<p>Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 6 Relationships Revised Early Years Foundation Stage red set booklet 30-50 Months</p><p>Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL) activities</p><p>The Assembly: begin theme Circle games Wake up baby bear – game See Silver Booklet All cross curricular work is introduced through the This theme is the second of with whole school assembly story focussing on looking at expressions (see p6) Core Activity of Establishing the classroom two focussing specifically on (see p4 for key points from story) Ongoing Whole community (see p28) feelings. It aims to develop (see p7 – 12 of TOB for actual Rounds Pass round a teddy. ‘Teddy feels sad Class activities children's knowledge, story and variations, and see when ...’ (see p6) Personal, social and emotional development understanding and skills in website for additional Emotional Give responsibility for setting out what kind of three key social and emotional assemblies) barometer learning environment they want to belong to, aspects of learning: Find a visual thinking about relationships, ethos, access to . Self awareness Whole school focus for materials. Consider how they will agree rules and Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / method for your noticing and celebrating deal with problem behaviour. Children establish Core Activities children to show achievement (see p 5) To notice how much they are buddying system to promote care and inclusivity. and celebrate (using usual feeling (see Whole Notions of equity and the moral issues of rights and Loss – missing someone we love means – certificates / calls home School Resource wrongs in terms of behaviour towards others are . Managing feelings etc) children and adults who are Recognising if we are missing someone but file) considered (see p28) observed: realising they will come back (see p6) Calming down Communication, language & literacy Encourage Week 1 Loss – living things Telling others how we routines Think to share their ideas about their classroom orally Changing an unfair situation feel when we miss someone (see p8) about establishing and to listen to and respect the views of others, one if you don’t negotiating consensus and agreement through . Empathy Week 2 Understanding my feelings – happy, sad have one their words (see p28) Being pleased for someone’s and angry Recognising and showing these achievements feelings in ourselves and others (see p10) Peaceful Problem Mathematics Children explore numbers for sharing Solving Process out and systems to monitor and control access to Week 3 Assessment Use this whenever various resources and activities (see p28) Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. Skills are taught through Telling the truth, saying sorry and appropriate as well exploring particular ‘focus’ making amends Identify how they will know when a child ‘can as when part of Knowledge & understanding of the world do’ (see p1) feelings, detailed below: planned Exploring how communities are run and make a Foundation: loss, fair / unfair Week 4 programme (see documentary about their classroom (see p28) Years 1 and 2: jealousy, loss Helping someone feeling sad or Vocabulary whole school Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for their Years 3 and 4: guilt, loss lonely resource file) Physical development Following games, using Years 5 and 6: class. Share with others in the key stage as equipment safety and differentiating between in appropriate (see p4) embarrassment, humiliation, Follow-up assembly End theme and outdoor play (see p28) loss with children presenting their best work (see p11 of TOB) Key resources Creative development Designing their ideal Assembly key points for follow-up classroom (see p28) School issues Note: For children in the Early discussion (see p4) Years Foundation Stage you will SEAL resources want to use your own judgement as to whether a whole-school assembly, class/group gathering, Class, group or individual or a mixture of these, is the more issues appropriate place to introduce the theme. SEBD Team – Children’s Services N.B. All page references concern the Relationships Revised Early Years Foundation Stage booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)</p><p>SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/Early Years Foundation Stage Revised Red set Booklet</p><p>Problem solving reasoning and numeracy Communication, Language and Literacy Explore numbers for sharing out Share ideas about the classroom orally Listen and respect the views of others Negotiate consensus and agreement through their words</p><p>Creative Development</p><p>Think imaginatively about their ideal classroom Relationships environment Create posters, drawings Knowledge and and plays Understanding of the Devise a guide to their World classroom for new children Explore how other communities are run Use technology Care for the quality of the Physical Development environment of the classroom</p><p>Learn to follow rules of games Share equipment and large apparatus</p><p>Disposition and Attitudes Confidence, self-esteem, Behaviour, Self-control Self-care and relationships, community Independence </p><p>30-50 Months 30-50 Months 30-50 Months 40-60+ Months 40-60+ Months 40-60+ Months 40-60+ Months</p><p>SEBD Team – Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 6 Relationships Revise Early Years Foundation Stage Red set booklet 40-60+ Months </p><p>Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Whole School Small group activities Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL) The Assembly: begin theme with whole school assembly story Circle games ‘Roll the ball’ game – how See Silver Booklet All cross curricular work is introduced through This theme is the second of (see p4 for key points from story) does it feel when we are left out? (see the Core Activity of Establishing the two focussing specifically on (see p7 – 12 of TOB for actual p16) Ongoing Whole Class classroom community (see p28) feelings. It aims to develop story and variations, and see activities children's knowledge, website for additional Rounds ‘I don’t think it’s fair when ...’ Personal, social and emotional development understanding and skills in assemblies) ‘If my friend was feeling sad I would …’ Emotional barometer Give responsibility for setting out what kind of three key social and emotional Open forum – how could you make Find a visual method for learning environment they want to belong to, aspects of learning: Whole school focus for someone feel better? your children to show how thinking about relationships, ethos, access to . Self awareness noticing and celebrating Pass the smile – how does smiling make much they are feeling (see materials. Consider how they will agree rules achievement (see p 5) To notice you feel? (see p16) Whole School Resource and deal with problem behaviour. Children and celebrate (using usual file) establish buddying system to promote care and means – certificates / calls home Focussed Class Learning Opportunities inclusivity. Notions of equity and the moral issues etc) children and adults who are / Core Activities Calming down routines of rights and wrongs in terms of behaviour . Managing feelings observed: Think about establishing towards others are considered (see p28) Understanding my feelings – fair and one if you don’t have one Week 1 Communication, language & literacy Unfair Knowing when things are fair or Changing an unfair situation Encourage to share their ideas about their unfair and how to make things fair (see Peaceful Problem classroom orally and to listen to and respect the p16) Solving Process Week 2 Use this whenever views of others, negotiating consensus and . Empathy Being pleased for someone’s agreement through their words (see p28) Assessment Teacher to think about the appropriate as well as achievements ‘I can’ statements. Identify how they will when part of planned Problem solving reasoning and numeracy know when a child ‘can do’ (see p1) programme (see whole Week 3 school resource file) Children explore numbers for sharing out and Telling the truth, saying sorry and systems to monitor and control access to various Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the Skills are taught through making amends resources and activities (see p28) vocabulary for their class. Share with exploring particular ‘focus’ others in the key stage as appropriate feelings, detailed below: Week 4 Knowledge & understanding of the world (see p4) Foundation: loss, fair / unfair Helping someone feeling sad or Exploring how communities are run and make a Years 1 and 2: jealousy, loss lonely documentary about their classroom (see p28) Key resources Years 3 and 4: guilt, loss Assembly key points for follow-up Years 5 and 6: Follow-up assembly End theme Physical development Following games, using discussion (see p4) embarrassment, humiliation, with children presenting their equipment safely and differentiating between in loss best work (see p11 of TOB) SEAL resources and outdoor play (see p28)</p><p>Note: For children in the Early Creative development Designing their ideal School issues Years Foundation Stage you will classroom (see p28) want to use your own judgement as to whether a whole-school assembly, class/group gathering, or a mixture of these, is the more Class, group or individual appropriate place to introduce issues the theme.</p><p>N.B. All page references concern the Relationships Revised Early Years Foundation Stage booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)</p><p>SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/Early Years Foundation Stage Revised Red set booklets</p><p>Problem solving reasoning and numeracy Communication, Language and Literacy Explore numbers for sharing out Share ideas about the classroom orally Listen and respect the views of others Negotiate consensus and agreement through their words</p><p>Creative Development</p><p>Think imaginatively about their ideal classroom Relationships environment Create posters, drawings Knowledge and and plays Understanding of the Devise a guide to their World classroom for new children Explore how other communities are run Use technology Care for the quality of the Physical Development environment of the classroom</p><p>Learn to follow rules of games Share equipment and large apparatus</p><p>Disposition and Attitudes Confidence, self-esteem, Behaviour, Self-control Self-care and relationships, community Independence </p><p>40-60+ Months 40-60+ Months 40-60+ Months 40-60+ Months</p><p>SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 6 Relationships Blue Book Year 1 Class______</p><p>Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Whole School Small group activities Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL)</p><p>The Assembly: begin Circle Game Percussion game (see p5) See Silver Booklet Literacy See SEAL exemplar lesson plans on jealousy This theme is the second of theme with whole and loss (see p27 - p29) two focussing specifically on school assembly story Rounds I met someone who is happy Ongoing Whole Class feelings. It aims to develop (see p4 for key points when… (see p5) activities Using traditional tales and stories to focus on feelings of children's knowledge, from story) (see p7 – 12 jealousy and being pushed out (see p25) understanding and skills in of TOB for actual story Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Emotional barometer three key social and emotional and variations, and see Core Activities Find a visual method for Speaking and listening Y1 T2 7 and Y2 T2 19 – act out aspects of learning: website for additional your children to show stories paying attention to facial expressions (see p2, . Self awareness assemblies) how much they are p25) People who are important to us - feeling (see Whole Whole school focus Identifying people who are important to us School Resource file) Mathematics Data Handling – survey people and see if for noticing and and why (see p5) the nature of jealousy changes over time (see p26) celebrating Calming down . Managing feelings achievement (see p 4) Understanding my feelings – proud routines Think about Science QCA Unit 1A Ourselves – how we feel when we To notice and celebrate and jealous – acknowledging and dealing establishing one if you are no longer the baby in the family (see p25) (using usual means – with these uncomfortable feelings (see p5-8) don’t have one certificates / calls home Role play feelings of loss experienced when a pet dies - etc) children and adults Dealing with our hurt feelings without Peaceful Problem see SEAL exemplar lesson plans (see p33 – p34) hurting others – knowing that being unkind who are observed: Solving Process . Empathy to others won’t make us feel better, thinking Use this whenever History See SEAL exemplar lesson plan QCA Unit 5 Fire Week 1 of safe ways to feel better (see p8) appropriate as well as of London – looking at loss. (see p31) Changing an unfair when part of planned situation Assessment programme (see whole ICT Use clip art to create captions for a ‘feelings wall’ Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ school resource file) display based on jealousy or create an illustrated poster Skills are taught through Week 2 statements. Identify how they will know of ‘Amber’s poem in the ‘Jealous’ story resource sheet when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) exploring particular ‘focus’ Being pleased for (see p25) feelings, detailed below: someone’s Foundation: loss, fair / unfair achievements Vocabulary Art & Design & music Make paintings or drawings of Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for Years 1 and 2: jealousy, loss themselves, expressions of jealousy, feeling sad or left Years 3 and 4: guilt, loss Week 3 their class. Share with others in the key out. Make music or dance that expresses these feelings stage as appropriate (see p3) Years 5 and 6: Telling the truth, saying (see p26) embarrassment, humiliation, sorry and making loss amends Key resources Citizenship Give opportunities for paired / group work Assembly key points for follow-up with children with different talents – focus on everyone discussion (see p4) Week 4 being different (see p26). See Y1 and Y1 Unit 1A, 1B, School issues Helping someone SEAL resources 1C, 1D, 4A, 4C, 4D, 4F, 4G (see p2) feeling sad or lonely RE Joseph and his brothers – think about jealousy. The Follow-up assembly Prodigal Son – how did the older brother feel? (see p26) End theme with children Class, group or individual presenting their best PE Think about competitions and how it feels to lose. issues work (see p11 of TOB) Discuss how children who are less able or skilled feel and what we can all do to help them with their uncomfortable feelings – envy and jealousy (see p 25)</p><p>SEBD Team – Children’s Services N.B. All page references concern the Relationships Years 1 and 2 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)</p><p>SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 1 and 2 Blue set</p><p>ICT Mathematics Citizenship</p><p>Interviews with people Years 1 and 2 Link to work done with QCA children on feelings Units 1A,1B,1C, 1D Units 4C, 4D, 4A, 4D, 4F & 4G</p><p>Literacy</p><p>RE Year 2 T2 Narrative NLS T1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14 Link to work done with Year 1 or Year 2 Term 2 Relationships children on The Prodigal Narrative Son NLS Y1 T3: T5, T13, Y2 T3:T4</p><p>Link to speaking and listening: Y2 T2 L18 Y2 T2 Dr24 Y2 T2 S17 Speaking and listening See exemplar lesson plan pages 27-30</p><p>Year 1 T2 7</p><p>Year 2 T2 19</p><p>Science Art and Music History</p><p>QCA Unit 1A QCA Unit 5 QCA Unit 2A See exemplar lesson plan pages 31-32 Link to speaking and listening Y2: T1 Dr16</p><p>See exemplar lesson plan pages 33-34</p><p>Relationships SEAL Workshop November 2006 Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 6 Relationships Blue Book Year 2 Class______</p><p>Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Whole School Small group activities Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL)</p><p>The Assembly: begin Circle Games Miming game (see p15) See Silver Booklet Literacy See SEAL exemplar lesson plans on jealousy This theme is the second of theme with whole and loss (see p27 - p29) two focussing specifically on school assembly story Rounds ‘I think (name of soft toy) felt lonely Ongoing Whole Class feelings. It aims to develop (see p4 for key points when ...’ ‘I feel lonely when ...’ (see p15) activities Using traditional tales and stories to focus on feelings of children's knowledge, from story) (see p7 – 12 jealousy and being pushed out (see p25) understanding and skills in of TOB for actual story Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Emotional barometer three key social and emotional and variations, and see Core Activities Find a visual method for Speaking and listening Y1 T2 7 and Y2 T2 19 – act out aspects of learning: website for additional your children to show stories paying attention to facial expressions (see p2, . Self awareness assemblies) how much they are p25) Understanding our feelings – loved, feeling (see Whole Whole school focus cared for Identifying when we are cared for School Resource file) Mathematics Data Handling – survey people and see if for noticing and and loved (see p15) the nature of jealousy changes over time (see p26) celebrating Calming down . Managing feelings achievement (see p 4) Leaving home Understanding that if routines Think about Science QCA Unit 1A Ourselves – how we feel when we To notice and celebrate someone leaves we are still loved and that establishing one if you are no longer the baby in the family (see p25) (using usual means – some choices are hard to make (see p16) don’t have one certificates / calls home Role play feelings of loss experienced when a pet dies - etc) children and adults Important people and things Sharing Peaceful Problem see SEAL exemplar lesson plans (see p33 – p34) people who are important to us, losing who are observed: Solving Process . Empathy things we care for (see p17) Use this whenever History See SEAL exemplar lesson plan QCA Unit 5 Fire Week 1 appropriate as well as of London – looking at loss. (see p31) Changing an unfair Assessment when part of planned situation Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ programme (see whole ICT Use clip art to create captions for a ‘feelings wall’ statements. Identify how they will know school resource file) display based on jealousy or create an illustrated poster when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) Skills are taught through Week 2 of ‘Amber’s poem in the ‘Jealous’ story resource sheet exploring particular ‘focus’ Being pleased for (see p25) feelings, detailed below: someone’s Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for Foundation: loss, fair / unfair achievements Art & Design & music Make paintings or drawings of Years 1 and 2: jealousy, loss their class. Share with others in the key themselves, expressions of jealousy, feeling sad or left stage as appropriate (see p3) Years 3 and 4: guilt, loss Week 3 out. Make music or dance that expresses these feelings Years 5 and 6: Telling the truth, saying (see p26) Key resources embarrassment, humiliation, sorry and making loss amends Assembly key points for follow-up Citizenship Give opportunities for paired / group work discussion (see p4) with children with different talents – focus on everyone SEAL resources Week 4 being different (see p26). See Y1 and Y1 Unit 1A, 1B, School issues Helping someone 1C, 1D, 4A, 4C, 4D, 4F, 4G (see p2) feeling sad or lonely RE Joseph and his brothers – think about jealousy. The Follow-up assembly Prodigal Son – how did the older brother feel? (see p26) End theme with children Class, group or individual presenting their best PE Think about competitions and how it feels to lose. issues work (see p11 of TOB) Discuss how children who are less able or skilled feel and what we can all do to help them with their uncomfortable feelings – envy and jealousy (see p 25) N.B. All page references concern the Relationships Years 1 and 2 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 1 and 2 Blue set</p><p>ICT Mathematics Citizenship</p><p>Interviews with people Years 1 and 2 Link to work done with QCA children on feelings Units 1A,1B,1C, 1D Units 4C, 4D, 4A, 4D, 4F & 4G</p><p>Literacy</p><p>RE Year 2 T2 Narrative NLS T1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14 Link to work done with Year 1 or Year 2 Term 2 Relationships children on The Prodigal Narrative Son NLS Y1 T3: T5, T13, Y2 T3:T4</p><p>Link to speaking and listening: Y2 T2 L18 Y2 T2 Dr24 Y2 T2 S17 Speaking and listening See exemplar lesson plan pages 27-30</p><p>Year 1 T2 7</p><p>Year 2 T2 19</p><p>Science Art and Music History</p><p>QCA Unit 1A QCA Unit 5 QCA Unit 2A See exemplar lesson plan pages 31-32 Link to speaking and listening Y2: T1 Dr16</p><p>See exemplar lesson plan pages 33-34</p><p>Relationships SEAL Workshop November 2006 - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 6 Relationships Yellow Book Year 3 Class______</p><p>Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL) activities</p><p>The Assembly: begin Circle games Have you seen my friend? (see See Silver Booklet Literacy Explore feelings of guilt in stories (see p29). This theme is the second of theme with whole p5) Explore feelings of loss – write an obituary for a loved two focussing specifically on school assembly story Ongoing Whole animal. See SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p31, 32) feelings. It aims to develop (see p3 for key points Rounds ‘felt … when …’ and ‘I wish I hadn’t … Class activities children's knowledge, from story) (see p7 – 12 because …’ (see p5) Speaking and Listening Y3 T2 31. Actively include and understanding and skills in of TOB for actual story Emotional respond to all members of the group and Y4 T2 43 Use three key social and emotional and variations, and see Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Core barometer time, resources and group members efficiently by aspects of learning: website for additional Activities Find a visual distributing tasks, checking progress and making backup . Self awareness assemblies) method for your plans (see p3). Also, use the drama technique Special people Making people who are children to show ‘conscience alley’ to explore the story ‘Guilty’ (see p29) Whole school focus important to us happy (see p5) how much they are for noticing and feeling (see Whole History Use QCA Unit 9 to consider loss experienced in celebrating Guilty Expressing feelings of guilt and shame. School Resource times of war – how did the evacuees feel? (see p29) . Managing feelings achievement (see p 3) Making amends when we have done wrong (see file) To notice and celebrate p6, 7) Think about the Celts feeling a loss for their way of life (using usual means – Calming down after the Roman invasion. See SEAL exemplar history certificates / calls home Making amends Thinking about what I might routines Think lesson plans for Theme 7 Changes. etc) children and adults feel guilty about and how to make amends when about establishing who are observed: we feel guilty (see p7) one if you don’t Geography QCA Geography Unit - Thinking about how . Empathy have one our actions impact on the environment (see p29) Week 1 Taking responsibility Knowing when Changing an unfair something is your fault or not. Taking Peaceful Problem ICT Use a digital camera to take photographs of the situation responsibility for decisions made and making a Solving Process presentations from their Lynford challenge work (see p20- good choice (see p9) Use this whenever 21, 25-27). Add text to create a memory book for the class Skills are taught through Week 2 appropriate as well (see p29) exploring particular ‘focus’ Being pleased for Making wise choices Making amends and as when part of feelings, detailed below: someone’s using the feeling of guilt to help us make a wise planned DT QCA Unit 3A Packaging - Children make a package to Foundation: loss, fair / unfair achievements choice (see p9) programme (see keep a collection of things that are very special to them. Years 1 and 2: jealousy, loss whole school See SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p33) Years 3 and 4: guilt, loss Week 3 Assessment resource file) Years 5 and 6: Telling the truth, saying Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. PE Explore feelings of guilt when we let the side down. embarrassment, humiliation, sorry and making Identify how they will know when a child ‘can do’ Also, use the Three pictures (see p6) activity as a loss amends (see p1 and p2) stimulus for dance (see p29)</p><p>Week 4 Vocabulary Art & Design & music QCA Unit 3A Portraying School issues Helping someone Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for their relationships - relationships in art (see p30). Also, artists feeling sad or lonely class. Share with others in the key stage as who make art to hold on to memories (see p30) appropriate (see p3) Follow-up assembly RE The Easter Story - thinking about loss (see p30) End theme with children Key resources Class, group or individual presenting their best Assembly key points for follow-up discussion Citizenship Issues of responsibility through participation issues work (see p11 of TOB) (see p3) in school and class also, making amends when things go SEAL resources wrong (see p30) N.B. All page references concern the Relationships Years 3 and 4 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)</p><p>SEBD Team - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 3 and 4 Yellow set</p><p>PE Geography Citizenship</p><p>Feelings QCA Unit 8 School Council Issues</p><p>ICT Literacy</p><p>Year 3 or 4 Term 2 Presentations Poetry</p><p>NLS Y3 T3: T7, 15, 21 Relationships Y 4 T3: T4, 6, 9, 14, 15</p><p>Link speaking and listening Art and Design Y3 T3: GD 35, D36 Y4 T3: S44</p><p>See exemplar lesson QCA Unit 3A plan pages 31-32</p><p>Design and Technology Speaking and listening Art and Music History</p><p>QCA Year 3 Unit 3A QCA Unit 9 Year 3 T2 31</p><p>See exemplar lesson Year 4 T2 43 plan pages 33-34</p><p>SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 6 Relationships Yellow Book Year 4 Class______</p><p>Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL) activities</p><p>The Assembly: begin Circle Games There’s a chair on my right See Silver Booklet Literacy Explore feelings of guilt in stories (see p29). Explore This theme is the second of theme with whole (see p20) Ongoing Whole feelings of loss – write an obituary for a loved animal. See two focussing specifically on school assembly story Class activities SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p31, 32) feelings. It aims to develop (see p3 for key points Rounds I felt lost when … I felt lonely children's knowledge, from story) (see p7 – 12 when … (see p20) Emotional Speaking and Listening Y3 T2 31. Actively include and understanding and skills in of TOB for actual story Focussed Class Learning Opportunities barometer respond to all members of the group and Y4 T2 43 Use time, three key social and emotional and variations, and see / Core Activities Find a visual method resources and group members efficiently by distributing tasks, aspects of learning: website for additional for your children to checking progress and making backup plans (see p3). Also, . Self awareness assemblies) use the drama technique ‘conscience alley’ to explore the Special People – Identifying how we feel show how much they are feeling (see story ‘Guilty’ (see p29) Whole school focus about the important people or animals in life (see p20) Whole School for noticing and Resource file) History Use QCA Unit 9 to consider loss experienced in times celebrating of war – how did the evacuees feel? (see p29) Loss – Looking at feeling when we lose . Managing feelings achievement (see p 3) Calming down To notice and celebrate someone or something and how to Think about the Celts feeling a loss for their way of life after celebrate the life of a loved one (see p20) routines Think about (using usual means – establishing one if the Roman invasion. See SEAL exemplar history lesson plans certificates / calls home you don’t have one for Theme 7 Changes. etc) children and adults Let’s not forget – Talking about people we no longer see (see p22) who are observed: Peaceful Problem Geography QCA Geography Unit - Thinking about how our . Empathy Solving Process actions impact on the environment (see p29) Week 1 Assessment Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ Use this whenever Changing an unfair appropriate as well as ICT Use a digital camera to take photographs of the situation statements. Identify how they will know presentations from their Lynford challenge work (see p20-21, when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) when part of planned programme (see 25-27). Add text to create a memory book for the class (see Skills are taught through Week 2 whole school p29) exploring particular ‘focus’ Being pleased for Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for resource file) feelings, detailed below: someone’s DT QCA Unit 3A Packaging - Children make a package to Foundation: loss, fair / unfair achievements their class. Share with others in the key keep a collection of things that are very special to them. See stage as appropriate (see p3) Years 1 and 2: jealousy, loss SEAL exemplar lesson plan (see p33) Years 3 and 4: guilt, loss Week 3 Years 5 and 6: Telling the truth, saying Key resources PE Explore feelings of guilt when we let the side down. Also, Assembly key points for follow-up embarrassment, humiliation, sorry and making use the Three pictures (see p6) activity as a stimulus for loss amends discussion (see p3) dance (see p29) SEAL resources Week 4 Art & Design & music QCA Unit 3A Portraying relationships - School issues Helping someone relationships in art (see p30). Also, artists who make art to feeling sad or lonely hold on to memories (see p30)</p><p>Follow-up assembly RE The Easter Story - thinking about loss (see p30) End theme with children Class, group or individual presenting their best Citizenship Issues of responsibility through participation issues work (see p11 of TOB) in school and class also, making amends when things go wrong (see p30) N.B. All page references concern the Relationships Years 3 and 4 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)</p><p>SEBD Team - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 3 and 4 Yellow set</p><p>PE Geography Citizenship</p><p>Feelings QCA Unit 8 School Council Issues</p><p>ICT Literacy</p><p>Year 3 or 4 Term 2 Presentations Poetry</p><p>NLS Y3 T3: T7, 15, 21 Relationships Y 4 T3: T4, 6, 9, 14, 15</p><p>Link speaking and listening Art and Design Y3 T3: GD 35, D36 Y4 T3: S44</p><p>See exemplar lesson QCA Unit 3A plan pages 31-32</p><p>Design and Technology Speaking and listening Art and Music History</p><p>QCA Year 3 Unit 3A QCA Unit 9 Year 3 T2 31</p><p>See exemplar lesson Year 4 T2 43 plan pages 33-34</p><p>SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 6 Relationships Green Book Year 5 Class______</p><p>Focussed Class Work (PSHE links Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning with SEAL) activities</p><p>The Assembly: begin Circle games I don’t get it! (see p6) See Silver Booklet Literacy Looking at texts with a focus on embarrassment (see This theme is the second of theme with whole p37). Also, see SEAL exemplar lesson plan on loss (see p38) two focussing specifically on school assembly story Rounds When I make a mistake I Ongoing Whole feelings. It aims to develop (see p4 for key points feel… (see p6) Class activities Speaking and listening Y5 T2 53 and Y6 T2 63 – group children's knowledge, from story) (see p7 – 12 discussion and interaction. Also, role-play / hot seat understanding and skills in of TOB for actual story Focussed Class Learning Emotional embarrassment felt by different characters (see p37) three key social and emotional and variations, and see Opportunities / Core Activities barometer aspects of learning: website for additional Find a visual method Mathematics Data handling – survey things that have . Self awareness assemblies) for your children to embarrassed people and rate them on scale of 1 – 10 (see p37) People around us Finding out about show how much they Whole school focus people who are important to us, giving are feeling (see Science Begin to explore the embarrassment that can go with for noticing and and receiving compliments (see p6) Whole School the body changes children may be experiencing as they move celebrating Resource file) into adolescence (see p37) . Managing feelings achievement (see p 5) Embarrassed Identifying when we are To notice and celebrate embarrassed and what we can do about Calming down History Looking at the embarrassment and humiliation Anne (using usual means – it (see p6) routines Think about Frank endured because of her religion. Also, can we or should certificates / calls home establishing one if we always forgive? (see p37) etc) children and adults Pick me up, don’t put me down you don’t have one Knowing how to make people feel good who are observed: ICT Children create a class book ‘A Martian’s guide to human . Empathy about them selves and recognising put Peaceful Problem feelings using a digital camera and PowerPoint (see p37) Week 1 downs (see p10) Solving Process Changing an unfair Use this whenever PE Explore with the children why we feel self-conscious or situation Don’t judge a book by its cover appropriate as well as embarrassed in any kind of performance in PE, dance or drama. Recognising and challenging when part of planned How can we manage these feelings? How can others help? (see stereotypes (see p11) Skills are taught through Week 2 programme (see p37) exploring particular ‘focus’ Being pleased for whole school feelings, detailed below: someone’s Assessment Teacher to think about resource file) Art & Design & music Listen to and create music that evokes the ‘I can’ statements. Identify how they Foundation: loss, fair / unfair achievements feelings of loss and sadness. Link this to the work of artists such Years 1 and 2: jealousy, loss will know when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 as Munch’s The Scream (see p37) and p2) Years 3 and 4: guilt, loss Week 3 Years 5 and 6: Telling the truth, saying RE Look at the Easter story – betrayal, loss, humiliation and Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the embarrassment, humiliation, sorry and making forgiveness (see p37). Also, look at http://www.refuel.org.uk loss amends vocabulary for their class. Share with website for excellent resource – They call it Easter - linked to others in the key stage as appropriate works of art. (see p4) Week 4 School issues Helping someone Citizenship Y5 Unit 1B, 1D, 2E, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E and Y6 Unit feeling sad or lonely Key resources 2A, 2E, 3E, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4F (see p3). Also, look at the lives and Assembly key points for follow-up work of great leaders like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Follow-up assembly discussion (see p4) and Gandhi, who all changed the world, and who had all suffered SEAL resources End theme with children humiliation and loss in their lives. Class, group or individual presenting their best issues work (see p11 of TOB) N.B. All page references concern the Relationships Years 5 and 6 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 5 and 6 Green set</p><p>PE Mathematics Citizenship</p><p>QCA Unit 30 Data Handling Year 5 QCA Unit 1B & 1D Link to speaking and Unit 2E listening Unit 4A, 4C, 4D & 4E Y5 T3 53 Y5 T3 56 Year 6 Y6 T3 63 QCA Unit 2A & 2E Unit 3E See exemplar lesson plan Unit 4A, 4B, 4C & 4F pages 41-42</p><p>ICT</p><p>Literacy Power point Relationships NLS T1 T2 T7 T8</p><p>Link to speaking and listening Y6 T2 Dr 64 & GD 63 RE</p><p>See exemplar lesson plan pages 38-39 The Easter Story</p><p>Art and Music PE Speaking and listening</p><p>Feelings Feelings Year 5 Y5 T3 53 Y5 T3 56</p><p>Year 6 T2 Dr 64 & DG 63 T3 63</p><p>SEBD Team - Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 6 Relationships Green Book Year 6 Class______</p><p>Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL) activities</p><p>The Assembly: begin Circle Games Swap places or put your thumbs See Silver Booklet Literacy Looking at texts with a focus on embarrassment This theme is the second of theme with whole up if… (see p21) (see p37). Also, see SEAL exemplar lesson plan on loss two focussing specifically on school assembly story Ongoing Whole (see p38) feelings. It aims to develop (see p4 for key points Rounds I know someone who was disappointed Class activities children's knowledge, from story) (see p7 – 12 when …I was disappointed when … I felt better Speaking and listening Y5 T2 53 and Y6 T2 63 – group understanding and skills in of TOB for actual story when …(see p21) Emotional discussion and interaction. Also, role-play / hot seat three key social and emotional and variations, and see barometer embarrassment felt by different characters (see p37) aspects of learning: website for additional Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Core Find a visual . Self awareness assemblies) Activities method for your Mathematics Data handling – survey things that have children to show embarrassed people and rate them on scale of 1 – 10 Whole school focus how much they are (see p37) Our special people Identifying who is important for noticing and feeling (see Whole to us (see p21) celebrating School Resource Science Begin to explore the embarrassment that can go . Managing feelings achievement (see p 5) file) with the body changes children may be experiencing as To notice and celebrate Loss Recognising the feelings of loss when they move into adolescence (see p37) someone dies. Knowing there are different ways (using usual means – Calming down to grieve (see p22) certificates / calls home routines Think History Looking at the embarrassment and humiliation etc) children and adults about establishing Anne Frank endured because of her religion. Also, can Losses Using strategies to manage feelings of who are observed: one if you don’t we or should we always forgive? (see p37) loss (see p24) . Empathy have one Week 1 ICT Children create a class book ‘A Martian’s guide to Helping others Supporting others who are Changing an unfair Peaceful Problem human feelings using a digital camera and PowerPoint feeling loss and knowing when we are hiding situation Solving Process (see p37) feelings of loss (see p24) Use this whenever Skills are taught through Week 2 appropriate as well PE Explore with the children why we feel self-conscious or Breaking friends Knowing how to break friends exploring particular ‘focus’ Being pleased for as when part of embarrassed in any kind of performance in PE, dance or without hurting feelings and knowing when this feelings, detailed below: someone’s planned drama. How can we manage these feelings? How can might be the best thing to do (see p25) Foundation: loss, fair / unfair achievements programme (see others help? (see p37) Years 1 and 2: jealousy, loss whole school Forgiveness Thinking about when to forgive Years 3 and 4: guilt, loss Week 3 resource file) Art & Design & music Listen to and create music that someone and how to do it (see p27) Years 5 and 6: Telling the truth, saying evokes feelings of loss and sadness. Link this to the work embarrassment, humiliation, sorry and making of artists such as Munch’s The Scream (see p37) loss amends Assessment Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. Identify how they will know when a RE Look at the Easter story – betrayal, loss, humiliation child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) Week 4 and forgiveness (see p37). Also, look at School issues Helping someone http://www.refuel.org.uk website for excellent resource – feeling sad or lonely Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the They call it Easter - linked to works of art. vocabulary for their class. Share with others in Follow-up assembly the key stage as appropriate (see p4) Citizenship Y6 Unit 2A, 2E, 3E, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4F (see p3). End theme with children Also look at the lives and work of great leaders like Key resources Class, group or individual presenting their best Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Gandhi, who all issues work (see p11 of TOB) Assembly key points for follow-up discussion changed the world, and who had all suffered humiliation (see p4) and loss in their lives. SEAL resources N.B. All page references concern the Relationships Years 5 and 6 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team - Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 5 and 6 Green set</p><p>PE Mathematics Citizenship</p><p>QCA Unit 30 Data Handling Year 5 QCA Unit 1B & 1D Link to speaking and Unit 2E listening Unit 4A, 4C, 4D & 4E Y5 T3 53 Y5 T3 56 Year 6 Y6 T3 63 QCA Unit 2A & 2E Unit 3E See exemplar lesson plan Unit 4A, 4B, 4C & 4F pages 41-42</p><p>ICT</p><p>Literacy Power point Relationships NLS T1 T2 T7 T8</p><p>Link to speaking and listening Y6 T2 Dr 64 & GD 63 RE</p><p>See exemplar lesson plan pages 38-39 The Easter Story</p><p>Art and Music PE Speaking and listening</p><p>Feelings Feelings Year 5 Y5 T3 53 Y5 T3 56</p><p>Year 6 T2 Dr 64 & DG 63 T3 63</p><p>SEBD Team - Children’s Services </p>
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