Cloud Nine Hill Race s1

Cloud Nine Hill Race s1

<p> CLOUD NINE HILL RACE 5th March 2006 Sponsored by: Congleton Borough Council, Astra Zeneca, Siemens, Running Bear, Beartown Brewery, John Honey Physiotherapy Results by Northern Digital Design Ltd - Tel: 01782 523194</p><p>1lloyd taggart (208) 00:54:13 dpfr 51jason dix (150) 01:11:01 boalloy rc 2andy wilton (133) 00:56:39M45 buxton ac 52james huggins (153) 01:11:02 buckley runnrs 3martin crosby (149) 00:59:33 altrincham ac 53steve broadfoot (35) 01:11:10M40 4nick malynn (210) 00:59:51 thames hare&h 54simon fox (68) 01:11:16M40 wirral ac 5tom mcgaff (159) 01:00:11M50 cheshire hill rrs 55peter doherty (30) 01:11:21 6philip monks (172) 01:00:13 vale royal ac 56graham hahn (110) 01:11:28 7rob downs (7) 01:00:22M40 cheshire hill rrs 57stu turner (198) 01:11:30 stafford h 8gareth briggs (167) 01:00:40 smac 58alan bocking (200) 01:11:39M50 cheshire hill rrs 9paul singleton (190) 01:01:22 ambleside ac 59peter singleton (148) 01:11:45M45 blackpool&fyldle 10colin fray (136) 01:01:30 cheshire hill rrs 60paul capey (130) 01:11:48 sale h 11mark flint (165) 01:02:09M40 newcastle ac 61kathryn roberts (256) 01:11:49F helsby rc 12richard houghton (142) 01:02:31M40 buxton ac 62anthony derbyshire (12) 01:11:51 boalloy rc 13jim pendrill (216) 01:02:42 cheshire hill rrs 63steve hennessey (154) 01:12:10M45 goyt valley strdrs 14john hosie (61) 01:02:48 northbrook ac 64mike greenwood (103) 01:12:10M40 15james pearce (196) 01:02:54 congleton h 65david roderick (60) 01:12:13M55 deeside ac 16richard ogden (50) 01:03:14 trentham rc 66janet hatton (273) 01:12:30F40 macclesfield h 17anthony allan (73) 01:03:24 congleton h 67peter carney (206) 01:12:38M40 red herrings 18andrew pilling (22) 01:03:30 rochdale h 68mike cottrill (155) 01:12:44 19tim stock (141) 01:04:33M40 macclesfield h 69josef hayes (52) 01:12:54 deeside ac 20richard jamieson (201) 01:05:36 manx fell rnrs 70ric barber (16) 01:13:01 21darren holloway (127) 01:05:38 ilkeston rc 71luke mcbratney (162) 01:13:09 macclesfield h 22nigel critchlow (134) 01:05:42 buxton ac 72kevin day (49) 01:13:17M40 goyt valley strdrs 23ian smallwood (99) 01:05:54M40 wilmslow rc 73paul drummond (66) 01:13:19M50 24noel curtis (183) 01:05:56 fat boys 74malcolm brown (108) 01:13:26 stockport h 25andy holloway (94) 01:05:59 75nicholas gould (139) 01:13:31M40 buxton ac 26jonathan fish (6) 01:06:35M40 ambleside ac 76john ????? (237) 01:13:37 boalloy rc 27james lewis (28) 01:06:43 sale h 77alasdair duncan (37) 01:13:39M50 ashbourne rc 28andy roberts (98) 01:07:11 congleton h 78rachael moore (308) 01:13:42F 29leon foster (207) 01:07:17 wirral ac 79tony hulme (125) 01:13:43M55 cheshire hill rrs 30donald obrien (219) 01:07:20M45 buxton ac 80alan wardle (143) 01:13:53M45 macclesfield h 31peter newham (121) 01:07:23 congleton h 81ian spencer (117) 01:13:54M40 stafford h 32david hindley (20) 01:07:25 82nigel haworth (83) 01:13:58 33tim raffle (161) 01:07:38M40 83ray noble (129) 01:14:00 34lisa petts (297) 01:08:18F skyrac 84john short (63) 01:14:08M40 35mike cooper (3) 01:08:30M40 cheshire hill rrs 85andrew buxton (31) 01:14:12M40 36andy butler (131) 01:08:50M45 goyt valley strdrs 86tim walton (164) 01:14:16 37andy hartley (209) 01:09:17M45 fat boys 87brandon mills (75) 01:14:31 38peter smith (188) 01:09:21 88tim ruck (91) 01:14:32 lua 39steve bunyan (175) 01:09:23 belle vue racers 89j.claude v.dervelces (177) 01:14:32 40martin platt (140) 01:09:29M50 macclesfield h 90simon bolton (14) 01:14:34M40 41estelle mcguire (311) 01:09:42F stockport h 91john burt (232) 01:14:40M45 42charlie carter (156) 01:09:42 92stuart millward (119) 01:14:40M40 lua 43steve massey (189) 01:09:44M40 smac 93philip lynn (163) 01:14:46 44peter nield (179) 01:09:52 macclesfield h 94ian hunter (17) 01:14:48 45michael jones (122) 01:09:57M50 altrincham ac 95rob cummings (184) 01:14:48 south cheshire h 46ian ankers (195) 01:10:00M55 96colin wilshaw (135) 01:14:55M40 buxton ac 47neil taylor (107) 01:10:05 skelmersdale h 97robert norman (170) 01:15:06 belper h 48sam jones (214) 01:10:25 98carl loftus (173) 01:15:08 warrington tri 49paul flinn (92) 01:10:25M40 99dominic hewins (193) 01:15:12 fat boys 50steve parker (114) 01:10:39M40 west cheshire 100robert wilson (186) 01:15:14M45</p><p>Organised by Congleton Harriers under FRA rules page 1 lua = local unattached runner CLOUD NINE HILL RACE 5th March 2006 Sponsored by: Congleton Borough Council, Astra Zeneca, Siemens, Running Bear, Beartown Brewery, John Honey Physiotherapy Results by Northern Digital Design Ltd - Tel: 01782 523194</p><p>101sally pattison (296) 01:15:26F40 macclesfield h 151john wardale (106) 01:22:06M50 macclesfield h 102nigel johnson (97) 01:15:29 lua 152justin haworth (80) 01:22:10 103paul fairbrother (166) 01:15:32 153david shoesmith (151) 01:22:39M50 macclesfield h 104carl bedson (205) 01:15:52 glossopdale h 154william helliwell (157) 01:22:44M55 fra 105jonathan mayhew (40) 01:15:58M40 portsunlight rnrs 155john anderson (233) 01:22:59M40 106neil morgan (74) 01:16:10 lua 156kevin price (47) 01:23:00M40 107andrew green (118) 01:16:18 lua 157philip williams (18) 01:23:20 108amanda bell (266) 01:16:20F congleton h 158paul plimmer (79) 01:23:43M55 stone mm 109david littler (25) 01:16:32M45 159joseph atherton (203) 01:23:45 stafford h 110mike potter (87) 01:16:34 160colin downey (67) 01:23:55M45 dudley kingswfd rc 111stephen bickerton (57) 01:16:46M50 161gail betts (298) 01:24:01F40 112kevin jackson (152) 01:16:57M40 abbey runnrs 162hilary kernaghan (294) 01:24:06F40 north down 113ken anderson (191) 01:17:01M45 stafford h 163jason bulley (120) 01:24:06M40 sandbach strdrs 114robert webster (112) 01:17:15 164david gaston (23) 01:24:12M45 lua 115paul clay (144) 01:17:22 165christine chapman (302) 01:24:28F 116mark checkley (182) 01:17:33M40 166john purdy (169) 01:24:30M40 rochdale h 117george leighton (227) 01:17:49M40 167paul stocks (39) 01:24:35M40 118peter bradbury (212) 01:17:55 168richard york (32) 01:24:40 stockport h 119nigel prue (56) 01:18:00 169barry walker (194) 01:25:00 fat boys 120matthew culverwell (126) 01:18:02 170tim miller (115) 01:25:03M50 boalloy rc 121fraser kerr (113) 01:18:20M40 171brian west (84) 01:25:08 122john picken (8) 01:18:22 172steven baines (78) 01:25:11M40 horwich rmi h 123robert picken (9) 01:18:22 lua 173bernard wilkes (160) 01:25:26M50 stafford h 124dave edmunds (192) 01:18:37 fat boys 174julie holmes (262) 01:25:42F45 125mario perez (204) 01:18:41 175tony smith (181) 01:25:42M50 lua 126john williamson (230) 01:18:45 royton rr 176brian wilkie (176) 01:25:46 127colin carthy (26) 01:18:49 177tom palenicek (146) 01:25:52M55 brian rourke tri 128tony keatman (235) 01:18:51M60 178stephen hickey (59) 01:25:53M40 the harbour club 129harold pinkney (171) 01:19:07M50 congleton h 179christopher smith (76) 01:26:00 130sereca atherton (305) 01:19:09F stafford h 180gary jones (236) 01:26:04M50 131jon tatham (64) 01:19:10 sandbach strdrs 181stephen loftus (221) 01:26:12M40 northern vets 132phil fortun (65) 01:19:14 smm 182david glynn (218) 01:26:24 133edward bailliss (100) 01:19:22 183chris edwards (229) 01:26:53 dark peak fr 134elkie thorndyke (275) 01:19:24F congleton h 184michael newman (27) 01:27:09M40 135john potter (185) 01:19:29M45 cheshire tally ho 185michael charman (178) 01:27:30M55 helsby rc 136geoff smith (202) 01:19:30 186elaine statham (300) 01:27:42F60 137anne whitelock (254) 01:19:39F biddulph rc 187keith shannon (213) 01:27:44 audley rc 138jon mcateer (102) 01:19:42 bta 188roy jardine (101) 01:27:54M55 eryri 139john moorhouse (105) 01:19:47M50 cheshire hhh 189roland maylen (138) 01:27:56 buxton ac 140jeanette fox (271) 01:20:15F40 wirral ac 190mike carr (42) 01:28:02M55 road rnrs club 141steve eastwood (55) 01:20:23M45 chester tri 191gordon evans (197) 01:28:18M55 fat boys 142paul minshull (145) 01:20:25M45 boalloy rc 192alan smart (147) 01:28:18M45 blackpool&fyldle 143charlie rowlands (215) 01:20:49 south cheshire h 193simon walker (187) 01:28:19M40 south cheshire h 144david mayhew (58) 01:21:15M45 194philip howarth (123) 01:28:24M50 145bill hitchener (226) 01:21:15M40 195andrew kirk (2) 01:28:28M40 lua 146david herrington (222) 01:21:18 196allan blinkhorn (93) 01:28:30M55 horwich rmi h 147joanne taylor (303) 01:21:23F 197peter hill (158) 01:28:40M50 goyt valley strdrs 148colin davies (132) 01:21:43M55 altrincham ac 198phil leigh (224) 01:28:42M40 buxton ac 149darren bergman (62) 01:21:56 199stephanie charman (259) 01:28:44F55 helsby rc 150tracey lander (309) 01:22:04F40 littledown h 200paul heathcote (137) 01:28:46 buxton ac</p><p>Organised by Congleton Harriers under FRA rules page 2 lua = local unattached runner CLOUD NINE HILL RACE 5th March 2006 Sponsored by: Congleton Borough Council, Astra Zeneca, Siemens, Running Bear, Beartown Brewery, John Honey Physiotherapy Results by Northern Digital Design Ltd - Tel: 01782 523194</p><p>201chris knapton (124) 01:28:47M45 altrincham ac 234gary molyneux (217) 01:37:37 warrington rr 202david kierton (234) 01:28:52M40 235amy edwards (288) 01:38:13F 203polly swain (284) 01:28:56F lua 236mick statham (174) 01:38:49M60 204paul covelyn (220) 01:29:12 237hough (211) 01:39:00M50 205rebecca ratford (304) 01:29:47F belle vue racers 238simon moorhouse (225) 01:39:29M45 206gill darby (286) 01:29:51F40 liverp'l pemb.seftn 239lucy malynn (280) 01:40:05F 207billy taylor (44) 01:29:54M40 240stephen langford (53) 01:40:14M45 north derbyshire rc 208carole morrison (281) 01:29:59F40 sunlight rnrs 241phill hickling (38) 01:40:44M50 bell harp hornets 209christopher boardman (95) 01:29:59 sunlight rnrs 242emma storey (301) 01:40:51F macclesfield h 210james earls-davies (180) 01:30:41M40 243ann williams (283) 01:40:55F40 sittingbrn strdrs 211graham hand (109) 01:30:53 244nia linnell (276) 01:40:59F 212adam leachman (128) 01:31:14 245jason burley (168) 01:41:27 213richard chaplin (116) 01:31:14 246deborah hudson (257) 01:42:55F55 214philip chilton (89) 01:31:22 lua 247naomi hudson (258) 01:42:55F notts ac 215rebecca warren (265) 01:31:52F macclesfield h 248carol culley (307) 01:44:13F cheshire hash 216sarah smith (291) 01:32:02F 249emily ford (299) 01:44:50F 217simn beharrell (5) 01:32:27 250jill norman (277) 01:45:20F45 smac 218roy ingram (19) 01:32:38 251christopher day (82) 01:46:07M45 scunthorpe&dist ac 219anil bose (11) 01:32:41M45 swac fra 252julie ryan (306) 01:46:30F 220leila jones (312) 01:32:48F 253alan galloway (34) 01:47:15 221david holland (231) 01:33:05 254sandra mayers (287) 01:47:30F45 prestatyn rc 222geoff pike (21) 01:33:36M45 255helen holden (292) 01:47:44F50 223robert mccurrie (111) 01:33:53 256esther brammeld (278) 01:48:24F 224mick edwards (228) 01:34:09M60 dark peak fr 257maxine grimshaw (293) 01:50:22F45 belle vue racers 225peter forbes (54) 01:34:14 lua 258bridget taylor (310) 01:50:49F40 cheshire hash 226lisa percox (261) 01:34:52F stafford h 259paul mayers (104) 01:52:58M45 prestatyn rc 227steve cartlidge (46) 01:34:52M45 stafford h 260donna elkin (289) 01:56:01F40 228neil jaggard (223) 01:35:16M45 stilton striders 261caroline partner (252) 01:57:42F congleton h 229kevin egerton (199) 01:35:48M50 belle vue racers 262kate morgan (272) 01:59:45F50 230maggie jones (295) 01:35:50F45 altrincham ac 231jill langley (268) 01:36:45F50 north derbyshire rc 232dave reid (15) 01:36:47M40 chester tri 233graham johnson (90) 01:37:32M40</p><p>Team Results: cheshire hill rrs 22 buxton ac 36 congleton h 60 macclesfield h 103 fat boys 160 goyt valley strdrs 171 boalloy rc 189 altrincham ac 196 wirral ac 223 stafford h 251</p><p>Organised by Congleton Harriers under FRA rules page 3 lua = local unattached runner</p>

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