
<p>WELCOME to the</p><p>2016 ~ 2017 school year at WHITEHALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL</p><p>“What you believe you can achieve”</p><p>Our goals are to promote a culture of respect and inclusiveness, to improve student achievement through high expectations, to provide a safe environment where all students can meet with success and to be prepared to live and work in a global, multicultural society.</p><p>Whitehall is a School-wide Title 1 school that strives to develop Family-School-Community Partnerships. Parents are a part of the decision making process for the use of Title 1 funds to improve the education of the children in our school. It is very important that parents and staff are equal partners empowered to be advocates for all children. </p><p>1 QUICK REFERENCE</p><p>Whitehall Elementary School</p><p>399 N. Whitehall Road</p><p>Norristown, PA. 19403</p><p>610-630-6000</p><p>610-630-1540 (Fax)</p><p>Grades Kindergarten through Fourth Grade</p><p>School Hours: 9:00 to 3:30 Early Dismissal Time: 12:20</p><p>Principal: Mrs. Maryanne Hoskins Secretary: Mrs. Florence Bilella Attendance: Mrs. Judy Slater Lead Teacher: Ms. Gina Agnew Guidance Counselor: Mrs. Jana Hilton Nurse: Ms. Valerie Davis Transportation: Mr. Carl Foster 610-630-5020 District Administration Office: 610-630-5000</p><p>The Norristown Area School District 401 North Whitehall Road</p><p>Norristown, Pennsylvania 19403</p><p>September 6, 2016</p><p>Dear Parents/ Guardians and Students,</p><p>Welcome to the new school year! The Norristown Area School District is comprised of great students, full of promise and amazing possibilities. Our staff is committed to providing all students with a quality education that will prepare them for future academic success. I ask that all parents and guardians support us in our commitment to students by talking with your children regarding making positive choices and engaging in activities that will contribute to their future success. Please help us remind and encourage students to, “Think before you act!” Throughout the school district, all students in grades kindergarten through twelve will engage in instructional activities related to our six pillars of character: respect, responsibility, citizenship, fairness, caring and trustworthiness. I encourage parents to support this endeavor so these pillars are evident at home and at school.</p><p>The Norristown Area School District has a zero tolerance policy regarding drugs, alcohol, weapons, bullying and other activities and behavior that may be harmful to our students and staff. The Pennsylvania State Code grants our School District the authority to conduct searches of students’ lockers, cars, etc., when there is reasonable suspicion that something may pose a threat to the health, welfare or safety of students in our schools. Searches may include the use of various resources including school staff members, law enforcement authorities and k-9 teams. </p><p>Our ultimate goal is to ensure that our students are educated in a safe and orderly learning environment that promotes success for all students. Thank you for your cooperation and for partnering with us to assure that students in the Norristown Area School District are on paths to excellence.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Janet C. Samuels, Ph.D.</p><p>Superintendent</p><p>3</p><p>OUR SCHOOL DAY</p><p>Our regular school day begins at 9:00 in the morning and ends at 3:30 in the afternoon. Our homeroom period begins at 9:10 with announcements. It is expected that all students will be seated in their classrooms and ready for the day to begin before the daily announcements. Students arriving after the announcements will be considered late. Please be sure to have your child to school by 9:00. Please see additional information on pages 4 and 5.</p><p>PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR CHILD AT SCHOOL BEFORE 8:45 A.M. We cannot provide supervision for children before this time. </p><p>EARLY DISMISSAL : The new schedule for early dismissals is as follows: </p><p>Tuesday September 20, 2016</p><p>Tuesday November 15, 2016</p><p>Tuesday December 6, 2016</p><p>Tuesday March 7, 2017</p><p>Tuesday June 6, 2017 </p><p>On the above dates students are dismissed at 12:20. Please mark these on your calendar.</p><p>SCHOOL CLOSING:</p><p>In the event of school closing due to weather or other emergency, parents are notified by way of a CONNECT ED message. This is an automated message that will be sent to your listed home phone, email, and also as a text message, if you designate this on your child’s emergency card. It is very important that you keep the office up to date on changes in phone numbers so that you are assured of receiving these important messages. </p><p>You will be notified early in the morning through the CONNECT ED system if the school district is closing due to weather, such as snow. Announcements are also made on KYW Radio (1060AM) and on most local television channels. The school district closing number is 304.</p><p>5 In the event school is delayed because of weather the same procedure as above is followed. Your child’s bus pick up time will be two (2) hours later than their normal scheduled time. For example, if your bus pick-up is normally 8:32, with the delayed opening your pick-up time will be 10:32. Please continue to listen when a two hour delay is announced. The decision to close school may occur if conditions deteriorate.</p><p>ATTENDANCE</p><p>GOOD SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!</p><p>Daily attendance is a goal for the Whitehall students. We encourage every student to be in school every day. By law, every school age child must attend school on a regular basis unless illness, emergencies, or other similar circumstances, directly affecting the child, interfere with this policy. </p><p>When Your Child is Absent : State law requires a written parent/guardian note stating the reason for the absence and the date of the absence. This note MUST be received no later than three (3) days after the absence has occurred. If a note is not received in this time period, the absence will be recorded as UNEXCUSED. When three unexcused absences are recorded during the course of the year, you will be contacted in order to complete a School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP). After a child has accrued 10 excused or unexcused absences, a doctor’s note is required for each additional absence. Please be sure to read the Truancy Plan sent home on the first day of school as there are other consequences, including court dates and fines for students with excessive absences.</p><p>When Your Child is Late: A parent or guardian must report to the main office with the student, if arriving after 9:05. If the lateness was due to a doctors’ visit, please obtain a note from the doctor’s office to present to the office. The student will get a late slip from the office to be admitted to the classroom. </p><p>When Your Child Needs to Leave School Prior to Dismissal: If your child must leave school prior to 3:30 P.M., a written note is required. Please send the note with your child that day to be turned in to the teacher. Parent should report to the main office to sign your child out at the time stated in the note. Please note that all persons picking up students must have their ID and it will be run through the Raptor System. The early dismissals are noted on your child’s attendance records. If the parent or guardian who comes to the office for the child is not known to the office personnel or identified in the student records, identification will be required. As the parent, if you have someone else pick up your child, the name of the person must be in the note sent to school. This person will be required to produce identification before the child will be released.</p><p>Vacations: We do not encourage extended vacations during the school year. If you choose to take a family vacation during the school year, a Special Request for Absence for Student form must be obtained from the office, completed and sent to the principal prior to the absence for approval.</p><p>We hope you understand the importance of the attendance laws and will cooperate with us in following the recommended procedures when your child is absent, late, or leaving early.</p><p>EMERGENCY CARDS</p><p>Emergency Cards contain the most important information concerning the care of each child. It is most important that all information on the card be completed. It is also important that this information be updated as changes occur. Please contact the school office immediately with any changes of address, telephone number or the names of others to contact in case of emergency. Please provide your email and SMS on this card. Please be aware that the people you designate as emergency contacts allow us to release your child to them if you cannot be contacted. Please contact the office for a new emergency card when needed.</p><p>ACCESS TO CHILDREN</p><p>Please know the Norristown Area School District will grant equal parent access to school records, unless a court order is provided specifying any special conditions that may exist. However, our district requires that direct access to the child be limited to the custodial parent, unless otherwise officially stipulated. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide the school principal with any court order, should one exist.</p><p>WITHDRAWING FROM SCHOOL</p><p>7 To withdraw your child(ren) from school, the parent/guardian must notify the Central Administration Registrar’s Office (located at 401 N. Whitehall Road) in advance so that a transfer can be prepared for the new school. If you are transferring within the Norristown Area School District, you must provide 3 proofs of your new address. They will then give you a new start date for the new school and will have your child’s records transferred to the new school and there is nothing else you will need to do. IF, you are moving outside of the school district, please notify the Central Administration Registrar’s Office of the date your child will be leaving our school and the name of the new school your child will attend. When you register your child in the new school, they will contact us and we will forward to them all necessary records. Please be sure library and text books are returned to the classroom teacher and that balances with the cafeteria are cleared before withdrawal. </p><p>FOOD SERVICE INFORMATION - NEW</p><p>The Norristown Area School District will be implementing a new option available to schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. This option is call the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).</p><p>Under CEP, all children attending school in the Norristown Area School District will be able to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge. And, families will not need to complete any paperwork or applications to receive these meals. CEP does not cover the cost of extra servings and a la carte (snack) items. However, these will be available for students to purchase.</p><p>All student account records will continue to be maintained in a computerized point of sale system. Students will continue to pass through the serving line just as they have in the past, and they will scan their student ID (in elementary school, student ID cards remain at the school). The system will record the meal, and allow Food Service Staff to see any allergies or dietary preferences.</p><p>If parents wish to put money on their students account for extra servings and a la carte (snack) purposes only, they may do so. Pre-payment will be accepted through the Breakfast or Lunch lines or at www.myschoolbucks.com. The computer system will keep track of all funds deposited into a student’s account. All purchases will be deducted from the balance until it is gone. Parents should have their student’s ID number ready before they visit the website. If parents do not know their student ID, they may call the cafeteria office in their school. </p><p>Menus will continue to be sent home for elementary and middle school students. Menus for all grades can also be found on the District website.</p><p>If you are looking for additional information about the Food Service Department, please check our website at www.nasd.k12.pa.us and go to Departments, Food Service. </p><p>TRANSPORTATION</p><p>Almost all children who attend Whitehall Elementary School are bused. Each year all children who will be transported will receive a bus schedule in the mail before school begins from the District Transportation Department.</p><p>Children are not permitted to ride any bus other than the one to which he/she is assigned. Children are also only permitted to get on and off the bus at their assigned stop. If a child wants to visit a classmate after school, parents/guardians are responsible for transportation. We cannot be responsible for this arrangement due to the safety of our students.</p><p>Any changes made to a student’s transportation arrangement (such as notifying us that you will be picking up your child) MUST be communicated in writing prior to dismissal. No phone calls will be accepted by the office staff for the safety of our students.</p><p>Students attending Whitehall as an exception must provide their own transportation. No district transportation is provided for exceptions.</p><p>Kindergarten students may not exit the bus unless a parent/guardian is at the bus stop. If a parent is not at the bus stop, the student will be brought back to school and it will be the responsibility of the parent to provide transportation for them.</p><p>ACT 65 UNAUTHORIZED SCHOOL BUS ENTRY: </p><p>9 A person who enters a school bus without prior authorization of the driver or a school official with intent to commit a crime or disrupt or interfere with the driver OR a person who enters a school bus without prior authorization of the driver or a school official who refuses to disembark after being ordered to do so by the driver, has committed a misdemeanor of the third degree.</p><p>Daycare/Babysitter Policy: </p><p>The district’s policy is as follows:</p><p>1. Daycare or babysitter must be located within the school boundary. The daycare must be a licensed approved daycare. This list is available from the district transportation office.</p><p>2. Child must attend program 5 days a week. Once your child’s bus assignment has been changed, they are no longer eligible to ride the neighborhood bus. No child can be assigned to two buses without district approval.</p><p>3. Transportation to the daycare/babysitter is not guaranteed. If space is needed on the bus, your child may be bumped to accommodate neighborhood children.</p><p>4. If your child is attending a school on an exception granted by the Superintendent, he/she is not entitled to district transportation to a daycare or to the school.</p><p>All transportation problems concerning bus stops, time schedules, or drivers are handled by the Manager of Transportation. The telephone number is 610-630-5020.</p><p>Pick-Up/Drop-Off Information at Whitehall</p><p>Please do not stop or park in the driveway or in the circle in front of the school. Students must be dropped off/picked up in the parking lot area near the front playground at the far end of the building. When entering the parking lot please park in parking spaces. Other cars will need to move out of the parking lot. Please do not block this lane as a courtesy to other parents. A student’s mode of transportation cannot be changed without written permission from the parent. Phone calls cannot be accepted by the office staff regarding changes for the safety of our students.</p><p>SCHOOL DISTRICT DISCIPLINE AND BUS SAFETY</p><p>During the first week of school, you will receive a separate document with the discipline policy and the bus rules. We ask that you review these policies with your child, sign the form indicating that you have read the policies, and return the signed form to your child’s teacher. This document is also available online.</p><p>ACT 26 POSSESSION OR USE OF WEAPONS IN SCHOOL</p><p>Please be aware that all weapons, firearms, explosive devices, and illegal drugs are strictly forbidden in our schools. If your child is in possession of any of these items, even if innocently brought to school, the building principal is required to recommend a one year expulsion to the Superintendent. The Superintendent will review each incident and make an appropriate recommendation to the School Board.</p><p>The term weapon shall include possession of a weapon, regardless of intent, or an object used as a weapon. The term weapon shall include, but not be limited to, any knife, regardless of the length of the blade, cutting instrument, including box cutter or utility knife, brass or metal knuckles, firearm (loaded or unloaded), shotgun (loaded or unloaded), rifle (loaded or unloaded), BB or pellet gun (loaded or unloaded), look-alike gun, including toy guns, chemical agent, including mace and pepper spray, explosive device, including fireworks, and/or any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury. Fighting, assaults, and other serious infractions are also addressed in the district code of conduct.</p><p>HOME AND SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP</p><p>Communications between parents/guardians and the teaching staff is a vital part of any well- functioning educational system. Students will bring home a WEDNESDAY folder each week. All information, including notes, newsletters, etc., which are sent home with students are important, please read all of the information carefully. When a reply is requested, an immediate response will be appreciated. Please note that other information may be sent home on days other than Wednesday if it is time sensitive. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the office between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM daily.</p><p>If you call to talk with a teacher during instructional time, you will be transferred to the teacher’s voicemail. The teacher will return your call as soon as possible. Please leave your name and a phone number where you can be reached.</p><p>Conferences:</p><p>11 Parent/Teacher Conferences are conducted twice each year, one in November and one in the Spring. If you would like to have a conference at other times during the year please write or call the school and we will be happy to arrange one for you. Unscheduled conferences are difficult to honor since the teacher is engaged in instruction throughout the school day.</p><p>Parents are encouraged to keep informed about all phases of the school program by accepting invitations to visit classrooms and meet with teachers at Open House, parent conferences, American Education Week visitation days, concerts, plays, and other activities throughout the year. </p><p>Visiting the School:</p><p>When visiting the school for any reason during the school day, please enter the office first to sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass. All persons being admitted to the school must have a valid ID which will be put through our Raptor System. To gain entrance to the building please ring the visitor’s bell on the outside wall to the left of the doors, enter the building, sign in, wear a badge while visiting, return the badge to the office, and sign out prior to leaving.</p><p>Please be aware that taking photographs and/or video recording of students or staff on school property is strictly forbidden.</p><p>Messages or belongings for students will be delivered from the office. We are very concerned with the protection and safety of our students. For this reason, school doors are locked at all times. We welcome parent visitation, however, please call the office to set up an appointment with the staff member that you wish to visit. We have a very structured instructional schedule and try to keep interruptions to a minimum, so that all students have optimal class time for learning. The Principal will arrange no more than a 30 minute visit, no more than once a month for you to observe your child’s classroom.</p><p>Parent-Faculty Club (PFC)</p><p>Whitehall Elementary School is most fortunate to have an organization that is actively involved and interested in our school. This parent and staff group meets in the school library. The meetings are announced on-line, in the newsletter and on the Whitehall website calendar. Please try to become involved with the PFC, as your support and involvement is important to the success of your child and our school.</p><p>HEALTH The Norristown Area School District provides a full range of health services for students.</p><p>State law requires a physical examination when a child first enters school, again in sixth grade, and in eleventh grade. Dental examinations are required when a child first enters school, and in grades three and seven. Parents may have these examinations completed during the summer months by family physicians and dentists. You will be notified by the school nurse if a visit by the district doctor is required to complete these examinations.</p><p>Hearing screening tests and threshold hearing tests are given each year to all pupils in kindergarten, and grades 1,2,3,7 and 11.</p><p>Visual screening tests are given annually. Height and weight measurements are checked at least once a year.</p><p>Regular school attendance is expected. However, if the student is ill, he or she should not be permitted to attend school. Please do not send your child to school in the morning if:</p><p> A fever of 100 degrees or more is present</p><p> Vomiting or diarrhea is present</p><p> There is evidence of a severe head cold, persistent cough or severe sore throat</p><p> There is evidence of a suspicious skin rash or other contagious condition</p><p>Students should be free of the symptoms for a period of 24 hours before returning to school. </p><p>STUDENT MEDICATIONS</p><p>NO MEDICATION IS TO BE SENT TO SCHOOL WITH A CHILD. Prescription drugs for preventive reasons such as hyperactivity, seizures, heart condition, or prescription drug for emergency conditions such as asthma, bee sting, or allergy conditions must be transported to school by the parent/guardian. These preventive or emergency medications may be given in school if the following rules are abided by:</p><p>1. Note from a doctor stating name of child, name of medication, how it is to be given, the amount and time, and the diagnosis of illness. If a medication dosage is changed, a note from the doctor stating the change is required. The medication must have the prescription label on the container.</p><p>2. Note from parent giving approval for the medication to be given. A one week supply is adequate.</p><p>13 3. For emergency conditions such as an asthma attack, the school should have all appropriate information and an up-to-date inhaler supplied by the parent.</p><p>In accordance with the district guidelines for drug and alcohol use/abuse, the school reserves the right to check with parents/guardians for confirmation of any student medication needs.</p><p>SCHOOL INSURANCE</p><p>To cover accidents and injuries to children while they are in school, going to and from school, or participating in athletic activities, parents may take advantage of lower-than-usual rates and purchase insurance through the district. Parents/guardians wishing to buy insurance should request a form and complete the information on the envelope, enclose the money, and return it to your child’s teacher. Insurance envelopes are available in the main office at the beginning of the year.</p><p>CHILD ABUSE</p><p>The faculty, staff and administration of the Norristown Area School District shall make a concerted effort to comply to the fullest extent with the Child Protection Services Law, Act 124.</p><p>It is important that we all recognize that child abuse is a serious problem and that, while the Department of Public Welfare is the agency charged with the implementation and administration of the law, school personnel play a crucial role in protecting the students. </p><p>As required by law, parents/guardians need to be aware that the staff of the Norristown Area School District will report suspected cases of child abuse to the appropriate agency.</p><p>STUDENT DRESS CODE</p><p>We do have a Voluntary Uniform Program. The uniform consists of the following:</p><p>NAVY BLUE Pants, Skirts, Jumpers, Sweatpants, Shorts (length to be just above the knee, no short shorts) </p><p>WHITE OR GRAY Polo shirts or Blouses</p><p>NAVY BLUE Sweater or Vest NAVY BLUE Sweatshirt WITHOUT HOOD (Students are permitted to wear sweatshirts with a hood to school as a jacket. It would need to be removed once they arrive at school)</p><p>WHITE or NAVY Socks</p><p>SHOES It is preferred that they wear sneakers which can be of your choice</p><p>Students should wear clothing that is appropriate to school activities, not disruptive of the school program, and consistent with reasonable standards of attire. We enforce the following rules of dress:</p><p> No tank tops, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps (shoulders should be covered)</p><p> No short shorts (shorts when worn should be just above the knee)</p><p> Pants must fit so that they stay up at the waist. (No underwear showing)</p><p> No excessive or unsafe jewelry</p><p> Hats may not be worn inside by students</p><p> Clothing/jewelry/wristbands with obscene or offensive words or pictures are not acceptable. (Students may be sent home or given another shirt to wear over the unacceptable clothing. Other items will be confiscated)</p><p>EXTENDED DAY CARE (ESCC)</p><p>The Extended School-day Children’s Center, Inc. is a private company and is not run by the Norristown Area School District. The program is licensed by the Department of Welfare. Please call the ESCC office at 610-584-5420 for information about tuitions, fees, schedules and program content. Currently, they provide child supervision before and after school hours.</p><p>15 </p>
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