<p>BodyFlex: This total bodystrengthtrainingworkoutusesa plate loadedbarbell to achievemaximumresistancebenefits . Shape andsculptyourbodyin this effectiveformat . This classis appropriatefor everyone .</p><p>BodyFlexStrength - Samegreat workoutas theoriginal BodyFlexclasswith a bit moreresistance .</p><p>Cycle - Get readyfor therideof your life andkickyourworkoutsinto highgear ! Each30minutesessioncanburn400 + calories! Guaranteedto makeyousweatthis 30minuteclassis for all levels . Bikesare onfirst comefirst servebasis and limitedto 10membersper class ! </p><p>DanceParty - FREETOALLSTATEEMPLOYEES A highenergydanceworkoutinfusedwith - dancemovesdesignedto makeyou sweatwhile still havingfun ! All state employeesare welcomedto join this party for a great cardioworkout .</p><p>JillianMichaels ’ BodyShred - A highintensityandendurancebased30minuteworkout . Youwill shredfat , definemuscles , transformthe entirelookof yourphysiqueanddramatically enhanceyour overall athletic performance .</p><p>Kickboxing: Join in onthis total bodycardioworkout ! This classprovidesquickandpowerfuljabsandpuncheswith explosive leg kicksof the lowerbody . This is an overall total bodystrengtheningclasswith theadvantageof improvingcardiovascular fitness.</p><p>PilatesCoreFusion - Pilatesinfusedwith yoga .</p><p>POPPilates ™ : A combinationof total bodyPilatesexerciseswith the attitudeof choreographeddanceandtheenergyof music— its ’ like a “ danceonthemat ”! Youll ’ leavefeelingsweaty , strongandreadyto takeonmore !</p><p>Bootcamp- AnythingGoes ! Every classis somethingdifferentandyouneverknowwhat youre ’ goingto get becauseit is a surpriseevery time ! WithTRX , Step , kettlebells , cardio , sculptingandmoreyoull ’ get a great workout !</p><p>Ride & Shine- This 45min - classwill get your enginesstartedbetterthanany cupof coffee . Well ’ climb , sprintandpushour waythroughridesandalwayscomeout feelingbetteraboutour bodiesandourselves . Youradrenalinewill be soaringas you walk out with a smile onyour face . All fitnesslevels are welcomed . Bikesare limitedso comeearly !</p><p>Step: Anawesomecardiovascularworkoututilizinga stepbench , adaptablefrom4 – 8 inchesfromthe floor . This classwill teachthebasic buildingblocksof stepandis suitablefor all levels</p><p>Tabata25 - Tabata training is a typeof highintensityinterval trainingthat followsa specific format : 20secondsof a very highintensityexercise ( eg . ., highknees ) 10secondsof rest . Repeat8 timesfor a total of 4 minutes . Therewill be approximately 5 tabataeachclassto includestrength , cardioandcore .</p><p>Take5 - FREETOALLSTATEEMPLOYEES After a hardweekof workingout it is best to makesure that youalsotakecare of yourbodyso that youare able to gostrongerthenext week . This classencompassesflexibility , balance , recovery , repair and mindfulness.</p><p>TGIF DanceParty : FREETOALLSTATEEMPLOYEES Comeget your grooveon , this fitnessparty is designedfor all levels andis a laid back , funky , bootyshakingworkout . Bringyourownstyle !</p><p>TowerPower : TowerPower - Join us as weclimbthe floors of 2 Peachtree ! A great wayto strengthenyour heart andlungs , burncaloriesandget in a freeworkout ! This classis FREEto all state employees !! Raiseyourfitnesslevel onestepat a time !</p><p>Yoga: Improvecirculation , flexibility andenergythroughthis foundationalyogaclasswhichcombinesrelaxationwith soft tissue lengtheningandstrengthening . Greatfor all levels !</p>
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