Chat Log of Bridge Base Online Session for Xx1943 Starting At: Tue Aug 25 20:38:15 2009

Chat Log of Bridge Base Online Session for Xx1943 Starting At: Tue Aug 25 20:38:15 2009

<p>Lesson 102.2</p><p>Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Tue Aug 25 20:38:15 2009 tonguedog: hi jan1543: hi tonguedog: hi jan1543: just wanted to be sure I found the right place bjmue: al bjmue: second message. this is not going to be a smooth lesson for me as i have internet provider trouble. i will try to stay connected and am excited about this class. thank you in ... bjmue: advance just in case i disappear! terlian: Hello terlian: hi Sandy terlian: thought I would be the last one here xx1943: hi all. we start in 5 minutes wik54: hi ->TwstofLime: !h gloriajane: hello nbsack: hello all davidap: Hi all:) TwstofLime: Who was it that got the Jettison play last time? Was that Laura? omayne: hello terlian: jettison play? ->terlian: discard an A TwstofLime: yes, the play Al showed us where you had to "Jettison" the Ace, I think it was Laura robin_s: hi TwstofLime: hi :) ->terlian: TwstofLime: Laura, were the player who jettisoned the Ace last week? xx1943: TwstofLime: I think it was Laura. Tossed the A!D on the K!S. tonguedog: hi xx1943: Jettison = The discard of a high ranking honor, normally an Ace or a King, and xx1943: particularly the discard of a blocking card. The phrase originated in England by Mr. xx1943: A.E. Whitelaw in 1921. TwstofLime: Hi, Luisa :) terlian: good word jettison TwstofLime: yes, I'm sure it was the Astro Laura memex8: Hi all! terlian: hi memex TwstofLime: Linda! :) memex8: I was Laura, I remember because I thought she was so smart to do that! xx1943: Hi all. I'm very happy to see you all to the second lesson in series Bridge 102 the xx1943: basics of declarerplay. memex8: It not I TwstofLime: yes, she will be remembered forever! xx1943: I recommend you to set your BBO-Window to "wide screen". You can toggle xx1943: between wide and normal screen with 'CTRL W' xx1943: I'd like to use this platform as communication center for this course: xx1943: terlian: hall of fame for laura or chocolate covered fish? xx1943: I hope every registered student got my mail with the review from last TUE. Most of xx1943: you found the post in Alfresco's cafe too. wik54: yes xx1943: Especially I'd be happy about more feedback. Complaints and suggestions to xx1943: improve or very welcome. heppy: yep thanx Al xx1943: Please bookmark this forum and have a look at it after each lesson (and in xx1943: between, if you like.) xx1943: Our next lesson will be TUE 09/15 at the usual time 4pm EDT. In this fortnight xx1943: break Philipp(gowanlock) will hold 2 lessons for you to exercise, what you have xx1943: learned. tonguedog: i do not have jan1543: yes thx tonguedog: [email protected] xx1943: Clap clap clap to Philipp. Any additional reamrk, Philipp? boo559: thanks Phil xx1943: The complete 102-schedule and all changes will be posted at our forum too: xx1943: davidap: thanks Phil TwstofLime: Phillip is sitting at his computer but fast asleep. boo559: lol xx1943: ok let us start now xx1943: I hope you all did your homework and have read LearnToPlayBridge the chapter xx1943: "More on taking tricks". gowanlock: we qill continue the great work, Al :) xx1943: Did you exercise the 5 examples???? jan1543: yes terlian: y terlian: did examples gowanlock: will terlian: and read jan1543: n but will davidap: y TwstofLime: did memex8: yes RedCat08: yes xx1943: Great! You are familiar with the terms "finesse" "finesse against the K" "finesse xx1943: against the Q" "finesse against the A" "repeated finesse" "double finesse" xx1943: "pseudo-finesse" now? robin_s: y jan1543: y xx1943: Did you look up Mike Lawrence BridClues too? wik54: y davidap: y memex8: yes xx1943: ??? davidap: y TwstofLime: oh oh... macmj: y gloriajane: y xx1943: If not, here is the link again: xx1943: terlian: looked up Mike Lawrence...did not understand his stuff xx1943: Today I prepared 8 deals for you with different examples for a finesse. The xx1943: contract is always 6NT. The bidding is of no interest. xx1943: The !S suit is the one where you have to finesse. The !C suit is for transportation xx1943: and red suits always have 3 tricks from the top. xx1943: #1: AQX - xxx Simple finesse against the K. xx1943: do you see all 4 hands? wik54: y TwstofLime: yes terlian: y memex8: yes tonguedog: y mesha: y jan1543: y gloriajane: y RedCat08: no -- did you want us to? boo559: no heppy: y robin_s: y davidap: y zest09: y xx1943: it is easier to look at all 4 hands RedCat08: got it boo559: y xx1943: it is more challenging only to kib South omayne: y heppy: sembra di si xx1943: it is up to you which kibbing option you chose xx1943: everyone knows, how to change the kibbing option? zest09: no terlian: y boo559: no robin_s: n jan1543: y mesha: y, s only now wik54: y xx1943: Key in Ctrl + P or cursor over the Bd # box and click on your own ID. to bring up xx1943: your profile, select the"At the table"-tab and check in the right bottom box "kibitz xx1943: South". tonguedog: y xx1943: got it? RedCat08: on web version -- go to options, advanced options xx1943: ty REDCAT tonguedog: kib onlu s? ->tonguedog: up to you tonguedog: ok boo559: we want all hands showing right? xx1943: it is easier to show all hands and more challenging to kib South only, your choice boo559: tx xx1943: let us count the winners in this hand: jan1543: 10 boo559: 11 nbsack: 11 wik54: 9 memex8: 11 terlian: 11 tonguedog: 11 gloriajane: 10 xx1943: Winners are sure tricks, wish you can cash without iving opps the lead RedCat08: 11 davidap: 11 jan1543: 11 xx1943: 11 is correct xx1943: 1!S+3!H+3!D+4!C=11 BILmanager: !D looking good nice turn out - thx for doing this - if I dont see you later - have a great holiday :) - maureen xx1943: no question to this? jan1543: n terlian: n wik54: n ->BILmanager: ty Maurren RedCat08: no question boo559: n gloriajane: n tonguedog: n learning4: n davidap: n scooter321: n bilianil: n xx1943: Welcome our great BILMANAGER MAUREEN llw25: n gloriajane: hi maureen TwstofLime: Hi, Maureen! Queen of Hearts! !H boo559: Hi Maureen tonguedog: hi dear davidap: HI Maureen xx1943: ok the 12th trick must come from the !S suit jan1543: hi maureen RedCat08: clap, clap clap to Maureen! firsty: hi Maureen :) gloriajane: there isn't much transportation to dummy tonguedog: no thd (Lobby): I'm getting access denied. Err=3. How do I join the table? It workewd last week? wik54: only one chance tonguedog: play c and try finesse e for ks boo559: clubs davidap: Q!C ->thd: ask Bilmanager please ->thd: are you BIL-member? xx1943: The only suit to provide an extra trick is !S. To make this work, you must assume a xx1943: specific card with EAST. xx1943: ??? wik54: k RedCat08: K !s learning4: k- spades xx1943: East must hold the !SK. To score a 2nd !Sc trick (besides the sure trick with the A) heppy: k xx1943: with have to finesse against East's K. davidap: E thd (Lobby): Yes but I got a message about $10? ->thd: that is the problem xx1943: In which hand must be the lead to excute that finesse? thd (Lobby): OK I'll be back terlian: N RedCat08: n llw25: w tonguedog: n wik54: n gloriajane: n tonguedog: n davidap: n learning4: n xx1943: The lead must be in dummy. Always lead towards the crucial honor combination. xx1943: Do we have an entry to dummy? wik54: y xx1943: ??? tonguedog: y gloriajane: y boo559: y RedCat08: yes, just one nbsack: y q !c davidap: y learning4: Q-club xx1943: !CQ is an entry to dummy. llw25: clubs xx1943: Now I free the South seat and one of you will hop in to play this hand. heppy: !C small to Q!C xx1943: hi Luisa xx1943: good luck tonguedog: thx terlian: bravo TD wik54: finesse did not work xx1943: finesse DID work wik54: right xx1943: now the rest is plain sailing tonguedog: y Marnie142: wd Luisa! terlian: beautiful jan1543: w jan1543: wd xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. terlian->Club: clap clap for tonguedog heppy: brava!:) davidap: bravo tonguedog: thx llw25: wd xx1943: ty tonguedoc TwstofLime: wd! jan1543->Club: clap robin_s->Club: v goood Marnie142: y make us proud xx1943: you executed sccessful the finesse against the K xx1943->Club: #2 xx1943: Are there any more questions to this hand? wik54: n xx1943: I cannot spare you some math: Do you know the odds of the simple finesse to xx1943: work. wik54: 50% terlian: no RedCat08: 50/50 xx1943: ??? gloriajane->Club: wish I could get hands like that! boo559->Club: 50 xx1943: The simple finesse works with 50% chance. The crucial K has 2 places namely xx1943: East and West. We need the K with West. So our chnace of success is 1 out of 2 = xx1943: 1/2=50% davidap: 50/50 BILmanager->Club: !D please make sure your chat only goes to the table and not to To Club ( to club chat goes to all the tables ) - check the blue band at top of the chat box before hitting ... BILmanager->Club: enter - thx xx1943: Ok then let's turn to the next deal: xx1943: #2: AJ10 - Qxx this is what we call a "repeated finesse". If the finesse works it is xx1943: worth 2 extra tricks. xx1943: This hand looks similar to the first hand. let us start counting the sure winners xx1943: again. nbsack: 7 RedCat08: 7 davidap: 7 boo559: 11 wik54: 8 Marnie142: 7 jan1543: 8 xx1943: The simple finesse works with 50% chance. The crucial K has 2 places namely xx1943: East and West. We need the K with West. So our chnace of success is 1 out of 2 = memex8: 7 heppy: 1S! 3!H 3!D xx1943: 1/2=50% xx1943: 1!S+3!H+3!H=7 we need 5 more from the black suits. tonguedog: 7 xx1943: In !C we can perhaps promote 3 more tricks by knocking out the A. Let us analyze xx1943: the !C suit: xx1943: How many !C cards are the opponents dealt? xx1943: ??? terlian: 5 memex8: 5 boo559: 5 jan1543: 5 xx1943: E/W hold 5 cards in the !C suit. davidap: 5 Marnie142: 5 heppy: 5 tonguedog: 5 xx1943: What distribution of the opponents !Cs we must hope for? spinman: 3-2 memex8: 3-2 nbsack: 3-2 Marnie142: 3-2 tonguedog: 3-2 heppy: 3-2 xx1943: To score 3 !C tricks, we need a 3-2 distribution of the suit. jan1543: 3-2 xx1943: To make our bid we need 2 extra tricks from the !S suit too. holding AQJ10 in the xx1943: combined hands, we have a so called "repeated finesse" position. We can score 2 xx1943: extra tricks by leading the suit from dummy. xx1943: BUT we need an entry to table. Which card can do this job? xx1943: ??? spinman: Q club tonguedog: c heppy: agree tonguedog: Qc gloriajane: spade queen terlian: agree RedCat08: need to get there twice memex8: !C Marnie142: play the 2 C and get the queen spinman: keep low low club for 2nd entry? xx1943: hmhh s!Q is not a good idea, you'll lose a !S and a !c trick for -1 at least memex8: could use 2!C to 5!C xx1943: we need only 1 entry for this repeated finesse heppy: the Q!S then Karen10: play K then J !c if not covered? RedCat08: sry -- you keep the lead if it works xx1943: but the idea with the 2nd enbtry is great, xx1943: remember, if we later need 2 2ntries Marnie142: !SQ xx1943: If the !CA has gone !CQ is an entry to table. We must save this card until the A is xx1943: knocked out. So we must use A and J to drive out the A. xx1943: K and J xx1943: Now I free the South seat and one of you will hop in to play this hand. tonguedog: y xx1943: hi heppy heppy: hi heppy: sure winners? Marnie142: gl heppy xx1943: no play xx1943: we did all the deliberations Marnie142: they will get control of the board heppy: ah! tonguedog: y you sad play kand j for knock out an ace and after we have 2 entry free for the finesse Marnie142: why didn't the ace fall ->tonguedog: yep, but we need only one heppy: because opps are smart terlian: lol heppy xx1943: Oppoents are not obliged to take the K with the A Marnie142: hope your thinking cap is on xx1943: they may hold up heppy: so do i boo559: use clubs? xx1943: follow your plan to go to table and finesse nbsack: wrong club? spinman: wrong club ->spinman: not in this hand spinman: cant get bck to dummy xx1943: very good move to start with the Q xx1943: if East covers with the K all tricks are yours and if not, the lead reamins in dummy xx1943: to repeat the finesse swall9: the rest are yours - congrats Marnie142: you did it!! Good Job jan1543: why was ks put down when a was already played a sure loser??? terlian: in the bag heppy tonguedog: wd jan1543: 8s should have been played terlian: great play ->jan1543: clap clap clap very well done. ->jan1543: clap clap clap very well done. ->jan1543: clap clap clap very well done.just for fun xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. memex8: yeah Moira! davidap: bravo heppy TwstofLime->Club: wd!!! terlian: brava Moira tonguedog: brava jan1543: wd heppy->Club: thanx but not all my merit...... yet xx1943: ty heppy xx1943: don't talk to the club pls beanie999 (Lobby): hi i cannot find BIL TwstofLime: ok :( xx1943: Are there any more questions to this hand? heppy: sorry my error ->beanie999: ask BILMANAGER Maureen is online beanie999 (Lobby): i am registered for the 102 TwstofLime: when scoreboards are up, it defaults to club :( Marnie142: small slam what fun heppy: yep ->TwstofLime: can you help beanie999 to find the BIL pls xx1943: and the next is coming Marnie142: look at your point count TwstofLime: yes swall9: think @ poor ops, the bad hands they r getting xx1943: Are there any more questions to this hand? tonguedog: if the clubs was 4 1 doesnt work? wik54: n xx1943: A last remark to this hand: For the repeated finesse to work you need to lead the xx1943: suit twice from table or persuade RHO to cover the Q. It was important to start the xx1943: suit by leading the Q. If Eat covers, you have your tricks. If he refuses to cover, the xx1943: Q wins the trick and the lead reamins in dummy to repeat the finesse. Marnie142: yeah that has been me jan1543: why was ks played when the As was already played? swall9: discard? jan1543: y xx1943: !SK and !S8 were of equla rank at thsi moment it didn#RT matter which card East xx1943: played jan1543: ty xx1943: The xx1943: #3: Axx - Qxx Simple finesse against the K the other way. vanyvon: backward finesse :) xx1943: This hand is very similar to #1. The only difference is that the !SQ is in dummy's xx1943: hand. xx1943: Why do you think this plan will fail: xx1943: PLAN: I take the lead, cross to the !CQ in dummy and lead the !SQ for a finesse xx1943: (hoping East holds the !SK) xx1943: ??? wik54: k s is not under the ace memex8: pseudo finesse RedCat08: won't get an extra !s trick out of it xx1943: yif you are decalre you don't know, where the K is memex8: lead toward Q xx1943: yeeverybody knows the term "pseudo-finesse"??? learning4: no Marnie142: take that jack with the ace xx1943: everybody jan1543: y boo559: n heppy: no Marnie142: no explain gloriajane->Club: I cannot see the hand xx1943: If you don't posess the J and A / Q are in different hands, then there is only a xx1943: "pseudo-finesse" position. You cannot win by leading Q. If East holds the K, he will xx1943: cover the Q. If West holds it, the "finesse" is wrong. You cannot win by leading the xx1943: Q. xx1943: In which way the !S suit must be started, to have a chance to 2nd trick? xx1943: ??? terlian: N swall9: declarer learning4: east heppy: from n xx1943: hmhh nbsack: from opponents hand? Karen10: S withA xx1943: North or South? davidap: S swall9: s heppy: n with the Q memex8: declarer must lead low toward dummy's Q xx1943: The suit must be started with a low card from declarer towards the Q. This move is xx1943: a finesse against the K too. But now you must assume the crucial !S is held by xx1943: ...... ???????? eternaluke: south needs west to have the king RedCat08: w memex8: W terlian: w swall9: w jan1543: w heppy: w xx1943: This time !SK must be with West. Samstar: w xx1943: Remember: Always lead towards the crucial card combination, which is the Q in xx1943: this case of the simple finesse against the K. So we lead a small spade from xx1943: declarers hand towards dummy's Q. xx1943: Now I free the South seat and one of you will hop in to play this hand. xx1943: hi jan jan1543: hi Marnie142: gl jan jan1543: ty xx1943->Kibitzers: now he has 12 tricks :) xx1943: congrat you have 12 tricks now jan1543: ty. terlian: wd jan Marnie142: well done! TwstofLime: Linda is not a BIL member and is going to write Maureen. (Bean) memex8: very nice! ->TwstofLime: no difference, if West had taken !SK in trick 2 Marnie142: claim it tonguedog: wd davidap: wd:) terlian->Club: clap clap jane terlian: jan xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. jan1543: ty all heppy->Club: clever girl Samstar: wd Jan xx1943: you gained an overtrick by a false claim tonguedog: wd heppy: sorry sorry Marnie142: devil is in the details xx1943: you had only 12 tricks and must lose 1. EddyHaskel: director! xx1943: but that doesn't matter today jan1543: sorry i forget how to claim xx1943: yep in tournamnet cry for tD after a false claim happned jan1543: okay lol xx1943: AJ10 - xxx double finesse xx1943: #4 xx1943: The same hand as in #1, but the Qx substituted by J10 xx1943: This is called a double finesse position. You must lead from dummy and hope, that xx1943: East holds at least one of the missing honors. xx1943: What do you think, are the odds better for the double finesse to win an extra extra xx1943: or the single finesse as played in #1? TwstofLime: 5050 jan1543: a lot less xx1943: If you think the odds for double finesse are better please answer yes or y. terlian: n jan1543: n swall9: y guyb2: y bjmue: n memex8: n Samstar: y wik54: north has only one entry gloriajane: n xx1943: ok we'll do the calculation later Marnie142: q!C xx1943: In fact the single finesse has 50% chance of sucess and the double finesse 75%. xx1943: There are 4 possible distributions of the !sK and Q: East could 1) hold them both, xx1943: 2) hold the K, 3) hold the Q and 4) hold none of the honors. xx1943: The first 3 cases give declarer an extra trick. 3 out of 4 is 3/4=75% xx1943: There is another problem. You need 2 entries to table top execute the "double xx1943: finesse" swall9: np xx1943: The 2 entries must come from the !C suit. xx1943: Do you have any idea, which card besides the Q could be an entry??? boo559: j tonguedog: n RedCat08: 5 !c ginger_321: 5 Marnie142: the !C5 xx1943: You must cash !C A and K to test the suit. If opponent's !cs are distributed 3-2, xx1943: overtake !CJ with the Q (your first entry ) and later play the 2 to the 5. gloriajane: 5 club guyb2: 3 nbsack: any of the lower !C xx1943: Did you all understand this maneuver? memex8: y Marnie142: think so xx1943: Now I free the South seat and one of you will hop in to play this hand. Don't be shy xx1943: it's eays after the explanation. heppy: y tonguedog: 5 wik54: yes xx1943: hi swall swall9: hi xx1943: well done xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. terlian: beautiful swall9: thx 4 all the help memex8: lovely swall! tonguedog: wd davidap: clap clap:) jan1543: wd TwstofLime: wd :) heppy->Club: such clever people here! xx1943: only 1 remark: xx1943: Better to cash !CA and !CK before overtaking the J. To test if the !c are distributed xx1943: 3-2 xx1943: Please free your seat. To do this, click on your nick and answer the up-popping xx1943: question "Are you sure ...." with yes. xx1943: Are there any more questions to this hand? RedCat08: ? tonguedog: n xx1943: ??? wik54: n jan1543: n Marnie142->Club: good here davidap: n terlian->Club: n xx1943: #5: KQJ - xxx RedCat08: what did you mean by the term "double finesse"?, when you asked the question swall9: thx 4 info @ possible dist prob terlian: sorry xx1943: double finesse means AJ10 - xxx and you need 2 tricks terlian: again xx1943: ok now? ->RedCat08: ok now RedCat08: still thinking but ok RedCat08: move on -- I will think! xx1943: This is really an easy one. All you have to do is: xx1943: PLAN: I take the lead in my hand and play !SK to knock out the A and xx1943: ...... 2 tricks in that suit. xx1943: which is the verb I omitted ...... ? xx1943: ??? What is the omitted word. memex8: take gloriajane: win wik54: what are the odds of having this good hand in real life:) EddyHaskel: enjoy xx1943: Last lesson we talked about promotion. If you lost a trick to !SA you PROMOTED 2 xx1943: !S tricks. xx1943: promote wik54: promote xx1943: Now I free the South seat and one of you will hop in to play this hand. xx1943: hi Marnie xx1943: oops that is dangerous Marnie142: ok why xx1943: what if West hlods A and another !S wik54: but has no reason to hold-up. does he? xx1943: you have no other stopper in S stanira3: now have twelve tricks without leading the j!s xx1943: but 2 !S in the bag are neough xx1943: cash the other sure tricks Marnie142: gotcha ->stanira3: that's it jan1543: vwd marnie xx1943: well done. tonguedog: wd Marnie142: ty TwstofLime: well done :) terlian: vn marnie memex8: WD! xx1943: ty Marnie xx1943: Please free your seat. To do this, click on your nick and answer the up-popping xx1943: question "Are you sure ...." with yes. memex8: y xx1943: Are there any more questions to this hand? memex8: y wik54: n jan1543->Club: n tonguedog->Club: n memex8: should !S be played last? Samstar: n xx1943: don't chat to the club please terlian: with so many honors does the order played really matter...ka, for instance jan1543: sorry xx1943: no !S must be played at trick 2 memex8: ty xx1943: if you first cash all the other winners, East will have a red card to cash after !SA memex8: oh yes, I see...ty Marnie142: if they get in with the ace what damage could they do nbsack: but e has to be able to get in xx1943: #6: KQx - xxx xx1943: #6: KQx - xxx xx1943: This hand is identical to the last one with big difference: Instead of the !SJ you hold xx1943: now a small one. Now you can promotoe 1 trick by leading the K or Q but not 2. xx1943: To make 6NT we need 2 tricks from the !S suit. Do you have any ideas, how to xx1943: manage this? xx1943: ??? eternaluke: need 2 entries to dummy xx1943: yep xx1943: East must hold the s!A. we must lead a small !s from dummy towrds the KQx xx1943: honor-combination in declarer's hand. eternaluke: to lead spades to hand memex8: lead small from dummy toward K & Q RedCat08: so we need the club "thing" again xx1943: yep xx1943: RedCat congrat RedCat08: :) xx1943: I free the South seat now and one of you, who remebers the maneuver from hand xx1943: #4 will hop in to play this hand. xx1943: hi wik good luck wik54: tx xx1943: great xx1943: good news: !C are 3-2 xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. xx1943: clap clap clap very well done. tonguedog: wd TwstofLime: vwd:) wik54: tx jan1543: vwd memex8: very nice! xx1943: cognrat wik swall9: nice wik terlian: wd wik xx1943: you did everything rite terlian: yay wik wik54: hardly my doing:) wik54: but tx xx1943: Are there any more questions to this hand? RedCat08: wd wik! :) jan1543: n wik54: n memex8: n xx1943: ty wik xx1943: Please free your seat. To do this, click on your nick and answer the up-popping xx1943: question "Are you sure ...." with yes. robzim: what if E holds up on the A terlian: yes, when do you get such great hands? xx1943: you get such great hands in BBO from time to time, but with me as dealer 8 times xx1943: in a row :) swall9: he gets the last trick terlian: indeed Al LOL eternaluke: here and goulashes xx1943: if East holds up the A a 2nd time, robzim, you have the 2 !S tricks you needed in xx1943: the bag :) robzim: I saw it as soon as I asked it robzim: thanks xx1943: more questions? robzim: he'll never get back in until the end wik54: n xx1943: #7: KQx - xxx a second time xx1943: No I'm not c-nile-infected presenting you the same hand as before. You are right xx1943: N/S hand are identical to the previous one. xx1943: Let us see what happens, when I try to create a 2nd entry in !C. xx1943: oops very bad news indeed wik54: distribution is not favorable xx1943: I have really only 1 entry to table xx1943: this is a good moment to introduce my dear friend and partner vanyvon terlian: hi van xx1943: He said to me: Cnacel this #7 it is to hard for these 102-gand TwstofLime: HI, Yvon! :) tonguedog: ciao boo559: hello xx1943: gang robzim: hi Yvonne:) xx1943: not Yvonne, but Yvon robzim: sorry robzim: just noticed:) vanyvon: hi all :) xx1943: ok xx1943: hmhh didn't oblige. This guy plays too well. memex8: Hi Yvon! xx1943: OOOPs. !C are distributed 4-1. I cannot afford to overtake the !CJ with the Q, xx1943: because then East's !C 10 will be promoted. xx1943: Now we need a lot of luck. First let us try if East plays bad and goes up with his A xx1943: prematurely. xx1943: hmhh didn't oblige. This guy plays too well. xx1943: Can you think of any distribution of the defenders cards, which will let us make xx1943: another !Strick? xx1943: ????? gloriajane: 4-1 RedCat08: ohh, might get the ace out anyway xx1943: what do you mean 4-1 Gloria? memex8: 5-2 RedCat08: y eternaluke: ax Sunrise4U: A10...... gloriajane: 1 ace in east xx1943: Now I free the South seat and one of you will hop in to play this hand. TwstofLime: too scary :) xx1943: hmhh not so good. gloriajane->Club: I goofed memex8: you were brave! stanira3: need toplay 7!s first before cashing all other tricksand let east lead back to you TwstofLime: Bravo! jan1543: good try terlian: yes brave gloria RedCat08: Good try Gloria xx1943: ty gloria terlian: good on ya Samstar: yes xx1943: Please free your seat. To do this, click on your nick and answer the up-popping xx1943: question "Are you sure ...." with yes. xx1943: this was the position xx1943: which card shall I now try? wik54: 7s RedCat08: 7 !s llw25: 7s Samstar: 7 s xx1943: BINGO RedCat08: claim :) xx1943: the only chance, which remained was that EAST started with AX doubleton in S wik54: 1!S xx1943: BINGO. The odds for this to win were not really good. But the luck is with the brave xx1943: :) :) :) xx1943: Btw. The odds for East holding Ax and West xxxxx in !S are 4.4%. Don't ask how to xx1943: calculate this. I'll hold a lesson for the upper intermediates on this topic soon. TwstofLime: :))))) xx1943: Are there any more questions to this hand? wik54: n jan1543: n memex8: nty terlian: n heppy: n ty xx1943: and the lead again is the !HJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! swall9: what a surprise! xx1943: these hnds are called "mirror" hands, if declarer and dummy have the identical xx1943: distribution xx1943: mirror hand are mostly best played in NT xx1943: let us count the sure tricks RedCat08: 9 wik54: 8 memex8: 9 jan1543: 9 gloriajane: 9 swall9: 9 xx1943: 1!S+3!H+3!D+2!C=9 boo559: 9 terlian: 9 xx1943: we need 3 more heppy: 1!S 3!H 2!C 3!D xx1943: which could come only from !S heppy: y xx1943: My dear friend Yvon told me not to show this hand to you today. But My teaching xx1943: principle is always look for the limits. xx1943: To make his bid, he needs 3 more tricks from the !S suit. He must hope the !SK xx1943: with East and repeat the finesse (if necessary twice). xx1943: PLAN: I take the lead, go to the table using !cK and finesse the !S. xx1943: Which card do I play from dummy now? swall9: low xx1943: ??? memex8: Q!S RedCat08: q !s gloriajane: second hand low xx1943: ok Samstar: q wik54: 4!s terlian: agree gloria xx1943: let us try low xx1943: and now??? wik54: 2!s heppy: agree eternaluke: eww heppy: and take with Q stanira3: play J!s xx1943: if you lose a !S trick you have only 11 tricks tonguedog: ace xx1943: you need 4 !S tricks RedCat08: ace at this point terlian: AS xx1943: and I'm 1 trick short RedCat08: yes xx1943: scoring 3!S+3!H+3!D+2!C=11 gowanlock: you need a double finesse from N - but you must retain lead in N as well xx1943: te hfinesse must be repaeted TWICE, if East holds K87x gowanlock: sorry :( swall9: 2 to the 9 gowanlock: was talking to sandy :( xx1943: if you play 2 to the 9 you cannot score 4 !S tricks but only 3 :( xx1943: if East obliges to cover, all is well Samstar: cover an honor w/ an honor! xx1943: I score 4 tricks ins in a flash wik54: is there plan B if east does not oblige? eternaluke: planb need to be plan a xx1943: but East is a good player he doesn't cover BBO_IAC (Lobby): => Club: !H!H!H 3 HOURS TO BBO_IAC MEMBERSHIP PAIRS GAME. LADIES CHOICE IS COMING UP. PLAN TO PLAY !H!H!H eternaluke: 9 first RedCat08: n retains lead ->eternaluke: that's it xx1943: So look what happens, if East doesn't cover and EAST holds Kxxx xx1943: ...... xx1943: Now South is in a dilemma. Say he follows with a low !S...... xx1943: after the 2nd finesse declarer is in his hand without a way back to dummy to xx1943: repaet the finesse. xx1943: Say South unblocks the !S10 to repeat the finesse with th9 and hold the lead on xx1943: the table...... xx1943: now East covers the 9 and has a sure !S trick with his 87 combination. xx1943: suddenly the 8 is the 2nd high card after the J, coze all the high honors are gone xx1943: we saw, South cannot win leading low or leading the Q memex8: lead 9!S xx1943: now an int4doesn't help we saw before Luisa xx1943: that's it xx1943: Now East is helpless, if he covers South has 3 tricks to take. xx1943: 4 trcks to take xx1943: and so on xx1943: no problem to take 4 !S tricks xx1943: If he refuses to cover the 9, the Q follows...... xx1943: hmhhh xx1943: now you are stuck in your hand and must give East the !SK stanira3: play Q!s to promote spades in hand ->stanira3: yep ->tonguedog: !SQ xx1943: If East covers the Q, all !S tricks are declarers, xx1943: If the Q is not covered, the lead remains on the table to take the finesse a 3rd time xx1943: and score 4 !S tricks. xx1943: I'm very sorry, if this example confused some of you. Catch after the lesson in xx1943: quiet a deck of cards and distribute the !S as shown in this example 8 xx1943: South: AJ10x North Q9xx and East K87x xx1943: try the different possibilities to lead from the North hand a small !S, the Q or the 9 stanira3: good lesson in card play...thanks wyoming33: or save hand and open at teaching table and play everry which way xx1943: or save hand and open at teaching table and play everry which way vanyvon: great job as usual - have a nice vacation! bye heppy: bravissima TwstofLime: wheeee! terlian: whew RedCat08: good job Louisa tonguedog: sry xx1943: bravo xx1943: ok xx1943: that was the last hand terlian: have a great vacation Al TwstofLime: great lesson, Al! !H xx1943: ty for working so hard jan1543: ty boo559->Club: what is our next chapter? xx1943: you are great students terlian: and ty for today RedCat08: Great job Al! robin_s->Club: y wik54: tx AL xx1943: lokk up the review in the forum jan1543: ty al Samstar: ty heppy->Club: thanx Al and have a good rest:))) xx1943: I hope every registered student got my mail with the review from last TUE. Most of xx1943: you found the post in Alfresco's cafe too. xx1943: I'd like to use this platform as communication center for this course: jan1543: have a good vac al xx1943: memex8: Thank you Al for the great hands and lesson. Thank you Sandy, Phillip, and especiall Maureen for making this possible for us. bilianil: thank you Al robin_s: thanks to all terlian: bye everyone llw25: thanks Al scooter321: thank you Al!!!!! xx1943: and see you allSEPT 15 bilianil: and Maureen gloriajane: Thanks to all our teachers. TwstofLime: Al, please remind students of their student study group 16:00 Thursday. :) bilianil: and the Astro gang!!!! tonguedog: thx i try to send a message before the102 course start but my message come back in my adress so i can't sign gowanlock: so next week same time -we have a study session TwstofLime: Go Gangstahs! RedCat08: 101 grads rock! xx1943: Philipp and Sandy will fill the gap heppy: yes, Thanx toall who follow us and help us...... !H boo559: what chapter on the 15th? robin_s: yes to the teachers tonguedog: i do not know but my e-mail is [email protected] tonguedog: thx for a lesson boo559: next chapter? ->tonguedog: ok I'll look it up heppy: luisa ci sei? xx1943: bye all boo559: what is next chapter???? TwstofLime: Linda et al have a student study group this Thursday at 16:00!!! Join in student fun! BIL! gowanlock: great lesson, Al :) heppy: ma sembra che tutti i mei messaggi heppy: andavano al club xx1943: next chapter: HOw to plan a nT contract. Read the forum there is the curri´culum Marnie142: thanks all heppy: il che disturba Al e questo no va bene ->gowanlock: ty gowanlock: italian lessons with moira starting soon :) TwstofLime: 4pm Thursday is the BIL student study group at 16:00EDT :) heppy: percio stavo zitta...... finalmente!!! memex8: Hope to see all Thursday at 4pm here in the BIL!!!!!H TwstofLime: mucho biente? xx1943: bye all memex8: bye Al tonguedog: bye thx alot heppy: bye Al gowanlock: bye and have a great break gloriajane: bye al xx1943: I'd like to use this platform as communication center for this course: xx1943: davidap: ty AL for everything:)</p>

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