<p> City of East Chicago Board of Public Works</p><p>4525 Indianapolis Blvd. • East Chicago, Indiana 46312 • (219) 391-8355 • Fax # (219) 391-8401</p><p>Val Gomez, President; William Allen, Vice-President; Emiliano Perez, Member </p><p>Minutes for the Regular Meeting Board of Public Works Wednesday, April 13, 2016, at 4:30 pm City Hall Council Chambers</p><p>1. Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order by President, Val Gomez.</p><p>2. Roll Call: Mr. Val Gomez, President Present Mr. William Allen, Vice-President Present Mr. Emiliano Perez, Member Present</p><p>3. Minutes: Regular Meeting: February 10, 2016</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to accept the minutes. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Regular Meeting: February 24, 2016</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to accept the minutes. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Regular Meeting: March 23, 2016</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to accept the minutes. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Special Meeting: March 16, 2016</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to accept the minutes. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>4. Correspondence: Kosciuszko Park Emergency Tree Removal and Transplanting: Mr. Gomez read the following for the record:</p><p>“On the Weekend before March 28, 2016 – 27 trees were removed from the area where the Kosciuszko Statue would be reinstalled after the theft and vandalism of the statue that was recovered last year. Because weather was not cooperating with frozen ground and Public Works didn’t have the proper equipment to remove these trees, I Marino Solorio declared this project an emergency since we needed the trees removed for purposes of making the statue visible to all sides to deter vandals from defacing or removing the statue once again. The re-inauguration occurred on March 28th, 2016 and the weekend was the only time because of weather and time constraint that it could be done. I’m here informing the Board of the action that was taken and the reasoning behind it. The total cost of the removal was $9,748.00 in which I received two quotes from the three contractors contacted. The job was performed by Calumet Waste & Recycling, Inc.”</p><p>Mr. Gomez reported the item will be taken under advisement and may have to be addressed at another meeting. </p><p>5. New Business: Opening Proposals for the 2016 Lot Maintenance Project: Mr. Gomez reported five (5) bids were submitted. Mr. Marino Solorio, City Planner & Economic Development Director indicated the 2016 Lot Maintenance Program maintains all vacant lots and properties owned by the City.</p><p>1. R&D Construction; 4714 Tod, East Chicago, IN AMP #1: $21,657.62 AMP #2: $24,090.90 AMP #3: $17,861.43 AMP #4: $16,375.49 AMP #5: $20,542.04 AMP #6: $88,444.02 AMP #7: $6,653.37 AMP #8: $25,355.66 AMP #9: $108,635.09 AMP #10: $42,954.18 AMP #11: $14,868.09 AMP #12: $22,718.12 AMP #13: $26,387.73 AMP #14: $36,804.08 AMP #15: $105,357.73 AMP #16: $88,767.11</p><p>2. Regional Services; 1220 Carrol St., East Chicago, IN AMP #1: $25,113.75 AMP #2: $24,566.25 AMP #3: $27,846.90 AMP #4: $24,810.00 AMP #5: $28,050.00 AMP #6: $78,938.25 AMP #7: $22,425.00 AMP #8: $22,853.40 AMP #9: $94,820.55 AMP #10: $28,584.15 AMP #11: $9,465.00 AMP #12: $16,290.00 AMP #13: $20,362.50 AMP #14: $41,760.90 2 AMP #15: $52,673.25 AMP #16: $48,315.00</p><p>3. Calumet Waste & Recycling; 1101 E. 139th St., East Chicago, IN AMP #1: $24,457.50 AMP #2: $24,468.75 AMP #3: $27,075.00 AMP #4: $24,552.00 AMP #5: $27,852.00 AMP #6: $78,392.25 AMP #7: $22,254.00 AMP #8: $22,546.20 AMP #9: $93,173.55 AMP #10: $28,801.65 AMP #11: $9,487.50 AMP #12: $16,321.50 AMP #13: $20,542.50 AMP #14: $43,647.90 AMP #15: $53,063.25 AMP #16: $48,405.00</p><p>4. ServiScape; P.O. Box 8658, Michigan, IN AMP #6: $76,129.37 AMP #10: $36,999.68 AMP #12: $51,494.39 AMP #13: $27,851.78 AMP #15: $91,839.63 AMP #16: $118,091.90</p><p>5. S.T.M Enterprises; 1501 Olcott Avenue, East Chicago, IN AMP #1: $54,536.25 AMP #2: $67,511.25 AMP #3: $40,106.30 AMP #4: $29,310.00 AMP #5: $40,920.00 AMP #6: $30,161.25 AMP #7: $21,603.75 AMP #8: $22,020.00 AMP #9: $121,942.50 AMP #10: $46,541.25 AMP #11: $84,375.00 AMP #12: $61,125.00 AMP #13: $44,407.50 AMP #14: $101,512.50 AMP #15: $112,552.50 AMP #16: $15,172.50</p><p>Mr. Gomez reported Mr. Solorio will make a recommendation at the next meeting or schedule a special meeting. Mr. Solorio questioned whether he can have the contractor begin, if needed. Mr. 3 Solorio reported everyone had to agree to the square foot price. Mr. Gomez questioned Mr. Allegretti as to whether the Board can do that. Mr. Allegretti reported the Board has the authority, under the statute, to accept retroactively. Mr. Gomez requested Mr. Solorio advise him when he is ready to have the special meeting scheduled.</p><p>Resolution 2016-28; Context Design: Mr. Gomez read the following for the record:</p><p>“RESOLUTION OF THE EAST CHICAGO BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH CONTEXT DESIGN </p><p>WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the services of Context Design to provide architectural design guidelines and neighborhood profiles and related planning initiatives.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Public Works of the City of East Chicago that the Board President is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement for architectural services with Context Design that substantially conforms to the attached document for an amount to exceed $82,500.”</p><p>Mr. Solorio reported the City will be doing design guidelines to start incorporating into the downtown areas and other designated areas. The City is soliciting Context Design for those services. Context Design will be responsible to go into the neighborhoods and identifying all/everything that is within the neighborhoods condition: sidewalk, homes, roads, and vacant/non-vacant etc… This will give the City the ability to better understand the neighborhood and start working on strategic plans to improve.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Resolution 2016-29 with Context Design in the amount not to exceed eighty two thousand five hundred dollars ($82,500). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez </p><p>Tradebe Environmental Services; 4900 Cline Ave.: Mr. Solorio reported the City will be receiving a comfort letter from the State for the property that has been siting vacant for approximately ten (10) years. They are requiring the City remove some identified material, at the time was undisclosed of what it was. The City had to get lab tests done to determine if it was contaminated. If it was contaminated, the City had to dispose of it properly, since it is in the City’s property. This is a contract for Tradebe, which has already identified the contents of the material. The contract is to dispose of contents properly – through all codes and statutes of the State and EPA. Mr. Gomez reported the contract total is thirty three thousand one hundred sixty six dollars and eighty six cents ($33,166.86). Without doing this, the City won’t receive the comfort letter from the State, which won’t let the City redevelop the property. Mr. Gomez reported there is an itemized list in correspondence to the City. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the contract with Tradebe for Environmental Services at 4900 Cline Ave. in the amount not to exceed thirty three thousand one hundred sixty six dollars and eighty six cents ($33,166.86). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>4 Sidwell Company – Accela Code Enforcement Application Programing (IT): Mr. Kevin Klocek, System Administrator reported the Building Department and Code Enforcement has been looking to incorporate a software application to efficiently maximize the time and efforts of the Code Enforcement Officers in the field. Previously they used the MUNIS Application for Code Enforcement and was not efficient as a mobile application. The Building Department reviewed a few different software products and they took a trip to South Bend for the Accela product and did an in- house review. Upon completion of the review, it was the Mayor’s desire to have Code Enforcement work with a paperless electronic mobile application. This product should exceed the anticipated needs of accomplishing that goal. The software was quoted in two (2) quotes:</p><p> Implementation - $39,700.00 (one-time fee) Annual cost - $900.00 (integrates the County website)</p><p>Mr. Klocek reported the recommendation from IT and Building Department is to approve the agreement with Sidwell for a total of forty thousand six hundred dollars ($40,600.00) for implementation costs. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve from Sidwell the electronic Code Enforcement System in the amount of forty thousand six hundred dollars ($40,600.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Accela – Code Enforcement Application Annual Licensing and Support (IT): Mr. Klocek reported it is the licensing portion application as previously mentioned. This is directly through Accela, who is the provider of the software. It is based on an annual per-license seat. Building Department determined they would begin with six (6) licenses. Each seat is two thousand three hundred eighty eight dollars ($2,388.00) per year for a total of fourteen thousand three hundred twenty eight dollars ($14,328.00) for six (6) seats. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Accela per user in the amount of fourteen thousand three hundred twenty eight dollars ($14,328.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Air Ducts/Vents Cleaning; 4444 Railroad Ave. (Health Dept.): Mr. Gomez reported the Health Department recommends the air ducts and vents at the Annex Building should be cleaned. Three (3) companies inspected and issued quotes. The quotes were reviewed:</p><p> AmeriClean - $7,132.00 MasterClean - $5,600.00 ServPro - $14,476.27 </p><p>Arnita Fowlkes recommended going with the lowest quote by MasterClean for five thousand six hundred dollars ($5,600.00). </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the recommendation of MasterClean for five thousand six hundred dollars ($5,600.00) for the Annex Building Air Duct and Vent Cleaning. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>5 Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Proposals for Marina; Lawn Service: Natalie Adams reported the proposal is strictly for the weed feed and goose control. The recommendation is for Forever Green, which is slightly higher, however, they are known for turning bad weeds to grass. Currently the other company has service agreements with the City. The Marina’s lawn is mostly weeds and is no longer grass. Mr. Gomez reported the cost is two thousand eighty six dollars and fifty cents ($2,086.50). Mr. Gomez questioned whether Ms. Adams feels Forever Green has more expertise to address the lawn at the Marina. Ms. Adams reported yes that is correct.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the recommendation of Forever Green Lawn Care in the amount of two thousand eighty six dollars and fifty cents ($2,086.50). Mr. Allen second. No discussion. </p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Interior Paint: Ms. Adams reported the recommendation would be Detail Home Improvements, which is the lower bid. Mr. Gomez reported the cost is thirty two thousand seven hundred ninety six dollars and forty two cents ($32,796.42). The professional painter can deal with the problems with the interior walls at the Marina. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the interior paint work at the Marina with Detail Home Improvements in the amount of thirty two thousand seven hundred ninety six dollars and forty two cents ($32,796.42). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Exterior Painting of Marina: Mr. Gomez reported two (2) sealed proposals were received:</p><p>1. RD Property Maintenance Pressure Washing - $5,324.00 Bridges: 1-coat - $3,817.00 2-coats - $5,462.00 Columns & Connecting Ladders/steel: 1-coat - $4,307.00 2-coats - $6,347.00 Railings, Stairs & Rails: 1-coat - $14,564.00 2-coats - $20,774.00 Building: 1-coat - $74,184.00 2-coats - $102,042.00 Electrical Sheds: Pier B - $2,540.00 Pier F - $2,540.00 Fish Cleaning Stand: $1,820.00</p><p>2. Budget Maintenance & Construction A. Marina main building (metal only) a. Marina Building outside wall facing entrance: $16,146.00 b. Both end walls with overhead doors: $14,091.00 c. Outside door and rail: $647.00 d. Three double doors: $1,133.00 6 e. Two round buildings: $11,480.00 f. Upstairs white wall with lettering: $33,056.00 B. Seating in garden area – Prep and paint ONE (1) coat a. All wooden benches: $2,070.00 C. Railings – Prep and paint ONE (1) coat a. On and around building, marina break walls, and fishing stairwell rails: $98,475.00 D. Four (4) light posts – Prep and paint ONE (1) coat: $11,998.00 E. Two overpass bridges – Prep and paint ONE (1) coat: $10,269.00 F. Concrete walkways – Pressure wash all: $2,700.00 G. Two sidewalls by stage – Pressure wash, prep and stain: $2,000.00 H. Clean all windows: $7,050.00 I. Soffits and gutters – repair and paint: $16,590.00</p><p>GRAND TOTAL: $227,705.00</p><p>Mr. Gomez reported the proposals seem different. Ms. Adams reported she sent the same email to both companies. A copy of the proposals will be scanned and sent to Ms. Adams. Mr. Gomez reported Ms. Adams will have to review and determine if new proposals will be required. </p><p>Braman Insurance Services; Insurance Proposal: Mr. Randy Vale reported the premium is four thousand two hundred thirty six dollars ($4,236.00) less than last year. There is a reduction in rate. Last year the Fire Departments were added to the program. The premiums went down to one hundred thirty two thousand four hundred twenty three dollars ($132,423.00). Mr. Gomez reported there was a meeting held with the Mayor’s Financial Advisor, Mr. Bennett, Corporate Counsel, Deputy Controller and Mr. Gomez. The Insurance is an “A” rated insurance. The insurance covers all city buildings. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the recommendation of Hanover Insurance Company in the amount of one hundred thirty two thousand four hundred twenty three dollars ($132,423.00) for the annual City Building and content coverage. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>CPR Training (Fire Dept.): Mr. Gomez read the request from the Fire Department: </p><p>“Dear Board Members Enclosed, are two proposals for CPR Training for the members of the East Chicago Fire Department. After careful examination of all two proposals, I’m recommending to the Board that we move forward and accept the Proposal from Prompt Ambulance.”</p><p>Mr. Gomez reported the proposal is for thirty dollars ($30.00) per student. The second proposal is from Cardio Tech for forty five dollars ($45.00). </p><p>Acting Chief Aburto reported it is substantially lower with the same service and two (2) year certification. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the agreement with Prompt Ambulance for the amount of thirty dollars ($30.00) per student. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>7 Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Nationwide Insurance; 2004 Ford Explorer: Mr. Gomez reported request came from the Legal Department. It is a settlement letter to execute the limited power of attorney to transfer title of a 2004 Ford Explorer. This vehicle was involved in an accident (City Judge’s vehicle). The title needs to be transferred to Nationwide. Mr. Allegretti reported since they are giving a check to the City, they want title to the vehicle, showing satisfaction of payment. Mr. Gomez indicated it is part of the process to sign title and they would send payment of the vehicle. Mr. Gomez reported the amount of the check would be six thousand three hundred two dollars and sixty nine cents ($6,302.69). The packet was reviewed by the City Attorney. Mr. Perez questioned who the settlement check would be made to. Mr. Gomez reported it would go to the City and put in the General Fund.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve executing the Limited Power of Attorney to transfer title of 2004 Ford Explorer to Nationwide Insurance; in return the City will be compensated six thousand three hundred two dollars and sixty nine cents ($6,302.69). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Permission to Advertise; 2016 Demolition of Vacant Properties Phase II: Ms. Winna Guzman, Building Department requested permission to Publish Notice to Bidders for 2016 Demolition of Vacant Properties Phase II. Nine (9) out of ten (10) properties have been ordered demolished by the Board of Public Safety. Ms. Guzman provided a copy of the notice to the Board. Mr. Gomez reported the Demolition Notice contains the following properties:</p><p> Group #1 1814-18 135th 3735 Guthrie 3819 Ivy 4207 Drummond Group #2 3915 Alexander 4010 McCook 605 E. 150th – Garage Only Group #3 4944-50 Alexander 4817 Melville Group #4 4005 Main</p><p>Ms. Guzman reported funding would be from RDA and Unsafe Building Fund. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Permission to Advertise; 2016 Demolition of Vacant Properties Phase II. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Simplex Grinnell LP (Tom Yuran): Mr. Tom Yuran, Electrical Maintenance Supervisor – Public Works recommended the renewal agreement for services at the Public Safety Building at 2301 Columbus Drive. This is an extension of the previous contract that will expire on April 30, 2016. 8 The service performed by Simplex is included in the contract for seven thousand twenty eight dollars ($7,028.00). Simplex had agreed to hold the annual renewal price for the next five years – May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2021. Mr. Yuran recommended the Board continue services. Mr. Gomez questioned whether Simplex has been the company used in the past. Mr. Yuran reported yes. Mr. Gomez questioned whether Mr. Yuran is requesting a five (5) year contract. Mr. Yuran reported the agreement is done on an annual one (1) year basis but they agreed to hold their price for the next five (5) years. Mr. Gomez indicated Public Works would have to come back every year. Mr. Yuran reported yes. Mr. Perez reported the agreement is effective May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2021, which is a five (5) year contract. The top line is clearly a five (5) year contract and the bottom line is just saying that they are holding their price for five years. Mr. Allegretti reported it is an annual contract and would have to go before the Board next year. Mr. Perez questioned – assuming it is a five (5) year contract, would the Board legally be able to enter into a five year contract. Mr. Allegretti reported yes. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Gomez to approve the agreement with Simplex Grinnell LP for the East Chicago Public Safety Facility for only one year (1) in the amount of seven thousand twenty eight dollars ($7,028.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion. </p><p>Ayes: Gomez, Allen Abstain: Perez</p><p>Mr. Gomez requested Mr. Allegretti review the agreement and get back to the Board by the next meeting because the contract invoice has the end date of April 30, 2021. </p><p>Mr. Gomez rescinded his previous motion, until Mr. Allegretti has an opportunity to review the invoice to ensure it does not commit the City to a five (5) year agreement. Mr. Perez second. No discussion. </p><p>Ayes: All Gomez, Perez, Allen</p><p>2016 Maintenance Agreement for Grass Cutting, Landscaping and Park Maintenance; (Public Works): S.T.M. Enterprises, RK Services, and Calumet Waste & Recycling: Mrs. Monsi Corsbie reported she is presenting three (3) signed Service Agreements for assistance within the Parks. It allows Public Works to utilize the three (3) companies that have signed off on certain areas, as the City has nineteen (19) Parks. The companies last year were utilized at the high volume Parks. They all agree to the same terms and cost. There are nine (9) high volume parks. If any additional companies agree to the terms, the agreement will be brought to the Board at a later date. Mrs. Corsbie recommended approval of the three (3) agreements to begin by May 1, 2016. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve 2016 Maintenance Agreement for Grass Cutting, Landscaping and Park Maintenance with the City of East Chicago and S.T.M Enterprises. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve 2016 Maintenance Agreement for Grass Cutting, Landscaping and Park Maintenance with RK Services. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez 9 Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve 2016 Maintenance Agreement for Grass Cutting, Landscaping and Park Maintenance with Calumet Waste & Recycling. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez </p><p>S.T.M. Enterprises; James W. Knight Public Safety Facility: Mrs. Corsbie reported S.T.M maintains the Public Safety Facility. In the past, it was done through the Controller’s Office. This year, since they formed Public Works, the funding will come through Public Works. Mrs. Corsbie requested the City continue with the agreement for the Public Safety Facility. Mr. Gomez reported the cost is nine thousand six hundred dollars ($9,600.00) for a year. Mr. Gomez questioned whether Mrs. Corsbie is satisfied with the service provided. Mrs. Corsbie reported yes. Mr. Perez questioned whether these services have to be bid every year. Mr. Allegretti reported the statue does not require services for Public Works to be bid.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the agreement with S.T.M Enterprises for the Public Safety building for maintenance of lawn care in the amount of nine thousand six hundred dollars ($9,600.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Allen Landscape; City of E.C. Main St., City of E.C. Columbus Dr., City of E.C. Marina, 2016 Standard Rates and 2016 Specifications for Landscape Maintenance Work: Mrs. Corsbie reported Allen Landscaping did maintenance for Main Street – Unity Plaza, Columbus Dr. and Marina. They came in later in the Season, due to the construction being done. </p><p>Mrs. Corsbie reported the 2016 Standard Rates submitted and Specifications is for any additional work outside their scope. They edge, cut the grass, lay fertilizer and operate/maintain the sprinkler system at the Unity Plaza. Nothing additional would be done, prior to Board’s approval.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the agreement for Main Street in the amount of four thousand eight hundred thirty three dollars and twenty cents ($4,833.20). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the proposal for East Chicago Columbus Dr. in the amount of twenty six thousand six hundred ninety nine dollars and eighty cents ($26,699.80). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the proposal for East Chicago Marina in the amount of fourteen thousand one hundred fifty three dollars and forty cents ($14,153.40). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>10 Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the Allen Landscaping 2016 Standard Rates, in the event Public Works needs additional work. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Outstanding Invoices; Northwest Indiana Law Enforcement Academy (Police Dept.): Mr. Gomez reported invoice #728 is for nine thousand two hundred ten dollars ($9,210.00). The reason the invoice is last was because Chief Becker asked Service Division to hold off on payment while he explored other training options. There are attached explanations and corresponding emails. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve invoice #728 with Northwest Indiana Law Enforcement Academy in the amount of nine thousand two hundred ten dollars ($9,210.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion. </p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Star Uniform; Police Department: Mr. Gomez reported the following invoices have been submitted from November 2015: 158602 ($172.85), 159087 ($99.95), 159137 ($155.95), 155779 (754.82), 157354 ($73.95), 158231 ($105.90), 158604 ($1,606.38) and 158732 ($160.95). Star Uniform was instructed to send the Service Division “Estimates” so a purchase order could be obtained, prior to items being purchased. The Service Division was not aware of the invoices until 03/17/16.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the invoices from Star Uniform for services provided to the Police Department. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Glock Professional, Inc. (Police Dept.): Mr. Gomez reported there is only one invoice #TRP/100073218 in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). The invoice was supposed to be paid by a JAG Grant designated for training but this vendor was not in Lake Co. System. The Police Department was not advised until recently that Lake Co. could not pay this invoice. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the invoice from Glock Professional, Inc. in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>E.C. Auto Repair (Building Dept.): Mr. Gomez reported the invoice was not submitted to the Department by a previous employee who is currently reassigned. Ms. Guzman reported the invoice was not submitted to the Building Department and recently were notified of the invoice. Ms. Guzman requested the invoice be paid to EC Auto Repair in the amount of two hundred sixty dollars ($260.00). Mr. Gomez questioned whether the work was done. Ms. Guzman reported yes. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the invoice from EC Auto Repair in the amount of two hundred sixty dollars ($260.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>11 Zee Medical (Controller’s): Mr. Gomez reported the Controller’s Office has a First Aid Medical Kit used for emergencies and every year the company inventories what needs to be updated. This year the Controller’s Office didn’t receive the invoice. The company claims they mailed the invoice but it was never received by the Controller’s Office. The late invoice is #0158702867 in the amount of one hundred eight dollars and ninety five cents ($108.95). </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the past due invoice for Zee Medical in the amount of one hundred eight dollars and ninety five cents ($108.95). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Resolution 2016-26; Second Modification to contract with Garcia Consulting: Mr. Gomez reported Garcia Consulting is requesting an additional twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) to the original contract. Mr. Allegretti reported this Resolution was prepared at the request of Mr. Reed. Garcia Consulting has reached their cap and were anticipated there would be a need for future unspecified engineering services for the City.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Resolution 2016-26 authorizing the second modification to the professional services contract with Garcia Consulting Engineers for an additional twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Resolution 2016-27; Authorizing Exclusive Listing Agreement with Commercial Advantage, Inc.: Mr. Gomez reported Resolution 2016-27 is authorizing execution of exclusive listing agreement with Commercial Advantage, Inc. and the agreement. The agreement is based on percentage. Mr. Allegretti reported there are certain properties that negotiations have begun that are partially excluded from the Commission. The bulk of the City properties that will be for sale are attached in the exhibit. Mr. Gomez questioned whether the seven percent (7%) commission is average. Mr. Allegretti reported it is standard. </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Resolution 2016-27 is authorizing execution of exclusive listing agreement with Commercial Advantage, Inc. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Listing Agreement:</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the Commercial Advantage Listing Agreement with the City of East Chicago. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Change Order #20 and #21; Main Street Project: Mr. Gomez reported these change orders were tabled. The City is in agreement with the Change Orders.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Change Orders #20 and #21 for the Main Street Project. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>12 Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Primera; Change Order #4 – Design Services for Aldis Ave. Roundabout: Mr. Brad Minnick, Primera Engineers reported the Change Order was tabled at the last meeting. Mr. Minnick reported the following:</p><p> An Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) exhibit produced by AECOM received in November 2015, has prompted extensive exploration of alternative designs (elevation changes, R/W impacts, construction material excavation and handling alternatives.</p><p> Numerous additional conference calls, meetings and follow-up with INDOT, IDEM, EPA, East Chicago and various other stakeholders regarding environmental concerns related to the IDEM exhibit.</p><p> Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requests Primera to explore and quantify additional design alternatives for the project besides bridge removal and roundabout construction. This includes the analysis of a 5-lane Michigan Avenue bridge over a 4-lane Aldis Avenue to compare against the roundabout capacity.</p><p> Additionally, FHWA requested additional information regarding the merits of truck climbing and deceleration lanes entering and exiting the proposed roundabout.</p><p> Facilitation and coordination of additional soil sampling in conjunction with adjacent land owners per INDOT & IDEM requests.</p><p> INDOT/IDEM requirement of Soil Management Plan to accommodate existing sub-surface conditions within the project area, including the presence of chrome materials, related to the IDEM report detailed.</p><p> Drainage plan adjustments due to profile change requests from INDOT.</p><p> Eliminating planned hazardous material testing, removal and disposal from an estimated quantity of 700 CY to 0 CY.</p><p> Reduction in planned common excavation by softening the profile, from 4600 CY to 700 CY.</p><p> Total cost savings from the construction contract is approximately $423,000.00</p><p>Mr. Minnick reported Primera is requesting a change adjustment of ninety eight thousand four hundred fifty nine dollars and forty four cents ($98,459.44). The attachment substantiates the charges for the engineering work. Mr. Gomez questioned the total cost of the anticipated construction costs. Mr. Minnick reported the estimated cost is slightly over two million dollars ($2,000,000.00). The project has not been let. </p><p>Mr. Gomez placed his concern with the Change Order:</p><p> The Board has a process for change orders Company explains the change order – prior to work being done Work was done from 11/9/15 – 2/19/16 13 There was a change with the City Engineer Were changes brought to the previous Engineer</p><p>Mr. Minnick reported he has been in contact with Mr. Allen, since he became the City Engineer to bring him up to speed with the project. Late February Primera received word from the soil samples taken, which were not contaminated and can be used in the project. The change order was difficult to pin down and quantify. Mr. Minnick reported it would have been difficult in November when the exhibit was produced by AECOM to pinpoint that the change order would be ninety eight thousand dollars ($98,000.00) of engineering cost. Mr. Gomez questioned whether the information was being conveyed to the previous City Engineer. Mr. Minnick stated “having received the information from INDOT, we went back to INDOT to basically ask what to do with it. They hit us with it out of the blue. It wasn’t until we sat down with them and William was already on board.” After speaking to INDOT the City was notified. Mr. Gomez questioned whether the previous Engineer was aware that Primera was contacted by INDOT that the scope was changing. Mr. Minnick reported Primera was trying to come to a conclusion; it wasn’t until a meeting was held with William and Marino earlier this year, during in a conference call with INDOT and IDEM to determine what needed to be done to definitively say – we could use the soil or its contaminated - hold off. It was a progressive approach. Mr. Minnick reported he spoke with William and Milton earlier this week to capture the cost of the past two months. Mr. Minnick reported there are additional costs incurred for right-of-way acquisitions and are waiting on cost to be submitted from a sub-consultant. Mr. Gomez recommended Mr. Minnick stay in contact with Mr. Allen. The City shouldn’t have to go backwards to determine what cost/work was done prior to notifying the City of the Change Order. </p><p>Mr. Perez questioned whether Primera is working for the City of East Chicago or INDOT. Mr. Minnick reported the contract is executed/administered by INDOT. The funding is administered through INDOT therefore their rules and regulations have to be followed. If it was a locally funded project, there would not be any INDOT oversight. Since the project would be let through INDOT this fall, it has INDOT oversight and administration. Mr. Perez questioned if INDOT is responsible for giving Primera direction on what to do and what not to do. Mr. Minnick reported yes. Mr. Perez indicated Primera doesn’t have to get preapproval from the City to perform additional work. Mr. Minnick reported not at all. The biggest challenge was the coordination with the different agencies. Primera is employed by the City and in order to maintain eligibility for the Federal relinquishment money, Primera has to comply with INDOT’s protocol and procedures. </p><p>Mr. Perez reported he would not be in favor of approving the Change Order. Primera did not get preapproval to spend ninety eight thousand dollars ($98,000) Would meet with Primera outside the meeting to discuss how they arrived to the total cost Requested seeing emails, minutes and/or conversations with IDEM/INDOT for justification of cost in back pay</p><p>Mr. Minnick reported he can put documents together for the timeline. </p><p>Mr. Gomez reported it would be taken under advisement and brought up at the next meeting, if agreed on.</p><p>Right of Way Applications; Engineering Department: Mr. Allen reported on the following permits: 14 Permit 16-02490: Utility – Inter Construction – 5038 Kennedy – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for obstruction of sidewalk, ladders, tools and trucks.</p><p>Permit 16-02491: Utility – JM Industrial Services, Inc. – Various – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for demo and removal of a two-story building at the following locations: 3432 Fir, 3843 Guthrie, 3934 Alexander, 3505 Grand, 3434 Fir and 3817 Deodar.</p><p>Permit 16-02492: Utility – JM Industrial Services, Inc. – 912 151st St. – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for demo and removal of house.</p><p>Permit 16-02493: Utility – JM Industrial Services, Inc. – Various – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for demo of structure at the following locations: 3702 Guthrie (rear), 4815 Melville, 4821 Melville, and 1202 E. Columbus Dr. (rear). </p><p>Permit 16-02494: Utility – Actin – Various – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for use of Public ROW for demolition equipment and personnel at the following locations: 3807 Euclid, 3825 Euclid, 4012 McCook, 4912 McCook, 3934 Melville and 4935 Melville.</p><p>Permit 16-02495: Driveway – Thelma Jackson – 3819 Butternut – Mr. Allen reported the permit is to build a driveway.</p><p>Permit 16-02496: Dumpster – Yancey Stennis – 4136 Euclid – Mr. Allen reported the permit is to haul away trash.</p><p>Permit 16-02497: Dumpster – P & S Construction – 3832 Butternut – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for construction debris.</p><p>Permit 16-02498: Dumpster – Armando Vera – 3822 Deodar St. – Mr. Allen reported the permit is to replace the roof.</p><p>Permit 16-02499: Dumpster – Mirtala Garcia – 3919 Alder St. – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for removing plaster from walls and wood around windows.</p><p>Permit 16-02500: Dumpster – Tina Jackson – 4430 Northcote Ave. – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for shingles, wood, and sheetrock.</p><p>Permit 16-02501: Heavy Load – Girardeau – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for hauling an empty steel tank 11’11” wide, 14’6” tall (overall), and 83’long (overall) with a legal weight.</p><p>Permit 16-02502: Heavy Load – Extreme Transport, LLC. – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for hauling pressurized tank loaded on a Fontaine lowboy trailer pulled by a Kenworth truck on Tuesday, March 29th. </p><p>Permit 16-02503: Heavy Load – Trans United – Transporting via: 312, Euclid, Michigan Ave., and Dickey Rd over the canal. </p><p>15 Permit 16-02504: Heavy Load – Tri-Union Express, Inc. – Mr. Allen reported the permit is for hauling overweight loads via: Dickey Rd., Michigan Ave., Riley Rd., Canal St. and Indiana Harbor Dr.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to accept permit applications 15-02490 – 15-02504. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez </p><p>6. Old Business: Resolution 2016-28; Second Amendment for Hitchcock Design Group for Soil testing: Mr. Allegretti reported it is at the request of Mr. Reed or Mr. Solorio. The Resolution is for additional soil testing in the amount not to exceed three thousand eight hundred dollars ($3,800.00). </p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Resolution 2016-28 for a second amendment to the landscape agreement for architectural services for Hitchcock Design Group for soil testing in the amount of three thousand eight hundred dollars ($3,800.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the second amendment with the City of East Chicago and Hitchcock Design Group. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>7. Other Business: Appeal for Mrs. Martinez: Mr. Gomez reported the Board had a Hearing on matter. After the Special Meeting; Mrs. Martinez went to the Controller’s Office and paid her 2016 Business License fee. Mr. Allegretti reported the Board would need to make a decision and he could send a letter regarding the Boards action.</p><p>Motion was made by Mr. Perez to deny the appeal for reimbursement of 2014 Business License fee. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.</p><p>Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez</p><p>8. Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 4:30 pm </p><p>9. Adjournment: Motion was made by Mr. Allen to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Perez second. No discussion. </p><p>Ayes: All Allen, Perez, Gomez</p><p>Board of Public Works</p><p>______Val Gomez, President 16 ______William Allen, Vice-President</p><p>______Emiliano Perez, Member</p><p>Attest:</p><p>______</p><p>17</p>
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