<p>1 MESSAGE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION</p><p>Welcome to Immaculate Conception Catholic School, the parish school for the Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Communication between home and school is essential in promoting our students’ success. Our handbook is one means of communication. Many policies, regulations, and services are discussed throughout these pages. Please read this handbook to or with your child(ren). It is also important that you keep this handbook readily available throughout the year should questions arise. Policies at Immaculate Conception are set by our School Advisory Board. </p><p>Information in this book should provide you with answers to many questions you might have about day-to-day operations of our school. We are always available to clarify any school matter. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call us.</p><p>Parents are encouraged to visit the school and to attend scheduled meetings with the teachers. Mutual benefits occur when there is a meaningful exchange between home and school. </p><p>It is our desire that this handbook will be helpful to you. We hope this will be a successful and satisfying year for you. </p><p>Mrs. Allison Palfy Principal</p><p>ADMINISTRATION Fr. Jacek Szuster, Pastor Mrs. Allison Palfy, Principal Mrs. Debbie DeRoller, Development Director/Finance Officer</p><p>SCHOOL ADDRESS Immaculate Conception Catholic School 811 Telfair Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 722-9964 (706) 722-9994 FAX</p><p>Parents and students are expected to follow and abide by all Diocesan, school, and church policies and procedures. These rules and regulations contained herein are the basis for maintaining a safe and secure environment for all the school’s constituents. Failure to abide by these policies, procedures, and in keeping with the traditions of the Catholic Christian environment may result in disenrollment from the school. </p><p>RIGHT TO AMEND – THE ADMINISTRATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO AMEND THE HANDBOOK FOR JUST CAUSE. NOTIFICATION OF ANY AMENDMENTS WILL BE WRITTEN AND DISTRIBUTED TO THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY. </p><p>IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL</p><p>2 MISSION: The Immaculate Conception Catholic School community is committed to developing Christ-like minds, hearts, and souls within the Catholic faith tradition by promoting academic excellence and service.</p><p>VISION: Immaculate Conception Catholic School will provide a dynamic program of academic excellence, faithful Catholic service, and evangelization within the Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church community. </p><p>GOALS: 1. To ensure that Catholic principles are the cornerstone for all decisions, programs, and staff selection. 2. To ensure that school improvement is an ongoing focus. 3. To safeguard the Diocesan policy of accepting students, from all backgrounds regardless of race, sex, national origin, or handicapping condition. 4. To ensure that the learning experience enriches the mind, body and spirit.</p><p>PHILOSOPHY: Immaculate Conception Catholic School, the parish school for the Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, is dedicated to evangelization through Catholic education. As such, it welcomes all children as the school strives to help them learn, grow, and come to know God. The curriculum, the values, the structures, and the goals of Immaculate Conception Catholic School are rooted in the belief of God and the Catholic Church, and in the belief that every child has the ability to know and respond to God. </p><p>SCHOOL HISTORY: Immaculate Conception Catholic School had its beginnings in 1902, when Franciscan Sisters opened a boarding school for girls at St. Benedict Convent on 12th Street. In 1913, the African Missionary Fathers built and dedicated Immaculate Conception Church and School on the corner of Laney Walker Boulevard and 11th Street. They asked the Franciscan Sisters to bring their boarding school students and take on this new and larger teaching mission. Since that time, Immaculate Conception Catholic School has been providing excellence in education within a Catholic environment. The Franciscan Sisters served as teachers and administrators until 2004. Today, Immaculate Conception Catholic School enjoys a new home as the parish school for The Church of the Most Holy Trinity. </p><p>ADMISSION/DISCRIMINATION</p><p>5010 POLICY: Schools in the diocese of Savannah do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex (unless traditionally a single sex school), national origin, or handicapping condition (if, with reasonable accommodation on the part of the school, the handicapped person could be accommodated) in the admission of students, or in the administration of policies regarding education, athletics, or any school sponsored programs. In admitting students where facilities are limited, Diocesan schools give preference to Catholic students living within parish boundaries; secondly, to Catholic students living outside parish boundaries; finally, to non-Catholic students. 5140 POLICY: Schools in the Catholic Diocese of Savannah shall adhere to provisions outlined in Title IX of the federal code. Immaculate Conception Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, National origin, or handicapping condition in the admission of students, or in the administration of policies regarding education, athletics, or any school sponsored program. </p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURES: </p><p>3 Acceptance Requirement Pre K: Applicants must submit an application and be potty trained. Kindergarten: New applicants will be given a readiness screening prior to acceptance. Grade 1: In the event that any applicant has not attended kindergarten, the readiness of said applicant shall be determined by the principal and the first grade teacher through an entrance test. Grades 2-8: Admission and placement are determined by entrance test and/or recent standardized test scores/report card. To remain at Immaculate Conception Catholic School, a student shall conform to approved norms of behavior and academic achievement as outlined in this handbook. </p><p>*All new students entering Immaculate Conception Catholic School are considered on probation for the first semester. During that period, parents and staff can decide if this school is the most appropriate educational setting for the child. Factors to be considered in the decision are the student’s academic performance, attendance, effort, conduct, and work/study habits.</p><p>Readmission Policy Ordinarily, students will not be readmitted to Immaculate Conception Catholic School once they have voluntarily withdrawn from the school. This policy also applies to students who have been dismissed from Immaculate Conception Catholic School. Readmission may be granted when mutually agreed upon between the parents and the school, if extenuating circumstances are present.</p><p>ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Both morning and afternoon dismissals will run the same way. Parents MUST have the school pick-up paper in order for students to be released. </p><p>Students in Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4, Kindergarten, First Grade, and their siblings will be picked up in the parking lot in the back of the school by the playground. Parents are to enter the parking lot coming down Telfair Street past the library, and proceed to the left and follow the arrows around in order to keep the line orderly and moving. Students will be brought out to the cars of parents. Parents are not to get out of cars at any time. All cars will wait until the signal has been given and then leave the parking area together. </p><p>Students in second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade will be picked up in the parking lot in the front of the school by the office. Parents will enter the parking lot off of Eighth Street and follow the arrows around. Students will be brought out to the cars of parents. Parents are not to get out of cars at any time. All cars will wait until the signal has been given and then leave the parking lot together to exit onto Telfair Street. </p><p>Parents may choose to park in the Most Holy Trinity parking lot or on the street and walk over to the school. They will need to pick up their students at the front doors of the school that face Telfair Street. </p><p>During Arrival and Dismissal: Parents are to stay in their cars at all times. Parents are to stay off of their cell phones. Parents are to quickly and safely pick up their children and exit the parking lot on signal. No parents will be allowed in the school building during afternoon dismissal. (2:55-3:15)</p><p>ALL POLICIES ARE TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE STUDENTS AT ICCS. </p><p>ATTENDANCE/TARDIES</p><p>4 5060 POLICY: Schools in the Diocese of Savannah must comply with attendance requirements established by the State of Georgia in accordance with Diocesan Regulations.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: To be counted as present for perfect attendance purposes, a student must be present for the full academic day – no tardies, which are defined as late arrivals and/or early checkouts.</p><p>ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend school daily. Parents should provide the school with a written explanation of any absence. Students may be excused from school in case of: 1. Personal illness. 2. Serious illness or death in the immediate family. 3. Special and recognized holidays observed by faith. 4. Mandated order of government agencies. 5. Emergencies that are reasonable and necessitate absences from school. 6. Visit with parent or legal guardian prior to deployment or during leave from overseas assignment up to 5 days per school year. 7. Pre-approved special event absence (form is found on the website and must be submitted to the principal at least 7 days prior to the special event for approval).</p><p>All other absences are unexcused. Students will only be afforded the opportunity to make up work when absences are excused. Parents must provide written notes for absences. Please call the office by 9:00 AM to notify teachers of child’s absence.</p><p>It is the duty of parents to retain copies of all documentation of excuses for the duration of the school year and must present them upon request. All attendance excuses are required within 2 school days of the student’s return to school; otherwise, the absence will be considered unexcused. All documentation for excusing an absence must specify the particular day missed.</p><p>Vacations taken during the school year are discouraged. If an emergency trip becomes necessary, a child may be taken from school provided work is made up. However, it is unfair to the child and his teacher to ask for work to be assigned before the trip. Teachers plan weekly with daily revisions. Any work assigned could become just “busy work” over a period of several days without the benefit of classroom instruction.</p><p>When absences are excused, students shall be afforded the opportunity to make up all work. It will be the student’s responsibility to attend to make up work promptly upon return to school and to complete all assignments within a reasonable time. Parents, please do not call the teacher and expect missed assignments to be ready the day of absence. Teachers are allowed 24 hours for assignment preparation. </p><p>PROCEDURES FOR EXCESSIVE ABSENCES: Immaculate Conception Catholic School places a high importance on attendance. The procedures for addressing attendance are as follows: 1. Once a student reaches 3 total days of unexcused absences for the year, the school will send a letter to the student’s parents informing them of the student’s attendance status. 2. Once a student reaches 5 total absences for the year the school will send a letter to the student’s parents informing them of a required meeting with the counselor to address attendance concerns. 3. Once a student reaches a total of 10 total absences for the year, the school will send a letter to the student’s parents informing them of a required meeting with an administrator to discuss attendance concerns. 5 4. Once a student reaches a total of 16 total absences for the year, the school will send a letter to the student’s parents informing them of possible retention due to excessive absences.</p><p>TARDIES: It is the parent’s responsibility to see that students report to school on time. A school tardy is defined as any time a student is either late for school or leaves school early. Students are expected to be on time each day and to remain at school for the entire school day. The school day begins at 8:15 AM and ends at 3:15 PM daily. In order for a tardy to be excused, a parent must supply the school with an original excuse from either a doctor’s office or government agency. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SIGN THEMSELVES IN OR OUT OF THE SCHOOL. IF A STUDENT IS TARDY TO SCHOOL, A PARENT MUST SIGN THE STUDENT IN AT THE FRONT OFFICE. Thereafter, only validated excuses (doctor appointments, directed court appearances etc.) can be submitted for the tardiness to be excused. For students with no excuse or an invalid excuse for being tardy to school or class, the tardiness is unexcused and could be considered truancy. Excessive tardiness is an injustice to a teacher and to the other students and will incur consequences. </p><p>PROCEDURES FOR UNEXCUSED TARDIES: 1. Upon a student’s 3rd unexcused tardy for the year, the school will contact the parent in writing via letter. 2. Upon the 5th unexcused tardy for the school year, the parent will be required to meet with the principal to create a tardy reduction plan, AND a fee of $5.00 per tardy will be added to the student’s account for each tardy from 5-9. 3. Upon the 10th unexcused tardy for the school year, the parent will be charged a $10.00 fee per each additional unexcused tardy. </p><p>Please note that any missed work due to an unexcused tardy may result in a grade of “0”. </p><p>IT IS ASKED THAT PARENTS MAKE DOCTOR AND DENTAL APPOINTMENTS FOR STUDENTS AFTER SCHOOL HOURS EXCEPT IN CASES OF EMERGENCY.</p><p>BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL CARE</p><p>Immaculate Conception has a before/after school daycare program. Please contact the school office for information, hours, and fees.</p><p>CONFERENCES 6070 POLICY: Parents, guardians, agents, and others having legitimate business with the school shall be informed to make appointments at a mutually convenient time so classes will not be interrupted. SCHOOL PROCEDURE: If at any time a parent has a question regarding his/her child, the child’s teacher should be contacted. When a parent wishes to conference with the teacher, an appointment can be made. Do not attempt to discuss matters before school begins or during afternoon dismissal without an appointment. A teacher’s time before class is used for immediate preparation and organization. When arriving at the school for a conference, please sign in at the office, and the teacher will be called to meet and escort you to the conference area. Conferences provide teachers with an opportunity to present parents with suggestions for complimenting the child’s work at school. Likewise, parents have an opportunity to express their observations and concerns and to discuss with the teacher the uniqueness of each individual child. Conferences, therefore, should be well planned and should result in the sharing of pertinent information which will benefit the teacher, the parents, and the child. At times, conferences with the guidance counselor or administrator may be requested. Please follow the procedure below to set up a conference with any school personnel. 6 Appointments with school personnel can be made by sending a note, sending an email, or calling the school office (706- 722-9964) and leaving a message on the person’s voice mail. Please give your name, telephone number, date, and a brief message. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. </p><p>NO CALLS SHOULD BE MADE TO SCHOOL PERSONNEL AT THEIR HOMES BY ANYONE and TEACHERS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GIVE THEIR PERSONAL CELL PHONE NUMBERS TO PARENTS. NO CONFERENCES CAN BE RECORDED FOR ANY REASON.</p><p>DISCIPLINE </p><p>5110 POLICY: Students shall comply with all rules of the school and submit to all reasonable authority of the teachers and others in authority over them. Each school must develop its own disciplinary code in accordance with Diocesan regulations and publish its procedures in the school’s parent handbook. A copy of the school handbook will be sent to the Catholic Schools Office. SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Effective learning is dependent upon effective discipline. Students need and deserve a controlled and proper atmosphere in order to attain and develop academic skills. Parental support and cooperation is required in the handling of all discipline problems. Discipline in the classroom is maintained by each individual teacher. Discipline in the corridors, lavatories, play areas, assemblies, etc., is the responsibility of all faculty members. A rigid atmosphere in the school is not desired, but neither is an overly permissive one. Minor infractions of school regulations are handled by the classroom teacher. Disrespect to any faculty or staff member cannot be tolerated. All discipline is administered at the discretion of the administration.</p><p>Social Media / Internet Students are expected to respect themselves, their classmates, the adults at the school, and the school at all times, including on the internet. Students should not use the internet, including social media, to communicate frustrations or gossip about members of the school community. Students can be disciplined for words and images posted on the internet that present our school community in a negative manner. Such postings will also require immediate removal of the information posted. </p><p>Cyberbullying Cyberbullying will not be tolerated. Harassing, impersonating, tricking, excluding, and cyberstalking are examples of cyberbullying. Do not participate in social media with the intent to harm, hurt, or intimidate someone else. Engaging in these behaviors, or any online activities intended to harm (physically or emotionally) another student, faculty or staff member, may result in disciplinary action at school and loss of privileges. In some cases, cyberbullying is a criminal offense and will be turned over to proper authorities. </p><p>Lunchroom Behavior Students are also expected to behave in the school lunchroom in a courteous manner and should follow these rules: 1. Get all materials first time through the line. 2. Be a role model by following cafeteria rules, using kind words and helping others. 3. Use a “whisper” voice. 4. Respect adults, peers, and property. 5. Use good table manners. 6. Clean up when leaving. </p><p>The following discipline systems are used with students in the designated grade level placements. GRADES Pre-K - 2 Teachers handle infractions that occur in their classrooms in an appropriate manner maintaining school policy. A chart is used in each classroom as a physical reminder to the student of appropriate behavior. A note will go home to parents when an infraction occurs. 7 GRADES 3 - 5 Teachers handle infractions that occur in an appropriate manner maintaining school policy. Teachers will communicate with parents when discipline notices are sent home with students. It is also the responsibility of the students to communicate their discipline notices to the parents.</p><p>GRADES 6-8 When it is necessary to impose disciplinary consequences, teachers and school administrators will follow a progressive discipline process. The degree of the disciplinary consequence to be imposed will be in proportion to the severity of the behavior of a particular student, and will take into account the student’s disciplinary history, the age of the student, and other relevant factors. Disciplinary consequences are designed to teach students self-discipline and to help them substitute inappropriate behaviors with the characteristics representative of our school’s core values. The following disciplinary consequences may be imposed for any violations of the school and classroom rules and expectations:</p><p> Warning and/or counseling with counselor or an administrator Notification of Parent Parent Conference Loss of Privileges Suspension – In-School or Out of School Temporary Removal from Class or Activity Referral to Law Enforcement Recommendation for Expulsion</p><p>Weekly Report/Contract Program At the discretion of the principal, a student may be placed on a weekly report/contract program. The student will meet weekly with the principal and a weekly report will be sent to parents. If behavioral problems continue, a student may be placed on probation and asked to leave if behavior does not improve.</p><p>Disciplinary Actions Discipline problems can be solved through proper communications between parents and the teacher. School discipline can be undermined when parents criticize school authority; therefore, parents should consult the teacher about all the facts before making any hasty decisions or commenting on a discipline problem in the presence of their children or other parents.</p><p>Actions Liable for Disciplinary Action Actions liable for disciplinary action include but are not limited to: uniform code violations, chewing gum on school property, eating during class, excessive talking or loudness, unacceptable written or spoken language, failure to adhere to school, classroom, church, and playground rules, unauthorized use of cell phones or other electronic devices on campus (before, after, and during school), cheating, plagiarism, forgery, disrespect to authority, bullying and/or cyberbullying (physically, emotionally, academically, or socially), aggressive behavior (physical, verbal, written), dangerous horseplay, dishonesty, theft, destruction of school property, vandalism, and an accumulation of offenses</p><p>Actions Liable for Suspension Severe disruptive behavior problems Bullying, physically, emotionally, academically, or socially Destruction of property - fine for replacement of property Stealing Fighting Pornographic materials Possession or use of tobacco products on school property or during school related activities Continuous accumulation of or multiple detentions</p><p>8 Suspension is the temporary removal of the student from academic and extra-curricular activities. Suspension can be imposed at the discretion of the administration. Any missed work or tests during this time will result in a grade of zero.</p><p>Immaculate Conception Catholic School expectations and consequences listed within the discipline/bullying policy are:</p><p>Expectations My behavior towards others will reflect the Gospel values that I am being taught at Immaculate Conception Catholic School; therefore, I will not interfere with the learning of others. I will not stand in the way of those working to do their personal best. I will not harm others physically, verbally, or emotionally. I will not allow or encourage others to do so. I will not interfere with other students’ possessions. I will care for my school and its environment. I will report if I am being bullied or see others being bullied. I will report it to my parents or a faculty member.</p><p>Possible Consequences Counseled by teacher or faculty member and notification to parent with explanation of offenses. Counseled by the school counselor and phone call to parent with explanation of offenses. In-school suspension and parent/teacher/student/counselor/principal conference to discuss concerns and corrective plan. Out-of-school suspension, returning to school after a conference as described in step three. Recommendation of expulsion from school and all parties meeting with the pastor.</p><p>Possible consequences are at the discretion of the faculty of Immaculate Conception Catholic School based on the circumstances of each situation.</p><p>Students who are suspended from school, or who serve an in-school suspension, will not be allowed to attend any school related activities (day or evening) during the time of suspension.</p><p>Actions Liable for Expulsion Possession or use of alcohol and/or drugs on school property or during school related activities Continuous disruptive behavior problems Students receiving repeated suspensions Possessing, using, or threatening to use a weapon or instrument of harm Continuous or severe bullying</p><p>The principal is the final recourse in all disciplinary situations and may waive any disciplinary rule for just cause at his or her discretion. </p><p>Conduct Recognition Rewards in grades PreK-8 will be determined by the individual class teacher.</p><p>Cell Phones / Electronic Equipment Grades PK-8: Cell phones are not allowed in the classroom or before/after school program. Cell phones brought to school should be turned in during homeroom. At dismissal, they will be picked up by the student.</p><p>STUDENTS MAY NOT BRING toys, games, electronics that are not for instructional purposes specified by the school, playing cards or any other non-school related item on campus or to the Before/After School Program. Parents will collect these items from the teacher and/or office if brought to the school. Confiscated Items</p><p>9 All confiscated items, other than electronic devices, will be confiscated for a week and require parents to pick them up from the school.</p><p>Plagiarism/Cheating Immaculate Conception Catholic School does not condone cheating or plagiarism in any way, as it depletes the credibility of our academic environment and is not in line with our mission and values. Plagiarism is defined as the act of stealing or passing off the words or ideas of another as one’s own without crediting the original source (Merriam-Webster), and is in direct violation of our core value of honesty. Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional, and teachers work with students to understand plagiarism and citations during their time at Immaculate Conception. Intentional plagiarism or cheating can be defined as the following: Copying a friend/classmate’s work Sharing your work with others Asking for or giving answers from student work or assessments Buying or borrowing papers Cutting and pasting blocks of text from electronic sources without documenting Media “borrowing” without documentation Web publishing without permission of creators Lack of a Works Cited Page (determination made by the teacher) Unintentional Plagiarism can be defined as the following: Careless paraphrasing Poor documentation Quoting excessively Failure to use your own “voice” If a teacher suspects a student of plagiarism, a determination will be made as to whether the incident is intentional or unintentional. Once this determination has been made, consequences for intentional plagiarism may include one or more of the following: “0” on the assignment Parent notification Suspension or dismissal from school activities – sports and other co-curricular Note on official student record Loss of privileges within the school community In-school or out-of-school suspension Multiple incidents may result in expulsion Unintentional plagiarism will be handled by the teacher.</p><p>Core Values of Immaculate Conception At Immaculate Conception, students are expected to: Show Integrity Use a Christ-like attitude Be Consistently prepared Always Strive for excellence Students show integrity when they are honest and well behaved. Students use a Christ-like attitude when they show respect to everyone and everything. are Student are consistently prepared when they follow all classroom procedures and have their assignments and supplies ready. Students always strive for excellence when they have an “I CAN” attitude and always give 110%.</p><p>DUE PROCESS AND RIGHT OF APPEAL 5120 POLICY: Students and/or their parents have the right of appeal in those cases where disciplinary action may result in suspension or expulsion. See Appendix IV. SCHOOL PROCEDURE: 10 If students and/or parents feel that the consequences appear not to be fair, request a meeting. A meeting does not need to be formal in nature. It is simply a time for concerned individuals to meet together and share information related to the situation in question. In the event that this discussion provides additional information that sheds different light on the situation, or shows the consequences to be unfair, the consequences may be changed or eliminated to better fit the unique situation.</p><p>DRESS CODE 5130 POLICY: Students are expected to be dressed in a manner consistent with accepted Catholic moral standards of good taste and decency, and in keeping with the school’s uniform/dress code.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: All students attending Immaculate Conception Catholic School will be required to wear the school uniform. The uniform policy will be strictly enforced. Repeated failure by the student to adhere to the school’s uniform policy will result in disciplinary consequences.</p><p>PE Uniform for ALL Students is Mandatory: Gray t-shirt with school logo and navy blue athletic shorts or sweatpants. Tennis shoes must be worn on PE day (Friday). Boys (Causal/Daily) Grades Pre-K through 8th Pants: Khaki pants (no denim, no cargo pants/pockets, rivets, logos or other accessories) Shirt: Navy blue polo with school logo. Socks: Dark colored dress socks or white socks. Shoes: Brown dress shoes (includes brown or tan bucks and brown boat shoes). All students are to wear tennis shoes to school on PE day-Friday. Shorts: Khaki shorts of knee length (top of knee cap). No cargo shorts/pockets, rivets, logos or other accessories. Shorts may be worn from August until October 31st and from March 1 through the end of the year. Belts: Black or brown belts must be worn with pants and shorts. Outer Garments: School sweater, sweater vest, or jacket all with school logo. </p><p>Boys (Mass- Every Thursday) Grades Pre-K through 8th Pants: Khaki pants (no denim, no cargo pants/pockets, rivets, logos or other accessories) NO SHORTS. Shirt: White oxford button down shirt short or long sleeved. Tie: School plaid ties only. Socks: Dark colored dress socks with pants. Shoes: Brown dress shoes (includes brown or tan bucks and brown boat shoes). Belts: Black or brown belts must be worn with pants. Outer Garments: School sweater, sweater vest, or jacket all with school logo. </p><p>Girls (Casual/Daily) Grades Pre-K though 8th Pants: Khaki pants (no denim, no cargo pants/pockets, rivets, logos or other accessories) Shirt: Navy blue polo with school logo or white Peter Pan shirt with undershirt beneath it. Jumper (Pre-K through 8th): School plaid jumper with white Peter Pan shirt underneath. Skirt and Blouse (5th through 8th): School plaid skirt with white Peter Pan shirt. An undershirt must be worn beneath the white shirt when it is worn with the skirt. Socks: Dark colored dress socks or white socks. Shoes: Brown dress shoes (includes brown or tan bucks and brown boat shoes), black or navy Mary Janes. All students are to wear tennis shoes to school on PE day-Friday.</p><p>Shorts: Khaki shorts of knee length (top of knee cap). No cargo shorts/pockets, rivets, logos or other accessories. Shorts may be worn from August until October 31st and from March 1 through the end of the year. Belts: Black or brown belts must be worn with pants and shorts. Outer Garments: School sweater, sweater vest, or jacket all with school logo. </p><p>11 Girls (Mass- Every Thursday) Grades Pre-K through 8th Jumper (Pre-K through 8th): School plaid jumper with white Peter Pan shirt underneath. Skirt and Blouse (5th through 8th): School plaid skirt with white Peter Pan shirt. An undershirt must be worn beneath the white shirt when it is worn with the skirt. Socks: Dark colored dress socks with jumper/skirt. Shoes: Black or navy Mary Janes. Outer Garments: School sweater, sweater vest, or jacket all with school logo. </p><p>Dress Code Miscellaneous Hair: Must be kept neat, cut, and clean at all times. No razor cuts, Mohawks, or other hair designs. No artificially colored hair will be accepted. Only girls are allowed to wear hair beads, and they must be black, navy, or clear. Hair beads cannot cause distraction or noise. Jewelry Boys: Male students are not permitted to wear earrings or other non-religious jewelry to school. Jewelry Girls: Female students my wear small earrings and religious jewelry to school. Piercings: Body piercings (other than ears) and tattoos are not permitted to be worn while at school. Shirts: Must be tucked in at all times. No Hats No Make-up other than nail polish for female students No Pocketbooks No non-uniform jackets, sweaters, or coats (those without school logo) will be permitted to be worn inside the school building. On cold days, students may wear overcoats when outside the building. Please make sure to have a school sweater or vest at the school, as classrooms tend to be cooler than usual year round. </p><p>12 EVALUATION 6170 POLICY: Each teacher shall provide ongoing evaluation of the student’s educational progress and communicate progress to parents. Elementary and secondary schools shall use report cards approved by the Catholic Schools Office.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE:</p><p>Grading The following Diocese Grading Scale will be used for all grades and subjects: A=94-100 B=86-93 C=76-85 D=70-75 F=Below 70 Report Cards and Progress Reports Report cards are issued four times per year at nine-week intervals (see school calendar). At the mid-point of each grading period, progress reports will be issued for all students. </p><p>If your child’s report card or progress report indicates a problem, the teacher usually tries to set up a parent conference. If this has been done, or if you have any questions concerning your child’s grades, you should call the school to schedule a conference. </p><p>The final report card will be mailed to you. A letter-sized (#10) stamped, self-addressed envelope should be sent to your child’s teacher. Also, please include your home address as the return address. No report card may be released until all fines and charges are paid. </p><p>FEES 5030 POLICY: Each school in the Diocese will have its own particular regulations regarding placement, parish involvement, and payment of tuition and fees. These regulations shall be on file in the Catholic Schools Office, and adhered to for all applicants.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: The following are fees that may be assessed to students’ accounts at Immaculate Conception Catholic School. Per school policy, all accounts must be kept current. Tuition/fees not paid in full by the end of the month will result in forfeiture of all prior paid fees and disenrollment from the school. All fees/registration payments/tuition payments/money paid to the school are non-refundable Registration: $450 per child + $200 each additional child in a family Activity Fee: Part of the required registration: $200 per family Unexcused Tardy Fee: $5.00 per tardy (5-9) and $10.00 per tardy (10 and up) Background Check Fee for Volunteers: $10.00 Credit Card Payment Fee: $10.00 Late Tuition Fee: $50.00 per month Insufficient Funds: $35.00 per incidence Academic Placement Testing: $25.00 per student Before and After care: $25.00 Registration per Family, $20.00 Before, $45.00 After, $55.00 Both, $15.00 Drop-in Athletic Fee: $75.00 per child Any other fees that may occur not mentioned above FIELD TRIPS 6150 POLICY: A field trip is an educational opportunity whereby students leave school property under the direction, guidance and/or authority of the school, or authorized school representative. Field trips are recognized as useful in contributing to and enhancing students’ practical understanding of academic subjects. The purpose, organization and implementation of field trips must follow regulations established by the Catholic Schools Office.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Various field trips may be taken during the year. Parent or guardian permission slips must be signed in advance. The cost of the field trips will vary depending upon the number of students going, length of the field trip, and admission charges (if any). There are some items that are not allowed on school field trips for safety, health, or security reasons. Students are expected to comply with these requirements if they are to go on field trips. Parents may sometimes be needed as chaperones; however, preschoolers are not allowed to accompany parents who go on field trips. Parent drivers are required to make a copy of their current liability insurance card and driver’s license in the office prior to driving on field trips. </p><p>FORGOTTEN ITEMS</p><p>If you suddenly realize you have to bring items to the school that your child has forgotten, please bring them to the front office, and we will make sure all items get to your child promptly. Students who forget something in their classroom will only be able to go back to get the item if the teacher is present. </p><p>FUNDRAISING AND SOLICITATION</p><p>At Immaculate Conception Catholic School tuition rates are kept purposefully lower than average in order to make sure that those who desire a Catholic education have the opportunity to receive one. Many people do not realize that our tuition rates do not cover the total cost of educating each pupil. The cost to educate one child at ICCS is about $8,635. This cost to educate includes, but is not limited to, paying school employees’ salaries, paying student insurance, paying building insurance, paying staff medical insurance, buying textbooks and student supplies, replacing equipment, maintaining the building and grounds, paying for all student computer licenses, and paying for all utilities. To make up for the difference between tuition rates and cost to educate fundraising has to be an important component of school life. This year, each classroom will sponsor a fundraising event to benefit the school. Classroom teachers, parents, and students will work together to raise money to support the school.</p><p>August: Front Office/Knights of Columbus-Back to School Cookout September: Kindergarten October: First Grade November: Second Grade December: Third Grade January: Fourth Grade February: Fifth Grade March: Preschool April/May: Middle School</p><p>If you have suggestions for additional fundraisers, please contact the principal to share your ideas. Money may not be collected nor products sold anywhere on school grounds for fundraising or other purposes without the Principal’s expressed permission. All monies collected must be counted and receipted for the school. GRADUATION 5250 POLICY: Students graduating from Diocesan elementary and secondary schools will receive the official diploma issued by the Catholic Schools Office. SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Students graduating from Immaculate Conception Catholic School will receive the official diploma issued by the Catholic Schools Office. All accounts must be paid in full at least 2 weeks prior to graduation in order for students to be able to graduate. </p><p>GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING 6220 POLICY: Elementary and secondary schools shall meet the counseling requirements set forth by the approved accrediting agency.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Guidance Services are offered to Immaculate Conception students. We offer individual, small group, and classroom guidance throughout the school year. Individual counseling and small group counseling require written parental consent. Our guidance counselor is available on Mondays and Thursdays.</p><p>HEALTH & SICKNESS 5200 POLICY: All students are to submit to physical examination and other health requirements prescribed by the State of Georgia and the Diocese of Savannah. 5210 POLICY: In the instance of communicable disease, advice of the local Health Department must be followed. Any accident or illness is to be brought to the attention of the principal as quickly as possible. If the situation warrants, the parent or guardian is notified. If no one can be reached, the principal is responsible for taking the necessary action in the situation. A student who is ill will be released from school in the custody of their parent/guardian. Students will be released only if there is assurance that someone will be in the home to care for them. SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Student emergency sheets will be distributed at the beginning of the year or at registration. The information will be used in the event a student becomes ill, is involved in an accident, or the school needs to reach the parents or emergency contacts for the family. It is very important that this information be accurate and kept up to date. Please immediately notify the main office and the teacher of any change.</p><p>A parent/guardian must be notified if a child has an elevated temperature 100.0 degrees or higher. The child must be picked up from school. If a child’s temperature is 103 degrees or higher and a parent/guardian or responsible person cannot be reached and the child needs immediate care, the school will call 911 for emergency care. Communicable diseases are diseases such as pink eye, ringworm, and normal childhood diseases such as chicken pox. It is very important that parents notify the school of any communicable disease at the earliest possible date. For health reasons, students should not return to school after an illness unless sufficiently recovered to participate in their regular school program as advised by your family physician. Please advise your child’s teacher of any health related concerns you may have. We will need to develop an individual “Health Care Plan” should your child’s situation be particularly critical. </p><p>The main reasons for keeping your child home are: 1) If they are too sick to be comfortable in school. 2) If they might spread a contagious disease to other children. A child should stay at home who has a fever of 100.0 degrees or greater, vomiting more than once, diarrhea, a very frequent cough, persistent pain (ear, stomach, etc.) or wide-spread rash. Most of these problems need to be discussed with your child’s health care provider to determine if an office visit is needed. On the other hand, children who don’t have a fever and only mild cough, runny nose, or other cold symptoms can be sent to school without any harm to themselves or others. Keep in mind that hand washing is the single most important thing you can do. Please teach your child to do this to help prevent the spread of infections. Remember to always make sure that our school knows how to reach you during the day and that there is a back-up plan and emergency contact persons on file if the school cannot reach you. </p><p>Immunization: The State of Georgia Immunization Law, H.B.427, requires an adequate Certificate of Immunization Form 3231 (Rev. 03-2007), and a Certificate of Eye, Ear and Dental Examination, Form 3300, be on file for every student enrolled. If your child has not been previously enrolled in a Georgia school, a 30-day grace period is given for presenting these certificates. All Pre-K, Kindergarten, First and Second Grade students must also present a Birth Certificate along with the above certificates. </p><p>HOMEWORK 6160 POLICY: Homework is an essential part of a complete educational program. It provides a meaningful opportunity to supplement and reinforce the school curriculum. Homework may require both dependent and independent effort by the student. The curriculum shall provide for appropriate homework.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Homework can be an effective instructional technique as it has positive effects on a student’s learning and work habits. It also serves as a vital link between the school and the family. Homework shall not be assigned as a means of punishment. Lack of homework will not be the sole factor to cause failure. </p><p>If homework is to be effective, the purposes should be clearly defined. The general purposes of homework are: </p><p>A. to promote responsibility, self-direction, and independent work habits. B. to reinforce skills and information learned in class. C. to enrich and extend school research experiences. D. to bring students in contact with out-of-school learning experiences. E. to prepare students for upcoming class topics. F. to aid in evaluating progress. </p><p>The average duration of assignments for the average student should not exceed the following per night: Kindergarten 15 minutes First Grade 20 minutes Second Grade 30 minutes Third Grade 40 minutes Fourth Grade 50 minutes Fifth Grade 60 minutes Sixth through Eighth 90 minutes</p><p>INAPPROPRIATE ITEMS 5080 POLICY: A student may not carry, consume or have in his/her possession on the school grounds, before, during, or after school hours, any drugs or alcohol, including but not limited to, over the counter medication, prescription medicines, illegal substances, tobacco or federally controlled contraband. Refusing to abide by this regulation makes a student liable for suspension or expulsion. Failure to abide by this regulation makes a student liable for expulsion. Trafficking of drugs on school premises requires the school authorities to inform the police.</p><p>5090 POLICY: A student may not bring to school or have in his/her possession on the school grounds, before, during, or after school hours, any weapon or instrument that might be used as a weapon to inflict serious harm on oneself or on another person.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE:</p><p>Tobacco </p><p>The use or possession of tobacco in any form is prohibited in the school building and on school property. </p><p>Substance Abuse </p><p>It is the goal of Immaculate Conception Catholic School to provide an environment that is free from all substance abuse. Immaculate Conception Catholic School works to educate students and families on tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse awareness. Substance abuse in American society is a significant problem. Immaculate Conception Catholic School strongly supports preventive education--which begins at home and is reinforced at school. Immaculate Conception Catholic School considers the use, distribution, or sale of tobacco, drugs, alcohol or any other legally controlled substance on campus, at school functions, or at a time and place involving Immaculate Conception Catholic School as a very serious offense and may result in dismissal. If an Immaculate Conception Catholic School student is involved, the Principal will:</p><p> contact parent(s)/guardian, suspend the student, conduct an investigation and determine further disciplinary actions and support which may range from probation to suspension or dismissal.</p><p>Weapons</p><p>No student or non-student, including adults and visitors, shall possess, use or distribute a weapon when in a school location. Immaculate Conception Catholic School will act to enforce this policy and to discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, school employee, volunteer, or member of the public who violates this policy.</p><p>INTERNET PERMISSION</p><p>All students in Pre-K – 8 must have written parental consent to access the Internet. Should you decide that you do not want your child to access the Internet at school, you will have to notify the school and that notice will be placed in the permanent record. </p><p>The universal nature of the Internet makes it necessary to use care when identifying students on individual school and system websites. Unless a parent objects in writing to the principal the Immaculate Conception Catholic School may periodically acknowledge student work, activities, and/or achievements on its website. Such information about your child will be limited to photographs, student’s first name, school, grade level, and/or student work. </p><p>LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT</p><p>The administration of Immaculate Conception Catholic School reserves the right to contact local law enforcement at any time to maintain the safety and security of the school and its students. </p><p>LUNCH</p><p>Immaculate Conception Catholic School partners with a local chef and restaurateur, Sandi Watkins, to provide a nutritious, well-balanced, hot lunch on Monday through Thursday each week . All meals must be pre-purchased before the 1st of each month. We will not be able accommodate orders placed after the deadline each month. There are no refunds or credits for meals purchased through Sandi Watkins. Students will need to bring a lunch from home on Fridays. </p><p>MEDIA CENTER 6210 POLICY: Media centers in elementary and secondary schools shall conform to accreditation standards for media centers.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: The Immaculate Conception Media Center serves the school by providing services and materials that provide information, enrich the curriculum, and promote a lifetime passion for reading for information and enjoyment. Students have access to a wide variety of magazines, reference materials, picture books, fiction and non-fiction, representing various tastes, points of view, and reading levels. Materials are selected using respected selection sources on the basis of favorable reviews by today’s educational experts, and by teacher recommendations. </p><p>Care of media center books and materials is, of course, expected. Students are responsible for books checked out of the Media Center. Just as with textbooks, students must pay a repair fee for damaged books or the replacement cost of a lost book. Since our school Media Center must supply books for ages 4-15 with a wide variety of reading and maturity levels and interests, not every book may be appropriate for every child. If your child ever checks out a book that you as the parent do not feel is appropriate for him/her, simply have your child return it and choose something else. </p><p>If you give permission for your child to check out books from the Richmond County Public Library, please note that any lost or damaged books checked out by your child will be the responsibility of the parents.</p><p>MEDICATION 5070 POLICY: Medications, including over the counter, may be dispensed at school with written permission from the parent or guardian.</p><p>School Procedure: The school must be aware of any medical problems a student may have and/or any special medication the student may be taking. Parents are required to so inform the administration. Such information will be kept on the student’s general health record and will be kept in confidence. If the nature of the problem dictates, however, the student’s classroom teachers will be so informed by the principal. If a student becomes ill at school, the school will first call the parents. If the parents are not available, those persons listed on the Emergency Information Sheet will be called. If the illness, accident, injury or other medical emergency is determined to be serious, the doctor listed on the Emergency Information Card will be notified. The student may be taken by the administration or EMS personnel to an appropriate hospital’s Emergency Room. The parent will be notified as soon as possible. If a child requires medication (prescription or nonprescription) the following procedures will be followed:</p><p>1. All medications must be kept in the nurse’s office and administered by school employees only. 2. A Request to Administer Medication form must be on file in the nurse’s office. A form may be picked up in the nurse’s office or sent home with a student upon request by the parent. 3. Medication must be given immediately to the teacher or brought directly to the nurse’s office. It must be in the original container appropriately labeled, stating the student’s name, and the physician’s name. All medication must be picked up by the parent. It cannot be sent home with the student.</p><p>NEWSLETTER</p><p>A school newsletter, The ICCS News, will be sent home at the beginning of each month with a monthly school calendar. </p><p>NOTES</p><p>Permission plays an important role in the lives of children. Freedom is necessary to independent living but freedom encompasses restrictions and responsibilities. Therefore, notes are required from parents in the following situations: 1. After every absence 2. In case of tardiness 3. To request early or special dismissal 4. To excuse a child from P.E. 5. In answer to messages sent to the parent 6. To allow a child to go on a field trip 7. To explain an emergency when a child comes out of uniform</p><p>PARENT and STUDENT RESPONSIBLITY </p><p>RESPONSIBILITY: PARENT AND STUDENT The Parent</p><p>1. Parents have the God given natural right to educate their children. “Since parents have conferred life on their children, they have a most solemn obligation to educate their offspring. Hence parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children. Their role as educators is so decisive that scarcely anything can compensate for their failure. For it devolves on parents to create a family atmosphere so animated with love and reverence for God and man that a well rounded personal and social development will be fostered among the children.” (Vatican II, “Declaration of Christian Education”). (1) Divorced parents must file the custody section of the divorce decree with the child’s records.</p><p>(2) Non-custodial parents do have access to school information, report cards, etc.</p><p>2. The Vatican II Council further stresses that parents should support and cooperate with the Catholic schools whenever and wherever possible. Verbal abuse or harassment of any school employee, on or off school property, will not be tolerated. Failure of parents to cooperate with this regulation is grounds for a student’s dismissal from school. (1) Parents should weigh seriously their obligation to raise their children in an atmosphere of love and respect for God and man. The home is the source of education in the virtues essential to any meaningful culture. Respect for human dignity, prayer, and acknowledgment of authority are essential for Christian citizenship.</p><p>(2) Parents should train their children in community worship through family prayer, family participation in the Eucharistic celebration of the parish and reception of the sacraments.</p><p>(3) Parents should participate in the building of the community and service of their parish and town.</p><p>(4) Parents should undertake continuing education that will help them understand the approach, content, and methods of contemporary religious education.</p><p>3. The school has a right to expect that all parents will... (1) See that students are present in the classroom on time.</p><p>NOTES ARE REQUIRED IF TARDY.</p><p>(2) Call the school office by 9:00 AM if their child will be absent.</p><p>NOTES ARE REQUIRED IF ABSENT.</p><p>(3) Send their child to school physically fit by taking care that he or she has sufficient sleep, is healthy, clean, and properly dressed, and is provided with a well-balanced diet.</p><p>(4) Assist the child in his or her development by cooperating with the school’s scholastic program, by participating in parent/teacher conferences, which shall occasionally include the child, by discussing the “ICCS Newswletter” updates at home with the child, by aiding with homework when help is needed, by providing the proper atmosphere for study, and by cooperating with the school in matters of activities, recreation, and discipline.</p><p>(5) Try to discover, through supervision and companionship, their child’s special interests and talents so they may be developed by parents and teachers working together.</p><p>(6) Instill in the child a respect for authority so that the instruction will be obeyed promptly and cheerfully. Children should be taught to look upon all teachers and school staff members as representatives of their parents.</p><p>(7) See that reading materials brought from home reflect Catholic moral principles and respect for authority.</p><p>(8) Take a responsible attitude toward the material support and care of the school.</p><p>(9) RETURN SIGNED FORMS TO THE OFFICE BY THE END OF THE FIRST FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL.</p><p>(10) Take an active role in the school through volunteer service for the enrichment and betterment of the school.</p><p>(11) Avoid checking students out except for absolute necessities, i.e. – medical appointments. Checking students out for lunch is not allowed. 4. The out-of-school activities of pupils are primarily the responsibility of the parents. Parental supervision (legal guardian) is required at out-of-school activities, especially sports activities. Only exception – team members & cheerleaders. STUDENT SPECTATORS AT GAMES MUST HAVE AN ADULT WITH THEM. However, these activities are the concern of school authorities inasmuch as they affect the work and attitudes of students. School faculties and parents of students should strive for cooperation regarding social and recreational activities. Only those students participating in Immaculate Conception Catholic School related sports/activities and those in our After School program have permission to change out of their uniforms. Regular dismissal procedures must be adhered to unless the student is an athlete.</p><p>5. Failure of parents to cooperate with school regulations is grounds for a student’s dismissal from school. The Student</p><p>The student is in school to learn, to be formed and informed, to grow in faith, hope, and love. Their intellectual faculties shall be developed in school and their spiritual life shall be strengthened. Children who attend Catholic school shall be recognized by their courtesy. This includes, but is not limited to greeting visitors with ease, making introductions properly, the use of good manners, proper respect for faculty and staff at all times, deference to other people and thoughtful consideration for</p><p>PARENT VOLUNTEERS</p><p>We welcome parents who wish to volunteer to help in our school. If you would like to take advantage of this unique opportunity to be of service, please contact the principal or your child’s teacher. Please remember that all adults, even parent volunteers, must first report to the office prior to going to a classroom. All volunteers must have received parent volunteer training including child abuse VIRTUS training and a criminal background check prior to volunteering in the school. Only trained parent volunteers are allowed in classrooms. This is a mandatory requirement of the Diocese of Savannah. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. VIRTUS is a free training offered through the Diocese of Savannah. Volunteer background checks will be charged a $10 processing fee due at time of application. </p><p>PARTIES & STUDENT BIRTHDAYS</p><p>The school will have classroom parties to celebrate the following Catholic Holidays only: All Saints Day 10/30, Christmas 12/19, Valentine’s Day 2/13, and Easter 4/2. It is imperative that instructional time is protected. Birthday Celebrations: Invitations brought to school must be distributed to the entire class or all girls/boys. These guidelines must be followed or invitations will be returned. If you wish to send small birthday treats for each student, please receive prior approval from the teacher. Birthday treats will be passed out at lunch time and must be packaged individually for ease of distribution. Balloons and flowers sent to the student cannot be accepted. We request your support in all these matters in order to prevent any child from being excluded. </p><p>PLACEMENT 5050 POLICY: The principal, after consultation with the parents and teacher(s), will be responsible for making the final decision on the placement of a student. The secondary school (High Schools) will develop and publish written policies and regulations for student placement, course credits, and graduation requirements. Students and parents should be made aware of and understand both policy and regulations. SCHOOL PROCEDURES: Students will be placed in the proper grade according to their age. Any grade other than pre-k through first will be determined by school records of promotion/placement from the previous school. Any parent requesting a placement other than prescribed herein must present that request to the principal in writing, within 10 days of the first day of enrollment. The principal will evaluate the request using all available information and make the final decision regarding placement. </p><p>PROMOTION/RETENTION 6130 POLICY:</p><p>A student shall be considered for promotion if the following standards are met: Kindergarten (1) Mastery of reading readiness skills and math skills. </p><p>(2) Regular attendance/less than ten absences per semester. Primary (1) Mastery of reading and math skills at the assigned grade level. </p><p>(2) Regular attendance/less than ten absences per semester. Middle (1) A passing final grade in all major subjects</p><p>(2) Regular attendance/less than ten absences per semester A student may be retained once in kindergarten through third grade and once in fourth through eighth grade.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: </p><p>A student will be considered for promotion only if the following standards are met:</p><p>1. Mastery of reading readiness skills and math skills for kindergarten. 2. Mastery of reading and math skills as evidenced by passing final grades in all major subjects at the assigned grade level for grades 1-8. A student may be retained once in kindergarten through third grade and once in fourth through eighth grade. </p><p>PUPIL RECORDS 5150 POLICY: Student records are confidential and will be open only to members of the professional staff, custodial parent or guardian, or to the student upon request.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE:</p><p>All pupil cumulative records will be kept in the office. Parents may request to see their child’s records through an appointment with the Principal. If copies of records will be needed, please allow seven days for records to be processed. </p><p>REGISTRATION 5030 POLICY: Each school in the Diocese will have its own particular regulations regarding placement, parish involvement, and payment of tuition and fees. These regulations shall be on file in the Catholic Schools Office, and adhered to for all applicants.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Parents need to bring the completed Georgia three-point screening form 3300 (eye, ear, dental), the Georgia Immunization form 3231, social security card, birth certificate, and proof of residence (i.e., utility bill registered in parent’s name). The last report card and name and address of the previous school are essential. If adequate academic records are not available for evaluation of academic placement, students will be required to take an assessment test. A fee for this assessment of $25 is required. Upon review of all records and/or interview with past school officials, the principal will make the final determination for admission. </p><p>Kindergarten Registration: Children are eligible for enrollment in Kindergarten if they have reached their fifth birthday by September 1st. Parents need to bring the above documents to register a child </p><p>First Grade Registration: Children are eligible for enrollment in First Grade if they have reached their sixth birthday by September 1st. </p><p>REGISTRATION AND FEES (NON-REFUNDABLE) $450.00 REGISTRATION- ALL GRADES $200.00 REGISTRATION-EACH ADDITIONAL CHILD $200.00 ACTIVITY/DEVELOPMENT FEE PER FAMILY</p><p>Each student will only receive one discount off of his/her tuition rate. The school will always apply the higher discount. Discounts available include: multi-child discounts and military discounts.</p><p>RELIGIOUS AND PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE 5260 POLICY: School personnel in the diocesan schools are urged to recognize in their programs those religious and patriotic/civic observances regarded as significant by the Church and the local community. The flag of the United States of America should be displayed within and outside the school building.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: The flag of the United States is on display outside of the school as well as in each classroom. A crucifix and a statue of Mary are also on display in each classroom. Immaculate Conception Catholic School will be participating in Catholic not secular observances:</p><p> Hispanic Catholic History Month: September-October</p><p> African-American Catholic History Month: November</p><p> Catholic Social Justice-February</p><p>Sacramental Program</p><p>The sacramental program at Immaculate Conception Catholic School is part of the total parish program and requires parent participation. The grade for sacrament reception is First Reconciliation & First Communion-Grade 2.</p><p>Religious Activities</p><p>The religious formation of students and faculty involves more than the formal classes in Catholic doctrine. Both are given opportunities to practice their faith. Students of other faiths are expected to attend and participate in all religious activities that are held for the Immaculate Conception Catholic School/Most Holy Trinity community. Among these activities are:</p><p>(1) Communal prayer three times daily. (2) The celebration of the Eucharist by the entire Immaculate Conception Community every Thursday and on special, specified Holiday days.</p><p>(3) Penance services during Advent and Lent.</p><p>(4) Numerous opportunities to serve in love the less fortunate members of the Augusta community.</p><p>REPORTING CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT/VIRTUS 5230 POLICY: All teaching and support staff are required by state law to report any suspected child abuse or neglect. The educator’s role is not to investigate or verify the situation but to report the suspected abuse, setting in motion the process of getting help for the child. SCHOOL PROCEDURE: </p><p>All faculty, staff, parents volunteering at the school, and other employees of the diocese, church, or school will be required to undergo the following:</p><p> A criminal background check Virtus child safety program Any person who has reasonable suspicion that a child has been the victim of child abuse will immediately make a report to the principal or pastor. The principal will evaluate the information available and make reports to the proper authorities. </p><p>REQUESTS FOR REPORT CARD COPIES, TEST SCORES, MAGNET SCHOOL RECOMMENDATIONS, OR OTHER SCHOOL FORMS/INPUT</p><p>Parents or guardians requesting any type of documentation or form to be filled out/copied/processed by the school must give the school at least 7 days to complete the request. No requests will be completed unless the family’s accounts are current with the school. </p><p>SCHOOL HOURS 6020 POLICY: The length of the school day should be set in such a manner that is not less than state and/or accrediting agency requirements and shall be set to meet all curriculum needs. </p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: </p><p>School hours are from 8:15 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. Students will be allowed to enter the building beginning at 8:00a.m. each morning. Students should be dropped off no later than 8:12 a.m. in order to be in their classroom on time. When a child comes to school late (after the 8:15 a.m. bell), a parent must sign the child in at the office. Picture identification will be required of all adults signing children out early.</p><p>Students not picked up by 3:30p.m.will be placed in afterschool and a fee will be charged to the family. </p><p>SCHOOL SPONSORED CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS 6200 POLICY: Co-curricular activities afford students the opportunity to develop interests, to enhance socialization and to provide activities for enrichment. Where feasible, a variety of co-curricular activities, suitable to the age and needs of the students, will be offered. SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Immaculate Conception hosts a variety of clubs and athletic team sports for students to participate in during the school year.. Information regarding clubs/sports will be sent home as it becomes available. </p><p>Eligibility for participation in sports and activities: Grades 4-8</p><p>1. Current physical on file 2. Passing grades in 6 out of 7 subjects at time of progress reports and report cards 3. In good disciplinary standing 4. Current with the business office on all tuition and fees Under usual conditions and as per the Principal’s and Athletic Director’s discernment, a student not present in school will not participate in a sport or extracurricular activity that day. If a child is suspended from class, that student is not permitted to participate in sports or extracurricular activities during the suspension. </p><p>SEARCH AND SEIZURE 5170 POLICY: Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Savannah will comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Final Rule on Educational Records, Public Law 93-308 as modified by SB 105, Article 5, Privacy of Pupil Records, which reads: Police Officers, upon the authority of a search warrant, may make a search of that part of the school premises described in the search warrant, and school officials should cooperate in performing such a service. Every effort shall be made to conduct searches in a manner that will minimize a disruption of the normal school routine, and minimize embarrassment to the pupil(s) affected. School officials may at any time conduct such searches as are essential to the safety, health, and well being of the students, and to secure discipline and sound administration of the particular school.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: All lockers/desks, which are provided for the student’s use, are the property of the school and may be searched without the user’s consent if there is reasonable cause to do so. Conversely, however, neither a student’s person nor his/her personal property, i.e. purse, book bag, etc. may be legally searched. If there is reasonable cause to suspect the need for such a search, the student will be asked to make the contents of his/her personal property known by emptying same in the presence of administration. Should the student refuse to do so, the parents will be contacted for support. If the latter refuse to cooperate in this “search,” the student will be required to withdraw from school.</p><p>STUDENT RELEASE DURING SCHOOL DAY</p><p>Immaculate Conception shall not release students to individuals other than custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) without written permission except in emergency situations whereby the Principal at his/her discretion may release the student upon verbal request of the custodial parent. It is the responsibility of the custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) to notify the school when their child will be picked up by anyone other than those on file in the child’s record. Anyone signing out a student must present picture identification. This requirement is necessary for the safety of our students. Students cannot be checked out of classrooms until the person checking them out arrives on campus. </p><p>TEXTBOOKS/LIBRARY BOOKS 6040 POLICY: Books and instructional materials for Religious Education and Sacramental programs must be approved by the Diocese of Savannah. Instructional materials for other disciplines will be selected by the individual school administrator(s). The selection shall be consistent with the philosophy of instruction and in accordance with the regulations from the Catholic Schools Office. SCHOOL PROCEDURE: </p><p>Textbooks and instructional materials are chosen based on their relevance to our curriculum, input from the faculty and approval from the Diocese of Savannah. Hardback textbooks are issued to each student by the teachers, in the appropriate grade levels. At the end of the year the teacher will examine these, and if at this time the student has so misused a book, he will be required to pay for it. Any time a book is lost, the student must pay for it before another book may be issued to him. To ensure proper care of books, each student is responsible for having books covered by the second week of school. Book bags are required for all students. Textbooks (hard and soft cover) must be covered and kept in good condition. DO NOT USE CONTACT PAPER ON HARD COVER BOOKS. Cloth book covers are not allowed for hard cover books, as they ruin the binding on the books. Students are required to bring proper books to each class.</p><p>TRANSPORTATION CHANGES</p><p>When transportation arrangements are altered, please notify the office through a note. When transportation changes are altered during the school day, parents must fax a written request to the school along with a copy of a photo ID. Transportation changes should be requested prior to 2:45 p.m.</p><p>No student will be permitted to ride in a private vehicle without written consent of the student’s parent. NO VERBAL PERMISSION for private transportation will be approved. </p><p>TUITION/FEES/PAYMENT 5030 POLICY: Each school in the Diocese will have its own particular regulations regarding placement, parish involvement, and payment of tuition and fees. These regulations shall be on file in the Catholic Schools Office, and adhered to for all applicants.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE:</p><p>Tuition policies and rates are set annually by the School Advisory Board. Immaculate Conception Catholic School offers two types of tuition rates: a Catholic rate and a Non-Catholic rate. Parents or legal guardians of ICCS students requesting the Catholic rate must provide the school with a letter from their Pastor on church letterhead that acknowledges their active parishioner status. Letters are due to the school office by August 30th of each year. </p><p>Tuition/Fees must be paid by the 1st day of each month. A late charge of $50 will be assessed per student for payments not received by the 5th of each month. </p><p>Payments still not received by the 15th of the month will result in a letter being sent by the school to the parent(s) in an effort to rectify the nonpayment situation. </p><p>Tuition/fees not paid in full by the end of the month will result in forfeiture of all prior paid fees and disenrollment from the school. </p><p>ALL MONTHLY TUITION PAYMENTS MUST BE IN THE FORM OF CASH, CERTIFIED BANK CHECK, AUTOMATIC BANK DRAFT, CREDIT CARD, OR POSTAL MONEY ORDER- NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR MONTHLY TUITION PAYMENTS. Any returned checks will be assessed an additional $35 fee and will result in all further monetary transactions for the family being in the form of a certified bank check, postal money order, cash and/or credit card. </p><p>Parents must understand that as a requisite of enrollment a tuition agreement must be signed and kept on file by the school. By agreeing to pay tuition to the school, parents understand that Immaculate Conception Catholic School will be entitled to recover from parents its reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in enforcing the tuition agreement, in the amount of fifteen percent (15%) of all outstanding principal and interest then due and payable, in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11.</p><p>All tuition and fees paid to the school are nonrefundable. </p><p>VISITORS 6070 POLICY: Parents, guardians, agents, and others having legitimate business with the school shall be informed to make appointments at a mutually convenient time so classes will not be interrupted.</p><p>SCHOOL PROCEDURE: Parents and visitors are always welcome at Immaculate Conception Catholic School. We do ask all parents, visitors, and guests to sign in at the office. Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their children. However, they must remain in the cafeteria area. Parents are not allowed in classrooms during instructional time unless they have made prior arrangements with the teacher. We do not allow unannounced drop-in visits for both student safety and student confidentiality reasons. No one is allowed to visit areas inside the school building without approval from the administration. Parents are not allowed in hallways between 8:15 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. without permission from the office. This is very important so that instructional time is protected, as well as for security reasons. We must make sure that all students are safe while at school. </p><p>WALKERS</p><p>We discourage students from walking to and from school because of traffic and safety. It is preferred that all students ride in a car. Any issues concerning transportation and walking to school must be discussed with the principal. Any student walking to/from school must have approval from the principal.</p><p>WITHDRAWAL</p><p>Parents should notify their child’s teacher and the school office at least one day before the day of withdrawal from Immaculate Conception Catholic School. </p>
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