Curriculum Vitae s14

Curriculum Vitae s14

<p> CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Dr. Pauline Morin College of Human Ecology Cornell University MVR 183 [email protected]</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia History/Theory of Architecture, 1993-2002 Title of dissertation “Leon Battista Alberti: Architect as Orator” Major: Architectural Theory Renaissance Minor: Historiography of Modern Architecture </p><p>Master's of Environmental Design (Architecture) University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1982-1989 Title of Thesis “The Van Horne Museum Park”</p><p>Bachelor of Arts (First Class Standing) History & Political Science University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1978-1982</p><p>Languages</p><p>English and French, fluent Italian, reading and conversational, Latin reading knowledge Elementary Spanish</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE</p><p>Director of Exchange Program for Human Ecology 2009-present</p><p>I build international educational collaborations all over the world. I have developed a Strategic Plan in accordance with the vision of the College and the needs and interests of the various Departments and students in the College. My responsibilities include expanding the exchange programs to other appropriate partner universities. I work with Chairs, and designated faculty to review and approve programs. I meet and engage our potential exchange partners to complete the exchange which requires considerable travel and site research. It is my responsibility to facilitate student participation in Human Ecology's exchange programs. This begins with recruiting appropriate students, administering applications from and to our exchange partners. I also manage and administer incoming student 1 exchange applications, and build a community among exchange students in the College and internationally. I work with International Exchange Programs in Australia, New Zealand Hong Kong and Paris, Seoul, Korea, Lucern, Switzerland, Milan, Italy, Herning, Denmark, Stockholm, Sweden, Pamplona, Spain, Delft and Wageningen, Netherlands. In Human Ecology I work with and administrative staff and faculty, and Cornell students and faculty to make this exchange possible and visible. This role includes information gathering, assessment, distribution and promotion. See exchange program website: At Cornell I work with Study Abroad, other Colleges, the Vice Provost Office of International Affairs as well as Cornell legal to facilitate these programs, which includes initiating and completing Memorandum of Agreements.</p><p>ACADEMIC AFFAIRS</p><p>2010-Present</p><p>Leadership and Engagement Initiative College Representative for the SLEN Student Leadership Educator’s Network. I teach two classes HE 4940 and HE 4950 that develop student leadership. .</p><p>EXCHANGE PROGRAM RELATED TRAVEL EXPERIENCE </p><p>2016 - Delft, Netherlands, Wageningen, Netherlands, London, Paris, Pamplona, Casablanca, Morocco. 2015 - Milan, Paris, Panama, Costa Rica 2014 - Cuba, Paris, Copenhagen, Herning, Denmark, Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden, Lucern, Switzerland 2013 - Milan, Florence, Rome, Paris, Seoul, Korea 2012 -Round the World - Italy- Multiple cities, Paris, Doha, Ahmedabad, India, Singapore, Philippines, Palau, Japan 2011 - Paris/London 2010 - Hong Kong, Sydney, Australia, Wellington, New Zealand</p><p>ACADEMIC PROJECT BASED EXPERIENCE</p><p>Director/Lecturer of Faculty Led study Abroad Programs Viva Cuba March 28 – April 4, 2016</p><p>Looking for Alberti – A 15th Century Italian Quest January 3, - 20th, 2012</p><p>Co-Director/Lecturer of Faculty-led Summer Study Abroad Programs 2009-2012</p><p>2 Taught a drawing course in the program. Set up new program which included extensive onsite research and contact with local firms and academic staff. Managed budget, logistics, including onsite travel and accommodation. Risk management.</p><p>Vert/Green July 5-31, 2009 Ecological Design/Paris-London Paris/London</p><p>Vert/Green June 26-June 28, 2010 Ecological Design Stuttgart/Paris/London</p><p>Terra Verde 2011 June 21 – July 24 Ecological Design in Scandinavia</p><p>Terra Verde 2012 May 28 – June 29, 2012 Ecological Design in Holland, Germany, Switzerland</p><p>Co-Director/Instructor Georgia Institute of Technology College of Architecture Paris Summer Study Abroad, 6 week programs 1997-98</p><p>ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE</p><p>Senior Lecturer College of Human Ecology Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853 2009 to Present</p><p>Senior Lecturer Department of History of Art and Visual Studies Cornell University Ithaca, New York 2003 to 2009</p><p>Visiting Assistant Professor College of Architecture Art and Design</p><p>3 Mississippi State University Starkville, Mississippi Fall 2005</p><p>Lecturer Architectural Tour of Rome/Pompeii & Paestum Self-employed, May 2002</p><p>Instructor Georgia Institute of Technology College of Architecture, 1996</p><p>Preceptor Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Architecture, 1995-97</p><p>Teaching Assistant Georgia Institute of Technology College of Architecture (Fall)History of Modern Architecture, 1995</p><p>COURSE WORK</p><p>HE 4950 Reflective Leadership Seminar HE 4020 – “L” Leadership City – Field trip to New York Spring 2013 to Present HE 4940 Global Citizenship HE 4020 – Field Studies Cuba 2015 -Present DEA 4000 Looking for Alberti 2012 (Taught in Italy) DEA 4222: Representation as Investigation 2009 to Present (Taught in Europe ) DEA 4000: Eco-Design History/Theory 2009 (Taught in Europe) DEA 4020: Supervised Fieldwork (Taught in Europe) Anglo-Franco Ecological Design 2009 (Taught in Europe) ARTH 3149 Construction of Artistic Identity. History of Art, Cornell University, 2003 to 2009 ARTH 1114 Classicism: From Temples to Teapots, History of Art, Cornell University, 2003 to 2009 ARTH 4938 Leon Battista Alberti: Architect as Orator, History of Art, Cornell University, Fall 2007 To 2009 ARTH 4939 Italian Renaissance Architectural Treatises, Spring 2008 to Present</p><p>4 ENG 131 Writing Through the Disciplines, History of Art, Cornell University, Summer 2004 ARTH 538 Leon Battista Alberti: Architect as Orator, History of Art, Cornell University Spring 2002, ARTH 230 Monuments in Medieval Art, History</p><p>MSU ARC 3313 History of Architecture II, Fall, College of Architecture, Mississippi State University, Fall 2006 ARC 1536 Introduction to Design, College of Architecture, Mississippi State University, Fall 2006 (THIS STUDIO RECEIVED THE ACSA CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD IN 2006-07) ARC 1536H Directed Study for Honors Students, College of Architecture, Mississippi State University, Fall 2006</p><p>Georgia Institute of Technology ID 4951A French Design and Literary Culture, Georgia Institute of Technology, Paris Program for Industrial Design/Architecture, 1997-98 Arch 2201/2202 History of Architecture Ancient to 1900, Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Architecture, 1995-97 Arch 4941A1 Paris Preparation - French Culture/History and Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Architecture, 1996</p><p>SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Beyond Measure: Equestrian Projects, Alberti in Ferarra in Leon Battista Alberti: Actes du Congrès international”Gli Este e l’Alberti: Tempo e misura: Ferrara, 29-XII-2004, Edités par/A cura di/Edited by Francesco Furlan & Gianni Venturi, Paris, SILBA & Pisa- Roma, Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2010, vol. 11, pp. 177-185.</p><p>Leon Battista Alberti: Architect as Orator Ph.D. Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, May, 2002</p><p>Foucault and Lacan: The Gaze and its Operation within Historiography. Washington, Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, March, 2001. th Noted Women Architects and Designers of the 20 Century, Almanac of Architecture and Design 2001, Norcross, G.A., Greenway Group, 2001 th Noted Women Architects and Designers of the 20 Century, Almanac of Architecture and Design 2000, Norcross, G.A., Greenway Group, 1999 Ciceronian Texts and Alberti's De re aedificatoria. </p><p>5 Phoenix: Herberger Center for Design Excellence, (Outstanding Paper Award) 1997 The Van Horne Museum Park, Master's Thesis, University of Calgary, 1990</p><p>CONFERENCES AND EXHIBITIONS</p><p>Transmitting Vitruvius Across National Boundaries: Italy France England, South Eastern Society of Architectural Historians Athens, GA, October 2012</p><p>The Tell-Tale-Detail: Alberti and Masaccio The Renaissance Society of America Conference Montreal, March 24, 2011</p><p>INVITED SPEAKER to “Foreground + Background in Architectural History,” Architecture Department, Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia, October 23, 2010</p><p>Curated and Co-Designed “Student Works from Paris/London” Martha Van Rennselaer Hall Cornell University, September - December 2009</p><p>Importing Vitruvius: Images of Empire and National Identity Presented at the Society of Architectural Historians 62nd Annual Meeting Pasadena, California, April 3, 2009</p><p>The not so Perfect Paradise: Reading Between the Lines in the Prologue to Alberti’s De re aedificatoria. Presented at the Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, IL, April 3, 2008.</p><p>Under Cover: Rhetoric and Politics in Alberti’s De re aedificatoria, the Society of Architectural Historians 60th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 11-15 April 2007,</p><p>Horse Stories from Ferarra, Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians, Fort Worth, Texas, October 13, 2005</p><p>INVITED SPEAKER, Beyond Measure: Equestrian Projects, Alberti in Ferarra, Istituto De Studi Rinascimentali, Ferarra, Italy, November 29- Dec 4, 2004</p><p>6 The Eighth Liberal Art: Alberti’s Transformation of an Architectural Episteme, Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians, Savannah, Georgia, October 2003 Architecture as the Eighth Liberal Art, The Society of Arts and Humanities, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., March 2002</p><p>Foucault and Lacan: The Gaze and its Operation within Historiography, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, National Conference, Baltimore, March 19, 2001</p><p>Architect or Dilettante: Leon Battista Alberti , Annual Meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians, Lexington, Virginia October 12, 2000 rd Text and Edifice: Alberti’s Designs on Immortality , 53 Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Miami, Florida, June 15, 2000</p><p>Reconsidering the Reconsidered: The Structure of De re aedificatoria, 17th Annual Conference of the Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians Lexington, Kentucky, October 8, 1999</p><p>Ciceronian Rhetoric and Alberti’s De re aedificatoria st 51 Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians in Los Angeles, California April 17, 1998</p><p>Co-Organized "Paris Re-presented" Artworks from Architecture and Industrial Design Architecture Atrium, Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia, October-November 1997</p><p>Moderator for the 15th Annual Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1997</p><p>Ciceronian Texts and Alberti's De re aedificatoria, Architectural Research Centers Consortium, 1977 Spring Research Conference Atlanta, Georgia, April 25, 1997 Outstanding Paper Award</p><p>Decorum and The Art of Building: Alberti, Vitruvius, Cicero Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians </p><p>7 in Birmingham, Alabama, October 10, 1997</p><p>AWARDS & FELLOWSHIPS</p><p>2014 - Community Engaged Learning and Teaching Institute Award - $500 2008 Cornell Faculty Institute for Diversity Fellow $3,000 2007 Honorable Mention Excellence in Design Awards: Single Family Residential Home Category 2006 Honors Faculty, Mississippi State University 2002 Fellow in the Society of Humanities, Cornell University 2000 Graduate Student Travel Award, South Eastern Society of Architectural Historian’s Annual Meeting in Lexington, Virginia 1998 Special Recognition Award (Paris Program) Industrial Design Program Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 1998 CETL/Amoco Foundation GTA Teaching Excellence Award College of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology Outstanding Paper Spring 1997 Architectural Research Centers Consortium Conference in Atlanta, Georgia Doctoral Fellowship for Teaching - Ph.D. Program College of Architecture 1995-1997, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia Georgia Tech Alumni Association Leadership Award for International Study - 1995 Graduate Research Assistantship - Ph.D. Program 1993-95 Georgia Institute of Technology Canadian Federation of University Women Professional Scholarship 1986-1987, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta Cohos Evamy Partnership Travel Scholarship (Architecture) 1985 University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta Graduate assistantship for thesis research 1985-1987 University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta Queen Elizabeth Scholarship in Canadian Studies 1981 University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta</p><p>ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE</p><p>Client/Co-Designer Lake House Renovation 2013</p><p>Client/Co-Designer Sustainable Renovation of 100-year-old stone Shingle Style duplex on Willard Way, Ithaca, N.Y. Summer 2005/07 2007 Honorable Mention Excellence in Design Awards: Single Family Residential Home Category</p><p>8 Site Architect Department of Classics Cornell University Head Neolithic Architect assigned to complete documentation, survey, and drawings of the Halai archeological site in Greece. May 2000 – October 2000</p><p>Self-Employed Design of Basin-William residence in Huntsville, Utah. USA July 1992-April 1996</p><p>Intern Architect Hutchinson Architect Calgary, Alberta Canada Design of Banff Fire Hall March 1992 - June 1992</p><p>Intern Architect Wilson Partnership Calgary, Alberta Canada Master Plan, Schematic Design, Design/Presentation Model for Claresholm Hospital, Claresholm, Alberta October 1990 - March 1991</p><p>Intern Architect Culham Pederson Valentine Calgary, Alberta Canada Elevation Studies - Calgary Courthouse Schematic Design for Addition to Parliament Buildings in Ottawa March 1990 – June 1990</p><p>Intern Architect The Leblond Partnership Calgary, Alberta Canada September 1989 - February 1990 Schematic Design on renovation of Jasper Park Lodge and Lake Louise Convention Center, Lake Louise Alberta</p><p>Exhibition Design Study for History Department University of Calgary, 1986</p><p>Junior Designer Sturgess Partnership Calgary, Alberta, Summer 1985 Exhibition Design on the Alberta Pavilion for Expo 86</p><p>9</p>

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