Commission Chambers, City Hall s3

Commission Chambers, City Hall s3

<p> AGENDA CITY COMMISSION MEETING COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 5:30 PM</p><p>1. CALL TO ORDER</p><p>INVOCATION</p><p>PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA</p><p>2. PROCLAMATIONS: None</p><p>3. PRESENTATIONS: A. Recognition of Joe Mera as Leesburg's Deputy Fire Chief B. Presentation by FDOT on the US 27 @ SR 44 Intersection Improvement Project Study C. Presentation on Engage LCS by Brian Payne, Community Resource Liaison, Lake County Schools and Dr Moxley, Superintendent of Lake County Schools </p><p>4. CONSENT AGENDA: Routine items are placed on the Consent Agenda to expedite the meeting. If the Commission/Staff wish to discuss any item, the procedure is as follows: (1) pull the item(s) from the Consent Agenda; (2) vote on remaining items with one roll call vote, (3) discuss each pulled item and vote by roll call</p><p>A. CITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES: 1. Meeting held February 10, 2014 2. Meeting held February 24, 2014 3. Meeting held March 10, 2014 4. Meeting held March 24, 2014 5. Meeting held April 14, 2014</p><p>B. PURCHASING ITEMS: None</p><p>C. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Resolution of the City Commission of the City Commission of the City of Leesburg authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to apply for and accept if awarded a Workforce Central Florida grant for Firefighter training; and providing an effective date. 2. Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, authoring execution of a Collocation Agreement with LifeStream Behavioral Center, Inc.; and providing an effective date.</p><p>3. Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida authorizing the Mayor to execute a Contract for Sale and Purchase between Rachel Bledsoe and the City of Leesburg for property located at 2218 Aitkin Loop</p><p>4. Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, authorizing the release of the automatic, statutory reservation of petroleum and mineral rights under Chapter 270.11(1). Fla. Stat. (2013) on property located at 2218 Aitkin Loop, Leesburg, Florida, legally described as lot 77, Overlook at Lake Griffin, recorded in Plat Book 54, Page 20, Public Records of Lake County, Florida; and providing an effective date.</p><p>5. Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, approving the easement purchase from Ms. Charlie Mae Coleman located at 1113 Beecher Street for the purpose of the Carver Heights Drainage Improvement Project; and providing an effective date.</p><p>6. Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Leesburg authorizing purchase of the easement from Ms. Lillie A. Deason for the purpose of the Carver Heights Drainage Improvement Project;and providing effective date.</p><p>7. Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, authorizing purchase of the easement from Ms. Mary Lou Lynum at 1115 Beecher Street for the Carver Heights Drainage Improvement Project; and providing an effective date.</p><p>5. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND NON-ROUTINE ITEMS:</p><p>COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFORMATION SIGN-UP SHEET (YELLOW) AVAILABLE</p><p>A. Ratification by the City Commission of an emergency procurement of $28,928 for repair to a collapsed sewer line.</p><p>B. Resolution authorizing execution of a lease agreement with Sunair Aviation, Inc. for a property at Leesburg International Airport</p><p>C. Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a lease agreement with Stempro Systems, LTD. for a property at Leesburg International Airport</p><p>D. Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a lease agreement with John Dilavore for a property located at Leesburg International Airport</p><p>E. Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for an Economic Development Transportation Project at Leesburg International Airport F. Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida authorizing execution of an agreement between the City and the Veterans Memorial Foundation for purchase of the Veterans Memorial and providing an effective date.</p><p>6. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS: The following reports are provided to the Commission in accordance with the Charter/Ordinances. No action required.</p><p>A. Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable Customers with City Attorney</p><p>B. Expected Write-offs as of February 2014</p><p>C. Report of Receipts and Disbursements by Fund February 2014</p><p>D. City Manager Contingency Fund</p><p>7. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS:</p><p>8. CITY MANAGER ITEMS:</p><p>9. PUBLIC COMMENTS: This section is reserved for members of the public to bring up matters of concern or opportunities for praise. Issues brought up will not be discussed in detail at this meeting. Issues will either be referred to the proper staff or will be scheduled for consideration at a future City Commission Meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes.</p><p>10. ROLL CALL:</p><p>11. ADJOURN:</p><p>PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, ADA COORDINATOR, AT 728-9740, 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING.</p><p>F.S.S. 286.0105 "If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purpose they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based." The City of Leesburg does not provide this verbatim record.</p><p>Item No: 4.C.1.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: David Johnson, Fire Chief</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing the Fire Chief to apply for and accept, if awarded, a Workforce Central Florida grant for Firefighter training</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends applying and accepting, if awarded, a grant from Workforce Central Florida, not to exceed $4,000 to provide half the cost of training for firefighters during FY 13/14.</p><p>Analysis: Firefighters trained to work in Airport Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) at the Leesburg International Airport must participate in an annual practical training that is certified by FAA to retain their certification as ARFF firefighters. Firefighters must attend classes in order to promote within the ranks. Classes include: Pump Operator, Officer Development, and Fire Inspections. The Paramedic, or Advance Life Support, program will need to maintain a certain number of Paramedics for the program to work effectively. Additional classes include Emergency Management training for emergency events that are outside normal emergency operations, which include: aftermath of tornadoes, hurricanes, and multi-agency responses. Funds from the grant will be used to assist in payment for each of these training requirements. </p><p>Options: 1. Accept the Workforce Central Florida Grant 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate </p><p>Fiscal Impact: This grant allows the City to be reimbursed for 50% of training costs. With savings from personnel and changes to the Fleet Lease payments, enough funding is available to cover the grant match.</p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: _Fire______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. _ 001-0000-331-2200___ Prepared by: D. Johnson Attachments: Yes X No ______Finance Dept. __BLM,______Project No. _WG0005______Advertised: ____Not Required X Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ______Attorney Review : Yes___ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ______Available ______Revised 6/10/04 RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE FIRE CHIEF TO APPLY FOR AND ACCEPT, IF AWARDED, A WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA GRANT FOR FIREFIGHTER TRAINING, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE:</p><p>THAT the Fire Chief is hereby authorized to apply for and if awarded execute an agreement with Workforce Central Florida whose address is 707 Mendham Blvd, Suite 250 Orlando, FL 32825.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the 28 day of April 2014.</p><p>______Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 4.C.2.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Jim Lemberg – Manager, Communications Utility</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing Collocation Agreement with LifeStream.</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of a resolution authorizing a Collocation Agreement with LifeStream Behavioral Center, Inc.</p><p>Analysis: Under this agreement, LifeStream will make a room (11’8” x 9’3”) in their newly constructed building near South Lake Hospital exclusively available to the Communications Utility for placement of remote network equipment. The site will be the Utility’s principal point of network presence in southern Lake County from which customers in that geographic area will be served. The first such customer will likely be LifeStream itself.</p><p>Options: 1. Approve the resolution; or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate </p><p>Fiscal Impact: The Utility will pay a monthly fee of $1,200 to LifeStream upon LifeStream’s receipt of a certificate of occupancy for the facility. That is anticipated to occur during June or July 2014. The Utility has adequate funds in the appropriate expense account. The continuing expense will be included in budgets for future fiscal years.</p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: _IT/Communications______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. 045-5023-539.4410 Prepared by: __Jim Lemberg______Attachments: Yes__X__ No ______Finance Dept. BLM,______Project No. n/a Advertised: ____Not Required __X____ Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. n/a Attorney Review : Yes_X__ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget $92,078 Revised 6/10/04 Available $19,771 RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA, AUTHORING EXECUTION OF A COLLOCATION AGREEMENT WITH LIFESTREAM BEHAVIORAL CENTER, INC.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Collocation Agreement with LIFESTREAM BEHAVIORAL CENTER, INC., whose address is PO BOX 491000, LEESBURG FL 34749-1000, for provision of exclusive use of a room in a LifeStream facility.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the twenty-eighth day of April 2014.</p><p>______Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______City Clerk Item No: 4.C.3.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Ken Thomas, Director of Housing and Economic Development</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing execution of a Sales Contract for City owned property at 2218 Aitkin Loop acquired through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1 for First Time Homebuyer’s</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval to execute a contract to sell City owned property to Rachel Bledsoe, a First Time Homebuyer. The property was acquired with funding from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1. </p><p>Analysis: The NSP 1 Program was established under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. The program provides funding to purchase foreclosed or abandoned homes to rehabilitate, resell, or redevelop homes in order to stabilize neighborhoods and stem decline of values of neighboring homes.</p><p>The City purchased the subject property at 2218 Aitkin Loop January 3, 2014 utilizing federal NSP1 funds given to Lake County Government (see attached approval letter from Lake County Government). Through an agreement between the City of Leesburg and Lake County August 11, 2009, the City used said funds for the purchase of this property. All use of NSP 1 funds are subject to federal regulations. Ms. Rachel Bledsoe (First Time Homebuyer) has met all of the qualifications required by Lake County and the federal government (see certification).. </p><p>As a sale and grant condition, Ms. Bledsoe must remain living in the property for a period of fifteen years. If Ms. Bledsoe sells, transfers, no longer occupies, rents or refinances the property within the fifteen (15) years, she will be required to repay the down payment assistance. </p><p>Options: 1. Approve the Purchase and Sale Contract between City of Leesburg and Rachel Bledsoe; or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate </p><p>Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact to the City, as the purchase was made with NSP 1 monies. The finale sale price of $104,900 will return to the City and be placed in the Housing Trust Fund to perpetuate the housing program, which seeks to address and remove blight. The current balance of the NSP 1 Trust Fund is $144,841 and shall increase to $249,741. Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: ______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. _001-0000-361-4013__ Prepared by: ______Attachments: Yes____ No ______Finance Dept. BLM,______Project No. __NSP009______Advertised: ____Not Required ______Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ______Attorney Review : Yes___ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ______Revised 6/10/04 Available ______RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE BETWEEN RACHEL BLEDSOE AND THE CITY OF LEESBURG FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2218 AITKIN LOOP; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a sale and purchase agreement with Rachel Bledsoe whose address is 2218 Aitkin Loop, Leesburg, Florida 34748 for purchase of a single family home in the amount of $104,900.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the _28th____ day of __April,___ 2014.</p><p>______Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 4.C.4.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Betty Richardson, City Clerk</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing release of Statutory Mineral Reservations</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends adoption of the proposed resolution to release the statutory reservation of mineral rights as to property to be sold to Rachel Bledsoe at 2218 Aitkin Loop.</p><p>Analysis: Previously, the Commission adopted a resolution authorizing the sale to Rachel Bledsoe of a home at Aitkin Loop. The subject property at 2218 Aitkin Loop was initially purchased by the City on January 3, 2014, utilizing Federal dollars given to Lake County Government by the City through foreclosure of a Code Enforcement Lien. Florida law provides that as to property sold by any municipal or county government, there is an automatic reservation of mineral rights unless the governing board takes affirmative action to authorize a release of those rights. Since this is a single family residence and in an established neighborhood, a reservation of mineral rights would serve no purpose. The proposed resolution will authorize a release of those automatic reservations simultaneously with conveyance of title to the property. If the mineral rights are not released, it could impede future sales and financing transactions on this property.</p><p>Options: 1. Adopt the proposed resolution. 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate </p><p>Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact to the City from adoption of this Resolution.</p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: ______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. ______Prepared by: ______Attachments: Yes____ No ______Finance Dept. ______Project No. ______Advertised: ____Not Required ______Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ______Attorney Review : Yes___ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ______Revised 6/10/04 Available ______RESOLUTION NO. ______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF THE AUTOMATIC, STATUTORY RESERVATION OF PETROLEUM AND MINERAL RIGHTS UNDER CHAPTER 270.11(1), FLA. STAT. (2013) ON PROPETY LOCATED AT 2218 AITKIN LOOP, LEESBURG, FLORIDA, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 77, OVERLOOK AT LAKE GRIFFIN, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 54, PAGE 20, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>That, based on the petition of the prospective purchaser of the property, the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized and directed to release the automatic, statutory reservation of petroleum and mineral rights under 270.11(1), Fla. Stat. (2013) on the property located at 2218 Aitkin Loop, Leesburg, Florida, legally described as Lot 77, Overlook at Lake Griffin, as recorded in Plat Book 54, page 20, Public Records of Lake County, Florida, pursuant to the contract for sale and purchase between the City of Leesburg and Rachel Bledsoe. The release of the mineral and petroleum interests is justified by the fact the property is a platted, single-family residential lot improved with a home, such that exploration for and extraction of minerals or petroleum would be impracticable due to the small size of the property.</p><p>THIS RESOLUTION shall become effective upon its passage and adoption according to law.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED at the regular meeting by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the _28th____ day of _April,_ 2014.</p><p>______Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 4.C.5.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Ken Thomas, Housing & Economic Development</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing purchase of an easement from Charlie Mae Coleman for the Carver Heights Community Development Block Grant Drainage Improvement Project</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the contract to purchase an easement from Charlie Mae Coleman for the Carver Heights Drainage Project. </p><p>Analysis: The City of Leesburg was awarded a $750,000 grant to complete the Beecher Street/Griffin Road Drainage Basin improvement project and Phase IV Electric Undergrounding for the Carver Heights community. As part of the drainage project, the project requires the City to acquire an easement from Ms. Coleman at market value which is not grant funded. The market value of the easement was appraised at $1,900.00. The property owner has agreed with the appraisal and signed all appropriate documents required by the City.</p><p>Options: 1. Approve the contract for the sale and purchase of an easement from Ms. Charlie Mae Coleman for the Carver Heights Drainage Project; and/or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate </p><p>Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the Carver Heights CRA Note.</p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: ______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. _ 017-6190-559-6110__ Prepared by: ______Attachments: Yes____ No ______Finance Dept. ______Project No. __170001______Advertised: ____Not Required ______Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ___WF0728714/1______Attorney Review : Yes___ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ___$41,883.00______Revised 6/10/04 Available __$41,883.00______RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE EASEMENT PURCHASE FROM MS. CHARLIE MAE COLEMAN LOCATED AT 1113 BEECHER STREET FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CARVER HEIGHTS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Charlie Mae Coleman whose address is 1113 Beecher Street, Leesburg, Florida 34748 for an easement required to complete the Carver Heights CRA Beecher Street/Griffin Road Drainage Project.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the _28th____ day of _April,_____ 2014.</p><p>______Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 4.C.6.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Ken Thomas, Director of Housing and Economic Development</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing the purchase of an easement from Lillie A. Deason for the Carver Heights Community Development Block Grant Drainage Improvement Project</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the contract to purchase an easement from Lillie A. Deason for the Carver Heights Drainage Project. </p><p>Analysis: The City of Leesburg was awarded a $750,000 grant to complete the Beecher Street/Griffin Road Drainage Basin improvement project and Phase IV Electric Undergrounding for the Carver Heights community. As part of the drainage project, the project requires the City to acquire an easement from Ms. Deason at market value which is not grant funded. The market value of the easement was appraised at $250.00. The property owner has agreed with the appraisal and signed all appropriate documents required by the City.</p><p>Options: 1. Approve the contract for the sale and purchase of an easement from Ms. Lillie A. Deason for the Carver Heights Drainage Project; and/or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate </p><p>Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the Carver Heights CRA Note. </p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: ______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. 017-6190-559-6110____ Prepared by: ______Attachments: Yes____ No ______Finance Dept. BLM,______Project No. _170001______Advertised: ____Not Required ______Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ____WF0728914/1______Attorney Review : Yes___ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ____$41,883.00______Revised 6/10/04 Available __ $41,883.00______RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF THE EASEMENT FROM MS. LILLIE A. DEASON FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CARVER HEIGHTS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT;AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Lillie A. Deason whose address is 1117 Beecher Street, Leesburg, Florida 34748 for an easement required to complete the Carver Heights CRA Beecher Street/Griffin Road Drainage Project.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the __28th___ day of __April,____ 2014.</p><p>______Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 4.C.7.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Ken Thomas, Director of Housing & Economic Development</p><p>Subject: Resolution approving the purchase of an easement from Mary Lou Lynum for the Carver Heights Community Development Block Grant Drainage Improvement Project</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the contract to purchase an easement from Mary Lou Lynum for the Carver Heights Drainage Project. </p><p>Analysis: The City of Leesburg was awarded a $750,000 grant to complete the Beecher Street/Griffin Road Drainage Basin improvement project and Phase IV Electric Undergrounding for the Carver Heights community. As part of the drainage project, the project requires the City to acquire an easement from Ms. Lynum at market value which is not grant funded. The market value of the easement was appraised at $400.00. The property owner has agreed with the appraisal and signed all appropriate documents required by the City.</p><p>Options: 1. Approve the contract for the sale and purchase of an easement from Ms. Mary Lou Lynum for the Carver Heights Drainage Project; and/or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate. </p><p>Fiscal Impact: Funds are available in the Carver Heights CRA Note.</p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: ______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. 017-6190-559-6110___ Prepared by: ______Attachments: Yes____ No ______Finance Dept. _BLM,______Project No. _ 170001______Advertised: ____Not Required ______Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ___WF0728714/1______Attorney Review : Yes___ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ___$41,883.00______Revised 6/10/04 Available __$41,883.00______RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF THE EASEMENT FROM MS. MARY LOU LYNUM AT 1115 BEECHER STREET FOR THE CARVER HEIGHTS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Mary Lou Lynum whose address is 1115 Beecher Street, Leesburg, Florida 34748 for an easement required to complete the Carver Heights CRA Beecher Street/Griffin Road Drainage Project.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the _28th____ day of __April___ 2014.</p><p>______Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 5A.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Al Minner, City Manager</p><p>Subject: Ratification by the City Commission of an emergency procurement in the amount of $28,928 for repair of a collapsed sewer line.</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends ratification of an emergency procurement in the amount of $28,928 with Beasley Construction for the repair of a collapsed sewer line.</p><p>Analysis: On March 3rd a citizen reported a manhole overflowing at Fountain Lake. Public Works crews responded and determined the overflow was caused by a collapsed 10” sewer pipe near the intersection of Canal and Meadow Streets. Following emergency procurement procedures, staff contracted with Beasley Construction to repair the collapsed section of pipe.</p><p>At the Commission meeting on March 10th Mr. Minner notified the Commission that emergency procurement procedures had been initiated, that repairs were underway and that repair costs were estimated between $20,000 and $30,000. </p><p>The collapsed section of pipe was approximately 10 ft below ground, under the bike trail just east of Canal Street in an area where the water table is relatively high. The repairs required dewatering the work site, deep excavation and restoration of the bike trail. Final cost for the repair is $28,928.</p><p>In accordance with Leesburg purchasing policy, ratification of this emergency procurement authorization is requested.</p><p>Options: 1. Ratify the emergency procurement in accordance with City procurement policy, or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate. </p><p>Fiscal Impact: The cost of emergency repairs is $28,928. The department was able to identify funds in the current budget. Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: Public Works Reviewed by: Dept. Head DCM Account No. _044-4081-535-4625__ Prepared by: DC Maudlin Attachments: Yes_X___ No ______Finance Dept. BLM,______Project No. __447011______Advertised: ____Not Required ______WF No. ______Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______Attorney Review : Yes___ No ____ Submitted by: Budget ______City Manager ______Available ______Revised 6/10/04 </p><p>Item No: 5B.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Leo Treggi, Airport Manager</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing execution of a Lease Agreement with Sunair Aviation, Inc. for a property on Leesburg International Airport.</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Lease Agreement with Sunair Aviation. </p><p>Analysis: The intent of this agreement is to lease additional property to Sunair Aviation, Inc. for storage of aircraft. Sunair is expanding and intends to build a 100’ by 120’ ft. hangar to accommodate corporate jets and other aircraft. The property is located on the corner of Airport Blvd. with Wilco Dr. (adjacent to the main ramp). </p><p>The ground rent is based on Fair Market Value according to appraisals recently conducted on the airport for unimproved land. The appraiser has determined that $0.15 per square feet per year is appropriate for aeronautical use of unimproved land. </p><p>The term of years is based on FDOT and FAA’s maximum amount of years in order to allow for recovery of investment.</p><p>Options: 1. Approve the resolution authorizing execution of the Lease Agreement with Sunair Aviation, Inc.; or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate </p><p>Fiscal Impact: There is an increase in airport revenues in the amount of $496.54 per month or $5,958.48 per year. </p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: _Airport______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. _001-0000-362-0200___ Prepared by: _Leo Treggi______Attachments: Yes_X_ No ______Finance Dept. BLM,______Project No. ______Advertised: ____Not Required __X___ Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ______Attorney Review : Yes_X_ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ______Revised 6/10/04 Available ______RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SUNAIR AVIATION, INC. FOR PROPERTY AT LEESBURG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement with Sunair Aviation, Inc., whose address is 8806 Airport Blvd., Leesburg, FL 34788, for a property located at the Leesburg International Airport, as described on Exhibit A of the lease agreement.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the __28th___ day of _April__ 2014.</p><p>______John Christian, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______Betty Richardson, City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 5C.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Leo Treggi, Airport Manager</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing execution of a Lease Agreement with Stempro Systems, LTD. for a property on Leesburg International Airport.</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Lease Agreement with Stempro Systems, LTD.</p><p>Analysis: The intent of this agreement is to lease the property at 32746 Echo Dr. at Leesburg International Airport to Stempro Systems, LTD. (Stempro) for repair and storage of aircraft, and light assembly and fabrication of machinery.</p><p>The ground rent is based on Fair Market Value according to appraisals recently conducted on the airport for unimproved land. The appraiser has determined that $0.15 per square feet per year is appropriate for aeronautical use of unimproved land. </p><p>The building is being conveyed to Stempro for 30 years based on Fair Market Value according to the appraisal conducted on the property. The appraiser has determined that $ 250,000.00 is appropriate for such hangar. But, due to the current conditions of the facility and in consideration of the improvements to be made by Stempro, the final agreed price was $225,000.00. The amount is being financed by the City for 20 years with interest. Additionally, tenant is responsible for all future maintenance and repairs. </p><p>The term of years is based on FDOT’s maximum amount of years, which is currently 30 years, in order to allow for recovery of investment. </p><p>The property, including all improvements, is to revert back to the City upon termination of the Lease Agreement.</p><p>Options: 1. Approve the resolution authorizing execution of the Lease Agreement with Stempro Systems, LTD.; or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate Fiscal Impact: </p><p>There is an increase in airport revenues of $1,664.60 per month or $19,975.20 per year. Since the tenant was referred by a Commercial Broker (Tom Grizzard), a referral fee of $2,500.00 is appropriate. A budget adjustment will be necessary to recognize the addition and payment of $2,500.00 to Tom Grizzard following the approval of this lease agreement. </p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: _Airport______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. 001-0000-362-0200____ Prepared by: _Leo Treggi______Attachments: Yes_X__ No ______Finance Dept. _BLM,______Project No. ______Advertised: ____Not Required _X____ Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ______Attorney Review : Yes_X_ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ______Revised 6/10/04 Available ______RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH STEMPRO SYSTEMS, LTD. FOR A PROPERTY AT LEESBURG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement with Stempro Systems, LTD., whose address is 32746 Echo Dr., Leesburg, FL 34788, for a property located at 32746 Echo Dr. at the Leesburg International Airport.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the _28th____ day of __April,______2014.</p><p>______John Christian, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______Betty Richardson, City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 5D.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Leo Treggi, Airport Manager</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing execution of a Lease Agreement with Mr. John Dilavore for a property on Leesburg International Airport</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Lease Agreement with Mr. Dilavore. </p><p>Analysis: The intent of this agreement is to lease the property at 8703 Airport Boulevard at Leesburg International Airport to Mr. Dilavore, for repair and storage of aircraft.</p><p>The ground rent is based on Fair Market Value according to appraisals recently conducted on the airport for unimproved land. The appraiser has determined that $0.15 per square feet per year is appropriate for aeronautical use of unimproved land. </p><p>The building is being conveyed to Mr. Dilavore for 30 years based on Fair Market Value according to the appraisal conducted on the property. The appraiser has determined that $140,000.00 is appropriate for such hangar. However, the amount is being financed by the City for 20 years with interest. The tenant is paying $7,000.00 upon approval of this agreement and $14,000.00 upon possession of the property in six months. Additionally, the tenant is responsible for all future maintenance and repairs. </p><p>The term of years is based on FDOT’s maximum amount of years, which is currently 30 years, in order to allow for recovery of investment. </p><p>The property, including all improvements, is to revert back to the City upon termination of the Lease Agreement.</p><p>Options: 1. Approve the resolution authorizing execution of the Lease Agreement with Mr. Dilavore; or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate Fiscal Impact: There is an increase in airport revenues of $816.93 per month or $9,803.16 per year. The $14,000.00 to be paid upon possession of the property in six months will be used to pay Mr. Lewis Puckett (the current tenant) for the time remaining on the current lease, according to a lease amendment approved by the City Commission in September 26, 2011 (agenda memo attached). </p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: _Airport______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. _001-0000-362-0200___ Prepared by: _Leo Treggi______Attachments: Yes_X_ No ____ Finance Dept. ______Project No. ______Advertised: ____Not Required _X____ Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ______Attorney Review : Yes_X__ No ___ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ______Revised 6/10/04 Available ______RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH JOHN DILAVORE FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT LEESBURG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement with John Dilavore, whose address is 6 Donnelly Ct., Manorville, NY 11949, for a property located at 8703 Airport Blvd. at the Leesburg International Airport. </p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the __28th___ day of __April______2014.</p><p>______John Christian, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______Betty Richardson, City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 5E.</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: Leo Treggi, Airport Manager</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing execution of an Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for an Economic Development Transportation Project (Seaplane Ramp).</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval of the agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation. </p><p>Analysis: This grant is to assist with the design and construction of a seaplane ramp at the Leesburg International Airport. The grant requires no match and is based on the amount of jobs to be created by Wipaire.</p><p>The seaplane ramp will serve to increase the Airport's capacity by allowing seaplanes which are not equipped to use land-based runways and taxiways to access the Airport's full range of aviation services. Also, it will allow the Airport to service amphibian aircraft whose pilots prefer water landings over hard-surface landings. </p><p>The State of Florida is only second to the State of Alaska in terms of the number of seaplanes and seaplane-certified pilots that are registered within the state. The Leesburg International Airport’s proximity to the Metro Orlando area together with the availability of US Customs services on the airfield make it an ideal "gateway" for seaplane traffic to the Central Florida region.</p><p>Options: 1. Approve the execution of the agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation; or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate </p><p>Fiscal Impact: The total amount of the sea ramp project is approximately $1,200,000. The City has identified three funding sources for this project which will reduce our costs to a range of $106,000 - $465,000. This amount will need to be programed into the FY 15 Budget. The sources for funding are this grant (FDOT – Economic Development Transportation Grant), FDOT Aviation Programs grant and a Lake County Jobs grant. This grant does not require a match and is available do to the jobs Wipaire is creating. Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: _Airport______Reviewed by: Dept. Head ______Account No. _031-0000-334-4200____ Prepared by: _Leo Treggi______Attachments: Yes__X_ No ____ Finance Dept. ______Project No. ______Advertised: ____Not Required _X____ Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ______Attorney Review : Yes_X_ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ______Revised 6/10/04 Available ______RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TRANSPORTATION PROJECT AT LEESBURG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Florida Department of Transportation, whose address is 719 S. Woodland Boulevard MS 4-520, Deland, Florida 32720, for Economic Development Transportation Project at Leesburg International Airport, FM No. 433803-1-58-01.</p><p>THAT the City accepts future maintenance and other attendant costs occurred after completion of the Project.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the _28th____ day of _April______2014.</p><p>______John Christian, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______Betty Richardson, City Clerk</p><p>Item No: 5F</p><p>Meeting Date: April 28, 2014</p><p>From: DC Maudlin, Public Works Director</p><p>Subject: Resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park, Inc. for purchase of the Veterans Memorial</p><p>Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends execution of an agreement with the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park, Inc. (VMFP) for purchase of the Veterans Memorial for the sum of ten dollars ($10).</p><p>Analysis: The Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park, Inc. (VMFP) was established as a 501(C)(3) on July 9, 2008 for the purpose of designing, constructing and maintaining the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Lake Park. The memorial was completed in the spring of 2012 at a cost of approximately $500,000 and dedicated on May 19, 2012. The monument, measuring 60 feet in diameter and 7 feet tall, is one of the largest Veterans Memorials in the Southeast. The memorial walls can accommodate approximately 30,000 names, currently there are approximately 8400 names memorialized. The memorial will also display approximately 12,500 memorial bricks, currently about 800 are displayed.</p><p>The VMFP has asked the City to accept ownership of the memorial. The city will assume responsibility for maintenance of the facility, maintain the security system and pay the lighting costs. The VMFP will remain an active corporation, will continue to collect donations, will continue to install donated bricks and inscribe names on the memorial wall. </p><p>Options: 1. Authorize execution of an agreement to purchase the Veterans Memorial, or 2. Such alternative action as the Commission may deem appropriate </p><p>Fiscal Impact: Estimated additional maintenance costs for the Veterans Memorial are less than $1,000 annually.</p><p>Submission Date and Time : 4/5/2018 8:24 下午 ____ </p><p>Department: Public Works Reviewed by: Dept. Head: DCM Account No. ______Prepared by: DC Maudlin Attachments: Yes_X__ No ______Finance Dept. ______Project No. ______Advertised: ____Not Required ______Dates: ______Deputy C.M. ______WF No. ______Attorney Review : Yes___ No ____ Submitted by: City Manager ______Budget ______Available ______Revised 6/10/04 RESOLUTION NO.______</p><p>RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE VETERANS MEMORIAL AT FOUNTAIN PARK, INC FOR PURCHASE OF THE VETERANS MEMORIAL AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.</p><p>BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LEESBURG, FLORIDA:</p><p>THAT the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park, Inc. whose address is 411 W. Main Street, Leesburg, Florida 34748.</p><p>THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately.</p><p>PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Leesburg, Florida, at a regular meeting held the _____ day of ______2014.</p><p>______Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______City Clerk</p>

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