How Do You Develop Children S Scientific Ideas Through Play?

How Do You Develop Children S Scientific Ideas Through Play?

<p> ARCHIVE ASECHAT 14 MAY 2012</p><p>HOW DO YOU DEVELOP CHILDREN’S SCIENTIFIC IDEAS THROUGH PLAY?</p><p>Right I'm calling it - #ASEchat tonight will be titled "How do you develop children’s scientific ideas cleverfiend 19:47 through play?" #ukedchat @90_maz @cleverfiend you can download youtube iSciTeacher 19:48 videos as files and then play them in class #ASEchat Yay! RT @cleverfiend Right I'm calling it - #ASEchat tonight "How do you develop children’s scientific cardiffscience 19:49 ideas through play?" #ukedchat 90_maz 19:52 @CraigSEllis come join us all on #asechat @iSciTeacher the way tech goes in my place I 90_maz 19:53 wouldn't count on it! #asechat Blog post - William's Words in Science - great resource for literacy in science cleverfiend 19:55 #asechat #ASEchat tonight aims to find out "How do you develop children's scientific ideas through play" - cleverfiend 19:59 primary teachers we want to hear from you! Just seen #ASEchat, and can we ask, how useful do educators find computer based (primary) science sim stormeducation 19:59 "games" (we have a new series coming) @cleverfiend #asechat not just primary who need to cardiffscience 20:00 'play' @cleverfiend Excellent topic! All aware of Statutory ViciaScience 20:00 Framework for EYFS from Sept? #ASEChat RT @stormeducation: Just seen #ASEchat, and can we ask, how useful do educators find computer based (primary) science sim "games" (we have a ViciaScience 20:00 new series coming) @cardiffscience indeed but I'm imagining primary teachers in having a head start here in experience cleverfiend 20:00 (happy to be proved wrong) #asechat Biolady99 20:01 #asechat hello #asechat good evening all, hope to be able to gregtheseal 20:01 contribute tonight Does 'play' include measuring mass of solid and ViciaScience 20:01 liquid before and after dissolving? #ASEChat 'play' means exploration and investigation, preliminary to deciding what to explore in more cardiffscience 20:02 depth #asechat We played with lots of science toys (at the NSLC) and generated questions at the end that arose as a cleverfiend 20:02 result of our play #asechat @viciascience no you are going to tell us all about it agittner 20:03 #asechat All ages should play, either with practical real objects cardiffscience 20:03 or with thought expts #asechat Can play include simulations (eg the SIMS type game in Wikid for renewable energy)? Web sites? cleverfiend 20:04 Physics simulations? #asechat Great blog post btw ks2 enquiry, literacy and science cardiffscience 20:04 #asechat @agittner I see this type of predict and observe, explain play as a great way of getting at ViciaScience 20:05 understanding at all ages #ASEChat #asechat today we have mixed cornflour, flour, sugar, sand or salt with water and tried to get it 90_maz 20:05 back (p5 – l2) Experiment = play with a few rules and a bit of Mr_D_Cheng 20:07 writing maybe?#asechat @stormeducation ooo yeah, like those if not too 90_maz 20:07 much reading and intuitive #asechat @90_maz Your money for the dodgy cupcake Lethandrel 20:07 recipe? <g> #asechat @90_maz Now playing with a cornflour 'solution' is ViciaScience 20:07 essential play for all ages #ASEChat RT @mrNeilButler: @cleverfiend i'm writing up some research using for cleverfiend 20:07 physics/maths/problem solving. #asechat #ASEchat here's some acids, some alkalis som ui. In Mr_D_Cheng 20:08 ten minutes I want to know what you found out! @Mr_D_Cheng good formula, depending on who ViciaScience 20:08 sets up rules? #ASEChat Apps are opening a new field for Science based games I think there are interesting ways to exploit tesScience 20:08 them, e.g. #asechat @Lethandrel not all at once! Although some did 90_maz 20:08 try...sand tastes bad ;-) #asechat @Mr_D_Cheng and then move to here is some onion, cabbage, turmeric, blackcurrant etc and acid, ViciaScience 20:09 alkali . Go and play with colours #ASEChat Play should be open ended, not just guess what's in cardiffscience 20:09 the teacher's head #asechat 90_maz 20:10 #asechat paper plans for forces, speed. Pendulums to find relationships... #asechat I don't know about everyone else but my team loves a bit of science play! Crash boom bang Mr_D_Cheng 20:10 it's for a lesson Dom honest! @tesScience so who has tried chldn writing own ViciaScience 20:10 games in code? #RaspPi #ASEChat Does play sometimes promote trial and error rather than a systematic approach to problem solving (not agittner 20:10 necessarily a bad thing) #asechat #asechat I had a great time with some purple mashed potato, vinegar and Mr_D_Cheng 20:11 bicarb.#shouldntadmitoutloud #asechat bug hunts, floating and sinking, paper 90_maz 20:11 cups and string... @agittner Perhaps through play begin to develop systematic approach, eg egg race activities ViciaScience 20:11 #ASEChat @ViciaScience @tesScience i have by word search with a code of astronomy terms, the kids loved it Biolady99 20:11 #asechat @sazzled81 don't forget the #asechat to keep in cardiffscience 20:12 stream agittner 20:12 Is the work of Sugata Mitra play?#ASEchat @Mr_D_Cheng Have you been on Come Doine with ViciaScience 20:12 Me then? #ASEChat I used a great online game called 'Things' made by @sciencemuseum with Year 7, 9 & 10. Great way to iSciTeacher 20:12 learn about inheritance #ASEchat @ViciaScience Great area I would love to develop! Really relevant to new ICT Curriculum too! Maybe tesScience 20:12 people like @DrTomCrick can help #asechat Making Parachutes for lessons on forces, controlled assessment skills practice and speed calculations niamhirl 20:13 #asechat Actually called Thingdom! iSciTeacher 20:14 #ASEchat Does science play have to be structured to be useful or is promoting interest and asking questions cleverfiend 20:14 enough? #asechat @agittner yes Sugata Mitra work is powerful play , but with some rules , inspiring speaker, saw him last cardiffscience 20:14 year #asechat @ViciaScience would be great to have a chat about tesScience 20:14 that at some point then! #asechat @niamhirl Ummm, don't do parachutes .... unless Lethandrel 20:15 you put holes in the tops #asechat Biolady99 20:15 @cleverfiend i think all 3 are relevant #asechat RT @cardiffscience: @agittner yes Sugata Mitra work is powerful play , but with some rules , tesScience 20:15 inspiring speaker, saw him last year #asechat .@tesScience @ViciaScience Yes! We (@CompAtSch) are working hard to develop/support the teaching of DrTomCrick 20:16 computer science #asechat #CSin2012 Biolady99 20:16 @ViciaScience see my profile :) #asechat cardiffscience 20:16 Play is first stage of #pbl, #asechat @cleverfiend I think both structured and open play is important, depending on what outcome you want. iSciTeacher 20:17 #ASEchat @ViciaScience set egg races regularly, try to promote systematic approach by asking for a agittner 20:17 method at end (can't just mix and play) #asechat NeedhamL56 20:18 Evening all #asechat @drtomcrick @viciascience think about learners making their own Physics games as part of a Physics tesScience 20:18 and Programming A-lev course #asechat Does science come out tops in subjects that are just NeedhamL56 20:18 made for play? #asechat #asechat What do people mean by play? Games Lethandrel 20:18 have rules. Who sets the rules? For SET week we had a STEM Olympics which was a series of 'games' - STEM challenges. Kids enjoyed it iSciTeacher 20:19 and learnt something! #ASEchat @tesScience @drtomcrick Any links or experience of ViciaScience 20:19 games approach from Futurelab? #ASEChat #asechat Sug.M's take the key principals: pick the right question, encourage group work, allow self coopsonia 20:19 discovery, open up the possibilities #asechat play is really a way of trying out real life. If we structure activities appropriately then we can do Mr_D_Cheng 20:19 lots of play (1) I think they were made for each other RT @NeedhamL56 Does science come out tops in cardiffscience 20:19 subjects that are just made for play? #asechat NeedhamL56 20:19 Is play just a softer name for science? #asechat @NeedhamL56 I guess their could be more fun playing with javelins and crash mats in PE? ViciaScience 20:20 #ASEChat Mr_D_Cheng 20:20 #asechat and by structure I really mean set appropriate boundaries @DrTomCrick @ViciaScience would set learners up for the right path and inspire them to do something tesScience 20:20 like this #asechat ViciaScience 20:21 @tesScience @DrTomCrick Exactly! #ASEChat In my early days of teaching first Y7 lesson was about rules. Squashed sense of play in first lesson ViciaScience 20:23 #ASEChat Lethandrel 20:24 I say "Don't play", I say "Explore" #asechat RT @Lethandrel: I say "Don't play", I say "Explore" cleverfiend 20:24 #asechat #asechat saw sugata speak last year - awesome and inspiring, so many things that can be put into coopsonia 20:24 practice! @tesScience @ViciaScience Agreed--thats the utility of teaching computer science and programming-- DrTomCrick 20:24 solving real world problems! #asechat RT @Lethandrel: I say "Don't play", I say "Explore" Biolady99 20:25 #asechat @Lethandrel agree that explore sounds like there may be a purpose to it, or safer if using chemicals :) cleverfiend 20:25 #asechat @needhaml56 I suspect play is more a softer Design and technology,technological advances were made agittner 20:25 by trial and error not science #asechat What are we discussing,manat is th stoic NeedhamL56 20:25 specifically? #asechat @Lethandrel 'Explore' - just with equipment or ViciaScience 20:25 include web enabled devices? #ASEChat iSciTeacher 20:25 @Lethandrel Explorative play? #ASEchat Not that I have no doubt what so ever of the value agittner 20:25 of play in science #asechat 90_maz 20:25 Angry birds covers so much physics #asechat Truly awe inspiring RT @coopsonia #asechat saw sugata speak last year - awesome and inspiring, so cardiffscience 20:26 many things that can be put into practice! #asechat No, as @cleverfiend says, some PURPOSE Lethandrel 20:27 - otherwise it's pointless @90_maz once played with this can use video ViciaScience 20:27 analysis to learn more about the physics #ASEChat @iSciTeacher @lethandrel when does exploration become experimentation? #asechat ignore least NeedhamL56 20:27 tweet BTW mad spelling #fail anhalf 20:27 @90_maz #asechat crayonphysics is great for ks2 too #asechat ! RT @cleverfiend @90_maz I like the thought of a life size catapult and shooting students 90_maz 20:28 at a pile of bricks (few staff too...) RT @90_maz: Angry birds covers so much physics tesScience 20:28 #asechat @gavinsmart come join us on #asechat, taking 90_maz 20:29 science through play @anhalf what can secondary colleagues learn about cleverfiend 20:29 exploration/play from the primary phase? #asechat RT @viciascience: @90_maz once played with this can use video analysis to learn more about the tesScience 20:29 physics #ASEChat Can play help teach chldn about conservation of matter, and mass (thinking sand tray play) ViciaScience 20:30 #ASEChat @anhalf thank you for reminding me. Have also 90_maz 20:31 used with lower ability secondary #asechat You must be good at physics to Design video games, merging the laws of how objects behave with how NeedhamL56 20:31 the image works #ASEchat @NeedhamL56 Must be easier than programming ViciaScience 20:32 movement of living things! #ASEChat Role play can be a powerful tool for learning. The more realistic the settings and challenges, the more tesScience 20:33 engaged learners become #asechat Do apps like Bee-Bot help children learn to ViciaScience 20:33 programme through play? #ASEChat #asechat Do primaries feel more confident in promoting play in sci with the abolition of KS2 sats cleverfiend 20:35 and Ofsted's lack of interest in science 'mantle of the expert' is good for 'play' in science cardiffscience 20:36 #asechat Talking with primary tchrs today who saw play as fundamental to learning, and not an addition to ViciaScience 20:36 learning. #ASEChat @viciascience I used this in Techniquest with my boys. they really enjoyed it. tesScience 20:37 Great for learning coordinates #asechat @cleverfiend #asechat Several of our prim Sci Cords have been interviewed in recent Ofsted visits; they 13SciDave 20:37 are still interested in sci!! @13SciDave that's a relief - two inspections I heard of in last month looked at only literacy and cleverfiend 20:37 numeracy. No interest in science #asechat @cleverfiend giving chn time to explore and make mistakes , playing with new equipment to see how it anhalf 20:37 can be used #asechat #asechat I unlock doodle god t the end of term for Mr_D_Cheng 20:37 the kids to play its very loosely science! @viciascience Kodu is also great for learning principles of programming! You can also change tesScience 20:38 friction and other parameters #asechat Is play best used as part of a project, ie not over in 50 mins. Certainly good for group work NeedhamL56 20:39 communication, and reflection #asechat @cleverfiend #asechat Ofsted look for chn asking their own ques & operating as scientists (their 13SciDave 20:39 phrase). Mistake for schs to ignore sci CPD Check out our Video Prospectus PCSAScience 20:39 #ukedchat #asechat #scichat OxfordEdScienc Did you know...? A Hydrogen powered Hummer e 20:39 needs refuelling every 60 miles #asechat @tesScience Role play inc the teacher. There is a lesson on TES of a teacher being role playing clinical iSciTeacher 20:39 trials. Works a treat! #ASEchat Do we as adults need to learn to play again before agittner 20:40 we can lead play with our children? #ASEchat @cleverfiend is science still a priority in primary even anhalf 20:40 ?! #asechat Yes I think so RT @agittner Do we as adults need to learn to play again before we can lead play with our cardiffscience 20:41 children? #ASEchat @13SciDave @cleverfiend check out the OFSTED supplementary guidance for science. Applicable NeedhamL56 20:41 across all phases #asechat @agittner We often gibe teachers on CPD some sci to explore as pert of the session - it does seem to 13SciDave 20:41 work. #asechat @NeedhamL56 @lethandrel it becomes an experiment when you control variables, vary just one, note down observations & hypothesise! iSciTeacher 20:41 #ASEchat RT @PCSAScience: Check out our Video Prospectus gavinsmart 20:41 #ukedchat #asechat #scichat ViciaScience 20:41 @tesScience Ahhh - a real Bee-Bot. Mine is an app in the phone and probably less fun, but addictive for younger chldn. #ASEChat @anhalf Be good to let secdry chldn make mistakes ViciaScience 20:43 too - never learn mastery of equipment #ASEChat @iSciTeacher can you post the link, please? Would tesScience 20:43 love to see it #asechat @iSciTeacher is that different to an investigation? NeedhamL56 20:43 #asechat #asechat what advice would you give a teacher wanting to include exploration/play into their cleverfiend 20:44 lessons? How would they structure/plan? tips? I think play can be powerful at second when you start to get the stdts to talk about the play strategies agittner 20:44 they used (metacognition) #asechat @NeedhamL56 @iSciTeacher there are many types cardiffscience 20:44 of enquiry, you described a fair test #asechat #asechat The kids I teach always seem to like to hrogerson 20:44 "play" with the electrical circuits equipment. @tesScience I dress up for it & put on an ultra posh accent. The kids love to play iSciTeacher 20:45 along! #ASEchat I am letting a gp of technicians 'play' with iP*d Touch devices tomorrow. Hope I find it fun too ViciaScience 20:46 #ASEChat RT @hrogerson: #asechat The kids I teach always seem to like to "play" with the electrical circuits 90_maz 20:46 equipment. @NeedhamL56 I guess an investigation is a series of iSciTeacher 20:46 experiments… ? #ASEchat @ViciaScience my 7 yrs old boy got Kodu instantly! It's very intuitive and great fun to create own world! tesScience 20:46 #asechat @hrogerson try keeping them to making alkanes when you get the molymods out "Sir sir what does agittner 20:46 this(random collection of atoms)do? #asechat @ViciaScience @anhalf Ah yes mistakes! Girls hate to make them. They are sooooo important for iSciTeacher 20:46 learning #ASEchat RT @90_maz RT @hrogerson: #asechat The kids I teach always seem to like to "play" with the anhalf 20:47 electrical circuits equipment.< :-D #asechat EYFS classes are great places for STEM inspiration, with water, sandpits&construction zones. DrBiol 20:47 Play is the route to experimentation. @iSciTeacher But girls tend to collaborate more and plan rather than trial and error. Both important ViciaScience 20:47 #ASEChat @cardiffscience @isciteacher play, experiment, investigate, enquiry are these different levels of NeedhamL56 20:47 sophistication? #asechat @90_maz there's a fab web based electicalcircuit prog great for ks2..saves blwing loads of bulbs..will anhalf 20:47 find link #asechat @NeedhamL56 @cardiffscience @isciteacher and ViciaScience 20:48 then goes back to 'play' when post grad? #ASEChat @cardiffscience @needhaml56 I described an experiment which has to be a fair test, or it is not iSciTeacher 20:48 #ASEchat @cleverfiend #asechat Good question. I sometimes say "we are playing", but I don't really plan it that hrogerson 20:48 way. @NeedhamL56 @isciteacher now that's a question cardiffscience 20:49 worthy of a whole #asechat ! @NeedhamL56 @isciteacher mostly in science cardiffscience 20:49 lessons experiments aren't enquiries #asechat @ViciaScience Not always, I find working in a girls' sch often they just want to know what is "right" & iSciTeacher 20:50 expect a lot of direction #ASEchat Any sci teachers use a virtual or online booking system at work? #asechat #scichat #ukedchat N4LYO 20:50 #Science pls let me know #rt @iSciTeacher @cardiffscience @needhaml56 I meant to say or it is not valid. key word missing! iSciTeacher 20:50 #ASEchat @NeedhamL56 @cardiffscience I think levels of sophistication are a good way of looking at it iSciTeacher 20:51 #ASEchat “@cardiffscience: @NeedhamL56 @isciteacher mostly in science lessons experiments aren't NeedhamL56 20:52 enquiries #asechat” time restrictions? Curric full? RT @iSciTeacher: @tesScience I dress up for it & put on an ultra posh accent. The tesScience 20:52 kids love to play along! #ASEchat RT @N4LYO: Any sci teachers use a virtual or online booking system at work? #asechat #scichat ViciaScience 20:53 #ukedchat #Science pls let me know #rt @cardiffscience @needhaml56 Unfortunately most of the time in lessons we & often the kids already know iSciTeacher 20:53 what will happen in the exp!#ASEchat “ @iSciTeacher @cardiffscience I meant to say or it is not valid. key word missing! #ASEchat” NeedhamL56 20:54 another can of worms #validity @NeedhamL56 @cardiffscience Time and curriculum iSciTeacher 20:54 - as always! #ASEchat #ASEchat Does roleplay count as play? My students love hot seating (they all want to take the seat). We cleverfiend 20:54 even interviewed a mammoth last week @NeedhamL56 @isciteacher don't think it's only time that's the barrier, teacher confidence too, afraid cardiffscience 20:54 to make more open ended #asechat Interested in science ed? Ideas to share? Write an article for an ASE publication - ALL welcome to cleverfiend 20:55 submit. Msg me for more info #asechat @cardiffscience I think you have nailed it on the head with the phrase "teacher confidence" - what cleverfiend 20:55 can we do to improve this? #asechat How do people create a classroom in which mistakes are made & accepted & valued as part of learning? iSciTeacher 20:55 #ASEchat @iSciTeacher givng chn selection of "answrs"som right,som wrong,some inbetween is great way 2 help anhalf 20:56 chn see its ok not 2 knw answrs #asechat @iSciTeacher @cardiffscience noooooooo! Then we wonder why they are bored, and don't want to join NeedhamL56 20:56 in..Aargh #asechat missed opportunities:( What about simulating Social Media like this fun ElementBook by @gavinsmart tesScience 20:56 as play in Science? #asechat @cleverfiend Improve teacher confidence by support (networks like this) and taking one step at a time, ViciaScience 20:56 not change the world #ASEChat @iSciTeacher @needhaml56 @cardiffscience IS a good way! Clearly trying to type too fast here… iSciTeacher 20:56 #ASEchat @cardiffscience @needhaml56 how do we improve teacher confidence in this area? i think good iSciTeacher 20:58 behaviour is needed as well #ASEchat @cleverfiend @Cardiffscience #asechat more emphasis on sci..i plan to meet local sci leaders to anhalf 20:59 try toaddress this ... @iSciTeacher by letting demos go wrong and then talking about it, so pupils can see science doesn't 90_maz 20:59 always work #asechat @tesScience #asechat have set up rocks/gem area.Making rocks and soils more interesting!Kids lisarich30 20:59 loving exploring, bringing rocks in every day! @iSciTeacher @needhaml56 but behaviour is better when curriculum is engaging, chicken and egg cardiffscience 20:59 #asechat @isciteacher @cardiffscience @NeedhamL56 the dragster racers by IoP is a great activity where tesScience 20:59 learners don't know outcomes before #asechat @iSciTeacher @cardiffscience mmm interesting no one has mentioned classroom management of play NeedhamL56 20:59 yet. #asechat @90_maz Awesome idea! My demos often go wrong iSciTeacher 20:59 anyway! #ASEchat @anhalf and asking questions that have no right answer? like is an elephant better than a whale? iSciTeacher 21:00 #ASEchat @iSciTeacher lots of work on mindsets..fixed/growth , undrstanding that learners need to make mistakes anhalf 21:00 #asechat RT @lisarich30: @tesScience #asechat have set up rocks/gem area.Making rocks and soils more interesting!Kids loving exploring, bringing rocks in tesScience 21:01 every day! Thanks to all for joining us tonight for #asechat - lots of good ideas and the discussion is still carrying cleverfiend 21:01 on. Join us next week at 8pm RT @iSciTeacher: @anhalf and asking questions that have no right answer? like is an elephant better than cardiffscience 21:01 a whale? #ASEchat So we should be modelling 'play' in our teaching if ViciaScience 21:01 we want chldn to learn by 'play'? #ASEChat @cardiffscience @needhaml56 i did 2 yrs in a tough sch with no formal behaviour policy & def you had to iSciTeacher 21:01 have the behaviour first. #ASEchat Thank you Rob for tackling a testing topic tonight ViciaScience 21:02 (well testing for me) #ASEChat #asechat we like the idea of computer simulations as a way of backing up real experiments - they are stormeducation 21:02 quicker (and can be safer!) @iSciTeacher and mine! ;-) make it seem deliberate 90_maz 21:02 though #asechat And the final plug - if you aren't an ASE member, check out the ASE website - monthly direct debits cleverfiend 21:02 now available! #asechat @iSciTeacher definitely..use ofblooms and question dice to genrate qns..#asechat see that som qns anhalf 21:02 cannot be answrd RT @stormeducation: #asechat we like the idea of computer simulations as a way of backing up real ViciaScience 21:03 experiments - I agree @iSciTeacher #asechat and encourage more peer- anhalf 21:03 peerqning and chn-tchr qning @cleverfiend thanks for moderating a great #asechat tonight! It was fun taking part as tesScience 21:03 @tesScience :-) @90_maz Ahh making it seem deliberate, that's iSciTeacher 21:03 where I've been going wrong! :-) #ASEchat @anhalf As a teacher I think its powerful to say "I don't know, let me find out…" (usually involving iSciTeacher 21:04 google!) #ASEchat #asechat we have leant loads from being here, really beneficail hour for a publisher like us. thanks stormeducation 21:04 all. cardiffscience 21:06 Thanks Rob and all #asechat participants @needhaml56 no management...set it up and keep agittner 21:06 your fingers crossed no one gets killed #asechat @ViciaScience How do teachers model play iSciTeacher 21:06 effectively? #ASEchat Check out this really useful new resource on QWC tesScience 21:06 questions by @DrDav #asechat - @iSciTeacher By having some lessons where clear you are operating under difft rules, drerssing up, ViciaScience 21:07 odd voices, novel activities , #ASEChat RT “@cardiffscience: Thanks Rob and all #asechat participants” hope the NC writers have NeedhamL56 21:09 got play progression sorted EYFS to KS5 NeedhamL56 21:09 @ViciaScience @isciteacher normal then? #asechat agittner 21:12 @cleverfiend thanks for hosting #asechat Thanks for hosting Rob! And thanks to everyone else Mr_D_Cheng 21:13 for this ace, free, weekly CPD #asechat Looking for customisable resources and activities for OxfordEdScienc #OCRGateway? Take a look at our FREE online e 21:15 demo #asechat And remember to include participation in #ASEChat in your CPD record for CSciTeach, RSci and DrBiol 21:18 RSciTech! iSciTeacher 21:19 Thanks everyone! Enjoyed it :-) #ASEchat Lethandrel 21:20 #asechat A thought on all this 'play' stuff - is this not retardation of the worst kind? #ASEChat really desperate for resources: I need help with OCR B2 revision on classification new B2a. hrogerson 21:20 @tesScience @cleverfiend thnx for a v.interesting #asechat had to come&go - phone calls! Great place 2 share ideas anhalf 21:22 and support each other #ukedchat RT @iSciTeacher @anhalf As a tcher I thnk its powerful2say "I don't knw, lets find out" (usualy anhalf 21:24 involvin google) #ASEchat < totally agree :) New blog post: Shooting for momentum. Includes cute picture and a good experiment. Take a look. DrDav 21:25 #asechat RT @DrDav: New blog post: Shooting for momentum. Includes cute picture and a good experiment. Take a look. cleverfiend 21:29 #asechat @RevErasmus thanks for the comments. For the record you need to add the hastag #asechat in your cleverfiend 21:30 tweets so others can see them too RT @Lethandrel: #asechat A thought on all this oldandrewuk 21:35 'play' stuff - is this not retardation of the worst kind? @Lethandrel Idea of learning by play, some will and some won't put holes in top of parachute-leads to niamhirl 21:40 discussion why they should #asechat @niamhirl If that is your success criteria. But if the Lethandrel 21:42 measurements are ..... #asechat Monday Chats 2 #flipclass #K12media #journchat #SAGchat #apbio #asechat #edchatIE #hsc cybraryman1 21:45 Conclusion to tonight's #asechat --- let's make every school a ball park, kiddies will learn everything by Lethandrel 21:46 just playing, who needs teachers? RT @cybraryman1: Monday Chats 2 #flipclass #K12media #journchat #SAGchat #apbio #asechat massteacher 21:51 #edchatIE #hsc RT @cybraryman1: Monday Chats 2 #flipclass #K12media #journchat #SAGchat #apbio #asechat EdTechMTA 21:51 #edchatIE #hsc #asechat pertinent blogpost following tonight's chat (thnx @cardiffscience for anhalf 21:56 tweeting this earlier) AlaricThompson 21:57 Taking A2 physics students to the play park next week. SHM, rotational dynamics and energy transfers aplenty #asechat @AlaricThompson Oooh --- do a conservation of angular momentum on roundabout if you can (and Lethandrel 21:58 have sick bags on stand-by) #asechat</p>

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