The Europe & Eurasia Business Dispatch September 12, 2007

The Europe & Eurasia Business Dispatch September 12, 2007

<p> THE EUROPE & EURASIA BUSINESS DISPATCH The Chamber of Commerce Of the United States of America Published since 1996 September 12, 2007 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Highlights</p><p>U.S. Chamber’s European Office Expands The U.S. Chamber’s European office in Brussels, Belgium is pleased to announce the addition of Ms. Kimberly Skinner as Executive Director. In addition, the office has moved to a new and larger location. The new address is: Rue Froissart, 133, Brussels, 1040, Belgium, Telephone +32-2-218-3297.</p><p>Headquarters 1615 H Street, NW U.S. Chamber to Hold AmCham IPR Workshop Washington, DC 20062 On September 26, the U.S. Chamber is holding a ½ day workshop in Warsaw, Poland to discuss Phone: (1) 202-463-5460 how businesses and AmChams can work together to help fight the growing threat of Fax: (1) 202-463-3114 [email protected] counterfeiting and piracy. The latest EU trends and cooperation with U.S. officials will also be discussed. Gary Litman Vice President U.S. Chamber & BusinessEurope to Hold Regulatory Cooperation Scévole de Cazotte Conference Senior Director for European Affairs On October 2, the U.S. Chamber, in cooperation with BusinessEurope, will hold a conference Michael Considine on regulatory cooperation in Brussels, Belgium. Director, Eurasia and Intellectual Property Affairs U.S. Chamber 4th Annual Anti-Counterfeiting and Piracy Summit Duygu Erdemgil The U.S. Chamber will hold a summit on “The Fight Against Counterfeiting and Piracy: A Associate Director Global Responsibility” on October 2-3. </p><p>Malinda Robinson Administrative Assistant Eurasia Business Platform to Host Kazak Prime Minister Massimov On October 22, the U.S. Chamber’s Eurasia Business Platform will host the Prime Minister of Brussels Office Peter-Hans Keilbach Kazakhstan Karim Massimov together with Commerce Secretary Gutierrez. The event will be Senior Representative for Europe followed by a business roundtable to discuss opportunities for public-private-partnerships in Kazakhstan. Kimberly Skinner Executive Director, Europe Office Eurasia Business Platform to Hold First Annual Regional Conference George Deeley On December 3, the Eurasia Business Platform will hold its first annual conference on “Growth Sr. Director, European Operations [email protected] Imperatives and Regional Responsibilities” in Washington, D.C.</p><p>Berlin Office Peter-Hans Keilbach Senior Representative for Europe [email protected]</p><p>Athens Office Kristal Alley Policy Advisor Europe & Eurasia [email protected]</p><p>Moscow Office Olga Pokrovskaya Russia IPR Coordinator [email protected] The Europe & Eurasia Business Dispatch 2 September 12, 2007 Europe & Eurasia Team: Top Issues </p><p>Advocating U.S. –EU Regulatory Cooperation Divergent, incompatible and outright protectionist regulations impede economic growth in the transatlantic market. For this reason, one of the top priorities for the Europe and Eurasia team is advocating for an ‘Agreement on Regulatory Cooperation,’ or ARC, between the U.S. and EU. After several years of working closely with EU and Member State officials, European business organizations, as well as U.S. authorities, we succeeded in making this a priority agenda item at the U.S.-EU Summit in April 2007. Recognizing the need for further economic integration, a high-level Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC) was launched. The TEC is being chaired by EU Commissioner Verheugen and Alan Hubbard from the U.S. National Economic Council. The TEC will focus on a number of areas including regulatory cooperation, IPR, secure trade, and financial markets. The U.S. Chamber has formed a task force with BusinessEurope to be a key partner to both U.S. and EU officials responsible for the process. The U.S.-EU effort is a cornerstone of the U.S. Chamber’s new Global Regulatory Cooperation Project that was launched in July 2007 to influence regulatory processes in other key markets.</p><p>Fighting the Theft of Intellectual Property IP theft and counterfeiting have increased dramatically over the past decade with a 1,600% increase in counterfeit goods costing over $250 billion a year. Today, almost every innovative product on the market is a target of counterfeiting and piracy, endangering human health and safety and undermining economic development. Much of this attack on legitimate commerce is traced to international organized crime syndicates. The staggering economic costs of counterfeiting and piracy have a deep impact on the economy as a whole as they translate into lost earnings, lost jobs and lost tax revenues. In Europe alone in 2006, of the 75 million counterfeit and pirated articles seized at the borders of the EU, more than 5 million were counterfeit foodstuffs and drinks and some 500,000 were fake pharmaceuticals. In Russia, there is an estimated $1 billion a year loss in tax revenue. What was before a concern is now an epidemic. The U.S. Chamber leads the world’s largest coalition of around 300 businesses, AmChams and associations to strengthen our voice among officials and other decision-makers. We have a two-part strategy focusing on education, and enforcement and detection. We are operating globally with specific programs in China, India, Russia and the Western Hemisphere and we have stepped up our engagement with Europe and Eurasia by organizing a campaign with our 43 affiliated American Chambers of Commerce and by working closely with the EU authorities and European business organizations. </p><p>Preventing Litigation Abuse in the Transatlantic Market Since its founding in 1998, the U.S. Chamber’s affiliated Institute for Legal Reform (ILR) has been successfully fighting America’s litigation explosion. The ILR has succeeded in enacting some common sense reforms to ensure fairness in liability suits, to eliminate frivolous lawsuits and to ensure that damage awards are fair and equitable. While there is still much work to be done in the U.S., the new concern is that several countries in Europe are importing U.S.-type class action practices, particularly under the guise of consumer protection. We are working closely with our ILR counterparts and colleagues in Europe to raise awareness of the potentially ruinous impact on business and economies and to stop this ‘export’ at the border. </p><p>Promoting a Balanced Approach to Security and Trade Facilitation The EU is the United States’ largest trading and investment partner—a relationship amounting to around US$2.3 billion worth of goods, services and investments crossing the Atlantic each day. Our European partners are particularly concerned about the new rules passed by the U.S. Congress in August which require 100% scanning of all overseas cargo. The U.S. Chamber strongly opposes this provision. Not only will it have a crippling affect on trade, but it does so without significantly improving security. The U.S. Chamber has long advocated a need for a balanced approach to homeland security—one that takes in to account legitimate security concerns without closing our borders. We are working closely with European-based business organizations to mitigate the negative impact of this legislation. We are also exploring solutions to the growing security demands in the Transatlantic and Eurasian markets. </p><p>Enhancing Regional Cooperation through the “Eurasia Business Platform”</p><p> 2 The Europe & Eurasia Business Dispatch 3 September 12, 2007 Last September, the U.S. Chamber launched a new initiative to provide the U.S. government and other relevant institutions with a strategic business outlook vís-a- vís the emerging markets of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Turkey. The initiative allows members to create and maintain dialogue, access and strategic interaction with Eurasia’s government and business decision makers. During the past year the initiative has gained momentum and the EBP is now recognized as the ‘go to’ place in Washington, D.C. where U.S. and foreign government officials can meet with companies and discuss challenges and opportunities in this strategic part of the world. We have fully engaged all of our affiliated American Chambers of Commerce in the region and are focusing on a number of regional imperatives such as transport development and trade facilitation; WTO membership for those countries not yet members and WTO implementation for those that already are members; protection of IPR; energy security; and economic diversification.</p><p>American Chambers of Commerce Events & Activities There are 43 American Chambers of Commerce in Europe and Eurasia, which are affiliated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce</p><p>Belgium</p><p> On September 20, AmCham Belgium will host a workshop entitled 'Effective Networking' featuring John Niland of Success 121. This is the first of a series of SME workshops which will allow participants to hear practical tips on how to excel in networking and business events. </p><p> On September 27, AmCham Belgium is organizing a “Corporate Social Responsibility Event” in conjunction with the 'Network for Training Entrepreneurship' (NFTE) and 'Junior Achievement–Young Entrepreneurs' (JAYE). The purpose of the event is to discuss how to encourage talent and entrepreneurship among young people, why entrepreneurship and employee involvement is important for companies, and how this fits in with Corporate Social Responsibility. The event includes case studies by young students/entrepreneurs and participants will be able to visit stands showcasing young people’s new businesses. </p><p> On Wednesday, October 3, AmCham Belgium and the American Club of Brussels are holding a joint “Welcome Gala Dinner” for the new US Ambassador to Belgium, Sam Fox. Members are invited to meet Ambassador Fox at this black tie event. </p><p> On October 23, AmCham Belgium Patron Members are invited to a lunch event on “Corporate Governance/ Compliance.” This event will be held in association with Iron Mountain, Deloitte and Eversheds.</p><p> On November 6, AmCham Belgium Patron Members are invited to lunch with the US Ambassador to Belgium, Sam Fox, for an exclusive preview of the FIA results. </p><p> On November 8, AmCham Belgium will hold its last 'Business After Hours' event of 2007 with Stibbe, a Brussels-based full service law firm. </p><p> On November 22, AmCham Belgium will hold a “CEO Event” on 'Options Based Compensation'. </p><p>Croatia</p><p> On October 1-4, AmCham Croatia will hold a conference on: 'Increasing U.S.-Croatian cooperation in the ICT, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry this four day conference will feature renowned experts from the U.S. And Croatia who will focus on determining opportunities and strategies that will lead to increased collaboration in several key areas that might directly influence educational and scientific </p><p> 3 The Europe & Eurasia Business Dispatch 4 September 12, 2007 exchange, investment and trade between the U.S., and Croatia in the ICT, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry sectors.</p><p> On October 18, AmCham Croatia will hold: a political debate on national economic policies and programs between the leading Croatian parties. </p><p> On October 22, AmCham Croatia will hold an AmCham luncheon with the Croatian president, Mr. Stjepan Mesic.</p><p>Denmark</p><p> On September 20, AmCham Denmark will hold a "meet the party leaders" business breakfast with new alliance founders Naser Khader, Gitte Seeberg, and Anders Samuelsen, who in may established Denmark’s first new political party in the last decade. The leaders of the new alliance will address AmCham members and colleagues on how the party plans to innovate Danish politics share their vision for making Denmark more attractive to foreign investors, and highlight key initiatives in the upcoming legislative year. </p><p> On October 9, AmCham Denmark will announce the winner of the 2007 Entrepreneurship Award at their membership reception. </p><p>Hungary</p><p> On September 19, the American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary (AmCham Hungary), will hold an after-summer cocktail reception.</p><p> On October 12, AmCham Hungary in partnership with AmCham EU, the AmCham in the Slovak republic, Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine will organize the first regional energy forum in the Hungarian House of Parliament.</p><p>Macedonia</p><p> On September 13, the American Chamber of Commerce in Macedonia will be holding an AmCham business forum on, 'Slovenian investors in Macedonia: perspectives and lessons learned'. </p><p> The American Chamber of Commerce in Macedonia announces that its 7th annual will be on September 26. The assembly will include the election of three new members to serve on its board of directors, a review of the chamber's operations and activities, and confirmation of new members. A reception, featuring remarks by U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, Gillian Milovanovic, will immediately follow the business meeting.</p><p> The American Chamber of Commerce in Macedonia in partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Skopje is sponsoring a regional AmCham conference on regional trade, investment, an intellectual property rights to be held on October 5 in Ohrid, Macedonia. </p><p>Netherlands</p><p> On September 13, AmCham Netherlands will host get acquainted cocktail at de Vos & Partners</p><p> On October 2, AmCham Netherlands will host the grand gala ball ‘champs on stage.</p><p> On November 1, AmCham Netherlands will host a seminar in cooperation with Greenberg Traurig.</p><p> On November 22, AmCham Netherlands will host a thanksgiving dinner.</p><p> 4 The Europe & Eurasia Business Dispatch 5 September 12, 2007  On December 18, AmCham Netherlands will host a Christmas cocktail party.</p><p>Norway</p><p> Ambassador Bentsen K. Whitney will host AmCham members at the annual ambassador's reception on September 13th.</p><p>Poland</p><p> On September 13, AmCham Poland’s employee & labor relations committee will organize a workshop on persuasive and effective communication tools presented by Janusz Kamieński, partner in executive conversation Polska. </p><p> AmCham Poland will organize a meeting on best practices in saving energy programs and what Poland can learn from the U.S. Experience on September 19. Our guest speaker will be Mark Ginsberg, Senior Executive of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. </p><p>Slovakia</p><p> On September 14, AmCham Slovakia will host a luncheon of AmCham Board of Directors with Mr. Israel Hernandez, Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion and Director General of the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service, U.S. Department of Commerce.</p><p> On September 15, AmCham Slovakia in cooperation with other foreign Chambers of Commerce in Slovakia (Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Israel, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, USA, The United Kingdom, Canada, and Ireland) will hold a “Sport's Day.” </p><p> On October 30, AmCham Slovakia will hold the 'Regional HR Conference'. The topic of this year's conference is 'hr and the power of the company brand'. The conference gives the attendees an excellent opportunity to learn about new trends in the world of human resources. AmCham human resource conference hosts not only hr professionals from Slovakia, but also professionals from the central and eastern Europe, giving the conference a regional approach.</p><p>Ukraine</p><p> On September 13, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine will hold the Chamber's business management education and training committee meeting. </p><p> On September 20, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine will hold the chamber's travel and tourism committee meeting.</p><p> On September 27, the American ChamberAmChams of Commerce in Europe in Ukraine & Eurasia will hold the chamber's human AmCham ALBANIAresources committeeAmCham meeting. FINLAND AmCham LATVIA AmCham SLOVAK REPUBLIC AmCham ARMENIA AmCham FRANCE AmCham LITHUANIA AmCham SLOVENIA AmCham AUSTRIA AmCham GEORGIA AmCham LUXEMBOURG AmCham SPAIN AmCham AZERBAIJAN AmCham GERMANY AmCham MACEDONIA AmCham SWEDEN AmCham BELGIUM AmCham GREECE AmCham THE NETHERLANDS AmCham SWITZERLAND AmCham BULGARIA AmCham HUNGARY AmCham NORWAY American Business Forum in TURKEY AmCham CROATIA AmCham IRELAND AmCham POLAND TURKEY American Business Association AmCham CYPRUS AmCham ITALY AmCham PORTUGAL AmCham UKRAINE AmCham CZECH REPUBLIC AmCham KAZAKHSTAN AmCham ROMANIA BRITISH American Business, Inc. (UK) 5 AmCham DENMARK AmCham KOSOVO AmCham RUSSIA AmCham UZBEKISTAN AmCham EU AmCham KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AmCham SERBIA and Montenegro http://www.amcham.yu The Europe & Eurasia Business Dispatch 6 September 12, 2007</p><p> 6</p>

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