POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS: Interested in joining the Leeds Student Poly News Staff? Meeting 4pm Monday - City Site. See posters for full details. ief..In Brief..In Power Game Aerial drama The University Union has decided that it will not One of the Polytechnic's pay 11% of it's Electricity bill, and will instead leading Parachutists was hurt it's- in an accident when free- place the money in a trust fund, where it will IF 1 WA9AY 'UST- STA tiVAer falling last Sunday. remain "until the electricity Supply Industry stops moo 17ut413T 1-1Av - Miss Heather Watson. 22, using and promoting Nuclear energy." Ott), A'42 found after she had left the --Noqco-s5 oN mi.6410; -A--.1114‹ aircraft that she could not Despite Rob Farn's plea the law. If Seamus feels pull the rip cord for the that the controvertial section justified in law breaking, then 1), BE TARE ri v AN► oye-2 main 'chute.' be removed on the grounds he can sign the cheque." When she opened the emer- that it was asking Union Despite the firm wording gency 'chute she found that staff and elected officers to of the resolution, there is her harness was too high, break the law, the motion, less certainly in Executive ab- making the 'chute billow out in- which attacks Nuclear Power out whom the Union actually to her face. One side of her and the wisdom of the Central pays for it's electricity. Deputy face was badly bruised, her Electricity Generating Board President Jim Murtagh was un- chin was cut and she had to be in using it. was passed without aware that the Union pays the taken to hospital. opposition, after Union Presi- University for its electricity. Miss Watson runs a para- dent Seamus Gillen spoke as it is supplied from the chuting club and has success- of the irony of Mr Farn University sub-station. The bill fully trained 130 people, all speaking against breaking the is invoiced annually, on the 31st without accident. law, and further stated that it of July, the day sabbaticals Mads Dohm. Vice-President was alright to break the law in finish their year of office. of Leeds Polytechnic, said a good cause. Only the Union Nusery "It is a bit ironic that someone The Union is now committed is billed quarterly direct from who has trained so many "to withold the nuclear portion the YEB, who have a firm others should have had this (11%) of its electricity bill policy of "disconnection where slight mishap." and instead pay this sum into a bill is not paid in full." Miss Watson herself would the Anti-Nuclear Campaign's So it is unlikely that the Union make no comment on the incid- Consumer Campaign Trust will find itself in darkness. ent. Fund." only the children and staff MARILYN HONIGMAN. Andy Kershay. responded to of the Nursery. Semetics saga staggers on the resolution by saying: "I'm not being told to break A hundred students turned Staff Vacancies, the Committee CHRIS JAECKER. up to picket the University set up to deal with special Senate for the second time this policies, such as the imple- month. mentation of the 6% cuts. Work ins Clarkie is Occupation was not necess- The Union is pushing for A series of work-ins at the ary as Senate agreed to refer student representation on this Brotherton Library in protest the issue back to Senate Committee. However, the mat- at the shortened opening hours coming Planning Committee, which will ter could not be discussed is to begin on Monday. A six act line of rasta take place next week. This as it was judged to be new The work-ins commence at business, and it will have rhyme and raucous rhythms meeting has been brought 8 p.m. - the new closing time is upcoming at LUU early forward two weeks to enable to be resubmitted at next and last for two hours and are month's Senate meeting. The next month. the fate of Semitics to be dis- planned weekly until the end Poets John Cooper Clarke cussed under open business. issue could prove to be an of term. The student representatives important turning point in the The aim is to concentrate and Linton Kwesi Johnson fight against the cuts. headline an evening of music also wished to discuss with attention on the fact that the SUE RYLANCE. and verse on March 10th. Senate the Special Group on amount of resources diverted Pookiesnackenburger. chums to the library has been cut. of Madness recently signed Sir Keith snubs AUT It's hoped that the work to Stiff records plan to mingle AUT attempts to discuss fall vacant cannot he frozen, ins will create the awareness brought by the occupation. and with audience for their set. the cuts with Education Sec- Sir Keith said that the involve those opposed to this Their recently released version retary Sir Keith Joseph have "random, uncontrolled red- of Just One Cornetto is tipped earlier action, but willing to not met with success. uction in University staff' make their protests felt. to chart soon. The General Secretary of the as suggested by the AUT. Library staff are understood NME darling and crop top Association of University Tea- would have more adverse Seething Wells, "the bard to support the action. chers Mr Laurie Sapper wrote long-term consequences than ROZ KAY. of Bellevue Road," (A. Ker- to Sir Keith. proposing a 5- the general. direct cuts already shaw) is due to appear, along year instead of a 3-year being implemented. He consid- with Little Brother, Bradford savings plan. In this plan. ered the present method to be 1980s answer to Stanley Hollo- natural wastage, that is non- a "reorganisation" which could way. replacement of staff, would easily be structured and contro- SACSUM Nic Tocaeck. recently featur- play an important role, and lled by the Universities. ed in the Sunday colour supple- would mean no planned redun- Students and staff will be ments, is to give a one man dancies. able to present their views on sinks show. In his reply. Sir Keith the subject to Sir Keith when The right-wing campaign to "Heeere's Johnny" Tickets are just £2.50 from aid that these proposals were he visits the University next end the compulsory member- the union record shop. not viable. as all posts which Tuesday. ship of student unions appears to be running aground through lack of cash. "available funds are being sen t to everyone a nd his uncle" Its founder and leading Leeds University has told the and other costs have increased ly be using second-class mail, as treasurer to expand ser- advocate, Mr Paul Soden has Union that it will be expected by 9%. turning lights off, and not using vices, and I think it is a been forced to ask his support- Ito take a 6% cut in its Mr Blakey regards the 6% the phone before 1.00 pm. crime that the services and faci- ers for money. income for the session 1982/ figure as more of a starting They myth that all out money lities available to Union memb- Mr Soden. who was banned 83. This represents a fall in in- point for negotiations than a fi- is spent on leaflets and campai- ers are being forced into con- from a course at Manchester come of £37,000. nal figure to be accepted by gning is totally farcical, it would traction when available funds Polytechnic after refusing to Martin Blakey. Union Res- the Union. He commented "We only keep the Union running are being sent to everyone join the Union, has not even earch and Welfare Officer. are not a University depart- for half a day." and his uncle. We're able to got the money to post 500 Said "We're hoping the Univer- ment and shouldn't be treated Andy Kershaw, Union Trea- allocate £1,000 to the Third leaflets he has had printed: y is going to approach as such. There have been sugg- surer, said. "Although we opp- World Fund. and there are reg- Students against Compulsory the Union financing with an estions that we can save money ose the cuts, we've got to be ular proposals at OGMs to give Student Union Membership is open mind. What we are look- and this is of course desirable, realistic. we're not as rich trading operation profits away. pinning its hopes on a meeting ing for is to maintain the real regardless of funding. and we as we were, and we don't It discredits the whole cuts with Mr William Waldegrave, level of funding. Salaries are want to do it. A tremen- get as much cake when it's campaign and is inconsistent.— Minister for Higher Education, up by an average of 4% dous saving can be made simp- all shared out. It is my job JENNIFER SYKES. hoping to enlist his support. Constitution Changes at Poly AGM The first AGM to attain a was not due to, the new premises changes was 80. the most accepted. the first being the standards", Members of the quorum to change the constit- enticing more people but also important of which were: right of a Union staff repres- Jewish Society argued that the ution in four years was held at due to the very hard work done 1. Holding Union meetings every entative to attend and vote in motion was purely about Soviet the City site on 4th February by the Executive in getting three weeks instead of fort- Union meetings.
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