The Sasquatch Massacre

The Sasquatch Massacre

<p>The Sasquatch Massacre By: Wade Fade In</p><p>Ext. Forest - Dusk</p><p>The forest is cluttered with old oak trees and small twigs. Bushes line the trails and bugs are in the air. A hiker (Corey Feldman) is walking along a trail alone. However, closely following behind him is Sasquatch.</p><p>Hiker The fresh air, is always Good! Hiking is great, being Alone can never feel better When you exercise.</p><p>The Sasquatch roars and the Hiker look behind him</p><p>Hiker Holy Shit!</p><p>The hiker starts to run fearlessly, however Sasquatch catches up to him and grabs him, holding the hiker by one hand, his feet barely touching the ground</p><p>Hiker Fuck! Let go of me.</p><p>Sasquatch rips the Hikers arm off, dropping him onto the ground</p><p>Hiker Fuck! No! The Hiker tries to crawl away, however Sasquatch steps on the Hikers stomach and an instant explosion of blood pops from the Hikers stomach. The Hiker is dead, and Sasquatch walks away holding onto the Hikers arm. Int. Classroom </p><p>Wilson Combs (12-14) anxiously waits for the bell to ring, tapping his pencil on his desk, and mildly listening to the teachers lecture. </p><p>Wilson Come on ring stupid bell ring.</p><p>The bell rings and everyone hurries out of the classroom including Wilson</p><p>Ext. School Yard</p><p>Wilson clutches his schoolbooks to his chest as he walks across the schoolyard and towards his father’s car. </p><p>Int. Car</p><p>The car is very disorganized, papers and binds are on the backseat’s and an old pizza box is sitting on the dashboard. The owner of the car is Chip Combs (30’s) He is the single father of Wilson. Wilson is opening the car door. </p><p>Chip Hey champ</p><p>Wilson Hi dad</p><p>Chip I have some surprising News.</p><p>Wilson What is it dad Chip Your uncle Jimmy let me borrow his motor Home for the weekend, and since this weekend Is a long weekend at your school, I’ve decided That it would be fun for us to both go out and Enjoy the good outdoors, all right champ?</p><p>Wilson Do we have to?</p><p>Chip Yes, we have to! It will be fun, Wilson Trust me on this it will be fun.</p><p>Wilson Okay dad, I guess it will be fun.</p><p>Chip That’s the spirit now lets go home, Pack up, and we will head out Tomorrow morning, first thing.</p><p>Ext. School Road</p><p>Chip and Wilson are sitting in the car, their faces are not visible only the back of their heads, there car slowly fades off the screen as they go farther and farther down the road.</p><p>Int. Wilson’s Bedroom</p><p>Wilson has an open suitcase on his bed, there is an assortment of clothing inside the bag, including hats, shirts, jeans, underwear, and socks.</p><p>Wilson Dad! Come here please, can you Please check my suitcase To see if I have everything For this trip.</p><p>Chip enters the room</p><p>Chip Here is a checklist I used it but you can Just scribble my checks Out, all right?</p><p>Wilson Okay dad</p><p>Chip That’s my boy.</p><p>Chip exits the room</p><p>Wilson Dad! Pens! Dad!</p><p>Chip (V.O) Check your backpack.</p><p>Ext. Driveway</p><p>The motor home is sitting on the driveway, it is white with red stripes that go horizontally all the way around the vehicle. Int. Living Room</p><p>Chip is sitting on the coach, reading the newspaper. He is wearing a fishing hat, and a survival vest with kaki jeans. Wilson enters the room, struggling to pull the suitcase behind him.</p><p>Wilson Dad, I’m ready. Chip puts the newspaper on his lap</p><p>Chip Great, Put your suitcase In the motor-home and wait for Me.</p><p>Wilson Okay</p><p>Chip that’s my boy!</p><p>Wilson What are you wearing?</p><p>Chip What? This is traditional Camping gear.</p><p>Wilson It looks like you Are going fishing.</p><p>Chip Fishing, Camping They lead to the same Thing.</p><p>Wilson Are we going to Zeal Lake? </p><p>Chip You’ll find out when you Get their Wilson!</p><p>Wilson Okay Chip Now, go to the motor home I need to do some last minute Things and we’ll be off camping</p><p>Wilson pulls the suitcase behind him and leaves the room</p><p>Ext. Driveway</p><p>Wilson is leaning against the motor home as he watches his father exit the front door of the house, and slowly locks the door behind him.</p><p>Chip What are you still, Doing outside? You are Suppose to be in the motor home</p><p>Wilson Yeah, about that, you forgot To unlock the vehicle!</p><p>Chip Oh, sorry about That </p><p>Wilson Don’t be, you’re my dad I should be saying that to You.</p><p>Chip I’ll unlock the motor home And we will be off for our little Camping trip</p><p>Chip unlocks the motor home and quickly puts his and Wilson’s suitcases in the motor home. Well Chip is doing that Wilson, enters the motor home and sits in the passenger seat which is beside the drivers seat and buckles up.</p><p>Ext. Highway</p><p>The Motor home, which Chip and Wilson are in quickly, passes the screen.</p><p>Int. Police Office</p><p>A Sheriff named Lance Yates (30’s) is sitting at his desk, he has a box of donuts on his lap, and his feet are a top of his desk. Sitting at her desk beside Lance Yates is his police partner Deputy Sharon Crews (Early 30’s)</p><p>Lance Anything new?</p><p>Sharon No</p><p>Lance Any phone calls?</p><p>Sharon No Lance Want a donut?</p><p>Sharon Sure Lance What type of donut?</p><p>Sharon Got a Strawberry filled?</p><p>Lance I sure do Lance hands Sharon the strawberry filled donut, at that same time the phone on Lance’s desk starts to ring</p><p>Lance You got that donut?</p><p>Sharon Yes, Lance now pick up That damn phone, were cops We can’t have any missed calls</p><p>Lance picks up the phone</p><p>Lance Hello?</p><p>Gus (V.O) Police?</p><p>Lance Yes Gus, what is it</p><p>Gus (V.O) I saw, Sasquatch he was Only a couple of feet from Me when I was wondering the Woods just now</p><p>Lance Okay Gus</p><p>Gus (V.O) He looked mighty hungry I think he could hurt somebody Maybe kill somebody</p><p>Lance There hasn’t been any Reports of Sasquatch attacking Anybody yet this month or hell this Week so if attacks somebody you phone back Or they will phone us. All right Gus?</p><p>Gus (V.O) You have to believe me</p><p>Lance I’m sorry but laws are laws And Regulations are Regulations</p><p>Gus (V.O) Please, you need to believe me</p><p>Lance Goodbye Gus</p><p>Lance hangs up the phone </p><p>Sharon Who was that?</p><p>Lance It was Gus again</p><p>Sharon Sasquatch on the loose?</p><p>Lance Yep</p><p>Sharon Typical old Gus Lance He is a self-proclaimed Hunter </p><p>Sharon Don’t you ever Notice that we always Have to pick up the 911 Calls? Why don’t we have a Dispatch service?</p><p>Lance You may have come from the Big city, but here were in a small Town and we just don’t have the financing To do that</p><p>Sharon Yeah, I forgot</p><p>Lance Why did you choose? To become a police officer!</p><p>Sharon I don’t really know I just wanted to protect People, and I want to show People that I am tough </p><p>Lance Were you the cheerleader at school? </p><p>Sharon Yes, and people always Labeled me the girly girl</p><p>Lance Head Cheerleader?</p><p>Sharon Thank god, I wasn’t</p><p>Lance Okay</p><p>Sharon Why are you hounding Me with questions! </p><p>Lance I am bored</p><p>Sharon Oh, I thought you were Practicing your Interrogating</p><p>Lance I am a sheriff not a detective</p><p>Sharon I know</p><p>Lance It’s just same small town, Same good citizens, and the same Crazy whacko’s </p><p>Int. Motor Home</p><p>Chip and Wilson are sitting in their seats. Chip is driving well Wilson is looking at a map.</p><p>Wilson How long until we get there?</p><p>Chip Be patient Wilson, we will be there Soon, all I have to do is refill this Baby up with gas</p><p>Wilson All right dad whatever You say</p><p>Chip Now that’s my boy</p><p>Ext. Gas Station</p><p>The motor home that Chip and Wilson are in; slowly drives into the gas station pump up station, and at the same time a young couple exits the Gas Station convenience store. The young couple’s names are Frank (20’s) and Hannah (20’s) </p><p>Frank Are you ready for a weekend By the lake and in the forest</p><p>Hannah I am ready for anything After this horrible week I had</p><p>Frank It did seem that horrible</p><p>Hannah What can be worse then? Being evicted from your Apartment and being accused Of theft at the store I work At!</p><p>Frank On the upside we can Spend a little more time Together</p><p>Hannah Yeah, but how are We going to move everything Into your apartment</p><p>Frank Simple, we upgrade to a bigger Apartment</p><p>Hannah Will we have the cash?</p><p>Frank Yeah, now that two separate Incomes are coming into one Small ‘household’</p><p>Hannah Your smart</p><p>Frank Thanks honey, but it Is quite simple</p><p>Hannah We need to get to the campsite They’re waiting for us!</p><p>Frank and Hannah enter their car, which is a blue and white Honda, and quickly leave the gas station; at the same time Wilson and Chip are exiting the motor home.</p><p>Wilson Can I go, and get a soda?</p><p>Chip Soda? Sure you can</p><p>Wilson Thanks</p><p>Chip Here’s a couple of dollars Pick me up a chocolate bar, I’m going to fill the motor home With gas </p><p>Chip takes his wallet and hands Wilson a five dollar bill</p><p>Wilson Do you want me to? Get firewood</p><p>Chip Were going to the forest There is enough wood their To create a fire</p><p>Wilson All right!</p><p>Wilson enters the gas station, as Chip inserts a credit card and starts to pump gas into the motor home</p><p>Ext. Highway</p><p>The car Hannah and Frank are in speeds by a billboard sign that is advertising McDonald’s </p><p>Ext. Forest</p><p>Gus (Early 40’s) is walking on a dirt path in the forest. He is holding a shotgun, and oddly moves dried up branches with his feet. Following behind him is Mitchell Smith (Mid 30’s) he is an outdoorsman.</p><p>Gus Come here deer I need you for My collection</p><p>Mitchell Be quiet, they can hear you</p><p>Gus My voice</p><p>Mitchell No, the thing your doing with your Feet</p><p>Gus What thing</p><p>Mitchell Never mind, all I can tell You is that it will be hard for You to shot a deer</p><p>Gus looks down at his feet</p><p>Gus What is that?</p><p>Mitchell What?</p><p>Gus That footprint, it’s almost Ape like Mitchell looks down at Gus’s feet To see the giant footprint</p><p>Mitchell That looks like a bear Print</p><p>Mitchell hunches down and swipes his finger on the footprint</p><p>Gus It’s defiantly not a bear print</p><p>Mitchell Whatever it is, it’s a fresh Print</p><p>Gus How long since it was here?</p><p>Mitchell I can only guess but it could have been Here 24 to 48 hours ago Gus Do you think it Could have traveled far?</p><p>Mitchell I don’t know, but would you Like to go back to my cabin And have some lunch</p><p>Gus Sure, but first I need to kill A deer</p><p>Mitchell Did I mention that deer have Been spotted by my cabin Gus That’s perfect</p><p>Ext. Gas Station</p><p>Chip and Wilson are sitting on old patio chairs that are beside the washroom. Chip is slowly eating his chocolate bar and Wilson is taking tiny sips from his soda.</p><p>Wilson Hey dad, will there be Swimming?</p><p>Chip Yes son, there will be</p><p>Wilson How’s your chocolate bar?</p><p>Chip It’s really good, what about Your soda? </p><p>Wilson It’s decent, could be Better</p><p>Chip What type of pop is it?</p><p>Wilson It’s this new Coca-Cola product Called Cypress Pulse</p><p>Chip Cypress Pulse? I have never Heard about that drink before</p><p>Wilson I know</p><p>Chip What flavor is it?</p><p>Wilson It’s a mixture of flavors It’s like a mint raspberry Orange taste</p><p>Chip Now that sounds like a mixture</p><p>Wilson Defiantly</p><p>Chip May I try some?</p><p>Wilson Only If I can have a bit Of that chocolate bar</p><p>Chip Sure</p><p>Chip and Wilson exchange their food</p><p>Wilson This is pretty good But it is pretty nutty</p><p>Chip Just the way I like it A nutty chocolate bar</p><p>Wilson To bad they banned nuts At school Chip Yeah, it just sounds stupid</p><p>Wilson Yeah, there is one kid Who has bad allergies and the Whole school has to suffer</p><p>Chip Yeah, I know what your saying Back when I was in school, this Kid had the worst allergy of cheese</p><p>Wilson Cheese?</p><p>Chip Yes, cheese</p><p>Chip Well, the banned all cheese products At school, meaning no sandwiches with cheese, No salads with cheese, no soups with cheese, no Crackers and cheese, it was dreadful to say the least</p><p>Wilson Dad, what does dreadful mean?</p><p>Chip It means extremely bad</p><p>Wilson Oh like that movie was dreadful Chip Yes just like that</p><p>Wilson Cool, are you going To take a sip of that Soda</p><p>Chip Yes I am </p><p>Chip takes a small sip of the drink, and instantly spits it out</p><p>Wilson I guess you don’t like It</p><p>Chip I don’t know what you like About that drink, but it was Awful</p><p>Wilson What can you say, I like Odd things</p><p>Chip Finish that drink, and I’ll finish that Chocolate bar and we will get going</p><p>Ext. Cabin</p><p>Mitchell and Gus walk up the wooden steps of the cabin, Gus delicately leans his shotgun on the wall beside the door.</p><p>Int. Cabin Mitchell and Gus slowly enter the Cabin, all the lights are off until Mitchell flicks a switch and then the lights go on. </p><p>Mitchell What do you want? I’ve got beans, oatmeal, and veal meat</p><p>Gus I’ll take some water</p><p>Mitchell Before going into the kitchen Could you please, take off your Boots</p><p>Gus Sure</p><p>Mitchell I’m going to make some beans And wieners are you up for that</p><p>Gus I’m fine for that</p><p>Mitchell In the meantime you Can look out in the Horizon to see if you see A herd of deer</p><p>Ext. Dirt Road</p><p>Hannah and Frank are driving down a bumpy dirt road to their campsite.</p><p>Frank (V.O) I hope there their To greet us</p><p>Hannah (V.O) I’m sure they are</p><p>Frank (V.O) Did Ben bring the beer?</p><p>Hannah (V.O) I believe so</p><p>Frank (V.O) Great</p><p>Hannah (V.O) Be patient, were almost There</p><p>Ext. Highway</p><p>The motor home that Chip and Wilson are in quickly drives by the screen.</p><p>Int. Motor Home</p><p>Wilson is sitting in the passenger seat, looking at the many trees that line the highway. Well Chip is heavily concentrated on the road.</p><p>Wilson Dad</p><p>Chip does not respond Wilson Dad? </p><p>Chip What, ah yes son</p><p>Wilson Do you ever wonder? What the animals do In the forest</p><p>Chip Sometimes I do</p><p>Wilson Do you ever wonder? If in that forest or In any other forest In the world if their Are undiscovered animals? Just waiting to be found!</p><p>Chip I bet there are many undiscovered Animals in the forest, there is probably An undiscovered animal living in that forest Right in there</p><p>Chip points at the trees by the highway</p><p>Wilson Wow, do you think we May be able to discover An animal dad</p><p>Chip Maybe son we will, Maybe we will Int. Cabin Kitchen</p><p>Mitchell is stirring a pot of beans; well Gus is sitting on a wooden chair with a pair of binoculars as he stares out of a window in the cabin’s living room. </p><p>Mitchell The beans are almost Done </p><p>Gus Ok</p><p>Mitchell See any deer?</p><p>Gus No, not yet</p><p>Mitchell Oh</p><p>Gus Can you be quiet right now? You’re breaking my concentration</p><p>Ext. Hannah and Frank’s Campsite</p><p>Hannah and Frank’s car is parked by a big tree; Hannah and Frank are sitting on a rock, holding hands, and looking at the Lake.</p><p>Frank I guess we are the First ones here</p><p>Hannah We got lucky Frank Lucky? All we have Is a tent and air mattress! They were suppose to bring The supplies</p><p>Hannah hears footsteps behind her</p><p>Hannah What was that?</p><p>Frank What?</p><p>Hannah That sound, the sound Of footsteps</p><p>Frank I didn’t hear anything</p><p>Hannah I’m not paranoid Frank I never said You were paranoid</p><p>Hannah You don’t have to Judge me</p><p>A hand touches Frank on the shoulder</p><p>Frank Holy shit! Someone Just touched me on the Shoulder</p><p>Frank and Hannah look behind them Group Surprise!</p><p>Frank Fuck!</p><p>Hannah You go us good</p><p>Ext. Dirt Road</p><p>Chip and Wilson are in the motor home. The motor home is slowly traveling down an isolated dirt road; there are no signs of other campers.</p><p>Wilson (V.O) Are we there yet?</p><p>Chip (V.O) Only five more minutes</p><p>Ext. Hannah and Frank’s Campsite</p><p>Hannah and Frank are sitting on the same rock they were a few minutes ago, behind them are two couples; the first couple is Ben (20’s) and Jenny (20’s) and the second couple is Hal (20’s) and Virginia (20’s.)</p><p>Frank Guys, you scared us To death</p><p>Ben Do you want a beer? Ben reveals that he is holding a pack of beer, which he had hidden behind his back.</p><p>Frank Sure</p><p>Jenny Hannah how are you</p><p>Hannah It’s been a rough week But I am doing fine</p><p>Jenny Oh, that’s to bad</p><p>Hannah We’ll I’ve been looking Forward to this weekend For a long time</p><p>Jenny Ben and I were going to Have a swim want to come?</p><p>Hannah That sound’s fantastic</p><p>Hannah walks over to Ben who is talking to Frank</p><p>Ben So, we arrived here about Three hours ago, Jenny and I are at The campsite right beside yours</p><p>Frank Great</p><p>Hannah Hey, Ben pass me A beer I am thirsty</p><p>Ben Sure</p><p>Ben takes a beer from the pack and throws it towards Hannah</p><p>Hal I hope you’re a good catch</p><p>Frank She’s a great catch</p><p>Hannah I played fast pitch Baseball, I can catch a tiny ball So I can probably catch a beer </p><p>Frank So, Hal what camp lot Are you on?</p><p>Hal Virginia and I are sharing the Lot with Ben and Jenny</p><p>Frank Where is Virginia?</p><p>Hal Standing behind you</p><p>Frank turns around and sees Virginia</p><p>Frank Hey, Virginia Virginia Frank long time, no see</p><p>Frank How are things?</p><p>Virginia Everything’s Fine</p><p>Ben stands on the rock that Frank and Hannah were on and he taps a stick on his beer can</p><p>Ben (Shouting) Attention! Please Attention!</p><p>Jenny You go Ben</p><p>Ben (Shouting) Everyone lets get Changed! Were going Swimming!</p><p>Frank and Hannah look at each other. </p><p>Frank We haven’t set up? </p><p>Hannah We can do that later, Everyone get together in Five and we will swim!</p><p>Ben (Shouting) Perfect! In Five lets Meet back on Hannah and Frank’s Lot and we will party in the water Int. Police Station</p><p>Sheriff Lance Yates, and Deputy Sharon Crews are still sitting in at their desks, the donut box that was sitting on Sheriff Yates lap is now on the table, and there are no donuts in it.</p><p>Sharon It’s a slow day Today</p><p>Lance Isn’t everyday a slow day</p><p>Sharon Yeah, but today Seems to be the slowest Day in history</p><p>Lance I’ve had slower days</p><p>Sharon Like what? Lance Remember the time when I Had to sit at the old Adams House with Grandma Adams to protect Her from werewolves, she was a sleep the Whole time I was there, and the power was out</p><p>Sharon That would be a slow day</p><p>Lance Exactly</p><p>Sharon This police station Really needs to have a Television in it so at least We can entertain ourselves</p><p>Lance I wish we could, but there are So many budget restraints </p><p>Sharon Damn</p><p>Ext. Chip and Wilson’s Campsite</p><p>The Motor home is slowly backing into the campsite, it barley hits a tree, and takes up half the campsite lot. Wilson’s head is poking out through an open window in the car.</p><p>Wilson A little more, a little more</p><p>Chip (V.O) Hey, put your seatbelt on, and stop Sticking your head out the window, you Might hit your head on a tree</p><p>Wilson (V.O) Sorry dad</p><p>Chip (V.O) Safety comes first, always Remember that Wilson Wilson (V.O) I will Dad</p><p>Int. Cabin Living Room</p><p>Gus is sitting in the living room; the binoculars are dangling from his neck.</p><p>Gus When’s the food ready?</p><p>Mitchell (V.O) I’m serving it right now</p><p>Gus Great</p><p>Mitchell enters the room; he is holding two bowls of beans with hotdogs</p><p>Mitchell Here you go</p><p>Gus Thanks</p><p>Mitchell After this are You ready to hunt for Those deer?</p><p>Gus No, it will get dark Soon and I don’t want to Blinded by the non-existent Light</p><p>Mitchell All right</p><p>Gus You know I believe I saw Sasquatch!</p><p>Mitchell Really?</p><p>Gus Yes, really</p><p>Mitchell What did he look? Like!</p><p>Gus Just like in the News And on the Internet But I phoned the police</p><p>Mitchell Why would you do that?</p><p>Gus Because he was covered In blood</p><p>Mitchell He could have bled out</p><p>Gus From my view he didn’t Bleed out it was like His fur was stained in Blood</p><p>Mitchell You know he could Have just attacked a Deer or a Bear</p><p>Gus It didn’t look right It didn’t feel right</p><p>Mitchell Oh</p><p>Gus Oh is right</p><p>Mitchell Did they believe you?</p><p>Gus No, Sheriff Yates thought I was a fucking retard</p><p>Mitchell He never believes anybody</p><p>Gus Only time will tell If his judgment is wrong And somebody gets seriously injured Because of his lack of judgment</p><p>Ext. Hannah and Frank’s Campsite</p><p>Hannah and Frank are in their bathing suits, Hannah are wearing a bikini well Frank is wearing knee length surfing shorts. Hal and Virginia are walking towards Hannah and Frank</p><p>Hal Are you ready? Frank I guess you need your Glasses but Hannah and I Are ready!</p><p>Hal I guess I need them</p><p>Virginia Did you forget your Contacts?</p><p>Hal Yes at home</p><p>Hannah Where are Jenny and Ben?</p><p>Frank Oh my god</p><p>Virginia What?</p><p>Frank Look behind you</p><p>Ben and Jenny are walking toward Hal, Frank, Hannah, and Virginia</p><p>Hal Wow</p><p>Frank Ben you sly thing! Your always-craving attention</p><p>Hal A Speedo? Ben What can I say, this was My only chance to wear a Speedo Privately</p><p>Hannah Where’s your top?</p><p>Jenny I can’t find it</p><p>Virginia Really</p><p>Jenny Yes really, is that All right with everybody?</p><p>Hannah I’m fine with it</p><p>Virginia If Hannah’s fine with it I guess I’m fine with it Jenny Great lets go swimming</p><p>Ext. Chip and Wilson’s Campsite</p><p>Wilson is sitting on an old log, he is twiddling his thumbs; at the same time Chip is looking for firewood off screen</p><p>Chip (V.O) Can you help me find some? Wood, so we can start a fire The sun will set in about 30 minutes Wilson Sure dad</p><p>Chip (V.O) Be careful, there is some Bad terrain down the hill</p><p>Wilson Okay dad</p><p>Ext. Police Station</p><p>Sheriff Lance Yates is leaning against the wall of the police station he is smoking a cigarette. </p><p>Lance It’s been a long day And It’s going to be a Hell of along night</p><p>Lance drops the cigarette and stomps on it with his foot</p><p>Int. Police Washroom</p><p>Deputy Sharon Crews is standing in front of the sink, the water is on and she is staring at herself in the mirror.</p><p>Sharon Werewolves, Vampires what’s wrong With these townspeople it’s not real There is no documented proof I might miss The city life, but this is where I am and This is what I am doing, being a Cop is the Only calling, helping protect people is a god Sent, only the strong can do it. Am I strong? Sharon cups her hands and puts them under the running water of the sink, she then splashes Water onto her face, turns the sink off and exits the room. The lights are still on and her face is still dripping from her face.</p><p>Ext. Lake</p><p>Hal, Ben, Frank, Hannah, Virginia, and Jenny are all in the water, swimming.</p><p>Hal The sun is going to set Soon, in about five minutes</p><p>Jenny We can night swim can’t we?</p><p>Hal Of course we can</p><p>Frank Do you want to, go up? To the dock and watch the Sunset Hannah? Hannah Great Idea </p><p>Frank and Hannah exit the water and walk onto the dock; Virginia and Hal followed them. However, Ben and Jenny decide to stay in the water.</p><p>Ben You guys go ahead, Jenny And I are going to stay here</p><p>Hal All right, meet up With us once you’re ready Ben Are you ready to get Dirty?</p><p>Jenny Yes I am</p><p>Int. Cabin Living Room</p><p>Mitchell and Gus are sitting in the living room their bowls are empty and they are staring at the sunset.</p><p>Gus Can I stay here tonight, you know Sleep on the couch until morning</p><p>Mitchell That’s fine, from what you Told me, I don’t want to go out Their tonight</p><p>Gus Thanks</p><p>Mitchell Were buds right? </p><p>Gus Correct</p><p>Mitchell And you know what buds Do for each other, they Help each other</p><p>Gus I know what you’re getting at</p><p>Ext. Wilson and Chip’s Campsite Wilson and Chip have gotten the wood for the fire, they are sitting on the log, and sweat is dripping down both their faces. </p><p>Chip I didn’t expect that hill To be so tough or for the Wood to weigh so much!</p><p>Wilson Yeah, I’m getting cold</p><p>Chip I’ll start setting up the Fire, you go in the motor home And dry off </p><p>Ext. Lake Dock</p><p>Hal and Virginia are lying sitting on the dock looking at the sunset; well Frank and Hannah are kissing.</p><p>Virginia That is beautiful</p><p>Hal Sunsets might be beautiful, but I know One thing that is more beautiful and that Is you</p><p>Virginia Aw, Hal</p><p>Ben is in the water</p><p>Ben (Yelling) Do you have the towels?</p><p>Hal Frank, did you bring the towels</p><p>Frank and Hannah stop kissing</p><p>Frank What?</p><p>Hal The towels, were are they</p><p>Frank Shit, I left them at the Campsite</p><p>Ben Great, it’s going to be a cold, Wet, mini hike!</p><p>Virginia I guess now that the sun Has FINALLY set we can Go off and dry Jenny and Ben exit the lake, and Virginia, Hannah, Hal and Frank exit the dock, and proceed to walk to the campsite. </p><p>Ext. Hannah and Frank’s Campsite – Later that Night</p><p>Frank, Hannah, Hal, Virginia, Ben, and Jenny are sitting on a giant rock, and are staring at a blazing fire, Ben is stroking a guitar and he starts singing.</p><p>Ben (Singing) Sky rockets in night, afternoon Delight oh its afternoon delight Frank Can you shut up, you’ve been singing That song for the last hour</p><p>Ben (Singing) Afternoon Delight!</p><p>Jenny claps as Ben finishes the song</p><p>Jenny Go Ben!</p><p>Ext. Forest</p><p>Sasquatch (Michael Rapaport) slowly walks in the forest.</p><p>Ext. Chip and Wilson’s Campsite – Later that Night</p><p>Chip and Wilson are sitting on a log, there faces hover the fire as they slowly eat roasted marshmallows. Wilson This is good Chip Yeah, nothing’s better Then marshmallows at a campfire Especially when they’re done just Right</p><p>Wilson Golden?</p><p>Chip Of course</p><p>Wilson Can I have another one? Chip It’s getting late, I need To put this fire out and we need To get some sleep, we’ll have a Fun day tomorrow, I promise. </p><p>Wilson Come On</p><p>Chip No, Wilson now lets go It’s time to sleep</p><p>Wilson and Chip exit the screen, the fire is left going so it can die out</p><p>Ext. Hannah and Frank’s Campsite</p><p>Hannah, Frank, Jenny, Ben, Virginia, and Hal are all sitting on a giant rock. Ben is clutching his guitar in his hand but is not playing it.</p><p>Jenny It’s getting late, Ben I think it’s time we go to Bed</p><p>Ben You heard Jenny I’m going to Bed, I’m also tired so I guess We’ll see you tomorrow </p><p>Virginia I’m seriously tired, I’m going to bed and for Sleep, Hal if you want to Come you can or you can stay here</p><p>Hannah Actually, Frank and I Were going to go to sleep So this is perfect timing</p><p>Frank Okay, we’ll goodnight Everybody</p><p>Ext. By Hannah and Frank’s Campsite</p><p>Sasquatch is wondering the forest. However, he walks over to a tree and sees six people. Those people are Hal, Frank, Ben, Virginia, Hannah, and Jenny. He slowly starts to walk towards them.</p><p>Int. Motor Home </p><p>Wilson is sleeping on a bed, which once was the kitchen table. Chip locks the motor home, and enters his bed. Chip quickly falls a sleep.</p><p>Int. Police Station</p><p>Sheriff Lance Yates is silently sleeping on the floor, well his cop partner Deputy Sharon Crews turns off her computer and takes a sip of coffee from her coffee cup.</p><p>Sharon It’s going to be A long night, I hope There is some action Tonight</p><p>Ext. Hannah and Frank’s Campsite Sasquatch slowly walks into the middle of the Campsite without noticing, until Jenny glances there and sees him.</p><p>Jenny Oh my god!</p><p>Ben What</p><p>Jenny Look</p><p>Ben What is that thing?</p><p>Hal It’s Sasquatch</p><p>Ben Sasquatch?</p><p>The Sasquatch charges at the crowd of people</p><p>Jenny Run! </p><p>The Sasquatch is able to grab Virginia Before she can run</p><p>Hal Virginia!</p><p>Virginia Screams</p><p>Virginia Help me! Hal charges at the Sasquatch but the Sasquatch pushes Hal and he falls down</p><p>Hal Frank, Ben, Jenny, Hannah Run! I’ll fight this thing</p><p>The Sasquatch lifts Virginia over his head, and rips her in half, and throws the body on the ground. Hal then kneels down to look at Virginia’s body.</p><p>Jenny Oh my god!</p><p>Hal Virginia! No! </p><p>Sasquatch walks over to Hal, and swiftly claws his neck, the force pushes Hal six feet away, and he lands lying on his back.</p><p>Ben Hannah, Frank run, if you Don’t I will make you run!</p><p>Hannah What about Jenny?</p><p>Ben Jenny it’s your choice leave And live or stay and face the Possibility that you might die</p><p>Jenny I need to stay I’m studying to Become a nurse I can help Sasquatch walks over to and swipes frank, in the face. Luckily for Frank only a part of his cheek was ripped off.</p><p>Frank Fuck! It hurts it hurts!</p><p>Hannah Frank, get up we need to get You to a hospital and we need To get help!</p><p>Ben Find a Motor Home or get to a road Which everyone is quicker to find!</p><p>Jenny Hal, he is not responding He is dead</p><p>Ben Not Hal!</p><p>Jenny It looks like he died Rather instantly</p><p>Ben At least he will Be in heaven</p><p>The Sasquatch picks up Jenny, holding her with one hand, he walks off screen.</p><p>Jenny Help me Ben!</p><p>Jenny screams, and blood splatters onto Hannah and Ben’s faces Ben Oh my God Jenny!</p><p>Frank What are you waiting for? Hannah and Ben we need to get Out of here</p><p>Frank grabs Hannah’s hand and they quickly run away</p><p>Ben You killed my friends And you killed my girl Now I am going to Kill you, you mother Fucker! </p><p>The Sasquatch roars then picks Ben up by the legs</p><p>Ext. Forest</p><p>Hannah and Frank are running in the forest, desperately searching for a Motor home or road.</p><p>Ben (V.O) Frank! Help! Hannah We need to help him</p><p>Frank We can’t it’s too late</p><p>Ben (V.O) Help Me!</p><p>Ext. Hannah and Frank’s Campsite The Sasquatch is holding Ben by his ankles; Ben is hanging upside down.</p><p>Ben Let Go of Me</p><p>The Sasquatch bites Ben’s ankle.</p><p>Ben Fuck!</p><p>The Sasquatch then starts smashing Ben into the ground. Ben’s head smashes in half and brains clutter the ground. The Sasquatch drops Ben’s lifeless body. The Sasquatch then starts walking, In the direction that Frank and Hannah were running in</p><p>Ext. Forest</p><p>Hannah and Frank are still running. Frank suddenly trips and lands on a rock.</p><p>Frank Fuck!</p><p>Hannah Are you all right?</p><p>Frank I’m fine, but I think My leg may be injured</p><p>The footsteps of Sasquatch can be heard from the spot Hannah and Frank are at.</p><p>Hannah Come on, get up, I think I hear Sasquatch Frank I can’t it hurts too much</p><p>Hannah Do you want to die?</p><p>Frank No</p><p>Hannah Then get up</p><p>Frank gets up and with adrenaline starts running with Hannah. </p><p>Ext. Chip and Wilson’s Campsite</p><p>Hannah and Frank stumble up the hill to Chip and Wilson’s Campsite. They can barely make out that there is a Motor Home.</p><p>Hannah It’s only a small hill</p><p>Frank I’m just so tired Hannah Come on, I think I see A motor home</p><p>Hannah pulls Frank up the hill.</p><p>Frank Let me sit on this log</p><p>Frank points at the log</p><p>Hannah Come with me, we can’t waste Any time</p><p>Frank I need to sit down</p><p>Hannah Don’t, I don’t want To see you die</p><p>Hannah pulls Frank towards the motor home</p><p>Frank You pound on the hood I’ve lost the strength</p><p>Hannah knocks on the motor home door</p><p>Hannah Let us in, please Help us</p><p>Int. Motor Home</p><p>Wilson and Chip are sleeping. However, the pounding from Hannah wakes Chip and Wilson.</p><p>Wilson Dad what is that?</p><p>Chip What?</p><p>Wilson Can’t you hear it? The pounding</p><p>Chip Yes Wilson Will we be all right?</p><p>Chip Stay back</p><p>Hannah (V.O) Let us in, please!</p><p>Chip grabs a knife from a drawer in the mini motor home kitchen.</p><p>Chip I’m coming</p><p>Chip hides the knife behind his back and slowly unlocks then opens the door.</p><p>Hannah Hurry, Please</p><p>Chip looks and sees Hannah and Frank, they are both soaked in blood.</p><p>Chip Come in, quickly Hannah Thank you</p><p>Frank Help me up</p><p>Chip and Hannah help Frank get into the Motor Home.</p><p>Chip Are you all right?</p><p>Frank Please, I need to sit down Chip Wilson, get up and let This man sit on your bed</p><p>Wilson Okay dad</p><p>Frank Thanks buddy</p><p>Wilson What’s with your face?</p><p>Frank I’ll tell you later</p><p>Hannah You need to lock This motor home now</p><p>Chip Why?</p><p>Hannah Just do it now</p><p>Chip locks the motor home</p><p>Chip Can you tell me what happened?</p><p>Frank Before that, can you please? Get a cloth, and do you have a Cell phone? Because we will need One</p><p>Chip I’ll get that stuff Chip goes to the Bed and pulls a cell phone from a bag, and then goes into the bathroom and pulls out a towel</p><p>Chip (Cont’d) I’m sorry, but a towel is All I have</p><p>Frank If that’s it I’ll take it</p><p>Chip Now I need to know What happened!</p><p>Frank You’re going to think Were crazy</p><p>Chip Please be quiet, your Really bleeding badly</p><p>Hannah All right, it was about Twenty minutes ago, it was Some friends, and us we were All about to go to sleep when This beast came onto our campsite</p><p>Wilson A beast?</p><p>Hannah Yes, a beast, so when we Initially saw this beast, one of Our friends yelled out Sasquatch! Then that Sasquatch picked up our Friend Virginia, it gets really bad And I don’t think your son needs to Know what happens next</p><p>Chip Are they all right?</p><p>Hannah That’s why we are here We are the only survivors</p><p>Chip Wilson go, to the bathroom, and shut The door, I need to hear the rest of This story</p><p>Frank Don’t do it, Wilson</p><p>Hannah Frank is right, we need To us a cell phone And phone the cops</p><p>Chip hands the cell phone to Hannah Chip There you go</p><p>Hannah Thank you</p><p>Hannah dials 911</p><p>Int. Police Station</p><p>Sheriff Lance Yates appears to be half a sleep on the floor, and Sharon appears to be barely awake. The phone starts to ring and Sharon and Lance instantly fully wake up. </p><p>Lance Sharon, get to the Phone please</p><p>Sharon picks up the phone </p><p>Sharon Lake Zeal Police, what Is your problem?</p><p>Hannah (V.O) Bigfoot, Sasquatch he Just attacked my friends They’re all dead. </p><p>Sharon How many are dead?</p><p>Hannah (V.O) Four, and my boyfriend Is injured, only two Of us are still alive, Were in a trailer at Hannah (Cont’d) In a trailer, at the Lake Zeal Campsite, You need to come here Quickly</p><p>Sharon then hears screams from the other end Of the line</p><p>Sharon Is everything all right? Hannah (Cont’d) No, Sasquatch it’s here You need to come here, Armed he is very dangerous</p><p>Sharon then hears the roar from Sasquatch and starts talking to Lance</p><p>Sharon Sasquatch is real, Gus was Right! </p><p>Lance It’s a myth</p><p>Sharon No it’s not, we need To find Gus and Mitchell They have guns we need as Many people to help us</p><p>Lance Sharon, it’s only a Myth</p><p>Sharon Four People dead, Why Would somebody lie about that?</p><p>Lance Let me talk to him</p><p>Sharon It’s a female!</p><p>Sharon passes the phone to Lance Hannah (V.O) Please help us!</p><p>Lance Are you lying to us?</p><p>Hannah (V.O) Why would I lie about this!</p><p>Sasquatch makes another loud roar</p><p>Lance Please stay calm, help is On the way</p><p>Lance hangs up the phone</p><p>Sharon Why did you do that?</p><p>Lance Were going to Mitchell’s Place, we have to fight That little fucker!</p><p>Sharon and Lance grab there jackets and then exit the screen</p><p>Int. Motor Home</p><p>The sound of a dead ring tone is all you can hear, as everybody is quiet.</p><p>Chip What happened?</p><p>Hannah They hung up Chip Hung Up?</p><p>Hannah Yes they hung up!</p><p>Chip Is help going to come</p><p>Hannah I believe so</p><p>Chip Good</p><p>Wilson The trailer is shaking</p><p>Frank It’s strong, really strong</p><p>Chip We need a game plan Because we can’t just sit down And wait for help</p><p>Hannah We can’t leave the trailer</p><p>Chip Why?</p><p>Hannah Our friend, Virginia, the one This Sasquatch creature grabbed a hold of It ripped her in half</p><p>Chip Is it a cannibal creature? Frank It’s not human</p><p>Hannah Frank got lucky</p><p>Frank takes the towel off his face to reveal a hole in his cheek</p><p>Chip Oh my god, Wilson don’t look</p><p>Frank That was just minor</p><p>Chip Oh god, I hope help Arrives soon</p><p>Sasquatch starts to rock the motor home</p><p>Wilson Dad, what’s going on?</p><p>Chip Stay come and brace yourself Wilson For what</p><p>Chip For an emergency</p><p>Wilson What emergency?</p><p>Chip I wish I knew what that Was now sit down Int. Police Car</p><p>Sheriff Lance Yates is driving the car; well Deputy Sharon Crews sits in the passenger seat, looking at a map. </p><p>Lance How much longer?</p><p>Sharon One more mile straight, then A right and another two miles on A rough trail road and we should be Their</p><p>Lance Oh god, thank you</p><p>Sharon What are you so Uptight about?</p><p>Lance I’m not good in the woods</p><p>Sharon Like claustrophobia? Lance You can say that</p><p>Sharon If something’s wrong you can tell Me, we’ve been working together for How many years?</p><p>Lance Normally, I would wait at the Foot of the woods, but right now With that beast on the loose, I’m Not doing so well Sharon It could just be a Drug addicted teenager, playing Roaring noises in the background</p><p>Lance It was too real for that Scenario</p><p>Sharon Look, were now in the woods Were almost there</p><p>Int. Motor Home</p><p>Hannah and Chip can barely stand, as Sasquatch violently shakes the Motor home. Plates are smashing on the ground, and a drawer full of forks and knives is slowly opening.</p><p>Frank Pull that drawer out</p><p>Chip What drawer?</p><p>Frank The drawer that is full of knifes</p><p>Chip tries to close it but is unable as the Drawer detaches and a two knives fall onto Chip’s foot stabbing him</p><p>Chip Aww! Oh God, My foot</p><p>Frank Hannah, quickly get those knives Locked up if this motor home flips we could All be killed, due to stabbing</p><p>Wilson Dad is all right, right?</p><p>Chip I’m okay, now you May hear some words that I don’t want you to hear</p><p>Wilson Let me see that</p><p>Chip Sit down, now!</p><p>Hannah starts picking up knives </p><p>Hannah Do you have any locks?</p><p>Chip No</p><p>Hannah What should I do?</p><p>Frank Don’t look at me!</p><p>Chip Stuff them under the bed</p><p>Chip tries to get up</p><p>Chip Fuck!</p><p>Hannah Sit down Wilson looks out the window</p><p>Wilson Can I sit beside you dad?</p><p>Chip Move quickly</p><p>Frank You’re safer over there</p><p>Wilson No I’m not</p><p>Sasquatch breaks the window, which is by Wilson’s head</p><p>Hannah Oh my god!</p><p>Chip Let go of my son!</p><p>Wilson Dad help me!</p><p>Wilson gets up, heavily limping</p><p>Chip Lady, hand me a Knife</p><p>Hannah It’s Hannah</p><p>Chip We don’t have time</p><p>Hannah gives Chip a knife Hannah There you go</p><p>Chip Thanks</p><p>Chip stabs Sasquatch in the arm, and in an act of pain, Sasquatch lets go of Wilson’s head</p><p>Chip Wilson are you okay?</p><p>Wilson I feel fine</p><p>Chip looks at Wilson’s head and sees that there is a lot of blood in his hair</p><p>Chip Hannah, in the bathroom is a towel I will need it, he’s got a pretty bad Head wound</p><p>Frank Come over here, it’s not safe Over there</p><p>Chip It’s not safe in here</p><p>Frank This is our only Salvation, if we exit We get killed; it’s a time game now</p><p>Hannah We can only pray</p><p>Ext. Cabin Sheriff Lance Yates and Deputy Sharon Crews are standing at the front door; the police car is still on in front of the house. </p><p>Lance Police open up, we know You’re in there</p><p>Mitchell (V.O) Yeah, Yeah what the fuck do You want?</p><p>Sharon Open the door, now</p><p>Mitchell opens the door, he is shirtless and is holding a beer</p><p>Mitchell What am I charged with?</p><p>Lance Nothing but we need your Help</p><p>Mitchell What help?</p><p>Lance Sasquatch, It’s out there And it’s furious</p><p>Mitchell I need to get Gus</p><p>Lance We will get him Mitchell He’s actually here</p><p>Lance Great</p><p>Sharon Now put your shirt on, grab Your gun and get Gus ready, Where going Sasquatch hunting!</p><p>Mitchell Give us some time</p><p>Lance Five minutes</p><p>Sharon I’ll turn off the car</p><p>Lance Go ahead</p><p>Ext. Wilson and Chip’s Campsite</p><p>Sasquatch is rocking the Motor Home; his brown fur is half covered in blood. As well, Screams can be heard from within the Motor Home.</p><p>Chip (V.O) Hurry, he’s really Rocking this RV</p><p>Frank (V.O) Quickly, Hannah finish Picking up those knives, You need to be safe too</p><p>Hannah (V.O) I’m trying</p><p>Frank (V.O) Please try</p><p>Int. Motor Home</p><p>Frank, Wilson, and Chip are sitting on the kitchen- table converted bed. Hannah has just slammed the knives on the kitchen counter, but still has the knives clinched in her hand. </p><p>Hannah Try?</p><p>Frank Yes try!</p><p>Hannah All you have been doing Is sitting here barking orders At me</p><p>Frank Barking orders? It’s called Help</p><p>Hannah Help would be nice! But nobody’s helping</p><p>Chip I was helping</p><p>Hannah Alright exclude the black guy And his kid</p><p>Chip Black guy? It’s chip you bitch</p><p>Hannah A Bitch all you have is knives Sticking in your foot, nigger</p><p>Chip Your one to be talking</p><p>Wilson Stop the arguing please!</p><p>Wilson is almost in tears</p><p>Chip Look what your doing To him, he’s already been Through enough</p><p>Hannah My week couldn’t have Gotten any worse</p><p>Wilson Stop</p><p>Hannah Shut Up</p><p>Wilson starts to cry</p><p>Chip Look what you have done</p><p>Hannah That’s nothing</p><p>Chip It’s all right, it’s All right champ</p><p>Ext. Cabin</p><p>Sheriff Lance Yates escorts Mitchell Smith and Gus to the police car. Holding in their left hands is Mitchell and Gus are shotguns and in their other hands they are holding dynamites. Deputy Sharon Crews is sitting in the police car, tapping the steering wheel.</p><p>Lance We need to hurry, Something’s out there and It’s Dangerous</p><p>Gus Sasquatch?</p><p>Lance Yes</p><p>Gus I was right</p><p>Lance Yes</p><p>Gus It hurt somebody</p><p>Lance It’s being reported that four people Have been killed, and we don’t know If anybody else has been killed or hurt That’s also why we have enlisted your help</p><p>Gus Do you know? Were it is</p><p>Lance Lake Zeal Campsite</p><p>Mitchell It’s just five minutes from Here</p><p>Lance I know, now hop in, where going Sasquatch hunting</p><p>Mitchell and Gus go into the back of the police car, and Lance quickly goes to sit in the Passenger seat.</p><p>Sharon Hurry up, we can’t be Late</p><p>Int. Motor Home</p><p>Wilson is crying, leaning his head on Chip’s shoulder. Hannah is stilling standing with the knives from the floor clinched in here hands and Frank is sitting beside Chip, the towel pressed to his face is covered in blood.</p><p>Hannah Chip, were do you want me To put those knives </p><p>Chip Under the mattress</p><p>Hannah slowly walks over to the Bed, and slowly lifts the mattress then quickly stuffs the knives under the mattress. </p><p>Hannah Oh my god, I hope help arrives soon.</p><p>Frank Stop panicking!</p><p>Hannah You’re not the one having Close encounters with a weird Creature.</p><p>Chip Sit down, Hannah It’s a waiting game from now on.</p><p>Hannah sits down beside Frank</p><p>Hannah I hope this isn’t squishing you.</p><p>Chip It’s fine.</p><p>Ext. Wilson and Chip’s Campsite</p><p>Sasquatch abruptly stops rocking the motor home, he awkwardly observes the motor home and moves over to the window closes to where Wilson, Chip, Frank, and Hannah are sitting.</p><p>Chip (V.O) So, what do you do? Hannah (V.O) Me?</p><p>Chip (V.O) Yes you</p><p>Hannah (V.O) I’m a Secretary, at a Major law firm</p><p>Chip (V.O) Interesting</p><p>Hannah (V.O) What about you?</p><p>Chip (V.O) I’m a construction worker</p><p>Hannah (V.O) I would have thought you were A rising action movie star!</p><p>Chip (V.O) I’m not the acting type, I May be big, but I’ve always liked to Build things. </p><p>Hannah (V.O) So like High Rises</p><p>Chip (V.O) It’s started out as Model Planes and Trains Then Automobiles. Then I had Wilson with my Ex-Wife, and I needed a well paying job and Construction just seemed to fit. </p><p>Hannah (V.O) That’s great!</p><p>Ext. Dirt Road</p><p>The Police Car rattles as it drives down a bumpy dirt road. It gets to the end of the road, and makes a swift turn right, heading into the Forest.</p><p>Int. Motor Home</p><p>Frank, Hannah, Chip, and Wilson are sitting on the table-converted bed, their heads are facing back to a window and Sasquatch is staring through that window.</p><p>Wilson Do you think help has arrived yet?</p><p>Chip Son, I don’t think so. Hopefully They’re on their way</p><p>Hannah God, I’m sick of waiting here And I’m sick of you guy’s sitting Around crying for help, stand up And become men! It’s only that simple Chip You and Frank can, but right now My best interest is my son’s safety.</p><p>Hannah You have to fight for your Son’s safety, this thing is not Easy to deal with! Alright, I saw My friends brutally slaughtered by This thing, it’s not going to stop Just because you want to</p><p>Hannah attempts to stand up, but Frank pushes down on her shoulder</p><p>Frank Honey, I need you to be Safe. </p><p>The sounds of a Police Car pulling up to the lot can be heard from a distance</p><p>Wilson Are they here?</p><p>Frank Can you hear that? Hannah It sounds like help, It sounds like victory</p><p>The police car can be heard stopping and then the car doors from the police car can now be heard opening and closing.</p><p>Lance (V.O) Police we have the Motor Home Surrounded. There is nothing to Worry about, just stay were you are We have this under control.</p><p>Ext. Chip and Wilson’s Campsite</p><p>Sasquatch is standing in the middle between the Motor Home and the Police car. Standing in Front of the Police car are Sheriff Lance Yates, Deputy Sharon Crews, and to the right of Sheriff Lance Yates are Mitchell Smith and Gus. Both Mitchell Smith and Gus are holding Shotguns in their hands, and Lance and Sharon are holding Pistols.</p><p>Lance Mitchell, Shot the Gun and try not to Miss!</p><p>Mitchell I’m not too good with guns.</p><p>Lance Well, you better try, we have No time. Now shoot the fucking gun!</p><p>Mitchell shoots the shotgun but misses Sasquatch, and the bullet lodges into the Motor Home</p><p>Mitchell Fuck!</p><p>Gus Let a real shooter shot the gun.</p><p>Sasquatch looks into the window of the motor home</p><p>Int. Motor Home</p><p>Frank, Chip, and Wilson are sitting on the kitchen table converted bed. Hannah is standing in the mini hallway staring at the Door. Hannah I’m going to exit, help is Here!</p><p>Frank Listen to what he said! Stay here, and wait, they have it under Control. </p><p>Sasquatch smashes through the window And grabs Chip’s head. </p><p>Wilson Dad!</p><p>Chip Help Me! Frank, Hannah Wilson</p><p>Chip screams in pain</p><p>Lance (V.O) Shoot him Shoot him! Gus use your shotgun and kill That mother-fucking beast Chip Help!</p><p>Sasquatch makes a tug to pull Chip out the window but his shoulders are to big for the window</p><p>Hannah Get up Frank! </p><p>Frank doesn’t get up in time and Sasquatch rips Chip’s head off Wilson Dad! No!</p><p>Wilson starts to cry</p><p>Frank Oh my god</p><p>Wilson Why? Dad</p><p>Hannah Wilson, Come here, were leaving.</p><p>Wilson Dad is dead!</p><p>Hannah Come on, we can sneak out.</p><p>Wilson and Frank are now covered in Chip’s blood, which is squirting from his severed head.</p><p>Ext. Chip and Wilson’s Campsite</p><p>Sasquatch is holding Chip’s head; he is cleverly showcasing the head at Lance, Gus, Mitchell, and Sharon. Sharon Oh my god!</p><p>Mitchell Shit! That was harsh</p><p>Sharon Do you know if anybody else? Is in there.</p><p>Lance I believe one female, maybe more. Gus points his shotgun at Sasquatch</p><p>Gus I’m ready. Give me the signal.</p><p>Lance Wait!</p><p>Gus Give me the signal. I’m going to shoot</p><p>Lance No</p><p>Gus I’m shooting!</p><p>Gus is about to press the trigger, he has his shot aimed; however, at that exact moment Sasquatch throws the head at the gun, it hit’s gun, making it directly point Gus’s stomach, without noticing Gus pulls the trigger shooting himself in the stomach.</p><p>Mitchell Gus!</p><p>Mitchell examines Gus’s body, he sees the giant open stomach wound, Gus’s guts are all over the ground by his body.</p><p>Lance The head pass it to me.</p><p>Mitchell picks up head and gently throws it to Lance.</p><p>Mitchell Was that good for you? Lance It’s definitely male, black We will need to talk to one Of the people in that RV when They get out.</p><p>Mitchell I’m charging, at that bastard! You took away my best friend!</p><p>Mitchell picks up Gus’s shotgun, and takes a bullet from Gus’s pocket.</p><p>Sharon Don’t do it! </p><p>Mitchell I have no choice.</p><p>Sharon You do, you can stay back and Be safe.</p><p>Mitchell Safe from what, look what he did To that man, and look what he did with Gus, it’s smarter then everybody thinks it is! Lance It’s not that smart.</p><p>Mitchell loads the shotgun</p><p>Mitchell It is, stop trying to lie To yourself!</p><p>Lance You can’t let it get to You. Mitchell Him?</p><p>Lance No, Gus</p><p>Mitchell Gus, was by buddy, we did Everything together, ever since My wife died it’s been me and the woods And he was already in those woods.</p><p>Lance There will always Be somebody in the woods.</p><p>Sasquatch roars</p><p>Mitchell That’s it! </p><p>Lance tries to stop Mitchell</p><p>Lance Stop!</p><p>Mitchell Let go of my shirt, he’s Going to die.</p><p>Mitchell charges at the Sasquatch</p><p>Lance No! I won’t let you</p><p>Lance draws his pistol and shots Mitchell in the leg. Mitchell instantly drops to the ground. Sharon What did you do that for?</p><p>Lance To stop him, from doing something Bad. </p><p>Sharon You just doomed him.</p><p>Lance It’s Mitchell he can get out alive</p><p>Sasquatch picks up Mitchell with one hand.</p><p>Mitchell Why? Why did you do that?</p><p>Lance To save you!</p><p>Mitchell Oh no! Help me!</p><p>Sharon shoots the Sasquatch six times. However, she hits Mitchell once and misses all other shots.</p><p>Mitchell Fuck you!</p><p>Sasquatch takes his non-holding hand and sticks it through Mitchell’s body.</p><p>Sharon Why!</p><p>Int. Motor Home Hannah, Frank, and Wilson are in the motor home still, they are watching from inside the motor home, through the window that Chip’s head was pulled off in.</p><p>Hannah Oh my god</p><p>Frank Now, exit now</p><p>Hannah tries to open the motor home door but the door is jammed.</p><p>Hannah Fuck!</p><p>Frank What?</p><p>Hannah It’s jammed.</p><p>Frank There’s always a plan B.</p><p>Frank cleverly looks at the windshield of the Motor Home.</p><p>Frank Hey, kid is there anything That we can smash the windshield with?</p><p>Hannah still struggles with the Door</p><p>Wilson I don’t know, try your foot, my Dad usually knows were all that stuff is He always handled that stuff. Hannah opens the door.</p><p>Hannah It’s opening, quietly we need to leave.</p><p>Ext. Chip and Wilson’s Campsite</p><p>Lance and Sharon have their pistols drawn. Sasquatch still has his arm inside Mitchell’s lifeless corpse and Noticeably Hannah, Frank, and Wilson are exiting the RV.</p><p>Sharon They’re exiting.</p><p>Lance You’re not serious?</p><p>Sharon It appears to be a Man, a Woman and a Boy.</p><p>Lance Is that there son?</p><p>Sharon Doubt it, it’s probably the man’s son.</p><p>Lance Wow Sasquatch hears the door shut, and quickly drops Mitchell’s bodies and moves around the back of the motor home.</p><p>Sharon Run! Run over here!</p><p>Sasquatch catches up to Frank, and grabs him by his shoulders.</p><p>Frank Keep on running! </p><p>Hannah stops and looks back at the Sasquatch holding Frank.</p><p>Hannah I can’t leave you.</p><p>Frank It’s too late for me. </p><p>Hannah No! </p><p>Frank Remember, I love you</p><p>The Sasquatch walks over to Lance and Sharon, holding Frank, who is barely struggling. </p><p>Sharon Kick! Kick!</p><p>Frank I can’t</p><p>Sharon Please, try.</p><p>The Sasquatch rips Frank in half and throws his ripped in half body at Lance, making Lance fall to the ground.</p><p>Hannah Frank! Frank!</p><p>Hannah runs over to Lance, and Wilson runs over to Sharon. </p><p>Wilson I miss my family.</p><p>Sharon You’ve been through a lot.</p><p>Wilson Can you help me?</p><p>Sharon I can, I just need to help Lance right now.</p><p>Hannah is standing over Lance, touching Frank’s ripped in half body. </p><p>Hannah Are you all right?</p><p>Lance Can you help me up? And yes I am fine. </p><p>Hannah Sure</p><p>Lance Move! </p><p>Sasquatch is behind Hannah, and she can only hear it’s breathing, well Lance can see it fully.</p><p>Hannah What?</p><p>Lance Run! Move! Do something Get away! Sasquatch grabs Hannah by the neck and throws her into the Motor home. Her neck is gushing out blood rapidly.</p><p>Sasquatch (Very quietly) You</p><p>Sharon and Wilson look at Hannah as she is trying to get up.</p><p>Wilson Should we help her?</p><p>Sharon Slashed throat, she’s going To be dead before we even get to her. </p><p>Wilson What about him?</p><p>Sharon I have it under control.</p><p>The Sasquatch looks at the police car, and walks over to it. When he walks over it, he steps on Lance’s legs breaking them both.</p><p>Lance Fuck! Sharon Come on get up!</p><p>Lance My legs, I can’t move them.</p><p>Sharon Let me help you!</p><p>Lance It’s too late.</p><p>Sharon It’s not too late!</p><p>Lance Yes it is!</p><p>Sharon Why?</p><p>Lance Remember, You are a Great cop, and Lake Zeal Needs you now run! Run with the Kid</p><p>Sasquatch pushes the Police Car over, and it crushes Lance.</p><p>Sharon Lance!</p><p>Wilson We need to run.</p><p>Sharon pulls out her pistol, and shoots Sasquatch in-between the eyes. </p><p>Sharon What is your name? Wilson It’s Wilson miss.</p><p>Sharon I’m Sharon, it’s time that we Leave her and get back to town.</p><p>Sharon and Wilson quickly run off camera. Then suddenly, Sasquatch opens his eyes and gets up and makes a soft roar before proceeding to chase Sharon and Wilson.</p><p>Fade Out</p>

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