FINISHES FINISHES POWDER COAT B12 WHITE B11 PURE WHITE B13 OFF WHITE B15 GREY B18 SILVER Standard white selection. Premium white selection. B17 BLACK PC12 PRIME COAT For field painting, color will vary. ANODIZED ACH ANODIZED ALB ANODIZED AMB ANODIZED ADB ANODIZED AC ANODIZED CLEAR CHAMPAGNE LIGHT BRONZE MEDIUM BRONZE DARK BRONZE AB ANODIZED BLACK ARMSTRONG COORDINATED FINISHES A-WHA ARMSTRONG A-SIA ARMSTRONG A-MYA ARMSTRONG GUN A-BL ARMSTRONG WHITELUME SILVERLUME METAL GRAY TECH BLACK OTHER FINISHES SA-C SIMULATED MILL WM WASHED MILL 66 BRUSHED ALUMINUM B25 / CUSTOM ANODIZED CLEAR Available on aluminum Factory washed and cleaned, Brushed aluminum with clear Custom colors and simulated products. Untreated from the unpainted. coat. Optional on AS, JS, SDS, anodized finishes can be mill, unpainted. LBP, LBPH, LBMH, AD3, LE. accurately matched to supplied color samples. SA-LB SIMULATED SA-MB SIMULATED SA-DB SIMULATED SA-B SIMULATED ANODIZED LIGHT BRONZE ANODIZED MEDIUM BRONZE ANODIZED DARK BRONZE ANODIZED BLACK NOTE: The colors reproduced on this Paint Finish Chart have been reproduced as accurately as possible within the limits of printed ink color reproduction technology. Colors on this chart may fade or discolor after exposure to sunlight or from age. Colors may appear to vary in actual use due to area, surface sheen, lighting (artificial or natural) or application. Therefore, variations in color or shade must be expected - we cannot guarantee otherwise. Please contact your local Price Representative for an actual sample supplied on the material of construction specified. Sample chips may be ordered using the GRD-PARTS model code. For more information visit www.priceindustries.com/contact/product-support v001 Woodgrain Finishing Woodgrain Finishing Woodgrain FinishingPrice Industries now offers wood grain finishing on a variety of product offerings. Architecturally appealing, our wood finishing adds warmth and elegance to our industry leading robust grille and Price Industries nowdiffuser offers woodproduct grain designs. finishing on a variety of product offerings. Architecturally Priceappealing, Industries our now wood offers finishing wood adds grain warmth finishing and on elegance a variety toof ourproduct industry offerings. leading Architecturally robust grille and appealing, our wood finishing adds warmth and elegance to our industry leading robust grille and diffuser product designs. diffuser product designs. In Stock Options: WoodgrainIn Stock Options: Finishing In Stock Options: Cherry Flame Radica Rovere PriceWoodgrain IndustriesWoodgrain nowCherry offers Finishing FinishingwoodFlame grain finishing on a variety oRadicaf product offerings. Rovere Architecturally appealing, our Cherrywood finishing Flame adds warmth and elegance toRadica our industry leadingRovere robust grille and diffuser product designs. WoodgrainWoodgrain Finishing Finishing PricePrice Industries Industries now now offers offers wood wood grain gr ainfinishing finishing on aon variety a variety of product of product offerings. offerings. Architecturally Architecturally appealing,appealing, our our wood wood finishing finishing adds adds warmth warmth and and elegance elegance to our to our industry industry leading leading robust robust grille grille and and diffuserdiffuser product product designs. designs. Woodgrain PriceFinishingPrice Industries Industries now now offers offers wood wood grain gr ainfinishing finishingIn Stockon aon variety a varietyOptions: of product of product offerings. offerings. Architecturally Architecturally appealing,appealing, our ourwood wood finishing finishing adds adds warmth warmth and and elegance elegance to our to ourindustry industry leading leading robust robust grille grille and and diffuserdiffuser product product designs. designs. Price Industries now offers wood grain finishing on a variety of FINISHESproductIn In Stockofferings. StockCherry Options: Architecturally Options: Flame Radica Rovere DS718U-1405 DS734U-1401 DS718U-1401 DS733U-1401 DS718U-2401 DS734U-2504 appealing, our wood finishing adds warmth and elegance to our industry leading robust grille and (*STR) (*STR) (*STR) diffuser product designs. WOODGRAINCherry FINISHINGCherry Flame Flame APPLICABLERadicaRadica RovereRovere In StockIn Stock Options: Options: DS718U-1405 DS734U-1401Oak DS718U-1401 FinelineDS733U-1401 BirchDS718U-2401 DS734U-2504Applicable Models: DS718U-1405 DS734U-1401(*STR) DS718U-1401(*STR) DS733U-1401(*STR) MODELSDS718U-2401 DS734U-2504 (*STR) (*STR) (*STR) + Custom Flow Custom Flow CherryCherry Flame Flame WG-RC OakRED CHERRY FinelineWG-LCRadica LIGHTRadica CHERRY WG-MCRovere MEDIUMBirchRovere CHERRY Applicable Models: In Stock Options: Oak Fineline Birch + DF1 Applicable Models: DF1 + DF1L Custom Flow Custom Flow DF1L + DF1R Cherry Flame RadicaWG-DC DARK CHERRY WG-WLRovere WALNUT WG-LO LIGHT OAK DF1 DF1R + DLE DF1 DF1L + LBP(H) DF1L DLE WG-WW DS733U-1401+ DF1R DS718U-1405WG-DO DARK OAK DS734U-1401WEATHERED WOOD DS718U-1401WG-LB LIGHT BIRCH LBM(H) DS718U-2401 DS734U-2504 LBP(H) DF1R (*STR) (*STR) (*STR) + SDS DLE LBM(H) + SPD (*STR options only) DLE OakDS718U-1405DS718U-1405 Fineline DS734U-1401 DS734U-1401 DS718U-1401 DS718U-1401BirchDS733U-1401 DS733U-1401 ApplicableDS718U-2401DS718U-2401 LBP(H) Models: DS734U-2504DS734U-2504 SDS WG-SM SMOOTH MAPLE DS718U-2502 DS734U-2502 DS734U-1201 LBP(H) (*STR)(*STR) (*STR)(*STR) (*STR)(*STR) CustomLBM(H) Flow SPD (*STR options only) Custom woodgrain, marble, granite and other custom finishes are LBM(H) OakOak Fineline Fineline BirchBirch ApplicableApplicable DF1SDS Models: Models: DS718U-1405DS718U-1405 DS734U-1401 DS734U-1401 DS718U-1401 DS718U-1401DS733U-1401available.DS718U-2502DS733U-1401 Contact [email protected] DS734U-1201forDS734U-2504 availability,DS734U-2504 SDS Custom woodgrain, marble, granite and other custom finishes are available. Contact (*STR)(*STR) (*STR)(*STR) DS718U-2502(*STR)pricing(*STR) and lead timesDS734U-2502 for in stock and special orderDS734U-1201 options. Due DF1LSPDCustom (*STRCustom optionsFlow Flow only) to the nature of wood grain,[email protected] both color and grain pattern(s) may for availability,SPD (*STR pricing options and only) lead times for in stock and OakOak Fineline Fineline BirchBirchdiffer slightly than what is shownApplicablespecialApplicable above, order and may options. alsoModels: differ Models: slightly DF1RDF1 DF1 DS718U-1405 DS734U-1401 DS718U-1401 DS733U-1401 DS718U-2401Custom woodgrain, DS734U-2504 marble, granite and other custom finishes are available. Contact Customfrom actual woodgrain, samples provided marble, granite and other custom finishes are available. Contact (*STR) (*STR) (*STR) [email protected] Custom Custom Flow Flow for availability, pricing and leadDLE DF1Ltimes DF1L for in stock and [email protected] for availability, pricing and lead times for in stock and special order options. Oak Fineline Birch specialApplicable order options. Models: DF1 DF1 LBP(H)DF1RDF1R LBM(H) DLEDLE Custom Flow DF1L DF1L SDS LBP(H) LBP(H) DS718U-2502 DF1 DS734U-2502 Due to the natureDF1RDF1R of woodDS734U-1201 grain, both color and grain pattern(s) may differ slightly than what is shown above, DLE andDLE may also differ slightly from actual samples provided SPD LBM(H) (*STRLBM(H) options only) DF1L www.priceindustries.com SDSSDS Due to the nature of wood grain, both color LBP(H) andLBP(H) grain pattern(s ) may differ slightly than what is DueCustom to theDS718U-2502 nature DS718U-2502woodgrain,DF1R of wood DS734U-2502grain marble,DS734U-2502, both color granite and grain and pattern(s otherDS734U-1201DS734U-1201) custommay differ finishesslightly than are what available. is Contact shown above, and may also differ slightly from actual samples provided SPDSPD (*STR (*STR options options only) only) [email protected] above, andDLE may also differ slightly LBM(H)from LBM(H)actual samples for provided availability, pricing and lead times forwww.priceindustries.com in stock and www.priceindustries.com special order options. SDS SDS DS718U-2502DS718U-2502 DS734U-2502 DS734U-2502 DS734U-1201DS734U-1201Custom Custom LBP(H) woodgrain, woodgrain, marble, marble, granite granite and and other other custom custom finishes finishes are are available. available. Contact Contact [email protected]@PRICEINDUSTRIES.COM LBM(H) SPD SPD (*STR (*STR options options only)for only)foravailability, availability, pricing pricing and and lead lead times times for forin stock in stock and and specialspecial order order options. options. SDS DS718U-2502 DS734U-2502CustomCustom woodgrain, woodgrain,DS734U-1201 marble, marble, granite granite and and other other custom custom finishes finishes are areavailable. available. Contact Contact [email protected]@PRICEINDUSTRIES.COM for availability,for availability,SPD (*STRpricing pricing options and and only)lead lead times times for infor stock in stock and and specialspecial order order options. options. Due to the nature of wood grain, both color and grain pattern(s) may differ slightly than what is Custom woodgrain, marble, granite and other custom finishes shownare available. above, and Contactmay also diffe r slightly from actual samples provided [email protected] for availability, pricing and lead times for in stock and www.priceindustries.com special order options. Due Dueto the to naturethe nature of wood of wood
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