<p> Oakland University HISTORY D E P A R T M E N T</p><p>NEWSLETTER Spring 2015</p><p>DEPARTMENT 2010 Ann Marie Wambeke This newsletter features interviews VIEW FROM THE with our two newest professors as a HONOR ROLL way of introducing them and getting The Department of History has a well- CHAIR’S DESK to know them better. It contains a established track record of success in ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ reflective piece by George Milne, winning the most coveted prizes It is becoming increasingly clear, as awarded by Oakland University. our most recently tenured faculty I conclude my first term as member. It also chronicles the University Distinguished Professor department chair and embark on my events of 2014-15, another full and 2007 Ronald Finucane second, that I have the privilege of successful year for the department. It leading a department in the midst of shares the news of individuals and Research Excellence Award an exciting change. The arrival in groups, faculty and students, who 1985 Charles Akers 2014-15 of Erin Dwyer and Liz have contributed to the vitality of the 1992 Richard Tucker Shesko as our two newest historians department in many guises. There is 1998 Ronald Finucane —of the U.S. Civil War era and news of awards and fellowships, 2007 Linda Benson Latin America, respectively—added publications and presentations, to the momentum created by the honors and achievements - - all of Teaching Excellence Award recent hires of Yan Li in Chinese the numerous activities that make up 1989 Carl Osthaus history and James Naus as our 1991 Anne Tripp the life of an academic unit. 2001 Todd Estes Medievalist. Collectively, these four Collectively, they reveal an outstanding young scholars and energetic and active department New Investigator Research teachers bring the department a vital busily engaged in teaching, research, Excellence Award infusion of youth, enthusiasm, and service. 1996 Geoffrey Wawro energy, and talent. Not only have 2008 Matthew Sutton they helped to shift the department’s I take a great deal of pride in my 2011 Craig Martin center of balance in a new direction, colleagues and their work, and this they will also subtly help change old newsletter shows that we all have President’s Colloquium Award ways and practices in the department much of which we can be proud. I 1999 Geoffrey Wawro and ease new ones to the forefront. won’t rehearse it all in this 2001 Linda Benson As such, these dynamic recent hires 2003 Sean Farrell Moran introduction—please read for will be part of molding a new 2006 Sara Chapman yourself below. Key to all of the 2009 Todd Estes department culture that builds on the success we experience are the best of the old, but grafts on much- special people who work with us in College of Arts and Sciences needed new qualities and the department. I’d like to say a Engagement Award sensibilities. As culture change goes, word of thanks to Kari Cadwell 2013 Dan Clark the department of History is in the who is concluding two years as our midst of an exciting one and I, as graduate assistant. One professor Outstanding Thesis Award for chair, find it most welcome. told me that although we have had Graduate Students many excellent grad assistants, “Kari 2008 Jennifer Laam 2 is the best one ever.” She has done teaching and experiences in graduate and earn awards that reflect well on excellent work for us and for our school. them, their teachers, and the students and we acknowledge her department and College. The chapter contributions and thank her for her During the winter semester our is grateful for the strong support of efforts. I also want to thank Roger chapter hosted its annual Careers in Dean Kevin Corcoran for this Biernat who concluded his first year History Panel. A large and venture and to PAT faculty sponsors as our student office worker. interested audience heard panelists Dan Clark, James Naus, and Yan Li Roger’s efficiency and dedication discuss what they do, and how a who do such a good job of working set him apart as he tackled history degree has helped them in with them all year and preparing photocopying, faxing, filing, and their professions. Former PAT them to be successful. While the many other duties. We are fortunate students Tobi Voigt, Josh Miller, awards are nice verification of our to have him returning for a second and Lesley Chapel served on the students' achievements, the most tour of duty next year. Lastly, we all panel, as did our medievalist, James valuable benefits of the conference owe a huge debt of gratitude to Naus, and Dominique Daniel from are the experience and the Janet Chandler and Johanna Kresge Library. opportunities our students gain from McReynolds, our devoted participating. We can all be proud of administrative secretaries, without One of the highlights of each year is them and their efforts. whom the smooth and efficient the chapter's participation in the operation of the department would PAT Regional Conference, which Coming on the heels of the regional be impossible. Each week, they do was held in March at Ferris State conference was the annual induction countless tasks—large and small, University. Thirteen OU students dinner for new members, held in seen and unseen—for faculty and for presented papers, and two others April at Lino's restaurant in students that help people and make made the trip to provide support. Rochester Hills. An enthusiastic the office hum along. I know I could Four of the presenters took home group of thirty-seven, including not do my job as chair without them awards for their excellent work. students, parents, faculty members, —and I would never want to try! Chris Mosier, Nick DiPucchio, and and Liz Shesko's daughter Becca Kari Cadwell each won awards for were on hand to induct our newest Thanks to everyone who has made "Best Paper" in their categories, and members and to celebrate an active this year of change a good one for Adam Derington won an "Honorable and successful past year for the the department. Mention" award for his work. organization. Many thanks to Congratulations go to the award Professor Shesko for an outstanding By: Todd Estes winners and also to all of our talk on how she became a historian. presenters and attendees who The students also remained performed very impressively, undefeated in the annual Quiz Bowl, DINNERS, PANELS, according to faculty sponsors Dan once again defeating the faculty for AND REGIONAL Clark and James Naus. Dan and rights to the Trivial Trophy. These James both noted how impressive, dinners are always meaningful CONFERENCE collegial and professional our events for the students and for their HIGHLIGHT ACTIVE students were and how well they parents who have a chance to see the PHI ALPHA THETA represented the department and the manifestation of their children's hard university. Also presenting for OU work and achievements. Phi Alpha YEAR were: Emma Barko, Roger Biernat, Theta this year had a group of ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Katie Chaka, Michael Dilay, Jane dedicated students and faithful The Oakland chapter of Phi Alpha Dixon, Marc DuBuis, Karli Iceman, faculty members affiliated with this Theta, the national history honor Steve Piontkowski, and Nancy organization. It was another society, had another busy and Windnagle. Attending and excellent year for the chapter and the successful year, filled with both supporting were Chris Blaker and dinner was a fitting and proper individual and collective alumnus Bill English. culmination to the year's activities. achievements and honors. In December the students sponsored The regional conference is a prime The new members inducted this year their annual Holiday dinner for example of student success on are: Bruce Bakken, Sarah Black, students and faculty at Rochester display: our students, who have Michael Dilay, Nick DiPucchio, Mills restaurant, drawing a good written and revised their papers and Nadine Duchaine, Edwin Hanson, crowd of both teachers and rehearsed their presentations, Karli Iceman, Shanna Johnson, members. Earlier in the semester the annually display their hard work and Chris Mosier, Steve Piontkowski, chapter hosted Oakland's newest accomplishments before their peers and Rose Walsh. historians, Erin Dwyer and Liz from other institutions. When Shesko, who talked to the students stacked up against these other Looking ahead to 2015-16, the informally about their research and students, ours often come out on top chapter has elected the following 3 officers for next year: Adam research and interests with an Karen Miller, “The Geography of Derington, Katie Chaka, Nick engaged, thoughtful audience. The Despair: Detroit’s Housing in World DiPucchio, and Roger Biernat. question and answer sessions that War II” follow each lecture are filled with lively exchanges and a sharing of Sean Moran, “Britain, Race, and the perspectives and give audience War Against the Slave Trade” 2014-2015 PHI ALPHA members and speakers an THETA INDUCTEES opportunity to extend or clarify their Ian Greenspan, “Blueprint for Hate: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ points or to ask additional questions. The Enduring Legacy of the Turner Bruce Bakken, Sarah Black, Michael The department is grateful to its Diaries” Dilay, Nicholas DiPucchio, Steven audience for their attendance and Piontkowski, Rose Walsh, Nadine participation in this series and for STUDENT their sustained and growing support Duchaine, Edwin Hanson, Karli SCHOLARSHIP Iceman, Shanna Johnson, Christian over the years. Mosier, Bennett Gillam and Holly WINNERS Lustig. These lectures are well-received and highly valuable outreach efforts by ANNOUNCED the department at community ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ANOTHER BANNER engagement, which is one of the key History majors Sarah Black and YEAR FOR HISTORY initiatives of President Hynd. They Adam Derington have been recognized for their outstanding COMES ALIVE offer the department an opportunity to share our knowledge with the achievements by being named LECTURE SERIES community and to interact in ways recipients of two prestigious ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ outside the classroom that are scholarships for the upcoming 2015- The 11th year of the department’s mutually rewarding and enjoyable. 16 academic year. Sarah Black has acclaimed “History Comes Alive” Plans for the 2015-16 season of been named as one of seven lecture series was a great success. “History Comes Alive” are already recipients of the Holzbock Nearly 600 people attended the six underway and the schedule will be Scholarship for students in the lectures, from September through announced soon. College of Arts and Sciences. This March, and heard Oakland History competitive award honors students faculty members educate and This important series would not be with exemplary records across the entertain. The appreciative possible without the valued support College. Adam Derington will be the audiences—which averaged 97 of our sponsors: the Knudsen Family recipient of the George Matthews people per lecture—included Foundation (and its administrator, Scholarship awarded by the students, community members, Judith Christie); the Office of the department of History for 2015-16. alumni, OU classes, faculty Dean of the College of Arts and Congratulations to Sarah and Adam members from other departments, Sciences; and the Office of the on these honors. administrators, and high school Senior Vice-President for Academic students (prospective Oakland Affairs and Provost. The series was Graduate student Katie Chaka, who students). The lectures were also established in 2004 with a generous will be the department’s graduate faithfully attended by College of grant from our founding sponsors, assistant, starting in the fall, won a Arts and Sciences Dean Kevin the late John and the late Annette Provost’s Graduate Research Award Corcoran, whose office is a sponsor Carter. to fund a summer of archival of the series, and a special guest at research in Munich as she conducts the March lecture was Oakland’s The lectures in the 2014-15 series research on her M.A. thesis. new president, George Hynd. were as follows: Additionally, thanks to the work of This year’s lectures featured the Todd Estes, “Before the Fatal Duel: Professor Erin Dwyer, the Dean’s usual mix of topics on U.S., The Last Years of Alexander office has funded a new summer European, and world history and Hamilton’s Life and the Future of internship program for work in the took place in the Oakland Center on American Politics” Kresge Library archives in the Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Frederick Black Papers which Our crowd included many trusty Bruce Zellers, “The American contain valuable information about regulars, some of whom have been Century: Things That Might Have Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. with us since the lecture series was Been and Things That Were” Four students were selected through inaugurated by the department in a competitive application process to 2004. The History department James Naus, “The Crusades and the serve as paid interns for this summer faculty members view these as Making of a Medieval French King” project: Sarah Black, Adam exciting opportunities to share their Derington, Amrutha Prakash and Steven Schatzberg. Congratulations 4 to all these students on their fine Congratulations to all three and scholar and is remembered work and these awards which honor recipients and to the department as a fondly by former students and their accomplishments. whole for this latest round of colleagues. The department has lost funding success that reflects well on a distinguished former colleague and us all. friend. We salute his life and mourn IN MEMORIAM: his passing. THREE HISTORIANS JOHN (JACK) RECEIVE $10,000 Family and friends are mourning BARNARD the loss of Jack Barnard, who SUMMER RESEARCH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ passed away at age 82, this FELLOWSHIPS Just before publication, the past Sunday evening, April 19, in ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ department of History learned the Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis, Three History department faculty sad news of the death at age 82 of Massachusetts. members have won $10,000 Emeritus Professor John “Jack” Summer Research Fellowships for Barnard in late April. Jack retired Jack was born in November, 1932, Summer 2015 to fund their research from the department in 1997 and and raised in Wichita, Kansas along and scholarship. These fellowships, moved to Cape Cod, but stayed in with his two sisters, Mary and awarded by the University Research contact via email and occasional Joanne. After graduating from Committee and announced last visits to the area. Jack Barnard came Wichita North High School, Jack December, went to Elizabeth to Oakland in 1964 and served two enrolled in Oberlin College where Shesko, Erin Dwyer, and Todd tours of duty as department chair he found and fell in love with his Estes. Liz Shesko was funded for her and one term as president of the wife of 61 years, Joan Pennock project “Conscript Nation: AAUP faculty union. Barnard. After Jack and Joan Negotiating Authority and graduated from Oberlin in 1955, Belonging in the Bolivian Barracks, Jack was well regarded by his they moved to Chicago where Jack 1900-1956.” Erin Dwyer's funding is colleagues and former students. enrolled in a Ph.D. program in for a second book project entitled Garry Gilbert, currently Director of American history. Jack's first "Slavery and Poison in the United the Journalism program at Oakland experience behind the lectern was in States and the Caribbean.” Todd University, was a student of Jack’s the History Department at Ohio Estes earned a grant for his next as both an undergraduate and a State University from 1960-1964, book project, "The Length of Their graduate student at OU. Gilbert during which time he completed his Shadows: Federalist Funerals, recalled, “He was a mentor and role dissertation (From Evangelicalism Commemoration, and Partisanship model for me during my undergrad to Progressivism at Oberlin College, in the Early American Republic." and grad days. What a brilliant and 1866-1917, published by Ohio State kind professor. [He was a] great University Press). These results continue the storyteller. His last course here was department's very strong record of a seminar for grad students on the In the midst of collecting academic winning research grants. With three Sixties. I was one of six or seven degrees and getting careers fellowships awarded for the previous students in that tiny seminar room underway, Jack and Joan also summer as well, the department has on the third floor of O’Dowd. We started a family, beginning with now won six fellowships in the past had so much fun and we learned so Bruce in 1954, Elizabeth in l957, two years alone. It is wonderful to much in that class,” said Gilbert. and Stephen in l963. see our faculty members being recognized and rewarded for their A recent article in The Oakland Post After Ohio State, Jack, Joan and scholarly research potential. quoted one of Jack’s colleagues, their family moved north to It is especially gratifying to note that Emeritus Professor Mary Karasch as suburban Detroit, where Jack Erin Dwyer and Liz Shesko have praising his approachability and accepted a position as assistant now joined the department’s other openness, saying “He was someone professor in the History Department junior faculty members Yan Li and you could always talk to.” Jack’s at Oakland University in Rochester, James Naus from previous years in replacement in the department as Michigan. Jack remained on the earning fellowships in their first year labor historian, Dan Clark, also Oakland faculty for 33 years until of application. These indicators of spoke for the article and said of his retirement in 1997. He served success simply confirm what the rest Jack, “He was just a marvelously two terms as Department Chair of us have long known--that the warm and generous person. He was (1974-84 and 1987-90) and was department has made great recent always interested in what everyone president of the faculty union from hires. These grants will help both of else was thinking about and 1987-89. In the words of former them continue their outstanding learning.” Oakland Press managing editor work during the summer. Garry Gilbert, Jack was, "a model Jack Barnard was an active teacher professor-always approachable, 5 generous with his time and In lieu of flowers, if you wish to send to know my colleagues, the perceptive in his criticisms. He a contribution, please send to the university, and the area have kept possesses a vast knowledge of Brewster Meeting House me very busy. I haven’t had as much American History, loves to talk Preservation Project, Box 713, opportunity as I would like to about all aspects of the past and Brewster, MA 02631. explore Michigan, so I’m hoping to present, and employs a disarming make some time for that this sense of humor. He never displays summer. flashes of arrogance so prevalent TODD ESTES among holders of the Ph.D. whom I REAPPOINTED AS Q: How did you get interested in have met in other programs and at DEPARTMENT history and when and how did you other universities. decide to pursue a Ph.D. and an CHAIR academic career? Popular and engaging in the ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ classroom, and a well-respected Todd Estes has been reappointed by I was actually a Spanish and English department chair and faculty leader, the Dean to a second three-year term major in college, so I came to my Professor Barnard was also an as chair of the Department of interest in history through literature. accomplished scholar who History. Dean Kevin Corcoran of the After I graduated college, I realized published numerous articles and College of Arts and Sciences made that the questions I was asking about book reviews, many on the history of the announcement in February after the literature I was reading had education in America as well as U.S. consulting with faculty from the much more to do with the historical labor history. He authored two department and following a events and forces that informed and books, Walter Reuther and the Rise recommendation from the unit. shaped the works than the poetry of of the Auto Workers, and American Department procedures called for the words. While teaching first grade Vanguard: the United Auto Workers separate meetings of the faculty last in Guatemala City in my early During the Reuther Years, 1935- fall at which time Estes was opposed twenties, I began to realize the 1970, which earned the State for chair by Sean Moran. After profound effect of history on the History Award from the Historical presentations to the department by present, and the ways that historical Society of Michigan in 2005. the two candidates and then narratives structure our lives and the discussion by members, the way we view the world. So when I department voted 13-2 for Estes over Soon after their retirements, Jack decided to apply to graduate schools, Moran as their choice for chair and and Joan moved to Orleans, on I only applied to history programs. forwarded that recommendation to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Almost the Dean. Estes, who had served as immediately, Jack's administrative Q: You are our Latin American Acting Department Chair in Fall skills were recruited to assist First specialist--tell us about your own 2010, was elected to his first three Parish Brewster Unitarian work and research. What issues year term in 2012. His second term Universalist Church in an historic and problems and questions are will extend from 2015 to 2018. He is facility restoration project and you working on? grateful to his colleagues for their search for a new minister. Once strong support and looks forward to again, Jack's steady hand as Board I work on military conscription in serving the department as chair over President helped guide the Church Bolivia and its relationship to state the next three years. through a challenging time and and identity formation in the early restore its structural and financial and mid-twentieth century. I began footing. Jack enjoyed forming many INTERVIEW WITH my studies in graduate school new friendships in and around ELIZABETH (LIZ) interested in indigenous-state Orleans and continuing a lively relations. After living in Guatemala discussion of current events at a SHESKO for two years, I was interested in monthly poker club and weekly ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ questions of identity and state breakfast club. We sat down with one of Oakland’s formation in places where newest historians and faculty indigenous people make up close to a majority of the country. How have Jack will be remembered by his members to talk about her first year and her work and life. states dealt with these populations? wife, three children, and four Can people be both indigenous and grandchildren as a loving husband, Q: How have you found your first Bolivian or Guatemalan? What does father, and grandfather who taught it mean to be both or prioritize one us many life-enriching lessons, year here at Oakland and in Michigan? over the other? My work focuses on perhaps most notably the pursuit of Bolivia mostly due to timing: I truth and wisdom, in a wonderfully began my graduate work in 2005, unassuming way. It’s been quite a year! Moving, settling in with a new job, putting the year that Evo Morales was my daughter in daycare, and getting elected president of Bolivia and 6 became the first president in the on slavery and race and on many more. I also love photography, Americas to explicitly identify as Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. In the especially when travelling. I used to indigenous. I went to Bolivia in coming years, I plan to add two develop photos myself and even had 2006 to complete research on the other 300-level courses to the darkroom equipment, but now with 1945 Indigenous Congress for my catalog: one on Latin American digital, those days are long gone. master’s thesis. That material revolutions and the other on highlighted the importance of indigenous movements in Latin I have a one-and-a-half-year-old military service to indigenous actors, America. I’m also planning on daughter, so she tends to take up which prompted my doctoral teaching both HST 300 and the most of my non-work time right research and current book capstone, the latter focusing on now. We spend a lot of time at the manuscript. In the process of Cold-War era dictatorships and the zoo, the playground, reading books, researching and writing that project, former on the 1780s rebellions in the and using crayons! my interests expanded beyond an Andes led by Tupac Amaru, for exclusive focus on indigenous whom Tupac Shakur was named. I’m an avid reader of fiction, soldiers. I realized that military especially authors that can immerse service was the ideal lens for Q: Many students have never me in other cultural or historical understanding methods of rule, studied Latin American history experiences, like Toni Morrison, practices of authority, and ideas previously. What seems to Gabriel García Márquez, and Isabel about citizenship and belonging. I surprise them the most about the Allende. I also like to read became interested in how the field? How do you help them journalistic non-fiction, especially Bolivian state used military service learn? travelogues and popular histories of to nationalize its population (both commodities or technologies. indigenous and non) and how I think many students are surprised individual soldiers used military by how race and ethnicity work in INTERVIEW WITH service to negotiate with and make Latin America. Because the US has claims on the state. My work thus a basically binary system of race, ERIN DWYER touches on larger questions about without a lot of in-between ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ citizenship and state formation, categories, they have trouble We also sat down with Erin Dwyer, especially in multi-ethnic and multi- understanding how race is a another of our new faculty members, lingual societies. spectrum in Latin America. The idea to talk about her life and work and that factors other than heritage and her impressions so far of her time at Q: What do you hope will be the skin color can play a part in Oakland. impact of your ongoing work on perceptions of people’s race really the field? What contribution do help them understand race as Q: How have you enjoyed your you see yourself making? cultural construct. The other part of first year here at Oakland and in Latin American history that I think Michigan? I see myself as part of a new trend in sticks out for students (and often works on the military. For too long, outrages them) is the consistency It has certainly been an action- much of the history of the military and depth of US intervention in packed year! After a great Fall has been ceded to military Latin America. For both of these semester I acclimated to my first historians. These works have tended topics, I try to teach students through Michigan winter by breaking my to focus on strategy, tactics, primary sources. Political cartoons ankle trying to go jogging on ice! maneuvers, and decisions made by and policy documents help them The Oakland community, students, great men. I’m part of a trend of understand and work through the staff, and faculty, were all incredibly social and cultural historians who concerns and ideologies behind US supportive during my recovery. This are bringing military issues back into intervention, and race-based Spring my partner and I also bought mainstream historical conversations. statistics and personal accounts help our first house, in Detroit. We have What does studying the military tell them understand the differences really fallen in love with Detroit and us about the state? What is the between racial systems in Latin all it has to offer. impact of war and military service America and the US. on individuals and on society? Q: Have there been any particular Q: What kinds of new classes do Q: When you have free time, what highlights to this first year in the you envision teaching here at hobbies or avocations do you job and the community? Oakland? enjoy? What kinds of books do you like to read for fun? I was thrilled to receive the College I’m already teaching the IS of Arts and Sciences Student Introduction to Latin America I love to travel. I’ve been to 28 Success Grant, which has enabled course, the two-part historical survey countries, both for research and for me to hire History majors to work to of the region, and 300-level courses pleasure, and hope to make it to catalog the Kresge Archives' 7 Frederick Black Papers, a collection history that I feel is critical to like to pursue? What are your of documents about Abraham understand. It also helped facilitate interests outside the job? Lincoln and his assassination. I am my research. Every time I went to a hopeful that the department will family wedding, or went home for I love running, and am working to continue to develop such Thanksgiving or Christmas, I would relearn to jog, though I will never opportunities for students interested sneak off to an archive (or drag my again try to run on ice! I also like in public history. I was also family to a museum or plantation hiking and camping, and am excited fortunate to receive a Summer tour) to fit in more research. about all the outdoor opportunities Research Fellowship which will Michigan has to offer. I hope to fund a trip to archives in France to Q: You are very committed to learn how to cross-country ski next research my next project, about public history--what are the winter. I also love cooking vegan slavery and poison. possibilities and potential in that cuisine, so on Saturdays I am usually field that excite you? perusing Eastern Market for local Q: Tell us about your work and produce. I've also been enjoying research--what issues and I am passionate about public history exploring the restaurants and problems do you work on and because most people do not learn museums of Detroit. what interests you about them? about the past from sitting in a college classroom, they learn about REFLECTIONS BY My focus is on nineteenth century history from museums, history and African American documentaries, re-enactors, National GEORGE MILNE history, particularly the history of Parks, monuments, and primary and ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ slavery. My book manuscript, secondary school teachers. I also The department’s newest tenured Mastering Emotions: The Emotional think that those fields are some of faculty member is George Milne Politics of Slavery, is about the the most interesting career paths for who below shares some perspectives emotional relations between our majors. I want to our students to on his work, his career, and his new slaveholders and the enslaved, and think about all the ways that history status in the department. the ways that emotions were critical can be disseminated, and I want to to how slavery was maintained, connect them to public historians During the 2014-15 academic year, I defended, and resisted. My second and public history sites throughout was able to pass two career project delves deeper into the Metro Detroit. As much as I love milestones. The first was the emotional politics of slavery and teaching, I see the most exhilarating publication of my book, Natchez fear, focusing specifically on slavery historic synergy happening outside Country: Indians, Colonists, and the and poison in the United States and of the classroom. Landscapes of Race in French the Caribbean. I want to explore Louisiana. It is a study of the slaveholders' fears (both real and Q: What do your students seem to relationships between the Natchez imagined) of being poisoned by find most surprising or intriguing Indians and colonists who shared those they enslaved, and I hope to about what you teach? How do their homeland. During the early demonstrate that the enslaved used you help them learn? eighteenth century, the Natchez poison as part of a broader hereditary leaders reinforced their constellation of resistance and faith I find the best way to get students to authority by invoking complex practices. think like historians is to give them religious and social codes and plenty of the materials that historians performing elaborate ceremonies on Q: How did you decide to become grapple with: primary sources. Some sacred temple mounds and plazas. a historian and why did you of my favorite classes involve what Faced with increasing pressure from specialize in the field you chose? students learn from material objects. French officials to relinquish these After a semester if becoming skilled hallowed sites to make way for I studied political science in college at reading primary sources like commercial agriculture, the Natchez until I realized that what really letters and diaries, students really reunited their multi-lingual chiefdom interested me most was not the respond in creative ways to by adopting the racial category of political theory but the historical interpreting objects like “red men.” In 1729 they attacked the conditions that lead to political photographs, toys, plants, and food. I nearby European homesteads and events. That led me to get a Masters have found that studying objects triggered a bloody war that ended in History and a Ph.D. in American often leads students to gain insights when French forces destroyed Studies. I started out working on into the past that even written Natchez as an autonomous polity. labor history, but a great professor, documents can't provide. Although some historians have Walter Johnson, encouraged me to noted that the Natchez had played focus on the history of slavery. Q: When you get free time, are some part in “how the Indians got to Having been born and raised in the there hobbies or avocations you be red,” my work explains when, South it was a period of American where, and why Indians did so. It 8 also investigates the ways that the Company of the Indes’s captains historical meetings and conferences. Natchez and other indigenous North seized over thirty pirate vessels He attended gatherings of the Americans had used their built during a single cruise of the African Textbook and Academic Authors environments to create political coast. Findings like that one will Association in Baltimore; the solidarity before they became red also help to put the finishing touches Association for the Study of people. on a new 200-level course on the African-American Life and History warfare in early America. Like the in Memphis; the American Studying Louisianans’ military “Piracy” class, I hope it will become Historical Association in New York practices for my book has opened up one of those classes that attract City; the Historical Society of a new avenue of research. The career people who otherwise would not Michigan in Sterling Heights, of one the colony’s governors register for a history course. Michigan; and the "Equity Within suggested a previously unexplored the Classroom" Conference hosted set of connections between the The other milestone was becoming by Grand Valley State University in Lower Mississippi Valley and an associate professor in its Grand Rapids, Michigan. Senegal and Mauritania. Rather Department of History. This Additionally, he gave a lecture on launching another investigation of promotion was aided by the support “Slavery and Genealogy: Finding the African Diaspora or the Middle of my colleagues, particularly Karen Your Roots," at the Southfield Passage, I have begun to examine Miller, Don Matthews, Sean Moran, Public Library. De Witt coordinated the personnel records of the French and Sara Chapman-Williams. They for the History department a lecture Company of the Indes; the powerful were ready to lend advice and as part of Oakland University’s financial institution contracted to run support throughout the process. African American Celebration Louisiana and slaving forts in Africa Month by John W. Hardy, “Sit-Ins as well as France’s colonies in India With these two waypoints behind & Freedom Rides of the 1960’s: My and the Arabian Sea. To do so, me, I have more time to serve the Experience.” He is also serving as Company maintained a cadre of Oakland University community in Historical Consultant for a number professional administrators and built other ways. The Dean of the College of projects including the Detroit a private navy to oversee and protect has been instrumental in the Historical Museum's plans for a its vast holdings. It routinely acquisition of Geographic commemorative exhibit on the 1967 transferred its officers throughout Information Systems applications Civil Disturbance in Detroit; a the world. It was not unusual for a (GIS) for the entire campus. This Wayne State University project on Canadian who served in Louisiana technology, and the skills, to use it housing discrimination in Detroit one year to find himself in South are in demand in the private and the from the Ossian Sweet case of the America, or India, or Africa the public sectors. Academics from 1920's to the present; and the next. Tracking these trade and nearly every field, from political Michigan Historical Museum’s “security” contractors has provided a science, public administration, update of exhibits on African new insight on an eighteenth century biology, health sciences, to history Americans in the 1800s. He also version of globalization—that and English, are also using GIS gave several lectures on campus. French imperial policy was far more tools. I hope to become an active organized and efficient than many player in the College’s efforts to Todd Estes completed his first three historians realize. This material has bring GIS resources to our students. year term as department chair and formed the basis of an essay to be I have also been active in the CAS was re-appointed to his second this published in an edited volume on Graduate Committee; the STEP year. He was also re-appointed to his early modern siege warfare. There is program at the School of Education, third consecutive three year term also an article in the works that and in a new initiative on academic (2015-18) as an OAH Distinguished outlines operations at the Company misconduct that focuses on teaching Lecturer for the Organization of of the Indes’s posts in Senegal, students how to avoid accusations of American Historians. But the Gambia, and Mauritania. If all goes cheating and plagiarism. highlight of the year for him was the according to plan, these smaller publication of Founding Visions: The Ideas, Intersections, and projects will help shape my next Most of this work keeps me pretty book on the French Atlantic World. Individuals That Created America, a busy, but I try to make some time for book he edited of the writings of his other activities. Photography is one This line of research is sure to enrich Ph.D. mentor, Lance Banning. Todd of my longtime hobbies and I am an selected the contents, wrote the my teaching. Aside from lending avid fan of the movies. depth to my courses on Native introduction and the chapter American and Colonial American headnotes, prepared the appendix history, it will definitely enliven one FACULTY UPDATES and the index, and recruited Gordon of my favorite classes: “Piracy in the ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Wood to write the Preface. The book was published this year by the Atlantic World.” For instance, I De Witt Dykes was extremely recently learned that one of the active this year in attending University Press of Kentucky. In 9 May, Todd traveled to Lexington to Revolution. He also continues to presented new material about early give the Lance Banning Memorial work on his book manuscript on the modern understandings of winds at Lecture at an event celebrating the Nazi SA leader Ernst Röhm, and has Johns Hopkins University, the book’s publication and also completed a piece on Nazi University of Maryland, and participated in a radio interview with Christmas celebrations for the University of Pennsylvania. Before WUKY-FM and a book signing at a journal Central European History. returning to Michigan for the fall local store. Additionally, he had a In addition to publishing book semester, he will spend a month in book review published in the reviews in the American Historical residence at the Huntington Library Journal of American History, and Review and German Studies Review, in San Marino, California. continued work on several other Prof. Hastings served as an external writing projects, some of them short peer reviewer for three book Don Matthews’ article “The (an article and two book chapters) manuscripts, one article manuscript, Kennedy Administration, the and one of them long (a book and one fellowship proposal. He International Federation of manuscript on the debate over also spoke on the 25th anniversary Petroleum Workers, and Iraqi Labor ratification of the Constitution). of the fall of the Berlin Wall at under the Ba‘thist Regime” was Todd was very busy again on the Oakland University, in addition to published in January in the Journal conference circuit this year traveling delivering public lectures in venues of Cold War Studies. The list serve to Indianapolis (twice), ranging from Seaholm High School H-Diplo has commissioned a review Charlottesville, Virginia, and to the Society of Active Retirees to of the article. He is currently at Hermosa Beach, California for the Holocaust Memorial Center. work on an article on the Kennedy various meetings. He was an invited administration and the Kurdish discussant at a conference on the Yan Li presented a paper on insurgency in Iraq and will be doing American Founders and the French Chinese mass reception of Soviet research in the National Archives Revolution, a discussion leader for a literature at the VII International this summer. Both articles are a part meeting on the rival economic Research Conference "Russian - of his ongoing book project on US- philosophies of Alexander Hamilton China: History and Culture" in Iraqi relations during the 1960s. and Albert Gallatin (the first two Kazan, Russia, and another paper on Don’s invited review of the book great U.S. Treasury Secretaries), popular response to the Chinese Saddam Hussein’s Ba‘th Party by discussion leader for another Communist propaganda of Sino- Joseph Sassoon is forthcoming in program on Thomas Jefferson’s Soviet friendship at the Association Arab Studies Journal. He also Constitutional thought, and he for Asian Studies Annual served as an anonymous peer organized and directed an Conference in Chicago. These reviewer for an article under interdisciplinary conference on papers are two critical chapters from consideration by a London-based Charles Beard and the economic her current manuscript that examines journal this year. interpretation of the Constitution the personal dimensions of a Recent books citing Don’s over the past century. massive transnational cultural flow publications include Roham Closer to home, Todd earned an OU from the Soviet Union into socialist Alvandi’s Nixon, Kissinger and the Summer Research Fellowship (his China. This summer she will Shah: The United States and Iran in fifth) from the University Research conduct further archival research in the Cold War (Oxford University Committee to begin work on a new Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong Press, 2014), Andrew Arsan’s book project entitled “The Length of for the final completion of the Interlopers of Empire: The Lebanese Their Shadows: Federalist Funerals, manuscript. Outside her scholarship, Diaspora in French Colonial West Commemoration, and Partisanship Yan Li has been dedicated to the Africa (Oxford University Press, in the Early Republic.” He led off promotion of China studies at 2014), and Susan Pedersen’s The this year’s “History Comes Alive” Oakland. During her stay in China Guardians: The League of Nations program in September with a lecture this summer, she will visit China and the Crisis of Empire (Oxford on Alexander Hamilton’s actions Foreign Affairs University, OU's University Press, 2015). Don was and evolving political thought in the partner university in Beijing, to also the department’s honoree for his last four years of his life (1800- discuss details of the China Study scholarship at the annual Faculty 1804) as Hamilton grappled with the Abroad program in 2016. Recognition Luncheon in April. presidential leadership of his great political rival Thomas Jefferson. Craig Martin enjoyed a productive George Milne has written about his and busy year, conducting research activities elsewhere in this During the past academic year, on Francis Bacon's natural history at newsletter but one additional project Derek Hastings secured a contract the Folger Shakespeare Library in he recently undertook has been to with Bloomsbury Press of London to Washington, DC. Last summer, he assist a Native American group, the publish his book Nationalism in gave presentations on new and past Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Modern Europe: Identity and projects in Tokyo, Paris, and York, Indians, in the translation of a Belonging since the French UK. Over the academic year, he manuscript dictionary of the Odawa 10 language that was compiled by a Jeff Powell recently received an well-received lecture for the Jesuit missionary in the mid-1700s. award for Exceptional Mentoring department’s “History Comes and Student Engagement at Alive” series in October, he has Sean Moran organized and hosted Lawrence Tech. His award states, given nine (that’s right, 9) lectures the 2015 Midwest Annual Regional “According to input provided by our this past year. He has given two Meeting of the American student, you have served as an lectures apiece at the Berkley Public Conference for Irish Studies at exemplary role model as a Library and the Birmingham Area Meadowbrook Hall in November. professional in your discipline and Senior Citizens Council, and single The conference brought in over fifty have had incredible impact on their lectures at the Dexter Public Library, scholars from North America and learning experience at Lawrence the Livonia Public Library, the Europe for a three day meeting. Tech.” Jeff’s award was presented Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Sean gave the conference’s plenary by Dr. Hsiao-Ping Moore, Dean of and the Society of Active Retirees. address, entitled “Seamus Heaney, the College of Arts and Sciences. His topics have ranged widely over th Poetry, and the Historians,” which Congratulations to Jeff on this nice 20 century and contemporary was later published in the Winter honor! topics. In addition, Bruce also 2015 edition of The Oakland published two book reviews in the Journal. He gave two talks at the Elizabeth Shesko joined the history Michigan War Studies Review. Birmingham Senior Center, and a faculty in August. In addition to lecture in March as part of the finding her way around the LIST OF GRADUATES “History Comes Alive” series at department and adjusting to teaching at OU, she put the final touches on ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Oakland. Sean chaired the Congratulations to the following College’s Committee on two publications. The first has just come out in the latest issue of history students who earned Appointments and Promotion, and degrees the past year: was re-elected to that committee to Hispanic American Historical Review. It looks at the methods by serve for another three year term. History Bachelor of Arts degrees He produced several book reviews, which the Bolivian state recruited and disciplined its forces during the Summer 2014: Christopher L. submitted two articles for Cardamone, Alaina Jaclyn Faber, publication, and created and taught a Chaco War with Paraguay in the 1930s. The second piece Andrew Michael Merwin, Christina new course, “History of Modern Elisa Peach, Michael Eugene Christianity.” Lastly, he was successfully passed through peer review and is under contract to be Santarossa, Bryan E Sharrow, appointed as the new Director of the Joseph August Whitmer. Master of Arts in Liberal Studies published by Bloomsbury Academic (MALS) program by Dean in an edited volume on the Chaco War. Her chapter looks at the Fall 2014: Randy Faaik Abboud, Corcoran, and will start in that Joseph Kegan Coyne, Dante A position in June. experiences of the Bolivian prisoners of war in Paraguay, Elmore, Alaina Jaclyn Farber, Heather Lee Hirdes, Brandon Wayne 2014-15 was an exciting year for arguing that social divides trumped national ones in structuring their Howard, Ryan Frederick Keck, James Naus. In addition to Zachary Joseph Korienek, Aubrey R welcoming his daughter, Charlotte, imprisonment. In April, Professor Shesko gave a well-received talk on Latimer, Stephanie Lynne on (February 2nd) he also finished a McLaughlin, Christian Scott Mosier. book on the French kings and the her research at Michigan State after being invited by the Center for Latin Crusades (February 1st). The book Winter 2015: Emma Helen Barko, is due out from Manchester American and Caribbean Studies. She also presented papers this year Christopher L Cardamone, Dominic University Press during the Vincent Carlini, Kelsey E Christofis, upcoming academic year. During at two workshop-style conferences at Indiana University and Grand Brycen Dane Czachorowski, the summer of 2015 Professor Naus Michael Joseph Dilay, Lauren will be juggling the duties of Valley State. In terms of teaching, Professor Shesko taught the Elizabeth Elliott, Alaina Jaclyn fatherhood with deadlines for two Faber, Alexander Robert Greschuk, pending articles, one for an Introduction to Latin America survey in the International Studies Aaron Phillip Kapanowski, undergraduate reader on the Christopher Michael Kline, John crusading movement and the other Department along with 300-level Latin American history classes on Dean Kluck, Andrew Michael for the Cambridge History of the Merwin, Michael Edward Nagy, Crusades. Both will appear in indigenous movements, slavery and race, and the Southern Cone. Vikram G Nellamakada, Daniel 2015-16. Professor Naus will also Aaron Nick, Chris S Noechel, begin the preliminary work for his Christiana Elisa Peach, Steven next book project. Professor Naus Bruce Zellers has had a remarkably busy, yet exciting and fulfilling, year Warren Piontkowski, Courtney L has reviewed books for several Ponka, Jason Michael Poupard, journals and has delivered lectures in on the lecture circuit all over southeast Michigan. Counting his Brenna Marsie Ropp, Michael Europe and the US. Eugene Santarossa, Adam Paul 11 Schiefelbein, Bryan E Sharrow, Londo, William (PhD, Michigan Brittany Lynn Shimshock, Andrew Martin, Craig (PhD, Harvard, 2004; lect.) East Asia, Japan, Bradshaw Vickers, Joseph August 2002; assoc. prof.) Renaissance Religion & Society Whitmer, Nancy Windnagle. Europe, History of Science & [email protected] Technology Winter 2015 STEP Majors: Scott [email protected] Miles, Mary Jo (MA, Detroit 1991 William Austin, Zachary Cornell, & Oakland 1992; lect.) US Jolie Renee Curtis, Kyle Scott Matthews, Weldon C. (PhD, [email protected] Engel, Colin Benjamin Dean Chicago 1998; assoc. prof.) Modern Evanson, Kastriot Franz Grishaj, Middle East Powell, Jeffrey (PhD candidate, Peter Martin Klozik, Chad Garrett [email protected] Wayne 2006; lect.) US Kortz, Mathew J Saunders, [email protected] Christopher Richard Schroudt. Miller, Karen A. J. (PhD, Prentiss, Dale (PhD Stanford 1990; FULL-TIME Columbia 1992; assoc. prof.) US lect.) US 1877-present, Diplomatic, Political [email protected] FACULTY 2014-15 [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Shelly, Cara L. (MA, Michigan Bekele, Getnet (PhD Michigan Milne, George E. (PhD, Oklahoma 1990; lect.) US State 2004; assoc. prof.) Africa 2006; assoc. prof.) Early American [email protected] [email protected] and Native American History [email protected] Zellers, Bruce L. (MA, Clark 1978; Chapman Williams, Sara E. (PhD, lect.) US Georgetown 1997; assoc. prof.) Moran, Seán Farrell (PhD, [email protected] Early Modern Europe, France American 1989; assoc. prof.) [email protected] Modern Britain, Ireland, 19th- and 20th-century European Intellectual DEPARTMENT STAFF Clark, Daniel J. (PhD, Duke 1989; [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ assoc. prof.) US Labor Chandler, Janet (Administrative [email protected] Naus, James (PhD, St. Louis Secretary) [email protected] University 2011; asst. prof.) Dwyer, Erin (PhD, Harvard Medieval Europe History McReynolds, Johanna (Secretary) University 2012; asst. prof.) 19th- [email protected] [email protected] Century U.S., African-American History, Civil War and Shesko, Elizabeth (PhD, Duke Reconstruction University 2012; asst. prof.) Latin [email protected] American History, Race and Ethnicity Dykes, De Witt S. (MA, Michigan [email protected] 1961; assoc. prof.) African American, US Urban, Family and Gender PART-TIME [email protected] FACULTY 2014-15 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Estes, Todd A. (PhD, Kentucky Dye, Keith (PhD, Toledo 2007; 1995; assoc. prof.) Early National lect.) US History, African American US, Revolutionary US, Political History Culture [email protected] [email protected] Greenspan, Ian (PhD, University of Hastings, Derek K. (PhD, Chicago California (Berkeley) 2006; lect.) 2003; assoc. prof.) Modern Germany Early Modern and Modern Europe. [email protected] [email protected]</p><p>Li, Yan (PhD, Northeastern Holland, Robert M. (MA, Wayne University, 2012; asst. prof.) State 1972; lect.) US Modern China, Sino-Soviet, [email protected] Relations East Asia [email protected] 12</p><p>History department contact information:</p><p>Department Chair: Todd Estes Office Address: Department of History 416 Varner Hall Rochester, MI 48309 Website: www.oakland.edu/history/ Department Phone: (248) 370-3510 or (248) 370-3511</p><p>If you have information about yourself to contribute to the next newsletter please send it to [email protected]. We especially love to have the latest news from our alumni. 13</p>
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