance 18.8 Health and other social services 23.9 Law and justice and public administration 32.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.9 Total: 171.0</p><p>CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT EL TAWAYEL EL NCB MOHAMED ALY RABEY'A, SOHAG , EGYPT Health and other social services 200.9 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT NAG' EL GAZAR- NCB MOHAMED ALY RABEY'A, SOHAG , EGYPT Health and other social services 235.0 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT ALNOSYRAT - DA NCB HAMDY ALY SABER - SOHAG EGYPT Health and other social services 341.2 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT EDFA - SOHAG D NCB AHMED KHALAF ALLAH ABD ELLAH Health and other social services 324.7 CONSTRUCT A SECONDARY SCHOOL AT BANHW - TAHT NCB MOHAMED ABD ELAZIZ ABD ELLAH, SOHAG EBYPT Health and other social services 468.1 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT NAGE SEROUR - NCB MOHAMED ALY RADWAN Health and other social services 313.2 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT ALSAHEL - ALBA NCB ALTNMYH ALOMRANYH COMPANY, CAIRO, EGYPT Health and other social services 262.7 CONSTRUCT A PREPARATORY SCHOOL AT FAZARH - A NCB GOHINAH COMPANY FOR CONTRACTING, SOHAG, EGYPT Health and other social services 324.6 CONSTRUCT A BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL AT BHALEL NCB ASSAD AHMED HUSSIEN, SOHAG, EGYPT Health and other social services 282.3 CONSTRUCT A GIRLS PREPARATORY SCHOOL AT AWLA NCB SALAH DAHY ABBAS, SOHAG, EGYPT Health and other social services 308.8 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT DAIR ALNGHAMIE NCB ATNMYH ALOMRANYH COMPANY, CAIRO, EGYPT Health and other social services 254.2 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT ALRSHAYDH - AL NCB KHALED AHMED MAHMOUD RADWAN, CAIRO, EGYPT Health and other social services 237.6 CONSTRUCT A BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL AT NEGO B NCB KHALED MOHAMED ALY, SOHAG, EGYPT Health and other social services 233.6 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT KOM BADDAR - G NCB MOHAMED AREF AHMED, SOHAG, EGYPT Health and other social services 254.8 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT ALSHRIFAAT - S NCB WAEL NAGEEB GALLAL, SOHAG, EGYPT Health and other social services 258.9 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOLA TA ALSHWAWLH - S NCB KHALED AHMED MAHMOUD RADWAN, SOHAG, EGYPT Health and other social services 317.3 CONSTRUCT A BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL AT BOUDAR NCB NABIEL AHMED ABD ELRHIAM, SOHAG, EGYPT Health and other social services 239.1 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT ALHAGGER - SAQ NCB MOHAMED ALY RABEEA, SOHAG EGYPT Health and other social services 320.8 CONSTRUCT A BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL AT BANI H NCB ALTNMYH ALOMRANYH COMPANY, CAIRO, EGYPT Health and other social services 318.4 CONSTRUCT A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT FAZARH ALGHARB NCB MOHAMED ABD ELAZIZ ABD ELLAH, SOHAG, EGYPT Health and other social services 283.8</p><p>P041410 Egypt P. S. REHAB III SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF ELECTRO-MECHANICAL EQ ICB SODECO INTERNATIONAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 607.5 Law and justice and public administration 67.5 Total: 675.0</p><p>P045175 EG-HEALTH SECTOR SUPPLY OF HIO HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE, LOT 2 ICB NCR Health and other social services 583.5 SUPPLY OF HIO HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE, LOT 3 ICB NCR Health and other social services 862.9 IMPLEMENTATION OF MENUFIA MP - CONSULTANCY S QCBS SPACE CONSULTANTS Health and other social services 392.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF MENUFIA MP - CONSULTANCY S QCBS SPACE CONSULTANTS Health and other social services 313.4 DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AND SURVEILLANCE CAPACITY ICB TECHNOSCIENT Health and other social services 378.0 CIVIL WORKS FOR 15 HU GROUP 1 NCB PHOENIX TEAM ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 122 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: EGYPT, ARAB REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 2,601.8 CIVIL WORKS FOR 15 HU GROUP 1 NCB EL LOTUS LEL MOKAWALAT Health and other social services 1,877.0 CIVIL WORKS FOR 15 HU GROUP 1 NCB EL GIZA EL AAMA LEL MOKAWALAT Health and other social services 2,391.7 SUPPLY OF MEDICAL & NON MEDICAL EQU / FURNIT ICB NILE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 1,082.1 SUPPLY OF MEDICAL AND NON MEDICAL EQU / FURN ICB NILE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 348.5 SUPPLY OF MEDICAL & NON MEDICAL EQU / FURNIT ICB NILE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 342.3 SUPPLY OF MEDICAL & NON MEDICAL EQU / FURNIT ICB WOOD AND PLEXI Health and other social services 700.8 SUPPLY OF MEDICAL & NON MEDICAL EQU / FURNIT ICB GLOBAL MEDICAL Health and other social services 357.0 SUPPLY OF MED & NON MED EQU / FURNITURE LOT ICB MOBIBAN Health and other social services 455.3</p><p>P045499 Egypt NATIONAL DRAINAGE II PURCHASE OF 1500 MT OF PVC + 10 MT OF PURGE ICB FOUAD EL GIZAWY & CO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,583.3 Law and justice and public administration 83.3 Total: 1,666.6</p><p>SUPPY OF 1500MT PVC COMPOUND + 15 MT PURGE C ICB MISR EL HIGAZ Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,773.2 Law and justice and public administration 93.3 Total: 1,866.5</p><p>2 UNITS MULTI-PURPOSE AGR. TRACTORS W/ATTAC ICB EGYPTIAN COMPANY FOR AUTOMATION & DEVELOPMENT ( Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 297.0 CUSTOMIZE, ADMINISTRATE AND MANAGE EPADP DAT QCBS CONSTRUCTION OFFICE OF INTEGRATED SYSTEMS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 115.9 Law and justice and public administration 6.1 Total: 122.0 P049166 EG East Delta Ag. Serv. SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PLANT AND EQUIPME ICB AFRO-ASIAN ENGINEERING ESTABLISHMENT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 256.4 Finance 477.8 Industry and trade 244.7 Law and justice and public administration 35.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 151.5 Total: 1,165.4</p><p>COMPREHENSIVE LAND RECLAMATION FOR 13,700 FE ICB GENERAL COMPANY FOR LAND RECLAMATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,751.7 Finance 3,264.6 Industry and trade 1,672.1 Law and justice and public administration 238.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,035.1 Total: 7,962.4</p><p>P050484 EG Secondary Education Enhancement Proj SEEP-LAB EQUIPMENT FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS LAB ICB MEDICA INTERNATIONAL Education 766.7 Health and other social services 45.1 Law and justice and public administration 90.2 Total: 901.9</p><p>P066336 EG-SOCIAL PROT INIT PROJ AHEBAA EL TOFOLA SERVICE PROVIDER FOR THE IM QBS AHEBAA EL TOFOLA Health and other social services 161.8 TA FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEW SUBPROJEC QBS CARITAS SETI CENTER AND GENERAL ASSOCIATION FOR Health and other social services 337.7 Law and justice and public administration 50.5 Total: 388.1</p><p>IMPLEMENT A SUBPROJECT "INTEGRATED PROGRAM F QBS NEW FOSTAT ASSOCIATION FOR LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVE Health and other social services 216.2 IMPLEMENT A SUBPROJECT "ENVIRONMENTAL, VOCAT QBS NEW AFAQ FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Health and other social services 123.8 IMPLEMENT A SUBPROJECT "EDUCATIONAL METHODOL QBS THE EGYPTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE DEVE Health and other social services 112.8 IMPLEMENT SUBPROJECT OF CHILD PROTECTION POL QBS TERRE DES HOMMES Health and other social services 118.6 IMPLEMENTING THE "SUPPORT FOR VISUALLY IMPAI QBS EL NOOR FOUNDATION Health and other social services 100.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 123 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: EGYPT, ARAB REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>IMPLEMENT "MERGING CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEE QBS UPPER EGYPT Health and other social services 110.3 IMPLEMENT "THE LIGHT" SUBPROJECT. QBS CARITAS Health and other social services 117.4 IMPLEMENT "TOWARDS A BETTER LIFE FOR CHILDRE QBS CEOSS Health and other social services 114.0 IMPLEMENT " MOBILE STREET CHILDREN SUPPORT T QBS CARITAS EGYPT-ALEXANDRIA Health and other social services 104.0 IMPLEMENT THE "INTEGRATING CHILDREN WITH SPE QBS INTEGRATED CARE Health and other social services 108.7</p><p>Country Total: 44,212.9</p><p>Eritrea P068463 Integrated Early Childhood PURCHASE OF PHARMACEUTICALS SUPPLIES FOR LOT ICB AFRICAN MARKET INTERNILE Health and other social services 383.6</p><p>Country Total: 383.6</p><p>Iran, Islamic Republic of P069943 IR-2nd Primary Health Care & Nutrition CONSULTANCY CONTRACT TO IMPLEMENT SUB-COMPON SSS WHO, EMRO (EGYPT) Health and other social services 2,307.0 CONSULTANCY ASSIGNMENT TO IMPLEMENT SC 3(B), SSS WHO, EMRO (EGYPT) Health and other social services 1,238.5</p><p>P076055 Tehran Solid Waste Management Project CONTRACT FOR MR. TAREK GENENA AS EA ADVISOR CQS MR. TAREK GENENA Law and justice and public administration 5.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 45.4 Total: 50.4 Country Total: 3,595.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 48,232.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 124 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: EL SALVADOR Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>El Salvador P007164 SV PUBLIC SECTOR MODERN COORDINADORA TÉCNICA DE LA COMISIÓN PRESIDEN FBS CARMEN REGINA FLORES DE AREVALO Law and justice and public administration 56.0 ASISTENCIA TECNICA PARA LA IMPLANTACION DEL DIR CONSORCIO HAY Law and justice and public administration 550.0 DIAGNOSTICO DEL CLIMA ORGANIZACIONAL DEL INS INDV RAFAEL ANTONIO PARADA MENENDEZ Law and justice and public administration 8.6 APOYAR LA IMPLANTACIÓN DE "PROYECTO ESTRELLA INDV ALFREDO ANTONIO QUEVEDO BARANDIARÁN Law and justice and public administration 50.0 APOYAR LA IMPLANTACION DE LA ESTRATEGIA DE G INDV ERICK MEJIA LOZANO Law and justice and public administration 10.0 APOYAR Y PARTICIPAR EN TODAS LAS ACTIVIDADES INDV ANGELA ESMERALDA TORRES DE POSADA Law and justice and public administration 13.8 APOYAR Y PARTICIPAR EN TODAS LAS ACTIVIDADES INDV MARTA ALICA GOMEZ NAVIDAD Law and justice and public administration 13.8</p><p>P067986 SV-EARTQUAKE EMERGENCY REC. & HEALTH SER EXPERTO EN EL AREA DE OBRAS CIVILES E INSTAL INDV JUAN EVELYN DE CUIDAD REAL Health and other social services 50.9 COORDINADORA DE LA UNIDAD DE EXTENSION DE SE INDV ODILIA GICELA DE GUERRERO Health and other social services 54.2 COORDINADOR DE LA UNIDAD DE RECONSTRUCCIÓN D INDV MARIO ALFREDO VELASQUEZ Health and other social services 61.0 COORDINADOR ADMINISTRATIVO FINANCIERO DEL PR INDV ROBERTO ANTONIO MORAN Health and other social services 61.0 COORDINADOR GENERAL DEL PROYECTO INDV JORGE ADALBERTO FLAMENCO Health and other social services 62.2 EXPERTO EN EQUIPAMIENTO HOSPITALARIO INDV CARLOS EDGARDO OSORIO Health and other social services 50.9</p><p>Country Total: 1,042.3</p><p>Nicaragua P050613 NI SECOND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT LIBROS DE TEXTOS DIR CARTOTECNICA CENTROAMERICANA S.A. Education 826.7</p><p>Country Total: 826.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,869.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 125 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ESTONIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Latvia P074947 PSAL 3 DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE GRADING AND PAY QCBS FONTES PMP Law and justice and public administration 71.2</p><p>Country Total: 71.2</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P086670 HLT SEC MGT PROVIDING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN PRIMARY HE INDV MARGUS LEMBERT Health and other social services 49.1</p><p>Country Total: 49.1</p><p>Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I STUDY TOURS FOR GROUPS OF GPS & GPS TRAINERS SSS UNIVERSITY OF TARTU, ESTONIA Health and other social services 71.0</p><p>Country Total: 71.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 191.3 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 126 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ETHIOPIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P077371 3A: Climate Impacts on Agro-Ecological IMPLEMENT ETHIOPIA STUDY WHICH COULD INVOLVE CQB NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES AGENCY (NMSA) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.0</p><p>Country Total: 40.0</p><p>Ethiopia P000733 ET: AG. RESEARCH & TRAINING CONSTRUCTION OF JINKA RESEARCH CENTER ICB MISR CONCRETE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 827.8 Law and justice and public administration 1,409.5 Total: 2,237.2</p><p>P044613 ET-Road Sector Development 2 CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR THE ROAD FINANCING S QCBS CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICE PL.(INDIA) IN AS Transportation 185.5</p><p>P067084 EMERGENCY RECOVERY AND REHAB. PROJECT DURI-DEWELE ROAD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES PROJECT DIR DIRE DAWA DISTRICT Transportation 1,501.9 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING (LOU)- GOBA-MESLO-BI DIR SHASHEMENE DISTRICT Transportation 2,415.6</p><p>P076735 Water Supply and Sanitation Project CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CAPACITY ASSESSMENT INDV ATO SAHLE SISAY Health and other social services 1.2 Law and justice and public administration 5.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 52.1 Total: 59.2</p><p>P078458 ICT Assisted Development Project INFORMATION & COMMINICATION TECHNOLOGIES INF INDV MR. AMHA DIANA Education 3.5 Health and other social services 3.5 Industry and trade 3.5 Information and communications 20.9 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Total: 34.9</p><p>ICT INFRASTRUCTURE SURVEY FOR GAMBELA INDV DR. MOHAMMED MUSSA Education 2.5 Health and other social services 2.5 Industry and trade 2.5 Information and communications 14.7 Law and justice and public administration 2.5 Total: 24.6</p><p>ICT INFRASTRUCTURE SURVEY FOR OROMIYA REGION INDV TESSEMA GEDA Education 4.8 Health and other social services 4.8 Industry and trade 4.8 Information and communications 28.9 Law and justice and public administration 4.8 Total: 48.2</p><p>ICT INFRASTRUCTURE SURVEY FOR ADDIS ABABA INDV ATO ASMARE EMIRE Education 1.8 Health and other social services 1.8 Industry and trade 1.8 Information and communications 10.5 Law and justice and public administration 1.8 Total: 17.5</p><p>ICT INFRASTRUCTURE SURVEY FOR AMHARA REGION INDV ENG. FIKRE Y. WONDIMU Education 3.5 Health and other social services 3.5 Industry and trade 3.5 Information and communications 20.7 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Total: 34.5</p><p>ICT INFRASTRUCTURE SURVEY FOR HARAR, DIRE DA INDV TAREKEGA ARARSO Education 3.5 Health and other social services 3.5 Industry and trade 3.5 Information and communications 20.7 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 127 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ETHIOPIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 34.5</p><p>Country Total: 6,593.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 6,633.5 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 128 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FIJI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Kiribati P078290 Kiribati Adaptation Project SOPAC FOR CAPACITY BUILDING IN RISK MANAGEME SSS SOPAC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 45.8</p><p>Country Total: 45.8</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 45.8 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 129 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FINLAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Azerbaijan P057959 EDUC REF LIL STUDY TOUR TO FINLAND AND SWEDEN CQB HELSINKI CONSULTING GROUP OY LTD Education 41.9</p><p>P058969 CULT HERITAGE PRSV INTERNATIONAL SELLER EXPERT ON COMMERCIALIZA INDV SATU MIETTINEN Health and other social services 36.9 Law and justice and public administration 7.6 Total: 44.5</p><p>Country Total: 86.4</p><p>Belarus P044748 SOC INF RETROFIT CONSULTING SERVICES FOR INTRODUCTION OF BIOM QCBS J.V. ENPRIMA ENGINEERING LTD. AND RUP BELORUSSK Energy and mining 182.4 Law and justice and public administration 11.6 Total: 194.0</p><p>Country Total: 194.0</p><p>Bulgaria P033964 FOREST DEVT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FBS INDUFOR OY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 59.8</p><p>P080377 FOREST DEVT (GEF) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FBS INDUFOR OY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 39.9</p><p>Country Total: 99.6 Burundi P064558 BI-Agric Rehab & Sustainable Land Mngmt FORMULATION OF THE PROJECT INDV TURTO TURTIAINIEN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 27.3</p><p>Country Total: 27.3</p><p>China P035693 FUEL EFFICIENT IND. WELDER LIB KEMMPPI OY (FINLAND) Energy and mining 47.0</p><p>Country Total: 47.0</p><p>Croatia P039161 RAILWAY MOD & RESTRCT'G SELF-PROPELLED MACHINE FOR REPLACEMENT OF TU ICB INSINOORITOIMISTO DESEC LTD Transportation 1,570.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,570.4</p><p>Georgia P040556 ROADS PROCUREMENT OF TESTING EQUIPMENT FOR ASPHALT SHOP SR CONSULTING LTD. Transportation 131.2</p><p>P044800 FORESTRY ASSISTANCE WITH FORESTRY INVENTORY AND FORES QCBS INDUFOR OY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 228.1 Law and justice and public administration 158.5 Total: 386.6</p><p>Country Total: 517.8</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P082337 ELEC POWER DEVT FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR PROPOSED CCHP PLANT IN FBS ENPRIMA ENGINEERING LTD Energy and mining 100.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 130 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FINLAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 100.0</p><p>Russian Federation P008821 ENV MGMT CRASHING MACHINE FOR BARK WASTE WOOD PREPARA DIR SAALASTI OY Water, sanitation and flood protection 406.0</p><p>P036973 ENT HOUSING DIVST INDIVIDUAL HEAT POINTS - IZHEVSK CITY ICB LPM GROUP LTD Energy and mining 2,474.5</p><p>P053830 SUST FORESTRY PILOT FOREST CERTIFICATION & SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY QCBS INDUFOR OY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 377.6</p><p>Country Total: 3,258.1</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P074124 SOC ASST CONSULTANCY ON RESTRUCTURING OF ONCOLOGY CAR CQB HELSINKI CONSULTING GROUP OY LTD Health and other social services 50.0 Industry and trade 25.0 Law and justice and public administration 50.0 Total: 124.9</p><p>P074127 FIN SEC DEVT TA ON-SITE ADVISOR IN VOJVODJANSKA BANK INDV JUUSO SALOKOSKI Finance 120.5 Law and justice and public administration 83.7 Total: 204.2</p><p>Country Total: 329.1 Uzbekistan P051370 HEALTH 2 IC WITH INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE - COMMUNITY INDV MARTEN KVIST Health and other social services 12.5</p><p>Country Total: 12.5</p><p>Vietnam P073305 VN-Regional Blood Transfusion Centers INTERNATIONAL PROCUREMENT ADVISOR QBS JUHANI ANNANPALO Health and other social services 51.0</p><p>Country Total: 51.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 6,293.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 131 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P072043 IDF-3W-UEMOA Commercial Policy FINALISER L'ETUDE SUR LA MISE EN PLACE D'UN SSS ANNE-MARIE GEOURJON Industry and trade 58.0</p><p>P075998 3A-IDF-UMEOA Public Procurement Reform ETUDE POUR L'ÉLABORATION D'UNE RÉGLEMENTATIO QCBS CABINET FRANÇOIS SERRES ET ASSOCIATES Law and justice and public administration 229.7</p><p>Country Total: 287.6</p><p>Algeria P070308 DZ-Telecommunications and Postal Sector STRATEGIC STUDY ON DEVELOPMENT OF POSTAL FIN QCBS ERNST & YOUNG Information and communications 385.8</p><p>Country Total: 385.8</p><p>Armenia P035805 MUN DEVT SUPPLY OF VALVES, FITTINGS AND FLANGES FOR P ICB SAINT GOBAIN PAM Water, sanitation and flood protection 412.9 PROCUREMENT OF VALVES, FITTINGS AND FLANGE A ICB TECOFI Water, sanitation and flood protection 328.1</p><p>P044829 TRANSPORT PROCUREMENT OF SMALL MECHANISMS FOR RAILWAY ICB L, GEISMAR Transportation 605.3</p><p>P069917 NAT RES MGMT (GEF) CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE PROTECTED AREA M QCBS CONSORTIUM OF SOFRECO AND ONF INTERNATIONAL LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 99.5 Health and other social services 17.6 Law and justice and public administration 468.2 Total: 585.3</p><p>P073974 HEALTH SYS MOD (APL #1) PREPARATION OF POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS AND DE QBS CONSEIL SANTE Health and other social services 175.7</p><p>Country Total: 2,107.2</p><p>Azerbaijan P008288 BAKU WS SUPPLY OF PIPES AND PIPELINE MATERIALS -- AD ICB WATECO Water, sanitation and flood protection 107.1</p><p>Country Total: 107.1</p><p>Benin P079633 BJ-Energy Serv.Deliv. Proj. ASSISTANCE A LA MISE EN CONCESSION DE LA SOC QCBS SOGREAH Energy and mining 517.8</p><p>Country Total: 517.8</p><p>Bosnia-Herzegovina P071347 ROAD MGMT SAFETY ROADS, BRIDGES, AND TUNNELS DATA BANK (FOR R QCBS J.V. BCEOM, FINNROAD, INSTITUT SA ISPITIVANJE M Transportation 1,274.1 ROADS, BRIDGES, AND TUNNELS DATA BANK (FOR F QCBS J.V. BCEOM, FINNROAD, INSTITUT SA ISPITIVANJE M Transportation 1,274.1</p><p>Country Total: 2,548.2</p><p>Burkina Faso P000296 Burkina Faso:AG SERVICES II EQUIPMENT FOR FRUIT WAREHOUSE OF BOBO-DIOULA ICB CAUSTIER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 790.5 Health and other social services 34.0 Law and justice and public administration 25.5 Total: 850.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 132 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P000309 Basic Educ. Sector LOT 1 OF 1ST, 2ND & 3RD YEAR STUDENTS' TEXTB ICB PIERRON IMPRIMERIE Education 478.9 REPRINTING OF TEXTBOOKS (4TH, 5TH AND SIXTH ICB PIERRON IMPRIMERIE Education 523.6</p><p>Country Total: 1,852.5</p><p>Burundi P071371 Multisect. HIV/AIDS Contr. & Orphans LOT 2: CONSOMMABLES & MATERIAL MEDICAL (SEE ICB ACIA Education 45.8 Health and other social services 151.0 Law and justice and public administration 32.0 Total: 228.8</p><p>P081964 BUR: Demobilization & Reintegration Prog LOGISTIC CONSULTANT INDV BACHRACH SANDRA Health and other social services 34.1</p><p>Country Total: 262.8</p><p>Cameroon P065927 Public/Private Partnership, Growth PRÉPARATION ET MISE EN OEUVRE D'UN PLAN D'EN CQB ICEA/MAZARS Information and communications 6.5 Law and justice and public administration 644.0 Total: 650.5</p><p>ETUDE DIAGNOSTIQUE DE LA PRIVATISATION DE LA QCBS C2G CONSEIL Information and communications 3.7 Law and justice and public administration 365.4 Total: 369.1 P073065 CAM:Multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS Project FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATIOND E HUIT ATOMATES LIB BECTON DICKINSON DB BIOSCIENCES Health and other social services 510.9 Law and justice and public administration 161.3 Total: 672.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,691.8</p><p>Chad P000527 Education Sector Reform RÉDACTION D'UN MANUEL DE PROCÉDURES ADMINIST LCS TOMATE Education 40.4</p><p>P062840 MANAGEMENT OF THE PETROLEUM ECONOMY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE PREPARATION OF SSS JEAN-MARC BERTRAND Law and justice and public administration 90.8 ANALYSE DE L'IMPACT SOCIAL ET LA PAUVRETÉ DU INDV JEAN PIERRE MAUDUIT Law and justice and public administration 72.5</p><p>P077240 CRITICAL ELEC & WATER Services ELECTRIFICATION OF THE CITY OF DOBA LOT 1&2 ICB NORELEC Energy and mining 2,597.0 DRILLING OF 10 WELLS ICB FORACO. SA SOCIETE FRANCAISE Energy and mining 550.6 SUPPLY OF FOUR GENERATING UNITS MOUNTED IN C ISH ENERIA Energy and mining 3,087.8</p><p>Country Total: 6,439.0</p><p>China P058845 Jiangxi II Hwy OVERSEAS TRAINING AND STUDY TOUR - C4 LCS TRANSROUTE INTERNATIONAL (FRANCE) Transportation 170.8</p><p>Country Total: 170.8</p><p>Comoros P052887 Health ACQUISITION MOBILIER DE BUREAU (LOT 1) ET MO ICB INTER EQUIPEMENT ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 133 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 439.4</p><p>Country Total: 439.4</p><p>Congo, Democratic Republic of P057296 ZR Emerg. Multisector Rehab.& Rec MANAGE AND OVERSEE THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOC QCBS SOFRECO Energy and mining 552.6 Health and other social services 552.6 Transportation 1,105.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 552.6 Total: 2,762.9</p><p>MATERIEL POUR REHABILITER LE PARC MINI-ORDIN ICB RESEAUX TELECOMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATIQUE INTL Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,507.0 EQUIPEMENTS INFORMATIQUES ET LOGICIELS POUR ICB RESEAUX TELECOMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATIQUE INTL. Water, sanitation and flood protection 172.7 FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING AUDIT OF EMRRP QCBS ERNST & YOUNG FRANCE Energy and mining 47.9 Health and other social services 47.9 Transportation 95.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 47.9 Total: 239.5</p><p>ETUDES PREPARATOIRES DES TRAVAUX DE REHAB. R QCBS BCEOM SOCIETE FRANCAISE D'INGENIERIE Transportation 451.8 REGIDESO: REHABILITATION DES MODULES 1 ET 2 ICB DEGREMONT-SAFRICAS Water, sanitation and flood protection 14,317.2 CONTROLE ET SURVEILLANCE TRAVAUX LUTTE ANTI QCBS BCEOM SOCIETE FRANCAISE D'INGENIERIE Transportation 766.5 CONTROLE ET SURVEILLANCE TRAVAUX DE SUR L'AV QCBS BCEOM SOCIETE FRANCAISE D'INGENIERIE Water, sanitation and flood protection 614.0</p><p>P071144 CD-Prv Sec Development & Competitiveness MISE EN OEUVRE D'UN PROGRAMME DE FORMATION D QCBS PONTS FORMATION EDITION (PFE) Energy and mining 155.1 Finance 155.1 Health and other social services 155.1 Information and communications 155.1 Transportation 155.1 Total: 775.7</p><p>Country Total: 21,607.2</p><p>Congo, Republic of P074006 EMERGENCY REHABILITATION, RECONSTRUCTION SUPPLY AND REPLACEMENT OF PIECES FOR TURBOS ICB LOGERAIL Health and other social services 44.4 Law and justice and public administration 6.9 Transportation 87.3 Total: 138.6</p><p>SUPPLY AND REPLACEMENT OF PIECES ICB L, GEISMAR Health and other social services 84.0 Law and justice and public administration 13.1 Transportation 165.4 Total: 262.5</p><p>SUPPLY OF RUMBLES LOT1/SUPPLY OF LIDS, BINS ICB LOGERAIL Health and other social services 129.3 Law and justice and public administration 20.2 Transportation 254.5 Total: 404.0</p><p>SUPPLY OF REACTIFS FOR TESTS FOR ELISA AND B ICB FRANCE SANTE 2000 Health and other social services 113.7 Law and justice and public administration 17.8 Transportation 223.9 Total: 355.4</p><p>LOTS 1-2-3-SUPPLY OF IRON PLATE AND ACCESSOR ICB IED Transportation 325.5 SUPPLY OF LOCOMOTIVE AND WHEEL ICB LOGERAIL Transportation 534.1 SUPPLY OF LOCOMOTIVES ACCESSORY-LOT 1 (CC 50 ICB LOGERAIL Transportation 2,362.6 SUPPLY OF RAILWAY ACCESSORY ICB LOGERAIL Transportation 459.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 134 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>SUPPLY OF RAILWAY MATERIAL ISH LOGERAIL Transportation 154.0</p><p>P077513 HIV/AIDS & Health Project INSTITUTIONAL ASSISTANCE TO NGOS INVOLVED IN SSS GROUPE GRET DE RECHERECHE ET D'ECHANGES TECHNOL Health and other social services 170.0 Law and justice and public administration 72.8 Total: 242.8</p><p>Country Total: 5,239.4</p><p>Cote d'Ivoire P001177 CI TRANSP SECTOR ADJ TRAINING/SUPPORT ON SUPERVISION OF ROAD MAIN SSS BCEOM SOCIETE FRANCAISE D'INGENIERIE Transportation 1,507.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,507.4</p><p>Croatia P039161 RAILWAY MOD & RESTRCT'G STATIONARY ELECTRIC RESISTANCE RAIL WELDING ICB SOCIEDE DES AN.ET.-GEISMAR Transportation 2,936.8</p><p>Country Total: 2,936.8</p><p>Egypt, Arab Republic of P073977 EG-Integrated Irrig Improv. & Mgmt. FEASIBILITY STUDY AND PLANNING FOR FUTURE GU QCBS SOGREAH/ARAB CONSULTING ENGINEERS (MOHARRAM-BAK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 324.0</p><p>Country Total: 324.0 Eritrea P050357 ERITREA ROAD SECTOR DEV PROG, PHASE 1 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF A CO CQS BCEOM Transportation 167.6</p><p>Country Total: 167.6</p><p>Ethiopia P073196 ET:Demobilization and Reintegration Proj CLAIMS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN ETHIOPIA ICB SOGEA-SATOM Health and other social services 9,709.7</p><p>Country Total: 9,709.7</p><p>Georgia P072394 ENERGY TRANSIT INST BLDG ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISOR FOR EAST-WEST GAS & OI QCBS BEICIP-FRANLAB Energy and mining 2,218.3</p><p>Country Total: 2,218.3</p><p>Ghana P073649 2nd Health Sect. Prog. Support SUPPLY OF 50 UNITS AMBULANCES AND SPARE PART ICB AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT FRANCE Health and other social services 2,319.6 SUPPLY OF ANTI SNAKE BITE SERUMS ICB AVENTIS PASTEUR S.A. Health and other social services 1,340.5</p><p>Country Total: 3,660.1</p><p>Guinea P050046 Education for All SUPPLY OF 41 MICRO-COMPUTERS AND ACCESSORIES ICB SOCIETE EGI (LAWSON) Education 55.3 Law and justice and public administration 8.3 Total: 63.6</p><p>Country Total: 63.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 135 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Guinea-Bissau P001001 Privat Sector Rehab. & Develop. Project SERVICE AUDIT QCBS 2AC ASSOCIES AUDIT ET CONSEIL Energy and mining 11.1 Industry and trade 11.1 Law and justice and public administration 66.4 Transportation 11.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.1 Total: 110.6</p><p>Country Total: 110.6</p><p>India P072539 KERALA STATE TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF PHASE-II WORKS - QCBS BCEOM Law and justice and public administration 1,179.3 Transportation 2,190.2 Total: 3,369.5</p><p>Country Total: 3,369.5</p><p>Jordan P081505 JO-AMMAN DEVELOPMENT CORRIDOR AMMAN RING PHASE I: QUALITY AUDIT OF ENGG DE INDV JEAN MARIE BRAUN Transportation 38.0</p><p>Country Total: 38.0</p><p>Kosovo P070295 URG ROAD (KOSOVO TF) ROAD SAFETY IMPROVEMENT STUDY QCBS BCEOM Transportation 174.1</p><p>Country Total: 174.1</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P074881 PYMNT/BANK SYST MOD DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF NON-CASH RETAIL INDV LEILA ELMASRY Finance 37.7 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF NON-CASH RETAIL INDV JEAN-PIERRA CAMELOT Finance 31.3</p><p>Country Total: 68.9</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P050589 TRANSPORT PROCUREMENT OF AUTOMATIC TRAFFIC COUNTERS ICB STERELA S.A. Transportation 516.9</p><p>Country Total: 516.9</p><p>Madagascar P001559 Educ. Sector Dev. ACQUISITION D'AUXILLIAIRES PÉDAGOGIQUES EQUI ICB HATIER Education 1,167.7</p><p>P051741 2nd Health Sector Support FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION DE 69 MICRO-ORDIN ICB SOCIETE MARVEL S.A Health and other social services 137.6</p><p>P052208 MADAGASCAR -Transp Sector Reform & Rehab PILOTAGE DE LA FORMATION EN PASSATION DES MA SSS BERNARD PECCOUD Transportation 34.1 APPUI PROGRAMME SECTORIEL TRANSPORTS DAND LE SSS GEORGES LAMOURE Transportation 126.0 CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR INSTITUTIONAL CAPACI SSS BOUN BAYLATRY Transportation 120.0 INSTALLATIONS WORKS OF NOSY-BE AIRPORT FOR B ICB COLAS S.A. Transportation 1,952.1 EXPERT CHARGE D'APPUYER LA VP - PARTENARIATS SSS KARIM-JACQUES BUDIN Transportation 88.1 LOT 2: FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION D'EQUIPEME NCB FABRICOM Transportation 1,588.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 136 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P072160 Second Private Sector Development Projec RÉACTUALISATION DES DIAGNOSTICS ET DONDUITE CQB SG CORPORATE FINANCE ADVISORY (SGCFA) Finance 12.6 Industry and trade 8.4 Law and justice and public administration 399.0 Total: 420.0</p><p>EXPERT JURISTE AU SEIN DU STP SSS XAVIER GHELBER Finance 1.5 Industry and trade 1.0 Law and justice and public administration 47.0 Total: 49.5</p><p>SERVICES D'UN ORGANE TECHNIQUE CHARGE DE L'A QCBS BURGEAP Finance 5.8 Industry and trade 3.8 Law and justice and public administration 182.0 Total: 191.6</p><p>P073689 MADAGASCAR Rural Transport Proj - APL 2 LOT 5.1 AMBAOASARY SUD - TRANOMARO - ANADABO ICB SOGEA-SATOM Transportation 2,832.0 ROAD BEZAHA-BELAMOTY-BENENITRA ICB SOGEA-SATOM Transportation 2,175.2 LOT 4.4 ICB COLAS S.A. Transportation 1,574.9 ASSISTANCE A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEIL QCBS ESPACE INGENIERIE Transportation 171.6</p><p>P074448 Governance and Institutional Development AUDIT SUR LE FONCTIONNEMENT DE LA JUSTICE INDV LUCIEN ACCAD Law and justice and public administration 53.5 ELABORATION D'UN NOUVEAU CODE DE PASSATION D INDV SÉBASTIEN PALMIER Law and justice and public administration 93.1 Country Total: 12,774.9</p><p>Malawi P075911 MASAF III LOT 2 AND 3: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 6 NO. E ICB SOCIETE FRANCAIS DE COMMERCE EUROPEAN (SCFE) Transportation 745.2</p><p>Country Total: 745.2</p><p>Mali P001748 FINANCE SECTOR DEVEL RELECTURE DES TEXTES DE LA CAISSE DES RETRAI CQB ACTUARIA Finance 70.7 Law and justice and public administration 60.2 Total: 130.9</p><p>P035630 Mali:AGRICULTURAL & PRODUCER ORGANIZA CONS. SERVICES TO ACT AS PRIVATE OPERATORS F QCBS CA 17 Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 167.8 Health and other social services 4.5 Law and justice and public administration 51.5 Total: 223.7</p><p>CONS. SERVICES TO ACT AS PRIVATE OPERATOR FO QCBS CA 17 Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 163.1 Health and other social services 4.4 Law and justice and public administration 50.0 Total: 217.4</p><p>CONS. SERVICES TO ACT AS PRIVATE OPERATOR FO QCBS SOFRECO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 174.2 Health and other social services 4.7 Law and justice and public administration 53.4 Total: 232.3</p><p>P040650 Educ. Sect. Exp. Program OURNITURE DE MAT. DE LABORATOIRE LOT#1:PHYSI ICB SOCIETE PIERRON ENTREPRISE SA Education 1,869.7 FOURNITURE DE MATÉRIEL DE LAB.: PHYSIQUE, CH ICB SOCIETE PIERRON ENTREPRISE SA Education 264.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 137 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P041723 ML:RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONS. SERVICES TO PREPARE RURAL TRANSPORT ST QCBS SOFRECO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 177.7 Law and justice and public administration 38.6 Transportation 77.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 92.7 Total: 386.3</p><p>Country Total: 3,324.7</p><p>Mauritania P035689 Health Sect. Invest. Program MEDICAL-CHIRURGICAL EQUIPMENT FOR 7 REGIONAL ICB SFEH Health and other social services 342.0 EQUIPEMENTS MÉDICO-CHIRURGICAYX À 7 HÔPITAUX ICB SFEH Health and other social services 877.9 ETUDE EVALUATIONDU PLAN DIRECTEUR DE LA SANT QCBS CREDES-INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 138.6 Law and justice and public administration 10.4 Total: 149.0</p><p>P044711 Maur:INTEG DEV PROG FOR IRRIGATED AGRIC AUDIT COMPTABLE ET FINANCIER DE LA SONADER E CQS FITECO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 41.9 Law and justice and public administration 35.4 Transportation 3.2 Total: 80.5</p><p>P069095 Urban Development Program CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIE QCBS ST-MATIN PAYSAGE Education 38.9 Industry and trade 38.9 Law and justice and public administration 21.2 Transportation 38.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 38.9 Total: 176.7</p><p>ORGANISATIONAL AND FINANCIAL AUDIT OF THE CO QCBS FIPEC S.A. Education 33.6 Industry and trade 33.6 Law and justice and public administration 18.4 Transportation 33.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 33.6 Total: 152.9</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE CONTROLE OF WOR QCBS BCEOM SOCIETE FRANCAISE D'INGENIERIE Education 75.1 Industry and trade 75.1 Law and justice and public administration 41.0 Transportation 75.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 75.1 Total: 341.3</p><p>P078616 MR PRSP Progress Report (FY04) SUPPORT TO IMPLEMENTATION OF A MONITORING SY QCBS CHRISTIAN BONIFAS 21.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,141.3</p><p>Mexico P070108 MX Savings & Credit Sector Strengthening PP15-BANSEFI CONSOLIDACION DE LAS INSTITUCIO QCBS PLANET FINANCE Finance 1,004.6</p><p>Country Total: 1,004.6</p><p>Morocco P005521 MA-WATER RESOURCE MGMT. PROCUREMENT OF FOUR MOBILE UNITS FOR THE HYD ICB COFAS SEBA Water, sanitation and flood protection 957.5 PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT FO ICB COFAS SEBA Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,370.6</p><p>P074686 MA-Energy & Environment Upgrading ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 138 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE A IZDIHAR QCBS INNOVATION ENERGIE DEVELOPMENT (IED) Energy and mining 749.3</p><p>Country Total: 3,077.4</p><p>Mozambique P001785 MZ-ROADS & BRIDGES MMP CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR DETAILED REVIEW AND QCBS BCEOM, FRENCH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Transportation 589.4</p><p>P070305 Coastal & Marine Biodiversity Mgmt CONSULTANCY ON MARINE HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND QBS BRL-INGENIERIE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 339.4</p><p>Country Total: 928.8</p><p>Nicaragua P055853 NI - TELECOMMUNICATION REFORM INVESTMENT BANK SERVICES QCBS BNP PARIBAS Information and communications 350.0</p><p>Country Total: 350.0</p><p>Niger P051272 PRIVATIZ./REG.REFORM TECHINCAL ASSISTANCE ON TELECOM REGULATION QCBS GIDE LOYRETTE NOUEL Law and justice and public administration 302.6 ELABORATION D'UNE STRATEGIE D'ELECTRIFICATIO QCBS INNOVATION ENERGIE DEVELOPMENT (IED) Health and other social services 52.1 Law and justice and public administration 148.2 Total: 200.3 P061558 WATER SECTOR PROJECT REINFORCEMENT & EXTENSION OF DRINKING WATER ICB FORACO Law and justice and public administration 87.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,841.6 Total: 2,929.5</p><p>Country Total: 3,432.3</p><p>Romania P057960 RURAL DEV (APL #1) STUDY ON ROADS FINANCING CLASSIFICATION AND QCBS BCEOM FRENCH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Health and other social services 5.4 Law and justice and public administration 62.1 Transportation 67.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 135.0 Total: 270.1</p><p>P077765 LEGAL DRAFT & REGULATORY MGMT IDF CONDUCT REGULATORY IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY CQB THIERRY RENOUX Law and justice and public administration 70.0</p><p>Country Total: 340.1</p><p>Russian Federation P046061 MOSC URB TRANS STUDY F/PREPAR OF BUSINESS PLAN F/RECONSTRUC QCBS SETEC INTERNATIONAL Transportation 436.8</p><p>Country Total: 436.8</p><p>Rwanda P060005 URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE & CITY MANAGMT PROG TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE PROJECT IMPLEMEN QCBS GROUPE HUIT SA Law and justice and public administration 59.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 59.9 Total: 119.7</p><p>Country Total: 119.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 139 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Senegal P041528 LONG TERM WATER SECTOR PROJECT LOT 1 - SUPPLY AND LAYING PIPES ON KEUR MOMA ICB SADE CGTH Water, sanitation and flood protection 26,218.4 STUDY OF THE INSTITUTIONAL EVOLUTION OF URBA QCBS ICEA/IBM Water, sanitation and flood protection 425.2 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS OF 15 000 CONNECTIONS NCB HYDROSPHERE Water, sanitation and flood protection 662.3</p><p>P069207 Casamance Emergency Reconstruction Suppo MISE A JOUR DE LA COMPOSANTE DEMINAGE PROGRA SSS JEAN TRICHET Transportation 20.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.6 Total: 28.6</p><p>MISE A JOUR DU PROGRAMME DE RELANCE DES ACTI SSS CHEIKH A. T. SAGNA Transportation 35.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.2 Total: 50.7</p><p>L'APPUIA LA PREPARATION PROGRAMME DE RELANCE SSS ARNAUD DESMARCHELIER Transportation 33.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.3 Total: 47.6</p><p>P070530 SN-ELECTRICITY SERV. for RURAL AREAS PRJ CREATION OF A RURAL ELECTRIFICATION FUND (CO QCBS D2 FINANCE Energy and mining 125.8 STUDY FOR SETTING UP TWO SOFTWARES (ETUDE PO QCBS MARGES Energy and mining 82.1 ELABORATION OF ALLOCATION PROCEDURES (L'ÉLAB QCBS SOFRECO Energy and mining 162.9</p><p>Country Total: 27,803.5 Serbia and Montenegro P074127 FIN SEC DEVT TA PRIVATIZATION ADVISORY SERVICES FOR JUBANKA, QCBS BNP PARIBAS Finance 177.0 Law and justice and public administration 123.0 Total: 300.0</p><p>Country Total: 300.0</p><p>Slovak Republic P082065 ACCT & AUDIT REFORM IDF STRENTHENING THE ACCOUNTANCY PROFESSION QCBS COMPAGNIE NATIONALE DES COMMISSAIRES AUX COMPTE Finance 91.6</p><p>Country Total: 91.6</p><p>Tanzania P002797 TZ SONGO SONGO GAS DEV. & POWER GEN. GAS SECTOR INSTITUTIONAL AND REGULATORY STUD QCBS BEICIP-FRANLAB Energy and mining 639.3</p><p>Country Total: 639.3</p><p>Tunisia P050945 TN-Education PAQSET I ACQUISITION DE MATÉRIEL TECHNIQUE - LOTS 1 ( ICB STCI - FRANCE Education 489.6</p><p>Country Total: 489.6</p><p>Turkey P074408 SRMP PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS AND PRINTERS ICB BULL S. A. Health and other social services 935.8</p><p>Country Total: 935.8</p><p>Uruguay ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 140 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: FRANCE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P008177 UY POWER TRNMSN & DISTR EQUIPAMIENTO DE MEDIA TENSION ICB NOVEXIA S.A. Energy and mining 640.8 EQUIPOS Y HERRAMIENTAS PARA TRAAJOS CON TENS ICB SORHODEL BARDIN SAS Energy and mining 187.8 PUESTOS URBANOS COMPACTOS DE TRANSFORMACION ICB AREVA T&D, SA Energy and mining 936.9</p><p>P074543 UY FOOT & MOUTH DISEASE - ERL ACQUISITION OF LIVESTOCK IDENTIFICATION DEVI ICB ALLFLEX EUROPE S.A.S. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,783.8 Law and justice and public administration 290.4 Total: 2,074.2</p><p>Country Total: 3,839.8</p><p>Uzbekistan P051370 HEALTH 2 RAPID ASSESSMENT OF PHARMACEUTICALS SECTOR & CQB CREDES Health and other social services 81.7</p><p>Country Total: 81.7</p><p>Vietnam P045628 VN-TRANSMISSION & DISTR SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL, COMMUNICATION EQUIPMEN ICB AREVA T&D, SA Energy and mining 2,627.7</p><p>Country Total: 2,627.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 134,006.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 141 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GABON Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Gabon P035626 PILOT COM. INFRA. UP PAVING AND SANITATION WORKS-ONGALI-FRANCEVIL NCB GRBF Health and other social services 28.4 Industry and trade 8.7 Law and justice and public administration 28.4 Transportation 139.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 13.1 Total: 218.5</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR SUPERVISION DRAINAG QCBS LBTPG Health and other social services 16.0 Industry and trade 4.9 Law and justice and public administration 16.0 Transportation 78.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.4 Total: 122.7</p><p>CANAL DRAINAGE WORKS IN PORT-GENTIL QUARTIER NCB GRBF Health and other social services 31.2 Industry and trade 9.6 Law and justice and public administration 31.2 Transportation 153.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.4 Total: 240.0</p><p>CANAL DRAINAGE WORKS IN PORT-GENTIL QUARTIER NCB GRBF Health and other social services 20.6 Industry and trade 6.4 Law and justice and public administration 20.6 Transportation 101.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.5 Total: 158.7</p><p>CANAL DRAINAGE WORKS IN PORT-GENTIL QUARTIER NCB GRBF Health and other social services 16.7 Industry and trade 5.1 Law and justice and public administration 16.7 Transportation 82.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.7 Total: 128.4</p><p>Country Total: 868.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 868.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 142 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GAMBIA, THE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P077772 [3W] ECOWAS-CEMAC Air Transport PROJECT MANAGER FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TH CQS MAM SAIT JALLOW Transportation 79.2</p><p>Country Total: 79.2</p><p>Gambia, The P000825 Part. Health/Pop./Nut. CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR MINOR HEALTH CENTRES NCB JIMBILL CONSTRUCTION Health and other social services 657.5 Law and justice and public administration 6.6 Total: 664.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF VEHICLES ICB TK MOTORS LTD Health and other social services 296.1 Law and justice and public administration 3.0 Total: 299.1</p><p>P057995 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR ECONOM. MGMT. CONSTRUCTION OF OFFICES FOR GAMBIA REVENUE A ICB ALCO GAMBIA LTD. Finance 17.8 Law and justice and public administration 574.1 Total: 591.9</p><p>P057997 PVRTY ALL.&MUNIC.DEV IMPROVEMENT WORKS OF THE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT NCB SICS-HORMAM Education 121.9 Health and other social services 121.9 Law and justice and public administration 40.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 54.2 Total: 338.7 P060329 HIV/AIDS Rapid Response IMPLEMENTATION OF FPA HIV/AIDS MASS MEDIA CA QCBS THE GAMBIA FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION (GFPA) Health and other social services 471.6 Law and justice and public administration 46.6 Total: 518.3</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION OF WELL WOMAN'S CLINIC (HIV/A QCBS FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH ON WOMEN'S HEALTH PRODU Health and other social services 279.5 Law and justice and public administration 27.6 Total: 307.1</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION OF PEER HEALTH EDUCATION PROG QCBS NOVA-SCOTIA-GAMBIA ASSOCIATION (NSGA) Health and other social services 389.9 Law and justice and public administration 38.6 Total: 428.4</p><p>Country Total: 3,147.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 3,226.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 143 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GEORGIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Georgia P039929 SIF ELABORATION OF DESIGN DOCUMENTATION FOR REHA CQB JSC "TBILPROGRESPROJECT" Health and other social services 100.5 ELABORATION OF DESIGN DOCUMENTATION FOR REHA CQB LTD AGROMRETVSERVICE Health and other social services 103.4</p><p>P040555 PRIM HEALTH CARE DEVT ASSISTANT PROJECT MANAGER INDV MERAB ELIOZISHVILI Health and other social services 38.0 PROJECT MANAGER INDV DAVID SULABERIDZE Health and other social services 37.6 SENIOR CBHI EXPERT INDV AKAKI ZOIDZE Health and other social services 50.4</p><p>P040556 ROADS REHABILITATION OF ZESTAFONI BAGDATI ROAD SEC ICB TRIALETI LTD Transportation 1,072.0 REHABILITATION WORKS ON SENAKI-POTI-SARPI RO ICB GEORGIAN ROADS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LTD Transportation 842.9 PAVEMENT TREATMENT WORKS ON KHASHURI-AKHALTS ICB TRIALETI LTD Transportation 955.7 PAVEMENT TREATMENT WORKS ON TBILISI-MARNEULI NCB GZIS MSHENEBELI-11 Transportation 269.7 PAVEMENT TREATMENT WORKS ON TBILISI-MARNEULI NCB TRIALETI LTD Transportation 269.7</p><p>P044800 FORESTRY CONTINUING TESTS FOR FOREST INVENTORY DIR SAKTKEPROEKTI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 424.8 DIRECTOR, FOREST SECTOR DEVELOPMENT CENTER INDV VLADIMIR ABASHIDZE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 46.8 FINANCIAL MANAGER OF THE FSDC INDV NANA NABAKHTEVELI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 39.6 PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST OF FSDC INDV NINO RAMISHVILI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 39.6 ACCOUNTANT OF FSDC INDV LAVRA NACHKEBIA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 26.3</p><p>P048791 PROT AREAS DEV (GEF) PROCUREMENT OF FIELD EQUIPMENT SHOP TRAVELERS CLUB GEORGIA LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 67.7 Law and justice and public administration 29.0 Total: 96.7</p><p>CONSULTING SERVICES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF SM LCS AGRO-BUSINESS CONSULTING Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 45.8 Law and justice and public administration 19.6 Total: 65.4</p><p>CONSULTING SERVICES FOR BIODIVERSITY RESEARC CQS NOAH'S ARK CENTER FOR RECOVERY OF ENDANGERED SP Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 69.8 Law and justice and public administration 29.9 Total: 99.7</p><p>P054886 ELEC MRKT SUPPORT AUDIT OF GEORGIAN STATE ELECTRIC SYSTEM LTD. QCBS AUDITING CORPORATION OF GEORGIA LLC Energy and mining 84.0</p><p>P055068 IRR/DRAIN REHAB (APL #1) CONSULTING SERVICES FOR DESIGN AND SUPERVISI QCBS PROJECT DESIGNING TECHNOLOGICAL BUREAU LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 74.6 Law and justice and public administration 61.0 Total: 135.6</p><p>CONSULANTS FOR THE DESIGN AND SUPERVISION FO QCBS JSC GEORGIAN WATER PROJECT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 57.4 Law and justice and public administration 47.0 Total: 104.3</p><p>CONSULTANTS FOR THE DESIGN AND SUPERVISION F QCBS BASIANI 93, LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 14.6 Law and justice and public administration 11.9 Total: 26.5</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING ON THE REHABILITATI QCBS NGO GEORGIAN ENVIRONMENTAL AND BIOLOGICAL MONIT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 53.5 Law and justice and public administration 43.8 Total: 97.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 144 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GEORGIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>TRAINING OF AMELIORATION ASSOCIATIONS (AAS) QCBS AUDIT FORUM LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 135.1 Law and justice and public administration 110.6 Total: 245.7</p><p>P055173 EDUC I (APL) ORGANIZE THE EXHIBITION OF SUPPLEMENTARY LEA SSS EXPO GEORGIA Education 75.0 REPAIRS TO THE 1ST FLOOR OF NAEC; REFURBISH NCB LTD LIBO PLUS COMPANY Education 90.9 SUBMISSION OF SUPP LEARNING MATERIALS DIR DOMOV SK LTD Education 103.2 SUBMISSION OF SUPP LEARNING MATERIALS DIR SELTIS-PROJECT LTD Education 159.6 SUBMISSION OF SUPP LEARNING MATERIAL DIR KUTAISI-1000 LTD Education 141.6 SUBMISSION OF SUPPLEMENTARY LEARNING MATERIA DIR BAKUR SULAKAURIS GAMOMTSEMLOBA Education 125.6 SUBMISSION OF SUPPLEMENTARY LEARNING MATERIA DIR SAQARTVELOS MATSNE LTD Education 214.7 SUBMISSION OF SUPPLEMENTARY LEARNING MATERIA DIR SANI Education 273.5</p><p>P057813 JUDICIAL REFORM REHABILIATION OF TBILISI APPELLATE COURT NCB JSC TBILISI Law and justice and public administration 1,421.3</p><p>P072394 ENERGY TRANSIT INST BLDG CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE MINISTRY OF ENVI SSS MS. SOPHIE BERISHVILI Energy and mining 41.3</p><p>P077368 MUNI DEVT & DECENTRLZN 2 ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS FOR TSERONISI, ZAK ICB JSC SAPARI Transportation 524.4 ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS FOR TSERONISI, ZAK ICB LTD. GZAMSHENI-4 Transportation 524.4 REHABILITATION WORKS FOR WATER SUPPLY AND SE NCB JSC INZHMSHENI Health and other social services 128.4 Industry and trade 128.4 Law and justice and public administration 121.9 Transportation 134.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 128.4 Total: 641.8</p><p>ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS FOR GRANELI, LAMI NCB JSC ROAD COMPANY TBILISI Health and other social services 37.5 Industry and trade 37.5 Law and justice and public administration 35.7 Transportation 39.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 37.5 Total: 187.7</p><p>ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS FOR GRANELI, LAMI NCB JSC SAPARI Health and other social services 37.5 Industry and trade 37.5 Law and justice and public administration 35.7 Transportation 39.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 37.5 Total: 187.7</p><p>ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS FOR LEONIDZE STREE NCB LTD GZAMSHENI-4 AND JSC ROAD COMPANY TBILISI Health and other social services 68.3 Industry and trade 68.3 Law and justice and public administration 64.9 Transportation 71.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 68.3 Total: 341.5</p><p>REHABILITATION WORKS FOR WATER SUPPLY AND SE ICB JSC INZHMSHENI Health and other social services 132.9 Industry and trade 132.9 Law and justice and public administration 126.3 Transportation 139.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 132.9 Total: 664.6</p><p>REHABILITATION WORKS OF LIGHTING NETWORK FOR NCB JSC INZHMSHENI Health and other social services 130.3 Industry and trade 130.3 Law and justice and public administration 123.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 145 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GEORGIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 136.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 130.3 Total: 651.7</p><p>Country Total: 11,642.3</p><p>Ukraine P054966 PRIV SEC DEV (APL #1) ADVISORY SERVICES ON MANAGEMENT, IMPLEMENTAT CQB CERMA CONSULTANTS GROUP Industry and trade 94.9</p><p>Country Total: 94.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 11,737.2 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 146 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GERMANY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P077533 Emergency Community Empowerment Project NATIONAL SOLIDARITY PROGRAMME-OVERSIGHT CONS QBS DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR ZUSAMMENARBEIT (GTZ) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 2,414.7 Health and other social services 5,249.4 Law and justice and public administration 420.0 Transportation 2,414.7 Total: 10,498.9</p><p>P077779 Emergency Infrastructure Reconstruction REPAIR AND REHABILITATION MATERIAL FOR LOT 5 ISH M/S RAAB KARCHER Energy and mining 235.7 Law and justice and public administration 57.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 230.4 Total: 523.7</p><p>G1-LOT6 - PROCUREMENT OF REPAIR AND REHABILI ISH M/S RAAB KARCHER Energy and mining 200.8 Law and justice and public administration 49.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 196.3 Total: 446.2</p><p>G1-LOT 7 : PROCUREMENT OF REPAIR AND REHABIL ISH M/S RAAB KARCHER Energy and mining 177.1 Law and justice and public administration 43.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 173.2 Total: 393.6</p><p>HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR SANITATIO CQB H.P. GAUFF INGENIEURE GMBH & CO.KG Energy and mining 492.0 Law and justice and public administration 120.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 481.1 Total: 1,093.3 P078069 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund GOODS AND WORKS DIR VOITH SIEMENS HYDRO POWER GENERATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 456.8 Finance 456.8 Health and other social services 456.8 Law and justice and public administration 3,197.5 Total: 4,567.8</p><p>GOODS AND WORKS REHAB OF 110 KV TRANSMISSION DIR ABB GMBH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 122.1 Finance 122.1 Health and other social services 122.1 Law and justice and public administration 854.6 Total: 1,220.8</p><p>PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT UNIT FOR MW QCBS DECON DEUTSCHE ENERGIE-CONSULT INGENIEUGESSELSC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 231.6 Finance 231.6 Health and other social services 231.6 Law and justice and public administration 1,621.0 Total: 2,315.6</p><p>INSPECTION OF THE NAGHLU POWER STATION SSS LAHMEYER INT. GMBH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 13.2 Finance 13.2 Health and other social services 13.2 Law and justice and public administration 92.2 Total: 131.7</p><p>Country Total: 21,191.7</p><p>Albania P041442 MUN WATER/WW CONSULTING SERVICES FOR DESIGN AND SUPERVISI QCBS RODECO Water, sanitation and flood protection 216.1</p><p>P068853 EMG ROAD REPAIR SUPPLY OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT & MOBILE LABO ICB JOS HANSEN & SOEHNE GMBH Transportation 162.4</p><p>P071427 Env Clean-Up (Dropped) CONSULTING SERVICES FOR INSTITUTIONAL STRENG QCBS GKW CONSULT Industry and trade 245.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 147 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GERMANY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P074905 PWR SECT REHAB/RESTRCT'G TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO PMU IN PROCUREMENT, QCBS FITCHNER Energy and mining 1,515.1</p><p>Country Total: 2,139.2</p><p>Algeria P004960 IND.POLLUTION CTRL. PIECES DE RECHANGE (ROTOR DE TURBINE ET PIEC DIR ALSTOM POWER TURBINEN GMBH Industry and trade 673.1 Law and justice and public administration 100.6 Total: 773.6</p><p>Country Total: 773.6</p><p>Armenia P008276 ELEC TRANSM & DISTR SUPPLIY & INSTALLATION OF HIGH VOLTAGE SUBST ICB SIEMENS AG Energy and mining 6,288.6</p><p>P035805 MUN DEVT PROCUREMENT OF STEEL PIPES WITH EXTERNAL COA ICB ROHRENWERK GEBR. FUCHS GMBH Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,958.0</p><p>P057847 NAT RES MGMT DESIGN BASIC TRAINING AND OPERATON TO GIS SE QCBS GAF AG Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 115.8 Health and other social services 15.0 Law and justice and public administration 5.5 Total: 136.2</p><p>P087641 YEREVAN WATER/WW SERVS PREPARATION OF THE YEREVAN WATER AND WASTEWA QCBS FICHTNER GMBH & CO. KG, AND JEN CONSULTING LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 399.5</p><p>Country Total: 8,782.2</p><p>Azerbaijan P008288 BAKU WS CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION QCBS CES & BERLINERWASSER Water, sanitation and flood protection 448.0</p><p>P040716 HIGHWAY CONTRACT NO. CW/2003-3 ICB MZ AUTOBAHN BAU GMBH Transportation 4,738.6 CONTRACT NO. CW/2003-4 ICB MZ AUTOBAHN BAU GMBH Transportation 4,614.5</p><p>Country Total: 9,801.1</p><p>Bangladesh P037857 Health and Population Program G-421(SUB-PACKAGES B):LABORATORY DIAGNOSTIC ICB SANDBERG & SCHNEIDEWIND Health and other social services 578.2 G-NESP-10: OPERATION THEATRE EQUIPMENT, SUB- ICB DR. MACH GMBH & CO. Health and other social services 98.2</p><p>P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. 2GLR9.2: PROCUREMENT OF CONDUCTOR & GUY ACCE ICB TYCO ELECTRONICS RAYCHEM GMHB Energy and mining 184.6</p><p>Country Total: 861.0</p><p>Brazil P047309 BR ENERGY EFFICIENCY (GEF) GONIOPHOTOMETER - LIGHTING LAB EQUIPMENT - C ICB LMT LICHTMESSTECHNIK GMBH Energy and mining 593.9</p><p>Country Total: 593.9</p><p>Bulgaria P008314 DISTRICT HEAT SUPPLY OF DISTRICT HEATING PUMPS, FREQUENCY ICB ENGINEERING DOBERSEK GMBH ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 148 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GERMANY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 1,641.2 SUPPLY OF FREQUENCY CONVERTERS FOR PUMPS&INC ICB ENGINEERING DOBERSEK GMBH Energy and mining 1,710.3 SUPPLY OF VALVES ICB ADAMS ARMATUREN GMBH Energy and mining 252.0 SUPPLY OF VALVES ICB ADAMS ARMATUREN GMBH Energy and mining 462.7</p><p>P033964 FOREST DEVT FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF QCBS GFA TERRA SYSTEMS GMBH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 162.4</p><p>P055157 HEALTH SECT REF DIGITAL CARDIAC ANGIOGRAPHY SYSTEM ICB SIEMENS MEDICAL SOLUTIONS Health and other social services 1,341.0</p><p>P073427 RARP TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION EXPERT INDV KLAUS HEIDENFELDER Law and justice and public administration 170.6</p><p>Country Total: 5,740.1</p><p>Chad P055122 Health Sector Support RECRUTEMENT D'UN BUREAU D'ETUDES POUR L'ÉVAL QCBS EPOS-HEALTH CONSULTANTS Health and other social services 145.4</p><p>Country Total: 145.4</p><p>China P035693 FUEL EFFICIENT IND. HYDRAULIC TUBE BENDER LIB SCHWARZE-ROBITEC GMBH & CO KG Energy and mining 326.8 P042109 CN-BEIJING ENVIRONMENT II EQUIPMENT FOR XIAOHONGMEN WTP (PACKAGE 1) ICB PASSAVANT-ROEDIGER ANLAGENBAU GMBH Energy and mining 6,750.0 Industry and trade 281.3 Law and justice and public administration 140.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6,890.7 Total: 14,062.6</p><p>P046829 RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT WIND-TURBINES(TOWERS) 20MW: 800 1500KW, SPAR ICB GE WIND ENERGY GMBH Energy and mining 15,491.7</p><p>P049436 CN-CHONGQING URBAN ENVMT EQUIPMENT OF CHONGQING CHANGSHENGQIAO LANDIL ICB BOMAG GMBH Law and justice and public administration 27.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 524.7 Total: 552.4</p><p>P070441 CN-Hubei Xiaogan Xiangfan Hwy P1: VIBRATING ROLLER (1 SET) ICB BOMAG GMBH&CO. Transportation 94.0</p><p>Country Total: 30,527.3</p><p>Congo, Democratic Republic of P057296 ZR Emerg. Multisector Rehab.& Rec REGIDESO: STUDY FOR WATER TREATMENT AND TEND QCBS INGENIEUR GESELLSCHAFT FÜR INTERNATIONALE PLANU Water, sanitation and flood protection 688.1 ETUDES PREPARATOIRES DES TRAVAUX DE REHAB. R QCBS GAUFF INGENIEURE Transportation 343.9 CONTROLE ET SURVEILLANCE DES TRAVAUX D'AEP K QCBS IGIP Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,753.3</p><p>Country Total: 2,785.3</p><p>Congo, Republic of P074006 EMERGENCY REHABILITATION, RECONSTRUCTION TECHNICAL STUDIES OF WORKS ON THE BOKO-SONGL QCBS GAUFF INGENIEURE Health and other social services 52.7 Law and justice and public administration 8.2 Transportation 103.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 149 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GERMANY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 164.8</p><p>Country Total: 164.8</p><p>Croatia P057767 TA INST REG REF PSD BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT QCBS FRAUNHOFER TECHNOLOGIE ENTW Law and justice and public administration 86.5</p><p>Country Total: 86.5</p><p>Egypt, Arab Republic of P041410 Egypt P. S. REHAB III SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF ELECTRO-MECHANICAL EQ ICB KSB Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,417.5 Law and justice and public administration 157.5 Total: 1,575.0</p><p>P050567 SOLAR THERMAL HYBRID PROJECT SUPN. OF SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT SSS FICHTNER SOLAR GMBH Energy and mining 771.6</p><p>Country Total: 2,346.6</p><p>Eritrea P065713 HIV/AIDS, Malaria, STD & TB Control SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PHARMACEUTICALS - LOT ICB ENIP ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL GMBH Education 4.3 Health and other social services 197.3 Law and justice and public administration 15.2 Total: 216.8 Country Total: 216.8</p><p>Ethiopia P049395 ETHIOPIA -ENERGY ACCESS DESIGN AND PROCUREMENT OF GRID BASED RURAL E QCBS LAHMEYER INTERNATIONAL GMBH Energy and mining 640.3</p><p>Country Total: 640.3</p><p>Georgia P054886 ELEC MRKT SUPPORT PREPARATION OF BID DOCUMENTS AND PROJECT MAN QCBS LAHMEYER INTERNATION Energy and mining 1,599.7</p><p>Country Total: 1,599.7</p><p>Ghana P000968 Ghana:AGRIC SERVICES SUPPLY OF PRINTING MACHINES ICB MESSRS. STERN INDUSTRIAL TRADING/HEIDELBERGER D Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 610.2</p><p>P056256 Urban Water CONSULTANCY SERVICES CONTRACT FOR THE PREPAR QCBS IGIP-INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT FUR INTERNATIONALE P Water, sanitation and flood protection 325.8</p><p>Country Total: 935.9</p><p>Guinea P050046 Education for All CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT OF THE 3 EDUC. MI ICB CES CONSULTING ENGINEERS Education 2,293.6 Law and justice and public administration 342.7 Total: 2,636.3</p><p>MISE EN OEUVRE DU PROGRAMME D'ALPHABETISATIO QCBS IIZ/DVV Education 1,613.7 Law and justice and public administration 241.1 Total: 1,854.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 150 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GERMANY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 4,491.2</p><p>Iran, Islamic Republic of P069946 IR-TEHRAN SEWERAGE II SEWERAGE NETWORK INSPECTION CAMERAS (CCTV) ICB IBAK HELMET HUNGER GMBH & CO. KG Water, sanitation and flood protection 804.5</p><p>P076055 Tehran Solid Waste Management Project CONTRACT FOR LANDFILL PREPARATION STUDY FBS BC BERLIN-CONSULT GMBH Water, sanitation and flood protection 194.0</p><p>Country Total: 998.5</p><p>Kazakhstan P078342 UST-KAMENOGORSK ENV REMED CONSULTING SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY FBS WISMUT GMBH Water, sanitation and flood protection 466.4</p><p>Country Total: 466.4</p><p>Kosovo P071265 PSD TA (KOSOVO TF) STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF THE COMMERCIAL QCBS ICON INSTITUT PUBLIC SECTOR GMBH Education 135.8 Law and justice and public administration 663.1 Total: 798.9</p><p>Country Total: 798.9</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P040721 ASSP OSH OBLAST RAS ADVISOR INDV LUDWIG SCHATZ Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 165.6</p><p>P051372 HEALTH 2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOT 8 ICB CARL ZEISS Health and other social services 82.2</p><p>P083235 DISASTER HAZARD MITIGATION RISK ASSESSMENT SPECIALIST INDV HOLGER QUARCH Water, sanitation and flood protection 37.2 GEOLOGISTS INDV FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR GEOSCIENCES AND NATURAL R Water, sanitation and flood protection 58.3</p><p>Country Total: 343.3</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P075531 LA-2nd So. Prov Rural Elect EVALUATION OF RE, SOCIO-ECONOMIC SUVERY AND QCBS DECON DEUTSCHE ENERGIE-CONSULT INGENIEURGESELLS Energy and mining 320.2</p><p>P083543 LA - APL2 Road Maintenance Program COMPONENT B: ROAD ASSET NEEDS ASSESSMENT SSS RAMBOLL DENMARK A/S Transportation 85.3</p><p>Country Total: 405.5</p><p>Madagascar P051741 2nd Health Sector Support SUPPORT TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DISTRIC INDV GTZ Health and other social services 1,428.8</p><p>Country Total: 1,428.8</p><p>Mauritania P057875 MINING SECT CAPACITY ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE POUR L'EXPLOITATION DU QCBS GAF AG Law and justice and public administration 100.0</p><p>P069095 Urban Development Program CONSULTANTS SERVICES FOR THE PREPARATION OF QCBS DECON DEUTSCHE ENERGIE-CONSULT INGENIEUGESSELSC Education 131.5 Industry and trade 131.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 151 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GERMANY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 71.7 Transportation 131.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 131.5 Total: 597.8</p><p>Country Total: 697.8</p><p>Mexico P070108 MX Savings & Credit Sector Strengthening PROYECTO DE ASISTENCIA TECNICA AL MICROFINAN QCBS DEUTSCHER GENOSSENSCHAFTS-UND RAIFFEISENVERBAND Finance 1,433.5 PP2 CONSOLIDADO PROYECTO DE ASISTENCIA TECNI QCBS DEUTSCHER GENOSSENSCHAFTS-UND RAIFFEISENVERBAND Finance 2,153.6 CAPACITACION EN CREDITO PARA PERSONAL DE LAS FBS DEUTSCHER GENOSSENSCHAFTS-UND RAIFFEISENVERBAND Finance 462.8</p><p>Country Total: 4,049.9</p><p>Moldova P035811 PSD 2 IMPROVEMENT OF MANAGERIAL SKILLS IN THE REP. SSS RATIONALISIERUNGS UND INNOVATIONSZENTRUM DER DE Industry and trade 132.7</p><p>Country Total: 132.7</p><p>Mongolia P071023 MN-Financial Capacity Dev. Project GEORG PLOETZ, COMMERCIAL BANK RISK MANAGEMEN INDV GEORG PLOETZ Finance 250.0</p><p>Country Total: 250.0 Nigeria P072018 Nigeria:Transmission Development Project SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SCADA/EMS FACILI ICB SIEMENS AG Energy and mining 32,549.4</p><p>Country Total: 32,549.4</p><p>Poland P008595 BIELSKO-BIALA WATER REHABILITATION OF WAPIENICA-BIELSKO-BIALA WA NCB LUDWIG PFEIFFER HOCH - UND TIEFBAU GMBH AND COK Water, sanitation and flood protection 882.6</p><p>Country Total: 882.6</p><p>Romania P008797 HEALTH SECTOR REF (APL #1) MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR ENDOSCOPY-THERAPEUTICA ICB OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO (EUROPE) GMBH Health and other social services 1,747.7 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR ENDOSCOPY- DIAGNOSTIC ICB OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO (EUROPE) GMBH Health and other social services 569.8 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR ENDOSCOPY- THERAPEUTIC ICB OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO (EUROPE) GMBH Health and other social services 901.0</p><p>P034213 GEN'L CADASTRE PROCUREMENT OF ORTHOPHOTO MAPPING IN DOLJ AN ICB MAPS GEOSYSTEMS GMBH Law and justice and public administration 69.5</p><p>P039251 PIBL TWIN MANAGEMENT FOR IMPLEMENTING OF RESTRUCT QCBS INTERPROJECTS GMBH INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING Finance 153.4 Law and justice and public administration 577.1 Total: 730.4</p><p>Country Total: 4,018.5</p><p>Russian Federation P038551 MUN HEATING RENOVATION OF CENTRAL HEATING STATIONS - NER ICB EB EBERT INTERNATIONAL Energy and mining 1,603.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 152 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GERMANY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P046061 MOSC URB TRANS FINALIZATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDY OF TRAFFIC INDV HANS PETER SCHOENE Transportation 187.6</p><p>P050891 ELEC SECTR REF DEV OF METHODIC TO CALCULATE BALANCE OF EL A QCBS KEMA CONSULTING Energy and mining 1,567.2</p><p>Country Total: 3,358.3</p><p>Rwanda P057295 Competitiveness & Enterprise Development MANAGEMENT OF THE RWANDAN WATER AND ELECTRIC QCBS LAHMEYER INTERNATIONAL GMBH Energy and mining 2,573.8</p><p>Country Total: 2,573.8</p><p>Senegal P070530 SN-ELECTRICITY SERV. for RURAL AREAS PRJ STUDY OF DRAFTING A MANUAL OF PROCEDURES (ET QCBS FICHTNER CONSULTING & IT AG Energy and mining 116.0</p><p>Country Total: 116.0</p><p>Tanzania P002758 URBAN SECTOR REHAB EQUIPT FOR SOLID WASTE DUMPSITE OPERATIONS I ICB JOH ACHELIS & SOHNE GMBH Law and justice and public administration 364.6 Transportation 497.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 795.6 Total: 1,657.4</p><p>SUPPLY OF SEWERAGE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT FOR ICB JOS HANSEN & SOEHNE GMBH Water, sanitation and flood protection 433.6 SUPPLY OF WATER SUPPLY MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT ICB JOH ACHELIS & SOHNE GMBH Water, sanitation and flood protection 150.2</p><p>P038570 TZ:RIVER BASIN MGM.SMAL SUPPLY OF GAUGE PLATES AND WATER LEVEL LOGGE DIR OTT MESSTECHNIK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 127.4</p><p>P058706 TZ Forest Conservation and Management UNDERTAKING OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, PHOTO INT ICB MS MAPS GEO-SYSTEMS OF GERMANY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 53.7 Health and other social services 82.1 Law and justice and public administration 180.0 Total: 315.7</p><p>Country Total: 2,684.4</p><p>Turkey P009073 INDUSTRIAL TECH PROCUREMENT OF LABORATORY MEASUREMENT EQUIPM ICB HIGHVOLT PRUFTECHNIK DRESDEN GMBH OF GERMANY Industry and trade 760.0</p><p>P048852 NAT'L TRNSM GRID 380 KV SUBSTATIONS FOR ATISALANI & YILDIZTEP ICB SIEMENS AG Energy and mining 9,843.7 380 KV HISAR, KOCATEPE & AYDIN SUBSTATIONS ICB SIEMENS A.G. Energy and mining 7,258.8</p><p>Country Total: 17,862.5</p><p>Uganda P072482 HIV/AIDS Control Project SUPPLY OF 80 MILLION CONDOMS CONTRACT NO.AID ICB STEPHAN BUCHMANN MEDICAL CARE & SERVICES AND M/ Education 40.3 Health and other social services 1,674.0 Law and justice and public administration 302.5 Total: 2,016.8</p><p>Country Total: 2,016.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 153 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GERMANY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Ukraine P044832 KIEV DISTRICT HEAT SAFETY VALVES (LOT 2) ICB ABB UTILITIES GMBH Energy and mining 204.5 SUPPLY OF SHUT-OFF AND CONTROL VALVES (LOT 1 ICB ADAMS ARMATUREN GMBH Energy and mining 825.1 SUPPLY OF 110, 35, 10 KV POWER CABLE, FIBER ICB ALSTOM ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH Energy and mining 7,394.8</p><p>Country Total: 8,424.3</p><p>Uruguay P008177 UY POWER TRNMSN & DISTR ADQUISICION DE CABLES DE MEDIA TENSION Y ACC ICB CELLPACK AG Energy and mining 156.2 ADQUISICION DE CABLES DE MEDIA TENSION Y ACC ICB CELLPACK AG Energy and mining 102.0</p><p>Country Total: 258.2</p><p>Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I MEDICAL CABINETS ICB CARL ZEISS Health and other social services 765.3 TEST STRIPS WITH CONSUMABLES ICB HUMAN GESELLSCHAFT FUR BIOCHEMICA UND DIAGNOSTI Health and other social services 48.7 SPECTROPHOTOMETER WITH CONSUMABLES & SAMPLER ICB DINA DENTAMED WARENHANDELS GMBH Health and other social services 124.8 SIP OF HARD-&SOFTWARE AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT ICB ON LINE DATENSYSTEM GMBH Health and other social services 716.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,654.8 Vietnam P051838 VN-PRIMARY TEACHER DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT#27: TEACHER EDUCATION IN PROJECT TE QCBS GOPA-CONSULTANTS Education 229.9</p><p>P073778 VN-GEF-System Energy Equitization-Renewa INTERNATIONAL CONSUL. SERVICE FOR WIND MEASU QBS DECON DEUTSCHE ENERGIE-CONSULT INGENIEUGESSELSC Energy and mining 50.8</p><p>Country Total: 280.7</p><p>West Bank and Gaza P040506 GZ-ELEC.SEC.INV.& MGMT HEPCO: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE QCBS FICHTNER, GMBH & CO. KG Energy and mining 910.0</p><p>P054051 GZ-SOLID WASTE & ENVIRONMENTAL MNGMNT. SUPERVISION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SANIT SSS HYDROPLAN INGENIEUR-GESELLSCHAFT MBH Industry and trade 7.5 Law and justice and public administration 19.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 221.1 Total: 248.5</p><p>Country Total: 1,158.5</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P043255 RY Basic Education Expansion Project EXTENDING GTZ CONTRACT FOR PROVIDING TA FOR SSS GTZ - DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR TECHNISCHE Education 259.4 Health and other social services 12.1 Law and justice and public administration 30.2 Total: 301.7</p><p>P050706 RY-CIVIL SERVICE MODERN PROCUREMENT OF BIOMETRICS IDENTIFICATION SYS ICB DERMALOG IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM GMBH Law and justice and public administration 4,338.8</p><p>Country Total: 4,640.5</p><p>======------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 154 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GERMANY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Supplying Country Total: 185,873.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 155 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GHANA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P077371 3A: Climate Impacts on Agro-Ecological IMPLEMENT GHANA COUNTRY STUDY WHICH MAY INVO CQB DR. JOSEPH KWASI ADU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.0</p><p>Country Total: 40.0</p><p>Burkina Faso P000283 MINING CAPACITY BUIL IMPROVEMENT OF SMALL SCALE AND ARTISANAL MIN QCBS GROUPEMENT GEOMAN CONSULT Energy and mining 1,338.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,338.4</p><p>Ghana P000926 GH Thermal (Power VII) POWER SECTOR REFORMS IMPLEMENTATION SECRETAR SSS MICHAEL OPAM Energy and mining 186.1 POWER SECTOR REFORMS IMPLEMENTATION SECRETAR SSS VIVIENNE GADZEKPO Energy and mining 178.2 POWER SECTOR REFORM SECRETARIAT COMMUNICATIO SSS DAVID AMPOFO Energy and mining 26.0</p><p>P000968 Ghana:AGRIC SERVICES CONSULTANT'S SERVICES FOR REVIEW OF CURRICUL SSS SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, UNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 51.0 REHABILITATION OF ACCESS ROADS, LABORATORY & NCB MESSRS. AVETI COMPANY LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 878.5 CIVIL WORKS FOR BNARI, CROP RESEARCH INSTITU NCB MESSRS. TOP INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING CORP. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,001.1 BUILDING AND ANCILLARY WORKS FOR SCHOOL OF A NCB MESSRS. KENCO LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 715.4 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT & LAYI NCB MESSRS. WATER HEALTH CARE LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 672.3 BUILDING AND ANCILLARY WORKS FOR FACULTY OF NCB MESSRS. OSAAH CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 296.9 BUILDING AND ANCILLIARY WORKS FOR CSIR-ANIMA NCB MESSRS. NETAS COMPANY LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 303.4 REHABILITATION OF ADMINISTRATION & LAB.COMPL NCB MESSRS. M.P.C. LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 513.6 BUILDING AND ANCILLIARY WORKS FOR CSIR SECRE NCB MESSRS.ABLAKWA DEVELOPMENT LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,147.8 WATER & IRRIGATION WORKS AT KATAMANSO, LEGON NCB MESSRS MODERN MEMAKS LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 749.6 REHABILITATION OF QUARANTINE STATION AT HAMI NCB MESSRS. IRAKUB COMPANY LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 292.3</p><p>P000970 TRADE GATEWAY & INV. CONTRACT BETWEEN GHANA IMMIGRATION SERVICE A NSH BUCK PRESS LIMITED Energy and mining 7.6 Industry and trade 7.6 Law and justice and public administration 48.3 Transportation 28.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 58.9 Total: 151.0</p><p>P000974 Nat. Func. Lit. Program MID-TERM EVALUATION OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENT O QCBS CONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS GHANA LTD. Education 26.9 Information and communications 1.8 Law and justice and public administration 0.9 Total: 29.6</p><p>ASSESSMENT OF RADIO COMPONENT OF THE PROJECT SSS PROFESSOR ALEX T. QUARMYNE Education 28.4 Information and communications 1.9 Law and justice and public administration 0.9 Total: 31.3</p><p>SUPPLY OF SEWING MACHINES AND ACCESSORIES ICB PEMASU TRADING & INDUSTRIES LIMITED Education 35.6 PRINTING & SUPPLY OF EXERCISE BOOKS (WRITING ICB FONSTAT LIMITED Education 102.7 SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF SOLAR LIGHTING SYST ICB BEINGOD LIMITED Education 119.4 SUPPLY OF RAIN COATS - LOT 2 ICB EAU TRADING COMPANY LTD. Education 21.5 CONSULTANCY FOR TRACER STUDY AND LEARNERS AS QCBS AB INTEL LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 156 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GHANA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 45.5 TRAINING OF NFED MOTORCYCLES USERS IN SAFE R SSS VITA CONSULTANCY SERVICES Education 78.7 PRINTING AND SUPPLY OF PRIMERS - LOTS 1 TO 4 NCB ABHIMAANI PUBLICATION (PVT) LTD. Education 177.3 PRINTING AND SUPPLY OF SUPPLEMENTARY READERS NCB ROYAL GOLD PUBLISHERS Education 121.3</p><p>P042516 PUBLIC ENTERPRISE/PR RENEWAL OF CONTRACT BETWEEN ATTORNEY-GENERAL SSS MR. V.C.R.A.C. CRABBE Law and justice and public administration 500.0 CONTRACT FOR CONSULTANT'S SERVICES BTWN COUN QCBS AKUETTEH, KUDOADZI & CO. Law and justice and public administration 117.3 ASSET REVALUATION OF VOLTA RIVER AUTHORITY B QCBS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS (GH) LTD Law and justice and public administration 229.0</p><p>P050615 PUB.SECTOR MNGT.PROG SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT NCB PERSOL SYSTEMS LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 81.1</p><p>P050616 COMMUNITY WATER II SUPPLY OF CAMPAIGN MATERIALS NCB LINTAS GHANA LIMITED Water, sanitation and flood protection 96.6 SUPPLY OF COMPUTER LAPTOPS, LASERJET PRINTER NCB EXTREME TECHNOLOGY GHANA LIMITED Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.4</p><p>P050620 Educ. Sect. Project CONSULTANCY ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANA QCBS GIMPA CONSULTANCY SERVICES Education 21.2</p><p>P050623 GH ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SURFACING OF NYAME BEKYERE-SANKORE-BUAKO FEE ICB MESSRS VISION CONST. LTD. Transportation 1,076.3 BITUMENOUS SURFACING OF HUHUNYA-EHIAMAKYENE NCB MESSRS SOMUAH DAPAAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Transportation 765.8 SURFACING OF HUHUNYA-EHIAMANKYENE PH. I (15. NCB MESSRS SOMUAH DAPAAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Transportation 765.8 SURFACING OF HUHUNYA-EHIAMANKYENE PH. 11 (12 NCB MESSRS KWADWO ASANTE CONTRACT LTD. Transportation 772.7 BITUMINOUS SURFACING OF ABOADE-AYIEM FEEDER NCB EAGLE STAR ENT. LTD. Transportation 709.2 REHABILITATION OF NOBEKOW-NYAMEBEKYERE FEEDE NCB MESSRS BIG AIDOO CONSTRUCTION Transportation 1,445.8 LOT 14: SURFACING OF AGORTIA - AGODOME (8.0 NCB MESSRS DELTREX LTD. Transportation 565.0 SURFACING OF ENYINABRIM-BAAKO (13KM) FEEDER NCB K.E. & SONS LTD. Transportation 801.3 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF BITUMEN SURFACIN QCBS MESSRS BANS CONSULT Transportation 180.2 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF BITUMEN SURFACIN QCBS ORIENTAL CONSULT Transportation 282.6 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF BITUMEN SURFACIN QCBS GAUFF ENT/VISION CONSULT Transportation 151.0 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF BITUMEN SURFACIN QCBS MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT CO./COMPTRAN Transportation 165.8 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF BITUMEN SURFACIN QCBS K.E. & T. CONSULT Transportation 196.1 SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION OF ASAFO MARKET QCBS MESSRS HAG CONSULT/MDC LTD. Transportation 228.0 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF BITUMEN SURFACIN QCBS MESSRS TABCON LIMITED/BRRI Transportation 291.9 SURFACING OF AGONA-WIAMOASE FEEDER ROAD NCB MESSRS ROTEK LTD. Transportation 699.4 CONST. SUPERVISION OF BITUMEN SURFACING REHA QCBS MACDONS ENG. CONSULT Transportation 132.6 BITUMINOUS SURFACING OF BOLE-BALE QCBS P & W GHANEM LIMITED Transportation 1,251.6 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF BITUMEN SURFACIN QCBS MESSRS STRESCON ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY Transportation 180.4</p><p>P069465 Ghana:RURAL FINANCIAL SERVICES PROJECT SUPPLY OF THREE (3) UNITS BULLION VAN ICB SILVER STAR AUTO LTD./CARL FRIEDERICHS GMBH Finance 427.6 PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES ICB AUTO PARTS LIMITED/NISSAN MOTOR CO. LTD.,JAPAN Finance 187.9 REFURBISHMENT OF ARB APEX BANK REGIONAL OFFI NCB MESSRS. ADOMKOP LIMITED Finance 141.1 REFURBISHMENT OF ARB APEX BANK REGIONAL OFFI NCB MESSRS. TTENNEB MAS COMPANY LTD. Finance 182.0 REFURBISHMENT OF ARB APEX BANK REGIONAL OFFI NCB MESSRS. JAYSEM COMPANY LIMITED Finance 83.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 157 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GHANA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>CIVIL WORKS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATIONS ON ICB MESSRS. E.P. GHANA LIMITED Finance 1,245.1</p><p>P071399 Partnerships w/ Traditional Authorities ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR R QCBS MESSRS INNOVATIVE DESIGN SERVICES/BUILDING & RD Education 115.2 AGREEMENT BTWN AC & JAPAN MOTORS TRADING COM NCB JAPAN MOTORS TRADING COMPANY LTD. Health and other social services 22.8 AGREEMENT BTWN AC & JAPAN MOTORS TRADING COM NCB JAPAN MOTORS TRADING COMPANY LTD. Education 27.8 Health and other social services 15.0 Total: 42.8</p><p>CONSULTING SERVICES FOR IDENTIFICATION OF CU CQS CONSULTANTS FOR TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT/BIRD Education 15.2 Health and other social services 8.2 Total: 23.4</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR IDENTIFICATION OF C CQS JEAVCO ASSOCIATES LIMITED Education 18.7 Health and other social services 10.1 Total: 28.8</p><p>SUPPLY OF 1 UNIT NISSAN 4WD DOUBLE CABIN PIC SHOP JAPAN MOTORS TRADING COMPANY LTD. Education 13.9 Health and other social services 7.5 Total: 21.4</p><p>DRILLING OF 39 NO. BOREHOLES, SUPPLY AND INS NCB MESSRS. HUACHANG INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING COM Education 136.6 Health and other social services 73.6 Total: 210.1</p><p>REHABILITATION OF FIRST CYCLE EDU. FACILITIE NCB MESSRS. HONIA-AS GH LIMITED Education 103.7 Health and other social services 55.9 Total: 159.6</p><p>RECONST.&REHAB.OF 1ST CYCLE EDU.FACILITIES F NCB MESSRS. GYANGICO LIMITED Education 88.7 Health and other social services 47.8 Total: 136.4</p><p>RECONST/REHAB.OF 1ST CYCLE EDU. FACILITIES F NCB MESSRS. MASTER BUILDER'S ART LTD. Education 76.8 Health and other social services 41.4 Total: 118.2</p><p>RECONST/REHAB.OF 1ST CYCLE EDU.FACILITIES FO NCB MESSRS. OTENG CONSTRUCTION WORKS LIMITED Education 31.1 Health and other social services 16.8 Total: 47.9</p><p>RECONST/REHAB.OF 1ST CYCLE EDU.FACILITIES FO NCB MESSRS. MENBONS CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING LIMITE Education 42.7 Health and other social services 23.0 Total: 65.7</p><p>RECONST/REHAB.OF 1ST CYCLE EDU.FACILITIES FO NCB MESSRS. S. Y. DWOMOH MEMORIAL ENTERPRISE LTD. Education 47.2 Health and other social services 25.4 Total: 72.5</p><p>RECONST/REHAB. OF1ST CYCLE EDU.FACILITIES FO NCB INSTANT LIMITED Education 53.1 Health and other social services 28.6 Total: 81.7</p><p>RECONST/REHAB.OF 1ST CYCLE EDU.FACILITIES FO NCB MESSRS. BOAHEN CONSTRUCTION WORKS LIMITED Education 62.3 Health and other social services 33.6 Total: 95.9</p><p>RECONST/REHAB.OF 1ST CYCLE EDU.FACILITIES FO NCB MESSRS. E.K. OHEMENG ENTERPRISE LTD. Education 71.4 Health and other social services 38.4 Total: 109.8</p><p>RECONST/REHAB.OF 1ST CYCLE EDU.FACILITIES FO NCB MESSRS.C & P GENERAL PARTS AND ENGINEERING LIMI Education 34.3 Health and other social services 18.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 158 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GHANA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 52.8</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION & REHABILIATION OF 1ST CYCLE NCB MESSRS ASARE KWAKWA CONSTRUCTION WORKS LTD. Education 18.9 Health and other social services 10.2 Total: 29.1</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. KWADWO MENSAH CONSTRUCTION LTD. Education 44.1 Health and other social services 23.8 Total: 67.9</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. AKUOKO NKETIA CONSTRUCTION WORKS LIMITE Education 39.6 Health and other social services 21.3 Total: 61.0</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE F NCB NEW BIRTH PLUMBING & CONST. LTD. Education 53.5 Health and other social services 28.8 Total: 82.3</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. ANIMFA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Education 45.0 Health and other social services 24.3 Total: 69.3</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE F NCB MESSRS. KOBKAS LIMITED Education 89.8 Health and other social services 48.4 Total: 138.1</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. ASIB LIMITED Education 45.0 Health and other social services 24.2 Total: 69.3 RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB DAMPCO LTD. Education 39.9 Health and other social services 21.5 Total: 61.5</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILIATION OF 1ST CYCLE ED NCB KATAKYIE CONST. LTD. Education 78.0 Health and other social services 42.0 Total: 120.1</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. JAKODWO CONTRACT WORKS Education 46.8 Health and other social services 25.2 Total: 72.0</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. UNCLE WUBAH ENTERPRISE Education 46.0 Health and other social services 24.8 Total: 70.7</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. ATAK CONSTRUCTION & TRADING COMPANY LIM Education 118.2 Health and other social services 63.7 Total: 181.9</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. PHILIPS MAY CONTRACT WORKS Education 69.9 Health and other social services 37.6 Total: 107.5</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB TISTA ROOTS LTD. Education 112.5 Health and other social services 60.6 Total: 173.0</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Education 65.6 Health and other social services 35.3 Total: 100.8</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION OF 1ST CYCLE E NCB MESSRS. FRIDOUG LIMITED Education 66.5 Health and other social services 35.8 Total: 102.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 159 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GHANA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P073649 2nd Health Sect. Prog. Support SUPPLY OF 50 UNITS OF HONDA CIVIC VT1 1700CC ICB THE HONDA PLACE (GH) LTD./APPEXPOST LTD. Health and other social services 599.5</p><p>P082373 GH 2nd Urb.Environmental Sanitation TECHNICAL ADVICE SSS ELLIOTT BARTROP-SACKEY Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.0 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SSS SAMUEL ANKOMAH Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.0</p><p>Country Total: 25,452.7</p><p>Rwanda P064965 Rwanda-Rural Sector Support Project PROCUREMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES INDV ANTHONY MENSA-BONSU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 61.9</p><p>P071374 Multisect. HIV/AIDS PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST SSS CROWN AGENTS Health and other social services 199.7</p><p>Country Total: 261.6</p><p>Sierra Leone P078613 SL Institutional Reform & Capacity Bldg DESIGN A COMPREHENSIVE PAY AND GRADING REFOR QCBS COEN CONSULTING (GHANA) LTD. Law and justice and public administration 125.0</p><p>Country Total: 125.0</p><p>Timor-Leste P072647 TP-FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL QUALITY PROJECT QUANTITY SURVEYOR - DAILY RATE CONTRACT - KW INDV KWADWO, AHENKORAH Education 111.4</p><p>Country Total: 111.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 27,329.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 160 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GRENADA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Grenada P076715 GD 2nd Phase APL HIV/AIDS Prev.&Control DIRECTOR, NATIONAL AIDS DIRECTORATE SSS ROGER RADIX Health and other social services 96.0</p><p>P077682 Grenada Emergency Recovery Project DESIGN AND SUPERVISION PERIMETER FENCING FOR CQB GILBERT V.C. MASSELL Energy and mining 15.7 Law and justice and public administration 2.7 Transportation 19.9 Total: 38.2</p><p>INSTALLATION OF PERIMETER FENCING POINT SALI NCB CLASSIC DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES CO. LT Energy and mining 115.8 Law and justice and public administration 19.8 Transportation 146.9 Total: 282.5</p><p>P077759 GD EDUCATION DEV (2nd APL) PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE FOR PCU STAFF SHOP BRYDEN & MINORS Education 5.6 PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS FOR PCU STAFF SHOP BRYDEN & MINORS Education 11.5</p><p>Country Total: 433.9</p><p>St. Vincent and the Grenadines P069923 VC Disaster Management DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION SERVICES F LCS GLEANS CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4.0 Industry and trade 4.0 Information and communications 8.1 Law and justice and public administration 24.2 Total: 40.4 Country Total: 40.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 474.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 161 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GUATEMALA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Central America P053349 GEF 6C-MESOAMERICAN BARRIER REEF SYST ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SPECIALIST INDV ALEJANDRO ARRIVILLAGA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 35.2 Education 7.9 Industry and trade 4.9 Law and justice and public administration 12.8 Total: 60.7</p><p>Country Total: 60.7</p><p>Guatemala P035737 GT RURAL & MAIN ROADS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR RURAL ROADS PROGRAM SSS FUNCEDE Law and justice and public administration 24.6 Transportation 82.3 Total: 106.9</p><p>P049616 GT LAND ADMINISTRATION (APL) CONSULTANT SSS CELIA LISSETTE ORDONEZ RUBIO ECHEVERRRIA Law and justice and public administration 47.2 CONSULTANT INDV JAIME ARTURO CARRERA CRUZ Law and justice and public administration 46.5</p><p>P066175 GT INTEGRATED FINANCIAL MNGT III -TA NUEVAS CONTRATACIONES Y RECONTRATACIONES DEL INDV JOSE M. F. VELASQUEZ Law and justice and public administration 55.0 RECONTRATACIONES DE PERSONAL NACIONAL E INTE INDV EDGAR ANIBAL HERNANDEZ NAVAS Law and justice and public administration 59.1</p><p>P076853 GT Financial Sector TA Loan PROJECT COORDINATOR INDV GUADALUPE BARRAL Finance 70.9 Country Total: 385.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 446.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 162 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GUINEA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Congo, Democratic Republic of P057296 ZR Emerg. Multisector Rehab.& Rec MANAGEMENT OF EMRRP PROCUREMENT ISSUES FOR T QCBS MANSOUR KABA Energy and mining 41.2 Health and other social services 41.2 Transportation 82.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 41.2 Total: 206.0</p><p>Country Total: 206.0</p><p>Guinea P001074 URBAN III CONSTRUCTION WORK AND SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT-KI ICB ENGECO Health and other social services 4.6 Law and justice and public administration 84.2 Transportation 91.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 47.8 Total: 227.5</p><p>ROADS REHABILITATION WORKS IN THE COMMUNITY ICB ENCO 5 PLUS Health and other social services 5.4 Law and justice and public administration 99.1 Transportation 107.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 56.3 Total: 267.9</p><p>SECONDARY ROAD REHABILITATION WORKS IN COMMU ICB ROSSMO Health and other social services 4.9 Law and justice and public administration 90.0 Transportation 97.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 51.1 Total: 243.3 SECONDARY ROADS REHABILITATION WORKS IN COMM ICB GUITER Health and other social services 4.6 Law and justice and public administration 85.5 Transportation 92.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 48.5 Total: 231.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS ON VOIE EXPRESS,TRANSVERS ICB ENCO5 PLUS Health and other social services 13.1 Law and justice and public administration 241.7 Transportation 261.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 137.2 Total: 653.2</p><p>P001075 THIRD WATER SUPPLY SUPPLY OF 5 VEHICLES 4X4 DOUBLE CABINE SHOP SETA-GUINEE Law and justice and public administration 2.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 102.9 Total: 105.0</p><p>P050046 Education for All MARCHE POUR LA FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION D' ICB EGI-LAWSON Education 106.3 Law and justice and public administration 15.9 Total: 122.2</p><p>GESTION PROGRAMME D'ALPHABETISATION DES ADUL QCBS INSTITUT DE COOPÉRATION DE LA CONFÉDÉRATION ALL Education 359.7 Law and justice and public administration 53.7 Total: 413.4</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT ICB INTERNATIONAL BEL HADJ (IBM) Education 47.9 Law and justice and public administration 7.2 Total: 55.0</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT ICB INTERNATIONAL BEL HADJ (IBM) Education 102.5 Law and justice and public administration 15.3 Total: 117.8</p><p>BUILDING SIX CLASS ROOMS, ONE OFFICE, ONE LI NCB ESE NORD GUINEE - LES ENTREPRISES DU NORD DE GU Education 224.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 163 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GUINEA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>BULDING OF THREE CLASS ROOMS, ONE OFFICE, ON NCB SERPAG-SA SOCIETE D'ETUDES ET DE REALISAITONS D Education 259.9 CONSTRUCTION DE L'ENI DE DUBREKA NCB CIE GÉNÉRALE D'ENTREPRISES ET D'INGÉNIERIE (CO. Education 115.6 Law and justice and public administration 17.3 Total: 132.9</p><p>SUPPLY OF 16 VEHICLES AND 96 MOTOS TO THE PE ICB GROUPE SOCIETE DE COMMERCE ET DE FINANCEMENT Education 455.7 Law and justice and public administration 68.1 Total: 523.8</p><p>SUPPLY OF 30 UPS AND 30 MULTIPLE OUTLET SURG ICB IBEF Education 6.0 Law and justice and public administration 0.9 Total: 6.8</p><p>P050732 Guinea:VILLAGE COMMUNITY SUPPORT PROGRAM FOURNITURE D'EQUIPEMENTS AU PACV (LOT 4) ICB EGERIT Health and other social services 7.2 Law and justice and public administration 78.8 Transportation 50.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.2 Total: 143.2</p><p>P065127 GN National Rural Infrastr Project TA FOR PREPARATION OF PROJECT SSS TIJANE SYLLA Law and justice and public administration 31.8</p><p>P073378 Multi-Sectoral AIDS Project (MAP) ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE CQB GTZ Health and other social services 460.1 ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE CQB ASSOCIATION GUINEENNE POUR LE BIEN ETRE FAMILIA Health and other social services 302.4 MARCHE POUR LA FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION DE NCB IBOU & FRERES Energy and mining 5.0 Health and other social services 188.1 Information and communications 7.5 Law and justice and public administration 50.2 Total: 250.8</p><p>FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION DE MOBILIERS ET D NCB ETABLISSEMENTS MOUNA Energy and mining 3.3 Health and other social services 123.9 Information and communications 5.0 Law and justice and public administration 33.0 Total: 165.1</p><p>FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION DE RADIOS COMMUNA NCB SOCIETE ETI-SA Energy and mining 4.7 Health and other social services 175.1 Information and communications 7.0 Law and justice and public administration 46.7 Total: 233.5</p><p>Country Total: 5,171.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 5,377.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 164 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GUINEA-BISSAU Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Guinea-Bissau P001015 Basic Education TRAINING OF TEACHERS INDV INDE Education 446.6 CONTRACT NO. 39/UCP/2003 NCB AD(ACCAO PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO Education 300.3 CONTRACT NO. 40/UCP/2003 NCB ADDPP Education 230.1 CONTRACT NO. 41/UCP/2003 NCB AQUALEICA Education 238.1 CONTRACT NO. 42/UCP/2003 NCB DIVUTEC Education 226.3 CONTRACT NO. 43/UCP/2003 NCB FUNDACAO EDUCACAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO (FED) Education 126.3 CONTRACT NO. 44/UCP/2003 NCB PRODEC/SNV Education 149.7 PAYMENT OF TEACHERS'SALARY ARREARS INDV SOFIB Education 1,034.4</p><p>P035688 National Health Dev. Prog. REHABILITATION/CONSTR. OF HOSPITAL, CS AT BA ICB MANDINGA EMPREITEIROS Health and other social services 320.9 TRAINING FOR NURSES (BIJAGOS, JETA AND PECIX SSS ESCOLA NACIONAL DE SAUDE (ENS) Health and other social services 113.0 Law and justice and public administration 9.8 Total: 122.9</p><p>REHABILITATION OF CS, HOSPITALS IN BAFATA, C NCB ASCON, LDA. Health and other social services 366.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,562.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 3,562.2 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 165 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GUYANA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Guyana P007257 GY WATER SUPPLY TA AND REHABILITATION INSTALLATION OF PURE WS SYSTEM BETWEEN ULVER NCB MOHAMED RAHIM & SON Water, sanitation and flood protection 152.1 INSTALLATION OF PURE WS SYSTEM BETWEEN CANJE NCB TOOLSIE PERSAUD Water, sanitation and flood protection 245.7 INSTALLATION OF TRANSMISSION MAIN VERGENONOG NCB TOOLSIE PERSAUD Water, sanitation and flood protection 79.4 INSTALLATION OF PURE WS SYSTEM BETWEE NO. 52 NCB MOHAMED RAHIM & SON Water, sanitation and flood protection 135.6 BARTICA 4 MILE & SECONDARY HOUSING SCHEME WA NCB FALCON TRANSPORTATION AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Water, sanitation and flood protection 189.9 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF WATER METERS NCB TOOLSIE PERSAUD Water, sanitation and flood protection 111.6 PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF SERVICE CONNECTI NCB TOOLSIE PERSAUD LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 73.3 PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF WATER METERS - L NCB TOOLSIE PERSAUD LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 125.1 PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF DUCTILE IRON PIP NCB PLASTIC PRODUCTS LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.1 PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF PVC PIPES, DUCTI NCB PLASTIC PRODUCTS LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 31.3 PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERYOF WATER METERS-LOT NCB NATIONAL HARDWARE LIMITED Water, sanitation and flood protection 84.2 PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF WATER METERS AND NCB NATIONAL HARDWARE LIMITED Water, sanitation and flood protection 99.2 PROCURMENT AND DELIVERY OF SERVICE CONNECTIO NCB NATIONAL HARDWARE LIMITED Water, sanitation and flood protection 95.6 PROCURMENT AND DELIVERY OF GENERATORS NCB FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 67.0 PROCURMENT OF WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS - AL DIR INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL COMPANY LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 101.2 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT MOTOR STARTER DIR SPADS INC. Water, sanitation and flood protection 56.4</p><p>P007269 GY- SECONDARY EDUCATION EMERGENCY REPAIRS, PACKAGE C/COVENT GARDEN S ICB NABI & SONS, LTD. Education 280.8</p><p>P074762 GY Public Sector Tech. Assistance Credit CONTRACT FOR EXECUTIVE AND HEAD OF THE PRIVA QBS WINSTON BRASSINGTON Law and justice and public administration 96.0 CONTRACT FOR SENIOR DATA PROCESSING SPECIALI SSS JOHN APPIAH MENSAH Law and justice and public administration 34.0 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION TEAM FOR HR/PAYROLL I INDV YALE HOLDER Law and justice and public administration 41.6 PROJECT IMPLEMENTING TEAM FOR HR/PAYROLL INT INDV GRACE MCCALMAN Law and justice and public administration 52.5 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION TEAM FOR HR/PAYROLL I INDV REGINALD ROSS Law and justice and public administration 15.8 PROJECT IMPLEMENTING TEAM FOR HR/PAYROLL INT INDV HANK OMAR Law and justice and public administration 6.6 PROJECT IMPLEMENTING TEAM FOR HR/PAYROLL INT INDV SHAWN HUSSAIN Law and justice and public administration 5.3 PROJECT IMPLEMENTING TEAM FOR HR/PAYROLL INT INDV SARFRAZ BACCHUS Law and justice and public administration 24.0 COMMISSIONER GENERAL; AND DEPUTY COMMISSIONE INDV KHURSHID SATTAUR Law and justice and public administration 48.0 COMMISSIONER GENERAL; AND DEPUTY COMMISSIONE INDV CLEMENT SEALEY Law and justice and public administration 42.0 CONTRACT FOR COORDINATOR, MONITORING & EVALU INDV KEVIN HOGAN Law and justice and public administration 19.2 COORDINATOR, MONITORING & EVALUATION UNIT INDV KEVIN HOGAN Law and justice and public administration 19.2 COORDINATOR, MONITORING & EVALUATION UNIT INDV KEVIN HOGAN Law and justice and public administration 19.2 CONTRACT FOR HEAD OF THE POLICY UNIT INDV RAJENDRA Law and justice and public administration 24.0 CONTRACT FOR MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM D INDV VIJAY DATADIN Law and justice and public administration 22.5 CONTRACT FOR CUSTOM TRAINING IN SMARTSTREAM' INDV GEAC/SMARTSTREAM'S HUMAN RESOURCE MODELE Law and justice and public administration 5.0 PURCHASER DESIRES TO ENGAGE THE SUPPLIER TO ICB ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION INC. Law and justice and public administration 22.0 EVALUATION REPORT FOR IT HARDWARE, SOFTWARE ICB CCS GUYANA LTD OF LOT 'O' Law and justice and public administration 172.1 EVALUATION REPORT FOR IT HARDWARE, SOFTWARE ICB I-NET COMMUNICATIONS INC Law and justice and public administration 91.8 EVALUATION REPORT FOR IT HARDWARE, SOFTWARE ICB INET COMMUNICATIONS INC. Law and justice and public administration 7.2 DRAFT IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS FOR NEW PROCU INDV GOSTA WESTRING ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 166 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: GUYANA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 64.0 SENIOR DATA PROCESSING SPECIALIST INDV JOHN APPIAH MENSAH Law and justice and public administration 36.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,802.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 2,802.3 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 167 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: HONDURAS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>El Salvador P050612 SV EDUCATION REFORM ELEMENTARY EDUCATION AND INTERACTIVE RADIO P ICB GRAFICENTRO EDITORES E IMPRESORES SDER.LDEC.V Education 219.0</p><p>Country Total: 219.0</p><p>Honduras P007398 HN RURAL LAND MGMT PURCHASE OF VEHICLES NCB CORPORACION FLORES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 157.1 PREPARATION OF COMPONENT IN PROJECT WEB SITE SSS UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLOGICA CENTROAMERICANA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 50.0</p><p>P053575 HN- HEALTH SYSTEM REFORM PROJECT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE SECRETARY OF HEA CQB TECHASSIST CONSULTORES Health and other social services 289.8 COMPONENT I COORDINATOR CQB ROBERTO B. GUTIÉRREZ Health and other social services 40.8 CARDS MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT FOR IHSS NCB MEGA TECHNOLOGY Health and other social services 829.7 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR DEVELOPING OPTIONS, QBS CHC CONSULTORÍA I GESTIÓ S.A. Health and other social services 246.7 DEVELOPMENT OF CONTRACT SAMPLES STUDY, CONTR QBS SANIGEST INTERNACIONAL S.A. Health and other social services 140.3 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO DESCENTRALIZATION PR INDV WILFREDO APLICANO Health and other social services 36.0 DISEÑO Y DESARROLLO DE ESTRATEGIAS Y MECANIS INDV FABIO DURÁN VALVERDE Health and other social services 49.8 ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA FORTALECER SISTEMA D INDV ELENA RUANO SÁNCHEZ Health and other social services 72.0 ESTUDIO FACTIBILIDAD Y ALTERNATIVA DE MODELO INDV JOSÉ ANGEL LARA PINTO Health and other social services 49.0 AT ELABORAR PROPUESTA DE ORGANIZACIÓN DE ATE CQS TECHASSIST CONSULTORES Health and other social services 197.8 ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA EQUIPAMIENTO DE HOSP CQS RODOLFO AUGUSTO MATA Health and other social services 49.0</p><p>P055991 HN LAND ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT UNDER 2940-1 FOR ADMIN SSS P.N.U.D. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,999.2</p><p>P057350 HN PROFUTURO COMPLEMENTARY CONSTRUCTION WORK OF THE CAD NCB SATO,S DE R.L. DE C.V. Education 238.0 ACQUISITION OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENTS FOR THE D NCB COMPANIA DE SERVICIOS MULTIPLES - COSEM S. DE R Education 84.5 WORK CONSTRUCTION OF CAD NCB SATO,S DE R.L. DE C.V. Education 474.7 Health and other social services 90.4 Total: 565.1</p><p>ACQUISITION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - 2 UPS NSH GBM DE HONDURAS S.A. Education 29.7 PURCHASE OF 1000 HIGH STACK CHAIRS FOR THE C NSH FAROD CORPORATION Education 26.8 PROJECT COORDINATOR FOR CAD SSS RAMON HASBUN COELLO Education 32.5</p><p>P057538 HN ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT ADD. COMPUTING EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE & PHOTOCO NCB EMPRESA SISTEMAS ABIERTOS, S.A.(SASA) Transportation 139.1 FEASIBILITY STUDIES/SPV. REH. FINAL VALLE DE QCBS CONSORCIO "EUROESTUDIOS - GATESA" Transportation 537.9 IMPLANTACION DE UN SISTEMA DE CONTROL DE PES QCBS LAVIAL, S.A. Transportation 255.2 ELABORACION MANUAL PARA ATENCION EMERGENCIAS QCBS ROUGHTON-INSECO Transportation 145.0</p><p>P057859 HN SUST COASTAL TOURISM PROJECT (LIL) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SSS MARY LISBETH GONZALEZ Industry and trade 56.1 SPECIALIST IN DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TEXTILE PRO SSS ALESSANDRA FOLETTI CASTEGNARO Industry and trade 50.0 MANAGEMENT OF THE PROSPERIDAD FUNDS QCBS CHF INTERNATIONAL Industry and trade 2,041.6</p><p>P060785 HN ECONOMIC & FIN.MANAGEMENT PROJECT LICENCIAR DATA BASE EDITION PROCESOR QCBS ASI CONSULTANT SA. DE C.V. Law and justice and public administration 180.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 168 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: HONDURAS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>LOTE NO. 2 POR 3 CAMIONETAS LIB CORPORACION FLORES S.A. Law and justice and public administration 91.3 LOTE NO. 1 (2 VEHICULOS BUSES) LIB CORPORACION FLORES S.A. Law and justice and public administration 91.0 SUMINISTRO DE VEHICULOS Y MOTOCICLIETAS LIB CORPORACION FLORES Law and justice and public administration 90.9 SUMINISTRO DE VEHICULOS Y MOTOCICLIETAS LIB CORPORACION FLORES Law and justice and public administration 91.2 SUMINISTRO DE VEHICULOS Y MOTOCICLIETAS LIB GRUPO Q DE HONDURAS Law and justice and public administration 137.5 SUMINISTRO EQUIPO DE INFORMATICA LIB GBM DE HONDURAS Law and justice and public administration 51.0 SUMISTRO DE VEHICULOS Y MOTOCILETAS LIB DIDEMO Law and justice and public administration 7.6 SUMINISTRO EQUIPO DE INFORMATICA LIB LUFERGO Law and justice and public administration 234.4 220 UPS LIB ROSABAL Law and justice and public administration 43.3 6 SERVIDORES INTEL XEON Y RACK, 34 IMPRESORA LIB CENTROMATIC Law and justice and public administration 114.6 ESPECIALIST EN REDES EN EL TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR CQS JESUS ROBERTO NARVAEZ G. Law and justice and public administration 10.0</p><p>P064913 HN EMERG DISASTER MGMT (TAL) CONTRATO LLAVE EN MANO DIR GEOCONSULT, S.A. DE C.V. Law and justice and public administration 249.7 ESTUDIO DE SOLUCION VIAL TRAMO PUENTE EL CHI QCBS ROBERTO ANDINO BARAHONA Law and justice and public administration 36.1 GRUPO 8 QCBS MARIO GUILLERMO ESTRADA Law and justice and public administration 22.2 GRUPO 3 QCBS MARIO ALBERTO GARCIA VALLEJO Law and justice and public administration 95.9 GRUPO 4 QCBS MARIO ANTONIO RIVERA TORRES Law and justice and public administration 10.8 GRUPO 5 QCBS ALEXANDER ANTONIO CAMBAR SILES Law and justice and public administration 89.5 GRUPO 2 QCBS RAFAEL DOMINGUEZ MUNOZ Law and justice and public administration 57.1 GRUPO 6 QCBS MARIO ANTONIO RIVERA TORRES Law and justice and public administration 93.9 GRUP0 7 QCBS RAFAEL DOMINGUEZ MUNOZ Law and justice and public administration 36.3 GRUPO 59 QCBS RAFAEL DOMINGUEZ MUNOZ Law and justice and public administration 41.6</p><p>P081172 HN Regional Dev in the Copan Valley SPECIALIZED SERVICES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SSS ASOC.ESTUDIOS PRECOLOMBINOS-COPAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 519.2 PURCHASE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENTS NCB COMPANIA DE SERVICIOS MULTIPLES - COSEM S. DE R Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 117.5 PURCHASE OF VEHICLES-LOTS 1,2,4 ICB GRUPO Q DE HONDURAS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 198.2 PURCHASE OF VEHICLES LOT 3 ICB AUTO EXCEL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 39.3</p><p>Country Total: 11,158.3</p><p>Nicaragua P050613 NI SECOND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT MATERIAL DIDÁCTICO ICB GRAFICENTRO EDITORES, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Education 67.2</p><p>Country Total: 67.2</p><p>Panama P045937 GEF PA-PAMBC PROJECT UNIT MANAGEMENT-CBMAP INDV VIRGINIA FERNANDEZ Law and justice and public administration 35.3</p><p>Country Total: 35.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 11,479.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 169 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: HUNGARY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bosnia-Herzegovina P070917 PRIV TA DIAGNOSTIC AUDIT OF THE FEDERATION INVESTMEN LCS KPMG Information and communications 63.8</p><p>Country Total: 63.8</p><p>Hungary P008497 MUN. WASTEWATER CONSTRUCTION OF CSILLAGHEGY MAIN SEWER ICB ALTERRA KFT. Water, sanitation and flood protection 7,586.9</p><p>P082948 ROMA INST BLDG IDF FINANCIAL SPECIALIST INDV BALAZS MAJOR Health and other social services 42.5</p><p>Country Total: 7,629.4</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P066154 PSMAC TO PROVIDE INTERNAL AUDIT POLICY DEVELOPMENT INDV MARIA BORDA Health and other social services 11.1 Law and justice and public administration 74.0 Total: 85.0</p><p>Country Total: 85.0</p><p>Moldova P035811 PSD 2 INVESTING IN IMPROVEMENT OF MANAGERIAL SKILL QCBS TESCO INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION & CONSULTING SE Industry and trade 75.8 Country Total: 75.8</p><p>Romania P056337 MINE CLOSURE EQUIPMENT FOR WORKSPACE CENTERS ICB BULL HUNGARY LTD Energy and mining 241.0</p><p>Country Total: 241.0</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P074136 EMG ELEC POWER RECN MEASURING EQUIPMENT - HIGH PRECISION METERS ISH ACTARIS-GANZ METER COMPANY LTD. Energy and mining 526.0</p><p>Country Total: 526.0</p><p>Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I OXYGEN BALOONS & RESUSCIATORS ICB SIGMAMED BT Health and other social services 321.3 HEMATOLOGICAL ANALYZER WITH CONSUMABLES ICB SIGMAMED BT Health and other social services 278.2</p><p>P050508 URBAN TRANSPORT SUPPLY OF SPARE PARTS FOR IKARUS BUSES ICB COPRIMA TRADE KFT Transportation 439.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,038.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 9,659.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 170 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P078069 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SDH ICB TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS INDIA LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 192.5 Finance 192.5 Health and other social services 192.5 Law and justice and public administration 1,347.1 Total: 1,924.5</p><p>P083720 AF: Emergency Communications Development PROJECT MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST INDV MOHAMMAD ISMAIL BHAT Information and communications 427.4</p><p>Country Total: 2,351.8</p><p>Albania P057182 LEG/JUD REF DEVELOP THE JUDICIAL DECISION INFORMATION SY INDV ASSYST INDIA PVT. Education 64.8 Law and justice and public administration 295.3 Total: 360.1</p><p>Country Total: 360.1</p><p>Bangladesh P037857 Health and Population Program GFP2/00-03:LOW DOSE ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS ICB FAMY CARE LTD. Health and other social services 933.8 GFP2/00-03:LOW DOSE ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS ICB FAMY CARE LTD. Health and other social services 933.8 GFP2/00-03:LOW DOSE ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS ICB FAMY CARE LTD. Health and other social services 933.8 GFP2/00-03:LOW DOSE ORAL CNTRACEPTIVE PILLS- ICB FAMY CARE LTD. Health and other social services 933.8 G-421(SUB-PACKAGES A)ITEM 3 AND 5:LABORATORY ICB TRANSASIA BIO MEDICALS Health and other social services 54.8</p><p>P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. GLR-6A.2:DISTRIB. TRANSFORMERS (SUB-PACKAGE ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 529.1 GLR-6A.3: DISTRIB. TRANSFORMERS (SUB PACKAGE ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 546.7 GLR-6A.4: DISTRIB. TRANSFORMERS (SUB PACKAGE ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 641.2 G-9.1 CONDUCTOR & GUY ACCESSORIES ICB POWER TEL IMPEX LTD. Energy and mining 157.6 G-9.2-CONDUCTOR & GUY ACCESSORIES ICB POWER TEL IMPEX LTD. Energy and mining 124.7 SUB-PACKAGE G5.6 OF PKG.G-5B:CONDUCTORS ICB APAR INDUSTRIES LTD. Energy and mining 308.5 SUB-PACKAGE G5.9 OF PKG.G-5B:CONDUCTORS ICB APAR INDUSTRIES LTD. Energy and mining 306.8 SUB-PKG:G6.1 OF PACKAGE G-6A:TRANSFORMER ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 622.1 SUB-PKG:G6.2 OF PACKAGE G-6A:TRANSFORMER ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 564.1 SUB-PKG:G6.3 OF PACKAGE G-6A:TRANSFORMER ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 559.9 SUB-PKG:G6.4 OF PACKAGE G-6A:TRANSFORMER ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 476.7 SUB-PKG:G6.5 OF PACKAGE G-6A:TRANSFORMER ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 622.1 GLR-6B:DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER, SLICE:GLR6. ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 690.9 GLR-6B:DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER, SLICE:GLR6. ICB VIJAY ELECTRICALS LTD. Energy and mining 444.4 SUB-PKG:G-6.7 OF PKG G-6B. DISTRIBUTION TRAN ICB M/S VIJAI ELECTRICALS LTD., HYDERABAD Energy and mining 266.8 SUB-PKG:G-6.8 OF PKG G-6B. DISTRIBUTION TRAN ICB M/S VIJAI ELECTRICALS LTD., HYDERABAD Energy and mining 506.6 SUB-PACKAGE G-10.12 OF PACKAGE G-10 C. POWER ICB M/S. ALFA TRANSFORMERS LTD. Energy and mining 268.7</p><p>P074966 Primary Education Development Program II PACKAGE G2 NPF (SUB-PKGS: G2.1 NPF, G2.2 NPF ICB KRISHNA TRADERS Education 7,859.8 PACKAGE G3 NPF: PROC. OF 1,000 MT WHITE CART ICB KRISHNA TRADERS ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 171 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 614.5</p><p>Country Total: 19,901.2</p><p>Cambodia P070542 KH-Health Sector Support Project INTERNATIONAL MALARIA PROGRAM ADVISOR CQS DR. VINJAMURI VENKAT RANGA SESHU BABU Health and other social services 88.8</p><p>Country Total: 88.8</p><p>Egypt, Arab Republic of P005163 EG-POPULATION PROCUREMENT OF IUD COPPER T380 A ICB CONTECH DEVICES PVT LTD Health and other social services 824.6 PROCUREMENT OF IUD INSERTION PACKAGE - LOT 1 ICB AURO AVENIDA EXPORTS LTD. OF INDIA Health and other social services 346.3</p><p>P049166 EG East Delta Ag. Serv. SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PLANT AND EQUIPME ICB KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LTD. AND AFRO ASIAN ENGINEER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 256.4 Finance 477.8 Industry and trade 244.7 Law and justice and public administration 35.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 151.5 Total: 1,165.4</p><p>Country Total: 2,336.2</p><p>Eritrea P065713 HIV/AIDS, Malaria, STD & TB Control SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PHARMACEUTICAL ICB CIPLA LTD Education 1.2 Health and other social services 54.3 Law and justice and public administration 4.2 Total: 59.6</p><p>SUPPLY OF INSECTICIDE-PERMETHRIN 50% EC ICB TAGROS CHEMICALS INDIA LTD. Education 1.5 Health and other social services 70.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Total: 77.2</p><p>P068463 Integrated Early Childhood PURCHASE OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES OF LOT NOS.: 2, ICB TECHFAB INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 481.7</p><p>Country Total: 618.5</p><p>Ethiopia P000756 Health Sector Dev. LOT I- MEDICAL EQUIPMENT TO HEALTH CENTERS ICB ANGELIQUE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Health and other social services 246.8</p><p>P044613 ET-Road Sector Development 2 CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR THE ROAD CORRIDOR CO FBS INTERCONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS AND TECHNOCRATS PV Transportation 440.3 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION CONSULTANCY SERVICE QCBS RITES LTD. Transportation 819.7 CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR THE URBAN TRANSPORT QCBS CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES,INDIA-HYDER CON Transportation 363.3 DERA-MAGNA ROAD UPGRADING PROJECT - CIVIL WO ICB IRCON INTL. LTD. Transportation 30,391.4</p><p>Country Total: 32,261.4</p><p>Ghana P000974 Nat. Func. Lit. Program PRINTING & SUPPLY OF PRIMERS: LOTS 1 - 4 ICB ABHIMAANI PUBLICATION PVT LTD Education 281.4</p><p>Country Total: 281.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 172 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>India P010461 MADRAS WAT SUP II CONSTRUCTION OF CHLORINATOR ROOM & SUPPLY, D NCB SRI SIDDHI PROJECTS (P) LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 6.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 624.9 Total: 631.2</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR GIS QCBS M/S DESCON LTD., KOLKOTA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 127.1 Total: 128.4</p><p>P010522 Assam Rural Infra PROCUREMENT OF 1500 POWER TILLERS WITH SPARE ICB VST TILLER TRACTORS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,581.0 Law and justice and public administration 661.8 Transportation 1,433.9 Total: 3,676.6</p><p>SUPPLY OF 300 NOS OF POWER THRESHERS NCB AMAR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WORKS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 50.9 Law and justice and public administration 21.3 Transportation 46.2 Total: 118.4</p><p>SUPPLY OF 8,200 NOS. OF 5 H.P. DIESEL ENGINE NCB M/S GUJARAT FORGING LTD., RAJKOT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 717.2 Law and justice and public administration 300.2 Transportation 650.5 Total: 1,667.9</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF DESKTOP COMPUTERS WITH ACCESS ICB MODULAR PERIPHERALS (INDIA) PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 138.8 Law and justice and public administration 58.1 Transportation 125.9 Total: 322.7</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF 449 PNEUMATIC WHEELED AGRICUL ICB MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 961.7 Law and justice and public administration 402.6 Transportation 872.3 Total: 2,236.6</p><p>P010529 Orissa WRCP CDR AND RECONSTRUCTION ON BIRUPA LEFT FM. CH NCB SHAKTI BUILDERS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 231.9 Health and other social services 3.3 Law and justice and public administration 78.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 13.1 Total: 326.6</p><p>CDR TO [A] ON MAHANADI RIGHT FROM DEER PARK NCB ROHIT KUMAR DAS CONSTRUCTIONS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 348.6 Health and other social services 4.9 Law and justice and public administration 117.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 19.6 Total: 491.0</p><p>CDR TO FLOOD PROTECTION EMBANKMENT ON BAITAR NCB JUDHISTIRA PARIDA AND CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 216.8 Health and other social services 3.1 Law and justice and public administration 73.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.2 Total: 305.4</p><p>CDR TO SCOURED BANK PROTECTION OF CHANDABALI NCB SAHADEV BEHURIA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 214.8 Health and other social services 3.0 Law and justice and public administration 72.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.1 Total: 302.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RURAL ROADS IN ATRAULIA SIKA NCB J.N. SHARMA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 230.9 Health and other social services 3.3 Law and justice and public administration 78.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 13.0 Total: 325.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 173 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RURAL ROADS IN KAPATGANJ AHI NCB M/S JAI PRAKASH SINGH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 320.9 Health and other social services 4.5 Law and justice and public administration 108.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 18.1 Total: 452.0</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RURAL ROADS IN KAPATGANJ AHI NCB RAM KUMAR PRASAD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 377.8 Health and other social services 5.3 Law and justice and public administration 127.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.3 Total: 532.1</p><p>P010531 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH1 SUPPLY OF COTTON BANDAGES IN ROLLS OF 4 M X ICB PHARMA VENTURES LTD. Health and other social services 415.3 SUPPLY OF COTTON BANDAGES IN ROLLS OF 4M X 4 ICB AASTHA SURGIMED LTD. Health and other social services 400.6 SUPPLY OF COTTON BANDAGES IN ROLLS OF 4M X 4 ICB BIO PHARMA LTD. Health and other social services 430.7 TABLET IRON AND FOLIC ACID - SCHEDULE I ICB NESTOR PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Health and other social services 596.5 PROCUREMENT OF TABLET IRON AND FOLIC ACID - ICB NESTOR PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Health and other social services 619.6 PROCUREMENT OF TABLET IRON AND FOLIC ACID - ICB NESTOR PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Health and other social services 593.0 PROCUREMENT OF TABLET IRON AND FOLIC ACID - ICB NESTOR PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Health and other social services 597.1 PROCUREMENT OF IRON AND FOLIC ACID TABLETS - ICB PURE PHARMA LIMITED Health and other social services 608.2 PROCUREMENT OF IRON AND FOLIC ACID TABLETS - ICB NESTOR PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Health and other social services 649.8 PROCUREMENT OF IRON AND FOLIC ACID TABLETS - ICB NESTOR PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Health and other social services 628.6 PROCUREMENT OF IRON AND FOLIC ACID TABLETS - ICB PURE PHARMA LIMITED Health and other social services 589.7</p><p>P010561 Natl Agr Technology SCHEDULE I - SUPPLY OF COMPUTERS AND ACCESSO ICB M/S HORUS COMPUTERS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 142.7 SCHEDULE II - PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS AD AC ICB M/S HORUS COMPUTERS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 37.1</p><p>P010566 GUJARAT HWYS PACKAGE GSHP/11 - PROCUREMENT OF CIVIL WORKS ICB JV OF M/S KETAN CONS.LTD & M/S BACKBONE ENT. & Law and justice and public administration 445.7 Transportation 21,837.1 Total: 22,282.8</p><p>STRENGTHENING & PAVING OF SHOULDERS OF SH16 NCB M/S BRIDGE & ROOF CO. (INDIA) LTD., KOLKATA Law and justice and public administration 351.9 Transportation 17,242.8 Total: 17,594.7</p><p>STRENGTHENING & PAVING OF SHOULDERS OF SH 6 NCB TARMAT INFRASTRUCTURAL AND ENGINEERING PVT. LTD Law and justice and public administration 206.3 Transportation 10,107.0 Total: 10,313.3</p><p>PACKAGE GSHP/12 - PROCUREMENT OF CIVIL WORKS ICB SADBHAV ENGINEERING LTD. AND PRAKASH BUILDING A Law and justice and public administration 457.7 Transportation 22,425.2 Total: 22,882.9</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION PHASE II B - GSHP 10 ICB JV OF SOMDATT BUILDERS & NAGARJUNA CONSTRUCTION Law and justice and public administration 435.9 Transportation 21,358.8 Total: 21,794.7</p><p>P035158 AP Irrigation III EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURS OF NCB GVPR ENGINEERS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,214.1 REPAIRS TO SYPHONS ON M22R (RSD 4) OF D/83 - NCB M/S. SRI LAXMI ENGINEERING CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 443.3 Health and other social services 23.6 Law and justice and public administration 4.7 Total: 471.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 174 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>DIVERSION OF HYDERABAD -SRISAILAM ROAD FROM NCB LANCO INFRA TECH. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,199.4 Health and other social services 63.8 Law and justice and public administration 12.8 Total: 1,275.9</p><p>P035173 POWERGRID II C-02411-S808-1: COMPLETE EXECUTION OF AUXILI ICB AMARA RAJA POWER SYSTEMS (P) LTD. Energy and mining 1,228.7 PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTATION PKGS. 2A & 2B FOR ICB M/S. SIEMENS LTD., GURGAON & M/S. TRANSFORMERS Energy and mining 8,958.9 PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTATION PACKAGES 2A & 2B F ICB M/S. ABB LIMITED Energy and mining 8,932.6 PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTATION PKGS. 2A & 2B FOR ICB M/S. SIEMENS LTD., GURGAON & M/S. TRANSFORMERS Energy and mining 1,822.1 PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTATION PACKAGES 2A & 2B F ICB M/S. ABB LIMITED Energy and mining 2,032.4</p><p>P038334 RAJ POWER I SUPPLY OF EARTHING SETS ICB M/S. A& A ENGG. WORKS Health and other social services 201.9 SUPPLY OF EARTHING SETS ICB M/S S.K. IRON INDUSTRIES, HOWRAH Health and other social services 242.8 SUPPLY OF EARTHING SETS ICB M/S ANAND VIDYUT UDYOG, KOLKATA Health and other social services 208.7 SUPPLY OF METER BOXES ICB H.B. ELECTRO CONTROLS Health and other social services 143.0 SUPPLY OF METER BOXES ICB NEW ERA AGRO ENGG. INDUSTRIES Health and other social services 384.9 SUPPLY OF 11/0.4 KV SUB STATION STRUCTURES L ICB M.J. ENGINEERING WORKS PVT. LTD. Energy and mining 519.0 Health and other social services 5.2 Total: 524.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF 11/0.4 KV DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER ICB MARSON'S ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Energy and mining 708.6 PROCUREMENT OF AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ASSORTE ICB KRISHNA ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Energy and mining 734.1 PROCUREMENT OF AERIAL BUNCHED CABLES (ASSORT ICB KRISHNA ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Energy and mining 772.3 PROCUREMENT OF AERIAL BUNCHED CABLES (ASSORT ICB KRISHNA ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Energy and mining 532.5 SUPPLY OF ACSR WEASEL -- LOT 1 ICB NORTH EASTERN CABLES AND CONDUCTORS LTD. Energy and mining 726.9 Health and other social services 7.3 Total: 734.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF ACSR WEASEL -- LOT 2 ICB NORTH EASTERN CABLES AND CONDUCTORS LTD. Energy and mining 722.9 Health and other social services 7.3 Total: 730.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF ACSR WEASEL -- LOT 3 ICB NORTH EASTERN CABLES AND CONDUCTORS LTD. Energy and mining 715.0 Health and other social services 7.2 Total: 722.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF ACSR WEASEL -- LOT 4 ICB NORTH EASTERN CABLES AND CONDUCTORS LTD. Energy and mining 730.8 Health and other social services 7.4 Total: 738.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF ACSR WEASEL -- LOT 6 ICB NORTH EASTERN CABLES AND CONDUCTORS LTD. Energy and mining 734.8 Health and other social services 7.4 Total: 742.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF 36 KV CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND 12 KV V ICB M/S ALSTOM LTD., JAIPUR Energy and mining 933.6 Health and other social services 9.4 Total: 943.0</p><p>SUPPLY OF 36 KV CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND 12 KV V ICB M/S ALSTOM LTD., JAIPUR Energy and mining 919.5 Health and other social services 9.3 Total: 928.8</p><p>SUPPLY OF 36 KV CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND 12 KV V ICB M/S ALSTOM LTD., JAIPUR Energy and mining 1,414.0 Health and other social services 14.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 175 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 1,428.3</p><p>SUPPLY OF 36 KV CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND 12 KV V ICB M/S ALSTOM LTD., JAIPUR Energy and mining 1,463.2 Health and other social services 14.8 Total: 1,478.0</p><p>P040610 RAJ WSRP REHABILITATION OF NORTH CANAL, SOUTH CANAL, NCB ENVIRAD PROJECTS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 341.5 Health and other social services 47.0 Law and justice and public administration 38.4 Total: 426.9</p><p>REHABILITATION WORKS OF SAIPAU BRANCH, RAJOR NCB K.P. SINGH BHADORIA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 682.2 Health and other social services 93.8 Law and justice and public administration 76.8 Total: 852.8</p><p>REHABILITAITION OF MAIN CANAL AND ITS DISTRI NCB J. K. M. CONSTRUCTION CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 371.2 Health and other social services 51.0 Law and justice and public administration 41.8 Total: 464.0</p><p>REHABILITATION OF LEFT MAIN CANAL ITS DISTRI NCB PRAMAN CONSTRUCTIONS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 737.4 Health and other social services 101.4 Law and justice and public administration 83.0 Total: 921.7</p><p>REHABILITATION OF RIGHT MAIN CANAL AND ITS D NCB PRAMAN CONSTRUCTIONS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 321.4 Health and other social services 44.2 Law and justice and public administration 36.2 Total: 401.8</p><p>REHABILITATION OF ORAI IRRIGATION PROJECT MA NCB M/S BHARTI CONSTRUCTION CO., BANSWARA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 657.0 Health and other social services 90.3 Law and justice and public administration 73.9 Total: 821.3</p><p>REHABILITATION OF MAIN CANAL AND ITS DISTRIB NCB BHARAT CONSTRUCTION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 413.4 Health and other social services 56.9 Law and justice and public administration 46.5 Total: 516.8</p><p>REHABILITATION OF LEFT MAIN CANAL AND RAIPUR NCB RAMESHWARLAL MANNA RAM Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 257.5 Health and other social services 35.4 Law and justice and public administration 29.0 Total: 321.9</p><p>REHABILITATION OF MAIN CANAL AND DISTRIBUTIO NCB BHARAT CONSTRUCTION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 222.7 Health and other social services 30.6 Law and justice and public administration 25.1 Total: 278.4</p><p>REHABILITATION OF MAIN CANAL AND ITS DISTRIB NCB MOHD. CONSTRUCTIONS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 873.2 Health and other social services 120.1 Law and justice and public administration 98.2 Total: 1,091.5</p><p>REHABILITATION OF URMILA SAGAR MAIN CANAL OF NCB NATIONAL PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 304.2 Health and other social services 41.8 Law and justice and public administration 34.2 Total: 380.2</p><p>CONST. OF CIVIL APPURTENANT WKS. AND REHABIL NCB GOODWILL ADVANCE CONSTRUCTION CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,271.3 Health and other social services 174.8 Law and justice and public administration 143.0 Total: 1,589.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 176 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>REHABILITATION OF MAIN CANAL AND MINORS OF C NCB KRISHNA AND CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 319.1 Health and other social services 43.9 Law and justice and public administration 35.9 Total: 398.8</p><p>REHABILITATION OF LEFT MAIN CANAL AND ITS DI NCB M/S SUBHASH CHANDRA & CO., GURGAON Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 565.3 Health and other social services 77.7 Law and justice and public administration 63.6 Total: 706.6</p><p>REHABILITATION OF LEFT MAIN CANAL AND ITS DI NCB M/S SUBHASH CHANDRA & CO., GURGAON Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 683.4 Health and other social services 94.0 Law and justice and public administration 76.9 Total: 854.2</p><p>REHABILITATION OF MAIN CANAL WITH MILKIPUR, NCB GANGA CONSTRUCTIONS CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 502.1 Health and other social services 69.0 Law and justice and public administration 56.5 Total: 627.6</p><p>REHABILITATION OF ORAI IRRIGATION PROJECT MA NCB M/S BHARTI CONSTRUCTION CO., BANSWARA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 409.8 Health and other social services 56.4 Law and justice and public administration 46.1 Total: 512.3</p><p>P049385 AP ECON RESTRUCTURIN HEAVY PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MAKING UP DEF NCB SREE LAKSHMI METAL INDUSTRIES AND CONSTRUCTIONS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 138.0 Education 132.7 Health and other social services 127.4 Law and justice and public administration 21.2 Transportation 111.4 Total: 530.7</p><p>REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF ALL MAJO NCB MAYTAS INFRA LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,344.6 Education 1,292.9 Health and other social services 1,241.2 Law and justice and public administration 206.9 Transportation 1,086.0 Total: 5,171.6</p><p>HEAVY PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MAKEUP OF DEF NCB M/S SRI G. VENKATESWARA RAO, KHAMMAM Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 173.2 Education 166.6 Health and other social services 159.9 Law and justice and public administration 26.7 Transportation 139.9 Total: 666.3</p><p>HEAVY PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MAKE UP OF DE NCB SRK CONSTRUCTIONS & PROJECTS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 197.4 Education 189.8 Health and other social services 182.2 Law and justice and public administration 30.4 Transportation 159.4 Total: 759.1</p><p>HEAVY PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MAKE UP OF DE NCB SIDDHARDHA CONSTRUCTIONS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 268.4 Education 258.0 Health and other social services 247.7 Law and justice and public administration 41.3 Transportation 216.8 Total: 1,032.1</p><p>HEAVY PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MAKE UP OF DE NCB VENKATA SAI CONSTRUCTIONS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 180.2 Education 173.3 Health and other social services 166.3 Law and justice and public administration 27.7 Transportation 145.5 Total: 693.0</p><p>HEAVY PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MAKE UP OF DE NCB NAGARJUNA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 177 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 156.3 Education 150.2 Health and other social services 144.2 Law and justice and public administration 24.0 Transportation 126.2 Total: 601.0</p><p>P050637 TN URBAN DEV II PROCUREMENT OF UPS ICB AARGEE EQUIPMENTS PVT. LTD. Law and justice and public administration 42.0 Transportation 39.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 151.8 Total: 233.5</p><p>P050646 UP Sodic Lands II IMPROVEMENT/CONSTRUCTION OF RUAL ROAD AND BR NCB HITECH DRILLERS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 259.1 Health and other social services 17.0 Law and justice and public administration 85.0 Transportation 63.7 Total: 424.8</p><p>IMPROVEMENT/CONSTRUCTION OF RURAL ROADS AND NCB NARSINGH TOMAR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 179.9 Health and other social services 11.8 Law and justice and public administration 59.0 Transportation 44.2 Total: 294.9</p><p>REMODELLING OF REOLI TAL DRAIN IN DISTRICT P NCB SURYA CONSTRUCTIONS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 177.2 Health and other social services 11.6 Law and justice and public administration 58.1 Transportation 43.6 Total: 290.5</p><p>APPOINTMENT OF NGO'S, DISTRICT MAINPURI SSS PURVANCHAL GRAMIN VIKAS SANSTHAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 76.6 Health and other social services 5.0 Law and justice and public administration 25.1 Transportation 18.8 Total: 125.6</p><p>APPOINTMENT OF NGO'S, DISTRICT RAIBARELI SSS PARIJAT YUVAK SAMITI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 81.3 Health and other social services 5.3 Law and justice and public administration 26.6 Transportation 20.0 Total: 133.2</p><p>APPOINTMENT OF NGO'S, DISTRICT ETAH SSS SUMER MEMORIAL TRUST Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 73.7 Health and other social services 4.8 Law and justice and public administration 24.2 Transportation 18.1 Total: 120.9</p><p>APPOINTMENT OF NGO'S, DISTRICT SULTANPUR SSS KAMLA NEHRU KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 70.7 Health and other social services 4.6 Law and justice and public administration 23.2 Transportation 17.4 Total: 115.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RURAL ROADS IN BLOCK PATTI A NCB VIJAY CONSTRUCTIONS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 250.4 Health and other social services 16.4 Law and justice and public administration 82.1 Transportation 61.6 Total: 410.5</p><p>IMPROVEMENT/CONSTRUCTION OF RURAL ROADS AND NCB RAJEEV KUMAR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 251.4 Health and other social services 16.5 Law and justice and public administration 82.4 Transportation 61.8 Total: 412.2</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 178 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 100.6 Health and other social services 6.6 Law and justice and public administration 33.0 Transportation 24.7 Total: 164.9</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 305.1 Health and other social services 20.0 Law and justice and public administration 100.0 Transportation 75.0 Total: 500.1</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB FERTILIZER CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 287.1 Health and other social services 18.8 Law and justice and public administration 94.1 Transportation 70.6 Total: 470.7</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB FERTILIZER CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 206.3 Health and other social services 13.5 Law and justice and public administration 67.6 Transportation 50.7 Total: 338.2</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 722.6 Health and other social services 47.4 Law and justice and public administration 236.9 Transportation 177.7 Total: 1,184.6</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB FERTILIZER CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 314.1 Health and other social services 20.6 Law and justice and public administration 103.0 Transportation 77.2 Total: 514.8</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 167.4 Health and other social services 11.0 Law and justice and public administration 54.9 Transportation 41.2 Total: 274.4</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 410.7 Health and other social services 26.9 Law and justice and public administration 134.7 Transportation 101.0 Total: 673.2</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB FERTILIZER CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 197.5 Health and other social services 13.0 Law and justice and public administration 64.8 Transportation 48.6 Total: 323.8</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 338.6 Health and other social services 22.2 Law and justice and public administration 111.0 Transportation 83.3 Total: 555.1</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 661.9 Health and other social services 43.4 Law and justice and public administration 217.0 Transportation 162.8 Total: 1,085.1</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 300.5 Health and other social services 19.7 Law and justice and public administration 98.5 Transportation 73.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 179 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 492.5</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 292.3 Health and other social services 19.2 Law and justice and public administration 95.8 Transportation 71.9 Total: 479.2</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 388.9 Health and other social services 25.5 Law and justice and public administration 127.5 Transportation 95.6 Total: 637.6</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRADE GYPSUM [SCH NCB RAJASTHAN STATE MINES AND MINERALS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 271.5 Health and other social services 17.8 Law and justice and public administration 89.0 Transportation 66.8 Total: 445.0</p><p>P050647 UP WSRP TOPOGRAPHICAL AND CADASTRAL SURVEY AND PREPA SSS SECON SURVEYS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,172.4 Energy and mining 23.5 Health and other social services 351.7 Law and justice and public administration 797.3 Total: 2,344.9</p><p>P050651 MAHARASH HEALTH SYS SUPPLY OF FIBRE OPTIC HYSTEROSCOPES - 20 NOS ICB ENDOSYS INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 302.8 SUPPLY OF ICU VENTILATORS WITH COMPRESSORS - ICB INSTROMEDIX (INDIA) PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 888.6 RENOVATION AND EXTENSION OF DISTRICT HOSPITA NCB EAGLE CONSTRUCTION CO. Health and other social services 654.2 Law and justice and public administration 56.9 Total: 711.1</p><p>RENOVATION AND EXTENSION OF DISTRICT HOSPITA NCB RUDRANEE CONSTRUCTION CO. Health and other social services 367.0 Law and justice and public administration 31.9 Total: 398.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF NEO NATAL BUILDINGS & EXTENS NCB SHIVPRASAD CONSTRUCTIONS Health and other social services 841.1 SUPPLY OF SINGLE STRETCHER AMBULANCE TWO WHE ICB M/S BAJAJ TEMPO LIMITED, PUNE Health and other social services 714.0</p><p>P050653 KARNATAKA RWSS II MONITORING AND EVALAUTION (M&E) CONSULTANCY CQS EXCEL SOFT TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 224.7 SUPPLY OF HYDROFRACTURING & YIELD TEST PUMPI ICB INGERSOLL RAND [IND] LTD. Health and other social services 35.0 Law and justice and public administration 35.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 429.4 Total: 499.3</p><p>P050657 UP Health Systems Development Project NEW CONSTRUCTION WORKS AND RENOVATION AT DIS NCB SHABBIR AHMAD AND SONS Health and other social services 961.4 Law and justice and public administration 143.7 Total: 1,105.1</p><p>REPAIR AND RENOVATION AT DISTRICT HOSPITQL - NCB VIJAY DEVELOPERS Health and other social services 275.8 Law and justice and public administration 41.2 Total: 317.0</p><p>NEW CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR AND RENOVATION WORK NCB C.S. CONSTRUCTIONS Health and other social services 404.2 Law and justice and public administration 60.4 Total: 464.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF NEW BUILDING AT DOON HOSPITA NCB VIJAY DEVELOPERS Health and other social services 549.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 180 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 82.2 Total: 632.0</p><p>REPAIR AND RENOVATION OF DISTRICT HOSPITAL ( NCB RAUNAQ INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 878.0 Law and justice and public administration 131.2 Total: 1,009.2</p><p>P050668 MUMBAI URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT CONSTRUCTION OF PERMENANT TENAMENTS - GHATKO NCB GOLANI BROTHERS Health and other social services 367.2 Transportation 2,080.6 Total: 2,447.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF PERMENANT TENEMANTS - KANJUR NCB UNITY INFRA PROJECTS LTD. Health and other social services 1,391.0 Transportation 7,882.1 Total: 9,273.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF TENEMANTS AT GOREGAON - NIRL NCB KLASSIC CONSTRUCTIONS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 226.9 Transportation 1,285.7 Total: 1,512.5</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF TENEMENTSIN GOREGAON NCB EAGLE CONSTRUCTION CO. Health and other social services 221.3 Transportation 1,253.7 Total: 1,475.0</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT TENEMENT NCB M/S PATEL ENGINEERING LIMITED Health and other social services 1,334.1 Transportation 7,560.1 Total: 8,894.3</p><p>ROAD NETWORK STRENGTHENING SANTACRUZ - CHEMB ICB GAMMON INDIA LTD. Health and other social services 2,642.7 Transportation 14,975.2 Total: 17,617.9</p><p>P067216 KAR WSHD DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANCY FOR PREPARATION/IMPLEMENTATION S SSS M/S BMSSS, BANGALORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 119.9 Health and other social services 57.1 Industry and trade 7.6 Law and justice and public administration 5.7 Total: 190.3</p><p>CONSULTANCY FOR PREPARATION/IMPLEMENTATION S SSS DEVELOPMENT PROMOTION GROUP Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 112.4 Health and other social services 53.5 Industry and trade 7.1 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Total: 178.5</p><p>CONSULTANCY FOR PREPARATION/IMPLEMENTATION S SSS M/S IDPMS, BANGALORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 74.0 Health and other social services 35.2 Industry and trade 4.7 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Total: 117.4</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS MYRADA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 113.0 Health and other social services 53.8 Industry and trade 7.2 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Total: 179.4</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S RSC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 76.8 Health and other social services 36.6 Industry and trade 4.9 Law and justice and public administration 3.7 Total: 121.9</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S RORES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 99.0 Health and other social services 47.1 Industry and trade 6.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 181 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 4.7 Total: 157.1</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S NISARGA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 106.2 Health and other social services 50.6 Industry and trade 6.7 Law and justice and public administration 5.1 Total: 168.5</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S GRAMA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 76.4 Health and other social services 36.4 Industry and trade 4.9 Law and justice and public administration 3.6 Total: 121.3</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S DON BOSCO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 105.1 Health and other social services 50.1 Industry and trade 6.7 Law and justice and public administration 5.0 Total: 166.8</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS MYRADA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 93.1 Health and other social services 44.3 Industry and trade 5.9 Law and justice and public administration 4.4 Total: 147.8</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S VEDS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 62.5 Health and other social services 29.8 Industry and trade 4.0 Law and justice and public administration 3.0 Total: 99.2</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S KIDS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 80.7 Health and other social services 38.4 Industry and trade 5.1 Law and justice and public administration 3.8 Total: 128.1</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S ABHIVRIDHI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 92.6 Health and other social services 44.1 Industry and trade 5.9 Law and justice and public administration 4.4 Total: 147.0</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S WLARS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 89.0 Health and other social services 42.4 Industry and trade 5.7 Law and justice and public administration 4.2 Total: 141.3</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S NEEDS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 99.8 Health and other social services 47.5 Industry and trade 6.3 Law and justice and public administration 4.8 Total: 158.4</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S CHINYARD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 97.9 Health and other social services 46.6 Industry and trade 6.2 Law and justice and public administration 4.7 Total: 155.5</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S NISHARD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 73.4 Health and other social services 34.9 Industry and trade 4.7 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Total: 116.4</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S CHINYARD ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 182 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 120.0 Health and other social services 57.1 Industry and trade 7.6 Law and justice and public administration 5.7 Total: 190.4</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S JANAPAD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 99.9 Health and other social services 47.6 Industry and trade 6.3 Law and justice and public administration 4.8 Total: 158.5</p><p>PREPARATION / IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES SSS M/S BIRDS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 95.8 Health and other social services 45.6 Industry and trade 6.1 Law and justice and public administration 4.6 Total: 152.1</p><p>FNGO SERVICE FOR BORANAKANIVE SSS M/S BIRDS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 135.8 Health and other social services 64.7 Industry and trade 8.6 Law and justice and public administration 6.5 Total: 215.6</p><p>FNGO SERVICE FOR MUTTARAYANAKERE TANK KUNIGA SSS M/S PRAGATHI, MYSORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 113.8 Health and other social services 54.2 Industry and trade 7.2 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Total: 180.6</p><p>FNGO SERVICE FOR NAGAVALLI TANK, TUMKUR SSS M/S VIKASA RURAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION, BANG Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 124.9 Health and other social services 59.5 Industry and trade 7.9 Law and justice and public administration 6.0 Total: 198.3</p><p>FNGO SERVICES FOR SARIGENAHALLI TANK, TURUVE SSS M/S VIKASA RURAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION, BANG Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 141.6 Health and other social services 67.4 Industry and trade 9.0 Law and justice and public administration 6.7 Total: 224.7</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS DR. SREE JACHANI RASTRIYA SEVA PEETHA (JRS) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 123.1 Health and other social services 58.6 Industry and trade 7.8 Law and justice and public administration 5.9 Total: 195.3</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING SOCIETY (RDATS) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 98.5 Health and other social services 46.9 Industry and trade 6.3 Law and justice and public administration 4.7 Total: 156.4</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS NAVACHAITHANYA URBAN & RURAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIET Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 114.3 Health and other social services 54.4 Industry and trade 7.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Total: 181.4</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS SUNANDA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 105.7 Health and other social services 50.3 Industry and trade 6.7 Law and justice and public administration 5.0 Total: 167.8</p><p>FNGOS FOR PHASE III SSS PRAKRUTHI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 124.0 Health and other social services 59.0 Industry and trade 7.9 Law and justice and public administration 5.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 183 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 196.8</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS SAMUDAYA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 93.5 Health and other social services 44.5 Industry and trade 5.9 Law and justice and public administration 4.5 Total: 148.3</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS D.P.G. GUDIBANDE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 98.0 Health and other social services 46.7 Industry and trade 6.2 Law and justice and public administration 4.7 Total: 155.6</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS D.P.G. CHINTAMANI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 144.4 Health and other social services 68.7 Industry and trade 9.2 Law and justice and public administration 6.9 Total: 229.1</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS SPURD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 90.3 Health and other social services 43.0 Industry and trade 5.7 Law and justice and public administration 4.3 Total: 143.3</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS MYRADA, BANGALORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 134.4 Health and other social services 64.0 Industry and trade 8.5 Law and justice and public administration 6.4 Total: 213.4 FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS MYRADA, BANGALORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 138.4 Health and other social services 65.9 Industry and trade 8.8 Law and justice and public administration 6.6 Total: 219.7</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS MYRADA, BANGALORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 110.9 Health and other social services 52.8 Industry and trade 7.0 Law and justice and public administration 5.3 Total: 176.0</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS M/S BMSSS, BANGALORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 139.2 Health and other social services 66.3 Industry and trade 8.8 Law and justice and public administration 6.6 Total: 221.0</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS INSTITUTE FOR YOUTH AND DEVELOPMENT, BANGALORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 114.7 Health and other social services 54.6 Industry and trade 7.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.5 Total: 182.0</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS INSTITUTE FOR YOUTH AND DEVELOPMENT, BANGALORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 115.5 Health and other social services 55.0 Industry and trade 7.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.5 Total: 183.3</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS MYRADA, BANGALORE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 126.9 Health and other social services 60.4 Industry and trade 8.1 Law and justice and public administration 6.0 Total: 201.5</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS TARALABALU RURAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (TRDF) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 110.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 184 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 52.8 Industry and trade 7.0 Law and justice and public administration 5.3 Total: 176.1</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS J.M.E.C.T. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 92.9 Health and other social services 44.2 Industry and trade 5.9 Law and justice and public administration 4.4 Total: 147.4</p><p>FNGO FOR PHASE III SSS M/S GRAMA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 100.6 Health and other social services 47.9 Industry and trade 6.4 Law and justice and public administration 4.8 Total: 159.7</p><p>P067330 IMMUNIZATION STRENGTHENING PROJECT SUPPLY OF INSULATED VACCINE VANS (2 WHEEL DR ICB M/S BAJAJ TEMPO LIMITED, PUNE Health and other social services 1,094.7 SUPPLY OF INSULATED VACCINE VANS (4 WHEEL DR ICB M/S BAJAJ TEMPO LIMITED, PUNE Health and other social services 1,645.3 SUPPLY OF STERILIZERS - DOUBLE RACK (PRESSUR ICB SUPERIOR FABRICS Health and other social services 155.2 Law and justice and public administration 15.4 Total: 170.6</p><p>SUPPLY OF STEAM STERILIZERS (PRESSURE COOKER ICB SUPERIOR FABRICS Health and other social services 150.2 Law and justice and public administration 14.9 Total: 165.0</p><p>SUPPLY OF STEAM STERILIZER (PRESSURE COOKER ICB SUPERIOR FABRICS Health and other social services 168.9 Law and justice and public administration 16.7 Total: 185.7</p><p>SUPPLY OF STEAM STERILIZERS (PRESSURE COOKER ICB SUPERIOR FABRICS Health and other social services 100.5 Law and justice and public administration 9.9 Total: 110.5</p><p>SUPPLY OF STEAM STERILIZERS (PRESSURE COOKER ICB SUPERIOR FABRICS Health and other social services 179.0 Law and justice and public administration 17.7 Total: 196.7</p><p>P069889 MIZORAM ROADS IMPROVEMENT NAD UPGRADATION OF ROADS AND BRI ICB ROAD BUILDER-TANTIA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LTD. [ Law and justice and public administration 1,765.9 Transportation 33,552.3 Total: 35,318.2</p><p>P070421 KARN HWYS REHABILITATION OF ROAD FROM MYSORE TO KERALA NCB KNR CONSTRUCTIONS LTD. Law and justice and public administration 209.7 Transportation 5,033.6 Total: 5,243.3</p><p>PACKAGE M-28 - REHABILITATION OF ROAD FM RAM NCB B SEENAIAH AND COMPANY [PROJECTS] LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 139.8 Transportation 3,354.1 Total: 3,493.9</p><p>REHABILITATION OF ROAD FM YAGARATH TO HULIKA NCB KNR CONSTRUCTIONS LTD. Law and justice and public administration 117.4 Transportation 2,817.3 Total: 2,934.7</p><p>PACKAGE M24 - REHABILITATION OF ROAD FROM AL NCB M/S PATEL ENGINEERING CO. LTD., HYD Law and justice and public administration 215.2 Transportation 5,165.8 Total: 5,381.0</p><p>HIRING OF CONSULTANT FOR TECHNICAL AUDIT SER FBS M/S FEEDBACK TURNKEY ENGINEERS PVT. LTD. Law and justice and public administration 8.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 185 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 197.3 Total: 205.5</p><p>P071033 KARN Tank Mgmt CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR INTEGRATED INFORMAT QCBS M/S ROLTA INDIA LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 129.6 Health and other social services 18.5 Law and justice and public administration 37.0 Total: 185.2</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR FUNCTIONAL LITERACY SSS JV OF KSLMA & SRC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 93.6 Health and other social services 13.4 Law and justice and public administration 26.7 Total: 133.7</p><p>HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROVIDING SSS NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR CEMENT AND BUILDING MATERI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 261.3 Health and other social services 37.3 Law and justice and public administration 74.7 Total: 373.3</p><p>P071272 AP RURAL POV REDUCTION CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL AT PALAKU NCB U. VENKATESWARA RAO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 146.3 Education 109.7 Health and other social services 73.1 Law and justice and public administration 36.6 Total: 365.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL AT CHITYA NCB M. AILAIAH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 150.1 Education 112.6 Health and other social services 75.0 Law and justice and public administration 37.5 Total: 375.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SREE BALAJI ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 149.4 Education 112.0 Health and other social services 74.7 Law and justice and public administration 37.4 Total: 373.5</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB DAS ENGINEERING CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 131.1 Education 98.3 Health and other social services 65.5 Law and justice and public administration 32.8 Total: 327.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB VIJAYA CONSTRUCTIONS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 145.8 Education 109.3 Health and other social services 72.9 Law and justice and public administration 36.4 Total: 364.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SVEC CONSTRUCTION LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 144.4 Education 108.3 Health and other social services 72.2 Law and justice and public administration 36.1 Total: 360.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF REGULAR RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL C NCB M. AILAIAH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 152.2 Education 114.1 Health and other social services 76.1 Law and justice and public administration 38.0 Total: 380.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB A. SUBBA RAJU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 298.0 Education 223.5 Health and other social services 149.0 Law and justice and public administration 74.5 Total: 745.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 186 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SRI THIRUMALA CONSTRUCTIONS (P) LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 159.1 Education 119.4 Health and other social services 79.6 Law and justice and public administration 39.8 Total: 397.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTAIL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB M/S KCP BUILDERS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 140.8 Education 105.6 Health and other social services 70.4 Law and justice and public administration 35.2 Total: 352.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SVEC CONSTRUCTION LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 148.3 Education 111.2 Health and other social services 74.1 Law and justice and public administration 37.1 Total: 370.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SRI THIRUMALA CONSTRUCTIONS (P) LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 136.7 Education 102.6 Health and other social services 68.4 Law and justice and public administration 34.2 Total: 341.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLES A NCB S.R.C. CONSTRUCTIONS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 307.2 Education 230.4 Health and other social services 153.6 Law and justice and public administration 76.8 Total: 767.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB M/S AMBIENCE CONSTRUCTIONS INDIA LTD., HYDERABA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 168.3 Education 126.2 Health and other social services 84.1 Law and justice and public administration 42.1 Total: 420.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF REGULAR RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL C NCB LAKSHMI CONSTRUCTIONS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 145.7 Education 109.3 Health and other social services 72.8 Law and justice and public administration 36.4 Total: 364.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF REGULAR RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL C NCB M/S R. GANGAIAH & CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 137.2 Education 102.9 Health and other social services 68.6 Law and justice and public administration 34.3 Total: 343.0</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF REGULAR RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL C NCB SREE BALAJI ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 166.7 Education 125.0 Health and other social services 83.3 Law and justice and public administration 41.7 Total: 416.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB M/S VENSAR CONSTRUCTION CO. PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 162.5 Education 121.9 Health and other social services 81.3 Law and justice and public administration 40.6 Total: 406.3</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF REGULAR RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL C NCB M/S VENSAR CONSTRUCTION CO. PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 145.0 Education 108.7 Health and other social services 72.5 Law and justice and public administration 36.2 Total: 362.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SVEC CONSTRUCTION LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 182.7 Education 137.1 Health and other social services 91.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 187 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 45.7 Total: 456.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB M/S. K. ANANTHA RAO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 167.4 Education 125.6 Health and other social services 83.7 Law and justice and public administration 41.9 Total: 418.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SHIDVI PROJECTS [INDIA] LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 169.5 Education 127.1 Health and other social services 84.7 Law and justice and public administration 42.4 Total: 423.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SAGAR CONSTRUCTIONS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 154.5 Education 115.9 Health and other social services 77.3 Law and justice and public administration 38.6 Total: 386.3</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF REUGLAR RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL C NCB RAMKY INFRASTRUCTURE LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 141.7 Education 106.2 Health and other social services 70.8 Law and justice and public administration 35.4 Total: 354.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB K. SUDARSHAN REDDY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 163.4 Education 122.6 Health and other social services 81.7 Law and justice and public administration 40.9 Total: 408.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB PARNIKA CONSTRUCTIONS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 177.3 Education 133.0 Health and other social services 88.6 Law and justice and public administration 44.3 Total: 443.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF REGULAR RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL C NCB PARNIKA CONSTRUCTIONS PVT. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 164.0 Education 123.0 Health and other social services 82.0 Law and justice and public administration 41.0 Total: 409.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SVEC CONSTRUCTION LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 169.4 Education 127.1 Health and other social services 84.7 Law and justice and public administration 42.4 Total: 423.5</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB PRABHAKAR REDDY AND CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 178.1 Education 133.6 Health and other social services 89.0 Law and justice and public administration 44.5 Total: 445.2</p><p>PROCESS MONITORING FOR ZONE - I SSS ACTION FOR FOOD PRODUCTION [AFPRO] Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 82.0 Education 61.5 Health and other social services 41.0 Law and justice and public administration 20.5 Total: 205.0</p><p>PROCESS MONITORING FOR ZONE - II SSS AGRICULTURE FINANCE CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 88.7 Education 66.5 Health and other social services 44.3 Law and justice and public administration 22.2 Total: 221.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB RAMKY INFRASTRUCTURE LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 188 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 176.8 Education 132.6 Health and other social services 88.4 Law and justice and public administration 44.2 Total: 442.0</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB SREE BALAJI ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 159.2 Education 119.4 Health and other social services 79.6 Law and justice and public administration 39.8 Total: 398.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL COMPLEX A NCB V. PRASADA NAIDU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 177.8 Education 133.4 Health and other social services 88.9 Law and justice and public administration 44.5 Total: 444.6</p><p>P072123 Tech/Engg Quality Improvement Project PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS (SCHEDULE - I) FOR NCB ZENITH COMPUTERS LIMITED Education 109.7</p><p>P072539 KERALA STATE TRANSPORT CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE A FBS INTERCONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS AND TECHNOCRATS PV Transportation 201.9</p><p>P074018 Gujarat Emergency Earthquake Reconstruct RECONSTRUCTION OF KANKAVATI IRRIGATION SCHEM NCB VISNAGAR TALUKA MAJOOR SAHAKARI MANDLI LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 83.4 Health and other social services 12.8 Industry and trade 391.5 Law and justice and public administration 64.2 Transportation 89.8 Total: 641.7</p><p>RESTORATION OF CHANG MINOR IRRIGATION SCHEME NCB MEPABHAI MANDAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 81.7 Health and other social services 12.6 Industry and trade 383.1 Law and justice and public administration 62.8 Transportation 87.9 Total: 628.1</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF KAILA IRRIGATION SCHEME - NCB VISNAGAR TALUKA MAJOOR SAHAKARI MANDLI LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 91.5 Health and other social services 14.1 Industry and trade 429.1 Law and justice and public administration 70.4 Transportation 98.5 Total: 703.5</p><p>REPAIR & REHABILITATION OF ROPAR-FATEHGARH A NCB VISNAGAR TALUKA MAJOOR SAHAKARI MANDLI LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 230.0 Health and other social services 35.4 Industry and trade 1,079.3 Law and justice and public administration 176.9 Transportation 247.7 Total: 1,769.4</p><p>REPAIR & REHABILITATION OF SURENDRANAGAR TO NCB M/S BCL-KCL LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 795.1 Health and other social services 122.3 Industry and trade 3,730.7 Law and justice and public administration 611.6 Transportation 856.2 Total: 6,115.9</p><p>REPAIR & REHABILITATION OF MEHSANA-RADHAVPUR NCB M/S B&R INFRA TECHNO (P) LTD., NEW DELHI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 224.8 Health and other social services 34.6 Industry and trade 1,055.0 Law and justice and public administration 173.0 Transportation 242.1 Total: 1,729.5</p><p>REPAI & REHABILITATION OF LATIPAR TO TANKARA NCB BACKBONE ENTERPRISES LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 229.1 Health and other social services 35.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 189 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Industry and trade 1,074.9 Law and justice and public administration 176.2 Transportation 246.7 Total: 1,762.1</p><p>R&R OF BHUJ-KHAVADA ROAD NCB KETAN CONSTRUCTION LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 315.2 Health and other social services 48.5 Industry and trade 1,479.0 Law and justice and public administration 242.5 Transportation 339.4 Total: 2,424.6</p><p>GODHATAD & SAMANDHRO IRRIGATION SCHEMES NCB M/S G H VIJAYPURIA & CO., HIMATNAGAR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 128.6 Health and other social services 19.8 Industry and trade 603.4 Law and justice and public administration 98.9 Transportation 138.5 Total: 989.2</p><p>REHABILITATION & UPGRADATION OF AJ I-III IRR NCB M/S SURYA CONSTRUCTION CO., MORBI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 61.4 Health and other social services 9.5 Industry and trade 288.2 Law and justice and public administration 47.3 Transportation 66.2 Total: 472.5</p><p>SLICE A - MUNDRA - GANDHIDHAM NCB JV OF M/S VIJAPURA & SHIV SHAH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 291.8 Health and other social services 44.9 Industry and trade 1,369.0 Law and justice and public administration 224.4 Transportation 314.2 Total: 2,244.2 R&R SLICE A - DESHALPUR - NALUJA RD NCB BACKBONE ENTERPRISES LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 325.0 Health and other social services 50.0 Industry and trade 1,525.0 Law and justice and public administration 250.0 Transportation 350.0 Total: 2,500.0</p><p>R&R OF BHUJ-NAKHATRAMA ROAD NCB M/S J.J. PATEL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 268.8 Health and other social services 41.4 Industry and trade 1,261.2 Law and justice and public administration 206.8 Transportation 289.5 Total: 2,067.6</p><p>R7R SURENDRANAGAR TO DHANGUDHRA NCB M/S VK PATEL & CO JV VISHAL INFRASTRUCTURE LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 494.6 Health and other social services 76.1 Industry and trade 2,321.0 Law and justice and public administration 380.5 Transportation 532.7 Total: 3,804.9</p><p>R&R FOR SURENDRANAGAR TO DHANGADHRA NCB JV OF M/S KCL AND TARMAT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 323.2 Health and other social services 49.7 Industry and trade 1,516.6 Law and justice and public administration 248.6 Transportation 348.1 Total: 2,486.2</p><p>R&R OF SH55 MEHSANA RADHAUPUR ROAD NCB KETAN CONSTRUCTION LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 295.5 Health and other social services 45.5 Industry and trade 1,386.7 Law and justice and public administration 227.3 Transportation 318.3 Total: 2,273.3</p><p>R&R OF SH55 MEHSANA RADHAUPUR ROAD NCB M/S B&R INFRA TECHNO (P) LTD., NEW DELHI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 221.5 Health and other social services 34.1 Industry and trade 1,039.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 190 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 170.4 Transportation 238.6 Total: 1,704.1</p><p>R&R OF JAMJODHPUR-UPLETA RD NCB M/S VIJAY ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 277.7 Health and other social services 42.7 Industry and trade 1,303.1 Law and justice and public administration 213.6 Transportation 299.1 Total: 2,136.3</p><p>PACKAGE RJD/REC/G-2 - RECONSTRUCTION OF CENT NCB BACKBONE ENTERPRISES LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 129.9 Health and other social services 20.0 Industry and trade 609.5 Law and justice and public administration 99.9 Transportation 139.9 Total: 999.2</p><p>PACKAGE KVIG-10 (GROUP 13) RAJKOT DISTRICT NCB RANJIT CONSTRUCTION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 66.0 Health and other social services 10.2 Industry and trade 309.6 Law and justice and public administration 50.8 Transportation 71.1 Total: 507.6</p><p>PACKAGE EERP-RMC-24 NCB M/S BACKBONE PROJECTS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 441.2 Health and other social services 67.9 Industry and trade 2,070.2 Law and justice and public administration 339.4 Transportation 475.1 Total: 3,393.7 PACKAGE - BSN-35 - GROUP 35 - LONG TERM REST NCB M/S VIJAPURA & CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 112.2 Health and other social services 17.3 Industry and trade 526.5 Law and justice and public administration 86.3 Transportation 120.8 Total: 863.2</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR REPAIRS / REHABILIT QCBS CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES (INDIA) PVT. LT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 26.4 Health and other social services 4.1 Industry and trade 123.6 Law and justice and public administration 20.3 Transportation 28.4 Total: 202.7</p><p>RETROFITTING PUBLIC BLDGS IN EQ ZONE IV, V, QCBS STRUCTWELL DESIGNERS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 23.4 Health and other social services 3.6 Industry and trade 109.7 Law and justice and public administration 18.0 Transportation 25.2 Total: 179.8</p><p>PACKAGE M-68 / GROUP 68 - KACHAHH DISTRICT NCB MEPABHAI MANDAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 75.0 Health and other social services 11.5 Industry and trade 351.9 Law and justice and public administration 57.7 Transportation 80.8 Total: 576.9</p><p>PACKAGE N-70 / GROUP 70 - NIRONA IRRIGATION NCB MEPABHAI MANDAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 88.6 Health and other social services 13.6 Industry and trade 415.5 Law and justice and public administration 68.1 Transportation 95.4 Total: 681.2</p><p>PACKAGE N-71 / GROUP 71 - RECONSTRUCTION OF NCB RANJIT CONSTRUCTION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 115.3 Health and other social services 17.7 Industry and trade 540.8 Law and justice and public administration 88.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 191 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 124.1 Total: 886.5</p><p>HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR TECHNICAL QCBS JV OF FRICSHMANN PRABHU (I) WITH PELL FRICSCHMA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 48.8 Health and other social services 7.5 Industry and trade 228.9 Law and justice and public administration 37.5 Transportation 52.5 Total: 375.3</p><p>PACKAGE PHC-RC-RJC-P01 NCB M/S P.R. PATEL & CO., BHAVNAGAR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 148.9 Health and other social services 22.9 Industry and trade 698.8 Law and justice and public administration 114.6 Transportation 160.4 Total: 1,145.6</p><p>PACKAGE PHC-RC-PB-P01 NCB TACON INFRASTRUCTURE PVT. LTD., AHMEDABAD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 64.3 Health and other social services 9.9 Industry and trade 301.5 Law and justice and public administration 49.4 Transportation 69.2 Total: 494.3</p><p>PACKAGE GWRBB-40 GROUP NO. 40 NCB M/S G. K. PATEL & CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 214.1 Health and other social services 32.9 Industry and trade 1,004.7 Law and justice and public administration 164.7 Transportation 230.6 Total: 1,647.1</p><p>PACKAGE DEB-3 / GROUP 9 NCB M/S HARISHCHANDRA (INDIA) LTD., DELHI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 79.0 Health and other social services 12.2 Industry and trade 370.5 Law and justice and public administration 60.7 Transportation 85.0 Total: 607.4</p><p>Country Total: 361,671.6</p><p>Malawi P001670 Secondary Education PRINTING AND DELIVERY OF HIV AIDS MATERIALS ICB MESSRS MADRAS SECURITY PRINTERS Education 222.0</p><p>Country Total: 222.0</p><p>Nepal P071291 NP Financial Sector Technical Assistance SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF TH ICB MEGASOFT LIMITED Finance 222.3 SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF TH ICB MRO TEK LTD. Finance 37.0 SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF TH ICB TECH PACIFIC LTD. Finance 74.1 SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF TH ICB TRIFIN TECHNOLOGIES Finance 9.3</p><p>P081784 PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REFORM IN NEPAL SERVICES FOR INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING SSS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COLLEGE OF INDIA Law and justice and public administration 216.6</p><p>Country Total: 559.3</p><p>Tajikistan P059755 IBTA 2 CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR PROCUREMENT SPECIALI INDV R. K. SETH Law and justice and public administration 38.5</p><p>Country Total: 38.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 192 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Timor-Leste P072648 TP-2ND HEALTH SECTOR REHAB SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICALS AND MEDICAL CONSUM ICB AJANTA PHARMA LTD. Health and other social services 746.4</p><p>Country Total: 746.4</p><p>Uganda P049543 UG ROAD SECT/INST.SUPP CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR A COMPREHENSIVE REV QCBS INTERCONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS AND TECHNOCRATES P Transportation 263.1</p><p>P072482 HIV/AIDS Control Project SUPPLY OF ENTHAMBUTOL 800MG+ PYRAZINAMIDE 75 ICB PLETHICO PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Education 8.3 Health and other social services 343.4 Law and justice and public administration 62.1 Total: 413.7</p><p>SUPPLY OF ETHAMBUTOL/ISONIAZIDE 400/150MG TA ICB PLETHICO PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Education 6.7 Health and other social services 278.2 Law and justice and public administration 50.3 Total: 335.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS - CONTRACT NO ICB RANBAXY LABORATORIES LTD Education 8.9 Health and other social services 367.2 Law and justice and public administration 66.4 Total: 442.4</p><p>SUPPLY OF ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS - CONTRACT NO ICB CIPLA LTD Education 6.6 Health and other social services 272.3 Law and justice and public administration 49.2 Total: 328.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,782.5</p><p>Uruguay P008177 UY POWER TRNMSN & DISTR SUMINISTRO DE TRANSFORMADORES DE 150KV ICB COMPTON GREAVES LTDA. Energy and mining 1,453.9</p><p>Country Total: 1,453.9</p><p>Vietnam P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB LOT 4.3 SUPPLY OF STEEL TOWERS ICB KALPATARU TRANSMISSIONS LTD. Energy and mining 203.6 PACKAGE 6: SUPPLY OF STEEL TOWERS ICB KALPATARU POWER TRANSMISSIONS LTD. Energy and mining 711.6 LOT 2: SUPPLY OF STEEL TOWERS FOR THAI BINH- ICB KALPATARU POWER TRANSMISSIONS LTD. Energy and mining 1,185.4 LOT 4.4 SUPPLY OF STEEL TOWERS FOR 110 KV TU ICB KALPATARU POWER TRANSMISSIONS LTD. Energy and mining 300.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,400.6</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P005902 RY-Southern GOV AGRI PRIVATIZA TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON SUPERVISING PROJECT QCBS MANOHAR SINGH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 63.0</p><p>P005911 RY Education Sector PROCUREMENT OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR THE ICB SHIV DIAL SUD & SONS LTD. Education 458.0 PROCUREMENT OF FASHION DESIGN WORKSHOP ICB AURO AVENIDA EXPORTS PVT LTD Education 150.0</p><p>Country Total: 671.1</p><p>Zambia P057167 Techn. Educ. Voc. & Entrepr. Trg (TEVET) DELIVERY OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENT ICB MOHAN EXPORTS (INDIA) PVT. LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 193 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 1,429.4</p><p>P064064 MINE TOWNSHIP SERVICES PROJECT REF OF FILTERS & CLARIFIERS (LOTS 1&5) ICB TECHNOFAB ENGINEERING LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,384.5 SUPPLY & INSTL OF PUMPING EQUIPT & ASSOC PIP ICB TECHNOFAB ENGINEERING LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 704.3 REFURBISHMENT OF FILTERS & CLARIFIERS (LOT 3 ICB TECHNOFAB ENGINEERING LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,611.9</p><p>Country Total: 5,130.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 432,875.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 194 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bangladesh P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. GLR-5A.3:CONDUCTORS ICB P.T. JEMBO CABLE CO. TBK Energy and mining 707.4 GLR-5A.4:CONDUCTORS ICB P.T. JEMBO CABLE CO. TBK Energy and mining 657.1 2GLR5.9: PROCUREMENT OF CONDUCTOR ICB P.T. JEMBO CABLE CO. TBK Energy and mining 654.0 2GLR5.10: PROCUREMENT OF CONDUCTOR ICB P.T. JEMBO CABLE CO. TBK Energy and mining 537.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,555.5</p><p>Indonesia P003967 ID-FIFTH HEALTH PROJECT CONSULTANT FOR FINAL PROJECT EVALUATION (FPE CQB PT. MULTI AREA CONINDO Health and other social services 106.3</p><p>P003987 ID-CENTRAL INDONESIA SEC. EDU. INTERIM ASSIG. OF CONSLT. SERVICES FOR M&E O SSS PT. DUTA HARI MURTHI CONSULTANTS Education 87.5 MONITORING AND EVALUATION CONSULTING SERVICE QCBS PT. DUTA HARI MURTHI CONSULTANTS Education 168.7</p><p>P003993 ID-SUMATRA REG'L RDS LINK N.054 (KISARAN - SP. KAWAT) IN NORTH SU ICB PT. ADHI KARYA (PERSERO) CAB. I MEDAN Transportation 3,708.9 PACKAGE SR-NP-N5 (LIMAPULUH - SEI BEJANGKAR ICB PT. WASKITA - TULUNG AGUNG JO. Transportation 3,307.8 PACKAGE SR-CP-4 (TABING - DUKU) IN WEST SUMA ICB PT. WASKITA KARYA - ANGKASAPURI, JO Transportation 5,916.8 UPGRADING WEIGH STATION IMPROVEMENT IN NORTH NCB PT. WINIHARTO Transportation 1,241.7 PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION OF ABIU EQUIPME NCB PT. HANIMONO CIPTAMANDIRI Transportation 70.1 PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION OF ROAD SIGNS NCB PT. JATIGALIH SEMESTA Transportation 83.0 PROCUREMENT OF ABIU OPERATIONAL VEHICLES NCB PT. DOLOG SIATAS BARITA Transportation 112.5 MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR VEHICLE WEIGH STATIO QCBS PT. HASFARM DIAN CONSULTANT Transportation 889.3</p><p>P004026 ID-Railway Efficiency CORRECTIVE WORK AT KM. 110 NCB PT. ADHI KARYA Transportation 2,927.9</p><p>P036047 ID-BALI URBAN INFRA. PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION OF LOCAL, ARTER ICB PT PUTRA INTI LUMAYAN Health and other social services 69.3 Transportation 104.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 520.1 Total: 693.4</p><p>ADDENDUM CONSULTING SERVICES FOR BENEFIT MON SSS PT YODYA KARYA IN ASSOCIATION WITH PT MUTIARA W Health and other social services 9.9 Transportation 14.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 74.2 Total: 98.9</p><p>P040061 ID - BENGKULU REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ADVISOR (FMA) INDV RETNO AGUSTINA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 26.3 Finance 13.2 Law and justice and public administration 13.2 Transportation 6.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.6 Total: 65.8</p><p>P040196 ID-SUMATRA BASIC EDUCUATION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION IN SCH QCBS PT. LENGGOGENI Education 262.3</p><p>P040528 ID-W. JAVA ENVMT MGMT KAB. BANDUNG LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY (K QCBS ARCADIS EUROCONSULT WITH PT. TRANS INTRA ASIA Health and other social services 10.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 95.5 Total: 106.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 195 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>KOTA BOGOR LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY QBS PT. MULTI AREA CONINDO Health and other social services 11.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 107.4 Total: 119.3</p><p>DESIGN OF GEF GRANT MECHANISM FOR COMPOST (P QBS PT. INTERSYS KELOLA MAJU Health and other social services 39.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 358.7 Total: 398.5</p><p>PREPARATION OF PROGRAM DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATI QCBS PT. MULTI AREA CONINDO AND LAPI ITB Health and other social services 20.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 187.3 Total: 208.1</p><p>DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION SUPERVISION OF ENVIR QCBS PT. MULTI AREA CONINDO Health and other social services 62.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 558.2 Total: 620.2</p><p>OUTLINE PLAN FOR MAJOR DRAINAGE & SMALL LAKE QCBS NIPPON KOEI CO. LTD. AND PT. KWARSA HEXAGON Health and other social services 94.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 854.1 Total: 949.0</p><p>FEASIBILITY STUDY, AMDAL AND DED IPLT (TA KO QCBS PT. INDAH KARYA AND PT. LARONA SEJAHTERA ENGINE Water, sanitation and flood protection 122.3 FEASIBILITY STUDY, PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING D QBS PT. INDAH KARYA AND PT. LARONA SEJAHTERA ENGINE Health and other social services 18.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 161.6 Total: 179.5</p><p>LOCAL ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY OF KABUPATEN BEKA QBS PT. INSAN MANDIRI KONSULTAN W/ PT. MITRA LINGKU Health and other social services 9.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 81.8 Total: 90.9 LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY (KABUPATEN SERA QBS PT. HASFARM DIAN KONSULTAN Health and other social services 11.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 103.9 Total: 115.4</p><p>LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY (KOTA CIREBON 3 QBS PT. INDRA KARYA (PERSERO) Health and other social services 9.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 81.0 Total: 90.0</p><p>KOTA DEPOK LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY (KOT QBS PT. REKA DESINDO MANDIRI Health and other social services 12.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 113.6 Total: 126.2</p><p>LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY KOTA TANGERANG QBS PT. INFRATAMA YAKTI Health and other social services 8.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 78.4 Total: 87.1</p><p>FEASIBILITY STUDY & DETAILED ENGINEERING DES QCBS PT. INDAH KARYA AND PT. LARONA SEJAHTERA ENGINE Health and other social services 8.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 73.0 Total: 81.1</p><p>SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FOR JAKARTA: MASTER QCBS PT. UNISYSTEM UTAMA AND IRMASIA Health and other social services 53.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 485.2 Total: 539.1</p><p>FEASIBILITY STUDY, AMDAL & DED FOR TPA KOPIL QBS PT. INDAH KARYA AND PT. LARONA SEJAHTERA ENGINE Health and other social services 15.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 137.3 Total: 152.5</p><p>DESIGNED & IMPLEMENTATION SUPERVISION OF ENV QCBS DHV CONSULTANT BV Health and other social services 36.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 325.4 Total: 361.5</p><p>DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT FOR JAKARTA STRATEGIC AC QCBS NEDECO IN ASSOC. W/ PT. INDRA KARYA, PT. AMYTHA Health and other social services 97.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 873.5 Total: 970.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 196 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P040578 ID-Eastern Indonesia Region Transport DESIGN AND SUPERVISION CONSULTANT, CENTRAL K QCBS PT. PERENTJANA DJAJA & ASSO. Transportation 553.8 PACKAGE EIB-17 (WARMARE - PRAFI) IN PAPUA PR NCB PT. BRANTAS ABIPRAYA Transportation 3,312.6 ROAD BETTERMENT PACKAGE EIB-40 (LEOK - BUOL) NCB PT. PASSOKORANG JO PT. USAHA SUBUR SEJAHTERA Transportation 2,203.1 TA CONSULTANCY - ESTABLISHMENT OF ROAD BOARD QCBS PT. HASFARM DIAN KONSULTAN IN ASSOC. Transportation 1,405.8 CONSULTING SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF SRIP QCBS WSP INTERNATIONAL IN ASSC. WITH Transportation 730.2 ROAD BETTERMENT PACKAGE EIB-23 (KM.65-ASAM B ICB PT. CONBLOC INDONESIA Transportation 3,640.0 PACKAGE EIBR-17 (S. KARAJAE BRIDGE) IN SOUTH NCB PT. NINDYA KARYA (PERSERO) & PT. WIJAYA KARYA ( Transportation 2,466.7 PAKCAGE EIB-21 (PONTIANAK-TAYAN) IN WEST KAL ICB PT. YASA PATRIA PERKASA Transportation 3,513.3 PACKAGE EIBR-21 (MANTET ETC.) IN WEST IRIAN NCB PT. ADHI KARYA Transportation 1,230.2</p><p>P041895 ID-SULAWESI BASIC EDUC. TA FOR BUILDING RENOVATION OF PRIMARY AND SE LCS PT. SAKA ADHI PRADA Education 5.3 TA FOR BUILDING RENOVATION OF PRIMARY AND SE LCS PT. SAKA ADHI PRADA Education 5.2 TA FOR BUILDING RENOVATION OF PRIMARY AND SE SSS PT. PRAMATHANA KONSULTAN Education 6.0</p><p>P048715 Indonesia - IIDP DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN E-PROCU QCBS PT. SISTEMINDO TEKNOTAMA MANDIRI Information and communications 714.9</p><p>P049051 BEPEKA AUDIT MODERNIZATION PROJECT SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF LAN & WAN ICB PT. MASTERSYSTEM INFOTAMA Law and justice and public administration 338.2 PROCUREMENT OF COPIER MACHINES AT BPK HEAD A ICB PT. ANEKA INFOKOM TEKINDO Law and justice and public administration 167.4</p><p>P049539 ID-PROVINCIAL HEALTH II TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR HEALTH INFORMATION CQB CV. MULTI SARANA CIPTA Health and other social services 83.3 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR NATIONAL CONSULTANT CQB CV. SBHL CONSULTING Health and other social services 105.0 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR DEVELOPING ON HEALT CQB PT. GLOBAL PROFEX SYNERGY Health and other social services 79.4 PACKAGE I: PROCUREMENT OF NOTEBOOKS AND PC C NCB PT. SIDOLA Health and other social services 38.0 PACKAGE II: PROCUREMENT OF PRINTERS AND FACS NCB PT. SIDOLA Health and other social services 16.4 PROCUREMENT OF PC COMPUTERS, NOTEBOOKS AND P NCB PT. LOGIKREASI UTAMA Health and other social services 75.3 TA FOR NATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR CONTRACTUAL D CQB PT. PANDU PERSADA Health and other social services 78.2 TA FOR LEARNING ORGANIZATION OF NADFC (215C) QCBS ARCADIS BMB IN ASSOC.WITH PT BAHANA MITRA BUANA Health and other social services 590.6</p><p>P049545 ID-PROVINCIAL HEALTH I PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, NORTH LAMP NCB PT. KARALIM PUTRA UTAMA Health and other social services 106.3 PROCUREMENT OF INSECTISIDA MALARIA (PHASE 2) NCB PT. BHIAS METRINDO Health and other social services 57.1 PACKAGE A: PROCUREMENT OF MOBIL HEALTH CENTE NCB PT. BATAVIA BINTANG BERLIAN Health and other social services 118.3 PACKAGE B: PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTER AND LAPTO NCB PT. MULTICOM PERSADA INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 54.3 PROCUREMENT MEDIS AND MEDIS EQUIPMENT, YOGYA NCB PT ENSEVAL PUTERA MEGATRADING TBK Health and other social services 59.9 PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, WAY KANAN NCB PT. INDOFARMA GLOBAL MEDIKA Health and other social services 127.0 PACKAGE A: PROC OF COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS, NCB CV. DJODI CASTHELONA PERDANA Health and other social services 62.6 PACKAGE B: PROC OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR PUS NCB PT. KARALIM PUTRA UTAMA Health and other social services 100.6 PROCUREMENT OF MOBIL HEALTH CENTER (PUSLING) NCB CV. AGUNG JAYA Health and other social services 87.4 PACKAGE A:PROCUREMENT OF AMBULANCE & MOBIL H NCB PT. PERSADA LAMPUNG RAYA Health and other social services 66.0</p><p>P055821 ID-URBAN POVERTY CONSULTING SERVICES FOR EVALUATION CONSULTAN QCBS LEMBAGA STUDI DAN PENGEMBANGAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN (L Finance 24.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 197 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 14.8 Industry and trade 27.9 Law and justice and public administration 14.8 Total: 82.0</p><p>NATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT OF UPP2 PHASE QCBS PT MITRA LINGKUNGAN DUTACONSULT IN ASSOCIATION Finance 140.6 Health and other social services 84.4 Industry and trade 159.4 Law and justice and public administration 84.4 Total: 468.8</p><p>INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPM INDV MR. IMAM KRISMANTO Finance 3.5 Health and other social services 2.1 Industry and trade 3.9 Law and justice and public administration 2.1 Total: 11.6</p><p>INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPM INDV DRS. R. ARIEF RAHADI Finance 6.1 Health and other social services 3.7 Industry and trade 6.9 Law and justice and public administration 3.7 Total: 20.4</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAINING FOR FINANCIAL MAN SSS PT BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) Finance 35.8 Health and other social services 21.5 Industry and trade 40.6 Law and justice and public administration 21.5 Total: 119.3</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTING SERVICES REGION XII IN QCBS LPPM YAYASAN ISLAM NUSANTARA IN ASSOCIATION WIT Finance 31.6 Health and other social services 19.0 Industry and trade 35.8 Law and justice and public administration 19.0 Total: 105.4</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTING SERVICES REGION XIV IN QCBS PT TERA BUANA MANGGALA JAYA Finance 78.2 Health and other social services 46.9 Industry and trade 88.6 Law and justice and public administration 46.9 Total: 260.5</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTING SERVICES REGION XVI IN QCBS PT SPEKTRA MATRIKA INDAH IN ASSOCIATION WITH PT Finance 48.3 Health and other social services 29.0 Industry and trade 54.8 Law and justice and public administration 29.0 Total: 161.1</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTING SERVICES REGION XIII IN QCBS INFRASTRUCTURE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ASIA PTY.LT Finance 63.9 Health and other social services 38.3 Industry and trade 72.4 Law and justice and public administration 38.3 Total: 213.0</p><p>P059477 ID-WSSLIC II DISTRICT LEVEL CONSULT.FOR W&S ENG,HEALTH & QCBS GHD PTY.LTD JOINT VENTURE WITH PT. PRISMAITA CI Health and other social services 842.8 DISTRICT LEVEL CONSULTANT FOR W&S ENG., HEAL QCBS GHD PTY.LTD JOINT VENTURE WITH PT. PRISMAITA CI Health and other social services 147.9</p><p>P059930 ID-DECNT. AGRICULTURAL/FORESTRY EXT CONSTRUCTION OF BIPP OFFICE AT PIDIE DISTRIC NCB PT PARATEXINDO PRAKARSA Health and other social services 40.1 Law and justice and public administration 77.9 Total: 118.0</p><p>P068051 ID-GEF-W. JAVA ENVT MGMT DESIGN OF GEF GRANT MECHANISM FOR COMPOST (P QBS PT. INTERSYS KELOLA MAJU Industry and trade 398.5</p><p>P071296 ID-USDRP CONSUSLTING SERVICES FOR MUNICIPAL FINANCE E INDV MR. ANDRE OOSTERMAN ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 198 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 4.1 Transportation 6.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.1 Total: 33.9</p><p>CONSULTING SERVICES FOR NATIONAL GOVERNMENT INDV MR. BAMBANG TATA SAMIADJI Law and justice and public administration 1.6 Transportation 2.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.0 Total: 13.2</p><p>CONSULTING SRVICES FOR MUNICIPAL FINANCE EXP INDV MR. ANDRE OOSTERMAN Law and justice and public administration 4.1 Transportation 6.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.1 Total: 33.9</p><p>IMPROVEMENT OF THE MECHANISM OF GOVERNMENT S CQB PT MITRA LINGKUNGAN DUTACONSULT ASSOCIATE WITH Law and justice and public administration 11.1 Transportation 18.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 62.8 Total: 92.4</p><p>P072852 ID-UPP2 NATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT OF UPP2 PHASE QCBS PT MITRA LINGKUNGAN DUTACONSULT Education 638.8 Health and other social services 946.4 Law and justice and public administration 142.0 Transportation 638.8 Total: 2,366.0</p><p>INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPM INDV MR. IMAM KRISMANTO Education 25.9 Health and other social services 38.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.8 Transportation 25.9 Total: 95.8</p><p>INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPM INDV DRS. R. ARIEF RAHADI Education 31.1 Health and other social services 46.0 Law and justice and public administration 6.9 Transportation 31.1 Total: 115.1</p><p>INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPM INDV IR. SONNY HERMAWAN KUSUMA Education 19.2 Health and other social services 28.5 Law and justice and public administration 4.3 Transportation 19.2 Total: 71.2</p><p>INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR EVALUATION AND DOC INDV IR. UDI MAADI Education 6.3 Health and other social services 9.3 Law and justice and public administration 1.4 Transportation 6.3 Total: 23.3</p><p>INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPM INDV TRI MAULANA, ST Education 5.3 Health and other social services 7.8 Law and justice and public administration 1.2 Transportation 5.3 Total: 19.5</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 1 - REGION I WE QCBS PT DARMA DEDANA CIPTA (DDC) CONSULTANT Education 305.3 Health and other social services 452.2 Law and justice and public administration 67.8 Transportation 305.3 Total: 1,130.6</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 3 - REGION III QCBS PT UNISYSTEM UTAMA IN ASSOC. W/ PT DELTA TAMA W Education 199.3 Health and other social services 295.3 Law and justice and public administration 44.3 Transportation 199.3 Total: 738.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 199 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 6 - REGION VI C QCBS PT CAKRA HASTA KONSULTAN IN ASSOC. W/ PT PPA CO Education 141.7 Health and other social services 209.9 Law and justice and public administration 31.5 Transportation 141.7 Total: 524.9</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 8 - REGION VIII QCBS AHT GROUPS CONSULTANTS IN ASSOC. W/ LEMBAGA PEN Education 348.1 Health and other social services 515.7 Law and justice and public administration 77.4 Transportation 348.1 Total: 1,289.3</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 9 - REGION IX S QCBS PT WASECO TIRTA IN ASSOC. W/ PT DISIPLAN CONSUL Education 325.2 Health and other social services 481.7 Law and justice and public administration 72.3 Transportation 325.2 Total: 1,204.3</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 10 - REGION X W QCBS PT CIPTA SURYA WAHANA IN ASSOC. W/ PT ADHICIPTA Education 376.9 Health and other social services 558.4 Law and justice and public administration 83.8 Transportation 376.9 Total: 1,396.0</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 4 - REGION IV S QCBS PT ADICITRA MULYATAMA IN ASSOC. W/ PT HAMAS AEB Education 215.1 Health and other social services 318.6 Law and justice and public administration 47.8 Transportation 215.1 Total: 796.6</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 5 - REGION V NO QCBS PT BARUNADRI ENGINEERING CONSULTANT Education 344.3 Health and other social services 510.0 Law and justice and public administration 76.5 Transportation 344.3 Total: 1,275.1</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 7 - REGION VII QCBS PT BUANA ARCHICON IN ASSOC. W/ PT WIDYA GRAHA A Education 428.3 Health and other social services 634.6 Law and justice and public administration 95.2 Transportation 428.3 Total: 1,586.5</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTANT PACKAGE 2 - REGION II W QCBS PT KOGAS DRIYAP KONSULTAN Education 340.9 Health and other social services 505.0 Law and justice and public administration 75.8 Transportation 340.9 Total: 1,262.5</p><p>ADVISORY CONSULTANT FOR TRAINING SPECIALIST INDV DRA. MARNIA Education 8.6 Health and other social services 12.7 Law and justice and public administration 1.9 Transportation 8.6 Total: 31.7</p><p>ADVISORY CONSULTANT FOR INSTITUTIONAL AND PO INDV MR. TEGUH MUHAMMAD ABDUH, SE Education 5.7 Health and other social services 8.4 Law and justice and public administration 1.3 Transportation 5.7 Total: 20.9</p><p>ADVISORY CONSULTANT FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT DEV INDV MR. AGUS SUTANTO, SP Education 6.5 Health and other social services 9.6 Law and justice and public administration 1.4 Transportation 6.5 Total: 23.9</p><p>CONSULTING SERVICES FOR EVALUATION CONSULTAN QCBS LEMBAGA STUDI DAN PENGEMBANGAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN (L Education 263.9 Health and other social services 390.9 Law and justice and public administration 58.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 200 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 263.9 Total: 977.2</p><p>ADVISORY CONSULTANT FOR LOCAL GOVEARNMENT DE INDV ATIK TRIWAHYUNI, ST Education 5.7 Health and other social services 8.5 Law and justice and public administration 1.3 Transportation 5.7 Total: 21.2</p><p>ADVISORY CONSULTANT FOR ECONOMIST AND MICROF INDV DRS. L. HUDI SARTONO, MPM Education 6.7 Health and other social services 9.9 Law and justice and public administration 1.5 Transportation 6.7 Total: 24.7</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAINING FOR FINANCIAL MAN SSS PT BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA (PERSERO) Education 128.9 Health and other social services 190.9 Law and justice and public administration 28.6 Transportation 128.9 Total: 477.4</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTING SERVICES REGION XII IN QCBS LPPM YAYASAN ISLAM NUSANTARA IN ASSOCIATION WIT Education 113.9 Health and other social services 168.7 Law and justice and public administration 25.3 Transportation 113.9 Total: 421.7</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTING SERVICES REGION XIV IN QCBS PT TERA BUANA MANGGALA JAYA Education 281.3 Health and other social services 416.8 Law and justice and public administration 62.5 Transportation 281.3 Total: 1,042.0</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTING SERVICES REGION XVI IN QCBS PT SPEKTRA MATRIKA INDAH IN ASSOCIATION WITH PT Education 174.0 Health and other social services 257.7 Law and justice and public administration 38.7 Transportation 174.0 Total: 644.3</p><p>OVERSIGHT CONSULTING SERVICES REGION XIII IN QCBS INFRASTRUCTURE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ASIA PTY.LT Education 230.1 Health and other social services 340.8 Law and justice and public administration 51.1 Transportation 230.1 Total: 852.1</p><p>P073025 ID-SECOND KECAMATAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT LEGAL ADVOCACY OF 2ND KDP ON SULAWESI SELATA SSS FAKULTAS HUKUM UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN Health and other social services 7.5 Industry and trade 7.5 Law and justice and public administration 8.7 Transportation 7.5 Total: 31.2</p><p>LEGAL ADVOCACY OF 2ND KDP ON LAMPUNG SSS KANTOR BANTUAN HUKUM LAMPUNG Health and other social services 5.8 Industry and trade 5.8 Law and justice and public administration 6.7 Transportation 5.8 Total: 24.0</p><p>LEGAL ADVOCACY OF 2ND KDP ON JAWA TENGAH SSS FAKULTAS HUKUM UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN SATYA WACANA Health and other social services 13.9 Industry and trade 13.9 Law and justice and public administration 16.3 Transportation 13.9 Total: 58.1</p><p>PROVINCE BASED MONITORING OF 2ND KDP ON KALI QCBS YAYASAN CITRA HATI NURANI RAKYAT Health and other social services 1.6 Industry and trade 1.6 Law and justice and public administration 1.9 Transportation 1.6 Total: 6.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 201 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>PROVINCE BASED MONITORING OF 2ND KDP ON KABU QCBS YAYASAN BINA DESA SEJAHTERA BNKP Health and other social services 1.5 Industry and trade 1.5 Law and justice and public administration 1.7 Transportation 1.5 Total: 6.2</p><p>SUPPORTING SERVICE CONSULTANT FOR DATABASE D QCBS PT INSAN HITAWAN SEJAHTERA Health and other social services 21.5 Industry and trade 21.5 Law and justice and public administration 25.1 Transportation 21.5 Total: 89.7</p><p>ADMINISTRATION SERVICES FOR DISTRICT CONSULT QCBS PT TRICON JAYA Health and other social services 163.2 Industry and trade 163.2 Law and justice and public administration 190.4 Transportation 163.2 Total: 679.9</p><p>CONSULTING SERVICES OF IMPACT EVALUATION ON SSS PT INSAN HITAWAN SEJAHTERA Health and other social services 19.1 Industry and trade 19.1 Law and justice and public administration 22.3 Transportation 19.1 Total: 79.6</p><p>P073720 ID-TF Water Rsrcs and Irrigation CONSULTING SERVICES FOR BASIN WATER RESOURCE QCBS PT. VIRAMA KARYA AND ASSOC. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 255.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 255.7 Total: 511.4 P073772 ID-Health Workforce & Services (PHP 3) CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CPCU EXECUTIVE SECR INDV DR. SUPARTINI HANAFI, MPH Health and other social services 14.0 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CPCU MONITORING AND INDV SAMSURI, SE, MBA Health and other social services 10.2 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CPCU SECRETARY EXEC INDV DR. DINDIN WANDIYATI SOENARJA Health and other social services 7.7</p><p>P073970 ID-GLOBAL DEV LEARNING (LIL) PROCUREMENT OF BUILDING RENOVATION, UNIVERSI NCB PT. KALMAR JAYA Education 62.2 PROCUREMENT OF MICROWAVE LINK NCB PT. MULTIREKA PRIMA UTAMA Education 75.9</p><p>P076174 ID-Initiatives for Local Govern. Reform KABUPATEN FACILITATORS (F-KABS), REGIONAL CO SSS PT INTERSPASIA MITRAPUBLIKA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 53.9 Energy and mining 53.9 Law and justice and public administration 53.9 Transportation 53.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 53.9 Total: 269.3</p><p>KABUPATEN FACILITATORS (F-KABS), REGIONAL CO SSS PT INTERSPASIA MITRAPUBLIKA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 5.3 Energy and mining 5.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.3 Transportation 5.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5.3 Total: 26.3</p><p>P076271 ID-PPITA INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR SENIOR LEGAL SPECI INDV IRAWATI HERMAN ADHYAKSA Energy and mining 3.4 Information and communications 10.2 Law and justice and public administration 34.1 Transportation 10.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.2 Total: 68.1</p><p>ADVISOSRY TECHNICAL ON PRIVATE PARTICIPATION QBS GHD PTY. LTD. IN ASSOC. WITH KATALYST 21, BURNS Energy and mining 89.0 Information and communications 267.1 Law and justice and public administration 890.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 202 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 267.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 267.1 Total: 1,780.6</p><p>P077228 TF-Strengthening ID Framework for Decent PROJECT MANAGEMENT - IT SPECIALIST INDV JORGE CARO GREGORIO Law and justice and public administration 115.2 PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST (PACKAGE 18) INDV AGUSTINUS HERMINO SUPERMA PUTRA MAU Law and justice and public administration 23.8 ADMINISTRATOR FOR INFORMATION SYSTEM (SIKD) INDV SANTA RUSLI Law and justice and public administration 13.9 REFORMULATION OF THE GENERAL GRANT (PACKAGE CQB LEMBAGA PENYELIDIKAN EKONOMI DAN MASYARAKAT Law and justice and public administration 86.9 PROVIDING OF SOFTWARE FOR REPORTING OF FINAN DIR PT. SUMMITRA SOLUSINDO Law and justice and public administration 54.4 MUNICIPAL FINANCE EXPERT - PACKAGE 13 INDV MR. ANDRE OOSTERMAN Law and justice and public administration 35.0</p><p>P079906 ID-Strategic Roads Infras. CONSULTING SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF SRIP QCBS WSP INTERNATIONAL IN ASSC. WITH Transportation 1,083.2</p><p>P080569 ASEM TF Pro-Poor Policy Support-TF050793 THE CONSULTANT EXPECTED TO PRODUCE QUALITATI SSS LEMBAGA PENYELIDIKAN EKONOMI DAN MASYARAKAT Law and justice and public administration 56.4</p><p>P082140 Indonesia PRSP/JSA (Joint Assessment) CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE PRSTF - DEVELOPMEN INDV FAHMY RADHI 10.9 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE PRSTF - GENDER SPE INDV ADRIANI SOEMANTRI 10.5 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR PRSTF - SOCIAL SCIENCT INDV LAODE IDA 8.4 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE PRSTF - PUBLIC POL INDV MUHADJIR DARWIN 20.7 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE PRSTF - GENDER SPE INDV SRI HARIJATI HATMADJI 7.0 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE PRSTF - PUBLIC POL INDV ALIZAR ISNA 7.3 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE PRSTF - COMMUNICAT INDV SUGENG BAHAGIJO 11.6 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE PRSTF - MONITORING INDV ARIFIN BAKTI NUR 6.3 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE PRSTF - PLANNING R INDV WIDIARTO 17.3</p><p>P085133 Indonesia Govt Finl Mgt & Revenue Admin CONSULTING SERVICES FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SSS SARWONO ATMOSOEGITO Law and justice and public administration 5.4 CONSULTING SERVICES FOR PROCUREMENT SPECIALI INDV IGNATIUS SURANTO Law and justice and public administration 5.7 CONSULTING SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF INTEG SSS JAMES GUIDA, DIDI APRIADI & DICKY SOERIPTO Law and justice and public administration 56.6</p><p>Country Total: 74,248.1</p><p>Sri Lanka P077586 LK Economic Reform TA RESTRUCTURING OF PEOPLE'S BANK - OPTION 2 QCBS PRICEWATERHOUSECOPPERS Finance 1,138.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,138.1</p><p>Timor-Leste P072654 TP-Small Enterprises Project II SEPII/SGDS/05 PT INDOSOFT SOLUSINDO, INDONES ICB PT INDOSOFT SOLUSINDO, INDONESIA Finance 93.2 Industry and trade 38.9 Law and justice and public administration 7.0 Total: 139.1</p><p>Country Total: 139.1</p><p>Vietnam P045628 VN-TRANSMISSION & DISTR LOT1 PWR TRANSFORMER & SPN SERVICE 220KV CHA ICB PT. SIEMENS INDONESIA ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 203 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: INDONESIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 1,272.3</p><p>P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB KG.5, LOT 5.4: SUPPLY OF TRANSFORMERS FOR 11 ICB PT UNINDO Energy and mining 809.6 PKG 5, LOT 5.6 - SUPPLY OF TRANSFORMERS FOR ICB PT UNINDO Energy and mining 680.8 LOT5.5: 110KV KIEN XUONG, TINH GIA, DIEN CHA ICB PT UNINDO Energy and mining 1,009.8 LOT5.7 110KV LAP THACH: CHO ROC AND VIN TUON ICB PT UNINDO Energy and mining 742.8 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR BAC NI ICB PT. SIEMENS INDONESIA Energy and mining 2,323.1 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR EXTENS ICB PT. SIEMENS INDONESIA Energy and mining 819.0 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR YEN BA ICB PT. SIEMENS INDONESIA Energy and mining 1,840.8 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR EXTENS ICB PT. SIEMENS INDONESIA Energy and mining 976.5 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR EXTENS ICB PT. SIEMENS INDONESIA Energy and mining 495.7</p><p>Country Total: 10,970.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 89,051.0 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 204 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Iran, Islamic Republic of P069946 IR-TEHRAN SEWERAGE II NCB NE 3-3(PART B):CTR # 82/33 POLYTHENE PIP NCB NELAB JAM COMPANY Water, sanitation and flood protection 683.2 NCB E 1-2 (PART A)::CTR # 82/14--POLYTHELENE NCB PERMA BETON COMPANY Water, sanitation and flood protection 502.8 NCB NE 3-3 (PART A): CTR # 82/24 -- POLYTHEL NCB BOD BAND SAZ Water, sanitation and flood protection 541.9 NCB E 1-2 (PART C):CTR # 82/20 -- POLYTHELEN NCB SAZEHAY ABYE WA TACISAT ZIRBANAEE Water, sanitation and flood protection 572.9 150/6/82/195 -- LOT 2: CONSTR EASTERN MAIN T NCB EV-YOL Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,362.2 LOT 3: EASTERN MAIN TRUNK (SOUTHERN PART) ICB TE-TISSE CO. Water, sanitation and flood protection 17,515.8</p><p>P076055 Tehran Solid Waste Management Project SOCIAL ASSESSMENT PART I SSS ALMIZAN INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH & PLANNIN Law and justice and public administration 3.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 33.5 Total: 37.2</p><p>P080802 IR-EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY RESPONSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION OF COMPO SSS HOUSING FOUNDATION OF ISLAMIC REVOLUTION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 660.0 Education 330.0 Industry and trade 1,155.0 Transportation 825.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 330.0 Total: 3,300.0</p><p>DESIGN/INSTAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS F SSS AFKAR SYSTEM COMPANY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 3.6 Education 1.8 Industry and trade 6.3 Transportation 4.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.8 Total: 18.1</p><p>Country Total: 26,533.8</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P046042 IRRIGATION REHAB KARABURA DAM ICB JAHAD TOSSE MANABE AB CO (J.T.M.A) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,845.4 Law and justice and public administration 993.7 Total: 2,839.1</p><p>Country Total: 2,839.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 29,372.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 205 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: IRELAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Albania P051310 MICROCREDIT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE BANK OF ALABNIA INDV MICHAEL GANNON Finance 68.8 Law and justice and public administration 5.2 Total: 74.0</p><p>Country Total: 74.0</p><p>Ethiopia P069886 Multisectoral HIV/AIDS CAPPILIUS AND SEROCARD HIV TEST KITS (OUT OF ICB TRINITY BIOTECH PLC Health and other social services 109.5 LOT 4, 5 & 6-CAPILLUS, KIT OF 100 TESTS (QTY ICB TRINITY BIOTECH PLC Health and other social services 366.9</p><p>Country Total: 476.4</p><p>Kazakhstan P049721 AGRIC COMPETITIVENESS PREPARATION OF PIP, BUDGET APPLICATION PASSP INDV MR. CECIL MCMURRAY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 27.5</p><p>Country Total: 27.5</p><p>Kosovo P072405 SOC PROT (KOSOVO TF) REVIEW AND UPDATE OF APPLICABLE SOCIAL LAW - SSS DONNELLY HALL Health and other social services 114.6</p><p>Country Total: 114.6 Serbia and Montenegro P077473 EMG POWER LIC (MONTENEGRO) DESIGN, PROCUREMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PO QCBS ESBI ENGINEERING LTD Energy and mining 300.0</p><p>Country Total: 300.0</p><p>Sierra Leone P070201 Second Public Sector Management Support BANK MASTER APPLICATION FOR BANK OF SIERRA L ICB MISYS INTERNATIONAL BANKING SYSTEMS LTD. Health and other social services 0.9 Law and justice and public administration 84.2 Total: 85.0</p><p>Country Total: 85.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,077.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 206 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ISRAEL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Ethiopia P000733 ET: AG. RESEARCH & TRAINING SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF LOT 1 & ICB SOLI LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 98.2 Law and justice and public administration 167.2 Total: 265.3</p><p>Country Total: 265.3</p><p>Nigeria P070293 PRIVATIZATION SUPPORT PROJECT SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING SYSTEM ICB TADIRAN ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS LTD Energy and mining 989.7 Law and justice and public administration 7,108.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 899.8 Total: 8,997.6</p><p>Country Total: 8,997.6</p><p>Romania P034213 GEN'L CADASTRE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND ORTHOPHOTO MAPPING ICB MARMANET ORGANIZATON AND PROJECTS MANAGEMENT LT Law and justice and public administration 664.7</p><p>P057960 RURAL DEV (APL #1) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING OF COMMUNE QCBS TAHAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS LTD/TULCEA COUNTY DE Health and other social services 8.1 Law and justice and public administration 93.2 Transportation 101.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 202.5 Total: 405.0 Country Total: 1,069.7</p><p>Senegal P067498 PUBLIC SERV. INFO-SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION REALISATIONINFRASTRUCTURES TELECOMMUNICATION ICB MRV INTERNATIONAL LTD Health and other social services 135.9 Industry and trade 163.1 Law and justice and public administration 1,060.1 Total: 1,359.1</p><p>REALISATION INFRASTRUCTURES TELECOMMUNICATIO ICB MRV INTERNATIONAL LTD Health and other social services 116.7 Industry and trade 140.0 Law and justice and public administration 910.1 Total: 1,166.8</p><p>PRESIDENCE ET BUILDING ADMINISTRATIF:CÂBLAGE ICB MRV INTERNATIONAL LTD Health and other social services 33.2 Industry and trade 39.8 Law and justice and public administration 258.7 Total: 331.7</p><p>MINISTERE FINANCES/INTERIEUR:CABLAGE, BRASSA ICB MRV INTERNATIONAL LTD Health and other social services 15.7 Industry and trade 18.8 Law and justice and public administration 122.2 Total: 156.7</p><p>ZONE 3:MINISTERE EQUIPEMENT/URBANISME (LAT D ICB MRV INTERNATIONAL LTD Health and other social services 8.4 Industry and trade 10.1 Law and justice and public administration 65.8 Total: 84.4</p><p>REALISATION RESEAU METROPOLITAIN (MAN). ICB MRV INTERNATIONAL LTD Health and other social services 135.9 Industry and trade 163.1 Law and justice and public administration 1,060.1 Total: 1,359.1</p><p>Country Total: 4,457.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 207 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ISRAEL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 14,790.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 208 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ITALY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Albania P040818 DURRES PORT DETAILED DESIGN BERTH 10 & 11 IN DURRES PORT QCBS TECHNITAL S.P.A. Transportation 485.4</p><p>P041442 MUN WATER/WW FINAL DESIGN OF ADDITIONAL PRE-TREATMENT FAC SSS SWS CONSULTING ENGINEERING & TEI S.P.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 230.4</p><p>P045312 HEALTH RECOVERY MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - (LOT 2)- SURGERY INSTRUM ICB COMESA SISTEMI MEDICALIU S.R.L. Health and other social services 546.1</p><p>P055383 SOC SERV DEVT TA IN ANALYSIS OF LABOR STATISTICS CQS ICSTAT Health and other social services 46.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,308.0</p><p>Bangladesh P037857 Health and Population Program ITEM 2 OF PACKAGE G-421(SUB-PACKAGES A):LABO ICB CRONY INSTRUMENTS Health and other social services 163.0 G-421(SUB-PACKAGES A)ITEM 8 AND 9:LABORATORY ICB DELCON Health and other social services 100.3</p><p>Country Total: 263.3</p><p>Bosnia-Herzegovina P059763 CULTL HERITAGE PILOT ORGANIZATION OF REGIONAL CONFERENCE INDV MATTEO ROSATI Health and other social services 28.0 Law and justice and public administration 12.6 Total: 40.5 P070650 SOTAC STRATEGY OF EXPENDITURES FOR SOCIAL PROTECTI QBS PROGECO S.R.L. Health and other social services 30.9 Law and justice and public administration 162.0 Total: 192.8</p><p>Country Total: 233.3</p><p>Congo, Democratic Republic of P057296 ZR Emerg. Multisector Rehab.& Rec REGIDESO: WATER TREATMENT STUDY AND TENDER D QCBS AIC PROGETTI Water, sanitation and flood protection 471.7</p><p>Country Total: 471.7</p><p>Croatia P043195 RIJEKA GATEWAY TWO MOBILE HARBOR CRANES ICB FANTUZZI-REGGIANE SPA Transportation 3,892.4</p><p>Country Total: 3,892.4</p><p>Eritrea P043124 Health BARENTU REFERAL HOSPITAL, ICB 14C/2002 (NON ICB AGMIN Health and other social services 290.6 Law and justice and public administration 18.6 Total: 309.1</p><p>SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF NON MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ICB AGMIN Health and other social services 290.6 Law and justice and public administration 18.6 Total: 309.1</p><p>Country Total: 618.3</p><p>Ethiopia ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 209 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ITALY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P000733 ET: AG. RESEARCH & TRAINING LOT 3 MINI BUSES (26-30) SEAT CAPACITY ICB IVECO SPA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 270.7</p><p>P067084 EMERGENCY RECOVERY AND REHAB. PROJECT ROADS COMPONENT; PURCHASE OF GALVANIZED CORR ICB TUBOSIDER S.P.A. Transportation 69.2</p><p>P069886 Multisectoral HIV/AIDS PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES (LOT 1 AND L ICB HPS S.R.L. Health and other social services 1,740.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,079.9</p><p>Ghana P050623 GH ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION OF ASAFO-UTC ROUNDABOUT INTERCH ICB SARROCH GRANULATI GELFI JOINT VENTURE Transportation 8,669.2</p><p>P073649 2nd Health Sect. Prog. Support SUPPLY OF VEHICLES FOR HEALTH WORKERS ICB FIAT AUTOMOTIVES S.A. Health and other social services 1,540.6</p><p>Country Total: 10,209.8</p><p>Honduras P007398 HN RURAL LAND MGMT TECHNICAL ASSISTANTE FOR WATERSHED MANAGEMEN INDV CARLO FOLETTI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 30.0</p><p>P064914 HN FORESTS & RURAL PRODUCTIVITY ADVISOR INDV CARLOS FOLETTI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 80.0 Country Total: 110.0</p><p>Iran, Islamic Republic of P069946 IR-TEHRAN SEWERAGE II 10/1/82/295: 5 LARGE WATER JETS ICB CAPPELLOTTO S.P.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 677.0</p><p>Country Total: 677.0</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P051372 HEALTH 2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOTS 3,6,12 ICB HOSPITEX DIAGNOSTICS S.R.L. Health and other social services 557.3</p><p>P083235 DISASTER HAZARD MITIGATION GEOTECHNICAL SPECIALIST INDV MINETTI LUCIANO Water, sanitation and flood protection 128.6 GEOCHEMIST INDV GIULIO OTTONELLO Water, sanitation and flood protection 32.5</p><p>P083625 REG PROC CENTER (IDF) TWINNING ARRANGEMENT CQS INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE OF THE ILO Law and justice and public administration 190.6</p><p>Country Total: 909.0</p><p>Lebanon P005344 LB-IRRIGATION AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICES FOR MOUNT LE SSS INSTITUTE OF COOPERATING UNIVERSITIES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 84.8</p><p>Country Total: 84.8</p><p>Madagascar P048697 URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS OF LANDFILL REHABILITATION IN THE URBA ICB MUSSANO & BARRACCO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 246.6 Health and other social services 493.2 Law and justice and public administration 575.4 Transportation 739.8 Total: 2,055.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 210 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ITALY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P052208 MADAGASCAR -Transp Sector Reform & Rehab ETUDE- TRAVAUX REHAB. RN44 ET 3A ET SUPV. ET QCBS HYDROARCH S.R.L. Transportation 546.9</p><p>P055166 Communit. Dev. Fund ACTIVITES VIVRES CONTRA TRAVAIL ET DISTRIBUT DIR WORLD FOOD PROGRAM (WFP) Health and other social services 2,000.0</p><p>Country Total: 4,601.9</p><p>Mozambique P001785 MZ-ROADS & BRIDGES MMP PERIODIC MAINTENANCE OF THE ROAD EN1 ROAD FR ICB CMC TAMEGA (JV) Transportation 14,254.8</p><p>P039015 NATIONAL WATER I MATOLA STORM WATER DRAINAGE PLAN ICB CMC DI RAVENA Water, sanitation and flood protection 904.3</p><p>Country Total: 15,159.1</p><p>Romania P039250 ROADS 2 CONTRACT NO. 211 - WIDENING TO SIX TRAFFIC L ICB ASTALDI S.P.A. Transportation 4,643.3 CONTRACT 213 CONSTRUCTION OF AN INTERESECTIO ICB ASTALDI S.P.A. Transportation 7,294.1</p><p>Country Total: 11,937.4</p><p>Russian Federation P050891 ELEC SECTR REF ANALYSIS OF METHODS TO ASSESS COSTS OF MODER QCBS CESI (CENTRO ELTTROTECNICO SPERIMENTAL) Energy and mining 869.7</p><p>Country Total: 869.7</p><p>Tunisia P005731 TN-GREATER TUNIS SEWERAGE REHAB ET EXTN DE LA STATION - TUNIS MARI ICB AU.TEL. - AUTOMAZIONE TELECONTROLLO - SRL Water, sanitation and flood protection 692.0</p><p>Country Total: 692.0</p><p>Turkey P009076 HEALTH 2 PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR HOSPITA ICB GINEVRI Health and other social services 143.2</p><p>P048852 NAT'L TRNSM GRID PROCUREMENT OF 22 UNITS OF 420 KV SF6 CIRCUI ICB NUOVA MAGRINI GALILEO Energy and mining 2,024.9</p><p>Country Total: 2,168.1</p><p>Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I LOT I: LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ICB HOSPITEX DIAGNOSTICS S.R.L. Health and other social services 1,933.5 LOT K: EKGS ICB HOSPITEX DIAGNOSTICS S.R.L. Health and other social services 304.6 BIOMETRICAL ANALYZERS WITH ACCESSORIES, REAG ICB HOSPITEX DIAGNOSTIC S.R.L. Health and other social services 158.8</p><p>P051370 HEALTH 2 PROCUREMENT PREPARATION & PROCUREMENT MANAGE INDV ILO - VALERY MALOTCHKO Health and other social services 27.6</p><p>Country Total: 2,424.5</p><p>West Bank and Gaza P075735 Capacity Building Social Sec. Mgmt & Rfm CONSULTANCY ASSIGNMENT FOR CAPACITY BUILDING QCBS ACTUARIA SRL. Health and other social services 151.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 211 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ITALY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 151.0</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P005911 RY Education Sector PROCUREMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING TECHNO ICB ELETTRONICA VENETA Education 167.6</p><p>P039171 RY-SEEDS & AG. SERVICES PROCUREMENT OF CAPRARI SPARE PARTS FOR PUMPS DIR CAPRARI S.P.A MODENA (ITALY) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 103.0</p><p>Country Total: 270.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 59,131.8 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 212 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: JAMAICA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Grenada P069922 GD Grenada Disaster Management BEACH REPLENISHMEN STUDY AT FONTENOY AND GRA SSS SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL Water, sanitation and flood protection 50.0</p><p>Country Total: 50.0</p><p>Jamaica P067774 JM- Social Safety Net Project OPERATIONAL AUDIT PROJECT QBS P.A. CONSULTING SERVICES INC. Law and justice and public administration 589.7</p><p>P074641 JM 2ndAPL HIV/AIDS PREV.AND CONTROL DOC CONTRACT FOR WINSTON SIMON FOR 24 MONTHS TO INDV WINSTON SIMON Health and other social services 30.3 SUPPLY OF SOY-BASED FORMULA FOR INFANTS AFFE NCB MEAD JOHNSON NUTRITIONALS LIMITED Health and other social services 21.5 SUPPLY OF MILK-BASED FORMULA FOR INFANTS AFF NCB FACEY COMMODITY COMPANY LIMITED Health and other social services 70.4</p><p>P076837 JM National Community Devt. Project JAMES EDWARDS (WARSOP) MOTHODIST SCHOOL CONS NCB CORNWALL DEVELOPMENT & ENG. Education 95.9 GREENVALE LAND SETTLEMENT ROAD REHABILITATIO NCB B. F. PAVEMENT & CONSULTANTS LTD Education 17.1 Health and other social services 42.7 Transportation 8.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.1 Total: 85.5</p><p>ROEHAMPTON PRIMARY SCHOOL REHABILITATION NCB W. A. REID Education 28.1 Health and other social services 70.2 Transportation 14.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.1 Total: 140.4</p><p>SERVITE PRIMARY SCHOOL FENCING (ST. ANN) NCB W.A. REID CONSTRUCTION C. LTD. Education 3.0 Health and other social services 7.6 Transportation 1.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3.0 Total: 15.2</p><p>TIVOLI GARDENS HARDCOURT CONSTRUCTION (KINGS NCB BRIGHTON ENGINEERS LTD Education 6.9 Health and other social services 17.2 Transportation 3.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.9 Total: 34.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,083.2</p><p>St. Vincent and the Grenadines P076822 St Vincent Emergency Recovery Project DESIGN & SUPERVISION OF CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEV LCS LIMCO ENGINEERING & CONTRACTING SERVICES LTD. Transportation 50.8</p><p>Country Total: 50.8</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,183.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 213 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: JAPAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bangladesh P037857 Health and Population Program G-NESP-8 (SUB-PACKAGE B): SUPPLY OF OPERATIO ICB M/S. OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO. LTD. Health and other social services 109.2</p><p>Country Total: 109.2</p><p>Brazil P043421 BR RJ M.TRANSIT PRJ. SUPPLY OF 20 ELECTRIC MULTIPLE UNITS ICB MITSUI & CO. LTD. Transportation 75,919.0</p><p>Country Total: 75,919.0</p><p>Bulgaria P055157 HEALTH SECT REF MULTIPURPOSE ULTRASOUND UNIT ICB FUKUDA DENSHI CO. Health and other social services 229.4 INTENSIVE CARE BEDSIDE MONITOR CLASS "B" ICB FUKUDA DENSHI CO. Health and other social services 511.8</p><p>Country Total: 741.1</p><p>China P035693 FUEL EFFICIENT IND. TUBE BENDER LIB KUSAKUBE KIKAI CO., LTD. Energy and mining 426.4</p><p>P050036 Anhui Provincial Hwy PACKAGE A7: ITEM 1-TRUCK CRANE, 2-MOBILE SIG ICB JALUX, INC. Transportation 634.9</p><p>Country Total: 1,061.3 Ethiopia P050383 Ethiopia:FOOD SECURITY PROJECT 7 UNITS DOUBLE CABIN 4WD AND 10 UNITS MOTORC ICB TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION OF JAPAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 167.6</p><p>Country Total: 167.6</p><p>Ghana P000968 Ghana:AGRIC SERVICES SUPPLY OF TEN (10) UNITS 4WD DOUBLE CABIN PI ICB MESSRS SUMITOMO CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 137.6</p><p>P050623 GH ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 30 TOYOTA DOUBLE CABIN PICK-UPS AND 12 LANDC ICB DEMIMPEX VRP S.A. Transportation 1,298.5</p><p>P073649 2nd Health Sect. Prog. Support SUPPLY OF 50 UNITS OF TOYOTA COROLLA 1800CC ICB MARUBENI CORPORATION Health and other social services 586.6 SUPPLY OF 50 UNITS OF NISSAN SUNNY SALOON, 1 ICB SUMITOMO CORPORATION Health and other social services 598.5</p><p>Country Total: 2,621.1</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P051372 HEALTH 2 TENDER LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, LOTS 10, 11 ISH TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION OF JAPAN Health and other social services 151.6 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOT 10 ICB TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION OF JAPAN Health and other social services 53.0 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOT 4 ICB HOKTO TRADING CO. LTD. Health and other social services 231.8</p><p>Country Total: 436.3</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P044973 LA-SOUTHERN PROVINCE RE PROJECT PREPARATION, IMPLEMENTATION & SUPERV QCBS NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD Energy and mining 134.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 214 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: JAPAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P065973 LA-Agricultural Development Project 80 UNITS-MOTOR CYCLES 125 CC AND 10 UNITS-MO ICB NOMURA TRADING COMPANY OF TOKYO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 134.0</p><p>P075531 LA-2nd So. Prov Rural Elect DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LOSS REDUCTION STUDY QCBS TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Energy and mining 229.4</p><p>Country Total: 497.9</p><p>Russian Federation P053830 SUST FORESTRY PILOT RADIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT FOR MINISTRY O ICB FRONTIER TRADING LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 740.5</p><p>Country Total: 740.5</p><p>Rwanda P060005 URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE & CITY MANAGMT PROG CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR STUDY OF URBAIN TRA QCBS JAPAN ENGINEERING CO. LTD-BECEOM-SOGIS SARL Law and justice and public administration 57.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 57.5 Total: 115.0</p><p>Country Total: 115.0</p><p>Senegal P041567 Endemic Disease SUPPLY OF MOSQUITO NETS AND AMTI-MOSQUITO PR ICB SUMITOMO CORPORATION Health and other social services 2,248.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,248.0 Sri Lanka P010513 ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION 1 PROJECT PROCUREMENT OF 6 DOUBLE CABS ICB TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION OF JAPAN Health and other social services 33.6 Law and justice and public administration 48.3 Total: 81.9</p><p>P010517 PVT SECT INFRAS DEV PROCUREMENT OF AMBULANCES (15 NOS.) ICB NISSAN TRADING CO. LTD. OF JAPAN Transportation 437.8 SUPPLY OF 15 AMBULANCES ICB NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD Transportation 437.8</p><p>P050738 Land Tit & Rel Serv (LIL) SUPPLY OF 12 4WD DOUBLE CABS ICB NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD Law and justice and public administration 166.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,123.5</p><p>Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I LOT A: MICROSCOPES & CONSUMABLES ICB TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION OF JAPAN Health and other social services 522.4 LABORATORY FURNITURE ICB TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION OF JAPAN Health and other social services 132.1</p><p>Country Total: 654.4</p><p>Vietnam P072601 VN - Rural Finance II Project SUPPLY OF 172 CASH TRANSFORMING VEHICLES ICB NISSHO IWAI CORPORATION Finance 3,547.6 ICB PROCUREMENT OF 71 CASH TRANSPORTATION CA ICB NISSHO IWAI CORPORATION Finance 1,416.5</p><p>Country Total: 4,964.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 91,399.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 215 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: JAPAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 216 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: JORDAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Jordan P035997 JO-SECOND TOURISM DEV. UPGRADING WADI RUM VISITOR CENTER PARKING & NCB HASAN AL TARAWNEH Law and justice and public administration 61.9 Transportation 278.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 278.5 Total: 618.9</p><p>GIS (GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM) FOR THE SSS INFOGRAPH Law and justice and public administration 12.3 Transportation 55.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 55.5 Total: 123.4</p><p>CONSTR OF WALLS (LOT 2) - WADI RUM COMPONENT ICB HASSAN AL THARAWNEH CONTRACTING EST. Law and justice and public administration 33.2 Transportation 149.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 149.2 Total: 331.5</p><p>61/2003: CONSTR OF WALLS (LOT 3) - WADI RUM NCB MOHAMMAD IBRAHAM ALDARDASAWI CONTRACTING CO. Law and justice and public administration 33.1 Transportation 149.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 149.0 Total: 331.2</p><p>E-GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT AND REFORM OF THE P QCBS ESKADENIA & ECO JOINT VENTURE Law and justice and public administration 8.2 Transportation 36.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 36.8 Total: 81.8</p><p>SIGNAGE SYSTEM RENOVATION AND MAINTENANCE WO NCB ALEFDAWI CONTRACTOR ESTABLISHMENT Law and justice and public administration 23.9 Transportation 107.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 107.4 Total: 238.8</p><p>P039749 HEALTH SECTOR REFORM RMS HIS ICB JORDAN DATA SYSTEMS/SOBHA RENAISSANCE INFO TECH Health and other social services 2,971.8 CONSTRUCTION OF EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT AND WAR NCB MOHAMMED RAWASHDEH EST. AND HEBAH EST. Health and other social services 1,410.4 INTERNAL MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ICB AL-WAFI GROUP FOR MARKETING & INTL. TRADE CO. L Health and other social services 352.7 MOH MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - HEMODIALYSIS PACKAGE ICB MUNA AL-ZEBEN DRUGSTORE Health and other social services 309.1</p><p>P049581 COMMUNITY INFRA.DEV. SUPERVISION OF WORKS OF 4 COMPONENTS OF BAQA QCBS CONSULTING ENGINEERING CENTER Health and other social services 62.6 Industry and trade 62.6 Law and justice and public administration 10.4 Transportation 62.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 62.6 Total: 260.7</p><p>P069326 JO-HIGHER EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT STUDENT/FACULTY NETWORK AND PCS (PHASE II) F ICB GENERAL COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Education 2,966.6 Law and justice and public administration 30.0 Total: 2,996.5</p><p>INFO-STUDENT/FACULTY NETWORK AND PCS (PHASE ICB IDEAL TECH. CO. Education 331.4 Law and justice and public administration 3.4 Total: 334.8</p><p>P075829 JO-Education Reform for Knowledge Econ.I CONSTRUCTION OF THREE NEW SCHOOLS IN MAFRAQ NCB TRANS ARAB ENGINEERING & CONTRACTING Education 1,685.6 CONSTRUCTION OF TWO NEW SCHOOLS IN ZARQA GOV NCB ARAB BUSINESS CO. Education 2,122.4 GOODS - AIR CONDITIONING ICB PETRA ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES C.O (W.L.L) Education 161.0 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR COMPUTER LAB FOR EX ICB BETA ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING COMPANY (W.L.L Education 1,083.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 217 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: JORDAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P078309 Protecting At-Risk Children REFERRAL INSTITUTION PROVIDING TRAINING & RE CQB MINISTRY OF EDUCATION JORDAN Health and other social services 45.0 REFERRAL INSTITUTION PROVIDIDNG TRAINING & R CQB HIGHER COUNSEL OF YOUTH JORDAN Health and other social services 30.0 REFERRAL INSTITUTION PROVIDING TRAINING & RE CQB NOOR AL-HUSSEIN Health and other social services 11.3 REFERRAL INSTITUTION PROVIDING TRAINING AND CQB FAMILIY AND CHILD PROTECTION SOCIETY Health and other social services 13.0 REFERRAL INSTITUTION PROVIDING TRAINING AND CQB ABNA'AL-AQABA CHARITABLE SOCIETY Health and other social services 13.0 REFERRAL INSTITUTION PROVIDING TRAINING AND CQB VOCATIONAL TRAINING CORPORATION Health and other social services 25.0 CAR RENTAL. CQB NATIONAL CAR RENTAL Health and other social services 48.7 SUPERVISOR COMPONENT B QCBS GHANEM J. BUSTAMI Health and other social services 21.3 VOLUNTEERISM COORDINATOR QCBS ASHRAF A. AL HALAWAH Health and other social services 13.3 SUPERVISOR COMPONENT A QCBS HAYTHEM S. AL AWED Health and other social services 13.1 REFERRAL OFFICER QCBS WESAM M. ZA'TAR Health and other social services 12.0</p><p>P081505 JO-AMMAN DEVELOPMENT CORRIDOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS UPDATE AND TRANSPORT SECTO SSS DAR AL-HANDASAH CONSULTANTS (SHAIR AND PARTNERS Transportation 125.0</p><p>Country Total: 15,784.9</p><p>West Bank and Gaza P040503 GAZA INDUSTRIAL EST. CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE CAPACITY BUILDI QCBS ECO - CONSULT Energy and mining 102.3 Law and justice and public administration 8.4 Transportation 13.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 43.6 Total: 167.8</p><p>Country Total: 167.8</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P039171 RY-SEEDS & AG. SERVICES PROCUREMENT OF 3400 MT UREA FERTILIZERS FOR LIB INTERNATIONAL FERTILIZERS AND MINERALS TRADING Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 680.0</p><p>P065111 RY-PORT CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION SERVICE FOR THE FIR QCBS CONSULTING ENGINEERING CENTER Information and communications 60.2 Law and justice and public administration 481.2 Transportation 60.2 Total: 601.5</p><p>Country Total: 1,281.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 17,234.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 218 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: KAZAKHSTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Kazakhstan P008507 UZEN OIL FIELD REHAB MAINTENANCE CENTER COMPRESSOR EQUIPMENT ISH PROMTECHCOMPLECT Energy and mining 65.9</p><p>P046045 SYR DARYA CONTROL/NO. ARAL SEA SYNAS RIVER DIKES NCB TOO MELIORATOR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 501.7 Law and justice and public administration 30.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 217.2 Total: 748.9</p><p>RIVER-CHANNEL STRAIGHTENING ICB OJSC AKSU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 823.2 Law and justice and public administration 49.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 356.3 Total: 1,228.6</p><p>P049721 AGRIC COMPETITIVENESS PROJECT PREPARATION FBS CJSC KERA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 116.1</p><p>P059803 NURA RIVER CLEANUP PURCHASE OF LAB EQUIPMENT FOR 17 HYDRO-POSTS ICB "EURASIA-FARM" LLC Water, sanitation and flood protection 308.1 MATERIAL FOR SAMPLING ICB "EURASIA-FARM" LLC Water, sanitation and flood protection 501.1</p><p>P071525 DRYLANDS MGMT (GEF) PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST INDV AIGERIM MALIK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 62.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,031.5 Tajikistan P075256 PAMIR PRIV POWER SUPPLY OF RE-METERING MATERIALS ICB SAIMAN OJSC Energy and mining 228.3 SUPPLY OF WIRING MATERIAL LIB KAZELECTROMASH LTD Energy and mining 376.8</p><p>Country Total: 605.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 3,636.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 219 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: KENYA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Ethiopia P000756 Health Sector Dev. PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - LOT IV ICB GATERO INSTRUMENTS LTD. Health and other social services 142.6</p><p>P069886 Multisectoral HIV/AIDS DRUGS, MEDICAL SUPPLIES AND TEST KITS (ITEM ICB M/S MACMED HEALTHCARE KENYA LIMITED Health and other social services 197.3</p><p>Country Total: 339.9</p><p>Kenya P066490 PUB.SEC.MGMT.TA SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SERVERS AND PROVI ICB THE COPY CAT LTD. Law and justice and public administration 370.1 CONSULTANCY TO DESIGN AND DEVELOP A WEBSITE SSS M/S WAN AND EXTRANET EXPERTS Law and justice and public administration 63.1</p><p>P078209 Development Learning Centre - LIL CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT LEARNING CENTRE NCB DINESH CONSTRUCTION LTD. Education 156.6 Law and justice and public administration 365.4 Total: 522.0</p><p>Country Total: 955.2</p><p>Lesotho P081269 LS-ESDP II (Phase 2) PROJECTS COORDINATOR CQB KINANDU MURAGU Education 305.6</p><p>Country Total: 305.6 Madagascar P051741 2nd Health Sector Support FOURNITURE DE 100000 MOUSTIQUAIRES PRE-IMPRE ICB VESTERGAARD FRANDSEN (E.A.) LTD, NAIROBI KENYA Health and other social services 517.0 FOURNITURE DE 100000 MOUSTIQUAIRES PRE IMPRE ICB VESTERGAARD FRANDSEN (E.A.) LTD, NAIROBI KENYA Health and other social services 517.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,034.0</p><p>Mozambique P001785 MZ-ROADS & BRIDGES MMP CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE SUPERVISION OF QCBS OTIENO ODONGO & PARTNERS Transportation 382.4</p><p>Country Total: 382.4</p><p>Rwanda P064965 Rwanda-Rural Sector Support Project IMPLEMENTATION OF A DETAILED STUDY AND DESIG QCBS CADPLAN ARCHITECTS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 109.3</p><p>P066386 RW-Public Sector Capacity Building REVISING MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY, ACTION PLAN & SSS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS CONSULTANTS LIMITED Education 17.2 Information and communications 5.8 Law and justice and public administration 34.5 Total: 57.5</p><p>Country Total: 166.8</p><p>Tanzania P002758 URBAN SECTOR REHAB REHAB & IMPROV OF ADDTL ROADS & DRAINAGE (PH NCB KUNDAN SINGH CONSTRUCTION LTD Law and justice and public administration 84.2 Transportation 114.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 183.7 Total: 382.8</p><p>Country Total: 382.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 220 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: KENYA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Timor-Leste P073911 Second Agriculture Rehabilitation Proj. JAMES ODUK AS COMMUNITY IRRIGATION DESIGN SP INDV JAMES ODUK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 72.0</p><p>P079320 TP-Third Agric.Rehabilitation Proj. JAMES ODUK AS IRRIGATION ADVISOR CONTRACT NU INDV JAMES ODUK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 38.5</p><p>Country Total: 110.5</p><p>Uganda P002992 LOCAL GOV DEVE.PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION OF KCC DATA & VOICE COMMUNICA ICB LANTECH LTD AND TELNETCOM UGANDA LTD (JV) Law and justice and public administration 481.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 36.2 Total: 517.3</p><p>P072482 HIV/AIDS Control Project SUPPLY OF STI DRUGS ICB COSMOS LIMITED Education 9.4 Health and other social services 391.1 Law and justice and public administration 70.7 Total: 471.2</p><p>Country Total: 988.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 4,665.7 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 221 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: KIRIBATI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Kiribati P078290 Kiribati Adaptation Project MR. UEANTABO NEEMIA MCKENZIE AS SOCIAL EXPER CQB UEANTABO NEEMIA MCKENZIE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 51.6 MR. JOHN ROFETA AS SHORT TERM TECHNICAL EXPE INDV JOHN ROFETA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 14.0 Law and justice and public administration 7.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.0 Total: 35.0</p><p>TEFAU AFELETI AS NATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR INT INDV TEFAU AFELETI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 2.2 Law and justice and public administration 1.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.2 Total: 5.5</p><p>Country Total: 92.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 92.1 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 222 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bangladesh P037857 Health and Population Program G302:X-RAY MACHINES, SUB-PACKAGE A-500 MA X- ICB LISTEM CORPORATION Health and other social services 368.2 G302:X-RAY MACHINES, SUB-PACKAGE-B, 300 MA X ICB LISTEM CORPORATION Health and other social services 790.6 G302:X-RAY MACHINES, SUB-PACKAGE C ICB LISTEM CORPORATION Health and other social services 139.9 SUB-PACKAGE-B OF CONTRACT PACKAGE G-328: 500 ICB LISTEM CORPORATION Health and other social services 366.8</p><p>P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. GLR10.4 - PROCUREMENT OF POWER TRANSFORMER ICB CHO-IL SUNG UP ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Energy and mining 417.8 SUB-PACKAGE GLR10.3 OF THE PACKAGE GLR-10A ICB M/S. AJOO CONTROL SYSTEM CORPORATION, KORIA Energy and mining 256.6 SUB-PACKAGE G-10.11 OF PACKAGE G-10 C. 3-PHA ICB M/S. SHINSUNG INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Energy and mining 194.3 SUB-PKG G-10.7 OF PKG G-10B: 3 PHASE ACR(11 ICB M/S. SHINSUNG INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Energy and mining 276.8</p><p>Country Total: 2,811.1</p><p>Eritrea P034154 ERITREA PORTS REHABILITATION OF PORT OF MASSAWA PHASE 2 ICB DAELIM INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Transportation 6,557.2 MASSAWA PORT PASSENGER TERMINAL, WORKSHOP AN ICB KEANGNAM ENTERPRISES LTD. Transportation 4,176.7</p><p>Country Total: 10,733.9</p><p>Ethiopia P069886 Multisectoral HIV/AIDS SUPPLY OF 55 UNITS MOTOR CYCLES MODEL YAMAHA NCB HAGBES PLC Health and other social services 120.9</p><p>Country Total: 120.9</p><p>Vietnam P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB PACKAGE 58, LOT 58.10: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL ICB LG INTERNATIONAL CORP. Energy and mining 427.0</p><p>Country Total: 427.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 14,092.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 223 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: KOSOVO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Kosovo P070365 PILOT WS (KOSOVO TF) SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL EQUIPM NCB PROTERM Water, sanitation and flood protection 105.1 RENOVATION OF QERIM RESERVOIR NCB HIDROTERM Water, sanitation and flood protection 97.3 CONSTRUCTION OF PIPELINE IN RAHOVEC NCB HIDROTERM Water, sanitation and flood protection 86.6 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF OVERHEAD POWER LI NCB MONT-COMMERC Water, sanitation and flood protection 72.5</p><p>P072405 SOC PROT (KOSOVO TF) CIVIL WORKS IN PEJA NCB IZOLIMI Health and other social services 90.9</p><p>Country Total: 452.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 452.5 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 224 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Central Asia P042573 CENTRAL ASIA BIODIV (GEF) CIVIL WORKS IN SARY CHELEK RESERVE NCB JSC OBLAIYLENERGO JALAL ABAD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 49.7 Education 12.7 Health and other social services 9.5 Industry and trade 10.6 Law and justice and public administration 23.3 Total: 105.7</p><p>Country Total: 105.7</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P008519 POWER & DIST HEAT COMPUTER, LAPTOP, PRINTER, SCANNER, COPIER, ISH C & C (COMPEX) Energy and mining 7.1 SUPPLY OF MINIVAN ISH EVI-AUTOCENTER Energy and mining 33.6</p><p>P040721 ASSP PROCUREMENT OF POTATO SEEDS ISH SE "CHELPEK" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 31.5 PROCUREMENT OF POTATO SEEDS ISH JSC "CHONG KEMIN" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 15.1 PROCUREMENT OF POTATO SEEDS ISH SE "KUBAT" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 15.1 PROCUREMENT OF POTATO SEEDS ISH SE "TOKTONASAR" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 15.7 PROCUREMENT OF POTATO SEEDS ISH SE "NUKOK" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 17.3 PROCUREMENT OF FERTILIZERS (AMMONIA NITER) ISH OSHKRASTEKS LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 34.9 PROCUREMENT OF CERTIFIED SEED OF POTATO LOT ICB MINI FARM "ERLAN-A" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 14.8 PROCUREMENT OF CERTIFIED SEED OF POTATO LOT ICB SE "NUKOK" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 97.6 AGRICULTURAL MARKET INFORMATION COLLECTION DIR KAMIS (KYR AGR. MARKET INFO) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 90.0 REHABILITATION WORKS ON FLOOD PROTECTION ON NCB AVTO-JOL JSC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,993.0</p><p>P046042 IRRIGATION REHAB KIROV DAM MONITORING SYSTEM REHABILITATION NCB "KVT" LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 142.6 Law and justice and public administration 76.8 Total: 219.4</p><p>P049719 LAND REGISTRATION PRINTED MATERIALS AND FORMS FOR SYSTEMATIC A ICB KIRLAND LTD Law and justice and public administration 185.0 DELIVERY OF PRINTED MATERIALS AND FORMS FOR ICB KIRLAND LTD Law and justice and public administration 120.0</p><p>P049723 ON-FARM IRRIGATION PROCUREMENT OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR TRAINING ISH ALTYN-KAZYK JSC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 88.0 Law and justice and public administration 29.3 Total: 117.3</p><p>REHABILITATION OF THE KULUNDU-RAZAKOV WUA ON NCB I. RAZZAKOV CONSORTIUM COMPRISING SHAHTOSTROY J Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 564.4 Law and justice and public administration 188.1 Total: 752.5</p><p>P051372 HEALTH 2 PROCUREMENT OF SOFTWARE DIR INTERSOFT LTD Health and other social services 47.4 EDITION OF DIFFERENT PRINTED MATERIALS NCB PRINTING HOUSE TURAR Health and other social services 16.1 Law and justice and public administration 4.8 Total: 21.0</p><p>SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT NCB INTERSOFT LTD. Health and other social services 75.0 NETWORK AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT ICB 97 DISTRIBUTION Health and other social services 32.0 COMPUTERS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT ICB CONTINENT LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 225 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 386.4 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOTS 1,2,7 ICB MEDCO INTERNATIONAL, LTD Health and other social services 556.2</p><p>P069814 CONSLD TA INSTALLATION OF CONSUMER GAS METERS NCB JV FUTURE LAND LTD AND PE KARPENKO Energy and mining 350.5 SUPPLY OF OXYGEN (MATERIAL FOR INSTALLATION DIR FUTURE LAND LTD. Energy and mining 11.7</p><p>P073973 VILLAGE INVESTMENT INTERNATIONAL LEGAL SPECIALIST INDV RENEE A. GIOVARELLI Law and justice and public administration 11.1 INTERNATIONAL M&E SPECIALIST INDV KAMAL M. SIBLINI Law and justice and public administration 17.9 PPU DEPUTY DIRECTOR SSS MARAT SULTANOV Law and justice and public administration 15.2 CONDUCTING TRAININGS ON STRATEGIC AND BUSINE CQB SBDC CONSULT Law and justice and public administration 73.2 CONDUCTING TRAINING ON SOCIAL MOBILIZATION, CQB ASSOCIATION OF CIVIL SOCIETY SUPPORT CENTERS Law and justice and public administration 49.4 PROCUREMENT OF VIHECLES NCB AVT LTD. Law and justice and public administration 21.2</p><p>P079932 COURT INFO & MGMT SYST IDF DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COURT INFO QCBS SIC ARASHAN LTD Law and justice and public administration 247.0</p><p>P083235 DISASTER HAZARD MITIGATION SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ACCO NSH PRACTICA LTD Energy and mining 3.4 Law and justice and public administration 1.9 Total: 5.3</p><p>Country Total: 5,679.9 ======Supplying Country Total: 5,785.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 226 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P004200 LA-HEALTH SYSTEM REFORM & M CONSTRUCTION OF SEPONE INTER-DISTRICT HOSPIT ICB CHITCHALEUN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Health and other social services 355.8</p><p>P004208 LA-LAND TITLING CONSTRUCTION OF THE LAND TITLING OFFICE BUIL NCB SENGVISAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Law and justice and public administration 239.1 CONSTRUCTION OF THE LAND OFFICE TITLING OFFI NCB SIVILAY CONSTRUCTION CO. Law and justice and public administration 198.6</p><p>P042237 LA-Provin. Infrast. REHABILITATION OF URBAN ROADS IN PHONGSALY M NCB ROAD NO. 8 CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE Transportation 475.2 CONSTRUCTION OF THE CABLE FERRY CROSSING OVE NCB COMMUNICATION CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Transportation 450.6</p><p>P064821 LA-Road Maintenance REHAB. WORKS IN HOUAPHAN PROVINCE, LUANGPRAB NCB THAVYSOK DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LTD. Transportation 531.7</p><p>P065973 LA-Agricultural Development Project PROCUREMENT OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT THROUGH INTE SHOP RM ASIA (HK) LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 54.2</p><p>P077326 LA-Poverty Reduction Fund Project NAT'L STATISTICS CENTER FOR BASELINE HOUSEHO SSS NATIONAL STATISTICS CENTER Health and other social services 45.7</p><p>P077620 LA-Fin. Management Capacity Building Cr. AUDIT SERVICE FOR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 3 INDV KPMG LAO LIMITED Finance 179.4 FIRST NCB FOR THE SUPPLY OF COMPUTER EQUIPME NCB DATACOM CO. LTD. (LAO PDR) Finance 18.5 Industry and trade 3.7 Law and justice and public administration 30.6 Total: 52.8</p><p>P081084 LA ImprFin Accountb'ty in SOE & Priv Ent PROVISION OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES ON TRANSLA SSS MRS. JOAN TAZIR Finance 29.6 TRANSLATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING SSS MR. SAIKHAM BOUATHONGTHIP Finance 5.4 REVISION OF THE TRANSLATION OF THE INTERNATI SSS MR. PHIRANY PHISSAMAY Finance 6.6 REVISION OF THE TRANSLATION OF THE INTERNATI SSS MRS. KHEMVIENG PHOLSENA Finance 6.6 TRANSLATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING SSS MR. BOUNMY PHANENOURATH Finance 7.1</p><p>Country Total: 2,638.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 2,638.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 227 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LATVIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Armenia P044829 TRANSPORT (LOT-2) SUPPLY OF THE FASTENING DETAILS FOR ISH "REFORMA" LTD Transportation 99.9 (LOT-3) SUPPLY OF THE FASTENING DETAILS FOR ISH "REFORMA" LTD Transportation 71.8</p><p>Country Total: 171.7</p><p>Azerbaijan P069293 HEALTH REF LIL ASSISTANCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL DR INDV ILZE AIZSILNIECE Health and other social services 48.6</p><p>P070973 FIN SCT TA ESTABLISHMENT OF A CARD PROCESSING CENTER ICB TIETOENATOR FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS Finance 1,763.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,811.8</p><p>Latvia P040553 SOLID WASTE MGMT CONSTRUCTION OF GAS EXTRACTION AND WASTE MOI NCB A/S VENCEB Energy and mining 110.5 Industry and trade 11.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 112.8 Total: 235.1</p><p>TRUCKS FOR GETLINI LANDFILL ICB VOLVO TRUCK LATVIA LTD Energy and mining 104.1 Industry and trade 11.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 106.3 Total: 221.4 TRUCKS FOR GETLINI LANDFILL ICB UNIMOTORS LTD Energy and mining 119.5 Industry and trade 12.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 122.1 Total: 254.3</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF ACEESS ROADS IN SORTING AREA NCB BINDERS LTD Energy and mining 241.0 Industry and trade 25.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 246.1 Total: 512.8</p><p>P045716 SOLID WASTE MGMT (GEF) CONSTRUCTION OF ACCESS ROADS AND SORTING ARE NCB BINDERS LTD Energy and mining 115.4 Industry and trade 4.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 278.5 Total: 397.8</p><p>P049172 EDUC IMPROVMT RENOVATION OF VALMIERAS 36 VOCATIONAL SCHOOL NCB A/S SCO CENTRS Education 338.3 RENOVATION OF AIZKRAUKLE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL NCB SIA DITTON Education 232.9 RENOVATION OF OLAINE COLLEGE OF MECHANIC & T NCB SIA CESU BUVNIEKS Education 167.1 RENOVATION OF KULDIGA 78 VOCATIONAL SCHOOL NCB SIA "ARCERS" Education 243.3</p><p>P058476 LIEPAJA S.W. MGMT. PROCUREMENT OF SITE EQUIPMENT ICB SIA VOLVO TRUCK LATVIA Industry and trade 17.7 Law and justice and public administration 17.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 259.6 Total: 295.0</p><p>SUPPLY OF WHEEL HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR/LOADER ICB SIA BCM BALTIJAS CELTNIECIBAS MASINA Industry and trade 8.4 Law and justice and public administration 8.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 123.5 Total: 140.3</p><p>REMEDIATION OF DUMP SITES IN THE MUNICIPALIT NCB RBC BINDERS SIA ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 228 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LATVIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Industry and trade 8.3 Law and justice and public administration 8.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 121.5 Total: 138.0</p><p>REMEDIATION OF DUMP SITES IN THE MUNICIPALIT NCB RBC BINDERS SIA Industry and trade 6.2 Law and justice and public administration 6.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 91.3 Total: 103.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,280.0</p><p>Russian Federation P036973 ENT HOUSING DIVST PRE-INSULATED PIPES & ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT - ICB SIA POLIURS Energy and mining 2,009.8</p><p>Country Total: 2,009.8</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 7,273.3 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 229 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LEBANON Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Lebanon P005344 LB-IRRIGATION REHABILITATION OF ARIL LABORATORIES NCB GISCO FOR CONTRACTING AND TRADING Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 418.6 Law and justice and public administration 79.7 Total: 498.4</p><p>AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICES FOR NORTH LE SSS WORLD VISION OF LEBANON Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 57.2</p><p>P034038 LB-URBAN TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SUPVN CONST--CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM QCBS DAHNT--DAR AL HANDASAH NAZIH TALEB & PARTNERS S Law and justice and public administration 124.7 Transportation 1,952.8 Total: 2,077.4</p><p>P038674 LB-NATIONAL ROADS TRANSPORT PLANNING ENGINEER - ALI ANOUTI INDV ALI ANOUTI Transportation 18.0 C1A:MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION WORKS ICB JV SOTEG & HAMMOUD ESTABLISHMENT Law and justice and public administration 393.5 Transportation 3,978.4 Total: 4,371.9</p><p>P045174 LB-EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONSTRUCTION OF THE SECONDARY PUBLIC SCHOOL NCB COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING COMPANYCO S.A.R.L. Education 1,017.6 CONSTRUCTION OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL OF SIR NCB IIMAR GENERAL CONTRACTING Education 1,797.6 CONSTRUCTION OF ACHKOUT PUBLIC SCHOOL NCB BINAA & IAMAR SARL Education 1,250.1 CONSTRUCTION OF YAHCHOUCH SCHOOL NCB UNITED DEVELOPMENT AND CONTRACTING COMPANY Education 1,595.8 CONSTRUCTION OF KOB ELIAS PUBLIC SCHOOL NCB TRUST CONTRACTING AND TRADING Education 1,251.3 CONSTRUCTION OF ALI NAHRI PUBLIC SCHOOL NCB AL BONIAN ENGINEERING & CONTRACTING Education 1,139.8 CONSTRUCTION OF KFARHEBO SCHOOL NCB AKARIA Education 1,735.9 CONSTRUCTION OF BEBNINE SCHOOL NCB IIMAR GENERAL CONTRACTING Education 2,347.8</p><p>P050529 LB-CULTURAL HERITAGE AND URBAN DEV. PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT: MUNICIPAL ENGINEER, INDV DIMA JAWAD (MS.) Industry and trade 12.4 Law and justice and public administration 16.5 Transportation 8.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 4.1 Total: 41.2</p><p>OLD TRIPOLI CITY: ENGG STUDY FOR TRAFFIC & R QCBS TEAM INTERNATIONAL Transportation 69.6 SOCI0-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICER / SOCIAL INDV FAYZA SAAD (MS.) Industry and trade 8.6 Law and justice and public administration 11.5 Transportation 5.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.9 Total: 28.8</p><p>COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER IN TRIPOLI FOR INDV NAJWA BASSIL (MS.) Industry and trade 6.3 Law and justice and public administration 8.4 Transportation 4.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.1 Total: 21.0</p><p>MUNICIPAL ENGINEER IN TRIPOLI FOR MIU INDV AZZAM SANKARI (MR.) Industry and trade 10.8 Law and justice and public administration 14.4 Transportation 7.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3.6 Total: 36.0</p><p>P050544 LB-FIRST MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE MUNICIPALITY OF KANA - CAZA SOUR NCB THE ARAB COMPANY FOR CIVIL WORKS Law and justice and public administration 17.6 Transportation 89.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 87.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 230 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LEBANON Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 195.2</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF JEZZINE - CAZA JEZZINE NCB GHASSAN FAYEZ MOUGHABGHAB (ENGINEER) Law and justice and public administration 37.2 Transportation 190.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 185.9 Total: 413.0</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF AINATA - CAZA BINT JBEIL NCB SAIFI AND SONS FOR TRADING AND CONTRACTING Law and justice and public administration 18.5 Transportation 94.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 92.5 Total: 205.5</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF JOUAYA, CAZA SOUR NCB ME'MAAR COMPANY FOR ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT Law and justice and public administration 32.7 Transportation 166.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 163.3 Total: 362.8</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF BESKENTA - CAZA METN NCB HABIB HAKIM & SONS COMPANY S.A.L. Law and justice and public administration 16.7 Transportation 85.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 83.7 Total: 186.0</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF SIR, CAZA MOUNIEH DNIEH NCB AL YAMAN TRADING AND GENERAL CONTRACTING SARL Law and justice and public administration 23.4 Transportation 119.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 117.0 Total: 260.0</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF JOUNIEH-HARET SAKHER - CAZA NCB EL-EHMAR COMPANY Law and justice and public administration 15.4 Transportation 78.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 76.9 Total: 170.8</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF MACHGHARA - CAZA BEKAA OUEST NCB EL HOUDA ESTABLISHMENT FOR TRADE AND CONTRACTIN Law and justice and public administration 37.5 Transportation 191.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 187.7 Total: 417.1</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF KFARKELA - CAZA MARJEYOUN NCB UNIBUILD S.A.L. Law and justice and public administration 15.8 Transportation 80.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 79.0 Total: 175.5</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF HARET HREYK - CAZA BAABDA NCB MOHAMMAD WISSAM ALI ACHOUR Law and justice and public administration 25.9 Transportation 132.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 129.6 Total: 288.1</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF DOUAIR - CAZA NABATIEH NCB NATIONAL COMPANY FOR CONTRACTING AND TRADING Law and justice and public administration 18.4 Transportation 94.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 92.1 Total: 204.7</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF HAROUF - CAZA NABATIEH NCB HANNA KHOURY AND BROTHERS FOR TRADING AND CONTR Law and justice and public administration 18.3 Transportation 93.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 91.5 Total: 203.3</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF JEBCHIT - CAZA NABATIEH NCB EZZEDINE FOR ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Law and justice and public administration 17.0 Transportation 87.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 85.2 Total: 189.4</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF SOUR - CAZA SOUR NCB ESTABLISHMENT OF MOHAMMAD SALIM SHALAAN Law and justice and public administration 87.5 Transportation 447.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 437.7 Total: 972.7</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF GHBAIRY - CAZA BAABDA NCB MOHAMMAD WISSAM ALI ACHOUR ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 231 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LEBANON Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 47.3 Transportation 241.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 236.7 Total: 525.9</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF GHAZIR, CAZA KESROUAN NCB GEORGES ABI HABIB ESTABLISHMENT Law and justice and public administration 22.3 Transportation 114.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 111.6 Total: 248.0</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF TAIBET, CAZA MARJEYOUN NCB ASSAD KHALIL FARHAT & SONS Law and justice and public administration 24.3 Transportation 124.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 121.6 Total: 270.2</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF KHYAM - CAZA MARJEYOUN NCB ASSAD KHALIL FARHAT & SONS Law and justice and public administration 52.3 Transportation 267.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 261.4 Total: 580.9</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF TARAYA - CAZA BA'ALBECK NCB ASSAF COMPANY FOR TRADING AND CONTRACTING Law and justice and public administration 20.5 Transportation 104.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 102.5 Total: 227.7</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF JBEIL - CAZA JBEIL NCB WEHBE CONTRACTING OFFICE Law and justice and public administration 43.1 Transportation 220.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 215.4 Total: 478.8</p><p>MUNCIPALITY OF AITAROUN - CAZA BINT JBEIL NCB AL BONIAN ENGINEERING & CONTRACTING Law and justice and public administration 23.2 Transportation 118.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 116.1 Total: 258.1</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF KASR WA FISSAN - CAZA HERMEL NCB EST. ALAM EL-KHOURY EL-ALAM FOR CONTRACTING AND Law and justice and public administration 26.7 Transportation 136.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 133.5 Total: 296.7</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF SADNAYEL - CAZA ZAHLE NCB CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CO. FOR ROADS AND Law and justice and public administration 18.9 Transportation 96.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 94.6 Total: 210.2</p><p>MUNICIPALITY OF MAJDEL ANJAR - CAZA ZAHLE NCB AL BONIAN ENGINEERING & CONTRACTING Law and justice and public administration 24.5 Transportation 125.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 122.5 Total: 272.3</p><p>P074042 LB-BA'ALBECK WATER AND WASTEWATER 3119:BAALBECK-NABI CHIT AREA-PACKAGE 1 ICB MOHAMAD H. DANASH Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,272.8 SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION WORKS--SERVICE & QCBS BTD (BUREAU TECHNIQUE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT) Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.1 CDD PROJECT COORDINATOR INDV HASSAN IBRAHIM (MR.) Water, sanitation and flood protection 96.0 CDD TEAM LEADER INDV HAISAM ELHASSAN (MR.) Water, sanitation and flood protection 120.0</p><p>Country Total: 28,479.6</p><p>Mauritania P071308 MR-Education Sector Development Program PRINTING OF 30 MANUALS AND TEACHER'S GUIDES ICB *DAR EL FIKR* Education 915.4</p><p>Country Total: 915.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 232 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LEBANON Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P050706 RY-CIVIL SERVICE MODERN CAPACITY BUILDING FOCAL TEAM SSS TEAM INTERNATIONAL Law and justice and public administration 45.0</p><p>P076185 RY-Basic Education Development Program SCHOOL MAPPING SSS ADEL ABOUJAOUDE Education 34.7</p><p>Country Total: 79.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 29,474.6 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 233 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LESOTHO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Lesotho P001402 AG POL & CAP BLDG CONSULTATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND M SSS SM-SIVEST JOINT VENTURE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 64.8</p><p>P001403 Lesotho ROAD REHAB. & MAINT DESIGN AND DOCUMENTATION OF THREE NEW BRIDGE QCBS AFRICON Transportation 159.1 REHABILITATION OF THABANENG-RALETOOANE, SECT NCB *TOP TECH CONSTRUCTION* Transportation 57.3 REHABILITATION OF THABANENG-RALETOOANE, SECT NCB *TOP TECH CONSTRUCTION* Transportation 59.9 REHABILITATION OF LIPHIRING-TSOLOANE, SECTIO NCB KHEKO CONSTRUCTION Transportation 108.9 ROAD REHABILITATION OF LIPHIRING-TSOLOANE, S NCB A&C HOLDINGS Transportation 143.2 ROAD REHABILITATION OF LIPHIRING-TSOLOANE, S NCB ROAD LUX CONSTRUCTION Transportation 128.2 RAOD REHABILITATION OF LIPHIRING-TSOLOANE, S NCB MEM CONSTRUCTION Transportation 126.3 ROAD REHABILITATION OF LIPHIRING-TSOLOANE, S NCB MAJORS CONSTRUCTION Transportation 95.6 ROAD REHABILITATION OF KHUKHUNE-TSIME, SECTI NCB TEN CONSTRUCTION Transportation 114.8 ROAD REHABILITATION OF MOKHEHLE-LEBINA-TSEKE NCB RAMOLEFI CONSTRUCTION Transportation 124.3 ROAD REHABILITATION OF PEKA-RAKOLO SECTION A NCB MOPS CIVILS Transportation 118.7 ROAD REHABILITATION OF PEKA-RAKOLO SECTION B NCB MOPS CIVILS Transportation 131.1 ROAD REHABILITATION OF PEKA-RAKOLO SECTION C NCB WN LETSAPO CONSTRUCTION Transportation 102.8 ROAD REHABILITATION OF PEKA-RAKOLO SECTION D NCB ROAD LUX CONSTRUCTION Transportation 80.5</p><p>P052367 MALOTI-DRAKENSBERG CONSERV. & DEVELOP. CONSERVATION PLANNER - RECRUITMENT CONTRACT CQS TAOLE TESELE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 41.1</p><p>P053200 Health Sector Reform FEMALE CONDOM SOCIAL MARKETING PROJECT SSS POPULATION SERVICES INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 119.6 VCT CARE & SUPPORT / PROV. OF LOCAL IEC MATE SSS CARE LESOTHO Health and other social services 111.9 PROV OF HOME-BASED CARE & SUPPORT TO HIV/AID SSS CHRISTIAN HEALTH ASSOCIATION OF LESOTHO Health and other social services 130.8 LESOTHO MOUNTED POLICE SERVICES TO UNDERTAKE CQS LESOTHO MOUNTED POLICE SERVICES Health and other social services 143.2 TEBA DEVELOPMENT TO UNDERTAKE ENTREPRENEURIA CQS TEBA DEVELOPMENT Health and other social services 152.9 TS'OANELO CARE CENTER TO PROVIDE CARE AND SU CQS TS'OANELO CARE CENTER Health and other social services 197.3 SCRIPTURE UNION TO UNDERTAKE HIV/AIDS PREVEN CQS SCRIPTURE UNION LESOTHO Health and other social services 151.5 ALTERATIONS TO MAINT OFFICES/CONSTRUCTION OF ICB FELIX THAABE CONSTRUCTION Health and other social services 119.3</p><p>P070673 Utilities Sector Reform Project APPOINTMENT OF OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT INSTITUT SSS MR. SYED HARIS IRSHAD Energy and mining 24.1 Finance 1.0 Law and justice and public administration 25.1 Total: 50.2</p><p>P075566 LS Integrated Transport Project TECHNICAL ASSISTANT TO THE PLANNING UNIT TO SSS JOHN PHILIP HASLUCK Transportation 55.2</p><p>P081269 LS-ESDP II (Phase 2) SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PRIMARY SCHOOL FURNIT NCB SELKOL 1983 (PTY) LTD Education 104.0 N SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PRIMARY SCHOOL FURN NCB SELKOL 1983 (PTY) LTD Education 124.2 CONSTRUCTION OF CLASSROOMS AT NKOE MOSHOESHO ICB SIGMA CONSTRUCTION Education 220.4 CONSTRUCTION OF CLASSROOMS AT KOTSONKOANE PR ICB SIGMA CONSTRUCTION Education 220.6 CONSTRUCTION OF CLASSROOMS AT BALE PRIMARY S ICB SIGMA CONSTRUCTION Education 219.3 CONSTRUCTION OF CLASSROOMS AT MONA PRIMARY S ICB BUILDING WORLD CONSTRUCTION ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 234 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LESOTHO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 192.8 CONSTRUCTION OF CLASSROOMS AT HA-LEBONE PRIM ICB SIGMA CONSTRUCTION Education 219.6 PUBLISHING, MANUFACTURE & DELIVERY OF FORM A NCB LONGMAN LESOTHO (PTY) LTD Education 651.8 PUBLISHING, MANUFACTURE & DELIVERY OF FORM A NCB MACMILLAN LESOTHO Education 541.1</p><p>Country Total: 5,382.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 5,382.1 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 235 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LITHUANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Belarus P044748 SOC INF RETROFIT REHABILITATION OF HEAT SUBSTATIONS IN MINSK ICB CONSORTIUM UAB "KATRA" AND OAO "TREST BELSANTEX Energy and mining 1,133.4 Law and justice and public administration 72.3 Total: 1,205.7</p><p>Country Total: 1,205.7</p><p>Latvia P058476 LIEPAJA S.W. MGMT. PORTABLE MONITORING EQUIPMENT ISH JSC EKSPARAS Industry and trade 1.0 Law and justice and public administration 1.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.0 Total: 17.1</p><p>SUPPLY OF CONTAINERS ICB AGRO EKSPRESAS LTD Industry and trade 2.1 Law and justice and public administration 2.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 31.2 Total: 35.4</p><p>Country Total: 52.5</p><p>Lithuania P035776 KLAIPEDA PORT KLAIPEDA PORT ENTRANCE CHANNEL DREDGING BETW ICB JSC KLAIPEDOS HIDROTECHNIKA Transportation 8,609.8</p><p>P035780 HEALTH RENOVATION OF UTENA COUNTY HOSPITAL NCB JV UAB STATVA Health and other social services 945.3 REPAIR OF DAY SURGERY CENTER IN ALYTUS COUNT NCB UAB SKIRNUVA Health and other social services 737.7 RENOVATIN OF VILNIUS RAILWAY HOSPITAL ICB UAB SIAULIU TITANAS & UAB SIENOJUS Health and other social services 2,088.3</p><p>P070112 EDUC IMPRVMT SUPPLY OF SCHOOL BUSES ICB UAB MOLLER AUTO Education 1,175.1 SUPPLY OF SCHOOL BUSSES ICB UAB EMBESTA Education 2,090.2</p><p>P073242 VILNIUS HEAT DEMAND MANAGEMENT (GEF) APARTMENT LEVEL DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT SYSTE NCB RUBIKON APSKAITOS SISTEMOS UAB Energy and mining 5,000.0</p><p>Country Total: 20,646.4</p><p>Ukraine P077738 QUAL EDUC EQUAL ACCESS TA FOR DEV OF EDUC MANAGEMENT INFO SYSTEM IN INDV ALGIRDAS ZABULIONIS Education 29.6</p><p>Country Total: 29.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 21,934.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 236 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: LUXEMBOURG Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Cape Verde P087004 C V Road Sector Support Project ELABORATION DES ETUDES ET PROJETS D'EXECUTIO QCBS SIMON & CHRISTIANSEN Transportation 645.0</p><p>Country Total: 645.0</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P066154 PSMAC INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS AUDIT OF THE HEALT LCS ERNST AND YOUNG INT'L - LUXEMBOURG Health and other social services 160.0</p><p>Country Total: 160.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 805.0 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 237 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MACEDONIA, FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Albania P070078 TRADE & TRANS FACIL IN SE EUR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM IN ALBANIA CUSTOMS ICB EURO COMPUTER SYSTEMS Transportation 1,394.9</p><p>P074905 PWR SECT REHAB/RESTRCT'G SUPPLY OF METERS, INDIVIDUAL METER BOXES AND ICB YUNIG Energy and mining 1,883.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,278.8</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P042399 POWER S&I OF TRANSMISSION AND MULTIPLEX EQUIPMENT ICB ALCATEL LIMITED Energy and mining 218.6</p><p>P050589 TRANSPORT PACKAGE-2 INTRODUCTION OF NEW PAYMENT TECHN ICB CC MAVROVO Transportation 3,715.8 LOT-2 - PROCUREMENT OF COMPRESSORS WITH AIR ICB TEHNOMETAL VARDAR A.D. EXPORT IMPORT Transportation 270.9 PROCUREMENT OF SLEEPERS - LOT 2 ICB KVANTUM ALIJA REDZIC DOEL Transportation 414.5</p><p>P066157 EDUC MOD PCU DIRECTOR INDV AFERDITA HADZUJAHA IMERI Education 13.4 FINANCIAL AUDIT LCS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Education 42.2 PCU FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SSS ARGEND TAIPI Education 64.7 PCU EDUCATION ADVISOR SSS ANTONIE ONOSIMOSKI Education 85.1</p><p>P074358 SOC PROT PROJECT PREPARATION SOCIAL ASSESSMENT QBS TETRAGON Health and other social services 18.6 SUPPLY OF COMPUTERS SHOP HERMES PLUS Health and other social services 10.5</p><p>Country Total: 4,854.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 8,133.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 238 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MADAGASCAR Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Djibouti P071062 DJ-Health Sector Development Project ASSITANT TECHNIQUE DU PROGRAMME DU MSR INDV DÉSIRÉ RAMANAMIDONA Health and other social services 110.0</p><p>Country Total: 110.0</p><p>Madagascar P001559 Educ. Sector Dev. MANUALS FOR MINIMAL LIBRARIES IN PUBLIC & PR ICB LIBRAIRIE MIXTE Education 148.3 MANUALS FOR MINIMAL LIBRARIES IN PUBLIC & PR ICB TRANO PRINTY FIANGONANA LOTERANA MALAGASY Education 141.3</p><p>P001564 RURAL WATER SEC.PILO PIPE SUPPLIES PEHD AND ACCESSORIES NCB COMPAGNIE MADECASSE Law and justice and public administration 61.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 166.2 Total: 227.7</p><p>P048697 URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE REHAB OF STREETS - 12 BATTALLION & EDWARD NE NCB COLAS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 73.5 Health and other social services 147.1 Law and justice and public administration 171.6 Transportation 220.6 Total: 612.9</p><p>REHAB WORKS - ROADWAY, SIDEWALK & SYSTEM (LO NCB GROUPEMENT ENGEMAFI-CLEM Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 84.4 Health and other social services 168.7 Law and justice and public administration 196.8 Transportation 253.1 Total: 702.9 REHAB OF FORMER ROADS - ANDRAINJATO (LOT1) NCB COLAS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 116.2 Health and other social services 232.4 Law and justice and public administration 271.1 Transportation 348.5 Total: 968.2</p><p>REHABILITATION WORKS OF GARDEN OF THE SEA-UR NCB ENTREPRISE VITASOA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 33.0 Health and other social services 66.0 Law and justice and public administration 77.0 Transportation 99.0 Total: 274.9</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRUCTURE PROGRAM OF T QCBS LE CENTRE HIMO ROUTE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 27.6 Health and other social services 55.2 Law and justice and public administration 64.4 Transportation 82.9 Total: 230.2</p><p>WORKS OF BETANIA'S BAZAR PLANNING TOLIARY'S NCB ENTREPRISE VITASOA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 38.8 Health and other social services 77.6 Law and justice and public administration 90.6 Transportation 116.4 Total: 323.4</p><p>WORKS OF BETANIA'S BAZAR PLANNING TOLIARY'S NCB GROUPEMENT CLEM ENGEMAFI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 96.4 Health and other social services 192.7 Law and justice and public administration 224.8 Transportation 289.0 Total: 802.9</p><p>WORKS OF THE RUE ANDRIANDAHIFOTSY REHABILITA NCB ENTREPRISE ASA LALANA MALAGASY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 56.1 Health and other social services 112.1 Law and justice and public administration 130.8 Transportation 168.2 Total: 467.1</p><p>P051741 2nd Health Sector Support ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 239 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MADAGASCAR Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>IMPRESSION OUTILS DE GESTION DES MEDICAMENTS LIB NEW PRINT Health and other social services 261.3 FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION DE MATERIELS INFO ICB TED Health and other social services 182.3 ALTERNATIVE AU DDT ET SURVEILLANCE DES INDIC SSS INSTITUT PASTEUR DE MADAGASCAR Health and other social services 224.6 FOURNITURE DES MEDICAMENTS ANTI-TUBERCULEUX ICB SALAMA Health and other social services 212.5 FOURNITURE DES MEDICAMENTS ANTI-PESTEUX ICB SALAMA Health and other social services 35.1</p><p>P051922 MG - Rural Development Support Project EVALUATION EXTERNE CONSOLIDÉE DU PSDR LCS CABINET ADAPT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 36.4 ACQUISITION, INSTALLATION ET MISE EN FONCTIO ICB PROMEDICAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 67.2 FORMATION EN ÉTUDE D'IMPACT ENVIRONNEMENTAL QCBS SAVAIVO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 30.3</p><p>P052208 MADAGASCAR -Transp Sector Reform & Rehab CONSTRUCTION D'APPOINTMENTS EN BOIS DANS CIN ICB BATIMAD/RDS Transportation 598.7 TRAVAUX AMENAGEMENT DE FLEUVES SOFIA ICB ECOGEC Transportation 457.5 TRAVAUX DE REHAB 3EME ETAGE DU BATIMENT DE V NCB ENTREPRISE BAU Transportation 104.6 REHABILITATION ELECTRIQUE DE LA VPM ANOSY (3 NCB CIMELTA Transportation 73.5 ASSIST. A LA GESTION AU CONTR. ET SURVEILLAN QCBS OSIPD Transportation 76.6 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEIL. D QCBS SECAM Transportation 70.2 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEILLAN QCBS BRL MADAGASCAR Transportation 167.8 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEILLAN QCBS MANAGING Transportation 147.0 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEILL.T QCBS ESPACE INGENIERIE Transportation 171.6 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONT.ET SURVEIL. DES T QCBS CABINET D'ETUDES RANARY Transportation 60.8 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEILL. QCBS SOMEAH Transportation 124.7 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEIL.TR QCBS ETUDES ET CONSEILS PLUS Transportation 95.1 ETUDE- TECHNIQUE AVANT PROJET SOMMAIRE - ELA QCBS GROUPEMENT OSIPD - BE ANDRIAMBOLA Transportation 121.3 LOT 1: TRAVAUX DE REAMENAGEMENT INTERIEUR AE NCB I.C.C MADAGASCAR Transportation 593.5 ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE POUR LA GESTION, LE CO QCBS SOMEAH MADAGASCAR Transportation 105.9</p><p>P055166 Communit. Dev. Fund FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION D'EQUIPEMENTS PHO ICB SOMECA Health and other social services 1,375.4 FOURNITURE ET INSTALLATION DE 7 PHOTOCOPIEUR NCB APMA Health and other social services 51.4 CONVENTION ENTRE LE FID ET SAMPATI - FINANCE DIR SAMPATI Health and other social services 199.6 CONVENTION ENTRE FID ET LA STK/FJKM POUR LE DIR STK FOIBE FJKM Health and other social services 198.0 CONVENTION ENTRE LE FID ET SAHAFA POUR LE FI DIR SAHAFA Health and other social services 185.0 CONVENTION ENTRE LE FID ET LE DORKASY FJKM P DIR DORKASY FJKM Health and other social services 197.9 CONVENTION ENTRE LE FID ET SAMPATI POUR LE F DIR SAMPATI-FJKM Health and other social services 199.9 CONVENTION ENTRE LE FID ET STK FOIBE FJKM PO DIR STK FOIBE FJKM Health and other social services 195.0 CONVENTION ENTRE LE FID ET LE DORKASY FJKM P DIR DORKASY FJKM Health and other social services 198.5 CONVENTION ENTRE LE FID ET E.E.M. SAHAFA POU DIR SAHAFA Health and other social services 65.6 AUDIT COMPTABLE ET FINANCIER DU PROJET DE DÉ LCS GROUPEMENT ERNST & YOUNG/CABINET MPANAZAVA Health and other social services 165.0 SERVICES DE CONSULTANTS POUR L'ÉVALUATION DE LCS VINCENT FRUCHART Health and other social services 37.8 PROGRAMME D'INTERVENTION SUR LES DEGATS CYCL NCB CRS Health and other social services 1,401.2</p><p>P072160 Second Private Sector Development Projec SERVICES D'UN ORGANE TECHNIQUE CHARGÉ DE L'E QCBS INTERNATIONAL DYNAMIC CONSEIL (IDC) ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 240 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MADAGASCAR Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Finance 1.3 Industry and trade 0.9 Law and justice and public administration 40.5 Total: 42.6</p><p>MARCHÉ DE FOURNITURES NO. 003-04/MEFB/PDSPII ICB BULL MADAGASCAR Finance 4.7 Industry and trade 3.2 Law and justice and public administration 150.0 Total: 157.9</p><p>P072987 Multisect. STI/HIV/AIDS Prev. RECRUTEMENT D'UN FORMATEUR POUR DES FACILITA CQB PACT MADAGASCAR Health and other social services 621.6 FOURNITURE DE 500000 KIT ANTI IST CURA 7 POU DIR SALAMA Health and other social services 450.0</p><p>P073689 MADAGASCAR Rural Transport Proj - APL 2 LOT N. 1.11.1 AXE MERIMANDROSO - AMBATO NCB HANTAMALALA Transportation 213.1 CONTROLE ET SURVEILLANCE DES TRAVAUX, PROVIN QCBS DINIKA INTERNATIONAL Transportation 155.2 CONTROLE ET SURVEILLANCE TRAVAUX PISTES RURA QCBS TRANSTECHNIQUES Transportation 184.7 CONTROLE ET SURVEILLANCE DES TRAVAUX PISTES QCBS SECMO MADAGASCAR Transportation 121.2 GESTION, CONTROLE, SURVEILLANCE TRVX REHAB. QCBS SECMO MADAGASCAR Transportation 146.8 LOT 3.A AMPASIMANOLOTRA - ANDAVAKOMENA - AND QCBS CABINET D'ETUDES RANARY Transportation 60.6 ASSIST. GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEIL. DES TR QCBS SECAM Transportation 70.2 ASSIST. GESTION AU CONTROLE ET SURVEILLANCE QCBS OSIPD Transportation 76.6 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEILLAN QCBS BRL MADAGASCAR Transportation 167.8 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEILLAN QCBS MANAGING Transportation 147.0 ASSISTANCE A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEIL QCBS SOMEAH Transportation 124.7 ASSIST. A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEILLAN QCBS ETUDES ET CONSEILS PLUS Transportation 95.1 LOT 4.8 ICB TOLOTSOA Transportation 595.9 LOT 1.12, ANTSAHAFILO AMBOHIPIHAONANA ICB GROUPEMENT ERM/JJA RAKOTOBE Transportation 186.6 LOT 1.13, RN 58 A, ANTANIFISAKA ICB SARA & CIE Transportation 1,770.2 LOT 2.2, BEFETA ANDRANOMAVO ICB EBMA Transportation 476.6 TRAVAUX D'AMENAGEMENT POINT CRITIQUES PISTES ICB ENTREPRISE E.T.T Transportation 656.5 LOT 1.19 ANALAVORY-ANOSIBE AXE NUMBER 112 04 ICB ENTREPRISE LIANA Transportation 1,031.0 LOT 4.2.2 AMBATO-BOENI- MADIROVALO ICB ENTREPRISE CEATEC Transportation 290.4 PROV. FIANAR LOT 2.8 SATROKALA ICB EGECORAM Transportation 1,224.2 AMENAAGEMENT DES POINTS CRITIQUES LES ROUTES ICB ENTREPRISE EGECORAM Transportation 643.8 PROVINCE DE MAHAJANGA LOT 4.9 BEFOTAKA TSIN ICB COLAS Transportation 1,750.6 TRAVAUX DE REHABILITATION DE LA RN 25 ENTRE ICB SOGEA-SATOM Transportation 12,450.9 ASSISTANCE GESTION CONTROLE, SURVEILLANCE TR QCBS BUREAU D'ÉTUDES M. B. CONSULTANT SARL Transportation 99.1 ETUDE TECHNIQUE AVANT PROJET SOMMAIRE - ELAB QCBS GROUPEMENT OSIPD - BE ANDRIAMBOLA Transportation 121.3 ETUDE AVANT PROJET SOMMAIRE - ELABORATION DA QCBS BUREAU D'ETUDES SOMEAH Transportation 97.8 ETUDE AVANT PROJET - ELABORATION DAO TRAVAUX QCBS BRL MADAGASCAR Transportation 127.0 TRAVAUX D AMENAGEMENT DES POINTS CRITIQUES L NCB RINA Transportation 212.1 ETUDE AVANT PROJET SOMMAIRE - ELABORATION DU QCBS BUREAU D'ETUDES BIC Transportation 67.1 AMENAGEMENT DES POINTS CRITIQUES SUR LES ROU SHOP CHINA GEO ENGINEERING CO Transportation 1,522.4 AMENAGEMENT DES POINTS CRITIQUES SUR LES ROU SHOP ENTREPRISE C & ALDO Transportation 941.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 241 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MADAGASCAR Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>AMENAGEMENT DES POINTS CRITIQUES SUR DES ROU NCB ENTREPRISE EGC LOUIS VERNIER Transportation 228.2 AMENAGEMENT DES POINTS CRITIQUES SUR LES ROU SHOP ENTREPRISE EGC LOUIS VERNIER Transportation 350.7 ETUDE TECHNIQUE D'AVANT PROJET SOMMAIRE. TRA QCBS BUREAU D'ETUDES DINIKA Transportation 217.6 TRAVAUX D'AMENAGEMENT DES POINTS CRITIQUES S NCB ENTREPRISE EBMA Transportation 574.3 ETUDE TECHNIQUE AVANT PROJET SOMMAIRE: TRAVA QCBS BUREAU D'ETUDES RANARY Transportation 172.9 AMENAGEMENT DES POINTS CRITIQUES SUR LES ROU NCB LA PRECISION Transportation 369.5 ETUDE TECHNIQUE D'AVANT PROJET SOMMAIRE AVAN QCBS BIC Transportation 105.3 AMENAGEMENT DES POINTS CRITIQUES SUR LES ROU NCB SNC Transportation 496.3 ETUDE TECHNIQUE AVANT PROJET SOMMAIRE. TRAVA LCS BUREAU D'ETUDES DINIKA Transportation 219.7 ASSISTANCE A LA GESTION, CONTROLE ET A LA SU QCBS INFRACONSULT Transportation 99.4 GESTION, CONTROLE ET SURVEILLANCE DES TRAVAU QCBS GERCO S.A.R.L. Transportation 136.5 ETUDE TECHNIQUE APS/APD ET ELABORATION DAO T QCBS AUBIN Transportation 111.1 ETUDE TECHNIQUE S'APS/ADP ET ELABORATION DAO QCBS CONSORTIUM ENTRAID Transportation 193.0</p><p>P076245 MINERAL RESOURCES GOVERNANCE PROJECT CLASSIFICATION DES GITES FOSSILIFERES DE MAD QCBS UNIVERSITE D 'ANTANANARIVO Energy and mining 36.8 REALISATION D'UNE CAMPAGNE D 'INFORMATION SU QCBS ATW CONSULTANTS MADAGASCAR Energy and mining 217.2</p><p>Country Total: 44,017.0 ======Supplying Country Total: 44,127.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 242 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MALAWI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Malawi P001666 MW ROAD MAIN. & REHAB EXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION IN SSS MR. J.J. SOMBA Industry and trade 7.0 Law and justice and public administration 12.5 Transportation 119.8 Total: 139.3</p><p>REHABILITATION OF SELECTED URBAN ROADS IN BL ICB FARGO LIMITED Transportation 1,874.4 REHABILITATION OF SELECTED URBAN ROADS IN BL ICB FARGO LIMITED Transportation 1,365.6 REHABILITATION OF SELECTED URBAN ROADS IN LI ICB FITZPATRICK AND SHIRE JOINT VENTURE Transportation 2,237.8 REHABILITATION OF SELECTED URBAN ROADS IN LI ICB CILCON LIMITED Transportation 1,055.0</p><p>P001670 Secondary Education CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCING,GUARD HOUSE & A ICB TERRASTONE LIMITED Education 307.8 CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCES GUARD HOUSE AND ICB PANGANO BUILDING CONTRACTORS Education 431.8 CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCING, GUARD HOUSE AN ICB HUALONG CONSTRUCTION (PVT) LIMITED Education 303.7 CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCING, GUARD HOUSE & ICB HUALONG CONSTRUCTION (PVT) LIMITED Education 272.9 CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCING, GUARD HOUSE & ICB HUALONG CONSTRUCTION (PVT) LIMITED Education 253.2 CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCING, GUARD HOUSE AN ICB NANGAUNOZGE BUILDING CONTRACTORS Education 210.7 CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCING, GUARD HOUSE AN ICB DELTA CONSTRUCTIONS Education 358.2 CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCING, GUARD HOUSE AN ICB PANGANO BUILDING CONTRACTORS Education 369.7 CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCING, GUARD HOUSE AN ICB WESTERN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED Education 385.6 CONSTRUCTION OF BRICKFENCING, GUARD HOUSE & ICB LITTLEWAYS BUILDING CONTRACTORS LIMITED Education 373.2 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT LOT ICB NEW CITY CENTRE Education 229.2</p><p>P063095 Privatization and Utility Reform Project EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR THE PRIVATIZATION COM INDV MAZIKO CHARLES SAUTI-PHIRI Energy and mining 34.3 Industry and trade 34.3 Information and communications 34.3 Law and justice and public administration 91.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 34.3 Total: 228.9</p><p>THE INFORMATION EDUCATION, AND COMMUNICATION INDV SUSAN CHABUKA BANDA Energy and mining 19.3 Industry and trade 19.3 Information and communications 19.3 Law and justice and public administration 51.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 19.3 Total: 128.9</p><p>OPERATIONS DIRECTOR INDV CHARLIE TIMOTHY MSUSA Energy and mining 19.3 Industry and trade 19.3 Information and communications 19.3 Law and justice and public administration 51.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 19.3 Total: 128.9</p><p>TRANSACTION MANAGER INDV JIMMY KAJANIKE LIPUNGA Energy and mining 26.8 Industry and trade 26.8 Information and communications 26.8 Law and justice and public administration 71.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 26.8 Total: 178.9</p><p>CHIEF ECONOMIST INDV GEORGE JAY HONDE Energy and mining 12.0 Industry and trade 12.0 Information and communications 12.0 Law and justice and public administration 32.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.0 Total: 80.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 243 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MALAWI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>PROJECT COORDINATOR INDV AUDREY MWALA Energy and mining 9.7 Industry and trade 9.7 Information and communications 9.7 Law and justice and public administration 26.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.7 Total: 64.9</p><p>SENIOR PRIVATIZATION ADVISOR CQB WILBER NELSON EDWARDS Energy and mining 28.4 Industry and trade 28.4 Information and communications 28.4 Law and justice and public administration 75.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.4 Total: 189.4</p><p>STRATEGIC MONITORING CONSULTANCY (PERMU) INDV MANSFIELD JAMES MPETA PHIRI Energy and mining 11.7 Industry and trade 11.7 Information and communications 11.7 Law and justice and public administration 31.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.7 Total: 78.0</p><p>SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND COMMISSIONING OF A TRAC ICB GLOBE COMPUTER SYSTEMS LIMITED Information and communications 765.1</p><p>P075911 MASAF III SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 27 MOTOR CYCLES ICB AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS LIMITED Transportation 67.5 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 1 NO. EXECUTIVE STATI ICB TOYOTA MALAWI LTD. Transportation 33.4 LOT 1, 3 AND 8: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 5 NO. ICB PARAD MW LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 7.7 Finance 7.7 Health and other social services 45.9 Transportation 7.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.7 Total: 76.5</p><p>LOT 2, 5 AND 7: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 10 N ICB GLOBE COMPUTERS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 3.3 Finance 3.3 Health and other social services 19.8 Transportation 3.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3.3 Total: 33.0</p><p>LOT 4: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 6 NO. HEAVY D ICB COMPUTER CONNECTIONS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.0 Finance 1.0 Health and other social services 6.2 Transportation 1.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.0 Total: 10.3</p><p>LOT 6: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 4 NO. HEAVY D ICB OLIVETTI MALAWI LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 7.5 Finance 7.5 Health and other social services 45.0 Transportation 7.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.5 Total: 74.9</p><p>Country Total: 12,306.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 12,306.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 244 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MALAYSIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bangladesh P037857 Health and Population Program G-423 (SUB-PACKAGE D): PROCUREMENT OF LASER ICB M/S HEWLETT-PACKARD (MALAYSIA) Health and other social services 103.3</p><p>P062916 Central Bank Strengthening Project INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE ADVISOR INDV MS. ROHANA BINTI YUSOFF Finance 414.0</p><p>Country Total: 517.3</p><p>Cambodia P045629 KH-URBAN WATER SUPPLY UPPLY AND DELIVERY OF POLYETHYLENE PIPES AND ICB POWERCODE ENTERPRISE Law and justice and public administration 36.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 863.3 Total: 899.3</p><p>P070875 KH-Land Management and Administration THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PHOTOCOPIES ICB NORIKO INFOTECH Education 1.6 Industry and trade 1.1 Law and justice and public administration 52.0 Total: 54.8</p><p>Country Total: 954.0</p><p>East Asia and Pacific P068133 4E-Marine Electronic Highway HOME-BASED CONSULTANCY ASSIGNMENT SSS MR. TONG KIAT GUOY Transportation 62.0 Country Total: 62.0</p><p>Nepal P081783 PUBLIC AUDIT REFORM & CAPACITY BLDG OAGN CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CAPACITY BUILDING O FBS KPMG Finance 98.4 Law and justice and public administration 393.6 Total: 492.0</p><p>Country Total: 492.0</p><p>Sri Lanka P042266 TEACHER EDUCATION & TEACHER DEPLOYMENT THREE MONTHS TRAINING FOR 17 TEACHERS IN UNI CQS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Education 64.5</p><p>Country Total: 64.5</p><p>Vietnam P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB PACKAGE 6, LOT 6.1: SUPPLY OF MATERIALS & EQ ICB TOPRANK CORPORATION SDN. BHD Energy and mining 890.8</p><p>P079663 VN-Mekong Health Support Project COMPONENT D- STUDY ON HEALTH PROMOTION STRAT SSS MEDICONSULT Health and other social services 51.7 COMPONENT B - STUDY ON MEKONG REGIONAL HOSPI SSS MEDICONSULT Health and other social services 48.8 COMPONENT A - SITUATION ANALYSIS OF THE HEAL SSS MEDICONSULT Health and other social services 99.3</p><p>Country Total: 1,090.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 3,180.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 245 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MALI Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Mali P001748 FINANCE SECTOR DEVEL ACQUISISTION DE MATERIELS INFORMATIQUES NCB INT SARL Finance 98.5 Law and justice and public administration 83.9 Total: 182.4</p><p>P035630 Mali:AGRICULTURAL & PRODUCER ORGANIZA RESEARCH CONVENTION BETWEEN CNRA AND INSTITU SSS INSTITUT D'ECONOMIE RURALE IER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 843.0 Health and other social services 22.5 Law and justice and public administration 258.5 Total: 1,124.0</p><p>PURCHASE OF 9 VEHICLES (PEUGEOT 307 XR BERLI ICB DIAMA GROUPE CFAO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 101.2 Health and other social services 2.7 Law and justice and public administration 31.1 Total: 135.0</p><p>CONVVENTION FOR EXECUTION OF 33 RESEARCH PRO SSS INSTITUT D'ECONOMIE RURALE IER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 761.1 Health and other social services 20.3 Law and justice and public administration 233.4 Total: 1,014.8</p><p>P040650 Educ. Sect. Exp. Program FOURNITURE DE MATÉRIEL DE LABORATOIRE POUR E ICB HEPTARE SARL Education 987.1</p><p>P041723 ML:RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONV. DE MAITRISE D'OUVRAGE DELEGUEE (STUDIE SSS AGETIER-MALI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 176.6 Law and justice and public administration 38.4 Transportation 76.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 92.1 Total: 383.9</p><p>CONVENTION FOR SUB-PROJECTS TO SUPPLY POTABL SSS AGETIER-MALI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 957.0 Law and justice and public administration 208.1 Transportation 416.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 499.3 Total: 2,080.5</p><p>CONVENTION FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO DNACP SSS AGETIER-MALI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 95.2 Law and justice and public administration 20.7 Transportation 41.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 49.7 Total: 206.9</p><p>Country Total: 6,114.6</p><p>Mauritania P044711 Maur:INTEG DEV PROG FOR IRRIGATED AGRIC ETUDE STRATÉGIE GENRE LIB TOURE CATHERINE CORMONT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 15.8 Law and justice and public administration 13.4 Transportation 1.2 Total: 30.4</p><p>Country Total: 30.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 6,145.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 246 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MAURITANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Mauritania P035689 Health Sect. Invest. Program SUPPLY OF MEDICAL-SURGICAL EQUIPMENT FOR CHN ICB SOCIETE MAURITANIENNE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'INDUS Health and other social services 113.6 CONSTRUCTION DU BÂTIMENT DE LA DRPSS DE ROSS NCB ETS. BABA GUEYE ET FILS Health and other social services 127.3 Law and justice and public administration 9.6 Total: 136.9</p><p>P044711 Maur:INTEG DEV PROG FOR IRRIGATED AGRIC AUX GORGOL ET GUIDIMAKHA LIB EMOJOGCI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 226.2</p><p>P064570 CULTURAL HERITAGE CONTRACT FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES QCBS ETASCO Health and other social services 28.9 Law and justice and public administration 67.4 Total: 96.3</p><p>P069095 Urban Development Program CONSTRUCTION OF 800 PITS IN THE ZONE OF RELO ICB GBTP Education 129.7 Industry and trade 129.7 Law and justice and public administration 70.8 Transportation 129.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 129.7 Total: 589.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION 800 PITS IN THE ZONE OF RELOGEM ICB NAFA-TP Education 101.3 Industry and trade 101.3 Law and justice and public administration 55.2 Transportation 101.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 101.3 Total: 460.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF 700 PITS IN THE ZONE OF RELO ICB NAFA-TP Education 90.8 Industry and trade 90.8 Law and justice and public administration 49.5 Transportation 90.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 90.8 Total: 412.5</p><p>ASSISTANCE TO COMMUNITIES OF ALEG, KAEDI ET QCBS NET AUDIT Education 42.9 Industry and trade 42.9 Law and justice and public administration 23.4 Transportation 42.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 42.9 Total: 194.8</p><p>ASSISTANCE TO COMMUNITY OF NOUADHIBOU QCBS CABINET CONEX Education 42.5 Industry and trade 42.5 Law and justice and public administration 23.2 Transportation 42.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 42.5 Total: 193.0</p><p>TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE COMMUNITIES OF A QCBS GROUPEMENT BUMEC & CREA AMENAGEMENT Education 35.7 Industry and trade 35.7 Law and justice and public administration 19.5 Transportation 35.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 35.7 Total: 162.2</p><p>ASSISTANCE TO THE COMMUNITIES OF NEMA, AIOUN QCBS BECHIR & CO. Education 34.6 Industry and trade 34.6 Law and justice and public administration 18.9 Transportation 34.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 34.6 Total: 157.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION D'UN RÉSEAU DE DISTROBUTION D'E ICB GROUPEMENT SVTP/GC-EMCG-TP Water, sanitation and flood protection 783.4 CONSRUCTION OF HEALTH CENTERS IN THE NEGHBOR ICB BAROUC SA ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 247 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MAURITANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 256.9 Industry and trade 256.9 Law and justice and public administration 140.1 Transportation 256.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 256.9 Total: 1,167.6</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF 2 PRIMARY SCHOOLS, 5 SECONDA ICB SICAP Education 539.9 Industry and trade 539.9 Law and justice and public administration 294.5 Transportation 539.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 539.9 Total: 2,454.0</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR STUDY FOR A STRATEG QCBS URBANIS Education 32.8 Industry and trade 32.8 Law and justice and public administration 17.9 Transportation 32.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 32.8 Total: 148.9</p><p>P071308 MR-Education Sector Development Program CONSTRUCTION OF OFFICES FOR THE NATIONAL INS NCB *SMPCG* Education 144.3 SUPPLY OF BOKS FOR LIBRARIES & READING AREAS ICB IMPRIMERIE ENNASR Education 130.4</p><p>P078368 HIV/AIDS Multisector Control CONVENTION DE FINANCEMENT POUR EXECUTION DU QCBS MINISTERE DE L'EDUCATION NATIONALE Health and other social services 1,094.8 CONVENTION FINANCEMENT EXECUTION PLAN D'ACTI QCBS SECRETARIAT D'ETAT A LA CONDITION FEMININE Health and other social services 481.7 CONVENTION FINANCT, EXEC. PLAN D'ACTION VIH/ QCBS MINISTERE DE LA COMMUNICATION ET DES RELATIONS Health and other social services 350.3</p><p>Country Total: 9,497.8</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 9,497.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 248 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MAURITIUS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Madagascar P072160 Second Private Sector Development Projec CONSULTANT AUPRES DU STP SSS ATW INTERNATIONAL Finance 1.2 Industry and trade 0.8 Law and justice and public administration 37.3 Total: 39.3</p><p>SERVICES D'UN ORGANE TECHNIQUE CHARGÉ DE L'A SSS DE CHAZAL DU MEE & CO Finance 8.6 Industry and trade 5.7 Law and justice and public administration 271.6 Total: 285.9</p><p>HASYMA PRIVATIZATION SSS LEGIS & PARTNERS ET DCDM Finance 6.0 Industry and trade 4.0 Law and justice and public administration 189.3 Total: 199.3</p><p>Country Total: 524.4</p><p>Malawi P063095 Privatization and Utility Reform Project ADVISORY SERVICES FOR PRIVATISATION STRATEGY QCBS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS ASSOCIATES AFRICA LIMITE Energy and mining 136.5 Industry and trade 136.5 Information and communications 136.5 Law and justice and public administration 364.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 136.5 Total: 910.0</p><p>Country Total: 910.0 Mauritius P001921 ENV. SEWERAGE & SAN SUPPLY OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCIATE ICB DUCRAY LENOIR Water, sanitation and flood protection 444.4 LOT 1-DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER RETICUL ICB WW88X-AJMC/TML JOINT VENTURE (TRANSINVEST; A&J Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,886.8 LOT 2 - RETICULATION & HOUSE CONNECTION VALL ICB WW88X-AJMC/TML JOINT VENTURE (TRANSINVEST; A&J Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,622.7 LOT 3 - RETICULATION & HOUSE CONNECTIONS VAL ICB SOTRAVIC LIMITEE Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,534.8 CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSE CONNECTIONS IN PORT LO ICB SOTRAVIC LIMITEE Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,966.4</p><p>Country Total: 9,455.0</p><p>Tanzania P057187 FIDP II CONSULTANCY SERVICES QCBS KPMG EAST AFRICA LIMITED Finance 122.9</p><p>Country Total: 122.9</p><p>Zambia P040642 ERIPTA TRANSACTION ADVISOR-INVESTMENT/LEGAL ADVISOR SSS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS ASSOCIATES AFRICA LIMITE Energy and mining 75.0 Law and justice and public administration 175.0 Total: 250.0</p><p>Country Total: 250.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 11,262.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 249 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MEXICO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Central America P053349 GEF 6C-MESOAMERICAN BARRIER REEF SYST CONSTRUCTION OF VISITOR CENTER IN XCALAK, QU NSH GR INGENIEROS, S.A. DE C.V. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 69.4 Education 15.6 Industry and trade 9.6 Law and justice and public administration 25.1 Total: 119.6</p><p>SECOND ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST INDV MIGUEL ANGEL GARCIA SALGADO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 34.9 Education 7.8 Industry and trade 4.8 Law and justice and public administration 12.6 Total: 60.2</p><p>Country Total: 179.8</p><p>Mexico P007648 MX MEDIUM CITIES TRANSP AUDIO-VISUAL URBAN TRANSPORT TRAINING FOR ST QCBS ESTUDIOS Y TECNICAS ESPECIALIZADAS EN INGENIERI Law and justice and public administration 54.7 Transportation 365.9 Total: 420.6</p><p>P007710 MX N. BORDER I ENVIRONM MIGRACION DEL SISTEMA INSTITUCIONAL DE INFOR QCBS ZENTRUM ZIZTEMAZ, S.A. DE C.V. Law and justice and public administration 27.3 Transportation 45.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.3 Total: 101.1</p><p>TECHNICAL ADVISORY FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL COM QCBS OLIVERIO GONZALEZ ALAFITA Law and justice and public administration 8.7 Transportation 14.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.0 Total: 32.3</p><p>MIGRACION DEL SISTEMA INSTITUCIONAL DE INFOR SSS DSS DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Law and justice and public administration 18.0 Transportation 30.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 18.6 Total: 66.6</p><p>INVENTARIO DE BASUREROS MUNICIPALES IRREGULA QCBS ENLACE GRUPO DE CONSULTORIA, S.C. Law and justice and public administration 29.5 Transportation 49.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 30.6 Total: 109.4</p><p>CARACTERIZACION DE FACTORES FISICOS QUIMICOS QCBS CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES BIOLOGICAS DEL NOREST Law and justice and public administration 32.8 Transportation 54.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 34.0 Total: 121.3</p><p>P007713 MX WATER RESOURCES MANA EVALUACION DE LA CALIDAD DEL AGUA MEDIANTE I SSS IMTA Water, sanitation and flood protection 37.3 ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA LA ACREDITACIÓN DE L SSS IMTA Water, sanitation and flood protection 55.9 CONVENIO DE COLABORACION PARA: CALIBRACION D SSS IMTA Water, sanitation and flood protection 288.8 RENTA HABITACIONES, SERVICIO DE ALIMENTOS, R NSH HOTELES SHERATON, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 194.0 CONTRATACION DE AGENCIA DE VIAJES PARA LOS S NSH EL MUNDO ES TUYO, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 229.8 ADQUISICIÓN DE CANON DE PRESENTACIONES, CAMA ICB VISSION XXI, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 193.0 ADQUISICION 3 ESCANNERS MARCA CANON MODELO D ICB MICROFORMAS S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 25.2 ADQUISICION DE CAMARA DIGITAL DE VIDEO TIPO ICB SISTEMAS AVANZADOS EN CÓMPUTO S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 29.0 ADQUISICION GRABADOR QUEMADOR CD ROM EXTERNO ICB DIGITAL DOCU SYSTEMS, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.0 CURSO DE CAPACITACION DE WATERLOO HYDROGEOLO SSS INGENIERIA GEOLOGICA COMPUTARIZADA, S.A. DE C.V Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 250 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MEXICO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>166 MICROCOMPUTADORAS PORTATIL NOTEBOOK MARC ICB CENTRO DE PRODUCTIVIDAD AVANZADA S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 399.9 ADQUISICION DE EQUIPO BASE UHF (TIPO 2), EQU ICB COMUNICACION ELECTRONICA SISTEMATIZADA, S.A. DE Water, sanitation and flood protection 192.4 ADQUISICION EQUIPO REPETIDOR UHF, EQUIPO POR ICB GRUPO SIT, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 197.8 ADQUISICION 312 IMPRESORAS DE OFICINA TIPO B ICB MAQUINAS, INFORMACION Y TECNOLOGIA AVANZADA, S. Water, sanitation and flood protection 261.7 ADQUISICION IMPRESORAS 60 LASER/COLOR, 7 MUL ICB KRAUQ S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 102.8 ANTENIMIENTO PREVENTIVO Y CORRECTIVO A 7 RAD DIR TELVENT MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,427.3 ADQUISICION 917 MICROCOMPUTADORAS BASICAS 32 ICB CENTRO DE PRODUCTIVIDAD AVANZADA S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,814.6 ESTUDIO DE ACTUALIZACION DEL BANCO NACIONAL LCS QUAXAR MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 716.8 ADQUISICION DE 4481 CARTOGRAFIAS DIR SISTEMAS DE INFORMACION GEOGRAFICA, S.A. DE C.V Water, sanitation and flood protection 720.2 INTEGRACION DEL PLAN DE MANEJO ACUIFERO DE A QCBS DESARROLLO Y SISTEMAS, S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 136.3 ADQUISICION 10 ESTACIONES METEOROLOGICAS AUT ICB ROSSBACH DE MEXICO SA DE CV Water, sanitation and flood protection 845.0 ADQUISICION DE 3,188 ORTOFORTOS DIGITALES ES DIR SISTEMAS DE INFORMACION GEOGRAFICA, S.A. DE C.V Water, sanitation and flood protection 998.8 ADQUISICION DE 400 PZAS ABRIGOS TERMOMETRITO ICB CONTEXT GROUP, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 54.9 ADQUISICION 180 PZAS LIMNIOMETRO ELECTRONICO ICB MAQUINAS DE DIBUJO, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 252.1 ADQUISICION DE 2 PZAS SISTEMA CROMATROGRAFIA ICB PERKIN ELMER DE MEXICO, S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 181.3 ADQUISICION DE 1PZA ESPECTROFOTOMETRO DE ABS ICB GBC INSTRUMENTACION, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 82.3 ADQUISICION DE 198 PIEZAS PLUVIOMETRO DE BAL ICB COMPANIA DE INSTRUMENTOS METEOROLOGICOS MEXICAN Water, sanitation and flood protection 126.4 ADQUISICION DE 36 [;SYSGPT,SD VP;RVYPTSD FR ICB TELVENT ENERGIA Y MEDIO AMBIENTE, S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,079.5 ADQUISICION DE 60 PZAS SONDA AUTOMATIZADA PA ICB PERFOPARTS, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 117.6 34 PZAS SONDA ELECTRICA MARCA RENISA MODELO ICB REPRESENTACIONES NACIONALES, INC. S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 41.1 ADQUISICION DE 10 PZAS PLACA DE CALENTAMIENT ICB MEL DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 69.5 ADQUISICION DE 3 PZAS DESTILADOR KIELDAHL CO ICB EQUIPAR S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 61.7 ADQUISICION 3 PZAS MEDIDOR DE OXIGENO DISUEL ICB GRUPO SIMCA, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 5.1 ADQUISCION DE 50 PZAS TERMOMETRO DE MAXIMA T ICB KR AMTMANN, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.4 ADQUISICION DE 1 PZA MUESTREADOR AUTOMATICO ICB ABC INSTRUMENTACION ANALITICA, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.0 ADQUISICION DE 2 PZAS DE MUFLA MARCA THERMOL ICB CONTROL TECNICO Y REPRESENTACIONES, S.A. DE C.V Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.5 ADQUISICION DE 4PZAS ESTUFA DE SECADO DE CON ICB IL DIAGNOSTICS, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.7 ADQUISICION DE 8 PZAS REFRIGERADOR CON CONGE ICB PCA INSTRUMENTACION, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 32.8 ADQUISICION DE 2PZAS MOLINETE MARCA KAHLSICO ICB INSTRUMEL, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 117.7 ADQUISICION DE 4 PZAS MEDIDOR DE OXIGENO DIS ICB LUISA GUILLERMINA BOYER BOLANOS Water, sanitation and flood protection 13.2 ADQUISICION DE 4 PZAS ESPECTROFOTOMETRO DE U ICB PONA, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 18.4 ADQUISICION DE 6 PZAS SISTEMA PARA PURIFICAC ICB MILLIPORE, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 81.1 ADQUISICION DE 1 PZA ANALIZADOR DE TOXICIDAD ICB CONTROL DE CONTAMINACION DE AGUA, S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 75.6 ADQUISICION DE UNA LIBRERIA AUTOMATICA DE RE DIR SILICON GRAPHICS S.A. DE C.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 241.4</p><p>P043165 MX AIR QUALITY II DISEÑO CONCEPTUAL FUNCIONAL OPERACIONAL Y PR QCBS ESTUDIOS Y TECNICAS ESPECIALIZADAS EN INGENIERI Transportation 1,168.4</p><p>P044531 MX KNOWLEDGE & INNOV. ADQUISICION TERMOCICLADOR DIGITAL, UNIDAD DE ICB ACCESORIOS PARA LABORATORIOS, S.A. DE C.V. Education 14.0 Finance 8.3 Industry and trade 7.7 Law and justice and public administration 33.8 Total: 63.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 251 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MEXICO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>ADQUISICION DISPERSIÓN DE LUZ DINAMIC LIGHT ICB ADVANCED INSTRUMENTS DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 10.2 Finance 6.1 Industry and trade 5.6 Law and justice and public administration 24.7 Total: 46.5</p><p>ADQUISICION MICROSCOPIO PETROGRAFICO MARCA O ICB ALTA TECNOLOGIA EN LABORATORIOS, S.A. DE C.V. Education 3.3 Finance 2.0 Industry and trade 1.8 Law and justice and public administration 8.0 Total: 15.1</p><p>ADQUISICION HORNO CONECTIVO, INCUBADORA, CAM ICB ARTICULOS Y EQUIPOS DE LABORATORIOS, S.A. DE C. Education 3.5 Finance 2.1 Industry and trade 1.9 Law and justice and public administration 8.3 Total: 15.7</p><p>ADQUISICION CRIOSTATO MODELO CM 1850 Y MODEL ICB ASESORIA Y PROVEEDORA DE EQUIPOS PARA LABORATOR Education 7.3 Finance 4.3 Industry and trade 4.0 Law and justice and public administration 17.6 Total: 33.3</p><p>ADQUISICION CENTRIFUGA DE PISO, ADAPTADORES ICB BECKMAN COULTER DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 11.2 Finance 6.6 Industry and trade 6.1 Law and justice and public administration 27.0 Total: 50.9</p><p>ADQUISICION TERMOCICLADOR CON GRADIENTE, SEC ICB BIO RAD, S.A. Education 8.9 Finance 5.2 Industry and trade 4.8 Law and justice and public administration 21.4 Total: 40.3</p><p>ADQUISICION MICROOSMOMETRO PARA MUESTRAS, IN ICB INDUSTRIAS BIOSELEC, S.A. DE C.V. Education 3.8 Finance 2.3 Industry and trade 2.1 Law and justice and public administration 9.2 Total: 17.4</p><p>ADQUISICION APARATO ESTEREOTAXICO DUAL, PAQU ICB BIOTECNOLOGIA QUIMICA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 5.6 Finance 3.3 Industry and trade 3.0 Law and justice and public administration 13.4 Total: 25.2</p><p>ADQUISICION JUEGO DE OBJETIVOS PARA MICROSCO ICB LUISA GUILLERMINA BOYER BOLANOS Education 2.6 Finance 1.6 Industry and trade 1.4 Law and justice and public administration 6.3 Total: 11.9</p><p>ADQUISICION MICROSCOPIO COMPUESTO TRIOCULAR, ICB CARL ZEISS DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 14.8 Finance 8.7 Industry and trade 8.1 Law and justice and public administration 35.6 Total: 67.2</p><p>ADQUISICION HOMOGENIZADOR C/CAPACIDAD DE 100 ICB CONTROL TECNICO Y REPRESENTACIONES Education 4.5 Finance 2.7 Industry and trade 2.5 Law and justice and public administration 10.9 Total: 20.5</p><p>ADQUISICION ULTRACONGELADOR VERTICAL DE 17.2 ICB D.H.F. BUSINESS, S.A. DE C.V. Education 5.2 Finance 3.1 Industry and trade 2.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 252 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MEXICO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 12.6 Total: 23.8</p><p>ADQUISICION ULTRACONGELADOR HORIZONTAL MICRO ICB COMERCIALIZADORA EN DIAGNOSTICO Y ANALITICA, S. Education 5.1 Finance 3.0 Industry and trade 2.8 Law and justice and public administration 12.3 Total: 23.3</p><p>ADQUISICION DE SISTEMA DE DISPOSICION DE TUR ICB EQUIPAMIENTOS TECNICOS Y CIENTIFICOS, S.A. DE C Education 16.9 Finance 10.0 Industry and trade 9.2 Law and justice and public administration 40.8 Total: 76.9</p><p>ADQUISICION GENERADOR DE FUNCIONES, CABINA D ICB EQUIPAR S.A. DE C.V. Education 6.9 Finance 4.1 Industry and trade 3.8 Law and justice and public administration 16.6 Total: 31.3</p><p>ADQUISICION AMPLIFICADOR PARA PATCH-CLAMP, M ICB INSTRUMEL, S.A. DE C.V. Education 5.4 Finance 3.2 Industry and trade 3.0 Law and justice and public administration 13.1 Total: 24.7</p><p>ADQUISICION DESECADOR DE PUNTO CRITICO, EQUI ICB INSTRUMENTACION ANALITICA Y CIENTIFICA, S.A. DE Education 7.1 Finance 4.2 Industry and trade 3.9 Law and justice and public administration 17.0 Total: 32.1</p><p>ADQUISICION AUTOCLAVE VERTICAL CON MICROPROC ICB INTERNACIONAL DE EQUIPOS CIENTIFICOS, S.A. DE C Education 6.6 Finance 3.9 Industry and trade 3.6 Law and justice and public administration 16.0 Total: 30.2</p><p>ADQUISICION BOMBA DE VACIO, SISTEMA DE FOTOD ICB LAB-TECH INSTRUMENTACION, S.A. Education 9.7 Finance 5.8 Industry and trade 5.3 Law and justice and public administration 23.5 Total: 44.3</p><p>ADQUISICION SISMOMETRO TRIAXIAL DE BANDA ANC ICB MEDIDORES INDUSTRIALES Y MEDICOS, S.A. DE C.V. Education 15.9 Finance 9.4 Industry and trade 8.6 Law and justice and public administration 38.2 Total: 72.0</p><p>ADQUISICION HORNO DE HIBRIDIZACION DE 30 MEM ICB METRIX LABORATORIOS, S.A. DE C.V. Education 1.2 Finance 0.7 Industry and trade 0.7 Law and justice and public administration 2.9 Total: 5.4</p><p>ADQUISICION MODULO DE EXTENSION ELECTRONICA ICB MICRA INGENIERIA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 5.7 Finance 3.4 Industry and trade 3.1 Law and justice and public administration 13.8 Total: 26.0</p><p>ADQUISICION BALANZA ANALITICA CON DISPLAY DI ICB PHL DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 5.5 Finance 3.2 Industry and trade 3.0 Law and justice and public administration 13.1 Total: 24.8</p><p>ADQUISICION ULTRACONGELADOR VERTICAL DE 13.4 ICB REPRESENTACIONES INTERNACIONALES EN EQUIPO PARA ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 253 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MEXICO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 1.8 Finance 1.1 Industry and trade 1.0 Law and justice and public administration 4.3 Total: 8.2</p><p>ADQUISICION MEDIDOR DE POTENCIA OPITCA CON D ICB SATELSA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 4.0 Finance 2.4 Industry and trade 2.2 Law and justice and public administration 9.7 Total: 18.2</p><p>ADQUISICION DE MICROSCOPIO ESTATIVO DE POSIC ICB TECNICA EN LABORATORIOS, S.A. DE C.V. Education 20.8 Finance 12.3 Industry and trade 11.4 Law and justice and public administration 50.1 Total: 94.6</p><p>ADQUISICION DE MONOCROMADOR MOTORIZADO DE 1/ ICB TECNOLOGIA Y EQUIPAMIENTO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 9.7 Finance 5.8 Industry and trade 5.3 Law and justice and public administration 23.4 Total: 44.2</p><p>ADQUISICION RECEPTOR GPS DE DOBLE FRECUENCIA ICB LEICA GEOSYSTEMS, S.A. DE C.V. Education 24.7 Finance 14.6 Industry and trade 13.5 Law and justice and public administration 59.4 Total: 112.1</p><p>P057531 MX Basic Ed. APL II ADQUISICION DE 16,000 JUEGOS DE POLIEDROS PA ICB SUMINISTROS DE MATERIAL DIDACTICO Y PEDAGOGICO, Education 1,369.6 ADQUISICION DE PARTIDA 2 CAJAS DE COLORES DE ICB CASA MARCHAND, S.A. DE C.V. Education 3,713.0 ADQUISICION DE 16,000 ROTAFOLIOS - PARTIDA 1 ICB SUMINISTROS LA MEXIQUENSE S.A. DE C.V. Education 639.3 ITEM 1 1,033 MESA BINARIA TRAPEZOIDAL-ALUMNO ICB SUMINISTROS LARY, S.A. DE C.V. Education 440.5 ITEM 2 2,066 SILLAS ALUMNO PREESCOLAR ITEM 6 ICB PROVEEDORA TOGO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 31.7 ITEM 3 16,681 MESA BINARIA RECTANGULAR-ALUMN ICB COMPAÑIA MUEBLERA ESCOLAR, S.A. DE C.V. Education 739.0 ITEM 4 33,362 SILLA PARA ALUMNO DE PRIMARIA ICB MAQUINADO DE MADERAS DIANA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 547.1 ITEM 7 3,530 MESABANCOS INDIVIDUALES PROFESI ICB PRODUCTOS PARA LA HABILIDAD Y EL INGENIO EDUCAT Education 137.4 ITEM 8 7,050 PIEZAS MESABANCO INDIVIDUAL PAR ICB MOBILIARIO ESCOLAR DEL SURESTE, S.A. DE C.V. Education 291.3 ITEM 10 1971 MESAS RECTANGULARES PARA MAESTR ICB FLAGHOUSE DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 171.7 ITEM 11 1,971 SILLAS PARA MAESTRO ICB INDUSTRIAS ERJA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 24.1 ITEM 1 CUADERNOS FORMA ITALIANA CUADRICULA, ICB OFFICE DEPOT DE MEXICO, S.A DE C.V. Education 6,825.9 ADQUISICION ITEM 2 CUADERNO FORMA ITALIANA C ICB CASA MARCHAND, S.A. DE C.V. Education 1,222.5 ITEM 4 CUADERNO FORMA ITALIANA BLANCO ICB ABASTECEDOR PLANETARIO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 633.0 ITEM 6 CUADERNO PROFESIONAL RAYADO 100 HOJAS ICB PAPELERA ZARAGOZA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 1,826.9 ADQUISICION DE 16000 JUEGOS DE APRENDIENDO A ICB ABASTECIMIENTOS Y SUMINISTROS GENERALES, S.A. D Education 1,367.7 ADQUISICION DE 16,000 JUEGOS DE CUERPOS GEOM ICB ABASTECEDORA DE MATERIALES EN GENERAL, S.A. DE Education 293.5 ADQUISICION DE 16,000 JUEGOS DE EXPRESIONES ICB ABASTECEDORA INTERNACIONAL DE SUMINISTROS, S.A. Education 782.6 ADQUISICION DE 16,000 JUEGOS MULTIFIGURAS PL ICB MARKETING & SALES DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 254.4 ADQUISICION DE 16,000 JUEGOS DE PIRAMIDE DEL ICB DESTINO ALTA TECNOLOGIA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 1,780.5 ADQUISICION 16,000 JUEGOS DE PLANO CARTESIAN ICB EDUCACION PARA EL FUTURO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 851.1 ADQUISICION DE 32,000 PIEZAS DE BALONES DE V ICB FLAGHOUSE DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 124.9 ADQUISICION DE 1,511,320 CALCULADORAS ICB DESTINO ALTA TECNOLOGIA, S.A. DE C.V. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 254 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MEXICO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 1,034.1 ADQUISICION DE 3,182,700 JUEGOS DE GEOMETRIA ICB ABASTECEDOR DE MATERIALES EN GENERAL, S.A. DE C Education 1,469.9 ADQUISICION DE 1,844,130 REGLAS DE PLASTICO ICB IDEALIDAD GRAFICA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 92.2 ADQUISICION DE 5,168,150 SACAPUNTAS DE PLAST ICB GRUPO PAPELERO GUTIERREZ, S.A. DE C.V. Education 182.8 ADQUISICION DE 7000 EQUIPOS DE COMPUTADORA P ICB HF DIVISION INFORMATICA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 6,898.9 ADQUISICION DE 3,500 EQUIPOS DE IMPRESORAS ICB ACCESORIOS Y SUMINISTROS INFORMATICOS, S.A. DE Education 739.8 ADQUISICION DE 3,516 PIEZAS MULTIPLEXORES IT ICB MAINBIT, S.A. DE C.V. Education 48.8 ADQUISICION DE 7,036 JUEGOS DE CABLES ITEM 5 ICB TELEMATICA Y SISTEMAS AVANZADOS S.A. DE C.V. Education 21.6 ADQUISICION DE 7,000 REGULADORES ITEM 3 ICB EDUARDO MIGUEL AYALA AZUARA Education 164.5 CAPACITACION ORIENTADA EN EL USO DEL SOFTWAR SSS INTERGRAPH DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 108.4 CONSULTORIA PARA EL MEJORAMIENTO DE LOS SIST QCBS E-SIGLO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 71.3 ADQUISICION DE 3.500 GRAN ENCICLOPEDIA ILUST DIR EDITORIAL PLANETA DE AGOSTINI, S.A. DE C.V. Education 1,033.8 ADQUISICION DE 3,500 EJEMPLARES SERES VIVOS DIR EDITORIAL PLANETA DE AGOSTINI, S.A. DE C.V. Education 806.6 ADQUISICION 3,500 EJEMPLARES DE LA OBRA GRAN DIR EDITORIAL PLANETA DE AGOSTINI, S.A. DE C.V. Education 291.5 ADQUISICION DE 190,000 EJEMPLARES DE LA REVI DIR LUNARENA ARTE Y DISEÑO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 269.3 ADQUISICION 31,500 EJEMPLARES LIBRO LOS ERRA DIR ABZ EDITORES, S.A. DE C.V. Education 672.4 ASQUISICION DE 3,500 CD INTERACTIVO TODO MEX DIR RESPUESTAS OPTIMAS EN MAYOREO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 344.1 ADQUISICION DE 3,500 EJEMPLARES LIBRO LA OVE DIR DISTRIBUIDORA AGUILAR ALTEA TAURUS ALFAGUARA, S Education 37.3 ADQUISICION 3500 EJEMPLARES LIBRO LECTURAS P DIR AGUILAR, LEON Y CAL EDITORES, S.A. DE C.V. Education 272.4 ADQUISICION DE 3500 EJEMPLARES DICCIONARIO C DIR EDICIONES LAROUSSE, S. A. DE C.V. Education 288.7 ADQUISICION DE 3500 EJEMPLARES CUADERNO DE E DIR LUNARENA ARTE Y DISEÑO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 180.6 ADQUISICION DE 3,500 EJEMPLARES DEL LIBRO LA DIR ABZ EDITORES, S.A. DE C.V. Education 18.4 ADQUISICION DE 3,500 EJEMPLARES DE LOS TITUL DIR SIGLO XXI EDITORES, S.A. DE C.V. Education 408.8 ADQUISICION 3500 EJEMP. LIBRO QUE ONDA CON E DIR ADN EDITORES, S.A. DE C.V. Education 124.4 ADQUISICION DE 35,000 EJEMPLARES DE TABLAS M DIR EDITORIAL ESFINGE, S. A. DE C.V. Education 43.9 ADQUISICION DE 3,500 EJEMPLARES DE LIBRO FIS DIR EDICIONES QUINTO SOL, S.A. DE C.V. Education 15.5 ADQUISICION DE 3500 EJEMP. DE ALGEBRA ELEMEN DIR GRUPO PATRIA CULTURAL, S. A. DE C.V. Education 145.8 ADQUISICION DE 3,500 EJEMPLARES DEL LIBRO QU DIR CASA DEL LIBRO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 13.5 ADQUISICION DE 3500 EJEMP. WERTHER, 3500 EJE DIR EDITORIAL OCEANO DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 45.8 ADQUISICION DE 3500 EJEMP. DE PEDRO PARAMO Y DIR EDITORIAL PLANETA MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 102.2 ADQUISICION DE 3500 EJEMP. DE LA ODISEA, 350 DIR EDITORIAL PLANETA MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V. Education 115.4 ADQUISICION DE 3500 EJEMP. COMO FUNCIONA EL DIR DISTRIBUIDORA PLANETA MEXICANA, S. A. DE C.V. Education 82.0 ADQUISICION DE 3,500 EJEMPLARES DEL LIBRO LA DIR DISTRIBUIDORA AGUILAR ALTEA TAURUS ALFAGUARA, S Education 8.4 ADQUISICION DE 7,000 MESAS PARA COMPUTADORA ICB CODINSA REPRESENTACIONES, S.A. DE C.V. Education 750.7 ADQUISICION DE 3,500 GABINETES LIBRERO ABIER ICB PROVEEDORA TOGO, S.A. DE C.V. Education 603.6</p><p>P059161 GEF MX-Climate Measures in Transport DISEÑO CONCEPTUAL FUNCIONAL OPERACIONAL Y PR QCBS GETINSA/TAYET/TOOL ULEE/TRN/FELIPE OCHOA Y ASOC Law and justice and public administration 356.5 Transportation 534.7 Total: 891.2</p><p>P060718 GEF MX ALTERNATIVE ENERGY CONVENIO DE FORTALECIMIENTO DE LAS CAPACIDAD SSS ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE ENERGIA SOLAR, A.C. Energy and mining 238.3 DEFINIR LAS BASES DE ORGANIZACION Y OBJETIVO SSS ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE ENERGIA SOLAR, A.C. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 255 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MEXICO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 9.7 Energy and mining 97.4 Law and justice and public administration 87.6 Total: 194.7</p><p>VIDEO PRODUCTION OF A DOCUMENTARY REGARDING QCBS CRISTIAN CALONICO LUCIO Energy and mining 176.5</p><p>P063463 METHANE CAPTURE & USE AT A LANDFILL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE QCBS PROFESIONALES EN DESARROLLO URBANO, S.A.DE C.V. Energy and mining 86.1 Law and justice and public administration 24.3 Total: 110.4</p><p>TECHNICAL AND OPERATION ADVICE QCBS ESTUDIO Y TECNICAS ESPECIALIZADAS EN INGENIERIA Energy and mining 124.2 Law and justice and public administration 35.0 Total: 159.2</p><p>P065779 MX FEDERAL HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE PROJ. TRABAJO DE RENIVELACION DE CONCRETO ASFALTIC NCB CONSTRUCTORA VILLAMAR, S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 773.5 HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE TUXPAN - TAMPICO KM 23+0 ICB CONSTRUCCION Y CONSERVACION DE INFRAESTRUCTURA Transportation 6,026.1 RECONSTRUCCION MEDIANTE BACHEO DE CAJA RECAR ICB VIALIDADES Y CONSTRUCCIONES TORRES S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 3,469.6 RECONSTRUCCION MEDIANTE RECUPERACION DE PAVI ICB VIALIDADES Y CONSTRUCCIONES TORRES S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 2,776.8 RECONSTRUCCION MEDIANTE TERRACERIAS, OBRAS D ICB CAMAFEVI CONSTRUCCIONES S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 3,335.8 RECONSTRUCCION MEDIANTE TERRACERIAS, OBRAS D ICB CONSTRUCTORA Y ARRENDADORA DE QUERETARO, S.A. D Transportation 3,335.8 MANTENIMIENTO DE RUTINA, PERIODICO, RECONSTR ICB SENALES Y PROYECTOS, S.A. Transportation 832.6 MANTENIMIENTO DE RUTINA, PERIODICO, RECONSTR ICB TRANSPORTACIONES Y CONSTRUCCIONES TAMAULIPECOS, Transportation 26,921.6 SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORIA PARA LA EVALUACION QCBS EVALUACION INTEGRAL DE OBRAS CIVILES, S.A. DE C Transportation 85.0 RECONSTRUCCION POR RECUPERACION DE PAVIMENTO ICB CONRASA SA DE CV Transportation 6,595.5 MANTENIMIENTO D/RUTINA, MANTENIMIENTO PERIOD ICB MAQUINARIA EN VENTA, S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 3,145.5 MANTENIMIENTO D/RUTINA, MANTENIMIENTO PERIOD ICB VIALIDADES Y CONSTRUCCIONES TORRES S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 3,145.5 MANTENIMIENTO D/RUTINA, MANTENIMIENTO PERIOD ICB HABIFEL,S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 636.1 MANTENIMIENTO D/RUTINA, MANTENIMIENTO PERIOD ICB PAVIASFALTOS, S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 20,565.5 ESTUDIO Y PROYECTO EJECUTIVO GEOTECNICO E HI QCBS JESA INGENIERIA, S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 102.2 TRABAJOS DE RECONSTRUCCION MEDIANTE RECUPERA ICB GRUPO URBANISTA PAVIMENTADOR, S.A. DE C.V. Transportation 2,900.3</p><p>P065988 GEF MX Consolidat.Prot Areas (SINAP II) IMPLEMENTATION AND DESIGN OF THE STRATEGY TO QCBS DESARROLLO ORGANIZACIONAL SUSTENTABLE,S.A. DE C Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 255.0</p><p>P066321 MX: III BASIC HEALTH CARE PROJECT ESTRATEGIAS DE PLANEACION PARA LA DEFINICION QCBS CONSULTORES EN PLANEACION Y DISENO URBANO, S.A. Health and other social services 190.7 ENCUESTA DE PREVALENCIA Y DE VIGILANCIA DE C QCBS ESTUDIOS DE POBLACION, S.C. Health and other social services 137.7 ANALISIS FUTUROS 2003-2050 PARA EL MODELO IN QCBS ANALITICA CONSULTORES, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 157.4 CAPACITACION INTERCULTURAL DEL PERSONAL APLI LCS YOLPAHTLI SERVICIOS DE SALUD CON CALIDAD INTERC Health and other social services 175.1 ADQUISICION DE 10,000 ENVASES CON INHALADOR ICB REPRESENTACIONES ALCOCER, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 64.6 ADQUISICION 500 ENVASES C/20 TABLETAS DE ISO ICB DISTRIBUIDORA DISUR, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 25.9 ADQUISICION DE 45000 ENVASES C/120 ML. DE BE ICB SOCIEDAD INTERNACIONAL, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 57.6 ADQUISICION DE 5,880 ENVASES CON 5 FRASCOS D ICB DIBITER, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 49.3 ADQUISICION 45,000 ENVASES C/15 ML DE PARACE ICB AUDIPHARMA, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 65.0 ADQUISICION DE 500 ENVASES C/20 CAPSULAS DE ICB FARMACOS ESPECIALIZADOS, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 8.3 ADQUISICION DE 40,000 ENVASES C/60 ML SALBUT ICB SERVICIOS MEDICOS SUPER, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 94.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 256 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MEXICO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>ADQUISICION DE 9,000 ENVASES CON UNA AMPOLLE ICB APLICACIONES FARMACEUTICAS, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 12.7 ADQUISICION DE 10,000 ENVASES C/20 TABLETAS ICB LABORATORIOS VALDECASAS S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 35.2 ADQUISICION DE 145,000 ENVASES CON 30 TABLET ICB IMPULSO HOSPITALARIO, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 70.4 ADQUISICION DE 100,000 DE ENVASES CON 30 TAB ICB COMERCIALIZADORA FARMACEUTICA DEL SOCONUSCO, S. Health and other social services 163.9 ADQUISICION DE 15,000 ENVASES C/3 AMPULAS CO ICB QUIMICOS Y FARMACOS DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 30.2 ADQUISICION DE 500 ENVASES CON 50 FRASCOS DE ICB PROVEEDORA ESPECIALIZADA DE MEDICAMENTOS, S.A. Health and other social services 29.6 ADQUISICION DE 300 ENVASES CON 50 AMPOLLETAS ICB CURARUM, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 5.6 ADQUISICION DE 500 ENVASES DE FENITOINA (DIF ICB FARMA REAQUIM, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 92.1 ADQUISICION DE 500 ENVASES CON 1 FRASCO DE I ICB COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS INSTITUCIONALES S Health and other social services 329.8 ADQUISICION DE 800 ENVASES CON 50 AMPOLLETAS ICB PROVEEDOR HOSPITALARIO QUIMICO E INDUSTRIAL DE Health and other social services 9.1 ADQUISICION DE 95,000 ENVASES CON 20 TABLETA ICB MEDICURI, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 29.0 ADQUISICION 79524 ENVASES CON 60ML AMPICILIN ICB GEORGINA CARPINTEIRO SANCHEZ Health and other social services 112.4 ADQUISICION 88225 ENVASES C/75ML DE AMOXICIL ICB NACIONAL DE FARMACOS S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 104.5 ADQUISICION 43682 CAJAS C/20 TABLETAS RANURA ICB DISTRIBUIDORA DE MEDICAMENTOS ZERIFAR, S.A. DE Health and other social services 30.0 ADQUISICION DE 88,171 ENVASES C/20 TABLETAS ICB SAVI DISTRIBUICIONES, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 120.0 ADQUISICION DE 131311 ENVASES DE 120ML DE AM ICB CASA SABA, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 43.2 ADQUISICION DE 3,330 FRASCOS AMPULA CON DILI ICB LEVE VISION S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 52.7 ADQUISICION 67333 ENVASES C/20 TABLETAS ACID ICB DISTRIBUIDORA DE MEDICAMENTOS JOB, S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 30.5 ADQUISICION DE 1011 FRASCOS DE 500ML DE CLOR ICB BAXTER S.A. DE C.V. Health and other social services 7.0 ADQUISICION DE 134668 CAJAS CON 30 TABLETAS ICB COMERCIALIZADORA DE PRODUCTOS INSTITUCIONALES S Health and other social services 65.2</p><p>P066938 MX GENDER (LIL) PRINTING MATERIAL FOR THE PROJECT DIFFUSION. SHOP C.HUMBERTO VALLE NAVA Law and justice and public administration 58.6</p><p>P070108 MX Savings & Credit Sector Strengthening PP4 CONSOLIDADO "PROYECTO DE ESTUDIOS, MONIT LCS BERUMEN Y ASOCIADOS, S.A. DE C.V. Finance 187.7 PP4 CONSOLIDADO "PROYECTO DE ESTUDIOS, MONIT LCS BERUMEN Y ASOCIADOS, S.A. DE C.V. Finance 534.1 PP14-BANSEFI "MODELO DE NEGOCIO Y ANALISIS D FBS MCKINSEY & COMPANY, INC. Finance 345.0 OPERACION Y SOPORTE TECNOLOGICOS / PROVEER A QCBS QUALITA DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Finance 6,187.1 PLATAFORMA TECNOLOGICA PARA EL SECTOR DE AHO QCBS IBM DE MEXICO, COMERCIALIZACION Y SERVICIOS, S. Finance 36,813.8 ANALISIS Y LEVANTAMIENTO DE PROCESOS OPERATI INDV RICARDO ZAMORA VAZQUEZ Finance 6.2 COMACREP-PP12 SERVICIOS DE ASESORIA JURIDICA FBS CAPA ASESORES, S.C. (DE LA PEZA Y MATUK ABOGADO Finance 126.8 COMACREP-PP11 SERVICIOS DE ASESORIA FISCAL C FBS GUZMAN CORTES & ASOCIADOS, S.C. Finance 128.0 CAPACITACION EN CONTABILIDAD P/PERSONAL D/LA SSS FUNDACION DE INVESTIGACION PARA EL DESARROLLO P Finance 195.6 RESPONSABLE DE EVALUACIÓN Y SEGUIMIENTO DE L INDV FRANCISCO BERNARDO PADILLA SUAREZ Finance 148.3</p><p>P077602 MX Tax Admin Institutional Development SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORIA PARA REALIZAR ENCUE LCS PULSO MERCADOLOGICO, S.C. Law and justice and public administration 141.1 DESARROLLO DE METODOLOGIA PARA LA CONFORMACI QCBS VANGUARDIA EN TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMACION, S.A. D Law and justice and public administration 176.5 SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES PARA LA VERIFICACION LCS PULSO MERCADOLOGICO, S.C. Law and justice and public administration 1,110.5</p><p>P081757 Creation of Anticorruption Laboratory IMPLEMENTACION DE INDICADORES DE BUENAS PRAC FBS GEA GRUPO DE ECONOMISTAS Y ASOCIADOS, S.C. Law and justice and public administration 101.6</p><p>Country Total: 191,623.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 257 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MEXICO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Nicaragua P050613 NI SECOND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT SUMINISTRO Y DISTRIBUCIÓN DE LÁMINAS DE CIEN ICB SUMINISTROS LA MEXIQUENSE S.A. DE C.V. Education 83.9 SUMINISTRO Y DISTRIBUCIÓN DE MATERIAL DIDÁCT ICB DISTRIBUIDORA GARDI S.A. DE C.V. Education 325.2</p><p>Country Total: 409.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 192,212.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 258 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MOLDOVA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Azerbaijan P066199 RURAL ENVIRONMENT RURAL EXTENSION SERVICES EXPERT INDV IGOR GORASHOV Energy and mining 5.4 Health and other social services 2.7 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Total: 13.5</p><p>RURAL EXTENSION SERVICES EXPERT SSS IGOR GORASHOV Energy and mining 13.2 Health and other social services 6.6 Law and justice and public administration 13.2 Total: 33.1</p><p>Country Total: 46.6</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P051372 HEALTH 2 RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE CHISINAU ISH TELEMEDIA GROUP S.A. Health and other social services 97.6</p><p>Country Total: 97.6</p><p>Moldova P008558 GEN EDUC CONTRACT WITH BOOK DISTRIBUTION SOCIETY PRO- DIR PRO-NOI S.R.L. Education 501.0 Law and justice and public administration 5.1 Total: 506.1</p><p>PUBLISHING HOUSE GUNIVAS S.R.L., BOOK SUPPLY DIR GUNIVAS S.R.L., PUBLISHING HOUSE Education 262.9 Law and justice and public administration 2.7 Total: 265.6</p><p>P035771 FIRST CADASTRE PERFORMANCE OF CADASTRAL FIELD SURVEY WORKS ICB SRL "CARMA" AND SRL "MRIDAN" Law and justice and public administration 157.8</p><p>P040558 ENERGY 2 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF INTERNAL HEATING ICB ROMANY GAS GROUP Energy and mining 231.0 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF INTERNAL HEATING ICB ROMANY GAS GROUP Energy and mining 398.1 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF INTERNAL HEATING ICB ROMANY GAS GROUP Energy and mining 284.7 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF INTERNAL HEATING ICB ROMANY GAS GROUP Energy and mining 258.7</p><p>P051173 SOC PROT INSTALLATION OF COMMUNICATION LINE, COMPUTER NSH CREIT S.R.L Law and justice and public administration 47.5 REFURBISHMENT OF LOCAL OFFICE OF THE NATIONA DIR S.R.L. MVM-SPERANTA Law and justice and public administration 38.3 SUPPLY OF AIR CONDITIONER FOR NSIH & SPU ISH "DI & TRADE" S.R.L. Law and justice and public administration 69.3</p><p>P051174 HEALTH INVST FUND PROCUREMENT OF IT EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR ISH FORS-COMPUTER S.R.L. Health and other social services 72.6 CONTRACT WITH THE STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY F SSS NICOLAE TESTEMITANU STATE MEDICAL AND UNIVERSIT Health and other social services 54.1 RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE CHISINAU ISH I.M. TELEMEDIA GROUP S.A. Health and other social services 97.6 PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE SEC ICB I.M. GBG-MLD S.R.L. Health and other social services 1,197.2 PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR 2ND GRO ICB I.M. GBG-MLD S.R.L. Health and other social services 601.8</p><p>P073846 PRSP DEVELOP AND COORDINATE A STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK QBS OIKOS-NAT'L ASSO FOR RURAL DEVT 24.0 DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A PRSP COMMUNICATION S INDV DORINA ANDREEV 5.0 IDENTIFICATION OF STAKEHOLDERS' KEY PROBLEMS INDV WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS FORUM 78.2 THE CONSULTANT WILL CONDUCT QUALITATIVE ANAL INDV CIVIS ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 259 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MOLDOVA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>29.3</p><p>Country Total: 4,416.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 4,561.1 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 260 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MONGOLIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Mongolia P036052 MN-UB SERV. IMPRMVT SUPPLY OF VIDEO INSPECTION VEHICLE FOR SEWAG ICB JTS ENGINEERING CO. LTD Law and justice and public administration 8.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 160.8 Total: 169.3</p><p>LOGISTICS SERVICES FOR TRAINING CQB ERA DEVELOPMENT Law and justice and public administration 2.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 37.4 Total: 39.4</p><p>REFURBISHMENT IN AMGALAN CENTER AND WELL BEI NCB YOUTH CONSTRUCTION Law and justice and public administration 1.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 29.3 Total: 30.9</p><p>P040907 MN-Energy Sector PACKAGE2 , LOT 1;SUPPLY OF 0.4, 6,10 KV ALUM ICB CFC CORPORATION Energy and mining 2,005.9 SUPPLY OF OVERHEAD LINE CONDUCTORS, LOT 1 ICB SBAT CO., LTD. Energy and mining 162.0 PKG. 3, LOT #2: SUPPLY OF OVERHEAD LINE COND ICB CFC CORPORATION Energy and mining 2,748.1 PKG. 1, LOT 1: SUPPLY OF METERS AND INSTRUME ICB MCS INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD Energy and mining 2,509.5 PKG3, LOT 3: SUPPLY OF OVERHEAD LINE CONDUCT ICB JVC ENERGOTUR CO., LTD. Energy and mining 1,052.1</p><p>P067770 MN - Sustainable Livelihoods ORGANIZATIONAL STRENGTHENING OF HERDER SELF- QCBS CENTRE FOR POLICY RESEARCH Health and other social services 483.7</p><p>P071023 MN-Financial Capacity Dev. Project INSTALLATION OF PRIMARY AND BACK-UP NETWORKS DIR UNITELCOM CO. LTD. Finance 200.8</p><p>P078386 Mongolia PRSC IMPROVED FINANCIAL REPORTING AT SSIGO QCBS NIMM AUDIT CO., LTD. Health and other social services 45.0 Law and justice and public administration 45.0 Total: 90.0</p><p>Country Total: 9,491.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 9,491.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 261 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MOROCCO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Mali P001748 FINANCE SECTOR DEVEL ELABORATION DE LA STRATEGIE DE FORMATION DES CQB IIHEM-CONSULT Finance 103.7 Law and justice and public administration 88.4 Total: 192.1</p><p>Country Total: 192.1</p><p>Mauritania P069095 Urban Development Program CONSTRUCTION OF A ELECTRICT NETWORK SYSTEM I ICB CEGELEC SA-CASABLANCA MAROC Education 228.9 Industry and trade 228.9 Law and justice and public administration 124.9 Transportation 228.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 228.9 Total: 1,040.6</p><p>Country Total: 1,040.6</p><p>Morocco P005503 SEW.& WATER REUSE II MARCHE 1686 -- AO 851/02 LOT 22:REHABILITATI ICB COVATRAP VARDEP Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,935.9</p><p>P005524 MA FES/MEDINA REHAB. 38/03 -- L'ETUDE DE RENFORCEMENT DE L'ADER-F QCBS MASNAOUI Health and other social services 73.5 Law and justice and public administration 14.7 Transportation 95.5 Total: 183.7 Country Total: 4,119.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 5,352.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 262 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MOZAMBIQUE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Mozambique P001785 MZ-ROADS & BRIDGES MMP PERIODIC MAINTENANCE OF ROAD EN1 BETWEEN MAR ICB CETA Transportation 8,469.1</p><p>P001786 Educ. Sect. Strat. Program (ESSP) CONSTRUCTION OF 16 STAFF HOUSES PEMBA'S IMAP ICB EMOCIL Education 1,230.6 Law and justice and public administration 136.7 Total: 1,367.4</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF 16 STAFF HOUSES - VILANCULO' ICB EMOCIL Education 1,214.1 Law and justice and public administration 134.9 Total: 1,348.9</p><p>CONSRUFIL : REHAB WORKS IN MANGA SECONDARY S ICB CONSRUFIL LDA Education 627.5 CONSRUFIL : REHAB WORKS IN CHIBUTO SECONDARY NCB CONSRUFIL LDA Education 1,246.7 CONSRUFIL : REHAB WORKS IN MATOLA SECONDARY ICB CONSRUFIL LDA Education 1,285.0 MARCLEUSA : REHAB WORKS IN MALHAZINE SECONDA ICB MARCLEUSA CONSTRUCOES Education 905.5 TEIXEIRA DUARTE : REHAB WORKS IN ZONAS VERDE ICB TEXEIRA DUARTE ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUCAO Education 999.1 MONDEGO - REHAB WORKS SAMORA MACHEL SECONDAR ICB CONST. MONDEGO Education 678.8 CETA (LOT II) - CATANDICA: CONSTRUCTION OF S ICB CETA Education 3,699.2 BYTES & PIECES - EQUIPAMENTO INFORMATICO DIV NCB BYTES & PIECES Education 100.3 TEIXEIRA DUARTE: CONSTR. SEC. SCHOOLS, INHAM ICB TEXEIRA DUARTE ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUCAO Education 9,911.0 MADEIEREIRA- MOBILIARIO PARA ESCOLAS PRIMARI NCB INDUSTRIA MADEIREIRA DE MOCAMBIQUE Education 104.3 MOVARTE: MOBILIARIO ESCOLAR DE MADEIRA MACIC NCB MOVARTE - BEIRA Education 178.3</p><p>P001806 MZ-MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PROJECT COORDINATOR - DIONISIO CHEREWA INDV DIONISIO CHEREWA Law and justice and public administration 60.0 SENIOR PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST INDV SABADO NHACULE Law and justice and public administration 48.0 SENIOR FINANCIAL CONTROLLER FOR THE PCU INDV MARTINHO MANHICA Law and justice and public administration 48.0</p><p>P001807 MZ-Decentralized Planning and Fin. Proj SUPPLY OF 4WD, STATION WAGON & SEDAN VEHICLE ICB ENTREPOSTO COMERICAL DE MOCAMBIQUE, S.A.R.L. Health and other social services 47.0 Law and justice and public administration 563.9 Transportation 188.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 141.0 Total: 939.9</p><p>SUPPLY OF 4WD, STATION WAGON & SEDAN VEHICLE ICB SETEC AUTO LDA Health and other social services 6.6 Law and justice and public administration 78.8 Transportation 26.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 19.7 Total: 131.3</p><p>PROJECT COORDINATOR INDV CUSTODIO DOZ MUCUDOS Health and other social services 3.0 Law and justice and public administration 36.0 Transportation 12.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.0 Total: 60.0</p><p>P039015 NATIONAL WATER I PROCUREMENT OFFICER - RURAL WATER COMPONENT INDV ALMIRO SOUTO Water, sanitation and flood protection 55.0 STUDY OF RURAL WATER PROVINCIAL WORKSHOPS (E QCBS SPI GESTAO E INVESTIMENTOS SARL Water, sanitation and flood protection 162.8 REVIEW OF NATIONAL WATER LAW & NATIONAL WATE QCBS CONSULTEC IN ASSOC W/ IMPACTO, BKS & CONSILIUM Water, sanitation and flood protection 208.6 REHABILITATION OF BOENA SMALL PIPED SYSTEM NCB PROFURO INTERNATIONAL LDA Water, sanitation and flood protection 322.2 CONSTRUCTION OF 30 WATER POINTS IN INHAMBANE NCB AGUA TERRA Water, sanitation and flood protection 226.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 263 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: MOZAMBIQUE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P049874 ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING CQB MONTEIRO DIAS JOAO NHAMPULE Finance 41.8 Industry and trade 28.2 Law and justice and public administration 27.2 Total: 97.2</p><p>MANAGEMENT OF PROMOTION INVESTMENT CENTER SSS MAHOMED RAFIQUE JUSOB MAHOMED Industry and trade 102.6 MANAGEMENT OF INVESTMENT PROMOTION CENTER SSS MUSSA USMAN Industry and trade 84.1 REVISE THE COMMERCIAL CODE AND DRAFT TORS FO SSS JOAO JOSE MACARINGUE Industry and trade 61.2 EVALUATE THE VIABILITY OF FREE ZONES IN MOZA QCBS INT DEVELOPMENT IRELAND (IDI)/CIMPOGEST Industry and trade 110.0</p><p>P052240 NATIONAL WATER II UPGRADE OF POWER SUPPLY TO BEIRA - FIPAG/W-1 ICB ELECTROTEC/ASA ELECTROTECNICA JV Water, sanitation and flood protection 604.9</p><p>P069824 Higher Education 1/26/04: $60,000; EXTENDING FOR 15 MORE MONT SSS ANTHONY ROLAND BROUWER Education 60.0 VALUE FOR YOU (LOT 2) - SUPPLY, INSTALLATION ICB VALUE FOR YOU Education 119.9 SOLUCOES (LOT 1) - SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, COM ICB SOLUCOES Education 131.9 OGA COMERCIAL:SUPPLY AND INST.OF COMPUTER AN ICB OGA COMERCIAL LDA Education 100.4 SYSCOM: SUPPLY AND INST.OF COMPUTER AND OFFI ICB SYSCOM LDA Education 11.2 ENTREPOSTO COMERCIAL-SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ICB ENTREPOSTO COMERICAL DE MOCAMBIQUE, S.A.R.L. Education 143.7 SICAL:CONSTRUCAO DO EDIFICIO DA POS-GRADUACA NCB SICAL MOCAMBIQUE LDA Education 131.0 EXI: SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING AND ICB EXI- ENGENHARIA E COMERCIALIZACAO DE SISTEMAS E Education 43.6 TEIXEIRA DUARTE: CONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL LEC ICB TEIXEIRA DUARTE, MOCAMBIQUE LTD Education 2,975.2 ERGOGESTE: REHABILITATION OF ENGINEERING CAM ICB ERGOGESTE Education 2,587.1</p><p>P072080 PUBLIC SECTOR REFORM CONSULTING SERVICES ON PERFORMANCE IMPROVEME SSS ALEXANDRE OSSANA MALUNGA Law and justice and public administration 37.2</p><p>Country Total: 40,584.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 40,584.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 264 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NAMIBIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Namibia P070885 Namib Coast Biodiversity Conservation PDF B PROJECT COORDINATOR CQS TIMOTEUS N.T. MUFETI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 70.5</p><p>P070896 Urban-sub-national Govt Devt INTERGOVERNMENTAL FISCAL & FINANCIAL ANALYSI CQS DELOITTE & TOUCHE Finance 45.2 Law and justice and public administration 105.5 Total: 150.8</p><p>Country Total: 221.2</p><p>Zambia P003236 ZM NATIONAL ROAD ROAD SECTOR INSTITUTIONAL STUDY QCBS BURMEISTER AND PARTNERS CONSULT. ENGRS.(W/PWC, Transportation 299.6</p><p>Country Total: 299.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 520.9 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 265 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NEPAL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Cambodia P058841 KH-NORTHEAST VILLAGE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISOR INDV HARIHAR PRASAD ACHARYA, PH.D Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4.9 Law and justice and public administration 7.6 Transportation 4.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 4.9 Total: 22.4</p><p>P070875 KH-Land Management and Administration PROCUREMENT ADVISOR INDV ROSHAN KUMAR KHANAL Education 1.8 Industry and trade 1.2 Law and justice and public administration 56.4 Total: 59.4</p><p>Country Total: 81.8</p><p>Nepal P010509 MULTIMODAL TRANSIT NCB-06: REHABILITATION WORK OF SIRSIYA DRAIN NCB M.K. NIRMAN Transportation 111.2</p><p>P010530 Irrig Sector Devt CONSTRUCTION OF MAIN CANAL & RELATED STRUCTU NCB BAJRAGURU CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (P) LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 154.4 Energy and mining 2.0 Health and other social services 2.0 Law and justice and public administration 35.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.0 Total: 195.4</p><p>NATIONAL WATER PLAN STAKEHOLDERS AND EXPERT SSS NEPAL ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COLLEGE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 36.6 Energy and mining 0.5 Health and other social services 0.5 Law and justice and public administration 8.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 0.5 Total: 46.3</p><p>P040612 BASIC & PRIMARY ED. II PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES, SLICE 1: 2 UNITS JE ICB AGNI INCORPORATED PVT. LTD. Education 30.0 PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES, SLICE 2: JEEP TYPE ICB AGNI INCORPORATED PVT. LTD. Education 228.0 PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES, SLICE 3: GF 125 MOT ICB SHRESTHA INTERNATIONAL TRADING CONCERN Education 11.8 SUPPLY OF STRUCTURAL STEEL MATERIALS AND DOO ICB BHAGAWATI STEEL INDUSTRIES (P) LTD. Education 842.8 SUPPLY OF STRUCTURAL STEEL MATERIALS AND DOO ICB MAINAWATI STEEL INDUSTRIES (P) LTD. Education 780.2 SUPPLY OF STRUCTURAL STEEL MATERIALS AND DOO ICB HULAS STEEL INDUSTRIES (P) LTD. Education 792.4 SUPPLY OF PLAIN AND CORRUGATED GALVANIZED IR ICB BHAGAWATI STEEL INDUSTRIES (P) LTD. Education 619.7 SUPPLY, DELIVERY & INSTALLATION OF OFFICE EQ NCB TOUCHSTONE SALES AND SERVICES PVT. LTD. Education 26.4</p><p>P045052 ROAD MAINTENANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR SILGADHI - SANFEBAG QCBS ITECO NEPAL AND GEOCE CONSULTANTS Transportation 187.2 UPGRADING OF TANSEN - TAMGHAS ROAD (F43) (CH ICB CCECC AND MK NIRMAN SEWA J/V Transportation 1,221.4 UPGRADING OF TANSEN - TAMGHAS ROAD (F43) (CH ICB MK NIRMAN SEWA, LUMBINI BUILDERS AND ANK CONSTR Transportation 1,197.1 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR TANSEN - TAMGHAS RO QCBS GEOCE-ITECO-FULL BRIGHT J/V Transportation 175.5 SEALING WORKS OF GORUSINGHE-SANDHIKARKA ROAD ICB NEPAL SINGA-CCECC-GAURA J/V Transportation 1,202.8 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF FURNITURE AND FUR NCB DC CO. & S (P) LTD. AND OTOBI LTD. J/V Transportation 148.7 CONSULTING SERVICES FOR CARRYING OUT REHABIL QCBS TAEC CONSULT P. LTD. Transportation 109.2 REHABILITATION OF TRIBHUVAN RAJPATH ROAD SEC ICB SANTOSHI-SWACHCHHANDA J/V Transportation 551.0 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE OF MOHANA RIVER - ATTAR ICB SURYA & ASHISH JV Transportation 425.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 266 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NEPAL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>SERVICES OF THE NGO CONSULTANT FOR THE IMPLE SSS KARNALI INTEGRATED RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND RESEAR Transportation 47.0 REHABILITATION OF NARAYANGHAT - MUGLING ROAD ICB NEPAL ADARSHA-KANCHANJUNGA-LAMA BUILDERS J/V Transportation 944.1 REHABILITATION OF NARAYANGHAT - MUGLING ROAD ICB KALIKA - RASUWA J/V Transportation 1,104.1 NGO CONSULTANT FOR SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTI SSS SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATI Transportation 85.8 EMERGENCY MAINENANCE AND PROTECTION WORKS, K NCB UNITED BUILDERS & ENGINEERS PVT. LTD. Transportation 204.4 EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION WORKS A NCB HIRACHAN-GEETANJALI J/V Transportation 176.6 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF MUGLING-NARAYANG INDV MR. G.B.S. TAMRAKAR Transportation 46.2 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF MUGLING-NARAYANG INDV MR. B.K. SINGH Transportation 23.4</p><p>P050671 NP: Telecommunications Sector Reform RURAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (THE "RTS ICB STM TELECOM SANCHAR PVT. LTD. Information and communications 11,865.0</p><p>Country Total: 23,398.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 23,480.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 267 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NETHERLANDS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Albania P008271 FORESTRY MANAGEMENT PLAN OF DAJTI NATIONAL PARK QCBS DHV AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES BV Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 59.0 Law and justice and public administration 41.0 Total: 100.0</p><p>P045312 HEALTH RECOVERY MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - LOT 3 (STERILIZING EQUIP ICB DRC B.V Health and other social services 72.0 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - {PRIMARY HEALTH CARE EQU ICB IMRES B.V Health and other social services 43.0 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP EQU ICB SIMED INTERNATIONAL B.V Health and other social services 80.2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT- LOT 6 (DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING ICB PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NEDERLAND B.V Health and other social services 1,331.6 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (LOT 1) - SURGICAL EQUIPME ICB SIMED INTERNATIONAL B.V Health and other social services 684.7</p><p>Country Total: 2,311.4</p><p>Azerbaijan P070989 ED SECT DEV (APL #1) DEVELOPMENT OF PILOT RAYON SCHOOL NETWORK RA QCBS SPAN CONSULTANTS Education 292.5</p><p>P083341 ENERGY FEASIBIITY STUDY AND PROJECT PREPARATION QCBS KEMA INTERNATIONAL & DAR AL HANDASAH Energy and mining 400.0</p><p>Country Total: 692.5</p><p>Bulgaria P055157 HEALTH SECT REF ICB 016, LOT 10-INTRA VASCULAR ULTRASOUND SY ICB SIMED INTERNATIONAL B.V. Health and other social services 335.9 ICB 016, LOT 2.2-RESPIRATOR CLASS "B" ICB DUTCHMED B.V. Health and other social services 336.0 LOT 5.1 - ANAESTHESIA MONITOR ICB DUTCHMED BV Health and other social services 408.5</p><p>Country Total: 1,080.5</p><p>Cambodia P052006 KH BIO & PROT AREA M CONTRACT FOR MR. GERRIT KLERX AS SMALL GRANT SSS MR. GERRIT KLERX Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 7.7 Health and other social services 1.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.0 Transportation 1.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.3 Total: 16.6</p><p>P065798 KH-BIO & PROTEC AREAS M CONTRACT FOR MR. GERRIT KLERX AS SMALL GRANT SSS MR. GERRIT KLERX Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4.8 Health and other social services 1.2 Law and justice and public administration 8.7 Transportation 1.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.0 Total: 16.6</p><p>Country Total: 33.3</p><p>Cape Verde P087004 C V Road Sector Support Project ETUDES POUR LA REFORME DE LA GESTION ROUTIER QCBS LATIN CONSULT/DHV/FBO/SIR. WILLIAN/SLA Transportation 295.2</p><p>Country Total: 295.2</p><p>Croatia P039161 RAILWAY MOD & RESTRCT'G ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 268 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NETHERLANDS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>REVISION OF CONSTRUCTION & TECHNOLOGY PLANS SSS NS RAILPLAN BV Transportation 50.2</p><p>Country Total: 50.2</p><p>Egypt, Arab Republic of P005163 EG-POPULATION PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - LOT 2 ICB DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF CORPORATION DRC B.V. OF Health and other social services 264.4 PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - LOT 3 ICB DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF CORPORATION DRC B.V. OF Health and other social services 196.0 Law and justice and public administration 26.7 Total: 222.7</p><p>P045175 EG-HEALTH SECTOR SUPPLY OF MED AND NON MED EQU / FURN LOT 3 ICB DRC B.V Health and other social services 734.6 SUPPLY OF MED AND NON MED EQU / FURN LOT 4 ICB DRC B.V Health and other social services 175.9 SUPPLY OF MED & NON MED EQU / FURN LOT 8 ICB DRC B.V Health and other social services 464.5 SUPPLY OF MED & NON MED EQU / FURN LOT 10 ICB DRC B.V Health and other social services 373.7</p><p>Country Total: 2,235.9</p><p>Eritrea P043124 Health SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF STANDARD LABORATORY E ICB DRC B.V. Health and other social services 138.0 Law and justice and public administration 8.8 Total: 146.8 MENDEFERA REFERRAL HOSPITAL ICB 14B/2002 SUP ICB DRC B.V. Health and other social services 138.0 Law and justice and public administration 8.8 Total: 146.8</p><p>SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, SU ICB DRC Health and other social services 274.2 Law and justice and public administration 17.5 Total: 291.7</p><p>SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, SU ICB SIMED INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 831.8 Law and justice and public administration 53.1 Total: 884.9</p><p>P065713 HIV/AIDS, Malaria, STD & TB Control SUPPLY OF MEDICAL & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR ICB MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V. Education 2.3 Health and other social services 104.2 Law and justice and public administration 8.0 Total: 114.5</p><p>SUPPLY OF MEDICAL & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR ICB SIMED INTERNATIONAL Education 2.7 Health and other social services 123.1 Law and justice and public administration 9.5 Total: 135.3</p><p>Country Total: 1,719.9</p><p>Ethiopia P069886 Multisectoral HIV/AIDS LOT 2 - 12 UNITS OF VIRAL LOAD MACHINE, LCX ICB GLOBE CORPORATION B.V. Health and other social services 1,136.0 SUPPLY OF 16 ITEMS FROM LOT 1; 5 ITEMS FROM ICB INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION (IDA) Health and other social services 410.4 DRUGS FOR OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS - 7 ITEMS ICB INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION (IDA) Health and other social services 312.6</p><p>Country Total: 1,859.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 269 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NETHERLANDS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Ghana P050623 GH ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM RECONSTRUCTION OF MALLAM-KASOA ROAD ICB SVI INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS N.V.-C/O SONITRA LTD Transportation 28,276.8 URBAN TRANSPORT PLANNING AND TRAFFIC MGT. ST QCBS DHV CONSULTANTS Transportation 947.5</p><p>P056256 Urban Water CONSULTANCY SERVICES CONTRACT FOR THE ENVIRO QCBS HASKONING NEDERLANDS B.V. Water, sanitation and flood protection 194.5</p><p>P073649 2nd Health Sect. Prog. Support MULTI RADIOGRAPHY SYSTEMS FOR TUMU & AFLAO D DIR PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS NEDERLAND BV Health and other social services 175.3</p><p>Country Total: 29,594.1</p><p>Indonesia P073720 ID-TF Water Rsrcs and Irrigation PROCUREMENT OF FLOOD MODELLING SOFTWARE (SOB DIR DHV CONSULTANTS BV Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.5 IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT AND TURNOVER/IRRIGATI SSS DHV CONSULTANTS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 196.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 196.4 Total: 392.8</p><p>TWINNING FOR BASIN WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMEN SSS RIJKSWATERSTAAT ASSOC./DHV Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 116.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 116.4 Total: 232.9</p><p>IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT REFORM - COMPONENT (PK QCBS DHV CONSULTANTS Water, sanitation and flood protection 64.3</p><p>Country Total: 707.4 Jordan P081505 JO-AMMAN DEVELOPMENT CORRIDOR ASSESSMENT OF THE FEASIBILITY OF THE INLAND FBS ROYAL HASKONING Transportation 120.0</p><p>Country Total: 120.0</p><p>Kiribati P078290 Kiribati Adaptation Project MR. HERMAN CESAR AS ADAPTATION ECONOMIST INDV HERMAN CESAR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 28.0 Law and justice and public administration 14.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.0 Total: 70.0</p><p>Country Total: 70.0</p><p>Latvia P074947 PSAL 3 DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGY FOR MONITORING OF INDV FRANCISKA GASMANN Law and justice and public administration 86.2</p><p>Country Total: 86.2</p><p>Madagascar P074087 Nutrition III CONSULTANCE POUR INVENTAIRE ET ANALYSE DES I QBS MEI ZEGERS Health and other social services 33.1</p><p>Country Total: 33.1</p><p>Mauritania P035689 Health Sect. Invest. Program MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR OPERAT. UNIT FOR CHN - ICB DRC Health and other social services 207.8 SUPPLY OF MED. EQUIPT. FOR OPERATIONAL BLOCK ICB DRC Health and other social services 795.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 270 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NETHERLANDS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 1,003.0</p><p>Mozambique P001807 MZ-Decentralized Planning and Fin. Proj PROJECT PLANNING OFFICER FOR UCA INDV ABRAHAM KAHSAI Health and other social services 3.8 Law and justice and public administration 45.0 Transportation 15.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.3 Total: 75.0</p><p>Country Total: 75.0</p><p>Romania P081406 ELEC MARKET TECHNICAL & INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING QCBS KEMA INTERNATIONAL B.V Energy and mining 2,193.5 TECHNICAL & INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING QCBS KEMA INTERNATIONAL B.V Energy and mining 5,447.5</p><p>P081950 HAZARD MITIGATION (GEF) CONSULTING SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY AN CQS HASKONING NEDERLAND BV Energy and mining 11.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 43.8 Total: 54.8</p><p>Country Total: 7,695.8</p><p>Tanzania P002758 URBAN SECTOR REHAB PREPARATION OF COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE UPGR FBS DHV CONSULTANTS WITH UCLAS Law and justice and public administration 39.6 Transportation 54.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 86.4 Total: 180.0</p><p>P059073 DAR WATER SUP & SANITATION CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF THE NON-DELEGATE QCBS ELMCREST GROUP IN JV W/ NORCONSULT AS & MMK PRO Water, sanitation and flood protection 6,364.1</p><p>Country Total: 6,544.1</p><p>Timor-Leste P073911 Second Agriculture Rehabilitation Proj. ARNO HAEGENS AS INFORMATION SPECIALIST PHASE CQB ARNO HAEGENS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 125.6</p><p>P079320 TP-Third Agric.Rehabilitation Proj. ARNO HAEGENS AS COMMUNICATIONS EXPERT INDV ARNO HAEGENS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 62.9</p><p>Country Total: 188.5</p><p>Trinidad and Tobago P040108 TT POSTAL SERV. REFORM CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO ASSIST THE GOVERNMEN CQB NETHPOST CONSULTANCY BV Information and communications 101.4 Law and justice and public administration 3.1 Total: 104.5</p><p>Country Total: 104.5</p><p>Uganda P065436 UG 2ND PHASE OF THE RD. DEVE PROG STRENGTHENING OF KIKORONGO-KATUNGURU AND EQU ICB SBI INTERNATIONAL HOLDING, N.V. Transportation 15,679.7 STRENGTHENING OF HIMA-KIKORONGO ROAD AND KAS ICB SBI INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS NV Transportation 14,664.1</p><p>Country Total: 30,343.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 271 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NETHERLANDS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Uzbekistan P009121 RURAL WS & SAN AUDIT SERVICES FOR AUDIT OF PROJECT ACCOUNTS CQB PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS Water, sanitation and flood protection 105.0</p><p>P051370 HEALTH 2 PUBLIC HEALTH: REVIEW OF SANITARY & EPIDEMIO CQB NETHERLANDS SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND OCCUPATIONAL H Health and other social services 78.5</p><p>Country Total: 183.5</p><p>Vietnam P004843 VN-Inland Waterways PROCUREMENT OF SIMULATOR SYSTEMS FOR THE INL ICB STC-GROUP Transportation 862.2 CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR TECHNICAL ENGINEERIN QCBS ROYAL HASKONING Transportation 1,064.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,926.6</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P065111 RY-PORT CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES /PORT CITIE SSS SAMEH WAHBA Information and communications 5.8 Law and justice and public administration 46.7 Transportation 5.8 Total: 58.4</p><p>Country Total: 58.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 89,011.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 272 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NEW ZEALAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Cambodia P004030 KH-Road Rehab. LRCS - LOCATION REFERENCING AND CONDITION SU QCBS MWH NEW ZEALAND, LTD. Transportation 1,064.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,064.1</p><p>Georgia P078544 RURAL DEVT INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL REFORM SPECIALIS INDV GARRY SMITH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 27.6 Industry and trade 27.6 Total: 55.1</p><p>Country Total: 55.1</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P044973 LA-SOUTHERN PROVINCE RE CONSULTING SERVICES OF POWER SYSTEM DEVELOPM FBS MERITEC LTD./LAHMEYER INTERNATIONAL GMBH Energy and mining 230.0</p><p>P075531 LA-2nd So. Prov Rural Elect RURAL ELECTRIFICATION FRAMEWORKS IN LAO PDR QCBS MAUNSELL LTD. Energy and mining 175.0 STUDY ON POWER SECTOR FINANCING STRATEGY QCBS MAUNSELL LTD. Energy and mining 189.6</p><p>Country Total: 594.6</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P066157 EDUC MOD EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION SPECIALIST INDV NEIL MCDONALD Education 30.4</p><p>Country Total: 30.4</p><p>Mongolia P078386 Mongolia PRSC TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR IMPROVED EDUCATION QBS BRIAN YEE Health and other social services 28.8 Law and justice and public administration 28.8 Total: 57.5</p><p>Country Total: 57.5</p><p>Mozambique P073479 MZ - Communication Sector Reform DEFINE A DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE POSTAL QCBS TRANSEND WORLDWIDE LIMITED Information and communications 206.9 Transportation 116.4 Total: 323.3</p><p>Country Total: 323.3</p><p>Papua New Guinea P004397 PG-RD Maint & Rehab. DEVELOPMENT OF BRIDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM QCBS OPUS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS LTD. Transportation 832.5</p><p>Country Total: 832.5</p><p>Philippines P066532 PH-GEF-Electric Cooprtv System Loss Redu RURAL ELECTRFICATION TRANSACTION ADVISOR FOR QCBS CASTALIA STRATEGIC ADVISORS Energy and mining 537.8</p><p>Country Total: 537.8</p><p>Slovak Republic P079324 LEG & JUD REF IDF ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 273 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NEW ZEALAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>JUSTICE SECTOR BUDGET REFORM CQB WEBBER, DAVID Law and justice and public administration 60.6</p><p>Country Total: 60.6</p><p>Sri Lanka P058067 Second Community Water SMALL TOWNS STUDY QBS MERITEC Water, sanitation and flood protection 216.0</p><p>P077586 LK Economic Reform TA ADVISOR - WATER PSP SSS K.K.C. PERERA Water, sanitation and flood protection 92.0</p><p>Country Total: 308.0</p><p>Tonga P075171 TO-Cyclone Emergency Recovery & Mgmt CONSULTANTS' SERV. FOR LAND HAZARDS AND MANA QCBS LANDCARE RESEARCH (NZ) LTD. IN ASSOC. WITH BECA Industry and trade 310.0 Law and justice and public administration 44.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 88.6 Total: 442.9</p><p>Country Total: 442.9</p><p>Uzbekistan P070084 PUB FIN MGMT REF DEVELOPMENT OF GFMIS USER REQUIREMENTS DOCUM INDV BARRY REID Law and justice and public administration 47.0</p><p>Country Total: 47.0 Vietnam P075399 Public Financial Management Reform Proj. SELECTION OF CHIEF TECHNCIAL ADVISER INDV DR. GRAHAM SCOTT Law and justice and public administration 313.3 INTERNATIONAL LEAD ADVISER ON PUBLIC DEBT & INDV MR. IAN HOWARD STORKEY Law and justice and public administration 278.5</p><p>P077947 IDF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS COMPONENT 3: INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL CONSULTANT INDV JEAN WILLIAMS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 3.1 Transportation 3.1 Total: 6.2</p><p>Country Total: 598.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 4,951.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 274 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NICARAGUA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Honduras P053575 HN- HEALTH SYSTEM REFORM PROJECT DISEÑO Y ELABORACIÓN DEL MODELO DE ATENCIÓN QBS INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES ITZTANI Health and other social services 143.3</p><p>P060785 HN ECONOMIC & FIN.MANAGEMENT PROJECT IMPLEMENTACION DE LA ESTRATEGIA DE PARTICIPA INDV ANA EVELYN JACIR Law and justice and public administration 34.6 PARTICIPACION PRIVADA EN LA EMPRESA HONDUREN INDV FRANCISCO RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ MENDOZA Law and justice and public administration 33.8 DIRECCION DEL PROYECTO DE REFORMA AL SECTOR INDV MIGUEL ANGEL MATUTE ZUNIGA Law and justice and public administration 33.8 ESPECIALISTA SECTORIAL/SUBSECTOR ELECTRICO INDV JOSE ANTONIO MORAN MARADIAGA Law and justice and public administration 33.8 ESPECIALISTA SECTORIAL/AMBIENTE Y RECURSOS N INDV CARLOS GABRIEL TALAVERA WILLIAMAS Law and justice and public administration 31.8 ESPECIALISTA EN INFRAESTRUCTURA INDV MIRNA SAGRARIO SOLANO GALE Law and justice and public administration 33.8 ESPECIALISTA FINANCIERO INDV RENE ANTONIO MATAMOROS Law and justice and public administration 33.8 ASESOR LEGAL INDV OCTAVIO RUBEN SANCHEZ Law and justice and public administration 30.4</p><p>Country Total: 408.9</p><p>Nicaragua P035753 NI HEALTH SECT II ADQUISICIÓN DE EQUIPOS MÉDICOS LIB CASA TERAN, S.A. Health and other social services 365.9 SUMINISTRO E INSTALACIÓN DE EQUIPOS MÉDICOS NSH SINTER, S.A. Health and other social services 304.4 SIMINISTRO E INSTALACIÓN DE EQUIPOS MEDICOS NSH RARPE MEDIHOSPITAL Health and other social services 357.6 SUMINISTRO E INSTALACIÓN DE EQUIPOS MÉDICOS DIR SERRANO SUPLISA Health and other social services 186.8 P040197 NI FISE III LA FIRMA CONSULTORA SE OBLIGA A PRESTAR SUS QBS FUSADES (FUNDACIÓN PARA LA SALUD Y EL DESARROLL Health and other social services 25.4</p><p>P041790 GEF NI Atlantic Biological Corridor PROJECT DIRECTOR SSS FRANCISCO ARNOLDO PANIAGUA ESPINOZA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 35.3 COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST INDV REYNA ARMIDA DUARTE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 49.1 COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST INDV WILDER ROBERTO WILSON ALVARADO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 49.1</p><p>P049296 NI ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT TAC CONSULTANCY SERVICE INDV JUAN GALI COLI Law and justice and public administration 126.0 CAPACITATION EN TELECOMMUNICACIONES QBS GBM Law and justice and public administration 117.3 COORDINADOR TECNICO SSS MARCO CENTENO Law and justice and public administration 35.0 SUMINISTRO E INSTALACION DE EQUIPAMIENTO DE LIB GBM DE NICARAGUA Law and justice and public administration 32.7 ASISTENCIA TECNICA A LA DIRECCION GENERAL DE INDV MARIA ANTONIETA NAVARRO PINEDA Law and justice and public administration 10.1 APOYO LEGAL A LA IMPLEMENTACION DEL PLAN DE INDV KELIN JOHANNA GALEANO ROMERO Law and justice and public administration 5.4 APOYO LEGAL A LA IMPLEMENTACION DEL PLAN DE INDV EDUARDO JACOBO CASTILLO ZAMORA Law and justice and public administration 5.4 APOYO LEGAL A LA IMPLEMENTACION DEL PLAN DE INDV ANA LOURDES LOPEZ MARTINEZ Law and justice and public administration 5.4 CONSULTORA EXPERTO FUNCIONAL EN AUDIROTIA QBS AARON LOPEZ CORTES Law and justice and public administration 35.9 CONSULTOR ASESOR LEGAL JUNIOR QBS MARVIN NOGUERA LOPEZ Law and justice and public administration 36.0 SUMINISTRO DE BIENES Y SERVICIOS CONEXOS LIB GBM DE NICARAGUA Law and justice and public administration 235.5 EXPERTO INTERNACIONAL EN GESTION DE ACTIVOS QCBS JOSE ANTONIO CERDA MAGANA Law and justice and public administration 36.0</p><p>P050613 NI SECOND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT SUMINISTRO Y DISTRIBUCIÓN DE BIBLOGRAFÍA PAR ICB LIBRERÍA HISPANOAMERICA, S.A. (HISPAMER) Education 1,264.2 SUMINISTRO Y DISTRIBUCIÓN DE MATERIAL DIDÁCT ICB LIBRERÍA HISPANOAMERICA, S.A. (HISPAMER) Education 279.7 SUMINISTRO E INSTALACIÓN DE EQUIPO INFORMÁTI ICB CONSORCIO GBM DE NICARAGUA, S.A. Y GBM DE GUATE ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 275 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NICARAGUA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 2,011.4</p><p>P052080 NI FORESTRY CONSULTANT IN FOREST POLICY INDV VICTOR TERCERO TALAVERA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 15.3 Law and justice and public administration 7.2 Total: 22.5</p><p>REMODELATION OF INAFOR'S OFFICES NSH MANUEL SALINAS MAIRENA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 86.0 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INDV LUIS ALBERTO VALERIO HERNANDEZ Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 59.0</p><p>P053705 NI TRANSPORT II REHABILITATION OF THE PORTEZUELO-LA SUBASTA ICB CONSORCIO CORP. M&S INTERNACIONAL C.A.S.A.-CEIC Transportation 4,434.1 ROAD SIGNPOSTING (7 SECTIONS WITH 31 CRITICA NCB CONSORCIO RAYA, S.A. - SEMEX Transportation 6.2</p><p>P055823 NI SECOND RURAL MUNICIPAL DEV. PROJECT ACQUISITION OF TELEPHONY PLANT NCB J.ICASA & ASSOCIADOS(COMERCIAL SAN PABLO, S.A.) Law and justice and public administration 28.5 PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS AND LAP-TOPS ICB XEROX DE NICARAGUA Law and justice and public administration 152.6 PURCHASE OF PRINTERS, SCANNERS AND PHOTOCOPY ICB MICROTEC S.A. Law and justice and public administration 27.1 CONSULTANT QBS GABRIEL KENYAN Law and justice and public administration 52.5</p><p>P056018 NI LAND ADMINISTRATION PROJECT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST QCBS WALDO SOTO BRAVO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.5 Health and other social services 7.7 Law and justice and public administration 41.8 Total: 51.0 PURCHASE OF PICKUP TRUCKS ICB MINICAR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 10.4 Health and other social services 52.0 Law and justice and public administration 284.5 Total: 347.0</p><p>PURCHASE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ICB ALTEC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 7.4 Health and other social services 36.9 Law and justice and public administration 201.5 Total: 245.7</p><p>SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION TO PROCESS AND ADMINIS NCB GSI, INTERNACIONAL INC. Law and justice and public administration 1,885.9 FINACIAL SPECIALIST INDV MARVIN ZAMORA ALTAMIRANO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 0.9 Health and other social services 4.5 Law and justice and public administration 24.6 Total: 30.0</p><p>TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (TITLING OF INDIGENOUS SSS CARLOS AUGUSTO LANDERO WAGNER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.3 Health and other social services 6.3 Law and justice and public administration 34.3 Total: 41.8</p><p>P064906 NI Poverty Red.&Local Dev. FISE TRABAJOS DE CONSULTORÍA EN MODALIDADES DE IN QBS RODRIGO UBILLA MACKENNEY Health and other social services 36.5 DISEGN, DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AU CQB HECTOR MENDOZA Health and other social services 85.4 SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORÍA "APOYO AL PROGRAMA QBS JOSÉ OMAR MONCADA Health and other social services 69.9 CONSTRUCCIÓPN DE MINI ACUEDUCTO A GRAVEDAD, ISH CONAMERICA Health and other social services 342.5 REVISIÓN CARGA DE TRABAJO POR AREA FUNCIONAL QBS JUAN RAMON CASTILLO BARRETO Health and other social services 59.6 COORDINACIÓN DE PGC COSTA CARIBE QBS ERIC GUSTAF FREDRIK LINDBLOM Health and other social services 49.3 SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORÍA PARA LA EJECUCIÓN D NCB IPADE Health and other social services 37.7 CONSTRUCCIÓN MINIACUEDUCTO WAMBLAN ISH OBRINSA Health and other social services 393.7 EJECUCIONES DE CAPACITACIONES DE ORGANIZACIO QBS IPADE ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 276 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NICARAGUA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 37.7 SOPORTE TÉCNICO TERRITORIAL QBS VICTOR CANALES Health and other social services 41.3 EJECUCIÓN DE LAS CAPACITACIONES DE LAS ORGAN QCBS FUDEFOM Health and other social services 33.6 CONSULTORÍA PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE LA ESTRAT INDV MIRNA MONCADA FONSECA Health and other social services 38.1 SEGUIMIENTO A LA INVERSIÓN PÚBLICA PRIORIZAD QBS SERGIO CARDOZA ROMERO Health and other social services 80.1 CONSULTORÍA DE SOPORTE TECNOLÓGICO TERRITORI QBS WILLIAM J. ACEVEDO ALGUERA Health and other social services 42.3 CAMIONETAS DOBLE CABINA DE DOBLE TRACCIÓN NCB MINICAR S.A. Health and other social services 159.8 EJECUCIÓN DE LAS CAPACITACIONES DE LAS ORGAN LCS IPADE Health and other social services 27.1 AGUA POTABLE EL AYOTE DEL MUNICIPIO DEL AYOT NCB LUIS MANUEL MURILLO SOLÓRZANO Health and other social services 551.5</p><p>P064915 NI AG TECHN & RURAL EDU (APL) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE - FONDOS DE FUNICA SSS FERNANDO PATRICIO RODRIGUEZ SCHULLER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 38.8 DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY POLICY AND AGRICULTUR QCBS AUGUSTO CESAR ZELAYA UBEDA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 42.5 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY QBS ROGER JOSE URBINA ALGABAS Law and justice and public administration 33.3 AUDITING SERVICES CQB KPMG PEAT MARWICK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 94.3 PURCHASE OF 39 PICK-UP TRUCKS.LOT 1 (31) AND ICB AUTONICA,S.A Law and justice and public administration 266.6 PURCHASE OF 39 PICK-UP TRUCKS.LOT 1 (31) AND ICB F.ALF.PELLAS,S.A Law and justice and public administration 266.6 PURCHASE OF 2 TRACTORS. ICB SERVICIO AUTOMOTRIZ MANTICA, S.A. Law and justice and public administration 24.0 PURCHASE OF 17 MOTORCYCLES. LOT 3 ICB F.ALF.PELLAS,S.A Law and justice and public administration 38.5 P064916 NI Natural Disaster Vulnerability Reduc REVISION Y ACTUALIZACION DEL REGLAMENTO NACI QCBS DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (DRM Health and other social services 8.8 Law and justice and public administration 116.5 Total: 125.3</p><p>ESTUDIO DE LA VULNERABILIDAD SISMICA DE MANA QCBS DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (DRM Health and other social services 9.7 Law and justice and public administration 128.3 Total: 138.0</p><p>REVESTIMIENTO DE CAUCE DE SAN ISIDRO NCB D'GUERRERO, INGENIEROS, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA Health and other social services 24.9 Law and justice and public administration 330.6 Total: 355.5</p><p>PLAN NACIONAL PARA LA GESTION DE RIESGO QCBS INYPSA Health and other social services 12.3 Law and justice and public administration 163.3 Total: 175.6</p><p>REPARACIONES DE CORTINAS HIDRAULICAS SHOP CONSTRUCTORA CARLOS DIAZ F. & DIA. LTDA Health and other social services 10.8 Law and justice and public administration 143.5 Total: 154.3</p><p>OBRAS COMPLEMENTARIAS DE DRENAJE PLUVIAL VIL NCB D'GUERRERO, INGENIEROS, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA Health and other social services 30.1 Law and justice and public administration 400.3 Total: 430.4</p><p>P068673 NI Road Rehab. and Maintenance III PERIODIC MAINTENANCE SECTION EMP. DE BOACO-B ICB CONSORCIO FOURCON JOINT VENTURE/SEMCO Transportation 1,752.7 PAVING OF LOTE XI-TRAMO I (10.00 KMS) & TRAM ICB LLANSA INGENIEROS Transportation 4,253.8 PAVING OF RURAL ROADS: TRAMO I(8.01 KMS) & T ICB NAP INGENIEROS S.A. Transportation 2,864.8 PAVING RURAL ROADS: TRAMO I/TRAMO II(SAN FER ICB OBRINSA Transportation 2,141.6 PAVING RURAL ROADS:LOTE III-TRAMO IV-INICIO ICB MECO SANTA FE DE NICARAGUA, S.A. Transportation 1,575.8 PAVING RURAL ROADS: EMP.SUSUCAYAN-SANTA CLAR ICB LLANSA INGENIEROS, S.A. Transportation 1,989.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 277 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NICARAGUA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>PAVING RURAL RDS: TRAMO V:SOMOTO-SAN LUCAS ICB URBANIZACIONES INDUSTRIALES, S.A (URBANISA) Transportation 1,278.1 PAVING RURAL ROADS: TRAMO VI -PALACAGUINA-SA ICB KOREA CONSTRUCTIONS & J.C.A.INGENIEROS, S.A. Transportation 1,943.0 ESTABLISHMENT OF BASE LINE FOR STABILIZATION SSS INEC Transportation 111.2</p><p>P073246 NI Offgrid Rural Electrification (PERZA) VALORACION DEL POTENCIAL DE REPLICABILIDAD D INDV PATRICIA RODRIGUEZ Energy and mining 22.2 Finance 3.0 Health and other social services 0.6 Industry and trade 1.2 Law and justice and public administration 3.0 Total: 30.0</p><p>ESTUDIO: PROGRAMA PARA EL DESARROLLO DEL MER INDV ROBERT FOSTER Energy and mining 19.2 Finance 2.6 Health and other social services 0.5 Industry and trade 1.0 Law and justice and public administration 2.6 Total: 26.0</p><p>VIAJE A BOLIVIA POR CONFERENCIA DE ENERGÍA INDV SOMORRIBA,VALENCIA,GUEVARA Energy and mining 5.7 Finance 0.8 Health and other social services 0.2 Industry and trade 0.3 Law and justice and public administration 0.8 Total: 7.6</p><p>COMPUTER EQUIPMENT PURCHASING NCB MICROSA Energy and mining 3.8 Finance 0.5 Health and other social services 0.1 Industry and trade 0.2 Law and justice and public administration 0.5 Total: 5.2</p><p>ESTUDIO "EVALUACION SOCIAL Y PLAN DE DESARRO INDV JORGE JOSE NAVAS MORALES Energy and mining 7.2 STUDY "OPERATIVIZACION DEL COMPONENTE DE SER CQB CIDEP Energy and mining 67.7 COMPRA DE 5 EQUIPOS DE COMPUTACION NSH DATATEX Energy and mining 8.0 ESTUDIO "DESARROLLO DE NUEVOS PRODUCTOS A TR CQS GUIA AGROPECUARIA Energy and mining 21.5 ESTUDIO "ASISTENCIA TECNICA A LA CNE EN LA E INDV MAURICIO PEREA Energy and mining 21.1 Finance 2.9 Health and other social services 0.6 Industry and trade 1.1 Law and justice and public administration 2.9 Total: 28.5</p><p>Country Total: 35,460.8</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 35,869.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 278 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NIGER Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P077371 3A: Climate Impacts on Agro-Ecological IMPLEMENT THE NIGER STUDY WHICH COULD INVOLV CQB DR. KATIELLA A. MAI MOUSSA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.0</p><p>Country Total: 40.0</p><p>Niger P058730 Niger:Agro-pastoral Export Promot. Proj 1 VEHICLE 4X4 STATION WAGON, 1 VEHICLE 4X4 D NCB CFAO- NIGER Industry and trade 129.6 Law and justice and public administration 26.5 Total: 156.1</p><p>P061209 Basic Education DESKTOP,ARMCHAIRS,CUPBOARDS,DRAWERS,FILE CAB NCB BUROPA Education 54.9 21 COMPUTERS,6 LAPTOP, 24 PRINTERS,24 UPS & NCB TOUTELEC NIGER Education 115.9 63COMPUTERS,63SOFWARE,63PRINTERS,SUPPLIES FO ICB KANF ELECTRONICS Education 236.6 LOT 2:43 VEHICLES 4X4 PICK UP & LOT 4 137 MO ICB CFAO- NIGER Education 1,793.6 LOT 1 : 6VEHICLES 4WD STATION WAGON -1VEHICL ICB CFAO- NIGER Education 313.3</p><p>P061558 WATER SECTOR PROJECT REINFORCEMENT & EXTENSION OF DRINKING WATER ICB IGN Law and justice and public administration 43.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,420.8 Total: 1,464.7</p><p>P071612 Multisector STI/HIV/AIDS Proj. AUDIT OF PROJET ACCOUNTS QCBS CABINET AUDIT CONSEIL SIDIBÉ ET ASSOCIÉS Health and other social services 107.3 AUDIT OF THE PROJECT QCBS CABINET AUDIT CONSEIL SIDIBE ET ASSOCIES Health and other social services 107.3</p><p>P072996 Niger:Private Irrigation Promotion COMPUTER PURCHASE ICB KANF ELECTRONICS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 177.8 8 VEHICLES 4X4 STATION WAGON, 6 VEHICLES 4X4 ICB CFAO- NIGER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 700.5 Health and other social services 46.1 Law and justice and public administration 175.1 Total: 921.7</p><p>Country Total: 5,449.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 5,489.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 279 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NIGERIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Nigeria P064008 SMALL TOWNS WATER CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION OF WATER SUP ICB WOG ALLIED SERVICES NIG. LTD Industry and trade 16.2 Law and justice and public administration 99.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 153.7 Total: 269.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION OF WATER SUP ICB J.A. INTERNATIONAL NIG. LTD. Industry and trade 6.3 Law and justice and public administration 38.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 59.9 Total: 105.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION OF WATER SUP ICB J.R. GRUSHING WELLS LTD. Industry and trade 12.9 Law and justice and public administration 79.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 122.0 Total: 214.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION OF WATER SUP ICB J.R. GRUSHING WELLS LTD. Industry and trade 14.8 Law and justice and public administration 91.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 140.2 Total: 245.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION OF WATER SUP ICB HYDRO-TECH NIG. LTD. Industry and trade 14.5 Law and justice and public administration 89.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 138.1 Total: 242.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION OF WATER SUP ICB CALIPAK NIG. LTD. Industry and trade 14.0 Law and justice and public administration 86.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 132.6 Total: 232.6</p><p>P065301 ECON.MGMT.CAP.BLDG. PROVIDE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE HONORABLE SSS DR. ABDU MUKHTAR Law and justice and public administration 50.0 PROVIDE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE HONORABLE SSS MISS AISHETU FATIMA KOLO Law and justice and public administration 50.0 PROVIDE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE HONORABLE SSS MR. PAUL NWABIKWU Law and justice and public administration 51.7 PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS FOR LINE MINISTRIES ICB COMPUTER WAREHOUSE Law and justice and public administration 643.6</p><p>P066571 2nd Primary Educ. LOT 6: 6840 UNITS OF STEEL BOXES FOR SOUTH ICB MOUDACO LIMITED, 389 OJOTA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, O Education 1,609.8 LOT 5: 6840 UNITS OF STEEL BOXES TO SOUTH SO ICB STEEL WORKS LIMITED Education 1,812.6 LOTS 2 AND 3 WERE WON BY VIA INTERNATIONAL L ICB VINA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Education 2,051.5 SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION OF SUPPLEMENTARY REA LIB HENIEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS (NIG.) PLC Education 9,105.2 IRI SURVEY OF RADIO LISTENING HABITS OF NOMA CQB FIRST MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS LIMITED Education 80.7 TEACHERS TRAINING CQB SUPREME MANAGEMENT TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY SER Education 92.7</p><p>P070290 2nd Health Systems Dev. SUPPLY OF 2 UNITS 4 WD DOUBLE CABIN PICK-UP NCB NUEL AUTO DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Health and other social services 56.7 SUPPLY OF 1 UNIT 4WD DOUBLE CABIN MAZDA PICK NCB NUEL AUTO DISTRIBUTION LTD. Health and other social services 81.2 PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES NCB LEE NIGERIA LIMITED Health and other social services 55.5 2 UNITS 2 WD JEEP PICK-UP DOUBLE CABIN NCB BAP SERVICES LTD Health and other social services 53.2 LOT 2 OF IFB: PROCUREMENT OF 27 KVA GENERATO NCB R & B INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Health and other social services 252.5</p><p>P070293 PRIVATIZATION SUPPORT PROJECT DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SPE QCBS KPMG NIGERIA & IPA ENERGY CONSULTING Energy and mining 59.7 Law and justice and public administration 428.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 54.3 Total: 542.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 280 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NIGERIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>DETERMINATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TARIFF R QCBS ACYL TASMAN PTY, LTD Energy and mining 33.2 Law and justice and public administration 238.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 30.2 Total: 301.5</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISOR INDV MODUPE TAIWO ODUBELA Energy and mining 6.6 Law and justice and public administration 47.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.0 Total: 60.0</p><p>TRANSACTION ADVISOR INDV AKINAWO OLATERU Energy and mining 15.7 Law and justice and public administration 113.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.3 Total: 143.1</p><p>CORE TEAM - ENTERPRISE MARKETING INDV IJEOMA NWOGWUGWU Energy and mining 6.9 Law and justice and public administration 49.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.3 Total: 62.7</p><p>CORE TEAM - LABOUR ADVISOR INDV SALISU MUHAMMAD Energy and mining 9.5 Law and justice and public administration 68.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.7 Total: 86.7</p><p>CORE TEAM - ADVISOR COMMUNICATIONS INDV BALA MUHAMMED Energy and mining 7.4 Law and justice and public administration 52.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.7 Total: 66.9 CORE TEAM -IT ADVISOR INDV JOHN YISA DOKO Energy and mining 8.9 Law and justice and public administration 64.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.1 Total: 81.0</p><p>CORE TEAM -TRANSACTION MANAGER INDV AYO EDU Energy and mining 9.5 Law and justice and public administration 68.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.7 Total: 86.7</p><p>CORE TEAM - TRANSACTION MANAGER INDV HASSAN USMAN Energy and mining 11.9 Law and justice and public administration 85.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.8 Total: 107.8</p><p>CORE TEAM - TRANSACTION MANAGER INDV EKONG ETIM Energy and mining 8.9 Law and justice and public administration 64.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.1 Total: 81.0</p><p>CORE TEAM - ADVISER FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS INDV NATHANIEL KOLO NMADU Energy and mining 7.4 Law and justice and public administration 52.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.7 Total: 66.9</p><p>CORE TEAM - TRANSACTION MANAGER INDV LANRE BABALOLA Energy and mining 8.9 Law and justice and public administration 64.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.1 Total: 81.0</p><p>CORE TEAM - TRANSACTION ADVISOR INDV REGINALD IHEBUZOR Energy and mining 14.2 Law and justice and public administration 101.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.9 Total: 129.0</p><p>P072018 Nigeria:Transmission Development Project GRID SYSTEM METERING ICB ALPHA UKUBONA CONSORTIUM ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 281 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NIGERIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 5,529.5 ENGINEERING SUPERVISION AND SITE MANAGEMENT SSS JIYODA ENGINEERING NIGERIA LIMITED Energy and mining 92.4</p><p>P073686 Fadama II- GEF IDENTIFICATION AND SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL SURVEY O QCBS RESLARC GROUP NIGERIA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 149.1</p><p>P074963 NG Lagos Urban Transport Project PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES NCB ELIZADE NIGERIA LIMITED Transportation 277.9 BRIDGE REPAIRS LOT 1 ICB SAGETO NIGERIA LIMTED Transportation 4,405.1 BRIDGE REHABILITATION WORKS ICB ALBENCON NIGERIA LIMITED Transportation 4,596.9 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE WORKS CONTRACT ICB SAGETO NIGERIA LIMTED Transportation 3,137.2 REHABILITATION WORKS ICB NW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED Transportation 3,701.0 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE OF LAGOS ROADS QCBS MESSRS F. A. OSENI CONSULTANCY SERVICES Transportation 153.8 SUPERVISION CONSULTANTS CONTRACTS FOR PERIOD QCBS TECHJOB ASSOCIATES Transportation 177.1 REHABILITATION LOT 3 QCBS ECON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Transportation 175.7 SUPERVISION CONSULTANCY SERVICES QCBS MESSRS F. A. OSENI Transportation 156.5 ROAD SUPERVISION AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT QCBS TECHJOB ASSOCIATES Transportation 180.2 PERIODIC MANAITENANCE OF SOME LAGOS ROADS QCBS ENCON LIMITED Transportation 178.8 ROAD SUPERVISION LOT 2 QCBS BUSINESS NETWORK LIMITED Transportation 125.7</p><p>P078033 Grant for Legal Reform and Legal Aid for CONSULTING SERVICES: DRAFTING RESEARCH/MODEL SSS ADEDOKUN A ADEYEMI Law and justice and public administration 5.6 FOR EXECUTION OF TRAINING AND WORKSHOP RELAT SSS FIDA Law and justice and public administration 123.3</p><p>P081231 NG Comm-Based Agric. & Rural Dev. (IFAD) PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES SHOP AMYSYCO NIGERIA LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 63.8 PROCUREMENT OF 4 UNITS OF VEHICLES NCB SCOA NIGERIA PLC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 126.5</p><p>P085424 TO BE DROPPED -NG-STATCAP ASSESS EXISTING NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEM, INDV PROF. BIYI AFONJA Law and justice and public administration 11.0 ASSESS CURRENT STATUS OF NATIONAL STATISTICS INDV PROF. AKIN FADAHUNSI Law and justice and public administration 23.8 ASSESS CURRENT STATUS OF NATIONAL STATISTICA INDV MR. T. O. OFFOR Law and justice and public administration 23.8</p><p>Country Total: 42,668.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 42,668.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 282 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: NORWAY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P077779 Emergency Infrastructure Reconstruction POWER DISTRIBUTION STUDY IN KABUL AND OTHER SSS NORCONSULT/NORPLAN Energy and mining 198.2</p><p>P078284 Emergency Transport Rehabilitation EXTENSION OF CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF THE SSS NORWEGIAN PUBLIC ROADS ADMINISTRATION (NPRA) Transportation 101.2</p><p>Country Total: 299.4</p><p>Cambodia P070875 KH-Land Management and Administration AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND ORTHOPHOTO PRODUCTION ICB M/S BLOM ASA AND SIMMONS AEROFILMS, JOINT VENTU Education 24.4 Industry and trade 16.3 Law and justice and public administration 773.0 Total: 813.6</p><p>Country Total: 813.6</p><p>China P068058 CN-Yixing Pumped Storage Project SUPPLY & SPN. OF INSTALLATION OF PUMP/TURBIN ICB GE CONSORTIUM Energy and mining 79,117.1</p><p>Country Total: 79,117.1</p><p>Croatia P051273 HEALTH SYSTEM EMS TRAINING EQUIPMENT ICB LAERDAL MEDICAL A/S Health and other social services 220.1 Country Total: 220.1</p><p>Zambia P064064 MINE TOWNSHIP SERVICES PROJECT UPPER KAFUE WATER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT & MNGT QCBS NORCONSULT AS IN ASSOC WITH NORCONSULT (Z) LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 429.6</p><p>Country Total: 429.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 80,879.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 283 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PAKISTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bangladesh P037857 Health and Population Program G-429 (SUB-PACKAGE A): SUPPLY OF HOSPITAL FU ICB RAIZ & SAJJAD ENTERPRISES Health and other social services 479.3</p><p>Country Total: 479.3</p><p>Pakistan P010500 Natl Drainage Prog REHABILITATION OF JATI SURFACE DRAINAGE SYST NCB HAJI MUHAMMAD IQBAL MEMON Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 276.4 Law and justice and public administration 56.6 Total: 333.0</p><p>REHABILITATION OF NAGAN DHORO SURFACE DRAINA NCB MIR MUHAMMAD ALAM KHAN LEHRI & BROS. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 603.9 Law and justice and public administration 123.7 Total: 727.6</p><p>REHABILITATION OF GHOTKI SURFACE DRAINAGE SY NCB M/S HAJI RANJHA & CO., QUITTA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 437.3 Law and justice and public administration 89.6 Total: 526.9</p><p>REHABILITATION OF OCHITO SURFACE DRAINAGE SY NCB ABDUL MAJEED ENTERPRISES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 202.6 Law and justice and public administration 41.5 Total: 244.1</p><p>REHABILITATION OF THATTA-II SURFACE DRAINAGE NCB M/S REHMAN KHAN KHATTAK & CO., HYD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 674.1 Law and justice and public administration 138.1 Total: 812.1</p><p>SUPPLY OF 130 NOS. DIESEL WATER PUMPING SETS NCB T.K. MEDICAL INSTRUMENT CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 131.6 REHABILITATION OF NAGAN DHORO SURFACE DRAINA NCB MIR MUHAMMAD ALAM KHAN LEHRI & BROS. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 533.5 Law and justice and public administration 109.3 Total: 642.8</p><p>CIVIL WORKS FOR REHABILITATION OF JAMSAKRO S NCB HAJI SAEED MUHAMMAD & SONS KARACHI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 433.1 Law and justice and public administration 88.7 Total: 521.8</p><p>P010556 HIGHWAYS REHAB NATIONAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM N-5 ADD NCB MS HUSNAIN COTEX LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 76.1 Law and justice and public administration 228.2 Transportation 3,499.4 Total: 3,803.7</p><p>NATIONAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONTRAC NCB MS HUSNAIN COTEX LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 56.8 Law and justice and public administration 170.3 Transportation 2,610.6 Total: 2,837.6</p><p>NATIONAL HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONTRAC NCB MS HUSNAIN COTEX LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 81.5 Law and justice and public administration 244.6 Transportation 3,750.3 Total: 4,076.5</p><p>P049791 POVERTY ALLEVIATION FUND PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES FOR TARAQEE TRUST (T NCB TOYOTA ZARGHOON MOTORS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 8.9 Finance 55.8 Health and other social services 21.2 Transportation 16.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.9 Total: 111.6</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES [LOT 1 & 2] NCB M/S AZIM MOTORS, ISLAMABAD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 17.9 Finance 111.9 Health and other social services 42.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 284 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PAKISTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 33.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.9 Total: 223.7</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES [LOT 3] NCB TOYOTA ISLAMABAD MOTORS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 8.4 Finance 52.5 Health and other social services 20.0 Transportation 15.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.4 Total: 105.0</p><p>P071454 AJK Community Infrastructure & Services PROCUREMNET OF GI AND HDEP PIPES AND FITTING NCB PAKISTAN PIPE INDUSTRIES (PVT.) LTD. Health and other social services 29.7 Law and justice and public administration 29.7 Transportation 14.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 74.3 Total: 148.6</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF GI AND HDPE PIPES AND FITTING NCB PAKISTAN PIPE INDUSTRIES (PVT.) LTD. Health and other social services 29.2 Law and justice and public administration 29.2 Transportation 14.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 72.9 Total: 145.7</p><p>P074797 Banking Sector Technical Assistance HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROJECT M SSS DR. ZAFAR IQBAL QURESHI Finance 73.4 HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR HR TRAINI QCBS M/S ANJUM ASIM SHAHID & CO Finance 603.8</p><p>P074856 HIV/AIDS Prevention Project PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES (1) DOUBLE CABIN PIC NCB TOYOTA ISLAMABAD MOTORS Health and other social services 107.5</p><p>P077306 Tax Administration Reform Project DESIGN AND SUPERVISION OF REFURBISHMENT ACTI CQB NATIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES PAKISTAN PRIVATE Law and justice and public administration 116.0</p><p>P077845 IDF Reform in Regulatory& Legal Policy INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR STUDY ON INDUSTRIA INDV A.K. KEMAL Industry and trade 28.9</p><p>Country Total: 16,321.8</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 16,801.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 285 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PANAMA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Guatemala P048654 GT TAX ADMIN. TAL ASISTENCIA TECNICA A LA ADMINISTRACION TRIBU QCBS CIAT Law and justice and public administration 1,476.6</p><p>Country Total: 1,476.6</p><p>Panama P045937 GEF PA-PAMBC DESIGN AND EXECUTION OF THE SOLID WASTE MANA QCBS FUNDACION ACCION SOCIAL POR PANAMA (FAS-PANAMA) Law and justice and public administration 123.0</p><p>P051124 PA UTILITIES RESTRUC TA PROVIDING AND INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT FOR NCB PRODIMA Energy and mining 3.7 Law and justice and public administration 362.8 Total: 366.5</p><p>P055844 PA Public Policy Reform TA Project F-03-0092-A - EMPRESA ARIAS, ALEMAN & MORA CQB ARIAS, ALEMAN & MORA Law and justice and public administration 170.0 FERNANDO GOMEZ ARBELAEZ - P-04-0094-A CQS FERNANDO GOMEZ ARBELAEZ Law and justice and public administration 60.0</p><p>Country Total: 719.4</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P076185 RY-Basic Education Development Program CONSULTANCY SERVICE ON GIRLS EDUCATION IN YE QBS UZMA ANZAR Education 27.0</p><p>Country Total: 27.0 ======Supplying Country Total: 2,223.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 286 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PAPUA NEW GUINEA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Papua New Guinea P004398 PNG-FORESTRY AND CONSERVATION PROJ. MR. KANAWI POURU AS PROJECT MANANGER INDV KANAWI POURU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 105.8 Health and other social services 93.2 Law and justice and public administration 52.9 Total: 251.9</p><p>P054238 PNG-GAZELLE RESTORATION II SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF RICE MILLING MACH ICB OISCA ECO-TECH TRAINING CENTRE Energy and mining 4.9 Health and other social services 4.9 Law and justice and public administration 4.7 Transportation 8.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.1 Total: 29.1</p><p>IRBD-4525-IR-ROA-140.820-05 UPGRADING OF KOK ICB COVEC (PNG) LTD Energy and mining 312.5 Health and other social services 312.5 Law and justice and public administration 294.2 Transportation 533.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 386.1 Total: 1,838.5</p><p>SUPPLY OF SURVEY AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT TO ICB THEODIST PTY LTD Energy and mining 20.9 Health and other social services 20.9 Law and justice and public administration 19.7 Transportation 35.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 25.8 Total: 122.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS AND INFRASTUCTURE ICB COVEC (PNG) LTD Energy and mining 371.8 Health and other social services 371.8 Law and justice and public administration 349.9 Transportation 634.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 459.3 Total: 2,187.0</p><p>Country Total: 4,429.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 4,429.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 287 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PARAGUAY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Paraguay P007927 PY-Maternal HLTH/CHD. Development FURTHER RENOVATION OF HOSPITAL PEDRO JUAN CA NCB CONSORCIO ING. HUGO DANIEL PATINO, ING. FERNAND Health and other social services 43.2 CTR. NO. 31/04: SELECCION DIR. CONSULTORIA QCBS INSTITUTO DE COMUNICACION Y ARTE (I.C.A) Health and other social services 60.0 PRODUCCION DE MATERIALES DE COMUNICACION Y P CQS DIGIWEB S.A Health and other social services 51.4</p><p>P039983 PY 4th RURAL WATER SUPPLY & SANITATION PROMOCION COMUNITARIA Y ASISTENCIA TECNICA E QCBS CONSORCIO AGUA DULCE Water, sanitation and flood protection 174.6 PROMOCION COMUNITARIA PROYECTO EJECUTIVO Y F QCBS CONSULTORES E INGENIEROS S.A. - ICAP Water, sanitation and flood protection 258.8 CONSTRUCCION SISTEMAS DE ABASTECIMIENTO DE A NCB EMPRESA CONSTRUCTORA BAUMANN Water, sanitation and flood protection 130.2 CONSTRUCCION SISTEMAS DE ABASTECIMIENTO DE A NCB SOCIEDAD CONSTRUCTORA CHACO S.R.L. Water, sanitation and flood protection 77.1 CONSTRUCCION SISTEMAS ABASTECIMIENTO DE AGUA NCB SERMAT S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 218.9 PROVISION DE MATERIALES PARA LETRINAS LIB COFA S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 474.5 PROVISION DE MATERIALES PARA LETRINAS LIB CONSORCIO GOPA CONSTRUCCIONES Y ASOCIADOS S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 525.0 PROMOCION SOCIAL, CAPACITACION Y DISENOS DE QCBS CIA S.R.L.-COMPANIA DE INGENIEROS ASOCIADOS S.R Water, sanitation and flood protection 650.7 CONSTRUCCION SISTEMAS ABASTECIMIENTO DE AGUA NCB CONSORCIO MENDEZ-MORENO Y ASOCIADOS Water, sanitation and flood protection 133.5 CONSTRUCCION DE SISTEMAS DE ABASTECIMIENTO D NCB CONSORCIO YCUA Water, sanitation and flood protection 74.8 CONSTRUCCION DE SISTEMAS DE ABASTECIMIENTO D NCB ING. HUGO PATINO Y ASOCIADOS Water, sanitation and flood protection 147.2 CONSTRUCCION DE SISTEMAS DE ABASTECIMIENTO D NCB CONFORTEC S.R.L. Y ASOCIADOS Water, sanitation and flood protection 135.2</p><p>P078907 PY CIVIL SERVICE IDF COORDINADOR NACIONAL DEL PROYECTO TF051372 SSS EDUARDO SALAZAR SANCHEZ Law and justice and public administration 29.0</p><p>Country Total: 3,183.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 3,183.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 288 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PERU Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Argentina P034091 AR-Higher Ed. Reform ARV DRUGS:LOT-42 CLINDAMICINA 300MG.( CAPSUL ICB CORPORACION MEDCO S.A.C. Education 50.4 ARV DRUGS:LOT-66 RIFAMPICINA (CAPSULA) 300MG ICB CORPORACION INFARMASA S.A.C. Education 101.1</p><p>P039584 AR B.A.URB.TSP SUPPLY OF MEDICINE FOR THE PROGRAM MATERNAL ICB CORPORACION INFARMASA Transportation 264.7</p><p>Country Total: 416.1</p><p>El Salvador P007164 SV PUBLIC SECTOR MODERN ACTUALIZACION DE POLITICA DE DESCENTRALIZACI INDV EDUARDO BULLER GUTIERREZ Law and justice and public administration 28.7</p><p>Country Total: 28.7</p><p>Honduras P060785 HN ECONOMIC & FIN.MANAGEMENT PROJECT ORGANIZACION Y METODOS DEL TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR QBS GERENS Law and justice and public administration 150.0 CONSULTORIA AL GOBIERNO DE HONDURAS PARA LOS CQS HERLY GARCIA Law and justice and public administration 64.2</p><p>P081369 HN MECOVI TABLES AND QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN FOR THE 2004 QBS MELVA BERNALES Law and justice and public administration 10.3</p><p>Country Total: 224.6 Nicaragua P050613 NI SECOND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT SUMINSTRO Y DISTRIBUCIÓN DE MATERIAL DIDÁCTI ICB ASOCIACIÓN EDITORIAL BRUÑO JENSA Education 158.7</p><p>Country Total: 158.7</p><p>Peru P042442 PE SIERRA NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS AND NETWORK INSTALATIO NCB DELTRON COMPUTER WHOLESALERS S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 43.3 PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS AND NETWORK INSTALATIO NCB GOALS S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 57.7 PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS AND NETWORK INSTALATIO NCB GRUPO DELTRON S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 43.3</p><p>P062932 PE-HEALTH REFORM PROGRAM PURCHASING OF AMBULANCES AND PICK UP TRUCKS ICB SOCIEDAD UNIFICADA AUTOMOTRIZ DEL PERU S.A. Health and other social services 297.0 PURCHASING OF BIO MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ICB DIAGNOSTICA PERUANA S.A.C. Health and other social services 28.6 PURCHASING OF BIO MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ICB HOSPITALAR S.A. Health and other social services 138.1 PURCHASING OF BIO MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ICB ROCA S.A.C. Health and other social services 267.8 PURCHASING OF BIO MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ICB MEDIC IMPORT S.R.L. Health and other social services 73.8</p><p>P081834 Lima Water Rehab Add'l Financing ESPECIALISTA EN LICITACIONES DE LA UNIDAD AD SSS LUIS RONY CASANOVA CALLE E.I.R.L. Water, sanitation and flood protection 45.5 SUPERVISOR DE CAMPO DE LA UND ADMINISTRACION SSS TEOBALDO NILO LLANOS ARMELLON E.I.R.L. Water, sanitation and flood protection 45.5 CONTADOR ESPECIALISTA FINANCIERO UND ADMINIS SSS CPC. LUIS ARTEMIO VALDEZ CARMEN Water, sanitation and flood protection 30.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,070.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,898.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 289 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PHILIPPINES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Azerbaijan P066199 RURAL ENVIRONMENT COORDINATION OF BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AN SSS RONALD GEORGE PETOCZ Energy and mining 12.1 Health and other social services 6.1 Law and justice and public administration 12.1 Total: 30.2</p><p>Country Total: 30.2</p><p>Indonesia P078332 ID - Sustaining Microfinance Project TA FOR PROPOSED SUSTAINING MICROFINANCE PROJ QCBS MADECOR GROUP Finance 331.3</p><p>Country Total: 331.3</p><p>Philippines P004576 PH-WATER DISTRICTS DEV. SUPPLY OF ONE UNIT TRAILER MOUNTED VACUUM TA NCB BBLM ENTERPRISES, INC Law and justice and public administration 10.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 57.8 Total: 68.0</p><p>RAPID ASSESSMENT AND DETAILED ENGINEERING DE QBS WOODFIELDS CONSULTANTS, INC Water, sanitation and flood protection 132.2 CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR CANDON CITY DRAINAGE QBS TEST CONSULTANTS Law and justice and public administration 22.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 129.6 Total: 152.5</p><p>P004602 PH-THIRD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB SD PUBLICATIONS/JTW CORP/JGM&S CORP/LG&M CORP Education 20.2 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB SD PUBLISHING Education 20.2 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TETBOOKS AND TEACHERS MAN ICB SD PUBLICATIONS/JTW CORP/JGM&S CORP/LG&M CORP Education 63.3 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TETBOOKS AND TEACHERS MAN ICB SD PUBLISHING Education 63.3</p><p>P048588 PH-LGU FINANCE & DEV. CONSTRUCTION OF SHORELINE PROTECTION AND RIV NCB GRACE CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 109.6 Health and other social services 109.6 Industry and trade 146.1 Law and justice and public administration 219.2 Transportation 146.1 Total: 730.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SEAWALL & FORESHORE DEVELOPM NCB VICENTE LAO CONSTRUCTION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 182.7 Health and other social services 182.7 Industry and trade 243.6 Law and justice and public administration 365.3 Transportation 243.6 Total: 1,217.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC MARKET BUILDING, GUIN NCB ORIENTECH CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORAT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 64.9 Health and other social services 64.9 Industry and trade 86.6 Law and justice and public administration 129.9 Transportation 86.6 Total: 432.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN ESCALANT NCB JAIME B. CHING ENTERPRISES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 52.4 Health and other social services 52.4 Industry and trade 69.8 Law and justice and public administration 104.8 Transportation 69.8 Total: 349.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN ESCALANT NCB JAIME B. CHING ENTERPRISES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 52.8 Health and other social services 52.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 290 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PHILIPPINES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Industry and trade 70.4 Law and justice and public administration 105.6 Transportation 70.4 Total: 352.0</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN ESCALANT NCB F. GURREA CONSTRUCTION, INC. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 54.9 Health and other social services 54.9 Industry and trade 73.2 Law and justice and public administration 109.8 Transportation 73.2 Total: 365.9</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN ESCALANT NCB SILVER HORIZON CONSTRUCTION, INC. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 52.1 Health and other social services 52.1 Industry and trade 69.5 Law and justice and public administration 104.3 Transportation 69.5 Total: 347.5</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN ESCALANT NCB SILVER HORIZON CONSTRUCTION, INC. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 51.9 Health and other social services 51.9 Industry and trade 69.1 Law and justice and public administration 103.7 Transportation 69.1 Total: 345.7</p><p>P057731 PH-Metro Manila Urban Transport CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR DETAILED ENGINEERIN QCBS RENARDET S.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Law and justice and public administration 11.1 Transportation 359.0 Total: 370.1 P058842 PH - MINDANAO RURAL DEV REHAB OF SAN MATEO-LOWER MINGADING-TOMADO-NE NCB NIRVANA CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 279.5 REHAB OF ANTONG-SISIMAN, LUTAYAN, SULTAN KUD NCB MONOLITHIC CONSTRUCTION & CONCRETE PRODUCTS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 158.7</p><p>P066509 PH-MMURTRIP-Bicycle Nwk CONSTRUCTION OF BICYCLE TRACK - GEN ORDONEZ NCB ITP CONSTRUCTION, INC Transportation 266.4 CONSTRUCTION OF BICYCLE TRACK - KATIPUNAN (G NCB M-TRI-R CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING CORPORATION Transportation 95.2</p><p>P069491 PH-LGU URBAN WATER APL2 CONSTRUCTION OF ELEVATED STEEL TANK UNDER EM NCB SCEPTER ENGINEERING AND INTEGRATED SERVICES Water, sanitation and flood protection 80.8 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SAN MARIANO, ISABELA NCB SCEPTER ENGINEERING AND INTEGRATED SERVICES Water, sanitation and flood protection 251.4</p><p>P069916 PH-2nd Social Expenditure Management SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF RABIES VACCINE, ANTI- DIR WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Health and other social services 494.4 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHER ICB SD PUBLICATIONS/JTW CORP/JGM&S CORP/LG&M CORP Education 344.9 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHER ICB SD PUBLISHING Education 344.9 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS/TEACHERS MANUAL ICB SD PUBLICATIONS/JTW CORP/JGM&S CORP/LG&M CORP Education 217.3 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS/TEACHERS MANUAL ICB SD PUBLISHING Education 217.3</p><p>P070899 PH LAGUNA DE BAY INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHE PILOTING OF LEAP SSS MADECOR GROUP Water, sanitation and flood protection 78.1 PILOTING OF LEAP SSS TETRA TECH EM, INC. Water, sanitation and flood protection 82.2</p><p>P071273 LIGUASAN MARSH WETLAND BIOD. CONS. FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR LIGUASAN MARSH PROJECT QCBS WINROCK INTERNATIONAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 180.8</p><p>P075406 PH-JSDF UPSCALING URBAN RENEWAL SCHEME FORMULATION OF GUIDEBOOK QCBS SURVEY, TRAINING, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SERV Health and other social services 56.4 Law and justice and public administration 56.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 291 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PHILIPPINES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 112.7</p><p>Country Total: 8,235.8</p><p>Timor-Leste P072647 TP-FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL QUALITY PROJECT CIVIL STRUCTRUAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION SU INDV ZAMRUBE GASPAR VIADO Education 104.2</p><p>P079320 TP-Third Agric.Rehabilitation Proj. SER/307 ISMAEL TABIJE AS PROJECT MANAGEMENT INDV ISMAEL D. TABIJE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 12.1</p><p>Country Total: 116.3</p><p>Turkey P009076 HEALTH 2 PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR 23 TRAI ICB TRI-STAR FURNITURE Health and other social services 105.1</p><p>Country Total: 105.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 8,818.7 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 292 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: POLAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bulgaria P008314 DISTRICT HEAT SUPPLY OF ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS & INCI ICB FABRYKA ELEKTROFILTROW ELWO S.A. Energy and mining 2,394.5</p><p>Country Total: 2,394.5</p><p>Croatia P042014 KARST ECOSYS CONSV (GEF) LOT 4&7 DETECTORS AND RECORDER FOR BAT MONIT ICB ECOTONE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4.1 Industry and trade 1.2 Law and justice and public administration 4.7 Total: 9.9</p><p>Country Total: 9.9</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P083377 SMALL TOWNS INFRA & CAP BLDG DEVELOPMENT OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND ACCO INDV TOMASZ SZUBA Law and justice and public administration 20.8</p><p>Country Total: 20.8</p><p>Poland P008593 ROADS 2 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION & STRENGTHENING ON N NCB GDANSKIE PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO ROBOT DROGOWYCH SKANS Transportation 2,519.3 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION AND STRENGTHENING ON NCB GDANSKIE PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO ROBOT DROGOWYCH SKANS Transportation 3,838.0 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION AND STRENGTHENING ON NCB JV PDMM PODLASKI S.A, PR DROGOWYCH, PRDM SPOLKA Transportation 2,680.5 PAVEMENT STRENGTHENING IN THE ROUTE OF NAT. NCB JV "MITEX" S.A., PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO ROBOT INZYNIE Transportation 1,954.8 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION AND STRENGTHENING ON NCB PRD S.A. TORUN/PBDIM SP.Z.O.O. SWIECIE Transportation 2,820.6</p><p>P008595 BIELSKO-BIALA WATER SUPPLY OF WATER PIPES FOR KOBIERNICE-ANDRYCH ICB WAVIN METALPLAST-BUK SP. Z O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 299.6 SANITARY SEWAGE SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION DESIGN I QCBS BIURO PROJEKTOW BUDOWNICTWA KOMUNALNEGO SP. Z O Water, sanitation and flood protection 129.7 SEWERAGE WORKS CONNECTING BUCZKOWICE COMMUNI ICB HYDROBUDOWA 9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,376.9 MODERNIZATION OF THE OLD PART OF WASTEWATER ICB HYDROBUDOWA SLASK S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,200.6 REFURBISHMENT OF KOBIERNICE-ANDRYCHOW WATER NCB EKOTEXBUD SA Water, sanitation and flood protection 213.3 REFURBISHMENT OF KOBIERNICE-ANDRYCHOW WATER NCB PER AARSLEFF POLSKA SPOLKA Z.O.O. Water, sanitation and flood protection 213.3</p><p>P008604 POWER TRANSMISSION MODERNIZATION OF THE 220/110 KV LOSNICE-SUBS ICB SIEMENS SP. Z. O. O. Energy and mining 20,524.3</p><p>P058202 RUR DEVT IT HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FOR PUBLIC ADMINIST ICB LUMENA SP Z.O.O. Finance 164.7 Health and other social services 449.2 Law and justice and public administration 194.6 Transportation 344.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 344.4 Total: 1,497.3</p><p>P065059 KRAKOW ENRGY EFF PREINSULATED PIPELINES DN400 RYDLOWKA ICB ZPU MIEDZYRZECZ SP.Z.O.O. AND PIP "INSBUD" S.J. Energy and mining 607.9 FLAP VALVES ICB KLINGER W POLSCE SP.Z.O.O. Energy and mining 94.6 SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF PREINSULATED PIPELI ICB ALSTOM POWER FLOWSYSTEMS SP. Z.O.O Energy and mining 142.1 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PREINSULTED PIPEL ICB ALSTOM POWER FLOWSYSTEMS SP. Z.O.O Energy and mining 322.4 PREINSULATED PIPELINES WITH COMPONENTS ICB ZAKLAD PRODUKCYJNO USLUGOWY MIEDZYRZECZ SP.Z.O. Energy and mining 730.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 293 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: POLAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P077737 STANDARD BIDDING DOCS IDF PREPARATION OF SBD FOR SERVICES. CONDUCTING CQB DOMANSKI ZAKRZEWSKI PALINKA SPOLKA KOMANDYTOWA Law and justice and public administration 33.6 PREPARATION OF SBD FOR GOODS. CONDUCTING TRA CQB DOMANSKI ZAKRZEWSKI PALINKA SPOLKA KOMANDYTOWA Law and justice and public administration 33.6 PREPARATION OF SBD FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKS. C CQB WACETOB SP. Z O.O. Law and justice and public administration 44.5 REVIEW OF THE SBD FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKS, GO INDV JANUSZ DOLECKI Law and justice and public administration 6.0</p><p>Country Total: 43,283.8</p><p>Ukraine P044832 KIEV DISTRICT HEAT SUPPLY OF PREINSULATED PIPES AND ELEMENTS (L ICB ALSTOM POWER FLOWSYSTEMS SP.Z.O.O. Energy and mining 8,445.4</p><p>Country Total: 8,445.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 54,154.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 294 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: PORTUGAL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Burkina Faso P000304 Post-Primary Education SUPPLY OF BOOKS ICB EUROPRESS Education 25.9 Law and justice and public administration 2.9 Total: 28.8</p><p>Country Total: 28.8</p><p>Guinea-Bissau P001001 Privat Sector Rehab. & Develop. Project SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT FOR NIG DIR AEROPORTOS DE PORTUGAL SA Energy and mining 13.0 Industry and trade 13.0 Law and justice and public administration 78.2 Transportation 13.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 13.0 Total: 130.3</p><p>P035688 National Health Dev. Prog. POST-GRADUATE TRAINING IN MEDICINE SSS ICBAS-INSTITUTO BIOMEDICA ABEL SALAZAR Health and other social services 477.9 Law and justice and public administration 41.6 Total: 519.4</p><p>Country Total: 649.7</p><p>Mali P040650 Educ. Sect. Exp. Program PRINTING OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS IN FOREIGN LANG ICB EUROPRESS Education 334.7 Country Total: 334.7</p><p>Mozambique P001785 MZ-ROADS & BRIDGES MMP REHABILITATION OF EN1 BETWEEN MANHICA AND IN ICB TAMEGA/CMC (JV) Transportation 16,049.3</p><p>P039015 NATIONAL WATER I CONSTRUCTION OF A CONDOMINIUM OF 10 HOUSES F ICB CONDURIL SA Law and justice and public administration 180.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 514.3 Total: 695.0</p><p>PANEL OF ADVISOR FOR INTERNATIONAL RIVER OFF INDV PEDRO CUNHA SERRA Water, sanitation and flood protection 69.6</p><p>Country Total: 16,814.0</p><p>Poland P008593 ROADS 2 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION AND STRENGTHENING ON NCB MOTA-ENGIL ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUCAO S.A./STRABAG Transportation 2,077.8</p><p>Country Total: 2,077.8</p><p>Timor-Leste P072648 TP-2ND HEALTH SECTOR REHAB HEALTH REGULATION & LEGISLATION ADVISOR INDV ANA MARIA DE ANDRADE TAVARES Health and other social services 105.2</p><p>Country Total: 105.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 20,010.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 295 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ROMANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Azerbaijan P070989 ED SECT DEV (APL #1) INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT - MENTOR TO STUDENT INDV ADRIAN STOICA Education 38.7</p><p>Country Total: 38.7</p><p>Europe and Central Asia P075032 TTFSE VIDAN-CALAFAT TA DIESEL GENERATING SET 125 KVA - 1 PC ISH SC UZINA DE MASINI ELECTRICE BUCURESTI Transportation 14.7</p><p>Country Total: 14.7</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P042399 POWER S&I OF TRANSMISSION AND MULTIPLEX EQUIPMENT ICB ALCATEL NETWORK SYSTEMS Energy and mining 874.3</p><p>Country Total: 874.3</p><p>Moldova P051174 HEALTH INVST FUND PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN SSS BDR ASSOCIATES Health and other social services 250.0</p><p>Country Total: 250.0</p><p>Romania P008783 SOC SECT DEV (SSD) IT& OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE - SHOP BULL ROMANIA SRL Finance 51.8 Health and other social services 155.4 Law and justice and public administration 51.8 Total: 259.0</p><p>P039251 PIBL DESIGN SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF INFORMATIO ICB FORTE COMPANY SRL/BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Finance 177.5 Law and justice and public administration 667.6 Total: 845.0</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF INFORMATION SYSTE ICB FORTE COMPANY SRL & FELIX TELECOM SRL Finance 990.5 Law and justice and public administration 3,726.1 Total: 4,716.6</p><p>DEVELOPMENT OF AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION US CQS EMOTION FILMS SA Finance 48.8 INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR ON-LINE TAX COLLECTIO ICB S & T ROMANIA SRL Finance 518.9 THE CONSULTANT HAS TO DEFINE THE NEW CENTRAL QCBS SIVECO, ROMANIA SA Finance 19.7 Law and justice and public administration 74.1 Total: 93.8</p><p>P044176 BIODIV CONSV MGMT (GEF) CONSULTING SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY ROMANI SSS ROMANIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 20.7 Health and other social services 10.9 Industry and trade 1.5 Law and justice and public administration 16.3 Total: 49.3</p><p>P044614 SCHOOLS REHABILITATION PROCUREMENT OF SCHOOL FURNITURE (DESKS, CHAI ICB SC SILVAROM SA Education 160.6 PROCUREMENT OF SCHOOL FURNITURE (DESKS, CHAI ICB SC SILVAROM SA Education 198.3 PROCUREMENT OF SCHOOL FURNITURE (DESKS, CHAI ICB SC SILVAROM SA Education 176.2 PROCUREMENT OF SCHOOL FURNITURE (DESKS, CHAI ICB SC SILVAROM SA Education 170.4 PROCUREMENT OF SCHOOL FURNITURE (DESKS, CHAI ICB SC SILVAROM SA ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 296 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ROMANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 175.6 PROCUREMENT OF SCHOOL FURNITURE (DESKS, CHAI ICB SC SILVAROM SA Education 153.8 PROCUREMENT OF SCHOOL FURNITURE (DESKS, CHAI ICB SC SILVAROM SA Education 176.2 PROCUREMENT OF SCHOOL FURNITURE (DESKS, CHAI ICB SC SILVAROM SA Education 153.9</p><p>P056337 MINE CLOSURE WORKSPACE CENTERS REPAIRS, PACKAGE 3/2 (VARZ ICB S.C. ALMO CONSTRUCT Energy and mining 339.8 WORKSPACE CENTERS REPAIRS, PACKAGE 3/2 (VARZ ICB SC CARTEL BAU S.A. Energy and mining 509.7 WORKSPACE CENTERS REPAIRS, PACKAGE 3/1 (NIST ICB SC CASTRUM CORPORATION SRL Energy and mining 262.7 WORKSPACE CENTERS REPAIRS, PACKAGE 3/1 (NIST ICB SC IMI S.A. Energy and mining 321.1 WORKSPACE CNETERS REPAIRS, PACKAGE 3/3 (RODN ICB SC MIS GRUP SRL Energy and mining 394.8 SUPPLY OF FURNITURE FOR WORKSPACE CENTERS ICB SC MODUL DESIGN SRL Energy and mining 30.3 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF COMPUTERS AND PRI SHOP NETCONSULTING Energy and mining 144.7</p><p>P056891 RURAL FIN (APL #1) PROVISION OF MICROCREDIT SERVICES IN THE RUR QCBS THE COOPERATIVE HOUSING FOUNDATION (CHF) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 95.0 Finance 26.6 Law and justice and public administration 5.1 Total: 126.6</p><p>CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE PROVISION OF MIC QCBS COOPERATIVE HOUSING FOUNDATION ROMANIA (CHF) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 136.9 Finance 38.3 Law and justice and public administration 7.3 Total: 182.5 P057960 RURAL DEV (APL #1) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING OF COMMUNE QCBS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY SALAJ Health and other social services 5.7 Law and justice and public administration 65.2 Transportation 70.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 141.8 Total: 283.6</p><p>TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING CALARASI C QCBS FORDOC INSTITUTE CALARASI Health and other social services 5.0 Law and justice and public administration 57.0 Transportation 62.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 124.0 Total: 248.0</p><p>P058284 CULTURAL HERITAGE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION IT FOR THE NATIONAL NCB S.C. SOFTWIN S.R.L Health and other social services 273.0 Law and justice and public administration 17.4 Total: 290.4</p><p>LANDSCAPING WORKS FOR BRANCUSI ENSEMBLE ICB S.C. CONSMIN S.A. Health and other social services 1,246.6 Law and justice and public administration 79.6 Total: 1,326.2</p><p>WORKS FOR MICLAUSENE CASTLE LAST NCB S.C. CONSTRUCTII UNS SA Health and other social services 521.9 Law and justice and public administration 33.3 Total: 555.2</p><p>P065041 TRADE & TRANS FACIL IN SE EUR PROCUREMENT OF ORACLE LICENSES DIR ORACLE ECE LTD Law and justice and public administration 101.9</p><p>P066065 AG POLLUTION CONTROL (GEF) SEVEN LOADERS FOR OPERATING THE MANURE MANAG ICB SC TESS CONNEX SA IASI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 324.7</p><p>P068808 SDF 2 (APL #2) AUDIT SERVICES LCS DELOITTE&TOUCHE ROMANIA SRL ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 297 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ROMANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 3.6 Industry and trade 2.6 Transportation 3.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3.1 Total: 12.2</p><p>P069679 PPIBL SUPPLY OF NOTEBOOKS AND USB FLASH MEMORY STI ICB NET CONSULTING S.R.L Energy and mining 159.8 Finance 239.7 Law and justice and public administration 399.4 Total: 798.8</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF B&W LASER PRINTERS, BLACK TON ICB SYSWARE ROMANIA S.R.L Energy and mining 10.8 Finance 16.2 Law and justice and public administration 26.9 Total: 53.8</p><p>P073967 RURAL EDUC 41 OFFICE COMPUTERS & 41 LAZER PRINTERS ISH SC SAMA BIT SRL Education 87.1 TWO 5 DOORS FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLE ISH RADACINI S.R.L. Education 36.4</p><p>P081950 HAZARD MITIGATION (GEF) FINANCIAL MANAGER INDV ILEANA SCHIPOR Energy and mining 2.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.5 Total: 14.4</p><p>PMU DIRECTOR INDV STELA AGNETA PETRESCU Energy and mining 3.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.9 Total: 14.9</p><p>PROCUREMENT SPCIALIST INDV OVIDIU MURASAN Energy and mining 2.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.5 Total: 14.4</p><p>Country Total: 14,370.5</p><p>Tunisia P035707 TN-WATER SECTOR INVESTMENT PROJECT REALIZATION OF DEEP DRILLING RECOGNITION ICB FORADEX S.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,370.4 Law and justice and public administration 57.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 501.8 Total: 1,930.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,930.1</p><p>Ukraine P077738 QUAL EDUC EQUAL ACCESS TA FOR PROJ DESIGN AND INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSM INDV ALEXANDRU CRISAN Education 38.9</p><p>Country Total: 38.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 17,517.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 298 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: RUSSIAN FEDERATION Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Armenia P035805 MUN DEVT SUPPLY OF STEEL PIPES AND VALVES ISH RONBERG GRUPPE Water, sanitation and flood protection 43.5 SUPPLY OF STEEL PIPES AND VALVES ICB ARMIMPORT Water, sanitation and flood protection 182.4</p><p>P044829 TRANSPORT PROCUREMENT OF ROAD SIGNS ICB "AVTOEXPORT" JSC Transportation 342.6 PROCUREMENT OF TRAFFIC COUNT EQUIPMENT AND S ICB "AVTOEXPORT" JSC Transportation 146.9</p><p>Country Total: 715.4</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P008519 POWER & DIST HEAT PACKAGE B2 ICB TEXHNOPROMEXPORT Energy and mining 4,832.5</p><p>P040721 ASSP PROCUREMENT OF SEED CLEANING EQUIPMENT ICB OJSC TRACTOREXPORT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 335.7</p><p>P051372 HEALTH 2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOT 9 ICB HOSPITEX DIAGNOSTICS Health and other social services 19.8</p><p>P074881 PYMNT/BANK SYST MOD SERVICES FOR BANK VALUATION KAIRAT BANK QCBS ERNST & YOUNG VALUATION ADVISERS LLC Finance 55.0</p><p>Country Total: 5,243.0 Mongolia P071023 MN-Financial Capacity Dev. Project PROCUREMENT OF SOFTWARE PACKAGE DIR COMPAS PLUS LTD. RUSSIA Finance 101.0</p><p>Country Total: 101.0</p><p>Russian Federation P008821 ENV MGMT CONSTRUCTION OF BARK WOOD WASTE STORAGE UNIT NCB FIRMA TORN LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 481.2 CONSTRUCTION OF BARK WOOD WASTE PREPARTION U NCB OAO ARKHANGELSKSTALKONSTRUKTSIA Water, sanitation and flood protection 395.8 ELECTRIC FILTER FOR SODA RECOVERY BOILER # 1 ICB OOO FINGO COMPLEX LLC Water, sanitation and flood protection 513.4 BOILER FOR WASTE WOOD BURNING IN "BOILER BED ICB OJSC BELENERGOMASH Water, sanitation and flood protection 6,251.5</p><p>P008825 EDUC INNOV HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR MINISTRY OF EDUCATION O ICB KLONDIKE-15 Education 571.9 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR BARNAUL STATE PEDAGOGIC NCB OAO NETA Education 75.2 HARD & SOFTWARE FOR HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMI NCB USP COMPULINK Education 116.3 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FOR LITMO NCB LINTEC COMPUTERS Education 89.0 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR URAL STATE UNIVERSITY NCB DATAKRAFT-E Education 164.1 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR UDMURTIYA STATE UNIVERS NCB USP COMPULINK Education 153.0 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR TSRTU NCB SOFT-DESIGN Education 166.5 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR FESTU NCB OOO K-SYSTEMS Education 147.9 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR TYUMEN STATE UNIVERSITY NCB OOO K-SYSTEMS Education 164.2 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR RGGU NCB CJSCC "SMCC FORMOZA-ALTAIR" Education 74.1 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR NSU NCB CJSCC "SMCC FORMOZA-ALTAIR" Education 77.8 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR FINANCE ACADEMY UNDER T NCB CJSCC "SMCC FORMOZA-ALTAIR" Education 126.3 TRAINING SEMINARS SSS TAGANROG STATE RADIOTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 299 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: RUSSIAN FEDERATION Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 28.5 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR STPETERSBURG STATE POLY NCB RAMEC-VS Education 149.2 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR KABARDINO-BALKARSKIY ST NCB CJSCC "SMCC FORMOZA-ALTAIR" Education 156.4 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY NCB REDLAB Education 155.1 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOM ICB USP COMPULINK Education 326.5 HARD- & SOFTWARE FOR FEDERAL DATA RESOURCE C ICB OOO K-SYSTEMS Education 370.1 TRAINING OF TEXTBOOK AUTHORS IN THE DISCIPLI QCBS INTER-REGIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CIVIL EDUCATION Education 168.1 PROJECT MONITORING SOFTWARE DIR OOO FORS - DEVELOPMENT CENTER LTD Education 398.8 INDIV COSULTANT OF DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUC INDV VASILY M. ZHURAKOVSKY Education 50.0 AUDIT 2003 OD SLAS SSS OOO BAKER TILLY RUSSAUDIT Education 143.4 SOFTWARE FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES OPERATION NCB ZAO NPO INFORM-SYSTEMA Education 711.2</p><p>P008831 LEGAL REFORM AUDIT 2003 OF LRP SSS UNICON Law and justice and public administration 18.3</p><p>P034579 LAND REF IMPL SUPPORT BUS SYSTEM ANALYSIS FOR SYSTEM FOR REGISTRAT QCBS OOO INFORMATION BUSINESS SYSTEMS (IBS) Law and justice and public administration 179.9 REVIEW OF EXISTING INFO & COMMUN TECHNOLOGIE QCBS FORS-HOLDING LTD. Law and justice and public administration 162.8 SOCIAL ASSESSMENT & MONIROTING QCBS CENTER OF CURRENT POLITICS IN RUSSIA Law and justice and public administration 132.0</p><p>P035761 COMMUNITY SOC INF BEDS FOR NOBOSIBIRSK OBLAST HOSPITALS NSH OOO MEDTECHNIKA TRADE HOUSE Health and other social services 56.0 HANDCARTS, TROLLEYS & WHEELCHAIRS FOR MUNICI NSH OOO MEDTECHNIKA TRADE HOUSE Health and other social services 61.4</p><p>P036973 ENT HOUSING DIVST REPLACEMENT OF PIPELINES - IZHEVSK ICB STROYPOLIMER Energy and mining 2,436.8 THERMAL INSTALLATION MATERIALS FOR WALLS & A ICB OAO BAMO Energy and mining 2,506.4 WINDOW (BALCONY) UNITS & DOOR UNITS - IZHEVS ICB OAO BAMO Energy and mining 3,065.5</p><p>P038551 MUN HEATING PREPAR. OF TECH.DOCS FOR BDS FOR LOTS ## DUB QCBS ZAO INVESTENERGOEFFECT Energy and mining 123.0 ENGIN SERVICES (PREPAR. OF TECH.DOCS FOR BDS QCBS ZAO INVESTENERGOEFFECT Energy and mining 127.7 PREPAR. OF TECH.DOCUMENTATION FOR BDS UNDER QCBS GENINGCONSULT Energy and mining 215.6 PREPAR. OF TECH.DOCUMENTATION FOR BDS UNDER QCBS GENINGCONSULT Energy and mining 191.3 PREPAR.OF TECH DOCUMENTATION FOR BDS UNDER L QCBS CIPPI PROSPECT Energy and mining 269.3 PREPAR.OF TECH DOCUMENTATION FOR BDS UNDER L QCBS CIPPI PROSPECT Energy and mining 298.7 PREPAR. OF TECH.DOCUMENTATION FOR BDS UNDER LCS ENERGOPERSPECTIVA Energy and mining 156.0 PREPAR. OF TECH.DOCUMENTATION FOR BDS UNDER LCS ENERGOPERSPECTIVA Energy and mining 36.0 PREPAR.OF TECH.DOCUMENTATION FOR BDS UNDER L QCBS ELECTRONTECHNOSERVIS Energy and mining 293.2 PREPAR.OF TECH.DOCUMENTATION FOR BDS UNDER L QCBS ELECTRONTECHNOSERVIS Energy and mining 226.4 PROCUREMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES - VOLGOG QCBS GENINGCONSULT Energy and mining 401.0 PROCUREMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES - VOLGOG QCBS GENINGCONSULT Energy and mining 278.2 RECONSTRUCTION OF BOILER PLANTS ICB OAO RAO ROSNEFTEGASSTROI Energy and mining 2,081.1 ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR KRASNOYARSK QCBS GENINGCONSULT Energy and mining 416.5 ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR KRASNOYARSK QCBS GENINGCONSULT Energy and mining 263.5 REPLACEMENT OF PIPELINES - DUBNA ICB NPP ENERGOMASHAUTOMATIKA Energy and mining 1,818.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 300 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: RUSSIAN FEDERATION Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>RENOVATION OF HIS IN NERUNGRI CITY ICB ROSWEP-SERVICE LTD Energy and mining 1,621.5 DEVELOPMENT OF SYSTEM OF MONITORING FOR HOUS QCBS OOO INFORMATION BUSINESS SYSTEMS (IBS) Energy and mining 192.0 TAMBOV - CONSTRUCTION OF BOILER HOUSE ICB URALKOTLOSERVIS Energy and mining 2,579.4</p><p>P042622 CAP MRKT DEV PUBLICATION & DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTING MATER NCB ZAO "MIKHAILOV & PARTNERS" Finance 289.3 OFFICE LEASE FOR CCMD DIR OAO TRANSINZHSTROY Finance 186.0</p><p>P045622 COAL IAP MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL TRAINING (PHASE 4) QCBS MOSCOW FINANCE AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTE & MOSCOW Energy and mining 487.0 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FOR ADMINISTRATION OF ISH USP COMPULINK Energy and mining 192.5 METHODICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CALCULATION O QCBS AKSION CONSULTING Energy and mining 137.7 SMALL BUSINESS TRAINING QCBS INSTITUTE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INVESTMENT Energy and mining 163.1</p><p>P046061 MOSC URB TRANS COMPUTER EQUIPMENT, PERIPHERALS, SOFTWARE & ICB PIRIT Transportation 97.9 PORTABLE SCALES FOR MEASURING OF VEHICLE AXL ICB META Transportation 14.8 STATIONARY & MOBILE SYSTEMS FOR LICENSE PLAT ICB ZAO ROSSI Transportation 189.9 VEHICLES FOR MOBILE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT ICB BMW - RUSSLAND TRADING Transportation 401.6 VEHICLES FOR STATIONARY TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT ICB U.S.IMPEX-AVTO Transportation 338.0 STUDY F/IMPLEMENTATION OF MOSCOW TRAFFIC & P QCBS THE ACADEMIC LAW UNIVERSITY Transportation 202.5 CONSTRUCTION OF NAGATINSKY PEDESTRIAN UNDERP ICB OOO "MOSTOTONNELSTROY" Transportation 2,106.4 52 LASER RADA GUNDS FOR GIBDD GUVD ISH NII POLYUS Transportation 192.9 RADAR SYSTEMS COMBINED WITH VIDEO SYSTEM ICB "AVTOEXPORT" JSC Transportation 100.5 SUPPLY OF 7 VANS FOR HANDLING ROAD ACCIDENTS ICB ZAO U S IMPEX-AUTO Transportation 364.6</p><p>P046496 SOC PROT IMPL DEV OF MONITORING METHODOLOGY & DEMAND FOREC QCBS FOUNDATION "INSTITUTE OF ECONOMY AND SOCIAL POL Law and justice and public administration 240.0</p><p>P050474 EDUC REFORM COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR CHUVASHIYA PIU NSH OOO VEGA-KRIT Education 41.1 TAINING OF TUTORS-EDUC POLICY ANALYSITS FOR SSS INSTITUTE MOSCOW HIGHER SCHOOL OF SOCIAL AND EC Education 184.3 DEVEL.& TESTING OF INSTRUMENTS TO ASSESS IND SSS INSTITUTE FOR PSYKHOLOGY & DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGI Education 196.8 VEHICLES FOR CHUVASH REPUBLIC NCB ZAO CHEBOKSARGAZAVTOSERVICE Education 240.9 DEVEL & DISSEMIN OF FORMULA-BASED BUDGET ALL QCBS INSTITUTE OF URBAN ECONOMICS Education 201.2 DEVEL OF EDUC STATISTICS INDICATORS, QUESTIO QCBS CENTRE IF FINANCIAL CONSULTING FINCONSULT Education 147.2 VEHICLES (BUSES) FOR EDUCATION CENTERS & DEP NCB OOO RUSAVTOPROM Education 367.3 VEHICLES (BUSES) FOR EDUCATION CENTERS & DEP NCB OOO RUSAVTOPROM Education 9.1 METAL-WORK & MACHINE ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT F NCB ZAO EKOINVENT Education 302.1 FURNITURE FOR RURAL SCHOOLS IN CHUVASH REPUB NCB OOO VOSTORG Education 225.0 CATERING & FOOD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT FOR CHU NCB OOO VOSTORG Education 250.8 DEVELOPMENT OF MODULAR TRAINING PROGRAM & SE QCBS NORD-WEST AGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Education 266.7 EQUIPMENT FOR CHEMESTRY CLASSROOMS FOR EDUCA NCB OOO SVETOCH PLUS Education 293.9 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR SCHOOL ACCOUNTING OFF ICB CROC INC Education 1,762.2 SPORTS EQUIPMENT FOR RURAL SCHOOLS IN CHUVAS NCB ZAO OLYMPIC SYSTEM Education 171.1 WOOD PROCESSING WORKSHOPS FOR RURAL SCHOOLS NCB OOO PTC INTEKHSERVICE ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 301 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: RUSSIAN FEDERATION Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 78.3 FURNITURE FOR MEDIA CENTERS IN SAMARA REGION NCB NOVY EDEM Education 299.9 COMPUTER & OFFICE EQUIPMENT (HARD & SOFT) FO NCB PRIME GROUP LTD Education 269.1 MONITORING OF SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF GENERAL QCBS ANO LEVADA-CENTER Education 140.0 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS OF EXPERIMENT IN INTRODU SSS FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENTS Education 176.3 SURVEY ON ASSESSING ACCESSIBILITY OF QUALITY QBS INSTITUTE OF SOCIOLOGY OF RAS Education 193.3 MONITORING STUDY ON ASSESSMENT OF REAL & POT QBS CENTER FOR SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH MGU Education 185.9 SCHOOL FURNITURE FOR PHYSICS & CHEMESTRY CLA NCB OOO SVETOCH PLUS Education 393.7 EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS FOR PHYSICS CLASSROOMS NCB ZAO OMEGA+ Education 386.1 COMPUTER CLASSROOMS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR R ICB CROC INC Education 735.3</p><p>P050487 STATE STATS SYST SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION-ANALYTIC QCBS RBC SOFT Law and justice and public administration 162.0 METHOD.SUPPORT & DEV.O/SOFTWARE F/GENERATION QCBS SPSS RUS Law and justice and public administration 88.9 IMPROV OF CALCUL TECHNIQUES F/OBTAIN DYNAMIC QCBS INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED SOCIAL & ECONOMIC PROBLEM Law and justice and public administration 92.9 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT & SOFTWARE FOR IMPELENT O ICB KRAFTWAY CORPORATION PLC Law and justice and public administration 2,734.8 HAR- & SOFTWARE FOR MODERNIZATION OF COMPUTE ICB LANIT Law and justice and public administration 10,296.3 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT & SOFTWARE FOR MIN ECON D ICB HELIOS COMPUTER Law and justice and public administration 102.9 DEFIN DIFFER BETWEEN CIF & FOB PRICES F/GOOD QCBS RDTEX Law and justice and public administration 114.1 SERVICES RELATED TO ORGANIZATION OF BUSINESS LCS JSC VUZ-INTUR Law and justice and public administration 52.5 SYSTEM OF STATISTICAL OBSERVATION FOR INDIVI LCS INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH Law and justice and public administration 93.5 ORGANIZ.OF IMPROV.OF PROF.LEVEL OF STAFF OF QCBS OOO INTER-INSTITUTE AGENCY IN INTERNATIONAL CON Law and justice and public administration 87.5 SERVICES RELATED TO ORGANIZATION OF BUSINESS SDC JSC VUZ-INTUR Law and justice and public administration 61.3 PILOT SURVEY OF SALES VOLUME FOR CUSTOMER GO SDC LEVADA ANALITICAL CENTER Law and justice and public administration 29.6 S&I OF VENTILATION & AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM SHOP ZAO ENGINEERING SYSTEMS AND SERVICE Law and justice and public administration 54.0</p><p>P050891 ELEC SECTR REF PART C: TEMPORARY ISOLATED AREAS QCBS BUREAU OF FINANCIAL EXPERTISE & FINANCIAL ANALY Energy and mining 516.5 DEV OF PROGRAM OF STATE INCENTIVES OF NEW IN QCBS PROGRESSOR CONSULTING GROUP Energy and mining 602.4</p><p>P053830 SUST FORESTRY PILOT RADIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT FOR MINISTRY O ICB RADIOMA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 185.1 FOREST FIRE-FIGHTERS SPECIAL CLOTHING SETS SHOP ELIOT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 194.7 CHAIN SAWS FOR FOREST INVENTORY & PEST MANAG SHOP UNISAW Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 200.4</p><p>P058587 REG FISC TA REGIONAL (MUNICIPAL) PUBLIC INVESTMENT REFOR QCBS FOUNDATION INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMY IN TRANSITION Law and justice and public administration 649.8 EXPENDITURE & PUBLIC SECTOR RESTRUCTURING QCBS INSTITUTE FOR URBAN ECONOMICS Law and justice and public administration 2,043.9</p><p>P066155 TAX ADM 2 EQUIPMENT FOR COMMUNICATIONS STUDIO NCB DELIGHT 2000 Law and justice and public administration 379.7</p><p>P071473 ROSTOV NUTR DISCH & METH RED (GEF) SOCIAL ASSESSMENT CQS ROSTOV FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND EDUCATION Law and justice and public administration 11.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 16.9 Total: 28.2</p><p>P072960 CUSTOMS DEVT IT EQUIPMENT, PERIPHERALS & SYSTEM SW PROGRA ICB USP COMPULINK ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 302 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: RUSSIAN FEDERATION Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 13,268.9 DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMEN ICB OOO INFORMATION BUSINESS SYSTEMS (IBS) Law and justice and public administration 549.5</p><p>Country Total: 78,244.5</p><p>Tajikistan P008860 POV ALLV 2 SANITARY VEHICLES WITH MED EQUIPMENT FOR NSI ISH OOO MOTOM LTD Health and other social services 46.2 VEHICLES FOR NSIFT ISH OOO MOTOM LTD Health and other social services 54.6</p><p>P058898 RURAL INFRA REHAB PROCUREMENT OF SALOON CARS, 4 WD VEHICLES ICB LIMITED LIABILITY SOCIETY "PROMSTROYGRAD" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 238.7 Law and justice and public administration 78.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 39.2 Total: 356.3</p><p>REHABILITATION OF 31 BOREHOLES IN ZAFARABAD ICB JSC VODSTROI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 130.9 Law and justice and public administration 43.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.5 Total: 195.3</p><p>Country Total: 652.4</p><p>Ukraine P044832 KIEV DISTRICT HEAT SUPPLY OF 110, 35, 10 KV POWER CABLE, FIBER ICB ABB MOSKABLE LTD. Energy and mining 4,210.1 Country Total: 4,210.1</p><p>Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I LOT D:AUTOCLAVES ICB TYUMEN PLANT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS Health and other social services 1,200.5 LOT P: EQUIPMENT F/PREPARATION OF DISINFECTI ICB ENGINEER PRODUCTION COMPANY SAR Health and other social services 93.0 MEDICAL FURNITURE ICB VNIIMP-VITA Health and other social services 700.0</p><p>P050508 URBAN TRANSPORT SUPPLY OF 350 SEVEN-METER BUSES, SPARE PARTS ICB JSC "PAVLOVO BUS" Transportation 5,147.8 SUPPLY OF SPARE PARTS FOR PAZ BUSES ICB JSC "PAVLOVO BUS" Transportation 522.7</p><p>Country Total: 7,664.1</p><p>Vietnam P059936 VN -Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction CONTRACT ICB-2: SUPPLY OF 61 UNITS OF STATIO ICB LION JOINT STOCK COMPANY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 415.0 Education 103.8 Health and other social services 103.8 Law and justice and public administration 103.8 Transportation 311.2 Total: 1,037.5</p><p>Country Total: 1,037.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 97,867.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 303 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: RWANDA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P074628 3A-NELSAP Facilitation NELSAP COORDINATOR - HEAD OF COORDINATION UN SSS MR. ANTOINE M. SENDAMA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 36.9 Energy and mining 36.9 Law and justice and public administration 36.9 Transportation 36.9 Total: 147.6</p><p>Country Total: 147.6</p><p>Rwanda P060005 URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE & CITY MANAGMT PROG SUPPLY OF MOTOR VEHICLES NCB SOCIÉTÉ AKAGERA MOTORS Law and justice and public administration 26.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 26.0 Total: 52.0</p><p>P064965 Rwanda-Rural Sector Support Project IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FINANCIAL AUDIT FOR TH SSS AG ASSOCIATES AND DELOITTE & TOUCHE RWANDA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 23.6 Industry and trade 13.0 Law and justice and public administration 10.0 Transportation 5.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.5 Total: 59.0</p><p>P071374 Multisect. HIV/AIDS SUPPLIES, TRAINING, WORKSHOP DIR TRAC Health and other social services 1,335.9 WORK PLAN, TRAINING, AND SERVICES SUPPLY DIR CULS Health and other social services 168.6 Country Total: 1,615.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,763.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 304 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SAMOA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Samoa P052293 WS-Infrast. Mgnt (APL) CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVED PEDESTRIAN FACILITI NCB OTT TRANSPORT COMPANY LTD. Transportation 881.3</p><p>P064926 WS-Health Sector Management Project REFURBISHMENT OF TUPUA TAMASESE MAEOLA HOSPI ICB G M MEREDITH & ASSOCIATES LIMITED Health and other social services 2,282.3</p><p>P075523 WS-2nd Infrastructure Asset Mgmt PREPARATION OF SECOND INFRASTRUCTURE ASSET M SSS MR. BISMARCK CRAWLEY Transportation 22.9 E4.01 - CONSULTANTS' SERVICES FOR PROJECT MA SSS ISIKUKI PUNIVALU & ASSOCIATES LTD. Transportation 1,088.1</p><p>Country Total: 4,274.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 4,274.5 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 305 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SAUDI ARABIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Madagascar P076245 MINERAL RESOURCES GOVERNANCE PROJECT TRAVAUX DE LEVE AEROPHYSIQUE AEROPORTEE ICB FUGRO AIRBORNE SURVEY LIMITED Energy and mining 6,366.4</p><p>Country Total: 6,366.4</p><p>Mauritania P057875 MINING SECT CAPACITY TRAVAUX DE GEOPHYSIQUE AEROPORTEE DANS LA NO ICB FUGRO AIRBORNE SURVEYS (PTY) LTD CENTRAL REGION Law and justice and public administration 752.0</p><p>P078383 MR 2nd MINING SECTOR TA PROJECT LEVE DE GEOPHYSIQUE AEROPORTEE DE LA ZONE OU QCBS FUGRO AIRBORNE SURVEYS (PTY) LTD CENTRAL REGION Energy and mining 2,462.7</p><p>Country Total: 3,214.7</p><p>Mozambique P001808 Mineral Resources Project (NRMCP) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE QCBS FUGRO AIRBORNE SURVEYS (PTY) LTD CENTRAL REGION Energy and mining 4,191.0 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ICB FUGRO AIRBORNE SURVEYS (PTY) LTD CENTRAL REGION Energy and mining 4,191.0</p><p>Country Total: 8,381.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 17,963.1 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 306 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SENEGAL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P077371 3A: Climate Impacts on Agro-Ecological IMPLEMENT THE SENEGAL STUDY WHICH WOULD INVO CQB DR. MBAYE DIOP Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.0</p><p>P080045 [3W] Governance of Senegal River Ba CONSULTANT'S SERVICES FOR ELABORATION OF REP INDV HAUT COMMISSARIRE Water, sanitation and flood protection 60.1 CONSULTANT'S SERVICES FOR ELABORATION OF REP INDV HAUT COMMISSARIRE Water, sanitation and flood protection 75.0</p><p>Country Total: 175.1</p><p>Gambia, The P057997 PVRTY ALL.&MUNIC.DEV CONSTRUCTION OF THE 2ND BATCH OF KMC ROADS, ICB COMPAGNIE SAHELIENNE D'ENTREPRISES (CSE) Education 1,037.1 Health and other social services 1,037.1 Law and justice and public administration 345.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 460.9 Total: 2,880.8</p><p>Country Total: 2,880.8</p><p>Guinea-Bissau P035688 National Health Dev. Prog. REHAB. WORKS OF CS/HOSPITAL/LODGING LOT 2A ICB ENT.DE TRAVAUX PUBLICS AREZKI Health and other social services 838.9</p><p>Country Total: 838.9</p><p>Mali P046651 ML REGIONAL POWER SANITATION INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTIONIN DIO NCB CSTI Energy and mining 122.1 SANITATION INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTIONIN DIO NCB ESCI Energy and mining 122.1 SUPPLY OF INFORMATION EQUIPMENT (FOURNITURE ICB TCS. TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SERVICES SARL Energy and mining 209.0</p><p>Country Total: 453.2</p><p>Mauritania P044711 Maur:INTEG DEV PROG FOR IRRIGATED AGRIC ETUDE RELATIVE À L'IMPACT SOCIAL ET ÉCONOMIQ CQB DIA IBRAHIMA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 17.2 Law and justice and public administration 14.5 Transportation 1.3 Total: 33.0</p><p>P069095 Urban Development Program CONSTRUCTION OF 2 PRIMARY SCHOOLS, 5 SECONDA ICB SINCO Education 539.9 Industry and trade 539.9 Law and justice and public administration 294.5 Transportation 539.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 539.9 Total: 2,454.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,487.0</p><p>Niger P061558 WATER SECTOR PROJECT REINFORCEMENT & EXTENSION OF DRINKING WATER ICB FRANZETTI Law and justice and public administration 43.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,420.8 Total: 1,464.7</p><p>Country Total: 1,464.7</p><p>Senegal ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 307 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SENEGAL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P002346 WATER SECTOR CONSULTANCY CONTRACT FOR THE CONTROLE AND SU QCBS GROUPE D'ETUDES SCIENTIFIQUES ET TECHNIQUES(GRE Water, sanitation and flood protection 117.2</p><p>P002366 SN TRANSPORT II REHAB. ET D'AMENAGEMENT DES LOCAUX CENTRE FO ICB SE.BAT.CO Transportation 232.0</p><p>P002367 Senegal:AGR.SRCVES&PROD.ORGS PURCHASE OF VEHICLES FOR MAEL:2 STATION WAGO ICB CFAO SENEGAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 793.6</p><p>P002369 Integr. Health Sect. Dev. EXECUTION OF WORKS DIR AGETIP-SENEGAL Health and other social services 2,078.2 Law and justice and public administration 808.2 Total: 2,886.4</p><p>STUDIES AND SUPERVISION OF CIVIL WORKS SSS AGETIP-SENEGAL Health and other social services 305.5 Law and justice and public administration 118.8 Total: 424.3</p><p>LOT 4 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ICB TECHNOLOGIES SERVICES Health and other social services 117.5 LOT 5 XRAY EQUIPMENT ICB MHO Health and other social services 251.6 REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION OF LOUGA REGION ICB SOCETRA Health and other social services 1,232.3 REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION OF KAOLACK REGA ICB GIE EKSBS Health and other social services 344.1</p><p>P041528 LONG TERM WATER SECTOR PROJECT REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION OF WATER NETWOR NCB FLUID TREAT Water, sanitation and flood protection 364.8 REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION OF WATER NETWOR NCB FOURNITURE & INGENIERIE S.A.R.L Water, sanitation and flood protection 364.8 SUPERVISION OF WORKS FOR REHABILITATION AND QCBS GROUPE INGETEC SA Water, sanitation and flood protection 425.9 SUPERVISION OF WORKS FOR THE REHABILITATION QCBS GROUPE D'ETUDES SCIENTIFIQUES ET TECHNIQUES(GRE Water, sanitation and flood protection 398.7 SUPERVISION OF WORKS FOR THE REHABILITATION QCBS SETICO INGENIEURS-CONSEILS Water, sanitation and flood protection 542.9 REHABILITATION AND EXTENTION OF DRIVING ROUT NCB FLUID TREAT Water, sanitation and flood protection 670.2 REHABILITATION AND EXTENTION OF DRIVING ROUT NCB FOURNITURE & INGENIERIE S.A.R.L Water, sanitation and flood protection 670.2 REHABILITATION AND EXTENTION OF NETWORK SYST NCB FLUID TREAT Water, sanitation and flood protection 185.3 REHABILITATION AND EXTENTION OF NETWORK SYST NCB FOURNITURE & INGENIERIE S.A.R.L Water, sanitation and flood protection 185.3 DENSIFICATION OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM IN DAKAR AN ICB SVTP-GC Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,602.8 CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM IN CAMBERENN ICB FOUGEROLLE S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,414.3 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF 25000 WATER CONNE ICB SDE Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,014.1 SUPPLY OF 5000 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION ICB SDE Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,521.1</p><p>P041566 Social Dev. Fund VELINGARA OADC LOT NO. 9 QCBS SENAGROSOL Education 37.6 Finance 40.3 Health and other social services 153.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 37.6 Total: 268.4</p><p>OADC FOUNDIOUGNE - LOT4- AFDS/01C/146D/2003 QCBS SENAGROSOL/WAAME Education 37.1 Finance 39.8 Health and other social services 151.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 37.1 Total: 265.0</p><p>P041567 Endemic Disease SUPPLY OF REAGENTS AND LAB CONSUMABLES (LOT ICB TECHNOLOGIES SERVICES Health and other social services 125.1 LAB EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ICB CERTEC Health and other social services 586.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 308 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SENEGAL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>TRAINING OF HEALTHG STAFF IN CHILDREN'S DISE CQS PROF. NICOLAS KUAKUVI Health and other social services 46.5 TRAINING OF HEALTH STAFF IN CHILDREN'S DISEA SSS PROF. MAMADOU SARR Health and other social services 46.6 TRAINING OF HEALTH STAFF IN CHILDREN'S DISEA SSS PROF. DEMBELE SOW Health and other social services 12.8 TRAINING OF HEALTH PERSONNEL IN CHILDREN'S D SSS PROF. MAMADOU BA Health and other social services 80.3</p><p>P046768 SN SUST.PART.ENGY.MGMT. PROTOCOLO OF COLLABORATION BETWEEN PROGEDE & SSS LE CENTRE DE SUIVI ECOLOGIQUE Energy and mining 25.9</p><p>P051609 Private Investment Promotion Project RESPONSABLE ADMINISTRATIF ET FINANCIER DE L' CQS MAME NDELLA NDIAYE DIATTARA Industry and trade 35.9 Information and communications 20.9 Law and justice and public administration 26.7 Total: 83.4</p><p>COMPTABLE DE L'UNITÉ DE GESTION DU PPIP CQS PAPE MOMAR NDIAYE Industry and trade 19.8 Information and communications 11.5 Law and justice and public administration 14.7 Total: 46.0</p><p>ADMINISTRATEUR DE L'UNITÉ DE GESTION DU PPIP CQS MABOUSSO THIAM Industry and trade 59.8 Information and communications 34.8 Law and justice and public administration 44.5 Total: 139.0</p><p>CONTRACTUELS DES UNITES DE PROJET (SPECIALIS SSS DEMBA NDIAYE Industry and trade 19.0 Information and communications 11.1 Law and justice and public administration 14.1 Total: 44.2</p><p>P051610 Senegal:AG.EXPORT PROMOTION LOT1/SOECO-CONSTRUCTION HANGAR DE STOCKAGE P ICB SOECO Industry and trade 1,107.7</p><p>P058367 SN: Integrated Marine Coastal Res. Mgmt PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN - HODAR CONSEIL CQB HODAR CONSEIL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 43.8 STUDY ON COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION - GROUPEMEN CQB GROUPEMENT SETICO-AGRER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 57.1</p><p>P067498 PUBLIC SERV. INFO-SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION MISE EN PLACE CENTRE DE RESSOURCES INTRANET ICB TOUCH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Health and other social services 94.6 Industry and trade 113.5 Law and justice and public administration 737.8 Total: 946.0</p><p>PROTOCOLE ACCORD FONDATION SECTEUR PRIVE/PRO INDV AGENCE PROMOTION INVESTISSEMENTS ET GRANDS TRAV Health and other social services 27.9 Industry and trade 33.4 Law and justice and public administration 217.3 Total: 278.6</p><p>RESPONSIBLE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND PROC SSS APIX Health and other social services 27.9 Industry and trade 33.4 Law and justice and public administration 217.3 Total: 278.6</p><p>P069207 Casamance Emergency Reconstruction Suppo L'APPUI A LA REMISE A JOUR DU PROGRAMME DE R SSS MAMADOU DAFFE Transportation 11.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5.0 Total: 16.6</p><p>L'APPUI A LA REMISE JOUR DU PROGRAMME DE REL SSS MAMADOU DAFFE Transportation 20.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.6 Total: 28.6</p><p>ELABORATION DU MANUEL DES PROCEDURES ADMINIS QBS BUSINESS SYSTEM CONSULTING GROUP ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 309 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SENEGAL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 40.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.4 Total: 57.8</p><p>P070541 Nut. Enhancement Prog. PROTOCOL AGREEMENT WITH WORLD VISION FOR NUT CQB WORLD VISION SENEGAL Health and other social services 199.7 Law and justice and public administration 59.7 Total: 259.4</p><p>PROTOCOL AGREEMENT WITH WORLD VISION FOR NUT CQB WORLD VISION SENEGAL Health and other social services 204.6 Law and justice and public administration 61.1 Total: 265.7</p><p>PROTOCOL AGREEMENT WITH WORLD VISION FOR NUT CQB WORLD VISION SENEGAL Health and other social services 188.8 Law and justice and public administration 56.4 Total: 245.2</p><p>PROTOCOL AGREEMENT WITH WORLD VISION FOR NUT CQB WORLD VISION SENEGAL Health and other social services 199.1 Law and justice and public administration 59.5 Total: 258.5</p><p>PROTOCOL AGREEMENT WITH WORLD VISION FOR NUT CQB WORLD VISION SENEGAL Health and other social services 196.1 Law and justice and public administration 58.6 Total: 254.6</p><p>NUTRITION ENHANCEMENT IN THE DISTRICT OF BAM CQB WORLD VISION SENEGAL Health and other social services 186.3 Law and justice and public administration 55.6 Total: 241.9 COMMUNITY ACTION AGAINST MALNUTRITION IN KOL CQB CCF SENEGAL Health and other social services 254.8 Law and justice and public administration 76.1 Total: 330.9</p><p>COMMUNITY ACTIONS AGAINST MALNUTRITION IN ZI CQB CCF SENEGAL Health and other social services 219.5 Law and justice and public administration 65.6 Total: 285.1</p><p>COMMUNITY ACTIONS AGAINST MALNUTRITION MBOUR CQB CCF SENEGAL Health and other social services 173.0 Law and justice and public administration 51.7 Total: 224.6</p><p>COMMUNITY ACTIONS AGAINST MALNUTRITION THIES CQB CCF SENEGAL Health and other social services 228.8 Law and justice and public administration 68.3 Total: 297.1</p><p>COMMUNITY ACTIONS AGAISNT MALNUTRITION IN PI CQB PLAN INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 223.7 Law and justice and public administration 66.8 Total: 290.6</p><p>COMMUNITY ACTIONS AGAINST MALNUTRITION IN LO CQB PLAN INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 158.6 Law and justice and public administration 47.4 Total: 206.0</p><p>COMMUNITY ACTION AGAINST MALNUTRITION IN KHO CQB PLAN INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 79.2 Law and justice and public administration 23.7 Total: 102.9</p><p>COMMUNITY PROJECT FOR CONTROL OF MALNUTRITIO CQB PLAN INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 150.9 COMMUNITY PROJECT FOR CONTROL OF MALNUTRITIO CQB PLAN INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 225.3 NUTRITION AND HEALTH ENHANCEMENT PROJECT IN CQB AFRICARE Health and other social services 219.4 PROJECT IN SUPPORT OF NUTRITION AND HEALTH E CQB AFRICARE Health and other social services 241.5 PROJECT IN SUPPORT OF NUTRITION ACTIVITIES I CQB AFRICARE Health and other social services 249.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 310 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SENEGAL Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>PROJECT IN SUPPORT OF NUTRITION ENHANCEMENT CQB AFRICARE Health and other social services 225.8</p><p>P074059 HIV/AIDS Prevent. & Control SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS DIR PNA Health and other social services 474.0 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS DIR PHARMACIE NATIONALE D'APPROVISONNEMENT Health and other social services 979.6 CHARGÉE DE LA DÉCENTRALISATION CQS GABRIELLE DIEYNABA COLL Health and other social services 53.7</p><p>Country Total: 28,425.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 36,724.8 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 311 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Kosovo P079260 EDUCATION PROJECT DIRECTOR SSS AVNI SAHITI Education 34.4 PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST SSS ILIR RAMA Education 32.1 ACCOUNTANT SSS ADILE LAHU OSMANI Education 25.2 PROCUREMENT ASSISTANT SSS VALMIRA REXHEBEQAJ Education 21.8 EMIS TEAM LEADER SSS LUMNIJE KRASNIQI Education 21.7 EMIS SOFTWARE SPECIALIST SSS MUSA FEJSA Education 20.7 INFORMATION OFFICER/IT SPECIALIST SSS GZIM ADEMI Education 17.6 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION SSS KOSOVO EDUCATION CENTER Education 186.4 PROJECT ACCOUNTANT SSS REZARTA KUPINA Education 7.2</p><p>Country Total: 367.1</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P050589 TRANSPORT (LOT-1) PROCUREMENT OF DIESEL ENGINE AND EQU ICB CUMMINS DIESEL MOTORS Transportation 335.2</p><p>Country Total: 335.2</p><p>Russian Federation P038551 MUN HEATING TAMBOV - REPLACEMENT OF PIPELINES AND INSTAL ICB INVEST-IMPORT Energy and mining 4,968.1 Country Total: 4,968.1</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P069374 EMPLYMT PROMO LIL CONSULTANCY ON FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR MINI SSS MILENA VUKOVIC-BUHA Health and other social services 47.3 DIRECTOR OF THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION UNIT SSS NEBOJSA RAJKOVIC Health and other social services 68.1 CONSULTANCY ON PROCUREMENT FOR MINISTRY OF L SSS MILENA RISTIC Health and other social services 47.3 TOR7:TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR A TRACER SURVE CQS CONZIT D.O.O. Health and other social services 49.8</p><p>P074124 SOC ASST CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW L INDV BOSKO MIJATOVIC Health and other social services 2.9 Industry and trade 1.4 Law and justice and public administration 2.9 Total: 7.2</p><p>DEVELOPMENT OF HEALTH INFORMATION COMMUNICAT CQB B4B D.O.O. Health and other social services 75.9 DEVELOPMENT OF METADATABASE OF HEALTH SECTOR CQB COM TRADE GROUP SPINAKER NT Health and other social services 38.8 CONSULTANCY ON EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION - NATION INDV DARKO MARINKOVIC Health and other social services 4.8 Industry and trade 2.4 Law and justice and public administration 4.8 Total: 12.1</p><p>CONSULTANCY ON THE FEASIBILITY STUDY PREPARA INDV ZORAN VUCIC Health and other social services 4.8 Industry and trade 2.4 Law and justice and public administration 4.8 Total: 12.1</p><p>CONSULTANCY ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROMOTION AN INDV IGOR BRKANOVIC Health and other social services 4.8 Industry and trade 2.4 Law and justice and public administration 4.8 Total: 12.1</p><p>TA FOR ADMINISTRATIVE MONITORING OF SOCIAL A CQB ONORA D.O.O. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 312 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 19.2 Industry and trade 9.6 Law and justice and public administration 19.2 Total: 48.0</p><p>CONSULTANCY ON DRAFTING THE LAW ON TRADE UNI INDV MILAN SUCEVIC Industry and trade 12.5 AUDIT OF THE TA ELEMENT OF THE SPEAG (TFS050 LCS KPMG D.O.O. BEOGRAD Health and other social services 4.4 Industry and trade 2.2 Law and justice and public administration 4.4 Total: 11.1</p><p>P074127 FIN SEC DEVT TA SPECIAL CONSULTANT ON IBUS AND US BASED BANK INDV LUKA ANDRIC Finance 59.2 RESIDENT BANKING ADVISOR INDV GORDANA SOROKA Law and justice and public administration 57.1</p><p>P074136 EMG ELEC POWER RECN STRATEGIC CONSOLIDATION OF UCE "UNDERGROUND FBS FACTIS CONSULTING Energy and mining 150.0 RESTRUCTURING AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENERGY SSS SLOBODAN RUZIC Energy and mining 32.1 RESTRUCTURING OF OIL AND GAS UTILITY OF SERB INDV ISIDORA ARMUS Energy and mining 14.3 RESTRUCTURING OF ELECTRIC POWER UTILITY OF S INDV IVANA RAJEVAC Energy and mining 11.4</p><p>P074618 MONTENEGRO ENV INFRA SUPPLY OF TRUCK HEAD MACHINE CRAWLER FOR THE ISH TEKMONT DOO Water, sanitation and flood protection 97.3</p><p>P075189 EDUC IMPRVMT PROCUREMENT OF HARDWARE FOR THE EDUCATION IN ICB INFORMATIKA Education 212.8 Law and justice and public administration 119.7 Total: 332.5</p><p>P077675 HEALTH ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT FOR PROJECT COORDIN SSS IVANA MISOVIC Health and other social services 63.1 PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST FOR PROJECT COORDINAT SSS ALEKSANDAR MILOJKOVIC Health and other social services 91.8 DIRECTOR OF THE PROJECT COORDINATION UNIT SSS MILUTIN DELIC Health and other social services 120.5 FINANCIAL OFFICER (ACCOUNTANT) FOR PROJECT C INDV JASMINA RADICEVIC Health and other social services 91.8</p><p>P077732 PRIV & REST OF BANKS/ENTPRS TA IMPLEMENTATION OF ADOPTED STRATEGY OR RESTRU SSS FACTIS CONSULTING Finance 38.9 Industry and trade 100.8 Law and justice and public administration 4.3 Total: 144.0</p><p>P079989 STRENGTH COURT ADMIN SYST IDF COORDINATOR POSITION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION INDV DRAGANA LUKIC Law and justice and public administration 23.4</p><p>P082456 PRSP MULTIDONOR MGMT/IMPL TA (PRSTF) MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF LOCAL BOTTO CQB ARGUMENT Finance 55.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,785.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 7,456.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 313 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SIERRA LEONE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Madagascar P055166 Communit. Dev. Fund CONVENTION ENTRE LE FID ET CATHOLIC RELIEF S DIR CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) Health and other social services 1,401.2 CONVENTION ENTRE LE FID ET CATHOLIC RELIEF S DIR CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) Health and other social services 691.6</p><p>Country Total: 2,092.9</p><p>Sierra Leone P002420 SIERRA LEONE TRANSPORT SECTOR PRO FOR A COMPUTERIZED MANAGMENT INFORMATION SYS DIR TIWAI MEMORY MASTERS (SL) LTD. Transportation 98.4</p><p>P040649 COMMUNITY REINTEGRATION & REHABILITATION PROFESSIONAL TRADEMAN TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ICB SULICO INTERNATIONAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 47.3 Education 47.3 Health and other social services 78.8 Law and justice and public administration 94.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 47.3 Total: 315.1</p><p>PROFESSIONAL TRADESMAN TOOLS & EQUIPMENT ICB SULICO INTERNATIONAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 24.5 Education 24.5 Health and other social services 40.9 Law and justice and public administration 49.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.5 Total: 163.5</p><p>P073883 HIV/AIDS Response PROVIDE CONSULTANCY SERVICES - INTERVENTION QCBS SEND FOUNDATION Health and other social services 571.4 HIV/AIDS PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAMME TH QCBS CARE SIERRA LEONE Health and other social services 99.3 SUPPLY OF COMPUTERS & MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMEN LIB KETRACO Health and other social services 106.3 MUSICAL FESTIVAL IN FREETOWN, BO, KENEMA, AN SSS NATIONAL ARTISTES ORGANIZATION Health and other social services 55.3</p><p>P074320 Rehab. of Basic Educ. CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR FINANCIAL CONTROLLE SSS KPMG Education 155.0 CONSULTANCY SERIVCES FOR SCHOOLS DISTRICTS O QCBS ACTION AID SIERRA LEONE Education 896.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF REBEP IN THE KENEMA DISTRI QCBS LUTHERAN WORLD FEDERATION Education 788.4 REHABILITATION OF BASIC SCHOOLS AND PROVISIO QCBS METHODIST CHURCH SIERRA LEONE Education 1,264.0 Law and justice and public administration 316.0 Total: 1,580.0</p><p>REHABILITATION OF BASIC SCHOOLS AND PROVISIO QCBS NORWEGIAN REFUGEE COUNCIL Education 1,197.0 SERVICE PROVIDER FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF R NCB CHRISTIAN CHILDRENS FUND Education 295.0</p><p>P079335 National Social Action PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANT IN ACCOUNTING AN SSS KEVIN K.S. DIXON Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 5.5 Education 9.1 Health and other social services 9.1 Transportation 5.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.3 Total: 36.3</p><p>PROVISION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AS DEPUTY SSS JOSEPH ABASS BANGURA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4.5 Education 7.5 Health and other social services 7.5 Transportation 4.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.0 Total: 30.0</p><p>COMMUNITY MOBILISATION AND FACILITATION QCBS COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IN SIERRA LEONE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 15.1 Education 25.2 Health and other social services 25.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 314 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SIERRA LEONE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 15.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.2 Total: 100.8</p><p>COMMUNITY BASED SHELTER FOR KONO DISTRICT QCBS ADVENTIST DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF AGENCY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 80.6 Education 134.3 Health and other social services 134.3 Transportation 80.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 107.4 Total: 537.0</p><p>COMMUNITY MOBILISATION & FACILITATION - BOMB QCBS EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 15.2 Education 25.4 Health and other social services 25.4 Transportation 15.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 20.3 Total: 101.5</p><p>COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION AND FACILITATION - KO QCBS COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IN SIERRA LEONE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 18.2 Education 30.4 Health and other social services 30.4 Transportation 18.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.3 Total: 121.6</p><p>Country Total: 7,248.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 9,341.1 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 315 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SINGAPORE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bangladesh P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. SUB-PACKAGE GLR-10.7 OF PACKAGE GLR-10B: SUB ICB M/S. ACTARIS SINGAPORE PLE. LTD Energy and mining 70.6</p><p>Country Total: 70.6</p><p>Bhutan P074114 Education Development Project PREPARATION OF IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES FOR QBS EDUPLANNER PTE. LTD. Education 67.0</p><p>Country Total: 67.0</p><p>India P067330 IMMUNIZATION STRENGTHENING PROJECT PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (LARGE ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 20.8 PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (LARGE ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 76.4 PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (LARGE ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 38.2 PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (LARGE ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 74.5 PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (LARGE ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 75.0 PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (SMALL ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 331.5 PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (SMALL ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 873.8 PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (SMALL ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 380.4 PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (SMALL ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 479.7 PROCUREMENT OF ICE LINED REFRIGERATOR (SMALL ICB LIGHT INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD. Health and other social services 509.3</p><p>Country Total: 2,859.5</p><p>Indonesia P003701 ID ODS I- UMBRELLA PROCUREMENT FOR SUPPLY OF REFRIGERANT RECOVE ISH KITH LEGEND TRADING (S) PTE.LTD. Industry and trade 619.6</p><p>P049051 BEPEKA AUDIT MODERNIZATION PROJECT PROCUREMENT OF AUDIT COMMAND LANGUAGE (ACL) DIR PRODIGITY DATA SOLUTION PTE LTD Law and justice and public administration 64.9</p><p>Country Total: 684.6</p><p>Nepal P071291 NP Financial Sector Technical Assistance SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF TH ICB ACER COMPUTER PTE.LTD. Finance 296.3 SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF TH ICB CORBELL TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. Finance 92.6 SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF TH ICB INGRAM MICRO COMPONENTS ASIA PTE. LTD. Finance 176.0</p><p>Country Total: 564.9</p><p>Philippines P004602 PH-THIRD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB ALKEM COMPANY(S) PRIVATE LIMITED Education 88.3 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB KHL PRINTING CO. PTE. LTD. Education 88.3 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB ALKEM COMPANY(S) PRIVATE LIMITED Education 69.9 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB KHL PRINTING CO. PTE. LTD. Education 69.9 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB ALKEM COMPANY(S) PRIVATE LIMITED Education 23.0 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB KHL PRINTING CO. PTE. LTD. Education 23.0 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB ALKEM COMPANY(S) PRIVATE LIMITED ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 316 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SINGAPORE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 25.2 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB KHL PRINTING CO. PTE. LTD. Education 25.2</p><p>P069916 PH-2nd Social Expenditure Management SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB ALKEM COMPANY(S) PRIVATE LIMITED Education 455.9 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB KHL PRINTING CO. PTE. LTD. Education 455.9 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS/TEACHERS MANUAL ICB ALKEM COMPANY(S) PRIVATE LIMITED Education 495.8 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS/TEACHERS MANUAL ICB KHL PRINTING CO. PTE. LTD. Education 495.8 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB ALKEM COMPANY(S) PRIVATE LIMITED Education 884.4 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA ICB KHL PRINTING CO. PTE. LTD. Education 884.4 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS/TEACHERS MANUAL ICB ALKEM COMPANY(S) PRIVATE LIMITED Education 566.5 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS/TEACHERS MANUAL ICB KHL PRINTING CO. PTE. LTD. Education 566.5</p><p>Country Total: 5,217.9</p><p>Sri Lanka P010525 GENERAL EDUCATION II SUPPLY OF THREE CONTRACT PACKAGES ICB SEVEN SEAS COMPUTERS (PTE) LTD. Education 4,289.8</p><p>P077586 LK Economic Reform TA FUNCTION OF PUCSL UNDER THE ELECTRICITY REFO QBS NORTON ROSE Energy and mining 449.8</p><p>P081771 E-Sri Lanka Development E-GOVERMENT STUDY CQB NATIONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS PTE. LTD Information and communications 362.9</p><p>Country Total: 5,102.6</p><p>Timor-Leste P072647 TP-FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL QUALITY PROJECT CIVIL WORLS FOR A NEW ESCOLA BASICA AT HERA ICB WP LORONG MATAN HOLDING LTD Education 539.6</p><p>Country Total: 539.6</p><p>Vietnam P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB PKG. 58, LOT 58.12 SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWIT ICB COMIN ASIA CO. Energy and mining 413.3 SUPPLY OF CAPACITOR BANKS FOR 220 KV EXISTIN ICB COMIN ASIA PTE. LTD. Energy and mining 2,287.0 6.7 110KV PHU LUONG, PHU THO, LUC NGAN & EXP ICB COMIN ASIA PTE. LTD. Energy and mining 1,200.3 6.5 110KV PHU YEN, THUAN CHAU & PHONG THO S- ICB COMIN ASIA CO. Energy and mining 2,147.4 YEN BAI AND BAC NINH 220KV SUBSTATIONS ICB COMIN ASIA PTE LTD/LG-VINA CABLE Energy and mining 380.4</p><p>Country Total: 6,428.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 21,534.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 317 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SLOVAK REPUBLIC Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Slovak Republic P038090 SOC BEN REF ADM PENSION REFORM LEGISLATION (LOCAL) INDV TOMAS BOREC Law and justice and public administration 120.0 PR/COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN TO FACILITATE SUPP INDV PROMEDIA PARTNER, S.R.O. Law and justice and public administration 95.1 PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST TO THE PCU INDV MARTINA TICHA Law and justice and public administration 54.8 PC WORKSTATION, NOTEBOOK, DIGITAL MULTIFUCTI NSH INTERWAY, S.R.O. Law and justice and public administration 44.7 PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGN FOR GENERAL PUBL CQS MEDIA IN Law and justice and public administration 102.7 PENSION REFORM DESIGN - SUPERVISION AND REGU SSS M.E.S.A. 10 Law and justice and public administration 32.8</p><p>P069864 PUB FIN MGMT EFFECTIVE AND FLEXIBLE COORDINATION AND IMPL INDV PAVOL OCHOTNICKY Law and justice and public administration 58.2 ASSISTCE TO THE PROJECT COORDINATOR AND PRIN INDV LUBICA SLOBODNIKOVA Law and justice and public administration 48.5 THE COUNSELOR WILL ADVISE THE MOF ON STRATEG INDV JURAJ RENCKO Law and justice and public administration 58.2 WILL ADVISE ON MULTI-ANNUAL BUDGETING, EU FI INDV MR. MARTIN BRUNCKO Law and justice and public administration 483.9</p><p>P082065 ACCT & AUDIT REFORM IDF INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING FOR IMPLEMEN CQS KPMG SLOVENSKO ADVISORY, K.S Finance 43.0</p><p>P082879 HEALTH TA HMIS COORDINATOR INDV ANDREI FANDAK Health and other social services 96.0 TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE HEAL QBS EXE LTD Health and other social services 98.0 QUALITY OF CARE COMPONENT COORDINATOR INDV TOMAS SZALAY Health and other social services 118.3 TRAINING COORDINATOR OF THE HEALTH MANAGERS INDV STEFANIA HRIVNAKOVA Health and other social services 80.3 CONSULTANT FOR LEGISLATION INDV ERNEST VALKO Health and other social services 54.6 PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGN FBS OMNIPUBLIC Health and other social services 4,062.7</p><p>Country Total: 5,651.6</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 5,651.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 318 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SLOVENIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bosnia-Herzegovina P058521 ELEC PWR 3 RECN REHABILITATION OF 220/110 KV TRANSMISSION LI ICB KAPIS Energy and mining 2,306.7 REHABILITATION OF 400 KV TRANSMISSION LINES ICB KAPIS Energy and mining 6,365.8</p><p>P071347 ROAD MGMT SAFETY REHABILITATION OF VIJAKA-DRAGALOVCI-RUDANKA ICB "CM" CELJE Transportation 1,033.3</p><p>Country Total: 9,705.8</p><p>Bulgaria P055157 HEALTH SECT REF INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS FOR INTEGRATED HEA QBS INFONET KRANJ Health and other social services 147.2</p><p>Country Total: 147.2</p><p>Croatia P043195 RIJEKA GATEWAY CONSTRUCTION OF STATE ROADS D.8 (LOT.1) ICB KONSTRUKTOR - INZENJERING D.D. Transportation 12,340.4</p><p>Country Total: 12,340.4</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P069374 EMPLYMT PROMO LIL TOR3:TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE DESIGN AND QBS CUPS (SLOVENE CENTRE FOR TRAINING COMPANIES) Health and other social services 55.5</p><p>Country Total: 55.5 Slovenia P055304 REAL ESTATE REGIST MODERNIZATION OF THE REAL ESTATE INFORMATION ICB HERMES SOFTLAB D.D. Law and justice and public administration 1,964.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,964.1</p><p>Ukraine P077738 QUAL EDUC EQUAL ACCESS TA TO ANALYZE DEV NEEDS IN EDUC ASSESS AND E INDV SERGIY GABRSCEK Education 43.0</p><p>Country Total: 43.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 24,256.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 319 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SOLOMON ISLANDS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Kiribati P078290 Kiribati Adaptation Project MR. TONY HUGHES AS STRATEGIC PLANNER/CONSULT INDV ANTHONY HUGHES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 60.5 Law and justice and public administration 30.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 60.5 Total: 151.4</p><p>Country Total: 151.4</p><p>Solomon Islands P058358 SB-HEALTH SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONTRACT FOR MIDWIFERY CIVIL WORKS NCB TATALANI BUILDERS Health and other social services 433.9</p><p>Country Total: 433.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 585.3 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 320 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SOUTH AFRICA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P077371 3A: Climate Impacts on Agro-Ecological IMPLEMENT THE SOUTH AFRICA STUDY WHICH WOULD CQB DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, EXTENSION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.0</p><p>Country Total: 40.0</p><p>Azerbaijan P070973 FIN SCT TA ADVISORY SERVICES FOR EFFECTIVE REALIZATION INDV KEITH SMITH Law and justice and public administration 98.7</p><p>Country Total: 98.7</p><p>China P087024 Cross Border Capital Flow PRESENTATION FOR WORKSHOP INDV STEPHANUS SEBASTIAAN WALTERS Finance 6.0</p><p>Country Total: 6.0</p><p>Eritrea P057929 ER-POWER DISTRIBUTION PHASE 1 OF THE DESIGN & MANAGE.OF EXPAND.ELE QCBS AFRICON LTD. Energy and mining 248.9</p><p>Country Total: 248.9</p><p>Georgia P078544 RURAL DEVT RURAL FINANCE SPECIALIST INDV GARRY NEIL CHRISTENSEN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 26.0 Industry and trade 26.0 Total: 52.0</p><p>Country Total: 52.0</p><p>Ghana P000974 Nat. Func. Lit. Program SUPPLY OF 4X4 WHEEL DRIVE DOUBLE CABIN PICK- ICB NISSAN SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD./AUTO PARTS LTD. Education 1,126.5</p><p>P050616 COMMUNITY WATER II IMPLEMENTATION STUDY OF SELECTED ASPECTS OF QCBS AFRICON Water, sanitation and flood protection 68.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,194.7</p><p>Kenya P001319 URBAN TRANSPORT FORENSIC AUDIT QBS DELOITTE AND TOUCHE Law and justice and public administration 98.4 Transportation 280.1 Total: 378.5</p><p>Country Total: 378.5</p><p>Madagascar P051741 2nd Health Sector Support FOURNITURE DE 9000 KG D'INSECTICIDES FENDONA DIR BASF SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD Health and other social services 283.5</p><p>Country Total: 283.5</p><p>Mozambique P001785 MZ-ROADS & BRIDGES MMP PERIODIC MAINTENANCE OF ROAD EN1 BETWEEN ZAN ICB WBHO Transportation 29,852.2 REHABILITATION OF ROAD EN1 BETWEEN MAXIXE AN ICB CONDURIL, SA Transportation 23,396.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 321 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SOUTH AFRICA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P035919 Coastal & Marine-GEF SUPPLY OF 4X4 PICK UP DOUBLE CABIN VEHICLES ICB DELTA MOTOR CORPORATION (PTY) LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 36.5 Health and other social services 53.0 Industry and trade 3.5 Law and justice and public administration 24.8 Total: 117.9</p><p>P052240 NATIONAL WATER II CHEMICALS FOR BEIRA, NAMPULA & PEMBA (II) ICB AFRICA SUPPLY AGENCIES (PTY) LTD (ASA) Water, sanitation and flood protection 783.0</p><p>Country Total: 54,149.3</p><p>Sierra Leone P078389 SL Infrastructure Dev Proj (Transport) CONSULTING SERVICES CONTRACT FOR THE ROAD SE QCBS AFRICON LTD. Transportation 303.6</p><p>Country Total: 303.6</p><p>Uganda P059223 NAKIVUBO CHANNEL REH DETAILED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR NAKAWA/NAGURU QCBS BKS GLOBAL LTD AND INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO Law and justice and public administration 22.4 Transportation 9.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 118.0 Total: 149.3</p><p>P072482 HIV/AIDS Control Project SUPPLY OF ANTIRETROVIRAL DURGS CONTRACT NO.A ICB M/S ABBOT LABORATORIES SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD Education 4.0 Health and other social services 165.6 Law and justice and public administration 29.9 Total: 199.5</p><p>Country Total: 348.8</p><p>Vietnam P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB LOT 4: SUPPLY OF INSULATORS AND FITTINGS FOR ICB MITSUI & CO., LTD. Energy and mining 373.6</p><p>Country Total: 373.6</p><p>Zambia P003236 ZM NATIONAL ROAD PERIODIC MAINTENANCE OF MAKENI - KAFUE ROAD ICB NCC PHONIX CONTRACTORS Transportation 3,045.5 REHABILITATION OF LUSAKA - MAKENI ROAD T2 ICB NCC PHONIX CONTRACTORS Transportation 3,599.2 SUPERVISION OF PERIODIC MAINTENANCE OF MAKEN QCBS KIRAN, MUSONDA ASSOCIATES LTD Transportation 124.5 SUPERVISION OF THE REHABILITATION OF ROAD T QCBS BICON ZAMBIA LTD Transportation 85.8</p><p>P003248 HIV/AIDS (ZANARA) SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF HIV TESTIG KINTS, CUL ICB BIO-RAD LABORATORIES (PTY) LTD. Health and other social services 161.4</p><p>P064064 MINE TOWNSHIP SERVICES PROJECT SUPPLY & INST OF PUMPING EQPT & ASSOC PIPEWO ICB ERTEC (PTY) LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,666.8</p><p>Country Total: 9,683.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 67,160.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 322 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SPAIN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Dominican Republic P054937 DO-EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROJECT PROCUREMENT OF TEXTBOOKS DIR GRUPO COMERCIAL ANAYA Education 621.3</p><p>Country Total: 621.3</p><p>Ecuador P063644 EC Power&Comm.Sect Moderniz.&Rural Servi SUMINISTRO, DESARROLLO E INSTALACION DEL SIS ICB ELIOP S.A. Energy and mining 574.8</p><p>Country Total: 574.8</p><p>El Salvador P067986 SV-EARTQUAKE EMERGENCY REC. & HEALTH SER EXPERT IN HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION STRENGTHEN INDV GOENZ PEÑATE, FRANCISCO ANDRES Health and other social services 50.9</p><p>Country Total: 50.9</p><p>Ghana P000974 Nat. Func. Lit. Program SOLAR LIGHTING SYSTEMS ICB MESSRS ISOFOTON SA Education 215.6</p><p>Country Total: 215.6</p><p>Honduras P053575 HN- HEALTH SYSTEM REFORM PROJECT TA FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CQS GRUPO CONSULTOR DE INFRAESTRUCTURAS S.A., ESPAÑ Health and other social services 774.9 ESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD PARA EL ESTABLECIMIE CQS GESAWORLD S.A. Health and other social services 144.1 AT PARA EL DIAGNÓSTICO Y APERTURA DE CENTROS CQS GESAWORLD S.A. Health and other social services 156.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,075.0</p><p>Mexico P007713 MX WATER RESOURCES MANA SERVICIO DE CONSULTORIA PARA EL DESARROLLO Y QCBS GETRONICS LTDA Water, sanitation and flood protection 171.6</p><p>P065779 MX FEDERAL HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE PROJ. MANTENIMIENTO D/RUTINA, MANTENIMIENTO PERIOD ICB ELSAMEX, S.A. Transportation 6,815.3</p><p>P070108 MX Savings & Credit Sector Strengthening PP10 CAPACITACION EN ADMINISTRACION DE RIESG FBS AIS-APLICACIONES DE INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL, S. Finance 503.3</p><p>Country Total: 7,490.1</p><p>Nicaragua P035753 NI HEALTH SECT II SUMINISTRO E INSTALACIÓN DE EQUIPOS MÉDICOS LIB PROMARKET, S.A. Health and other social services 5.8</p><p>P050613 NI SECOND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT LIBROS DE TEXTO DIR FUNDACION SANTA MARIA-EDICIONES SM Education 486.4</p><p>P056018 NI LAND ADMINISTRATION PROJECT CADASTER/MODERNIZATION AND VERIFICATION OF T ICB AZIMUT S.A. Law and justice and public administration 887.7 CADASTER/MODERNIZATION AND VERIFICATION OF T ICB GEOCART SL. Law and justice and public administration 1,183.5 CADASTER/MODERNIZATION AND VERIFICATION OF T ICB TOPONORT S.A. Law and justice and public administration 887.7</p><p>Country Total: 3,451.0</p><p>Paraguay ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 323 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SPAIN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P039994 PY FINANCIAL SECTOR ADJ LOAN ASESOR DE ANALISIS DE INFORMACION BANCARIA Y INDV ALFREDO BELLO Finance 99.0</p><p>Country Total: 99.0</p><p>Poland P008593 ROADS 2 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION AND STRENGTHENING OF NCB NECSO ENTRECANALES CUBIERTAS S.A./MOSTOSTAL WAR Transportation 2,488.9</p><p>Country Total: 2,488.9</p><p>Romania P057960 RURAL DEV (APL #1) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING OF COMMUNE QCBS EPTISA INTERNACIONAL Health and other social services 6.6 Law and justice and public administration 75.9 Transportation 82.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 164.9 Total: 329.8</p><p>Country Total: 329.8</p><p>Russian Federation P050891 ELEC SECTR REF DEVEL & IMPLEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING QCBS MERCADOS ENERGETICOS Energy and mining 2,128.7</p><p>Country Total: 2,128.7 Timor-Leste P072647 TP-FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL QUALITY PROJECT TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS GUIDES FOR LEARNING P ICB LIDEL, EDICOES TECNICAL. LTD. Education 244.8</p><p>Country Total: 244.8</p><p>Turkey P048852 NAT'L TRNSM GRID S&D OF ENERGY METERS WITH AND WITHOUT METERI ICB CIRCUTOR, SA Energy and mining 1,504.9</p><p>Country Total: 1,504.9</p><p>Uruguay P008177 UY POWER TRNMSN & DISTR PUESTOS URBANOS COMPACTOS DE TRANSFORMACION ICB TEAM ARTECHE SA Energy and mining 622.9</p><p>P074543 UY FOOT & MOUTH DISEASE - ERL ACQUISITION OF MANUAL SCANNERS ICB GESIMPEX COMERCIAL S.L. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 154.8 Law and justice and public administration 25.2 Total: 180.0</p><p>Country Total: 802.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 21,077.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 324 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SRI LANKA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Lesotho P081269 LS-ESDP II (Phase 2) CONTRACTS ADVISOR - MR. SIVAM SSS A.S. SIVAM Education 268.7</p><p>Country Total: 268.7</p><p>Sri Lanka P010517 PVT SECT INFRAS DEV PROCUREMENT OF AMBULANCES (15 NOS.) ICB ASSOCIATED MOTORWAYS LTD Transportation 4.4 SUPPLY OF 15 AMBULANCES ICB ASSOCIATED MOTORWAYS LTD Transportation 4.4 RECONSTRUCTION OF THIRUKETHISWAREN WATER SUP NCB DUMBARA ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 265.9</p><p>P010525 GENERAL EDUCATION II SUPPLY OF COMPUTERS TO SCHOOL ICT CENTERS - ICB PRECISION TECH SERVICES (PVT) LTD Education 4,289.8</p><p>P042266 TEACHER EDUCATION & TEACHER DEPLOYMENT SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF COMP ICB SOFTLOGIC TRADING (PVT) LTD. Education 589.0 CONSTRUCTION OF JAFFNA NCOE - PHASE III ICB INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CONSORTIUM Education 1,218.3</p><p>P058067 Second Community Water SUPPLY OF 4 DOUBLE CABS ICB TOYOTA LANKA (PVT) LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 124.3</p><p>P077586 LK Economic Reform TA INVESTMENT BANKING SERVICES/ACCOUNTING AND V QCBS ERNST & YOUNG Transportation 123.9 INVESTMENT BANKING SERVICES/ACCOUNTING AND V QCBS ERNST & YOUNG Transportation 123.9 Country Total: 6,744.1</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 7,012.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 325 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ST. KITTS AND NEVIS Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>St. Kitts and Nevis P077684 St. Kitts and Nevis Emergency Recovery P SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TWO LAND ROVER DISCOV ICB CAINES AUTO SERVICES Energy and mining 18.4 Law and justice and public administration 3.2 Transportation 30.9 Total: 52.4</p><p>Country Total: 52.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 52.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 326 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ST. LUCIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>St. Kitts and Nevis P077684 St. Kitts and Nevis Emergency Recovery P SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF ID BADG ICB VIDEO SURVEILLANCE LIMITED Transportation 243.4</p><p>Country Total: 243.4</p><p>St. Lucia P054939 LC- POVERTY REDUCTION FUND POVERTY REDUCTION IMPACT STUDY CQB ESA CONSULTANT'S Health and other social services 83.0</p><p>P070244 LC Water Sector Reform Tech Assist PUBLIC INFORMATION AND DISSEMINATION CAMPAIG CQB RIGHT ANGLE IMAGING Law and justice and public administration 43.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 65.8 Total: 109.6</p><p>P070430 Saint Lucia - Disaster Management MEDIA TRAINING FOR METEOROLOGICAL OFFICERS INDV BARBARA JACOBS-SMALL Energy and mining 1.9 Health and other social services 1.9 Law and justice and public administration 1.9 Transportation 1.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.9 Total: 9.3</p><p>CASTRIES RIVER WALL EXTENSION PROJECT (LA CO NSH JONAS JEAN Energy and mining 9.9 Health and other social services 9.9 Law and justice and public administration 9.9 Transportation 9.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.9 Total: 49.7 CASTRIES RIVER WALL EXTENSION PROJECT (LA CO NSH WENCESLAUS JN. PIERRE Energy and mining 4.8 Health and other social services 4.8 Law and justice and public administration 4.8 Transportation 4.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 4.8 Total: 23.8</p><p>CASTRIES RIVER WALL EXTENSION PROJECT (LA CO NSH SYLVESTER PHILLIP Energy and mining 5.6 Health and other social services 5.6 Law and justice and public administration 5.6 Transportation 5.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5.6 Total: 28.0</p><p>CASTRIES RIVER WALL EXTENSION PROJECT (LA CO NSH PETER G. C. MARSHALL Energy and mining 5.2 Health and other social services 5.2 Law and justice and public administration 5.2 Transportation 5.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5.2 Total: 25.8</p><p>CASTRIES RIVER WALL EXTENSION PROJECT (LA CO NSH NICHOLAS ESTAVA Energy and mining 6.6 Health and other social services 6.6 Law and justice and public administration 6.6 Transportation 6.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.6 Total: 33.1</p><p>CASTRIES RIVER WALL EXTENSION PROJECT (LA CO NSH RICARDO STEPHEN Energy and mining 6.2 Health and other social services 6.2 Law and justice and public administration 6.2 Transportation 6.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.2 Total: 31.2</p><p>INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC GENERATORS & CONSTR NCB ANTHONY COX Energy and mining 2.2 Health and other social services 2.2 Law and justice and public administration 2.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 327 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ST. LUCIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 2.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.2 Total: 10.8</p><p>INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC GENERATORS & CONSTR NCB J.H. LARCHER ELECTRONICS LIMITED Energy and mining 2.7 Health and other social services 2.7 Law and justice and public administration 2.7 Transportation 2.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.7 Total: 13.5</p><p>INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC GENERATORS AT VIEUX NCB MICHEL'S ELECTRICAL Energy and mining 2.3 Health and other social services 2.3 Law and justice and public administration 2.3 Transportation 2.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.3 Total: 11.6</p><p>INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC GENERATORS AT CLEND NCB SCOTT CORNELIUS JOSEPH Energy and mining 1.8 Health and other social services 1.8 Law and justice and public administration 1.8 Transportation 1.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.8 Total: 9.2</p><p>P077687 St. Lucia Emergency Recovery Project PROJECT DEPUTY COORDINATOR INDV CHERYL MATHURIN Energy and mining 15.0 Law and justice and public administration 1.5 Transportation 21.0 Total: 37.5 DESIGNS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PERIMETER ROADWA QCBS HALCROW GROUP LTD. Transportation 61.1</p><p>P077712 6O LC Education (APL01) CONDUCT OF NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR REHABILITATI QCBS TROPICAL ARCHITECTURE GROUP LTD. Education 44.7</p><p>Country Total: 581.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 825.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 328 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>St. Vincent and the Grenadines P076822 St Vincent Emergency Recovery Project DESIGN AND SUPERVISION - ERECTION OF A BOUND LCS WINGLEY ENGINEERING LIMITED Transportation 47.2 BAGGAGE SCREENING ENCLOSURE AT E.T. JOSHUA A NCB SIBLI CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LTD. Transportation 44.9 BAGGAGE SCREENING ENCLOSURE KINGSTOWN CRUISE NCB CARR AND SONS CONTRACTORS CO. LTD. Transportation 18.1 CONSTRUCTION OF PERIMETER ROAD AND FENCE AT NCB SEA OPERATIONS SVG LIMITED Transportation 933.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,043.3</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,043.3 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 329 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SWAZILAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Cambodia P060003 KH-Forest Concession Mgt & Control Pilot INDEPENDENT MONITOR ON FOREST CRIME IN CAMBO QCBS SGS SOCIETE GENERALE DE SURVEILLANCE SA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 425.4</p><p>Country Total: 425.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 425.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 330 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SWEDEN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Albania P066260 ROAD MAINT CONSULTING SERVICES FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE QCBS SWE ROAD Transportation 1,913.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,913.0</p><p>Azerbaijan P035813 AGRIC DEVT & CREDIT PROCUREMENT OF CADASTRE AND REGISTRATION SYS ICB JV OF SWEDESURVEY AB AND ILS (SWEDEN-USA) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 226.4 Finance 304.2 Law and justice and public administration 176.8 Total: 707.4</p><p>Country Total: 707.4</p><p>Bangladesh P041887 Municipal Services PACKAGE 1B: MANAGEMENT & SUPERVISION CONSULT QCBS HIFAB INTERNATIONAL AB Health and other social services 67.4 Law and justice and public administration 229.8 Transportation 19.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 79.2 Total: 396.2</p><p>P071435 Rural Transport Improvement Project S-1:DESIGN SUPERVISION AND MONITORING SERVIC QCBS HIFAB INTERNATIONAL AB Transportation 5,329.1</p><p>Country Total: 5,725.3 Bosnia-Herzegovina P071347 ROAD MGMT SAFETY TRAFFIC SAFETY AWARENESS ACTIVITIES QCBS SWEROAD Transportation 370.4</p><p>Country Total: 370.4</p><p>Burkina Faso P071433 HIV/AIDS Disaster Response FOURNITURE DE REACTIFS, DE MATERIELS, D'EQUI ICB ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE Health and other social services 700.5</p><p>Country Total: 700.5</p><p>Ethiopia P069886 Multisectoral HIV/AIDS ONE - COMDOM TESTING EQUIPMENT(SEK 1,671,497 ICB VALENDOR AB Health and other social services 213.5</p><p>Country Total: 213.5</p><p>Iran, Islamic Republic of P069943 IR-2nd Primary Health Care & Nutrition KAROLINSKA INSTITUTE: PHD PROGRAM FOR 12 CAN SSS KAROLINSKA INSTITUTE Health and other social services 875.8</p><p>Country Total: 875.8</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P004208 LA-LAND TITLING LAND POLICY ADVISOR INDV GOSTA PALMKVIST Law and justice and public administration 105.8</p><p>Country Total: 105.8</p><p>Latvia P058520 HEALTH PROGRAMME AND TRAINING FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND CQB NORDIC SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Health and other social services 123.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 331 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SWEDEN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 123.1</p><p>Madagascar P076245 MINERAL RESOURCES GOVERNANCE PROJECT SUPERVISION DU DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA GESTION E QCBS BO LUNDBERG Energy and mining 197.0</p><p>Country Total: 197.0</p><p>Mozambique P001808 Mineral Resources Project (NRMCP) IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW MINING TITLES REGI QBS SWEDISH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Energy and mining 781.5</p><p>Country Total: 781.5</p><p>Poland P008593 ROADS 2 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION AND STRENGTHENING ON NCB CONSORTIUM NCC AB/PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO ROBOT DROGOW Transportation 2,831.6</p><p>Country Total: 2,831.6</p><p>Russian Federation P058587 REG FISC TA DEVELOPMENT OF "STANDARD" MONITORING SYSTEM QCBS SITE Law and justice and public administration 3,006.6</p><p>P071473 ROSTOV NUTR DISCH & METH RED (GEF) TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY STUDY QCBS SWECO INTERNATIONAL AB Water, sanitation and flood protection 352.8 Country Total: 3,359.5</p><p>Rwanda P064965 Rwanda-Rural Sector Support Project OFF-FARM ACTIVITIES CONSULTANCY INDV HANS ERIKSSON Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 44.2</p><p>Country Total: 44.2</p><p>Senegal P074059 HIV/AIDS Prevent. & Control SUPPLY OF EQUIPEMENT TRANSPORTATION ICB CFAO DAKAR Health and other social services 454.0 SUPPLY OF EQUIPEMENT TRANSPORTATION ICB CFAO DAKAR Health and other social services 188.7</p><p>Country Total: 642.7</p><p>Ukraine P074972 PAL 2 ASSISTING IN PREPARATION OF A WHITE BOOK ON INDV LARS LAGE OLOFSSON Finance 34.5</p><p>Country Total: 34.5</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P076185 RY-Basic Education Development Program EDUCATION ECONOMIST TO PREPARE THE SECOND ED QCBS TEKALIGNE GODANA Education 31.0</p><p>Country Total: 31.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 18,656.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 332 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SWITZERLAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Armenia P044829 TRANSPORT SUPPLY OF RAILS - LOT-1 ICB "LEMAN COMMODITIES S.A." Transportation 1,297.3 SUPPLY OF PLATES AND JOINT BARS - LOT-2 ICB "LEMAN COMMODITIES S.A." Transportation 253.8</p><p>Country Total: 1,551.1</p><p>Bosnia-Herzegovina P057950 SOLID WASTE MGMT SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT - COMPACTOR (1 PC.) ICB TEKNOX GROUP Water, sanitation and flood protection 378.1</p><p>Country Total: 378.1</p><p>Bulgaria P055157 HEALTH SECT REF ICB 016, LOT 4-DEFIBRILLATOR ICB PHARMAKON LTD. Health and other social services 481.3</p><p>Country Total: 481.3</p><p>Congo, Republic of P073507 Transparency and Governance CB AQUISITION ET MISE EN PLACE DU SYGADE (SYSTÈ SSS CNUCED Energy and mining 45.4 Law and justice and public administration 181.5 Total: 226.9</p><p>Country Total: 226.9 Guinea P001074 URBAN III ROAD CONSTRUCTION WORKS IN KINDIA, LABE & KA ICB CHINA GEO-ENGINEERING CORP. Health and other social services 18.6 Law and justice and public administration 344.6 Transportation 372.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 195.6 Total: 931.2</p><p>P050046 Education for All ACHAT DE MEDICAMENTS ET MICRONUTRIMENTS DIR OMS-GENEVE Education 1,374.3 Law and justice and public administration 205.4 Total: 1,579.7</p><p>Country Total: 2,510.9</p><p>Guinea-Bissau P083453 GW: Coastal & Biodiversity Mgt (IDA) ASSISTANCE TO THE GOVERNMENT TO PREPARE AND SSS U.I.C.N. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 151.0 ASSISTANCE TO GOVERNMENT TO PREPARE PROJECT SSS U.I.C.N. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 90.0</p><p>Country Total: 241.0</p><p>India P010531 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH1 SUPPLY OF COTTON BANDAGES IN ROLLS OF 4M X 4 ICB TAIZHOU WANMA GAUZE FACTORY Health and other social services 372.8</p><p>Country Total: 372.8</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P040721 ASSP CHUI OBLAST RAS ADVISOR INDV MATTHIAS ACKERMANN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 146.0</p><p>P051372 HEALTH 2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 333 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SWITZERLAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOT 11 ICB K&T TECHNIQUES MEDICALES SA Health and other social services 152.7</p><p>Country Total: 298.7</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P075531 LA-2nd So. Prov Rural Elect EDL TARIFF STUDY QCBS ELECTROWATT EKONO Energy and mining 351.3</p><p>Country Total: 351.3</p><p>Madagascar P074448 Governance and Institutional Development MIGRATION VERS SYDONIA ++ SSS CNUCED Law and justice and public administration 475.0</p><p>P076245 MINERAL RESOURCES GOVERNANCE PROJECT ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE POUR LE DEMARRAGE ET LE QCBS CLAUDE GINET Energy and mining 99.6</p><p>Country Total: 574.6</p><p>Moldova P035771 FIRST CADASTRE STUDY ON DEVELOPMENT OF AN "INTEGRATED INFOR QCBS ITV GEOMATIK AG Law and justice and public administration 107.4</p><p>P073626 TRADE & TRANS FACIL IN SE EUR CONSULTING SERVICES ON INTEGRATED CUSTOMS IN INDV WILLIAM L. MARUCHI Law and justice and public administration 70.0</p><p>Country Total: 177.4 Mongolia P040907 MN-Energy Sector PACKAGE 1,LOT 3: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY METER ICB MTE METER TEST EQUIPMENT AG Energy and mining 783.3</p><p>Country Total: 783.3</p><p>Morocco P005521 MA-WATER RESOURCE MGMT. ETUDE DE MODÉLISATION HYDROGÉOLOGIQUE DE LA QCBS STUCKY INGENIEURS CONSEILS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 51.6 Law and justice and public administration 86.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 292.5 Total: 430.1</p><p>Country Total: 430.1</p><p>Nigeria P072018 Nigeria:Transmission Development Project ENGINEERING SUPERVISION AND SITE MANAGEMENT QCBS COLENCO POWER ENGINEERING LTD Energy and mining 1,083.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,083.1</p><p>Romania P008797 HEALTH SECTOR REF (APL #1) MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR ICU BURNED PATIENTS SHOP CC MED AG Health and other social services 184.2</p><p>Country Total: 184.2</p><p>Rwanda P060005 URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE & CITY MANAGMT PROG STUDY ON IMPROVEMENT OF PRECARIOUS AREA IN K QCBS BUREAU URBAPLAN Law and justice and public administration 67.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 67.5 Total: 135.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 334 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: SWITZERLAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>STUDY OF PREPARATION OF NATIONAL POLICY ON U QCBS BUREAU URBAPLAN Law and justice and public administration 53.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 53.6 Total: 107.2</p><p>Country Total: 242.2</p><p>Senegal P041528 LONG TERM WATER SECTOR PROJECT STUDY AND SUPERVISION OF WORKS FOR TREATMENT QCBS IBG Water, sanitation and flood protection 906.3 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR UPDATING WASTE DRAI QCBS SGI INGENIERIE S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,290.9</p><p>Country Total: 2,197.3</p><p>Slovak Republic P069864 PUB FIN MGMT ASSIST THE GOVERNMENT WITH THE IMPROVEMENT A INDV GIOVANNI CAPRIO Law and justice and public administration 110.1</p><p>P079324 LEG & JUD REF IDF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND COURT STA INDV RUPPLI, THOMAS E. Law and justice and public administration 64.0</p><p>Country Total: 174.1</p><p>Tajikistan P067610 LAKE SAREZ RISK MITIGATION SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF MONITORING AND EA ICB FELA PLANUNGS AG Law and justice and public administration 3,049.3 Country Total: 3,049.3</p><p>Tanzania P002770 TZ ROADS II ZANZIBAR NATIONAL TRANSPORT POLICY QCBS ELECTROWATT INFRA LTD. Transportation 211.2</p><p>Country Total: 211.2</p><p>Vietnam P073778 VN-GEF-System Energy Equitization-Renewa SCRENING, RISK ASSESSMENT, & ECONOMIC & FINA INDV MR. PETER MEIER Energy and mining 82.4</p><p>Country Total: 82.4</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P070092 Yemen TAIZ MUNICIPAL DEV & FLOOD PROTEC CIVIL WORKS IN TAIZ ICB SINOHYDRO CORPORTATION (THE FORMER CHINA NATION Water, sanitation and flood protection 3,037.7</p><p>Country Total: 3,037.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 18,638.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 335 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TAJIKISTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Tajikistan P008860 POV ALLV 2 RECONSTR OF MAIN BUILDING OF SECONDARY SCHOO NCB SANGIMO LTD Health and other social services 113.9 KURGANCHA-KHITOY UNPAVED ROAD CONSTRUCTION I NCB AKSAM Health and other social services 109.6 WATER SUPPLY REHAB OF REPUBLICAN TUBERCULOSI NCB KHAK LTD Health and other social services 52.6 CONSTRUCTION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL # 59 IN VOR NCB BINOKOR Health and other social services 107.8 CONSTRUCTION OF MATERNITY HOSPITAL IN KARAKS NCB SOHIBKOR-2001 LTD Health and other social services 94.6 CONTRUCTION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR 400 STUD NCB UNITARY ENTERPRISE "SUGDI" Health and other social services 84.5 REHAB OF SECONDARY SCHOOL # 33 IN GULISTON V NCB DAVLATMAND Health and other social services 128.1 CONSTRUCTION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL # 35 IN POR NCB SHAVKAT LTD Health and other social services 132.2 REHAB OF POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN BOLSHEVIK-2 NCB BARKI DEHOT Health and other social services 51.0</p><p>P049894 PRIM HEALTH CARE CONSTRUCTION OF COLD CHAIN WAREHOUSE NCB DJAKHON Health and other social services 98.4 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC IN "AKSU" DANGARA RAION NCB BINOKOR Health and other social services 90.6 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC IN GARGARA & PUSHING NCB SMALL ENTERPRISE "ORIENO" Health and other social services 152.3 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC IN TAKOB & PORUD IN VARZ NCB GANCHI KAROTEGIN Health and other social services 148.2 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC IN ZIDDI NCB NURI-NEYMAT Health and other social services 76.1 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC IN SEBASTION AND DANGARA NCB FIRUZ LTD Health and other social services 182.8 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC IN DANGARAI BOLO AND BUL NCB DANGARASELSTROY Health and other social services 194.1 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC GUSHARY IN VARZOB RAION NCB SIMBOD LTD Health and other social services 71.5 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC CHORMAGZAKON IN VARZOB R NCB UNITARY ENTERPRISE "SUGDI" Health and other social services 83.8 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC KHARANGON IN VARZOB RAIO NCB CHASHMA-2001 LTD Health and other social services 74.6 CONSTRUCTION OF RHC TAKOB AND PORUD IN VARZO NCB POSHUM Health and other social services 148.0 PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL FURNITURE FOR RURAL H ICB DORO LTD Health and other social services 273.1</p><p>P057883 DUSHANBE WS PREPARATORY ACTIVITIES AT SAM SEDIMENTATION ICB TAJIKKOLKHOZSOKHTMON Water, sanitation and flood protection 559.1</p><p>P058898 RURAL INFRA REHAB REHAB. OF THE PUMP HOUSE OF GULISTON AND KUM NCB SOCIETY WITH LIMITED LIABILITY ZAFAR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 95.6 Law and justice and public administration 31.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.7 Total: 142.7</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF BICYCLES ICB BAIKAL GROUP INC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 16.3 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.7 Total: 24.4</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ELECTRO MECHANICA ICB LIMITED LIABILITY ENTERPRISE MUKIMI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 429.0 Law and justice and public administration 140.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 70.4 Total: 640.3</p><p>REHABILITATION OF UNDERGROUND STEEL PRESSURE ICB SOCIETY WITH LIMITED LIABILITY SUGDIYON Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 187.1 Law and justice and public administration 61.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 30.7 Total: 279.2</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ELECTRO MECHANICA ICB LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "RAHINCRAFT" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 456.0 Law and justice and public administration 149.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 74.9 Total: 680.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 336 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TAJIKISTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION ELECTRO MECHANICAL P ICB INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION "OBI TOZ Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 284.1 Law and justice and public administration 93.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 46.6 Total: 424.0</p><p>REHABILITATION FOR 26 BORES IN MATCHA RAION ICB LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY NIGINA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 168.0 Law and justice and public administration 55.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 27.6 Total: 250.7</p><p>REHABILITATION OF TUNNEL OUTLET IN YAVAN RAI NCB ASSOCIATION MUHANDISON WITH LIMITED LIABILITY S Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 135.0 Law and justice and public administration 44.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 22.2 Total: 201.5</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT ICB ESTEKO INTERNATIONAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 18.3 Law and justice and public administration 6.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3.0 Total: 27.3</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT ICB SLL YOQUT2000 Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 71.3 Law and justice and public administration 23.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.7 Total: 106.4</p><p>P069055 EDUC MOD REHABILITATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL # 1 OF FA NCB LIMITED LIBILITY COMPANY "BINOKOR" Education 160.6 REHABILITATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL # 1 OF KU NCB LLC JAMIL Education 167.8 REHABILITATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL # 7 OF FA NCB JSC DEHOTSOZ Education 147.0 REHABILITATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL # 3 OF KU NCB LLC OBODKOR Education 154.5</p><p>P074994 SOC PROT REF TA (JSDF) NATIONAL PROJECT COORDINATOR INDV DILBAR BAKAEVA Law and justice and public administration 6.0 OFF-ROAD VEHICLE SHOP RUS-AUTO LTD Law and justice and public administration 7.4</p><p>P075256 PAMIR PRIV POWER SUPPLY OF CEMENT ICB TADES INTERNATIONAL Energy and mining 106.8 SUPPLY OF CONTROL AND PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND ICB CJSC EASTEKO INTERNATIONAL Energy and mining 509.2 SUPPLY OF CEMENT (SECOND ROUND OF PROCUREMEN ICB PAYKOM LLP Energy and mining 374.8 SUPPLY OF WOODEN POLES LIB CJSC EASTEKO INTERNATIONAL Energy and mining 338.3 SUPPLY OF REINFORCED CONCRETE POLES LIB LLP SOKHTUMON Energy and mining 210.5</p><p>P077454 COMMTY AGRIC & WATERSHED MGMT CONSULTING SERVICES - SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL C INDV MALIKA BABADJANOVA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 5.3</p><p>Country Total: 7,991.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 7,991.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 337 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TANZANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P076823 [3E] PSD Strategy for the EAC TO UNDERTAKE STUDY FOR ORGANIZING WORKSHOPS/ SSS SAM WANGWE Industry and trade 84.7</p><p>Country Total: 84.7</p><p>Malawi P073832 TA - ADJUSTMENT (FRDP III) PAY POLICY ADVISOR SSS THEODORE VALENTINE Law and justice and public administration 83.3</p><p>Country Total: 83.3</p><p>Tanzania P002753 NAT EXT PROJ PH.II SUPPLY OF 55 UNITS OF DOUBLE CABIN PICKUPS ICB DIAMOND MOTORS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 141.8 Law and justice and public administration 646.1 Total: 788.0</p><p>CONTRACT FOR CONSULTANT'S SERVICES BTN THE V INDV DR. P.J.M. KABUDI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 9.9 Law and justice and public administration 44.9 Total: 54.8</p><p>P002758 URBAN SECTOR REHAB REHAB & IMPROV OF ADDTL ROADS & DRAINAGE (PH NCB M/S J.S. KHAMBHAITA LTD Law and justice and public administration 86.5 Transportation 118.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 188.8 Total: 393.4 REHAB & IMPROV OF MSAMVU BUS STAND & ACCESS NCB M/S ELERAI CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD Law and justice and public administration 98.1 Transportation 133.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 214.1 Total: 446.1</p><p>REHAB & IMPROV OF ADDTL ROAD & DRAINAGE - AR NCB M/S HARI SINGH & SONS LTD Law and justice and public administration 121.0 Transportation 165.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 263.9 Total: 549.9</p><p>CIVIL WORKS FOR ALLEVIATION OF FLOODING PROB ICB M/S ELERAI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED Water, sanitation and flood protection 197.8 CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 500MM, 1.885KM LONG DI NCB CHINA ANNENG CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Law and justice and public administration 84.7 Transportation 115.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 184.9 Total: 385.1</p><p>SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF 3 NOS. LOW LIFT P NCB SN-TECH. (T) LTD Law and justice and public administration 41.5 Transportation 56.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 90.6 Total: 188.7</p><p>REHABILITATION & IMPROVEMENT OF ADDITIONAL R NCB M/S J.S. KHAMBHAITA LTD Law and justice and public administration 157.3 Transportation 214.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 343.3 Total: 715.1</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL LATERALS FOR SEWE NCB BUILDING WATER & EARTHWORKS LTD Law and justice and public administration 37.0 Transportation 50.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 80.6 Total: 168.0</p><p>REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF ADDITIONAL NCB NYANZA ROAD WORKS LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 111.6 Transportation 152.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 243.4 Total: 507.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 338 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TANZANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P002770 TZ ROADS II SUPPLY OF BITUMEN FOR THE MINISTRY OF COMMUN ICB ZANZIBAR HARDWARE & GENERAL STORES (TANZANIA) Transportation 129.3</p><p>P002797 TZ SONGO SONGO GAS DEV. & POWER GEN. EXTENDED LEA/SAF ASSIGNMENT FOR THE WAYLEAVE SSS INSTITUTE OF RESOURCE ASSESSMENT, UNIVERSITY OF Energy and mining 94.4</p><p>P038570 TZ:RIVER BASIN MGM.SMAL THE SUPPLY OF NISSAN FIELD VEHICLES ICB D.T. DOBIE & COMPANY (TANZANIA) LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 73.3 Law and justice and public administration 60.0 Total: 133.3</p><p>LOT 3: SUPPLY OF TWO DIGITAL PROJECTORS ICB INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (T) LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 3.9 Law and justice and public administration 3.2 Total: 7.1</p><p>WATER LEGISLATION REVIEW QCBS MAWENZI ADVOCATES CHAMBERS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 101.5 Law and justice and public administration 83.0 Total: 184.5</p><p>DRILLING AND CONSTRUCTION OF 30 BOREHOLES FO ICB HYDROTECH TANZANIA LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 108.7 Law and justice and public administration 88.9 Total: 197.6</p><p>P047761 TAX ADMINISTRATION REHABILITATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF ICB V.J. MISTRY & COMPANY LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 343.2 THE REHABILITATION WORKS FOR TRA OFFICES AT ICB M/S NANDHRA ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Law and justice and public administration 686.6 REHABILITATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF ICB M/S ELERAI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 351.8</p><p>P050441 RURAL& MICRO FIN SVC IMPROVE OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF SAVINGS A QCBS K-REP ADVISORY SERVICES (T) LIMITED Finance 80.9 Law and justice and public administration 80.9 Total: 161.7</p><p>P057187 FIDP II SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF PO ICB MANTRAC TANZANIA LIMITED Finance 671.2</p><p>P058706 TZ Forest Conservation and Management CONTRACT FOR MR. O. MKUNGU - PROJECT ADMINIS SSS MR. OMARI MKUNGU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 8.2 Health and other social services 12.5 Law and justice and public administration 27.4 Total: 48.0</p><p>CONTRACT BTN MNRT AND THE PROCUREMENT EXPERT INDV DR. DIDAS MASABURI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4.3 Health and other social services 6.6 Law and justice and public administration 14.4 Total: 25.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF COMPUTERS, PRINTER, COMPUTER ACCES ICB M/S COMPUTER CENTRE LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 21.3 Health and other social services 32.5 Law and justice and public administration 71.3 Total: 125.0</p><p>P059073 DAR WATER SUP & SANITATION FINANCIAL AND TECHNICAL AUDIT SERVICE TO DAW QCBS PRICE WATERHOUSE COOPERS AND HOWARD HUMPHREYS Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,284.5</p><p>P060833 PUBLIC SERV REF PROG THE CONSULTANT HAS BEEN ENGAGE AS PROCUREMEN CQB GODFREY MASHAURI Law and justice and public administration 36.0 THE CONSULTANT WILL SERVE AS MANAGEMENT CONS SSS STANLEY MENGSEN Law and justice and public administration 27.0 LOT 1: SUPPLY, INSTALL, TEST & COMMISSIONING ICB M/S. INFOSYS IPS (T) LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 498.3 LOT 2: SUPPLY, INSTALL, TEST & COMMISSION OF ICB M/S BUSINESS MACHINES (TANZANIA) LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 339 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TANZANIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 83.1 LOT 3: SUPPLY, INSTALL, TEST & COMMISSIONING ICB MICRONIX SYSTEMS LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 43.3 SUPPLY, INSTALL OFFICE, CLASSROOM AND LIBRAR ICB PALRAY Law and justice and public administration 186.6 CONTRACT BETWEEN PO-PSM & DT DOBIE AND CO. ( ICB M/S DT DOBIE AND COMPANY TANZANIA LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 54.2 LOT 1 TO SUPPLY/INSTALL/TEST & COMM. COMP. E ICB MICRONIX SYSTEMS LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 53.2 LOT 2 (OPTION 1) TO SUPPLY, INSTALL, TEST & ICB MICRONIX SYSTEMS LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 116.4 LOT 3 (OPTION 1) TO PROVIDE INTERNET SERVICE ICB M/S SATCOM NETWORKS AFRICA LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 46.0</p><p>P067103 Partic. Agr. Dev. and Empowerment Proj. CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES INDV MR. BARNEY LASEKO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 81.0 Industry and trade 5.4 Law and justice and public administration 21.6 Total: 108.0</p><p>CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES - PROJECT P INDV MS. TERTULA MARANDU SWAI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 45.0 Industry and trade 3.0 Law and justice and public administration 12.0 Total: 60.0</p><p>CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES BTN PADEP, INDV DR. SHEKANIA BISANDA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 45.0 Industry and trade 3.0 Law and justice and public administration 12.0 Total: 60.0</p><p>P070544 ATIP CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY A QCBS M/S HABCONSULT LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH QUAN Law and justice and public administration 88.1 CONTRACT FOR A COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMEN QCBS DELOITTE & TOUCHE Law and justice and public administration 180.0 BETW MJCA AND PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS FOR FEA QCBS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Law and justice and public administration 140.0</p><p>P073397 Lower Kihansi Environmental Management CONTRACT FOR CONSULTANT'S SERVICES LUMP-SUM CQB DR. P.J.M. KABUDI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 35.6 Law and justice and public administration 19.2 Total: 54.8</p><p>Country Total: 11,672.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 11,840.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 340 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: THAILAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Bangladesh P009524 Dhaka Urban Transport T-5: STRATEGIC TRANSPORT PLANNING STUDY AND QCBS M/S. LOUIS BERGER GROUP INC. AND BANGLADESH CON Transportation 1,734.7</p><p>P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. G-5A(SUBPACKAGE G-5.4):CONDUCTORS; ICB BANGKOK CABLE CO. LTD. Energy and mining 660.6 G-5A:CONDUCTORS; SUBPACKAGE G-5.5 ICB BANGKOK CABLE CO. LTD. Energy and mining 660.6 G-5A(SUB-PACKAGE 5.2):CONDUCTORS ICB BANGKOK CABLE CO. LTD. Energy and mining 620.5 SUB PACKAGE GLR-5.6:CONDUCTORS ICB BANGKOK CABLE CO LTD, THAILAND Energy and mining 627.0 SUB-PKG:G-7.4: SECTIONALIZING DEVICES (SURGE ICB M/S. PRECISE ELECTRIC MFG. CO. LTD. THAILAND Energy and mining 177.1</p><p>Country Total: 4,480.5</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P004200 LA-HEALTH SYSTEM REFORM & M CT SCANNER FOR CHAMPASSAK REGIONAL HOSPITAL ICB CMC BIOTECH CO. LTD Health and other social services 324.8</p><p>P064821 LA-Road Maintenance VEHICLE WEIGH CONTROL SYSTEM ICB SCALAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Transportation 457.0</p><p>P077620 LA-Fin. Management Capacity Building Cr. SOE RESTRUCTURING ADVISOR FOR PF#3 INDV SHASHRAPORN ANANTAVRASILP Finance 53.6</p><p>Country Total: 835.4 Nigeria P074963 NG Lagos Urban Transport Project PREPARATION OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT REGULATO SSS RICHARD MEAKIN Transportation 78.5</p><p>Country Total: 78.5</p><p>Philippines P069916 PH-2nd Social Expenditure Management SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHER DIR ADVANCE AGRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Education 345.1 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHER DIR WATANA PHANIT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO., LTD. Education 345.1 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR ADVANCE AGRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Education 554.9 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR WATANA PHANIT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO., LTD. Education 554.9 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR ADVANCE AGRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Education 274.8 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR WATANA PHANIT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO., LTD. Education 274.8 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR ADVANCE AGRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Education 282.6 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR WATANA PHANIT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO., LTD. Education 282.6 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHER DIR ADVANCE AGRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Education 345.1 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHER DIR WATANA PHANIT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING (EXPORT) Education 345.1 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR ADVANCE AGRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Education 554.9 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR WATANA PHANIT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING (EXPORT) Education 554.9 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR ADVANCE AGRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Education 274.8 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR WATANA PHANIT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING (EXPORT) Education 274.8 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR ADVANCE AGRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Education 282.6 SUPPLY/DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND TEACHERS MA DIR WATANA PHANIT PRINTING AND PUBLISHING (EXPORT) Education 282.6</p><p>Country Total: 5,829.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 341 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: THAILAND Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Thailand P004649 TH OZONE DEPLETING SUBS TECHNICAL OFFICER INDV POR PUNYARATANBANDHU Industry and trade 87.3 FOAM AND REFRIGERATION CONSULTANT INDV PIPAT POOPEERASUPONG Industry and trade 87.1</p><p>P004791 TH-SEC EDUC QUALITY IMPROV DGE TRAINING MODULE 3: MATHEMATICS INDV KRONGTHONG KHAIRIREE Education 114.2 PLANNING & PROJECT MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST INDV SEN KEOYOTE Education 50.5</p><p>P071185 dropped-TH-Rural Information Empowerment INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASSESSMENT CQB DECISIONS COSULTING GROUPS CO., LTD. Information and communications 100.0</p><p>P075173 TH-Highways Management FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT SSS EAST-WEST CONSULTING & EDUCATION CO., LTD. Transportation 30.4 CONTRACT 1: CIVIL WORKS ON A. SI CHON-A. TH ICB THAIPIPATANA LTD. PARTNERSHIP Transportation 5,845.5 CONTRACT 2: CIVIL WORKS ON A. NIKHOM KHAM SR ICB JV SEE SANG KARN YOTAH (1979) CO., LTD. AND SEE Transportation 7,987.8 CONTRACT 3: CIVIL WORKS ON B. NONG BUA KHOK ICB SEE SANG KARN YOTAH (1979) CO., LTD. Transportation 12,433.5 CONTRACT 4: CIVIL WORKS ON OVERPASS AT INTE ICB JIRATHEP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Transportation 3,036.2 CONTRACT 5: CIVIL WORKS ON OVERPASS AT KM. 8 ICB ITALIAN - THAI DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC CO., LTD. Transportation 4,415.6 CONTRACT 6: CIVIL WORKS ON RAILWAY OVERPASS ICB NAWARAT PATANAKARN PUBLIC CO., LTD. Transportation 5,247.3</p><p>P082088 TH - Strengthening Soc Protection PROJECT ADVISOR FOR PIU OPERATIONS SSS MAITREE WASUNTIWONGSE Health and other social services 56.6 P085884 TH - ASEM Education Reform (TF053057) DEVELOPMENT OF A FUNDING FORMULA FOR CENTRAL INDV DOW MONGKOLSMAI Education 130.0 EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE IN EDUCATIO INDV CHAIYUTH PUNYASAVATSUT Education 97.7</p><p>Country Total: 39,719.8</p><p>Vietnam P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB PACKAGE 1A-PC3 110KV SYSTEM COMPONENT ICB TIRA THAI Energy and mining 934.2 PACKAGE 1B-PC3 110KV SYSTEM COMPONENT ICB TIRA THAI Energy and mining 960.9</p><p>P071019 VN-GEF Demand-Side Management & Energy SELECTION OF TRAINING CONSULTANT QCBS INT'L INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION, IIEC Energy and mining 378.4</p><p>Country Total: 2,273.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 53,217.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 342 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TIMOR-LESTE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Timor-Leste P072647 TP-FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL QUALITY PROJECT UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT CLAC NCB HELMI CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD Education 144.3 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PS AT DAISUA IN THE DI NCB ISLAND ORIENT CONSTRUCTION Education 115.7 UPGRADING WORLS FOR A PS AT TOCOLULI - EP 25 NCB LAY SING Education 144.1 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT ESTA NCB LAY SING Education 131.8 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT BELO NCB ATAURO CONSTUCTION Education 141.5 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT SABO NCB BILAS KURI CO LTD Education 115.6 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT LICI NCB TIMOR BUILDING PTY LTD Education 146.2 UPGRADING WORK TO FUNDAMENTAL QUALITY FOR PS NCB LAY SING CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD Education 126.7 CIVIL WORKS FOR NEW ESCOLA BASICA AT LOS PAL ICB TRIAMA CO. LTD. Education 383.1 CIVIL WORKS FOR A NEW ESCOAL BASICA AT GLENO ICB CV CARYA TIMOR-LESTE Education 294.2 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT QUIU NCB CV EMPAT SAUDARA Education 104.6 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT MAES NCB HIDAYAT Education 97.4 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT OEL- NCB TASITOLU PTY LTD Education 115.6 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT BINE NCB HIDAYAT Education 95.9 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT SE'E NCB HIDAYAT Education 174.5 UPGRADING WORKS TO FQ FOR PS AT FAHISOI, LEQ NCB MARINO ENTERPRISES Education 54.6 UPGRADING WORK TO FQ FOR A PS AT FERIKSARE, NCB TOP LIBERTY CORP Education 136.9 UPGRADING WORK TO FQ FOR PS AT AIMERLEU (EP NCB RAMELAU AINARO COMPANY Education 126.0 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PRIMARY SCHOOL AT RITA NCB ROSARIO PTY LTD Education 192.8 UPGRADING WORKS FOR A PS AT QUEOREMA, HATU B NCB MODENA UTAMA TECHNIC PTY LTD Education 156.8 UPGRADING WORKS TO FQ FOR PS AT SEULAU (EP 1 NCB TRIO CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD Education 137.8 UPGRADING WORKS TO FQ FOR A PS AT CAIMAUC TU NCB CAVALO BRAVO PTY LTD Education 106.3 UPGRADING WORK TO FQ FOR PS AT HAUTOHO REMEX NCB PT SURIK MAS LOROSAE Education 67.0</p><p>P072654 TP-Small Enterprises Project II MR. SERGIO A SILVA AS FINANCAL MANAGER & PRO INDV SERGIO SILVA Finance 49.0 Industry and trade 20.5 Law and justice and public administration 3.7 Total: 73.2</p><p>MR. DAVID IVES AS DESIGN RETRUCTURING CONSUL INDV DAVID IVES Finance 21.0 Industry and trade 8.8 Law and justice and public administration 1.6 Total: 31.4</p><p>MR DAVID IVES AS SEP II DESIGN RESTRUCTURING INDV DAVID IVES Finance 21.0 Industry and trade 8.8 Law and justice and public administration 1.6 Total: 31.4</p><p>P073911 Second Agriculture Rehabilitation Proj. MR. REMEGIO A.AQUITRAN AS COMMUNITY DEVELOPM INDV REMEGIO AQUITRAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 36.7</p><p>P079320 TP-Third Agric.Rehabilitation Proj. MR. JOSE LUIS JESUS AS LEGAL DRAFTER CONTRAC INDV JUDGE JOSE LUIS JESUS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 18.1 MRS JOKI VAN BRINK AS WATER USERS ASSOCIATIO INDV JOKI VAN BRINK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 96.0 REMEGIO AQUITRAN AS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SP INDV REMEGIO AQUITRAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 55.6 MR STEPHEN DUNN AS VILLAGE LIVESTOCK WORKER INDV STEPHEN DUNN ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 343 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TIMOR-LESTE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 110.0</p><p>Country Total: 3,761.7</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 3,761.7 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 344 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TONGA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Tonga P075171 TO-Cyclone Emergency Recovery & Mgmt CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION NCB KW INTERNATIONAL (TONGA) LIMITED. Water, sanitation and flood protection 161.3 SUPERVISION SERVICES FOR REPAIR AND RETROFIT QBS JAIMI ASSOCIATES TONGA LIMITED Industry and trade 35.4 Law and justice and public administration 5.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.1 Total: 50.6</p><p>Country Total: 211.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 211.9 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 345 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Guyana P007257 GY WATER SUPPLY TA AND REHABILITATION ELECTROMECHANICAL REPLACEMENT BORE HOLE WELL DIR ENGINEERING AGENCIES LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 69.0</p><p>Country Total: 69.0</p><p>St. Lucia P077712 6O LC Education (APL01) DESIGN AND SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION OF NE QCBS LEE YOUNG & PARTNERS LTD. Education 566.6</p><p>Country Total: 566.6</p><p>St. Vincent and the Grenadines P069923 VC Disaster Management EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ICB CHRISCOMM LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 36.0 Industry and trade 36.0 Information and communications 72.0 Law and justice and public administration 216.0 Total: 360.0</p><p>PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SPECIALI INDV PETER B. CATEAU Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 9.0 Industry and trade 9.0 Information and communications 18.1 Law and justice and public administration 54.2 Total: 90.3</p><p>Country Total: 450.3 Trinidad and Tobago P040108 TT POSTAL SERV. REFORM CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE REVIEW OF PERFO CQB POSTAL POLICY CONSULTING SERVICES Information and communications 25.5 Law and justice and public administration 0.8 Total: 26.3</p><p>PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE, WORK STATIONS ICB OFFICE CENTER LIMITED Information and communications 293.5 Law and justice and public administration 9.1 Total: 302.6</p><p>REFURBISHMENT WORKS AT DELIVERY OFFICES, PAC NCB TEEM ENGINEERING Information and communications 240.0 Law and justice and public administration 7.4 Total: 247.4</p><p>REFURBISHMENT WORKS AT DELIVERY OFFICES, PAC NCB TEEM ENGINEERING Information and communications 262.0 Law and justice and public administration 8.1 Total: 270.1</p><p>REFURBISHMENT WORKS AT DELIVERY OFFICES, PAC NCB TEEM ENGINEERING Information and communications 200.3 Law and justice and public administration 6.2 Total: 206.5</p><p>REFURBISHMENT OF WORKS AT DELIVERY OFFICES, NCB SAISCON LIMITED Information and communications 185.2 Law and justice and public administration 5.7 Total: 190.9</p><p>REBURBISHMENT OF WORKS AT DELIVERY OFFICES, NCB TEEM ENGINEERING Information and communications 96.3 Law and justice and public administration 3.0 Total: 99.3</p><p>REFURBISHMENT WORKS AT DELIVERY OFFICES, PAC NCB DAMUS ROOFING Information and communications 192.2 Law and justice and public administration 6.0 Total: 198.2</p><p>COMPUTERS FOR NAD, ITEMS 3, 6, 7 SHOP MEMORY BANK COMPUTERS LTD. Information and communications 12.3 COMPUTERS FOR NAD, ITEMS 1,2,4,5 SHOP TRINIDAD SYSTEMS LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 346 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Information and communications 26.3 CONTRACT FOR THE FURNITURE ELECTRICAL CONNEC DIR ELECTRICAL TRADING COMPANY LIMITED Information and communications 27.6</p><p>Country Total: 1,607.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 2,693.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 347 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TUNISIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Burkina Faso P000309 Basic Educ. Sector RÉIMPRESSION DE MANUELS SCOLAIRES "LIVRES DE ICB UPS-IMPRIMERIE BETA Education 823.3</p><p>Country Total: 823.3</p><p>Burundi P064961 PUBLIC WORKS AND EMPLOYMENT CREATION CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE STUDY AND SUPER QCBS SCET - TUNISIA Education 32.9 Health and other social services 39.2 Law and justice and public administration 18.8 Transportation 32.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 32.9 Total: 156.7</p><p>Country Total: 156.7</p><p>Chad P062840 MANAGEMENT OF THE PETROLEUM ECONOMY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR A NEW PUBLIC PROJEC QCBS SCET-TUNISIE Law and justice and public administration 724.4</p><p>Country Total: 724.4</p><p>Mauritania P044711 Maur:INTEG DEV PROG FOR IRRIGATED AGRIC SURVEILLANCE DES TRAVAUX DE CONSTRUCTION D'U CQB MCG/SCET-TUNISIE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 73.6 Law and justice and public administration 62.3 Transportation 5.7 Total: 141.6</p><p>P069095 Urban Development Program CONSULTANCY SERVICES CONTRACT FOR THE EXECUT QCBS STUDI INTERNATIONAL Education 80.8 Industry and trade 80.8 Law and justice and public administration 44.1 Transportation 80.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 80.8 Total: 367.1</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR MARKET STUDIES IN M QCBS STUDI INTERNATIONAL Education 40.8 Industry and trade 40.8 Law and justice and public administration 22.3 Transportation 40.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 40.8 Total: 185.4</p><p>Country Total: 694.1</p><p>Tunisia P005731 TN-GREATER TUNIS SEWERAGE REHAB D'AERATION D'EPURATION / CHARGUIA ICB GROUPEMENT SYSTEP/POMILTEK Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,028.6</p><p>P005741 TN Higher Education Reform Support I ETUDE OPÉRATIONNELLE SUR LE FINANCEMENT DE L QCBS SOCIAL CONSULT Education 159.3 ACQUISITION DE VIDEOPROJECTEURS CONTRAT + AV ICB CIMEF Education 680.3</p><p>P035707 TN-WATER SECTOR INVESTMENT PROJECT ALIMENTATION EN EAU POTABLE DE DAHRA EL ALI NCB ETNA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 763.7 Law and justice and public administration 32.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 279.7 Total: 1,075.6</p><p>ALIMENTATION EN EAU POTABLE DE DAHRA EL ALI NCB HZEMI MONCEF Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 475.7 Law and justice and public administration 20.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 348 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TUNISIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Water, sanitation and flood protection 174.2 Total: 670.1</p><p>EXECUTION DES TRAVAUX D'ASSAINISSEMENT ET DE ICB ETNA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 654.9 Law and justice and public administration 27.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 239.8 Total: 922.4</p><p>IRRIGATION PERIMETER ICB ENTREPRISE MOHAMED OUEDERNI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 769.8 Law and justice and public administration 32.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 281.9 Total: 1,084.3</p><p>P040208 TN-INDUSTRY SUPPORT INSTITUTION REAMENAGEMENT DU SIEGE ADMINISTRATIF A BEN A NCB SOCIETE BEN ARBI (SBA SARL) Industry and trade 475.9</p><p>P048825 TN-CULTURAL HERITAGE DP-06:ETUDE DE REALISATION QCBS TASMIM Health and other social services 244.2 Industry and trade 28.2 Law and justice and public administration 40.7 Total: 313.1</p><p>P050945 TN-Education PAQSET I CONSTRUCTION D'UNE EP À TOUIREF, GOUVERNORAT NCB ENTREPRISE JERIDI & CIE Education 1,199.6 CONSTRUCTION D'UNE EP À EL-HAMMA NORD, GOUVE NCB FRADJ ZAGHBANI Education 1,197.6 CONSTRUCTION D'UN LYCÉE À SIDI HASSINE, GOUV NCB ENTREPRISE M'ZABI MOHAMED Education 1,667.1 CONSTRUCTION D'UNE EP A GHIDMA, GOUVERNORAT NCB AMOR BEN MABROUK Education 1,232.2 CONSTRUCTION D'UNE EP A GHZALA, GOUVERNORAT NCB SBATHY Education 1,241.6 ACQUISITION DE PHOTOCOPIEURS POUR LES ÉCOLES ICB SBE Education 1,302.1</p><p>P055814 TN-EXPORT DEVELOPMENT CONSTR CENTRE DE FORMATION DOUANIERE - FONDO NCB ENTREPRISES MOHAMED DAOUD Finance 2,105.5</p><p>P082999 TN-Education PAQSET II CONSTRUCTION D'UN LYCÉE À L'ALOUINA, GOUVERN NCB ENTREPRISE BOUDOKHANE Education 1,418.8 CONSTRUCTION DU LYCÉE À SIDI BOUZID, GOUVERN NCB ABDESSALEM BARHOUMI Education 1,337.3 CONSTRUCTION DU LYCÉE À AGAREB, GOUVERNORAT NCB MTIIBA Education 1,354.5 CONSTRUCTION D'UN LYCÉE À FOUCHANA, GOUVERNO NCB ENTREPRISE ADEL BELGACEM Education 1,392.9 CONSTRUCTION D'UN LYCÉE À ZARZIS, GOUVERNORA NCB CHAABANE FRERES Education 1,511.8</p><p>Country Total: 23,370.2</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 25,768.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 349 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TURKEY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P078284 Emergency Transport Rehabilitation EMERGENCY REHABILITATION OF KABUL INTERNATIO ICB YENIGUN-MAKTAS-AYDENIZ JV Transportation 11,567.8</p><p>Country Total: 11,567.8</p><p>Azerbaijan P035813 AGRIC DEVT & CREDIT TRAINING PROGRAM FOR INFORMATION AND ADVISOR QCBS AGRIN CO LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 34.7 Finance 46.7 Law and justice and public administration 27.1 Total: 108.6</p><p>P070989 ED SECT DEV (APL #1) PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTANT SSS LAVERNE COOK Education 138.6 INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT-MENTOR TO TEACHER D INDV FERSUN PAYKOC Education 46.2</p><p>Country Total: 293.4</p><p>Bangladesh P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. SUB-PKG:G-7.5: SECTIONALIZING DEVICES (CT & ICB M/S ELINTAS ELECTRIK A.S. Energy and mining 231.1</p><p>Country Total: 231.1</p><p>Georgia P048791 PROT AREAS DEV (GEF) SUPPLY OF HIGH RESOLUTION SATELLITE IMAGERY SHOP INTA SPACE SYSTEMS, INC. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 71.1 Law and justice and public administration 30.5 Total: 101.6</p><p>Country Total: 101.6</p><p>Jordan P035997 JO-SECOND TOURISM DEV. AJLOUN LAND USE & TOURISM DEV STUDY QCBS J.V. G AND G UTTA (TURKEY) WITH TIBAH, TURATH & Law and justice and public administration 25.7 Transportation 115.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 115.4 Total: 256.5</p><p>Country Total: 256.5</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P008519 POWER & DIST HEAT SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF INSTRUMENTATION A ICB TMT TAAHUT MUHENDISLIK VE TICARET LTD. Energy and mining 849.1</p><p>P051372 HEALTH 2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOTS 5, 13 ICB METEKSAN SISTEM Health and other social services 205.5</p><p>Country Total: 1,054.6</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P066154 PSMAC TO ASSIST IN THE PREPARATION OF PSMAL AIMED ICB ESCORT COMPUTER ELEKTRONIK SAN. VE TIC. A.S. Law and justice and public administration 166.3</p><p>Country Total: 166.3</p><p>Moldova P035771 FIRST CADASTRE PERFORMANCE OF CADASTRE SURVEYING WORKS IN T ICB MEKAN & KARADENIZ JOINT VENTURE FIRM Law and justice and public administration 340.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 350 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TURKEY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P051174 HEALTH INVST FUND PROCUREMENT OF ROAD AMBULANCES TYPE B ICB EMS MOBIL SISTEMLER Health and other social services 2,138.8</p><p>Country Total: 2,479.4</p><p>Turkey P008985 CESME WS & SEWER DALYAN SEWERAGE NETWORK AND TM20 PUMPING STA NCB SISTEM YAPI INSAAT A.S. Water, sanitation and flood protection 2,483.5</p><p>P009072 PRIV OF IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION OF REHABILITATION WORKS ON THE NCB CAMLIOGLU INSA. VE TUR. SAN. TIC.LTD.STI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 42.6 Law and justice and public administration 16.6 Total: 59.2</p><p>RECONSTUCTION OF WATER CHANNEL CONCRETES NCB NECATI SAGDIC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 21.3 Law and justice and public administration 8.3 Total: 29.6</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER CHANNEL CONCRETES NCB YASAR KURT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 138.3 Law and justice and public administration 53.8 Total: 192.1</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER CHANNEL CONCRETES NCB AK-ELI INSAAT TIC. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 217.7 Law and justice and public administration 84.7 Total: 302.4</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER CHANNEL CONCRETES NCB OZKAGAN TAAHHUT INSAAT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 122.5 Law and justice and public administration 47.7 Total: 170.2</p><p>RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER CHANNEL CONCRETES NCB BERK YAPI & KURAR INS TAAH TIC VE SN LDT STI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 408.1 Law and justice and public administration 158.7 Total: 566.8</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION CHANNELS NCB YILMAZ TURGAN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 346.7 RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER CHANNEL CONCRETES NCB TURHALLAR INS. TAAHUT SAN. VE TIC LTD. STI. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 37.5 RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER CHANNEL CONCRETES NCB CEVDET ORKUN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 283.6 RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER CHANNELS CONCRETES A NCB GYG MUHENDISLIK MAK. INSAAT SAN. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 61.0 RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER CHANNELS CONCRETES NCB CAMLIOGLU INSAAT VE TUR. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 65.8 IRRIGATION CHANNEL MAIN SLAB RENOVATION NCB ABA PROJECT VE INSA TIC.LTD. STI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 76.1 Law and justice and public administration 29.6 Total: 105.7</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION SPRINKLERS NCB GISTAS GAZIOGULLARI INS. SAN. TIC. A.S. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 251.4</p><p>P009073 INDUSTRIAL TECH SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF TPE INFORMATION S ICB HEWLETT-PACKARD Industry and trade 2,039.6 BUSINESS APPLICATION SOFTWARE AND SERVICES I ICB DAS DOKUMAN Industry and trade 134.4 SUPPLY OF FURNITURE AND FURNISHING FOR TPE N NCB ERDEM BURO MOBILYALARI Industry and trade 339.8</p><p>P009076 HEALTH 2 PROCUREMENT OF ECG WITH MONITOR ICB SEGO DIS TICARET VE ELEKTRONIK SANAYI Health and other social services 44.5</p><p>P048852 NAT'L TRNSM GRID BALANCING SETTLEMENT SYSTEM QCBS DELOITTE & TOUCHE Energy and mining 6,594.1 380 KV HISAR, KOCATEPE & AYDIN SUBSTATIONS ICB SIEMENS A.S. Energy and mining 7,258.8 380 KV SUBSTATIONS (MANISA, ERZURUM) ICB ABB ELEKTRIK Energy and mining 2,547.0 380 KV SUBSTATIONS (MANISA, ERZURUM) ICB AEG GENEL ELEKTRIK ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 351 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TURKEY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 2,472.1 380 KV SUBSTATIONS (MANISA, ERZURUM) ICB AVNI ULUTAS A.S Energy and mining 2,472.1 CONSULTING SERVICES FOR ESTABLISHING THE ELE QCBS DELOITTE&TOUCHE Energy and mining 1,264.2 380 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT BABAESKI-YUNANISTAN TR ICB TRAKYA JOINT VENTURE Energy and mining 6,790.4</p><p>P059872 BASIC ED 2 (APL #2) PRINTING AND POSTAGE OF MOCEP EDUCATIONAL MA NCB EREK MATBAACILIK OTOMOTIV TEKSTIL SAN VE TIC. L Education 140.1</p><p>P074408 SRMP CONDUCTING ALL-TURKEY PUBLIC INFORMATION CAM QCBS REKTA Health and other social services 1,319.8 RECRUITMENT OF LOCAL INITIATIVES COORDINATOR CQB ALI KAPUCU Health and other social services 56.5 IT EQUIPMENT FOR DIE CENSUS ISH DATASEL Health and other social services 114.5 SAS SOFTWARE FOR DIE DIR SAS INSTITUTE BILGISAYAR SISTEMLERI LTD.STI. Health and other social services 334.1</p><p>Country Total: 38,877.6</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P050530 Yemen SANA'A EMERGENCY POWER YEM-010A-1-SE: SUPPLY OF PLANT AND EQUIPMEN DIR PELKA ELEKTRIK MUHENDISILIK SANAYI VE TICARET A Energy and mining 855.6 YEM-010A-2-SE: FOUR 20/22 MVA 33/11 KV POWE DIR ABB ELEKTRIK SANAYI A.S. Energy and mining 688.0 YEM-017-SE: TESTING,COMMISIONING & WORKS SU DIR ABB ELEKTRIK SANAYI A.S. Energy and mining 179.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,723.0 ======Supplying Country Total: 56,751.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 352 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: TURKMENISTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P078069 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund DIESEL FUEL FOR THE MINISTRY OF WATER & POWE LIB M/S NASIR AHMED COMPANY LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 278.2 Finance 278.2 Health and other social services 278.2 Law and justice and public administration 1,947.7 Total: 2,782.4</p><p>Country Total: 2,782.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 2,782.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 353 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UGANDA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P074628 3A-NELSAP Facilitation NELSAP CONSULTANT- GENERAL DUTIES INDV ELICAD ELLY NYABEEYA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 18.2 Energy and mining 18.2 Law and justice and public administration 18.2 Transportation 18.2 Total: 72.9</p><p>Country Total: 72.9</p><p>Nigeria P085424 TO BE DROPPED -NG-STATCAP ASSESS CURRENT STATUS OF NATIONAL STATISTICA INDV PROF. BEN KIREGYERA Law and justice and public administration 47.3</p><p>Country Total: 47.3</p><p>Uganda P002970 UG ROADS DEVT PROGRAM AUDIT OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE RDP SSS PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS Law and justice and public administration 0.7 Transportation 23.5 Total: 24.3</p><p>P002992 LOCAL GOV DEVE.PROGRAM MAINTENANCE OF MUTUNGO-BIINA ROAD NCB ZZIMWE ENTERPRISES, HARDWARES & CONSTRUCTION LT Law and justice and public administration 366.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 27.6 Total: 393.6</p><p>MAINTENANCE OF NAKAWA-NTINDA ROAD NCB DOTT SERVICES LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 397.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 29.9 Total: 427.5</p><p>2003 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT OF MINIMUM CONDITIONS QCBS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Law and justice and public administration 294.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 22.2 Total: 317.1</p><p>REPAIR OF KAFUMBE-MUKASA ROAD IN CENTRAL DIV NCB ZZIMWE ENTERPRISES, HARDWARES & CONSTRUCTION LT Law and justice and public administration 329.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 24.8 Total: 354.0</p><p>EMERGENCY ROAD REPAIRS IN KAMPALA CITY - PHA NCB ZZIMWE ENTERPRISES, HARDWARES & CONSTRUCTION LT Law and justice and public administration 364.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 27.4 Total: 391.9</p><p>ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF BITUMEN ROADS - PHASE NCB MULTIPLEX Law and justice and public administration 279.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.0 Total: 300.4</p><p>SOLID WASTE MNGT SERVICES IN KAWEMPE DISTRIC NCB M/S ENGINEERING INVESTMENTS, LTD Law and justice and public administration 205.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 15.5 Total: 221.2</p><p>SOLID WASTE MNGT SERVICES IN CENTRAL DIVISIO NCB M/S NABUGABO-UPDEAL JOINT VENTURE Law and justice and public administration 123.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.3 Total: 132.9</p><p>RESEALING OF RUBAGA ROAD - ASD/RDS/HQ-13 ICB ZZIMWE ENTERPRISES, HARDWARES & CONSTRUCTION LT Law and justice and public administration 524.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 39.5 Total: 564.5</p><p>DESIGN, BUILD AND TRANSFER PROPOSAL FOR 9.22 SSS DOTT SERVICES LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 1,018.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 76.7 Total: 1,095.2</p><p>EMERGENCY ROAD REPAIRS IN KAMPALA CITY - PHA NCB OMEGA CONSTRUCTION ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 354 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UGANDA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 335.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 25.3 Total: 360.8</p><p>MAINTENANCE OF SALAMA ROAD PHASE 1 NCB ENERGO (U) CO. LTD Law and justice and public administration 705.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 53.1 Total: 758.5</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF ICT EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE NCB M/S KAZINGA CHANNEL OFFICE WORLD LTD Law and justice and public administration 130.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.9 Total: 140.8</p><p>PROVISION OF STREET LIGHTING ON JINJA ROAD NCB DOTT SERVICES LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 713.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 53.7 Total: 767.3</p><p>MAINTENANCE OF MAMBULE-KAWAALA ROAD NCB MULTIPLEX Law and justice and public administration 687.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 51.7 Total: 738.7</p><p>REPAIR OF KISENYI ROAD CENTRAL DIVISION NCB OMEGA CONSTRUCTION Law and justice and public administration 264.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 19.9 Total: 283.8</p><p>P044679 Second Economic and Fin. Mgmt. Project PREPARATION OF A LOCAL GOVT REVENUE MODULE QCBS ERNST & YOUNG CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Education 19.2 Law and justice and public administration 221.2 Total: 240.4 MACRO ECONOMIC ADVISOR SSS DAMONI NUWAMANYA KITABIRE Education 6.0 Law and justice and public administration 69.0 Total: 75.0</p><p>P049543 UG ROAD SECT/INST.SUPP REGISTRY OFFICER SSS WINNIE NANTALE Law and justice and public administration 31.1 Transportation 19.1 Total: 50.1</p><p>ACCOUNTANT CQB ALEX TUMUSIIME Law and justice and public administration 37.2 Transportation 22.8 Total: 60.1</p><p>PERSONNEL OFFICER CQB SERGIO TINKAMANYIRE MUGISHA Law and justice and public administration 37.2 Transportation 22.8 Total: 60.1</p><p>SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER (IMPLEMENTATION-5) CQB JAMES OKIROR Transportation 85.9 PROJECT ENGINEER (IMPLEMENTATION) CQB DANIEL ISOOBA Transportation 68.6 PROJECT ENGINEER (IMPLEMENTATION) CQB CHARLES SABIITI Transportation 34.3 PROJECT ENGINEER (IMPLEMENTATION) CQB VALENTINE MUGISHA Transportation 68.6 PROJECT ENGINEER (IMPLEMENTATION) CQB BRUNO MUSOKE Transportation 68.6 PROJECT ENGINEER (IMPLEMENTATION) CQB ANDREW KITAKA Transportation 68.6 PROJECT ENGINEER (IMPLEMENTATION) CQB CHARLES NAITA Transportation 68.6 PROJECT ENGINEER (PROGRAMMING AND EVALUATION CQB VICENT OTIM Transportation 68.6 PROJECT ENGINEER (PROGRAMMING AND EVALUATION CQB LUSWATA-BUZIBWA Transportation 68.6 PROJECT ENGINEER (IMPLEMENTATION) CQB BARBARA BIRUNGI Transportation 68.6 PROJECT ENGINEER (IMPLEMENTATION) CQB JOSEPH OTIM Transportation 68.6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST CQS PROF. JOHN OKEDI ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 355 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UGANDA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 70.4 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER CQS RICHARD MAWANDA Transportation 60.4</p><p>P050439 PRIVATIZATION & UTILITY SECTOR REFORM JOHN CARUTHERS - CHAIRMAN OF NICL QCBS JOHN CARRUTHERS Health and other social services 23.0 Law and justice and public administration 25.0 Total: 48.0</p><p>MIKE MCWHERTER - PRIVATIZATION ADVISORY QCBS MIKE MCWHERTER Health and other social services 84.7 Law and justice and public administration 91.8 Total: 176.5</p><p>P059223 NAKIVUBO CHANNEL REH UPGRADING OF LUBIRI RING ROAD ICB DOTT SERVICES LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 132.6 Transportation 53.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 698.5 Total: 884.2</p><p>UPGRADING OF WANKULUKUKU ROAD ICB DOTT SERVICES LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 102.4 Transportation 41.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 539.3 Total: 682.6</p><p>EMERGENCY ROAD REPAIRS IN KAMPALA CITY - PHA NCB ZZIMWE ENTERPRISES, HARDWARES & CONSTRUCTION LT Law and justice and public administration 76.9 Transportation 30.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 405.1 Total: 512.7</p><p>ALTERNATIVE SERVICE DELIVERY - IMPLEMENTATIO ICB DOTT SERVICES LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 60.0 Transportation 24.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 315.7 Total: 399.7</p><p>PUBLICITY OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE QCBS VANTAGE COMMUNICATIONS, TARGET MEDIA IN ASSOC W Law and justice and public administration 23.7 Transportation 9.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 124.8 Total: 157.9</p><p>P069996 UG: Energy for Rural Transformation SUPPLY OF 1500 MW OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION GEN ICB THE WEST NILE RURAL ELECTRIFICATION COMPANY LIM Energy and mining 600.0 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTATION SUPP QCBS NORPLAN (U) LTD Energy and mining 155.5 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR MONITORING AND EVAL QCBS CARLBRO INTERNATIONAL A/S Energy and mining 171.6</p><p>P072482 HIV/AIDS Control Project SUPPLY OF STI DRUGS - AIDS/STI DRUGS/003 ICB RADIUM PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Education 3.4 Health and other social services 139.1 Law and justice and public administration 25.1 Total: 167.6</p><p>SUPPLY OF PENICILLIN BENZATHINE 2.4 MU POWDE ICB RADIUM PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Education 4.8 Health and other social services 198.5 Law and justice and public administration 35.9 Total: 239.2</p><p>SUPPLY OF 150,000 PACKS OF 1000 DOXYCYCLINE, ICB RADIUM PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Education 2.4 Health and other social services 99.0 Law and justice and public administration 17.9 Total: 119.3</p><p>SUPPLY OF LABORATORY TB REAGENTS LOT 1 ICB STEPHAN BUCHMANN MEDICAL CARE & SERVICE Education 2.4 Health and other social services 100.7 Law and justice and public administration 18.2 Total: 121.3 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 356 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UGANDA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P074078 Makerere Pilot Decentrl Service Delivery CONSULTANCY TO PROVICE TRAINING SERVICES IN QBS UGANDA MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Education 383.4 CONSULTANCY FOR COORDINATING & SUPERVISING I SDC UGANDA LOCAL AUTHORITIES ASSOCIATION Education 49.5 COLLABORATION WITH ULAA ON COORDINATION AND QBS UGANDA LOCAL AUTHORITIES ASSOCIATION Education 44.0 CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE TRAINING SERVICES FOR SDC MBARARA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Education 196.8 CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE TRAINING SERVICES TO SDC UGANDA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, MUKONO Education 64.3 CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE TRAINING SERVICES TO SDC NKUMBA UNIVERSITY Education 143.6 CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE TRAINING SERVICES TO SDC ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY IN UGANDA Education 139.6 CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE TRAINING SERVICES TO SDC UGANDA MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Education 34.0 CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE TRAINING SERVICES TO SDC UGANDA MARTYR'S UNIVERSITY, NKOZI Education 74.0</p><p>P077477 UG-Local Government Development 2 FINANCE OFFICER INDV GRACE SEMUGENZE NKALUBO Education 7.2 Health and other social services 1.8 Law and justice and public administration 14.4 Transportation 5.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.2 Total: 36.0</p><p>Country Total: 14,228.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 14,348.2 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 357 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UKRAINE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Ukraine P035777 RURAL LAND TITLING & CADASTRE SUPPLY OF VEHICLE NSH JSC "AST-COMBI" Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 26.0 PCS, PRINTERS, FAX MACHINES NSH VEKTRA-SERVIS LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 16.5 PORTABLE COMPUTERS NSH DKT-LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 12.4</p><p>P044832 KIEV DISTRICT HEAT RECONSTRUCTION OF DH MAIN NO.6 OF CHP-4 FROM NCB JSC "KYIVENERGOREMONT" Energy and mining 512.5 SUPPLY OF 110KV RESERVE POWER LINE FOR POZNI ICB JSC "ZAPOROZHTRANSFORMATOR" Energy and mining 507.1 INSTALLATION WORKS FOR RESERVE POWER SUPPLY NCB SVS-DNIPRO Energy and mining 1,137.7 110 KV CABLE LINE FOR CT-1 EXTERNAL POWER SU NCB SVS-DNIPRO Energy and mining 2,053.4 SUPPLY OF PREINSULATED PIPES AND ELEMENTS (L ICB CORPORATION "ENERGORESURS-INVEST" Energy and mining 5,266.3</p><p>P044851 EXPORT DEVT DEVELOPMENT &INTRODUCTION OF A NEW SET OF DO INDV SHEMSHUCHENKO GENNADIY Finance 50.0</p><p>P054966 PRIV SEC DEV (APL #1) RESTRUCTURING(MARKET ADJUSTMENT)OF 20 ENTERP QCBS KPMG UKRAINE Industry and trade 2,258.4</p><p>P055739 KIEV PB ENERGY EFFIC SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF 184 MIHS (LOT 3) ICB TEKHPRYLAD Energy and mining 383.8 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF WEATHERSTRIPPING, ICB BUDTEKHNOSERVIS Energy and mining 814.6 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF WEATHERSTRIPPING, ICB JULIA LTD. Energy and mining 752.0 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF RADIATOR REFLECTO ICB NOVAFLEX Energy and mining 524.9</p><p>P057815 ST TAX SERV MOD PROG (APL #1) EQUIPMENT FOR RESEARCH AND TESTING LABORATOR ICB BMS CONSULTING, LTD Law and justice and public administration 654.5</p><p>P069858 SIF SIF ACCOUNTANT - DISBURSEMENT ASSISTANT QCBS KRYLACH OKSANA VASYLIVNA Health and other social services 7.2 HEAD OF USIF PROCUREMENT UNIT QCBS IGOR VLADYSLAVOVYCH Health and other social services 12.9 OFFICE MANAGER - ASSISTANT TO USIF ED QCBS ALINA MARTYNENKO Health and other social services 5.0 SOCIAL CARE SERVICES COODINATOR QCBS NATALYA SHKURATOVA Health and other social services 13.2 USIF REGIONAL COODINATOR FOR USIF KHARKIV RE QCBS MYKOLA VICTOROVYCH SHEVCHENKO Health and other social services 15.6 MIS SPECIALIST QCBS ROMAN RYBACHOK Health and other social services 7.3 USIF KHMELNYTSKY RO CAPACITY BUILDING SOCIAL QCBS TETIANA GRYHORIVNA DERKACH Health and other social services 10.2 KIEV REGIONAL PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST QCBS ROSTYSLAV PYNDA Health and other social services 9.6 USIF EO CAPACITY BUILDING COORDINATOR QCBS OLENA LEONIDIVNA IVANOVA Health and other social services 12.9 USIF REGIONAL COORDINATOR FOR DNIPROPETROV'S QCBS MYKOLA HERASYMENKO Health and other social services 15.2 RE-CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL IN VELIKA SNITYNAK NCB SPETSMONTAZHREMONT LTD Education 32.6 RE-CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSE OF CULTURE IN TERMA NCB OMEGA-CI LTD Health and other social services 39.4 RE-CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL IN KHARPACHKA VILL NCB TYMOSHENKO A.I. Education 23.8 RE-CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL IN STEPASHKY VILLA NCB JSC VINNITSAGASBUDSERVICE Education 23.8 RE-CONSTRCUTION OF SCHOOL IN YAKHNY VILLAGE NCB SPETSMONTAZHREMONT LTD Education 26.4 RE-CONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL IN PRIPUTNY VILLAG NCB JSC AGROBUD Education 19.4 CONSOLIDATION OF MAJORSKY LAKE BANK IN KACHA NCB JSC MOBILE CONSTRUCTION UNIT 85 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.7</p><p>P075231 SOC ASST SYS MOD PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT INDV LARYSA A. ISKRA ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 358 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UKRAINE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 45.1</p><p>P076366 FSD DIALOGUE/TA 2 ASSESSMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS QCBS ERNST & YOUNG UKRAINE LLC Law and justice and public administration 113.6</p><p>P079316 PAL 3 ADVISOR ON FUEL AND ENERGY SECTOR CQS ENERGY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Law and justice and public administration 80.0</p><p>Country Total: 15,492.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 15,492.0 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 359 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Azerbaijan P040716 HIGHWAY PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES - 1 FOR PIU; 3 FOR R ISH SABA CARS COMPANY Transportation 109.8</p><p>Country Total: 109.8</p><p>Ethiopia P069886 Multisectoral HIV/AIDS LOT 4 - HIV TEST KITS 4824 KITS OF 100 TESTS ICB MEDICA PHARMA ENTERPRISE CORPORATION Health and other social services 629.2</p><p>Country Total: 629.2</p><p>Jordan P053834 JO-Privatization TA (USAID) ADVISORY SERVICES FORJORDAN PHOSPHATE QCBS HSBC FINANCIAL SERVICES (MIDDLE EAST) LIMITED Finance 175.0 Industry and trade 1,575.0 Total: 1,750.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,750.0</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P083543 LA - APL2 Road Maintenance Program COMPONENT A: TRANSPORT SECTOR ISSUES REVIEW SSS MR. DAVID JOHN BRAY Transportation 45.0</p><p>Country Total: 45.0</p><p>Tajikistan P057883 DUSHANBE WS MODERNIZATION OF LABORATORIES (SUPPLY OF LAB ICB BAIKAL GROUP Water, sanitation and flood protection 86.4 WATER METERS FOR WATER PRODUCTION PLANTS ICB GOLDEN BRIDGE ENTERPRISES INC. Water, sanitation and flood protection 146.3</p><p>Country Total: 232.7</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P005911 RY Education Sector PROCUREMENT OF FURNITURE FOR SCC ICB TECHNOLOGICAL LABORATORY FURNITURE MANUFACTURE Education 671.8</p><p>Country Total: 671.8</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 3,438.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 360 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P077779 Emergency Infrastructure Reconstruction MWP/019/IS: MV AND LV UNDERGROUND CABLE TERM ISH FLOATDENE POWER PRODUCTS LTD. Energy and mining 205.9 Law and justice and public administration 50.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 201.3 Total: 457.6</p><p>MWP/095/IS: SUPPLY OF BLACKSTART SUPPORT GEN ISH ARUN INTERNATIONAL Energy and mining 148.8 Law and justice and public administration 36.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 145.5 Total: 330.6</p><p>SUPPLY OF STEELWORK, FITTINGS AND FASTNERS ICB M/S PAINTER BROTHERS LIMITED Energy and mining 156.1 Law and justice and public administration 38.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 152.6 Total: 346.9</p><p>SUPPLY OF STEELWORK, FITTINGS AND FASTNERS ISH M/S PAINTER BROTHERS LIMITED Energy and mining 156.1 Law and justice and public administration 38.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 152.6 Total: 346.9</p><p>P078069 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund AMENDMENT NO. 2: MANAGING AGENT'S SERVICES: CQB CROWN AGENTS FOR OVERSEAS GOVERNMENTS AND ADMIN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 275.6 Finance 275.6 Health and other social services 275.6 Law and justice and public administration 1,929.3 Total: 2,756.1</p><p>STRENGTHENING THE FINANCIAL CAPACITY OF GOVE SSS M/S MAXWELL STAMP PLC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 509.2 Finance 509.2 Health and other social services 509.2 Law and justice and public administration 3,564.7 Total: 5,092.4</p><p>P078324 Afghanistan Health Sector Emergency Reha SUPPLY OF RADIO EQUIPMENT DIR BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED Finance 6.0 Health and other social services 529.5 Law and justice and public administration 60.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.0 Total: 601.7</p><p>P082610 Second Emergency Public Admin Project CONSULTING SERVICES SSS ADAM SMITH INSTITUTE Law and justice and public administration 306.5</p><p>Country Total: 10,238.6</p><p>Albania P055383 SOC SERV DEVT TA FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL SER QCBS BRITISH COUNCIL Health and other social services 1,399.2</p><p>P066260 ROAD MAINT PIU INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTS (5 CONTRACTS) INDV STEPHEN KAY Transportation 130.0</p><p>P069079 FIN SEC IBTA ACTUARY CONSULTANT FOR REVIEW OF DATABASE, C SSS KRZYSZTOF STROINSKI Finance 34.4 Law and justice and public administration 12.7 Total: 47.1</p><p>ADVISOR TO BART - CONTRACT II INDV RICHARD LYSAKOWSKI Finance 88.2 Law and justice and public administration 32.6 Total: 120.9</p><p>P082128 WATER RES MGMT ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 361 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>CONSULTING SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY AND ENVI FBS HALCROW GROUP LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 424.4 CONSULTING SERVICES -DEVELOPMENT OF LEGAL FR INDV STEPHEN HODGSON Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 44.5</p><p>Country Total: 2,166.1</p><p>Armenia P060786 PUB SECT MOD CARRY OUT A DIAGNOSIS OF THE EXTERNAL AUDIT, SSS DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIPS UK LIMITED (UK) Law and justice and public administration 148.8</p><p>Country Total: 148.8</p><p>Azerbaijan P055155 URG ENV INVST CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE PUBLIC CONSULTAN FBS CURRIE & BROWN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 33.3 Energy and mining 6.3 Law and justice and public administration 10.8 Transportation 5.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 34.2 Total: 90.0</p><p>P058969 CULT HERITAGE PRSV TRAINING AND TOUR OPERATIONS IN NAKHICHEVAN QCBS CURRIE & BROWN INTERNATIONAL LTD Health and other social services 91.5 Law and justice and public administration 18.8 Total: 110.3</p><p>PUBLIC AWARENESS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P QCBS CURRIE & BROWN INTERNATIONAL LTD Health and other social services 42.3 Law and justice and public administration 8.7 Total: 51.0</p><p>Country Total: 251.2</p><p>Bangladesh P037857 Health and Population Program G-NESP-8 (SUB-PACKAGE A): PROCUREMENT OF FRE ICB SANYO GALLENKEMP PLC Health and other social services 68.1</p><p>P053578 Social Investment Program Project CONSULTANTS FOR PROCESS MOINTORING - PACKAGE SSS INFORMATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (ITAD) Health and other social services 333.6</p><p>P081969 Enterprise Growth & Bank Modernization CONTRACT PKG.#NCB-1: SELECTION OF FINANCIAL QCBS GBRW LIMITED Finance 1,800.5</p><p>Country Total: 2,202.2</p><p>Bosnia-Herzegovina P044523 BASIC HEALTH SHORT COURSES FOR DIRECTORS OF HEALTH CENTER CQB IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON CONSULTANTS Health and other social services 50.4 MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SENIOR HEALT CQB IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON CONSULTANTS Health and other social services 23.5</p><p>P058512 EDUC 3 CONSULTING SERVICES TO ASSIST HIGHER EDUCATI INDV JOSEPHINE A. HYKIN Education 25.7 CONSULTING SERVICES TO ASSIST HIGHER EDUCATI INDV HAROLD G. THOMAS Education 25.6</p><p>P070917 PRIV TA ASSIST IN THE TENDER SALE OF STATE-OWNED ENT QCBS IMC CONSULTING LIMITED Energy and mining 11.6 Information and communications 11.6 Law and justice and public administration 340.4 Transportation 11.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.6 Total: 386.8</p><p>LEGAL REGULATORY ASSISTANCE (TO REVIEW AND I QCBS STONE & WEBSTER CONSULTANTS ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 362 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 209.7</p><p>P071004 SOC INS TA TOR 1.5C - VERTICAL FUNCTIONAL REVIEW OF PEN CQS CALLUND CONSULTING LTD Health and other social services 58.4 UK STUDY TOUR (WITHIN TOR 1.5F) SSS CALLUND CONSULTING LTD Health and other social services 11.6 Law and justice and public administration 6.3 Total: 17.9</p><p>P079161 FOREST DEVT/CNSRV TA ASSIST WITH DEVELOPMENT OF DETAILED MONITORI INDV JEREMY STANIFORTH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 41.6</p><p>P079226 EDUC RESTRUCT EXTERNAL EVALUATION OF HEF INDV CLIVE BOOTH Education 24.8</p><p>Country Total: 864.3</p><p>Bulgaria P064536 CHILD WELFARE REF SOCIAL POLICY AND CHILD WELFARE SPECIALIST INDV ANNE ARTHUR Health and other social services 38.5 Law and justice and public administration 18.1 Total: 56.6</p><p>P073427 RARP SERVICING, CONTROL AND COLLECTION PLANNING INDV MARTIN RUFFELL Law and justice and public administration 50.7</p><p>P084831 ENRGY EFF (GEF) DESIGN OF OPERATIONAL MODALITIES OF THE BEEF FBS PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Energy and mining 137.4</p><p>Country Total: 244.7</p><p>Cameroon P070656 CAM:FORESTRY/ENVIRON. EVALUATION ECONOMIQUE DU PSFE AU CAMEROUN CQB FRR LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 97.9</p><p>Country Total: 97.9</p><p>China P070191 CN-SHANGHAI URB ENVMT APL1 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT FOR SHANGHAI SEWERAG QCBS MOTT MACDONALD, LTD. Law and justice and public administration 118.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,575.8 Total: 1,694.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,694.4</p><p>Congo, Republic of P074006 EMERGENCY REHABILITATION, RECONSTRUCTION SUPPLY OF RAILS EQUIPTMENT ICB CORUS UK LIMITED/CORUS RAIL Health and other social services 520.0 Law and justice and public administration 81.3 Transportation 1,023.7 Total: 1,625.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,625.0</p><p>Cote d'Ivoire P001184 CI PRIVATE ELECTRICITY REDACTION DU PROJET DE CONVENTION DE CONCESS SSS ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFF Energy and mining 154.5 REDACTION DU PROJET DE CONVENTION DE CONCESS SSS ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE Energy and mining 92.0</p><p>Country Total: 246.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 363 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Croatia P076730 SOC & ECON REC TERITORIAL,SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND INSTITUTIONAL FBS IMC CONSULTING LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 30.5 Health and other social services 30.5 Industry and trade 30.5 Law and justice and public administration 30.5 Total: 122.0</p><p>Country Total: 122.0</p><p>Dominica P077680 Dominica- Emergency Recovery Project ONE PATROL VESSEL LIB NSG EXPORTS LTD. Energy and mining 90.0 Law and justice and public administration 22.5 Transportation 168.8 Total: 281.3</p><p>ONE PATROL VESSEL FOR PORTSMOUTH LIB NSG EXPORTS LTD. Energy and mining 48.3 Law and justice and public administration 12.1 Transportation 90.5 Total: 150.9</p><p>Country Total: 432.1</p><p>East Asia and Pacific P076431 Statistical Capacity Building EGSPRS MONITORING SYSTEM INDV OXFORD POLICY MANAGEMENT Law and justice and public administration 33.0 Country Total: 33.0</p><p>Eritrea P043124 Health SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, SU ICB WESTMINSTER UNITED KINGDOM Health and other social services 213.6 Law and justice and public administration 13.6 Total: 227.3</p><p>P057929 ER-POWER DISTRIBUTION ENGINEERING SCES TO DESIGN, PROCURE & MANAGE QCBS PB POWER LTD Energy and mining 728.1</p><p>Country Total: 955.4</p><p>Ethiopia P000733 ET: AG. RESEARCH & TRAINING LOTS 1 AND 5 ICB AUTOMOTIVE EXPORT SUPPLIERS LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 130.3 Law and justice and public administration 221.8 Total: 352.1</p><p>P000756 Health Sector Dev. THE SUPPLY OF 70 UNITS PICK-UP D.CAP VEHICLE ICB AUTOMOTIVE EXPORT SUPPLIERS LTD Health and other social services 1,077.9</p><p>P000771 Social Rehab. (ESRDF I) METHAL WORKSHOP MACHINARIES (LOT #1) AND WOO ICB KINSMAN (U.K.) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 30.9 Education 61.7 Health and other social services 169.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 46.3 Total: 308.5</p><p>P044613 ET-Road Sector Development 2 CONSULTANCY SERVICE OF DERA-MECHARA ROAD UPG QCBS ROUGHTON INTERNATION OF UK IN ASSOCIATION WITH Transportation 1,290.3</p><p>P069083 AFTKL: ET GLOBAL DISTANCE LEARNING PROVISION OF TRAINING AND MENTORING CONSULTA SSS THE OPEN UNIVERSITY WORLDWIDE LTD. ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 364 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Education 383.8</p><p>P069886 Multisectoral HIV/AIDS LOT 1 (12 UNITS OF CD4 COUNT MACHINE) ICB KRAIMER INDUSTRY LTD OF UNITED KINGDOM Health and other social services 578.2 SUPPLY OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT- 17 ITEMS FRO ICB FLOATDENE HEALTHCARE Health and other social services 640.0</p><p>Country Total: 4,630.8</p><p>Gambia, The P035643 3rd Education 1210 COPIES TEXTBOOKS UNIV. OF GAMBIA WITH 1 LIB MACMILLAN PUBLISHERS LTD. Education 26.0</p><p>Country Total: 26.0</p><p>Georgia P055173 EDUC I (APL) SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY OF BO INDV DAMIEN TUNNACLIFFE Education 52.2</p><p>P078544 RURAL DEVT ASSESSMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS OF GEORGIAN AG FBS AGRISYSTEMS LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 81.8 Industry and trade 81.8 Total: 163.5</p><p>Country Total: 215.7</p><p>Ghana P000968 Ghana:AGRIC SERVICES SUPPLY OF FIELD EQUIPMENT (VARIOUS) ICB MESSRS. SOTEX INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 371.0 SUPPLY OF SURGICAL AND VETERINARY EQUIPMENT ICB MESSRS. EACOM LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 413.2 PROCUREMENT OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND REAG ICB MESSRS. WAGTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 246.1 SUPPLY OF CINEMA PROJECTORS, DIGITAL DUPLICA ICB MESSRS. AGRI VISUAL LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 168.0</p><p>P000974 Nat. Func. Lit. Program PROCUREMENT OF WEARER ADJUSTABLE SPECTACLES DIR ADAPTIVE EYE CARE, UK Education 136.5 Information and communications 9.0 Law and justice and public administration 4.5 Total: 150.0</p><p>PROCUREMENT OF 35,000 WEARER ADJUSTABLE SPEC DIR ADAPTIVE EYE CARE, UK Education 525.0 SUPPLY OF SOLLATEK LANTERNS MODEL GS7 AND AC ICB SOLLATEK UK LTD Education 370.1</p><p>P042516 PUBLIC ENTERPRISE/PR SUPPLY INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF LAB ICB BOXER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 983.7 THE SUPPLY INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING OF L ICB WAGTECH INTERNATIONAL LTD. Law and justice and public administration 408.3</p><p>P050623 GH ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR A ROAD SAFETY EXPER QCBS MESSRS TRL LIMITED/SCOT WILSON KIRKPATRICK Health and other social services 19.7 Law and justice and public administration 104.8 Transportation 530.6 Total: 655.1</p><p>P073649 2nd Health Sect. Prog. Support SUPPLY OF 265 UNITS OF FIAT PALIO 1.2L TR ICB TANINK GHANA LTD./CHASE EURO LTD. Health and other social services 1,540.6</p><p>Country Total: 5,831.0</p><p>Grenada P069922 GD Grenada Disaster Management TECHNICAL AUDIT OF GRAND MAL BAY SEA DEFENCE QCBS ROUGHTON INTERNATIONAL ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 365 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Information and communications 2.2 Law and justice and public administration 67.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 147.6 Total: 217.0</p><p>Country Total: 217.0</p><p>Guyana P007257 GY WATER SUPPLY TA AND REHABILITATION CLORINATOR & WATER TREATMENT PUMP SPARES - E DIR WALLACE & TIERNAN LTD. Water, sanitation and flood protection 65.5</p><p>Country Total: 65.5</p><p>Indonesia P048715 Indonesia - IIDP HARMONIZATION AND ENACTMENT PLANNING FOR E-C QCBS THE E-TEAM Information and communications 619.4</p><p>Country Total: 619.4</p><p>Jordan P069326 JO-HIGHER EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN AL-BAYT UNIVERSITY AND DR. INDV DR. RAFID M. ALKHADDAR Education 72.0 CONTRACT BETWEEN AL-BAYT UNIVERSITY AND PROF INDV PROFESSOR MUSTAFA ALSHAWI Education 117.0</p><p>Country Total: 189.0</p><p>Kenya P001344 KE ENERGY SECTOR REFORM THE STUDY OF THE ECONOMIC VIABILITY OF THE K QCBS KBC PROCESS TECHNOLOGY LTD Energy and mining 199.0</p><p>Country Total: 199.0</p><p>Kosovo P070295 URG ROAD (KOSOVO TF) CONSULTING SERVICES FOR ROAD USER CHARGES ST QCBS ROUGHTON INTERNATIONAL Transportation 192.1</p><p>P070365 PILOT WS (KOSOVO TF) ASSISTANCE TO KTA FOR PILOT WATER SUPPLY PRO INDV GRAHAM CLEVERLY Water, sanitation and flood protection 110.8</p><p>Country Total: 302.9</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P078976 RURAL EDUC MONITORING, EVALUATION AND POLICY DEVELOPMEN INDV JOHANNA CRIGHTON Education 40.0</p><p>Country Total: 40.0</p><p>Lithuania P073940 IMPRV PUB DEBT & ASSET MGMT IDF CONSULTING SERVICES ADVISORY ON DEBT AND LIQ QCBS NATIONAL ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES (NERA) Law and justice and public administration 200.0</p><p>Country Total: 200.0</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P066154 PSMAC PHARMA PROC CONS TO ASSIST HIF TO DEVELOP EF INDV GORDON BRIAN HOMER Health and other social services 95.0</p><p>P066157 EDUC MOD EDUCATION & SCHOOL GRANTS ADMINISTRATION SPE INDV EDUCATION FOR CHANGE LTD Education 99.5</p><p>P086670 HLT SEC MGT ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 366 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>PROVIDING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN HIF GOVERN INDV KATHERINE BURCHFIELD Health and other social services 57.7 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN IMPROVING QUALITY OF INDV CHARLES SHAW Health and other social services 22.0</p><p>Country Total: 274.3</p><p>Madagascar P072160 Second Private Sector Development Projec MARCHE DE FOURNITURES ICB NRG INTERNATIONAL Finance 0.2 Industry and trade 0.1 Law and justice and public administration 6.4 Total: 6.7</p><p>P072987 Multisect. STI/HIV/AIDS Prev. RADIOS MANIVELLES DIR FREEPLAY FOUNDATION Health and other social services 383.0</p><p>P073689 MADAGASCAR Rural Transport Proj - APL 2 MISE EN OEUVRE DU VOLET "MOYENS INTERMEDIAIR SSS PAUL STARKEY Transportation 143.8</p><p>P074448 Governance and Institutional Development APPUI A L'ÉLABORATION DE STRATEGIE D ELUTTE INDV BERTRAND DE SPEVILLE Education 23.2 Law and justice and public administration 62.7 Total: 85.9</p><p>Country Total: 619.5</p><p>Moldova P044840 SIF PROVIDE ON-THE-JOB TRAINING TO THE STAFF FRO SSS CLAIRE ELISE WARRINGTON Education 11.6 Health and other social services 12.7 Law and justice and public administration 5.3 Transportation 11.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.6 Total: 52.7</p><p>P073846 PRSP ECONOMIC GROWTH AND POVERTY REDUCTION (EGPRS INDV RAY PURCELL 69.8</p><p>Country Total: 122.5</p><p>Mongolia P078358 MN STRENGTHENING ENV MGMT CAPACITY CONTRACT TO IMPROVING EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL QBS ROBIN GRAYSON Health and other social services 30.0</p><p>P078386 Mongolia PRSC DEVELOPING A RESULTS-BASED MONITORING & EVAL CQB CHRISTOPHER DAVID SCOTT Health and other social services 34.6 DEVELOPING A RESULTS-BASED MONITORING & EVAL CQB LARS CHRISTIAN MOLLER Health and other social services 23.8</p><p>Country Total: 88.3</p><p>Mozambique P069824 Higher Education ARMFIELD (LOTS 1, 2):SUPPLY OF LAB EQUIPMENT ICB ARMFIELD Education 560.5 CUSSONS TECHNOLOGY (LOT 3):SUPPLY OF LAB EQU ICB CUSSONS TECHNOLOGY, LIMITED Education 313.2</p><p>P089774 Commercial Debt Reduction - Preparation TECHNICAL LEGAL ADVISE QCBS LOVELLS Finance 400.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,273.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 367 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Nepal P050671 NP: Telecommunications Sector Reform CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR SPECIALIZED REGULAT QCBS WORLD OF TRAINING Information and communications 69.4 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR SPECIALISED REGULAT QCBS SPECTRUM STRATEGY CONSULTANTS PTE. LTD. AND QUO Information and communications 171.4</p><p>Country Total: 240.8</p><p>Nicaragua P064915 NI AG TECHN & RURAL EDU (APL) PURCHASE OF 1 PICK-UP TRUCK. ICB UNIT EXPORT LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 32.6</p><p>Country Total: 32.6</p><p>Nigeria P066571 2nd Primary Educ. CONSULT. SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN, DEV. & PRO CQB INTERNATIONAL EXTENSION COLLEGE Education 115.6 CONSULTANT SERVICES CQB INTERNATIONAL EXTENSION COLLEGE Education 121.7</p><p>P070290 2nd Health Systems Dev. PROCUREMENT OF MOTOR CYCLES ICB WESTMINISTER GLOBAL LTD Health and other social services 137.2</p><p>P071075 Urban Water Sector Reform Project 1 ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK QCBS BABTIE GROUP LTD. Law and justice and public administration 31.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 424.2 Total: 456.1 P072018 Nigeria:Transmission Development Project REINFORCEMENT OF GRID SUBSTATIONS ICB ALSTOM T&D SPR INTERNATIONAL TD Energy and mining 23,146.0 ENGINEERING SUPERVISION AND SITE MANAGEMENT QCBS PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF LTD Energy and mining 1,495.1</p><p>P086716 Sustainable Mngt. Mineral Resources CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL & SOC QCBS WARDELL ARMSTRONG Energy and mining 361.8</p><p>Country Total: 25,833.4</p><p>Pakistan P082987 PRSP TF052241:- HIRING OF INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS' SSS MR. NEIL CHALMERS Law and justice and public administration 39.2</p><p>Country Total: 39.2</p><p>Poland P008595 BIELSKO-BIALA WATER SANITARY SEWAGE SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION DESIGN I QCBS CH2M HILL Water, sanitation and flood protection 249.1</p><p>Country Total: 249.1</p><p>Red Sea and Gulf of Aden P063717 REG'L RED SEA SAP ESTABLISHMENT OF LIGHTHOUSE ON HANISH AL-KUB ICB MARINSTALL Law and justice and public administration 103.9 Transportation 66.4 Total: 170.3</p><p>Country Total: 170.3</p><p>Romania P057960 RURAL DEV (APL #1) TECHNICAL ASSISANCE AND TRAINING OF COMMUNES QCBS HALCROW GROUP LIMITED Health and other social services 8.0 Law and justice and public administration 92.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 368 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Transportation 100.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 199.9 Total: 399.9</p><p>P081950 HAZARD MITIGATION (GEF) FEASIBILITY STUDY AND BASELINE SURVEYS FOR I CQS WARDELL ARMSTRONG Energy and mining 20.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 80.0 Total: 100.0</p><p>FEASIBILITY STUDY AND BASELINE SURVEYS FOR I CQS GOLDER ASSOCIATES EEIG Energy and mining 23.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 92.8 Total: 116.0</p><p>Country Total: 615.9</p><p>Russian Federation P008828 FIN INSTS ASSISTANCE IN ASSESSMEENT OF BANKING SECTOR QCBS KPMG LIMITED (CHANNEL ISLANDS) Finance 848.0</p><p>P042622 CAP MRKT DEV DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE COMPONENTS FOR ITA O QCBS KPMG LTD (UNITED KINGDOM, GUERNSEY) Finance 7,177.9</p><p>P050891 ELEC SECTR REF TRAINING SEMINAR SETTLEMENTS IN WHOLESALE EL SSS TRANSEUROPEAN CENTER OF FINANCE & COMMERCE LTD Energy and mining 123.0 CONSTRUCTION OF PRICE & OUTPUT PROJECTIONS A QCBS NERA Energy and mining 630.0 DEVELOPMENT OF FRAMEWORK TO ATTRACT INVESTOR QCBS CMS CAMERON MCKENNA Energy and mining 857.8 Country Total: 9,636.6</p><p>Rwanda P057295 Competitiveness & Enterprise Development LABORATORY AND CHEMICALS FOR THE RWANDA BURE ICB WAGTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED OF BERKSHIRE, UK Industry and trade 290.8</p><p>Country Total: 290.8</p><p>Sao Tome and Principe P073904 ST-Public Resource Manag. Tech. Assist. ASSISTANCE TO THE GENERAL MANAGERJ OF THE NA CQS MICHAEL MCWALTER Law and justice and public administration 60.0</p><p>Country Total: 60.0</p><p>Senegal P070530 SN-ELECTRICITY SERV. for RURAL AREAS PRJ PROMOTING NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE S QCBS IT POWER LTD. Energy and mining 126.2</p><p>Country Total: 126.2</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P077473 EMG POWER LIC (MONTENEGRO) DESIGN, PROCUREMENT, TRAINING AND IMPLEMENTA QCBS CORPORATE SOLUTIONS Energy and mining 360.0</p><p>P077675 HEALTH TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN HEALTH POLICY. SUPPO INDV DAVID COCHRANE Health and other social services 43.0</p><p>P077732 PRIV & REST OF BANKS/ENTPRS TA PRIVATIZE THE SOCIALLY OWNED CAPITAL OF THRE QCBS NOMURA INTERNATIONAL PLC Finance 482.7 Industry and trade 1,251.4 Law and justice and public administration 53.6 Total: 1,787.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 369 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 2,190.6</p><p>Sierra Leone P002420 SIERRA LEONE TRANSPORT SECTOR PRO CONSULTING SERVICES FOR DRAFTING NEW REGULAT QBS CROWN AGENTS FOR OVERSEA GOVERNMENTS & ADMINIST Transportation 173.5</p><p>P040649 COMMUNITY REINTEGRATION & REHABILITATION EXCOMBATANTS TOOLKITS ICB CROMWELL INTERNATIONAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 68.6 Education 68.6 Health and other social services 114.3 Law and justice and public administration 137.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 68.6 Total: 457.2</p><p>P078389 SL Infrastructure Dev Proj (Transport) FEASIBILITY STUDY AND DETAILED DESIGN FOR TH QCBS MOUCHEL PARKMAN IN ASSOCIATION WITH CEMMATS Transportation 434.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,064.7</p><p>Slovak Republic P082065 ACCT & AUDIT REFORM IDF INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING - IAS/IFRS A CQS INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF SCOTLAND Finance 55.9</p><p>Country Total: 55.9</p><p>Slovenia P081843 BLDG CAP IN PUB ACCT IDF ESTABLISHING TRAINING PROGRAM IN LINE WITH B FBS CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC FINANCE & ACCOUNT Law and justice and public administration 129.8</p><p>Country Total: 129.8</p><p>Sri Lanka P010525 GENERAL EDUCATION II INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANCY OF SECONDARY LEVEL INDV TOM HUNTER Education 102.5</p><p>P042266 TEACHER EDUCATION & TEACHER DEPLOYMENT STUDY TOUR FOR 25 TEACHERS AT CITY COLLEGE O QBS INTERNATIONAL TRAINING, RESEARCH ADN EDUCATION Education 71.5 TRAINING PROGRAM FOR 30 TEACHERS IN ENGLISH SSS INTERNATIONAL TRAINING, RESEARCH ADN EDUCATION Education 68.8</p><p>P077586 LK Economic Reform TA CONSULTING SERVICES ON PREPARATION OF A REGU QCBS M/S. FRONTIER ECONOMICS LTD. Energy and mining 73.0 Finance 45.6 Law and justice and public administration 18.3 Transportation 27.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 18.3 Total: 182.6</p><p>PENSION REFORMS - AMALGAMATION OF ETF AND EP QCBS M/S MAXWELL STAMP PLC Finance 562.3 TECHNICAL ADVICE SSS JOHN EARL Energy and mining 95.6 Finance 59.8 Law and justice and public administration 23.9 Transportation 35.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.9 Total: 239.0</p><p>ADVISOR FOR RESTRUCTURING OF PEOPLE'S BANK SSS DERICK J KELLY Finance 238.3</p><p>Country Total: 1,465.0</p><p>St. Kitts and Nevis P077684 St. Kitts and Nevis Emergency Recovery P SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TWO (2) PATROL VESSEL LIB GDM LINDEX LIMITED Energy and mining 143.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 370 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Law and justice and public administration 24.7 Transportation 242.6 Total: 411.2</p><p>Country Total: 411.2</p><p>St. Lucia P070244 LC Water Sector Reform Tech Assist ENVIRONMENTAL & WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FR QCBS ERM - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Law and justice and public administration 67.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 101.3 Total: 168.9</p><p>P070430 Saint Lucia - Disaster Management BIO-SUITS LIB GDM LINDEX LIMITED Energy and mining 5.1 Health and other social services 5.1 Law and justice and public administration 5.1 Transportation 5.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5.1 Total: 25.4</p><p>P077687 St. Lucia Emergency Recovery Project STUDY & DESIGN OF A CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISIO QCBS RIDS LIMITED Transportation 44.7</p><p>Country Total: 238.9</p><p>Swaziland P002669 URBAN DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANCY FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES QCBS GHK INTERNATIONAL Energy and mining 6.9 Law and justice and public administration 103.7 Transportation 96.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 483.9 Total: 691.3</p><p>Country Total: 691.3</p><p>Tajikistan P075256 PAMIR PRIV POWER SUPPLY OF STEEL STRUCTURES LIB FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LTD Energy and mining 199.9</p><p>Country Total: 199.9</p><p>Tanzania P002804 AGRIC RESEARCH CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR TENDER NO. 36 OF 2002 ICB WAGTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED OF BERKSHIRE, UK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 49.2 Law and justice and public administration 126.5 Total: 175.6</p><p>CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR TENDER NO. 58 OF 2002 ICB WAGTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED OF BERKSHIRE, UK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 130.6 Law and justice and public administration 335.8 Total: 466.4</p><p>Country Total: 642.0</p><p>Thailand P004791 TH-SEC EDUC QUALITY IMPROV DGE TRAINING MODULE 3: SCIENCE INDV MARK WINDALE Education 227.1</p><p>Country Total: 227.1</p><p>Timor-Leste P079320 TP-Third Agric.Rehabilitation Proj. MR. JOHN STEEL AS PROJECT MANAGER CONTRACT N INDV JOHN STEEL ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 371 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 117.2</p><p>P082942 TP-Second Timor-Leste Petroleum Project OUTSIDE LEGAL AND STRAEGY ADVISOR INDV JONATHAN MORROW Energy and mining 67.2</p><p>Country Total: 184.4</p><p>Tonga P075230 TO-HEALTH SECTOR SUPPORT PROJECT PROCUREMENT ADVISORY SERVICES INDV ROBERT YARDLEY Health and other social services 121.5</p><p>Country Total: 121.5</p><p>Trinidad and Tobago P040108 TT POSTAL SERV. REFORM PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE, WORKSTATIONS A ICB BUSINESS EQUIPMENT & INTERIORS INTERNATIONAL LI Information and communications 47.3 Law and justice and public administration 1.5 Total: 48.8</p><p>REFURBISHMENT WORKS AT DELIVERY OFFICES, PAC NCB BUSINESS EQUIPMENT & INTERIORS INTERNATIONAL LI Information and communications 124.5 Law and justice and public administration 3.9 Total: 128.4</p><p>Country Total: 177.1</p><p>Turkey P009089 BASIC ED PROCUREMENT OF 6255 DATA PROJECTORS FOR THE ICB HITACHI EUROPE Education 8,423.6</p><p>P048852 NAT'L TRNSM GRID CONSULTING SERVICES FOR RESTRUCTURING OF TED QCBS MCKINSEY & COMPANY INC. Energy and mining 3,865.0</p><p>Country Total: 12,288.6</p><p>Uganda P002984 UG FOURTH POWER PROJECT ADVISORY SERVICES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF QCBS PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS Energy and mining 235.1 DESIGN AND PREPARATION OF BID DOCUMENTS FOR SSS SCOTT WILSON PIESOLD Energy and mining 1,443.2 PROCUREMENT OF PETROLEUM LABORATORY TESTING ICB WAGTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Energy and mining 156.7</p><p>P069996 UG: Energy for Rural Transformation DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDICATIVE RURAL ELECTRIFI QCBS IT POWER LTD. Energy and mining 968.4</p><p>P072482 HIV/AIDS Control Project HIV TEST KITS FOR VOLUNTARY COUNSELING AND T ICB CROWN AGENT PROCUREMENT & CONSULTANCY SERVICES Education 5.3 Health and other social services 218.1 Law and justice and public administration 39.4 Total: 262.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,066.2</p><p>Ukraine P075231 SOC ASST SYS MOD SUPPLY OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ISH BELCO TRADING LTD Health and other social services 11.6 IMPROVEMENTS IN THE HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY INDV MR. NICHOLAS TIBOR LONGFORD Health and other social services 83.3</p><p>P077738 QUAL EDUC EQUAL ACCESS TA FOR ASSESS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOU INDV MICHAEL LIGHTFOOT Education 28.8 TA FOR PROJ DESIGN AND INSTITUTIONANL ASSESS INDV TONY READ Education 44.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 372 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 167.7</p><p>Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I SMALL MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND KIT ICB KRAIMER INDUSTRY LIMITED Health and other social services 568.9</p><p>P009127 DRAINAGE, IRRIG & WETLANDS IMPRVMT ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES (ASSIGNMENT QCBS MOTT MACDONALD LTD/TEMELSU INTERNATIONAL ENGINE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 5,150.6 Law and justice and public administration 214.6 Total: 5,365.2</p><p>Country Total: 5,934.1</p><p>Vietnam P051838 VN-PRIMARY TEACHER DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION ADVISER INDV DOUGLAS KEITH HARDIE Education 221.8</p><p>P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB LOT 3:SUPPLY OF 220 OPGW KV AND ACCESSORIES ICB AFL TELECOMMUNICATION, LTD. Energy and mining 152.0 PACKAGE 7: OPTICAL GROUNDWIRES AND ACCESSORI ICB AFL TELECOMMUNICATION, LTD. Energy and mining 287.9</p><p>P077043 VN -Strengthening Community Driven Devt. PARTNERSHIP TO ASSIST THE POOREST COMMUNES SSS MR. EDWIN SHANKS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 30.0</p><p>Country Total: 691.7 Yemen, Republic of P041199 RY SOCIAL FUND DEVPT EVALUATE AND ASSESS THE GENDER PROGRAM IN YE SSS SUZANNE WILLIAMS Education 1.4 Finance 0.3 Health and other social services 2.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.4 Total: 5.7</p><p>P057346 Yemen PROT. AREA MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT STUDY FOR ESTABLISHING PROJECT IM QCBS MACALISTER ELLIOTT & PARTNERS LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 367.7</p><p>P065111 RY-PORT CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR REVISING AND UPDATI QCBS HALCROW Information and communications 119.8 Law and justice and public administration 958.5 Transportation 119.8 Total: 1,198.1</p><p>P070219 Yemen COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT STUDY FOR ESTABLISHING PROJECT IM QCBS MACALISTER ELLIOTT & PARTNERS LTD. Law and justice and public administration 220.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 147.1 Total: 367.7</p><p>Country Total: 1,939.2</p><p>Zambia P050400 PUB SVC CAP (PSCAP) SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIO ICB CAPITAN (EUROPE) LIMITED OF CAPITAN HOUSE Law and justice and public administration 232.4</p><p>P080612 ZA:Emergency Drought Recovery Project SUPPLY, DELIVERY OF 6 PONTOON ENGINES ICB SYKES MARINE (HYDROMASTER) LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 613.7</p><p>Country Total: 846.1</p><p>======------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 373 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED KINGDOM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Supplying Country Total: 106,264.1 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 374 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P077779 Emergency Infrastructure Reconstruction MMI/138 PROMOTION OF OIL AND GAS PRODUCING A QCBS GUSTAVSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Energy and mining 468.1</p><p>P078284 Emergency Transport Rehabilitation DESIGN OF THE REHABILITATION OF THE KABUL-DO QCBS LOUIS BERGER GROUP Transportation 615.3</p><p>P078324 Afghanistan Health Sector Emergency Reha CONTRACT WITH CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL & SSS NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE Finance 7.3 Health and other social services 638.9 Law and justice and public administration 72.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 7.3 Total: 726.0</p><p>P083720 AF: Emergency Communications Development EXPANSION OF THE GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATIONS N ICB GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. Information and communications 14,666.7</p><p>Country Total: 16,476.1</p><p>Africa P077371 3A: Climate Impacts on Agro-Ecological PROVISION OF TECHNICAL EXPERTISE FOR THE CLI SSS ROBERT MENDELSOHN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.0</p><p>Country Total: 40.0</p><p>Albania P045312 HEALTH RECOVERY CAPACITY BUILDING FOR TIRANA UNIVERSTIY HOSP QCBS METIS ADVISORY GROUP Health and other social services 250.6</p><p>P069120 EDUC REF CONSULTING SERVICES FOR ASSESSMENT AND EXAMI INDV ROBERT ALTMAN Education 56.6</p><p>P074905 PWR SECT REHAB/RESTRCT'G ESTABLISHMENT OF ENV. CELL QCBS STONE & WEBSTER MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. Energy and mining 234.8</p><p>Country Total: 542.1</p><p>Angola P072205 Economic Management TA SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SLB AND SOFTWARE ICB MONTRAN CORPORATION Finance 745.7 Law and justice and public administration 2,237.0 Total: 2,982.6</p><p>Country Total: 2,982.6</p><p>Armenia P035805 MUN DEVT CONSULTING SERVICES (INGO) FOR TECHNICAL ASS QCBS THE URBAN INSTITUTE & EURASIA Water, sanitation and flood protection 150.0 SUPPLY OF STEEL PIPES AND VALVES ICB RONBERG GRUPPE, LLC AG Water, sanitation and flood protection 231.1</p><p>P044829 TRANSPORT SUPPLY OF SPARE PARTS FOR FREIGHT WAGONS ICB "ONBURN TRADING" LLC Transportation 1,587.3 ISBI-009/1 SHOP "SONORA GROUP" LLC Transportation 89.0 CONTRACT ISBI-009/4 SHOP "SONORA GROUP" LLC Transportation 82.0</p><p>P057838 JUDICIAL REFORM CASE MANAGEMENT AND COURT ADMINISTRATION, JU CQS DPK CONSULTING Law and justice and public administration 619.2</p><p>P073974 HEALTH SYS MOD (APL #1) HEALTH SECTOR MANAGEMENT TRAINING IN ARMENIA INDV BERNARDO RAMIREZ ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 375 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 51.5</p><p>Country Total: 2,810.1</p><p>Azerbaijan P008288 BAKU WS SUPPLY OF BULK WATER METERS ICB RONBERG GRUPPE, LLC AG Water, sanitation and flood protection 93.8 SUPPLY OF SPECIALIST PLANT (LOT 1- EARTHMOVI ICB RONBERG GRUPPE, LLC AG Water, sanitation and flood protection 807.8</p><p>P070989 ED SECT DEV (APL #1) PROCUREMENT ADVISOR INDV URUJ AHMAD SHAHAB KIRMANI Education 164.3</p><p>Country Total: 1,065.9</p><p>Bangladesh P062916 Central Bank Strengthening Project BB-S5: IT PROGRAM MANAGER INDV THOMAS W. NICHOLSON Finance 945.6</p><p>P071794 Rural Elect. Renewable Energy Dev. GLR 7.3 - PROCUREMENT OF LINE VOLTAGE REGULA ICB COOPER POWER SYSTEM OF WAUKESHA Energy and mining 138.2 GLR10.5 - PROCUREMENT OF VOLTAGE REGULATOR ICB COOPER POWER SYSTEM OF WAUKESHA Energy and mining 468.1 SUB-PKG G-10.3 OF PKG G-10A. VOLTAGE REGULAT ICB COOPER POWER SYSTEM OF WAUKESHA Energy and mining 179.4 SUB-PKG G-10.5 OF PKG G-10A. SUBSTATION SWIT ICB M/S. UNIVERSAL TRADING & ENGINEERING CORPORATIO Energy and mining 419.5 SUB-PACKAGE GLR10.2 OF THE PACKAGE GLR-10A ICB COOPER POWER SYSTEM OF WAUKESHA Energy and mining 443.5 P081969 Enterprise Growth & Bank Modernization PROVIDING TEAM OF EXPERTS (MANAGEMENT TEAM) QCBS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, Finance 4,858.6</p><p>Country Total: 7,452.9</p><p>Barbados P075220 BARBADOS - CARIBBEAN HIV/AIDS I CONSULTANT SERVICES TO PROVIDE AND DELIVER A QBS SOCIAL AND SCIENTIFIC SYSTEMS Health and other social services 86.9</p><p>Country Total: 86.9</p><p>Bolivia P074212 BO-Health Sector Reform APL II VACCINEES PURCHASES DIR AGENCIA PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BURAEU Health and other social services 1,294.8 VACCINES PURCHASES DIR AGENCIA PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BURAEU Health and other social services 945.0</p><p>Country Total: 2,239.8</p><p>Bosnia-Herzegovina P058512 EDUC 3 TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR IMPROVIN INDV AIGLI ZAFEIRAKOU Education 27.9</p><p>P071004 SOC INS TA TOR 1.5B - HORIZONTAL FUNCTIONAL REVIEW AND CQS IOS PARTNERS INC Health and other social services 54.0 SOCIAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION ADVISORS - T QCBS IOS PARTNERS INC Health and other social services 486.0</p><p>Country Total: 567.9</p><p>Brazil P047309 BR ENERGY EFFICIENCY (GEF) REFERENCE CENTER QCBS PA GOVERNMENT SERVICES INC. Energy and mining 1,310.8 GONIOPHOTOMETER AND ANCILLIARY EQUIPMENT - L ICB PROLAB SALES, INC Energy and mining 698.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 376 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P048869 BR SALVADOR URBAN TRANS PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORY SERVICES REFERRI QCBS EARTH TECH/EARTH Transportation 2,479.1</p><p>Country Total: 4,488.5</p><p>Bulgaria P055157 HEALTH SECT REF INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT IN LABOR ADJUSTMENT QCBS BEARING POINT Health and other social services 407.8</p><p>P073427 RARP ITC PLANNING & STRATEGY EXPERT INDV DUSAN ECIMOVIC Law and justice and public administration 89.3 IT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT INDV CERTEX GROUP LTD. Law and justice and public administration 490.1</p><p>P080377 FOREST DEVT (GEF) CONSERVATION FINANCE SPECIALIST SSS JARED HARDNER Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 16.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,003.2</p><p>Cambodia P070542 KH-Health Sector Support Project ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL WORKS MANAGEMENT QCBS LOUIS BERGER GROUP Health and other social services 767.0</p><p>P073311 KH-PROV & PERI-URB WATER SUPERVISION OF OBA AND DBL CONTRACTS AND FEA QCBS THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, INC. Law and justice and public administration 297.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,686.4 Total: 1,984.0 Country Total: 2,751.0</p><p>Cape Verde P000435 C V TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE CONSULTANT TO SUPPORT US IN INITIATING THE P SSS ROBERT E. FISHERBEIN Transportation 23.5</p><p>P074249 CV HIV/AIDS PURCHASE MEDICATION, EQUIPMENT & HOSPITAL MA DIR UNICEF - THE UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND Health and other social services 923.7 EPIDEMIOLOGIST TO STRENGTHEN MINISTRY OF HEA QCBS MALOKE OBASE EFIMBA Health and other social services 97.5</p><p>P087004 C V Road Sector Support Project SUPPORT IN THE PROJECT PREPARATION SSS ROBERT E. FISHERBEIN Transportation 49.7</p><p>Country Total: 1,094.4</p><p>China P003571 CN-7th Railways TMIS STUDY TOUR SSS TERA INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC. Transportation 179.9 PASSENGER TICKET AND FREIGHT WAYBILL DATA AN QCBS TRANSPORTATION & ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Transportation 197.8</p><p>P042299 TEC COOP CREDIT IV STUDY ON E-GOVERNMENT FOR DIGITAL PANZHIHUA QCBS PLANGRAPHICS, INC. USA Law and justice and public administration 539.3</p><p>P044485 SHANGHAI WAIGAOQIAO CONSULTANTS' SERVICES FOR ENTERPRISE RESOURC QCBS ACCENTURE LLP Energy and mining 2,280.0</p><p>P049436 CN-CHONGQING URBAN ENVMT SUPPLY, INSTALL AND COMMISSIONING OF JIGUANS ICB MERIT TECHNOLOGIES INC Law and justice and public administration 284.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5,408.7 Total: 5,693.3</p><p>P051859 CN-LIAO RIVER BASIN ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 377 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>ADVISORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, TRAINING AND QCBS PLANGRAPHICS, INC. USA Industry and trade 216.0 Law and justice and public administration 151.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,792.6 Total: 2,159.7</p><p>P056424 CN-TONGBAI PUMPED STORA CONS. SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY OF COND CQB KEMA CONSULTING, INC. Energy and mining 132.4</p><p>P058843 Guangxi Highway PACKAGE A7: ROAD MAINTENANCE MACHINE (II) ICB DALIN INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORP. Transportation 1,190.6</p><p>P058845 Jiangxi II Hwy OVERSEAS TRAINING AND STUDY TOUR - C1 LCS THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, INC. Transportation 166.0 OVERSEAS TRAINING AND STUDY TOUR - C2 LCS BRAUN STANLEY INTERNATIONAL LLC Transportation 121.6</p><p>P087024 Cross Border Capital Flow PRESENTATION FOR WORKSHOP INDV JOSHUA AIZENMAN Finance 10.0</p><p>Country Total: 12,670.6</p><p>Colombia P040102 CO REG.REF.TA SUPPORT TO THE PRIVATIZATION AND CONCESSION SSS CLEARY, GOTTLIEB, STEEN & HAMILTON Energy and mining 245.0</p><p>Country Total: 245.0 Congo, Democratic Republic of P071144 CD-Prv Sec Development & Competitiveness MISE EN PLACE DE L'UNITE DE PASSATION DE MAR INDV MARK ZEYDLER-ZBOROWSKI Transportation 139.0</p><p>Country Total: 139.0</p><p>Ecuador P063644 EC Power&Comm.Sect Moderniz.&Rural Servi PROVISION DEL SISTEMA DE GESTION DE ENERGIA ICB ABB INC. Energy and mining 2,857.1</p><p>Country Total: 2,857.1</p><p>Ethiopia P044613 ET-Road Sector Development 2 CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR FINANCIAL & TECHNICA QCBS THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, INC. Transportation 392.7</p><p>P078458 ICT Assisted Development Project CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROJECT OPERATIONAL INDV MRS. PATRICIA ANNE MAUGHAN Education 3.5 Health and other social services 3.5 Industry and trade 3.5 Information and communications 21.0 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Total: 35.0</p><p>PRIVATE SECTOR & ICT TECHNOLOGY PARK DEVELOP INDV NEGA GEBREYESUS Education 4.0 Health and other social services 4.0 Industry and trade 4.0 Information and communications 24.0 Law and justice and public administration 4.0 Total: 40.0</p><p>COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST TO PREPARE A COMMUN INDV PAULETTE LEE Education 2.0 Health and other social services 2.0 Industry and trade 2.0 Information and communications 12.0 Law and justice and public administration 2.0 Total: 20.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 378 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>DRAFTING OF A BLUEPRINT FOR ENABLING A STABL INDV AKLILU GEBREYESUS HAILEMARIAM Information and communications 21.5 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT INDV PATRICIA MAUGHAN-COLON Information and communications 35.0</p><p>Country Total: 544.2</p><p>Gambia, The P057995 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR ECONOM. MGMT. THE CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE LEGISLATIVE SSS INTERNATIONAL LAW INSTITUTE Finance 2.6 Law and justice and public administration 85.3 Total: 87.9</p><p>FOR THE STUDY OF OPTIONS FOR THE DIVESTITURE SSS IOS PARTNERS Finance 100.0 CONSULTANCY SERVICE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ST SSS INTERNATION BUSINESS INITIATIVES Finance 88.1</p><p>P060329 HIV/AIDS Rapid Response ACCELERATED RESULTS IMPLEMENTATION (ARI) ACT SSS CROSS LAND GROUP LTD Health and other social services 100.0</p><p>Country Total: 376.1</p><p>Georgia P008415 AGRIC DEVT TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO RURAL CREDIT UNIONS INDV JESUS R. CHAVEZ Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1.6 Finance 11.7 Industry and trade 45.1 Law and justice and public administration 19.4 Total: 77.7 P008416 ENT REHAB REHABILITATION OF 15 ENTERPRISES IN SECTORS QCBS ECG INC./CARL BRO GROUP/INTERMAS CONS.LTD Industry and trade 1,372.3</p><p>P055068 IRR/DRAIN REHAB (APL #1) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION TRAI INDV DAVID G.CONE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 42.9 Law and justice and public administration 35.1 Total: 77.9</p><p>Country Total: 1,527.9</p><p>Ghana P000974 Nat. Func. Lit. Program PROCUREMENT OF ALUZINC ROOFING SHEETS ICB E.C. TECH/BOSSAH CO. LTD. Education 388.3 SUPPLY OF BICYCLES ICB E.C. TECH/BOSSAH CO. LTD. Education 58.0 SUPPLY OF WELLINGTON BOOTS AND FLASHLIGHTS ICB E.C. TECH/BOSSAH CO. LTD. Education 42.0 ASSESSMENT OF BENEFICIARIES' LEARNING ACHIEV SSS AYA AOKI Education 14.5 SOLAR LIGHTING SYSTEM ICB AFRICAN ENERGY/GLADYMANUEL LTD Education 177.7 BUTTERFLY HAND SEWING MACHINES ICB LEVIATHAN CORPORATION Education 123.7</p><p>P042516 PUBLIC ENTERPRISE/PR DEVELOPMENT OF A NATIONAL TELECOM POLICY & S CQB DAVID TOWNSEND & ASSOCIATES Law and justice and public administration 157.0</p><p>P050623 GH ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF QCBS K2 & ASSOCIATES, INC/MDC Transportation 167.5</p><p>Country Total: 1,128.6</p><p>Honduras P053575 HN- HEALTH SYSTEM REFORM PROJECT CARDS MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT FOR IHSS (CARNE NCB ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 829.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 379 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P057350 HN PROFUTURO PEDAGOGICAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS FOR THE DIS DIR TEXEL Education 228.3</p><p>P060785 HN ECONOMIC & FIN.MANAGEMENT PROJECT CONTRATACION DE SERVICIO DE SUSCRIPCION PRIV CQS PLATT'S GLOBAL ALERT Law and justice and public administration 17.2</p><p>P064913 HN EMERG DISASTER MGMT (TAL) REDUCCION DE LA VULNERABILIDAD A INUNDCIONES QCBS COOPERATIVE HOUSING FOUNDATION Law and justice and public administration 200.7</p><p>Country Total: 1,276.0</p><p>India P050647 UP WSRP SUPPLY OF DIGITAL AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL RECO ICB IN-SITU INC. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 446.6 Energy and mining 8.9 Health and other social services 134.0 Law and justice and public administration 303.7 Total: 893.2</p><p>P050668 MUMBAI URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT PROJECT MANAGEMENT - SCLR QCBS LOUIS BERGER INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 155.6 Transportation 881.9 Total: 1,037.5</p><p>P072539 KERALA STATE TRANSPORT CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF G QCBS WILBUR SMITH ASSOCIATES INC Transportation 742.7 Country Total: 2,673.4</p><p>Indonesia P048715 Indonesia - IIDP BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR TRANSI QCBS LEADING ASSOCIATES, LLC Information and communications 227.9 DEVELOPMENT OF A PROTOTYPE FOR INTERGOVERNME QCBS LEADING ASSOCIATES, LLC Information and communications 686.4</p><p>Country Total: 914.3</p><p>Iran, Islamic Republic of P069943 IR-2nd Primary Health Care & Nutrition STRENGTHEN THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF INDV HARBAKSH SETHI Health and other social services 80.5</p><p>Country Total: 80.5</p><p>Jordan P035997 JO-SECOND TOURISM DEV. ASSIST PETRA ARCHEOLOGICAL PARK-IMPLEMENTATI SSS CULTURAL SITE RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT (CSRM) Law and justice and public administration 20.0 Transportation 89.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 89.8 Total: 199.5</p><p>Country Total: 199.5</p><p>Kyrgyz Republic P040721 ASSP LAR CONSULTANT SSS RENEE A. GIOVARELLI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 5.4 Industry and trade 0.8 Law and justice and public administration 3.8 Total: 10.0</p><p>P083235 DISASTER HAZARD MITIGATION CONSULTING SERVICES FOR SOCIAL ASSESSMENT INDV HARRY LEMEL Water, sanitation and flood protection 58.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 380 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 68.1</p><p>Lao People's Democratic Republic P077620 LA-Fin. Management Capacity Building Cr. SOE RESTRUCTURING ADVISOR FOR LAO AIRLINES INDV ROBERT HANS Finance 114.4</p><p>Country Total: 114.4</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P066154 PSMAC PROVIDE LEGAL ADVICE TO MOF IN THE AREA OF P INDV SIMEON A. SAHAYDACHNY Law and justice and public administration 96.8 PENSION ADMIN SPEC SHALL ADVISE, RECOMMEND & INDV RHODA DAVIS Health and other social services 71.3 ASSIST IN STRENGTHENING STATE AUDIT OFFICE V QCBS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, Law and justice and public administration 603.3</p><p>P074358 SOC PROT INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT - IT SPECIALIST (DO QBS DONNA HAYES EDGERTON Health and other social services 15.6 Law and justice and public administration 62.4 Total: 78.0</p><p>P082337 ELEC POWER DEVT STUDY FOR BITOLA POWER PLANT FUEL SUPPLY OPT FBS JOHN T. BOYD Energy and mining 100.0</p><p>P086670 HLT SEC MGT PROVIDING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN PHARMACEUT INDV STEFAN TOFOVIC Health and other social services 28.4</p><p>Country Total: 977.8 Madagascar P051741 2nd Health Sector Support APPUI A LA MISE EN OEUVRE DES PLANS DE DEVEL LCS JOHN SNOW INCORPORATED, USA Health and other social services 1,302.5 MISE EN PLACE D'UNE COOPERATION AVEC FNUAP P DIR UNFPA Health and other social services 453.0</p><p>P072160 Second Private Sector Development Projec ETUDE DE LA MISE EN LOCATION GÉRANCE DE LA S CQS STERLING MERCHANT FINANCE LTD. Finance 13.5 Industry and trade 9.0 Law and justice and public administration 426.5 Total: 448.9</p><p>P076245 MINERAL RESOURCES GOVERNANCE PROJECT ACHAT DE MATERIEL DE FORMATION ET DE LIVRES ICB GIA GEM INSTRUMENTS OF CARLSBAND USA Energy and mining 131.0 ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE POUR LA PROMOTION DE LÍ QCBS DEBORAH ORSINI Energy and mining 54.8 ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE POUR LE REGLEMENT DES D QCBS DUNCAN & ALLEN Energy and mining 73.2 MISE EN PLACE DU LABO, DE L'ECOLE DE GEMMOLO QCBS THOMAS CUSHMAN Energy and mining 93.2 DEMARRAGE DE L'INSTITUT DE GEMMOLOGIE ET LE QCBS THOMAS CUSHMAN Energy and mining 93.2</p><p>Country Total: 2,650.0</p><p>Malawi P001666 MW ROAD MAIN. & REHAB CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR MALAWI TRANSPORT CO QCBS TERA INTERNATIONAL GROUP, INC Transportation 697.6</p><p>P035917 Mulanje Mt. Biodiversity Conservation Pr EXECUTION OF BASELINE BIODIVERSITY SURVEYS A SSS WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY (WCS) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 111.6 Education 2.3 Health and other social services 1.2 Total: 115.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 381 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 812.6</p><p>Mali P001748 FINANCE SECTOR DEVEL PLAN DE DEVELOPPEMENT À MOYEN TERME DE LA BM QCBS STERLING MERCHANT FINANCE LTD. Finance 64.9 Law and justice and public administration 55.3 Total: 120.2</p><p>Country Total: 120.2</p><p>Mauritania P035689 Health Sect. Invest. Program SUPPLY OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS TO 7 REGIONA ICB AMERICAN MEDICAL ENGINEERING Health and other social services 117.4 Law and justice and public administration 8.8 Total: 126.3</p><p>Country Total: 126.3</p><p>Mexico P044531 MX KNOWLEDGE & INNOV. ADQUISICION JAULAS METABOLICAS PARA ROEDORES ICB Y CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC. Education 5.1 Finance 3.0 Industry and trade 2.8 Law and justice and public administration 12.2 Total: 23.0</p><p>P057531 MX Basic Ed. APL II ADQUISICION DE 7,065,150 BOLIGRAFOS Y 13,635 ICB LEARNING RESOURCES INC Education 829.0</p><p>P070108 MX Savings & Credit Sector Strengthening CONSOLIDACION DE LAS INSTITUCIONES DEL SECTO QCBS WORLD COUNCIL OF CREDIT UNIONS, INC. Finance 1,629.4 PP1 CONSOLIDADO PROYECTO DE ASISTENCIA TECNI QCBS WORLD COUNCIL OF CREDIT UNIONS, INC. Finance 2,147.2</p><p>Country Total: 4,628.6</p><p>Mongolia P071023 MN-Financial Capacity Dev. Project COMMERCIAL BANK RISK MANAGEMENT INDV H. PEERS BREWER Finance 212.0</p><p>P078358 MN STRENGTHENING ENV MGMT CAPACITY CONTRACT FOR MR.JAMES R. WINGARD. CQB MR.JAMES R. WINGARD Health and other social services 20.0</p><p>P079000 MN-Strengthening Capacity of the SAIC PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION WORK INDV MR WILLIAM JOHNSTON JR. Finance 82.3</p><p>Country Total: 314.3</p><p>Mozambique P069824 Higher Education VERESTAR - BANDWIDTH INTERNET ACCESS; PERIOD ICB VERESTAR, INC. Education 248.4</p><p>P089774 Commercial Debt Reduction - Preparation TECHNICAL ADVISE QCBS PUBLIC RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL Finance 290.0</p><p>Country Total: 538.4</p><p>Nepal P081784 PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REFORM IN NEPAL CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR DRAFTING PUBLIC PRO FBS INTERNATIONAL LAW INSTITUTE Law and justice and public administration 73.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 382 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 73.0</p><p>Nicaragua P050613 NI SECOND BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT LIBROS DE TEXTOS DIR EDITORIAL CARTOTECNICA CENTROAMERICANA Education 826.7</p><p>P055853 NI - TELECOMMUNICATION REFORM POLITICA NACIONAL Y LINEAMIENTOS DE APERTURA QCBS STRATEGIC POLICY RESEARCH (SPR) Information and communications 317.1</p><p>P064906 NI Poverty Red.&Local Dev. FISE DISEÑO DE LA EVALUACIÓN EXPERIMENTAL DEL FIS ICB ORC-MACRO INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 40.0 DISEÑO DE LA EVALUACIÓN EXPERIMENTAL DEL FIS QBS ORC-MACRO INTERNATIONAL Health and other social services 40.0</p><p>P064916 NI Natural Disaster Vulnerability Reduc ANALISIS DE RIESGO Y LA INCORPORACION DE LA QCBS WORLD INSTITUTE FOR DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (D Health and other social services 59.5 Law and justice and public administration 791.0 Total: 850.5</p><p>ACTUALIZACION DE LA GUIA METODOLOGICA EN LA QCBS WORLD INSTITUTE FOR DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (D Health and other social services 7.0 Law and justice and public administration 93.4 Total: 100.5</p><p>Country Total: 2,174.8</p><p>Nigeria P065301 ECON.MGMT.CAP.BLDG. PROVIDE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE HONORABLE SSS MISS EDITH JIBUNOH Law and justice and public administration 60.0</p><p>P086716 Sustainable Mngt. Mineral Resources PREPARATION OF RESETTLEMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK QCBS JAMES OREHMIE MONDAY Energy and mining 11.0</p><p>Country Total: 71.0</p><p>Papua New Guinea P004398 PNG-FORESTRY AND CONSERVATION PROJ. MR CHRISTOPHER LAFRANCHI AS NATURAL RESOURCE INDV CHRISTOPHER LAFRANCHI Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 57.0</p><p>Country Total: 57.0</p><p>Paraguay P039994 PY FINANCIAL SECTOR ADJ LOAN DISEÑO Y DESARROLLO DEL MARCO LEGAL Y ORGANI CQS FIT & PROPER Finance 180.0</p><p>Country Total: 180.0</p><p>Romania P057960 RURAL DEV (APL #1) LOW COST DESIGN STANDARDS FOR RURAL ROADS PR QCBS LOUIS BERGER INC Health and other social services 3.5 Law and justice and public administration 40.2 Transportation 43.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 87.4 Total: 174.8</p><p>P069679 PPIBL SERVICES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE SUPERVISION QCBS GLOCOMS, INC Energy and mining 37.3 Finance 55.9 Law and justice and public administration 93.2 Total: 186.3</p><p>Country Total: 361.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 383 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Russian Federation P008828 FIN INSTS LEGAL SUPPORT TO CENTRAL BANK OF RUSSIA INDV JAMES H. FOSTER Law and justice and public administration 245.6</p><p>P050487 STATE STATS SYST TRAINING COURSE "COMPUTERIZED PROCESSING OF SSS US BUREAU OF CENSUS Law and justice and public administration 24.0</p><p>P050891 ELEC SECTR REF ANALYSIS OF INFLUENCE OF RESTRUCT PROGRESS I QCBS NERA Energy and mining 480.0</p><p>P058587 REG FISC TA REGIONAL FISCAL MANAG.GUIDELINES & BEST PRAC QCBS INSTITUTE FOR EASTWEST STUDIES Law and justice and public administration 2,784.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,534.4</p><p>Rwanda P057295 Competitiveness & Enterprise Development ESTABLISHMENT OF AN SME FUND IN RWANDA SSS INSTITUTE FOR SME FINANCE Finance 133.7</p><p>Country Total: 133.7</p><p>Sao Tome and Principe P073904 ST-Public Resource Manag. Tech. Assist. PETROLEUM TECHNICAL CONSULTANT CQB THOMAS E. O'CONNOR Law and justice and public administration 50.0 INTERNATIONAL ADVISORS FOR THE DEVELOPEMENT CQB STEVE COWPER & ASSOCIATES Law and justice and public administration 139.9</p><p>Country Total: 189.9 Senegal P002369 Integr. Health Sect. Dev. HEALTH AND POPULATION SURVEY SSS MACRO INTERNATIONAL, INC. Health and other social services 990.3</p><p>P069207 Casamance Emergency Reconstruction Suppo EVALUATION ENVIRONNEMENTALE REG. PROG. RELAN SSS BUURSINK Transportation 66.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.3 Total: 94.3</p><p>Country Total: 1,084.6</p><p>Serbia and Montenegro P074484 EXP FIN FAC CREDIT RISK ASSESSMENT INDV TERRANCE MOHORUK Industry and trade 219.1</p><p>P079989 STRENGTH COURT ADMIN SYST IDF COURT ADMINISTRATION DIAGNOSTIC CQS BOOZ ALLEN & HAMILTON INC. Law and justice and public administration 50.0</p><p>Country Total: 269.1</p><p>Sierra Leone P040649 COMMUNITY REINTEGRATION & REHABILITATION INDEPENDENT POST-IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION O QCBS CREATIVE ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL, INC Health and other social services 140.0</p><p>P070201 Second Public Sector Management Support INSTITUTION OF A PERFORMANCE-ORIENTED MANAGE QCBS SUDHENDU B. DHAR Health and other social services 0.7 Law and justice and public administration 64.4 Total: 65.0</p><p>P078389 SL Infrastructure Dev Proj (Transport) RURAL WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION STUDY IN S QCBS ABDOULAYE DJEGAL Transportation 52.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 384 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 257.1</p><p>Slovak Republic P081801 LEG/REG REF IN INFRA IDF DEVELOP ESSENTIAL COMPONENTSOF NEW REGULATOR FBS NATIONAL ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES (NERA) Energy and mining 321.0</p><p>Country Total: 321.0</p><p>Sri Lanka P069784 Distance Learning Initiative - LIL SUPPLY OF BRIDGE EQUIPMENT ISH INTERNATIONAL VIDEO CONFERENCING INC. Education 61.5</p><p>P077586 LK Economic Reform TA SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE PRIME MIN ISTER SSS JAMES W ROBERTSON Energy and mining 85.6 Finance 53.5 Law and justice and public administration 21.4 Transportation 32.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 21.4 Total: 214.0</p><p>PROPOSAL FOR SRI LANKA - USA FTA SSS INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Finance 130.0</p><p>Country Total: 405.5</p><p>St. Lucia P070244 LC Water Sector Reform Tech Assist INVESTMENT FEASIBILITY & FINANCIAL STRATEGY QCBS STONE & WEBSTER/ATKINS Water, sanitation and flood protection 413.7 P070430 Saint Lucia - Disaster Management PROCUREMENT OF TRAINING EQUIPMENT ISH PAN OCEAN INTERNATIONAL INC. Energy and mining 8.4 Health and other social services 8.4 Law and justice and public administration 8.4 Transportation 8.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 8.4 Total: 41.9</p><p>P077712 6O LC Education (APL01) DELIVERY OF SPECIAL EDUCATION TRAINING PROGR CQS LYNCHBURG COLLEGE Education 117.0</p><p>Country Total: 572.6</p><p>St. Vincent and the Grenadines P069923 VC Disaster Management PREFABRICATED METAL BRIDGES AND COMPONENTS ICB ACROW CORPORATION OF AMERICA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 18.1 Industry and trade 18.1 Information and communications 36.2 Law and justice and public administration 108.5 Total: 180.9</p><p>Country Total: 180.9</p><p>Tajikistan P058898 RURAL INFRA REHAB PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS AND OFFICE EQUIPMEN ICB VIKRO INC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 34.3 Law and justice and public administration 11.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5.6 Total: 51.2</p><p>ENHANCING LAND AND WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMEN INDV RAMCHAND OAD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.9 Law and justice and public administration 13.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6.7 Total: 61.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 385 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>P059755 IBTA 2 TO PREPARE A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE PRIVATIZ INDV JULIAN SIMIDJIYSKI Law and justice and public administration 95.1</p><p>Country Total: 207.3</p><p>Tanzania P057187 FIDP II DIAGNOSTIC REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF RESTRUCT QCBS DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATS EMERGING MARKETS LTD. Finance 107.8</p><p>P082335 Second Health Sector Dev. SUPPLY OF BOOKS AND ANATOMICAL CHARTS - LOT ICB KWAPLAH INTERNATIONAL CO. Health and other social services 174.0</p><p>Country Total: 281.8</p><p>Timor-Leste P072461 TP-Economic Institutions for Capacity Bl BOSTON INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPING ECONOMIES (B INDV BOSTON INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPING ECONOMIES Law and justice and public administration 186.0</p><p>P072647 TP-FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL QUALITY PROJECT CURRICULUM PLANNING ADVISER - CLIFTON CHADWI INDV DR. CLIFTON CHADWICK Education 150.2</p><p>P082942 TP-Second Timor-Leste Petroleum Project TSO RESINDENT COORDINATOR/LEGAL ADVISOR INDV ALISA NEWMAN HOOD Energy and mining 63.9</p><p>Country Total: 400.1</p><p>Trinidad and Tobago P040108 TT POSTAL SERV. REFORM SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF CLUSTER BOXES NCB POSTAL PRODUCTS UNLIMITED INC. Information and communications 140.5</p><p>Country Total: 140.5</p><p>Turkey P009076 HEALTH 2 INFANT INCUBATOR ICB HILL-ROM Health and other social services 1,113.2</p><p>Country Total: 1,113.2</p><p>Uganda P049543 UG ROAD SECT/INST.SUPP CONSULTING SERVICES-COMMISSION WITHIN ROAD A QCBS SHELADIA ASSOCIATES, INC Law and justice and public administration 1,154.3 Transportation 707.5 Total: 1,861.8</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICES: COMMISSION WITHIN THE QCBS LOUS BERGER GROUP Transportation 1,919.6</p><p>Country Total: 3,781.4</p><p>Ukraine P074972 PAL 2 ADVISOR ON THE STRATEGY PAPER FOR FURTHER DE INDV SIMEON A. SAHAYDACHNY Law and justice and public administration 40.0</p><p>P077738 QUAL EDUC EQUAL ACCESS DEV GE SCHOOL NETWORK OPTIMIZATION POLICY AN INDV DR. FRANK SCHORN Education 44.0</p><p>P079316 PAL 3 COST OF DOING BUSINESS SURVEY SSS PALIANYTSIA ANDRII Law and justice and public administration 76.0 FINANCIAL SOLVENCY OF FUEL AND ENERGY ENTERP INDV HARVEY SALGO Law and justice and public administration 50.0</p><p>Country Total: 210.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 386 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UNITED STATES Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I LOT J: LABORATORY FURNITURE ICB NORVALE TRADING Health and other social services 299.4 LOT M: MEDICAL SCALES & HEIGHT METERS ICB ARJ-MED. INC. Health and other social services 95.1 REFRIGIRATORS & COLD BOXES ICB NORVALE TRADING Health and other social services 390.9 MEDICAL FURNITURE & EXAMINATION ROOMS ICB NORVALE TRADING Health and other social services 637.0 ULTRA-VIOLET LAMPS, DRY-HEAT STERILIZERS & F ICB ARJ-MED. INC. Health and other social services 243.7</p><p>P051370 HEALTH 2 TA FOR PROJECT MONITORING & EVALUATION. CON INDV JAMES ANTHONY CERCONE Health and other social services 17.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,683.6</p><p>Vietnam P062748 VN - COMMUNITY BASED RURAL INFRA. PROCESS MONITORING SERVICE QCBS LOUIS BERGER GROUP Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 202.3 Energy and mining 202.3 Law and justice and public administration 70.4 Transportation 202.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 202.3 Total: 879.7</p><p>P077947 IDF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT FOR 2ND COMPONENT INDV DAVID A. BURACK Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 22.6 Transportation 22.6 Total: 45.2 Country Total: 924.9</p><p>West Bank and Gaza P071367 WB/G - Strengthening Pub. Invest. Mgt. ECONOMIST/POLICY PLANNER FOR MOP'S POLICY RE INDV SALEM S. AJLUNI Law and justice and public administration 129.4</p><p>Country Total: 129.4</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P005911 RY Education Sector HOSPITALITY FURNITURE FOR ACC ICB EDUSYSTEMS Education 198.2 PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTER NETWORK, PC MAINTENA ICB EDUSYSTEMS Education 747.7 PROCUREMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING TECHNO ICB BOALEECO WATERS WAY INDUSTRIAL Education 240.5</p><p>P057602 Yemen URBAN WTR SUPPLY & SANITATION APL SUPN OF WORKS FOR 3 CONTRACTS OF AL-HODEIDAH SSS HARZA ENGINEERING CO. INTERNATIONAL LP Water, sanitation and flood protection 730.0</p><p>Country Total: 1,916.3</p><p>Zambia P040642 ERIPTA STUDY TOUR TO THE USA BY ENERGY REGULATION B SSS UNITED STATES ENERGY ASSOCIATION Energy and mining 257.9</p><p>Country Total: 257.9</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 99,496.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 387 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: URUGUAY Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Uruguay P008177 UY POWER TRNMSN & DISTR EQUIPAMIENTO DE BAJA TENSION ICB CAHORS URUGUAY MATERIAL ELECTRICO S.A. Energy and mining 198.8 EQUIPAMIENTO DE BAJA TENSION ICB FILIPIAK INGENIERIA SRL Energy and mining 176.1</p><p>P039203 UY FOREST PROD.TSP EXECUTION OF NEW WORKS ICB CONSORCIO TRACOVIAX S.C. Transportation 4,721.6</p><p>P063383 UY APL OSE MOD&REHAB. AMPLIACION DE LA RED DE ALCANTARILLADO EN FL ICB TEYMA URUGUAY SOCIEDAD ANONIMA Water, sanitation and flood protection 654.9 1230 RANC - CIUDAD DE LA COSTA, COSTA DE ORO ICB TEYMA URUGUAY S.A. Water, sanitation and flood protection 452.6</p><p>P070937 UY- BASIC EDUCATION 3 320-PCS PREMIO MON.15"; 1-SERVER PREMIO MON. ICB EMPRESA URUDATA S.A. Education 302.8 250-PCS PREMIO MINOS 19"MONITOR; 45- PC PREM ICB SONDA URUGUAY S.A. Education 425.2 10 ITEMS:PRE-SCHOOL & SCHOOL CHAIRS,TEACHER ICB EMPRESA BENITO SALGADO Education 287.8 32 LASER PRINTERS, 40 DESK PRINTER, 320 LASE ICB CONATEL Education 79.2</p><p>P074543 UY FOOT & MOUTH DISEASE - ERL PROVISION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE QCBS CONSORCIO SONDA-ICA-ARTECH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 3,294.4 Law and justice and public administration 536.3 Total: 3,830.7</p><p>Country Total: 11,129.6 ======Supplying Country Total: 11,129.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 388 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: UZBEKISTAN Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P077779 Emergency Infrastructure Reconstruction SUPPLY OF MAIN PIPELINES - G1 - LOT1 SHOP HOBAS-TAPO Energy and mining 170.9 Law and justice and public administration 41.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 167.1 Total: 379.7</p><p>SUPPLY OF MAIN PIPELINES - G1 - LOT 2 SHOP HOBAS-TAPO Energy and mining 165.8 Law and justice and public administration 40.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 162.1 Total: 368.5</p><p>SUPPLY OF MAIN PIPELINES G 1 - LOT 3 SHOP HOBAS-TAPO Energy and mining 142.8 Law and justice and public administration 34.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 139.6 Total: 317.3</p><p>Country Total: 1,065.5</p><p>Central Asia P042573 CENTRAL ASIA BIODIV (GEF) RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD TO BASHKIZILSAY SHOP OAO AVTOYIL-QURILISH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 56.5 Education 14.4 Health and other social services 10.8 Industry and trade 12.0 Law and justice and public administration 26.5 Total: 120.2</p><p>Country Total: 120.2 Uzbekistan P009125 HEALTH I MEDICAL CONSUMABLES ICB EL Health and other social services 237.8 AUDIT 2003-2004 LCS HOLIS GURUH Health and other social services 28.5</p><p>P049621 BUKHARA/SAMARKAND WS PROCUREMENT OF NON-METAL PIPES ICB JV HOBAS TAPO ZAO Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,098.8</p><p>P051370 HEALTH 2 SOCIAL ASSESSMENT SSS OOO SHARH VA TAVSIYA Health and other social services 10.0 AUDIT 2003-2004 LCS HOLIS GURUH Health and other social services 9.4</p><p>Country Total: 1,384.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 2,570.2 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 389 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: VANUATU Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Kiribati P078290 Kiribati Adaptation Project MR. SILIGA KOFE AS SHORT TERM TECHNICAL EXPE INDV SILIGA KOFE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 3.2 Law and justice and public administration 1.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3.2 Total: 8.0</p><p>Country Total: 8.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 8.0 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 390 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: VENEZUELA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Colombia P040102 CO REG.REF.TA REESTRUCTURACION DE LAS EMPRESAS INDUSTRIALE QCBS ARTHUR D. LITTLE DE VENEZUELA, C. A. Energy and mining 26.6 Information and communications 13.3 Law and justice and public administration 133.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.1 Total: 190.0</p><p>Country Total: 190.0</p><p>Venezuela P008222 VE AG EXT AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICES - FUNDACION SSS FUNDACION ESCUELA DE GERENCIA SOCIAL Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 74.2</p><p>P008237 VE INPARQUES ACQUISITION OF SELF-PROPELLED HOUSE BOAT ICB CORPORACION ARS C.A. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 386.1 PURCHASE OF AQUATIC VEHICLES (BOATS, PARTS A ICB MATRIXVAL INVERSIONES C.A. Law and justice and public administration 554.1</p><p>Country Total: 1,014.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 1,204.4 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 391 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: VIETNAM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Mongolia P040907 MN-Energy Sector AUDIT OF CORPORATE FINANCIAL STATEMENT AT UB LCS KPMG LIMITED Energy and mining 138.3</p><p>Country Total: 138.3</p><p>Vietnam P004828 VN-HIGHER EDUC. QIG C - ENHANCING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APP DIR NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY(DAI HOC KINH TE Q Education 4,440.9 QIG C - INVESTMENT IN MODERN EQUIP. FOR COMM DIR VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI Education 5,327.9 QIG C - DEVELOPING INFORMATION-LIBRARY RESOU DIR TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS UNIVERSITY Education 2,421.1 QIG C: STRENGTHENING EDUCATION & RESEARCH CA DIR CAN THO UNIVERSITY Education 2,267.4 QIG C - ESTABLISHING THE LABORATORY OF PHYSI DIR HANOI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Education 4,743.6</p><p>P004833 VN-Urban Transport Improvement CIVIL WORK FOR IMPROVEMENT OF CORRIDOR 4 NCB VIETNAM INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CORP.(T Transportation 602.7 IMPROVEMENT OF SUB-AREAS 1,2,3 & ISOLATED JU NCB CONG TY VAT TU VAN TAI & XAY DUNG CONG TRINH GI Transportation 288.5 IMPROVEMENT OF SUB-AREA 4 & PEDESTRIAN AREAS NCB VN TEA GENERAL CORP. (TONG CONG TY CHE VN) Transportation 288.2</p><p>P004839 VN - FOREST PROT.& RUL DE LOT 3: PROCUREMENT OF 65 MOTOCYCLES SIRIUS V ICB VIET XUAN DEV.& INVEST. CO. LTD(CTY D/TU & P/TR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 53.9 Health and other social services 16.7 Law and justice and public administration 3.9 Transportation 23.5 Total: 98.0 P004843 VN-Inland Waterways CONTRACT 4.12 - CONSTRUCTION OF TAM NGAN BIR NCB CIVIL ENGINEERING CONST. CORP. NO.6 (CIENCO6) Transportation 1,146.2 INSTALL. OF NAVIGATION AIDS FOR RIVERS & CAN DIR RIVER MANAG. STATION NO.10 (DOAN QUAN LY DUONG Transportation 99.7 INSTALL. OF NAVIGATION AIDS FOR RIVER & CANA DIR RIVER MANAG. STATION NO.11 (DOAN QUAN LY DUONG Transportation 279.2 INSTALL. OF NAVIGATION AIDS FOR RIVERS & CAN DIR RIVER MANAG. STATION NO.11 (DOAN QUAN LY DUONG Transportation 197.0 INSTALL. OF NAVIGATION AIDS FOR RIVERS & CAN DIR RIVER MANAG. STATION NO.12 (DOAN QUAN LY DUONG Transportation 197.0 INSTALL. OF NAVIGATION AIDS FOR RIVERS & CAN DIR RIVER MANAG. STATION NO.10 (DOAN QUAN LY DUONG Transportation 297.6 INSTALL. OF NAVIGATION AIDS FOR RIVERS & CAN DIR RIVER MANAG. STATION NO.13 (DOAN QUAN LY DUONG Transportation 297.6 INSTALL. OF NAVIGATION AIDS FOR RIVERS & CAN DIR RIVER MANAG. STATION NO.14 (DOAN QUAN LY DUONG Transportation 103.8 INSTALL. OF NAVIGATION AIDS FOR RIVERS & CAN DIR RIVER MANAG. STATION NO.15 (DOAN QUAN LY DUONG Transportation 118.1 CONTRACT 4.19: ROAD AND YARD OF CAN THO PORT NCB TRANSPORT ENGINEERING CO. #675 Transportation 249.5 CONTRACT W6: BINH LONG LANDING STAGE NCB AN GIANG CIVIL ENGINEERING TRANS. CO. Transportation 781.3 CONTRACT W2: GIAO LONG LANDING STAGE NCB CONST & NEW TECHNOLOGY APP. CO. (CTY XD VA UNG Transportation 814.1 CONTRACT W1: CONST. OF LUONG THE TRAN BRIDGE NCB CIVIL ENGINEERING CONST. CORP. NO.6 (CIENCO6) Transportation 1,941.9</p><p>P004844 VN-AGRIC. DIVERSIFICATION SUPPLY OF TRAINING FACILITIES (15 LCD PROJEC ICB HANOI INFRA.& TECHNCIAL SCIENCE DEV. J/S CO. (H Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 38.6 Health and other social services 1.0 Law and justice and public administration 9.3 Total: 48.8</p><p>BASELINE SURVEY & RURAL APPRAISAL QCBS INVEST CONSULT GROUP Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 72.8 Health and other social services 1.8 Law and justice and public administration 17.5 Total: 92.2</p><p>P004845 VN - MEKONG DELTA WATER ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 392 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: VIETNAM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>QL-PH: PACK.28 (E6-9)-CONST. OF HUU THANH-PH NCB AN BINH CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 707.6 Law and justice and public administration 74.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 41.1 Total: 822.8</p><p>SMT: ICB/CW03 - CAI HOP SLUICE ICB AN BINH CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,084.6 Law and justice and public administration 113.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 63.1 Total: 1,261.2</p><p>SMT: ICB/CW03 - CAI HOP SLUICE ICB BINH LOI STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION CO. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 813.5 Law and justice and public administration 85.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 47.3 Total: 945.9</p><p>SMT: ICB/CW03 - CAI HOP SLUICE ICB NGHE AN HYDRAULIC CONST. J/STOCK CO. #1 Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 813.5 Law and justice and public administration 85.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 47.3 Total: 945.9</p><p>CONSULTANT SERVICE FOR STRENGTHENING OF ENVI QCBS SUB-INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESOURCES PLANNING (PV Water, sanitation and flood protection 233.7</p><p>P042568 VN - COASTAL Wetl/Prot Dev RAP EXTERNAL MONITORING QBS INVEST CONSULT GROUP Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 31.4 Health and other social services 40.5 Law and justice and public administration 10.8 Total: 82.7</p><p>P042927 VN-Mekong Transport/Flood Protection FL-2, REHABILITATION OF HIGHWAY NO. 1, CAN T ICB JOINT VENTURE BETWEEN CIENCO4 AND LICOGI Transportation 10,692.7</p><p>P045628 VN-TRANSMISSION & DISTR CONDUCTORS AND OVERHEAD GROUNDWIRE ICB THE CONSORTIUM CADIVI-LG VINA CABLE Energy and mining 2,134.9 REHABILITATION & EXPANSION OF MV DISTRIBUTIO ICB HONG NGOC CO. LTD. Energy and mining 371.5 REHABILITATION & EXPANSION OF MV DISTRIBUTIO ICB HONG NGOC CO. LTD. Energy and mining 256.8 REHABILITATION & EXPANSION OF MV DISTRIBUTIO ICB LIOA WIRE & CABLE CO., LTD. Energy and mining 428.9 REHABILITATION & EXPANSION OF MV DISTRIBUTIO ICB TRAN PHU ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CO. Energy and mining 474.7 REHABILITATION & EXPANSION OF MV DISTRIBUTIO ICB HOANG LIEN SON TECHNICAL CERAMICS JOINT STOCK C Energy and mining 200.4</p><p>P051553 VN-3 CITIES SANITATION CONTRACT 020: DRAINAGE CULVERTS, WASTEWATER ICB BACH DANG CONSTRUCTION CORP. Water, sanitation and flood protection 9,120.6</p><p>P051838 VN-PRIMARY TEACHER DEVELOPMENT PROCUREMENT OF 137 PHOTOCOPIERS ICB TAN HONG HA COMPANY LIMITED Education 739.2 Law and justice and public administration 22.9 Total: 762.1</p><p>P056452 VN-RURAL ENERGY PACKAGE 7 - SUPPLY OF LV SWITCHBOARDS FOR VI ICB VINH-HUY-3C ENGINEERING JV Energy and mining 285.1 PKG. 3, LOTS 3.1 & 3.2: STRING/MV PIN-TYPE I ICB HOANG LIEN SON TECHNICAL CERAMICS CO., (HOCERAT Energy and mining 319.8 PACKAGE 4, LOT 4.1 - SUPPLY OF LINE FITTINGS ICB TUAN AN PRODUCING & TRADING CO. LTD. Energy and mining 454.0 PACKAGE 4, LOT 4.2: SUPPLY OF LINE MATERIALS ICB VIETNAM ELECTRIC WIRE & CABLE CORP. Energy and mining 434.3 PACKAGE 2, LOT 2.1-2.6 SUPPLY OF CONDUCTORS ICB VIETNAM ELECTRIC WIRE & CABLE CORP. Energy and mining 1,024.5 PKG. 1, LOTS 1.1, 1.2 & 1.7: SUPPLY OF CONDU ICB ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND MECHANICAL INSTRUMENT Energy and mining 510.7 PKG. 1, LOT 1.3: SUPPLY OF CONDUCTORS FOR VI ICB TAN CUONG THANH ELECTRICAL WIRE-CABLE CO. LTD. Energy and mining 22.9 PKG. 1, LOT 1.4 & LOT 1.5 BARE CONDUCTORS FO ICB TAN NGHE NAM ELECTRIC WIRE & CABLE CO. Energy and mining 198.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 393 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: VIETNAM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>PKG. 1, LOT 1.6: BARE CONDUCTORS FOR VIETNAM ICB LIEN DAT PRIVATE CO. Energy and mining 275.4 PKG. 1, LOT 1.8:BARE CONDUCTORS FOR VIETNAM ICB TRAN PHU ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CO. Energy and mining 509.4 PACKAGE 6: SUPPLY OF MVOH EQUIPMENT (SWTITCH ICB SAIGON ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Energy and mining 132.6 PAKCAGE 5: SUPPLY OF SINGLE PHASE DISTRIBUTI ICB ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY Energy and mining 648.3 PACKAGE 2, LOTS 2.7 & 2.8: SUPPLY OF CONDUCT ICB TAN CUONG THANH ELECTRICAL WIRE-CABLE CO. LTD. Energy and mining 929.3 PAKCAGE 8:SUPPLY OF SINGE-PHASE WATT-HOUR M ICB ELECTRIC MEASURING INSTRUMENT CO. (EMIC) Energy and mining 525.5 PACKAGE 1, LOTO 1.9: CONDUCTORS FOR BINH DUO ICB TRAN PHU ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CO. Energy and mining 68.4 QUANG NGAI:P.152- MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR SON TH NCB AN NHON CONST. JOINT STOCK CO.(CTY CO PHAN XAY Energy and mining 319.1 CA MAU: PACK 31: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR QUACH PHA NCB CONST. & INVEST. CONSULT. CO., HCMC Energy and mining 274.1 BAC LIEU: PACK 35: MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR CHAU NCB PHU BINH ELEC-CONST. TRADE CO. LTD. (CTY TNHH D Energy and mining 260.8 STAGE 1, PKG 9,LOT 9.2 CRANE CARGOES FOR RE ICB TECHNICAL SERVICES AND IMPORT-EXPORT COMPANY Energy and mining 360.2 LAI CHAU: P.66.2- MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR TUA TH NCB HANOI YOUTH EXPORT-IMPORT & PROD. INVEST. CO. Energy and mining 203.4 LAI CHAU: P.64.2- MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR TA PHI NCB HANOI YOUTH EXPORT-IMPORT & PROD. INVEST. CO. Energy and mining 214.3 HA GIANG: P.81.2- MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR KHUON NCB DUYEN HA COMPANY LTD. Energy and mining 327.2 LAI CHAU: P.59.2- MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR PA HAM NCB THAI NGUYEN CONST.& CONCRETE JOINT STOCK CO. Energy and mining 275.4 LAI CHAU: PACK.75.2- MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR NA NCB HANOI YOUTH EXPORT-IMPORT & PROD. INVEST. CO. Energy and mining 196.5 6LAI CHAU: PACK.70.2- MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR MU NCB HANOI YOUTH EXPORT-IMPORT & PROD. INVEST. CO. Energy and mining 183.7 CAO BANG/PACK 34.2: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR HUNG D NCB BAC THAI CONST. & INVEST. JOINT STOCK CO. Energy and mining 229.1 THAI NGUYEN/ PACK 08.2: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR TA NCB DUYEN HA COMPANY LTD. Energy and mining 283.8 QUANG NINH/PACK 06.2: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR DAP NCB CONST. ELECTRIC, WATER & MACHINE ERECTION CO. ( Energy and mining 288.0 THANH HOA/PACK 87.2: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR YEN T NCB THANH HOA ELECT. CONST. JOINT STOCK CO. Energy and mining 262.3 HA GIANG/PACK 82.2: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR NA TRI NCB CAPITAL YOUTH CONST. CO. (CTY XD TUOI TRE THU D Energy and mining 250.8 HA GIANG/ PACK 84.2: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR NGOC NCB VIET VUONG CO. LTD. (CTY TNHH VIET VUONG) Energy and mining 285.5 THANH HOA/ PACK 90.2: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR LUON NCB THIEN XUAN ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION & CONST. CO. Energy and mining 303.8 HA GIANG/ PACK 76.2: CONST. OF MV & LV SYSTE NCB ELECTRICAL CONST. CO.#1 Energy and mining 282.9 THANH HOA/ PACK 92.2: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR DIEN NCB INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION & CONST. CO. Energy and mining 273.7 PACKAGE 4 SUPPLY OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORME ICB HONG NGOC CO. LTD. Energy and mining 453.0 NGHE AN/PACK 96.2: MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR PHUC NCB VIET NGUYEN ENGINEERING JOINT STOCK CO. Energy and mining 279.4 BAC KAN/PACK 16.2: MV & LV SYSTEMS FOR DONG NCB ELECTRICAL CONST. CO.#1 Energy and mining 227.9 LAO CAI/ PACK 51.2: MV&LV SYSTEMS FOR LANG G NCB TONG CTY XNK XAY DUNG VINACONEX Energy and mining 263.9 NGHE AN: PACK.107.2 -CONST. OF MV & LV SYSTE NCB DUYEN HA COMPANY LTD. Energy and mining 222.9</p><p>P059864 VN-2nd Rural Transport VINH LONG/ 2ND YEAR: PACK 10BM: RACH MUC & K NCB TRUONG SON CONST. CO. LTD (CTY TNHH XD TRUONG S Transportation 216.2 VINH LONH/ 2ND YEAR: PACK 06TX: ONG SUNG, RA NCB NAM VIET TAN TRADING, SERVICE & CONST. CO.LTD. Transportation 212.8 VINH LONG/2ND YEAR: PACK 12BM: CONST. OF RAC NCB CAN THO CONST. TRADING & DEV. HOUSING CO. (CTY Transportation 199.7</p><p>P059936 VN -Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction LAO CAI/ 2YR: PACK BC/GT2.03: CONST. OF CO T NCB ANH NGUYEN CO. LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 37.3 Education 9.3 Health and other social services 9.3 Law and justice and public administration 9.3 Transportation 28.0 Total: 93.2</p><p>LAO CAI/2YR: MM/GT2-03: UPGRADING OF KHOANG NCB CUONG LINH CONST. CO. LTD ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 394 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: VIETNAM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 54.7 Education 13.7 Health and other social services 13.7 Law and justice and public administration 13.7 Transportation 41.0 Total: 136.6</p><p>SON LA/NCB-04/02TT: CONST.OF CO MA TO PO MAU NCB THE INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION AND INVESTMENT JOIN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 70.5 Education 17.6 Health and other social services 17.6 Law and justice and public administration 17.6 Transportation 52.9 Total: 176.2</p><p>SON LA/NCB-06/02TT: COST. OF MUONG LUM COMM NCB ANH QUAN CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE (DOANH NGHIEP Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 46.9 Education 11.7 Health and other social services 11.7 Law and justice and public administration 11.7 Transportation 35.2 Total: 117.2</p><p>SON LA/NCB-07/02TT: CONST OF HONG NGAI TO BA NCB NO. 12 VINACONEX CONSTRUCTION CO. (CTY XD VINAC Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 42.8 Education 10.7 Health and other social services 10.7 Law and justice and public administration 10.7 Transportation 32.1 Total: 107.0</p><p>LAO CAI/03 - PACK ST/GT2 03: CONST. OF THANH NCB HOANG HA CONSTRUCTION CO. (CTY TNHH XAY DUNG HO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 38.5 Education 9.6 Health and other social services 9.6 Law and justice and public administration 9.6 Transportation 28.8 Total: 96.1</p><p>LAO CAI/03-PACK LD/GT2.03: CONST. OF DO NGOA NCB HONG HANH ENTERPRISE (DN XD HONG HANH) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 28.9 Education 7.2 Health and other social services 7.2 Law and justice and public administration 7.2 Transportation 21.7 Total: 72.2</p><p>HOA BINH/TF026559- DS02: CONST. OF SMALL WAT NCB CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (CTY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 25.7 Education 6.4 Health and other social services 6.4 Law and justice and public administration 6.4 Transportation 19.3 Total: 64.2</p><p>SON LA: NCB-05/02TT: CONST. OF PUNG TRA TO B NCB CTY TNHH XD HOA THANH (HOA THANH CONST. CO. LTD Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 49.3 Education 12.3 Health and other social services 12.3 Law and justice and public administration 12.3 Transportation 37.0 Total: 123.3</p><p>LAO CAI: CONST. OF XUAN THUONG-XUAN HOA COMM NCB ANH NGUYEN CO. LTD. Transportation 83.9 BAC GIANG: BG-T1: UPGRADING OF DEO VANG TO N SHOP HUNG LOC COMPANY LTD. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 31.2 Education 7.8 Health and other social services 7.8 Law and justice and public administration 7.8 Transportation 23.4 Total: 77.9</p><p>LAO CAI:BP/GT2-03: CONST. OF THANH KIM COMMU NCB HOANG HA CONSTRUCTION CO. (CTY TNHH XAY DUNG HO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 26.8 Education 6.7 Health and other social services 6.7 Law and justice and public administration 6.7 Transportation 20.1 Total: 67.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 395 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: VIETNAM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>LAO CAI: PC/GT2.03 - CHU LEN CHO - PHIN CHU NCB CAO MINH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (CTY XD CAO MINH) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 28.1 Education 7.0 Health and other social services 7.0 Law and justice and public administration 7.0 Transportation 21.1 Total: 70.2</p><p>SON LA: NCB-13/02YC: CONST. OF CHECKPOINT 46 NCB HA THAO CONST. PRIVATE ENTERPRISE (DN TU NHAN X Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 30.3 Education 7.6 Health and other social services 7.6 Law and justice and public administration 7.6 Transportation 22.7 Total: 75.7</p><p>SON LA: HH03/02TT: MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR VIL NCB CTY TNHH TH/BI Y TE & DICH VU KY THUAT AN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 52.3 Education 13.1 Health and other social services 13.1 Law and justice and public administration 13.1 Transportation 39.2 Total: 130.8</p><p>SUPPLY OF 02 UNITS OF STATION WAGON 4200-480 ICB ARTEX HANOI (CTY XNK HANG TIEU DUNG VA THU CONG Transportation 64.6 SUPPLY OF 6 UNITS OF STATION WAGON 4200-4800 ICB ARTEX HANOI (CTY XNK HANG TIEU DUNG VA THU CONG Transportation 859.7 YEN BAI: NCB-06/03: UPGRADING OF ROAD FROM B NCB RURAL DEV. & CONST. CO. #9 Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.8 Education 10.2 Health and other social services 10.2 Law and justice and public administration 10.2 Transportation 30.6 Total: 102.1 P062748 VN - COMMUNITY BASED RURAL INFRA. NGHE AN:YEN HOA-YEN THANG ELECTRICITY NETWOR NCB CONG TY TNHH MANH PHU (MANH PHU CO. LTD.) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 37.6 Energy and mining 37.6 Law and justice and public administration 13.1 Transportation 37.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 37.6 Total: 163.5</p><p>P066396 VN-SYSTEM ENERGY, EQUITIZATION & RENEWAB PACKAGE 4 LOT 4.1 SUPPLY STEEL TOWERS FOR 11 ICB VIET A COMPANY, VIETNAM Energy and mining 444.3 PACKAGE 4, LOT 4.2 SUPPLY STEEL TOWER FOR 11 ICB VIET A COMPANY Energy and mining 370.8 PACKAGE 4, LOT 4.7: SUPPLY STEEL TOWER FOR 1 ICB VIET A COMPANY Energy and mining 394.4 PACKAGE 6: LOT 6.3 SUPPLY OF SUBSTATION EQUI ICB LG-VINA INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS CO., LTD. Energy and mining 1,066.3 LOT 4.6 STEEL TOWERS 110KV YEN BAI - NGHIA L ICB MACHINERY ERECTION & CONSTRUCTION CO. NO.10 (LI Energy and mining 285.7 LOT 4.5 SUPPLY OF STEEL TOWERS FOR 110KV YEN ICB MACHINERY ERECTION & CONSTRUCTION CO. NO.10 (LI Energy and mining 313.4 PACKAGE 5-PC3 110KV SYSTEM COMPONENT ICB THU DUC CCE CO., LTD. Energy and mining 61.0 CONDUCTORS & FITTINGS/EARTHWIRE ICB THIN PHAT CO. LTD Energy and mining 15.9 LOT 4.1 AND 4.2: ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR TH ICB LGIS-VINA CO. Energy and mining 796.4 LOT 5.1 & 5.2: THONG NHAT & KIEM TAN 110 KV ICB VIET A COMPANY, VIETNAM Energy and mining 122.9 PACKAGE 3 POWER TRANSFORMER AND AUX. TRANSFO ICB DAI HOANG HA CO., LTD. Energy and mining 460.2 PACKAGE 6 INSULATORS & FITTINGS LOT 6.1 110K ICB NANG LUONG VA DICH VU Energy and mining 9.0 PKG.3, LOT 3.4 SUPPLY OF CENTRIFUGAL CONCRET ICB THINH LIET CONCRETE & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Energy and mining 88.6 PKG 8, LOT 8.1-FIBER OPTIC CABLES & ACCESSOR ICB LG-VINA CABLE JOINT VENTURE CO. Energy and mining 407.0 PKG. 8, LOT 8.2:FIBER OPTIC CABLE & ACCESSOR ICB LG-VINA CABLE JOINT VENTURE CO. Energy and mining 298.2 ANKROET HYDROPOWER PLANT - LOT 64-XL.1 NCB DA RIVER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION (TONG CTY XD Energy and mining 447.7 Law and justice and public administration 28.6 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 396 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: VIETNAM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 476.2</p><p>ANKROET HYDROPOWER PLANT - LOT 64-XL.1 NCB RED RIVER CONSTRUCTION CORP. Energy and mining 447.7 Law and justice and public administration 28.6 Total: 476.2</p><p>ANKROET HYDROPOWER PLANT - LOT 64-XL.2 NCB DA RIVER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION (TONG CTY XD Energy and mining 55.5 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Total: 59.0</p><p>ANKROET HYDROPOWER PLANT - LOT 64-XL.2 NCB RED RIVER CONSTRUCTION CORP. Energy and mining 55.5 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Total: 59.0</p><p>LOT 1:SUPPLY OF 220 KV CONDUCTOR AND EARTHWI ICB LG-VINA CABLE JOINT VENTURE CO. Energy and mining 558.8 PKG.3, LOT 3.3: SUPPLY OF CENTRIFUGAL CONCRE ICB HANOI CONCRETE & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Energy and mining 52.7 PKG 4, LOT 4.16:SUPPLY OF STEEL TOWERS FOR 1 ICB HYUNDAI-DONG ANH STEEL TOWER MANUFACTURING CO. Energy and mining 636.5 PKG. 2PD - SUPPY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEARS & ICB VIET A CO. LTD. Energy and mining 496.5 PGK 2DS - SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEARS & ICB VIET A CO. LTD. Energy and mining 428.3 PKG 2KS: PROCUREMENT OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEA ICB VIET A CO. LTD. Energy and mining 316.5 PKG. 2DL - SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEARS ICB VIET A CO. LTD. Energy and mining 448.5 PKG 2VG - SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR & ICB VIET A CO. LTD. Energy and mining 435.7 PKG. 2KB: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR & ICB VIET A CO. LTD. Energy and mining 234.6 PKG. 2DK: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR & ICB VIET A CO. LTD. Energy and mining 341.9 PKG. 2PM: SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEARS & ICB VIET A CO. LTD. Energy and mining 428.5 AUTOTRANSFORMER VIET TRI 22KV VIET TRI, QUAN ICB ZTR ENESTA Energy and mining 4,052.9 SUPPLY OF INSULATORS & ACCESS. FOR 110KV NGH ICB ENERGY & SERVICES CO. LTD. Energy and mining 273.7 PKG 1, LOT 1.3 110KV NGHI SON-TINH GIA T/L, ICB DAESUNG-VIETNAM Energy and mining 769.4 110KV CUA LO-DIEN CHAU - QUYNH LUU T/L; 110K ICB LG-VINA CABLE JOINT VENTURE CO. Energy and mining 488.2 PC3/KONDAO-PACK2 LOT 78.1: CIVIL WORKS FOR R NCB INFRASTRUCTURE AND IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION CO. Energy and mining 103.7 PC3/KON DAO - LOT 78.2: REPAIR, SUPPLY AND I NCB VIET A TRADING CO LTD (CTY TNHH THUONG MAI VIE Energy and mining 286.1 PC3/AN DIEM: LOT 79.2: REPAIR, SUPPLY AND IN NCB HANOI MECHANISM CO. (CTY CO KHI HA NOI) Energy and mining 289.7 PK4: SUPPLY OF CONDUCTORS, GROUNDWIRES AND A ICB HOANG SON CO. LTD. Energy and mining 337.2 SUPPLY OF OPTICAL GROUND WIRES & ACCESSORIES ICB LG-VINA CABLE JOINT VENTURE CO. Energy and mining 124.0 SUPPLY OF STEEL TOWERS FOR 11KV LAO CAI-PHON ICB 120 MECHANICAL COMPANY Energy and mining 259.2 SUPPLY OF STEEL TOWERS FOR 110KV CUA LO - DI ICB 120 MECHANICAL COMPANY Energy and mining 365.8 LOT 4.13 SUPPLY OF STEEL TOWERS FOR 110 KV T ICB MACHINERY ERECTION & CONSTRUCTION CO. NO.10 (LI Energy and mining 227.0 LOT 4.14: STEEL TOWERS FOR 110 KV VIET TRI-L ICB 120 MECHANICAL COMPANY Energy and mining 278.0 LOT 4.12 STEEL TOWERS FOR 110 KV CUA LO-DIEN ICB 120 MECHANICAL COMPANY Energy and mining 280.7 PKG1/LOT1.4: SUPPLY OF CONDUCTORS, EARTH WIR ICB VIETNAM CABLE & WIRE CO (CADIVI) Energy and mining 595.6 SUPPLY OF INSULATORS & ACCESSORIES FOR 110 K ICB VIET A CO. LTD. Energy and mining 162.9</p><p>P074625 VN - Improving Fin Accountability TRAINING SERVICES ON INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC SE SSS MR. GRAEME MACMILLAN Finance 34.8 ENHANCING THE ROLE OF VIETNAMESE ACCOUNTING SSS MR. MICHAEL JOHN WALSH Finance 19.1 CONSTITUTION, LEGALITY, POSSIBILITY AND CONT SSS MR. YVAN STEMPNIERWSKY Finance 14.9 TRAINING SERVICES ON INTERNATIONAL AND VIETN SSS PRF. NGUYEN QUANG QUYNH Finance 8.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 397 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: VIETNAM Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>ACCOUNTING STANDARDS SSS PRF. LE GIA LUC Finance 8.0</p><p>P074688 VN-2nd Rural Energy PREPARATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDIES FOR SOUTH QCBS POWER ENGINEERING CONSULTING CO. #3 (PECC3) Energy and mining 194.4</p><p>P077947 IDF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT FOR 2ND COMPONENT INDV VU TIEN DUNG Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4.6 Transportation 4.6 Total: 9.2</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT FOR 2ND COMPONENT INDV DUONG HIEU MINH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4.3 Transportation 4.3 Total: 8.6</p><p>NATIONAL SOCIAL CONSULTANT FOR STEP 2, COMPO INDV NGUYEN QUY THANH Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 3.7 Transportation 3.7 Total: 7.5</p><p>P081325 Public Fin. Management Modernization SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROVIDER FOR RELEASE #2 SSS FPT SOFTWARE SOLUTION CO. Law and justice and public administration 130.0</p><p>P085794 VN-Technical Twinning Program IAS AUDIT OF VIETCOMBANK FOR 2002-2003 QCBS KPMG VIETNAM Finance 200.5</p><p>Country Total: 92,159.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 92,297.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 398 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: WEST BANK AND GAZA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>West Bank and Gaza P035996 EDUC. & HEALTH REHAB CONSTRUCTION OF EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT AT NEW NCB AL-FARRA BROTHERS CO. Education 430.2 Health and other social services 253.5 Law and justice and public administration 84.5 Total: 768.2</p><p>P040503 GAZA INDUSTRIAL EST. CONSTRUCTION OF WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM ICB ARAB CONTRACTORS & AL-QAWS CONTRACTING CO. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,155.1 CONSTRUCTION OF A WASTE WATER & BRINE WATER ICB JV ARAB CONTRACTORS & AL-QAWS CONTRACTING CO. Energy and mining 704.6 Law and justice and public administration 57.8 Transportation 92.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 300.3 Total: 1,155.1</p><p>P040506 GZ-ELEC.SEC.INV.& MGMT S&I INFO SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE AND SER DIR ARAB TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS (ATS) Energy and mining 1,225.5</p><p>P049708 PAL EXPAT PROF PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES QCBS MR. HUSNI ABDALLAH AL HASAN Health and other social services 62.1 Law and justice and public administration 6.9 Total: 69.0</p><p>PROJECT COORDINATOR QCBS MR. MOHAMMAD JAMIL NAJA Health and other social services 48.6 Law and justice and public administration 5.4 Total: 54.0</p><p>PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SSS DR. ISKANDAR AL-NAJJAR Health and other social services 36.0</p><p>P051564 GZ-SOUTHERN AREA WATER WATER NETWORK AND HOUSE CONNECTIONS REHABILI NCB EL KHOZENDAR CO. Water, sanitation and flood protection 313.5</p><p>P053892 GZ-HEALTH SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT I CONSTRUCTION OF NOBA AND AL-REHEYEH HELATH C NCB INTERNATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT FOR ENGINEERING Finance 8.5 Health and other social services 142.7 Law and justice and public administration 18.7 Total: 169.9</p><p>RECRUITEMENT OF MAZEN SKEIK -- MIS CONSULTAN INDV MAZEN SKEIK Health and other social services 67.5</p><p>P065593 EDUCATION ACTION PROJECT CONSTRUCTION OF SALFIT VOCATIONAL UNIT NCB DANA CONTRACTING CO. Education 189.4 Law and justice and public administration 59.8 Total: 249.2</p><p>P075984 Emergency Services Support Project SUPPLY OF 5 VANS FOR THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATI NCB AL-RAMI MOTORS Education 114.0 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS NCB AVICINA DRUG STORE CO. LTD. Health and other social services 160.8 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS (ITEMS: 26,30 ICB GAZA CENTRAL STORE Health and other social services 165.1 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICALS (ITEMS 41,45,51,55 ICB MASROUJI CO. FOR GENERAL TRADE Health and other social services 116.8 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS (ITEMS 5,9,11 ICB AL JALA DRUG STORE Health and other social services 151.4 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS (ITEMS 3,7,13 ICB AL SHIFA CO. LTD Health and other social services 204.1 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS (ITEMES: 23,3 ICB BEIR ZEIT COMPANY Health and other social services 144.5 SUPPLY OF POWER GENERATOR TO YA'ABAD MUNICIP NCB PALESTINIAN TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. Education 17.8 Health and other social services 55.5 Law and justice and public administration 3.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 28.3 Total: 104.7 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 399 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: WEST BANK AND GAZA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>REHABILITATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EL-SHOHADA NCB ABU DAGA AND ZAREFA CO. Education 19.6 Health and other social services 61.0 Law and justice and public administration 3.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 31.1 Total: 115.0</p><p>CONSTRUCTION OF JOINT SERVICE COUNICL BUIDLI NCB EL-YARMOUK CO. Education 48.3 Health and other social services 150.5 Law and justice and public administration 8.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 76.7 Total: 284.0</p><p>P078127 WBG PEACE FACILITY CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF STORAGE ROOM FOR AL MA NCB RETAJ CO. Health and other social services 24.8 Law and justice and public administration 99.2 Total: 124.0</p><p>REHABILITATION WORKS OF RANTEES MAIN WATER L NCB GENERAL EXCAVATION CO. Health and other social services 27.1 Law and justice and public administration 108.5 Total: 135.6</p><p>REHABILITATION OF BEIT HANOUN FARM - PHASE 1 NCB AL-TAE'SSIS CO. Health and other social services 24.6 Law and justice and public administration 98.5 Total: 123.2</p><p>CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF ADDITIONAL CLASSROOM F NCB AL-AMOURI CO. Health and other social services 21.2 Law and justice and public administration 84.7 Total: 105.9 CONSTRUCTION OF AL NAZLA AL-GHARBIYEH SCHOOL NCB FAROUN OFFIC Health and other social services 23.9 Law and justice and public administration 95.5 Total: 119.3</p><p>REHABILITATION WORKS OF BEIT QAD AGRICULTURA NCB KAMAL ZAKI AL ORAIDY CO. Health and other social services 21.4 Law and justice and public administration 85.7 Total: 107.1</p><p>REPAIR OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE SEPARATION W NCB EHAB ZEID FOR AGRICULTURAL MATERIAL Health and other social services 37.6 Law and justice and public administration 150.5 Total: 188.1</p><p>REHABILITATION WORKS OF WATER NETWORK AT EIN NCB BROTHERS CO. Health and other social services 27.1 Law and justice and public administration 108.4 Total: 135.6</p><p>REHABILITATION OF BEIT HANOUN FARMS - PHASE NCB AL E'TEDAL CO. Health and other social services 31.1 Law and justice and public administration 124.5 Total: 155.6</p><p>REHABILITATION OF AGRICULTURE EXPERIMENTAL S NCB AWNI EL-SAFTAWI & PARTNERS CO. Health and other social services 29.2 Law and justice and public administration 116.9 Total: 146.1</p><p>REPAIR OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE SEPARATION W NCB AL SABI' CO. Health and other social services 21.6 Law and justice and public administration 86.2 Total: 107.8</p><p>REPAIR OF DAMAGES BY THE SEPARATION WALL IN NCB AL SABI' CO. Health and other social services 21.6 Law and justice and public administration 86.2 Total: 107.8</p><p>P078136 Emergency Services Support Project II SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS ICB AL SHIFA CO. LTD Health and other social services 774.2 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS (ITEMS 10,16, ICB AL JALA DRUG STORE ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 400 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: WEST BANK AND GAZA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Health and other social services 892.1 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS (ITEMS 12..32 ICB AL SHIFA CO. LTD Health and other social services 1,017.1 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS (ITEMS 2..323 ICB GCDS COMPANY Health and other social services 836.5 TERTIARY HELATH CARE SERVICES SDC AL-QUDS HOSPITAL (RE TO RED CRESCENT SOCIETY Health and other social services 133.3 TERTIARY HEALTH CARE SERVICES / EYE CARE SPE SDC MUSSALAM CENTER Health and other social services 130.6 TERTIARY HEALTH CARE SERVICES -- MEDICAL REH SDC AL-WAFA MEDICAL REHABILITATION HOSPITAL Health and other social services 111.5 TERTIARY HEALTH CARE SERVICES -- EYE CARE SDC ST. JOHN EYE HOSPITAL Health and other social services 144.5 CLEANING SERVICES - WEST BANK HOSPITALS AND SDC AL-IRAQI COMPANY Health and other social services 231.5 SUPPLY OF PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS, ITEMS NO. 60 ICB BIR ZEIT PHARMACUTICAL CO. LTD. Health and other social services 635.7 LOCAL TERTIARY HEALTH CARE - EYE CARE SDC ST. JOHN OPHTHALMIC (EYE) HOSPITAL Health and other social services 210.9 LOCAL TERTIARY HEALTH CARE - REHABILITATION SDC AL-WAFA MEDICAL REHABILITATION HOSPITAL Health and other social services 108.2 LOCAL TERTIARY HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN WEST SDC AL-QUDS HOSPITAL (RE TO RED CRESCENT SOCIETY Health and other social services 147.2</p><p>P078212 GZ-EMERGENCY MUNICIPAL SERVICES REHABI SUPPLY OF A COMPACTOR TRUCK & TIPPER CRANE F NCB PALESTINE RESOURCES LIMITED Health and other social services 26.0 Law and justice and public administration 147.0 Total: 173.0</p><p>Country Total: 13,925.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 13,925.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 401 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: WORLD Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Afghanistan P077533 Emergency Community Empowerment Project CONTRACT BETWEEN DA AFGHANISTAN BANK AND UNO QBS UNITED NATIONS OFFICE PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 25.2 Health and other social services 54.8 Law and justice and public administration 4.4 Transportation 25.2 Total: 109.5</p><p>P078936 AF: Emer Irrig Rehab CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE EME SSS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF UNITED NAT Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 6,363.2 Law and justice and public administration 1,272.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 848.4 Total: 8,484.2</p><p>P082472 Natn'l Emergency Emp. Prog for Rural TECHNICAL ADVISORY SERVICES FOR THE NATIONAL SSS INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION (ILO) Health and other social services 862.7 Transportation 862.7 Total: 1,725.3</p><p>NATIONAL EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME RURA SSS UNITED NATIONS OFFICE PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) Health and other social services 1,149.8 Transportation 1,149.8 Total: 2,299.5</p><p>NATIONAL EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME-RURA SSS UNITED NATIONS OFFICE PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) Health and other social services 7,387.6 Transportation 7,387.6 Total: 14,775.1</p><p>NATIONAL EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME-RURA SSS UNITED NATIONS OFFICE PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) Health and other social services 10,200.0 Transportation 10,200.0 Total: 20,400.0</p><p>Country Total: 47,793.8</p><p>Angola P078288 AO: Emergency Demob & Reintegration PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES (1-4WD LAND CRUISER, ICB INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Health and other social services 124.9</p><p>Country Total: 124.9</p><p>Argentina P005980 AR PROV ROADS HEALTH COMPONENT TO BE FINANCED UNDER THE RE SSS UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP) Law and justice and public administration 270.0 Transportation 8,730.0 Total: 9,000.0</p><p>P006010 AR PROV AG DEVT I MONITORING AND PREVENTION OF FOOT-AND-MOUTH SSS UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,055.5 Law and justice and public administration 131.9 Transportation 1,055.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,055.5 Total: 3,298.6</p><p>SUPP. FOR DESIGN AND EXEC. OF THE VIGILANCE NCB UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP) Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 4,800.0 Law and justice and public administration 600.0 Transportation 4,800.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 4,800.0 Total: 15,000.0</p><p>P006052 AR FLOOD PROTECTION FINANCING OF EMERGENCY (HEALTH) COMPONENTE U SSS UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP) Health and other social services 300.0 Industry and trade 675.0 Law and justice and public administration 150.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 6,375.0 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 402 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: WORLD Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 7,500.0</p><p>P039584 AR B.A.URB.TSP HEALTH COMPONENT TO BE FINANCED UNDER RESTRU DIR UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP) Law and justice and public administration 600.0 Transportation 5,400.0 Total: 6,000.0</p><p>Country Total: 40,798.6</p><p>Bangladesh P069933 HIV/AIDS Prevention PACKAGE NO-076: AGREEMENT ON PROJECT SUPPORT SSS UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) Health and other social services 3,500.0 PACKAGE NO-085: AGREEMENT ON PROJECT SUPPORT SSS UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) Health and other social services 5,500.0 PACKAGE NO-086: AGREEMENT ON PROJECT SUPPORT SSS UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) Health and other social services 2,500.0</p><p>Country Total: 11,500.0</p><p>Burundi P000216 Health & Population II SUPPLY OF 20 INCUBATORS BY UNICEF IN 10 HOSP DIR UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) Health and other social services 158.4</p><p>Country Total: 158.4</p><p>Cambodia P070542 KH-Health Sector Support Project CARRYING OUT OF DENGUE CONTROL ACTIVITIES IN SSS WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) Health and other social services 900.0</p><p>Country Total: 900.0</p><p>Cameroon P073065 CAM:Multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS Project FOURNITURE DE 150 MOTOS AU COMITE NATIONAL D DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Health and other social services 309.6 Law and justice and public administration 97.8 Total: 407.4</p><p>Country Total: 407.4</p><p>Comoros P052887 Health MATERIELS INFORMATIQUES LIB INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Health and other social services 10.4 EQUIPEMENT RESEAU ET LOGICIELS LIB INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Health and other social services 114.3</p><p>Country Total: 124.7</p><p>Ethiopia P049395 ETHIOPIA -ENERGY ACCESS PROCUREMENT OF 36 UPSS, 5 PRINTERS, 1 PHOTOC SHOP INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 207.1</p><p>P067084 EMERGENCY RECOVERY AND REHAB. PROJECT PURCHASER SSS UNITED NATIONS OFFICE PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) Energy and mining 739.3 Health and other social services 2,505.3 Law and justice and public administration 82.1 Transportation 780.3 Total: 4,107.0</p><p>12 TOYOTA (JAPAN) LAND CRUISER AMBULANCES - DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Energy and mining 65.0 Health and other social services 220.2 Law and justice and public administration 7.2 Transportation 68.6 Total: 361.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 403 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: WORLD Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Country Total: 4,675.2</p><p>India P067330 IMMUNIZATION STRENGTHENING PROJECT PROCUREMENT OF ORAL POLIO VACCINE ICB UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) Health and other social services 17,000.0 PROCUREMENT OF ORAL POLIO VACCINE (OPV) ICB UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) Health and other social services 92,708.5</p><p>Country Total: 109,708.5</p><p>Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of P070089 TRADE & TRANS FACIL IN SE EUR CARRYING OUT OF CONSULTANT SERVICES FINANCED SSS UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPM Law and justice and public administration 109.5</p><p>Country Total: 109.5</p><p>Madagascar P001559 Educ. Sector Dev. SUPPLY OF 111 4X4 VEHICLES - 2 CABINS FOR 11 DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Education 2,086.0</p><p>P051741 2nd Health Sector Support FOURNITURE DE 36 AMBULANCES DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Health and other social services 810.3 FOURNITURE DE 315 MOTOS CROSS DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Health and other social services 791.3 FOURNITURE D'UNE AMBULANCE VAN DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Health and other social services 31.8</p><p>Country Total: 3,719.4 Mauritania P066345 MR EGY/WATER/SANITATION SECTOR REFORM TA PROCUREMENT OF SIX VEHICLES ISH INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Law and justice and public administration 132.0</p><p>Country Total: 132.0</p><p>Moldova P073626 TRADE & TRANS FACIL IN SE EUR INSTALLATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ASYCU SSS UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPM Law and justice and public administration 772.5</p><p>Country Total: 772.5</p><p>Pakistan P081909 Partnership for Polio Eradication OPV PURCHASED FROM UNICEF DIR UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) Health and other social services 19,998.1</p><p>Country Total: 19,998.1</p><p>Philippines P071007 Second Agrarian Reform Communities Dev APPLICATINOF FAO/PATSARRD DEVELOPMENT APPROA SSS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF UNITED NAT Industry and trade 76.4 Law and justice and public administration 76.4 Transportation 76.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 76.4 Total: 305.6</p><p>Country Total: 305.6</p><p>Rwanda P071374 Multisect. HIV/AIDS ACHAT DE 7 VÉHICULES DIR INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Health and other social services 144.9</p><p>Country Total: 144.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 404 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: WORLD Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Sierra Leone P002420 SIERRA LEONE TRANSPORT SECTOR PRO PROCUREMENT REFORM SSS INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE (IAPSO Law and justice and public administration 15.4 Transportation 204.6 Total: 220.0</p><p>Country Total: 220.0</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P043254 RY-Health Reform Support Proj (HRSP) PROCURING CONTRASEPTIVES FROM UNFPA DIR UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND (UNFPA) Health and other social services 600.0</p><p>Country Total: 600.0</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 242,193.5 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 405 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: YEMEN, REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Djibouti P069930 DJ-INTL. ROAD CORRIDOR REHAB. PROJECT TRAVAUX DE REPARATION DE LA ROUTE DU CORRIDO ICB HAWK INTERNATIONAL FINANCING &CONTRACTING Transportation 2,710.9</p><p>P071062 DJ-Health Sector Development Project ACQUISITION DES MÉDICAMENTS STOCK D'URGENCE ISH ASHARQ FOR TRADE AND AGENCIES (ATA) Health and other social services 191.6</p><p>Country Total: 2,902.5</p><p>Yemen, Republic of P005902 RY-Southern GOV AGRI PRIVATIZA CONSTRUCTION OF SPATE DAM AND PROCUREMENT OF NCB DUGHAISH OFFICE FOR GENERAL CONTRACTS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 121.1</p><p>P005906 RY-RURAL WATER SUPPLY & SANITATION IMPLEMENTATION OF DRINKING WATER PROJECT IN NCB AL WAFA ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 236.2 IMPLEMENTATION OF DRINKING WATER PROJECT IN NCB RAWHAN ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 233.2 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY PROJECT IN IBB NCB ALBASSEER FOR TRADING AND CONTRACTING Water, sanitation and flood protection 205.5 IMPLEMENTATION OF DRINKING WATER PROJECT IN NCB ALI AWAD AHMED MOREI Water, sanitation and flood protection 185.4 IMPLEMENTATION OF DRINKING WATER PROJECT IN NCB AL WAFA ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 122.5 IMPLEMENTATION OF DRINKING WATER PROJECT IN NCB AL-KUDHAIRI CONTRACTOR Water, sanitation and flood protection 154.0 IMPLEMENTATION OF DRINKING WATER PROJECT IN NCB AL-DABAB ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 194.7 IMPLEMENTATION OF DRINKING WATER PROJECT IN NCB AL WAFA ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 132.9 IMPLEMENTATION OF DRINKING WATER PROJECT IN NCB AL-DABAB ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 118.6 WATER SUPPLY PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION IN AL-DE NCB AL-DABAB ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 108.9 HABEEL AMSAYDI WATER PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION NCB BIN FATSHAH CORPORATION Water, sanitation and flood protection 109.7 ATEFAT HATEEB WATER PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION NCB ALI AWAD AHMED MOREI Water, sanitation and flood protection 151.7 IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER PROJECT IN AL-MOSHAI NCB AL WAFA ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 199.8 IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER SUPPLY PROJECT IN DU NCB AL-ZAILAE'E ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 185.0 IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER SUPPLY PROJECT IN BA NCB AL WAFA ESTABLISHMENT Water, sanitation and flood protection 132.5</p><p>P005911 RY Education Sector PROCUREMENT OF HEATING, VENTILATION AND AC L ICB AL-SAMAMA TRADING GROUP Education 221.9 PROCUREMENT OF HEALTH CARE CENTER ICB ABU-HAMDI Education 94.6 PROCUREMENT OF SCHOOLS AND OFFICE FURNITURE ICB PUBLIC ORGANIZATION FOR FURNITURE & SCHOOL ACCE Education 506.9</p><p>P039171 RY-SEEDS & AG. SERVICES TWO MITSUBISHI CARGO TRUCKS NCB ADHBAN TRADING CORPORATION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 87.0</p><p>P041199 RY SOCIAL FUND DEVPT PROJECT COORDINATOR SSS WAMEED SHAKEER Education 3.8 Finance 0.9 Health and other social services 6.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3.8 Total: 15.0</p><p>PROVIDE CONSULTANCY SERVICES SSS CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND TRAINING ON DEVELOPMENT Education 5.0 Finance 1.2 Health and other social services 8.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 5.0 Total: 20.0</p><p>PROVIDE TRAINING, UPDATE VAW WEBSITE, PREPAR SSS WOMEN AFFAIRS SUPPORT CENTER Education 2.5 Finance 0.6 Health and other social services 4.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.5 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 406 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: YEMEN, REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 10.0</p><p>PROVIDE TRAINING WORKSHOPS SSS GIRLS GUIDE ASSOCIATION Education 2.5 Finance 0.6 Health and other social services 4.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.5 Total: 10.0</p><p>PROVIDING TRAINING WORKSHOPS SSS WOMEN NATIONAL COMMITTEE Education 4.4 Finance 1.1 Health and other social services 7.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 4.4 Total: 17.6</p><p>HOLD TRAINING WORKSHOP, COLLECT DATA ON GIRL SSS SCOUT ASSOCIATION Education 2.5 Finance 0.6 Health and other social services 4.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.5 Total: 10.0</p><p>HOLD TOT WORKSHOPS SSS HUMAN RIGHTS INFORMATION AND TRAINING CENTER Education 2.4 Finance 0.6 Health and other social services 4.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 2.4 Total: 9.5</p><p>PROVIDE SEMINARS AND TAINING ON PSYCHOLOGICA SSS MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Education 3.5 Finance 0.8 Health and other social services 6.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 3.5 Total: 14.0 HOLD AWARENESS SESSIONS, MEETINGS AND TRAINI SSS YEMENI WOMEN UNION-ABYAN Education 1.8 Finance 0.4 Health and other social services 3.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 1.8 Total: 7.0</p><p>P050483 Yemen CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROCURMENT OF MEDICAL REFIGERATORS & ACCESSO ICB MULTITECH Health and other social services 1,007.9</p><p>P050530 Yemen SANA'A EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY OF LOW VOLTAGE CAPACITORS FOR LOSS RE ICB MODERN GROUP CO. Energy and mining 893.2</p><p>P062714 RY-IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENT PROCUREMENT OF TWO DIESEL GENERATOR SETS 400 NCB TEHAMA TRADING COMPANY Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 114.0 BANK PROTECTION WORKS IN WADI TUBAN NCB AL SAFA GENERAL CONTRACTOR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 210.0 REHABILITATION WORKS FOR UPSTREAM WEIRS IN W NCB AL SAFA GENERAL CONTRACTOR Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 212.3 FLOOD PROTECTION WORKS IN WADI ZABID NCB SHAKER OFFICE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 154.4 Law and justice and public administration 51.5 Transportation 48.4 Water, sanitation and flood protection 48.4 Total: 302.8</p><p>REHABILITATION WORKS FOR DOWNSTREAM WEIRS IN NCB SHAKER OFFICE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 199.7 IMPLEMENTATION OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT C QBS AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION AUTHORITY ( Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 130.4 IMPLEMENTATION OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT C QBS PUBLIC CORPORATION FOR AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 189.3</p><p>P070092 Yemen TAIZ MUNICIPAL DEV & FLOOD PROTEC CIVIL WORKS ICB SHEBA GENERAL CONTRACTING CO Water, sanitation and flood protection 6,374.8</p><p>P070391 RY-RURAL ACCESS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CINSTRUCTION OF BANI MAYMOUN HAZ 15 KM &QRAT ICB MUQBIL MUBARAK &BROTHERS Transportation 700.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 407 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: YEMEN, REPUBLIC OF Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>CONXTRUCTION OF BAYHAN AL-HARAJH AL-KURA ROA ICB AL-SAHRA CO. Transportation 1,112.2 CONSTRUCTION OF AL UDIEN MUDYKHIRA ROAD PROJ ICB SHEBA GENERAL TRADING & CONTRACTING Transportation 1,739.1 CONSTRUCTION OF AL QANAWIS AL KADAN ROAD ICB AL-AOZARI TRADING & CONTRACTING Transportation 918.0 CONSTUCTION OF FOUR RURAL ROADS AND VILLAGE ICB *AL-MASARFOR OIL FIELDS SERVICES* Transportation 739.2 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION FOR AL-QAN QCBS AL MOHANDESEN CO. LTD Transportation 105.9 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION QCBS RAYMAN ENGINEERING Transportation 115.1</p><p>P076185 RY-Basic Education Development Program STUDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENT SSS EDUCATION RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CENTER Education 48.0</p><p>Country Total: 18,727.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 21,630.0 ------</p><p>------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 408 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ZAMBIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Africa P077371 3A: Climate Impacts on Agro-Ecological IMPLEMENT THE ZAMBIA STUDY THAT WOULD INVOLV CQB MRS SUMAN JAIN Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 40.0</p><p>Country Total: 40.0</p><p>Zambia P003236 ZM NATIONAL ROAD SUPERVISION OF PERIODIC MAINTENANCE WORKS FO QCBS RANKIN ENGINEERING Transportation 261.8</p><p>P003249 Basic Ed. Subsect. Inv. Pgr SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS & DICTIONARIE LIB INSAKA PRESS PUBLISHERS COMPANY LIMITED Education 1,224.6 SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS & DICTIONARIE LIB MAIDEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Education 111.6 COMPLETION OF KAFUMBWE SECONDARY SCHOOL KATE ICB JIANGXI HUA CHANG INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING LT Education 2,756.8 COMPLETION OF LUMEZI SECONDARY SCHOOL LUNDAZ ICB CHINA JIANGXI CORPORATION ZAMBIA LTD Education 2,962.4 TB/SP/011/03-1337 SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF TEXTB LIB LONGMAN (Z) LTD Education 1,017.2</p><p>P035076 Zambia POWER REHAB REHABILITATION OF LUSITU SUPPLY ICB CHINA HENAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION GROUP CO. Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,058.0</p><p>P050400 PUB SVC CAP (PSCAP) SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIO ICB REAL TIME TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE AFRICA LIMITED Law and justice and public administration 145.2 CONSULTANCY TO UNDERTAKE AN IMPACT ASSESSMEN SSS ZAMBIA DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL AND ADMINISTRATI Law and justice and public administration 152.5</p><p>P063584 Social Investment Fund (ZAMSIF) STUDY FUND ADVISOR INDV SICHINGABULA, HENRY Education 14.8 Health and other social services 14.0 Law and justice and public administration 21.0 Transportation 14.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.0 Total: 77.8</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV ELESTER HAZINJI Education 10.8 Health and other social services 10.2 Law and justice and public administration 15.3 Transportation 10.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.2 Total: 56.7</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV BRIAN NAKAANDA Education 9.9 Health and other social services 9.3 Law and justice and public administration 14.0 Transportation 9.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.3 Total: 51.8</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV SYLVESTER MWANZA Education 11.1 Health and other social services 10.5 Law and justice and public administration 15.8 Transportation 10.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.5 Total: 58.3</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV JOEL BWALYA Education 11.1 Health and other social services 10.5 Law and justice and public administration 15.8 Transportation 10.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.5 Total: 58.3</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV LEVYSON BANDA Education 10.5 Health and other social services 9.9 Law and justice and public administration 14.9 Transportation 9.9 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 409 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ZAMBIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.9 Total: 55.1</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV MASILISO MULEMWA Education 9.9 Health and other social services 9.3 Law and justice and public administration 14.0 Transportation 9.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.3 Total: 51.8</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV RHODA HABWEELE Education 9.9 Health and other social services 9.3 Law and justice and public administration 14.0 Transportation 9.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.3 Total: 51.8</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV PASCOE SALIMU Education 10.5 Health and other social services 9.9 Law and justice and public administration 14.9 Transportation 9.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.9 Total: 55.1</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV BRIGHTON MUBANGA Education 12.9 Health and other social services 12.3 Law and justice and public administration 18.4 Transportation 12.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.3 Total: 68.1</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV WAMUNYINA MAINA Education 9.9 Health and other social services 9.3 Law and justice and public administration 14.0 Transportation 9.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.3 Total: 51.8</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV RODRICK KABUNDA Education 11.1 Health and other social services 10.5 Law and justice and public administration 15.8 Transportation 10.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.5 Total: 58.3</p><p>REGIONAL FACILITATOR INDV JACOB CHISHA Education 11.1 Health and other social services 10.5 Law and justice and public administration 15.8 Transportation 10.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.5 Total: 58.3</p><p>FIELD OPERATIONS MANAGER INDV DAWSON NGOMA Education 24.0 Health and other social services 22.7 Law and justice and public administration 34.1 Transportation 22.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 22.7 Total: 126.4</p><p>WATER & SANITATION ENGINEER INDV JOSEPH WAMULUME Education 10.5 Health and other social services 9.9 Law and justice and public administration 14.9 Transportation 9.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 9.9 Total: 55.1</p><p>CAP BUILD OFFICER INDV RICHARD M. CHILIKWELA Education 13.9 Health and other social services 13.1 Law and justice and public administration 19.7 Transportation 13.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 13.1 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 410 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ZAMBIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Total: 72.9</p><p>TECHNICAL OFFICER INDV JOHN C. SIKAZWE Education 13.5 Health and other social services 12.8 Law and justice and public administration 19.3 Transportation 12.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.8 Total: 71.3</p><p>PMA OFFICER INDV EVELYN M. MBULO Education 11.1 Health and other social services 10.5 Law and justice and public administration 15.8 Transportation 10.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.5 Total: 58.3</p><p>CONTRACTS & PROCUREMENT OFFICER INDV SITALI, COLLINS MABUKU Education 15.4 Health and other social services 14.6 Law and justice and public administration 21.9 Transportation 14.6 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.6 Total: 81.0</p><p>MANAGEMENT INFORMATION OFFICER INDV DANIEL PHIRI Education 11.7 Health and other social services 11.1 Law and justice and public administration 16.6 Transportation 11.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 11.1 Total: 61.6</p><p>PMA MANAGER INDV EMMANUEL SILANDA Education 18.5 Health and other social services 17.5 Law and justice and public administration 26.2 Transportation 17.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.5 Total: 97.2</p><p>INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER INDV MR. PAUL KALUMBA Education 18.5 Health and other social services 17.5 Law and justice and public administration 26.2 Transportation 17.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.5 Total: 97.2</p><p>PLANNING,MONITORING & EVAL MANAGER INDV FIDDELIS MWAPE Education 18.5 Health and other social services 17.5 Law and justice and public administration 26.2 Transportation 17.5 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.5 Total: 97.2</p><p>PROGRAMME OFFICER FIELD OPERATIONS INDV SYDNEY CHAMA Education 13.9 Health and other social services 13.1 Law and justice and public administration 19.7 Transportation 13.1 Water, sanitation and flood protection 13.1 Total: 72.9</p><p>PROGRAMME DIRECTOR INDV MR. COSMAS B. MAMBO Education 34.5 Health and other social services 32.7 Law and justice and public administration 49.0 Transportation 32.7 Water, sanitation and flood protection 32.7 Total: 181.4</p><p>CHIEF ACCOUNTANT INDV LINGSON CHIKOTI Education 14.8 Health and other social services 14.0 Law and justice and public administration 21.0 Transportation 14.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.0 Total: 77.8 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 411 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ZAMBIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER INDV OLIVER MAKUNGU Education 18.9 Health and other social services 17.9 Law and justice and public administration 26.8 Transportation 17.9 Water, sanitation and flood protection 17.9 Total: 99.2</p><p>CAPACITY BUILDING OFFICER INDV STANISLAUS CHISANGA Education 14.8 Health and other social services 14.0 Law and justice and public administration 21.0 Transportation 14.0 Water, sanitation and flood protection 14.0 Total: 77.8</p><p>TECHNICAL COORDINATOR INDV MR. WEDEX ILUNGA Education 27.7 Health and other social services 26.2 Law and justice and public administration 39.4 Transportation 26.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 26.2 Total: 145.8</p><p>FINANCIAL CONTROLLER INDV GEOFFREY CHIPOTA Education 24.6 Health and other social services 23.3 Law and justice and public administration 35.0 Transportation 23.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 23.3 Total: 129.6</p><p>CHIEF INTERNAL AUDITOR INDV PLACIDO KALUBA Education 12.9 Health and other social services 12.3 Law and justice and public administration 18.4 Transportation 12.3 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.3 Total: 68.1</p><p>OPERATIONS COORDINATOR INDV MR. EDWARD E. MWALE Education 27.7 Health and other social services 26.2 Law and justice and public administration 39.4 Transportation 26.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 26.2 Total: 145.8</p><p>OFFICE MANAGER INDV MRS. JANE M. CHISANGA Education 10.8 Health and other social services 10.2 Law and justice and public administration 15.3 Transportation 10.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 10.2 Total: 56.7</p><p>IEC SPECIALIST INDV MERCY KHOZI Education 13.5 Health and other social services 12.8 Law and justice and public administration 19.3 Transportation 12.8 Water, sanitation and flood protection 12.8 Total: 71.3</p><p>P064064 MINE TOWNSHIP SERVICES PROJECT SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF COMPUTER HARDWARE & ICB REALTIME TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE AFRICA LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 993.6 REFURBISHMENT OF FILTERS & CLARIFIERS (LOT 2 ICB SPENCON & POLYPHASE Water, sanitation and flood protection 1,282.9 SUPPLY & DEL OF WATER TREATMENT CHEM PHASE 3 ICB CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING Water, sanitation and flood protection 190.8 CONST OF NEW OFFICES, ABLUTION BLOCKS, CHLOR ICB APOLLO ENTERPRISES LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 178.0 CONST OF NEW OFFICES, ABLUTION BLOCKS, CHLOR ICB POWERFLEX ZAMBIA LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 228.6 CONST OF NEW OFFICES, ABLUTION BLOCKS, CHLOR ICB ZAMCHIN CONSTRUCTION LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 88.1</p><p>P070962 Copperbelt Environment CONSULTANCY PROJECT FINANCIAL SPECIALIST CQB JEFFREY MWENDA ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 412 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ZAMBIA Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Energy and mining 87.5 CONSULTANCY - MANAGER FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL CQB SOLOMON PHIRI Energy and mining 113.4</p><p>P071407 ZM-SEED THE PREPARATION OF THE LIVINGSTONE INTEGRATE QCBS V3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS (Z) LIMITED Energy and mining 89.9 Industry and trade 359.7 Total: 449.6</p><p>P080612 ZA:Emergency Drought Recovery Project CONSULTANCY IN PROCUREMENT AND DISTRIBUTION QCBS PROGRAM AGAINST MALNUTRITION Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 598.2 Education 224.3 Health and other social services 643.0 Law and justice and public administration 29.9 Total: 1,495.4</p><p>FOOD SECURITY PACK PROGRAM QCBS CO-OPERATIVE LEAGUE OF USA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 138.1 Education 51.8 Health and other social services 148.5 Law and justice and public administration 6.9 Total: 345.4</p><p>CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR EMERGENCY DROUGHT RE QCBS ADRA ZAMBIA Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 179.8 Education 67.4 Health and other social services 193.3 Law and justice and public administration 9.0 Total: 449.5</p><p>FERTILIZER ICB AVIGNON HOLDINGS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 1,223.0 FERTILIZERS ICB AVIGNON FERTILIZERS Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 601.7 SUPPLY, DELIVERY OF METEOROLOGICAL EQUIPMENT ICB HANDYMAN'S PARADISE LIMITED Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 927.1</p><p>Country Total: 21,042.4</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 21,082.4 ------Operations Procurement System Page Number: 413 Prior Review Contracts Awarded to: ZIMBABWE Program: ZPROCRPT10 Bankwide Report, Reporting Period: 07/01/2003 to 06/30/2004 Run Date: 08/31/2004</p><p>Borrower Country Proc Amount Contract Description Meth Bidder/Supplier/Consultant , Sector (US$000) ------</p><p>Lesotho P052367 MALOTI-DRAKENSBERG CONSERV. & DEVELOP. RECRUITMENT OF ECOTOURISM SPECIALIST CQS PATRICK MAMIMINE Agriculture, fishing, and forestry 43.3</p><p>P053200 Health Sector Reform HIRING OF MR. CAMPBELL KATITO FOR THE POSITI CQS DR. CAMPBELL KATITO Health and other social services 100.0</p><p>Country Total: 143.3</p><p>Malawi P001670 Secondary Education SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF OFFICE SUPPPLIES AND ICB PITO INVESTMENTS Education 65.9</p><p>Country Total: 65.9</p><p>Mozambique P052240 NATIONAL WATER II REFUR OF LV ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AT BEIRA WATE ICB INTERTEC Law and justice and public administration 69.2 Water, sanitation and flood protection 112.9 Total: 182.1</p><p>Country Total: 182.1</p><p>Zambia P064064 MINE TOWNSHIP SERVICES PROJECT SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF DOMESTIC WATER METERS & ICB CIE MERCANTILE (PVT) LTD Water, sanitation and flood protection 403.5 Country Total: 403.5</p><p>======Supplying Country Total: 794.8 ------</p>
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