Department of Human Services s5

Department of Human Services s5

<p> Department of Health</p><p>Mental Health, Drugs and Regions Division </p><p>INVITED CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS</p><p>ENHANCE COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support services – Capital Grants</p><p>Submission Due Date: 4PM, Friday 17 May 2013</p><p>Lodgement Details: C/O Duncan Smart Mental Health, Drugs and Regions Division Department of Health GPO Box 4541 Melbourne VIC 3001</p><p>OR </p><p> [email protected]</p><p>Contact: Giuseppe Scollo Mental Health, Drugs and Regions Division Tel: [03] 9096 5606 Email: [email protected] </p><p>Duncan Smart Mental Health, Drugs and Regions Division Tel: [03] 9096 8349 Email: [email protected] Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>PART A: BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW 2</p><p>1. BACKGROUND 2 2. INITIATIVE OBJECTIVE, GUIDELINES AND SCOPE 2 3. FUNDING AND COSTS 3 4. INSURANCE 4 5. PROJECT ACCOUNTABILITY AND REPORTING 4</p><p>PART B: EVALUATION AND CONDITIONS 5</p><p>6. EVALUATION OF SUBMISSIONS 5 6.1 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 5 6.2 EVALUATION PROCESS 6 6.3 SCORING 6 6.4 WEIGHTING 6 7. GENERAL CONDITIONS 7 7.1 SUBMISSION 7 7.2 STATEMENT OF DEPARTURES 7 7.3 LODGEMENT OF SUBMISSIONS 7 7.4 REQUEST FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 8 7.5 RESERVATIONS 8 7.6 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 8 7.7 CONFIDENTIALITY 8 7.8 DISCLOSURE 9</p><p>PART C: SUBMISSION 10</p><p>-i Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>PART A: BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW</p><p>This document has been produced to assist prospective service providers in the preparation and lodgement of submissions for the Enhance Community Mental Health initiative capital funding.</p><p>The closing date for submissions is 17 May 2013</p><p>1. BACKGROUND</p><p>The Department of Health (DH) is responsible for a wide range of services to diverse client groups across Victoria. </p><p>The objective of the Department of Health (DH) is to enhance and protect the health and wellbeing of all Victorians. We work with the community to provide better access to health, aged care and mental health and drug services. We do this through managing the public hospital system, developing health infrastructure in rural and metropolitan Victoria, pursuing opportunities for partnership with the primary care sector and other governments, public health interventions, and implementing major health initiatives, such as the Victorian Cancer Action Plan. We also encourage Victorians to improve their health through preventative health initiatives and education programs.</p><p>Mental Health, Drugs and Regions Division </p><p>The Mental Health, Drugs and Regions Division is responsible for mental health and drugs policy, planning, strategy and programs that deliver prevention, early intervention, treatment and support to Victorians experiencing mental health or substance misuse issues, and their carers or other family members. The division is also responsible for regional coordination and operational support.</p><p>The work of the division includes a range of statutory responsibilities including regulation and monitoring, the development of policy and quality standards, workforce development, and the delivery and monitoring of specialist mental health and alcohol and other drug services. Programs are delivered in partnership with health service providers, non-government organisations, and other public sector agencies.</p><p>2. INITIATIVE OBJECTIVE, GUIDELINES AND SCOPE</p><p>Community based non bed based clinical mental health services and Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support services make up an integral part of Victoria’s public mental health system. The State Government is committed to enhancing the capabilities of these service providers to support optimum outcomes for service consumers. In order to assist service providers to strengthen and extend service capabilities, additional capital funding has been made available.</p><p>2 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>To assist with submissions development, three separate guideline documents are being provided to organisations invited to lodge submissions under the Enhance Community Mental Health initiative:</p><p>1. Enhance Community Mental Health: Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support services Capital Grants (this document)– for funded Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support services specifically for capital projects funding proposals 2. Enhance Community Mental Health: Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support services Capital Planning Grants – in relation to capital planning funding available only to funded Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support services providers 3. Enhance Community Mental Health: Clinical Community Health Services – specifically for health services funded to operate community based non residential mental health services. </p><p>The primary purpose of this funding is to enhance current service quality, capabilities and capacity by investing in capital modifications to Victorian community based mental health services facilities. </p><p>Consistent with sector reform directions, capital investment priorities for Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support services have been identified as:</p><p> capital improvements in youth residential rehabilitation facilities to ensure appropriate conditions for consumers are met and/or to promote innovative practice  capital investments that support the enhancement of existing community based service delivery quality and/or drive service delivery innovation, including integration with Alcohol and Other Drug services and other human services and capital investments that improve facilities to create or enhance child friendly, family centric, carer and gender sensitive environments  capital improvements that enhance conditions in supported accommodation services to ensure an appropriate standard of accommodation, in properties owned by the Victorian State Government  capital projects that result in facility safety improvements, with a focus on properties owned by the Victorian State Government or by services.</p><p>To support Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support services undertake quality capital planning, a limited number of Capital Planning Grants are being offered in this funding round. These grants are not the subject of this document, but rather of a separate guidelines document available to services. </p><p>3. FUNDING AND COSTS</p><p>Starting from 2012-13, a total of $7.5 million over three years is available through the Enhance Community Mental Health initiative. In this funding round, $3 million is available under this initiative. Submissions for funding requests up to $500,000 can be made. </p><p>The final funding may be negotiated with the successful service provider(s).</p><p>Funding is not intended for:</p><p> Operations, service planning or policy development  General property fabric maintenance works  Investment in capital works not impacting on the priorities discussed above as the</p><p>3 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p> primary outcome. 4. INSURANCE</p><p>In accordance with the standard service agreement terms and conditions, all service providers are required to indemnify the department against a claim by any person for loss of or damage to property, death or personal injury or other financial loss, caused by the negligence of, or breach of, statutory duty by the service provider.</p><p>A significant majority of service providers that enter into a departmental service agreement are covered under the Community Service Organisations Insurance arranged and funded by the department insurance programs. The insurer is the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA). Details of the insurance cover provided, including the respective insurance manuals, can be accessed via the Funded Agency Channel (</p><p>Service providers that are not eligible for cover under departmental insurance programs are required to arrange appropriate insurance.</p><p>5. PROJECT ACCOUNTABILITY AND REPORTING</p><p>Service providers are accountable for the use of the funding for the delivery of the capital initiatives outlined in submissions made to the Department of Health. As part of this accountability, service providers are required to comply with funding expenditure and project implementation progress reporting requirements.</p><p>The Department of Health will undertake to allocate funding in a timely manner, following the completion of submissions assessment. The Department of Health will undertake to address any issues requiring clarification or discussion at the earliest opportunity in order to reach resolution.</p><p>4 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>PART B: EVALUATION AND CONDITIONS</p><p>6. EVALUATION OF SUBMISSIONS</p><p>Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria will be used to evaluate all submissions and determine the successful projects. Submissions need to address all the elements within the Criteria. </p><p>6.1 Eligibility Criteria</p><p>Service Providers must fully address the Eligibility Criteria as specified in the Submission template at Part C.</p><p>Criterion One: Project Impact The service provider demonstrates (a) an understanding of the initiative objective and (b) how the capital project proposed will positively impact on:</p><p> youth residential rehabilitation facilities to ensure appropriate conditions for consumers are met and/or to promote innovative practice  youth residential services to create or enhance child friendly, family centric, carer and gender sensitive environments  service delivery quality and/or drive service delivery innovation consistent with sector reform directions, including integration with Alcohol and Other Drug services and other human services  conditions in supported accommodation to ensure an appropriate standard of accommodation, in properties owned by services or leased to services by the Department of Health  facility safety, with a focus on properties owned by the State Government or by services.</p><p>Responses should include a statement but are not limited to:</p><p> specifying the facility at which modification works are proposed and the services provided from this location  detailing the project proposed, including the capital works planned in the context of existing fabric conditions  articulating how the proposed capital modifications will make a positive impact.</p><p>Services are encouraged to include schematic plans, photographs and other documentation that assists to illustrate the proposed capital improvement anticipated. This criterion is weighted critical.</p><p>Criterion Two: Budget and Implementation Plan The service provider demonstrates that the initiative can be delivered within the budget proposed and inside a period of 18 months after receiving funding. Applicants are required to submit an itemised costs budget for the project proposed. The GST component is to be clearly identified. </p><p>5 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>Independent quantity survey reports are preferred for capital works costing more than $30,000. If the total project cost exceeds the amount requested, confirmation is required that the service is committing additional required funds to complete the project.</p><p>An implementation plan, that outlines the staging of the project against a time schedule, is also a requirement. This criterion is weighted highly important.</p><p>Criterion Three: Consultation The service provider demonstrates that local consumer and carer representatives have been consulted in regards to the project. This criterion is weighted highly important.</p><p>6.2 Evaluation Process</p><p>Submissions will be evaluated against the indicated criteria. An initial evaluation may be used to shortlist submissions. Following short-listing, one or more service providers may be approached to meet with the evaluation panel or individuals from the evaluation panel to provide clarification or further information. All service providers will be advised in writing of the final outcome of the submission process.</p><p>6.3 Scoring</p><p>Submissions will be initially scored against the following scale: Evaluation Score</p><p>Exceeds all aspects of the selection/evaluation criterion 10 Exceeds some aspects of selection/evaluation criterion (and 6-9 meets all other aspects of the selection/evaluation criterion) Meets the selection criterion 5 Fails some aspects of the selection criterion 1-4 Fails all aspects of the selection criterion 0</p><p>6.4 Weighting </p><p>The evaluation criteria have been weighted to reflect their relative importance. The weighting scale is: Importance of criterion Weighting Critical 4 Highly important 3 Important 2</p><p>Criterion Category Importance One Project Impact Critical Two Budget and Implementation Plan Highly Important</p><p>6 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>Three Consultation Highly Important</p><p>7. GENERAL CONDITIONS</p><p>7.1 Submission</p><p>A submission template is included at Part C of this document. Service providers are required to use this template when preparing submissions. If a service provider is seeking funding for multiple projects, each project should be separately documented on as an individual submission, using the template provided at Part C. 7.2 Statement of Departures</p><p>Service providers must state in submissions that they have not proposed any changes or departures from this document. By making a submission in response to this document, service providers are deemed to have accepted these conditions. 7.3 Lodgement of Submissions</p><p>The submission must be enclosed in a sealed envelope and clearly addressed as follows or emailed to the following email address:</p><p>CONFIDENTIAL Submission: Enhance Community Mental Health Round One</p><p>C/O Duncan Smart Mental Health, Drugs and Regions Division Department of Health GPO Box 4541 Melbourne VIC 3001</p><p>Or</p><p>CONFIDENTIAL Subject line: Enhance Community Mental Health 2012-13</p><p> [email protected]</p><p>Closing Date: Friday 17 May 2013</p><p> and must arrive at the above address by 4pm.</p><p>Late submissions may be accepted if the department considers that genuine and reasonable extenuating circumstances exist. Services should contact the department before the specified closing time in order for such circumstances to be considered. Incomplete submissions may be accepted at the department’s discretion. Submissions forwarded through Australia Post should be posted (addressed as above) to ensure receipt no later than the closing time (registered post is recommended).</p><p>Submissions must be signed and dated by an authorised officer of the service provider.</p><p>7 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>All submissions must be in English.</p><p>7.4 Request for Further Information</p><p>Clarification of Specification</p><p>Services may contact Giuseppe Scollo on Ph: 9096 5606 or via email: [email protected] or Duncan Smart on Ph: 9096 8199 or via email: [email protected] to clarify matters relating to the submission process, or to clarify aspects of the specification. Verbal explanations or instructions given to service providers prior to the acceptance of any submission shall not bind the department. </p><p>Additional Information Required by DH</p><p>Should information additional to that contained in a submission be required while submissions are being considered by the department, written information and/or interviews may be requested at no cost to the department.</p><p>The name and telephone number of an officer or employee of the service provider capable of clarifying aspects of the submission must be provided.</p><p>7.5 Reservations</p><p>Withdrawal from Process</p><p>The department may withdraw from the submissions process described in this document for any reason. </p><p>Negotiation</p><p>The department may elect to negotiate with short-listed service providers after the nominated closing date for submissions.</p><p>7.6 Conflicts of Interest</p><p>Service providers must declare to the department any matter or issue which is or may be perceived to be or may lead to a conflict of interest regarding their submissions. Where applicable, service providers must also describe a strategy designed to avoid any conflict of interest.</p><p>7.7 Confidentiality</p><p>Ownership of Submissions</p><p>All submissions and any accompanying documents become the property of the department.</p><p>8 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>Ownership of Information</p><p>Ownership of all information, reports or data provided by the department to service providers resides in the State of Victoria. The service provider shall not, without written approval of the Secretary of the department, use the information or reports other than in the development of the submission or the performance of the assignment. This information, in whatever form provided by the department or converted by the service provider, must be destroyed in a secure fashion following advice of the outcome of the submission process or at completion of the assignment.</p><p>7.8 Disclosure</p><p>Presumption to Full Disclosure</p><p>The Victorian Government has a strong presumption in favour of disclosing agreements and, in determining whether any clauses should be confidential, specific Freedom of Information (FOI) principles (including a public interest test) will apply. The Government cannot pre-empt the workings of the FOI Act or constrain the Auditor General's powers to secure and publish documents as appropriate.</p><p>Disclosure of Submission and Agreement Details</p><p>Subject to this clause and the Conditions of Agreement, all documents provided by the service provider will be held in confidence so far as the law permits. Notwithstanding any copyright or other intellectual property right that may subsist in any documents, by making a submission the service provider licenses the department to reproduce the whole or any portion of the submission documents for the purposes of evaluation.</p><p>In making its submission, the service provider accepts the department may publish (on the internet or otherwise) the name of the successful or recommended service provider(s) and the value of the successful agreement(s), together with the provisions of the agreement generally.</p><p>Non-Disclosure of Agreement Provisions</p><p>Non-disclosure of agreement provisions must be justified under the principles for exemption within Section 34(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, providing that information acquired by an agency or a Minister from a business, commercial or financial undertaking is exempt under the Act if the information relates to trade secrets or other matters of a business, commercial or financial nature and the disclosure would be likely to expose the undertaking unreasonably to disadvantage. The department will consider these arguments in the evaluation and negotiations with service providers.</p><p>9 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>Part C: Submission</p><p>Submission for Enhance Community Mental Health 2012-13</p><p>Instructions for Completion</p><p>All submissions should be developed using this submission template.</p><p>One project per submission.</p><p>All parts of the submission should be completed and the submission lodged before the closing date and time for submissions.</p><p>Any additional supporting information should be attached to the completed submission and clearly referenced.</p><p>The submission must be signed by an authorised officer of the service provider.</p><p>10 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>1. Service Provider Details</p><p>Complete the following contact details: Name of Service Provider Postal Address Office Address if different from postal Contact Person Position/Title Telephone Number E-mail Address</p><p>2. Overview of proposal</p><p>Project Name Project Address Property Owner Service/s Provided Eg youth residential rehabilitation </p><p>Provide a brief overview of your proposal, in the context of current conditions.</p><p>Does the project proposed relate to facility Yes/No spaces specifically dedicated to Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support Service funded service provision?</p><p>3. Costs and Budget Summary</p><p>Project Total Cost $ Cost (GST exclusive) $ GST component $</p><p>Funding Request (GST exclusive) $ Itemised costed project budget Yes/No attached</p><p>11 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>4. Information addressing the Evaluation Criteria</p><p>Provide your responses against each of the Evaluation Criteria in Part B Criterion 1 Your response to this criterion:</p><p>Criterion 2 Your response to this criterion:</p><p>Criterion 3 Your response to this criterion:</p><p>5. Disclosure of Submission and Agreement Information</p><p>Part B provides for disclosure of agreement information. If you withhold the disclosure of specific information, you must detail how its release will expose trade secrets or expose the service provider unreasonably to disadvantage. The Department will consider these arguments during the evaluation process and in negotiation with service providers.</p><p>Non-disclosure of agreement provisions must be justified under the principles for exemption within Section 34(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, providing that information acquired by an agency or a Minister from a business, commercial or financial undertaking is exempt under the Act if the information relates to trade secrets or other matters of a business, commercial or financial nature and the disclosure would be likely to expose the undertaking unreasonably to disadvantage.</p><p>5.1 Trade secrets In considering whether specific information should be categorised as a trade secret, service providers should assess:</p><p>. The extent to which it is known outside of your business . The extent to which it is known by the persons engaged in your business . Any measures taken to guard its secrecy . Its value to your business and to any competitors . The amount of money and effort invested in developing the information . The ease or difficulty with which others may acquire or develop this information</p><p>Trade Secrets not to be Disclosed:</p><p>12 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>5.2. Unreasonable disadvantage In determining whether disclosure of specific information will expose your business unreasonably to disadvantage, you should consider section 34(2) of the FOI Act. Broadly, you should consider whether: . The information is generally available to competitors . It could be disclosed without causing substantial harm to the competitive position of the business</p><p>Unreasonable Disadvantage disclosure would cause</p><p>5.3. Conflicts of Interest Service providers must declare to the department any matter or issue which is or may be perceived to be or may lead to a conflict of interest regarding their submission or participation in the provision of the services described. Where applicable, service providers must also describe a strategy designed to avoid any conflict of interest.</p><p>Conflicts of Interest</p><p>6. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions</p><p>Service providers must indicate their understanding and acceptance of each part of this document. Where a part of this document is not understood or accepted, service providers must attach a tabulated Statement of Departures with an explanation of why that part is not accepted.</p><p>Acceptance of Conditions</p><p>Part Acceptance Non-Acceptance (Include Statement of Departures and reasons) Evaluation Conditions Submission</p><p>Endorsement The submission must be signed by an authorised person.</p><p>Signature of Authorised Officer</p><p>Name of Authorised Officer</p><p>Title/Office Held</p><p>Date</p><p>13 Dept of Health: Invited Call for Submission (Enhance Community Mental Health-PDRS Capital Grant/Round One)</p><p>7. List of Attachments</p><p>Document end.</p><p>14</p>

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