Fr George Lardas, Rector Telephone 203 386-9516 Rectory

Fr George Lardas, Rector Telephone 203 386-9516 Rectory

<p> Announcements – October 2010 Fr George Lardas, Rector – Telephone 203 386-9516 Rectory Emergency: 203 209-9374 Web Site:</p><p>This Bulletin shopping, and we ask our parishioners to support this effort Sponsor the Bulletin: If you wish to sponsor any future is- and to spread the word to friends and family. sues in whole or in part, please contact our treasurer, Anastasia Milligan or ask at the Candle Desk. You may donate in memory Volunteer of a departed relative, or for some milestone, a birthday, anniver- Please volunteer! We need your help to make this year’s fes- sary or other celebration. The cost of the Bulletin is approx- tival another success. We need volunteers for all aspects of Fes- imately $125. tival preparation and especially on the day of the Festival. The Russian Festival is our biggest fundraiser of the year and our Reminder on Parish Dues: At the beginning of the aca- fiscal well-being is dependent on it. It is a wonderful way to get demic and ecclesiastical year (the Church New Year was 14 to know fellow parishioners and help to strengthen our place September), our Treasurer, Anastasia Milligan asks our pari- within the community. shioners to remember their dues, and please not wait until Services just before the Annual Meeting next February to get caught up. Our church needs continuous funding to meet our Holy Protection: Great Vespers will be at 6:30 pm Wednes- obligations and to keep up with the utilities. day 13 October. There will be no Divine Liturgy at St Nicholas on Thursday 14 October. Those who wish may attend Liturgy at If you have not already done so, please consider Presentation Church, which begins at 9 am. This is also the Pa- becoming a member. The cost is minimal. rish Feast of our sister parish of the Holy Virgin Protection Church in Nyack, New York. Special Mailing – Heating and Cooling System: At our last Parish Council meeting we determined that we need to Early Vigil: On the third Saturday of the month we have Vi- update our heating system. We have reviewed estimates and gil early so that those who cannot drive at night, but wish to at- chosen a contractor. As you may know, we have had many tend the evening service, may do so. This month the third Satur- problems with our current system, mostly due to its age. The day is the 16th. This is an opportunity for those people to pray Council has agreed that it is important to address this and confess and prepare for Holy Communion the following day. problem before the cold of the coming winter. It is our Memorial Services: On Sunday 17 October there will be a a responsibility and duty to take care of the House of God and pannychida in memory Bishop Ioasaph (Fr Stephan Antonuk), to keep it from falling into disrepair. As these changes do not Matushka Elikonida and Olga Antonuk. On Sunday 24 October come without a price, we need your help. We will be the Peavy, Wolog and Brockert families invite all our parishion- sending a mailing soon to all friends of our St Nicholas ers to a pannychida in memory of Natalia Wolog and Vladimir Church asking your help. Brockert. The pannychida will be at the end of the Liturgy on that day, followed by a memorial meal in the church hall down- New Beginnings: September is the beginning of both the stairs. school year and the Church year, and so marks a time of new be- ginnings. Let us resolve to improve our spiritual lives. In view of Fourth Anniversary of Fr Vladimir’s Repose: After the Li- this, we begin a new series under the heading, The Christian Life, turgy on Sunday 31 October the Papov and Rudins families on our Faith and what we believe, which is summarized in the invite all our parishioners to a pannychida to mark the fourth Creed that we recite every Sunday. Do we understand what it is anniversary of the repose of Fr Protodeacon Vladimir Papov, and that we profess? Read the series and find out. We are never too also to commemorate Katherine Papov’s and Galina Rudins’ old to learn our Faith. Let us learn along with our children this parents, Archpriest Fr Platon and Matushka Eudokia. The new Church School year. Please feel free to contact Fr George if Pannychida will be followed by a memorial meal in the church you have any questions or need to discuss this or any other hall downstairs. subject in further depth. St John of Kronstadt: This year, 31 October, the eve of St John of Kronstadt falls on a Sunday. Vespers for the Saint will Russian Festival begin at 6:30 pm. Please remember that Halloween is a pagan festival and that Date Set: Our Annual St Nicholas Russian Festival will trick-or-treating comes from the Druid worship of the dead. Our take place on Saturday 4 December. We will host a Bazaar Christian ancestors suffered martyrdom and torment rather than by Fr John Perich, featuring a selection of icons and other burn a pinch of incense to the Roman gods, yet many parents religious items, Russian gifts and souvenirs. Food items will willingly let their children participate in a ceremony of pagan be provided both by our Parish and by Fr John. Proceeds will worship. Please come and pray in church in honor of a great go to our church. This is an opportunity for Christmas modern Christian Orthodox Saint whose eve coincides with the pagan Halloween. Molebens: To celebrate the lesser holy days in October, we Sisterhood will serve a moleben at the following times: St Sergius of Rado- nezh, 6:30 pm Friday 8 October; St John the Evangelist and Sisterhood Dues: Sisterhood dues for the year 2010-2011 are Theologian, 5 pm Saturday 9 October; and the Synaxis of the due in September. Please see Joan Hudobenko if you have not Optina Elders, 5 pm Saturday 23 October. received your reminder, or if you wish to become a member of the Sisterhood. Daylight Time Ends on 7 November: By Act of Congress the start of Daylight Time has been moved from the last Sunday New Vestments: The Sisterhood has presented to our parish in October to the first Sunday in November. Therefore please set two beautiful new sets of vestments, including matching your clocks one hour behind on Saturday night 6 November. It coverings for the Holy Vessels, one white set for Pascha, and one may help to remember which way to set your clock by the saying black set for Lent. The vestments were blessed at the end of the “Spring Forward, Fall Behind”. Let us at any rate enjoy our extra Divine Liturgy on Sunday 5 September. hour of sleep this weekend. Our Children Update Your Commemoration Lists: The beginning of the Church School Begins: The first day of classes was on Sun- Church year is a good time to renew your subscriptions and to day 19 September. This year’s curriculum will be a continuation take a moment to look over your Commemoration Book (Pom- of those of the previous years, with new material. Class begins jannik). Are there any changes? Do you wish to add any names immediately after Holy Communion, when the teachers lead their For Health and Salvation? Have any of your relatives reposed? pupils downstairs to the church hall. Lessons will continue until Are all the names Orthodox? after the kissing of the Cross, when Fr George comes downstairs Please use proper baptismal names, and avoid nicknames or to bless the food. Please enroll your children. Many parents have shortened pet names. If someone’s secular name and baptismal their children engaged in sports, music and foreign languages; names are different, use the baptismal name. but spiritual education is far more important and longer lasting. If you include non-Orthodox names, please clearly mark them Our Parish as such. Prosphoras should not be given for the unbaptized or non-Orthodox. For non-Orthodox loved ones it is proper to light Again about Bulletin Boards: This is a clarification of candles before the icons and to pray that the Lord enlighten them our previous announcement. In the interest of keeping our and have mercy on them. notice boards up to date, and to reduce clutter, no item will remain on the bulletin boards for more than 5 Sundays. Проверяйте Ваши Помяники: Пересмотрите ваши по- Event notices will be taken down when the event is past. No мяники. Есть ли какие-нибудь перемены, новые имена за items shall be posted without the blessing of the Rector, Fr здравие или за упокой? Пишите пожалуйста только крещен- George. All notices shall bear his signature. ние имена, а не ласкательные или светские, и только право- славных христиан. Можно зажигать свечки и молиться за не- We are not the Smithsonian: We are always grateful for крещенных и неправославных перед иконами. Частицы с any material support to our parish. However, in recent именами на поминовение идут во Святую Чашу, а это для months we have received sudden anonymous donations of тех, которые могут причащаться. Пишите пожалуйста все books and other items apparently from estates of the имена четко и в том же падеже (т.е. родительном: за здравие deceased. We have no room to put such donations, nor do чье? За упокой чей?). we have people to process them. It would be better to give Candle Desk them to a book or antique dealer, and give the proceeds to the church. As it is, we will end up discarding most of these Candle Desk Duty: We need people to watch the Candle donations to no benefit to the church. We have no storage for Desk, handle donations, light candles, and ring the bell during such items, and this has become a problem, as they end up as services – one person for Vigil and two for the Divine Liturgy. unsightly clutter in our dining hall. Unfortunately, Walter Wolog, who handles the sign-up sheet, is Please do not bring anything to the church unless with not able to find people for all positions. As of this Bulletin, we permission from the Rector, Fr George, or unless asked for have discontinued the listing of coming services for which we (such as for a tag sale, should one ever be scheduled). seek volunteers, as the volunteer sheet is always at the Candle Desk. Visit from New Milford High School: For the second year Unattended: At present we do not have enough volunteers to in a row, from 8:30 to 10:30 am Thursday 4 November, 32 stu- cover the assignments, especially for Vigil. We ask not only our dents from Mr Rook’s Russian classes at New Milford High Parish Council Members, but also volunteers from the congrega- School will be visiting our St Nicholas Church. Fr George will tion to commit to being present at least one service a month other conduct a tour of the church and answer questions about the Rus- than the Divine Liturgy. Attendance at Vigil on the eves of holy sian Church. Last year’s visit went well and the students were days and of the Lord’s Day is an obligation for all Orthodox very interested in Russian history, culture and faith. Christians. Please see or call Walter Wolog (203 795-4610) to Lampada Sponsorship: Offerings may be made to sponsor volunteer for Candle Desk Duty. We thank those who have been the lighting the lampadas at the Divine Liturgy, either in memory volunteering all along. of loved ones, or in gratitude for blessings received, or for any other good intention. The sponsorship of the lampadas is $25 for all the lampadas in the church. Register at the Candle Desk if you For his dedicated 30-year service to God’s Church, Arch- wish to sponsor the lampadas, in whole or in part, on a Sunday of priest Michael Fritz (cleric of the Nativity of the Mother of God your choice. Church) was awarded the right to wear the epigonation (palitsa). For his dedicated service to God’s Church and his labors Consider the Church in Your Will: Please consider inclu- caring for the souls of his flock, Priest Brendan Crowley (rector ding St Nicholas Church in your will. There are many advantages of St. Nicholas Church in Springfield, CT) was awarded the right in making the Church one of your beneficiaries. It is possible to to wear the gold pectoral cross. structure the bequest so that there is little loss to the estate. Protodeacon Nicholas Drobot (cleric of the Church of the Please contact our Starosta, Dexter Peavy, for more information. Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Norwich, CT) Utilities: Please remember that on the first Sunday of each was awarded the right to wear the kamilavka. month there is a special collection for utilities. Metropolitan Hilarion also ordained Deacon Andrei Rudenko to the priesthood. Our Diocese Upon completion of the Liturgy, the First Hierarch addressed Youth Gathering at Synod: With the blessing of Metropol- the gathered faithful and congratulated them on the joyous occa- itan Hilarion a youth symposium in honor of the 90th anniversary sion of the Great Consecration of their church. His Eminence of the Russian Church Abroad will be hosted together with the also thanked the rector and all those who labored on the con- Patriarchal Cathedral of St Nicholas on East 97th St, New York struction of this marvelous church. The services can be viewed at City, on October 2 and 3. the website: At 10 am Saturday 2 October there will be a Moleben at the, or rd Synod Cathedral (75 East 93 St), followed by two lectures in the Synod Hall: From Sorrows to Joy, the Historic path of the Church Abroad by V Rev Alexander Golubev, in Russian with Liturgical Notes English translation, and The Path of the Russian Church Abroad Red: Before Vigil on Saturday 26 September the altar cloths by Rev Serge Ledkovsky in English. After lunch there will be a and vestments are changed to Red for the Forefeast of Holy meeting with the Russian General Consul, AK Ushmanov. Cross. They remain until the apodosis of the Feast, Monday 4 Vigil will be at the St Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral followed October. by a dinner. Archbishop Justinian, the Patriarchal Exarch in North Amer- Gold: On Monday evening 4 October, the altar cloths and ica, will serve the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am Sunday vestments are changed to Gold. 3 October at the Synodal Cathedral of the Mother of God of the Blue: On Wednesday 13 October, the altar cloths and vest- Sign. The attending youth will sing. The program closes with a ments are changed to Blue for the feast of the Protection of the barbecue. Admission to all events is free. All young people and Mother of God. young adults are invited. Gold: On Thursday evening 14 October, the altar cloths and Great Consecration: On Sunday 5 and Monday 6 Septem- vestments return to Gold for the balance of the month. ber, His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, led the festal divine services on the occasion of On the Christian Life the Great Consecration of the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Albany, NY. The Creed: We begin our new series with a discussion of the Construction on the church began in September 2004, with Creed. Our material is taken from the English translation of the the blessing of the ever-memorable Metropolitan Laurus, who Longer Catechims of Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov) of Mos- also performed the Lesser Consecration in September 2005. The cow, published in 1845. We have paraphrased the original ques- church is currently being frescoed by Archpriest Theodore tion and answer format into a more connected account for ease Jurewicz. of reading. Metropolitan Hilarion performed the Great Consecration of In the previous issue we have introduced the Creed and given the church, assisted by Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk it in full. Now we begin an explanation: and their Graces, Bishops Gabriel of Montreal and Canada, Composition of the Creed: The Creed was composed by the Peter of Cleveland, George of Mayfield, and Jerome of Man- Fathers of the First and Second Ecumenical Councils. These hattan, as well as a multitude of clergy from across America were assemblies of Arch-Pastors (bishops) and teachers of the (including our Rector, Fr George). The All-Night Vigil was sung universal Church of Christ, which was then and is now known as by the Diocesan Youth Choir, while the Liturgy was sung by the Orthodox, from the entire known world for the purpose of con- parish choir. The Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God, the firming the true doctrine and holy discipline among Christians. Protectress of the Russian Diaspora, was also present in church. There were seven such Ecumenical Councils, namely: 1, of During the Small Entrance, in accordance with the resolution Nicaea, 2, of Constantinople, 3, of Ephesus, 4, of Chalcedon, 5, of the Synod of Bishops, Metropolitan Hilarion bestowed awards the Second of Constantinople, 6, the Third of Constantinople, upon several clerics of the Eastern American Diocese: and 7, the Second of Nicaea. For his dedicated 50-year service to God’s Church and the construction of the new church, Archpriest Wsewolod Drobot These councils were called according to the example of the (rector of the Nativity of the Mother of God Church) was Apostles who held a Council in Jerusalem (see Acts Ch 15), and awarded the right to wear the second cross. on the grounds of the words of Jesus Christ Himself (Tell it unto the Church; but if he neglect to hear the Church let him be unto is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in thee as a heathen man and a publican, Matthew 18:17). This Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we gives the decision of the Church such weight that whoever dis- by Him (1 Corinthians 8:4-6). obeys is to be treated as a heathen. The means by which the We know God, but we cannot know His very Essence, for it Church utters her decisions is by an Ecumenical Council. is above all knowledge, not only of men, but also of angels: God The First Ecumenical Council was held in Constantinople in dwelleth in the light, which no man can approach unto, whom no AD 325, to confirm the true doctrine regarding the Son of God man hath seen, nor can see (1 Timothy 6:16). What we can know against the error of Arius, who denied His Divinity; and the is that God is Spirit, eternal, all-good, omniscient (all-knowing), Second was called in AD 381 in Nicaea, to defend the true doc- all-just, almighty, omnipresent (everywhere present), unchange- trine of the Holy Spirit against Macedonius who denied the able, all-sufficing unto Himself, and all-blessed. Divinity of the Spirit. For the Scriptures say: God is a Spirit (John 4:24). On the Articles of the Creed: We must notice that the Creed He is eternal: Before the mountains came to be and the earth is divided into twelve articles or parts, and consider each one was formed and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting separately. Article 1 speaks of God as the origin of all, particu- Thou art (Psalm 90:2). Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, larly God the Father, and of God as Creator of the world. Article which was, and is, and is to come (Revelations 4:8). The Apostle 2 speaks of Jesus Christ as the Son and Word of God, One of the Paul says that the Gospel was made manifest according to the Trinity. Article 3 speaks of the incarnation of the Son of God, commandment of the everlasting God (Romans 16:26). how He became Man. Article 4 speaks of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Article 5 speaks of the Resurrection of Jesus Of the goodness of God Jesus Christ Himself said: There is Christ. Article 6 speaks of the Ascension of Jesus Christ into none good but one, that is God (Matthew 19:17). The Apostle heaven. Article 7 speaks of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ John says: God is Love (1 John 4:16). David sings: Compas- upon the earth. Article 8 speaks of the Holy Spirit, One of the sionate and merciful is the Lord, longsuffering and plenteous in Trinity. Article 9 speaks of the Church. Article 10 speaks of holy mercy. The Lord is good to all, and His compassions are over all Baptism, under which are implied all the other Sacraments as His works (Psalm 144 [145]:8-9). well. Article 11 speaks of the coming resurrection of the dead. Of the omniscience of God the Apostle John says: God is Article 12 speaks of the life everlasting. greater than our heart, and knoweth all things (1 John 3:20). The Article 1. I believe in One God the Father Almighty, Maker Apostle Paul exclaims: O the depth of the riches both of the wis- of Heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. dom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judge- ments, and his ways past finding out (Romans 11:33). To believe in God is to have a living faith in His being, His qualities, His works, and to receive with all our heart His re- Of the justice of God David sings: For the Lord is righteous vealed Word regarding our salvation. The Apostle Paul writes, and hath loved righteousness; upon uprightness hath His coun- Without faith it is impossible to please God; for he that cometh tenance looked (Psalm 10[11]:7). The Apostle Paul says that to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of God will render to every man according to his deeds, and that them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). This same Apostle there is no respect of persons [partiality] with God (Romans 2:6, expresses the effect of faith on Christians in this prayer for them 11). to God: That he would grant you, according to the riches of his Of the almighty power of God the Psalmist says: For He glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner spake, and they came into being; He commanded, and they were man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith (Ephesians created (Psalm 32 [33]:9). The archangel says in the Gospel: 3:16, 17). Therefore a heartfelt faith in God must result in the With God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37). confession of this same faith. In other words, we must openly avow that we hold the Orthodox Faith, and do so with such sin- The omnipresence of God David describes thus: Whither cerity and firmness that neither seductions, nor threats, nor tor- shall I go from Thy Spirit? And from Thy presence whither shall tures, nor death itself may be able to make us deny our faith in I flee? If I go up into heaven, Thou art there; if I go down into the true God and in our Lord Jesus Christ. hades, Thou art present there. If I take up my wings toward the dawn, and make mine abode in the uttermost parts of the sea, The Apostle Paul witnesses that this confession is necessary even there shall Thy hand guide me, and Thy right hand shall for our salvation, for with the heart man believeth unto righ- hold me. And I said: Surely darkness shall tread me down, and teousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation the night shall be turned into light in my delight. For darkness (Romans 10:10). It is not sufficient merely to believe, but we will not be darkness with Thee, and the night shall be bright as must also confess the Orthodox Faith, because if anyone is afraid the day; as is the darkness thereof, even so shall the light thereof to confess this Faith to protect his temporary life or earthly be (Psalm 138 [139]:6-11). goods, this shows that he does not have a true faith in God the Saviour, and he loses the life of happiness to come. The Apostle James says that With the Father of lights there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (James 1:17). This Article expressly says that we believe in One God so as to contradict the error of the heathen who, mistaking the creature The Apostle Paul writes that God receiveth not worship of for God, thought that there were many gods. As Saint Paul says, men’s hands as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or all life, and breath, and all things (Acts 17:25). The same Apos- on earth, as there be gods many, and lords many, but to us there tle calls God the blessed and only potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Timothy 6:15). Asking Prayers: Please remember to pray for the sick – Archbishop Paul (Pavlos) of Astoria, Protopriest Theodore Shev- To be continued in the next issue. zov, Protopriest Laurence Girard, and our parishioners, Tamara Milestones Dimitruk, Emilia Hramov, Martin Hudobenko, Kiril (Charles) Nettle, Michael Nettle, Mary Nettle, Olga Paradiso, Vera Eternal Memory: On Wednesday 1 September, our long Peebles, Galina Penchuk, Valery Petrov, child Viacheslav Ra- time parishioner, Jean Bobko, née Babcock, aged 78, of Strat- kov, Galina Rudina, Angelina Schneider, Michael Shigalkowski, ford, widow of the late Stephen Bobko, reposed in the Lord at Elena Skorik, Irina Stettinin, Denis Zimbalkin, Veronica Wlo- Bridgeport Hospital. Her funeral was served by V Rev George darski (non-Orthodox), Tatiana Sergievsky (Orthodox), and her Lardas, Rector, at St Nicholas Church on Wednesday 8 Septem- daughter Sophia Sallitan (non-Orthodox). Prayers have also been ber, and the burial was at St John’s Cemetery in Stratford. We requested for the following (all Orthodox): Nina Boldyreff, ask our parishioners to pray for her, especially on her fortieth Nadezhda Jakovenko, Helen Raduk, Reader Isaac Lambertsen, day, Sunday 10 October. Monk Laurence, Yvette (Eve) Girard, Sophia, Peter Nelson, De- We have word that on Tuesday 7 September, Serge Garlinski sislava Dimitrova, Margaret, and Janet the daughter of our pari- of St Petersburg, Florida, aged 60 years, the nephew of our pari- shioner Vera Peebles, and also the servants of God David, shioners Vera Peebles and Kay Pcolka, and son of their sister, the Ambrose, Matthew and Velitchka, and Elisabeth Zarna (Fr late Ann Garlinski, reposed unexpectedly in the Lord. His funeral George’s aunt – cancer). Prayers are also asked for the servant of was in Florida and he was buried in the local Veteran’s Ceme- God Nicholas. Prayers are asked for Ken (not Orthodox). tery. We ask our parishioners to pray for him, especially on his Is Anyone Sick? “Let him call the presbyters,” as it says in fortieth day, Saturday 16 October. the Epistle of St James. If you know anyone who needs attention From the Diocese we have word that Matushka Elizabeth please let Fr George know. Call 203 209-9374 and leave a mes- Panteleimonovna Olhovsky, née Shohov, granddaughter of our sage. Is Anyone Better? If you have submitted any names for late Bishop Mitrophan and spouse of Metropolitan Hilarion’s the list of prayers for the sick and that person has recovered, Protodeacon, Nicholas Olhovsky (who served at St Nicholas last please let us know so we can keep the list a manageable length. th on our 80 Anniversary celebration), reposed unexpectedly in the Administrative Lord on Wednesday 8 September in Maine. Her funeral was on Sunday evening 12 September at St Seraphim’s Church in Sea Become a Member: If you attend services but are not a Cliff NY, and was served by Metropolitan Hilarion, assisted by member, please consider joining. The cost is not great - $150 per their Graces, Bishop Peter of Cleveland and Bishop George of adult, or $300 for families with two adults and any number of Mayfield, and 18 priests, including Fr George, Rector of St children. This is $12.50 a month per person. We also have an in- Nicholas Church. The burial was on Monday 13 September at troductory rate for students. Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville NY. We ask our pari- The Bulletin by Email: It costs over $1.00 each to produce shioners to pray for her, especially on her fortieth day, Sunday 17 copies of the Bulletin. Please consider receiving the Bulletin by October. email, which costs nothing. If wish to change to email, please May their memory be eternal, may the Lord receive them into contact [email protected]. We also invite our readers to support His heavenly habitation, where there is neither sickness nor sor- this Bulletin by donations. Do you wish to be taken off our row, but life everlasting. May the Lord console their grieving mailing list? Please contact us and we will remove your name families and friends. from our monthly bulletin mailing. Prayer Requests Deadline for Submissions: Notices from parishioners or pa- rish organizations must be submitted to Fr George by the 18th of Reminder: If you need a hospital visit or wish Fr George to the month for inclusion in the next Bulletin. visit a sick relative, please call and let us know. Hospitals no longer give out information to non-relatives without express per- Mark Your Calendar mission, so if you want the priest to know your or your loved Please mark these events of the coming months in your one’s condition you must inform the hospital or nursing home in calendar: writing. Sunday 7 November – Daylight Time ends Pray for our Soldiers: Although we do not have any mem- Sunday 7 November – Brotherhood Roast Beef Dinner bers of the St Nicholas community on active duty now, there are Thursday 25 November – Thanksgiving Day many Orthodox Christians in the Armed Forces and serving in Saturday 27 November – Brotherhood Leaf Cleanup the War. Please keep them and all our soldiers in your prayers. Saturday 4 December – Russian Festival and Bazaar Sunday 19 December – St Nicholas Day, St Nicholas Day Dinner, Parish Feast Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church 1 Honeyspot Road, Stratford, CT 06615 Church (203) 375-4793 Rectory (203) 386-9516 Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia V. Rev. George Lardas, Rector St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church Calendar – October 2010 Fr George Lardas, Rector – Telephone 203 / 386-9516 Rectory; Emergency: 203 / 209-9374 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday</p><p>1 (18 Sep) 2 (19) </p><p>Fast day Vigil 6:30 pm 3 (20) 4 (21) 5 (22) 6 (23) 7 (24) 8 (25) 9 (26) </p><p>19th Sunday After Pentecost St Sergius of St John the Tone 2 Radonezh Evangelist and Theologian</p><p>Moleben 6:30 pm Moleben 5 pm Liturgy 10 am Fast day Fast day Vigil 6:30 pm 10 (27) 11 (28) 12 (29) 13 (30) 14 (1 Oct) 15 (2) 16 (3) </p><p>20th Sunday After Pentecost PROTECTION 3rd Saturday: Tone 3 of the Most- Early Service: Holy Theotokos Vigil with Litya Civil Holiday 6:30 pm Liturgy 10 am Columbus Day Fast day Liturgy 9:30 am Fast day Vigil 3 pm 17 (4) 18 (5) 19 (6) 20 (7) 21 (8) 22 (9) 23 (10) </p><p>21st Sunday After Pentecost Synaxis of the Tone 4 Optina Elders</p><p>Moleben 5 pm Liturgy 10 am Fast day Fast day Vigil 6:30 pm 24 (11) 25 (12) 26 (13) 27 (14) 28 (15) 29 (16) 30 (17) </p><p>22nd Sunday After Pentecost Tone 5</p><p>Liturgy 10 am Fast day Fast day Vigil 6:30 pm 31 (18) 1 Nov (19 Oct) 23rd Sunday After Pentecost Tone 6</p><p>Liturgy 10 am Vespers for St St John of John of Kronstadt Kronstadt 6:30 pm No Liturgy Note: Dates in parentheses are Old Style (Julian Calendar). Please mark these events of the coming months in your calendar: Sunday 7 November – Daylight Time ends Saturday 4 December – Russian Festival and Bazaar Sunday 7 November – Brotherhood Roast Beef Dinner Sunday 19 December – St Nicholas Day, St Nicholas Day Dinner, Thursday 25 November – Thanksgiving Day Parish Feast Saturday 27 November – Brotherhood Leaf Cleanup Свято-Николаевская Русская Православная Церковь Календарь – Октябрь 2010 г. О. Георгий Лардас, Настоятель – Телефон 203 / 386-9516 Церковный Дом; Сетовой: 203 / 209-9374 Воскресенье Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота</p><p>1 (18 Сен) 2 (19) </p><p>Всенощная День постный 6:30 ч веч 3 (20) 4 (21) 5 (22) 6 (23) 7 (24) 8 (25) 9 (26) </p><p>Св Ап и Еванг 19ая Неделя по Преп Сергия Иоанна Пятидесятнице Радонежскаго Богослова Глас 2 Молебен Молебен 5 ч дня 6:30 ч веч Всенощная Литургия 10 ч у День постный День постный 6:30 ч веч 10 (27) 11 (28) 12 (29) 13 (30) 14 (1 Окт) 15 (2) 16 (3) </p><p>3ья Суббота 20ая Неделя по ПОКРОВ месяца: Пятидесятнице Пресвятыя Ранняя служба Глас 3 Всенощная Богородицы Гражданский с литией праздник 6:30 ч веч Всенощная Литургия 10 ч у День Колумба День постный Литургии нет День постный 3 ч дня 17 (4) 18 (5) 19 (6) 20 (7) 21 (8) 22 (9) 23 (10) </p><p>Собор препп 21ая Неделя по Старцев Пятидесятнице Оптинских Глас 4 Молебен 5 ч дня Всенощная Литургия 10 ч у День постный День постный 6:30 ч веч 24 (11) 25 (12) 26 (13) 27 (14) 28 (15) 29 (16) 30 (17) </p><p>22ая Неделя по Пятидесятнице Глас 5</p><p>Всенощная Литургия 10 ч у День постный День постный 6:30 ч веч 31 (18) 1 Ноя (19 Окт) 23ая Неделя по Пятидесятнице Глас 6 Св Праведного Иоанна Литургия 10 ч у Кронштадтского Вечерня Св Иоанна Кроншт 6:30 ч веч Литургии нет Замечание: Все даты в скобках по старому стилю (по июлианскому календарю). Отметьте эти наступающие события в вашем календаре: Воскресенье 7 Ноября – Конец летнего времени Суббота 4 Декабря – Русский Фестиваль и базар Воскресенье 7 Ноября – Обед от Братства Воскресенье 19 Декабря – Свят Николая, Престольный Празд- Четверг 25 Ноября – День Благодарения ник, Обед от Сестричества Суббота 27 Ноября – Уборка листьев от Братства</p><p>St Nicholas Russian Свято-Николаевская Русская Православная Orthodox Church Церковь Schedule of Services Расписание Богослужений October 2010 Октябрь 2010 г. Fr George Lardas, Rector – Telephone 203 / 386-9516 Rectory; Emergency: 203 / О. Георгий Лардас, Настоятель – Телефон 203 / 386-9516 Церковный Дом; 209-9374 Сетовой: 203 / 209-9374 Day New Old Time Service День Новый Старый Время Служба Style Style Стиль Стиль Sunday after Holy Cross, 19th after Pentecost, Tone 2 Неделя по Воздвижению, 19ая по Пятидесятнице, Глас 2 Sat 2 Oct 19 Sep 6:30 pm Vigil Суб 2 Окт 19 Сен 6:30 ч веч Всенощная Sun 3 Oct 20 Sep 9:30 am Hours and Confessions Вос 3 Окт 20 Сен 9:30 ч утра Часы и исповедь 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 ч утра Бож Литургия St Sergius of Radonezh Преп Сергия Радонежскаго Fri 8 Oct 25 Sep 6:30 pm Moleben Пят 8 Окт 25 Сен 6:30 ч веч Молебен St John the Evangelist & Theologian Святаго Апостола и Евангелиста Иоанна Богослова Sat 9 Oct 26 Sep 5:00 pm Moleben Суб 9 Окт 26 Сен 5:00 ч веч Молебен 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 3 20ая Неделя по Пятидесятнице, Глас 3 Sat 9 Oct 26 Sep 6:30 pm Vigil Суб 9 Окт 26 Сен 6:30 ч веч Всенощная Sun 10 Oct 27 Sep 9:30 am Meeting of the Bishop Вос 10 Окт 27 Сен 9:30 ч утра Встреча Архиерея 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 ч утра Божественная Литургия Liturgy Покров Пресв Богородицы Holy Protection Сре 13 Окт 30 Сен 6:30 ч веч Великая Вечерня (только) Wed 13 Oct 30 Sep 6:30 pm Great Vespers (only) Чет 14 Окт 1 Окт Литургии нет Thu 14 Oct 1 Oct No Liturgy 10:00 ч утраБож Литургия 21st Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 4, early Vigil 19ая Неделя по Пятидесятнице, Глас 4, ранняя служба Sat 16 Oct 3 Oct 1:00 pm Choir rehearsal Суб 16 Окт 3 Окт 1:00 ч дня Спевка хора 3:00 pm Vigil 3:00 ч дня Всенощная Sun 17 Oct 4 Oct 9:30 am Hours and Confessions Вос 17 Окт 4 Окт 9:00 ч утра Часы и исповедь 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 ч утра Бож Литургия Synaxis of the Optina Elders Собор препп Старцев Оптниских Sat 23 Oct 10 Oct 5:00 pm Moleben Суб 23 Окт 10 Окт 5:00 ч веч Молебен 22nd Sun after Pentecost, Fathers of the 7th Council, Tone 5 22ая Нед по Пят, Свв Отцев 7го Всел Собора, Глас 5 Sat 23 Oct 10 Oct 6:30 pm Vigil Суб 23 Окт 10 Окт 6:30 ч веч Всенощная Sun 24 Oct 11 Oct 9:30 am Hours and Confessions Вос 24 Окт 11 Окт 9:00 ч утра Часы и исповедь 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 ч утра Бож Литургия 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 6 23ая Неделя по Пятидесятнице, Глас 6 Sat 30 Oct 17 Oct 6:30 pm Vigil Суб 30 Окт 17 Окт 6:30 ч веч Всенощная Sun 31 Oct 18 Oct 9:30 am Hours and Confessions Вос 31 Окт 18 Окт 9:00 ч утра Часы и исповедь 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 ч утра Бож Литургия St John of Kronstadt Св Прав Иоанна Кронштадтскаго Sun 31 Oct 18 Oct 6:30 pm Vespers (only) Вос 31 Окт 18 Окт 6:30 ч веч Вечерня (только) Mon 1 Nov 19 Oct No Liturgy Пон 1 Ноя 19 Окт Литургии нет</p>

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