<p> EXHIBIT A BID FORM</p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>The work to be performed under this Contract shall consist of furnishing all personnel, tools, equipment, materials, supplies, and manufactured articles for furnishing all transportation and services, including fuel, power water and essential communications, and for the performance of all labor, work, or other operations required for the fulfillment of the Contract in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. </p><p>Estimated Item Number Description Unit Unit Price Total Quantity Mobilization/Demobilization (not to 1 exceed 5% of total of all items excluding LS 1 $ $ items 1 and 2) Maintenance of Traffic (not to exceed 3% 2 of total of all items excluding items 1 and LS 1 $ $ 2) 0630-2-11 Conduit, Furnish & Install, Open Trench LF 3,295 $ $ Conduit, Furnish & Install, Directional 0630-2-12 LF 149 $ $ Bore Pull & Splice Box, Furnish & Install, 0635-2-11 EA 2 $ $ 13”x24” Cover Size Lighting Conductors, Furnish & Install, 0715-1-12 LF 11,340 $ $ Insulated No. 8-6 Light Pole Complete – Special Design (16’)</p><p>Payment for item shall be made at 25% 0715-516-116 EA 19 $ $ upon order confirmation, 25% at delivery, and 50% at certificate of proper installation. Pole Cable Distribution System, 715-500-1 EA 19 $ $ Conventional 01040-10-3 Sediment Barrier LF 3,344 $ $</p><p>Total Bid $</p><p>IM Seminole Crossing Trail Lighting Exhibit A - Bid Form Dollars and /100 Cents WRITTEN</p><p>(Name of Bidder)</p><p>AMOUNTS SHALL BE SHOWN IN BOTH WORDS AND FIGURES. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCIES, THE AMOUNT SHOWN IN WORDS SHALL GOVERN FOR EACH BID ITEM AND TOTAL BASE BID.</p><p>The STOF does not guarantee that any specific quantities or item(s) will be utilized. The quantities of any item may be increased, decreased or any item deleted as need occurs. Payment of work performed will be based on the actual quantities completed at each site the Contractor works on. The Contract will be awarded based on the Total Base Bid Amount. The STOF reserves the right to award or reject any or all bids. The bidder understands and agrees that the above Total Base Bid Amount is inclusive of all work materials necessary to complete the Project as described in the Contract Documents. The bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of the following addenda:</p><p>DATE NUMBER</p><p>AWARD OF CONTRACT AND TIME OF COMPLETION The contract, if awarded, shall be to the lowest responsive bidder, and most responsible bidder whose bid conforming to the specifications is the most advantageous to the STOF, considering prices bid, the experience, the qualifications of the bidder, and the bidders current and immediately available resources. Bid must comply with the requirements necessary to render it formal.</p><p>IM Seminole Crossing Trail Lighting Exhibit A - Bid Form The WORK will be substantially completed within 90 calendar days from the commencement date stated in the Notice to Proceed. The WORK will be entirely complete (final) within 120 calendar days from the commencement date stated in the Notice to Proceed. NO SITE WORK shall commence without written authorization from STOF, and upon delivery of the light poles, complete. Liquidated damages will be applicable at $350.00 per day for each day beyond the Contract Time for Substantial Completion. The same rate of liquidated damages shall also be applied for each day of delay in achieving the contract time for Final Completion.</p><p>By: ______(Print Name)</p><p>Signature: ______</p><p>Title: ______</p><p>Company: ______</p><p>Dated this ______day of______2017</p><p>IM Seminole Crossing Trail Lighting Exhibit A - Bid Form EXHIBIT B ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA</p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda:</p><p>Addendum No. 1, dated: Addendum No. 4, dated: Addendum No. 2, dated: Addendum No. 5, dated: Addendum No. 3, dated: Addendum No. 6, dated:</p><p>COMPANY NAME: ______</p><p>BY (PRINT): ______</p><p>TITLE: ______</p><p>SIGNATURE: ______</p><p>ADDRESS: ______</p><p>CITY/STATE: ______ZIP CODE: ______</p><p>TELEPHONE: (______) ______</p><p>FAX: (______) ______</p><p>EMAIL: ______</p><p>ATTEST: ______</p><p>TITLE/SEAL: ______</p><p>Note: Attest for a corporation must be by the corporate secretary; for a partnership by another partner; for an individual by a notary.</p><p>Note: If the Bidder is a corporation, the Bid shall be signed by an officer of the corporation; if a partnership, it shall be signed by a partner. If signed by others, authority for signature shall be attached.</p><p>Exhibit B – Acknowledgement of Receipt of Addenda EXHIBIT C STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS</p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>The undersigned guarantees the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained.</p><p>1. How many years has your organization been in business as a General Contractor?</p><p>2. What is the last project of this nature you have completed?</p><p>3. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you: If so, where and why?</p><p>4. Name three individuals or corporations for which you have performed work and to which you refer?</p><p>5. List of the following information concerning all contracts on hand as of the date of submission of this proposal: (In case of co-venture, list of the information for all co- ventures).</p><p>Name of Project Total Contract Contracted Date of % Completion to Owner Value Completion Date</p><p>(Continue list on inset sheet, if necessary)</p><p>Exhibit C – Statement of Qualifications 6. Have you personally inspect the proposed work and have a complete plan for its performance?</p><p>7. Will you sublet any part of this work? If so, please list subcontractors</p><p>8. What equipment that you own that is available for the work?</p><p>9. What equipment will you purchase for the proposed work?</p><p>10. What equipment will you rent for the proposed work?</p><p>11. The following is a given summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned: (List of assets and liabilities and use of insert sheet if necessary.)</p><p>12. State the true, exact, correct and complete name of the partnership, corporation or trade name under which you do business, and the address of the place of business. (If a corporation, state the name of the President and Secretary. If a partnership, state the name of all the partners. If a trade name, state the names of the individuals who do business under the trade name. It is absolutely necessary, that this information be furnished.)</p><p>CORRECT NAME OF BIDDER </p><p> a. The business is a (Sole Proprietorship) (Partnership) (Corporation)</p><p>Exhibit C – Statement of Qualifications b. The address of principal place of business is</p><p> c. The names of the corporate officers , or partners, or individuals doing business under a trade name, are as follows:</p><p>______BIDDER</p><p>Exhibit C – Statement of Qualifications EXHIBIT D CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION</p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>The undersigned as an officer and an authorized representative of Contractor certifies that Contractor and it principals:</p><p> a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency.</p><p> b) Have not within a three year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; </p><p> c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and</p><p> d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default.</p><p>I understand that a false statement on this certification may be grounds for rejection of this proposal or termination of the award. In addition, under 18 USC Sec. 1001, a false statement may result in a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both.</p><p>Business name: By: ______Signature of Authorized Representative</p><p>______Typed Name & Title of Authorized Representative</p><p>Date: ______</p><p>______I am unable to certify to the above statements. My explanation is attached.</p><p>Exhibit D - Contractor Certification Regarding Debarment And Suspension EXHIBIT E NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PRIME BIDDER</p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>The Bidder hereby declares that the undersigned is the person or persons responsible within the firm for the final decision as to the price(s) and amount of this bid and the Bidder further declares that: </p><p>1. The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition with any other contractor, bidder or potential bidder. </p><p>2. Neither the price(s) nor the amount of this bid have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder on this project, and will not be so disclosed prior to the bid opening. </p><p>3. No attempt has been made or will be made to solicit, cause, or induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this project, or to submit a bid higher than the bid of this firm, or any intentionally high or non-competitive bid or other form of complementary bid. </p><p>4. The bid is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from, any other firm or person to submit a complementary bid. </p><p>5. The Bidder has not offered or entered into a subcontract or agreement regarding the purchase of materials or services from any other firm or person, or offered, promised, or paid cash or anything of value to any other Bidder or person, whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for an agreement or promise by any other firm or person to refrain from bidding or to submit a complementary bid on this project. </p><p>6. The Bidder has not accepted or been promised any subcontract or agreement regarding the sale of materials or services to any other firm or person, and has not been promised or paid cash or anything of value by any other firm or person, whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for the firm's submitting a complementary bid, or agreeing to do so, on this project. </p><p>7. The Bidder has made a diligent inquiry of all members, officers, employees, and agents of the Bidder with responsibilities relating to the preparation, approval or</p><p>Exhibit E – Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidder submission of the firm's bid on this project and have been advised by each of them that he or she has not participated in any communication, consultation, discussion, agreement, collusion, act, or other conduct inconsistent with any of the statements and representations made in this Declaration. </p><p>BUSINESS NAME: ______</p><p>BY: ______Signature of Authorized Representative </p><p>TITLE: ______</p><p>DATE: ______</p><p>Exhibit E – Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidder EXHIBIT F SUB-CONTRACTOR LIST</p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>Date: (Seal) Prime Contractor: Contractor By: ______IF CORPORATION, AFFIX SEAL</p><p>Prime Contractor Federal Employer Identification Address Number (FEIN): Total Contract Amount:</p><p>Subcontractor Name T FEIN Subcontract to Whom Work Description Total DBE / i Amount Non DBE e Subcontr r acted Change</p><p>Total</p><p>All pertinent provisions and requirements of the prime contract, including but not limited to, Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts (FHWA-1273) and Special Provisions – Specific Equal Opportunity </p><p>Exhibit F – Sub-Contractor List Responsibilities (Per 23 CFR 633B of Federal-Aid Policy Guide) will be part of the subcontract. It is agreed that State of Florida an Executed or a certified copy of the subcontract will be submitted upon request to the Seminole Tribe of Florida County of ______Environmental Resource Management Department. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ____ day of ______, ____. By All subcontracts will be in continued compliance with all Contract provisions and that the Contractor will continue to perform the minimum percentage of Contract work within its own organization, as required by said Contract. It ______. is recognized and agreed that, as prime contractor, the undersigned remains responsible for the proper (Print name of person signing performance of all requirements of said contract does not relieve or release the undersigned and his surety or Form) either of them of any liability under the contract bond. </p><p>The Contractor shall send a copy of this form to the subcontractor subordinate (with a copy of FHWA-1273) on Federal-Aid Projects and the Surety Company. The Prime Contractor certifies that firms or individuals, debarred or suspended by the Federal government are not being used as subcontractors.</p><p>A false statement or omission made in connection with this certification is sufficient cause for suspension, revocation or denial of qualification to bid, and a determination of non-responsibility, and may subject the person and/or entity making the false statement to any civil and criminal penalties available pursuant to applicable Federal and Tribal law.</p><p>______Notary Public</p><p>______Commission Expires</p><p>Personally Known _____ OR Produced Identification _____ Type of Identification Produced</p><p>Exhibit F – Sub-Contractor List EXHIBIT G BONDS AND CERTIFICATE OF ABILITY TO OBTAIN PERFORMANCE BONDS</p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>Exhibit G - Bonds Exhibit G - Bonds Exhibit G - Bonds Exhibit G - Bonds Exhibit G - Bonds Exhibit G - Bonds Exhibit G - Bonds Exhibit G - Bonds Exhibit G - Bonds EXHIBIT H LIST OF RECENTLY COMPLETED PROJECTS AND CONTRACT AMOUNTS </p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>Provide the required information for a minimum of three (3) separate and verifiable projects. The work listed must be similar in nature to that specified in the solicitation. 1. Client Name: ______a. Client Address b. Client Phone c. Contact Person d. Project Name e. Location of Project f. Description of Project g. Project Performance Date </p><p>2. Client Name: ______a. Client Address b. Client Phone c. Contact Person d. Project Name e. Location of Project f. Description of Project g. Project Performance Date </p><p>3. Client Name: ______a. Client Address b. Client Phone c. Contact Person d. Project Name e. Location of Project f. Description of Project g. Project Performance Date </p><p>Exhibit H – Recently Completed Projects EXHIBIT I LIST OF REFERENCES </p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>Provide the required information for a minimum of three (3) separate and verifiable references.</p><p>1. Reference 1: </p><p> a. Name b. Address c. Phone Number d. Fax Number e. Email Address </p><p>2. Reference 2: </p><p> a. Name b. Address c. Phone Number d. Fax Number e. Email Address </p><p>3. Reference 3: </p><p> a. Name b. Address c. Phone Number d. Fax Number e. Email Address </p><p>Exhibit I - References Exhibit I - References EXHIBIT J INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS</p><p>RFP #: 19-2017 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SEMINOLE CROSSING TRAIL LIGHTING IMMOKALEE RESERVATION</p><p>SEMINOLE TRIBE OF FLORIDA INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT UP TO $1,000,000</p><p>The Service Provider (hereafter called Contractor) shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract the following required insurance, with insurers’ financially acceptable and lawfully authorized to do business in the state where the work or operations will be performed. Such coverage shall protect Contractor and Owner, The Seminole Tribe of Florida, hereafter referred to as the Tribe, against claims arising from sickness, disease, death or injury to persons, and/or physical damage to tangible property, including loss of use, which arise from the performance of the work hereunder by or on behalf of the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors.</p><p>Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor’s insurance coverage shall include the following minimum limits and coverage: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance on an occurrence coverage form, at least as broad as the Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Policy form CG 0001 ©, current edition. Other than standard exclusions applicable to pollution, asbestos, mold, employment practices, ERISA and professional liability, there shall be no limitations or exclusions beyond those contained in the standard policy forms which apply to property damage, products and completed operations, contractual liability or construction defects. In addition to procuring and maintaining this insurance during the duration of the contract, Contractor agrees to continue to procure and maintain products and completed operations liability insurance coverage for a minimum of three years after the date the contract is completed or terminated.</p><p>2. Automobile Liability insurance covering liability arising from the use or operation of any auto, including those owned, hired or otherwise operated or used by or on behalf of the Contractor. The coverage shall be at least as broad as the Insurance Services Office Business Automobile Policy form CA 0001 ©, current edition. </p><p>3. Workers' Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance as is required by statute or law, or as may be available on a voluntary basis. </p><p>4. Contractors Pollution Liability insurance – required only if contractor’s scope of services include the remediation, treatment, storage or disposal of waste or hazardous materials on or about the project site. Such coverage shall include:</p><p> bodily injury, sickness, disease, death or mental anguish or shock sustained by any person;</p><p>Exhibit J – Insurance Requirements property damage including physical injury to or destruction of tangible property including the resulting loss of use thereof, cleanup costs, and the loss of use of tangible property that has not been physically injured or destroyed;</p><p> defense including costs, charges and expenses incurred in the investigation, adjustment or defense of claims for such compensatory damages;</p><p> products and completed operations</p><p>Claims-made coverage is permitted, provided the policy retroactive date is continuously maintained prior to the commencement of contractor’s operations, plus an additional period of three years after operations have been completed. </p><p>For losses that arise from the insured facility accepting waste or hazardous materials generated under this contract, coverage shall apply to both sudden and non-sudden pollution conditions including the discharge, dispersal, release or escape of smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, liquids or gases, waste materials or other irritants, contaminants or pollutants into or upon land, the atmosphere or any watercourse or body of water, which results in bodily injury or property damage.</p><p>5. Professional Liability insurance – required only if contractor’s scope of services include architectural, engineering, professional consulting or construction management. Such policy shall cover wrongful acts made by or on behalf of the Professional. Claims-made coverage is permitted, provided the policy retroactive date is continuously maintained prior to the commencement of professional services rendered to the Tribe, plus an additional period of three years after such services have been rendered to the Tribe.</p><p>Minimum Limits of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following minimum limits of insurance (unless higher limits required by law or statute): 1. Commercial General Liability (including umbrella or excess liability): $1,000,000 per occurrence, bodily injury and property damage liability; $2,000,000 Aggregate per offense, personal and advertising injury liability; $2,000,000 products and completed operations policy aggregate and $2,000,000 general aggregate applicable to claims other than products and completed operations. In addition to procuring and maintaining this insurance during the duration of the contract, vendor agrees to continue to procure and maintain products and completed operations liability insurance coverage for a minimum of three years after the contract has been completed or terminated. If the annual contract value exceeds $500,000, the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the Tribe’s project.</p><p>2. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined bodily injury and property damage liability per accident for bodily injury and property damage.</p><p>3. Employer's Liability: $500,000 per accident for bodily injury by accident or disease, including $500,000 disease aggregate.</p><p>4. Contractors Pollution Liability: $1,000,000 per incident /$2,000,000 Aggregate</p><p>Exhibit J – Insurance Requirements 5. Pollution Legal Liability: </p><p>Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities $2,000,000 per incident / $4,000,000 annual aggregate All Other Disposal Facilities $1,000,000 per incident /$2,000,000 aggregate</p><p>6. Professional Liability: $1,000,000 each wrongful act if Professional’s contract with the Tribe exceeds $1,000,000, the each wrongful act limit shall apply separately to this project.</p><p>Deductibles and Self-insured Retentions The funding of deductibles and self-insured retentions maintained by Contractor shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor, including any amounts applicable to deductibles or self-insured retentions applicable to claims involving the Tribe as an additional insured. Any self-insured retentions in excess of $50,000 must be declared to and approved by the Tribe. </p><p>Other Insurance Provisions The required insurance shall contain the following additional provisions: 1. ADDITIONAL INSURED – The Tribe shall be included as an additional insured by endorsement on Contractor’s Commercial General Liability and Contractor’s Pollution Liability policies, if applicable, as respects claims or liabilities arising from, or connected with Contractor’s work, operations and completed operations, including claims arising from the Tribe’s general supervision (if any) of Contractor’s work or operations. The additional insured endorsements shall be at least as broad as the current editions of the Insurance Services Offices forms CG 2010 and CG 2037. The contractor shall provide the Tribe with status as an additional insured under CG 2010 during the course of construction, and under CG 2037 for completed operations for three years after project completion. If Contractor or Contractor’s agents, subcontractors or employees bring vehicles on the project site, the Tribe shall additionally be included as an additional insured under Contractor’s automobile liability policy as respects liability arising from autos used by or on behalf of Contractor. </p><p>2. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION - Contractor will provide a Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement to the Tribe.</p><p>PRIMARY COVERAGE - Contractor’s required insurance coverage shall be primary insurance, and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the Tribe shall be excess of and non-contributory with Contractor’s insurance.</p><p>Exhibit J – Insurance Requirements</p>
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