<p> Waynesville High School Theatre IV – Ensemble Acting and Directing Department: Fine Arts Teacher: Mr. C. Davis E-mail: [email protected] Phone Ext.: #3150 Grade Level: 9 - 12 Course Duration: One Semester Prerequisite: Theatre I, II and/or III Credit: One Half “Theatres are curious places, magician’s trick-boxes where the golden memories of dramatic triumphs linger like nostalgic ghosts, and where the unexplainable, the fantastic, the tragic, the comic and the absurd are routine occurrences on and off the stage.” – E.A. Bucchianeri Required Textbook: Supplemental Texts: The Stage and The School (9th edition) * Class scripts * Theatre: Art in Action Required Materials: Three ring binder/Paper Pens/Pencils Work Clothes/close toed shoes (for working on stage)</p><p>Course Description: Theatre IV is a studio theatre course intended for advanced theatre students only. It builds upon skills already acquired in Theatre II having to do with the discovery and use of your inner resources and the expression of those resources through the use of body and voice. This will be done primarily through duet and group performances where the development of a professional ensemble ethic will be encouraged and learned. If you have acquired technical skills in Theatre III, you will have the opportunity to practice those skills in this course as well. With guidance from the instructor, this course will give you the opportunity to direct, perform in, and provide technical support for your own student produced one act plays. You will apply the skills you acquired in previous theatre courses through the ensemble effort of producing plays intended for presentation before the community, at the Missouri State Thespian Conference, and/or the Missouri State High School Activities Association District and State Contests. You can expect to rehearse and perform duets and ensemble material in class throughout the semester as you prepare and produce the student directed one act plays scheduled for performance on the third weekend of January. Course Goals: Theatre IV is designed to allow you to continue developing your internal, physical, and vocal tools and skills through ensemble acting and directing projects. You will be expected to perform in class as a means of building confidence and enhancing and evaluating your own acting skills and the acting skills of your peers. Those of you with an interest in technical theatre will be expected to practice your knowledge of lighting, sound, and scenic design and application. In addition, you will be required to produce and direct original or published plays for performance before an audience as part of an ensemble effort. In this way a professional ensemble ethic, necessary for quality amateur, college, and professional theatre will be developed. Grading Policy Letter grades will be assigned according to the following standard scale: 100%–90% A 89%–80% B 79%–70% C 69%–60% D 59%–0% F A. You will be evaluated based on the following: 1) Participation in class activities, 2) Objective tests and quizzes, 3) Serious preparation and performance of improvisations and monologue material (again, as time and class size permits), 4) Participation in production of a play and set construction, 5) Student notebooks (At the instructor’s discretion), 6) Written assignments.</p><p>B. You will also be required to attend at least one play or musical other than a Waynesville High School production. This can include a play from another high school, a production sponsored by the Pulaski Fine Arts Association or some other community theatre, or a college or professional production. You will be required to turn in a copy of the production’s program, your ticket, and/or a review of the play. You will have to pay for your own ticket. The cost will vary considerably depending upon your choice. </p><p>C. All student performances, if assigned, are to be ready for delivery on the day they are due. On average, we get through six to seven performances per class period. You and your classmates will be called at random to perform. If you are not ready to perform when called upon, you will receive a deduction in points for every day you are not prepared. Further penalties may include a letter or phone call to your parents, and/or a meeting with the appropriate principal. You will be given plenty of time to prepare for your performances; therefore, make-up performances will not be allowed. Here you will have the opportunity to confront your nervousness. Stage fright is normal, but you can and should learn to control it.</p><p>D. I am aware that sometimes there are extenuating circumstances regarding a particular assignment, such as illness or a death in the family. Depending on the nature of the circumstance I may grant an additional day or two to complete an assignment on an individual basis. If you find yourself in such a predicament, see me about it privately. Do not make an issue about it in front of the entire class. Also, I will expect you to provide a note from one of your parents explaining the nature of the circumstance. This can be a handwritten note or sent to me by email. Remember that involvement in extra- curricular or co-curricular activities will not be considered extenuating circumstances.</p><p>E. Cheating on tests or plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. The penalty will be automatic failure for the test or assignment in question, letters or phone calls to your parents, and/or visits to the appropriate principal. Academic Dishonesty Policy Cheating includes (but not limited to) attempting to obtain answers from an external source during a quiz or test and copying someone else’s assignment. Plagiarism is copying from another source without giving proper credit to that source or submitting another person’s work or ideas as one’s own. It is also plagiarism to copy or cut and paste from the Internet and to present that information as the student’s personal work. Students will be asked to use MLA style documentation properly when referencing an outside source in their assignments that call for it. When presenting information for a debate or an interpretation, it is required that the students acknowledge the source of the piece and the author of the work. Neither cheating nor plagiarism will be tolerated under any circumstances. Anyone who cheats, helps someone to cheat, or plagiarizes will receive a zero for that assignment. The student will also have a conference with me and sign a behavioral contract agreement. If cheating becomes a recurring issue, a referral to the office will result and the student’s parent/guardian will be notified.</p><p>F. Academic Assistance is by appointment only in the drama classroom. YOU SHOULD TAKE NOTE THAT ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE IS NOT PUNISHMENT!!! Rather, it is an opportunity for you to obtain additional help from the course instructor. This means that you can come in for assistance in preparing a monologue for in-class performance, obtain help on a written assignment, or receive assisted study for an upcoming exam. Academic assistance for theatre classes is voluntary. You may be allowed to retake exams during this time. Retakes will be allowed based on the discretion of the course instructor. Only one retake will be given per exam.</p><p>G. Grades in PowerSchool will be updated at least once a week, barring teacher absences, holidays, or any unforeseen circumstances.</p><p>Classroom Expectations and Rules Students are expected to do what is necessary to contribute to their own learning as well as the learning of their classmates; therefore, it is necessary that students will not do anything that distracts from their own learning or from the learning of others. 1. Be Polite 2. Be Ready to Work 3. Be Involved When interacting with others in the class, one rule is most important: Be RESPECTFUL. These expectations are set so that we can work with each other to maximize our learning. If we do not observe these expectations, we cannot achieve our goals. Each student is also responsible for following all of the school-wide rules listed in the student handbook. Consequences for not upholding these rules are listed in this resource as well.</p><p>General Classroom Guidelines - Students will not be excused from class to get food or drink. Water is allowed in the classroom. - Restroom passes are liberally given. Please do not abuse this trust. - I will be available in the classroom most mornings at 7:00 and until 2:45 most afternoons. It is best to schedule an appointment to see me during these times, but students should feel free to stop in if assistance is needed. -If you are unable to purchase any of the required supplies, please talk to me privately, and I will make certain that they are made available to you. Classroom Conduct Your personal conduct in the classroom will also figure into your grade for this course. Consideration of in-class conduct will be based largely on the observed effort of each individual student. In other words, I must see evidence of: Research and writing Serious participation in class of group discussion Completion of assignments, whether written or performed, by due dates. SERIOUS USE of in class rehearsal and preparation time. A willingness to work with other and conduct during another student’s performance. Disciplinary Alternatives In the past some students have not behaved properly while on the trips. Such behavior reflects badly on teammates, the school, parents, and community. Despite the fact that trips are offered to all involved, the school is under no obligation to allow a misbehaving student to continue traveling to any of the trips. If you commit an infraction that is deemed serious enough by the instructor and/or principal to warrant permanent suspension from further travel, then you will be invited to drop the course, or you will be assigned alternative projects to fulfill your grade requirements.</p><p>Special Activities For those of you who have a strong interest in theatre, there are three activities that should be of interest to you. You will not be graded for these activities, but they will provide you with an opportunity to expand your theatrical skills while you are in this course and once you have passed it. It is my sincere hope that you will choose to involve yourself in these activities.</p><p>A. Play Productions – You are encouraged to audition for the school plays and musicals whether or not you are enrolled in a theatre, speech, or music course. We produce two or three plays a year with one in the fall, one in the winter, and another in the spring. Sometimes we will produce an additional play in the summer. We are always in need of new talent, whether it be actors or stage crew. If you audition and do not get a part, don’t let that discourage you. Many people have auditioned two, three, or even four times before they landed a part in a play. Others have done so during their first audition. Everyone who auditions who is not cast will be offered a crew position – and there are a wide variety of crew positions available. Involvement on a crew displays the sincerity of interest you have in theatre. The true student of theatre is interested in all aspects of it.</p><p>B. The International Thespian Society – The Waynesville High School Drama Club maintains itself as a troupe in good standing with the International Thespian Society, an honor society for theatre students. The name of the organization comes from the Greek word for actor, Thespian (The first man to step from a Greek chorus and deliver a solo performance, or Soliloquy, was an actor whose name was Thespis. Since that time actors have been known as Thespians). Students can become drama club members by simply attending meetings. However, they must be significantly involved in at least two productions to qualify for Thespian membership. We are always in need of serious drama students. As drama club/Thespian Society members you will have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of play production throughout your high school career. These include acting, set construction, stage management, lighting, sound, costuming, makeup, properties, publicity, house management, ushering, and stage crew. In addition, upon the vote of the membership, the WHS troupe attends the Missouri State Thespian Conference once a year where members have the opportunity to attend workshops in theatre, meet high school theatre students from around the state, and watch plays produced by other high schools.</p><p>C. The National Forensic League – Waynesville High School also maintains a speech and debate team that is a full chapter with the National Forensic League, an honor society for speech and debate students. It is dedicated to the development of communication and leadership skills of high school students. NFL members attend numerous invitational speech and debate tournaments during the school year, as well as two district tournaments and a state tournament. A national tournament is offered in June if one qualifies. Competitive events include debate, oratory, extemporaneous speaking, dramatic interpretation, humorous interpretation, prose interpretation, poetry interpretation, and duet acting. Awards are given. The National Forensic League is one of the most highly respected honor societies in the nation. Membership in such a nationally recognized honor society can have highly positive benefits for high school students. To achieve membership in this organization, a students needs to attend and seriously participate in speech and debate tournaments. If you are interested in any or all of these activities, see Mr. Davis for further details. Classroom Behavioral Expectations A. Listen!!! – I expect you to pay attention and listen to me and to your classmates during discussions, lectures, presentations, and instructions. There are several reasons for listening: a. It is a courtesy: failure to pay attention to me and/or your classmates while class business is going on simply displays rudeness and a lack of respect for others. Talking while others are talking creates a distraction when others are trying to learn something. The person(s) creating the distraction have no right to interfere with your education in this manner. b. It will keep you out of trouble: If you do not listen, you may fail to pick up important information like assignment due dates, test dates, and so on. This could have a negative impact on your grade. c. It will help to maintain a safe environment: I will not tolerate horseplay, which could result in your injury or the injury of a classmate. B. Classroom Etiquette During Performances, Discussions, and Critique Sessions a. It is important that in a public speaking classroom a certain element of trust can be established and maintained: It is difficult for anyone to perform in an environment where students poke fun at one another’s performances in a way calculated to damage the self-confidence of the performer. One of the purposes of a speaking course is to build self-confidence, not to destroy it. Therefore, such behavior in this classroom WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! You are expected to observe and critique one another’s performances in a courteous and empathetic manner. b. Performer’s Response to Critiques: Remember that positive critiques cover what you are doing right as well as what you are doing wrong. It is part of my job as the instructor to critique your performances. You should never take the comments I make during critiques sessions as a personal attack or jump to the conclusion that I feel you have no talent and are incapable of improvement. I do not expect your performances to be perfect. There is always room for improvement. This is true for even the most experienced public speakers. I am trying to help you, not harm you with my comments. c. Avoid name-calling or labeling someone’s ideas as “stupid”: “Stupid is the most useless word in the English language and usually displays a certain lack of maturity, understanding, and depth of knowledge on a subject by the part of the user. d. Respect the opinions of your classmates: You do not have to agree with them, but remember that they have the right to voice their opinions (in a mature and tactful manner) and have reasons for the way they feel. However, please feel free to debate them. You also have the right to voice your opinion, provided it is in a RESPECTFUL MANNER. Be courteous about it. C. Completions of Assignments - You are old enough to make your own decisions. I respect that fact. However, you must also be prepared to take the consequences of your decisions. If you decide to put forth minimum effort in this course, you can expect certain consequences. </p><p>D. Tardy Policy – If you are outside the classroom door when the bell rings, you will be considered tardy. Please be in your seat when the bell rings and settle down as quickly as possible so that I can take roll and we can start on the day’s objectives.</p><p>E. Restroom Policy – You are expected to use the restroom between classes, not during class. If an emergency arises where you need to use the restroom during class, raise your hand and ask permission. Restroom passes shall be given out sparingly and if they are abused, taken away.</p><p>F. Stage Items/Debate Materials in the Classroom – There will be times when costumes, stage makeup, props, debate boxes, and suitcases will be scattered about the classroom. Touch nothing without my permission. Most of the items belong to other students and to myself.</p><p>G. MY DESK IS OFF LIMITS</p><p>H. Classroom Scripts – There are classroom copies of play scripts and scene cuttings available for you to read and work with. You will be expected to sign them out and return them within a reasonable time. If you lose your script or severely damage it, you will be expected to pay for a replacement. Be sure to hand the scripts back to me personally. DO NOT JUST LAY THEM ON MY DESK.</p><p>I. Keep a Positive Attitude and have FUN – I want this to be an enjoyable learning experience for you. You are here to explore your talents and learn more about the skills of an effective communicator and performer. Have a little faith in yourself and your abilities. There is nothing in this course that you cannot handle and become good at with effort and commitment. </p><p>Student and Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment Signatures Both the parent/guardian and student should complete and detach the form below to acknowledge that both have read and understand the items contained within this syllabus.</p><p>Student Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______(printed)</p><p>Student and Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment Signatures Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______</p><p>Parent’s Signature: ______Date: ______</p><p>Parent/Guardian Contact Information I may contact parents/guardians during the course of the semester for various reasons. I would appreciate it if you would provide the following information to make it more convenient for me to serve you and your student. Thanks! Parent Name (please print): ______</p><p>E-mail Address: ______Preferred Phone Number: ______</p>
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