<p> 8th Grade American History – Language Support (based on HRW units and themes)</p><p>1.1 Early America – Basic Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. environment – (noun) land, water and air where people and animals live 2. society – (noun) a group of people with shared traditions, beliefs and ways of living 3. culture – (noun) the shared ways of living, beliefs, language and traditions of a group of people 4. ancestor – (noun) a relative who lived in the past before grandparents 5. climate – (noun) the usual weather patterns in an area 6. populate – (verb) to fill an area with people or animals 7. settlement – (noun) a new place where people choose to live together 8. region – (noun) an area of land 9. transportation – (noun) a way of moving things from one place to another 10. migration – (noun) the movement of groups of people or animals from one area to another</p><p>1.1 Early America –Advanced Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. archaeology – (noun) the study of remains of past people 2. artifact – (noun) remains of something made by people in the past 3. buffalo – (noun) a large, hairy mammal that travelled in herds in North America 4. hunter-gatherer - (noun) a person who hunts and kills animals and gathers plants for food 5. domestication – (noun) the raising of animals and plants by people 6. maize – (noun) corn 7. kayak – (noun) a small, covered boat with an opening for a person to sit and paddle 8. igloo – (noun) a shelter made of blocks of snow or ice 9. totem – (noun) a carved image of an animal or face used for religious purposes 10. confederation – (noun) the joining together of groups of people or land under one government 1.2 Europe in the Middle Ages – Basic Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. famine – (noun) a time when there is not enough food and people starve 2. plague – (noun) a sickness that hurts or kills people and spreads easily 3. colony – (noun) a group of people sent from one country to settle in a new land 4. merchants – (noun) people who buy, sell or trade for a living 5. trade – (noun) the buying, selling and exchange of goods, especially between countries 6. sailors – (noun) people who operate (work on) boats or ships 7. land route – (noun) a way of travel across land 8. sea route – (noun) a way of travel across the sea 9. empire – (noun) a large area of lands and peoples controlled by one ruler 10. kingdom – (noun) the land and people ruled by a king or queen</p><p>1.2 Europe in the Middle Ages – Advanced Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. invention – (noun) the creation of a new object or idea 2. possession – (noun) something that belongs to someone 3. feudalism – (noun) a system in which a landlord has rights and power to control the people who live on the land 4. manor – (noun) a large house belonging to a rich person 5. peasant – (noun) a lower class person who lives on the land 6. lord – (noun) a person of high class who has power over an area of people and land 7. crusades – (noun) military expeditions from Europe to the Southeast Mediterranean area based on religious ideas 8. renaissance – (noun) a time of renewed interest and support for knowledge, art, music and literature 9. spices – (noun) dried seeds or leaves of plants that give flavor to food 10. trade network – (noun) a system of connected paths or roads used for trade</p><p>1.3 European Exploration and Colonization – Basic Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. exploration – (noun) the search and discovery of unknown lands 2. voyage – (noun) a trip on water by boat 3. expansion – (noun) the process of becoming larger 4. navigation – (noun) a system for finding your location or place and determining how to get to a new place 5. conquer – (verb) to tale control of land and people by force 6. interior – (noun or adj.) the area inside of something or away from border or edge 7. exterior – (noun or adj.) the area outside of something 8. superior – (noun or adj.) better than something else 9. weapons – (noun) objects used for fighting or hunting 10. warriors – (noun) people who fight in wars 11. islands – (noun) land surrounded by water 12. border – (noun) the edge of something</p><p>1.3 European Exploration and Colonization – Advanced Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. expedition – (noun) a group of people and equipment traveling to an area for a purpose 2. fleet – (noun) a group of ships traveling together 3. monopoly – (noun) the right to completely control a business activity 4. charter – (noun) a document telling purposes, duties and rights to control 5. circumnavigate – (verb) to travel around the world by sea 6. strait – (noun) a narrow area of water between two pieces of land 7. officials – (noun) people who help to run the government or a company 8. Protestant – (adj.) related to a group of Christians who follow the beliefs of Christian reformers 9. Catholic – (adj.) related to a group of Christians who follow the beliefs of the Catholic relifion 10. missions – (noun) people and buildings whose purpose is to bring religious beliefs to an area</p><p>Unit 2: Colonial America 2.1 Settlement – Basic Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. colony – (noun) people sent from a country to settle in a new land 2. settlement – (noun) a group of people living in a new area 3. famine – (noun) a time without enough food when people starve 4. starve – (verb) to become sick or die because you do not have enough food to live 5. immigrant – (noun) a person who comes to live in a different country 6. emigrant – (noun) a person who leaves a country to live in another country 7. labor – (verb) to work; (noun) people who work 8. servant – (noun) someone who is paid to work for another person 9. governor – (noun) a person who is chosen by a ruler to oversee an area 10. forest – (noun) an area covered with trees</p><p>2.1 Settlement – Advanced Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. dissenters – (noun) people who disagree with ideas and systems held by most people 2. puritans – (noun) Protestant Christians who wanted to be free to live and practice their religion in a ‘pure’ and simple way 3. pilgrims – (noun) people who make a journey for religious reasons 4. tolerance – (noun) willingness to let people do, say or believe what they want 5. recruit – (verb) to find new people to join an organization or a cause 6. indentured servants - (adj. + noun) servants who agreed to work without freedom for a period of time in exchange for payment 7. tobacco – (noun) a plant with leaves that are used for smoking and chewing 8. trial – (noun) a legal process in which a court looks at evidence to decide if someone is guilty of breaking the law 9. pioneers – (noun) people who are the first to live in a new area or to do something new 10. frontier – (noun) an area that is just starting to be settled</p><p>2.2 Politics and Military Colonization – Basic Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. rebel – (noun) someone who thinks and acts against the way things are done 2. military – (noun or adj.) referring to armed forces, people trained to fight 3. forts – (noun) structure built to protect the people inside 4. peace treaty – (noun) an agreement ending a conflict or war between two or more groups, giving the conditions of peace 5. governor – (noun) a person chosen by a ruler to administer an area 6. law – (noun) a rule of government that people in a country must obey 7. weapons – (noun) objects used for fighting 8. casualties - (noun) injuries or deaths of people 9. defend – (verb) to protect something from being attacked or taken away 10. expand – (verb) to make larger</p><p>2.2 Political and Military Colonization – Advanced Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. recruit – (verb) to find new people to join a cause or organization 2. fortification – (noun) structures built to protect people or things 3. militia – (noun) a group of people who volunteer to fight as a unit 4. revolt – (verb) to act or fight agaist an organization or the way things are done 5. proclamation – (noun) an official announcement 6. casualties – (noun) injuries or deaths of people 7. massacre – (noun) the killing of large numbers of people who cannot fight back 8. trial – (noun) a legal process in which a court looks at evidence to decide if someone has broken the law 9. representation – (noun) the process of a person or group of chosen people making decisions for other people 10. parliament – (noun) a system of elected, representative government</p><p>2.3 Economy and Colonization – Basic Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. economy – (noun) a system that deals with how resources and money are used 2. industry – (noun) businesses that use machines to make and sell products 3. import – (verb) bringing things into a country 4. export – (verb) taking things out of a country 5. wealth – (noun) possessions that make a person rich 6. slavery – (noun) a system where people lose their freedom and must live and work as the property of other people 7. crops – (noun) plants that are grown for food 8. labor – (verb) to work; (noun) workers 9. plantation – (noun) a large farm where the owner has many workers 10. debt – (noun) money or goods owed to someone else 11. merchants – (noun) people who buy, sell or exchange goods for a living</p><p>2.3 Economy and Colonization – Advanced Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. trade network – (noun) a connected system of trade routes 2. balance of trade – (noun) a condition where profits from imports and exports are equal 3. revenue – (noun) profits, money gained from business 4. boycott – (verb) to protest by refusing to buy or participate in an activity 5. taxes – (noun) money citizens pay to the government 6. duties – (noun) taxes charged on imported goods 7. currency – (noun) paper money 8. propaganda – (noun) information intended to persuade people 9. smugglers – (noun) people who bring illegal goods into a country 10. apprentices – (noun) people who learn a job or skill by working for and learning from a a skilled worker</p><p>Unit 3: A New American Nation 3.1 Politics and Government During the Revolutionary War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. liberty – (noun) freedom 2. revolutionary – (adj.) relating to revolting or rebelling against an organization or government 3. independence – (noun) the freedom to live and act as you choose 4. citizens – (noun) people who live in a country and have rights and responsibilities given by the government 5. democracy – (noun) a system of government in which decisions are made by voting 6. union – (noun) the process or state of being joined together 7. national – (adj.) relating to a country 8. international – (adj.) relating to more than one country 9. federal – (adj.) relating to the central government of a country 10. justice – (noun) supporting and doing what is right, giving rewards or punishments that are deserved</p><p>1.1 Politics and Government During the Revolutionary War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. congress – (noun) part of the US government that is elected to make laws 2. declaration of independence – (noun) a document stating that the United States of America would be inndependent (no longer under the government) of England 3. confederation – (noun) the joining together of states or groups of people and land into one group with central government 4. constitution – (noun) a document stating basic rights and principles of government 5. republic – (noun) a system of government in which elected representatives make decisions and laws 6. delegates – (noun) people who are sent to a meeting to represent other people 7. compromise – (verb) two or more people agree to resolve their differences by each giving up part of what they want 8. ratify – (verb) to vote to make a law 9. Bill of Rights – (noun) a list of fundamental rights and freedoms which belong to people 10. amendments – (noun) changes, additions, or deletions to a document</p><p>3.2 Military Aspects of the Revolutionary War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. army – (noun) large group of trained fighters 2. militia – (noun) a group of trained citizens who can temporarily serve as soldiers when needed 3. volunteers – (noun) people who freely decide to work for a cause 4. troops – (noun) groups of fighters 5. recruit – (noun) someone who is persuaded to join an organization or a cause 6. ally – (noun) a person or country who joins with and helps another person or country achieve a goal 7. enemy – (noun) a person or country that wants to harm you 8. victory – (noun) winning a conflict 9. strategy – (noun) a set of plans and skills used to gain success 10. navy – (navy) a group of warships and the people who work on them, whose purpose is to fight on the water</p><p>3.2 Military Aspects of the Revolutionary War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. minutemen – (noun) American soldiers of the Revolutionary war who were ready to fight at a minutes notice 2. redcoats – (noun) British soldiers in colonial America 3. continental army – (noun) the army of the American rebels in the American Revolution 4. seige – (noun) a military attack in which the place being attacked is surrounder and supplies and help are cut off in an attempt to force surrender 5. blockade – (verb or noun) enemy forces stop traffic in and out of a place such as a seaport 6. patriots – (noun) people who are love and support their country 7. loyalist – (noun) people who are loyal (faithfully support) a cause or country 8. mercenaries – (noun) independent soldiers who fight for money alone 9. guerilla warfare – (noun) a war if fought by one or more people who use unconventional and surprise attacks and then quickly retreat to safety 10. pardon – (noun) an act that frees someone from punishment for a crime, forgiveness</p><p>Unit 4: Building a Strong Nation</p><p>4. Government and Expansion – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. representative – (noun) someone chosen to make decisions for others 2. capital – (noun) a city where the government buildings and meetings are located 3. presidential - (adj.) relating to the president 4. policy – (noun) ideas, rules or a plan that guides decision making 5. offense – (nooun) actions attacking people or ideas 6. defense – (noun) actions defending people or ideas 7. rebellion – (noun) actions protesting or fighting against an existing system 8. treaty – (noun) an agreement between two governments 9. territory – (noun) an area of land belonging to a government 10. purchase – (noun) something that is bought 11. expansion – (noun) the process of making something larger</p><p>4. Government and Expansion – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. foreign – (adj.) coming from or belonging to a different country 2. neutrality - (noun) not taking sides in a conflict or war 3. precedent – (noun) an action or decision that serves as an example for the future 4. impressments – (noun) the practice of forcing people to serve in the military forces 5. embargo – (noun) a restriction placed by a government against trade or moving goods into an area 6. expedition – (noun) an organized group that travels with a goal to accomplish 7. invasion – (noun) the process of entering a region by force 8. electoral – (adj.) relating elections or elected representatives 9. removal - (noun) the process taking something or someone away to another area</p><p>Unit 5: A Changing Nation</p><p>5. Growth of Economy and Territory: Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. technology – (noun) the use of science and industry in everyday life 2. production – (noun) the act of making or producing something 3. factory – (noun) a building where things are made by machines 4. manufacture – (noun) to make things in large quantities by machine 5. machine – (noun) an object or set of objects that makes things or performs a task 6. transportation – (noun) the process of moving things to a different location 7. communication – (noun) the exchange of information or messages 8. agriculture – (noun) farming 9. mining – (noun) the process of taking minerals from the ground 10. plantation – (noun) a large farm where crops are grown</p><p>5. Growth of Economy and Territory: Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. industry – (noun) a manufacturing business 2. industrial revolution – (noun) a time of economic and social change because of the change from producing things in homes or small businesses to large industries that used machines to make things in large quantities 3. textiles – (noun) cloth 4. trade unions – (noun) organizations of workers intended to allow workers to influence their working conditions 5. strike – (noun) a group of people refusing to work in protest of something 6. cotton gin – (noun) a machine that separates cotton fibers from seeds 7. cotton belt – (noun) a zone where climate and soil conditions are good for growing cotton 8. cotton boom – (noun) a time where production of cotton is very profitable 9. manifest destiny – (noun) an idea that it is clear and right that the United States was intended to grow to be a large, powerful country 10. underground railroad - (noun) a system or network of routes and safe houses or hiding places used to help slaves escape to the north where they could be free 11. abolition – (noun) the process of ending or stopping a practice such as slavery 12. middle class – (noun) a class of people between the rich and the poor</p><p>Unit 6: A Nation Breaks Apart</p><p>6.1 Political and Economic Aspects of the Civil War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. state – (noun) an area of land with a government. In the US, the country is divided into states 2. confederate – (adj.) having to do with the 11 southern states that separated from the United States in 1860 3. union – (noun) the act or state of joining together 4. slavery – (noun) the owning of people as property by other people 5. nominate – (verb) to choose someone as a candidate for an election or for an official position 6. prejudice – (noun) unfair treatment towards a person or group without cause 7. freedom – (noun) being free to act as you choose 8. election – (noun) the process of choosing people for official positions by voting 9. political party – (noun) an organization of people with the same political goals and ideas 10. politician – (noun) a person who wants or has an elected position in the government</p><p>6.1 Political and Economic Aspects of the Civil War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. ballot – (noun) a piece of paper on which people mark their choices when voting 2. secession – (noun) the act ending association with an organization 3. dissolve – (noun) to end or do away with an association 4. sovereignty – (noun) the power to govern with independence 5. fugitive – (noun) someone who is escaping, hiding from authorities 6. abolition – (noun) the ending of a practice such as slavery 7. emancipation – (noun) the act of becoming free 8. proclamation – (noun) an official announcement 9. reconstruction – (noun) the rebuilding of a structure, a system, or an area 10. loyalty – (noun) being faithful, giving steady service to something or someone</p><p>6.2 Military Aspects of the Civil War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. civil war 2. civilian* 3. military 4. raid/raiders 5. troops 6. defeat 7. surrender 8. armored* 9. supply line* 10. commander*</p><p>6.2 Military Aspects of the Civil War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. border states 2. strategic* 3. opposing* 4. blockade 5. transportation network 6. siege 7. assault* 8. fortification* 9. home front 10. assassination*</p><p>Unit 7: A Growing America</p><p>Unit 8: America Becomes a World Leader</p><p>8.1 Economic Expansion – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. expansion* 2. territory 3. public 4. debate 5. scandal 6. commerce/commercial* 7. boom 8. labor* 9. majority* 10. minority* 8.1 Politics and Economic Expansion – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. annex 2. nationalism* 3. imperialism* 4. isolationism* 5. diplomacy* 6. Monroe Doctrine 7. unification* 8. prosperity* 9. investment 10. tariff</p><p>8.2 Territorial Expansion and World War 1 – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. canal 2. harbor 3. restrictions* 4. defense* 5. offence* 6. advance* 7. retreat* 8. hostility 9. treaty 10. armistice/disarmament*</p><p>8.2 Territorial Expansion and World War 1 – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. isthmus 2. alliance* 3. intervene 4. neutrality* 5. stalemate 6. balance of power 7. occupation* 8. evacuate* 9. mobilize* 10. autonomy* Unit 9: A World in Crisis</p><p>9.1 The Depression – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. production* 2. finances* 3. competition* 4. decline 5. increase/decrease* 6. unrest 7. restore* 8. labor* 9. unions* 10. strike</p><p>9.1 The Depression – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. depression* 2. stock market 3. investor* 4. collapse/crash 5. consumption* 6. surplus 7. federal relief 8. recovery 9. New Deal 10. Social Security Program</p><p>9.2 World War II – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. dictators* 2. aggression/non-aggression* 3. global/local 4. resistance* 5. battle 6. attack/counter-attack* 7. document 8. military bases 9. occupied 10. liberate*</p><p>9.2 World War II – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. totalitarianism* 2. fascism* 3. axis powers 4. allied powers 5. military alliance 6. pacifists* 7. internment 8. reinforcements* 9. Holocaust 10. genocide*</p><p>Unit 10: Postwar America</p><p>10.1 After World War II and the Cold War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. war crimes 2. trials 3. aid 4. airlift 5. veterans 6. postwar* 7. spies 8. crisis 9. nuclear arms 10. Cold War</p><p>10.1 After World War II and the Cold War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. United Nations 2. NATO treaty 3. Warsaw Pact 4. negotiate* 5. economic recovery 6. communism* 7. capitalism* 8. containment* 9. nuclear arms race 10. covert</p><p>10.2 Economic Prosperity – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. generation* 2. urban 3. suburbs* 4. integration* 5. segregation* 6. budget 7. poverty 8. prosperity* 9. space exploration 10. civil rights*</p><p>10.2 Economic Prosperity – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. automation* 2. baby boom 3. economic recovery 4. urban renewal 5. democratic reforms 6. campaign 7. minimum wage 8. health insurance 9. technology* 10. war on poverty</p><p>10.3 The Vietnam War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. draft 2. troops 3. colony* 4. independence* 5. defeat 6. surrender 7. bombing raids 8. civilian/military* 9. journalist* 10. anti-war, pro-war, anti-US, pro-US</p><p>10.3 The Vietnam War – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. demonstration 2. violent/non-violent* 3. mainstream 4. counter-culture* 5. activists* 6. imperialism* 7. military advisors 8. chemical poisons 9. escalation* 10. guerilla tactics</p><p>Unit 11: Modern America</p><p>11.1 Modern Political Events and Economics – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. foreign 2. domestic 3. policy* 4. majority/minority* 5. unemployment* 6. legislation* 7. economic problems 8. negative/positive 9. hostage 10. cover-up</p><p>11.1 Modern Political Events and Economics – Vocabulary Definitions 1. inflation* 2. purchasing power 3. recession* 4. expenses* 5. revenue 6. embargo 7. political scandal 8. corruption 9. impeach 10. investigation*</p><p>11.2 Modern Society Values and Environment – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. moral* 2. immoral* 3. human rights 4. civil rights 5. equal rights 6. environmental issues 7. debate 8. global* 9. national* 10. local*</p><p>11.2 Modern Society Values and Environment – Vocabulary Definitions</p><p>1. global warming 2. solar rays 3. ozone layer 4. Environmental Protection Agency* 5. energy crisis 6. domestic crisis 7. pardon 8. sanction 9. apartheid 10. information revolution* </p>
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