<p>Wares Ferry Road Elementary School</p><p>School Safety Plan SY 2012-2013</p><p>2012-2013 This plan has been written to guide the Wares Ferry Road Elementary School administrators and faculty through most disasters. One should remember that this plan is not all-inclusive and it is not a substitute for sound judgment. All Wares Ferry Road Elementary School administrators and faculty are encouraged to read and review this plan often. Any suggestions as to how this plan can be improved should be addressed to the school Crisis Management Team. The Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Crisis Management/Safety Plan is reviewed and updated as needed annually. This plan is disseminated to faculty and staff at the beginning of each school year.</p><p>2 Introduction and Statement of Commitment To School System Safety</p><p>The faculty and staff of Wares Ferry Road Elementary School believes that each individual (teachers, parents, students, and principal) have a right to a safe, nurturing, and positive learning environment. This environment means providing a safe and secure atmosphere that is free from drugs, guns, tobacco, and other potentially dangerous acts.</p><p>The events of 9-11 made Americans more aware of the need for safety in all areas of life. Thus, the faculty, staff, and students are committed to making Wares Ferry Road Elementary School a safe environment for all. It is vital that all persons not be unduly concerned with his or her well-being. Safety then should be a collaborative effort of the School Board, which includes Central Office personnel, local schools, and the community to provide a secure school environment.</p><p>Any situation that places the faculty, staff, and students or school property in danger is considered an emergency and will be dealt with using immediate actions. The priority to consider when dealing with an emergency situation is saving lives, attending to injuries, and protecting the property. Plans and preventions are put in place and must be implemented throughout the school year though practices and trainings.</p><p>3 Purpose of the Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Crisis Management and Safety Plan I Purpose The purpose of the Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Crisis Management and Safety Plan is to develop a comprehensive crises management program which seeks to mitigate the effects of various hazards, to prepare for measures which will preserve life and minimize damage, to respond during emergencies and provide assistance, and to establish a recovery system to return the school to a normal status. This plan defines policies and responsibilities concerning how to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of natural disasters, technological accidents, security threats, and other major disrupting incidents. II Situation and Assumptions A. Situation Wares Ferry Road Elementary School is exposed to many hazards which have the potential for disrupting the school, causing damage and creating casualties. Possible natural hazards include, for example, tornados, floods, and winter storms. There is also the possibility of security threats, energy crisis, etc. Other disaster situations could develop from hazardous materials accidents, fires, transportation accidents, or civil disorder. The Montgomery Public Schools and Montgomery County Hazard Analysis provides additional detail on local hazards. B. Assumptions 1. Wares Ferry Road Elementary School will continue to be exposed to the hazards reflected in the Montgomery Public Schools hazards and crisis management plan as well as others which may develop. 2. School administrators and faculty recognize their responsibilities regarding the safety and well-being of the students. 3. School administrators and faculty will assume their responsibilities when the crises management plan is activated. 4. If properly coordinated and implemented, this plan will reduce or prevent disaster related losses. III Concept of Operations A. General 1. The Wares Ferry Road Elementary School administrators have the primary responsibility for undertaking comprehensive crises management planning to protect life and property from the effects of any disaster. When the emergency exceeds school officials’ capabilities to respond, they will request assistance from local emergency response agencies.</p><p>4 2. Those daily functions which do not contribute directly to the emergency operation may be suspended for the duration of the emergency. The efforts normally required for those functions will be redirected to accomplishing emergency tasks by the agency concerned. 3. This plan is designed to improve preparedness for major emergencies and disasters but selected annexes may be implemented for minor emergencies. B. Phases of Management 1. Mitigation Mitigation activities are those long-term activities which lessen the undesirable effects of unavoidable hazards. Some examples are: improving campus security, student education, etc. 2. Preparedness Preparedness activities serve to develop the response capabilities needed if an emergency should arise. Planning, training, and mitigation are among those activities conducted under this phase. Some examples are: warning systems, communications systems, evacuation plans, and staging areas.</p><p>3. Response Response is the process of providing emergency services during a crisis. These activities help to reduce suffering and casualties and speed recovery. Response activities include: activating warning systems, using evacuation plans, and other similar operations. 4. Recovery Recovery is both a short-term and long-term process. Short-term operations seek to restore vital services to the school and to provide for the basic needs of the students. Long-term recovery focuses on returning the school to its normal or improved conditions. The recovery period is also an opportune time to institute mitigation measures, particularly those related to a recent emergency. Examples of recovery actions would be reconstruction of damaged areas and counseling programs. C. Execution</p><p>1. The central point of coordination of all emergency operations is the administration office. The purpose of this central point is to ensure a coordinated response when the emergency involves more than one responding agency. The principal should coordinate with the incident commander to ensure a seamless leadership chain.</p><p>2. In an emergency there will be two levels of control. The first level of control will be at the scene of the incident. The second level will be at a central location where overall coordination will be exercised.</p><p>5 3. In an emergency, the senior administration will respond to the scene. The on-scene management will fall under the jurisdiction of the local department best qualified to conduct the emergency operation. For example, the fire department will assume on-scene control of a hazardous material incident. The department’s senior representative at the scene will become the on-scene commander and will be responsible for the overall recovery operations. Incident Command System (ICS) procedures are encouraged. 4. The basic data for significant hazards is contained in the appendices to this basic plan. IV Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities A. Organization</p><p>1. The administrator of Wares Ferry Road Elementary School along with the Montgomery County Board of Education administration constitutes an informal emergency management network. 2. The Montgomery County Superintendent of Schools and the Montgomery County Board of Education has designated the school administrator as being responsible for day-to-day operations including implementing the policies and procedures issued by the Board. B. Responsibilities </p><p>1. Principal a. Coordinate all phases of crisis management. b. Provide administration and faculty with information and training. c. Support emergency responders. d. Ensure communications systems are adequate and in working order. e. Assist in damage assessment. f. Assume command and direct all emergency actions until received by a more competent authority. 2. Vice Principal a. Assume control when the administrator is absent. b. Ensure all emergency action checklist items are complied with. c. Perform duties as directed by the administrator. 3. School Office Secretarial Staff a. Call 911. b. Complete emergency checklist items. c. Perform duties as directed by the administrator. 4. Janitorial Staff</p><p>6 a. Maintain safety equipment (emergency lights, fire doors, etc.). b. Keep administrator abreast of any equipment malfunctions or Utility problems. c. Perform other duties as directed by the administrator. 5. Counselors a. Assist administrators and faculty in control of the students. B. Provide counseling to students if necessary. c. Perform other duties as directed by the administrator. 6. Security a. Assist in the control and security of the students. 7. Teacher Aides a. Assist in the control of the students. 8. Teachers on their planning period a. Planning period teachers shall relieve teachers with classes for first aid duties. 9. Teachers a. Maintain control of students b. Ensure student safety 10. School Nurse a. Maintains all First Aid Kits b. Attend to all injuries that occur to the best of his/her ability c. Will set up a Triage area for injured</p><p>7 Crisis Planning Team 1. Purpose This annex provides for the establishment of a Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Crisis Planning Team. 2. Situation/Vulnerability Wares Ferry Road Elementary School is susceptible to disasters and emergencies of large or small magnitudes. A plan should be established to prepare the school for any contingency. 3. Concept of Operations The administrator of Wares Ferry Road Elementary School shall form a committee to develop and maintain a crisis plan. The make-up of this committee should be as follows: SCHOOL SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEE AND RESPONSE TEAM</p><p>Barbara Thompson – Superintendent Barbara Boykins – Custodian(Aide Counselor/Secretary Tom Salter – Public Information Officer MCPD– Law Enforcement Heather Sellers – Montgomery County Board Member Tammy Stroud – Nurse (Emergency Medical Tech.) Steve Cox – Director of Transportation MCFD – Fire Department Edward Drozdowski –Principal/Chairperson Toni Turner – Parent (Aide Parent Liaison) Jason Norred – Designated Assistant Grade Level Chairs– Teachers (Parent Pick-Up) Curtis Pettway – Custodian (Fiscal Building Operations Mgmt.) Ginny Faulk – Special Education Facilitator(IEP’s) Barbara Jones – Cafeteria Manager (Secure Closing of Kitchen) April Ware – Special Education Teacher(IEP’s) Wendy Cochran – Bookkeeper (Secure All Money/Transport) Randy Butler – Custodian(Secure IEP’s/Crisis Station) Danielle Lawrence – Secretary (Secure Student Record/Transport) Andrew Roberts – Teacher (Public Information Officer) George Rogers/Eric Rogers – Tech/PE Teacher (Secure Building) Keon Addison/Patricia Howell – Teacher(Info to Teachers)</p><p>The School Crisis Committee shall meet annually or as directed by the school administrator. The committee shall make recommendations to the school administrator on how best to improve school security and safety. A list of team members shall be included in this annex as an appendix. </p><p>STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT TO SCHOOL SAFETY</p><p>The Montgomery County School System is committed to the safety and well-being of all students, faculty, staff, administrators, parents or community members who may be involved in the day to day activities of our schools. Wares Ferry Road Elementary School works cooperatively with the Central Office and other government and community agencies to prevent, assess, manage, and follow-up on any threat to the safety of the students, faculty, or staff. Many efforts and painstaking hours have been committed by many individuals in order to maximize safety in our school. This guide is designed to contain the primary elements or steps necessary for effective intervention and follow-up for selected common emergencies that affect schools.</p><p>8 Fire Fire Drill Procedures</p><p>Teachers on a regular basis talk with students in their class about fire drill procedures. Clear directions, good conduct, and the seriousness of the fire drill are discussed in detail. Teachers inform students of the designated areas for their class during a fire evacuation.</p><p>The evacuation plan for exiting the building during the fire drill is posted in each classroom. </p><p>Fire drills are practiced on a regular basis to ensure proper procedures and understanding of procedures to follow in the event of a fire. Procedures are as follows:</p><p>1. Students are to line up quickly and leave the room immediately; closing the door once the last student is out of the classroom. 2. The teacher leads the students from the area. 3. Everyone exits the building as outlined in the fire drill plan. NOTE: Students are informed that it may be necessary to crawl in order to get below a smoke filled area in an actual fire, but this is not done during a fire drill. In the event smoke is detected and visible, students should stay low to the ground and crawl to safety assembling in their designated area when exiting the building. 4. Everyone remains in the designated areas until the ALL Clear signal is announced and/or given. 5. All persons evacuate the building.</p><p>(Evidence indicates that a large percentage of deaths and injuries occur due to inhaling smoke that contains toxic chemicals during a fire.</p><p>Fire Drill/Alarm Emergency Instruction</p><p>The rapid ringing of the bells (for a period of one minute) or the deployment of the building fire alarm claxon is to be the signal for the fire drill. </p><p>Instructional Signals:</p><p>1. Rapid ringing – exit the building 2. Three rings – return to the classroom, all is clear.</p><p>Teacher Role:</p><p>1. Making sure that all students are out of the classroom. 2. Closing the classroom door as the room is vacated in the event the Fire Drill Leader does not do so.</p><p>9 3. Taking the class roll to the outside areas and calling roll or taking a number count to ensure all students are present and report any missing students immediately to the office. 4. Monitoring students so that all remain in a safe area away from the fire until the all clear signal is announced and/or given.</p><p>General Instructions:</p><p>1. Exit according to the diagram which shows how each class is to exit. 2. Exit in a straight, orderly fashion. 3. Appoint a fire drill leader among the students. The leader is to be last in line and is responsible for shutting the door. 4. Teachers are to lead the class line out the door and to the appropriate area. 5. Students at PE or Music are to be led outside by that Specialist. The homeroom teacher is to go to their students. 6. There is to be NO TALKING OR RUNNING IN LINE</p><p>WARNINGS: </p><p>Do not use water on electrical fires Do not attempt to fight fires involving explosives Do not attempt to fight fires involving toxic chemicals or strong oxidizers. Severe Weather Weather Warning Definitions</p><p>1. Severe Thunderstorm Watch – Weather conditions are such that a severe thunderstorm may develop. 2. Severe Thunderstorm Warning – A severe thunderstorm has developed and has the potential to affect the areas stated in the weather bulletin. 3. Tornado Watch – Weather conditions are such that a tornado may develop. 4. Tornado Warning – A tornado has been sighted and has the potential to affect those areas stated in the weather alert. 5. Severe Weather conditions, including tornadoes, will be closely monitored using a weather radio.</p><p>Severe Weather Plan of Action</p><p>With a severe thunderstorm watch a plan of action is reviewed. For a severe thunderstorm warning, the principal alerts the teachers. All students outside the main building are brought inside.</p><p>Tornado Drill</p><p>One short and one long continuous ringing of the bell will signal a tornado drill. Students are to move into their assigned places (refer to the diagram) in the hallway. </p><p>10 The students are to sit with their backs against the wall. Students’ knees should be bent so that their feet do not block the hallways. Students should remain quiet and calm so that instructions may be heard by all persons.</p><p>Tornado Watch and Warning Procedures A. Office personnel alert teachers when there is a tornado watch in effect. B. Teachers review tornado warning with classes C. Each student moves quickly into halls and follow precautionary procedures D. Students and teachers remain in the designated areas until all clear is signaled. E. In the event of an actual tornado, Alarms/bells will be sounded. F. Students are quickly taken to their assigned area and the teacher takes the homeroom roll book and proceeds with students to the assigned area. G. Doors are closed on the sight of a tornado. H. Doorways are to be left clear. I. Students are to remain in areas in the practiced safety position. J. Teachers can use their judgment as to when students need to sit comfortably or return to the safety position because of dangerous weather. K. If students are located outside the building, they are to move into the building as quickly as possible and go to the designated areas.</p><p>Thunderstorms and/or Lightening</p><p>1. Do not seek shelter close to metal fences of playground equipment. 2. Stay indoors and do not retreat outside for any reason. 3. Stay away from open doors and windows, metal objects, electrical appliances and plumbing until thunderstorm and lightening has passed. 4. Keep telephone use to a minimum. 5. Do not handle flammable liquids. 6. All electronics such as televisions and computers should be unplugged if there are no surge protectors.</p><p>Visitor Access Control Visitor Procedures Signs are posted and visible at every entrance of the building requesting that all visitors report to the office prior to visiting other areas of the school building. Once in the office, visitors will sign in and receive a visitor’s pass that will identify them as a visitor of the school. Faculty and staff are instructed to stop anyone who does not have a visible visitor’s pass and ask them to retrieve one from the office. Anyone displaying suspicious behavior will be reported to the office.</p><p>11 Intruder/Disturbance 1. All incoming visitors are required to stop at the office and receive a visitor’s pass which includes the person’s name and the date. 2. Persons in the building without a pass are considered intruders. 3. The above statement related to visitor procedures should be followed. 4. If the intruder is perceived to be dangerous or threatening, the office will be notified. 5. If the intruder is inside the building and creating a dangerous situation, the building will be evacuated. 6. If the intruder is outside the building, all children will be brought into the main building using the tornado drill procedures and police will be notified. 7. Teachers are to make sure hallways are clear of students and secure doors by locking them. 1. Purpose This annex provides coordination of response procedures to protect students and faculty in the case of an intruder related emergency.</p><p>2. Situation/Vulnerability There is a possibility of an unauthorized person being on the Wares Ferry Road Elementary School campus. If this were to occur, the primary concerns are: whether or not the intruder is hostile, the safety of the students and faculty, apprehending the intruder, etc.</p><p>3. Assumptions The Wares Ferry Road Elementary School administration will be notified immediately and will contact the Montgomery Police Department. If the Intruder is hostile, all classrooms will be alerted and advised to lock their doors. All students are instructed to report any suspicious persons.</p><p>4. Concept of Operations In the event that there is an unauthorized person on the Wares Ferry Road Elementary School campus, the administration will be notified immediately. If the intruder does not appear to be hostile, he/she should be asked to report to the office and sign in. If the intruder does appear to be hostile, he/she should not be approached. The administrator will call the Montgomery Police Department immediately and set off the alarm/warning for an intruder which will be LOCK DOWN which will instruct them to lock the doors. Students should be instructed to report any suspicious person(s) not associated with the school to a teacher or administrator. Students should under no circumstances approach these individuals.</p><p>5. Phases of Management a. Mitigation (1)Require all students to wear school uniforms (2)Lock all exterior doors except the front doors unless needed For students to attend classes</p><p> b. Preparedness (1)Review plan with faculty</p><p>12 (2)Instruct students to report suspicious person(s) not associated With the school c. Response (1) Notify Montgomery Police Department (2)Alert classrooms and advise to lock doors (3)Apprehend intruder d. Recovery (1)Return to normal activities as soon as possible 6. Organization and Responsibilities a. Coordination and review of the intruder related emergency plan will ensure that the proper Procedures are followed; the students and faculty are aware and capable of responding Appropriately, etc. b. Task Assignments/Responsibilities (1) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Principal Notify the Montgomery Police Department Alert classrooms and advise to lock doors: LOCK DOWN INTRUDER ALERT! Evacuate building if necessary (2) Wares Ferry Road Elementary Faculty Possess record/roll book at all times and keep quiet Maintain control of students Lock classroom door and turn off lights Close all blinds and cover window in door Wait for instructions Evacuate if instructed to do so If evacuated account for all students (3) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Students Maintain composure, remain calm, and react responsibly Follow teacher/administrator instructions carefully and completely Report any suspicious persons to the administration</p><p>Lock Down Procedures/Individual with Fire Arms</p><p>To signal a lock down, the announcement stating “LOCK DOWN” will be made. Students are to move to a corner of the room where they cannot be easily seen. Students are to sit on the floor. The teacher is to make sure all classroom doors are locked. Assigned Personnel will go to designated areas and lock remaining school building doors. No one is to leave the building once doors to the vicinity are locked and/or until the all clear signal is made. </p><p>13 Office Situation - Emergency</p><p>In case of an emergency situation from the office, the announcement “TIME FOR A DOOR CHECK” will be made. Teachers are to lock all doors. This does not signal a full lock down.</p><p>Hostage Procedures</p><p>In the event a student, adult, or group are taken hostage, a command post will be set up in the school office and all Crisis Response Team Members will assemble unless that location poses an imminent threat to the safety of the team members. 1. The team will meet in the safest location. 2. Depending on the situation, the building will either be locked down using the lock down procedures or the building will be evacuated using the fire drill procedure. 3. Police will be notified immediately using the 911 systems and Central Office Public Relations office will also be notified at 334-223-6870 as well as School Security Office at 334-269-3937. 4. Media will NOT be called and media request for information will be forwarded to the media coordinator on the Crisis Response Team. Hostage Situation 1. Purpose This annex provides coordination of response procedures during a kidnapping or hostage emergency. 2. Situation/Vulnerability Kidnapping and hostage situations in a school are rare, but students at Montgomery County Public School could be at risk as much as any child anywhere. If a kidnapping or hostage situation were to occur at Wares Ferry Road Elementary School, the primary concerns are: the safety, welfare, and location of the kidnapped child, the safety of the hostages, and the safety of the other students and faculty. 3. Assumptions The Wares Ferry Road Elementary School administration will be notified immediately and will contact the Montgomery Police Department. The school building will be evacuated. 4. Concept of Operations In the event of a kidnapping or hostage situation at Wares Ferry Road Elementary School, the administration will be notified immediately. The administration will contact the Montgomery Police Department and then the parents/legal guardian of the kidnapped student. In the event a hostage situation arises, the administration will contact the Montgomery Police Department immediately and then the building will be evacuated. On a pre-arranged signal, known only to administrators and faculty, the teachers will escort students to a safe area away from the building. The pre-arranged signal will contain coded information indicating areas that should not be evacuated for safety reasons. In </p><p>14 the event that the campus must be evacuated, the administrator will immediately contact the school transportation department. 5. Phases of Management a. Mitigation (1) Ensure safety of students and faculty b. Preparedness (1) Review plan with faculty (2) Conduct kidnapping/student safety programs (Don’t Talk to Strangers”, etc.) (3) Conduct evacuations drills c. Response (1) Notify Montgomery Police Department (2) Notify parents/legal guardian of kidnapped student (3) Notify classrooms with a pre-arranged signal advising whether or not to evacuate (1) Transport students and faculty to the park, AG center or other pre-determined area if necessary. d. Recovery (1) Montgomery Police Department recover kidnapped student (2) Counsel students and faculty if necessary</p><p>6. Organization and Responsibilities a. Coordination and review of the kidnapping/hostage emergency plan with the faculty and students will ensure that the proper procedures are followed, the students are aware and capable of responding appropriately, and activities return to normal as soon as possible. b. Task Assignments/Responsibilities (1) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Principal Notify Montgomery Police Department Alert classrooms with pre-arranged signal to evacuate Direct students and faculty to the evacuation assembly area (to be determined by the principal) Ensure that all students and faculty are safely evacuated Have students and faculty transported to a pre- determined area if necessary Notify parents/legal guardian of kidnapped student Account for all other students and faculty Ensure safety of all other students and faculty Recall evacuated faculty and students when it is safe to do so (2) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Faculty Possess record/roll book at all times Keep other students calm</p><p>15 Evacuate if ordered to by principal in the safest way possible to the assembly area (to be determined by the principal) Account for all individuals (3) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Students Maintain composure, remain calm, and react responsibly Follow teacher/administrator instructions carefully and completely (4) Montgomery Police Department Locate and return kidnapped student Apprehend kidnapper</p><p>Kidnapping</p><p>1. If a student is kidnapped from the school campus, the Principal’s office is to be notified immediately. 2. Police will be called using the 911 system. 3. The student’s family will be notified immediately. 4. Media will not be notified and all media requests for information will be directed to the Communications Office at 334-223-6850. 5. A description of the kidnapper will be given to the Principal’s office so that the same information can be relayed to the police.</p><p>Major disturbances and Riots</p><p>1. At the first hint of a major disturbance, the School Security Bureau will be notified at 334-269-3893. The director of Safety and Security will also be notified at 334-269-3937. 2. Every effort will be made to diffuse the situation prior to becoming a major problem. 3. Once the disturbance escalates, participants should be isolated as much as possible to reduce increased participation by others and to maintain the safety of non-participants. 4. Proper procedures will be determined based on the Code of Conduct. 5. A detailed report will be filed with the Office of Safety and Security.</p><p>Fights and Disruptions</p><p>Fights and disruptions are to be handled by notifying the Principal’s office. Actions to be taken will be left to the Principal and the Code of Conduct Student and Teacher Handbook.</p><p>16 Vandalism</p><p>All incidents of vandalism are to be reported to Principal’s office and then forwarded by the Principal to the appropriate agencies. If the vandalism creates a situation involving an unsafe condition, the Principal will notify the Maintenance Department. The area will be closed to the students use. </p><p>Weapons</p><p>If a weapon is found on campus, or in the possession of a student, or if the student is suspected of possessing a weapon, the school Principal is to be notified immediately. If an actual weapon is found, the Principal will notify the PALS office at 334-223-6850 and the student will be suspended for a minimum of ten days or be recommended for expulsion.</p><p>Individual with Firearm/Weapon</p><p>1. Purpose This annex provides coordination of response procedures to protect the students and faculty in the Event of a school shooting or when weapons are suspected to be on school property.</p><p>2. Situation/Vulnerability School shootings are becoming all too common. The recent shootings have grabbed everyone’s Attention and made them realize that it could happen anywhere, in anybody’s home town. Wares Ferry Road Elementary School is not immune, as is no other school in the country.</p><p>3. Assumptions The administration will be notified immediately and will contact the Montgomery Police and Montgomery Fire Departments. The students and faculty will evacuate in the safest manner possible Away from the area of danger.</p><p>4. Concept of Operations In the event of a school shooting, the administration will contact the Montgomery Police/Fire Departments immediately. The administration will alert each room of the situation and Provide further instructions. Students and personnel will be evacuated in the safest manner possible Away from the area of danger. It is essential that all teachers maintain control and can account for Their students at all times. Classrooms located away from the incident should be evacuated </p><p>17 Immediately using the standard evacuation routes. Classrooms located in proximity to the incident Should immediately be locked; teachers and students should stay away from the door and await Instructions from the administration or law enforcement personnel. Whenever weapons are suspected To be on school property, the administration will be notified immediately. The administration will Contact the Montgomery Police Department. If the weapon(s) is suspected to be located in a locker No student will be permitted to go to their locker. The suspected student will be isolated from the Other students and will be detained by the administration until the Montgomery Police Department Arrives.</p><p>5. Phases of Management a. Mitigation (1) Implement severe consequences for bringing a weapon to school</p><p> b. Preparedness (1)Review plan with faculty</p><p> c. Response (1) Notify the Montgomery Police Department (2) If there are injuries, ensure that the Montgomery Fire Department is Notified (3) If possible, evacuate students and faculty away from the area of Danger (4) Account for all students and faculty</p><p> d. Recovery (1) Provide counseling for students and faculty (2) Tighten security at school (3) Return to normal activities as soon as possible</p><p>6. Organization and Responsibilities a. Coordination and review of the school shooting/weapons emergency plan. Ensure that the proper Procedures are followed; the students and faculty are aware and capable of responding Appropriately, etc.</p><p> b. Task Assignments/Responsibilities (1) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Principal Notify the Montgomery Police Department Notify the Montgomery Fire Department if injuries occurred Alert classrooms to situation and give instructions </p><p>18 Evacuate in the safest manner possible away from the area of danger Account for all students and faculty Ensure that injured individuals receive medical treatment Appoint a Public Information Officer (PIO) to handle the media and frantic parents Recall evacuated students and faculty when it is safe to do so Provide counseling for all students and faculty if needed</p><p>(2) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Faculty Possess record/roll book at all times Maintain control and account for all students Evacuate if possible If evacuation is not possible, lock classroom door, cover window in door and keep students away from the door and windows and wait for instructions from the principal or law enforcement personnel Do not allow students to go the lockers if a weapon is suspected to be located in a locker If evacuated follow the instructions from the principal and account for all students</p><p>(3) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Students Maintain composure, remain calm, and react responsibly Follow teacher/administration or law enforcement personnel instructions carefully and completely Evacuate in the safest manner possible away from the area of danger</p><p>Shooting</p><p>In the event someone begins shooting inside the building, the school will make the following announcement on the intercom: “Mr. Wares Ferry is in the building”. Police will be notified immediately and all members of the crisis team will assemble in the office unless it is deemed to be unsafe. The alternate command post will be in the PTA office. Shooting Incident</p><p>1. Purpose This annex provides coordination of response procedures to protect the students and faculty in the event of a school shooting or when weapons are suspected to be on school property.</p><p>2. Situation/Vulnerability School shootings are becoming all too common. The recent shooting have grabbed everyone’s attention and made them realize that it could happen </p><p>19 anywhere, in anybody’s home town. Wares Ferry Road Elementary School is not immune, as is no other school on the country.</p><p>3. Assumptions The administration will be notified immediately and will contact the Montgomery Police/Fire Departments. The students and faculty will evacuate in the safest manner possible away from the area of danger.</p><p>4. Concept of Operations In the event of a school shooting, the administration will contact the Montgomery Police/Fire and Departments immediately. The administration will alert each room of the situation and provide further instructions. Students and personnel will be evacuated in the safest manner possible away from the area of danger. It is essential that all teachers maintain control and can account for their students at all times. Classrooms located away from the incident should be evacuated immediately using the standard evacuation routes. Classrooms located in proximity to the incident should immediately be locked; teachers and students should stay away from the door and await instructions from the administration or law enforcement personnel. Whenever weapons are suspected to be on school property, the administration will be notified immediately. The administration will contact the Montgomery Police Department. If the weapon(s) is/are suspected to be located in a locker no student will be permitted to go to their locker. The suspected student will be isolated from the other students and will be detained by the administration until the Montgomery Police Department arrives.</p><p>5. Phases of Management a. Mitigation (1)Implement severe consequences for bringing a weapon to school b. Preparedness (1)Review plan with faculty c. Response (1)Notify the Montgomery Police Department (2)If there are injuries, ensure that the Montgomery Fire Departments are notified (3)If possible, evacuate students and faculty away from the area of Danger (4)Account for all students and faculty d. Recovery (1)Provide counseling for students and faculty (2)Tighten security at school (3)Return to normal activities as soon as possible 1. Organization and Responsibilities a. Coordination and review of the school shooting/weapons emergency plan Ensure that the proper procedures are followed; the students and faculty are Aware and capable of responding appropriately, etc.</p><p>B.Task Assignments/Responsibilities</p><p>20 (1) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Principal Notify the Montgomery Police Department Notify the Montgomery Fire Department if injuries occurred Alert classrooms to situation and give instructions Evacuate in the safest manner possible away from the area of danger Account for all students and faculty Ensure that injured individuals receive medical treatment Appoint a Public Information Officer (PIO) to handle the media and frantic parents Recall evacuated students and faculty when it is safe to do so Provide counseling for all students and faculty if needed (2) Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Faculty Possess record/roll book at all times Maintain control and account for all students Evacuate if possible If evacuation is not possible, lock classroom door, cover window in door and keep students away from the door and windows and wait for instructions from the principal or law enforcement personnel Do not allow students to go the lockers if a weapon is suspected to be located in a locker If evacuated, follow the instructions from the principal and account for all students</p><p>(3)Wares Ferry Road Elementary School Students Maintain composure, remain calm, and react responsibly Follow teacher/administration or law enforcement personnel instructions carefully and completely Evacuate in the safest manner possible away from the area of danger</p><p>Drugs</p><p>Any concerns about possession or use of illegal drugs on campus are to be directed to the Principal’s office. Law enforcement will be called and appropriate charges filed.</p><p>Life Endangerments and Crisis Management</p><p>Lost/Runaway Students</p><p>1. The police department will be notified if a student runs away and cannot be located. 2. The family of the child will also be notified immediately.</p><p>21 3. The principal will immediately initiate a search of the campus and surrounding neighborhood areas. 4. The Principal will dispatch members of the custodial staff, equipped with walkie- talkies during search.</p><p>Suicide</p><p>Suicide or attempted suicide will be handled by calling 911 immediately for medical assistance. Any students in the vicinity will be quickly removed. The child’s (or the adult’s) family will be notified immediately. Calls will be made to the School Security Office at 334-269-3937 and the Public Relations Office at 334-223-6870. Media will NOT be notified by the school and all media requests for information will be directed to the Central Office.</p><p>Death of Student/Staff</p><p>In the event a death occurs on campus of a student or other person, an Emergency Medical Team will be called immediately (911). If the death is confirmed, the family will be notified by the Principal. The Superintendent’s Office will be notified at 334- 223-6710). Media will NOT be notified and all media requests for information will be directed to the Communications Office at 33-223-6761.</p><p>Sexual Assault</p><p>1. Any circumstances involving the sexual assault of a student on campus are to be turned over to the Principal’s Office immediately. 2. Sexual abuse or assault allegations will be reported immediately to the authorities for investigation as well as the PALS Office at 334-223-6850. 3. Media will not be notified and all media requests for information will be directed to the Public Relations Office at 334-223-6870.</p><p>Catastrophic/Communicable Illness</p><p>1. Any incidences of or concerns relating to catastrophic or communicable illnesses are to be referred to the school nurses office. 2. The direction of the school nurse will be followed. 3. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will personal health information on students be made available to the public or the media. 4. Any requests from the media for information will be directed to the Communications office at 334-223-6761. 5. All applicable health directives from the Health Department will be kept in a folder in the school secretary’s office and those guidelines will be followed. 6. Every effort is made to ensure that school personnel and students are aware of health safeguards and practices.</p><p>22 7. Employees wear plastic gloves if they are to come in contact with body fluids</p><p>Distribution of Medications</p><p>Parents who request that the school officials supervise the taking of prescription medication by their child should contact the school and secure a copy of the proper procedures along with a “Medication Permission Form”. This form must be on file in the office before the office staff can administer prescriptions.</p><p>Field Trips and Procedures</p><p>The office of Educational Improvement plans a field trip for students in grades Kindergarten through nine. Participation related to this trip is limited to those students obtaining a signed Field Trip permission form from parents. Permission to participate must be in writing not by telephone. Permission slips are left in the Principal’s mailbox before leaving the school site.</p><p>Individual teachers may plan field trips in conjunction with units of study at any time during the school year. The same requirements for written permission apply.</p><p>In the event of an accident, procedures are put into place. The teachers are responsible for the following: 1. Surveying injuries. 2. Designating an adult to call to report the accident and request medical help. 3. Contacting the Principal as soon as possible. 4. Administrating first-aid when appropriate.</p><p>NOTE: Once the Principal is notified, the Superintendent’s Office must also be notified and dispatched information given to the appropriate school officials so that the appropriate assistance is sent to the scene of the accident. If unable to reach the school, contact the Office of Student Support at 334-223-6850. Request for information will be done through the Public Information Officer.</p><p>Animals in the School</p><p>All animals are reported to the school office where appropriate action is taken. The animal control of the Montgomery Police Department or Animal Shelter is contacted if assistance is required.</p><p>23 Disasters</p><p>Utility Emergency</p><p>In an event of a loss of electrical power, the school will carry on as usual as much as possible. A battery-powered megaphone will be used in the hallways for any emergency notifications and a team of student “runners” will be used to notify classes of important circumstances. Natural gas leaks will be handled by evacuating the building and notifying the appropriate agencies.</p><p>Explosions</p><p>In the event of an explosion of unknown origin on or near the campus, the building will be evacuated utilizing the fire drill procedure, or lock down utilizing the procedure outlined. The Principal or Assistant Principal will make that determination.</p><p>Air Disasters</p><p>Air disasters on or near campus will be treated as explosions to ensure the safety of the students. If the building is needed as a medical triage facility for rescue operations, the students will be kept inside the building under secure conditions.</p><p>Chemical Spills</p><p>If a chemical spill involves evacuation of the building, the fire alarm bell will be sounded and the building will be immediately evacuated. If the spill necessitates that all children be brought into the building, the severe weather alert will be issued. If the chemical spill requires mass evacuation from the area, transportation will be requested from the transportation office at 334-284-2085 and students will be loaded onto the buses by homerooms. Teachers will take their homeroom rolls and administrators will be equipped with a cellular phone for emergency use. The local media will be contacted so that parents will know where to come if they wish to pick up their children. In addition, the Central Office Public Relations Office will be notified at 334-223-6870 as well as the School Security Office at 334-269-3937. Numbers for the media include WSFA (334- 284-5276), WAKA (334-270-9252) and the Radio Station WLWI (334-240-9215)</p><p>Railroad Disaster Emergency Procedures</p><p>In case of a railroad emergency the following procedures will be followed:</p><p>1. Chemical Spill: If a chemical spill involves evacuation of the building, the fire alarm bell will be sounded and the building will be immediately evacuated. If the spill necessitates that all children be brought into the building, the severe weather </p><p>24 alert will be issued. If a chemical spill requires mass evacuation from the area, transportation will be requested from the transportation office. See the section on Chemical spills for more detail information. 2. Train Wreck: If a train wreck occurs, students that walk home in the direction of the wreck will remain at school. The parents of the walkers will be notified and asked to pick up their child from the school.</p><p>Bomb Threats and Procedures</p><p>Most bomb threats are received via the telephone. When dealing with telephone threats, planning and preparation must in place.</p><p>1. A copy of the bomb threat checklist should be posted and copies made available at all telephone locations where a bomb threat is likely to be received. 2. All personnel who receive call threats must know the procedures for handling a bomb threat. 3. The Principal should identify a pre-determined location in advance where they will be during a bomb threat situation making it easier for persons involved in searches or locating suspicious objects to report their findings. 4. Persons assigned to conduct searches should be identified in advance with the areas they will be searching. 5. A threat evaluation team should be established. 6. Team members must be familiar with the school building and evacuation routes. 7. The school is equipped with call ID features.</p><p>Handling the Call</p><p>1. Remain calm. 2. Follow procedures as stated in the plan. 3. Get as much information as possible from the caller. 4. Write the phone number down. 5. Establish a different line to call 911. 6. When the call is completed, notify the Principal or person in charge. 7. Convene threat evaluation team. 8. Assess and analyze threat. 9. Determine if immediate evacuation or search is warranted.</p><p>Bomb Threat-Evacuation</p><p>1. Decision to evacuate will be made by the principal or person in charge. 2. If a suspicious object is found, an evacuation may be warranted. 3. Threat evaluation team can assist Principal in determining evacuation. 4. There is no concrete guidance and most threats are not credible. MPS policy is to treat and decide if evacuation is warranted.</p><p>25 5. Established evacuation routes should be used unless object is found that warrants deactivation. 6. Evacuate at least 300 feet or farther if possible.</p><p>Bomb Threat Search</p><p>1. A search should be conducted if threat indicates it is necessary. 2. A preliminary search should be conducted to determine if evacuation is warranted. 3. Principal or building supervisor should remain in predetermined location at all times. 4. Search in an organized manner. Remember that the searchers must be familiar with areas they are searching. 5. Search perimeter of buildings, parking lots, and evacuation routes. 6. Check mail for any unusual letters of packages. If mail looks suspicious, police should be notified. 7. If suspicious item is found, leave item alone and report to Principal. 8. Search parties should report back to the Principal or person in charge immediately after search is complete.</p><p>26 Bomb Threat Call Checklist Reported Time: ______Person Receiving call Date: ______/______/______How was call received? Time caller hung up</p><p>Phone line received on ______</p><p>Questions to ask (Remain Calm and Speak Distinctly)</p><p>When is the bomb going to explode?</p><p>Where is the bomb right now?</p><p>What does the bomb look like?</p><p>What kind of bomb is it?</p><p>Why did you place the bomb?</p><p>Does caller indicate knowledge of the facility? Y/N</p><p>Description of caller’s voice</p><p>0 Male 0 Female </p><p>0 drunk 0 calm 0 nervous 0 refined 0 rough</p><p>0 accent 0 Speech impediment 0 young 0 old 0 middle-aged 0 child </p><p>Describe: </p><p>Does voice sound familiar?</p><p>Background noise?</p><p>0 traffic 0 horns 0 whistles 0 music 0 bells 0 aircraft 0 machinery</p><p>27 0 running motor</p><p>Caller’s exact words: </p><p>28 Crisis Management Roles and Procedures</p><p>Each member of the school community has a role in Crisis management. The roles for each member are as follows:</p><p>PRINCIPAL 1. Remain highly visible at all times. 2. Contact the Superintendent’s Office 3. Contact the Public Information Office. 4. Remain calm in order to set the tone and give direction. 5. Be the chair of the Crisis management Team Committee.</p><p>COUNSELOR 1. Provide counseling for students and staff, when applicable. 2. Plan logistics of counseling 3. Coordinate counseling activities in and out of the classroom. 4. Communicate information to the faculty and staff. 5. Cancel scheduled activities when appropriate. 6. Seek additional counseling support, if needed. 7. Contact feeder schools. 8. Provide information to parents.</p><p>FACULTY 1. Announce events to students. 2. Lead students in class discussions. 3. Identify students in need of counseling. 4. Generate activities to reduce the impact of trauma. 5. Postpone testing if applicable.</p><p>Recovery</p><p>The Principal, Assistant Principal, and Counselor will direct the recovery. A follow-up with faculty, staff, and students is done in an appropriate setting. Procedures are as follows: 1. Allow ventilation and discussion among all parties involved. 2. Convey accurate and complete information. 3. Devise a plan of action and response. 4. Identify any local, state, and national support networks. 5. Identify students at risk of delayed emotional response and arrange referrals if necessary. 6. Follow-up with parents and community.</p><p>29 Training of Faculty, Parents, and Students</p><p>The faculty and staff will be trained through faculty meetings, and through the review of the faculty handbook. Students will be trained in bicycle safety, school bus safety, stranger danger, electrical safety, fire safety, and severe weather safety. The training will take place in assembly programs and during regularly scheduled fire and tornado drills. Parents will be trained through PTA meetings.</p><p>Prevention and Intervention</p><p>1. Safety Audits are conducted regularly through the Montgomery School System. Careful review of the school was done. Areas of concern were addressed and recommendations were made. There were no serious areas of concern. 2. Several components of the curriculum are specially designed to address the area of prevention. The areas included in the curriculum are Character Education, Conflict Resolution, and Safety Assembly Programs that consist of the following:</p><p>A. Bicycle Riding Safety B. School Bus Safety C. Stranger Danger D. Electrical Safety E. Fire and Severe Weather Safety</p><p>3. Access control of the campus is done through the following policies: A. All exterior classroom doors are locked during the day. B. A fence surrounds the playground area on four of the five exposed side with the school serving as a barrier on the fifth side. C. Visitors are required to check in at the office and receive a dated hall pass displaying the name of the visitor. D. Surveillance cameras are positioned around the building to monitor all entry points of the building. E. Students may be checked out ONLY by the parent, legal guardian, or other adults authorized on the registration card. All persons checking out students are required to show a picture identification card.</p><p>4. There are procedures and equipment in place to provide effective communication in an emergency situation. </p><p>A. Each classroom is equipped with an emergency call back switch that will ring a buzzer in the office. The intercom in the office is equipped to allow two-way communication between the office and the classrooms. B. Walkie-talkies are provided to key personnel throughout the building. These radios have a range of one mile and are on a secure frequency. C. The school has a bell notification system to alerts all school personnel of impending concerns regarding weather, fire, or bomb threat. (total evacuation of the building)</p><p>30 D. A fire alarm pull handle system is in place and functional. E. There is full access to the County 911 system. F. A system and procedure is in place for a partial or full lock-down.</p><p>5. The school has direct access to a police officer through the Montgomery School Security Office. This provides an immediate response in emergency situations. 6. The school has a School Wide Discipline Plan in place that provides a comprehensive review of disciplinary infractions that are considered to be a danger to our students and personnel. Included in this plan are a list of consequences for these infractions and other methods of dealing with offenders. 7. The building has a built in burglar alarm system that is activated by motion and is monitored on a 24-hour basis by a commercial security company. We have a fire alarm system that runs throughout the building with pull handles located at strategic intervals and at heights that make them accessible for students. This system will activate blinking red lights throughout the building and a loud claxon. In addition, the building is equipped with fire extinguishers, at all required locations and is routinely inspected by the Montgomery Fire Department to ensure that the school is in compliance with all current fire codes. 8. The school has illuminated exit signs at appropriate intervals throughout the building. Each classroom is required to have a posted copy of the emergency procedure plans and a floor plan. Visitors are warned at all entrances about trespassing and the need to sign out students through the office.</p><p>The following personnel, procedures, and practices are in place to help students and staff deal with conflict resolution.</p><p>1. The school has a full-time counselor who is available to work with groups or individual students on conflict resolution. The counselor utilizes a variety of conflict resolution schemes depending on the situation and the child or children involved. 2. Montgomery Public Schools central office provides support through the office of Student Support to help in this area. 3. Montgomery Public Schools and the Montgomery Police Department have joined forces to provide a police officer to serve each school, individually or in small clusters. By calling this office, we can have a police officer on campus within minutes in a crisis situation. 4. The school is fortunate to have two administrators. These personnel are available to work with individual students and small groups in conflict resolution and counseling. The administrators also intervene between parents and teachers as necessary to help resolve conflict.</p><p>31 Emergency plans for PTA Programs, YMCA Good Times Programs and Other Programs held After School Hours</p><p>Mr. Edward Drozdowski is the Incident Commander. He is to be notified at 334-215- 0468.</p><p>In case of an emergency, the emergency phone numbers are:</p><p>Police 911 Ambulance 911 Fire 911 School Security 334-269-6158</p><p>The nearest phone is located in the front office. The school does not have a cell phone. However an alternate phone number that Mr. Drozdowski can be reached is 334-239- 1216</p><p>Other phone numbers where administration can be reached are:</p><p>Mr. Drozdowski: 334-207-9342 (Mr. Drozdowski should be called first) Mr. Norred: 334-271-9587</p><p>An emergency kit is kept on the stage near the Good times cabinet. The kit contains flashlights, a first aid kit, a blanket, and labels.</p><p>Directions to get to the school’s programs:</p><p>1. School is located at 6425 Wares Ferry Road, Montgomery AL 36117. 2. Coming from downtown Montgomery, get on Atlanta Highway headed towards Atlanta. 3. Go to Perry Hill Road intersection. 4. Turn onto Dalraida Road. 5. Go approximately two city blocks. 6. Turn left onto Wares Ferry Road 7. Continue down Wares Ferry Road until you see the school on the left side of the road. 8. Enter the front doors and go straight ahead into the lunchroom. 9. The PTA, YMCA, and other Programs are located in the lunchroom.</p><p>Role of first responders to the emergency situations:</p><p>1. Call 911 and provide the name, address, telephone number, number of individuals injured, conditions, and specific directions to school. 2. After 911 has been called, get the emergency kit form the stage and apply general first aid. Call the Principal or Assistant Principal to notify them of the situation.</p><p>32 LIST OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON CAMPUS OR WITHIN THE VICINITY TO SUPPORT SCHOOLS DURING AN EMERGENCY Materials and Location/Agency Contact Person Telephone Number Equipment Work/Cell First Aid Kit Vault in Office Danielle Lawrence 260-1036 Flashlight Vault in Office Danielle Lawrence 260-1036 Two-Way Radio Office Cabinet Toni Turner 260-1036 Fire Extinguishers Classrooms Toni Turner 260-1036 Batteries School Office Danielle Lawrence 260-1036 Mega-Phone School Office Danielle Lawrence 260-1036 Disinfectants Office Cabinet Toni Turner 260-1036 Battery Powered Radio School Office Toni Turner 260-1036</p><p>33 School Safety Planning Committee and Response Team</p><p>Response Team:</p><p>Mr. Edward Drozdowski – Principal Phone Number: 334-260-1036 Mr. Pettway – Custodian 334-260-1036 Mrs. Danielle Lawrence – Secretary 334-260-1036 Mrs. Wendy Cochran – Bookkeeper 334-260-1036</p><p>34 SCHOOL SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEE</p><p>NAME TELEPHONE TITLE SIGNATURE Mrs. Thompson 334-223-6710 Superintendent/Representativ e Mrs. Heather Sellers Board of Education Member Mr. Edward 334-215-0468 Principal Drozdowski Mr. Michael Cox 334-284-2085 Transportation/Bus Driver Mr. Andrew Roberts WF Public Information Officer(PIO) Ms. Wendy Cochran Bookkeeper Mrs. Danielle Secretary Lawrence Mr. Tom Salter 334-223-6870 MPS Public Information Officer (PIO) Coach Norred/Rogers PE Teachers Mr. Addison/Howell Regular Education Teacher Ms. Toni Turner Parent Liaison 911 Emergency Medical Technician 911 Fire Department</p><p>35</p>
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