<p> Principal Leadership </p><p>The principal and school leadership team have established and are driving a strong, positive learning culture, grounded in evidence from research and practice. Explicit and clear school-wide expectations have been established with families, teachers, and students. Strong procedures are in place to encourage a school-wide, shared responsibility for student management, and to encourage the development of a culture that promotes learning. </p><p>Outstanding High Medium Low</p><p>The principal and school The school has developed an The principal and other school There is no obvious plan for the leadership team are driving an agenda for managing student leaders articulate a shared management of behaviour. explicit, detailed and positive behaviour and school leaders commitment to the School leaders are more approach to managing student can describe the behaviours management of student focussed on the day-to-day behaviour in consultation with they wish to see occurring behaviour but limited attention operational matters of dealing the school community. This across the school. School is given to specifying detail or with problem student agenda is couched in terms of leaders communicate these to developing a school-wide behaviour. high standards and clear expectations in staff meetings, approach. Plans do not appear expectations of student school newsletters, on the to have been clearly School leaders lack behaviour and outcomes. This school website and to the communicated, widely consistency in the agenda is widely school community. implemented or to have implementation of the School communicated, understood and impacted significantly on the Behaviour Plan and there are rigorously actioned. There is a There are some whole-school teachers’ day-to-day work. very few school-wide policies, strong and optimistic systematic processes and procedures or programs. commitment by all staff to the procedures in place for the The school leadership team is School staff members do not school-wide approach to management of student implementing the School feel supported in the managing student behaviour behaviour that ensures a strong Behaviour Plan by ensuring management of issues and the development of a focus on quality learning. that disruptive behaviour is associated with student culture that enhances learning. School staff members feel well dealt with promptly. behaviour. supported through the effective School leaders have developed implementation of the School There is a whole school There is little or no evidence a positive school-wide Behaviour Plan. approach to behaviour that a research based whole approach to managing student management, however, this is school approach exists to the behaviour that is grounded in School leaders are committed not based on research and is management of student research and is evidence- to finding ways of managing yet to be implemented behaviour. Significant based. This approach is built student behaviour, and this is consistently across the whole inconsistencies exist in the around high expectations, core reflected in an eagerness to school. implementation of the whole values and a commitment to learn from research evidence, school approach to student excellence and is international experience and The principal and other school behaviour. systematically implemented from other schools. The whole leaders are supportive of, but across all areas of the school. school approach is consistently not generally involved in the There is little sense of a whole- implemented. day-to-day practice and school coordinated approach to School leaders place a high learning of teachers in relation professional learning in relation priority on the on-going The school has a documented to managing student behaviour. to managing student behaviour. professional learning of all staff professional learning plan that and on the development of a includes arrangements for Although there is an expressed school-wide, self-reflective teachers to develop their commitment to the school-wide culture focused on student knowledge and skills in approach to managing engagement. ensuring student engagement behaviour this is not reflected in and managing student high levels of enthusiasm for Teachers take responsibility for behaviour. personal change on the part of the changes in their practices staff. required to align with school- Most teachers take wide expectations of student responsibility for changes in behaviour management. their practices required to align with the school-wide expectations of student behaviour management.</p><p>Parent and Community Engagement </p><p>The school actively seeks ways to enhance student learning, wellbeing and discipline by partnering with parents and families, other education and training institutions, and where appropriate local businesses and community organisations. Parents and families are recognised as integral members of the school community and partners in their children’s education. Partnerships are strategically established to address identified student needs and by providing access to experiences, support and intellectual and/or physical resources available within and beyond the school. Procedures are in place to ensure effective communications and to monitor and evaluate the intended impacts of the school’s partnerships.</p><p>Outstanding High Medium Low</p><p>The school actively engages The school regularly provides The school engages some There is little or no evidence the full range of parent opportunities for parents to parents and community in that parents and community representatives in developing engage in developing the developing the school’s have been engaged in the school’s approach to school’s approach to behaviour approach to behaviour developing the school’s behaviour management. management. management. approach to behaviour management. Parents and community Parents and community Parents and community are demonstrate strong support of demonstrate support of the generally aware of the school’s There is little or no evidence the school’s behaviour school’s behaviour behaviour expectations, school that parents and community are expectations. They know and expectations. They know and processes for rewarding aware of school behaviour strongly support the school support the school processes positive behaviour, reporting expectations and processes. processes for rewarding for rewarding positive behaviour incidents and There is no obvious plan for positive behaviour, reporting behaviour, reporting behaviour applying disciplinary engaging parents and behaviour incidents and incidents and applying consequences. community in conversations applying disciplinary support disciplinary consequences. about student behaviour. and consequences. In the main, relationships Respectful and caring between staff, students and Interactions between parents, A strong culture of respect and relationships are reflected in parents are caring and staff and students are often not caring relationships exist in the the ways in which staff, respectful in the implementation productive and respectful in the broader school community. students, and parents interact of behaviour processes. implementation of behaviour This is reflected in the shared in the implementation of processes. values and commitment to the behaviour processes. School leaders provide implementation of the opportunities for parents to The school does not provide behaviour processes. School leaders regularly access information in response opportunities for parents to provide opportunities for to behavioural incidents. enhance their skills to support School leaders place a high parents to participate in training their child’s behaviour. priority on developing the skills and/or information on The school has partnerships, of parents by delivering high behavioural support/positive with families, local businesses, There is little or no evidence quality evidence-based training parenting strategies. government agencies and/or that the school has established and information on effective community organisations. partnerships to enhance behaviour strategies. The school has established These partnerships are student engagement. ongoing partnerships with generally established by The school leadership team families, local businesses, individual members of staff and makes deliberate and strategic government agencies and/or have limited whole-school use of partnerships with community organisations with support or engagement to families, local businesses, the express purpose of improve student engagement. government agencies and improving student engagement. community organisations to access other resources to ensure a safe, supportive and disciplined learning environment. These are carefully designed to enhance student engagement. Data Informed Decision-Making</p><p>A high priority is given to school wide analysis and discussion of systematically collected data on student behaviour. Data analyses consider the overall picture of school student behaviour as well as the behaviour of particular cohorts of students and individual students. Data is used to evaluate the success of policies, procedures and programs to plan and enact a continuous improvement process. Data is used to develop and adjust the overall school behaviour management procedures and policies to assist leaders in the creation of a safe, supportive and disciplined learning environment. </p><p>Outstanding High Medium Low</p><p>The principal and other school There is evidence that the There is evidence that school There is very little evidence of leaders clearly articulate their principal and other school leaders pay attention to school leaders’ practical use of belief that reliable data on leaders view reliable and timely behaviour data. student behaviour data. student behaviour and student behaviour data as achievement are crucial to essential to the development of Some staff members gather The school is unable to achieving a safe, supportive a school-wide behaviour plan. and use data to develop their demonstrate how data has and disciplined learning behaviour management been used to analyse and environment as reflected by The school has developed a strategies but there are no discuss student behaviour and school data relevant to the documented school data plan whole of school processes for strategies for improvement and specific school community. which includes data about using data to achieve improved interventions. positive and inappropriate student behaviour. School leaders systematically student behaviour, regularly There has been little use of gather and interrogate entered in OneSchool, using An ad hoc approach exists to data in discussing the attendance, achievement and agreed procedures and using data in reviewing the effectiveness of the school’s behaviour data, including protocols. effectiveness of the school’s behaviour plan. positive and inappropriate behaviour plan and behaviour, to develop The school can illustrate interventions. behaviour plans which meet the through case studies and differentiated needs of cohorts meeting minutes how behaviour School behaviour data is and individual students. data has been used to evaluate presented at meetings for the the effectiveness of the information of staff and parents A systematic process, led by a school’s behaviour plan and but not as a platform to reflect school leader, involving the take appropriate action. on the effectiveness of regular analysis of student approaches to managing behaviour and achievement There are examples of how the student behaviour. data at student and systems data has been used to inform level, is used to evaluate the decision making about implementation and individual, group and school- effectiveness of the school’s wide responses to managing behaviour plan and all student behaviour and interventions to inform decision interventions. making. The data is used to stimulate discussion on the effectiveness of behaviour management strategies. Clear Consistent Expectations for Behaviour (this include consequences)</p><p>The school works to maintain a learning environment that is safe, respectful, tolerant, inclusive and promotes engagement. The school has a coherent plan outlining positive school-wide expectations and appropriate behaviours. These expectations and behaviours are clearly defined, widely communicated, embedded in practice and can be evidenced in the behaviour of students. Strong processes and procedures are in place to ensure a safe, supportive and disciplined learning environment and to encourage the development of a culture of continuous professional learning that includes classroom management practices</p><p>Outstanding High Medium Low</p><p>The school has a small number The school has developed a set Some work has been done on There is limited evidence that of positively stated school-wide of positively stated school-wide defining what the school the school has developed or expectations and appropriate behaviour expectations. behaviour expectations look documented any school-wide behaviours that are clearly like for students, with some behaviour expectations. defined and embedded in The school expectations are evidence of formal practice. These expectations visible throughout the school documentation. There is some The behaviour of many are highly visible throughout the environment and are referred to evidence that the school uses students indicates that the school environment and are regularly in a variety of ways preventative and positive school has inadequately continually communicated in and are evident in the approaches to managing communicated behavioural school documentation, behaviour of most students. student behaviour. expectations. newsletters, meetings, assemblies and are evident in Teaching staff of the school are Although the school has clear Staff members have received the behaviour of the students. engaged in professional expectations for behaviour, little or no training in consistent development, to ensure these are not highly visible approaches to managing All teaching staff members are behaviour processes are throughout the school and are behaviour. regularly engaged in implemented consistently not evident in the behaviour of professional development, across the school. a significant number of Behavioural problems and including at initial induction, to students. disengagement are issues for a ensure behaviour processes The school has developed a significant proportion of are implemented consistently continuum of evidence based An ad-hoc approach exists to students. There is an across the school. strategies to manage student training staff to ensure overreliance on suspensions behaviour and this is consistency of practice. and exclusions. The school has developed a consistently applied by all staff. continuum of proactive, All consequences directly align evidence based interventions to with the legislative respond effectively to requirements and departmental inappropriate student policies and procedures and behaviour, extending from the are applied fairly and least intrusive (corrective consistently. feedback) to the most intrusive (referral to the office) and this continuum is consistently applied by all staff as measured by data regularly reviewed by the school team.</p><p>Explicit Teaching of Appropriate Behaviour to All Students</p><p>The Principal and other school leaders recognise that a safe, supportive and disciplined learning environment is a key to improving student learning throughout the school. They take a strong leadership role in encouraging the use of research-based classroom management practices in all classrooms to ensure that every student is engaged, challenged and learning successfully. All teachers understand and engage in the explicit teaching of desired behaviours.</p><p>Outstanding High Medium Low</p><p>The principal and other school School leaders are committed School leaders are explicit School leaders do not appear leaders have accepted to ensuring a safe, supportive about their desire to see a safe, to have strong views on the personal responsibility for and disciplined learning supportive and disciplined characteristics of a safe, ensuring a safe supportive and environment and expect team learning environment, but are supportive and disciplined disciplined learning leaders and teachers to identify less clear about what this may learning environment. There is environment. They demonstrate ways of doing this. However, look like. They do not appear to little evidence that they are a strong conviction that student the principal and other school be driving a strong teaching driving an agenda to change or engagement is a key to leaders may not themselves and learning agenda across the enhance teaching and learning improved student learning and have clear positions on the school. practices across the school. have clear and well-known kinds of evidence based positions on the kind of behaviour support strategies There is some clarity about how The principal and other school evidenced-based behaviour and interventions they wish to students are expected to leaders spend very little time support strategies and see occurring across the behave but explicit teaching of discussing, teaching or interventions they wish to see school. expected behaviours is modelling behaviour occurring. inconsistent and generally management strategies. Clarity about how students are occurs only in the context of Behaviour management Clarity about how students are expected to behave, concerns about a student’s appears to be viewed solely as expected to behave, high expectations of student behaviour. the responsibility of teachers. expectations of every student’s behaviour, explicit teaching of behaviour, explicit teaching of expected behaviours, Some use is made of School leaders do not place a expected behaviours, individualised behaviour differentiated behaviour high priority on teachers individualised behaviour support and feedback to guide management strategies but in identifying and addressing support and timely feedback to student behaviour are key most cases the same behaviour individual learning needs, and guide student behaviour are elements of the school’s push management strategies are are more focused on enforcing key elements of the school’s for effective behaviour applied to all students. It is a set of common behaviour push for effective behaviour management. recognised throughout the expectations for all students. management. school that some students School leaders explicitly require individualised behaviour The school leadership team encourage teachers to tailor management and plans have actively promotes the use of their behaviour management been developed for those differentiated behaviour strategies to student needs. students. management strategies for Interventions occur in response ensuring that every student to student needs, backgrounds behaves appropriately. School and experiences. leaders have given a very high priority to understanding and addressing the behaviour needs of all students. A range of initiatives are implemented for individuals and groups. Differentiated behaviour management strategies are a feature of every teacher’s practice.</p>
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