<p> Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE (As on 27-04-2016)</p><p>1. Details of Teaching Staff: </p><p>Name of the Staff : Dr. R. Ramachandran</p><p>Educational Qualification Name of the Marks Name of the Examination and Division Obtained University/Institution year of passing (%) B.Com,1989 First Class 61.33 Bharathidasan University M.Com,1991 First Class 67.71 Bharathidasan University M.Phil (Commerce) First Class 71.80 Bharathidasan University 1992 Ph.D (Commerce) Commendable - Bharathidasan University 1996 MBA 2009 First Class 69.81 Annamalai University</p><p>Total Service (Teaching cum Research) Period Name of the Institution Affiliation Designation Class Handled From To National Evening College, Bharathidasan Lecturer in BBA, B.Com 18th June 18th October Trichy University Commerce and M.Com 1992 1994 Periyar EVR College, Bharathidasan Ph.D Research B.Com October 1992 April 1993 Trichy University Scholar Kakatiya Manair College of Lecturer in 7th November University, MBA 27th June 1996 Management, Khammam Management 1994 Warangal (AP) Vidyasagar College of Bharathiyar Lecturer in Arts & Science, M.Com 4th July 1996 2nd January 1998 University Commerce Udamalpet CMS College of Science M.F.C, M.F.T, Bharathiyar Lecturer in 19th January 15th November and Commerce, M.B. A and University Commerce 1998 2000 Coimbatore B.com Assistant 21st Annamalai University, Annamalai Ph.D., M.Phil., Professor in November Till Date DDE, University M.Com., Commerce 2000 Age and Date of Birth : 47 Years, 09-06-1968</p><p>Communication Address : FF5/5 A Block Senbagam Apartments</p><p>1 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>Dindugal Main Road Tiruchirappalli – 620 001 Phone 0431 – 2482796 Mobile – 9443820418, 9787410083 E-Mail ID – [email protected]</p><p>Official Address : Assistant Professor in Commerce, DDE, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar – 608 002, Tamil Nadu, India </p><p>2. Book Published 1. Consumer Behaviour – Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi – 110 002 India 2009-ISBN 978-8126-139231. 2. Management Accounting – Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi – 110 002 India 2009 – ISBN 978-81-261-4043-5. 3. Customer Relationship Management – Serials Publications New Delhi India 2011 – ISNB 978-81-8387-433-5. 4. Banking Theory and Practice – MJP Publications, Chennai 2012- ISBN 978-81-8094-152-8.</p><p>3. Indian Universities, Distance Education, Study Materials Written 1 Shivaji University, Maharashtra Centre for Distance Education, Course: M.B.A. (Executive) Distance Mode-Semester-IV-Elective-F, Paper IV, Industrial Marketing-Unit No.3 and 5 - ISBN-978-81-8486-309-3.First Edition 2009. 2. Annamalai University, DDE, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, Course III: B.B.A. First Year-Tamil Medium-Management Process-Study Material 2008.</p><p>2 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>4. Life Member in Academic Association 01. Indian Commerce Association, New Delhi. 02. Commerce and Management Association of Asia, Shimla. 03. Indian Academic Researchers Association, Tiruchirappalli. 04. Indian Association for American Studies (Regd.) India. 05. Individual Member - Global Economic Progress & Research Association (Registered Under Societies Registration No.283, Act XXVII of 1975) for the period from 16/08/2015 to 15/08/2016 Tamilnadu India. 06. International Economics Development Research Center (IEDRC) Senior Member-Registration Number: 30080276, Hong Kong. 07. Management Teacher’s Consortium Global Trust Life Member- </p><p>Academic Individual MTCG/M/L/2015/01/06, Bangalore.</p><p>5. Editorial Advisory Board and Review Panel-Member 1. Global Journal for Research Analysis, ISSN No.2277-8160, India. 2. The Standard International Journal [The SIJ] of IFBM, India. 3. International Journal of Advanced Research in Arts and Science- 4. ijaras. India. 5. International Journal of Scientific Research –International Index Journal-Print ISSN No.2277-8179.India. 6. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Print ISSN No.2249-555X.India. 7. Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, Print ISSN No.2250-1991.India. 8. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour & Management Perspectives ISSN (O):2279-0969; ISSN (P):2279-0950IF-2012:2.9, IF-2013:5.071- Pezzottaite Journals/PJ/Jammu City (J&K). 9. International Journal of Management and Development Studies (IJMDS) ISSN (Online):2320-0685; ISSN (Print) 2321-1423(double blind peer-review, referred monthly journal) Index Copernicus-Evaluation2012 5.11, Chennai, India. 10. Academic Research Support (ARS), Chennai, Tamilnadu.</p><p>3 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>11. Primax IJCMR-International Journal Of Commerce and Management Research Online ISSN: 2312-3612 APeer Reviewed International JournalPrintISSN23123604KarnatakaRegd.No.48/159/CE/0103/2013 Bengaluru, India. 12. CPMR-Opinion: International Journal of Management e-ISSN: 2277-4637; p-ISSN: 2231- 5470, Assam, India.</p><p>6. Award Recipient 1. Honourable Former Prime Minister of India Shri” RAJIV GANDHI GOLD MEDAL AWARD“ for Excellence in Individual Achievements and National Development on 20th August 2014, Bengaluru by GEPRA New Delhi. 2. Honourable Former Prime Minister of India “SMT. INDIRA GANDHI SADBHAVNA GOLD MEDAL AWARD” for Excellence in Individual Achievement and Service to the Nation on 19th November, 2014, Bengaluru by GEPRA New Delhi. 3. Honourable Former President of India “SHRI DR.RADHAKRISHNAN GOLD MEDAL AWARD” for Excellence in Education Field and Contribution to Education and National Development on Saturday, 5th September 2015 at Chennai by GEPRA New Delhi. 4. MTC Global Award for Excellence 2015, DISTINGUISHED TEACHER AWARD on Sankalp-2015, 5th Global Annual Convention, 11th & 12th September 2015, Jointly Organized by New Horizon College of Engineering, Near Marathalli, Bangalore-560 103. 5. Grabs Educational Charitable Trust Grabs Awards-2015, BEST TEACHER AWARD for in appreciation and recognition of outstanding contribution and continued dedication to the student community – Issued this 1st day November, 2015 at Chennai. 6. BEST PAPER AWARD in the National Level Conference on “New Era of E- Entrepreneurship in India-Current Trends, Issues and Challenges” on Saturday, 16th January, 2016 organized by Department of Commerce, Shri Santaji Shikshan Vikas Sanstha, Nagpur’s, Santaji Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Sneh Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur – 440015. </p><p>7. Ph.D. Thesis – Research Guidance </p><p>4 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>1. Consumer Behaviour with special reference to Two Wheeler in Tiruchirappalli District- Candidate: Mr.S.Sakthivel, Department of Management Studies Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, Tamilnadu, India -December 2008. 2. Impact of Customer Relationship Management in Commercial Banks with reference to Tamilnadu State – Candidate: Mr. D. Thamizhvel – Department of Commerce, Annnamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu, India, December 2011. 3. Consumer Preferential Buying Patterns of Cosmetics in Northern Parts of Tamilnadu– Candidate: Ms.R.Idhayarani, Department of Commerce, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-627 012, 2011. 4. A Study on Human Resource Development Systems in Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, Neyveli Tamilnadu Candidate: Mr.S.Jayakumar, Department of Commerce, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India, December, 2011. 5. Training and Development Needs of Employees in Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) Neyveli, Tamilnadu Candidate: Mr.S.Chandrasekaran, Department of Management Studies, Dravidian University, Kuppam,Andhra Pradesh, India, December, 2012. 6. Quality of Work Life of the Employees of Sugar Mills in Tamilnadu – Candidate: Ms.Sayeda Meharunisa, Department of Commerce, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-627 012, 2013.</p><p>8. Research Articles Published in Edited Books 1. Financial Inclusion – As a Bridge for Social Inclusion, Page No. 24-26, Inclusive Growth in India, An Emphasis on Financial and Social Inclusion, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi 2010, ISBN : 93-80697-21-X. 2. Global Consumer Behaviour in Two Wheelers – A Publication of Centre for Consumer Studies, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, Jointly Published by Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil – International Edition Page 480-481 Vol. No. 1 Issue 1, January 2010, ISBN : 978-81-90-667 197. 3. Managing Innovation as a Business Process in Corporate Sector, Page 575-579, Social and Human Resources Development Issues in Contemporary Business, Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd. Chennai, 2010, ISBN: 978-81-8371-2637.</p><p>5 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>4. Ethics of Human Resource Management – An overview Page No 74-76, Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, Anuragam, Chennai, December 2010, ISBN: 938062726-2. 5. Transfer Pricing in a Global Economy an Optimum Strategy for Survival Growth, Page No. 124-140. Recent Trends and Prospects of Transfer Pricing, Research India Press, New Delhi (India), 2011, ISBN: 978-81-89131-38-8. 6. Significant Issues in Relevance of Customer Relationship Management – A Scenario, Page 200-203, Revitalizing Global Business, Issues, Approaches, Strategies, Mani Bharathi Achagam, Chidambaram, December 2011, ISBN: 819222211-X. 7. Self-Help Groups (SHGs) – Bank Linkage Programme in Development of Socio-Economic Status of Women, Page No 374-384, Inclusive Financial Infrastructure, Bloomsbury, London, January 2012, ISBN: 978-81-924302-0-1. 8. International Tourism – A Scenario, Page No 402-411, Global Economic Slowdown – Opportunities and Challenges, Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, New Delhi, 2012, ISBN : 978-81-8457-364-0 (Set) 9. Significant Role of Customer Relationship Management in Retail Business – A study with Reference to Platform Garments Vendor in Coimbatore, Page No 195-201, Marketing Dynamics, Aruna Publishers, Chennai February 2013, ISBN: 978-93-81790-93-9. 10. A Paradigm Shift in Behaviour of Modern Consumers – An analysis, Page No 350-351, Contemporary Issues in Management, SRM University, Sabanayagam Publishers, Chennai March 2013, ISBN: 978-81-923607- 6-8. 11. Retail Trade in India: Need for a Paradigm Shift, Page No 326-342, Emerging Research Paradigms in Social Sciences, Department of Commerce & Research & Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 2013, ISBN: 978-93-82338-48-2. 12. Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunication Sector-Impact and Challenging Issues on Indian Economy, Page No.187-206 in FDI and Retail Sector, Department of Commerce, MS University, Tirunelveli, September 2014;ISBN:978-81-929581-3-2. 13. Factors Influencing Alternative Accommodation in Promotion of Tourism, Puducherry, Page No.217-224 in Research Dimensions in Commerce and Management R&D Centre,</p><p>6 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>Bharathiar University, Coimbatore Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi. October 2014; ISBN 978-93-84052-36-2. 14. Path and Discriminant Functional Analysis in Customer Relationship Management for Commercial Banks, Pages157-171 in A Compendium Issues in Management Thoughts and Practices, New Central Book Agency(P)Ltd.London June 2015 ISBN 978 81 7381 959 9. 15. Financial Inclusion-A Way for Equitable Economic Progress, Pages 242-255 in Inclusive Banking Through Technology Regal Publications, New Delhi, 2015, ISBN 978-81-8484- 461-0. 16. Consumer Behaviour: A Study on Reference to Branded Toothpastes, Pages 197-210, International Conference on Contemporary Management Practices, Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-943844-53-1, 23rd September, 2015. 17. Human Rights about of Transgender in Villupuram District, Pages 17-29, IQAC VHNSNC, Virudhunagar, UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar on Human Rights to Peace – Ethics and Policies, Conference Proceedings, ISBN : 978-93-81723-48-7, 18th & 19th December 2015. 18. Effectiveness of E-commerce in V.O.C. Chidambaranar Port-Trust Trading, Tuticorin Region - A Study, Pages 43-55, National Level Conference on “New Era of e- Entrepreneurship in India – Current Trends, Issues and Challenges”, Conference Proceedings, Sir Sahitya Kendra, Hudkeshwar Road, Nagpur-34, ISBN-978-93-80986-56-2, January 2016. 19. Marketing Functions of Non Governmental Organizations with special reference to Tirchirappali Multi Purpose Social Service (TMSS), Tirchirappali, page no 123-130, International Business Conference (IBC), Conference Proceeding on Global Business Scenario organized by Kandivli Education Society’s, B.K. Shroff College of Arts & M.H. Shroff College of Commerce, Department of Commerce in Association with Department of Accounting and Finance on 5th and 6th February 2016 at Mumbai, ISBN 978-81-927102-2-8.</p><p>9. Organisation of Academic Events </p><p>7 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>1. National Conference on Customer Relationship Management, UGC Sponsored New Delhi on 6th September 2008 at Annamalai University Campus, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, India, Acted as Coordinator.</p><p>10. Publication of Research Articles in International Journals 1. Prospects of Business Process Outsourcing P-No-25-28, International Journal of Ideas Third Concept- March 2007, ISSN 0970-7247- New Delhi. 2. WTO and India in Globalization Era- P-No-19-24, International Journal of Ideas Third Concept, 251-January 2008 – ISSN 0970-7247- New Delhi. 3. India’s Position in Global and Regional Food Production – P-No-7-10 An International Journal of Kisan World – Vol-35 No-02- February 2008 – ISSN 0971-9229- New Delhi. 4. Leveraging Technology for Competitive Advantage in Insurance Sector – The CRM Way – P-No-287-299. International Journal of Business Policy and Economics (Former name Applied Economics and Policy Analysis) – Volume 3, Number 2 – July-December – 2010 – ISSN 0973-5801- New Delhi. 5. Emerging Recent Trends of Medical Tourism in India – An Analysis P-No-38-43 International Journal of Applied Management Research Volume 2 – December 2010 – ISSN 09748709- Belgium. 6. Acceding Higher Education: Role of Industry – University Partnership – P-No 95-102- International Journal of Knowledge Management and E-Learning – Volume 2 – Number – 2 – July-December 2010 ISSN : 0975-718X – Gurgaon – Haryana. 7. Consumer Preferential Buying Patterns of Cosmetics in Northern Parts of Tamil Nadu P- No- 275-287. International Journal of Rural Development and Management Studies Vol-4- No-2- December 2010 ISSN: 0975-0614 – Gurgaon – Haryana. 8. British Business in India since 1860-1970 P-No-145-161. International Journal of Management Research and Technology (IJMRT) Vol-4-No-1-January – June 2010 ISSN 0974-3502- New Delhi. 9. CRM A Management Tool for Performance Enhancement – P-No-289-293 International Journal of Applied Management Research-Volume 3 – June 2011- ISSN 09748709- Belgium. </p><p>8 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>10. Marketing of Innovative Banking Services: An Analysis on Promotional Issues Adopted by ICICI Bank Trichy Town – P-No-70-83. International Journal of Management Proficient – Vol.-III- Issue-III March 2011 ISSN 0975475X – Jaipur. 11. Impact of Customer Relationship Management – An Empirical Analysis P-No- 35-38. Global Journal of Arts and Management Vol-1-No-4 ISSN 2249-2658 (online) – 2011 2249-264X (Print) Tiruvallur. 12. Personality Characteristics of Impulse Purchasers – An Empirical Analysis P-No-62-69. International Journal of Marketing Financial Services and Management Research – Vol. - 1 No 4 – Oct – Dec 2012 ISSN 2277 6788 Kurukshetra – Haryana. 13. Quality of Work Life among the Sugar Mills Employees in Tamilnadu P-No- 32-33. International Journal of Scientific Research Indexed with International ISSN Directory Paris – Vol. – 2 – Issue – 5 May 2013 – ISSN 2277-8179 Ahmadabad – Gujarat. 14. Quality of Work Life of the Employees of Sugar Mills in Tamilnadu P-No-21-22. Global Research Analysis, Listed and Indexed with International ISSN Directory Paris, Vol.-2- Issue -5-May 2013- ISSN 2277-8160- Ahmadabad – Gujarat. 15. A study on the Participatory Activities of Self-Help Groups and Micro Finance of Women P-No-112-114 Research Explore – Vol. – 2 – April 2013 Issue 8 – ISSN 2250-1940, Tiruchirappalli. 16. Issues and Challenges of Agricultural Marketing in Cuddalore District-Page No.79- 89.EPRA International Journal of Climate and Resource Economic Review, Vol.-1, December 2013-2014-ISSN 2347 7431 Tiruchirappalli. 17. Retailing Strategy in Pharmaceutical Industry in Tamilnadu State Page No.14-30. Intercontinental Journal of Marketing Research Review, Vol.2, Issue 1, and January 2014, ISSN 2347-1654, Bangalore. 18. Women Banking Challenges Ahead Page No.58-61. Thavan International Journal of Research in Economics and Banking, Issue No.09, Vol.-04, December 2013-Feb.2014- ISSN: 2277 1476.</p><p>9 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>19. Changes of Financial Sector Legislations: Indian Financial Code (IFC)-Analysis and Assessment Page No.86-90.PRIMAX International Journal of Finance Vol.No.1, Issue No.1, July-December, 2013-ISSN No: 2348-0475. 20. Impact of High Performance in Human Resource Practices on Corporate Performance: Comparative Analysis on Corporate in India and Singapore Page No.47-51.Steward Business Review-An International Refereed Bi-annual Journal Vol.1, Issue-II, Dec.2013- June 2014-ISSN No.2320-9399. 21. Organisational Climate Among Apollo Hospital Employees In Chennai City Page 25-30 Commerce Times-International Research Journal Of Commerce April 2014, ISSN 2320- 9461. 22. Decision Making and Job Satisfaction of Nurses in Private Hospital, Chidambaram Page 14-22 JEMS (Journal of Exclusive Management Science)-A Monthly International Journal May 2014-Volume 3, Issue 5, Online ISSN: 2277-5684, Print ISSN: 2320-866X. 23. Effectiveness of Advertising Programme: An Assessment on Non-Durable Products Page38-42 IJAMTES [International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences Vol.III, and Issue 8 (1), May 2014.ISSN:2249-7455. 24. Understanding of Retailers towards Shopping Malls in Bengaluru and Chennai Cities Page 8-10 Global Journal for Research Analysis Volume: 3, Issue: 12 December 2014, ISSN: 2277-8160. 25. Make in India-Global Business Strategy of India-with reference to Tourism Sector Page56- 61 International Management Research Review, Volume-IV Issue-I, February 2015.ISSN:2231-2501. 26. Changing and Competitive Work Place: Organizational Role and Employees Participation with special reference to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Trichy Pages 1675-1687 Pezzottaite Journals-International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Environment Perspectives-A Referred Quarterly Journal Volume 4, Number 2 April-June’2015 ISSN(P)2279-0918;ISSN(O)2279-0926. 27. A System of Application and Methods through Open and Distance Learning in Tamilnadu. Pages 39-48, PRIMAX International Journal of Commerce and Management Research</p><p>10 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>(PIJCMR), Volume No. III, Issue No.2, July-September 2015, Print ISSN:2321-3604, Online ISSN:2321-3612, Impact Factor :2.532, Karnataka Reg. No.:48/159/CE/0103/2013. 28. Market Potential of Glucose Biscuits and Marie Segments – An Empirical Analysis, Pages 289-300, International Journal of Management and Development Studies (IJMDS), A Double-blind Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal (www.grabstrust.com), Volume 4, Number 3, September 2015, ISSN Online 2320-0685, ISSN Print 2321-1423, Impact Factor : 0.715. 29. Production and Marketing Practices of Jasmine in Thanjavur Taluk- An Empirical Base, Pages 153-162, International Research Journal of Commerce Business and Social Sciences, Vol. IV, Issue 6, October 2015, ISSN 2277-9310. </p><p>11 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>11. Publication of Research Articles in National Journals 1. Technical Revolution in Banking Industry. P-No-28-33 National Journal of the Maharashtra Co-operative Quarterly Vol. LXXXXV-No-10 July-Sept.-2004 ISSN – 0025-0430- PUNE. 2. Business Process Outsourcing-Current Trends &Future Challenges, P-No-114-116 Voice of The Hindecon Vol-XIII-2004- Reg. No 1 C4 42981/92, Nagercoil. 3. Customer Satisfaction through E-Commerce P-No. 10-12,Raj Journal of Commerce. Issue 4- August 2007- Rajapalayam. 4. Emerging Recent Trends in Changing Pattern of Food grains Consumption P-No-45-46 National Journal of Southern Economist- Volume 46-No-16 December 15, 2007- ISSN – 0038- 4046 Bangalore. 5. Opportunities in Micro-Finance for the Indian Financial Services Sector: An Empirical Analysis P-No 39-54 National Journal of Business Vision Vol. 5 No-1, Jan-June-2009- ISSN 0973-1369- New Delhi. 6. Need of Sustainable Development in Agriculture. An Overview-P-No-1-9 National Journal of the Kashi Journal of Commerce, Vol.-VI-No-1- Jan-Jun-2009-ISSN 0973-3310, Varanasi. 7. Organisational Training-P-No-18-20 National Journal of HRD Times Vol-11-No 11-Nov- 2009 Reg. No –TN/CC(S) DN/102/09-11 WPP No TN/CC(S) DN/40-09-11-Chennai. 8. Retail Banking in India-An Analysis P-No- 141-148 National Journal of Gurukul Business Review. The Journal of FMS Gurukul Kangri University Vol-6-2010-ISSN 0973-1466 (Off Line) – 0973-9262 (Online) – Haridwar. 9. Leveraging Technology for Competitive Advantage in Insurance Sector The CRM way P- No- 70-78 National Journal of RMS Journal of Management and IT-VOl-3- June 2010- ISSN -0975-4733 Rohtak 10. Retail Banking in India – An Analysis P-No 60-71, CAMS Journal of Business Studies and Research-Vol.- 1- No-1 Jan-Mar-2010 ISSN 0975-7953 – Thiruvanathapuram. 11. Effectiveness of Training Programmes of NLC-An Analysis P-No 119-129 National Journal of KEGEES Journal of Social Science Vol-2- No 1 Jan-2010 ISSN- 0975-3621 Pampady- Kottayam – Kerala. </p><p>12 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>12. Share Market Slump in Global Markets P-No-39-47-National Journal of Kangleipak Business Review – Vol. 5 – No 1 2010 – ISSN 0975-3656. Manipur University – Canchipur – Imphal. 13. Globalization Policy in Indo-U.S. Economy P-No 40-57 National Journal of Nevarthiki Vol.- 19-No 1-Jan-June 2011 Reg. No 58946/92 Ara-Bihar. 14. International Trade Problems and India A Case Study P-No 46-53 Journal of Commerce and Trade – Vol. VI- No 2-Oct-2011 ISSN -0973-4503 Meerut. 15. CRM in Banking Industry –P-No-27-28, HRD Times Vol.-13-No 10- Oct.-2011-ISSN- 0976-7401 Chennai. 16. An Analysis on Impact of Customer Relationship Management in Commercial Banks P-No- 5-7 Indian Journal of Applied Research Vol.-1-Issue 3-Dec. 2011 ISSN 2249-555X Ahmadabad – Gujarat. 17. Relatively on Climate and Competencies in Human Resource Development with Reference to Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. P-No-9-11 Indian Journal of Applied Research Vol.-1- Issue 5- Feb.-2012- ISSN-2249-555X Ahmadabad – Gujarat. 18. Challenges and Prospects of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme - Page No 288-293- Journal of Managing the Future Vol.2 – No 2 – July 2012- ISSN 0975-0045 Thuruthicadu, Kerala. 19. Marketing of Chilies Product in Tiruchirappalli District – An – Empirical Analysis. P-No-54- 62 Journal of Management Prudence Vol. III- Issue-II-Oct.-2012 ISSN 09756671- Madhya Pradesh. 20. Personality Position of Leadership Excellence in Bhelsia Industries, Trichy Page 01-15 SHIMLA MANAGEMENT Journal, An annual Publication, Vol.VI, No.1, December 2013.ISSN 2320-0154, H.P.University Business School (HPUBS) Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla (India). 21. Dimensions of Total Quality Management: With Reference To Construction Workers In Larsen & Toburo Limited, Chennai Page No.36-41 AKIMSS Journal of Research in Management, Computer Applications and Social Sciences. Volume II, Issue II, January, 2014. ISSN:2319-2348-Solapur (Maharashtra State).</p><p>13 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>22. Attrition of the Employees in Hotel Industry – A Comparative Analysis, Page No 13-22, The Indian Journal of Commerce, Quarterly Publication of the Indian Commerce Association, Vol. 68, No.4, October-December 2015, ISSN : 19-512X, Online ISSN: 2454-6801, Uttar Pradesh. 23. Human-System Interface in Networking, Page 6-19 Nehru Journal of Management and Research, Volume 1, Issue 11, March 2016, ISSN 22307974. </p><p>12. Research Paper Presentation in International Conferences /Symposium 1. Legal Issues in Capital Restructuring – An Explanatory Analysis – 2 day International Seminar Organized by Department of Commerce and Business Administration, Cauvery College and Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli on 7th and 8th April 2007. 2. Case Study Analysis in Commerce and Management, UGC Sponsored 2 days International Seminar Organized by Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 24 on January 20-21, 2007. 3. Share Market Slump in Global Market, UGC Sponsored 2 day International Seminar Organized by Department of Commerce & Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli -24 on January 19-20, 2008. 4. Retail Banking in India Analysis, Indian Education Society’s Management College and Research Centre, Mumbai, International Finance Conference held on Feb 5, 2009. 5. Managing Innovation as a Business Process in Corporate Sector in the International Conference on Survival and Growth Strategies in Changing Business Scenario, held on 28th and 29th December 2009, Organized by Annamalai University. 6. Global Consumer Behaviour in Two Wheelers, 1st International Conference Organized by Department of Business Administration, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil-Associated with IIPA, New Delhi on January 28th & 29th, 2010. 7. Indian Banking Services in Global Era, International Conference held during 5-7th, March 2010. Organized by Department of Commerce, Osmania University, Hyderabad. </p><p>14 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>8. Emerging Recent Trends of Medical Tourism in India an Analysis Organized by PG and Research Department of Economics, Rajah Serfoji Government College, Thanjavur held on 16th – 17th December 2010. 9. Capital Market Issues and Challenges UGC Sponsored 6th International, Seminar, held at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli - 24, January 8th – 9th, 2011. 10. Self-Help Groups (SHGs) – Bank Linkage Programme in Development of Socio-Economic Status of Women, Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance, Organized by VGSOM Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, held at 28th – 30th December 2011. 11. Ethical Issues and Challenges in Corporate Governance – An analysis at the 3rd International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Organized by Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences, University of Namibia held at Hilton Hotel, Windhoek on June 13- 14, 2011. 12. International Tourism A Scenario Commerce and Management Association of India (CMAI) First International Conference Bangkok Convention – in Academic Partnership with International Institute of Hotel Management (IIHM), Bangkok and Kasem Bundit University, Bangkok, Thailand from 7th – 10th February 2012. 13. A Paradigm Shift in Behaviour of Modern Consumer An Analysis International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Management Organized by the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM University. In Association with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India – SIRC, Chennai, on 28th February and 1st March 2013. 14. International Conference Organized by the Department of Commerce and Commerce with Computer Applications, P.K.R.Arts College for Women, Gobichettipalayam on 13th August,2013. 15. Retail Trade in India Need for a Paradigm Shift presented in International Meet Colloquium held at School of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 23rd August 2013. 16. Effectiveness of Advertising Programme: An Assessment on Non-Durable Products International Conference on Advances in Trade, Commerce, Social Sciences, Management,</p><p>15 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>Engineering and Hospitality held on May10 and 11, 2014 at Indian Institute of Education, Kothrud, Pune M.S. [India]. 17. Role of FDI in Telecommunication Sector: Impact and Challenging Issues on Indian Economy International Conference on Foreign Direct Investment and Retail Sector held at Department of Commerce, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-12, Tamilnadu, India on 11th and 12th September 2014. 18. Factor Analysis on Selecting Alternative Accommodation in Puduchery Coastal Heritage Town, International Symposium, Research Innovation for Quality Improvement in Higher Education, held at R&D Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India, on 10-11th October, 2014. 19. Corporate Social Responsibility-An Inclusive Growth for Sustainable System, 67th All India Commerce Conference-2014 of the Indian Commerce Association, International Seminar held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar in association with Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, on 27th to 29th December 2014. 20. Financial Market Structures in India- A Study with reference to NSE, UGC sponsored Tenth International Seminar (FIMIC-2015) held at Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620 024, Tamilnadu, India, on January 10-11, 2015. 21. Indian Insurance Industry: Prospects and Concerns with reference to Foreign Direct Investment, International Commerce and Management Conference on Global Business Finance and Leadership; Challenges and Opportunities held at University Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai on Monday 19th and Tuesday, 20th January, 2015 at Kavivarya Kusumagraj, Marathi Bhasha and Sahitya Bhavan, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagai Campus, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai. 22. Make in India-Global Business Strategy of India-with reference to Tourism Sector International Conference at Faculty of Management-MBA, Vivekanandha Institute of Information and Management Studies, Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode, Namakkal District and The Gandhigram Rural Institute-Deemed University Gandhigram, Dindigul Dt. On Feb.27-28, 2015.</p><p>16 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>23. Consumer Behaviour A study on Reference to Branded Toothpastes, One day International Conference on Contemporary Management Practices organized in Association with ICCI, Coimbatore and Olympia College, Penang, Malaysia, held on 23rd September 2015 at Vivekananda Institute of Management Studies (VIMS), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. 24. Production and Marketing Practices of Jasmine in Thanjavur Taluk – An Empirical Base, SSPES’s Goa Multi Faculty College – International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Commerce, Humanities and Social Sciences held on 17th & 18th October 2015 at the International Centre, Goa. 25. Make in India through FDI in Tourism Sector, 68th All India Commerce Conference-2015 of the All India Commerce Association, International Seminar held at Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag (Jharkhand), on 6th November 2015. 26. Financial Markets: Issues and Challenges (FIMIC-2016) UGC Sponsored Eleventh International Seminar and SMART Journal of Business Management Studies (A Professional, Referred, International and Indexed Journal) with Bharathidasan University, Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024, Tamil Nadu, India on January 9-10, 2016 and presented research paper entitled “Investor Behaviour Towards Mutual Funds with Reference to Tamil Nadu State”. 27. Marketing Functions of Non Governmental Organizations with special reference to Tirchirappali Multi Purpose Social Service (TMSS), Tirchirappali presented research paper in the International Business Conference (IBC) on Global Business Scenario organized by Kandivli Education Society’s, B.K. Shroff College of Arts & M.H. Shroff College of Commerce, Department of Commerce in Association with Department of Accounting and Finance on 5th and 6th February 2016 at Mumbai. 28. Uniglobe International Conference III Changing Paradigms of Management – A Way forward to Sustainability (UC-ICCICM-2016) organized by Uniqlobe College and Global College of Management, Kathmandu, Nepal on March 16 & 17, 2016 and presented research paper on “Motivation among Employees in Indian Overseas Banks in Tiruchirappalli Region” </p><p>17 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>29. Conference of Mapping Business Excellence Through Innovation & Vibrant Practice, Paper Presented on Human-System Interface in Networking, In International Conference organized by Department of Management Studies, Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on March 11th, 2016.</p><p>13. Presentation of Research Paper at IIAS, Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla – 171005 [Three Years Associateship Programme of One Calendar Month Attended in Each Year 2006-2008]. 1. Mass Media and the Repulsive Allure of Religious healing with special reference to India during tenure as an Associate of the UGC – IUC for Humanities and Social Sciences on 27th November 2006. 2. Mass Media and Society in the 20th Century A Historical Perspective during tenure as an Associate of the UGC – IUC for Humanities and Social Sciences on 16th October 2007. 3. Mass Media and Gender during the tenure as an Associate of the UGC-IUC for Humanities and Social Sciences on 18th October 2008.</p><p>14. Research Paper Presentation in National Conferences 1. Customers Satisfaction and E-Commerce State Level Seminar on E-Commerce held on MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai on 3rd and 4th December 1999. 2. Electronic Commerce and its Impact on Increased Business Productivity, National Seminar UGC Sponsored, held at School of Commerce and International Business, Dr. GRD College of Science, Coimbatore at June 28th – 29th, 2000. 3. Research Trends in Commerce, Southern Regional Conference held on 24th, 25th November 2000 at Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar. 4. Globalization and its impact on Indian Economy, National Conference held at CMS College of Science and Commerce from 20th to 21st January 2002. 5. Business Process Outsourcing Current Trends and Failure Challenges, National Seminar Organized by Sree Saraswathi Thayagaraja College, Pollachi on 27 September 2003.</p><p>18 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>6. ts;Sth; kw;Wk; ts;syhh; Nehf;fpy; Neh;ikahd tzpfKk; Nkyhz;ikAk; mz;zhkiy gy;fiyf;fofk; tzpftpay; gioa khzth;fs; rq;fk; rhh;gpy; Njrpaf; fUj;juq;F tzpftpay; Jiwapy; Vg;uy; 28 kw;Wk; 29-2003. 7. kfsph; Ra cjtp FO Njrpaf; fUj;juq;F mz;zhkiy gy;fiyf;fofk; tzpftpay; Jiwapy; khh;r; 15 kw;Wk; 16-2004. 8. Globalization its Impact on Export market National level seminar Organized by Department of Business Management and Commerce Computer Application Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science Udumalpet on Feb 17 2004. 9. Issues and Challenges of Rural Entrepreneurship UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar Organized by PG & Research Department of Commerce, UDC College, Trichy on 18th and 19th 2004. 10. “Emerging Issues of Non-Banking Finance Companies UGC Sponsored National Seminar in India Organized by A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College Poondi, held on 18th, 19th February 2005. 11. ETech Business, National Seminar, School of Management, Pondicherry University and Confederation, Indian Industry Pondicherry Chapter, November 1-2, 2003. 12. Modern Banking Role Second All India Conference of SRF Organized at Scott Christian College Nagercoil held on March 12, 2005. 13. International Trade and Terrorism, National Seminar, Organized by Political Science & Public Administration Wing, DDE, Annamalai University on 8th , 9th February 2006. 14. Significance of Human Resource Development Practices, undertaking National Seminar Organized by School of Business Administration, Thanthi Hans Roever College, Perambalur on 17th and 18th 2006. 15. Business Process Outsourcing – Prospects and Future Challenges 59th All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association Organized by Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies. Andhra University Vishakkapatinam from 28th to 30th December 2006. 16. Micro Credit for SHGs Innovative Models of Linkage with Banks and Agency, National Seminar Organized by Department of Commerce Vivekandha College of Arts and Science for Women on 25th February 2006.</p><p>19 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>17. Implication of VAT on Trade State Level Seminar Organized by Department of Commerce, Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 16th February 2006. 18. Mass Media and the Repulsive Allure of Religious healing in India” National Conference Organized by S.K.P. Govt. PG College, Dewas Affiliated Vikram University, Ujjain (M.P.) from February 24th to 25th 2007. 19. Corporate Social Responsibility, National Seminar Sponsored by Directorate of Collegiate Education, Kerala, Organized by P.G. Department of Commerce Govt. College Attingal, Kerala, on 1st and 2nd February 2007. 20. VAT Current Trends and Challenges UGC Sponsored 2 day National Seminar Organized by P.G. Department of Commerce, Rajapalayam Raju’s College on 23rd and 24th March 2007. 21. Customer Satisfaction Through E-Commerce National Seminar Organized by Department of Commerce, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli on 13th and 14th February 2007. 22. Opportunities in Micro Finance for the Indian Financial Service Sector. An Empirical Analysis, 60th All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association, Organized by Department of Commerce Osmania University, Hyderbad from 27th to 29th December 2007. 23. Micro Finance Participation Recent Trends in Entrepreneurship National Conference Organized by Commerce Wing, DDE, Annamalai University on 6th April 2007. 24. Micro Finance is Ideal for Indian Economy National Conference Jointly Organized by Commerce Wing, DDE, Annamalai University, and NABARD on 7th and 8th May 2007. 25. Customer Relation Management in MNC Banks, National Seminar Organized by Periyar Institute of Management Studies Periyar University, Salem – 11, on 15th and 16th February 2007. 26. Banking Innovations and Technology National Seminar Organized by All Orissa Management Association, Berhampur, Gaujam on May 18, 2008. 27. WTO and Issues for Developing Countries National Conference, Organized by Commerce Wing, DDE, Annamalai University held on 23rd January 2008. </p><p>20 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>28. Emerging Retailing Strategies and Methods in Health Care Products; A Contemporary Analysis National Seminar Organized by Department of Commerce (Company Secretaryship) Govt. Arts College Paramakudi on 6th and 7th April 2008. 29. Role and Opportunities of Private Insurance Companies, Organized by Department of Commerce, CMS College of Science and Commerce, held on 23rd February 2008. 30. Leveraging Technology for Competitive Advantage In Insurance Sector, the CRM 61st All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association of India Organized by Dhanwate National College Nagpur from 27th -29th December 2008. 31. Revamping and Revitalizing of Insurance Service Sector Strategical Analysis Organized by Commerce Wing, DDE, Annamalai University, on 27th December 2008. 32. Need of SEZ for Economic Development of the Country, Organized by Commerce and Economic Society of Orissa held on 10th May 2009. 33. Women Empowerment through Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth - An Analysis, 62nd All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association, organized by Maharshi Dayanand Saraswathi University Ajmer from 10th – 12th October 2009. 34. Combating Financial Crisis National Conference Organized by Department of Commerce Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore from 9th to 10th January 2009. 35. Creation and Diversification of Business Banking, an Analysis National Seminar, PG and Research Department of Commerce, Nadar Saraswathi College of Arts and Science, Theni held on 12th Sept 2009. 36. Achievement Motivation among Women Rural Entrepreneurs with reference to Cuddalore district 63rd All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association held by Faculty of Commerce, Goa University from 1st – 3rd October 2010. 37. Financial Inclusion, as a Bridge for Social Inclusion National Conference, Organized by Department of Management Studies, Women’s Christian College from 7th to 8th October 2010. 38. Ethics of Human Resources Management, An Overview 8th National Conference, Organized by Commerce Wing, DDE, Annamalai University held on 15th December 2010.</p><p>21 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>39. Financial Inclusion Growth for Rural Areas, UGC Sponsored National Seminar Organized by Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, held on 18th and 19th March 2010. 40. Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges UGC Sponsored 2 day National Seminar Organized by Badruka College of Commerce in Collaboration with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on 10th and 11th July 2010. 41. Globalisation Policy in India US Economy 40th Annual Conference of the Indian Association for American Studies organized by Bharathidasan University, Coimbatore and US Consulate General, Chennai held during 11-13th August 2010. 42. UGC Sponsored National Seminar, Organized by School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala held on 12th – 13th November 2010. 43. Significant Issues in Relevance of Customer Relationship Management – A Scenario 9th National Conference Organized by Commerce Wing, DDE, Annamalai University held on 19th December 2011. 44. Challenges and Prospects of MGNREGA 64th All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association, Organized by Department of Commerce and School of Management, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry during December,13-15, 2011. 45. Customer Relationship Management in the Banking Sector, National Seminar Organized by Department of Commerce, Government Arts and Science College for Women Bargur, Krishnagiri District held on 10th March 2011. 46. Entrepreneurship and Development Polices with Special Reference to Small Scale Industries in the one day National Conference organized by RVS Institute of Management Studies, RVS College of Engineering and Technology on 10th September 2011. 47. CRM A Management Tool for Performance Enhancement, Sponsored by UGC – New Delhi in Collaboration with Tiss International Belgium (Indian Division) Organized by PG and Research Department of Economics, Rajah Serfoji Government College, Thanjavur between 20th and 21st June 2011. 48. Business Economic Historical Trends in Modern Tamil Nadu, Three day National Seminar Organized by Department of History, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli and ICHR New Delhi from August 22 to 24 2012.</p><p>22 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>49. Factorial Employer Branding – Emerging Dimensions, 65th All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association, Organized by KPB Hinduja College of Commerce, Mumbai, held from 9th – 11th November 2012. 50. Significant Role of Customer Relationship Managerial in Retail Business – A study with reference to Platform Garments Vendor in Coimbatore in the National Conference, Organized by Department of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 15 on 20th February 2013. 51. A Paradigm Shift in Behaviour of Modern Consumers – An Analysis, Organized by Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Science and Humanities SRM University, in Association of the ICSI – SIRC on 28th February and 1st March 2013. 52. A study on the Participatory Activities of Self Help Groups and Micro Finance of Women UGC Sponsored 2 days National Seminar, Organized by PG and Research Department of Commerce, Periyar E.V.R. College from 26th to 27th April 2013. 53. Banks Role in Financial Inclusion A way for Indian Economy Prospects- A One Day State Level Seminar, Organized by Department of Business Administration & PG Department of Commerce (SF) Jamal Mohamed College on 21st September 2013. 54. Indian Financial Code (IFC) – An Analysis and Assessment, 66th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association, Organized by Department of Commerce, Bangalore University, Bangalore, from 5th to 7th December 2013. 55. Exploring Opportunities for Extension and Outreach Services Through Commerce Education National Seminar Organised by the Department of Commerce Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar 608 002 attended on 20th February,2014. 56. Women Banking Challenges Ahead ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Inclusive Banking Through Technology, Organised by PG Research Department of Commerce, Periyar EVR College,Tiruchirappalli-23 on 21st February 2014. 57. Social Responsibility of MSMEs in Tamilnadu State UGC sponsored National Seminar Organised by the School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala on 27th-28th March, 2014.</p><p>23 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>58. Women Empowerment: Challenges & Contemporary Issues Two Days National Conference- Participatory Challenges and Priority Concerns for Women in Higher Education presented research paper on 09th and 10th July 2015 held at Department of Commerce, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,Tirunelveli-12 Tamilnadu India. 59. Behavioural Finance: Investment Pattern among the Small Investors with Reference to Tamilnadu, (Technical Session I) 68th All India Commerce Conference-2015 of the Indian Commerce Association, held at Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag (Jharkhand), on 6th – 8th November 2015. 60. Skilled Based Learning System for Employability – with Reference to B-school from Empirical Perspective, (Technical Session IV) 68th All India Commerce Conference- 2015 of the Indian Commerce Association, held at Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag (Jharkhand), on 6th – 8th November 2015. 61. Human Rights about of Transgender in Villupuram District, Quality Assurance, IQAC, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar on Human Rights to Peace – Ethics and Polices held on 18th & 19th December, 2015 at V.H.N.S.N. College, (Autonomous) Virudhunagar. 62. Effectiveness of E-entrepreneurship - E-commerce in V.O.C. Chidambarnar Port – Trust Trading, Tuticorin Region, A Study, in the National Level Conference on “New Era of E- Entrepreneurship in India-Current Trends, Issues and Challenges” on Saturday, 16th January, 2016 organized by Department of Commerce, Shri Santaji Shikshan Vikas Sanstha, Nagpur’s, Santaji Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Sneh Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur – 440015. 63. Gender Equality, Women Empowerment and Economic Growth in Tiruchirappalli District presented paper on National Seminar sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi organized by Annamalai University, DDE, Political Science & Public Administration Wing held on 29th and 30th January 2016. </p><p>15. Workshop/ Short-Term Course/ Convention/ FDP/ SDP/Symposium </p><p>24 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>1. The Latest Trends and Issues in Social Science, Research Methodology, National Level Workshop Organized by Political Science & Public Administration Wing, DDE, Annamalai University, participated on 23-24 April 2004. 2. Role of Distance Education in Modern Era, National Workshop, Organized by Political Science & Public Administration Wing, DDE, Annamalai University of Distance Education Council, New Delhi, Presented and Participated on 17-18 January 2005. 3. Case Analysis and Development, National Convention on Research Publications / Workshop, Organized by Management Wing, DDE, Ananamalai University during March 22nd and 23rd, 2008. 4. Sampling Techniques in Management Research, National Workshop, Organized by Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Participated on 06th November 2009. 5. Entrepreneurship & Development, AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme, Organized by Technology Education & Research Integrated Institutions, (TERII) Kurukshetra from January 18, 2010 – February 01, 2010. 6. Art of Writing Research Article in Commerce and Management, 2 day National Workshop, Organized by Department of Commerce & Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 24 and SMART Journal of Business Management Studies, Participated on October 23-24, 2010. 7. Making Magic of Teaching, AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme, Organized by Department of Business Administration, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra from 27th June – 2nd July 2011. 8. Corporate Governance, One day Workshop Jointly Organized by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (SIRC) and D.B. Jain College, Chennai – 97 Participated on 1st September 2012. 9. Effective Teaching of Finance, International Workshop Organized by Department of Commerce & Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 24 and Department of Management Studies, Smt. Indira Gandhi College, Tiruchirappalli and SMART Journal of Business Management Studies on 19th May 2012.</p><p>25 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>10. Quality Assessment in Higher Education and e-content Development Short term Course Organized by UGC- Academic Staff College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 46, Participated from 12-3-2013 to 15-03-2013. 11. The Companies Act 2013 & Emerging Capital Markets One day Workshop Organized Jointly by the ICSI – SIRC Chennai and Saveetha School of Management, Saveetha University, Chennai Participated on Saturday 14th, December 2013. 12. Financial Modeling and Analysis 2013, AICTE Sponsored Short term Course Organized by Department of Management Studies, Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Participated from 05th to 09th November, 2013. 13. Effective Teaching of Finance, Second International Workshop Jointly Organized by Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli in Association with SMART Journal of Business Management Studies and Department of General Business and Finance, SAM Houston State University, USA (Amemba of the Texas State University System) Participated on 27th and 28th July 2013. 14. Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture, Workshop Organized by M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation Participated on 22 January 2013 at Srimad Andavan College, Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli. 15. Research Methodology, Social Entrepreneurship & ICT Application, National Workshop UGC Sponsored – Academic Staff College, Pondicherry University (A Central University) Puducherry, Participated on 22-08-2013 and 23-08-2013. 16. Research Methodology, Knowledge Management & Environmental Management (STP), UGC Sponsored National Workshop, Academic Staff College, Pondicherry University (A Central University) Puducherry Partcipated from 17-10-2013 to 18-10-2013. 17. Comprehensive Serial Research Workshop on Human Resource Development Conducted by School of Commerce & Research and Development Centre Bharathiar University Coimbatore Participated Stage I from 27th and 28th October, 2012. 18. ICT in Business and Education, One day Workshop Organized by Sri Rangachinnamal College of Education (B.Ed.) on 01.02.2012.</p><p>26 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>19. Participated UGC sponsored 2 Day National Symposium on Multifarious Dimensions of International Business Organized by the Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar on 13thand 14th March 2014. 20. 5th 7 Days National Workshop on Research Methodology for Management and Statistical Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 ITM University, Gwalior, M.P. India attended from May 26-June1,2014. 21. Workshop attended on Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture, Phase-III, between 6 and 7 June 2015 at Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women and Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research,Trichy in collaboration with M.S.SWAMINATHAN RESEARCH FOUNDATION, Chennai. 22. Workshop attended on Style Manuals in Research on 22nd August, 2015 conducted by Library and Information Science Wing, Directorate of Distance Education at LIBRA HALL, University Library, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu. </p><p>16. Conference Participation / Key note Speaker/ Chair-person/ Resource person / Co-chair person / Guest Lecture / MDP 1. E-Commerce Delivered a Lecture in the Seminar conducted Kairali Arts, Science & Commerce College, Affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 29-07-2000 at 2 p.m. 2. Globalization and its Impact on Indian Economy, National Conference 2002, Organized by Department of Commerce, CMS College of Science & Commerce, Coimbatore – 6, acted as Session Coordinator for the Panel Session on 21-1-2002. 3. Recent Development of Banks in India Delivered a Guest Lecture to the Commerce Students, Parvathy’s Arts and Science College – Co-Education affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University Dindigul on 05.09.2005 Monday. 4. Emerging Trends in Commerce Education through Distance Mode, State Level Symposium Organized by Commerce Wing, DDE, Annamalai University, Participated on 19th November 2005.</p><p>27 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>5. Micro Finance for the Indian Business, 60th All India Commerce Conference, Annual Conference of the Indian Commerce Association, Organized by Department of Commerce, Osmania University, Hyderabad (A.P.) India, Participated from 27th to 29th December 2007. 6. Technology Applications and Outsourcing for Integrating Banking and Financial Services, UGC Sponsored National Symposium Organized by Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Participated on 17th and 18th March 2008. 7. The Impact of Computer in our Life, National Conference Organized by Department of Commerce, Computer Science and Management, Bharathiar Constituent College, Valparai, Special Lecture on Banking Technology Role in our day to day life on 09-04-2008. 8. New Trends in Finance a Guest Lecturer for MBA Students, Kolhapur Institute of Technology’s – IMER, Kolhapur on 01.01.2009. 9. Role of Managers in Competitive Business Environment a Guest Lecture to Management Students Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha’s Vivekanand College, Kolhapur on 3rd January 2009. 10. CRM – Marketing Practices, 62nd All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association Organized by Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer Participated from 10 to 12 October 2009. 11. Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges Organized by Badruka College of Commerce Participated and Attended on 10th and 11th July 2010. 12. Indo-Us Studies, 40th Annual Conference of the Indian Association for American Studies Organized by Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and U.S. Consulate General, Chennai, acted as co-chair in a Technical Session during 11-13 August 2010. 13. Changing Landscape of Indian Retail Sector: Present and the Future Vision, UGC Sponsored National Seminar, Organized by School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala Participated and Delivered Key Note address on Present and Future Potentialities of Retailing Industry in Technical Session IV from 12th & 13th November 2010. 14. Impact of Euro-Zone Debt Crisis on the Indian Economy, National Level Seminar Organized by the Department of Commerce and Management, Vidyasagar College of Arts & Science, Udumalpet, acted as Resource Person and Chief Guest on 27th February 2012.</p><p>28 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>15. Economic History of Modern Tamilnadu (Since Independence) Sponsored by ICHR, New Delhi Organized by Department of History, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Chaired a Session from August 22 to 24, 2012. 16. Employer Branding, 65th All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association, Organized by K.P.B. Hinduja College of Commerce Mumbai, Participated from November 9-11, 2012. 17. Entrepreneurship – The Pathway to Progress, One day Seminar Organized by PG and Research Department of Commerce, National College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli, Participated on 17th September, 2013. 18. Indian Financial Code, Participated One day National Seminar Organized by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI – SIRC), held at Hotel Taj Coromandel, Nungambakkam, Chennai on 30th September 2013. 19. Chair-person in the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Inclusive Banking through Technology, Organised by PG Research Department of Commerce, Periyar EVR College, Tiruchirappalli-23 on 21st February 2014. 20. Participated as Resource-person UGC sponsored National Seminar on Social Responsibility of MSMEs in Tamilnadu State Organised by the School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala on 27th-28th March, 2014. 21. Co-chair person in 67th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association Technical Session IV-Insurance Business: Perspectives and Challenges, Organised by KIIT University in association with P.G.Department of Commerce, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar from 27th to 29th December, 2014. 22. Chair person of the Technical Session in the UGC sponsored Tenth International Seminar on Financial Markets: Issues and Challenges-(FIMIC-2015) Organised by Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 620024, Tamilnadu, India on January 10-11, 2015. 30. Chair Person, International Commerce and Management Conference on Global Business Finance and Leadreship;Challenges and Opportunities Technical Session IV held at University Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai on Monday 19th and Tuesday,</p><p>29 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>20th January,2015 at Kavivarya Kusumagraj, Marathi Bhasha and Sahitya Bhavan,University of Mumbai, Vidyanagai Campus, Kalina, Santacruz (East),Mumbai. 31. Participated Two days National Seminar Women Empowerment: Challenges & Contemporary Issues on 09th and 10th July 2015 held at Department of Commerce, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-12 Tamilnadu India. 32. Resource Person in the SSPES’s Goa Multi Faculty College, International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Commerce, Humanities and Social Sciences held on 17th and 18th October, 2015 at the International Centre, Goa. 33. Participated Sankalp-2015, 5th Global Annual Convention, 11th & 12th September 2015 by New Horizon College of Engineering, Near Marathalli, Bangalore-560 103 & Management Teacher Consortium (MTC) Global Jointly Organized at Bangalore. 34. Participated International Conference on Contemporary Management Practices at Vivekananda Institute of Management Studies Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai on 23rd September 2015 at Coimbatore-641 107. 35. Participated cum Appreciation 68th All India Commerce Conference – 2015, Hosted by Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag (Jharkhand) on November 6th – 8th, 2015. 36. Financial Markets: Issues and Challenges (FIMIC-2016) UGC Sponsored Eleventh International Seminar and SMART Journal of Business Management Studies (A Professional, Referred, International and Indexed Journal) with Bharathidasan University, Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024, Tamil Nadu, India on January 9-10, 2016 and acted as a chair person in the Technical Session. 37. Composite Issues in Factorization of Going Concern in Modern Marketing Trends at Global Insight a Guest Lecture Delivered on 11-01-2016 at Department of Commerce, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli- 620 020, Tamil Nadu. 38. Participated in the National Level Conference on “New Era of E-Entrepreneurship in India- Current Trends, Issues and Challenges” on Saturday, 16th January, 2016 organized by Department of Commerce, Shri Santaji Shikshan Vikas Sanstha, Nagpur’s, Santaji Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Sneh Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur – 440015</p><p>30 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>39. Moderator, International Business Conference (IBC), Global Business Scenario organized by Kandivli Education Society’s, B.K. Shroff College of Arts & M.H. Shroff College of Commerce, Department of Commerce in Association with Department of Accounting and Finance for Banking, Finance and Law during the Technical Session – V on 5th and 6th February 2016 at Mumbai. 40. Skill and Knowledge Based E-Entrepreneurship Guest Speech provided on 17th March 2016 at Apex College Affiliated to Pokhara University, Kathmandu, Nepal. 41. Uniglobe International Conference III Changing Paradigms of Management – A Way forward to Sustainability (UC-ICCICM-2016) organized by Uniqlobe College and Global College of Management, Kathmandu, Nepal on March 16 & 17, 2016 and acted as Resource Person in Technical Session II. 42. Creating Value Through Entrepreneurship, Participated Management Development Programme organized by School of Management (MBA & PGDM), Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) Bengaluru on 23 April, 2016. 17. Refresher Programme Attended 1. Refresher Course organized by Department of Economics, Annamalai University on Business Economics from 01.12.2004 to 21.12.2004. 2. Refresher Course in Research Methodology for Social Science-Commerce, UGC Academic Staff College Bharathiar University, Coimbatore from 09-03-2011 to 29.03.2011.</p><p>18. Staff Training and Development Programme Participated 1. M-LEARNING AND TEACHING PRACTICES sponsored by Staff Training and Development Centre, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar 608 002 on 24th March 2015. 2. COMPETENCY BUILDING AND COMPLACENCY ENHANCING organized by Staff Training and Research in Distance Education Cell (STRIDEC) in association with Staff Training and Development Center (STDC) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 26/03/2015. 3. EMPOWERING, EXPLORING AND EMANCIPATING WOMEN RIGHTS WITH RESPECT AND DIGNITY Organized by Political Science & Public Administration Wing,</p><p>31 Dr. R. Ramachandran, Commerce Wing, DDE, AU</p><p>DDE and UGC-XIIth Plan: Staff Training and Development Centre, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar on 2nd & 3rd November 2015. 4. Dr. KALAM’S WAY OF TEACHING FOR TODAY’S STUDENTS – VISION TO MISSION Organized by Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar – 608 002 under Staff Training and Development Centre (STDC) on 20 & 21 st January 2016. 5. INNOVATIONS FOR ENHANCING TEACHERS’ EFFICIENCY – APPLICATION OF TECHNOPEDAGOGY Organized by History Wing, DDE, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar under Staff Training and Development Centre (STDC) – (IQAC) on 9.2.2016 and 10.2.2016. </p><p>19. Registered Research Supervisor of UGC Recognized Universities 1. Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram 2. Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 3. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli 4. Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation, Salem – Deemed University 5. Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh 6. Karpagam University, Coimbatore – Deemed University 7. Asia e University India 8. Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, Mumbai – Deemed University 9. Prist University, Thanjavur – Deemed University 10. ICFAI University, Jharkhand 11. ASIA – Pacific University – Udaipur, Rajasthan. </p><p>32</p>
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