<p>September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs</p><p>Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group</p><p>Date: 2015-09-18</p><p>Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Stephen 200 Bath Road, Slough, BlackBerry Ltd +44 1753 667099 smccann@blackberry. McCann Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK com</p><p>Abstract This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the September 2015, Bangkok, Thailand meeting.</p><p>Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.</p><p>Minutes page 1 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Interim Meeting – Session #153 Centara Grand, Bangkok, Thailand September 14th – 18th, 2015</p><p>IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary, Monday, 14th September 2015</p><p>8:03 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19, and 802.24 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. IEEE 802.15 attendance is included as Annex A. General announcements: No photography, no audio recording Social – Dinner Cruise on Bangkok River (Chao Phraya) Meeting Point: 6pm, Level 23 Foyer. Buses depart from the Centara to the wharf - Boat departs at 7pm, returns at 9pm, coach transfer back to the hotel. - Any questions please see Sara or Daniel on the registration desk.Don’t forget, book your room and register for November’s session Straw Poll of new attendees: 0 </p><p>8:03 IEEE patent policy 802.15 WG chair read the IEEE-SA instructions and displayed the four slides explaining patent policy and informed the attendees that additional information could be found on the PatCom web site: ( http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt ). 802.15 WG chair read IEEE anti-trust policy. 8:10 Financial report by Jon Rosdahl (CSR) docs 11-15-0955-00, 15-15-0677-00 8:17 Wireless and IMAT announcements by Rick Alfvin (Verilan) (15-15-0182-03) 8:21 WG15 Chair informed the group that the Wireless Chairs Standing Committee (WCSC) met yesterday. Chair noted that this is an open meeting, all are encouraged to attend. 8:24 Review future sessions (document # 15-15-0654-03) November 8-13, 2015, Hyatt Regency Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA, 802 Plenary Session. January 17-22, 2016, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session.* March 13-18, 2016, Sands Venetian Hotel, Macau, PRC, 802 Plenary Session. May 15-20, 2016, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session.* July 24-29, 2016, Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA, 802 Plenary Session September 18-23, 2016, Europe (Budapest or Warsaw), 802 Wireless Interim Session.* November 6-11, 2016, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA, 802 Plenary Session. January 15-20, 2017, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session.* March 12-17, 2017, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, 802 Plenary Session.</p><p>Minutes page 2 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p> May 13-18, 2017, Daejeon Convention Centre, Daejeon, Korea (TBC), 802 Wireless Interim Session. July 9-14, 2017, Estrel Hotel and Convention Center, Berlin, Germany, 802 Plenary Session. September 10-15, 2017, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session.* November 5-10, 2017, Caribe Hotel and Convention Center, Orlando, FL, USA, 802 Plenary Session</p><p>8:25 Working Group Updates 802.11 by Adrian Stephens (Intel), (11-15-985-00) 347 voters IEE 802.11 Revisions and Standards Pipeline slides are included as Annex D 802.15 by B Heile (document 15-15-654-03) 110 voters 802.15.4 revision on track to be published in 2015 including 4e, 4f, 4g, 4j, 4k, 4m, 4p TG3d: 100G TG3e: HRCP (High Rate Close Proximity) TG4n: Chinese Medical Band (CMB) - in Sponsor Ballot TG4q: ULP (Ultra Low Power) in WG LB TG4r: Ranging standardized TG4s: SRU (Spectrum Resource Utilization) TG 7r1: Optical Wireless Communications TG8: PAC (Peer Aware Communications) – finishing draft document TG9: KMP (Key Management Protocol) – WG Letter Ballot TG10: L2R (Layer 2 Routing) – in WG Letter Ballot SG LLC for 802.15.4 15.4 High(er) rate amendment 15.4 India amendment IG 6tisch IG Dependability IG High Rate Rail Communications IG THz IG 15.4 Guide 802.18 by M Lynch 9 voters looking at items cited on slide 3 of doc 18-15-0053-000 802.19 Steve Shellhammer (doc #19-15-077-00) Minutes page 3 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p> 30 voters Liaison Presentation on LTE-U 3GPP LAA Workshop o 3GPP hosted a workshop on LTE Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) on August 29, 2015 in Beijing China o LAA operates in the 5 GHz frequency band, also used by the most recent version of Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11ac) o The focus of the workshop was on coexistence of LAA and Wi-Fi in the 5 GHz frequency band o A number of organizations were invited to attend and make presentations o IEEE 802, Wi-Fi Alliance, Wireless Broadband Alliance, etc. o Close to 300 people attended the workshop, which lasted all day o There were six presentation each followed by good discussion as well as Q&A 3GPP LAA Workshop Presentations</p><p> o Licensed-Assisted Access to Unlicensed Spectrum – An Overview, 3GPP</p><p> o IEEE 802 submission to 3GPP LAA Workshop, IEEE 802</p><p> o Wi-Fi and LAA Presentation by Wi-Fi Alliance to 3GPP LAA Workshop, W- Fi Alliance</p><p> o 3GPP Programs for LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum – Market Drivers and Deployment Considerations, Wireless Broadband Alliance </p><p> o Contribution to 3GPP LAA Workshop, A Group of Cable Operators</p><p> o Automotive Perspective on Licensed Assisted Access, General Motors</p><p> o Presentations are available at:</p><p> o ftp://ftp.3gpp.org/workshop/2015-08-29_RAN_LAA/Docs/ </p><p> 3GPP LAA Workshop</p><p> Task Group 1a (TG1a)</p><p> o The 802.19.1a PAR and CSD were approved by the Standards Board on September 3</p><p> o Amendment to 802.19.1 to expand to additional frequency bands</p><p> o Will have first meeting in November</p><p> Coexistence in the Automotive Environment – Interest Group</p><p> o Formed an Interest Group on Coexistence in the Automotive Environment Minutes page 4 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p> Schedule</p><p> o Meet PM2: Monday Wednesday and Thursday</p><p>802.21 Subir Das (doc # 21-15-098-00) 20 voters Objectives: o IEEE 802.21 is developing standards to enable services (e.g. Handover and other use cases) and interoperability between heterogeneous networks including both 802 and non-802 networks TG21m – revision project – discuss draft document and contributions o Discuss the draft document update and changes TG21.1 –use cases and services – discuss draft document and contributions o Discuss the draft and update the changes 802.24 Tim Godfrey (24-15-0025) 32 voters development of sub 1 GHz white paper OmniRAN Max Riegel discussion of 802.11 as a component Privacy ECSG by Juan Carlos working on privacy trials at these sessions meeting to allow wireless groups to discuss aspects of privacy AoB Revised Working Group P&P will take effect after November session 8:58 Joint meeting adjourned</p><p>Minutes page 5 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 14th September 2015</p><p>Presiding chair: Adrian Stephens (Intel) opened the meeting at 09:03 Indo China Time (ICT)</p><p>2nd Vice-chair (VC2): Dorothy Stanley HP-Aruba Networks 1st Vice-chair (VC1): Jon Rosdahl CSR-Qualcomm Secretary: Stephen McCann BlackBerry Ltd</p><p>There are 347 voting members and 11** Ex Officio voters of IEEE 802.11 There were 175 people in the room</p><p>** who ask to be recognized as such in the 802.11 voters list.</p><p>1. Notices (11-15/0984r1)</p><p>1.1. No photographs at this meeting and please turn your mobiles to vibrate.</p><p>2. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-15-0984r1)</p><p>2.1. Chair: Are there any more modifications required at this moment? 2.2. None seen 2.3. Motion #1: Any objection to approving the approval of the agenda 11-15-0984r1 2.4. Moved: Jon Rosdahl, 2nd: Mark Hamilton 2.5. No objection, so the agenda is approved by unanimous consent.</p><p>3. Meeting Graphic (11-15/0984r1)</p><p>3.1. This is a summary of all room allocations for the week.</p><p>4. July 2015 WG Minutes</p><p>4.1. Motion #2: Move to approve the Hawaii July 2015 minutes document 11-15-0785r1 4.2. Moved: Stephen MCCANN, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl 4.3. Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.</p><p>5. Attendance</p><p>5.1. Welcome to the 2 new participants in this meeting. 5.2. Chair: Please note that Stephen McCann (Secretary) will be holding a newcomer’s session at 10:30 this morning. 5.3. The room is Lotus Suite 7 on the 22nd floor, which is accessible using the escalators from the 23rd floor.</p><p>6. Call for essential Patents (11-15-0976r1)</p><p>6.1. VC2: read out the current PatCom rules and then called for essential patents information, as shown by: 6.2. http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt 6.3. There were no issues raised regarding the call for essential patents. There was no response to the call for essential patents.</p><p>Minutes page 6 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>6.4. Question (Q): regarding these patent information slides, are these are the new ones that were approved in March 2015. 6.5. Answer (A): yes, they are. 6.6. VC2: read out other policies and procedures for the meeting. 6.7. VC2: The IEEE 802.11 (11-14-629r12) operations manual (OM) was updated in July 2015. There are no more updates this week, but there are some possible changes for the IEEE 802 operations manual which are being considered for November 2015, which are shown in 11- 14-0629r13 and will be reviewed during the Wednesday mid-week plenary. 6.8. VC2: regarding email reflectors, a new one for TGaz has been recently added.</p><p>7. Announcements (11-15-0984r1)</p><p>7.1. Liaisons (slide #3) 7.1.1. Chair: There is an incoming liaison from ATIS as shown on the slide. 7.1.2. Comment (C): regarding the ongoing NGMN liaison, we’re still trying to organize a speaker from NGMN for the IEEE 802.11 November meeting.</p><p>7.2. Publicity 7.2.1. Chair: Does anyone wish to stand for the Publicity SC chair? If you do, please contact the chair.</p><p>7.3. 802.11 as a component 7.3.1. Chair: Laurent Cariou will lead this activity and there will be a presentation within WNG this week.</p><p>7.4. Acknowledge 2 Awards from IEEE-SA to 802.11 members 7.4.1. Eldad Perahia awarded the IEEE Standards Education Award 7.4.2. Vinko Erceg awarded the IEEE-SA Standards Medallion Award Vinko is not in the room at the moment, we will revisit on Wednesday.</p><p>7.5. Other agendas for this meeting (slide #10) 7.5.1. Chair: This is information about the other IEEE 802 group meeting logistics for this week. Please note the joint meetings. 7.5.2. C: OMNIran (IEEE 802.1CF) is also meeting here this week.</p><p>7.6. Meeting logistics (11-15-0994r1) 7.6.1. VC1: Please note that this week’s meeting cover 2 floors in this hotel. 7.6.2. The registration and hotel booking are now available for the November IEEE 802 meeting in Dallas, TX, USA.</p><p>7.7. Recording Attendance – (11-15-0994r1 slide #10) 7.7.1. Chair: In previous meetings, we have noticed that about 10% of people do not correctly record their attendance, so chairs have been asked to record the number of people in their meetings this week. 7.7.2. VC1: Please remember to record your attendance for each 2 hour slot during the week. 7.7.3. Q: It would be useful to have a tool where you can update your attendance after a meeting has finished. 7.7.4. VC1: If you make a mistake with your attendance, please come and talk to me before the end of the week. 7.7.5. VC1: If you have a serious PC issue, then I can sort out your attendance for you. However, this does not work if you come on Thursday evening saying that you forgot. </p><p>Minutes page 7 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Please remember that you cannot access the attendance server with a VPN or if you are connected to the hotel network.</p><p>7.8. WG Documents (slide #11) 7.8.1. VC1: If you want to synchronize all the documents on mentor, please use the local server and not the external link.</p><p>7.9. Social and Catering options 7.9.1. VC1: Breakfast is served in the hotel restaurants this time. 7.9.2. Lunch is served on the 22nd floor on Monday – Wednesday and then on the 24th floor on Thursday. 7.9.3. There is an optional social this week on Wednesday, which is a river boat cruise. This costs $80 (US) per person including food and drinks. 7.9.4. The meeting point is 6pm at the hotel lobby on the 23rd floor foyer. 7.9.5. Chair: The chair of the Wednesday PM2 afternoon sessions may recess 15 minutes early, if they wish. 7.9.6. VC1: There is also a private tour company which is offering trips and tours around the city by the IEEE 802 registration desk.</p><p>8. Status of all groups (11-15-0985r2)</p><p>8.1. Sub-Group Status 8.1.1. Chair: We now have TGaz as this was approved after the July 2015 meeting. Jonathan Segev is pro-tem chair for this group this week. 8.1.2. This is summary of the officers of sub-groups. 8.1.3. There are additionally some changes to secretaries and editors as shown.</p><p>9. Group Summaries (11-15-0975r2)</p><p>9.1. Special notes were mentioned for the following groups:</p><p>9.2. Timelines 9.2.1. No recent changes, but please can all chairs send the secretary any required updates prior to the Thursday evening CAC meeting. 9.2.2. C: I note that the 802.11aj publication date on the timeline chart is June 2016. Perhaps this needs to be updated. 9.2.3. TGaj chair: Yes, that will be debated this week.</p><p>9.3. Editor’s meeting 9.3.1. Tomorrow morning at 7.00am, including the ANA status, style guides and numbering situation.</p><p>9.4. ARC 9.4.1. There may be a discussion about multicast traffic and also “802.11 as a component”.</p><p>9.5. WNG 9.5.1. There are four presentation currently scheduled this week (Tuesday AM1). 9.5.2. VC2: Is there any spare time for other presentations? 9.5.3. A: Yes, although time may be tight.</p><p>9.6. TGmc 9.6.1. This group will be working as a ballot resolution committee (BRC) this week.</p><p>Minutes page 8 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>9.7. TGai 9.7.1. They are not meeting this week.</p><p>9.8. TGax 9.8.1. So far there are 80 presentations for this week, so it will be very busy. 9.8.2. Please may I make a request for some more time on the agenda? 9.8.3. Chair: Yes, as we have time on Monday and Tuesday evening. 9.8.4. Motion #3: Motion to amend the agenda (11-15-0984r1) to add TGax slots on Monday and Tuesday evening this week from 17:30 – 19:30. Moved: Osama Aboul-Magd, Second: Sean Coffey No objection to approving by unanimous consent.</p><p>9.9. TGaz (Next Generation Positioning) 9.9.1. This is the first meeting of this new task group.</p><p>9.10. LRLP (Long Range Low Power) TIG 9.10.1. This is the first meeting of this new topic interest group.</p><p>10. Any Other Business</p><p>VC1: Confirmed that TGax can use this room (World Ballroom A) on Monday and Tuesday evenings.</p><p>11. Recess</p><p>11.1. Meeting recessed at 10:09 ICT.</p><p>Minutes page 9 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Wednesday, 16th September 2015</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary</p><p>Presiding chair: Adrian Stephens (Intel) opened the meeting at 10:30 ICT.</p><p>151 people present.</p><p>12. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-15-0984r3)</p><p>12.1. Chair: There are a couple of minor changes to the agenda about approval of officers. Any comments about this. 12.2. None seen. 12.3. Motion #4: Move to approve the revised agenda 11-15-0984r3. 12.3.1. Moved: Mark Hamilton, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl 12.3.2. No objection to approving the agenda by unanimous consent.</p><p>13. Call for Essential Patents (11-15-0986r0 slide #4)</p><p>13.1. Chair: please can I remind you about Letters of Assurance (LoA) that are required for the IEEE-SA. 13.2. Chair: additionally I would like to point out that these patent slides apply to everyone within the room. 13.3. Also the Call for Essential Patents from Monday still applies 13.4. No statements</p><p>14. CAC</p><p>14.1. Reminder about 19.30 ICT meeting on Thursday. The purpose of this meeting is to prepare for the Friday closing plenary.</p><p>15. Treasurer’s Report (11-15-0995r1)</p><p>15.1. VC1: This is the treasurer’s report for September 2015. I would like to thank Arinex for helping to reduce costs for this meeting.</p><p>16. Announcements (11-15-0985r2 slide #8)</p><p>16.1. Chair: Vinko Erceg has been given an award “Standards Medallion” by the IEEE-SA and I would like everyone to recognize this fact. Vinko was invited to the front and was recognized and applauded for his achievement. 16.2. VC1: There are annual awards which are organized by the IEEE-SA awards committee and so you can suggest nominations for next year. 16.2.1. http://standards.ieee.org/develop/awards/index.html</p><p>17. IETF Liaison (11-15-0979r0)</p><p>17.1. The next IETF meeting is in Yokohama in November 2015. 17.2. Upcoming topics of interest to IEEE 802.11 within the IETF include:</p><p>Minutes page 10 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>17.2.1. Multicast 17.2.2. Captive Portal 17.2.3. Smart Grid topics 17.2.4. TV Whitespaces (PAWS) 17.2.5. RADIUS extensions 17.2.6. ECRIT 17.2.7. CAPWAP 17.2.8. DNS Service Discovery 17.2.9. There is also an IEEE 802.11/IETF coordinating group that will meet at the end of September 2015. 17.3. No questions</p><p>18. Time slot changes (11-15-0984r3)</p><p>18.1. Chair: Please can anyone confirm that TGay slots wish to be removed? 18.2. A: Yes 18.3. Motion #5: Move to approve the revised agenda 11-15-0984r4. 18.3.1. Moved: Rich Kennedy, 2nd: Mike Montemurro 18.3.2. No objection to approving the agenda by unanimous consent.</p><p>19. 3GPP LAA Workshop (11-15-1168r0)</p><p>19.1. Please note that this is a personal view of this meeting by the presenter. 19.2. The workshop occurred on the 29 August 2015 in Beijing, China 19.3. There are some edited 3GPP RAN1 chairman’s notes embedded within document 11- 15-1168r0. 19.4. Q: What level of detail are the 3GPP RAN documents dealing with? Are they 3GPP stage 2 or stage 3? 19.5. A: Not sure. This is unusual terminology that IEEE 802 is not familiar with. 19.6. Q: So perhaps we can ask 3GPP about what freezing actually means? Is it regarding stage 2 or stage 3 documents? 19.7. A: Perhaps we could send them a liaison to ask this question. 19.8. C: The workshop invitation was from 3GPP RAN, so all the RAN groups involved with stage 2 and stage 3 specifications were involved. 19.9. Chair: so what do we think a reasonable process is, going forward? 19.10. A: I think we need to ensure that all interested stakeholders should be involved. 19.11. Chair: Hopefully, we can ask IEEE 802.19 for assistance 19.12. C: In 3GPP RAN2, there is also a LWA process. As this is not concerned with co- existence, perhaps IEEE 802.11 should be involved, as opposed to IEEE 802.19. 19.13. Chair: This is very important work for IEEE 802.11 and if you wish to participate please talk to Andrew Myles. I would also like to thank Andrew for all his effort in this topic.</p><p>20. ETSI BRAN portal</p><p>20.1. C: Documents within the ETSI BRAN portal have been updated and some of those are regarding the LAA Workshop mentioned earlier. These will be discussed during the Regulatory meeting tomorrow. As IEEE 802.11 members, local copies have been provided by ETSI BRAN. 20.2. No questions</p><p>Minutes page 11 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>21. Secretary’s Guidelines (11-15-0976r1 slide #19)</p><p>21.1. VC2: This slide shows proposed changes to the secretary’s guidelines within the IEEE 802.11 operations manual (OM). 21.2. C: The example on slide #22, is this a good one or a bad one? 21.3. A: It’s a good example. 21.4. Q: What is the purpose of minutes? They are basically to address anti-trust issues. Therefore it’s better to minimize the amount of discussion. 21.5. Chair: There are two purposes: 21.6. 1) Legal requirement to record decisions and outcomes of meetings. 21.7. 2) It provides a corporate memory of completed work. 21.8. C: Minutes which just state that a meeting occurred and finished are not appropriate. I would like to know why specific words are changed in standards. Good minutes would help in this respect. 21.9. C: I think that minutes should record a summary of decisions made within a meeting. The IETF record their meetings. 21.10. VC2: My intent is to describe the update to the secretary’s guidelines. There was a situation where a lot of detail within minutes was recorded, which is unnecessary. On the other hand, other minutes just describe: call to order, motions and then recess without any other notes. 21.11. VC2: There is a document 11-14-0629r13 on the server, which will be brought to the members for approval in November. So please review this document and provide any comments.</p><p>22. Working Group Motions (Old Business) (11-15-0977r0)</p><p>22.1. TGaz Chair Confirmation (slide #4) 22.1.1. Motion #6: Confirm Jonathan Segev as TGaz chair 22.1.2. Note: 802.11 OM 4.2: The TG Chair shall be appointed by the WG Chair and confirmed by a WG majority approval. TGaz result: Jonathan Segev as candidate recommendation 22.1.3. Moved: Emily Qi, Second: Edward Au 22.1.4. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.</p><p>22.2. TGay Officer Confirmation (slide #5) 22.2.1. Motion #7: Confirm TGay vice chairs 22.2.2. SangHyun Chang (Samsung), 22.2.3. Yan Xin (Huawei) 22.2.4. 802.11 OM 4.3: TG Vice-Chair is elected by a TG majority approval and confirmed by a WG majority approval. TGay result: Unanimous approval of all candidates 22.2.5. Moved: Edward Au, Second: Jim Lansford 22.2.6. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.</p><p>23. Any Other Business</p><p>23.1. Meeting recessed at 11:59 ICT</p><p>Minutes page 12 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Friday, 18th September 2015</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary</p><p>Call to order at 08:00 ICT by Adrian Stephens (Intel Corporation).</p><p>40 people present in the room.</p><p>24. Agenda (11-15-0984r4)</p><p>24.1. Chair: There have been some changes due to the addition of extra items which were not presented earlier in the week, for example some new motions. 24.2. Motion #8: adopt the changes to the agenda as shown in 11-15-0984r5 24.3. Moved: Mark Hamilton, 2nd: Jim Lansford 24.4. Approved by unanimous consent</p><p>25. Call for Essential Patents</p><p>25.1. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA) 25.2. No statements 25.3. No questions</p><p>26. Announcements (11-15-0986r0)</p><p>26.1. Chair’s minutes, reports and web pages 26.1.1. Please can you send these to the secretary 26.1.2. Please be aware of the Chair’s schedule for the chair’s committee meetings (CAC), the first of which is on October 5th and then on November 2nd 2015.</p><p>26.2. Letters of Assurance (LoA) (slide #13) 26.2.1. Chair: please remember about the LoA requirements. I have received some updates as shown on the slide. 26.2.2. Q: regarding the “Texas A&M University” entry. How did we know about this? 26.2.3. Chair: This was made known about 1 year ago. I made a request for a LoA. I don’t know about any other information about the applicability of their patents as I have not read their patents.</p><p>26.3. IEEE Store (11-15/986r0 slide 14) 26.3.1. Chair: Please can everyone review the state of the store.</p><p>26.4. ISO SC6 (11-15/986r0 slide 15) 26.4.1. Chair: Please note the recent documents sent to ISO SC6. 26.4.2. C: I believe that IEEE 802.11ah D5.0 would like their draft be made available to ISO SC6 once their ballot has completed. 26.4.3. Chair: Ok, I’ll make sure that happens.</p><p>27. Documentation & Attendance (11-15-0978r1)</p><p>Minutes page 13 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>27.1. These are the usual attendance statistics for this week and IEEE 802.11ax is by far the largest project this week. 28. Current Venues (11-15-0994r2 slide #19)</p><p>28.1. Straw Poll: How many people would like to come back to this venue? Y: 28, N: 2 28.2. No Questions</p><p>29. Upcoming Venues (11-15-004r2 slide #20)</p><p>29.1. VC1: For the next venue in November 2015 (Dallas), this is a request for people to help who have local knowledge. If you can help, please can you send the VC1 an email by Oct 5th 29.2. Requests for visa invitation letters have started to come in. Registration is reqired before they can go out, so please remember to do your registration early and request your visa invitation letters early if required. 29.3. No questions</p><p>30. WG Committee Reports (11-15-0978r1)</p><p>30.1. Timeline Chart 30.1.1. Secretary: there are several changes to the timeline chart this week for TGmc, TGah, TGaq, TGay and TGaz. These will be updated over the next few days. 30.1.2. http://www.ieee802.org/11/Reports/802.11_Timelines.htm 30.1.3. No questions</p><p>30.2. Technical editor (slide #10) 30.2.1. It’s worth noting that there is a lot of editorial activity at the moment. Indeed it’s almost as busy as it’s ever been, even though the number of voting members is lower than it has been in the past. 30.2.2. In November 2015, the editors will consider a re-ordering of future amendments.</p><p>30.3. ARC Standing Committee (slide #16) 30.3.1. No questions</p><p>30.4. Regulatory (REG) Standing Committee (slide #23) 30.4.1. VC2: So, do we have access to these ETSI ERM documents as mentioned in your report? 30.4.2. A: The documents which are currently available to IEEE 802.11 members, from ETSI, are those which are currently allowed under the ETSI Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), but we just need to check that MoU to see if it also allows these ETSI ERM ones. 30.4.3. Chair: I’ve checked the original MoU and it does state that “ETSI TC ERM TG11 Wideband data system” documents can be shared with IEEE 802.11. I will double check that this is indeed correct and send some feedback to the Regulatory SC chair.</p><p>30.5. WNG Standing Committee (slide #30) 30.5.1. No questions</p><p>30.6. JTC1 Standing Committee (slide #34) 30.6.1. No questions</p><p>Minutes page 14 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>30.7. TGmc (slide #38) 30.7.1. C: Please note that the next TGmc Ballot Resolution Committee (BRC) face to face meeting will be held in Cambridge, UK in October 2015 and thanks to Samsung for hosting this event. 30.7.2. In addition there will also be a further BRC face to face meeting in December 7- 10,2015 at the IEEE headquarters in Piscataway, New Jersey, USA.</p><p>30.8. TGah (slide #45) 30.8.1. No questions 30.8.2. VC1: regarding your timeline, RevCom will meet in September 2016 as opposed to July 2016. 30.8.3. Secretary: I will make this correction to the TGah timeline chart. 30.8.4. Chair: I’d also like to mention that the IEEE 802 EC chair is happy for me to start a 10 day EC electronic ballot for IEEE 802.11ah conditional approval to start sponsor ballot. 30.8.5. Chair: Perhaps you can also consider an extra teleconference, which I can discuss with the TGah officers offline.</p><p>30.9. TGaj (slide #52) 30.9.1. No questions</p><p>30.10. TGak (slide #59) 30.10.1. No questions</p><p>30.11. TGaq (slide #64) 30.11.1. Chair: When do you think you’ll be able to start your letter ballot. 30.11.2. A: Hopefully in about 10 days’ time.</p><p>30.12. TGax (slide #67) 30.12.1. No questions</p><p>30.13. TGay (slide #74) 30.13.1. Chair: I’d like to recognize the newly elected TGay vice-chair and secretary.</p><p>30.14. TGaz (slide #80) 30.14.1. This was the first meeting of this new task group. 30.14.2. No questions</p><p>30.15. Long Range Low Power (LRLP) Topic Interest Group (TIG) (slide #84) 30.15.1. This was the first meeting of this new TIG. 30.15.2. No questions</p><p>31. Liaison Reports</p><p>31.1. IEEE 802.24 (11-15-0978r1 slide #89) 31.1.1. No questions</p><p>31.2. IEEE 802.1CF OmniRAN (11-15-0978r1 slide #93) 31.2.1. No questions</p><p>Minutes page 15 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>31.3. IEEE 802.18 31.3.1. Discussed 9 documents regarding the topic of regulatory, a few of which were from the FCC. 31.3.2. They also met with IEEE 802.24 regarding question 236. 31.3.3. No questions</p><p>32. Agenda update</p><p>32.1. Chair: There is an extra motion for the TGaj interim meeting venue update. Therefore is there any objection to updating the agenda to add this item? 32.2. No objection to add the motion 32.3. Chair: Therefore the agenda will be updated as 11-15-984r6</p><p>33. Working Group Motions (Old Business) (11-15-0977r3)</p><p>33.1. Teleconferences (slide #7) 33.1.1. Motion #9: Move to approve the following teleconferences</p><p>Group Date(s) Start Duration</p><p>CAC Mon Oct 5, Nov 2 12:00 ET 1 hr</p><p>REG SC Bi-weekly Thurs Oct 1 through Nov 30th 12:30 ET 1 hr</p><p>TGaj Thurs Oct 15, 22 21:00 ET 1 hr</p><p>TGah Weekly Weds October 7 through Jan 13 2016 20:00 ET 3 hrs</p><p>TGai Weekly Tues, Aug 11 through Nov 18 10:30 ET 1 hr</p><p>TGak Thurs Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 10:00 ET 1.5 hrs</p><p>TGaq Tues Sept 29 12:00 ET 1 hr</p><p>TGmc Fri Sept 25, Oct 2, 9, 30 10:00 ET 2 hrs</p><p>TGax Thurs October 15 10:00 ET 2 hrs</p><p>TGay Tues October 27 10:00 ET 1 hr</p><p>33.1.2. Moved Donald Eastlake, 2nd Richard Kennedy 33.1.3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.</p><p>33.2. WG LB on P802.11ah D5.0 (Unchanged) (slide #8) 33.2.1. Motion #10: Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB211 on P802.11ah D5.0 33.2.2. Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11ah D5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” </p><p>Minutes page 16 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>33.2.3. Moved: Alfred Asterjadhi on behalf of TG 33.2.4. [TG result: Moved: Alfred Asterjadhi, Seconded: Bin Tian, Result: Motion passed (53 Y / 0 N / 3 A)] 33.2.5. For: 30, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)</p><p>33.3. EC Approval on P802.11ah D5.0 (slide #9) 33.3.1. Motion #11: Approve document 11-15-0526r2 as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11ah D5.0 to sponsor ballot, granting the chair editorial license and 33.3.2. Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding P802.11ah D5.0 to sponsor ballot. 33.3.3. Moved: Alfred Asterjadhi on behalf of the TG, Second: Jon Rosdahl 33.3.4. [TG result: Moved: Eugene Baik, Seconded: George Calcev, Result: Motion passed (53 Y / 0 N / 1 A)] 33.3.5. For: 31, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)</p><p>33.4. TGaj Motion(slide #10) 33.4.1. Motion #12: To approve the meeting venue for China Interim Meeting on Jan 27-28 2016 from Xi’an to Harbin 33.4.2. Moved on behalf of TGaq by Xiaoming Peng 33.4.3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.</p><p>33.5. TGaq Letter Ballot (slide #11) 33.5.1. Motion #13: Having approved changes (submission 11-15-0321r25) to 11aq D1.0, 33.5.2. Instruct the editor to prepare 11aq D2.0, and 33.5.3. Approve a 30 day Working Group Technical Letter Ballot asking the question “Should 11aq D2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” 33.5.4. Moved on behalf of TGaq by Stephen McCann 33.5.5. [Result in TGaq: Moved: Yunsong Yang, 2nd : SK Yong, Result: 3-0-0] 33.5.6. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.</p><p>33.6. TGaz ATIS Liaison Response (slide #12) 33.6.1. Motion #14: Approve document “11-15-1172-00-00az-Response to ATIS ELOC liaison communication.docx" as the IEEE 802.11 response to ATIS ELOC TF request and grant the 802.11 chair editorial licence. 33.6.2. Moved: Jonathan Segev on behalf of the TG 33.6.3. Second: Rich Kennedy 33.6.4. [TG result: Moved: Ganesh Venkatesan, 2nd: Peter Ecclesine, Approved unanimous consent] 33.6.5. For: 33, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)</p><p>34. Next Meeting (11-15-0986r0)</p><p>34.1. There will be an IEEE 802 Wireless Chairs meeting as shown in Slide #16 at the November 2015 meeting. This is an open meeting and everyone is welcome to attend. 34.2. The next IEEE 802 plenary is in November 2015 in Dallas, Texas, USA: http://www.802world.org/plenary 34.3. Please check the registration dates and early-bird rate cut-offs.</p><p>35. AoB</p><p>Minutes page 17 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>35.1. Q: Do we currently have a IEEE 802.15 and/or IEEE 802.21 liaison at the moment? 35.2. Chair: We only have an IEEE 802.15 liaison officer at plenaries at the moment. 35.3. VC1: Coffee will be available outside and the “Verilan-secure” network will be available for another 30 minutes.</p><p>36. Adjournment</p><p>36.1. Chair: Having completed the agenda, the chair announced that the meeting was adjourned. 36.2. The meeting adjourned at 9:17 ICT.</p><p>Minutes page 18 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation</p><p>Attended Name Affiliation >= 75%? Aboulmagd, Osama Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Agardh, Kare Sony Mobile Communications Yes Ahn, Jinsoo Yonsei University Yes Ahn, Woojin Yonsei University No Aoki, Tsuguhide TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Asterjadhi, Alfred Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Au, Kwok Shum Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Auluck, Vijay Intel Corporation Yes Awater, Geert Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Azizi, Shahrnaz Intel Corporation Yes Baik, Eugene Qualcomm Incorporated Yes bang, saehee LG ELECTRONICS Yes baron, stephane Canon Research Centre France Yes Barriac, gwendolyn Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Baykas, Tuncer Istanbul Medipol University No Berens, Friedbert FBConsulting Sarl Yes Bharadwaj, Arjun Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Bocus, Mohammud Toshiba of Europe Ltd. Yes Bourdoux, Andre IMEC Yes Calcev, George Huawei R&D USA Yes Capar, Cagatay Ericsson Yes Cariou, Laurent Intel Corporation Yes Carney, William Sony Corporation Yes Chang, Kim Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No CHANG, SANGHYUN SAMSUNG ELECTRO-MECHANICS Yes Chang, Soo-Young California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) No Chen, Jiamin Huawei Yes Chen, Teyan Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Chen, Xiaogang Intel Corporation Yes Cheng, Paul MediaTek Inc. Yes Cheong, Minho Newracom Inc. Yes CHERIAN, GEORGE Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Chitrakar, Rojan Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Yes Cho, Hangyu lg electronics Yes Cho, Joongwon Newracom Inc. Yes</p><p>Minutes page 19 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Attended Name Affiliation >= 75%? Choi, Jinsoo LG ELECTRONICS Yes Choudhury, Sayantan Nokia Yes Chu, Liwen Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Coffey, John Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Yes Cordeiro, Carlos Intel Corporation Yes De Ruijter, Hendricus Silicon Laboratories Yes de Vegt, Rolf Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Debergh, Pierre Orange Yes Deng, Der-Jiunn National Chunghua University of Education Yes Ding, Gang Qualcomm Incorporated Yes DOAN, DUNG Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Dua, Praveen Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Eastlake 3rd, Donald Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Ecclesine, Peter Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Eitan, Alecsander Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Erceg, Vinko Broadcom Corporation No Fang, Ping Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Fang, Yonggang ZTE Corporation Yes Filo, Marcin University of Surrey Yes Fischer, Matthew Broadcom Corporation Yes Gan, Ming Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Ghosh, Chittabrata Intel Corporation Yes Gilb, James Pulse-LINK Inc. Yes Godfrey, Tim Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI) Yes Halls, David Toshiba of Europe Ltd. Yes Hamilton, Mark Ruckus Wireless Yes Hanatani, Yoshikazu TOSHIBA Corporation No Hao, Peng jiangsu university of science and technology Yes Harkins, Daniel Aruba Networks, Inc. Yes Hart, Brian Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Hartman, Chris Apple, Inc. Yes He, Linhai Qualcomm Incorporated Yes he, shiwen Southeast University, China Yes Hedayat, Ahmadreza Newracom Inc. Yes Hiertz, Guido Ericsson AB Yes Ho, Duncan Qualcomm Incorporated Yes</p><p>Minutes page 20 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Attended Name Affiliation >= 75%? Huang, He ZTE Corporation Yes Huang, Lei Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Yes Huang, Po-Kai Intel Corporation Yes Huang, Rongsheng MediaTek Inc. Yes Hurtarte, Jeorge Teradyne, Inc. Yes Inoue, Yasuhiko Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Yes Ishihara, Koichi Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Yes Ishizu, Kentaro National Institute of Information and Communications Yes Technology (NICT) Iwatani, Junichi Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Yes jafarian, amin Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Jeffries, Timothy Huawei R&D USA No Jiang, Jinjing Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Jin, Liang Spirent Communications Yes Jo, Kyungtae LG ELECTRONICS Yes Jones, Vince Qualcomm Incorporated No Josiam, Kaushik SAMSUNG Yes Kakani, Naveen CSR Technologies Inc. A Qualcomm Company Yes Kennedy, Richard MediaTek Inc. Yes Khorov, EVGENY IITP RAS Yes Kim, Jeongki LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Jin Min LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Joonsuk Apple, Inc. Yes Kim, Sang Gook LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Suhwook LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Yongho Korea National University of Transportation Yes Kim, Youhan Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Kim, Youngsoo SAMSUNG ELECTRO-MECHANICS No Kiryanov, Anton IITP RAS Yes Kitazawa, Shoichi ATR Wave Engineering Laboratories No Kloper, David Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes KNECKT, JARKKO Nokia Yes Ko, Geonjung WILUS Institute Yes Kumar, Rajesh Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Kwak, Byung-Jae Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Yes (ETRI)</p><p>Minutes page 21 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Attended Name Affiliation >= 75%? Kwak, Jin-Sam WILUS Institute Yes Kwon, chanyoung BlueCloud Yes Kwon, Young Hoon Newracom Inc. Yes Lalam, Massinissa SAGEMCOM SAS Yes Lan, Zhou MediaTek Inc. Yes Lanante, Leonardo Kyushu Institute of Technology Yes Lansford, James Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Lee, Daewon Newracom Inc. Yes Lee, Hongsup Newracom Inc. Yes Lee, Hyeong Ho Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute No (ETRI) Lee, Jae Seung ETRI Yes Lepp, James BlackBerry Yes Li, Dejian Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Li, Guoqing Apple, Inc. Yes Li, Huan-Bang National Institute of Information and Communications Yes Technology (NICT) Li, Qinghua Intel Corporation Yes Li, Yanchun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lim, Dong Guk LG ELECTRONICS Yes Lin, Yingpei Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes LIU, CHENCHEN Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Liu, Der-Zheng Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Yes Liu, Jianhan MediaTek Inc. Yes Liu, Le Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Loc, Peter Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lomayev, Artyom Intel Corporation Yes Lukaszewski, Chuck Aruba Networks, Inc. Yes Luo, Jun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Luo, Yi Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lv, Kaiying ZTE Corporation Yes Ma, Jing National Institute of Information and Communications Yes Technology (NICT) MADHAVAN, TOSHIBA Corporation Yes NARENDAR Maeda, Shigeru TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Malik, Rahul Qualcomm Incorporated Yes</p><p>Minutes page 22 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Attended Name Affiliation >= 75%? Malinen, Jouni Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Maltsev, Alexander Intel Corporation Yes Matsuo, Ryoko TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Mccann, Stephen BlackBerry Yes Mestanov, Filip Ericsson AB Yes MIN, YAN Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Mobasher, Amin SAMSUNG No Mohanty, Bibhu Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Montemurro, Michael Research In Motion Limited Yes Moon, Sungho Newracom Inc. Yes Mori, Kenichi Space-Time Engineering Japan, Inc Yes Mori, Masahito Sony Corporation Yes Morioka, Yuichi Sony Corporation No Mueller, Robert Ilmenau University of Technology - TU Ilmenau Yes Murthy, Vinay Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Myles, Andrew Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Nejatian, Alireza Ericsson AB No Nezou, Patrice Canon Research Centre France Yes Ngo, Chiu SAMSUNG Yes Nordqvist, Jan Google No Notor, John Notor Research Yes Oh, Minseok Kyonggi University Yes OH, MIN-SEOK LG Electronics Yes Olesen, Robert InterDigital, Inc. Yes Oteri, Oghenekome InterDigital, Inc. Yes Oyama, Satoshi Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) Yes Palm, Stephen INDEPENDENT Yes Pang, Jiyong Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Pare, Thomas MediaTek Inc. Yes Park, Eunsung LG Electronics Yes Park, Hyunhee LG ELECTRONICS Yes Park, Jeonghwan Newracom Inc. Yes Park, Sung-jin LG ELECTRONICS Yes Patil, Abhishek Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Peng, Xiaoming Institute for Infocomm Research Yes Perkins, Charles Futurewei Technologies No</p><p>Minutes page 23 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Attended Name Affiliation >= 75%? Persson, Hakan Ericsson AB Yes Pienciak, Walter IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Yes porat, ron Broadcom Corporation Yes Pulikkoonattu, Broadcom Corporation Yes Rethnakaran Qi, Emily Intel Corporation Yes Qiao, Dengyu Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Qu, Shouxing BlackBerry Yes Rajakarunanayake, MediaTek Inc. Yes Yasantha Rakanovic, Demir u-blox No Riegel, Maximilian Nokia Yes Rong, Zhigang Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Rosdahl, Jon CSR Technologies Inc. A Qualcomm Company Yes Ryu, Kiseon LG ELECTRONICS Yes Sadri, Ali Intel Corporation No Sakoda, Kazuyuki Sony Corporation Yes Sampath, Hemanth Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Schelstraete, Sigurd Quantenna Communications, Inc. Yes Segev, Jonathan Intel Corporation Yes Seok, Yongho Newracom Inc. No Shah, Kunal Silver Spring Networks Inc. Yes Shellhammer, Stephen Qualcomm Incorporated No Shilo, Shimi Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd No Shimada, Shusaku Schubiquist Technologies Yes Smith, Graham SR Technologies Yes Son, Ju-Hyung WILUS Institute Yes Srinivasa, Sudhir Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Stanley, Dorothy Aruba Networks, Inc. Yes Stephens, Adrian Intel Corporation Yes Suh, JUNG HOON Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Sun, Bo ZTE Corporation Yes Sun, Li-Hsiang InterDigital, Inc. Yes sun, sheng Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Sun, Yakun Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Sun, Yanjun Qualcomm Incorporated Yes</p><p>Minutes page 24 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Attended Name Affiliation >= 75%? Takahashi, Kazuaki Panasonic Corporation No Taki, Daisuke TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Taniguchi, Kentaro TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Taori, Rakesh SAMSUNG Yes Tian, Bin Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Tian, Qingjiang Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Tian, Tao Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Tinnakornsrisuphap, Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Peerapol Tong, Fei SAMSUNG Yes TorabJahromi, Payam Broadcom Corporation Yes Tosato, Filippo Toshiba of Europe Ltd. Yes tsubaki, toshimitsu Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Yes Tuomaala, Esa Nokia Yes Van Zelst, Allert Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Varshney, Prabodh Nokia Yes Venkatachalam Jayara, Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Venkata Ramanan Venkatesan, Ganesh Intel Corporation Yes Vermani, Sameer Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Wang, Chao Chun MediaTek Inc. Yes Wang, Hao Fujitsu Research & Development Center No Wang, Huizhao Quantenna Communications, Inc. No Wang, James June MediaTek Inc. No Wang, Lei Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Wang, Xiaofei InterDigital, Inc. Yes Wang, Xuehuan Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No Watanabe, Fujio NTT DoCoMo, Inc. No Wei-Xia, Zou Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) Yes Wentink, Menzo Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Wilhelmsson, Leif Ericsson AB Yes Wu, Tianyu MediaTek Inc. Yes Xin, Yan Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Xing, Weimin ZTE Corporation Yes Xue, Qi Qualcomm Incorporated Yes YANG, RUI InterDigital, Inc. Yes</p><p>Minutes page 25 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Attended Name Affiliation >= 75%? Yang, Xun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yang, Xun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No Yang, Yunsong Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes YAO, KE ZTE Corporation Yes Yee, Peter NSA/IAD Yes Yokota, Hidetoshi Landis Gyr Group Worldwide No Yong, Su Khiong Apple, Inc. Yes Young, Christopher Broadcom Corporation Yes Yunoki, Katsuo KDDI R&D Laboratories Yes Zeng, Zheng Apple, Inc. Yes Zhang, Hongyuan Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes ZHANG, JIAYIN Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhang, Xingxin Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhou, Jingyi Verizon Communications Yes Zhou, Yan Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Zhu, Chunhui Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zuniga, Juan InterDigital, Inc. Yes</p><p>Minutes page 26 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Annex B : Working Group Officers</p><p>Working group</p><p>Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details IEEE 802.11 Working Group Adrian Stephens Chair +44 1793 404825 (office) (Intel Corporation UK Co-Technical Editor [email protected] Ltd.) 802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority Jon Rosdahl 1st Vice Chair (Policies and (CSR Technologies +1 (801) 492-4023 Procedures) Inc. a Qualcomm [email protected] Treasurer Company) Dorothy V. Stanley 2nd Vice Chair (Rules and +1 (630) 363-1389 (HP (Aruba reflectors) [email protected] Networks)) IEEE 802 (LMSC) EC delegate Stephen McCann Secretary +44 1753 667099 (BlackBerry Ltd.) Publicity ad-hoc Chair [email protected] Peter Ecclesine +1 (408) 527-0815 Co-Technical Editor (Cisco Systems, Inc.) [email protected]</p><p>Standing Committees</p><p>Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Jim Lansford (CSR Wireless Next Generation Technologies Inc. a +1-719-286-8660 [email protected] (WNG) Chair Qualcomm Company) Mark Hamilton +1 (303) 441-7553 Architecture (ARC) Chair (Ruckus Wireless) [email protected] Andrew Myles ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 shadow +61 2 84461010 (Cisco Systems, Inc.) committee (JTC1) Chair [email protected] Rich Kennedy +1 (832) 298-1114 Regulatory Chair (MediaTek) [email protected] Jon Rosdahl (CSR Technologies Project Authorization Request +1 (801) 492-4023 Inc. a Qualcomm (PAR) review Chair [email protected] Company)</p><p>Task Groups</p><p>Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Dorothy V. Stanley TGmc Chair +1( 630) 363-1389 (HP(Aruba Networks)) (Revision mc) [email protected] Yongho Seok TGah Chair +82-10-7581-0828 (Self) (Sub 1 GHz Operation) [email protected] Hiroshi Mano TGai Chair +81-3-5436-8350 (Koden Techno Info (Fast Initial Link Setup) [email protected] </p><p>Minutes page 27 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>K.K.) Xiaoming Peng TGaj Chair +65-64082429 (Institute for Infocomm (China Millimeter Wave) [email protected] Research) Donald Eastlake, 3rd TGak Chair +1 508-333-2270 (Huawei Technologies) (General Link) [email protected] Stephen McCann TGaq Chair +44 1753 667099 (BlackBerry Ltd.) (Pre-association Discovery) [email protected] Osama Aboul-Magd TGax Chair (pro-tem) +1 (613) 287-1405 (Huawei) (High Efficiency WLAN) [email protected] Edward Au (Marvell TGay Chair (Next Generation +1 773 782 6875 Semiconductor) 60 GHz) [email protected] Jonathan Segev (Intel TGaz Chair (Next Generation +972-54-2403587 Corporation) Positioning) [email protected]</p><p>Study Groups</p><p>Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details</p><p>Topic Interest Groups</p><p>Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Tim Godfrey Long Range Low Power +1 (650) 855-8584 (office) (Electric Power (LRLP) TIG [email protected] Research Institute)</p><p>Liaison Officials to non IEEE 802 organizations</p><p>Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Liaison to 3GPP Stephen McCann +44 1753 667099 (3rd Generation Partnership (BlackBerry Ltd.) [email protected] Project) Liaison to IETF Dorothy V. Stanley +1( 630) 363-1389 (Internet Engineering Task (Aruba Networks) [email protected] Force) Ian Sherlock Liaison to WFA +1-972-995-2011 (Texas Instruments (Wi-Fi Alliance) [email protected] Inc.)</p><p>Liaison Officials to IEEE 802 organizations</p><p>Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Clint Chaplin +1 (408) 768-0827 Liaison to IEEE 802.15 (Samsung Electronics) [email protected] Rich Kennedy +1 (832) 298-1114 Liaison to IEEE 802.18 (Mediatek) [email protected] Tim Godfrey +1 (650) 855-8584 (office) (Electric Power Liaison to IEEE 802.24 [email protected] Research Institute)</p><p>Minutes page 28 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Annex C : Minutes</p><p>This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG & Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.</p><p>WG TE 15-1055r0 TGmc TG 15-0996r0 TGah TG 15-1197r0 TGai TG Did not meet TGaj TG 15-1148r1 TGak TG 15-1189r0 TGaq TG 15-1182r0 TGax TG 15-1093r0 TGay TG 15-1198r0 TGaz TG 15-1238r1 LRLP TIG 15-1194r0 WNG SC 15-1156r0 ARC SC 15-1235r0 JTC1 SC 15-1221r0 REG SC 15-0990r1</p><p>Minutes page 29 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry September 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1055r0</p><p>Annex D : Revisions and Standards Pipeline</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Revisions</p><p>IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline End.</p><p>Minutes page 30 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry</p>
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