<p>Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission</p><p>National Competency Standards and Curriculum</p><p>For</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician–NVQ Level 4</p><p>Course synopsis This course is designed to introduce the competencies required repair and install consumer electronic appliances. It covers competencies required to repair devices such as LED/LCD TVs, audio and video equipment, wireless communication devices etc. and installation of Audio Video system and satellite receiver (TVRO) </p><p>Course Title Course Duration Electronic Appliances Technician Institutional training 1320hrs+ 6months OJT Job outlook, objectives of the course and career paths available following completion of the course</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician is a person who repair and install consumer electronic appliances such as LED/LCD TVs, audio and video equipment, wireless communication devices. He/she can perform installation of Audio Video system and satellite receiver (TVRO). There is a high demand for this occupation both locally and abroad. </p><p>Those who competent in following competency modules can start their own business or can work in a local or foreign industry as Electronic Appliances Technician. </p><p>Competence-based modules to be covered: 1. Occupational Safety and Health 2. Basic Electricity 3. Basic Electronic 4. Measure values of electronic components 5. Information Technology 6. Test and replace electronic components 7. Digital Electronic 8. Operational amplifiers and applications 9. Diagnose faults in electronic appliances 10. Repair power supply 11. Repair Amplifier Stage 12. Repair Main System Board 13. Repair optical devices and sensors 14. Rectify software issues 15. Repair/Replace wireless communication devices 16. Install Audio Video system 17. Install satellite receiver (TVRO) 18. Perform network configuration 19. Repair display devices 20. Interact with customer 21. Prepare estimates for repair/service 22. Building career skills</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician – NVQ Level 4 Module Module name Duration no. (hrs.) 01. Occupational Safety and Health 30 02. Basic Electricity 30 03. Basic Electronic 60 04 Measure values of electronic components 200 05. Information Technology 30 06 Test and replace electronic components 160 07. Digital Electronic 30 08. Operational amplifiers and applications 30 09. Diagnose faults in electronic appliances 60 10. Repair power supply 60 11. Repair Amplifier Stage 90 12. Repair Main System Board 90 13. Repair optical devices and sensors 60 14. Rectify software issues 60 15. Repair/Replace wireless communication devices 30 16. Install Audio Video system 30 17. Install satellite receiver (TVRO) 60 18. Perform network configuration 30 19. Repair display devices 60 20. Interact with customer 20 21. Prepare estimates for repair/service 30 22. Building career skills 120 Total time duration(Hours) 1380 Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 01: Occupational Safety and Health Time Frame: 30 hours Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Use personal protective equipment 2. Identify warning signs 3. Identify possible electrical hazardous places 4. Avoid solder fumes 5. Follow waste disposal methods 6. Use appropriate fire extinguishers 7. Follow safety rules and regulations 8. Use Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) 9. Use proper electrical isolation methods 10. Follow first aid for electrocution 11. Use precautions for rays and laser radiations from the optical unit</p><p>Typical related work situations to master:hours</p><p> Adhere to OSH practices</p><p>Important pertinent Content Personal Protective Equipment (knowledge): Safety symbols Fire safety Electrical safety Handling heavy objects and tools High voltage handling tools, equipment and component Static charges handling methods Protection from rays(laser, X-ray etc) Handling of chemicals Disposal of electronic components and equipment Environmental rules and regulations First Aid Potentially useful teaching Assignments methods (optional): Lectures Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 02: Basic Electricity Time Frame: 30hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Identify the Characteristics of Single phase and Three phase AC & DC Voltage & Current</p><p>2. Perform basic electrical circuit wiring with protective devices</p><p>Typical related work situations to master: Wiring of basic Electrical Circuit according to BS Standard Important pertinent Content Introduction to Power Generation (knowledge): Transmission & Distribution Single phase and Three phase AC & DC Voltage & Current Basic Electrical Circuit wiring and Protection devices Introduction to British Standards(BS) Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 03: Basic Electronic Time Frame: 60 hours Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Identify electronic components and related symbols 2. Identify electronic equipment and tool Typical related work situations to master:hours Identification of electronic components and tools Identification of electronic equipment Important pertinent Content Electronic components (Types, characteristics and (knowledge): symbols) SMD & Normal Resistor Capacitor Diodes Inductors Transformers Transistors Thermistor Relay(Mechanical and Solid state) FET Thyristors Photodiode Photo SCR OptoCoupler Crystal oscillators and filters ICs and Processors Equipment Clip on Meter Multimeter (Analogue/Digital) Oscilloscope (Analogue/Digital) PC based measuring interfaces Logic Probe Logic IC tester Frequency counter Transistor onboard checker/analyzer RLC Meter Function Generator RS232 Communicators and software Bios and flash memory programmer Temperature/Over heat meter (Thermometer) Power supply tester</p><p>Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation Assignments</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 04: Measure values of electronic components Time Frame: 200hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Read Electrical and Electronic Symbols 2. Read resistor value using standard codes with E series 3. Measure resistance using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 4. Measure current using analog/digital Multimeter 5. Measure voltage using analog/digital Multimeter (AC/DC) 6. Measure SMD resistor using standard coding 7. Read capacitor values using standard codes 8. Read capacitors using standard numerical codes 9. Read SMD capacitors using manufacture’s codes 10. Measure/check capacitor using Multimeter(Analog/Digital) and replace if required 11. Read Inductor value using standard codes 12. Measure voltage using Oscilloscope (Analog/Digital) 13. Measure peak voltage using Oscilloscope (Analog/Digital) 14. Calculate frequency using Oscilloscope (Analog/Digital) 15. Measure impedance using RCL bridge (Analog/Digital) 16. Measure capacitor value using RCL bridge (Analog/Digital) and capacitor meter 17. Measure inductors using RCL bridge (Analog/Digital) 18. Test continuity using analog/digital Multimeter and rectify fault 19. Test and measure thermistor using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 20. Test and measure clock signal and data pulses using Oscilloscope 21. Measure clock pulse frequency and amplitude measurements 22. Measure and check crystal oscillators and replace if required 23. Carry out soldering and de-soldering activities</p><p>Typical related work situations to master: Use measuring equipment and measure values of electronic components Soldering practice</p><p>Important pertinent Content Symbols, Codes, data sheet and schematic diagrams (knowledge): Measuring equipment and tools Service manual Manufacture rated data for commonly used electronic components (Refer Module 03) Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 05: Information Technology Time Frame: 30 hours Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Use Microsoft Office package 2. Use Internet for download software 3. Use Electronic circuit simulation and calculation using software 4. Perform Data sheet referring 5. Perform Interface Handling</p><p>Typical related work situations to master: Data sheet referring, Interface Handling and estimating</p><p>Important pertinent Content MS Office (knowledge): Internet for download software and manuals Electronic simulation, calculation software Data sheet referring Interface Handling Potentially useful teaching Practical at IT laboratory methods (optional): Assignments</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 06: Test and replace electronic components Time Frame: 160hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Check bridge rectifier, dual rectifier and rectifier diodes and replace if required 2. Check signal diode using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 3. Test LED using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 4. Test Zener diode and replace if required and replace if required 5. Test varicap diode using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 6. Test NPN/PNP transistor and replace if required 7. Test low frequency range transistors using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 8. Test high frequency range transistors using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 9. Test power transistor using analogue/digital Multimeter and replace if required 10. Test junction FET transistor (N Chanel / P Chanel) and replace if required 11. Check MOSFET using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 12. Check SCR using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 13. Check triac using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 14. Check photo diode using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 15. Check photo transistor using analog/digital ultimeter and replace if required 16. Check photo SCR using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 17. Check photo triac using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 18. Check Opto couplers using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 19. Check transformers using analog/digital Multimeter and replace if required 20. Check IC using Multimeter and oscilloscope and replace if required 21. Check relay using Multimeter and replace if required 22. Read data sheets of transistors, diodes, rectifiers and other semi-conductor devices using internet</p><p>Typical related work situations to master: Identification and replacing of above component</p><p>Important pertinent Content Symbols, Codes, data sheet and schematic diagrams (knowledge): Measuring equipment and tools Service manual Manufacture rated data for commonly used electronic components (Refer Module 03) Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module07: Digital Electronic</p><p>Time Frame: 30hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Familiar with logic circuits Typical related work situations to master: Test logic gates (TTL, CMOS) Develop combinational logic circuits Develop flip-flop using NAND and NOR gates Develop adder/subtractor circuits Develop BCD counter Develop ADC and DAC convertor Important pertinent Content Introduction to digital signals(TTL, CMOS, (knowledge): Logic families) Numbering system Boolean Algebra(Basic laws and Theorem) Logic gates Combination logic Sequential logic Memory cell Seven Segment Display (SSD) applications Converters(ADC and DAC)</p><p>Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Assignment (Mini project)- Implementation of a selected project using logic </p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module08: Operational amplifiers and applications</p><p>Time Frame: 30hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Develop different types of operational amplifier circuits Typical related work situations to master: Develop inverting/ non inverting amplifiers Develop comparators Develop summing (mixer), differential amplifier circuit Develop filters Develop instrumentation amplifiers Important pertinent Content Types of amplifiers (knowledge): Comparative amplifiers o Triggers o Schmitt trigger o Comparator Non Comparative amplifiers o Inverting and non-inverting o Buffer o Summing Filters and Oscillators Filters o Low pass o High pass o Band pass Oscillators o RC o LC o Colpitts</p><p> Lectures Potentially useful teaching Demonstration methods (optional): Assignment – implementation of practical oscillator by using Op amp</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module09: Diagnose faults in electronic appliances Time Frame: 60hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Gather information from the customer 2. Check the existing condition of the appliances 3. Clean, service and resold dry joints 4. Perform troubleshooting process 5. Identify and list out defective components and parts 6. List out suspicious components and parts</p><p>Typical related work situations to master:</p><p> Diagnosing of faults in different electronic circuit Important pertinent Content Trouble shooting guides and methods (knowledge): Diagrams and service manuals Communicate with customer </p><p>Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Role plays Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module10: Repair power supply unit Time Frame: 60 hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Check and repair AC input filtering stage 2. Check and Repair voltage rectification stage 3. Check and Repair regulatory stage 4. Check and Repair DC conversion stage 5. Check and Repair output stage 6. Check and Repair control and feedback stage 7. Refer power switching and control IC data sheets and check using oscilloscope</p><p>Typical related work situations to master: an Repair faults in different types of power supply units</p><p>Important pertinent Content Type of power supply (knowledge): Linear SMPS Direct (Transformer less) Inverter power supply (Step up and step down) Power codes Fuses and protection (AC) Filters Smoothing’s Power supply oscillators Regulation Methods Zener diode IC regulators Transistor series Transistor shunt Protection Over Voltage Protection(OVP) and Over Load/Current Protection(OLP) Short Circuit (SCP) Zener diode Transistor SCR</p><p>Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation Assignment</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 11: Repair Amplifier Stage Time Frame: 90 hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Repair pre amplifier stage 2. Repair digital signal processing stage 3. Repair output driving stage 4. Repair DA (Digital to Analog) processing stage 5. Repair digital amplifier stage 6. Repair sound drivers/speakers stage 7. Refer relevant control IC data sheets and check using oscilloscope</p><p>Typical related work situations to master: Repair faults in different types of amplifiers Important pertinent Content Types of amplifiers (knowledge): Class A Class B Class C Class AB Class D Transistor differential Transducers</p><p>Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation Assignment: Design a class D subwoofer amplifier Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module12: Repair Main Control Board Time Frame: 90 hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Repair/replace signal input and output stages 2. Repair signal input selection stage 3. Repair timing control signal and pulse 4. Repair signal processing stage (SOC, DSP and other processers) 5. Repair memory and storage devices 6. Repair driver and output stage 7. Repair input-output protection circuits 8. Repair power and power protection circuits 9. Repair control and communication circuits 10. Refer relevant control IC data sheets and check using oscilloscope Typical related work situations to master: Repair different stages and circuits of main control board Important pertinent Content Audio, Video, sensor input, data input and (knowledge): output Input , Output signal sources (HDMI 1.0/2.0/2.4/3.0, USB 1.0/2.0/3.0/3.1/4.0,WiFi WLAN , VGA, Bluetooth, CVBS, optical, IR, RF) Input , Output signal standards (Audio, Video, Communication – Ex. MPEG4, HAVC, H264, H265, I2C, UART) Resolution, frame rate, bit rate and file type Optical data reading Motherboard block diagram and identify sections Input Output switching and controllers HDMI/VGA/USB switching Sensors and actuator interfacing Motor driver controllers(Stepper, servo) Voltage distribution section (Regulators and ICs) PCB layers and assemble Amplifier and circuits Basic processor and software knowledge Audio, video, motion enhancement etc. Boot loader, kernel, main firmware, Configuration settings (HDCP, EDID) etc. Memory ICs , Memory circuit and digital controls Biosand programming Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 13: Repair optical devices and sensors Time Frame: 60 hr Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this module student should be able to 1. Clean optical lenses and photo sensors 2. Replace optical assembly and photo devices 3. Remove safety solder points and protection devices 4. Adjust photo sensors and optical devices 5. Replace motors and other mechanical parts 6. Adjust mechanical timing 7. Replace and adjust motion detect switch and sensors 8. Replace/repair servo control IC or circuit 9. Replace processor ICs 10. Upgrade firmware or factory reset 11. Final testing and refer relevant manufacture details</p><p>Typical related work situations to master: Repair devices and sensors Important pertinent Content Introduction to storage devices(CD, DVD,BD, 3D (knowledge): Blue Ray) Block diagram of DVD/VCD /Blue ray(BD) players Describe each block Optical reading methods(focusing, tracking, sliding) Timing and mechanical calibration Sensors and switches Servo motor control and mechanical control Digital co-axial cable, digital optical cable Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 14: Rectify software issues Time Frame: 60hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this session student should be able to 1. Identify software defects 2. Re-install software by USB and online 3. Re-install software by memory programmers</p><p>Typical related work situations to master: Re-install software by memory programmers, USB and online Important pertinent Content Memory ICs (knowledge): EEPROM, Flash memory, EMMC Identify OS and version Upgrade method, precaution, term and condition Using OFF Line memory/Bios programmer Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 15: Repair/Replace wireless communication devices Time Frame: 30hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions:</p><p>At the end of this session student should be able to 1. Repair/Replace WIFI unit 2. Repair/Replace Bluetooth module 3. Repair/Replace IR module </p><p>Typical related work situations to master: Repair/replace WIFI, Bluetooth and IR module Important pertinent Content Basic knowledge on Data communication (knowledge): Basic knowledge on software and factory mode configuration </p><p>Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module16: Install Audio Video system</p><p>Time Frame: 30hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this session student should be able to 1. Identify customer requirement 2. Decide most suitable project plan 3. Ensure legal and environment requirement 4. Asses utility requirement 5. Ensure safety requirement 6. Install the system 7. Check system for proper installation and operation Typical related work situations to master:</p><p> Install different type of Audio Video system Important pertinent Content Environmental standards (knowledge): Legal requirement Cables and accessories selection Sound level measuring and monitoring Basic sound proofing Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module 17: Install satellite receiver (TVRO) Time Frame: 60 Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this session student should be able to 1. Install satellite dish antenna 2. Install LNB/LNBF, feeder horn 3. Adjust polarization 4. Set up the set-top box 5. Adjust antenna tracking 6. Connect LNBF and set-top box using coaxial cable(50ohms/75ohms) and F- connector 7. Connect tracking motors to the system 8. Check remote control functions Typical related work situations to master: Install satellite receiver Important pertinent Content Identification of satellite system (knowledge): Satellite in the region Transmission and broadcasting bands(C band and KU band) Antenna basics and type Polarization and azimuth angle Cable types(50ohms/75ohms) Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module18: Perform network configuration</p><p>Time Frame: 30hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this session student should be able to 1. Identify customer requirement 2. Identify faults in installed system 3. Identify faults in customer network 4. Identify faults in settings 5. Verify connectivity Typical related work situations to master:</p><p> Perform network configuration Important pertinent Content Basics on Data Communication (knowledge): Basic Knowledge of switches, routers and protocol Network speed measurements </p><p>Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Presentation Assignment Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module19: Repair display devices</p><p>Time Frame: 60hs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this session student should be able to 1. Disassemble and assemble display panel 2. Repair/replace LCD panel 3. Repair/replace touch panel 4. Repair LFD panals(LED/LCD) 5. Repair back light section Typical related work situations to master:</p><p> Repair different types of display devices Important pertinent Content Display types (knowledge): TFT LCD(Open cell/module) LED panel(Module types) OLED Display components Timing/switching control (T-Con)boards Gate and source driving boards Chip on Film(COF) Chip on Glass(COG) Chip on Array (COA) LVDS data cable Logic data cable LED driver circuit Back light driver circuit Types of back lights(Edge/Direct LED/ CCFL /QLED) LED convertor LCD invertor</p><p>Potentially useful teaching Lectures methods (optional): Demonstration Guided practice/Group work Individual practice Assignment-Industry visit</p><p>Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module20: Prepare estimates for repair/service/ configuration</p><p>Time Frame: 20hs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this session student should be able to 1. Identify faults of the equipment/configuration 2. Identify required parts, material and equipment 3. Calculate the cost for the parts, material and equipment 4. Calculate the cost for labour hours 5. Calculate overheads and contingency expenses 6. Calculate profit margin 7. Prepare total estimate 8. Obtain customer’s approval Typical related work situations to master:</p><p> Important pertinent Content Warranty periods (knowledge): Market prices of parts, material and equipment Overheads and Profits Taxes Prepare quotations Record keeping Approved forms and formats Potentially useful teaching Prepare an estimate for given repair/service methods (optional): Prepare estimate for given installation and configuration Electronic Appliances Technician –Level 4 Module Title and Code: Module21: Interact with customer Time Frame: 18hrs Reference to NCS: See Competency Profile Competencies (job functions and soft skills) and descriptions: At the end of this session student should be able to 1. Information gathered from the customer 2. Check and accept the equipment for repair/service 3. Handover the equipment after repair / service</p><p>Typical related work situations to master:hours Communication with the customer Important pertinent Content General principles in interacting with customer (knowledge): Welcome and Greeting Listening skills Work ethics</p><p>Potentially useful teaching Role play- Customer handling methods (optional): Industry visit Resource Persons for development of NCS and Curricula</p><p> Mr. P.H. Tharanga Nandika Silva, Director (Master Control Room), MTV Channels (Pvt) Ltd, P.O. Box. 36, Araliya Uyana, Depanama, Pannipitya. Mr. P.W.M. Chaminda Karunatilake, Electronic Engineer, CK Electronic and Computer Systems, No. 44/1, Old Road, Nawinna, Maharagama. Mr. S.P. Kosala Chandimal Jayarathne, Engineer (Transmission), EAP Broadcasting Company Ltd, No. 676, Galle Road, Colombo 03. Mr. G.T.Galagedara, Senior Engineer, Singer PLC, No. 128, N.M. Perera Mawatha, Colombo 08. Mr. Channa Fernando, Proprietor, Fernando Electricals, No.391/36, Walawwatta, Ganemulla. Mr. L.S. Priyankara, Engineer (Operations), MTV Channels (Pvt) Ltd, P.O. Box. 36, Araliya Uyana, Depanama, Pannipitya Mr. U.A. Aquinas Vijith, Instructor, National Youth Services Council, Akmeemana. Mr. A.G.Kariyavasam, Senier Instructor, National Youth Services Council, Maharagama Mr. S. Nanayakkara, Instructor, Technical College, Kegalle. Mr. G.K.R. Pathdmajith, Training Officer, Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka, 352/2 Elvitigala Mawatha, Narahenpita Mr. U.Samarasingha, Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka, 352/2 Elvitigala Mawatha, Narahenpita </p>
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