<p> 1Climate Change, Aboveground-Belowground Interactions, and Species Range Shifts</p><p>2</p><p>3Wim H. Van der Putten</p><p>4Department of Terrestrial Ecology</p><p>5Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) / Laboratory of Nematology, Wageningen </p><p>6University</p><p>7P.O. Box 50, 6700 AB / PO Box 8123, 6700 ES</p><p>8Wageningen, The Netherlands</p><p>9Email [email protected]</p><p>10</p><p>11Details :</p><p>12Abstract 150 words</p><p>13Main text : 7087</p><p>14Figure legends 300 words</p><p>15References 108</p><p>16No. Figures 2</p><p>17No Tables or photographs : 0</p><p>18No pages : 37</p><p>19</p><p>20</p><p>21</p><p>22Abstract</p><p>23</p><p>24Changes in climate, land use, fire incidence, and ecological connections all may contribute to </p><p>25current species range shifts. Species shift range individually, and not all species shift range at the </p><p>26same time and rate. This will cause community reorganization in both the old and new range. In </p><p>1 1 2 27terrestrial ecosystems, range shifts will alter aboveground-belowground interactions, influencing </p><p>28species abundance, community composition, ecosystem processes and services, and feedbacks </p><p>29within communities and ecosystems. Thus, range shifts may result in no-analog communities </p><p>30where foundation species and community genetics play unprecedented roles, possibly leading to </p><p>31novel ecosystems. Long-distance dispersal can enhance the disruption of aboveground-</p><p>32belowground interactions of plants, herbivores, pathogens, symbiotic mutualists, and decomposer</p><p>33organisms. These effects most likely will be stronger for latitudinal than for altitudinal range </p><p>34shifts. Disrupted aboveground-belowground interactions may have influenced historical post-</p><p>35glacial range shifts as well. Assisted migration without considering aboveground-belowground </p><p>36interactions could enhance risks of such range-shift induced invasions.</p><p>37</p><p>38Key words: climate warming, extinction, invasiveness, geographic range, multitrophic </p><p>39interactions, no-analog communities</p><p>40</p><p>41Introduction</p><p>42</p><p>43A range, or distribution, is the geographical area where a species can be found. The range is </p><p>44determined by a large number of environmental factors, including climate, soil type and species </p><p>45interactions. Over geological time scales, adaptive radiation, speciation and plate tectonics can </p><p>46also influence the range of a species. A species range can shift by one or more changes in the </p><p>47environmental conditions, for example climate warming, land use change, new ecological </p><p>48connections, or artificial introduction in a new environment. Nevertheless, many reports on </p><p>49current massive range shifts of species towards higher altitudes and latitudes suggest that climate </p><p>50warming is a key driving factor . When land use change would have been the main driver, species</p><p>51range shifts should have occurred in more directions.</p><p>3 2 4 52 Compared to historical geographic range shifts, such as those that have taken place </p><p>53during glaciation-deglaciation cycles over the past 2 million years , the rate of current climate </p><p>54warming is unprecedented . The first reports suggested that many species fail to keep up with </p><p>55climate warming . However, more recent studies suggest that at least some species might respond </p><p>56adequately to climate warming by shifting their ranges and that a number of species can reach </p><p>57enhanced dominance in the new range . Thus far, most predictions on range shifts have been </p><p>58made independent of species interactions and the question is whether including species </p><p>59interactions may change the outcome of the model predictions . </p><p>60 Species abundance can be influenced by resource availability, predation, propagule </p><p>61availability, symbioses, competition and facilitation. As all these factors may vary between the </p><p>62old and new range, species that can move may not necessarily encounter suitable circumstances </p><p>63for establishment, growth and reproduction. Moreover, these factors may also vary during time </p><p>64since introduction, which can affect community composition in a dynamic way. Species </p><p>65interactions can drive, or be subject of evolution, such as can be seen in highly specialized </p><p>66pollination or parasitism patterns, or in other symbiotic mutualisms. These evolutionary processes</p><p>67may also be disrupted by climate change, whereas new evolutionary processes may be initiated .</p><p>68 Besides range shifts, species may also respond to climate warming and other </p><p>69environmental changes via adaptation of local populations to changing environmental conditions. </p><p>70For example, there is scope for genetic adaptation of plants to climate warming, but there are also</p><p>71limitations that may contribute to diversity loss . Climate warming is highly multi-dimensional. </p><p>72Local effects of climate warming may be due to changes in temperature, precipitation, or length </p><p>73of growing season. Species that shift range also will be exposed to different day length . It is not </p><p>74well known how adaptation and migration interact during range shifts .</p><p>75 Terrestrial ecosystems are composed of aboveground and belowground subsystems, </p><p>76which have been examined separately for many years, whereas the different subcomponents </p><p>77clearly interact with each other . Plants connect the aboveground and belowground subsystems </p><p>5 3 6 78and interactions belowground can, directly or indirectly, influence aboveground interactions vice </p><p>79versa. Species in these aboveground and belowground subsystems are differently susceptible to </p><p>80climate warming , leading to – at least temporarily – new species combinations in the new range. </p><p>81As aboveground-belowground interactions have the potential to impose selection on plants , </p><p>82range shifts may influence selection and adaptation. In spite of the rapidly increasing interest in </p><p>83the subject of aboveground-belowground interactions, climate warming-induced range shift </p><p>84effects have been poorly studied thus far . In this article, I will combine reported knowledge on </p><p>85range shifts with information on the functional role of aboveground-belowground species </p><p>86interactions in community organization and ecosystem processes.</p><p>87 Belowground subsystems include biota that interact with plants directly (herbivores, </p><p>88pathogens and symbionts), or indirectly (natural enemies of the directly interacting species and </p><p>89components of the decomposer subsystem). These direct and indirect interactions with plant roots</p><p>90can influence aboveground biota, and can result in effects that feed back to the soil subsystem . </p><p>91Expanding from a previous review where it was argued that trophic interactions need to be taken </p><p>92into account when predicting consequences of climate warming , here I will focus on how range </p><p>93shifts may influence community organization and ecosystem processes. I do not pretend to be </p><p>94complete in my review, and part of my conclusions will be speculative, but I hope to encourage </p><p>95thinking about species range shifts from a more complex (and realistic) ecological perspective.</p><p>96 I will discuss recent work on aboveground-belowground interactions in relation to </p><p>97climate warming-induced species range shifts. I will compare altitudinal gradients, where </p><p>98dispersal distances may not have been a major limitation, with latitudinal gradients where range </p><p>99shifts may disrupt aboveground-belowground interactions more severely owing to larger dispersal</p><p>100distances and differences in dispersal rates. I will also provide a brief paleoecological view and </p><p>101discuss how aboveground-belowground interactions in the past may have been influenced during </p><p>102deglaciation periods. In the next sections, community and ecosystem consequences of range shifts</p><p>103will be reviewed from the perspective of aboveground-belowground interactions. I will discuss </p><p>7 4 8 104community assembly processes, including species loss and species gain, from an aboveground-</p><p>105belowground perspective while discussing their roles in no-analog communities (and novel </p><p>106ecosystems), foundation species and assisted migration.</p><p>107</p><p>108Species range shifts</p><p>109</p><p>110Patterns along altitudinal gradients</p><p>111</p><p>112The earliest signals showing that the current rapid climate warming of the past decades is leading </p><p>113to plant range shifts result from work along altitudinal gradients in Alpine ecosystems . Alpine </p><p>114vegetation responses to climate warming may depend on plant type and altitude. For example, </p><p>115along an elevation gradient, shrubs expanded 5.6 per cent per decade between 2400 and 2500 m </p><p>116above sea level. However, above 2500 m there were unexpected patterns of regression, which </p><p>117were associated with increased precipitation and permafrost degradation .</p><p>118 At lower altitudes in mountains effects of climate warming are difficult to be </p><p>119disentangled from those of changes unrelated to climate, such as land use change. At high </p><p>120altitudes, where land use does not play a major role, effects of climate warming are revealed more</p><p>121clearly . Nevertheless, even in low-altitude areas like the Jura (France), effects of warming could </p><p>122be detected over a 20 years period . At a sub-Arctic island, analyses of 40 years of species data </p><p>123revealed an average upward elevation shift of half the plant species . Both here and in the Jura not</p><p>124all plant species, but a subset responded to climate warming. Remarkably, although the species </p><p>125that determined the pattern of upslope expansion may be considered highly responding species, </p><p>126the response was still lower than expected based on the rate of warming . Such species-specific </p><p>127range shift responses may result in no-analog communities at higher elevations, existing of the </p><p>128original plant species and range expanders. Downhill species shifts can also be observed, for </p><p>129example in California, where water deficit at higher elevations increased over time .</p><p>9 5 10 130 While focusing on patterns of altitudinal range shifts, less work has been done on </p><p>131consequences for altered species interactions in relation to climate warming. In general, high </p><p>132altitude plant communities may be structured more by facilitative than by competitive </p><p>133interactions . However, plant facilitation could also be influenced by aboveground and </p><p>134belowground multitrophic interactions, which may need more attention when understanding </p><p>135consequences of climate warming in high altitude habitats. As range shift distances are relatively </p><p>136short in altitudinal gradients, dispersal may be less limited. However, aboveground-belowground </p><p>137interaction patterns may still be altered in highly complex ways. For example, the development of</p><p>138bare soil surface at higher altitudes will have considerable influence on belowground </p><p>139decomposition processes . In contrast, ecosystem regression towards pioneer stages can affect the </p><p>140outcome of plant community interactions by a shift from symbiotic (arbuscular) mycorrhizal </p><p>141fungi towards a more prominent role for soil-borne pathogens . In general, global change effects </p><p>142on soil biota are relatively well predictable , but interactive consequences of climate warming, </p><p>143such as altered frost incidence, rainfall patterns, plant types, and plant cover may complicate </p><p>144predictions of responses of soil biota and their feedback effects to plants and aboveground </p><p>145interactions.</p><p>146</p><p>147Patterns along latitudinal gradients</p><p>148</p><p>149Initially patterns of latitudinal range shifts have been predicted based on altitudinal shifts . </p><p>150Climate effects of one meter in altitudinal range shift may be considered equal to 6.1 km latitude .</p><p>151However, these conversion factors do not account for dispersal limitations that may arise, for </p><p>152example due to poor dispersal capacity, effects of habitat fragmentation, or limitations of vector </p><p>153organisms. In north-western Europe, for example, there are clear patterns in seed dispersal </p><p>154limitations as some vectors, especially large vertebrates, are much more limited in migration now </p><p>155than in the past . Such limitations also may apply to insect range shifts. In a study in the UK, </p><p>11 6 12 156habitat specialist butterflies were constrained in range expansion following climate warming due </p><p>157to lack of connections between the specific habitats. Only habitat generalists could keep up with </p><p>158climate warming, because their dispersal was less limited by unsuitable corridors .</p><p>159 Poor dispersal capacities of certain soil biota, especially soil fauna, have been mentioned </p><p>160in a number of studies. For example, the highest nematode diversity occurs in temperate zones, </p><p>161where there are more root feeders of higher plants than in the tropics. The lower nematode </p><p>162diversity in the Antarctic than in Arctic zones suggests that dispersal limitations are, at least in </p><p>163part, causing the latitudinal zonation of nematodes . Also within latitudes, there may be gradients,</p><p>164but these are more related to community similarity than to community richness. For example, in a</p><p>165comparison of nematodes and microbial assemblages among 30 chalk grasslands in the UK, </p><p>166roughly scattered across a west-east gradient of 200 km long, similarity in both nematodes and </p><p>167bacteria declined with distance . Therefore, soil communities may vary with distance, irrespective</p><p>168of orientation . Hence range shifts in any direction can cause that plant species may become </p><p>169exposed to novel soil biota, while becoming disconnected from the specific biota with which they</p><p>170usually have been interacting.</p><p>171 Applications of findings from altitudinal shifts for range shift predictions in lowlands </p><p>172may also be complicated for other reasons. In a study of 44 years (1965-2008) of climate </p><p>173warming of lowland and highland forests in France, latitudinal range shifts were expected in the </p><p>174lowland forests. However, temperature response lags in lowland forests were 3.1 times stronger </p><p>175than altitudinal range shifts in highland forests . There are several possible explanations: lowland </p><p>176forests may have proportionally more species that are persistent to warming, there may be fewer </p><p>177opportunities for short-distance escapes, and the greater habitat fragmentation in lowlands may </p><p>178prevent range shifting.</p><p>179 Range shifts can be limited by the availability of sites for establishment. This has been </p><p>180shown for butterflies , but also for plants. For example Leithead et al. showed that range-shifting </p><p>181tree species from temperate forest in Canada, such as red maple (Acer rubrum) can only establish </p><p>13 7 14 182in boreal red pine (Pinus resinosa) forest if there are large tree-fall gaps. Native red pine forest </p><p>183species, on the other hand, were not influenced by gap size or gap age. Interestingly, pine </p><p>184dominance in red pine forest is maintained by wildfires, which selectively omit competitors and </p><p>185re-set succession. Fire incidence can be altered by climate warming. As southern tree species </p><p>186establish faster in tree-fall gaps than wild fires are occurring, these combined effects may result in</p><p>187enhanced colonization of northern forests by southern tree species. Tropical lowlands, on the </p><p>188other hand, may be especially sensitive to climate warming, because the tropical climate now is </p><p>189warmer than at any time in the last 2 million years . The spread of species from tropical forests to </p><p>190cooler areas may be constrained by long dispersal distances and poor colonization sites along the </p><p>191dispersal routes. Therefore, it has been suggested that tropical regions may be sensitive to species </p><p>192loss due to climate warming. Moreover, lowland tropics lack a species pool to provide new </p><p>193species that may favor the new climate conditions . Range shifts of species from tropical </p><p>194lowlands to tropical highlands are possible, but they may result in depauperate lowland plant </p><p>195communities, which will be increasingly dominated by early successional species .</p><p>196 Aboveground-belowground interactions have been investigated in relation to latitudinal </p><p>197range shifts. A comparison of range expanding plant species from Eurasia and other continents </p><p>198with phylogenetically related species from the invaded range showed that both types of range </p><p>199expanders develop less pathogenic activity in their soils than related natives. Moreover, the range </p><p>200expanders on average were more tolerant of, or better defended against two polyphagous </p><p>201invertebrate aboveground herbivores, which coincided with induced levels of phenolic </p><p>202compounds, which are general secondary metabolites used for plant defense . Therefore, </p><p>203successful range expanding plant species may have invasive properties irrespective of their </p><p>204origin. Interestingly, although belowground and aboveground effect sizes were additive, there </p><p>205was no correlation between aboveground and belowground effect strengths . Thus, plant species </p><p>206that resisted, or tolerated, belowground enemy effects in the new range are not necessarily well </p><p>207protected against generalist aboveground herbivores.</p><p>15 8 16 208 Analysis of soil samples along a latitudinal gradient of a range expanding plant species </p><p>209(Tragopogon dubius) showed soil pathogen effects in a number of sites in the native range, but </p><p>210not in the part of the range where this species had shifted into recently . Thus, range shifts enable </p><p>211plants to escape from their original soil pathogens, whereas successful range shifters were well </p><p>212defended against aboveground polyphagous herbivorous insects . These results have been based </p><p>213on growth trials in greenhouse mesocosms. The next step should be to determine the </p><p>214consequences of altered belowground and aboveground biotic interactions under field conditions.</p><p>215</p><p>216Historical patterns of range shifts</p><p>217</p><p>218Species range shifts have occurred throughout the Earth’s history. For example, it is well </p><p>219documented that glacial cycles have caused species range shifts . There have been approximately </p><p>22020 cycles of glaciation and deglaciation during the Quaternary (the last 2.58 mln years), </p><p>221especially on the northern Hemisphere . The last ice age occurred about 10,000 years ago. Based </p><p>222on pollen records from late Quaternary Europe paleo-vegetation maps have been constructed at </p><p>223the level of formations. As these vegetation maps are not analogue with contemporary vegetation,</p><p>224Huntley concluded that the macroclimate in the late Quaternary may have been completely </p><p>225different from the present one. However, a complication of comparing paleobiology data with </p><p>226contemporary ecosystems is that current vegetation in Europe has been strongly influenced by </p><p>227human activities and that the continent is highly heterogeneous . In spite of these uncertainties, it </p><p>228is still quite likely that communities have become reorganized over and over again during cycles </p><p>229of warming and cooling .</p><p>230 Historic range shift data still cast doubts about the rate of plant dispersal. The proposed </p><p>231average of 1 km per year northward spread during deglaciation periods is most likely ten times as </p><p>232fast as the average dispersal capacity of individual plant species. This discrepancy in migration </p><p>233distances can be due to a hitherto undetected role of long-distance dispersal . It is likely that long-</p><p>17 9 18 234distance dispersal has played an important role in pre-historic times. In a modeling study (K.M. </p><p>235Meyer and M. van Oorschot, unpublished results), long-distance dispersal turned out to be crucial</p><p>236for enemy release, in their case root-feeding nematodes. Long-distance dispersal of plants may </p><p>237also reduce their exposure to specialized aboveground enemies, because they may have </p><p>238difficulties reaching the new plant populations. Therefore, it can be expected that also during </p><p>239deglaciation range shifts plant species may have become exposed to different aboveground-</p><p>240belowground interactions.</p><p>241 It is also possible that (aboveground or belowground) enemies have promoted tree range </p><p>242shifts . In a modeling study, natural enemies were able to influence the spread of tree species into </p><p>243ecosystems where equally strong competitors were present. Adding host-specific pathogens to the</p><p>244model resulted in dispersal distances equal to the ones that have been reported by paleo-</p><p>245ecologists based on pollen patterns . Obviously, the issue of long-distance dispersal needs more </p><p>246emphasis in relation to range shifts and relationships with aboveground and belowground natural </p><p>247enemies and their antagonists. This might also provide a different view on evolution during </p><p>248glaciation-deglaciation cycles.</p><p>249 In a review of range post-glacial expansion effects on the evolution of insects, it was </p><p>250concluded that that rapid evolution of dispersal may be promoted in the expansion zones . This </p><p>251suggests a positive feedback between range expansion and the evolution of traits (in this case </p><p>252dispersal) that accelerate range expansion capacity. Thus, the feedback between ecology and </p><p>253evolution will be strongest at range boundaries where selection will be strongest and where </p><p>254population bottlenecks are common . These data may, however, not be translated to present day </p><p>255range shifts, because of the unprecedented rate of the current warming. Moreover, modern </p><p>256landscapes are much more fragmented than the original post-glacial landscapes, which may lead </p><p>257to loss of genetic variation, rather than enabling trait evolution .</p><p>258 Current insights in aboveground-belowground species interactions may be used to assess </p><p>259how they have been operating and changing during pre-historical changes in vegetation types. For</p><p>19 10 20 260example, in a flood plain in Pakistan, isotope records reveal shifts from C3 to C4 grass-dominated</p><p>261ecosystems . There were also pulses in (vertebrate) fauna turn-over resulting in a loss of </p><p>262biodiversity and the pace of extinction from this region accelerated once C4 vegetation occurred </p><p>263on the flood plain. Over all, species composition was relatively steady, with brief, irregularly </p><p>264spaced temporal spikes of species turnover and ecological change, however, time intervals of the </p><p>265assessment were minimally 100,000 years . Opposite to these aboveground changes in vertebrate </p><p>266fauna, selective plant removal studies in New Zealand and sampling under C3 and C4 grasses in </p><p>267the United States suggest that conversion of C3 into C4 grasslands will have had very little </p><p>268effects on soil fauna or aboveground arthropod diversity. However, C4 grass vegetation may have</p><p>269been a response to warming and drier conditions, which could have had a much stronger effect on</p><p>270soil community composition and the resulting ecosystem functioning .</p><p>271 Another example concerns the last post glacial period in Europe, during which mixed </p><p>272deciduous forests received their current distribution around 8,000 B.P. Relative tree abundance </p><p>273changed in those forests over the past 13,000 years, as they were dominated first by Pinus, then </p><p>274by Tilia and during the last millennia by Fagus species . How exactly these vegetation changes </p><p>275have taken place and at what rate is difficult to explain, because these data are amongst others </p><p>276based on chord-distance maps that have intervals of 1000 years . Nevertheless, litter composition </p><p>277is known to influence decomposition and it will also have influenced soil organisms, such as </p><p>278earthworms and microbes . These examples show that responses of plant communities to climate </p><p>279changes and consequences for ecosystem processes in the (late) Quaternary may have been quite </p><p>280dynamic. Over these long time periods, climate will be the overarching driver. Belowground-</p><p>281aboveground interactions may have driven community responses at shorter spatial and temporal </p><p>282scales.</p><p>283</p><p>284Other drivers of range shifts</p><p>285</p><p>21 11 22 286There are some, though not many, examples of range shifts that have been caused by other factors</p><p>287than climate warming or cooling. For example, intensified grazing and fire regimes enabled range</p><p>288expansion of shrubs in Colorado , whereas El Niño-Southern Oscillation influences frequency </p><p>289and extent of wildfires, which influences tree stand composition in southern USA . Further, there </p><p>290are examples on bird range expansion due to land use change. Improved feeding or nesting sites </p><p>291can drive such range shifts. For example, the black-shouldered Kites (Elanus caeruleus) has </p><p>292shifted range into Spain, because the last half of the previous century similarity increased </p><p>293between cultivated Dehesa systems with African savannahs, from where this species originates .</p><p>294 Habitat fragmentation, such as caused by intensified land use, can limit the capacity of </p><p>295species range shifts. Currently, this is considered as one of the major constraints for species </p><p>296responses to climate warming . Habitat fragmentation may also have limited range shifts in post-</p><p>297glacial periods under specific conditions. In Finland, recolonization of former islands after land </p><p>298ice retreat during the Holocene may have been hampered by poor connectedness to the </p><p>299surrounding main land . One possibility to determine if climate warming is the key factor leading </p><p>300to range shift is to determine if the pattern is one-directionally correlated with the warming </p><p>301gradient. However, terrestrial range shifts often cause mosaic-like patterns, rather than wave-like </p><p>302phenomena, which may also be due to the velocity of climate change on land that is far more </p><p>303patchy than in oceans .</p><p>304</p><p>305Conclusions on species range shifts</p><p>306</p><p>307Patterns of individual species range shifts as a response to climate change are less uniform than </p><p>308general averages suggest, for example because there are fast and slow responding species, time </p><p>309lags, downhill instead of uphill range shifts, and long-distance dispersal. Some range shifts are </p><p>310due to other factors than climate, for example changing land use or altered fire incidence. Uphill </p><p>311range shift is better correlated with warming than lowland range shifts towards the poles, </p><p>23 12 24 312probably due to shorter dispersal distances along altitudinal gradients and less constraints such as </p><p>313habitat fragmentation at high elevations. Lowland tropical systems may be highly sensitive to </p><p>314warming, because temperatures are already higher than in the past 2 million years, and dispersal </p><p>315distances to cooler areas are generally large, except in tropical lowland-mountain areas where </p><p>316uphill range shifts are possible. Range contractions have been less well studied than range </p><p>317expansions and in some cases downhill range shifts have been recorded, for example more water </p><p>318is more available or microclimate is cooler due to forest regrowth downhill.</p><p>319 Aboveground, plants might also be released from their natural enemies, especially in the </p><p>320case of long distance dispersal. This phenomenon is also supposed to have played a role in </p><p>321recolonization during post-glacial range shifts. Therefore, although very little information exists </p><p>322on this subject, disassembly of aboveground-belowground interactions during range shift may </p><p>323influence ecology and evolution during climate warming-induced range shifts. This may happen </p><p>324now, but it can also have played a role during prehistoric range shifts. Such disruptions of </p><p>325aboveground and belowground interactions have the potential of influencing community </p><p>326assemblage processes, as well as the evolution of the species involved.</p><p>327</p><p>328Community consequences of altered aboveground-belowground interactions during range </p><p>329shifts</p><p>330</p><p>331Understanding species range shifts requires addressing a key question in ecology: how will </p><p>332biodiversity and ecosystem functioning be influenced by the disappearance of existing species </p><p>333and the arrival of new species ? The research on range shifts initially has been dominated by </p><p>334reports on species extinctions due to climate warming , whereas later the emphasis has also </p><p>335included consequences of climate warming for range shifts of exotic invaders . Other studies have</p><p>336shown that the number of species from warm climate regions in temperate areas is increasing , so </p><p>25 13 26 337that there is a group of species that may shift range to higher altitude or latitude in accordance </p><p>338with the rate of climate warming . </p><p>339Patterns of species gains and losses</p><p>340</p><p>341Which species will be lost and gained following climate warming depends on a large number of </p><p>342aspects, including the tolerance of species to the environmental change (warming or an associated</p><p>343change, for example drought or extreme weather events), the time needed for species to disperse </p><p>344and the time needed by other species to be lost from communities, sensitivity to habitat </p><p>345fragmentation, habitat specialization, dispersal mode, etc. The net effect of species gains and </p><p>346species loss can be that total biodiversity remains constant, but it can also decrease, or even </p><p>347increase . When time proceeds, net effects of gains and loss of species may vary, so that the total </p><p>348number of species in communities may temporarily go up or down. Although net effects of </p><p>349species gain and loss can be positive locally, worldwide biodiversity will decline, and </p><p>350communities across the world, in the same climatic zones, will appear more similar because of </p><p>351sharing an increasing number of species.</p><p>352 The traits of the species coming in and going out will strongly influence their role in </p><p>353ecosystem processes. For example, novel chemistry may influence ecological relationships, as </p><p>354herbivores and decomposer organisms from the invaded range may not be capable of dealing with</p><p>355those compounds . Phylogenetic non-relatedness with other species that are native in these </p><p>356communities can play an important role in predicting the success of species introductions . Loss </p><p>357or gains of dominant species should have more impact on ecosystem processes , although some </p><p>358low-abundant species might have disproportional effects. For example, microbial pathogens or </p><p>359endophytes have low abundance, but they can substantially influence plant community </p><p>360composition and, therefore, ecosystem functioning.</p><p>361 In general, new species most likely will have characteristics of early successionals, </p><p>362because such species have good dispersal abilities. Long-distance dispersal may enable them to </p><p>27 14 28 363escape from natural enemies, to which early successional plant species can be sensitive . For </p><p>364example, range shift of Tragopogon dubius has not yet led to the establishment of specific soil-</p><p>365borne pathogens in the new range . Although it is known that not all species will respond to </p><p>366climate warming by range shift , little is known about which species will stay behind, what traits </p><p>367they have and what will be their fate on the longer term.</p><p>368</p><p>369Assessing ecological consequences</p><p>370</p><p>371An increasing amount of studies has assessed how aboveground and belowground interactions </p><p>372may change in relation to plant species gains and plant species loss . However, few such studies </p><p>373have focused explicitly on plant range shifts . Interestingly, plant species that shift range and are </p><p>374successful in their new range have invasive properties with respect to aboveground and </p><p>375belowground enemy effects similar to intercontinental exotic invaders . In Figure 1, different </p><p>376scenarios of aboveground-belowground range shifts are worked out and consequences for plant </p><p>377biomass are presented. It is shown that depending on how fast plants, herbivores and carnivores </p><p>378may shift range, in the new range plants can produce more or less biomass than in the native </p><p>379range.</p><p>380 Further studies using aboveground and belowground surveys and manipulations along a </p><p>381range expansion gradient are needed in order to tease apart the ecological and evolutionary </p><p>382consequences of individual effects. Whereas studies on invasive plants have shown contrasting </p><p>383relationships for the amounts of natural enemy exposure , ecological responses are not necessarily</p><p>384in line with the assumed enemy release effects . Long-term experiments and studies along </p><p>385latitudinal or elevation gradients are needed in order to determine extended effects of plant range </p><p>386shifts on decomposition, nutrient cycling and consequences for plant performance under field </p><p>387conditions. Transplantation studies, for example, may reveal to what extent there is specificity in </p><p>388litter decomposition along latitudinal or altitudinal gradients. This specificity has been described </p><p>29 15 30 389as a ‘home field advantage’ , as the soil communities of some plant species decompose own litter </p><p>390faster than soil communities from other plant species. This home field advantage has also been </p><p>391established to be plant genotype-specific .</p><p>392 It is important to include negative controls in experiments when testing species responses to </p><p>393climate warming. For example, in aboveground-belowground interaction studies successful range</p><p>394expanders may be compared with unsuccessful ones in order to test aboveground-belowground </p><p>395interaction effects and consequences for plant abundance . Besides effects of species gains, </p><p>396consequences of species loss due to climate warming need to be tested experimentally. This will </p><p>397yield information on the traits of species that are under threat by extinction under climate </p><p>398warming, their ecological relationships and the amount of generalist and specialist relationships </p><p>399with other plants and multitrophic organisms. These integrated and field-based approaches may </p><p>400help to further conceptualizations of species loss and gain from a multitrophic perspective. </p><p>401Ultimately, those approaches will learn how foodwebs are being influenced by global changes </p><p>402and how trophic networks may function under dynamic restructuring.</p><p>403</p><p>404Long-term perspectives on range shifts</p><p>405</p><p>406Aboveground and belowground interactions of range shifting plants will not be static over time, </p><p>407as has been demonstrated for host-parasite interactions . When time proceeds, the natural </p><p>408enemies, symbionts and decomposer organisms and their antagonists may colonize the expanded </p><p>409range, but it is not yet known how fast this process may develop and how complete the original </p><p>410communities may become re-assembled. Historical data from paleobiology do not provide such </p><p>411detailed information. Range shifting plants that arrive without their naturally co-evolved insects, </p><p>412microbes and nematodes may or may not establish interactions with species from the new range. </p><p>413Provided that suitable conditions exist, natural selection may cause changes in the genetic </p><p>414structure of the range shifted plants. For example, when exposure to natural enemies is </p><p>31 16 32 415diminishing, selection against the production of costly defenses is to be expected , which could </p><p>416lead to a trade-off between defense and growth . This process has been tested for cross-</p><p>417continental introductions of exotic plant species, although these costs are difficult to be quantified</p><p>418and experimental tests sometimes show opposite results .</p><p>419 There are spectacular studies where introduced exotic species lose their capability to </p><p>420produce high defense levels. For example, in a chronosequence representing over 50 years of </p><p>421Alliaria petiolata introduction in North America, phytotoxin production turned out to decrease </p><p>422when time since introduction increases . Variation in allelochemical concentrations also </p><p>423influenced soil microbes, including fungi that had mutualistic interactions with a native tree </p><p>424species . Over time, introduced plants may become less resistant, or native biota may develop </p><p>425higher aggressiveness. For example, in New Zealand plant species that varied in time since being </p><p>426introduced until maximally 250 years were experimentally exposed repeatedly to soil biota. This </p><p>427study showed that the longer ago the plant species had been introduced, the stronger the </p><p>428pathogenic effects from the soil community were . These studies suggest that introduced exotic </p><p>429species may become less invasive over time, due to natural selection of the introduced species </p><p>430themselves, or the belowground or aboveground species from the new habitat. Possibly, these </p><p>431temporal processes may contribute to the sudden population crashes that have been observed for a</p><p>432number of introduced species . A possible long-term scenario for such a boom-bust pattern has </p><p>433been worked out in Figure 2.</p><p>434</p><p>435Conclusions</p><p>436</p><p>437Thus far, most work on pattern analyses of range shifts has been dedicated to understanding </p><p>438consequences of species loss due to climate warming. Species gain effects have not received </p><p>439much attention yet and the ecological consequences, as well as temporary developments of range </p><p>440shifting species are only beginning to be explored. However, we can expect that successful range </p><p>33 17 34 441shifting involves a gradual response of the available plant species and that aboveground and </p><p>442belowground organisms expand their range subsequently, but at lower and variable rates. In the </p><p>443meantime, aboveground and belowground organisms from the native range will establish </p><p>444interactions with the new species, and may adapt to the new plants by natural selection. The </p><p>445biotic interactions established in the new range, in return will also impose natural selection on the</p><p>446range shifting species and this may reduce the invasive performance when time since introduction</p><p>447proceeds further. The question is what may happen when the former natural enemies become co-</p><p>448introduced as well: will they recognize their original host, or not , over-exploit their former host, </p><p>449or will the novel biotic interactions completely alter priority effects . Considering all these </p><p>450possible changes, it is quite likely that the original host-consumer interactions will not become </p><p>451restored as they were acting in the original range. The outcome of this complex process might </p><p>452contribute to boom-bust patterns of abundance that have been observed for some introduced </p><p>453exotic species, novel community composition and functioning, or they may enable a ‘soft </p><p>454landing’ for the range shifting species in their novel habitats following restoration of the original </p><p>455species interactions.</p><p>456</p><p>457Ecosystem consequences of changed aboveground-belowground interactions during range </p><p>458shifts</p><p>459</p><p>460Until here, range shifts have been considered mainly from the perspectives of species response </p><p>461patterns and community interactions. The question now is whether and how these altered species </p><p>462assemblages and community interactions translate into ecosystem consequences. These </p><p>463consequences may be expressed as altered ecosystem processes (nutrient cycles), resilience and </p><p>464stability, and their influences on the provisioning of ecosystem services (for example, primary </p><p>465production, control of greenhouse gas emissions, control of pests and pathogens) . Few such </p><p>35 18 36 466analyses have been made of ecosystem consequences of range shifts, opposite to biodiversity loss</p><p>467and exotic species invasions .</p><p>468 In a comparative study of range-shifted plant species and phylogenetically related natives</p><p>469from the new range, nutrient dynamics in the root zone and litter decomposition were affected </p><p>470by plant (genus-related) traits, rather than by plant origin. That is also analogous to work done on </p><p>471intercontinental invasive plant species, which may enhance nutrient cycling dynamics, but there </p><p>472is no general pattern between natives and exotics .</p><p>473 Interestingly, plant origin affected sensitivity to aboveground polyphagous insects and </p><p>474feedback effects from the soil community in similar phylogenetically controlled comparisons. </p><p>475Therefore, nutrient cycling-related ecosystem services may be altered less by range shifts than </p><p>476biocontrol-related services. Failing top-down control in the new range can be due to enemy </p><p>477release of the range expanders , failing biotic resistance from the natural enemies present in the </p><p>478new range, or a combination of the two . In a survey of intercontinental invasive exotic plant </p><p>479species, exotic plants had fewer pathogen and virus species in the new range than expected . Little</p><p>480is known whether this applies as well to plant species that have shifted range intra-continentally.</p><p>481 Another ecosystem consequence of range shifts is related to the question if diversity </p><p>482begets diversity . Some plant species can have a disproportional role in sustaining aboveground </p><p>483and belowground biodiversity. These so-called foundation species strongly influence </p><p>484aboveground and belowground community composition and species interactions, which can be </p><p>485considered as ‘extended phenotypes’. Little is known about range shift potentials of such </p><p>486foundation species and how species assemblages aboveground and belowground in the new range</p><p>487may be as extended as in the native range. Non-foundation species may have less far-stretching </p><p>488effects on aboveground and belowground communities. Nevertheless, many of those species may </p><p>489also have individual aboveground and belowground food webs, which could be altered by </p><p>490differential range shift capacity . Therefore, ecosystem consequences of range shifts may be that </p><p>491foundation species, as well as non-foundation species lose at least part of their extended </p><p>37 19 38 492phenotypes (Figure 1). Consequences for ecosystem processes, resilience and stability are yet </p><p>493unknown.</p><p>494 The altered community composition of range-shifted plant species potentially influences </p><p>495community genetics . When range-shifting plant species have fewer ecological interactions in the </p><p>496new than in the original range, patterns of community genetics and evolutionary processes can be </p><p>497completely different in the new than in the original range. These changes at the genetic level may </p><p>498have consequences at the level of ecosystem processes and functioning . Therefore, range shifts </p><p>499will provide interesting opportunities for community genetics approaches by testing how micro-</p><p>500evolutionary processes may play a role during disintegration and (re)assemblage of multitrophic </p><p>501interactions under climate warming. In these studies, abiotic stress conditions should also be </p><p>502included, as they can change during climate warming, both in the native and new range, and they </p><p>503can alter composition and functioning of entire food webs below ground .</p><p>504 It has been proposed that assisted migration and colonization may help solving problems</p><p>505of species that are not able to shift range under climate warming. However, assisted migration </p><p>506might also involve risks with consequences for the composition, as well as functioning of </p><p>507ecosystems of the new range. Successful range expanding plant species have invasive properties </p><p>508similar to intercontinental invaders . It is not known if these invasive properties are already </p><p>509intrinsic in the original populations, whether they are selected during range shift, or whether they </p><p>510are due to rapid evolution in the new range. Any of these options will be relevant to be considered</p><p>511when preparing assisted migration: which genotypes to select for dispersal, how to test their </p><p>512ecological suitability to become established in the new range and how to assess ecological </p><p>513consequences in case the assisted species may do disproportionally well in their new range. There</p><p>514are already too many examples from intentional or unintentional cross-continental invasions </p><p>515where taking species out of their original community context has resulted in enemy release . </p><p>516Therefore, before considering assisted migration and other climate warming mitigation activities, </p><p>517community and ecosystem consequences of such actions need to be carefully assessed, including </p><p>39 20 40 518consequences of aboveground or belowground enemy release , symbiont availability and loss of </p><p>519home field advantage of decomposition .</p><p>520 It is in this context that discussions on emerging ecosystems and novel ecosystems may </p><p>521need to be considered. As in restoration ecology, where the role of soil communities and </p><p>522aboveground-belowground interactions have become acknowledged , consequences at the </p><p>523ecosystem level of aboveground-belowground interactions influenced by range shifts need to be </p><p>524considered as well. Most likely, the concept of novel ecosystems may require considering species</p><p>525as tied in aboveground-belowground interactions, rather than the considering presence or absence</p><p>526of species in isolation. However, ecological novelty may change over time, because of the </p><p>527temporal dynamics of dispersal of associated species, as well as community genetics processes to </p><p>528which both the new and the resident species will be exposed. Therefore, by considering the </p><p>529interactions of aboveground and belowground species from a combined ecological and </p><p>530evolutionary perspective, ecosystem consequences of (climate warming-induced) range shifts </p><p>531may be more appropriately predicted. This work could as well serve to better understand </p><p>532historical range shifts during glaciation-deglaciation cycles, how those processes may have </p><p>533shaped current aboveground-belowground communities in terrestrial ecosystems, and to predict </p><p>534the potential consequences of the current unprecedented rates of warming for future ecosystem </p><p>535functions and services.</p><p>536</p><p>537Summary points</p><p>538</p><p>5391. Terrestrial ecosystems consist of aboveground and belowground subsystems and the species </p><p>540 in these subsystems all can interact.</p><p>5412. Range shifts of plant species may result in temporary release from natural enemies or </p><p>542 symbionts, which might cause invasions or establishment failures in the new range</p><p>41 21 42 5433. Decomposition-related processes have been supposed to be less specific, but recent work has </p><p>544 pointed at considerable – even up to the plant genetic level – specificity in decomposer </p><p>545 organisms.</p><p>5464. Latitudinal range shifts will be more sensitive to disruption of aboveground-belowground </p><p>547 interactions than altitudinal range shifts.</p><p>5485. No-analog communities have no-analog aboveground-belowground interactions, which may </p><p>549 change patterns of community organization, species abundance and biodiversity completely.</p><p>5506. Landscape configuration may be important for range shifts, as it influences dispersal </p><p>551 capacities of plants, aboveground and belowground biota.</p><p>5527. Range shifts will be crucial for maintaining ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services.</p><p>5538. The role of foundation species and community genetics may change substantially due to </p><p>554 range shifts.</p><p>5559. Assisted migration should be considered with care, as it might cause more problems than it </p><p>556 may solve.</p><p>557</p><p>558Acknowledgements</p><p>559</p><p>560I thank Tadashi Fukami for proposing me to write this review and for providing helpful </p><p>561comments, Pella Brinkman for helping me throughout the writing process, Jennifer Krumins, </p><p>562Annelein Meisner, Elly Morriën, Pella Brinkman and Martijn Bezemer for comments and </p><p>563suggestions on previous versions of the manuscript. This is NIOO publication xxxx.</p><p>564</p><p>565Figure captions</p><p>566</p><p>567Figure 1. Scenarios for range shifts of plants, aboveground and belowground herbivores and their </p><p>568natural enemies and consequences for plant size (or abundance). According to scenario A, plants </p><p>43 22 44 569shift range faster than all aboveground and belowground biota and do not encounter biotic </p><p>570resistance in the new range. This leads to enhanced biomass in the new range both aboveground </p><p>571and belowground. In scenario B, aboveground herbivores shift range as fast as plants and are </p><p>572released from their natural enemies. This leads to over-exploitation of the plants, aboveground </p><p>573(n.b.: it is to be debated whether this may also result in reduced belowground biomass due to a </p><p>574lack of photosynthesis products to support root and rhizome growth). In scenario C, aboveground </p><p>575herbivores and carnivores shift range equally fast as plants, resulting in unchanged aboveground </p><p>576biomass compared to the native range, whereas root biomass may be enhanced due to lack of </p><p>577belowground herbivory (but see scenario B).</p><p>578</p><p>579Figure 2. Hypothetical explanation for an introduction-boom-bust pattern of size (or abundance) </p><p>580of a range-shifting plant species. Following introduction, there may be a benefit of release from </p><p>581native enemies, absence of biotic resistance in the new range, and generalist symbionts </p><p>582(pollinators, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) in the new range that weighs out poor home field </p><p>583advantage. This benefit may further increase due to evolution of increased competitive ability and</p><p>584the development of home field advantage due to specialization of decomposer organisms from the</p><p>585new range. However, that benefit can turn into a major disadvantage when natural enemies from </p><p>586the native range migrate as well, or enemies from the new range break through plant resistance. 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