<p> EXAMPLE Women’s Studies 10: Introduction to Women’s Studies Distance Education Course, 8 Week Saddleback College</p><p>Welcome to our Summer Introduction to Women’s Studies online course!</p><p>E-mail: When e-mailing me please put the course title and course ticket number in the subject area and make sure you include your name in your e-mail message. I do not reply to student e-mails promptly if the ticket number is not in the subject area. While I typically respond to e-mails during the weekdays the same day, a reasonable time to expect communication from myself, and all instructors, is within 24 hours on business days and 36-48 hours on weekends. Furthermore, your e-mails should be professional in tone and be business like, rather than reading like a text. </p><p>Course Description: An exploration of the impact of social institutions and cultural practices on the lives of women in the cotemporary United States. Focuses on the ways in which differences of race, ethnicity, class, sexuality and age define women’s experiences and identities.</p><p>Required Text: Disch, Estelle. “Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology, 5th edition”. 2009. McGraw Hill: New York, NY. #978-0-07-338006-3—available in the bookstore and on reserve in library. Earlier editions are NOT acceptable as the chapters and articles are very different!</p><p>Student Learning Outcomes: After the completion of the course students will be able to:</p><p>1. Explain the role of position and intersectionality in women’s lives and experiences. 2. Be able to describe and understand how gender is socially constructed. 3. Identify major theories in women’s studies 4. Analyze the causes and effects of gender based violence 5. Understand how social structures impact women’s lives and experiences 6. Analyze gender as a category of oppression both domestically and globally</p><p>COMMUNICATION It is crucial to the success of this course that there is constant communication between students as well as each student with the instructor. There is a student discussion board forum for weekly questions (it is, and will remain, the first forum on the discussion board). This question forum is for students to post their specific questions regarding the course or assignments and were fellow can students respond to these questions. It is very likely that if one student has a question other students have the same question as well. This will help to clarify instructions as well as facilitate collaborative problem solving. It is required that each student check this question forum on a weekly basis. Students who help other students with their questions (the first student to effectively answer the other student’s question) will receive one extra credit point per answer response posting (up to five extra points possible). </p><p>Also Note: This is a student help forum. If you have an immediate question or concern about the course, deadlines or have a concern that is not appropriate for the question forum that you e-mail me immediately. </p><p>COURSE REQUIREMENTS</p><p>Student Expectations: It is expected that each student is online a minimum of four days a week. Each student is expected to check announcements, check e-mail (your Saddleback e-mail via Mysite), get assignments, participate on the discussion board, read weekly lectures (please make sure you read the weekly lectures as assessments are based on these as well as the required readings), read assigned readings, turn in paper assignments, and take online exams on a weekly basis and/or according to the set deadlines. Each student should anticipate devoting on average 12-15 hours per week to this course (this is the average for any 8 week course). In order to be successful in the course each student must have access to a computer with a modem, internet, and e-mail capability. It is important that each student have basic knowledge of Microsoft Word and how to navigate the web. </p><p>NOTE: If you are no longer participating in the class it is your responsibility to drop or withdraw yourself from the course. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to drop students who are no longer participating in the class.</p><p>Blackboard: The Blackboard system is our virtual classroom. The system includes such features as: class announcements, e-mail, discussion board (our class discussion forum), lectures, links to additional readings, study guides, exams, assignments, links to upload paper assignments, and grades. Course Website Address: http://socccd.blackboard.com</p><p>Your username is your Saddleback College e-mail address given to you at registration (first initial of your first name and your last name plus a number; DO NOT included the @saddleback.edu) and your password is either your pin number plus two zero’s or the last four digits of your social security number plus two zero’s.</p><p>Technical Difficulties: If a student is experiencing difficulties with the website, which extends beyond a few hours, as the website could be temporarily down, he or she must immediately contact me. Questions regarding navigating the website usually can be found by reading the Blackboard instructions found through the campus website: http://www.saddleback.edu/itc/user/blackboardfaq.html</p><p>You may also find problems accessing certain links. Many times you can still view the images by cutting and pasting the url into another browser. For Blackboard or Mysite login problems go to the student distance education help site at http://www.saddleback.edu/de/help1.html</p><p>VERY IMPORTANT: Online Etiquette: It is essential that each student be polite and respectful at all times. When posting on the discussion board, responding to other students postings, and throughout written assignments courtesy and respect must be maintained. A good thing to keep in mind is, “would I say this to the person’s face?”. Also note that offensive language will not be tolerated. If a student is found to be disrespectful and/or providing a negative learning environment for others he or she will receive a warning or immediately dropped from the course according to the instructor’s discretion. Please go to the following websites for information on “Netiquette”: http://www.albion.com/netiquette/ http://www.chirpingbird.com/netpets/html/computer/emoticon.html</p><p>Saddleback College Distance Education Website: A good source of information for online students, http://www.saddleback.edu/de/</p><p>ASSESSMENTS</p><p>Discussion Board Analytical Responses: It is required that each student participate on our course discussion board. You should look at these as “mini paper assignments” that should not be missed. Beyond that, this is our chance to interact as a class. Each student must thoughtfully respond to the discussion board assigned for the week, as well as provide feedback to other students’ postings. You will “start a new thread” at the beginning of the discussion. When you are adding to the discussion or responding to a specific student you will “reply.” When responding to another student’s posting it is best that you specifically address the student by name in your post. It is required that you engage in a discussion with your fellow students on each topic, therefore, you should be probing them with additional questions and offering comments that go beyond a basic statement such as “good job” or “interesting.” </p><p>Please note: grammar and spelling (the discussion board has spellcheck) as well as comprehensive coverage of the topic will be taken into consideration for grading the discussion board assignments. Please use black font as well as the font size default for your responses and replies as your post can be difficult to read otherwise. Some of the discussion board questions require that you incorporate application from class, some require additional research (in this instance the student is required to cite the source or sources of the data used), and some are strictly opinion questions. Make sure you read the specific discussion board requirements each week as some weeks have a choice of a discussion board, have no discussion board or require special instructions. I suggest that you begin participating on the discussion board as early as possible in the week and read what others have posted prior to your posting. You are required to participate on the discussion board throughout the week, therefore, those who only participate on one day or only on the final day of the week will not earn full credit that week. You should be adding to what others have posted (not repeating what has already been posted) and discussing the topic with your fellow students as well as asking your fellow students additional questions. Please see the document titled “Rubric for Online Discussions” for additional information on the grading for this assignment. I will monitor the discussion and offer input where needed throughout. Main posts are due by WEDNESDAY each week; replies to other students and final responses are due by SATURDAY each week. Once the forum is closed for the week, you will not be able to post, so pay attention to the specific assignments on the syllabus!</p><p>The discussion board requirement is a large portion of your grade with each worth up to 20 points. Scores for the discussion board will be posted after week#4 (progress report) and at the end of the semester (final score). </p><p>RUBRIC FOR ONLINE DISCUSSIONS o Discussion Board Analytical Responses: Discussion boards are an important part of the class. In order for us to build meaning together and to learn from each other, we need to be involved in conversations with each other in class and online via our Blackboard class discussion board. We will have several discussion board assignments throughout the semester. In the weeks in which we have a discussion board assignment students must post an original thread and respond to other students’ posts. Read the instructions for each assigned discussion board forum for the due date for the main post and the due date for responses and probes to other students. It is important to check in to the discussion board each day of the week in which we have a discussion board forum assignment. Students will not receive any credit for postings after the due date. </p><p> o I will use the following rubric to evaluate online discussions: 0-30% o No original postings (replies do not count as original postings) o Too long/rambling/unorganized thoughts o Lack of respectful consideration of classmates’ opinions o Grammar and spelling errors detract from expression of thought o Incomplete response o Postings clustered all on one day</p><p>40%-60% o Appropriate, basic original posting with at least 2 appropriate replies to classmates (note: appropriate replies to classmates go beyond social comments such as “good idea” or “I agree”) o Includes all information asked for o Postings spread throughout the week o Spelling and grammar do not detract from meaning of post 70%-100% o Original posting contributes to overall learning and knowledge of the class. May include links to additional resources on the topic o Replies expand upon classmates contributions o Succinct and to the point, yet complete o 3 or more posting spread throughout the week without overpowering the topic.</p><p>Note: participation on the discussion board is essential to your success in the class and the points for this assignment play an important role in your overall grade in the class.</p><p>Extra Credit Discussion Boards “Food for Thought”: You will see a forum titled “food for thought”. I am very active in staying current on topics that are relevant to our course and gender issues in general. I have some existing clips and articles on the food for thought tab and will update this throughout the semester as things I find things. You may post up to TWO food for thoughts for extra credit under the “food for thought” discussion board under discussion boards. You must follow the discussion board rubric and respond to others to get the full credit. Each successful and complete post will be worth 5 points for a potential total of 10 extra credit points. Beyond your two required posts, I hope you use this forum as a place you can discuss, vent, debate and in general explore the many fascinating and current topics surrounding gender and women.</p><p>Online Exams: There will be ONE 10 question quiz on the orientation materials and TWO exams. Each exam includes 25 multiple-choice questions worth 25 points each and 15 short answers and is worth 75 points. Please note: each exam has a specific deadline in which the exam must be completed by as well as a time limit (90 minutes on written exams and 45 minutes for multiple choice) once the exam is started. </p><p>One point will be deducted for each minute or portion of each minute beyond the allotted time used to take the exam. Exams availability is specifically noted on the syllabus, The exams are made available for 1 week and all exams must be completed by noon (12:00 p.m.. on the last day of the exam (ex. exam 1: opens on a Tuesday at 12:00 a.m. and closes the following Tuesday at noon). You will not be able to access the exam before this time or after, so plan your schedule accordingly. You should view your online exams the same as an in-class exam, there is a set time and if you miss the exam it is as serious as missing an in-class exam, this is NOT a self-paced course.</p><p>Also note that the questions on the exam will show one at a time and backtracking is prohibited. When you move on to the next question the previous question is automatically saved. IMPORTANT: To ensure that there are no TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES while taking the online exams you will need to close all OTHER BROWSERS, block all POP-UPS, and DO NOT click on “Refresh” as this can cause the website and the exam to freeze up and kick you out of the system. In this instance it will show that you have completed the exam and any questions you have not answered or saved will be marked incorrect. Please make sure you click on “submit” once you have completed the exam (if you only chose “save” the exam is not submitted to me). Please use “Firefox” or “Internet Explorer” as your internet browser (go to firefox.com to download; if you have “Vista” make sure you use Firefox as your browser), as these systems are more compatible with the Blackboard system. Students must also make sure they are on a WIRED CONNECTION (do not use a wireless router) when completing exams. Also, make sure your internet connection is not moving slower than usual before you take the exam as this could cause your exam to not be processed upon submitting it. </p><p>IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT RESETTING EXAMS: Once you begin your exam, the time will begin running. If for any reason you are kicked out of the exam or lose your internet connection you must immediately get back into and resume the exam. The timer continues to run even though you are kicked out. There will be no resets of the exam since you can re-enter.</p><p>WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: There will be one paper assignment. Specific paper instructions will be online two weeks prior to the due date. Instructions must be strictly followed. Papers must be saved in word (.doc or .docx) or rich text (.rtf) format. Papers must be SUBMITTED online via Blackboard only (see specific paper instructions for submission requirements). All papers must also be uploaded to the Turnitin link on our class Blackboard website (“Assignments” button). </p><p>Makeup Examinations/Late Paper Policy: The instructor is under no obligation to accept late papers or give makeup examinations and will only be considered 1) if discussed with me in advance (on or prior to the due date or examination date) 2) there are extenuating circumstances OR 3) in the instance of a medical emergency. In either instance written proof of the absence will be required in order to be considered for approval of a makeup exam or turning in a late paper. Approved late papers and makeup examinations must be turned in or completed in a timely manner and will result in a deduction of total possible points (10% will be deducted for each day past the due date or assigned examination date). Note: makeup examinations and late papers are rarely approved. </p><p>Feedback Time: You can expect feedback on the discussion board throughout the week or in the days following the conclusion of each discussion forum. I may not respond to each response individually but I do read each response in its entirety. Midway through the semester you will receive a progress report on your discussion board participation. You can expect to receive feedback from me on your papers 10-14 days after the due date. To check your grades go to “Student Tools” and “Check Grade.” Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is cheating (obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for work by the use of any dishonest, deceptive, fraudulent, or unauthorized means). It is also academic dishonesty if you help someone do any of these things. Examples of academic dishonesty are: unacceptable examination behavior (communicating with other students, copying an exam from another person, allowing another student to copy your own exam, using cheat sheets or other unauthorized material), plagiarism (using another individual’s words as your own and/or not citing another individual’s work), fraud, unauthorized collaboration (including allowing other students to read your completed papers), document falsification, and utilizing a previous paper from another class (you must obtain permission from your previous instructor as well as the current instructor in order to use a paper you have previously turned in from another course). Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated. The penalty of committing academic dishonesty will result in a zero on the assignment, lowering of the final grade in the course, or the student receiving a failing grade in the course. It is up to the instructor’s discretion as to what action will be taken. If you are unclear on what constitutes for academic dishonesty please see me for clarification. Please note: The “Turnitin” program will be used for all papers to check for plagiarism. See the Student Handbook for more information on academic dishonesty, http://www.saddleback.edu/media/pdf/handbook.pdf and http://www.saddleback.edu/sbs/AcademicDishonestyforStudents.html to clarify “what plagarism is”.</p><p>Accomodations for Students with Disabilities: This course meets the requirements set forth in accessibility checklist and universal design grid provided by Special Services. The Web pages, video presentations, textbooks and class materials used in this course are accessible to students with disabilities. </p><p>Special Services provides support services and specialized instruction for students with disabilities. If you feel that you are in need of special services please contact the Special Services office: (949)582-4249 Office location: SSC113 (Student Services Center 113; first floor) Website: www.saddleback.edu/serv/couns/dsps/ Note: please feel free to discuss special services issues with me. If you have already been assessed through Student Services please discuss accommodations with me and get the paperwork to me as soon as possible.</p><p>Tutoring: The Learning Resource Center (LRC) is available for tutoring and can help you with writing assistance for this course. Please call or visit the LRC department. (949)582-4519 or Library, room 212 www.saddleback.edu/library/</p><p>Point Distribution Intro Quiz 10 points Discussion Board Analytical Responses 140 points Exams 200 points Application paper 100 points TOTAL 450 points</p><p>Grading Scale 404-450 A 403-360 B 359-314 C 313-269 D 268 or below F</p><p>Tentative Course Outline The following dates are subject to change. Changes will be announced on our Blackboard website only. See the course schedule below and the “Assignments” button on our Blackboard website on a weekly basis for specific due dates.</p><p>Week: #1 (8/19) 1) Read the first announcement and read the orientation information and course syllabus 2) Navigate through the course website 3) Read instructor introductions (“Faculty Information”) 4) Read the “Rubric for Online Discussions” (“Course Information”) and the “Example Weekly Schedule” 5) Introduce yourself on our discussion board forum titled, “Introductions” and read other students’ introductions and engage in a conversation with your fellow students (respond to other students - required) 6) Take Intro Quiz and attendance (attendance if for this week only)</p><p>Read Lecture(s) Women’s Studies, Theory and Social Locations Readings- General Introduction, Part I Intro and articles 2, 3, 7, 10, 24 Discussion Board: 1) Introductions (Remember for all discussion boards: Main posts due Wednesday/responses due Saturday)</p><p>#2 (8/26) Read Lecture: Body, Beauty and Media</p><p>Readings- Part II and articles 11, 12 and 16; Part III Intro and articles 17, 18, 21, 22, 23 and 29 Discussion Board: 1) Media and Body Image</p><p>#3 (9/2) Read Lecture: Sexuality Readings: Part V Intro and articles 28, 30, 33 Discussion Board: 1) The “F” Word or Sexuality #4 (9/9) Read Lecture: Violence Against Women Readings-Part IX Intro and articles 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 60 Discussion Board: 1) Violence Against Women Midterm Exam is available on 9/10 and due 9/17</p><p>#5 (9/16) Midterm Exam: Must be taken by 9/17 at NOON (exam on all materials covered week 1-4) Read Lecture: Paid and Unpaid Employment Readings- Part VIII Intro and articles 46, 47, 49 Discussion Board: 1) The Gender Wage Gap </p><p>#6 (9/23) Read Lecture: Family Readings- Part VI Intro and 34, 35, 36, 39, 40 and 64 Discussion Board: 1) Family Film Analysis Paper Due 9/29 by 11:59 p.m. via turnitin (see prompt)</p><p>#7 (9/30) Read Lecture: Women in the Global Context Readings- articles 48 and 59 Discussion Board: 1) Global Violence Against Women</p><p>#8 (10/7) NO LECTURE SLIDES: Vision and Action Readings- Part XI intro and articles 69, 71 and 74 Discussion Board: Parting Words (optional forum)</p><p>Final Exam available 10/8 and must be completed by 10/15 at Noon </p><p>FINAL NOTE: Each student MUST make sure he or she keeps up with the course. Once a student is behind in an online course it is almost impossible for the student to catch up. STAY ORGANIZED AND DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! Also, most answers to basic course questions can be found in this syllabus or the website. Please refer to these sources.</p>
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