MOBBUH»*!J Cuusifj'll fiir Market fUr, Ml Use News of BED BANE DepartM' nt— and Surrounding Towns Whore Hi') tit ll< r I'iiitl Told Fearlessly and Without Bias. lbs tstijtir. d Weekly, Entered ao Second-Class Matter at the Vott- Subscription Trice: One Year 31.50 VOLUME LV, NO. 48. nt Red Bank, N. J.. under ths Act <ft March 3, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1933. Six Months 51.00. Singlo Copy 4c. PAGES 1 TO !;•:. BOAT CLUB OPENING. "Blossom Time" Church Filled SEWER BONUS HKT1RE1). Organizations to Seven Planes in Way lira' liaat Vlub to KUtgp Vaude- Water Department Harrows ville Numbers Saturday Night. at May Crowning from Merchants Trust Company, Visit .Cemeteries Aero Club Tour at Fair Haven At the official opening of the La.it week the mayor ami council Players' Boat, cluh of Fair Haven Operetta to be Presented After- Impressive Services Held Sunday of Red Bank borrowed $K»,00o from Grand Army, Sons of Union Secly B. Tutliill Reports TaxCol. Chorles C, Dow Has Hisf.'fiturday night there ivil! he special the Merchants Tniiit company to re- Pilots and Guests Visit at Trcn* CollcclionB Are Exceptionally House Made Over as a Resi- vaudcvilln numbers given by mem- noon and Evening of June 9 j Night at St. James's Church tiro bonds whirh had born i:-;-urd In Veterans and Auxiliary to (on, Camdcn and Atlantic City; dence for Hi» Bride and Him- bora of the National Vaudeville Ar- by Pupils of the Red Bank | by the Sodality—Twenty-Five build the municipal KCVV«EI' di;;p(l;.al Decorate Graves and Hold —Sergeant OsrowiU the New Good—Fire Hydrants Tested tliits, in addition to the vaudeville plant. The note will be paid by the —Library Growing. self. program to be put on by cluh mem- Catholic High School. I New Members. water department and it wan made Memorial Services. Announcer. Col. Charles Choatc Dow has just bers. Reservations are being re- The cast has been delected for the The annual May| crowning of thein anticipation nf receipts from uw .Members of (he* CJraml Army, (he Undcv ideal flying unmlitioiu- acven At Monday night's meeting of.the ceived which assure- n. social and service and from t he fialr: of Fair Haven mayor and council See- finished making a number of Im- operetta, "Blossom Time," to be Illf:-(•-<] Virgin by the Young Ladies' .Son:, of Union Veteran:! find the .Sons planes piloted iiy members of thft IU<1 provements to his residence at his financial ahecflss. given Friday afternoon and night, sodality look placr. Sunday evening water. This action would not. have of Union Vctciann auxiliary of Red Hank Aero cluh took part in tlio air . ly B. Tuthllli chairman at the finance been necessary, but for the fact that committee, reported that tax collec-Red Bank Manor development. This President Tony Hunting on Mon-June 9, by the pupils of tho IXed I at t St. James's church in the. presence Bank will journey to cemeteries in- tour on Sunday, which was upon* tions have boon exceptionally good property is In Middlctown township, day arranged to have, a group of Bank Catholic high school, In the I of •'< gathering which filled that odi- ovo rJIS.OOO is in thn Broad .Street, j outlying districts next. Sunday to sored by ihe local organization. Tlwfc and that nulllcicnt money was onnear Red Bank, and it has largeNational Vaudeville Artists appear achonl auditorium. The show is | flee. The elevated shrine of OurNational bank, which ban bcrn rioted decorate thn graves of Civil war vet-much interest WIIH laken in thn flight band to pay all bllla and also to payfrontages on the Shrewsbury river, at the club each Saturday night based on the life of Franz Schubert, 'SM-cl Lady was transformed into since the banking holiday was de-erans. JSnrvices will bn hold at the was iiliown by the crowds that wH* what Is duo the board of education West Front street and the. Half-MHo throughout the season. Features the composer, and some of the hita beautiful setting of fragrant spring clared March 4. Colt'fi Nock and Holmdel cemeteries. corned the planer, at each of thq up to July 1. Ho Bald thlsf is theroad. It was owned for many years now being arranged wiil be n "Chin- numbers are ".Song" of Love," "Sere- blossoms. In addition to thp bond?; six The, thrrp'^roupn will hr. act.ivc all utoj}ij. Upon tho retuin tolled Hank, Ili-Bt year In the" live years ho hasby Mrs. Henry H. White and occu- ese Night" and a "Circus Night." At nade" and "Tell Me, Little Daisy." Tho .sermon was delivered by Rev.months' interest of $5,^00 on sewer day .Memorial day. In Ihe, morning Ihe pilots and their guests wera been aaooclatcd with municipal du- pied by Louis Soffel. the "Chinese Night." attraction there The pricipals aro George Coleman Sylvester Linebaek of Brooklyn, who bonda. will be paid, by the., depart- they will -visit. thr. iteiica at treated to dinner and a program of ties that the borough liaa operated On Thursday March 2, Col. Dowwill be a special vaudeville number nn Schubert, William Maloney as portrayed tho, life of Mary and cx-ment. It will not bo. ncce;-;-ary to j Shrewsbury and Lit iff1 Silver. At air events al. the airport. oh a cash btujifi during the ilrst. half took unto himself a hrido when he by Chinese urtiHtfi, and on "Circus Schobcr, Paul Reed an Kupehvciser, tollerl her virtue:-:. borrow for this purpose. noon i.hry auxiliary, whirh provides n The .schedule originally included of the year. Thin means a saving to was marked to Miss Mary Rcardon Nfght" there will be a professional Alfred Targonsky aa Von Schwind, Mi KS Veronica Ummons was new flnz cv.ciy year on Mottioiinl day live .slop;,, inn bociiwjc of a lair start the borough of money uaually paid of Now York by Rev. J. 13. McClos-troupe of ten Aral™. Mr. HuntingJoseph Coleman as Vogel, Robeit crownrr. Hhc was attired in a mod- for the pole, on iho. war memorial only Mcn:cr airport nt. Trenton, Ccn* in interest on borrowed money. koy, rector of St. James's church of proposes to have the vaudeville at- Davidson as Stlngle, Anton O'Sage ttbi. pearl white satin gown, with a plot on the borough 'Hn 11" protinds, | tra.1 airpoit at Camdcn and tho At* tractions at tho club thin season sur- Councilman Arthur B. Slcltlc3 re-Red Bank. Slnco that, time tho in- as Binder, Fred Carlsen aa Erck- long flowing tulle veil. Her attend-Seabright Wants will raise the. fbg with appropriate jhiniic City airport were visited. Thft terior of the house has been redec- pass anything that has heretofore mann, Benjamin Kiernan as Kranz, ant;; were Patricia Ryan and Eileen : exercises. plane:-, led by W. B. Harding, treaa- ported that a test has been made of been hcid there. 1 the five hydranta in the borough. Ho orated and otherwise Improved and Margaret Long as Mra. Kranz, Janet McNoiJ. Charles Paris was crown Bridge End Left At Iwn n'clock in thn aftfrnoon \ uvoi nt the lied Dank ahpurt, mads other changes have been made to Kridcl as Mltzi, Alene Patterson as bearer and Thomas Victory acted as ! :-ervir.es will be conduced in Fair j a wide swing to the west beforo • called attention to a hydrant at themodernize it. a t rain bearer. corner of River road and Lexington Kitzi, Margaret Kclsey aa Fritzi, Commissioners Say Short Sec- [View cemrtcry by the.'Jrand Army | landing at Alercer airport. After a avenue which has no auction outlet , Col. Dow for a number of years Doris Jonon as Greta, Eileen At- I'ho exfirci.HCH opened with a pro- | nn<\ Immediately afterward nervier:; I short :;tay at. Trenton thn iiianp« and cannot bo connected with a waB In tho United Statcn diplomatic Theater Season tridgo as LHa, Chester. Danowitz as •M'm * if tho members of Ihe sodal- tion is Needed to Enable Fire | will bo. f.-nndtictcri by (he auxiliary at. visited at Camdcn airport, llr.it mak- service and his duties required him thn prave of one of the deceased pumper, '{his hydrant Is on the a waiter, Joseph Thorpe as Scnarn- ity in white3 , led by Miss Bcrnadnttc Apparatus to Pump Water ing a Hight over a section of Penn- to bo. a globe trotter, During the Emmon , president, who was gowned j member,-;. At the conclusion of thc.'ie sylvania. An inspection of the Cam- line Installed by ned Bank borough to Open July 1j toff, Gladys VanNesa as Bellabruna, from the River. 7 and the matter will be taken upivith Spanish-American war lie served with Dorothy Lang as Mrs. Coburg, Mar- a blue lace dress and pink tur- service. : refreshments will be served den nirpmt and grounds wa.i mado Jamea N. Bunell, Bed Bank water the United States army in Cuba and garet Laurino as ROBI and Harry ban. Fourteen young women attired The .Seabright. commissioners Fri-jin Ihe auxiliary room in tho Clayton after which ihc planes hopped of lot? superintendent. It was then that he received the title Red Bank Players Will Present Coppcrthwaite as Novotny. flowered chiffon' dresses with yel- day nifcht. instructed Edward W & Magec .huiklin? Atlantic City. At Atlantic Cily tfcw Councilman Henry A. Krlcdlanderof colonel, having been commissioned High Class Performances in The first act, divided into four low turbans comprised the court of Wise, borouph attorney, to commun- Tomorrow night a can! party will oral of the touriatH, including Maft- to this office by the governor of Mis- choruses, has the following taking honor.
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