<p>Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>PURPOSE: The 90 Day Plan serves as a road map that provides clarity to specific priorities and actions that are most important during the next 90 days. The plan will help ensure the focus of all stakeholders toward an aligned understanding of the implementation and progress of our school’s turnaround initiative. REVISED 12/15/14</p><p>VISION FOR THE TURNAROUND INITIATIVE: ARTICULATE IN A FEW SENTENCES WHAT YOU HOPE TO ACHIEVE DURING THE COMING YEARS (Learner Centered Model Adoption) </p><p>LIST SCHOOL-WIDE GOALS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS LIST SPECIFIC SCHOOL-YEAR GOALS (i.e. 8TH Grade Algebra, 2ND Grade L Arts, % Math Advanced, # AP Exam 4s, Graduation rate, etc.) MATH MATH LANG. ARTS LANG. ARTS % Students % Students Intervention Individualized Attendance School BASELINE PROFICIENCY BASELINE PROFICIENCY meeting Mastery meeting / Programs Academic Culture- PROFICIENCY GOAL PROFICIENCY GOAL Connect Targets passing all (After School) Plans Common & 2012-2013 2013-2014 2012-2013 2013-2014 classes Shared Mission Master Involve Schedule Student E-Portfolio N/A 90% 7th, Tues/2nd, Increase ADA Leadership Pending ADA and develop interventions PAC </p><p>CORE PLAN: TO MOVE TOWARD THE ABOVE GOALS, THESE ARE THE TOP PRIORITIES THAT WILL BE ADDRESSED DURING THE NEXT 90 DAYS EVIDENCE OF SCHOOL YEAR –END ROOT CAUSES OF TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE PROGRESS PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE ACTIONS TO ADDRESS ROOT CAUSE(S) FOR ACTIONS PERSON TOWARD YEAR- CHALLENGES GOAL CHALLENGE END GOAL In each row, describe For each performance For each performance List one or more specific actions you will take to address For each action, For each action, Define what one critical challenge challenge, describe challenge, list your the root causes and pursue the goal (how) provide a timeline list the person measureable evidence your school faces (what the long-term goal for hypothesis of one or more for completing the responsible for would indicate problem are you trying performance (what root causes or list analyses action (when) ensuring the needed progress to solve?) specifically is possible that needs to be complete action is complete toward long-term goal and measureable?) to determine root cause (who) by November (leading (why does this challenge indicator) exist?) UVA Recommends 3-4 Priorities – with a few primary actions with each priority; however, please adjust as needed based on your context. </p><p>1</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>Initial actions/plan to be adjusted throughout the semester: implementing with deeper fidelity, halting unsuccessful tactics and introducing new actions as helpful EVIDENCE OF SCHOOL YEAR –END ROOT CAUSES OF TIMELINE FOR RESPONSIBLE PROGRESS PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE ACTIONS TO ADDRESS ROOT CAUSE(S) ACTIONS PERSON TOWARD YEAR- CHALLENGES GOAL CHALLENGE END GOAL Curriculum/Assessment/Instruction </p><p>1. By semester, the curriculum and assessments elements (learning guides, self-assessments, post assessments, pre assessments, pacing guides, course summary documents) that have been completed by teacher teams will be fully implemented. Based on completed course summary documents, curriculum maps will be built on Mastery Connect using learning targets, and assessments will be uploaded and utilized. Teacher teams will work in collaboration; courses which are incomplete will be completed or documented progress will be made. </p><p>1. Inconsistent 1. Evidence 1. Common curriculum 1. Complete curriculum alignment work (learning 1-3. End of Semester 1. Department 1. LCCMT for definition of LCCMT and and assessment guides, pre assessment, post assessments, self- IS Curriculum and curriculum and classroom walk system is assessments, and course summary documents) 2. Department Assessment assessment throughs incomplete. and supporting staff in implementation process. IS 2. Mastery Connect expectations. (curriculum is 2. Data management 2. Course Summary Documents will be provided to 3. Admin, Curriculum Maps 2. Incomplete fully system is not fully Mastery Connect. Learning targets and pacing implemented Department 3. Anecdotal pathway for aligned yet. guides will be used to create Curriculum Maps for IS, Site IS, Evidence students to achieve with learning each course. targets, 3. Expectations are not Teacher mastery of the clear for teachers in 3. Teachers and students can clearly define learning curriculum. The key documents utilized every class. expectations for the unit and their current level of elements of what expertise or level of mastery. students were to 2. Curriculum know and how they Maps for each would demonstrate completed their knowledge course will be was missing or available on inconsistent. Mastery 3. Inconsistent Connect. method for 3. Teachers measuring student implement 2</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p> mastery of the units found in curriculum. curriculum maps with fidelity.</p><p>EVIDENCE OF SCHOOL YEAR –END ROOT CAUSES OF TIMELINE FOR RESPONSIBLE PROGRESS PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE ACTIONS TO ADDRESS ROOT CAUSE(S) ACTIONS PERSON TOWARD YEAR- CHALLENGES GOAL CHALLENGE END GOAL Classroom Instruction</p><p>1. By semester, teachers and students have clear common expectations based on curriculum and assessment in place. Based on the clear expectations, students will determine and explain their current progress towards mastery; teachers will be able to articulate student progress towards mastery to stakeholders. Instructional experiences will be Learner Centered, formative in nature, and will guide students to mastery of each of the unit concepts.</p><p>3</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>1. Varied practices 1. Learner 1. Instructional 1. Focus on Instructional Practices-Use of T4S 1-6. End of First 1-6. 1-6. T4S Observation between Delivery Centered practices varied debriefing and Cognitive Coaching between Semester Admin, Data, Cognitive Centered and practices are between Delivery observer/teacher to reinforce and refine Learner Department IS, Coaching Anecdotal Learner Centered. evident in Centered and Centered practices. Site IS, Teacher Records 2. Low student content areas. Learner Centered. 2. Focus on Instructional Practices—Use of T4S performance in 2. Teachers and 2. Instructional debriefing and Cognitive Coaching between content areas. students can practices varied observer/teacher to reinforce and refine content 3. Very little clearly explain based on content. practices. connection the learning 3. Students could not 3. Classroom use and documentation through between the expectations for clearly articulate observation of use of learning guides, self- student and the each course and the learning assessment, pre assessment, and post learning the pathway to pathway. assessment. expectations. mastery measurement. 4. Teachers could not 4. Classroom use and documentation through 4. Varied performance clearly articulate observation of use of learning guides, self- Evidence of targets for each 3. the learning assessment, pre assessment, and post course. student mastery pathway. assessment. is documented in the student 5. Overall student 5. Monitor student progress using Student Mastery data mastery performance fell Data systems—Mastery Connect (as it applies to systems. below expectations implementation), Data Matrix. in content areas. 6. Focus on Instructional Practices—Use of T4S 6. The link between debriefing and Cognitive Coaching between formative observer/teacher to reinforce and refine the use assessment and of formative assessment as it relates to instructional instructional practices. practices was inconsistent.</p><p>EVIDENCE OF SCHOOL YEAR –END ROOT CAUSES OF ACTIONS TO ADDRESS ROOT TIMELINE FOR RESPONSIBLE PROGRESS PERFORMANCE PERFORMAN PERFORMANCE CAUSE(S) ACTIONS PERSON TOWARD YEAR-END CHALLENGES CE GOAL CHALLENGE GOAL 4</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>Professional Learning Communities</p><p>1. Professional Learning Communities: By end of semester, teachers will have a clear, common understanding of Professional Learning Community practices, including data collection, data analysis, use of norms/working agreements, and reporting procedures. Based on clear expectations, teachers will meet in predetermined PLCs and complete/report the specific work of each PLC which may include work such as curriculum/assessment collaboration, and data review and analysis. 1. Inconsistent definition of 1. Common 1. Lack of common 1. Admin, Teachers, Implementation Specialists, and 1. End of 1. Admin, Teacher, IS 1. Professional and use of PLC, Business, understanding understanding of the support staff will define and come to consensus with Semester 2. Admin, Teacher, IS Development, and Professional the principles differences between regard to the definition and purposes of a PLC, End of Minutes Development meetings. and practices Professional Learning Business Meeting, and Professional Development 2. 3. Admin, Teacher, IS Generally called PLC. of PLCs. Community work, Activity. Semester 2. Agenda/Minutes/Rep Business Meeting orting Document 2. Inconsistent purpose, 2. Consistent use 2. Admin, Teachers, Implementation Specialists, and 3. End of work, and Professional practices, and reporting of PLC support staff will use PLC meeting and reporting Semester 3. Agenda/Minutes/Rep Development work was procedures evident in PLC meeting and practices consistently. evident. orting Document meetings. reporting 3. Admin, Teachers, and Implementation Specialists practices. 2. Due to lack of common 3. Inconsistent use of data will participate in PLCS which focus on data analysis, understanding to focus discussion on 3. Consistent use student performance and mastery, and regarding PLC purpose student performance and of data curriculum/assessment collaboration. and focus, varied and mastery. obtained from inconsistent meeting student data and reporting practices systems in PLC were utilized. meetings. 3. Due to lack of common understanding regarding PLC purpose and focus, data analysis focused on student performance and mastery was varied and inconsistent. </p><p>5</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>EVIDENCE OF SCHOOL YEAR –END ROOT CAUSES OF TIMELINE FOR RESPONSIBLE PROGRESS PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE ACTIONS TO ADDRESS ROOT CAUSE(S) ACTIONS PERSON TOWARD YEAR- CHALLENGES GOAL CHALLENGE END GOAL Systemic Monitoring and Interventions</p><p>1. By semester, staff at Pioneer High School will use school wide student monitoring systems (PHS Data Matrix, Graduation Tracker) consistently to monitor student progress. Data from the Graduation Tracker and PHS Data Matrix will drive decisions regarding the focus of the After School Program, student selection for inclusion in the After School Program, and alignment of student need with available resources.</p><p>6</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>1. Accurate and up to 1. School wide 1. All school system wide 1. Staff members will have access to school wide student 1. End of 1. Admin, Site 1-4. After School date information student student monitoring monitoring systems (Graduation Tracker, PHS Data Matrix) Semester IS Program Tracker, regarding student monitoring systems were not on the PHS V: drive. enrollment data, PHS performance was systems will be in available until the 2. End of 2. Admin, Site Data Matrix 2. Professional Development and/or New Hire Mentoring for limited. place; staff beginning of the 2014- Semester IS retraining/training on the use of school-wide student members will 2015 school year. 2. Inconsistent use of monitoring systems. 3. End of 3. Admin, Site have access to all PHS Data Matrix as a 2. New staff members (4) Semester IS, After systems. 3. Professional Development and/or New Hire Mentoring for tool to monitor have not been trained School retraining/training on the use of the school wide student 4. End of student performance. 2. School wide use of on use/location of monitoring systems. Program student school wide student Semester 3. Inconsistent use of Coordinator monitoring monitoring systems; 4. Identification of focus(s) of the after school tutoring PHS Data Matrix and systems. existing staff members program; alignment of resources with student need. 4. Admin, Site Graduation Tracker as may need review of the IS, After tools to include 3. Consistent use of location/use of the students in PHS Data Matrix School school wide monitoring intervention/after and Graduation Program systems. school tutoring and Tracker to include Coordinator, further monitor their students in 3. Lack of familiarity with Counselor progress. intervention/after use and feature of the school tutoring student data monitoring 4. Inconsistent use of the and further systems. after school tutoring monitor their program, and 4. Lack of focus of the progress. therefore inconsistent after school program, ie alignment of student 4. Focus(s) of after credit recovery, need and available school tutoring continuation of the resources. program are classroom determined and experience/tutoring, resources are graduation support. aligned to student need. </p><p>SCHOOL YEAR –END ROOT CAUSES OF EVIDENCE OF ACTIONS TO ADDRESS ROOT RESPONSIBLE PERFORMANCE PERFORMAN PERFORMANCE TIMELINE FOR ACTIONS PROGRESS TOWARD CAUSE(S) PERSON CHALLENGES CE GOAL CHALLENGE YEAR-END GOAL Individualized Academic Plans / Family Engagement / Career Cruising Completion / College Credit (AP-CTE- Jump Start College) 7</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>By semester, a core implementation team will be selected and trained for roll out of the Individualized Academic Plan, Family Engagement plan, and Career Cruising/E Portfolio. A plan for roll out will be developed. 1. Because of the transiency 1. Students will 1. Students at Pioneer 1. Post-Secondary options and 1-3. End of Semester 1.3. PHS SST 1.3. PHS SST Minutes rate of PHS students, have a clear High School have a requirements will be defined in a Team, PHS short-term goals of credit understanding varied understanding student and family friendly format Key Site Admin, recovery/attendance/HSP of options and about the options and staff will be selected and trained for PHS IS, E status are the primary requirements requirements for IAP, Family Engagement, Career Counselor, focus for many students. for post- pathways available Cruising. There is a varied secondary after graduation Additional 2. An implementation plan for PHS will be understanding of options options. (Military, Professional Support Staff developed. available for post- Internship, Tech/Trade as required 2. The IAP secondary. School, Community or needed. implementatio College, University) 2. The e-portfolio system is n team for PHS in its acquisition and pre- will be formed 2. Each student does not implementation phases in and trained on have a clearly identified CCSD. Student Career and documented monitoring of progress Cruising and Individualized towards post- secondary other Education Plan, experiences and related components of including an RTT-D elements have the e-portfolio which been the sole Individualized monitors his/her responsibility of the Academic progress towards post- counselor and site Plan. A plan secondary experiences. administration. for RTT-D related elements implementatio (FAFSA, ACT/SAT, Post- 3. A Family n will be Secondary Applications) Engagement/Formal created. are not in place and/or Communication Plan is documented. not in place. Parent 3. The IAP participation is limited. implementatio 3. Parents/guardians do n team for PHS not have a clear will follow the understanding of Formal District pathways available to Communicatio students, requirements n Plan /Family for said pathways, or Engagement means to monitor 8</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p> for roll out. student progress.</p><p>SCHOOL YEAR –END ROOT CAUSES OF ACTIONS TO ADDRESS ROOT TIMELINE FOR ACTIONS RESPONSIBLE EVIDENCE OF PERFORMANCE PERFORMAN PERFORMANCE CAUSE(S) PERSON PROGRESS CHALLENGES CE GOAL CHALLENGE TOWARD YEAR-END</p><p>9</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>GOAL</p><p>School Based Project (Outside of the Learner Centered Development)</p><p>1. Build a supportive community and improve school culture for students and staff. 2. Increase overall student attendance, number of graduates, and provide options for post-graduation</p><p>3. Implement the district and school based initiatives to improve the quality of instructional practices and overall education at Pioneer High School</p><p>10</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>1. 2014-2015 1. a. Principal a. Clarify the goals, calibrate our direction, and adapt to student needs b. Hiring Panel, IS staff for training b. Hire and retain the most qualified and caring staff for our students c. </p><p> c.</p><p> d. IS, DC, admin d. Provide training and support for all staff e. All PHS staff</p><p> e. Improve school communications between staff, students, families, and the community f. All PHS staff</p><p> f. Involve parents in the education of their young adults g. Rotter, Brown, Zona, Dr. Selby g. Utilize the Project Discovery partnership to help build a cohesive staff h. JAG staff, Counselor, Exec Team, Ldr Team, Zona h. Utilize the extra class options, Student Leadership, Jobs for 11</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>American Graduates Program, Behavior Intervention Program (BIP), Carson Online, Project Discovery partnership, Rock Sport, PAC, Coffee Connections, book studies, etc. to help build a positive and supportive school culture i. All Staff Business Mtgs, PLC’s i. Include all staff in the decision making process 2.</p><p> a. All Staff</p><p> b. All Staff 2. c. Teachers and Admin a. Identify root causes 3. b. Create action steps with all staff a. All Staff c. Communicate attendance b. Teachers, Aides, Admin with parents 3. </p><p> a. Understand the Learner Centered Model </p><p> b. Implement the Race to the Top Grant initiatives regarding: curriculum, c. Teachers, Admin</p><p>12</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p> instruction, and assessment to help increase student achievement c. Reduce the amount of failing grades and increase d. Counselor, the amount of credits Admin, Teachers earned towards graduation d. Promote pre and post- graduation student pathways for careers and e. All Staff higher education options f. All Staff</p><p> e. Utilize the Professional learning Community model f. Use “data” to help guide decision making, while not forgetting the “person”</p><p>EVIDENCE OF SCHOOL YEAR –END ROOT CAUSES OF TIMELINE FOR RESPONSIBLE PROGRESS PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE ACTIONS TO ADDRESS ROOT CAUSE(S) ACTIONS PERSON TOWARD YEAR- CHALLENGES GOAL CHALLENGE END GOAL</p><p>13</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>Attachments & Artifacts</p><p>Master Schedule Proposals (Mini Semester) 14</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Pioneer High School 90 Day Plan Spring Semester 2014</p><p>Pass Fail Charts</p><p>After School stats</p><p>ADA</p><p>Use of Mastery Connect, Website, Edmodo, Grad Tracker, Data Matrix</p><p>Increase ADA, Attendance Trophy by class, Home Visits</p><p>Decrease Tardies and classroom interruptions with referral process </p><p>Increase Passing classes, communication, involve parents, discuss grading techniques, use campus posters</p><p>Overhaul BIP Class, Add Lab options for overflow</p><p>Plan Master Schedule for 2015-2016 to add for min credit options (online)</p><p>Involve Parents with PAC committee</p><p>Focus efforts of student leadership and JAG students to assist with ADA, passing grades, volunteer work, Newsletter</p><p>Web Site updates, Technology usage</p><p>Credit Recovery Options (ELA)</p><p>15</p><p>Template derived from materials originally developed by UV A (2013) Tuesday, July 30, 2013</p>
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