West Virginia Board of Education s2

West Virginia Board of Education s2

<p> West Virginia Board of Education</p><p>Instructional Materials Recommended for West Virginia Public Schools by the West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee</p><p>OFFICIAL STATE MULTIPLE LIST, GROUP IV</p><p>Adoption Period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2016</p><p>Mathematics Family and Consumer Sciences Agricultural Education The West Virginia Board of Education is authorized to review and approve the primary instructional materials (textbooks, visual aids, etc.) used in West Virginia public schools. In fulfilling this task, the West Virginia Board of Education establishes advisory and review committees comprised of teachers and other educational specialists who have expertise in the subject areas being considered.</p><p>The West Virginia Instructional Materials Review Committee, in cooperation with the West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee, performs an extensive evaluation of instructional materials and programs submitted for review and conducts official hearings with publishers. The Official State Multiple List of Instructional Materials K-12 provides information for schools to use in the selection of instructional materials. The Official State Multiple List contains the listings of instructional materials for primary instruction in the subject of Mathematics, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Agricultural Education. A list of supplementary materials is also provided.</p><p>The West Virginia Department of Education acknowledges the contributions of the members of the Instructional Materials Advisory Committee and the Instructional Materials Review Committee who participated in the review, analysis, deliberation, recommendation, and approval process. The support of counties, higher education, the publishers and their respective representatives is deeply appreciated.</p><p>Dr. Steven L. Paine State Superintendent of Schools </p><p>2 THE WEST VIRGINIA INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS ADVISORY COMMITTEE</p><p>Albert, Fred R. Years in Education: 20 years Kanawha County Certification/Degree(s): School: DuPont Middle School  B.S. - Elementary Education 1-6  Middle School Social Studies 4-8 Awards and Special Recognition:  1997 Kanawha County Council of Mathematics (KCCTM) Elementary Teacher of the year.  1997 Kanawha County Runner Up Teacher of the Year  2006 AFT (American Federation of Teachers Apple Award (Awarded to teachers who make a difference in their schools and in their community.)  Certified Trainer for AFT Education Research and Dissemination Programs; Thinking Math I, II, and III  President AFT – Kanawha  Executive Board Member of AFT-WV  Member WVDE Commission for Professional Teaching Standards Extracurricular:  Member of the Chancel Choir (tenor) of Christ Church United Methodist, Charleston, WV </p><p>Ashworth, Ede Years in Education: 37 years Brooke County Certification/Degree(s): School: Brooke High School  Latin and Spanish 7-12  MA and BA Awards and Special Recognition:  1990 Milken Family Educator Award  2000 West Virginia Teacher of the Year Award  Extracurricular: Spanish Club</p><p>Bennett, Roger Years in Education: 30 years MSP Math Specialist Certification/Degree(s): Boone County Schools  Elementary Education- Social Studies/Math  BA and MA (12/09) Awards and Special Recognition:  WV Differentiated Instruction Cadre  WVDI Cohort IV Leader  WV Middle Level Educators Cadre  WVDE Co-Teaching Project  Merit Math Teacher  Teacher of the year-Madison Middle  Graduate of the Boone County Leadership Academy  Boone County Teacher Leader  Boone County MSP Teacher Leader  BD Professional Learning Community Leader</p><p>3 Burke, Cynthia Years in Education: 33 years Marshall County Certification/Degree(s): School: Sherrard Junior High School  MA, Mathematics  BS, Mathematics  National Board Certification, 2005 Awards and Special Recognition:  WVCTM Teacher of the Year, Middle School, 2007  Marshall County Teacher of the Year, 1999, 2007 and 2008  State Level Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching, 2006 and 2008</p><p>Chadwell, Brenda Years in Education: 32 years Roane County Certification/Degree(s): School: Geary Elementary/Middle School  MA, Reading Specialist K-12  MA, Leadership Studies, Principal K-8 and 5-8  Supervisor General Instruction K-12  Vocational Administration 5-Adult  Superintendent K-12  AB Elementary Education 1-8, Social Studies 1-9, Appalachian Studies 4-8, English 7-8  Principal K-8 and 5-8  Supervisor General Instruction K-12  Vocational Administration 5-Adult  Superintendent K-12 Awards and Special Recognition:  2008 Principals’ Leadership Academy Distinguished Scholar  Eddie C. Kennedy Reading Teacher of the Year  2006 Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Award  2001 West Virginia VFW Middle School Teacher of the Year  Roane County Teacher of the Year 1988 and 1998  Roane County English Language Arts Teacher of the Year  Extracurricular: Newspaper Advisor, Yearbook Advisor, and PATCH 21st CCLC Coordinator  Other: WV Reading Association President-Elect</p><p>4 Fonner, Linda Years in Education: 30 Wetzel County Certification/Degree(s): New Martinsville School  BS in Elementary Education  BS in Early Childhood Education  Middle Childhood Authorization  Masters in Gifted Education  National Board Certified - Middle Childhood Generalist  Oracle Think Quest Trainer  National Science Teachers Association Certificates of Science Content Proficiency (Force, Gravity) Awards and Special Recognition:  Wetzel County Reading Teacher of the Year - 1985  National Council for Geographic Education and Rand McNally Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award for Excellence in Geography Teaching - 1990  Wetzel County Teacher of the Year - 1994  WV Teacher of the Year Finalist - 1994  State Level Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching - 1996,1997,1998  Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching - National Level - 1999  WV Coordinated and Thematic Science Cadre - CATS  WV Master Trainer - 2003  Northern Regional Consortium Chair - 2 years  Handle-On-Science Project Mentor Teacher  The NEED Project (National Energy Education Development)  WV Lead Teacher and national energy education trainer</p><p>Gillian, Judy Years in Education: 38 years Kanawha County Certification/Degree(s): School: Kanawha County Schools  English Language Arts 7-12  BS and MA  60+ hours leadership, reading, composition Awards and Special Recognition:  English Department Chairperson 1981-2000,  Language Arts Teacher of the Year (WVELAC), Nominated Kanawha County Schools  Educator of the Year  Extracurricular: Reading, People Watching, Family Events, Needlework and  Gardening</p><p>5 Hoffmaster, Beverly Years in Education: 31 years Berkeley County Certification/Degree(s): School: Berkeley County Schools  Elementary Education K-6  Early Childhood Nursery to Pre-K  BA and MA +45 Awards and Special Recognition:  1992 WV Teacher of the Year, 1992 Milken National  Educator Award, 1992 Ashland Oil Teacher Achievement Award, 1991-92 Berkeley  County Teacher of the Year,  Berkeley County Language Arts Teacher of the Year, Girl Scouts  Women of Distinction Award, Rotary Paul Harris Fellow,  Shepherd College Outstanding Alumnus; Shepherd College Presidential Medal  Extracurricular: West Virginia Department of Education Reading Cadre, RESA VIII, Shepherd College Teacher Education Committee, RESA VIII Head Start  Advisory Committee</p><p>McCarty, Helen Years in Education: 44 years Retired from Harrison County Certification/Degree(s): School: Lincoln High School  English 7-12  Social Studies 7-12  AB+15  AP English Certification Awards and Special Recognition:  Advisory Committee for Instructional Materials  Chairman of school English Department 1990-2007  Curriculum Development for State, Curricular Mapping for Harrison County Schools</p><p>Pomeroy, Judy Years in Education: 35 years RESA IV Certification/Degree(s): RESA IV Mathematics Coordinator  Mathematics 5-12  B.S. - WVU Institute of Technology  M.A. – Marshall University Graduate College Awards and Special Recognition:  Greenbrier County Teacher of the Year - 1994  West Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Middle/Junior High Level, Teacher of the Year, 1999  West Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics President, 2006 - 2008</p><p>6 Years in Education: 27 years Swiger, Mark Certification/Degree(s): Marshall County  Social Studies Comprehensive 7-12 John Marshall High School  B.A. History  M.A. Social Studies Secondary Education Awards and Special Recognition:  2007 Curriculum Project Leader, WV State Museum Project  John Marshall High School Distinguished Service Award 2005, 2006;  RESA 6 Social Studies County Leadership Team  US Green Building Council-WV Chapter Green Schools Advocate-present  NCAA Distinguished Service Award 2003  2002 Marshall County Schools Teacher of the Year Finalist  2002-2005 RESA 6 InSTEP Coordinator  2000 Who’s Who in the World  STAR Society Technology Teacher Hall of Fame Honorable Mention;  1997 Marshall County Schools Teacher of the Year Finalist  Fulbright Study Abroad, Republic of South Africa 1995</p><p>Wilson, Carla Years in Education: 9 years Wood County Certification/Degree(s): School: Jackson Junior High  BA in Education-- Mathematics (5-9) and English (5-12)  MA in Educational Leadership Awards and Special Recognition:  Nominated for Disney Teacher of the Year (2002, 2003, 2004)  Selected as Who’s Who Among American Teachers (2004, 2005)  Braxton County Middle School Teacher of the Year (2002)  Served on WV Differentiated Instruction Cadre 2003-04  Received Kraton Golden Apple Award (2006)</p><p>7 Wayne Yonkelowitz Years in Education: 26 years Fayette County Certification/Degree(s): School: Fayetteville High  BS – Secondary Education – Earth and Space Science  MA – Secondary Education Awards and Special Recognition:  1999 – Milken Award  2001 – Fayette County Teacher of the Year  State Level Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching – 1999, 2000  2002 – Presidential Award For Excellence In Science Teaching  2002 – National Board Certified – Early Adolescence – Science  The NEED Project (National Energy Education Development)  WV Lead Teacher and national energy education trainer  WV Coordinated and Thematic Science Cadre - CATS Extracurricular: Wrestling Coach, School Technology Coordinator.</p><p>8 THE WEST VIRGINIA INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS REVIEW COMMITTEE</p><p>Review Committee for Mathematics</p><p>Mary Beth Angeline Ellen Larter Erin Ankrum Diane Lemon Susan Barett Joy Marino Janet Bowland Joy McCutcheon Jeanie Brown Devona Myers Mike Brown Susan Naylor Linda Brunicardi Sheila Pell Linda Eddy Joanne Persinger Joyce Evans Holly Plunkett Crystal Godbey Jerry Pomeroy Penny Golden Donna Ream Valerie Helmstetter Belinda Roberts Jim Holland Sheila Ruddle Myrtle Holland Debbie Seldomridge Sandra Humphries Coleen Vannoy Sue Hvizdos Matthew Wink Anna Kelley Holly Woods Jeremy Knight</p><p>9 Review Committee for Agriculture Education</p><p>Deanna Ammons Jeremy Greene Gene Hovatter Sandra Lynch Joe McDougal Bob Morris Ken Skidmore Steve Tennant Larry Watson </p><p>Review Committee for Family and Consumer Sciences</p><p>Diane Clay Natalie Ellis Sandra Fain Kathy Goush Joey Halstead Sally Hamler Peggy Johnson Lois Kincaid Phoebe McGuire Mary Slack Linda Wall Cynthia Wymer</p><p>10 West Virginia Board of Education</p><p>Instructional Materials Recommended for West Virginia Public Schools by the West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee</p><p>OFFICIAL STATE MULTIPLE LIST, GROUP IV</p><p>Mathematics, Family and Consumer Sciences, Agricultural Education Adoption Period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015</p><p>LEGEND All instructional materials are sold initially through Column 1 (wholesale) and Column 2 (retail) prices. Exchange prices (Columns 3 or 4) shall extend through one entire school year, either following the date of initial purchase or the date of complete use. Proof of exchange required. Vendor’s options apply.</p><p>Column 1 Lowest net wholesale price to boards of education and responsible dealers.*</p><p>Column 2 Retail price to patrons after not exceeding 15% has been added to new wholesale price.</p><p>Column 3 Lowest net exchange price to boards of education and responsible dealers</p><p>Column 4 Retail exchange price to patrons when not exceeding 10% has been added to net exchange price.</p><p>Column 5 Additional equipment and materials necessary for the success of instruction, as determined by the vendor</p><p>NOTE: 1. Prices and items submitted for bids are subject to further verification due to the vastness of this state multiple list. In the event any discrepancy exits, the original bid submitted by the vendor would determine any inquiry.</p><p>2. On last page of each series bid, the following will be included:</p><p>Teacher’s Editions will be furnished free upon request, one per teacher for each 25 pupil editions purchased, first year of implementation. Additional Teacher’s Editions may be purchased at a cost indicated on this bid. Free normal shipments to counties/schools (check one) ____ Direct from Vendor ____ State Approved Depository.</p><p>"All materials produced after August 18, 2006, must comply with the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS), as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and must be submitted to the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Center (NIMAC) in NIMAS format. This requirement does not apply to material produced prior to August 19, 2006." Permission to translate into Braille, Large Type Editions, Audio Recordings, etc., will be filed with the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, Kentucky, within 30 days of doption by the West Virginia Board of Education. Specify no charge as N/C.</p><p>11 DEFINITIONS</p><p>TEXTBOOKS, INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES</p><p>“Textbooks” The definition of “textbook” includes books; instructional materials, as used therein, means systems of instructional materials, or combinations of books and supplementary materials which convey information to the pupil; learning technologies, including, but not limited to, applications using computer software, computer assisted instruction, interactive videodisc; other computer courseware and magnetic media.</p><p>Primary Source Materials</p><p>The West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee reviews and recommends primary source materials to deliver Content Standards and Objectives.</p><p>Chapter 18, Article 2A, Section 8 of the Code provides: “No textbook, instructional materials, or learning technologies shall be used in public elementary or secondary school in West Virginia as the primary source to deliver the instructional goals and objectives for state required courses unless it has been approved and listed on the state multiple list by the West Virginia Board of Education, except as otherwise provided for in” [the waiver process].</p><p>Section 5 of the cited legal reference further provides: “The county board of education shall, upon recommendation of the county superintendent with the aid of a committee of teachers and not later than the first day of May of the year following that in which the multiple list for the group was made and approved, select from the state multiple list one or more items to deliver instruction…”</p><p>Supplementary Source Materials</p><p>Supplementary materials have either been bid by the vendor or determined by the West Virginia Instructional Materials Advisory Committee to be support material to accompany an approved primary source materials. Supplementary materials do not have to be reviewed or recommended for classroom use. Their presence in this document is solely for gaining a price advantage and assuring availability for the adoption period; however, several vendors submitted their materials for full review.</p><p>Free or Loaned Programs</p><p>Vendors were required to file on their bid(s) all free items that will be given away to any/all counties upon adoption/purchase. Only teacher’s edition/manual/guide that accompanies student instructional materials can be both bid and given away, as declared on the vendor’s bid.</p><p>12 PRIMARY SOURCE MATERIALS</p><p>NOTE: Primary Source Instructional Materials are those teaching materials placed in the elementary and secondary schools in West Virginia that are used as the primary source of instruction. The primary source instructional materials listed in this publication have been reviewed and judged to meet the generic, general, and specific criteria assuring that the Content Standards and Objectives for Mathematics, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Agricultural Education are delivered.</p><p>13</p>

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