<p>Name: ______Period: ______</p><p>CA I Final Exam Fall 09 Review WORD</p><p>1.When using _word processing_ software such as Word, you can easily create and edit documents, such as letters and reports.</p><p>2.To start Word, click the Start button on the taskbar. Click All Programs on the Start menu, click _Microsoft Office_ on the submenu, and then click Microsoft Office Word 2007.</p><p>3.The _Quick Access toolbar_ contains buttons (icons) for three common commands, and you can add additional Toolbar buttons to it.</p><p>4.The _Insertion point_ shows where text will appear when you begin typing.</p><p>5.Press the Keyboard shortcut _Ctrl+right arrow_ to go to the beginning of the next word.</p><p>6.You can rename a folder by _right-clicking_ the folder, and then clicking Rename on the shortcut menu.</p><p>7.To close the document without exiting Word, click the Office Button, and then click _Close_.</p><p>8.The easiest way to change the Zoom percentage is to _drag the slider_.</p><p>9.Which document percentage below would make Amanda’s document the largest? 100%</p><p>10.To move to the beginning of the document, Sam should select the _Ctrl+Home_ keyboard shortcut.</p><p>11.If Sam wants to move to the previous line, he should press the _Up arrow_ key(s).</p><p>12.Text _blocks_ can be as small as one character or as large as an entire document.</p><p>13.A command that you use by turning a feature on or off is sometimes known as a _toggle_ command.</p><p>14.When you _cut_ selected text, it is removed from the document and placed on the Clipboard.</p><p>15.When you _copy_ selected text, it remains in its original location and a copy of it is placed on the Clipboard.</p><p>16.Once you have placed text on the Clipboard, you can then _paste_ into the document whatever is stored on the Clipboard.</p><p>17.Caitlyn would put the word “red” in the box labeled with the number _2_.</p><p>***THIS REVIEW MUST BE RETURNED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM 18.AutoCorrect corrects common capitalization, spelling, grammar, and typing errors as you type. AutoCorrect</p><p>19.To insert the current date into a document, on the Ribbon, click the Insert tab. Then, in the Text group, click the _Date & Time_ button.</p><p>20.With Automatic spell checking, a _Blue_, wavy underline indicates a word that might be misused.</p><p>21.The Spelling and Grammar dialog box option for grammar errors option called _Options_ opens the Proofing section in the Word Options dialog box to allow you to change default spelling and grammar check settings.</p><p>22.A _synonym_ is a word with a similar meaning for a word in your document.</p><p>23.The tilde over the n in some Spanish words is considered to be _a symbol_.</p><p>24.To insert a symbol, on the Ribbon, click the _Insert_ tab. Then, in the Symbols group, click the Symbol button. Commonly used symbols appear on the menu.</p><p>25.The Spelling and Grammar dialog box gave Sela the suggested spelling of “Employs.” What should Sela do next? Scroll down to the word “Employees”</p><p>26.If Sela wants to change this instance of the spelling of the word only, she would highlight the correct spelling she wants, and then press _Change_.</p><p>27.Gabriel wants to run through his document one last time, and wants to reset the spelling and grammar checker so that words he chose to ignore will be flagged again. Which option should he choose? Recheck document</p><p>28.If you are changing the format of a single paragraph, the insertion point must be located somewhere in that _paragraph_.</p><p>29.To increase or decrease the font size by small amounts, click the _Grow_ Font or Shrink Font buttons in the Font group on the Home tab or on the Mini toolbar.</p><p>30.You can change font size by using the Font Size box on the _Formatting_ toolbar or on the Mini toolbar.</p><p>31.The colors in the palettes all have names. You can see the names by pointing to each color to see its _ScreenTip_.</p><p>32.Some font effects are available in the _Font_ group on the Home tab, and others are available only in the Font dialog box.</p><p>33.When you are highlighting text, if no text is selected, the pointer changes to the Highlighter pointer, an I-beam pointer with a _marker_ on it, when you position it on top of text in the document.</p><p>***THIS REVIEW MUST BE RETURNED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM 34.The default style for text is the _Normal Quick_ Style.</p><p>35.To name your style and add it to the Quick Styles gallery, open the Quick Styles gallery, and then click _Save Selection as a New Quick Style_ on the menu at the bottom of the gallery.</p><p>36.Brad, first selects the text with the format he wants to copy, and then clicks the Format Painter Command. The pointer changes to a(n) _I-beam pointer with a paintbrush to its left_. </p><p>37.Left-aligned and _justified_ are the two most commonly used text alignments in documents.</p><p>38._Paragraph_ spacing is the amount of space between paragraphs. </p><p>39._Vertical alignment_ refers to positioning text between the top and bottom margins of a document.</p><p>40._Leaders_ are solid, dotted, or dashed lines that fill the blank space before a tab setting.</p><p>41.A _numbered_ list is useful when items appear sequentially, such as instructions.</p><p>42.Multilevel lists can contain bulleted items and numbered items in _the same list_.</p><p>43.In Outline view, you can type _topic headings_ and subheadings for a document.</p><p>44.If Genny chooses to select “Hanging” in the Special drop down menu, and leaves the entry next to it “By: 0.5” -- then first line of her paragraph _will not be indented, and the second line will be indented 0.5”_.</p><p>45.Columns are easy to create in Word. You click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, and then, in the _Page Setup_ group, click the Columns button. </p><p>46.You can specify the border _style_, for example, whether the border consists of a single or a double line, is thick or thin, or includes a shadow or a 3-D effect.</p><p>47.The term _clip art_ refers not only to drawn images, but also to photographs, movie clips, and sound files.</p><p>48.When you insert an object, it is inserted as a(n )_inline_ object in the text, which means it is treated as if it were a character in the line of text.</p><p>49.To change the object to a floating object that is positioned in a predetermined location on the page, click the Position button in the _Arrange_ group on the Format tab, and then click one of the options in the gallery under With Text Wrapping.</p><p>50._WordArt_ is stylized text that is treated as an object.</p><p>***THIS REVIEW MUST BE RETURNED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM 51. Now Cole wants to change the WordArt style, color, and outline color. How can he accomplish this task? Using the appropriate buttons in the WordArt Styles group on the Format tab</p><p>EXCEL </p><p>52.The name of each worksheet appears in the __Sheet tab__ at the bottom of the worksheet window.</p><p>53.Rows appear horizontally and are identified by numbers on the left side of the worksheet window.</p><p>54.The _Name Box___, or cell reference area located below the Ribbon, displays the cell reference of the active cell.</p><p>55.The range is identified by its range reference, which is the cell in its upper-left corner and the cell in its lower-right corner, separated by a _Colon___.</p><p>56.To edit the data directly in a cell, make the cell active and then press the _F2_ key or double-click the cell.</p><p>57.To clear the active cell, use the _Any of the above_.</p><p>58.The _Print_ dialog box enables you to select a printer, the number of copies to print, the parts of the worksheet to print, and the way the printed worksheet will look.</p><p>59.To switch to Print Preview, click _Preview_ in the Print dialog box.</p><p>60.You can close a workbook by clicking the Office Button to display the Office menu and clicking _Close_.</p><p>61.Dori knows that she has entered in an incorrect value of 4,231 in one of the cells and wants to find it. She would choose “cell contents” as her place to search in the _Within_ search option section.</p><p>62.Gavin is in the Preview group of the Print Preview tab. He wants to preview the next page of the worksheet. What should he do? Click the Next Page button</p><p>63.If you want to specify a precise column width, use the Column Width _dialog box_.</p><p>64.Unless you specify otherwise, numbers you enter in a cell are lined up along the _bottom-right_ side of the cell.</p><p>65.Horizontal alignments do NOT include _bottom_.</p><p>66.When you select the Merge & Center button, only the contents from the cell in the _upper-left_ corner of the range are kept. All other content is deleted from the worksheet. </p><p>***THIS REVIEW MUST BE RETURNED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM 67.To change the alignment of a cell, select the cell, and then click an alignment button in the Alignment group on the _Home__ tab of the Ribbon.</p><p>68.One way to see all the text stored in a cell is to wrap text. The _row height_ adjusts automatically to include additional lines until all the text is visible.</p><p>69.You can select a different theme for your workbook. Click the _Page Layout_ tab on the Ribbon. In the Themes group, click the Themes button to display a gallery of themes.</p><p>70.A _theme_ is a preset collection of design elements, including fonts, colors, and other effects.</p><p>71.To change fonts and sizes, you must first select the cells you want to change. Then, on the Home tab of the Ribbon, in the _Font_ group, click the arrow next to the Font box to display a gallery of available fonts</p><p>72.By default, the _Business_ theme is applied to each workbook.</p><p>73.You can remove the borders from a selected cell by clicking _No Border_ in the border style menu. 74.Josh wants to get to the Cell Style gallery. How does he navigate to the Cell Style gallery? In the Styles group on the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the Cell Styles button.</p><p>75.Josh previews some of the styles and clicks one to apply it to the cell. He now wants to remove it. To remove a style from the selected cell, he should simply click _Normal_ in the Good, Bad and Neutral section of the Cell Styles gallery.</p><p>76.After you copy and paste, the _Paste Options_ button appears next to the cell or range with the pasted item. </p><p>77.Click the Ctrl+C keys to _copy_ selected cells.</p><p>78.Click the Ctrl+V keys to _paste_ the selected cells.</p><p>79.To move cell contents, select the cell or range whose contents you want to move. Then, click the Cut button in the _clipboard_ group on the Home tab of the Ribbon.</p><p>80.If Excel incorrectly flags a word that you use frequently as a misspelling, you can add the word to a custom dictionary that resides on your computer by clicking the _Add to Dictionary_ button.</p><p>81.To change the margins of a worksheet, click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, and then, in the _Page Setup_ group, click the Margins button.</p><p>82._Scaling_ enables you to resize a worksheet to print on a specific number of pages.</p><p>83.A _header_ is text that prints in the top margin of each page.</p><p>***THIS REVIEW MUST BE RETURNED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM 84.What should Vanessa do to start the process of splitting the window horizontally as it is shown in Figure 3-1? Select a row</p><p>85.To resize the panes, what should Vanessa do? Drag the split bar</p><p>86.The sequence used to calculate the value of a formula is called the _Order of evaluation_.</p><p>87.When evaluating formulas, the _innermost set_ of parentheses is evaluated first.</p><p>88.You cannot enter a formula with an incorrect structure in Excel. If you attempt to do so, a(n) _dialog box_ appears, explaining the error and providing a possible correction.</p><p>89.If you discover that you need to make a correction, you can edit the formula. Click the cell with the formula you want to edit. Press the _F2_ or double-click the cell to enter editing mode.</p><p>90.Three types of cell references are used in formulas that do NOT include _relational_.</p><p>91.Cell references that contain both _relative and absolute_ references are called mixed cell references.</p><p>92.A _flashing colored_ border indicates that you can replace the current reference in the formula by clicking another cell or selecting a range.</p><p>93.You can also switch between showing formulas and showing formula results in a worksheet by pressing the _Ctrl + ` (grave accent)_ keys.</p><p>94.When you move the pointer into the formula bar or edit directly in a worksheet cell, the pointer changes to _an I-beam_.</p><p>95.A relative cell reference adjusts to its new location when copied or moved. For example, when the formula =A3+A4 is copied from cell A5 to cell B5, the formula changes to _=B3+B4_. 96.Kayden wants to customize which calculations appear on the status bar. What should she do next? Right-click the status bar to open the Customize Status Bar menu</p><p>97.Ben also wants to copy a formula from the bottom of the spreadsheet and put it at the top of the spreadsheet in a summary section. He wants the formula to stay exactly the same and result in the same figure. What type of cell reference should Ben use? absolute PowerPoint</p><p>98.The presentation program is _PowerPoint_, and is used to create electronic slides that usually accompany a verbal presentation.</p><p>99._Publisher_, the desktop publishing program, helps you design professional-looking documents such as newsletters and brochures.</p><p>***THIS REVIEW MUST BE RETURNED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM 100.To start an Office program, click the Start button on the taskbar, click _All Programs_, and then click Microsoft Office.</p><p>101.A _menu_ is a list of other commands related to the button.</p><p>102._Live Preview_ lets you see how a gallery option affects your file without making the change.</p><p>103.The _Save As_ command lets you save a file with a new name or a new location.</p><p>104.A(n) _link_ is text (often colored and underlined) or a graphic that you click to “jump” to another location or Web page.</p><p>105.To view Web pages, you need special software called a _Web browser_.</p><p>106.Click the Home Page button to load your _start_ page, which is the first page that opens when you start your browser.</p><p>107.Lacey has dragged her pointer over text while holding down the left mouse button. The Mini Toolbar appears transparent. What does this mean? Lacey needs to move the pointer over the Mini toolbar for it to come into full view</p><p>108.The area _on the left side of the status bar shows which slide is displayed in the Slide pane and the total number of slides in the presentation.</p><p>109._Animation_ is text, objects, graphics, or pictures that have motion.</p><p>110.To save a presentation as an HTML file that can be viewed in a browser, choose the _Web page_ type of file in the Save As dialog box.</p><p>111.You can view a presentation four different ways that does NOT include _Handout_.</p><p>112._Slide Sorter_ view gives you an overview of all the slides in a presentation.</p><p>113.You can reorder slides by dragging the thumbnail in the _Slides or Outline_ tabs.</p><p>114.The Slide pane shows _one slide_ at a time.</p><p>115.Using the Handouts option, you can print handouts with _two or three, four or six, nine_ slides per page.</p><p>116.To set up the animation, Cindy should use PowerPoint’s _Slide Sorter_ view.</p><p>117.Templates have a _.pptx_ file extension.</p><p>118.The Header and Footer dialog box has two tabs, one for slides and one for _notes and handouts_.</p><p>***THIS REVIEW MUST BE RETURNED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM 119.On the _notes master_, include any text or formatting that you want to appear on all your speaker notes.</p><p>120.The _Picture Tools Format_ tab includes buttons that allow you to adjust the picture’s contrast, color and brightness, set a transparent color, or compress the picture.</p><p>121.In Normal view, PowerPoint places the new slide _after the selected slide_, using the same layout as the selected slide.</p><p>122.To add speaker notes, click in the Notes pane below the slide and begin typing, or switch to _Notes Page view_.</p><p>123.When you select text in a placeholder, the border of the placeholder is a _dashed line_.</p><p>124.If a content placeholder appears on a slide, you can choose from _table, movie, clip art___.</p><p>125.When a sound is on a slide, you will see the sound icon on the _slide_.</p><p>126._Motion Paths__ allow you to use predefined paths for the movement of an object.</p><p>127.Leah found the word “new” in two places in her presentation and wants to replace it with word “innovative.” She will fill in the word “innovative” in the _replace with text box_.</p><p>128.Mark wants to turn Automatic Spell Checking on. He does this by clicking the Office Button, clicking the PowerPoint Options button, then clicking _proofing_.</p><p>Office 2007</p><p>129. The presentation program is _PowerPoint___, and is used to create electronic slides that usually accompany a verbal presentation.</p><p>130. __Outlook__ is the program used to send and receive e-mail messages and to organize information about people, appointments, and to-do lists.</p><p>131. __Publisher__, the desktop publishing program, helps you design professional-looking documents such as newsletters and brochures.</p><p>132. __Microsoft Office 2007__ is a collection of software programs.</p><p>133. The commands on each tab are organized into _groups___.</p><p>***THIS REVIEW MUST BE RETURNED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM 134. __menu__ is a list of other commands related to the button.</p><p>135. A __toolbar__ contains buttons that you can click to perform common tasks.</p><p>136. The _Save As___ command lets you save a file with a new name or a new location.</p><p>137. The _World Wide Web___ is a system of computers that share information by means of links on Web pages.</p><p>138. A(n) _link___ is text (often colored and underlined) or a graphic that you click to “jump” to another location or Web page.</p><p>139. To view Web pages, you need special software called a _web browser___.</p><p>140.Some buttons are like light switches: one click turns on the feature and the next click turns it off. This is often referred to as a _toggle___.</p><p>***THIS REVIEW MUST BE RETURNED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM</p>
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