Section 305 Tech Sub Comm s4

Section 305 Tech Sub Comm s4

<p> SECTION 305 NGEC Executive Board MINUTES JUNE 21, 2016 11:30 EASTERN CONFERENCE CALL</p><p>FACILITATOR Eric Curtit, Chair, S305 NGEC Executive Board Board Members: Eric Curtit, Mario Bergeron, Ray Hessinger, Darrell Smith, Michael Lestingi, Tim Hoeffner, (Tim Hoeffner also as proxy for: John Oimoen, Amanda Martin, ATTENDEES and Arun Rao), Allan Paul for Paul Worley, Brent Thompson for Ron Pate, Michael Jenkins, Brian Beeler II Support Staff: Jon Dees, Shayne Gill, Steve Hewitt, Jeff Gordon, Tammy Krause, Board Members: John Oimoen, Arun Rao, Amanda Martin, Paul Worley, John Rosacker, Bruce Roberts, Ron Pate Support: Jason Biggs, Bryan Hong, Beth ABSENTEES Nachreiner, Lynn Everett, Sal DeAngelo, Dale Engelhardt, Vincent Brotski, Patrick Centolanzi</p><p>DECISIONS MADE</p><p>1. Welcome –Eric Curtit, Chair, S305 NGEC Executive Board:</p><p>Eric Curtit opened today’s meeting and asked Steve Hewitt to call the roll. </p><p>2. Roll Call –Steve Hewitt, Manager, S305 NGEC Support Services:</p><p>Steve Hewitt called the roll and confirmed the presence of a quorum.</p><p>3. Review of Action Items – Steve Hewitt:</p><p>Most of the action items were to be covered under today’s agenda, but a status, as of the start of today’s call, is noted below for the record. </p><p>On the items not covered under the agenda – a status update was provided to the Board and captured in the minutes of today’s call.</p><p>Action Items Status Update</p><p>Mid-West States – Section 6 progress report: Proposals for Fleet Manager have been received and are under review. Lease and operating agreements between the states and Amtrak Mechanical are being finalized.</p><p>Agenda item 7</p><p>514 Subcommittee update: Brian Beeler (Chair) and Jonathan Dees (Vice Chair) are in place in their new roles with the subcommittee. The revised tables for the CIP minor update are being worked through. It is hoped that the final tables for inclusion in the CIP will be completed in the next few weeks with publication of the CIP scheduled for July, 2016.</p><p>Agenda item 10</p><p>Two page educational/outreach document: the two pager is being finalized by the MODOT communications staff and graphic artist, to include the agreed upon revisions Once complete, the final draft will be distributed to the Board members for a last review. Once final, Steve will provide AASHTO with the number of copies to be made and where they should be sent.</p><p>Agenda item 11</p><p>Responding to VIA Rail’s request to use PRIIA Specifications: The Executive Board has (today) approved the DRAFT letter prepared by Steve Hewitt, through the FASC and it will be finalized for Eric Curtit’s signature, and sent on to VIA Rail (Robert Becker). The letter encourages VIA Rail to reference the PRIIA Specifications as it creates a performance spec with a goal of improving interoperability. VIA Rail, through the letter, will be invited to join the Technical subcommittee as industry participants.</p><p>Status: The letter was sent to Bob Becker. A response was received immediately – thanking Eric and Mario for authorizing the use of the PRIIA specs, and for the invite to join the Technical subcommittee. Mr. Becker agreed to provide the NGEC with feedback with regard to the specs and any changes they may make. He also agreed to let us know if VIA Rail will join the Tech SC and, if so, provide us with a contact.</p><p>Agenda item 6</p><p>Timeline: Review of the Bi-Level Car Specification C.4 proposed changes: Larry Salci anticipates completing his review of the DCRs for C.4 by the end of the week, and will reach out to Steve Hewitt when he is ready to have the DRAFT report sent to Review Panel members. A conference call is expected to be arranged for around 6-15-or-6-16.</p><p>Status: Larry Salci informed Steve Hewitt that the timeline will be delayed slightly due to pressing commitments (procurements). Larry will let Steve Hewitt know when the report is ready for Review Panel members to begin their review and provide several dates for a Review Panel call.</p><p>Agenda item 12</p><p>FRA Review Panel(s) membership: Michael Lestingi, FRA, will determine who will represent the FRA on the Review Panels as the current member (Dr. John Tunna) has announced his retirement. </p><p>Status: Michael Lestingi has informed Steve Hewitt that Dr Tunna will serve on the Bi-Level Review Panel for the current review - Revision C.4. Thereafter, there will be a new FRA representative assigned to the Review Panels. When that decision is made (as to who) Michael will let Steve Hewitt know.</p><p>Finance and Administrative subcommittee actions: On the 6-1-16 FASC call action item for the 6-21-16 Executive Board call was agreed to. As this was mistakenly left off today’s agenda Darrell Smith addressed the item as a part of the action items review.</p><p>Darrell Smith reported that the FASC is beginning to look at developing a budget and SOW for a three year grant agreement extension and, in so doing, requests that the NGEC standing subcommittees (Technical, FASC, and 514) begin a review of their current budgets and work plans to determine the status and let the FASC (Steve Hewitt and Darrell Smith) know of any variations that they are aware of going forward through 9-30-17. </p><p>Also, the subcommittees are asked to prepare anticipated budget needs and work plans in for the time frame of 10-1-17 through 9-30-2020 as Darrell and the FASC members develop the SOW and budget for a no-cost grant agreement extension to run through 9-30-2020.</p><p>4. Approval of the Minutes from the 6-7-16 conference call meeting – Eric Curtit:</p><p>On a motion made by Tim Gilchrist, Michigan DOT, and seconded by Brian Beeler II, NNEPRA/Maine DOT, the minutes from the 6-7-16 conference call meeting were approved without exception.</p><p>5. Progress Report: Technical subcommittee – Mario Bergeron:</p><p> a. Organizing the Review/Update of PRIIA Specifications (single level cars, trainsets, DMUs)</p><p>Technical subcommittee chair Mario Bergeron reported that the subcommittee is organizing its Technical working groups (listed below – along with the names of the team leaders) to begin updating the PRIIA Single Level specifications (cars, trainsets and DMUS) to bring them in line with applicable revisions made to the Bi- Level Car specification (now undergoing Revision C.4) and to include any additional changes that are deemed appropriate.</p><p>The work will begin once the Bi-Level Car Revision C.4 is completed and adopted. </p><p>This effort will also enable the subcommittee to reaffirm its working group leaders and membership, and an effort is being made by Steve Hewitt and Tammy Krause to invite additional industry members to become involved in the working groups.</p><p>Additionally, this effort will include looking into getting feedback on the single level car procurement underway in Sacramento by Siemens using the PRIIA Single Level car specification (All Aboard Florida). Mario also announced the appointment of Rich Stegner (a member of the industry participants of the subcommittee) as the leader of the Locomotive Working Group. Rich replaces the former team leader Jack Madden, who has retired from NYSDOT, but intends to remain involved as a member of the subcommittee and the Locomotive Working Group.</p><p>Mario also noted that, during the last subcommittee call – 6-16-16 – a landmark milestone was reached with the first two Locomotive pilots (from the Diesel-electric locomotive multi-state procurement) being moved from the Siemens plant in Sacramento, CA to Pueblo for testing.</p><p>Technical working groups:</p><p>Mechanical – Jeff Gordon, FRA Interiors – Andrew Wood, Amtrak Structural – Anand Prabhakaran, Sharma and Associates Electrical – Tammy Krause, Amtrak VTI – Brian Marquis, Volpe Locomotive - Rich Stegner, SNC Lavalin</p><p>6. VIA Rail Response/Follow-ups – Eric Curtit:</p><p>Since the initial feedback following the letter to VIA Rail, no word has come forth in response to the invitation extended to VIA Rail to join the Technical subcommittee as industry participants. It was agreed, today, that Steve Hewitt will follow up on this, after the Bi-Level Car Revision C.4 has been adopted and the working groups begin their review/update of other PRIIA specifications. This would be a good opportunity to get VIA Rail involved.</p><p>7. Progress Report: Mid-West States – Tim Hoeffner, Michigan DOT:</p><p>Tim Hoeffner provided the following update:</p><p>The Mid-West states have executed an agreement for sharing equipment.</p><p>Review of responses to the RFP for Fleet Manager continue.</p><p>The states continue to negotiate with Amtrak on the maintenance agreement.</p><p>8. Status Update: Diesel-Electric Locomotive Procurement – Tim Hoeffner, Michigan DOT for John Oimoen, IDOT:</p><p>Tim Hoeffner presented the following detailed update, from IDOT, for inclusion in today’s minutes:</p><p>· JPEs received Siemens’ revised schedule and conduct weekly conference calls. Although some delay for the first 11 locomotives and a 6-day delay for the balance of the production, the overall schedule for delivery of the last locomotive is still within the ARRA funding window. · All of the supplier’s factory FAIs are complete. The remaining FAIs were conducted June 7-9 at Siemens’ factory. The FAI for the first complete locomotive is complete with follow-up action items. The FRA sample car inspection was also conducted, with a few labeling items for correction and one step rung to adjust. · The first two pilot locomotives have been shipped to TTCI (6-16-16) by Amtrak. · The next QA meeting will be resumed in July. · The Tier-4 Certificate has been received by Siemens/Cummins for the diesel engine. Load testing for the engine continues this week at Siemens factory. · IDOT has added a third in-plant QA inspector to cover inspections for our option locomotives. · All fifteen (15 ea) DCRs have been sent to Tammy Krause, for processing by NGEC. · The test plan for 125 mph testing on the North East Corridor was submitted to FRA by (Maryland MARC Train Service) MARC. (approved by FRA 6-16-16) · Each JPE are working out details for pre-revenue test plans. · Follow up Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) continue working on an on-going basis for the action items from the AAR Standard vehicle qualification testing and acceptance. AAR’s David Cackovic is the facilitator. · The Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) planning team last met June 13th. · The locomotive weight was reported in May 2016, at 271,500 lbs (+/-). Based on actual component weights, the locomotive weight has varied little in the last six months. The calculated P2 force is within specified limits. We are advised that the first scale-weight for a completed locomotive is trending less than the calculated weight. We will likely have the actual weight in the next few weeks, however things still look good. 9. Status Update: Bi-Level Car Procurement – Bruce Roberts:</p><p>Bruce Roberts was unavailable for today’s call – no update was provided during the call, (Tim Hoeffner commented that the Caltrans and IDOT representatives were not available today as they are attending a meeting with the FRA for testing and commissioning).</p><p>After the call today, the following report was submitted by Momoko Tamaoki, Caltrans:</p><p>• FAIs –The next upcoming FAI is the follow up FAI for Truck Assembly on July 12. We reviewed truck drawings and they have been approved. </p><p>• Carshell –The Carshell update meeting was held on June 6 via web conference. The following points are the highlights of what happened during the conference:</p><p>Ø A number of action items have been closed. Ø Design of the fuse and energy absorber are due to be complete within the next week or so. Ø Weight reductions are being identified as part of the rework. Ø Further mockup samples will be produced.</p><p>• Testing –Seat Burn Test is scheduled for June 22, this Wednesday, and the seat dynamic test is scheduled for June 27, next Monday. Side Door Endurance Test is still going well with no issues. Cycling Count is now at 316,862. </p><p>• Misc. – Program Management Plan Audit is scheduled for July 13, and QA and Manufacturing Readiness Meetings are scheduled for July 14 in Rochelle, IL. </p><p>10. Status Update – 514 Subcommittee – Brian Beeler II, NNEPRA for Maine DOT:</p><p>Brian Beeler, NNEPRA – Maine DOT, provided a brief update on the subcommittee’s activities:</p><p>Good progress has been made.</p><p>Darrell Smith provided updated forecasts for FY17 and the outlying years (5 years).</p><p>The states are now in the process of reviewing the numbers and seeing how they match up with states anticipated numbers. Feedback is due to Amtrak no later than July 6th. This should keep the first full DRAFT CIP on schedule for July 15th.</p><p>11. Status: two page educational/outreach document – Steve Hewitt:</p><p>Eric Curtit reported that MO DOT communications is “swamped” and hasn’t completed the edits to the two pager. It will be done soon and then on to Steve Hewitt soon for distribution to Board members for a last review.</p><p>12. Bi-Level Revision C.4 – status of review/ timeline – Steve Hewitt for Larry Salci:</p><p>Steve Hewitt reported that Larry Salci had hoped to have completed his review and the report for Review Panel consideration by last week, however, his workload on other assignments, such as the multi-state procurements, has delayed this action. As soon as he has completed the report he will send it to Steve Hewitt for distribution to the Review Panel members. Subsequently, Steve will schedule a conference call with the Panel to discuss and consider approval of the Report.</p><p>13. Next Meeting – July 5th is CANCELED – the next one will take place as scheduled on 7-19-16:</p><p>Steve Hewitt will send a cancellation notice to all member calendars for 7-5-16.</p><p>14. Other Issues – All: Mario Bergeron reported on “another milestone” event. A special train left DC for Philadelphia stopping in Wilmington where 456 passenger got off the train and visited the facilities to view special equipment and participate in a farewell to the AM7 Locomotive – the last of which has been removed from service. These locomotives were initially placed into service 36 years ago. </p><p>15. Adjourn:</p><p>With no other business forthcoming today, Chairman Curtit adjourned the call at 11:53AM Eastern.</p><p>The next conference call is July 19, 2016</p><p>Decisions/Action Items </p><p>Mid-West States – Section 6 progress report: Proposals for Fleet Manager are under review. Lease and operating agreements between the states and Amtrak Mechanical are being finalized. The states have executed an agreement to share equipment.</p><p>514 Subcommittee update: Updated forecasts for FY17 and the outlying years (5 years) have been presented by Amtrak and are under review by the states. Feedback is due to Amtrak by July 6 th with publication of the first full DRAFT of the CIP still scheduled for July 15, 2016.</p><p>Two page educational/outreach document: the two pager is being finalized by the MODOT communications staff and graphic artist, to include the agreed upon revisions. Once complete, the final draft will be distributed to the Board members for a last review. Once final, Steve will provide AASHTO with the number of copies to be made and where they should be sent.</p><p>Responding to VIA Rail’s request to use PRIIA Specifications: The Executive Board has (today) approved the DRAFT letter prepared by Steve Hewitt, through the FASC and it will be finalized for Eric Curtit’s signature, and sent on to VIA Rail (Robert Becker). The letter encourages VIA Rail to reference the PRIIA Specifications as it creates a performance spec with a goal of improving interoperability. VIA Rail, through the letter, will be invited to join the Technical subcommittee as industry participants.</p><p>Once the Bi-Level Car Revision C.4 has been adopted and the Technical subcommittee working groups begin their updates to the Single Level specifications – Steve Hewitt will follow up with VIA Rail on the invitation to join the NGEC industry participants group.</p><p>Timeline: Review of the Bi-Level Car Specification C.4 proposed changes: Larry Salci had hoped to have completed his review and the report for Review Panel consideration by last week, however, his workload on other assignments, such as the multi-state procurements, has delayed this action. As soon as he has completed the report he will send it to Steve Hewitt for distribution to the Review Panel members. Subsequently, Steve will schedule a conference call with the Panel to discuss and consider approval of the Report.</p><p>ATTACHMENTS</p><p>S305 NGEC Executive Board Conference Call June 21, 2016 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern Call in number: 888 585-9008 conference access: 559-120-127</p><p>Agenda 1. Welcome and Open the Meeting Eric Curtit </p><p>2. Roll Call Steve Hewitt</p><p>3. Action Items Status Review Steve Hewitt</p><p>4. Approval of Minutes from 6-7-16 conference call Eric Curtit</p><p>5. Progress Report: Technical subcommittee Mario Bergeron</p><p> a. Organizing the Review/update of PRIIA Specifications (Single level cars, trainsets, DMUs)</p><p>6. VIA Rail Response/follow ups Eric Curtit</p><p>7. Progress Report: Mid-West States – Section 6 Tim Hoeffner</p><p>8. Status Update: Diesel-Electric Locomotive Procurement Tim Hoeffner</p><p>9. Status Update: Bi-Level Car Procurement Bruce Roberts</p><p>10. Status Update: 514 Subcommittee Brian Beeler II</p><p>11. Status: two page educational/outreach document Eric Curtit</p><p>12. Bi-Level Revision C.4 – status of review/ timeline Larry Salci</p><p>13. Next meeting – July 5th call is postponed – next call July 19th</p><p>14. Other All</p><p>Next Meeting – July 19, 2016 – 11:30AM Eastern </p>

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