<p>Pre-Spill SCAT River segment survey form </p><p>1 GENERAL INFORMATION Area: Location: Segment: Survey Date: Survey Time: Seasonal Water Level: low/mean/bank full/overbank flow Observer Name: Weather/Wind: Participants:</p><p>2 PHYSICAL CHARACTER SUBSTRATE TYPE (from list below) *LB *UB *OB Segment Length: m Bedrock Cliff/Ramp: Man-Made Solid Left – Right Bank (Circle) Bedrock Platform Channel Width (water): m Fine- to Med .-grained Sand Beach Coarse-grained Sand Beach Bank Width: _____ m Mixed Sand, Pebble, Cobble Beach (water line to top of UB) Pebble, Cobble Beach Boulder/Riprap Man-Made Impermeable (wharf: pilings) PO T E N T I AL O I L BE H A V I O R : Mud or Sand Flat natural alongshore movement barrier: yes / no Vegetated Bank man-made alongshore barrier: yes / no Wetlands slough or embayment: yes / no Reed Beds shoals: yes / no * OB = overbank; UB = upper bank; LB = lower bank meander with point bar: yes /no meander with cut banks: yes / no V A L L E Y - C H A N N E L CHARACTER flood-plain valley: yes / no cliff ____flood plain pebble-cobble shoreline/penetration potential: yes / no canyon braided riffle riprap, boulder shoreline/penetration-remobilization potential: yes / no straight ox bow pool marsh-wetland/potential for oiling meadow area: yes / no leveed cascade ____glide other: meander rapids ____point bar</p><p>3 RESOURCE ISSUES: Primary Resource(s) at Risk Response Constraints Environmental</p><p>Cultural</p><p>Human Use/ Economic</p><p>4 OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Surrounding Human Use Activities (if any): Natural / Agricultural / Commercial / Residential / Recreational Potential nearby access: fixed-wing_ ; helo.pad/landing ; boat landing_ ; ATV Access constraints/limitations: Describe the amount of pre-impact debris pickup/relocation work? (light / m o d erate / h e a v y ) No. of bags? (estimate # of bags) remote: yes / no channel bars/shoals/reefs: yes / no/ ? narrow r i v e r b a n k : yes / no staging areas: yes / no deep water: yes / no / ? river bank suitable for machinery: yes / no / ? road access: yes / no / ? strong currents: yes / no backshore cliff: yes / no alongshore access: yes / no / ? wetlands: yes / no scrub or wooded banks: yes / no</p><p>Comments:</p><p>5 OPERATIONAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Note Safety Constraints beyond Normal — or N/A:</p><p>(form revision: August 2012) Page 1 of 2 Pre-Spill SCAT segment survey form (page 2)</p><p>GENERAL INFORMATION Survey Date: Area: Location: Segment: _ 6 RESPONSE GOALS SE G M ENT PR O T ECTI O N O B JE CTIVES : S H O RE L I N E CLEANU P / T REAT M ENT O B J E CT I V ES: Prevent contact with shore or resource(s) at risk Allow natural recovery Minimize contact Restore shore to pre-oiling condition Prevent oil movement to adjacent segment(s) Accelerate natural recovery Contain stranded oil Restore with minimal removal of material Prevent oil transport into inlet, estuary, or Minimize oil remobilization channel Minimize damage to dune, marsh, or peat bog Other: Other: SEG M ENT PRO TECTIO N STRATEG IES: </p><p>Contain/recover oil on water SHO RELINE CLEANUP / TREATM ENT STRATEG IES: Alter direction of movement of oil on water Monitor Prevent oil movement (landward) on flooding Act quickly to remove stranded oil before burial tides Remove bulk oil only Trap/contain and collect oil at the shoreline Minimize waste generation using in-situ treatment methods Prevent remobilization of stranded oil Manual techniques preferred Prevent overwash into the backshore or a lagoon Salt-marsh fringe/meadow treatment strategies Pre-impact shoreline debris removal Man-made backshore riprap treatment techniques Other: Other:</p><p>7 METHODS ------(check all that are appropriate and feasible) ------(mark “?” if possibly useful; mark “X” if not recommended or inappropriate) PO TENTIAL CLEANUP / TREATM ENT O PTIO NS: P O T ENTIAL P R O T ECTI O N O PTI O N S: 1. Natural recovery 11. Mechanical removal _1. Nearshore containment/recovery 2. Flooding 12. Vegetation removal _2. Nearshore redirection (away) 3. Low-pressure, cold wash 13. Passive sorbent _3. Nearshore redirection (towards) 4. Low-pressure, hot/warm wash 14. Tilling/Aeration _4. Exclusion boom 5. High-pressure, cold wash 15. Surf washing/Sediment reworking _5. Shoreline (intertidal) protection boom 6. High-pressure, hot/warm wash 16. Burning _6. Shoreline barrier/berm 7. Steam cleaning 17. Dispersants _7. Contact barrier 8. Sandblasting 18. Shoreline cleaners _8. Channel boom/barrier 9. Manual removal 19. Solidifiers 10. Vacuums 20. Bioremediation/Nutrient enrichment</p><p>8 OPERATIONAL ISSUES SPILL SITE ACCESS: (Enter “No” or “Yes”) To/From: Trucks Heavy Equip. 2X4 P/U Backhoes ATVs > 50 ft. Vessel < 15 ft. Runabouts Staging Area/ Backshore Intertidal Subtidal Water</p><p>HEAVY EQUIPMENT USE FEASIBILITY: (Enter “Good”, “Fair”, “Poor”, or “No” based on ability to operate) Front-end Grader Bulldozer Loader Backhoe Bobcat 4x4 P/U ATVs Access Alongshore Bearing Capacity Beach Slope/Width Maximum Distance to Temporary Storage from Cleanup Site? (metres) 9 COMMENTS</p><p>10 VISUALS SKETCH Attached: yes / no PHOTOS Attached: yes / no VIDEO: yes / no tape # Page 2 of 2</p>
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