<p>P/Bag x 901, Pretoria, 0001, 134 Pretorius Street, HSRC Building, Pretoria Tel: (012) 312 7653/4; Fax: (012) 312 7470, e-mail: [email protected] </p><p>SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT MONTH ACTIVITIES: OCTOBER 2007</p><p>The Department of Social Development (DSD) is celebrating Social Development Month in October with activities under the overall theme of accelerating the fight against poverty. </p><p>The marking of SDM is informed by the overall priorities of the Department of Social Development. In line with the 21 identified Government Priorities - “priorities of priorities”, the DSD identified 3 key areas relating to its functions. • Eradication of poverty; - The anti-poverty strategy - Ensuring the fast-tracking of households and individuals in dire poverty and provide them with a combinations of interventions already available utilizing Community Development Workers and other existing local structures. • Early Childhood Development - Increase the number of ECD registered of sites (launch of campaign on 11 October, Temba Hammanskraal). - Extension of subsidy to registered sites. - Training and development of greater numbers of ECD practitioners • Justice and Crime prevention - Protection of women and children through Victim Empowerment Programme (November).</p><p>These areas are to form the priority focus of Department’s service delivery during Social Development Month and in the remaining period of the current government term. The impact and profile of the interventions in the identified service delivery areas is to be achieved primarily through:- - Strengthening of ‘on the ground’ service delivery operations: This means addressing obstacles and constraints that undermine the delivery of services (early childhood development, youth development, SASSA registration and outreach campaigns, services to older persons and other vulnerable groups, anti-poverty measures to support children and other vulnerable groups, fight against substance abuse, amongst many other focus areas.)</p><p>1 - Numeric escalation of service delivery: This means increasing the extent of the reach of the service which translates to more specific social groups accessing the service. (SASSA outreach programme and rapid registration campaign in remote areas, foster care grant processing, and registration of Early Childhood development Centres, services to older persons and others).</p><p>NATIONAL EVENTS</p><p>DATE ACTIVITY</p><p>1 October Celebration of International Day of Older Persons. (International Day of Older Persons) Minister to celebrate the day with older persons in Limpopo. </p><p>7 October 2007 Grandparents Day: Nkungumathe, Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal. Officials/coordinators of services to Older Persons from National and KZN will spend the day with older persons in the community marketing the Older Persons Act, ECD campaign and other services provided by the Department. </p><p>11 October Launch of Early Childhood Development (ECD) registration drive. Temba, Hammanskraal. Provincial Departments will organize provincial launches and registration drives.</p><p>16-18 October Three events: World Food Day, International Day for 16-18th: Establishment of one-stop service in partnership with Transnet in Dutyini, Mt Ayliff. the Eradication of Deputy Minister Swanson-Jacobs is scheduled to officiate. Poverty and World Rural Women’s Day 16-18th: The National Development Agency (NDA) will host a three day conference on the theme “Attacking Poverty from the Grassroots’’. Minister Skweyiya is scheduled to open the conference on the 16th. Venue: Woodmead in Sandton.</p><p>2 17th: IBSA SUMMIT, Sandton Convention Centre.</p><p>24 October Conference to mark World Development Information Day in Cape Town. The conference will World Development promote amongst others the creation of a systematic flow of information between provinces and Information Day national Departments of Social Development.</p><p>Imbizo Focus Week</p><p>22-23 October Deputy Minister to host roundtable on substance abuse – hip hop youth campaign.</p><p>25 October 25th: Minister/Deputy Minister to host roundtable with stakeholders/NGOs, the Premier Hotel, Arcadia, Pretoria.</p><p>24-26 Induction of new NDA Board of Directors, Sandton.</p><p>PROVINCIAL EVENTS 2007</p><p>MPUMALANGA EVENT VENUE DATE DISTRICT Formal programme with the Middleburg Show Grounds 01 OCTOBER NKANGALA MEC delivering keynote next to Steve Tshwete address. Municipality Display of market products made and produced by older persons from the various centres. Competitions among </p><p>3 products produced by older various service centres for older persons</p><p>Raising awareness on Verena 10 OCTOBER NKANGALA Substance Abuse and rehabilitation focusing on out of school youth and parents. Publicising the Ke Moja Campaign Elder Persons, Awareness Kwaggafontein C and 10-11 OCTOBER NKANGALA Campaign Care focusing on Tweefontein “K” services to older persons Crime Prevention Tweefontein “K” 19 OCTOBER NKANGALA Awareness Campaign, focusing on Social crime prevention Ke Moja Awareness Mbibane 19 OCTOBER NKANGALA Campaign /Substance Abuse and rehabilitation Elder Person’s Awareness Siyabuswa “A” Campaign Care and services to older persons Drug Awareness Campaign Waterval-Boven 19 OCTOBER Elder Persons Campaign Poolze Farm at Dullstroom 23 OCTOBER Crime Prevention Campaign Belfast 19 OCTOBER with families of Youth in conflict with the law Disability Awareness/ Kwazamokuhle 10 OCTOBER Services to Persons with Disabilities with parents of children with mental disabilities.</p><p>4 Families of people with disabilities, Professionals and Members of the community. Elder Person’s Awareness Nazareth 15 OCTOBER Campaign/Care and services to older persons Social Crime Prevention Elandslaagte 17 OCTOBER Awareness with parents of Youth in conflict with the law Services to Persons with Witbank Activity Centre 17 OCTOBER Disabilities. The event will take the form of a competition amongst members of the Protective Workshops in Emalahleni. All Protective Workshops in Emalahleni viz.: Thembisile Siqobile KwaGuqa</p><p>Elder Persons Awareness Argent 04 OCTOBER Campaign focusing on services for Older Persons Services to Persons with Sundra Community Hall 12 OCTOBER Disabilities: Mental Awareness Campaign Road show on available Balfour Location 19 OCTOBER services rendered by the Department of Health and Social Development Reaching 800 people around Balfour location</p><p>5 Road show on available Sakhile Township 26 OCTOBER services rendered by the Department of Health and Social Development There will be a community walk. Reaching 800 people around Sakhile area</p><p>Victim Empowerment Embalenhle 23 October Awareness Campaign for Woman focusing on their re domestic violence and maintenance</p><p>Child Protection: Operation Govan Mbeki 29 October-9 Sept Nakekela/ 50 cases to be attended to Child Protection; awareness Bethal 24 October Campaign on the Rights of Children Child Protection; awareness Kinross 25 October Campaign on the Rights of Children Child Protection: ECD Govan Mbeki 26 October Forum (Consultative Session) Care and Support Services Tjakastad 26 Oct to Families. Character Building and Moral Regeneration Marketing of Social Work Carolina 02 November Services and establishing </p><p>6 service points on farms Marketing of Social Work Dundonald 07 November Services And other services provided by government departments to the community Care and Support Services Amsterdam 07 November to families focusing on educating the community on the Customary Marriages Act Child Protection: Operation Amsterdam 29 October Nakekela (Foster care placements) 80 cases to be attended Child Protection: To educate Commondale parents and the children on the new Children’s Bill(Act) Child Protection: Educate Vukuzakhe Community Hall 5 October foster parents about foster care grant utilisation Educate regarding children’s rights and responsibilities Victim Empowerment: Msukaligwa Sub-District 29 October Domestic Violence Campaign</p><p>Child Protection: Child Msukaligwa Sub-District 23 October Abuse Campaign Care and Services to Older Ermelo 31 October Persons: Centennial Celebrations</p><p>7 8 EHLANZENI DISTRICT</p><p>EHLANZENI DATE OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY TARGET STAKEHOLDERS VENUE DISTRICT Old Age Homes, SAVF, Service Malelane Care and services 150 older 02/10/2007 Centenary celebration centres, Assisted Community to older persons persons Living Centres Centre Age in Action Department of 100 Grade Sehlulile Primary 02/11/2007 Child Protection Education on Life Skills Education, Social learners School workers 300 Social workers, and Substance Abuse Awareness on effects of 02/10/2007 community Department of Casteel/ Orinoco and rehabilitation substance abuse member Education Awareness on teenage Department of pregnancy and rights of 05/10/2007 Child Protection 40 Learners Education and Social Hluvukani children and behaviour Workers modification approach Social Services and Substance Abuse Capacity building 06/10/2007 40 Learners Department of Sanibonani and rehabilitation Education Youth groups SAPS, Social crime Awareness campaign on Calcutta and 10/10/2007 90 youth Department of prevention crime prevention Acornhoek Justice 100 Older Care and services Awareness campaign on persons and Service centers Mawewe at 10/10/2007 to older persons the rights of older persons community Health workers Mgobodzi members 40 Home Home community Care and services Capacity building on older based care based care Protea Hotel 11/10/2007 to older persons persons’ Act workers and organizations and Hazyview older persons social workers 12/10/2007 Care and services Community Education on 20 Older Social Workers and Vukani Service to older persons Elder abuse persons Home Based care Center</p><p>9 DATE OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY TARGET STAKEHOLDERS VENUE EHLANZENI workers DISTRICT NICRO, Department 13/10/2007 Care and services of Heath and Social Life skills program 40 youth Numbi Hotel to older persons Services Justice Department Social Workers and 12/10/2007 Care and services Awareness campaign on 40 Older Home based care to older persons the rights of older persons persons organizations NPO’s, Protective Services to Capacity Building on the 40 Persons workshops and Mthunzi Lodge 16/10/2007 persons with rights of persons with with Department of Health disabilities disabilities disabilities and Social Services Health Care and services 100 Older Workers)Geriatric Fig-tree Tribal 17/10/2007 Awareness on Ageing to older persons Persons services) Office Old Age Homes ECDs Department of Capacity building on child 30 ECD 17/10/2007 Child protection Health and Social The Winkler care Practitioners Services Department of Care and services Awareness campaign on 80 parents of Health and Social 18/10/2007 to persons with rights of persons with children with Goromani services disabilities disabilities disabilities LAPD Social workers, 18/10/2007 Child protection Life skills training 30 Teenagers Louiville Health workers Correctional Servicd Treatment And Education 18/10/2007 Prevention of Forum Meeting 30 participants Tonga Hospital Justice NPO’s FBO’s Substance abuse and CBO’s 19.10/2007 Victim Awareness campaign on 200 Women Department of Huntington empowerment Domestic Violence Act Justice, Health and Social Services SAPS</p><p>10 DATE OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY TARGET STAKEHOLDERS VENUE 19/10/2007 Community education on Social workers and Care and services 25 older Mpakeni Center the role of social services to Home based care to older persons persons for Older Persons older persons workers Capacity Building on Social Malelane 23/10/2007 HIV/AIDS Health, Attic, NGO’s HIV/AIDS Workers Community Hall Empowerment of Health Workers, Empowerment of women on Women Social Workers 24/10/2007 health, social and economic 20 Women Bhuga Clinic NPO’s Ngo’s and issues CBO’s 26/10/2007 School Governing Vukasambe Child Protection Awareness Campaign on 30 Grade R Body, learners and Crèche at EHLANZENI child abuse learners Social Workers Msogwaba DISTRICT 27/10/2007 Dietician, Health Methodist Church Care and services Educational Talk on healthy 45 Older worker (nurse) Social to older persons lifestyle persons Workers 30/10/2007 Old Age Homes Tonga Hospital Care and services Capacity Building on Frail 100 Older Service centres and to older persons Care persons Home based corers 30/10/2007 45 Women Justice Department Victim Awareness campaign on Methodist Church Social Services empowerment Domestic violence SAPS 31/10/2007 HIV/AIDS ATTIC Hazyview Numbi Capacity building on 40 Social Department of Health HIV/AIDS workers and Social Services</p><p>11 GERT SIBANDE DISTRICT</p><p>GERT DATE OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY TARGET STAKEHOLDE VENUE SIBANDE RS 2007-10-19 Service Delivery Road show on Reaching Community at Balfour available services 800 people around large Location rendered by the Balfour location Department of Health and Social Development</p><p>There will be a community walk and people will be given pamphlets and there will be talks by officials from all the sections of service delivery regarding access to services and who qualifies. 2007-10-26 Service Delivery Road show on Reaching Community at Sakhile available services 800 people around large Township rendered by the Sakhile area Department of Health and Social Development</p><p>There will be a community walk and people will be given pamphlets and there will be talks by officials from all the sections of </p><p>12 DATE OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY TARGET STAKEHOLDE VENUE RS service delivery GERT regarding access to SIBANDE services and who qualifies. 2007-10-23 Victim Awareness Campaign 500 People Justice Embalenhle Empowerment for Woman focusing on Department their re domestic Social Services violence and SAPS maintenance 2007-10-29 to Child Protection Operation Nakekela 50 Cases to be DHSS Govan Mbeki 2007-11-09 (Section 16(2), 33 and attended Foster Parents 37) 2007-10-24 Child Protection Awareness Campaign 100 People Bethal s for Protection of the Right of Children 2007-10-25 Child Protection Awareness Campaign 100 People Kinross s for Protection of the Right of Children 2007-10-26 Child Protection ECD Forum 50 People Govan Mbeki (Consultative Session) 2007-10-26 Care and Support Character Building and 150 People Tjakastad Services to Moral Regeneration Families 2007-11-02 Service Delivery Marketing of Social Carolina Carolina Work Services Establishing service points on the farms 2007-11-07 Service Delivery Marketing of Social 200 people Dundonald Work Services And other services provided by government </p><p>13 DATE OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY TARGET STAKEHOLDE VENUE RS GERT departments to the SIBANDE community 2007-10-11 Care and Support To educate females 100 Females and Amsterdam Services to and males on males Families Customary Marriage Act 2007-10-29 to Child Protection Operation Nakekela 80 Cases to be Amsterdam 2007-11-09 (Foster care attended placements) 2007-10-26 Child Protection To educate parents 100 Parents and Parents Commondale and the children on the children DHSS new Children’s Bill(Act) 2007-10-05 Child Protection Educate foster parents 100 People Department of Vukuzakhe about foster care grant Education and Community utilisation Social Workers Hall Educate regarding Foster Parents children’s rights and responsibilities 2007-10-10 Child Protection Operation Nakekela Breyten to14 2007-10-29 Victim Domestic Violence 100 People Justice Msukaligwa Empowerment Campaign Department Sub-District Social Services SAPS 2007-10-23 Child Protection Child Abuse Campaign 100 People Department of Msukaligwa Education and Sub-District Social Workers 2007-10-31 Care and services Centennial Celebration 100 Older persons Dept. of Health Ermelo to older persons who are 100 and and Social older Development, SAPS NGO’s, Service </p><p>14 DATE OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY TARGET STAKEHOLDE VENUE GERT RS SIBANDE Centres</p><p>DATE EVENT VENUE DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE PERSON 01 Oct Older Persons Day Nkangala - Middelburg H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 01 Oct Re Opening of Schools Provincial DOE Mr Jasper Zwane 02 Oct Centenary Celebration Malelane H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 02 Oct MEC Meeting with Doctors Ehlanzeni H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 04 Oct National Chemical Safety Programme Secunda H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 05 Oct World Teachers Day Provincial DOE Mr Jasper Zwane 09 Oct Partnerships against AIDS Gert Sibande H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni Ermelo Civic Centre 10 Oct Mental Health Day Nkangala H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 11 Oct Send off Dinner 1st yr students studying in Secunda - Graceland H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni Cuba 12 Oct World Sight Day Gert Sibande - Embhuleni H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 16 Oct MEC Meeting with Doctors Nkangala H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 17 Oct International Day Against Poverty Eradication Dullstroom H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 18 Oct World Sight Day Nkangala - Mmamethlake H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 19 Oct Samora Machel Commemoration Ehlanzeni SAC Mr Sammy Mpatlanyane 23 Oct International School Library Day Provincial DOE Mr Jasper Zwane 31 Oct HBC Indaba Ehlanzeni Hazyview H & SS Mr Dumisani Mlangeni 01 & 02 Nov</p><p>15 KWAZULU-NATAL DATE EVENT DESCRIPTION VENUE TIME CONTACT PERSON 01 October International The elderly and Ugu District 09:00 Dumisani 2007 Day for the the general Municipality Ngcobo Older Persons public to attend 083 227 5487 the event. 02 October Community Bring the Obuka, 09:00 Dumisani 2007 Outreach government to eMpangeni Ngcobo Programme – the people. 083 227 5483 Service The Department’s services taken to the rural areas. 12 October Community Bring the Umbumbulu 09:00 Dumisani 2007 Outreach government to Ngcobo Programme – the people. 083 227 5483 Service The Delivery Department’s services taken to the rural areas 30 October Launch of the The ICC, Durban 09:00 Dumisani 2007 new of the Department Ngcobo Department – changes its 083 227 5483 Social name from Development Welfare and Population Development to Social Development</p><p>16 17 FREE STATE Date & Stakeholders & Target Venue Event Management Nature of Event Group Responsibility & Officiating 1 October Free Staters Confirmed Heads of Communications (HOC) Media Briefing to Bloemfontein MEC: Social Development; ALANGA PROVINCIAL launch the Social Joint Executive Management GOVERNMSOCIAL Development Month & Team SASSA & Social CLUST Signing of Service LIMPOPO Development LevelDATE Agreement withDAY ACTIVITY/EVENT VENUE TIME STATUS SASSA Monday International Day of Older Persons Rabali Stadium 10h00 016 October Freeand Staters Launch in of Social ConfirmedDevelopment HOCs; District Manager; MEC Lejweleputswa DistrictMonth & Management Teams Mass RegistrationTuesday Marketing of SocialWelkom; Work as Zuka a University of Limpopo Campaign02 for Access to professionBaloyi Stadium and Venda Social GrantsWednesday Marketing of Social Work as a 03 profession 7 October Inter-denominational Confirmed HOC: Social Development Thursday Marketing of Social Work as a Minister’s Fraternity Social Development; SASSA 04 profession Grand Parents Day Kroonstad Friday Marketing of Social Work as a 05 profession 8 October Free Staters in QwaQwa Confirmed HOCs; MEC & Executive Saturday Mass Registration Management Teams 06 Campaign for Access to QwaQwa Social Grants &Sunday Handing07 over of wheelchairs Monday 08 Tuesday 099 October Free Staters in Fezile Confirmed HOCs; MEC & Executive Wednesday Dabi Mental Health Day WaterbergManagement District Teams Mass10 Registration Sasolburg Campaign for AccessThursday to Social11 Grants 11 October Friday ECDSeminar Centres on the Vital ConfirmedRegistration CapricornSocial Development District 12 Evaluation Study Report and Social Launch of the ECD Economic impact onBethlehem Population Registration Statistic in Limpopo Campaign PMTC Awareness Campaign To be confirmed District Event 12 October Social Development 18 ECD Centres Steynsrus ECD Registration Campaign Saturday 13 Sunday 14 Monday 15 Tuesday 16 Wednesday International Day of Eradication of Mopani District 10h00 17 Poverty Maruleng PMTC Awareness Campaign District Event Thursday HIV and AIDS Partnership Day Sekhukhune District 10h00 18 Celebration Keerom, Moutse Friday Handing over of Drop in Centre Sekhukhune District To be moved to 19 Imbizo focus week Saturday 20 Sunday 21 Monday Imbizo Focus Week 22 Doctors For Development To be confirmed Tuesday Imbizo Focus Week 23 Internal Imbizo (EMS) To be confirmed Wednesday Imbizo Focus Week 24 Mental Health Awareness Vhembe District District event an Guvhukuvhu Sports initiative of the Ground Tshivhase Royal Council Thursday Imbizo Focus Week 25 Distribution of School uniform to the Vhembe District orphaned and vulnerable children Friday Imbizo Focus Week Polokwane Hospital 26 Official opening of Renal Dialysis Unit Capricorn district and Launch of Telemedicine project Saturday Imbizo Focus Week 19 27 Imbizo at Steiloop Health Centre Sunday Imbizo Focus Week 28 29 Monday</p><p>30 Tuesday</p><p>31 Wednesday Centenarian Day Women’s Dialogue on Substance Mopani District Abuse PMTC Awareness Campaign District Event</p><p>GAUTENG NATIONAL & OBJECTIVES DATE/VENUE/TIM THEME AND LEAD UNITS PROVINCIAL EVENTS E MESSAGE 1. Launch of ECD To kick-start the National 11 October Register your ECD is DSD registration drive ECD Registration Drive. 10h00 – 14h00 the right thing to do. GSD Tshwane Tshwane Metro Delegates: Hammanskraal MEC Lekgoro and NDSD, Minister GPSD, Tshwane Metro ECD Practitioners Parents Community leaders Children 5. 2. Children’s To raise awareness about 13 October Building an effective Regions and institutions Rights Symposium children’s rights. 09h00 – 16h00 and caring society Communications Boksburg City Directorate Hall Developing skilled and productive people 20 3. International Day Celebrating the 18 October Empowering Older Family and Children for Older Persons International Day for 09h00 – 16h00 Person Communications Older Persons Soweto: Mofolo 500 older To educate Older Park CD Statutory Social persons. Persons on how to Work access the old age Office of the MEC Among others grant and subsequent the activities would norms and standards Resources/Budget include: ballroom or their provision dancers, traditional Branded products – dancers, Takalani umbrellas. Choir, Police band Invitations to politicians and live music and Departmental Staff Office of the MEC and communications, Security Office of he MEC and communications Marque, toilets including those for people with disabilities and their logistic CD: Statutory Social Work</p><p> Care for older persons Speeding access to social services Building a caring society together</p><p>21 NORTH WEST EVENT DATE VENUE RESPONSIBLE UNIT</p><p>International day for 1-7 October 2007 All District Offices Older Persons older persons Launch of 05 October 2007 Ramotshere Moiloa – Project Site in Central Sustainable Livelihoods Tllhabologo Drop-in- Moshana centre Provincial 01 October 2007 Madikwe – Bojanala Districtl Older Persons International day for Older persons Launch of Faith 11 October 2007 Central – Mmabatho Convention Centre Partnership Development Based Organisation Programme implementation International day for 17 October 2007 Taung Modimong - Thuso Drop-in centre Sustainable livelihood the eradication of poverty </p><p>Rural Women 18th October 2007 Bophirima District – Modimong Village Sustainable livelihoods Empowerment (Taung ) Indaba Launch of Thabo 19 October 2007 Southern District - Thabo Merafong Drop in Sustainable livelihood Merafong Drop in Centre Wedela centre Provincial 23 October 2007 Southern – Klerksdorp Youth Development</p><p>22 Coordination Workshop Disability Awareness 1-30 November 2007 All District Offices Persons with disabilities Month Children’s day November 2007 Southern Social Welfare Services Indaba: Towards the 7-8 November 2007 Central – Mmabatho Convention Centre Partnership Development development of Social Development Charter Launch of diversion 15 November 2007 Central District Restorative Justice programme</p><p>WESTERN CAPE EVENT DATE VENUE UNIT RESPONSIBLE As part of the Social Throughout October 1. Oudtshoorn and Development Month George RedZebra will design 2. Athlone and and facilitate an event Gugulethu which will be held at the 3. Khayelitsha and 23 11 Children’s Imbizo’s Mitchells Plain over the month of 4. Cape Town and October. Wynberg This will include a 5. Beaufort West launch and a closing 6. Bellville event at one of the 7. Eeste Rivier Imbizo’s. 8. Paarl 9. Vredendal RedZebra will design a 10.Worcester and standard workshop and Caledon create awareness 11.Vredenburg around the following key areas: </p><p> The negative impact of violence against woman and children.</p><p> · The effect of violence on society as a whole.</p><p> · The importance of empowering woman and children.</p><p> · Creating emphasis around the rights and responsibilities pertaining to woman, children 24 and all members of society </p><p> · Motivating victims and witnesses of abuse to take action.</p><p> · The link between violence and HIV/AIDS</p><p> · Communicating important information such as access to resource centres and other important stakeholders</p><p>Door to Door Campaigns Registration of ECD’s</p><p>National Department suggested that their Registration of ECD project be mirrored in the Provinces for Social Development month</p><p>• 2 Door to Door Campaigns per 25 District Office per week.</p><p>• Themes: ECD Registration and Substance Abuse</p><p>• These campaigns to be arranged and coordinated by the offices . • Printed material to be arranged with Head Office CMU • A schedule of planned Door to Door Campaigns to be submitted to Head Office by first week of October.</p><p>The STAMP OUT Week 1 ABUSE Finale-</p><p>One of the RedZebra • 10th of October facilitators will dress up (Wednesday) – in the SAFE O costume Workshop in and he will close the George including performance by doing participation from an Impi dance closure Oudtshoorn. that will link the traditional dance of • 11th of October raising and slamming (Thursday)- the foot on the ground Workshop In with the STAMP OUT Beaufort West 26 ABUSE message. It will create positive • 12th of October associations between (Friday) the experience and the Workshop in SAFE O Mascot who will Worcester be viewed as an exciting including , empowering and participation from energetic role model to Caledon the children Week 2</p><p>• 17th of October (Wednesday)- Workshop in Vredendal </p><p>• 18th of October (Thursday) – Workshop in Vredenburg</p><p>• 19th of October (Friday)- Workshop in Paarl</p><p>Week 3</p><p>• 22nd of October (Monday) Athlone & Gugulethu. • 23rd of October (Tuesday) Khayelitsha & Mitchells Plain. • 24th of October (Wednesday) 27 Cape Town and Wynberg. • 25th of October (Thursday) Eerste Rivier • 26th of October (Friday) Bellville</p><p>28 NORTHERN CAPE DATE ACTIVITY VENUE 01.10.07 International Day for Older Persons Resthaven Old Home, Kimberley,Frances Baard District 01.10.07 Older Persons Celebrations: Ulwazi Radio Station – De Aar, Pixley Panel discussion on International Day on Older Ka Seme District Persons and the Protocol document on the abuse of older persons</p><p>Intergenerational Cultural Day handing over of gifts De Aar City Hall, Pixley Ka Seme to older persons at event District 01.10.07 International Day of Older Persons: Bothitlong village, Kgalagadi District Mobilize communities or older persons to establish service clubs 02.10.07 Inspection in and around Upington regarding child Upington, Siyanda District labour practices i.e. taxi’s food stalls and tuck shops 02 – 04. 10.07 Awareness program with Progress Primary School Progress Primary School, Kimberley, Frances Baard District 03 – 05.10.07 Imbizo: Marketing of the Child Support Grant Khai-Ma District, Namaqua 03.10.07 Community meeting: Marketing of Departmental Victoria West, Kappertjie Hall, Pixley ha Programs & Services (including CSG) Seme District 03.10.07 Workshop: Domestic violence and substance abuse Ramkamp, Blaauwskop, Siyanda District</p><p>Information session: Fetal alcohol syndrome Postdene paypoint, Siyanda District 04-05.10.07 Information sessions: Information stall in Upington Grootdrink, Boplaas and Wegdraai, taxi rank and Pick & Pay Siyanda District 07.10.07 Observe Grand Parents Day (request Ministers of Different denominations in the districts religion to weave into their sermons the importance of grand parents or request slots at different churches to address congregations and other religious institutions on grand parents day) 08.10.07 Substance abuse: Puppet Show Vele Langa, Pabalello 29 NORTHERN CAPE DATE ACTIVITY VENUE</p><p>Marketing campaign: Street corner meeting – Danielskuil Marketing of the Child Support Grant</p><p>Inspection in and around districts regarding child All Districts labour practices i.e. taxi’s food stalls and tuck shops and farms</p><p>08.10.07 Observe Grand Parents Day in the Districts: All districts Luncheon for grandparents 09.10.07 Substance abuse: Dramas All learners – Lukhaniso</p><p>Street children project: taking children to clinics for Siyanda District check-ups Boegoeberg community hall, Siyanda Awareness and empowerment of families campaign District 09.10.07 Community meeting: Marketing of Departmental Norvalspont, Pixley Ka Seme District Programs & Services (including CSG)</p><p>Community meeting (Launch of new social services Colesburg, Kuyasa Community Hall, offices) Pixley Ka Seme District</p><p>10.10.07 Substance Abuse: Drama Sumbrunner, Siyanda District</p><p>Information session: Foetal alcohol syndrome Postdene Paypoint, Siyanda District 10-12. 10.07 Imbizo: Marketing of the Child Support Grant Kamiesberg, Namaqua District 11.10.07 Information session: Substance abuse Augrabies, Lutzburg and Keimoes</p><p>Inspection regarding child labour practices i.e. taxi’s Alheit, Cillier and Lutzburg food stalls and tuck shops</p><p>Marketing of services and Child Support Grant Postmasburg City Hall, Siyanda District</p><p>30 NORTHERN CAPE DATE ACTIVITY VENUE</p><p>Provincial Launch of ECD Registration Campaign Venue to be confirmed</p><p>12.10.07 “Disabled persons” Workshop with stakeholders and De Aar, Education Department community leaders Boardroom, Pixley Ka Seme District 12.10.07 Child awareness programs – door to door Greenpoint and Roodepan, Frances campaigns Baard District 12.10.07 Primary care giver capacity building parental Kimberley, Frances Baard District training 12.10.07 Prevention program with youth at Motshedi Thuto Jan Kempdorp, Frances Baard District Primary School 13.10.07 Domestic violence and substance abuse street bash Noodkamp, Keimoes, Siyanda District 15.10.07 Inspection: Mobile trucks in areas Machandt and Rooipan</p><p>Workshop: Restorative Justice Danielskuil</p><p>Registration drive of ECD Centres Kanoneiland, Blaauwskop and Bo- Eksteenskuil, Siyanda District 15.10.07 World Food Day (Launch of food garden and new Noupoort Community Hall, Pixley Ka office) Seme District 16.10.07 World Food Day (feeding program for the Skeifontein, Siyanda District community) 16.10.07 Official opening of Isibindi centre, Child and Youth Donkerhoek, Kimberley, Frances Baard Care Centre District 17.10.07 National World Food Day Port Nolloth, Namaqua District 17.10.07 Launching of food garden Richmond Food garden site, 100 Sabelo location, Pixley Ka Seme District 17.10.07 Eradication of poverty: Launching of socio-economic Kanoneiland and Machandt, Siyanda projects i.e. rose and compost project District 18.10.07 Celebration of “International Day for the Eradication Perth, Frances Baard District of Poverty” 18.10.07 Door-to-door campaign on substance abuse Machandt, Siyanda District 31 NORTHERN CAPE DATE ACTIVITY VENUE</p><p>18.10.07 Motorcade – distribution of pamphlets, sharing of Greenpoint, Frances Baard District information about the effects of gender-based violence and services available 18.10.07 Awareness on gender based violence – door to door Phuthanang, Frances Baard District campaign 19.10.07 Rendering of services to the community Keimoes, Siyanda District 19.10.07 Radio drama, drama, panel discussion and call in Platfontein, Frances Baard District program 19.10.07 Awareness and prevention on substance abuse – Club 2000, Frances Baard District door to door campaign 19.10.07 Prevention program with youth at Tadcaster Primary Jan Kempdorp, Frances Baard District School 22.10.07 Launching of Adolescent Development Program Victoria West, Kappertjie Hall, Pixley Ka Seme District 22-24.10.07 Kick start of Imbizo week program Slangkop Park, Rosedale, Van Rooi Park, Karos,Leerkranz, Sokkerveld, Raaswater, Louisvale-weg and Progress, Siyanda District 22-28.10.07 Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) Regional All Regions Launches 22-28.10.07 Imbizo Focus Week activities All Regions 23.10.07 Launching of soup kitchen Britstown soup kitchen site, 333 Main street, Britstown, Pixley Ka Seme District 23-24.10.07 Probation and VEP services Indaba CRC - Kimberley, Frances Baard District 24.10.07 Sport day Paballelo, Morning Glory, Rosedale and Thabo Mbeki Park, Siyanda District 24.10.07 Victim Empowerment event Vioolsdrift, Namaqua District 24.10.07 Launching of soup kitchen Norvalspont Soup kitchen site, 267 Afrika street, Masizakhe, Norvalspont, Pixley Ka Seme District 25.10.07 Open court/mock court (awareness on sexual Kimberley, Frances Baard District 32 NORTHERN CAPE DATE ACTIVITY VENUE abuse) 25-28.10.07 School holiday program Kimberley, Frances Baard District 26.10.07 Walk and Talk (spreading the message of no Kimberley, Greenpoint and Platfontein, tolerance to gender based on violence) Frances Baard District 26.10.07 Stakeholders workshop re: EPWP Expansion of De Aar, Education Department registration of ECD centres Boardroom, Pixley Ka Seme District 26.10.07 Child protection awareness programs – door to door Ritchie, Frances Baard District campaign 26.10.07 Recruitment and training of safety parents Galeshewe, Frances Baard District 26.10.07 Prevention program with youth at Tirisano Primary Jan Kempdorp, Frances Baard District School 27.10.07 Launching of the drop-in centre Ashkam, Siyanda District 29.10.07 Rendering of services to communities Lang-eiland, Vyebos-eiland and George-eiland, Siyanda District 29-30.10.07 Provincial workshop on the regulations of the Horsheshoe Motel, Kimberley, Frances Children’s Amendment Bill Baard District 29-31.10.07 Imbizo: Registration of ECD centres Richtersveld, Namaqua District 29-31.10.07 Information sessions at Primary schools Galeshewe, Frances Baard District 29.10.07 Launch of Soup Kitchen Marydale 29.10.07 Launch of Drop-in Centre Victoria–West 30.10.07 Launch of Drop-in Centre Prieska 30.10.07 Facilitate the establishment of local organizing Siyanda District committee for service centres 30.10.07 Graduation of Social Auxiliary Workers and EDC Upington learners</p><p>30.10.07 Training of new/prospected foster parents Jan Kempdorp, Frances Baard District</p><p>30.10.07 Prevention program with youth farm school Modderivier, Frances Baard District</p><p>31.10.07 Celebration of Older Persons Month Andriesvale Community Hall, Siyanda District) Komani San</p><p>33 NORTHERN CAPE DATE ACTIVITY VENUE Continuous throughout Mobilize communities or older persons to establish Bothithong and Dithakong villages, October 2007 service clubs Kgalagadi District</p><p>Mobilize and encourage older persons to participate Kgalagadi District in the “Shoprite Pretty things for little things” competition</p><p>Visit Kgomotsego Old Age Home to encourage them Batlharos village to participate in older persons activities</p><p>Prevention of Substance Abuse Campaign All Regions</p><p>Road shows on registration drive of ECD centres to All Regions address child poverty.</p><p>EASTERN CAPE Event Venue Date Unit Responsible Contact Person Roadshow – 17/09/07 Amathole DM – Special Needs Ms Cengimbo Popularisation of Centani Directorate 083 2933 526 the new Older Persons Act of 2006 Mrs. Malotana Special Needs 072 254 6057 18/09/07 O.R Tambo DM – Directorate Mthatha Ms Poswa localities 072 513 7268 Special Needs Directorate 19/09/07 Alfred Nzo DM – Mt Frere Mr. Khoboso 073 348 6648 Special Needs </p><p>34 Directorate Mrs. Mpondwana</p><p>20/09/07 Ukhahlamba DM – Ugie, Special Needs Directorate</p><p>21/09/07 Chris Hani DM – Dodrecht, Lady Frere</p><p>Internal Day for 01/10/07 Cacadu District Special Needs Ms. Jordan Older persons Municipality, New Programme Bethesda SAWID ACTIVITY 03/10/07 Port Alfred Special Program Ms. Dunjana Unit Moral Regeneration 04/10/07 O.R Tambo District. Office of the MEC Rev. Stefane Programme: Fighting Rape and other Social ills Official Opening of 09/10/07 Amathole DM- Directorate- Mrs. Mgilane a Children’s home Qumrha Children </p><p>Launch of 10/10/07 Chris Hani, Molteno Directorate Children Mrs. Mgilane Comprehensive Early Childhood development activities National Portfolio 11-12 /10/ 07 Port Elizabeth Office of the MEC PLO Committee visit ECD Summit 11/10/07 Amathole, EL Directorate Children Mrs. Mgilane </p><p>Provincial Launch of 12/10/07 Amathole, Directorate Children Mrs. Mgilane ECD registration Butterworth Campaign 35 Public Private 15 /10/ 07 Elliotedale, Mbashe Provincial Poverty Mrs. Mcingwane partnership on LA, Amathole DM Reduction poverty reduction Coordinator. Maluti poverty 16/10/07 Alfred Nzo DM, Directorate Dev Mr. Ncapai Reduction program Matatiele and Research Municipality National Launch by 17/09/07 Alfred Nzo DM – Mt Dev and Research Mr. Ncapai Dep-Minister in Ayliff Dutyini Public Service 15-19/ 10 / 07 Matatitel Customer Care Unit Ms. Gola Week Launch of charcoal 23/10/07 Amathole DM - Dev and Research Mr. Ncapai project Keiskammahoek Reach for A Dream 25/ 10/ 07 Amathole District Communication and Ms. Z Mthetho Daily Dispatch Municipality Senior Awards East London developmental Welfare services. Employment Equity 25/10/07 East London Corporate Services Mrs. F. Casoojee Plan Deputy Minister` 30/09/07 Amathole DM Developmental Mr. Maxhegwana Premier, Official Stutterheim welfare Service opening ECD programme Official Opening of 31/10/07 O.R Tambo District. Developmental Mr. Maxhengwana Sikhuselekile welfare services and Mrs. Titus Secure center Build up campaign Week stating 7 districts Developmental Ms. Mteto for 16 days of On the 30/10/07 welfare Service Activism programme. </p><p>36</p>
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