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<p>//Ttf.h class TtfTable; class GdcTtf;</p><p>//class overview: /* GdcFontMetrics, GtypeFace, TtfFileHeader, TtfTable, TtfObj, TtfHeader, TtfMaxProfile,TtfLocation, DataList, TtfContour, TtfGlyph, TtfMap, TtfCMapTable, TtfCMapByteEnc, TtfCMapHighByte, TtfCMapSegDelta, TtfCMap, TtfRaster, GdcTtf, Gfont</p><p>*/</p><p> class LgiClass GdcFontMetrics { public: long tmHeight; long tmAscent; long tmDescent; long tmInternalLeading; long tmExternalLeading; long tmAveCharWidth; long tmMaxCharWidth; long tmWeight; long tmOverhang; long tmDigitizedAspectX; long tmDigitizedAspectY; char tmFirstChar; char tmLastChar; char tmDefaultChar; char tmBreakChar; char tmItalic; char tmUnderlined; char tmStruckOut; char tmPitchAndFamily; char tmCharSet; };</p><p> class LgiClass GTypeFace { protected: uint Flags; // FNT_xxx flags uint Height; uint Width; uint Escapement; uint Orientation; uint Weight; uchar CharSet; uchar OutPrecision; uchar ClipPrecision; uchar Quality; uchar PitchAndFamily; char FaceName[33];</p><p>// Output COLOUR ForeCol; COLOUR BackCol; bool Trans;</p><p> int TabSize;</p><p> public: GTypeFace() { ForeCol = 0; BackCol = 0xFFFFFF; Trans = FALSE; TabSize = 0; }</p><p> virtual ~GTypeFace() {}</p><p> virtual void Colour(COLOUR Fore, COLOUR Back = 0xFFFFFFFF) { ForeCol = Fore; BackCol = Back; } void Fore(COLOUR f) { ForeCol = f; } COLOUR Fore() { return ForeCol; } void Back(COLOUR b) { BackCol = b; } COLOUR Back() { return BackCol; } void Transparent(bool t) { Trans = t; }</p><p> void SetTabs(int tabsize) { TabSize = tabsize; }</p><p> virtual bool Load(GFile &F) { return FALSE; } virtual bool Save(GFile &F) { return FALSE; } };</p><p> typedef unsigned long TTF_FIXED; typedef signed short TTF_FWORD; typedef unsigned short TTF_UFWORD; typedef signed short TTF_F2DOT14;</p><p> class LgiClass TtfFileHeader { public: TTF_FIXED Version; // 0x00010000 for version 1.0. ushort NumTables; // Number of tables. ushort SearchRange; // (Maximum power of 2 £ numTables) x 16. ushort EntrySelector; // Log2(maximum power of 2 £ numTables). ushort RangeShift; // NumTables x 16-searchRange.</p><p> bool Read(GFile &F); bool Write(GFile &F); void Dump(); };</p><p> class LgiClass TtfTable { public: char Tag[4]; // 4-byte identifier. ulong CheckSum; // CheckSum for this table. ulong Offset; // Offset from beginning of TrueType font file. ulong Length; // Length of this table.</p><p> void *Table;</p><p> virtual bool Read(GFile &F); virtual bool Write(GFile &F); virtual void Dump(); };</p><p> class LgiClass TtfObj { public: GdcTtf *Parent; TtfObj() { Parent = 0; } void *FindTag(char *t); };</p><p> class LgiClass TtfHeader : public TtfObj { public: ulong Version; // 0x00010000 for version 1.0. ulong Revision; // Set by font manufacturer. ulong CheckSumAdjustment; // To compute: set it to 0, sum the entire font as ULONG, then store 0xB1B0AFBA - sum. ulong MagicNumber; // Set to 0x5F0F3CF5. ushort Flags; // 0x0001 - baseline for font at y=0 // 0x0002 - left sidebearing at x=0 // 0x0004 - instructions may depend on point size // 0x0008 - force ppem to integer values for all internal scaler math, may use fractional ppem sizes if this bit is clear // 0x0010 - instructions may alter advance width (the advance widths might not scale linearly) // Note: All other bits must be zero. ushort UnitsPerEm; // Valid range is from 16 to 16384 quad InternationalDate; // (8-byte field). quad Modified; // International date (8-byte field). TTF_FWORD xMin; // For all glyph bounding boxes. TTF_FWORD yMin; // For all glyph bounding boxes. TTF_FWORD xMax; // For all glyph bounding boxes. TTF_FWORD yMax; // For all glyph bounding boxes. ushort MacStyle; // 0x0001 - bold (if set to 1) // 0x0002 - italic (if set to 1) // Bits 2-15 reserved (set to 0). ushort LowestRecPPEM; // Smallest readable size in pixels. short FontDirectionHint; // 0 Fully mixed directional glyphs // 1 Only strongly left to right // 2 Like 1 but also contains neutrals // -1 Only strongly right to left // -2 Like -1 but also contains neutrals. short IndexToLocFormat; // 0 for short offsets // 1 for long. short GlyphDataFormat; // 0 for current format.</p><p> bool Read(GFile &F); bool Write(GFile &F); void Dump(); };</p><p> class LgiClass TtfMaxProfile : public TtfObj { public: ulong Version; // 0x00010000 for version 1.0. ushort NumGlyphs; // The number of glyphs in the font. ushort MaxPoints; // Maximum points in a non-composite glyph. ushort MaxContours; // Maximum contours in a non-composite glyph. ushort MaxCompositePoints; // Maximum points in a composite glyph. ushort MaxCompositeContours; // Maximum contours in a composite glyph. ushort MaxZones; // 1 if instructions do not use the twilight zone (Z0), or 2 if instructions do use Z0; should be set to 2 in most cases. ushort MaxTwilightPoints; // Maximum points used in Z0. ushort MaxStorage; // Number of Storage Area locations. ushort MaxFunctionDefs; // Number of FDEFs. ushort MaxInstructionDefs; // Number of IDEFs. ushort MaxStackElements; // Maximum stack depth . ushort MaxSizeOfInstructions; // Maximum byte count for glyph instructions. ushort MaxComponentElements; // Maximum number of components referenced at "top level" for any composite glyph. ushort MaxComponentDepth; // Maximum levels of recursion; 1 for simple components.</p><p> bool Read(GFile &F); bool Write(GFile &F); void Dump(); };</p><p> class LgiClass TtfLocation : public TtfObj {</p><p> int Entries; int Type; void *Data;</p><p> public: TtfLocation(); virtual ~TtfLocation();</p><p> int operator [](int i); bool Read(GFile &F); bool Write(GFile &F); void Dump(); };</p><p> class LgiClass DataList {</p><p> int Alloc;</p><p> public: int Size; double *Data;</p><p>DataList() { Size = 0; Alloc = 0; Data = 0; } virtual ~DataList() { DeleteArray(Data); } void AddValue(double n) { if (Size >= Alloc) { int NewAlloc = (Size + 16) & (~0xF); double *Temp = NEW(double[NewAlloc]); if (Temp) { memcpy(Temp, Data, sizeof(double)*Size); DeleteArray(Data); Data = Temp; Alloc = NewAlloc; } else { return; } }</p><p> if (Size > 0) { for (int i=0; i<Size; i++) { if (Data[i] > n) { memmove(Data + i + 1, Data + i, sizeof(double)*(Size-i)); Data[i] = n; Size++; return; } } Data[Size] = n; } else { Data[0] = n; }</p><p>Size++; } }; class LgiClass TtfContour {</p><p> class CPt { public: double x, y; };</p><p>// From glyph int *x, *y; uchar *Flags; int XOff, YOff;</p><p>// Out stuff int Points; int Alloc; CPt *Point;</p><p> bool SetPoints(int p); void Bezier(CPt *p, double Threshold = 0.5); public: TtfContour(); ~TtfContour();</p><p> void Setup(int *x, int *y, uchar *Flags, int MinX, int MinY); bool Create(int Pts, double XScale, double YScale); bool RasterX(int Size, DataList *List); bool RasterY(int Size, DataList *List);</p><p> void DebugDraw(GSurface *pDC, int Sx, int Sy); }; class LgiClass TtfGlyph : public TtfObj {</p><p> int Points; uchar *Temp; public: TtfGlyph(); ~TtfGlyph();</p><p> short Contours; // If the number of contours is greater than or equal to zero, // this is a single glyph, if negative, this is a composite glyph. TTF_FWORD xMin; // Minimum x for coordinate data. TTF_FWORD yMin; // Minimum y for coordinate data. TTF_FWORD xMax; // Maximum x for coordinate data. TTF_FWORD yMax; // Maximum y for coordinate data.</p><p>// simple glyph ushort *EndPtsOfContours; // Array of last points of each contour; n is the number of contours. ushort InstructionLength; // Total number of bytes for instructions. uchar *Instructions; // Array of instructions for each glyph; n is the number of instructions. uchar *Flags; // Array of flags for each coordinate in outline; n is the number of flags. int *X; // First coordinates relative to (0,0) int *Y; // others are relative to previous point.</p><p>// complex glyph // yeah right... later i think... maybe</p><p> int GetX() { return xMax - xMin; } int GetY() { return yMax - yMin; }</p><p> bool Read(GFile &F); bool Write(GFile &F); void Dump(); void Draw(GSurface *pDC, int x, int y, int Scale); int DrawEm(GSurface *pDC, int X, int Y, int EmUnits, double PixelsPerEm); bool Rasterize( GSurface *pDC, GRect *pDest, double xppem, double yppem, int BaseLine); };</p><p> class LgiClass TtfMap { public: TtfMap() {} virtual ~TtfMap() {} virtual int operator[](int i) { return 0; } virtual bool Read(GFile &F) { return FALSE; } virtual bool Write(GFile &F) { return FALSE; } virtual void Dump() {} }; class LgiClass TtfCMapTable { public: TtfCMapTable(); ~TtfCMapTable();</p><p> ushort PlatformID; ushort EncodingID; ulong Offset;</p><p> ushort Format; TtfMap *Map;</p><p> bool Read(GFile &F); bool Write(GFile &F); void Dump(); }; class LgiClass TtfCMapByteEnc : public TtfMap {</p><p> ushort Format; // set to 0 ushort Length; // length in bytes of the subtable ushort Version; uchar Map[256]; public: int operator[](int i); bool Read(GFile &F); bool Write(GFile &F); void Dump(); }; class LgiClass TtfCMapHighByte : public TtfMap {</p><p> class SubHeader { public: ushort FirstCode; // First valid low byte for this subHeader ushort EntryCount; // Number of valid low bytes for this subHeader short IdDelta; ushort IdRangeOffset; };</p><p> ushort Format; // set to 2 ushort Length; ushort Version; ushort subHeaderKeys[256]; // Array that maps high bytes to subHeaders: // value is subHeader index * 8. SubHeader *Header; ushort *GlyphIndexArray; public: int operator[](int i) { return 0; } bool Read(GFile &F) { return FALSE; } bool Write(GFile &F) { return FALSE; } void Dump() {} }; class LgiClass TtfCMapSegDelta : public TtfMap {</p><p> int SegCount; int IdCount;</p><p> ushort Format; // set to 4 ushort Length; ushort Version; ushort SegCountX2; // 2 x segCount. ushort SearchRange; // 2 x (2**floor(log2(segCount))) ushort EntrySelector; // log2(searchRange/2) ushort RangeShift; // 2 x segCount - searchRange ushort *EndCount; // End characterCode for each segment,last =0xFFFF. ushort *StartCount; // Start character code for each segment. short *IdDelta; // Delta for all character codes in segment. ushort *IdRangeOffset; // Offsets into glyphIdArray or 0 // the GlyphIdArray is appended to the // end of the IdRangeOffset array public: TtfCMapSegDelta(); ~TtfCMapSegDelta();</p><p> int operator[](int i); bool Read(GFile &F); bool Write(GFile &F); void Dump(); }; class LgiClass TtfCMap : public TtfObj {</p><p>TtfMap *Fravorite; public: ushort Version; ushort Tables; TtfCMapTable *Table;</p><p>TtfCMap(); ~TtfCMap(); int operator[](int i) { return (Fravorite) ? (*Fravorite)[i] : 0; } bool Read(GFile &F); bool Write(GFile &F); void Dump(); }; class LgiClass TtfRaster : public TtfObj {</p><p> friend class GSurface;</p><p> int XPixelsPerEm; int YPixelsPerEm; int Glyphs; public: int *BaseLine; // pixels down to baseline in bitmap GRect *pSource; // where glyph is stored in the bitmap GSurface *pDC; // the bitmap</p><p>TtfRaster(); ~TtfRaster();</p><p> double GetXPixelsPerEm() { return XPixelsPerEm; } double GetYPixelsPerEm() { return YPixelsPerEm; } bool Rasterize(double xPPEm, double yPPEm, int OverSample); int DrawChar(GSurface *pDC, int x, int y, int Char); }; class LgiClass GdcTtf : public GTypeFace {</p><p> friend class TtfObj; protected: int Tables; TtfTable *TableList; TtfTable *FindTag(char *t); TtfTable *SeekTag(char *t, GFile *F);</p><p>TtfHeader Header; TtfMaxProfile Profile; TtfLocation Location; TtfGlyph **Glyph; TtfCMap Map;</p><p> int Rasters; TtfRaster **Raster; TtfRaster *FindRaster(int Point, int XDpi = 96, int YDpi = -1); public: GdcTtf(); virtual ~GdcTtf();</p><p> virtual bool Load(GFile &F); virtual bool Save(GFile &F); virtual bool Rasterize( int Point, int StyleFlags, int OverSample = 2, int XDpi = 96, int YDpi = -1);</p><p> void Test(GSurface *pDC); virtual void Size(int *x, int *y, char *Str, int Len = -1, int Flags = 0); int X(char *Str, int Len = -1, int Flags = 0); int Y(char *Str, int Len = -1, int Flags = 0);</p><p>// Text drawing functions virtual bool SelectPoint(int Pt) { return FALSE; } virtual void Text(GSurface *pDC, int x, int y, char *Str, int Len = -1); };</p><p>#define LFONT_LIGHT FW_LIGHT #define LFONT_NORMAL FW_NORMAL #define LFONT_BOLD FW_BOLD class LgiClass GFont : public GdcTtf {</p><p>HFONT hFont; float *Widths;</p><p> void SetWidths(); public: GFont(); ~GFont();</p><p>HFONT Handle() { return hFont; }</p><p> bool Load(GFile &F) { return TRUE; } bool Save(GFile &F) { return FALSE; }</p><p> bool Create(char *Face, int Height, int Width = 0, int Weight = LFONT_NORMAL, uint32 Italic = false, uint32 Underline = false, uint32 StrikeOut = false, uint32 CharSet = ANSI_CHARSET, int Escapement = 0, int Orientation = 0, uint32 OutputPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, uint32 ClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, uint32 Quality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY, uint32 PitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH);</p><p> bool CreateFont(LOGFONT *LogFont);</p><p> void Text( GSurface *pDC, int x, int y, char *Str, int Len = -1, GRect *r = NULL); // ASCII version void Size(int *x, int *y, char *Str, int Len = -1, int Flags = 0); int CharAt(int x, char *Str, int Len = -1); };</p>

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