HOUia,C0;BI3T0R f e e s # Two-InciiRain $200,000 Loss in Blaze At Airfield' Farmers More Cheerful 25 Planeo, Including 3 , As Tuesday’s Fall Aids Member National Editorial Association-New Jer*fiy Preii Association — Monmouth County PNii AsiDciatioD Owned; By Army Lost;: Parched Late Crops In In Fire Last Evening This Section 81st YEAR — 2nd WEEK MATAWAN; N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1949 Single Copy Six Cent* At Red Biink Airport The drought was broken in this Twonty-lYvc plimos, Including area Tuesday evening. In fact if not U-Turns Are Out v Ross Withdraws three Ai'ir.y llttlxon craft, were In official record. ' Hire New School destroyed lust evening wlien llsmts :.. A steady .rainTrPach^rpi) as pre­ ’wriou* * ■ Wilhdrewel of Donald.H. rnzed Iho only htingar at tho Hed clous, as a flawless pearl to her- traffic condition on MtdiP St,. former..suparviiln^ prllwlpariijf Bank Airport. Walter n.-Lauden»- ; rassed farmers—- fell during the Chief Edwin C. Sloat.said this Clerk In Madison Mettwen Township schools, ei stager.t operator of th’e prlvutely- night, bringing further relief fo morning lhat ihe- Maiawan candldiie ior th# post e l prln* (ivvnt-d (It'lil, estimated the .totaL.' ' parched crops dwarfed by thc 50- Police Department had T « en in* Matawan Man, Girl Pay Reuben Miller Granted clpsl of Union Btach schools loss n t;$200,000. , day drought ; which^cau^d,,. IhQU* structed to warily .m otorists lo was announced by Benjamin Klrclltfhters mid equipment from sands of dollars in losses in this discontinue the practice of ’ Total-Of $81 Tuesday­ ■Indefinite Sick Leave;. - Y?WnSlt d litilc l v5|erl| of. the Hed Bank, Kntojitowii, Shrewsbury, scction .. ’ making U-turns al several In­ . In Foster’s Court; Board Awaiting Word Union Beach Board of Educt» Tinton Kalla. Win: llmok ulut Fort Although the Weather Bureau rc ters® ctions in the business dis­ 22 Are Arraigned On Matawan Tuition tlon yesterday. Mr, Young i*H Moninmitlv loHpoixled to Jho nltum ; trained from Issuing a formal state tricts. — • ' he understood Mr7 Roii wai which wns turned in nt 8:10 p.m. withdrawing beciuie ot an oiler The hluzo wus hroiiiiht under con- — m ent-t h a t-_theJong ;d jr spel Hi a d -a t • — Chief Sloat elated that many' Fines7 trid "ccSts 7o |Z $ 2 ^~ werfi; Office of district dork of Mndlson of a. reisarch fsllowshlp at trol^bm it rin-houv Intcrr-Tliouilftnds— • last ended, area growers were more motorUis had b een . maklng ^ U- collected1 from 22 traffic offenders TowJvship.icliQQl!i..wna.puLoii.-n-fulL. Columbia Unlverilty,........ of npcptntnrs wero jdtriic,l«l.lo. Jhe^~_ :' chcerful than they have been for turns, on Main S t by .pulling into. time basis by action of tho bonrd of ttrraigned-:-Tuesday ■ Fceno by ih r llame.i ond densn thc past six weeks. , . * • Spring SI.. Paxk Ave., Rarino .Luther A. Foster’s court In Mat­ education ' Ot a ' ' n»ccUt'. i*ieetlnp. Tb*r» r»mn|n three uppiio^nts for* th« Union Beach posl, Wil­ iiiiinke. Nri lnjtirles wpi'e .reported, - • Fall About Two Inches Dr.. Fountain Ave., LUt.le SL and awan • Township. One driver, Reuben Miller, who htiR beeti dis­ Mr. Lntidenvlimer said - thnt tho Maiden Lafte and backing "out Leonard ^panicle, Irvington, was trict clerk, for ovfcr 20 ycurs, has liam Ramsey, who has been on . The measured rsintaU waa around flto evidently st.-irlnr) iii the purn- Tfils practice will no longer be given' suspended centence on been grantcd'sick lenvo for nn Id- tho faculty of Shrewibury .two inches, according to Abram V. chute lofl of (lie ninin himsnr which ^ permitted at these, intersections, liccnsc count' because he brought definite period, nnd George Jack* schools, is now a candidate, Havens o f Rutgers - University’s Is 150 feet- in leiiKth. 'J'lio ileld h e said. : three persons to court to support his son, of AVondbridgo, an .accountanU Charles D< Matthews and Charles College , of Agriculture. Supple­ operator wus tumble to suy whal The chief declared the ruling claim he hnd been out of work h filling tho post on u full-time M. Johos, both Of Keansburg, menting Sunday’s showers, it came I’mnml.IlK? blnxn to bri'ult out, One fWas being Invoked to help case four months and could not pay.* basis. aro other applicants. Jn time to save late crops which, had the steadily increasing Main St. Mrs. JuMa M, AUmack, vice ■gimnisc Is Diut lt utnried fponi n ’ Mr. Jackson disclosed the Madl* already been effected.^ traffic problem. He also' urgod Largest lines wcrc a total of SB1 principal, ol Union Beach ichooli, tlvSM^elretill. Whllo nm iton were A spot ‘ chcck made of farms in that pedertrians attempting to. collected for one offense?. $50 and coo bonrd heard nothing further has Indicated ahe Is not ‘inter­ bntillni!vllio hliuo there wno » from the Matawan Township Ronrd this area Tuesday showed crops al* cross Main SL use Iho designated $11 costs, fronV Warren Hutch* ested In the post, Mr, Young said. sorlon of ihituu- explosion* Inside of Education on Uy protest ngalhst ready showing thc beneficial cf* cross walks only and reftaln^ imon, 211 ^ain St., Matawan, for tlie iKiiutnV '1'ln^it were utlrltmtcd thHneroaso in tuition fees nt Matn­ fects of Sunday’s shpwprs and Tues­ from stepping out into the street permitting an unlicensed driver to lo explixUiui ijiis limits. wan High School from $200 to $235 day night's rain was looted upon from between cars parked at tho operate his car,-and $25, and $3 Sevenil ijlunra thut were pnrked a year. This protest .thade early In „ as the proverbial “shot in tho arm”, -curb. • : -• - V - " ••• - - costs, from Miss Dorothy Myers, Committee Plans on the Held nnd two Ui^ were in needed for lnte crops, particularly also of Matawan, - for T>perfltlnjf V .N .’i Internationa! Tubercnlosls Cafijpaljn; protwtlnB tluV health J.UAe.>JUtll£d.iQ..ihQ:.-9U9UtlPillQ.f;'th.Q' (lie - iiir- when, tlie-n r« b fo k a -a u tr- sweet corn, late potatoes, lima Hutchinson’s caY without ft liccnsc. of the rislfig generation,, rcachca Into a Czechoslovak, town to Matawan board thc fact tho Madl* esenped liu1 liuiite.i. " ................. beans nnd cucumbers. It is esti­ Hutcliinspn and Miss Myers were vaccinate • this boy against TB. Some 100,000,000 youngxtcra son school budget had bcon drawn on the basis'oj tho $200 figura or­ Field Ownod 7 Plinn mated one-half of lhc early po­ Hold Man On apprehended by Trooper J. A. are to be tested and those found untonbhed by TB vaccinated. ” Asldo frmn tho tliroo Army tato crop was lost. y ; . Galessi, Koyport State Police, on iginally stipulated by Matawan and that to revive the payment upwardw Mi^wan Tw^WiH plimea, lioven of Hie 2H hint werft Tuesday’s-ra in also "-was looked Route 34 June 20. Miss Myc.cs owned iiy tlio nlrporl. All of lliu pleaded guilty. Hutchinson entered at (hi* time would unsettle Mndlson Enf&spp Rules Covering upon tq4rcvive badly^ scorched pas- uchool finances. The Matawan pliinea, vnlunt nt from $80(1 to $7000 turea^precluding.farmors fmrTfiavT n'-pleU; ufcllot^giiiltyr protesting Hho Keansburg Chief.. Peddling; Road Project ouch, wet'o ciivi’iocl by Itmurimce. ing to give supplementary feedings chargc was unwarranted because linard alsp was .romiiKl«.Usttti.q.-lii\Y. Charge William Lyons, requires jiotlflcntipn on tuition rates Discussed ----- - ..TJ||v,lwU!Mo^'!!LiL1^Jiestr.nyed nir- _ of lmy td cattle. Lawiis 'also shftw: Miss Myers had had a. permit ori Offers Resignation bo given a sending district hy the ernft WIIH oslimiiti'Cl ' signs of coming back to life. Who Eluded Priest In which she had been learning to Action ntfnlnut peddlers who full receiving district In ndvanco of thc Mr, l.innlcniiliiiiei' cotlinnlcd it Shore resorts did r\ol share the 'l Chase, With Attempt drive, even though It was expired to Ret Ueensen In MotnWnn Town- would cost $70,000 lit tndny'o coli- on the date In question. McGuire Has Served In State Highway Check drawing of the budget in tho‘send- farmer’s Joy over Sunday’s showers. To Rob Church, Store Ing diiitrlet. uhlp. woo nnlicd by Comiiilttecinun utruetloii llijiui'ri to replnfo tlio In Keansburg, for ^example, hotr Fine two Spcftdors . Department More Than Indicates Traffic Across Willinm Defimi “n t-th e .township w w d 'Im unr. lli'culd II10 luilldliifi This protest waa diRcussed at a rainless wcekpnds had been bring­ .The Rev. William Haughney. meeting Thnriidity, Mr.-.llcuan' -wua-iioLcnvcreiUiy Inaiimncc.; Tho State police pressed two' more 23 Years: Has Been In - Route 34 Does Not Call Matawan hoard meeting late in ing record crowds. Tlie usuo} throng curate at St. Joseph's Church, Key­ dccliiicd thero nro nt Icnnt 20 iniu- iidilitlnnnl jari.oon Ilnnumo .eiitliniiled ' chnrgcd, hoth MIchticl Walker, Juno. At t'Ais meeting it was noted invaded Keansburg on Saturday, port, experienced a hectic night - Poli.ce Worlt-Since -07 For Installatipn roslilenta peddltin: fooilRtulTn unit In the JMO.OOO till ill Ions resulted North Arlington, nnd Harold V. .the <i»yngc to $2115 had been Lie. but Sunday's showers diminished Thursday when he unsuccessfully wurca. In the township nnd, pf l|io?o, from .oiiHljiiui'iil n lo m L ln tlio , Donnelly, Ridgefield Park, being casloncd by a-ruling of the State 'business1 considerably and by the gave - barefoot chase'; to a man Resignation of Chief of Police “ 'tittle liltlllioral of a tru ffle liyjljt mily nlJi hnd lulten out ilceimc.1 iiy luuiKnr lii'inii ili'ulmyed.
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