DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION ARTS Alumni & Friends SPRING 2005 Nietzchka Keene GUESS WHO? Remembering Professor Nietzchka Keene The Department of At UW–Madison, she led the Department’s Communication Arts video production courses, teaching advanced suffered a huge loss film and video production, screenwriting, and with the death of editing, and overseeing the production studios. Professor Nietzchka Her creative guidance shaped the lives of hun- Keene on October 20, dreds of students who passed through the pro- 2004, after a brief but duction courses in the comm arts major; she was valiant battle with selective in whom she accepted into her courses cancer. and rigorous in her expectations. She is greatly Professor Keene was missed by her colleagues, friends, and students a distinguished film- past and present. maker and dedicated “She had her own ideas and goals for what He’s a film graduate student photo by Stephanie Judge teacher who had writ- she wanted to accomplish and would follow them who made an appearance on ten, directed, and produced three feature-length with intensity and strength,” said her friend and Jeopardy last year. films. Her first film, The Juniper Tree, was set film-making partner, Patrick Moyroud. “Not and filmed in Iceland and starred singer-actress many people have produced, written, and direct- Who is Ethan DeSeife? Bjork in her first film role. Her second film, ed three feature films on budgets that would not Heroine of Hell, funded by a prestigious ITVS even pay for a three-bedroom house today.” grant and aired on PBS, starred Catherine On January 27, the Department held an Is the assistant to the vice pres- Keener, Wendy Phillips, and Dermott event in her honor. Her short film Aves (1994), ident of production at Mulroney. At the time of her death, she had the full-length version of Heroine of Hell (1995), Columbia Pictures but just nearly finished production on her third film, and The Juniper Tree (1989) were screened. earned her BA degree in 2003. Barefoot to Jerusalem, set in the Upper Peninsula Friends, colleagues, and alumni ended the of Michigan. evening with anecdotes and reminiscences of Who is Mary Rohlich? Nietzchka Keene. doesn’t speak Czech, Schedules all primetime series, STUDENT PROFILE Hope Wallace but she is completing specials, and movies for CBS and UPN? Ahoj (Hello) two weeks of intensive Sailing around the Whitsunday Islands. Visiting instruction followed by To find the answer, go to family in Slovakia. Not your typical travel plans, a semester-long course. commarts.wisc.edu/Alumni unless you are spending your junior year study- She has even noticed a ing abroad. Hope Wallace, a double major in difference in body lan- communication arts and history with a certifi- guage. Her smiles on cate in women’s studies, attended the University the metro appear pecu- of Sydney in the fall and is currently enrolled at liar to Czechs who Charles University in Prague. seem more reserved. Her course work this year has ranged from In Australia, Hope the U.S. Civil War to Post-Communist Gender had the opportunity to VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: Issues. Hope notes, “Interestingly, I’ve found meet students from http://commarts.wisc.edu most abroad programs don’t offer rhetoric class- around the world. One of her favorite memories es, which is a shame because the area lends itself is of arguing politics with students from to international study.” Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, England, However, this hasn’t hindered her informal and Australia. She credits living abroad with her study of communication. One reason Hope new perspective on America’s place in the global chose a university in the Czech Republic was to community. “Being in a foreign country during This newsletter was printed gain a deeper understanding of what it is like to both its elections and American elections was so through gift funds administered be a foreigner in the U.S. and the strategies interesting to me. I hope to use that experience by the UW Foundation. people use to adapt to a new culture. Hope in future political endeavors.” A MESSAGE From the Chair For the first time in its histo- assist our students with the Communication Arts endowment. ry, the Communication Arts internships and job oppor- Their donations will help us get a devel- Department is preparing to tunities, and they have also opment program underway. undertake a sustained pro- helped shape plans for We can also count on two consum- gram of alumni outreach and departmental development. mate professionals to lend their assistance. fundraising. The University My thanks and that of my Glenda Noel-Ney became our develop- of Wisconsin–Madison is Comm Arts colleagues go ment director a year ago, and she is one of involved in the ambitious out to Ed Greenberg (BA several outstanding members of the UW Vance Kepley (PhD ’78) and “Create the Future: The ’75), Stuart Brotman (MA Foundation’s development staff. This Glenda Noel-Ney Wisconsin Campaign.” As ’75), Lee de Boer (BA ’74), energetic ally has already started to culti- part of that program, individual depart- and James Hirsch (BA ’69) for getting the vate a growing network of interested ments are identifying their own areas of ball rolling, and to Deborah Schindler (BA Comm Arts alumni. The Department’s need and initiating their own fundraising ’77) and Jeffrey Kurz (BA ’83) for joining own Mary Rossa (BS ’86, MA ’90), who efforts. The key to success will certainly in the effort. Several other prominent UW many of you know first-hand as an excel- be the generosity of our alumni. graduates have expressed interest in our lent advisor, will now include alumni rela- Several such loyal UW graduates have plans, and I look forward to acknowledg- tions among the several duties that she taken the initiative and advanced the idea ing their assistance in the future. skillfully discharges. that Comm Arts can call on the alumni for I am also encouraged in this effort by Expect to hear more from us on this support. Over the past year, the particular acts of generosity from matter. As our alumni become more Department has hosted meetings with a Communication Arts alumni. The thanks involved in the Department’s well-being, growing circle of alumni who have been of the Department go out to George our current and future students will reap successful in the entertainment and media Hamel, Jr. (BA ’80) and to the Hamel the benefits. industries. They have discussed ways to family for two major and timely gifts to Your Gift is Appreciated In Appreciation The Department of Communication Arts has a tremendous number of exciting programs, The Comm Arts Department wishes initiatives and research under way. Opportunities are plentiful for you to participate in the life Professor Mary Anne Fitzpatrick well as she of the Department by staying in touch with us, providing student internships with your com- becomes the dean of the new College of pany, and donating to the Department. Private gifts are increasingly critical to ensuring our Arts and Sciences at the University of South excellence. Your gifts help us attract top faculty and graduate students, provide scholarships Carolina. A heartfelt thanks to this remark- to outstanding undergraduates, upgrade our technology/facilities, and so much more. able scholar, teacher, and administrator for Please consider a contribution today. For more information on making a gift to the Department her 28 years of service. of Communication Arts or including the Department in your estate plans, please contact: Glenda Noel-Ney University of Wisconsin Foundation 1848 University Avenue, P.O. Box 8860 Nietzchka Keene Madison, WI 53708–8860 Memorial Fund 608/265–7211, [email protected] The Department has organized the Nietzchka You may pledge your support online Keene Memorial Fund through the University using a secure server at http://commarts.wisc.edu/ or use the form below: of Wisconsin Foundation in her honor. It will I/we would like to join other alumni and friends in their commitment to the be used to provide an annual prize for excel- University of Wisconsin–Madison Department of Communication Arts: lence in undergraduate film and video pro- Name______________________________________________________________________________________________ duction. Contributions can be made to the Address____________________________________________________________________________________________ fund by check, payable to the UW Foundation City_____________________________________________________________ State_________ Zip________________ (UW Foundation, Gift Processing Department, My/our contribution of $_________ is enclosed P.O. Box 8860, Madison, WI 53708), with a My company matching gift form is enclosed notation for “Nietzchka Keene Fund.” Please charge my gift of $__________ to my: _____MasterCard _____Visa _____American Express One can also donate online. Log onto commarts.wisc.edu and click on Nietzchka Card Number_________________________________________________ Expiration Date___________________ Keene Memorial Fund. Cardholder’s Name (please print)_________________________________________________________________ Signature_______________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ Please make checks payable to The UW Foundation—Department of Communication Arts, P.O. Box 8860, Madison, WI 53708–8860. You will receive a receipt for your gift. We appreciate your support! The Comm Arts Department Welcomes Mares and Xenos Professor Marie- her research on communication across our research, Xenos examines the basic principles Louise Mares life-span. Focusing on media use and media underlying the relationships among political (MA ’90, effects, she studies what changes and what context, information environments, demo- PhD ’94) remains the same as we develop and why. cratic deliberation, civic engagement, and Do older adults Professor Mares will teach courses in media opinion formation and change. For example, watch more tele- effects and mass media and youth when she he is studying the extent to which the growth vision than other joins the department next fall.
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