<p> ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES AND CONCEPTS PRTR 302 -- FALL 1998 Meeting Time: Tuesday and Thursday 10:20-11:40 Room: Natural Resources 306</p><p>Instructor: Dennis B. Propst, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department: Park, Recreation, and Tourism Resources Office: 131 Natural Resources Building Phone: 353-5190, ext. 119 Email: [email protected] Mail Box: Room 151 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs., 1:30-3:30 PM & by appointment</p><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>The environment is often neglected or abused in our modern times. Building, development, economic activities as well as recreation overuse have placed a number of pressures upon our natural resources and public lands. It is important to understand our environment from the human perspective. Management decisions involving public and private resource lands will require public involvement and action, be that citizen input or voting at the ballot box. In the years ahead, we as a society and you as an individual will be faced with some of the most difficult and far-reaching environmental decisions ever placed before a citizenry. Ozone depletion, global warming, toxic contamination and waste management, nuclear waste storage, forest and water preservation are but a few of the issues which will test our understanding of the environment and our resolve as concerned citizens. Underlying public concern and involvement in these issues is the assumption that citizens are informed, aware and willing to become involved. It is a prerequisite for a democracy.</p><p>"At the individual level, people have begun to respond to increased awareness of global environmental change by altering their values, beliefs and actions. Changes in individual behavior are surely necessary but are not enough. It is as a global species -- pooling our knowledge, coordinating our actions and sharing what the planet has to offer -- that we have any prospect for managing the planet's transformation along pathways of sustainable development. Self-conscious, intelligent management of the earth is one of the great challenges facing humanity as it approaches the 21st century." Clark, W. C. (1989) Managing Plant Earth. Scientific American, 261(3) 47-54</p><p>COURSE DESCRIPTION</p><p>This course is designed to foster a better understanding of the environment and human action toward the environment. Environmental action, be it political, financial or social, requires knowledge and awareness. This course will survey historical environmental perspectives and present day environmental problems. The process of preserving wilderness will be defined and used as a metaphor for understanding how we know the environment, respond to it, use or abuse our surroundings and natural resources. Historical points of view will be compared and contrasted with modern "environmentalism" as well as multicultural and futuristic perspectives. The course will cut across a number of settings, from urban to rural, wilderness to the planned landscape. Some of the concepts to be covered include: wilderness, preservation, environmental ethics, environmental attitudes and perceptions, environmental movements and organizations and natural resource use and management, particularly related to recreation and tourism activity.</p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES 1 By the end of the course, a student should be able to:</p><p> recognize and describe major historical events and people who have shaped our present day use attitudes and responses toward our natural resources;</p><p> differentiate between various worldviews regarding the environment as well as the movements and organizations that represent these worldviews;</p><p> articulate and critique various environmental behavior concepts and processes;</p><p> assess and critique current environmental problems;</p><p> describe individual, social and institutional actions and changes required for planetary health and sustainability;</p><p> relate the wilderness metaphor to current environmental issues. </p><p>CONDITIONS AND CRITERIA</p><p>1. Student Participation. Most material is presented through lectures, discussions, and cooperative learning exercises (i.e., learning together in groups). Open and frank discussion is encouraged and expected in each class period. Students are also expected to be present in the class, prepared and ready to lead and participate in discussions, and willing to engage in cooperative learning (small group) activities. Fifteen percent of you grade (same as an exam!) relates to your class participation.</p><p>If you attempt to contact me and I am not available, it is your responsibility to leave a complete message with your name, phone number, date and time. You may also leave a written message in my mailbox in 151 Natural Resources or contact me via Email.</p><p>2. Writing Quality. I expect high quality writing in all your assignments. In this course, “high quality” means writing that is well-planned and coherent. It has been subjected to several drafts and revisions. It follows standard, edited written English practices. Papers that do not meet these “high quality” criteria will be returned to you for revision with no grade.</p><p>3. Exams. The first two exams are made up of essay and short answer questions. You will have several choices for the final exam, all of which will be "take-home" (I'll provide details later). The first two exams will be closed book. Make-up exams are rare. Make up exams are provided only for documented medical excuses; they are essay as well. </p><p>4. Environmental Issues Updates. Select an environmental issue (local, state, national international) that interests you (some examples follow). It would be helpful if your issue is one that has meaning to you. Keep in mind that this issue and assignment will be the basis of the next assignment. Issues will be approved ahead of time. </p><p>Your assignment will be to explain concisely the issue (an issue has two sides) in a two page statement. The first page and a half of your assignment should be a describe of the issue. (1) Provide a brief history explaining the different perspectives to the issue, (2) note any pending plans of action or resolutions under consideration. (3) Comment on what action you think should be taken and why. (4) In the last half of the two pages describe the significance of this issue to you and your interests. Be prepared to offer a brief summary of your findings to the class for discussion. Turn in a copy of an article, newspaper article or other reference that suggested the problem to you. You may work in pairs on this assignment if you like. Submit your selection and partner's name (if applicable) in writing by the fifth class (September 15).</p><p>2 Some Issues to get your started (you may choose one of these; other choices are possible but first obtain instructor approval):</p><p>1. A U.S. government ruling on roads in the forest designed to help grizzlies. The ruling will be protested by loggers. Wall Street Journal, Oct.1, 1993, P.B1.</p><p>2. Government asked to take down a dam to allow salmon runs in the Pacific Northwest. Wall Street Journal, Aug.5, 1993, P. A1. What's the latest on this and dam decommissioning in general? Related issues: the salmon are no longer running in Calif. and Oregon. Also Canada’s blockade of a ferry in protest of US fishing practices.</p><p>3. Disney thought about a new theme park in Virginia. The environmental impacts related to the historical and cultural landscape were hotly debated. What happened? Why? George Will editorial: "Marring our most defining landscape", The Detroit News, July 24, 1994, P.3b.</p><p>4. What is the relationship between recent free trade agreements and the environment? Pro and con articles in Scientific American, November, 1993, P.17. What is the most recent thinking on this issue?</p><p>5. Is "Love Canal" a dead issue? Lois Gibbs spoke on campus two years ago about this landmark case. What's the latest?</p><p>6. In Canada one of the big environmental battles involves the damming of rivers in the Hudson Bay area. It is the James Bay Hydro-Electric Project. What is this about and what is the latest?. Green Peace and the EDF groups are involved. </p><p>7. Landowners want to develop oil and gas reserves in the Jordan River Valley (Michigan) while others want to protect the land. </p><p>8. Scarcity of clean drinking water is a world wide problem and one in this country as well in certain areas. More and more, waste water is being treated and re-used for drinking water. What is the latest on this, who in the U.S. is drinking this water and why? Wall Street Journal, Aug.8, 1994, P. B1.</p><p>9. Alan During of the Worldwatch Institute argues that logging towns in the Northwest need to re-invent their economies as forest activities slow down. How are things going out West on this issue? What is the latest from Worldwatch and other sources on this? Futurist, July-Aug, 1994, P. 59.</p><p>10. On the east coast of the U.S., fishing and fishing towns are in deep trouble as the commercial fish supply diminish. On both coasts, the government is experimenting with "individual transferable quotas." What is this about and how is it going? A science and society story in U.S.News and World Report, August 15, 1994, P. 55 offers a hint.</p><p>11. As if whales and other sea life did not have enough problems, now Scripps Institute of Oceanography in San Diego is trying to study the ocean and global warming with the project Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate. It involves sending low freq. sounds across the ocean over a 30 month period. What is the latest, will it happen and what are the environmental impacts? Water Impacts, Institute of Water Research, MSU, August 1994, P.1.</p><p>12. Helena Norberg-Hodge after years of living with the Ladakh people argues that there are better ways to "progress" in our world. What is her point regarding progress and sustainability? Editorial - Futurist, May-June, 1992, P. 60. </p><p>13. E Magazine's Will Nixon wonders how the White House is doing with respect to caring for the 3 environment. What is the latest? Are Al Gore's latest proposals worth implementing or just political rhetoric? E Magazine, March-April, 1994, P. 36.</p><p>14. Jack Ward Thomas, a leading forest scientist in the middle of the Spotted Owl issue, is now Chief of the Forest Service. How is he doing? E Magazine, March - April, 1994, P. 14.</p><p>15. New York can't dump sewage sludge in the ocean anymore, so what is it doing in Az and Colorado? What is the latest on the transport and use of sludge? Environment, April 1993, P. 24.</p><p>16. Businesses are being asked to self assess their environmental practices by the Global Environmental Management Initiative. What is the latest? Environment, April 1993, P. 22. </p><p>17. The internet system offers several environmental nodes and contacts. List and describe ten of your favorite internet environmental links. What are the pros and cons of using the internet to obtain environmental information? How can you tell which sites are the most/least credible?</p><p>18. In Nov. 1994, the people of Michigan were asked to vote on developing an endowment fund to support the Michigan State Parks system. What was the nature of the ballot issue and how did Michigan vote on the issue? What will be the repercussions? What’s happening with the State Parks now?</p><p>19. The National Parks are very popular places and their use can be overwhelming and destructive to the environment. What visitation trends occurred in the National Parks this summer tourist season? Up or down and why?</p><p>20. Do you recycle here on campus? If you wanted to could you and how? The campus has been working on a recycling program for some time. What is the history of the program, what is the latest in the program, how do or can faculty and students contribute and pitch in? Recycling and Waste Reduction - 355 0354.</p><p>21. In the past, recreation on public lands in the U.S. has been provided at zero or low cost to visitors. Now, with budgets being cut at the federal, state and local levels, there is more and more pressure to apply a pay to play strategy in which users of various types are increasingly asked to pay for the services and management of resources to meet their needs. Hunters, snowmobilers, anglers and others contribute to the funds needed to manage the lands and provide services. Higher fees are also being considered for use of less or undeveloped lands, wilderness areas, parks, campgrounds, forests, and trails. Is this acceptable? Will it provide enough funding? What about equity and access? Who will gain and who will lose? Lansing State Journal, 8/9/94 and Dustin, Fedkiw, McCloskey references at end of syllabus.</p><p>22. Wolves from Canada were recently reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park. Why? Why not reintroduce a species of insect or plant instead? What is the latest on this issue? How much did the effort cost taxpayers? Lansing State Journal, 4/19/95; Jackson Hole News, 8/16/95 and other issues; recent issues of Western Wildlands, Wyoming Wildlife, and Audubon.</p><p>23. There was a “World Forests Convention” in Switzerland this year (1998). Why was it held? What were the conclusions of the experts at this convention in terms of (a) world forests and (b) indigenous peoples that live near and depend on these forests? (heard on National Public Radio)</p><p>24. People are chaining themselves to redwoods on private land, owned by Pacific Lumber in California. Why? What’s the latest thinking on who should decide the fate of these trees?</p><p>5.25. Position What Statement/Cover is the "MSU-Green" Letter initiative?OR Content Why Analysis did this of Internet initiative Environmental arise? How can Literature students. get involved? Contact instructor and Terry Link (MSU Library).</p><p>4 5.A. Position Statement/Cover Letter. The objectives of this assignment are for you to articulate an environmental issue, to examine conflicting perspectives on this issue, and to develop a position statement to be sent to someone in a policy or decision making role. Each person or team (no more than 3 per team) will submit a typed paper taking and defending a position on one of the issues they wrote about in the Issues Update Assignment. A progress report will be due and there will be a chance to revise based on class and instructor feedback. The final product must have the following: a. A description of the issue (you will most likely have to expand on your discussion from your issue paper). Explain why is this an issue? b. A discussion of your position on the issue including both how it is the same and how it is different from others positions. You must logically support your views using evidence you’ve collected. What is the basis for your position? c. A discussion of what the future holds for resolution of the issue. d. A reference list containing a minimum of six references used to gather information on the issue. e. A cover letter to the person to whom you are sending your position paper. This must be a formal letter. You will need to find out the person’s correct title and address. After the papers are evaluated and revised, you will be encouraged to mail them. Papers must be 3-4 pages in length (not including the cover letter) and MUST BE TYPED OR COMPUTER PRINTED. Double-space and provide one inch borders on all sides. Turn off proportional spacing and do not right justify. Use the default font and size - pica or elite (10 or 12 point) - no fancy or large fonts! Be sure you proofread your paper.</p><p>5.B. Content Analysis of Internet Environmental Literature. There is computer software which analyzes the content of environmental literature than appears on the internet. The software allows individuals to assess, for example, changes in how much attention is devoted to a particular topic over time. To illustrate, one could examine the content of newspaper articles regarding logging versus other uses of the Tongass National Forest (Alaska). The results could indicate changes in people's values regarding how the Tongass should be used (e.g., recreation vs. logging). It is a powerful tool especially for those of you interested in tracking environmental policies and changes in values over time. However, some software packages are expensive and I need to do a little more research to see if this is even feasible. Talk to me if you are interested in this and I will see what I can do to get you the software for a small price or free.</p><p>EVALUATION (Note- 10% of pts. per day will be deducted for late work w/o prior permission) Criteria Due Dates Points (%) Grading Scale Points Exam I October 1 75 (15%) 4.0 = 90% or more 450- 500 Environmental Issue Updates October 13 25 (5%) 3.5 = 85%-89.95% 425- 449 Exam II November 10 75 (15%) 3.0 = 80%-84.95% 400- 424 Position Statement or C.A. 2.5 = 75%-79.95% 375- (C.A. = Content Analysis) 399 - Progress Report October 29 25 ( 5%) 2.0 = 70%-74.95% 350- 374 - Statement November 17 50 (10%) 1.5 = 65%-69.95% 325- 349 - Cover Letter or C.A. November 24 25 (5%) 1.0 = 60%-64.95% 300- written report 324 - Revisions December 3 50 (10%) 0.0 = below 59.95% >299 Take Home Final Exam December 18 100 (20%) or before Participation & Assignments 75 (15%) Total 500 (100%) REQUIRED READINGS</p><p>5 Nash, Roderick. (1982). Wilderness and the American Mind, (3rd Ed.). New Haven: Yale University Press. </p><p>Nash, Roderick. (1990). American Environmentalism: Readings in Conservation History, (3rd Ed.). University of California, Santa Barbara: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. </p><p>Callenbach, Ernest, (1975). Ecotopia. New York: Bantam Books. </p><p>PRR 302 Reading Package - to be purchased from Paper Image or the College Store in the Hannah Shopping Center (Hagadorn Rd.) behind USA Café (available around Sept. 10 but call first).</p><p>CLASS TOPICS, READINGS, AND ASSIGNMENTS (note: try to read in order listed)</p><p>Class Date Topics Readings Pp. Assignments 1 Sept. 1 Introduction, Business None 2 Sept. 3 Wilderness: Historical Origins WAM: Preface, Prologue (14) Meaningful & Personal Meanings WAM: Chapter 1, Old World Roots... (14) Experiences 3 Sept. 8 Wilderness as Metaphor; AE: Environmental History pp. 1-8 (8) Historical Events/People WAM: Chap. 2 A Wilderness Condition (21) 4 Sept. 10 Romantics and Nature AE: Conservation Impulse pp. 9-11 (2) Check on CP WAM: Chapter 3, Romantic Wilderness (23) at Paper WAM: Chapter 4, American Wilderness (17) Image 5 Sept. 15 ism's: Transcentalism, Deism, WAM: Chap. 5, Henry David Thoreau (12) Issue choice, Primitivism, Eco-colonialism, AE: Thoreau, Value of Wildness p36 (4) partner's name etc. AE: Cronon, Human Factor ...... p17 (8) Due AE: Jacobs, Frontiersmen...... p25 (6) 6 Sept. 17 Wilderness Saved WAM: Chap. 6, Preserve the Wilderness! (12) Video: Oregon Trail WAM: Chap. 7, Wilderness Preserved (14) (excerpts) AE: Catlin, Artist Proposes...... p31 (5) AE: Marsh, Human Responsibility ...p40 (5) AE: Olmsted, The Value and Care .... p45 (7) 7 Sept. 22 Preservation/Conservation WAM: Chapter 8, John Muir: Publicizer (19) Video: Muir vs. Pinchot WAM: Chapter 9, The Wilderness Cult (20) (excerpts) AE: Progressive Cons. Crusade, pp69-71 (2) AE: Pinchot, Birth of Conservation p73 (7) 8 Sept. 24 Hetch Hetchy Battle; WAM: Chapter 10, Hetch Hetchy (21) Preservation vs. AE: Johnson, Aesthetics …. P90 (3) Conservation (cont'd.) AE: Muir, Voice for Wilderness ...... p94 (4) Guest Speaker AE: Hays, Cons. As Effeciency…..p 102 (3) AE: Nash, Cons. As Anxiety……p 105 (4) 9 Sept.29 Women and Native American CP: Merchant, Women & Conservation (9) Contributions CP: Pioneer Women ….. (2) Review for Exam CP: Bird, From: "A Lady's Life in …. (7) CP: Cornell, The Influence of Native...... (6) AE: Black Elk, Native Americans …. (3) 10 Oct. 1 Exam I Exam 1 11 Oct. 6 Wilderness Act of 1964 & WAM: Ch. 11(skim 182-91 read 191-99) (8) related legislation WAM: Ch. 12, Decision for Permanence (38) AE: Marshall, Wilderness (5) 12 Oct. 8 Current Wilderness/Protected WAM: Ch. 15, Irony of Victory (25) Areas System and AE: Stegner, Meaning of … p. 175 (5) Wilderness Values/Uses CP: Miller, Public Lands …. (4) CP: Fede-Corrigall, The Enduring .... (4)</p><p>Class Date Topics Readings Pp. Assignments 6 13 Oct. 13 The Future and Role of WAM: Epilogue, A Future for Wilderness (10) Env. Issue Wilderness and its AE: Nash, Wilderness Advocacy p 259 (9) Updates Management CP: Peterson-Harmon, Wilderness Mgt.... (4) CP: Forman, Islands of Doom (4) 14 Oct. 15 TRANSITION—CURRENT CP: Miller-- Science, Models … (5) ISSUES & HUMAN CP: Porterfield: Luxury Items ...... (1) RESPONSES: 1.Technology, CP: Wilderness Soc.--Salute to Aldo (13) Science, & the Environment AE: Leopold, A Land Ethic p171 (4) AE: Commoner, Fund. Causes p206 (9) 15 Oct. 20 Critical Thinking--Science & CP: Kimmins, Clearcutting … (30) Values Compared AE: Douglas, Mineral King/Standing, 243 (2) CP: Schiffmann, Activist lives in tree (1) CP: The Futurist: Global Environment (6) CP: Samuelson: Don’t Hold Your Breath (1) 16 Oct. 22 Environmental Crisis: AE: Carson, Pesticides p191 (4) Population and Pollution AE: Ehrlich, Overpopulation p202 (4) CP: Hardin: Tragedy of Commons (6) CP: Keyfitz: Growing Human Population (8) 17 Oct. 27 Video: After the Warming CP: Ruckelshaus: Towards World (7) (Part 1) and Introduction to CP: Ponting: Historical Perspective ...... (9) Sustainability CP: Hall etal, Env. Impacts of US Babies (1) 18 Oct. 29 Environmental Perception, CP: Kaplan & Kaplan, Humanscape Progress Cognition and Territory (articles by Kaplan & Kaplan, Campbell, Reports Napier, Washburn & Sommer) (12) CP: Carpenter & Holmes, Living w/Nature (3) CP: Goleman, Psychology's New Interest (1) 19 Nov. 3 Environmental Values and CP: Kellert, American Society (30) Attitudes CP: Hare, Black Ecology (3) AE: Berry, Religion & Environment, 275 (4) CP: Williams, Redemption (2) 20 Nov. 5 Mystery Day Mystery Day Mystery Day 21 Nov. 10 Exam II Exam 2 22 Nov. 12 Environmental Movements AE: Brower, Friendship with… p. 246 (8) and AE: Sale, Schism Environmentalism,285 (9) Organizations AE: Bookchin, Shortcomings ...... p.294 (5) CP: Letto: 100 Yrs of Compromise (5) CP: The Defense of Nature 2; Sprouting (1) CP: Friedman: Env. Told ‘No sale’ (1) 23 Nov. 17 GAIA Theory, AE: Sessions&Devall, Deep Ecology, 309 (7) Position Deep Ecology, and CP: Pearce: Gaia Revolution ….. (2) Statements Wise Use Movement CP: Lovelock: Hands up for the Gaia …. (2) Due CP: Brick: Determined Opposition (9) CP: Dillard, Living like Weasels (3) 24 Nov. 19 Multicultural Perspectives, CP: Mohai-Bryant: Race, Poverty & Envir. (3) Environmental Justice CP: Bullard: In Our Backyards (2) and Ecofeminism CP: Taylor: Environ. Justice Movement (3) CP: Two feminists discuss…. (2) CP: W. LaDuke on Indians' Place in … (1) CP: Budd, Cinnamon Mare (6) CP: Guha, Radical American ….. (8) 25 Nov. 24 TRANSITION: SOLUTIONS CP: MacNeill: Strategies for Sustain.…. (9) Cover Letters CP: Begley: Butterflies Aren’t Free (1) OR Content Video: After the Warming CP: Orr, Ecological Design Arts (2) Analysis (Part II) and Sustainability CP: Lovins, Technology is Answer (2) Reports Due CP: Marklein, Colleges going green (1) Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Recess</p><p>Class Date Topics Readings Pp. Assignments 7 26 Dec. 1 Toward “Techno” and Social CP: Brown: We Can Build Sustainable.... (5) Fixes CP: Kunzig & Zimmer, Carbon Cuts …. (6) CP: Green, Buddy Thomas …. (2) 27 Dec. 3 Ethics, Behaviors, and CP: Weiss: Fairness to Future …. (7) Revisions Due Life Styles CP: Schmipf: Keep it Simple (2) CP: Duignan-Cabrera, Mississippi Clean (7) Ecotopia: pp. 1-59 28 Dec. 8 Environment, Recreation and CP: Robbins: Tourism Trap (6) Tourism CP: Russell, Torrent of Tourists (2) CP: Margolis: With Solitude for all (9) Ecotopia: pp. 60-118 29 Dec. 10 Future Environments CP: Cronon, Getting Back to the Wrong.. (4) Wrap-up AE: Barney:, A Troubled Future p329 (4) AE: Adams-Cahn, Future Environ.... p336 (13) CP Chief Seattle: Speech (2) Ecotopia: pp. 119-181 30 Dec. 18 Final Exam 10:00- 12:00 Same Room Final Exam</p><p>REFERENCES AND READINGS (also see course packet) Allee, D. J. (1989). Establishment of a pricing policy to reduce the waste system: Supply and demand issue for recyclables. In: C. C. Fridgen (ed.), National CES Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Workshop Proceedings (pp.74-80). Detroit, MI: Waste Management of North America, Inc. Bleviss, D. L. & Walzer, P. (1990). Energy for Motor Vehicles. Scientific American, 263(3), 103-109. Bratton, S. P. (1986). Battling satan in the wilderness: Antagonism, spirituality, and wild nature in the four gospels. In: R. C. Lucas (Compiler)., Proceedings-- National wilderness research conference: Current research; 1985 July 23-26; Fort Collins, Co. General Technical Report INT- 212. Ogden, UT: Inter-mountain Research Station. Brown, L. R. and Flavin, C. (1988). The earth's vital signs. In L. R. Brown, E.C.Wolf, L. Starke, et. al. (eds.), State of the World 1988 (pp. 1-21; Notes: Ch. 1, 189-192). NY: W.W. Norton & Co. Brown, L. R. and Wolf, E. C. (1988). Reclaiming the future. In L. R. Brown & E. C. Wolf (eds.), State of the World 1988 (pp. 170-188; Notes: Ch. 10, 224-226) NY: W.W. Norton & Co. Cahn, R. & Cahn, P. (1990). Did earth day change the world? Environment. 32(7), 16-20, 36-43. Chandler, C. & Brauchli, M. W. (1990). Oil security-- How Japan became so energy-efficient: It leaned on industry. Wall Street Journal, September 10, p. A1, A7. Citizens Committee for Michigan State Parks. (1992). Vision 2020: A strategic plan for Michigan State Parks. Lansing, MI: MI Department of Natural Resources. Cone, J. D. and Hayes, S. C. (1980). Environmental problems/behavioral solutions. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole. Davis, Ged R. (1990). Energy for planet earth. Scientific American, September, 263(3), 55-62. de Crevecoeur, H. St. Jean (1782). What is an American. (pp. 130-139). Reprinted in J. Conron (ed.), (1974). The american landscape: A critical anthology of prose and poetry. NY: Oxford University Press. Dustin, D. L. (1986). Outdoor recreation: A question of equity. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 1(3), 62-67. Fedkiw, J. (1986). U.S. outdoor recreation policy: Strengthening private initiatives. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 1(3), 43-55.</p><p>8 Fridgen, J. D. (1987). Use of cognitive maps to determine perceived tourism regions. Leisure Sciences, 9, 101-117. Graefe, A. R., Donnelly, M. P. & Vaske, J. J. (1986). Crowding and specialization: A reexamination of the crowding model. In: R. C. Lucas (Compiler), Proceedings-- National wilderness research conference: Current research; 1985 July 23-26; Fort Collins, CO. General Technical Report INT-212. Ogden, UT: Inter-mountain Research Station. Grant, L. (1983). The cornucopian fallacies: The myth of perpetual growth. The Futurist, 17(4), 16-22. Hardin, G. (1968). The tragedy of the commons. Science, 162, 1243-1248. Holdren, J. P. (1990). Energy in Transition. Scientific American, 263(3), 157-163. Kaplan, S. (1978). Perception of an uncertain environment (pp.30-35). In S. Kaplan and R. Kaplan (eds.), Humanscape. North Scituate, MA: Duxbury Press. Kaplan Rachel & Kaplan R. (1989) The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective. Cambridge University Press. Kellert, S. R. (1984). Assessing wildlife and environmental values in cost benefit analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 18, 355-363. Keyfitz, N. (1989). The growing human population. Scientific American, September 261(3), 119-126. Laycock, G. (1991). `Good times' are killing the keys. Audubon, September-October 93(5), 38-49. Lee, T. R. (1978). A theory of socio-spatial schemata. Humanscape: environments for people. (pp. 58- 69, Notes: Ch. 3.) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co. Leopold, A. (1949). An ethic for man-land relations. In R. Nash (ed.), The American Environment: Readings in the History of Conservation. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley (1968). Letto, L. (1992). One hundred years of compromise. Buzzworm: the environmental journal. 4(2), 26-32. Lucas, R. C. & Krumpe, E. E. (1986). Wilderness management. In: President's Commission on Americans Outdoors -- A Literature Review (1986-165-816:64524). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Lyons, G. (1978). Politics in the woods. Harper's, July, 257(1538), 27-37. MacNeill, J. (1989). Strategies for sustainable economic development. Scientific American, September 261(3), 155-165. McAndrew, Francis T., 1993, Environmental Psychology. Brooks/Cole Publishing. McCloskey, M. (1986). Outdoor recreation: An environmental perspective. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 1(3), 56-61. Milgram, S. (1970). The experience of living in cities. Science, 16, 1461-1468. Morrison, D. E. & Dunlap, R. E. (1986). Environmentalism and elitism: A conceptual and empirical analysis. Environmental Management, vol. 10 (5), 581-589. Muir, J. (1912). The Yosemite. In D. Worster (ed.), American Environmentalism: The Formative Period -- 1860-1915. NY: Wiley (1973). Nash, Roderick. (1989). The rights of nature : a history of environmental ethics. 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