<p>Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Page 1 of 9</p><p>CV</p><p>Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Prof. in Computer Engineering</p><p>Place of Birth: Ma’an /Jordan Date of Birth: 02/04/1967 Marital Status:Married Citizenship: Jordanian</p><p>Contact Information 1 2</p><p>Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi PO Box 20 Ma’an 71110 (Tel: (Mobile Jordan Tel: (Mobile) 00 962 777787042</p><p>Email [email protected]</p><p>Biography Professor Hasan Shalabi is a career academic, specialising in Computer Engenering \Networks. He is now the vice president of Al Hussein Bin Talal University: Jordan. His Master’s degree was obtained from Donesk /Ukraine and his doctorate from the University of Kiev /Ukraine. His MSc and PhD were concerned with network typologies of transputer systems and have resulted in a number of refereed articles in internationally ranked journals. Furthermore, he has presented papers at several international conferences around the world, including the US, Italy, Bahrain, Tunisia and India.</p><p>Academic Qualifications</p><p> Ph.D. in Computer Engineering Computers, Systems and Networks, Elements and Units of Computer Techniques and Control Systems (1991 – 1994), National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. (Web Site: http://www.ntu- kpi.kiev.ua). Ph.D. Dissertation Title: Methods and Means of Raising the Effectiveness of Multitransputer System.</p><p> M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Engineering </p><p>Last update 03/06/18 Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Page 2 of 9</p><p>Electronic Computers (Sep. 1986 – Jun. 1991), Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine. (Web Site: http://donntu.edu.ua). M.Sc. Dissertation Title: CAD System for Microprogrammed Control Units Based on PLA and ROM: Development of Interactive Shell Program for MCU CAD System in Modula-2 Language. </p><p>PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES</p><p>Al Hussein Bin Talal University (AHU) / Engineering Faculty</p><p>Acting President for recurrent periods 01/09/2014 – Present Vice President for Academic affairs</p><p>01/03/2014 – 01/09/2014 Vice President for Administrative affairs </p><p>04/09/2013 – 01/03/2014 Dean of Scientific Research & Postgraduate St.</p><p>04/09/2011 – 30/08/2013 Dean of Students Affairs</p><p>27/03/2013 – Present Professor in Computer Engineering</p><p>01/03/2006 – 27/03/2013 Associate Professor in Computer Engineering</p><p>11/11/2005 – 01/09/2007 Dean of Computer Engineering & IT Faculty</p><p>12/11/2004 – 30/08/2005 Head of Computer Engineering Department: </p><p>01/09/2003 – 11/11/2004 Director of the Computer Center.</p><p>01/09/2003 – 11/11/2004 Head of the ICDL Center.</p><p>01/09/2003 – 01/03/2006 Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering </p><p>Princess Symaya University for Technology (PSUT) 01/09/1997 – 21/08/2003 Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering</p><p>Al-Isra Private University (IPU) 01/09/1995 – 31/08/1997 Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering</p><p>Research and Publications </p><p> Al Khattab, A., Al-Shalabi, H., Al-Rawad, M., Al-Khattab, K. and Hamad, F. (2015) The effect of trust and risk perception on citizen’s intention to adopt and use E-government services in Jordan. Journal of Service Science and Management, 8: 279-290. Doi.org/10.4236/jssm.2015.83031. </p><p> Al-Hasanat, A., Alasha'ary, H., Matrouk, K., Al-Qadi, Z., and Al-Shalabi, H. (2014) Experimental invesitigation of training algorithms used in backpropagation artificial neural networks to apply curve fitting. European Journal of Scientific Research, 121(4): 328-335.</p><p>Last update 03/06/18 Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Page 3 of 9</p><p> Matrouk, K., Al-Hasanat, A., Alasha'ary, H., Al-Qadi, Z., and Al-Shalabi, H. (2014) Speech fingerprint to identify isolated word-person, World Applied Sciences Journal, 31 (10): 1767-1771.</p><p> Alasha'ary, H., Al-Hasanat, A., Matrouk, K., Al-Qadi, Z., and Al-Shalabi, H. (2014) Improving matrix multiplication using parallel computing, international, Journal on Information Technology , 1(6).</p><p> Matrouk, K., Al-Hasanat, A., Alasha'ary, H., Al-Qadi, Z., and Al-Shalabi, H. (2014) Analysis of matrix multiplication computational methods, European Journal of Scientific Research, 121(3): 258-266.</p><p> Matrouk, K., Al-Hasanat, A., Alasha'ary, H., Al-Qadi, Z., and Al-Shalabi, H. (2014) A novel digital filter for enhancing dark gray images , European Journal of Scientific Research, 122 (1): 99-106.</p><p> Matrouk, K., Al-Hasanat, A., Alasha'ary, H., Al-Qadi, Z., and Al-Shalabi, H. (2014) Investigation and analysis of ANN parameters. European Journal of Scientific Research, 121 (2): 217-225.</p><p> Matrouk, K., Al-Hasanat, A., Alasha'ary, H., Al-Qadi, Z., and Al-Shalabi, H. (2014) Speech fingerprint to identify isolated word-person, World Applied Sciences Journal, 31 (10): 1767-1771.</p><p> Alrabea, A., Senthilkumar, A., Al-Shalabi, H., and Bader, A. (2013) Enhancing K-means algorithm with initial cluster centers derived from data partitioning along the data axis with PCA, Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, 1 (2): 137-142.</p><p> Awajan, A., El-Omari, N., Al-Shalabi, H.,and Awajan, A. (2013) E-business readiness of the SMEs in Jordan, International Journal of Management & Information Technology, 4(3).</p><p>Al Doghmi A., Al-Shalabi, H., Jwaifell M., Swidan A., Awajan, A., and Alrabea, A. (2013) The academic use of social networks among the students of Jordanian Universities. IJCSI International .(Journal of Computer Science Issues, 10 (5</p><p> Al-Shalabi, H., Al-Hashemi, R., and Al-Ramadin, T. (2013) Automatic cover letter generator system from CVs. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13(3).</p><p> Jwaifell, M., Al-Shalabi, H., Swidan, A., Awajan, A., and Alrabea, A.(2013) The intensity of social networks group use among the students of Jordanian Universities. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13 (2): 11-17.</p><p> Swidan, A., Al-Shalabi, H., Awajan, A., and Alrabea, A. (2013) The istensity and the factors affecting the use of social network sites among the students of Jordanian universities . International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 10(1): 492-498, [ISSN: 1694-0814].</p><p> Al-Shalabi, H., and El Emary, I. (2013) Various approaches for enhancingthe performance of wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 10 (1): 506-515 .[ISSN: 1694-0814].</p><p> Alrabea, A. Senthil Kumar, A., Arunambika, T., and Al-Shalabi, H. (2012) Educational cloud - paas versus IaaS cloud usage for advanced computer science courses. Journal of Science Series Data Report, 4 (6): 71-76. [ISSN: 1307-119X].</p><p>Al-Shalabi, H., Swidan, A., Alrabea, A. and Senthil Kumar, A. (2012) V model of E-learning using gagne nine steps of education. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 5, 850-854. [ISSN .[Print: 1945-3116</p><p>Last update 03/06/18 Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Page 4 of 9</p><p> Al-Jufout, S., Al-Shalabi, H., and Al-Muhaissen, R. (2008) Embedded e-learnung teachnique evaluation in Jordan . Asian Journal of Distance Education , 5 (3): 4-8. [ISSN: 1347- 9008].</p><p> Al-Shalabi, H. (2008) E- Terrorism, International conference on Terrorism In The Digital Age, Al- Hussien Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan. 10-12 July.</p><p> Fathi, M. and Al-Shalabi, H. (2006) Modified cryptanalysis of RC5. International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Colleges of Computer and Information Society (CCIS), Association of Arab Universities, Zarqa, Jordan, 3 (4): 301-304. [ISSN: 1683-3198] </p><p> Al-Shalabi, H.and Al-Jufout S. (2006) Instructor’s Role through Embedded e-Learning at Al-Hussein Bin-Talal University. 1st International Conference & Exihibtion on e-Learning “e-Learning: A New Era in Learning and Culture”, e-Learning Center, University of Bahrain, Bahrain17-19 Apr:137-138.</p><p> Al-Shalabi, H. and Al-Jufout, S. (2006) The electronic classroom through embedded e- learning in Jordan. asian Journal of distance education , 3 (2): 42-47. [ISSN: 1347- 9008].</p><p> Al-Shalabi, H. (2006) Role of Computer & its Effect on Development, Al-Hussien Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan. 3-5 Jul. (chairman).</p><p> Al-Shalabi, H. and Tareef A. (2005) Implementation of Information Technology in Learning Examination: a Case Study. 15th Conference on Libraries & Information, Arabic Union of Libraries & Information, Tunis1-6 Mar.</p><p> Al-Shalabi, H.( 2005) Future of Information Technology & Communication in Higher Education, Ministry of Communication & Delft University, Amman, Jordan. 1-3 Dec.. attend</p><p> Fathi, M. and Al-Shalabi, H.(2005) Transferring the Traditional Classroom to the Virtual Environments. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on E-Business and E-Learning, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, Jordan23-24 May. pp. 130-134. [ISBN: 9957-8585-0-5]</p><p> Al-Shalabi, H.(2005) Role of Information Technology in Learning. 2nd Scientific Con ference, Faculty of Education, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan.</p><p> Banshidhar, M., Al-Shalabi, H., Fathi, M., and Ali, A. (2005) Detection of parallelism in sequential programs based on functional partitioning. Information Technology Journal, Asian Network for Scientific Information, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 4(2):118-124 [ISSN: 1812-5638] </p><p> Banshidhar, M., Al-Shalabi, H. and Fathi, M. (2005) FLAAN based forecasting of S&P 500 Index. Information Technology Journal, Asian Network for Scientific Information, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 4(3), 289-292. [ISSN: 1812-5638]</p><p> Al-Shalabi, H. (2005) Role of information technology for good governance and society. Journal of Social Sciences, Science Publications, 1 (2): 81-83. [ISSN: 1549-3652] </p><p> Al-Shalabi, H., Fathi, M, and Ali, A. (2005) A new data base scheme arabic handwriting recognition by hopfield neural networks algorithm. Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, 1 (2): 204-206. [ISSN: 1549-3636] </p><p>Last update 03/06/18 Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Page 5 of 9</p><p> Banshidhar, M. and Al-Shalabi, H. (2005) An improved scheme for digital watermarking using functional link artificial neural network. Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, 1 (2): 169- 174. [ISSN: 1549-3636].</p><p> Khan, A., Mustafa, K. and Al-Shalabi, H. (2004) Establishing software quality assurance program. software magazine, developers IQ, Techmedia Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India, 4 (12): 72-75.</p><p>Teaching and Training Experiences </p><p> Computer Skills (1), (2) (AHU and PSUT) Introduction to Computer Programming (AHU) Introduction to Information Technology (AHU) Compliler Construction (IPU) Assembly Language (AHU, PSUT and IPU) Logic Design (AHU, PSUT and IPU) Computer Architecture (IPU) Programming Languages (IPU and AHU) Discrete Structures (IPU) Theory of Computation (IPU) Data Security (IPU) Microprocessors (AHU and PSUT) Artificial Intelligence (AHU and PSUT) Computer Networks (AHU and IPU) Quality Managment: (29 Nov. 2005) Organized by Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Computer Engineering & Information Technology Faculty, Program Chair), Ma’an, Jordan. e-Classroom through Embedded e-Learning in AHU: (29 Dec. 2005) Organized by Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Computer Engineering & Information Technology Faculty, Program Chair), Ma’an, Jordan. 1st Scientific Workshop on Verification of Transformation Languages & Routing Algorithm in all Optical Network: (9 May 2006) Organized by Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Computer Engineering & Information Technology Faculty, Program Chair), Ma’an, Jordan. Syllabus Preparing in Distance Learning: (15-16 May 2004) Organized by Asuot University, Asuot, Egypt. National Meeting on e-Learning, Distance & Open Learning: (12th Mar. 2005) Organized by Applied Sciences University, Amman, Jordan. Universities & Local Communitties Workshop: (21st Mar. 2005) Organized by Petra University, Amman, Jordan. Jordanian Unversities Funding Workshop: Part of the National Conference of Higher Education & Scientific Research: (26th Mar. 2005) Organized by Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research and Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan. Second National TEMPUS Day: (2nd Oct. 2005) Organized by Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, Jordan. International, National and Local within AHU,Conference " TEMPUS: severals times".</p><p>RESEARCH INTERESTS</p><p>Last update 03/06/18 Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Page 6 of 9</p><p> E-Government, E-Learning, E-Business & E-Commerce. Object-Oriented Programming. Data Security. Networks.</p><p>CURRENT JOB DUTIES Research. Teaching and Instruction. Guiding and Follow-Up of Students. Selection and Evaluation of the Equipment Needed in Various Laboratories and Workshops of the Department (Laboratories and Workshops Development). Selection of the Textbooks and References Needed. College Council Chair. College Micro-Strategic Plan Team Chair. Training Programs Supervision. Graduation Projects Supervision.</p><p>Membership in Professional Committees and Society</p><p>Local ( within AHU) Deans’ Council Member AHU University Council Member. AHU Computer Center Council Member. AHU Teaching Staff Developing Council Member. AHU Jordan University Atheir Higher Council Member. AHU Website Committee Member. AHU Conferencing Room Committee Member. AHU Organizational Structure Committee Member AHU IT Strategic Planning Committee Member. AHU AHU Award for Excellence Committee Member. AHU CE&IT Faculty Council Chair. AHU CE&IT Faculty Budget Committee Chair. AHU CE&IT Faculty Appointment Committee Chair. AHU CE&IT Faculty Equipment Specification Committee Chair. AHU CE&IT Faculty Curriculums Preparation Committee Chair. AHU Editor-in-Chief of AHU's Journal of Research AHU Chair of Human Resources Committee AHU Chair of Health Insurance Committee AHU Chair of Renting Committee AHU Chair of Student Affairs Committee AHU Chair of Course Plan Committee AHU Head of Language Center Council AHU</p><p>Last update 03/06/18 Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Page 7 of 9</p><p> Head of Center for Acdameic Staff Devlopment Council AHU Member of the higher Committee for Investment AHU Member of the the higher committte for Acadamic Staff interviewing Committee AHU Reviewer/ Conference on Role of Computer & its Effect on Development</p><p>National National Acheivment Exam Technical Higher Committee MoHE Member Board of Trustees ZPU The Council of Higher Education MoHE Higher Education Accriditation Commision/Assess MoHE Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) Erasmus + Jordanian Engineers Association. JEA Reviewer /International Conference on E-Business and E-Learning, PSUT Committee member on Foreign equivalence of diplomas MoHE</p><p>International Computer Science Teachers Association USA Contact Person (for severals projects) Tempus International Associations of Engeineers USA Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning USA Eurpean Association for Theoritical Computer Scicnce Europe Accociation for Computing Machinary Canada Reviewer of Crown Award for Scientific Research Bahrain Coordinator of 1st Arab Universities Technology Business Plan Competition. Reviewer in International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Colleges of Computer and Information Society (CCIS), Association of Arab Universities</p><p>Community Services and Volunteering President of Fursan Alkher Society Ma’an-Jordan Ma’an Woman Society Ma’an-Jordan IT Consultant for Greater Ma’an Municipality Ma’an-Jordan Youth for Work USAID Honorary President of Heritage Restoration Band Ma’an-Jordan Conducting leuctures in IT for pupil Ma’an-Jordan Member of National Intellectura Property Center Amman</p><p>Achievements </p><p>Director of the Computer Center (AHU) 2003 – 2004. Establishing new criteria for recruiting qualified technicians’ staff. Computerizing Registration and Admission unit, financial department, Library, Supplies department, Central tenders department, Clinic unit and Student Services. Relaunching and designing the University's website. developing the network security system. Last update 03/06/18 Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Page 8 of 9</p><p> Establishing the ICDL center.</p><p>Head of Computer Engineering Department (AHU) 2004 – 2005. Updating computer engineering plan and syllabus. Creating a Scientific Committee for students. Conducting several training courses related to IT for students and local community. Establishing IT consultant team to serve local community. </p><p>Dean of Computer Engineering and IT Faculty (AHU) 2005-2007 Establishing the Software Engineering department. Adopting and operating wireless technology in the faculty building. Upgrading and maintaining the University computer labs. Introducing (for the first time in Jordan) 5 computerized classrooms,( e-learning ). Conducting the first international conference entitled:’ Role of Computer & its Effect on Development’. Setting the university e-learning platform. Adopting e-exam technology for computer skills courses.</p><p>Dean of Student Affairs (AHU) 2011-2013 Reforming student deanship to meet students’ needs. Establishing a dedicated section for students’ initiatives. Establishing section for international student affairs. Establishing a section for psychological counseling. Reducing female student accommodation cost on AHU (estimated around one million JD)</p><p>Dean of Scientific Research and Postgraduate Studies (AHU) 2013-2014 Launching the MSc program in Arabic studies. Forming plans to open new MSc programs (Tourism, nursing). Activating scientific research fund by the university. Encouraging staff to apply to Scientific Research Fund by conducting lectures by specialists. Enforcing new criteria for scholarships to ensure the quality of selecting applicants. Encouraging staff to participate in international conferences by conducting lectures for staff. Enforcing a plan to return financial entitlements back to AHU from scholars who did not commit to the university. Singing agreements with international Universities such as Salford University. Relaunching the AHU Scientific Journal. Enforcing female quota in students’ election. </p><p>Vice President for Administrative Affairs (AHU) 2014 Controlling and reducing the cost of energy consumed. Restructuring the University units with educational standard Planning investment opportunities including solar energy, student oasis, gas station, business entrepreneurship. Enrolling in the University effort to obtain fund from Gulf Grants. Modifying the instruction of medical system to reduce fraud.</p><p>Vice President for Academic Affairs (AHU) 2014-Present Last update 03/06/18 Prof. Hasan M. Shalabi Page 9 of 9</p><p> Developing the curriculum and syllabi. Establishing new programs such as MSc in Energy Engineering, MSc Computer Engineering, and MSc in Math. Putting a future plan for scholarships for five years. Putting a future plan to develop and update the university e-learning system. Applying successfully to Tempus and being awarded 50 thousand Euro grant.</p><p>Head of Student Activities (PSUT) 1999-2003 Conducting students’ activities as the Head of the students activities Holding exhibitions. Collecting donations for orphans. Holding a hiring campaign for students.</p><p>Local community Obtaining a donation of 200 thousand dinars from USAID project ‘Youth and work’ for nonprofit co- operations. Obtaining 2 scholarships for students from Princess Sumaya University for Technology with 8 students who benefited from the scholarships. Fundraising 80, 000 J.D. (Video conference room, PC’s, Servers) from Jordanian Universities Network Project. 410, 000 J.D. from Social and Economic Transformation Programme. 210 PC’s from the Jordanian Universities Network Project. Five scholarships for Master and PhD from India via the Jordanian ambassador in India. 16, 000 J.D. for the Computer conference from local private sector. 120, 000 J.D. form private sector toward several activities including (preparing conference rooms, student financial support and students initiatives). Languages</p><p>Arabic: Mother Tongue. English: Reading (very good), Writing (very good) and Conversation (good). Russian: Reading (very good), Writing (very good) and Conversation (very good).</p><p>Last update 03/06/18</p>
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