<p> WITHAM FOURTH DISTRICT INTERNAL DRAINAGE BOARD</p><p>MINUTES of the proceedings of the Board at a Meeting held at the Board's Offices, 47 Norfolk Street, Boston on Wednesday 23 September 2015</p><p>------</p><p>Present: J.E. Grant (Chairman)</p><p>Messrs: T. Ashton M Brookes P. Richardson (Vice-Chairman) R Austin C. Crunkhorn A. Saul P. Bedford C. Hardy J. W. Ward B. Bowles R.F. Leggott Mrs C.Rylott C. Brotherton N. Jones</p><p>Apologies for non-attendance were received from:-</p><p>Messrs: H. C. Drake T. W. Roberts Mrs M. Dennis R. Hall-Jones A. Harrison R Williams J. A. Allen</p><p>1. CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS</p><p>1.1 ADA Flood Exhibition at Peterborough Show Ground 11/12 th May 2016 The Chairman confirmed this event would be taking place at Peterborough Showground in May 2016.</p><p>1.2 Tom Roberts The Chairman confirmed that Tom Roberts (not present) was retiring from the Board after 50 years’ service and that there would be a presentation for him at the dinner this evening following the Inspection. He asked the Board to join him in thanking Tom for the excellent service he had given the Board.</p><p>1.3 Open Day at Lade Bank Pumping Station 12 th September 2015 Although the number of visitors this year was lower than in previous years, the Chairman was encouraged that those that did attend were local people and many were enthusiasts. The Engineering Manager confirmed that there had been a problem which had resulted in the open day not being advertised in the brochure. This would be rectified next year.</p><p>1.4 Ratings Officer The Chairman welcomed Sarah Isaacs as the new Ratings Officer and confirmed that she would now be attending meetings to record the minutes as part of the Board’s improved Governance.</p><p>1.5 Committee Membership The Chairman urged new Board Members to indicate if they had a particular interest in applying for any of the current vacancies on the various Committees. The Chairman stressed that he very much wanted people to become involved and bring new ideas to the table. The Chief Executive confirmed that the next Committee Meetings would take place on Wednesday 18 th November 2015 with the exception of the Finance Committee which will take place in January 2016. </p><p>2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST ON ANY GENERAL ITEM A Saul and B Bowles declared an interested in the Wash Banks Project 7 3. MINUTES</p><p>3.1 Board Meeting – 10 th June 2015</p><p>The Minutes of the Meeting of the Board held on 10th June 2015 were submitted and signed by the Chairman. Matters arising:</p><p>3.1.1 Page 2 Reglone - application to the HSE – update The Chairman advised that he and the Chief Executive attended a successful meeting regarding this on 26th August 2015. The Chairman advised that to enable the use of Reglone to be signed off, the HSE would require confirmation of the following 3 points:- </p><p>(a) Evidence that the use of Reglone does actually prevent flooding (b) Why we are the only board applying for a licence to use Reglone (c) Compile a report establishing where we are with the development of an alternative aquatic herbicide</p><p>The Chairman confirmed that Witham Fourth IDB has always used more chemical than other Boards. The HSE did explain that the licensing process for the use of alternative aquatic herbicides was simpler and there was a field trial in place for next year. If we continue, we would still need to justify the use but hopefully more Boards will adopt the use of chemicals. The Chairman confirmed that ADA, other Boards and the Lincolnshire Flood Risk and Drainage Management Partnership will offer support. It is an important step forward provided the costs involved are sensible. Hopefully the Board’s application would be submitted before Christmas but the Chairman felt there was room for optimism moving forwards.</p><p>“C Hardy raised a number of points - would it work once or continuously and whether it would work on reeds?” The Chairman explained how the process works and confirmed that according to studies in the USA this was a safer option. The Engineering Manager said that we did not really know the answer because it was new but he believed that it was only effective on weed and not reeds.</p><p>An in-depth discussion then took place.</p><p>“M Brookes suggested that wider support should be sought and the Chairman concluded that he believed it was the correct way forward. Costs needed to be kept low because the season was now longer and the climate warmer so the weeds continue to grow. The Chairman agreed that wider support should be sought because this was an important part of our armoury.”</p><p>“ N Jones asked whether it simply killed weeds or killed anything else. The Chairman confirmed that it killed and shrunk weeds but that they may grow back. The Chairman agreed it was not perfect but it was helping us stay on top of the problem.”</p><p>“ P Richardson added it was more sustainable than using a machine which was more destructive”</p><p>3.1.2 Page 2 Triennial Election The Chief Executive reminded Members that the deadline date was 30 September 2015 at 12 noon and that he was still awaiting the return of some papers. The Chief Executive was then handed two nomination papers.</p><p>3.1.3 Page 3 Environment Agency De- Maining “R Leggott confirmed that Black Sluice IDB were still in consultation with the EA as they were not in favour of the EA terms. He asked for the support of the Board. The Chairman confirmed we would provide a report which would help support costs involved and suggested R Leggott speak to the Chief Executive. R Leggott advised that the submission would need to be in by this Friday, 25th September”. </p><p>8 3.1.4 Page 5 Pay Award The 1% increase proposed has not been accepted by the Union and they have requested a review of the salary grades/bandings and the Clerks are meeting on 8 th November 2015 to discuss. The Chairman confirmed that the Board were paying the 1% as a minimum and that any changes would then have to be reflected if and when they arose. There have been some “rumblings” that some Boards would move away from the White Book and negotiate their own terms but he believed that the terms which had been in place for a number of years had served the Boards well.</p><p>3.1.5 Page 6 Invasive Species Meeting The Chairman advised that he and The Environment Office had attended this meeting and had mentioned the herbicide issue there </p><p>4 MEETINGS WITH OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS Members reviewed the notes of meetings attended by the Board’s officers and the following matters were noted:</p><p>4.1 Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership Water for Growth The Chief Executive confirmed that he attended a meeting on 22nd September 2015 where there had been some concrete projects put on the table. There was a drive to support the Wash Banks Project which the Chief Executive stated was seen as a confidence issue for investment in the County. The LEP were filling a big gap in funds and the Chief Executive said that he felt very encouraged.</p><p>4.2 Lincolnshire Show 24th and 25 June 2015 The Engineering Manager said that this event had been very successful and that many people had been very impressed with the pumps. It was good to see a number of young children there and he congratulated everyone involved.</p><p>4.3 Water Transfer Meeting 17th July 2015 The Engineering Manager said that this had been a very constructive meeting with the EA which was good for the Board. The Chairman voiced concerned about the reduced budget available and stressed that it was now important to focus and ensure the best use of the reduced funds. A number of points were then discussed and R Leggott advised that he would be attending the AGM on Thursday, 25th September and at the Chairman’s request he said he would ask for support.</p><p>4.4 Lincolnshire Flood Risk and Water Management Partnership 21 July 2015 There was a high number of projects in the programme which outweighed the money available so there would have to be a 10% efficiency saving. The Chief Executive advised that DEFRA were undergoing a spending review which would result in backroom services being consolidated – for example Finance/ HR. It was also likely that one level of senior management would be removed. These were radical changes and the Chief Executive would update as soon as he could.</p><p>4.5 Triton Knoll Statement of Common Ground Meeting 31 July 2015 The Engineering Manager advised that the Formal Planning process commenced on 3rd September 2015. There were 25 deadlines which had to be met by 3rd March 2016 including the preparation of a Statement of Common Ground which had been completed in conjunction with the Black Sluice and Lindsey Marsh Internal Drainage Boards. The Engineering Manager confirmed that there were a number of protected provisions contained with the Consent Order which were the same as those stated in the Land Drainage Act. Once this has been approved we would be able to charge our full costs and not just the £50 Consent fee.</p><p>“M Brookes asked with regard to the Triton Knoll application, whether any consideration had been given to the Viking project?” The Engineering Manager advised that no application had been actually been received from Viking so the Planning Inspectorate were not able to consider it.</p><p>9 5 2015 Elections The Chief Executive confirmed that if we have more nominations than there are seats available, an election would take place on 30th October 2015. This is uncommon. The Chairman urged some of the younger Members to get involved as this is essential for the future of the Board.</p><p>6 CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND FINANCE MANAGERS REPORT The Chief Executive went through his report.</p><p>6.1 Bank Balances The Cash Book balance gave Members a view of the current position which they noted.</p><p>6.2 Money Market Deposits The Chief Executive confirmed he would be setting up a meeting with a Third Party recommended by Peter Bedford to discuss further options for improving returns on cash investments.</p><p>6.3 Payments made by Account Committee The Chief Executive confirmed that the average monthly spend was in the region of £150,000 to £160,000. If this figure was increased it was due to the purchase of plant as could be seen in July 2015. </p><p>6.4 Compensation Payments The Chief Executive confirmed that no compensation payments had been made. He believed that this was because we tried to avoid damaging crops therefore limiting compensation.</p><p>6.5 External Audit Report The Chief Executive advised that the External Auditor’s report had been received and was clean but drew the Board’s attention to the comments made by Grant Thornton regarding Governance & Internal Financial Controls. The Chief Executive confirmed that he had contacted a Partner at Grant Thornton and said he felt the comments were rather harsh. The Partner agreed. The Chief Executive confirmed that an IBDI form showing income and expenditure for the year had been completed and is on the Board’s website.</p><p>6.6 Changes to Staff Team The Chief Executive confirmed that in addition to the appointment of Sarah Isaacs as Rating Officer, an existing staff member had increased their working hours to 3 days per week instead of 1 day to provide additional support to the Engineering Team. This staff member was now recording and allocating plant sheets to accurately reflect how much time is spent dealing with maintenance tasks</p><p>6.7 Ratings Income The Chief Executive referred the Board to the fact that 80% of the outstanding rate accounts have been collected, although this may have been influenced by the fact that this is an Election year. The new Ratings Officer had been in place for 3 months now and upon joining there was a significant backlog of transfers which have now been reviewed and completed. There was £50,000 of rate arrears which is an improvement of which the Internal Auditor is aware.</p><p>6.8 Expenditure to 31st August 2015 The Chief Executive drew the Board’s attention to the figure showing for Weed Control. The figure was understated due to a backlog of plant sheets but this was in the process of being sorted to reflect the correct figure. The Chairman assured the Board that we were on target and hopefully the rate increase could be held at a sensible level. The Chief Executive confirmed that he would provide more detailed financial information to members if requested.</p><p>6.9 Flood Defence Grant in Aid Applications The Chief Executive went through the table showing Flood Defence Grant in Aid (FDGiA) progress to date and in particular the new Wrangle Sea Banks project. The EA are unable to deliver this project cost effectively so Witham Fourth is currently leading the project. The sea banks will be surveyed to establish the exact levels and condition. Hopefully the surveys will take place in 2016 and we need to work with the EA and the land owners so that rebuilding can start in 2017/2018. A 40% saving is envisaged which will set the precedent for similar works along the coast.</p><p>10 Matt Warman MP has visited the site and was concerned that we are using Grade 1 farmland to build the Defences instead of using Salt Marsh. A number of points were raised by Members regarding the use of Borrow pits rather than utilising farm land as was historically the case.</p><p>The Chief Executive also confirmed that with regard to the Hobhole Refurbishment there was approximately £90,000 of grant that had been set aside for an Eel pass. This money had not been used and so we going to ask if the money could be applied to having the steel “stop log” doors installed at a cost of roughly £50,000 and for the cost of re-surfacing the road leading to Hobhole Pumping Station which is badly in need of repair.</p><p>“M Brookes asked why the money had not been used for the eel pass and the Chief Executive confirmed that it was not actually required, just eel screening.”</p><p>“R Austin asked with regard to the Wrangle Sea Banks if it would be possible to ascertain if there would be a reduction in costs if the agricultural land was not used. The Chief Executive confirmed that there would be a cost reduction. He asked if it would be possible to ascertain what that cost would be. The Chairman advised that if we put up any buffers then the project would simply not proceed but he agreed that it would be a good idea to raise the question.”</p><p>7 ENGINEERING MANAGER’S REPORT No 02/15 The Engineering Manager went through his report, highlighting those areas of importance for Board Members:-</p><p>7.1 Weed Control The Engineering Manager confirmed that this was progressing and all busy cutting</p><p>“C Hardy asked if an increase in the number of boats passing through had caused the spread of lilies. The Engineering Manager confirmed that this was likely.”</p><p>7.2 Spraying The Engineering Manager confirmed that there had been mixed results with regard to using chemicals in the Drains – some good and some bad but on the whole the results had been much better than expected. The oxygen levels reported back to the HSE were all good and there were no fish kills.</p><p>7.3 Slip Repairs The Engineering Manager talked through the recent repairs and confirmed that we had a number of very skilled drivers who seemed to be more careful, resulting in less damage to bank tops.</p><p>7.4 Planning Consultation Process and SUDS update “J Ward asked if all the Drainage Boards were following the same guidelines with regard to SUDS? He was concerned that if a SUDS scheme were put in place, within 3 years the builder could simply walk away and who would then be responsible for maintaining them?” The Engineering Manager said that he had recently attended a meeting with Engineers from the other Boards considering adoption of above ground SUDS schemes. This would involve the Drainage Board receiving a payment and they would then adopt and maintain them. The position regarding underground SUDS was still in doubt. LCC would be pleased if the IDBs were to adopt the overground SUDS and apparently Bedford have done this. The Chairman added that we all need to be proactive in ensuring the right system was in place before any SUDS were taken over. The cost and design had to be correct to make sure that it would be something we could maintain.</p><p>“P Bedford advised that Anglian Water will adopt provided the construction/design was correct” The Chairman added that it needed to be right and fit for purpose.</p><p>“R Leggott added that when he was on the Boston Borough Council they used to consult Drainage Boards on such issues.” The Chairman agreed that the Drainage Boards were here to support designs.</p><p>7.5 Rainfall The Engineering Manager advised that the rainfall for August 2015 was 42.8mm, slightly less than average but nothing major to be concerned about.</p><p>11 7.6 Work for Other Organisations The Engineering Manager advised that if the EA would provide us with sufficient notice that we would be able to carry out works on their behalf. He stressed that we needed to work with the EA to ensure work was passed to the Drainage Boards earlier so that we could say yes to undertake the works. This was raised at the meeting he attended with the EA last Friday.</p><p>“J Ward asked if this could be raised with the MP?”</p><p>“C Crunkhorn stated what a good job had been done at Freiston Ings”</p><p>7.7 Health & Safety “M Brookes asked if “near misses” were reported? The Engineering Manager said yes. The Foreman would learn of any incidents which would then be shared at the Engineers’ Meeting. ADA has set up a “near miss” report but nothing had been notified to them. The Engineering Manager confirmed that he was confident that he would be aware of any issue and it was vital that the Foremen shared any information so it could be raised at the Health & Safety Meeting”</p><p>“R Leggott asked The Engineering Manager to raise it at the next Health and Safety Meeting and if there were any concerns it could be raised at the next Committee Meeting” The Engineering Manager confirmed that he would </p><p>“M Brookes said that there was an obligation to report any near misses as it was in the policy”</p><p>7.8 Purchase of Tractor The purchase of the Claas Arion 630 tractor equipped with Herder Cavalier was formally approved by the Board.</p><p>8 ENVIRONMENT OFFICER’S REPORT </p><p>8.1 Biodiversity Updates The Environment Officer advised that there had been a very intense meeting with Viking. National Grid can compulsorily purchase land in an area if they choose. There were three original choices (1) Southern Route District 4; (2) Mid Route – across centre and (3) Northern Route. Their preferred choice was (2) but not along the same route as Triton Knoll even though this would cause minimum disruption. This is because they can choose whichever route they want. </p><p>“B Bowles asked the Chairman if the route was almost the same as Triton Knoll one what could be done?” The Chairman advised that it was not open for consultation yet and the Tender would be due 2016/2017.</p><p>“R Austin said he was concerned that the two applications should be submitted together as the Planning Authority can only consider applications actually in front of them of any one time” The Environment Officer confirmed that both parties have sought independent advice and are proceeding along their own individual paths. The Environment Officer advised that we would try and avoid them crossing our “patch”. The Chairman suggested mentioning this to Matt Warman MP and agreed that a joint application would minimise impact.</p><p>“P Richardson said that he agreed that these should be two totally separate applications which could not be joined although his view meant that he disagreed with the remainder of the Board.”</p><p>9 ANY OTHER BUSINESS •The Chairman reminded Members that Election Nomination Papers need to be received by 30th September at 12 noon. •Colin Brotherton was to be re-instated on the Committees that he had previously attended.</p><p>Chairman</p><p>12</p>
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