<p> UPDATE 167 P.le M. Champagnat, 2 - C.P. 10250 - 00144 Rome - www.champagnat.org March 16th, Tel. (39) 06 545 171 - Fax (39) 06 545 17 217 – Email: [email protected] 2005</p><p>RESTORATION OF THE PAINTING OF NEWS BROTHER FRANÇOIS Brother Claudio Santam- A NEW PROVINCIAL FOR THE PROVINCE brogio, a member of the OF CHINA community of Cesano In a letter to the broth- Maderno, has just finished ers of the Province of restoring the original por- China, Brother Seán trait of Brother François, Sammon has anounced the successor to Marcellin the appointment of Champagnat. Brother Robert Teoh as Brother Claudio is a spe- the next Provincial. He cialist in this kind of work; will replace Brother Tom he has also restored the original Ravery por- Chin who concludes his trait of Marcellin Champagnat after his death third term. as well as the statue of the Good Mother. He Brother Robert Teoh, 41 described his work in five stages: removing years old, was born in Malaysia. He came the oxidised varnish, repairing twelve small from a small parish in the state of Penang holes, retouching small areas with a layer of and entered St Joseph’s Juniorate in Kuala oil, restoration of the dark background and Lumpur at the age of twelve. After the Postu- the application of a light varnish over the lancy, Robert made his Novitiate in the Philip- whole surface of the painting. Thank you pines. He studied Science at the University of Brother Claudio for this very meticulous work Malaya and graduated with a Bachelor of Sci- that will help safeguard our artistic patrimony. ence (Hons) in Physics in 1989. Robert This painting can be found in the General taught for five years and then was asked to House on the wall next to the door leading attend the Formators Programme at Valpré. into the office of Brother Seán Sammon, the After this, he returned to the Province and current successor to the same Brother has served in Vocation Ministry ever since. François. He is currently the Vice Provincial. The transfer of leadership will take place dur- GENERAL CONFERENCE ing the Provincial Chapter, which begins on On the 10th March, a second communication the 21st August in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. was sent to all the participants in the General Brother Seán, in his letter to the brothers of Conference. The definitive plan of these four the Province of China, also expressed his weeks has been decided. Each person is in- deep appreciation to Brother Tom for his vited to prepare a prayer session related to leadership over nine years. “Nine years in the theme of the day. As well, a questionnaire Provincial leadership is rare in our Institute, has been sent to all the Provincials for them and is a sign of exceptional generosity and to respond with the advice of their Council; service to the brothers. This length of years the questionnaire concerns the implementa- was not something Tom sought for himself; tion of the five calls of the 20th General far from it. But when asked, despite the per- Chapter. They have been asked to return sonal sacrifice involved, he agreed to serve their responses to the Secretary General by willingly and has done an exceptional job.” the 10th May. Thus, the preparation of the General Conference is entering a more active phase. UPDATE Number 167 Rome, March 15th, 2005 Page 2</p><p> to be visited before the General Conference. DEATH OF BROTHER RENE JOOSS (Gil- Together with Brother Seán Sammon, various bert), FORMER GENERAL COUN- visiting teams participated in the meeting: CILLOR Emili Turú and Théoneste Kalisa (visiting México Central and Occidental); Luis G. So- Brother Gilbert was born on the 8th July 1914 brado and Peter Rodney (visiting América at Ingersheim in Alsace, France. At the age of Central); Maurice Berquet and Pedro Herrer- sixteen, he entered the Postulancy at San os (visiting Norandina); Antonio Ramalho and Maurizio, the formation house of the Province Ernesto Sánchez (visiting the Novitiates and of Saint-Genis, near Turin. He pronounced Post-Novitiates of each region). his first vows on the 8th September 1931. He During the next three months, the teams will left for China in November 1932 to be a visit the communities and apostolic works of teacher of English. He completed his military each Province, taking the opportunity to inter- service in 1935 in Shanghai. He continued as view each brother, to meet with the Provincial a teacher and was appointed Director in Council, with groups of laypeople, with 1947. When forced to leave China, he arrived Province animation teams and with Leader- in Hong Kong in 1954. ship teams of apostolic works, etc. The visit In 1965, he was appointed will conclude with the Extended General to the General House as Council meeting that will be held in Guatem- Econome General for two ala from the 12th to the 15th May. The four years. Then in 1967, he Provincials, with their Councils, will particip- was elected General Coun- ate in this meeting with the General Council. cillor. At the end of his This final meeting of the visit will be preceded mandate in 1976, he parti- by some days of work by the visiting teams in cipated in the direction of order to prepare the Reports to the the Hermitage as Director of the community Provinces. of welcome. In January 1983, he became the Director of the house at Saint- 25.02.2005 – Brazil Paul-Trois-Châteaux. CEPAM in Porto Alegre, Brazil In 1989, he asked to join the Province of A MEETING WITH CHAMPAGNAT Notre Dame de l’Hermitage and moved to rue Dareau, Paris to fulfil various duties very will- "The vitality of ingly and serenely. In 1994, he returned to the Institute is Saint Paul. The progressive loss of his sight measured by the hindered his movements. On the 4th March, quality of our re- he was peacefully called to his Father’s sponse to God. house. In making present today the charism of Mar- cellin Champag- NEWS ON OUR WEB SITE nat, we keep alive the dynamism of our voca- tion "(C 171). 23.02.2005 – Venezuela It is within this spirit that the study of Marist The final series of General Council visits Spiritual Patrimony (CEPAM) is being carried have started out in Porto Alegre. The founder and current "“WE HAVE COME SO THAT THEY MAY leader of CEPAM is Brother Aureliano Bram- HAVE LIFE AND HAVE IT TO THE FULL" bila who is guiding the studies. Brother Di- onísio Rodrigues is the coordinator and the The General organiser of this Brazilian session. Nine Council met in brothers are participating in this third stage of Los Teques the course: Canísio Willrich, Claudiano Tiech- (Venezuela) er, Claudino Tiecher, Jaires Rock, Lúcio from the 15th Dantas, Sandro Baruffi, Sebastião Ferrarini, until the 17th Silfredo Klein and Vinícios Malfatti. The lim- February to ited number of participants is due to the start the visit methodology of the study. to the Arco Norte of Latin America, the last of the regions UPDATE Number 167 Rome, March 15th, 2005 Page 3</p><p>The study is centred on the letters of Cham- Andes, and Antonio Sanasana from África pagnat. The brothers read the letters using all Austral / Southern Africa. This first course will the available Marist literature. We are stress- finish on the 10th April. ing the historical and cultural context of the personages and we pay attention to both the 01.03.2005 – Brazil attitudes and the mentality of Marcellin. Ten new novices in the Province of Rio Deepening and living this experience provide Grande do Sul all the participants with an effective know- MARCELLIN’S DREAM - LIVE IT TODAY! ledge of Marcellin. More than 170 brothers in On the 2nd the Institute have already participated in this February, study, either in Rome, Guadalajara or now in ten young Brazil. We can still say that all this work un- men started folds a more realistic picture of the Founder, their first complementing the knowledge and the exper- year of ience we have of him transmitted by Brother Novitiate at Jean-Baptiste. the Instituto Marista 27.02.2005 – Spain Marcelino El Escorial 10/02 - 10/04 Champagnat, in Passo Fundo, Brazil. The A COURSE FOR COMMUNITY ANIMAT- Brother Provincial, Roque Salet, welcomed ORS them in a simple ceremony in the house of The first course the Novitiate for their new stage of formation. for Span- The young men came from the Marist Postu- ish-speaking lancy “Nossa Senhora de Oliveira”, in Va- Community An- caria, after having finished their school stud- imators began at ies at the Instituto de Educação Marista Escorial on the Nossa Senhora de Graças and the Colégio 10th February Santo Ângelo. During this one-year period of 2005. This pro- Postulancy, they were able to confirm the ject of the General Council, organised by the truthfulness of God’s call and to start a solid Religious Life Commission, has been imple- human, Christian and spiritual formation. mented as a response to a request of the During the stage of the Novitiate they are in- 20th General Chapter. It offers a formation in troduced to religious life where pastoral and the direction and animation of communities educational activiies are of fundamental im- through workshops, based on experience and portance. Through personal commitment and research. The participants are invited to live intense spiritual experiences, the novices de- this experience and following the course to velop their talents along with their human and share the dynamic throughout their Christian potential, and start to gradually de- Provinces. The team accompanying the parti- velop their Marist identity. cipants consists of Brothers Javier Espinosa, The ten novices are: Adélio Luís Mentges José Calleja, Alfredo Villanueva Sainz and (Campina das Missões), André Dll'Agnol Elías Peña Rodríguez. There are fifteen parti- (Serafina Corrêa), Deógenes Paulo Herold cipants: José Ignacio García Llamazares (Arvorezinha), Ezequiel Cerbaro Tóffolo from América Central, Vicente Falqueto from (Ciríaco), Luciano Barrachini (Santa Rosa), Brasil Centro-Norte, Paulinho Vogel from Marcelo Bohnenberger (Ciríaco), Marcelo Brasil Centro-Sul, Jesús Alberto Rodríguez Medeiros da Silva (Santa Maria), Rodinei from Compostela, Alberto Aparicio from Cruz Fernando Vancini (Ciríaco), Roger Ariel Peri- del Sur, José Luis Salazr Sobrevilla from us (Campina das Missões) and Tiago Fran- Ibérica, Miquel M. Martínez Fernández from zon Belani (Arvorezinha). L’Hermitage, Gregorio Delgado Soler and Mateo Luis González Cerdán from Mediter- 02.03.2005 - South Africa ránea, Icnacio Sánchez from México Central, The necessity of Pastoral Care in the Oscar Becerra and Raúl Fernando Lara School Castro from México Occidental, Paulo Loren- YOUNG SOUTH AFRICANS ARE ANXIOUS zoni from Río Grande do Sul, Juan Manuel ABOUT THEIR FUTURE PROSPECTS García López from Santa María de los UPDATE Number 167 Rome, March 15th, 2005 Page 4</p><p>As a society, we need to respond more ef- cognition for the efforts that we have sus- fectively to the changing political, economic tained. But more important than anything else and social environment in which we find is to have a scale of values and to give im- ourselves in the world today. South Africa is a portance to the things that are important. society in flux, as many other countries, I still remember the old where uncertainty, apathy and high levels of priest who would crime abound. Learners in a Grade Five class speak to the children of Sacred Heart College, when asked to de- at the start of the scribe the world in which school year inviting they lived, described it them to be children of as: A world filled with ab- the three B’s (in Italian use, crime, poverty, pol- – Belli, Bravi and lution, corruption, viol- Buoni) ence, uncertainty, fear, Belli is to take care of injustice, rape, murder your physical appear- and hopelessness. In- ance. Bravi is to nur- creasing numbers of ture your intelligence. Buoni is to cultivate learners are suffering your own spirit. from emotional disorders These are three aspects of growth, but also such as low self-esteem, of order and especially harmony with others aggression, insecurity because if someone takes advantage of oth- and depression. Others are running parent- ers they could impede their own attainment of less households and looking after younger happiness. Perhaps the best example comes siblings. Given that unemployment figures are from the adolescent Jesus: the evangelist at 40%, young South Africans are also says that he grew in age, wisdom and grace anxious about their future prospects. Every before God and other people. young person deserves and needs individual care and an active interest should be taken in 06.03.2005 - World headquarters their social and emotional well being through International Marist Apostolic Spirituality a caring and holistic approach. Educators and Commission parents at Sacred Heart College are chal- A BRIDGE BETWEEN THE PAST AND THE lenged to empower the learners with values FUTURE and skills that will enable them to cope with The International Commission of Marist such a world. Wholesome values should be Apostolic Spirituality has concluded its developed in the learners, in order to counter second meeting at the General House. This the consumerist and materialistic values pro- Commission has been given responsibility for moted in the media and by society in general. the preparation of a text which will assist Lay The Gospel values of faith, hope and love Marists and Brothers in deepening their living have to be promoted, if we are to entrench of our spirituality. The members of the Com- the concepts of human dignity and the pursuit mission are: Miss Agnes Reyes (Philippines), of the common good. Miss Bernice Reintjens (Netherlands), Sr Vivi- enne Goldstein (Marist Sisters General Coun- 04.03.2005 - Rome - World headquarters cil), and Brothers Maurice Goutagny To grow in age, wisdom and grace (France), Benito Arbués (Spain), Bernard WHAT OBJECTIVE DO YOU WISH TO AT- Beaudin (Canada), Vanderlei Soela (Brazil), TAIN IN LIFE? Miguel Ángel Santos (Mexico), Spiridion Did we need a poll to know that happiness Ndanga (Rwanda), Lawrence Ndawala would be the most sought-after objective in (Malawi), Nicholas Fernando (Sri Lanka), life? Graham Neist (Australia), Luis Sobrado and The Communications team had assumed this Peter Rodney (General Council). would be the case but they did not expect The meeting began with days set aside for that 91% of the respondents would choose reading and studying the material gathered happiness and kindness, leaving success and during the consultation phase of the Commis- wealth as a very small minority. sion’s work. Hundreds of Brothers and Lay I believe that no one belittles wealth and all of Marists participated in processes of reflection us want to succeed and have the proper re- on Marist Apostolic Spirituality. In addition, UPDATE Number 167 Rome, March 15th, 2005 Page 5</p><p>Brothers who congresswoman Cynthia McKenney; the City are experts in councils of the Spanish victims; Nobel Peace Mariology and Prize candidate Juan Carrero, as well as sev- in the charism eral Spanish and international NGOs. of the Founder The initiative of this International Forum is were consulted. The Commission was very based on two lines of action: appreciative of the insights provided by so a) The strategy of TRUTH, centered on the many Marists. presentation of a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT In the light of the material submitted, the against those principally responsible for the Commission refined the draft structure of the aforementioned crimes against humanity. document. The specific content of each Everyone agrees that reconciliation in the chapter of the document was made more pre- Great Lakes region of Africa will not be pos- cise. As well, there was further reflection of sible until the hidden truths of this drama are the genre, writing style and audience of the brought to light. They are inspired by the prin- document. Attention was also devoted to pro- ciples of non-violence and by the central role cesses by which the document can best be of the truth as a dynamic for change in the communicated, and utilized in formative same way that Gandhi and Martin Luther ways. By the time the Commission gathers King, Jr. demonstrated. This initiative has pri- for its third meeting, a first draft of a text will oritized two central ideas: empathizing with be ready for study. the victims and their families (giving them re- The concluding liturgy of the meeting took cognition and empowerment) and the work place in the chapel of the General Council. In with the experience of the repentant Tutsis his reflection during this liturgy, Brother Seán and Hutus. noted that this would be the last liturgy in the b) The strategy of Dialogue. The International chapel prior to its renovation. He saw this fact Forum also wanted to facilitate a space for as symbolic of the role of the Commission: to open and honest dialogue among leaders of be a bridge between the past and the future; organizations of Rwandan victims and lead- between our spirituality which began with ers of organizations of the defense of human Marcellin and the first Brothers, and its ex- rights of exiled Hutus and Tutsis. This initiat- pression into the 21st Century. ive has also prioritized two central ideas: on the one hand, the work of the empathy of 07.03.2005 – Spain sharing; on the other hand, the channeling of Complaint about the assassination of grief toward a common ground and the exper- Brothers Servando, Julio, Miguel Angel ience of visions of a shared future. and Fernando According to the members of the International THE TRUTH AS DYNAMIC FOR CHANGE Forum for Truth and Justice in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, this conflict is not The International Forum for Truth and Justice only a story of the struggle for power among in the Great Lakes Region of Africa presented extreme and criminal elements, but also, and to the “Audiencia Nacional de Madrid (Spain)” above all, a story of pillaging and the fight for this past February 22, 2005 a complaint control of the exploitation of the rich natural against high level officials of the Rwandan resources of the eastern part of the Demo- government, for the assassination of 9 Span- cratic Republic of Congo, an initiative super- ish citizens (6 missionaries and 3 volunteers vised not only by local organizations, but also from “Médicos del Mundo”), among whom are by many large multinational western enter- our Brothers Servando Mayor, Julio prises mainly from the United States, Canada Rodríguez, Miguel Angel Isla and Fernando and Europe. A large part of this human and de la Fuente, killed in Bugobe (Democratic ecological drama has been deliberately hid- Republic of Congo) on October 31, 1996. den and, often, strategically manipulated. Signing this complaint are victims and famil- This action of justice, in the words of its pro- ies of Spanish and Rwandan victims – includ- moters, “seeks to end the situation of impun- ing the families of our four Brothers as well as ity, make public the hidden truth of this con- exiled Hutu and Tutsi witnesses who are flict and contribute in this way to bring recon- presently under protection; Nobel Peace ciliation to the people and villages of this area Prize Winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel; United of Central Africa.” States Afric- an-American UPDATE Number 167 Rome, March 15th, 2005 Page 6</p><p>More information can be found on the web of Quebec decided to entrust to Father site: http://www.veritasrwandaforum.org Sylvain Lalande, iconographer, the painting of two large frescoes in the choir of the chapel 09.03.2005 – Venezuela of Château-Richer near Quebec. Father José Leonardo Chirinos Community Lalande took four months to realise these two Centre Byzantine-style frescoes. BE GOOD TO THE CHILDREN WHO ARE The fresco on the left side of the choir of the THE MOST NEGLECTED chapel represents Saint Marcellin Champag- nat. His witness is grounded in the immove- Thanks to contri- able rock that is his faith in Jesus Christ, the butions from Ad- rock on which he stands. There is the Lord veniat, BIS, the whom he had sought to know, to love and to NGO Association serve in children, in young people, through for Solidarity and religious education. There are the children – other local insti- such as were sent, as angels of God – who tutions, it is pos- bring him closer to the Spirit of Jesus. They sible to talk are holding violets in the hands, symbolising about the activities of a Community Centre in the three Marist virtues of simplicity, modesty the Sabino area of the city of Punto Fijo. This and humility. Centre started its activities in September The fresco on the right reproduces the spiritu- 2003. During its first year of life, the Centre al ascension on a base of crystalline moun- grew and became a reference point for many tain representing the ladder to heaven. Here children, young people and adults in the area. is found a group of holy people from the spir- The Centre offers the possibility of study help itual family of the Marist Brothers: above the to children and young people. In a similar group is Venerable Brother François, encour- way, it is available to adults for reading and aging the fervour of all by the reminder writ- writing classes as well as work training. On ten on parchment: All to Jesus through Mary; Saturdays, the Centre is also open for recre- all to Mary for Jesus. ational activities for children and young Throughout this group of Marist Brothers that people. includes hidden faces at the back in memory This year, due to the increased activities, a of all those who have contributed, hidden and new room was built and recently a sports field unknown, to the expansion, blossoming and was provided so that they children and young livelihood of the Institute, we can see emer- people would have a place to enjoy healthy ging faces that are more well known: Father games and sports. Colin and some Marist martyrs surrounding This Centre is run by the Marist Community Brother Benito Arbués who was the Superior of Nuevo Punto Fijo. We wish to be a pres- General at the time of the canonisation. ence for all the people of our city, in the com- passionate spirit of Marcellin Champagnat. 11.03.2005 – Spain Marcellin used to tell the brothers to be good To know and participate in situations of to the children who were the most marginalisation neglected… to try to show these children at PLAN FOR SOCIAL EDUCATION all times that they respected them and loved them, especially those in most need. For the past four years, all the stu- 10.03.2005 - Canada dents in the senior Frescoes in the chapel of the Marist Broth- class of Colegio ers of Château-Richer Marista de Málaga ALL TO JESUS THROUGH MARY; ALL TO (Spain) have taken MARY FOR JESUS part in an activity called Plan for Social Edu- cation. In effect, some 150 young people To highlight the canonisation of Saint Marcel- aged 16 or 17 have come to know and parti- lin Champagnat cipate in situations where people are margin- on the 18th alised, abandoned, in great need… within April 1999 in a their own city. tangible and In November, the students separate into visible way, the small groups of three or four. When they fin- Marist Brothers UPDATE Number 167 Rome, March 15th, 2005 Page 7 ish the experience in May, they have devoted voice and then make a free and voluntary between twenty-five and thirty hours to this commitment to God and to his people. social work. February 19th 2005 saw the first profession Currently, there are thirty-four groups helping of Brother Arun Frank from India in the in sixteen centres. Each group is accompan- Tudella novitiate, Sri Lanka. It was a wonder- ied by an adult: a priest, a teacher, a volun- ful event for us all when he professed his teer, a brother… The tasks of the group in- vows in the presence of Father Cyriac CMF, clude helping people with physical and psy- Br Michael de Waas (Provincial, Sri Lanka chological handicaps, people who are blind, and Pakistan) and Br Lazar (Sector Superior, people who suffer from autism, people who India). Br Nicholas Fernando, Visitor for the suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, people who India Sector, received Frank’s vows. Marist have suffered a stroke and older people who Brothers gathered from all over the island and are living alone; likewise, they give study help many faithful were also present for the cere- to children from broken families or who are mony. failing in their studies. The ceremony began with a traditional Indian At the end of the day’s work, the students arathi greeting of the priest and people and have to write their journal entries on what the mass that followed was simple but sol- they have experienced that day: what they emn. An inspiring homily from Fr Cyriac and, found difficult, where they found satisfaction, of course, Frank’s profession of vows were how they felt at the end of the work, etc. Af- the centrepieces. Afterwards, those attending terwards, this journal is evaluated by the shared some simple refreshments and fellow- teacher and promoter of this initiative. ship before returning home. Frank himself left At the end of the course, the majority of stu- early the next morning to return to his Broth- dents rate this experience as a very positive ers and family in India. one. Many recognise that it has helped them With my little understanding, Frank professed to become aware of situations of which they through his vows how he intends to live his were unaware until this time. For others, this life. By vowing chastity, he seeks to be faith- course has influenced their choice of univer- ful like Christ and for Christ, and to be pure in sity study and future career. Some of the stu- body, mind and spirit. By vowing poverty, he dents decide that they wish to continue in this seeks to be in solidarity with the poor and to line of work in the future. have the experience of a poor man’s life. In The “Fundación Codespa” has given an living his life with a minimum of resources he award named “El planeta de los jóvenes seeks to experience the simple life of Jesus solidarios” for two consecutive years to this of Nazareth. By vowing obedience, he seeks initiative developed in Colegio Marista de to follow Mary, our Good Mother in her great Málaga. This social work activity has also ap- obedience to God, the source of all power peared in the various forms of communication and authority. media of Málaga a number of times. 14.03.2005 – Portugal 12.03.2005 – Sri Lanka Marist Education Day Profession Day 2005 at Tudella, Sri Lanka BEING A TEACHER TODAY - A MISSION? HERE I AM, LORD. SPEAK, YOUR SER- The 6th Marist Education Day was held on VANT IS LISTENING the 25th February in the auditorium of Colé- Here I Am, Lord. gio de Carcavelos. Two hundred and fifty par- What is the signi- ticipants, Marist teachers and invited guests, ficance of this assembled to consider the theme of the day – statement to all of Being a teacher today – a mission? us? In my under- During the morning, after a musical introduc- standing, it brings tion and words of welcome from the Director two people togeth- of Colégio de Carcavelos, Brother António er: one who calls Leal, the teachers reflected on the theme of and the other who responds. We proclaim the meeting under the direction of three in- this statement in our lives when we really vited experts: Dr Manuel Patrício (Rector of listen to God’s call and respond, like Samuel, the Universidade de Évora), Dr Helena Here I am, Lord. Speak, your servant is Marujo (Professor from the Faculty of Psy- listening. We make sure we really hear God’s UPDATE Number 167 Rome, March 15th, 2005 Page 8 chology, Lisbon) and Bishop D. Manuel year at the Externato Marista de Lisboa (Lis- Clemente. bon) presented the two Portuguese projects. These three specialists all agreed that today, This day, organised by the Colégio de Car- to be a teacher, especially a teacher in a cavelos, finished with the celebration of the Catholic school, is more than just doing a job. Eucharist after the closing words given by It is a mission! Dr Manuel Patrício emphas- Brother José Luís Pedrinho, President of the ised the importance of teachers presenting Commission for Educational Direction. The themselves as educators and specialists in participants finished the meeting in reflection, their field, by giving good example and living conviviality and the sharing of experiences. their values. Dr Helena Marujo spoke of Through the evaluation, they said that they teachers as missionaries of hope, highlighting believed that they had attained their object- that teachers are builders of the future and ives. thus must encourage and develop the best in each student. Bishop D. Manuel Clemente spoke about the challenges facing teachers in M A R I S T B U L L E T I N S O N L I N E a Catholic school and he insisted particularly on the need to promote dialogue between Internet faith and culture, out of respect for all people. Four solidarity projects were then presented: Marist Bulletin 183 – 24.02.2005 one from the Externato Marista de Lisboa News on our web site (Lisbon), another from the Colégio de Car- cavelos and two others from Spanish schools Marist Bulletin 184 – 03.03.2005 invited to participate in this meeting. The stu- Brother Evilázio, thinks modern and post- dents from the first year at Colégio de Car- modern time, indicates their characteris- cavelos and three students from the seventh tics and opens a dialogue between faith, culture and science Marist Bulletin 185 – 10.03.2005 News on our web site</p>
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