Mj5 N 6%O DAKTON NIES IL 60714 District207 bans smoking in schools Nues man sentenced ByTracey Berk bank The Maine Township High are present or school is in ses- a punishment for those disobey- for robbing MG. ByTracey Berk School District 207 adopd a s'oli," ing the new policy policy SepL 7 that will put a ban The new policy, which goes A Nues man was recently sen- 8745 Waukegan, Morton Grove, on smokingthroughout disUlcLinto effect Oct. 1, applies to all "We didn't discuss that at the tenced to 35 years injail for rob- in which investigators said aguo- meeting." he said, "But we will schoolS. studente, employees and visitors :binga Morton Grovebank in Jan- man, using asemi.autOmatic pis- come to a decision before the cf- The policy was unanimouslyon school property. Previously, easy. toi, mude off with $1,548ma approved with noopposition by a employees and adults had desig- fectivedate. Raymond Burback, 57, 7538 btack,diawstl'mg thoppingbag. 7-0 VOLe and slates.Smoking natedareas to "light up." "Park Ridge has an ordinance Waukegan Road, was aerested in BarbackorigiflatlyPleed not and any uso of tobacco producis Maine Township DisLrict 207thatprovides up ta a$100 fine for bis Niles home Peb. 8 in connec- guilty to the charges inMarch, a possible os Districtproperly is prohibited, Snperintcndent Dr, James Elliottsmoking. sothat's tian with the Jan. 29 robbery ofbut changed his plea to guiltyin regardless of whether studente said the Board had not decided oncourseofaction." -the Savings of America Bank. Continued on l'age 34 New cIassification P-1, encompasses publicly owned property Nileszoners re-classify B746 N.Shern!erRoad, Wiles, WiflOisß0114 -(708) 966-3900 SnPTItMHER l5.I994 publicr- land : ByTraceyllerk : offlcsàodforcntpres8rkn:. Chma bérsiO offer irJigbiegirstcodechangelflfiVe Fòrestpreseeveu.whíchwillhc aiitsmoeúngonday oes- FrOm Ih '," ,'",' .,.,"-.,,.-...-,, .-.. bUsiness semiflars :'i'heBotird voledA-O in favorhitvei'eendeiving. .. The Skok Nileri and Miuton.p.10,CoytofjbesciisinarisSl45 of adapting amendments pro- "When you hear R-1 (residen- LefL Grirve Chau,bers;arejoining..to-firrnelfl60SthldSt954Otyfltl po'etf h? Director of Code En tial)you think single family getiser to prescqt aseries of basi- memlsers'andwill include acoiili- Iorccment Todd Bavaro which homes Bavaronaid But every ness seminars tohdparea brisi- ncncilhreakfatt.lunch and male- . and isclìtdedtheclassificatitinof thing:we annex comes in at R-1 nessesdeSI with changes facing riais. Public Lead uses, because it'soar moat resleiclivo everyday operations, Almost every business deals "The main thrust of this move -disleict." We bave two letters this The first seminar is a "Human-withiuterviewing. Itiring and pro- is to clean up some of the Ian- Bavaro said P-t muas limited as. With the weekintheLettersToThcted- Resources Law Symposium" on inoling of employees gnage (in tise code enforcementR-1 and thatany saleorchangeof itor page from educators in Wednesday, Sept. 21. This sensi- changes in lire laws concerning hook)," Bavaro said. "TopaI it in p-t classified land would have to School District 63. They're in llar will cover recent develop- the Americans with Disabilities oneclsapter, ifyou will." begrantedby theZoningBoard. response to past weeks' Left mei:is in eiiiptoyiurnt law acid Act, EEOC, cte. managers are --.The new classification. P-1 The Plan Commission also left Hand columns concerning that how to cøinpty with thechimgcs. faced with amuch more chatleñg-- Public Land District,is designed . -- as - always controversial item district's approving about $11 Management praetices,seltion. iligjòbthanin the post, "Inter- to provide group publicly owned open far individual discussion of and ptacenseut of applicants and million in bonds. viewing: iispowerntentor Ea- land within the Village including cachease. compeissaLios and benefits witt trayaient-Ire Managers?" will be- schools,golfcourses,paeks,play- The Board amended au ordi- _We're always pienseal to get he examined. This alt-day semi- the tapie covered ir the second -gronads, community centers, fire nance to state, "The number of tetters. Whetherthey're liar will be hehl atthe Holiday Inn seislinar of the series. Learn how stations, libraries, public officeparking spaces shall be deter. North Shore. 5300 Touhy Ave- ---"You're a cnr, Sir" letters or to get information without asking buildings like Village Hall, postmined by the Plan Commission - nue, Skokie, from 8:30 am. to 4 Continued sin Page 34 moregentte ones, we feel the based upon the characteristics of community's input into wirst is lhepublie use." written in The Bugte makes - - VV- -- --" We are no going to provide a Cha ber ofCo erce. oureffortworthwhite specific number ofparking spae- es," said Zoning Board chairman White we often respond to Joseph Salerno, "That will cive lctters -with editor's rebuttals as the authority to eeview what is we've refrained from such ac- coming in for that particular use tion this week. We've had oar and determine the number of say. We think its important spaces needed for each individual letter writers should give their building." opinions- without an editor The ameudmeetsalsoset having the last word. Weve guideliaes foryaed widths andin- often thought when a newspa- eluded an amendment that will per constantly has "the last put 20 feet of distance between irord" ona subject. it discou- eesideatial homes and public use - rages others from submitting buildings. - thrirthoughts "ff1 live in aresideutiat district- witha4ø footyard," Salernosaid, - Don'tbeginto think The "And my rear-lot line coincides Eugleisgetlingnoftinils older withaeearlot lineofapublic laed ike.Our eating humble pie use building, there mast be a 20 may have a ulterior motive, faotyardbetweea my rearlot lise We would like readers to re- and the buildiag. Therefore, there spondto this weete's letters will be 60 feet between my home and thevillageslructure." We've been getting an mor- After the Board approved the diurne amount of telephone changes, Salerno went through calls and anonymous letter Continued on Page 34 correspondence (uussignrd let- 1ers am never published) from residents concerned about in- $EIoR creased tases and particularly SEASONS aboutsalary hikesin the public Pictured wilh Nibs Mayor Nicholas B. Blase (left), areExecutive Director of the NiTos Chamber cf sector, Last week we received Commerce Denise McCreety and VillageTrasteo Tom BondL At the August Village Board Meeting, one letter from alady who not- MayorBlaseprOclaimedthe weekofSept. 18-24 as ChamberofCommerceWeek. Çonttnued on Page 34 PÁGE2 THE BUGLF,TIIURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 15, 094 0cc offersadult Edticat ion BallrOOm . - ThESIJGI.e, ThURSDAY,IEFrEMBER 15, 1994 PAGE 3 and Travelprograms Dancing s froy New V;p.--named Oakton College is Ballroom Dancing is on Fn- . ICCvòtes in favor offering a refreshing Galapagos Islands& Ecuador, In- day,Sept. 3Oat2p.m.attheNilea Joseph Sandman has been alternativedonesia, I(enya s. Township's ForYou to the standard ravel andMoroco. SeniorCenter. Well providecas- named vice presidenl, develop- package In- Spring 1995 ment, for Loyola Uuivennily Cisl- eluding trips to China,helead, programs will besottes of ballroom mssic and!e- by of the suburbs Greece Tnekey and to Belize, Bermuda, ChinaCostafseshmentu. Cost is 50g. Regi NILES SENIOR CENTEÍ ÏGISTLtTiÓÑ cago, effective Oct. 3, announced Suburbaneleelricityusera the subseban franchise fee is only the Galapa-Rica, Egypt, Galapagos s- 4 Rev. John J. Pidenit, SJ., presi- gos Islands. Islands teatinaisrequired. WeC The Nuca Senior center is wnrevietoriousrecmnfly, as the Il- .5 percent of gnom receipts. The & Ecnador, Greece, open to resicients of the ViPag of: Mark Thompson dentofLesyota. 'The emphasis ison Ieaenmg, Indonesia, planning an afternoon of "fu; : Niles, age 62 andover and their younger upouses, linon Commence Commissionresult, is u suburban subsidy of lreland,Morocco and Tnrkey. rated in obtaining Sonjs,,inter.: Maine Township lu his uew post, Sandman will (ICC) voted 6-I lo end wish opporunisies forfirsthand dancing. Comeandjoinus. additional senior centermformadon uhould. Supervisor a long. oven $33 million dollars to the ndncalioss ahont foreign These travel/stndyIones range Some people seem to believe he responsible for the planning standing inequity in Common-Cily of Chicago, conn-from $2,000 that residente ofNiles, Motion and administration of tries, their callare andcnstoms lo $5,000 and in- . ter is locatedat 8060 Oakton Street :e Grove, Park Ridge, Des Plaines, compre- wealth Edison electricity billing. "The resideuts of Chicago cludemeajs, firstclass Men's Club trip. Gleuview and Rosemontdepend henaivedevelopmnnvfundmais The decision means Cora Ed through on-site lectnres,semi- acconsino- e ononly their municipaj will should pay their fair share of the nars antI field experiences," dations, uniqne learningeuperi-to Marriott STAMPCLUIj e governments for any kind of local helpor ing and alumni relationspro- no longer recoven franchise costs franchise agreement, just as the eu-ences and air fare from the services, Theynayit's onlypeoplewholive in unincorporated grams for the entire university. from all electricity plainodpatriciaHunthel, director Iones' ::The Stamp Club is currently lookingfor new members. areas usera in the suburban residents pay theirs," deparwnsciins See whohaveanyneason tonsetownshipgovemment - He will alsowonkclosely with the mnlropolitian area. Instead, fran. ofcollegerelations asøakton. Lincolnshire Oleksy ifinteiested. However,
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